HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES—Thursday, May 5, 2005
8676 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 151, Pt. 6 May 5, 2005 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES—Thursday, May 5, 2005 The House met at 10 a.m. Church of Christ and Auburn Christian that murdered its own citizens, threat- The Reverend James Brinkerhoff, Student Center. ened its neighbors, and defied the Campus Minister, Auburn University, Auburn University is the largest uni- world. And now because we acted, Auburn, Alabama, offered the following versity in the State of Alabama and is Iraq’s government is no longer a threat prayer: therefore a crucial component of Ala- to the world or its own people. Today, Our Father in Heaven, surely the na- bama’s educational system. Jim works the Iraqi people are taking charge of tions are like a drop in a bucket to very hard to ensure that, in addition to their own destiny. You; they are regarded as dust on the receiving outstanding education, Au- I rise to recognize the Iraqi people scales. To whom, then, will we compare burn students are exposed to the teach- who have made such great strides and You? You are enthroned above all ings of Jesus. to thank our servicemen and -women things, and so we acknowledge You and Through campus ministry, Jim has who risk their lives every day to pro- give You our praise and adoration. impacted the lives of many through tect our freedom. Father, our Nation is woven into the counseling, teaching, service, and f tapestry of Your will. You have em- friendship. Students with whom he has powered our Nation; You have held us worked now stretch across the globe WAKE UP, AMERICA closely to Your heart; You have been with a common affection and respect (Mr.
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