D.N.Kasniari,Wiyanti Agroecotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University [email protected]

Introduction Figure 2. Mapping of Functional Transfer of Ayung Watershed for 2012-2017 Period Gianyar Regency is a regency in Bali Province with high economic potential, supported by the tourism sector as an icon or a very large income model. Attention to the tourism sector, Gianyar Regency has enormous potential. The development of tourism invites investment and outside communities to come and build economic activities in the Gianyar Regency. Increasing population, and increasing economic activity spurred land conversion. The tendency of land use change generally occurs in agricultural areas, and productive agricultural areas are found along the watershed. The increase in land use transfer and population growth and various community activities in the Watershed have caused various environmental impacts, one of which is the decline in the quality of soil quality on productive lands which are characterized by decreased agricultural productivity and socio-economic conditions greatly affect people's behavior and activities the surrounding farm. Ayung Watershed (DAS) has an area of 30,981 Ha, and is upstream in and its downstream in City. Gianyar Regency, which is connected to the Ayung watershed, has an area of 4,855 hectares or 15.67% of the total area of the Ayung watershed in the Payangan and sub-districts. The development of tourism such as the establishment of hotel buildings, villas, restorants, is almost found in areas close to the river, this is certainly a concern for the increasingly high land conversion, ecosystem damage (land), changes in activities / activities of the community around the watershed. On the map can be seen the transfer of land functions occur on productive land (rice fields) Research Methods along the tukad ayung, and red shading (settlements) are always more in green areas (rice fields). KAWASAN PERTANIAN DAS AYUNG Based on the process of interviews or interviews and giving questionnaires directly to the

community along the Ayung watershed such as: Desa Kerta, Desa Buahan Kaja, Desa Puhu,

Desa Malinggih, Desa Kedewatan, Desa Sayan and Desa Singakerta obtained information PENYUSUNAN PETA KERJA PENETAPAN KONDISI DAERAH PENYUSUNAN PETA KERJA that the conversion of land, especially agricultural land has brought changes in certain areas, PENELITIAN (GIS) namely in areas near the Ayung River, tourism centers / areas, and those close to the main road corridor.

DATA PRIMER KONDISI PETA PERUBAHAN ALIH Conclusion PEMBUATAN PETA FUNGSI LAHAN TAHUN SOSIAL EKONOMI 1. Potential damage to the land in the Ayung watershed is relatively low at 3,333 ha or  PETA LERENG 2012-2017  PETA CURAH HUJAN 67.36%, moderate is 1,347 ha or 27.22% and BWE is 269 ha or 5.43% of the total area  PETA PENGGUNAAN LAHAN of the Ayung watershed. The biggest land function change occurred in the paddy fields  PETTA JENIS TANAH reaching 994 Ha .

IDENTIFIKASI KONDISI AWAL TANAH UNTUK MENENTUKAN 2. Changes in socio-economic conditions are clearly felt by indigenous people who used to AREAL YANG BERPOTENSI MENGALAMI KERUSAKAN be farmers. The majority of farmers who lost their paddy fields experienced a decline in (Peta Potensi) income. This is because the level of education and skills of farmers are limited or classified as low so they cannot access formal employment.

REKOMENDASI ARAHAN PEMANFAATAN DAS AYUNG KABUPATEN GIANYAR Thank You Note Thank you researchers for the Dean of Agriculture Faukultas and the Chair of

LPPM for the assistance provided so that this research can be carried out. Results and Discussion Figure 1 . Ayung Watershed Potential Map Bibliography Ayung watershed area has an area of 4,948 ha, the Australian Greenhouse Office. 1999. National Carbon Accounting System, results of the analysis show that the spread of the Methods forEstimating Woody Biomass. Technical Report No. 3, Commonwealth potential class of soil damage in the Ayung watershed of Australia. is low at 3,333 ha or 67.36%, moderate is 1,347 ha or 27.22% and BWE is 269 ha or 5.43% of the total Brown S. 1997. Estimating Biomass and Biomass Change of Tropical Forest, a watershed Ayung. Primer. FAO Forestry Paper 134, FAO. Rome. Ayung watershed area has the potential for low and medium soil damage, this is due to factors that are Cairns, Michael A., Sandra Brown, Eileen H. Helmer, Greg A. Baumgardner. 1997. potential indicators of soil damage, whether slope, Root biomass allocation in the world's upland forests. Oecologia (1997) 111:1 -11 rainfall and land use, other factors that might affect or as limiting factors are types of soil Daniel, Moehar. 2005. Metode Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.