LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL NOTICE PAPER No. 116 Tuesday, 7 September 2021

The President takes the Chair at 9.00 a.m.


ORDERS OF THE DAY 1 JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS REPORTS AMENDMENT BILL 2021 — (from Assembly — Ms Symes) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mr O'Donohue).

2 EDUCATION AND TRAINING REFORM AMENDMENT (VICTORIAN ACADEMY OF TEACHING AND LEADERSHIP) BILL 2021 — (from Assembly — Ms Tierney) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Dr Bach).

3 POLICE INFORMANTS ROYAL COMMISSION IMPLEMENTATION MONITOR BILL 2021 — (from Assembly — Ms Symes) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mr O'Donohue).

4 ENERGY LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 2021 — (from Assembly — Mr Leane) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mr Rich-Phillips).

5 FORESTS LEGISLATION AMENDMENT (COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT) BILL 2019 — (from Assembly — Ms Pulford) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mr Rich-Phillips).

6Ø BUDGET PAPERS, 2020-21 — To be considered (Ms Symes).

7 STATUTE LAW REVISION BILL 2018 — (Ms Symes) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mr O’Donohue).

 The President altered the sitting date scheduled for 31 August 2021 to this this day and hour, pursuant to an Order of the Council of 17 August 2021. Ø Cognate debate — To be debated concurrently with the second reading of the Appropriation (2020-2021) Bill 2020, pursuant to an Order of the Council of 10 December 2020 2 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116



509 DR RATNAM — To move — That — (1) this House notes — (a) Members of the Parliament of Victoria should be provided with safe and accessible workplace conditions; (b) the Parliament of Victoria has obligations to its Members to provide a safe workplace that supports the health and wellbeing of Members and staff and allows for the full participation of all Members; (c) the current hours of meeting in the Legislative Council are not conducive to the full participation of women, parents and those with caring responsibilities due to regular late-night sittings and days exceeding 10 to12 hours; (d) permanent reform of the hours of sitting are necessary to ensure the Legislative Council is a family friendly workplace and protects Members’ health and wellbeing; and (2) the following amendment to Standing Orders take effect immediately — (a) Omit all the words and expressions in Standing Order 4.07(1) and insert the following in its place: “Unless a motion to adjourn has already been moved by a Minister pursuant to Standing Order 4.06, the President will interrupt the business before the House — (a) at 6.30 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday; (b) at 6.30 p.m. on Wednesday; (c) at 5.30 p.m. on Wednesday if a joint sitting has been scheduled for 6.15 p.m. on that day; (d) at 4.00 p.m. on Friday.”; and (b) the Clerk is empowered to renumber the Standing Orders and correct any internal references as a consequence of this resolution. [Notice given on 4 March 2021 — Listed for 20 days].

510 MR DAVIS — To move — That this House — (1) notes that the Premier, the Hon Daniel Andrews MP, has squandered almost $800,000 of taxpayers’ money, or almost $3,000 per week, on unnecessary Facebook advertising, including an excessive and unbalanced focus on pushing for people to like his page; and (2) calls on the Premier to desist from his preening and devote the funds to many other worthy purposes in preference to his self-indulgent and often dishonest spruiking. [Notice given on 4 March 2021 — Listed for 20 days].

511 MR BARTON — To move — That this House — (1) expresses concern at the failure of the Leader of the Government to comply with the direction of the Legislative Council to table all documents detailing the design of the Multi Purpose Taxi Program trial within 28 calendar days of the House agreeing to the motion on 3 February 2021; (2) notes the Attorney-General’s letter provided on 2 March 2021 seeking additional time to comply with the Order; and calls on the Leader of the Government to immediately comply with the Order and urgently provide documents detailing the design of the Multi Purpose Taxi Program trial. [Notice given on 4 March 2021 — Listed for 20 days].

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514 MR DAVIS — To move — That this House rejects the actions taken by the Chinese Communist Government to block Australian trade including exports of Victorian wine, barley, timber and other products and calls on the Victorian Government to renounce its Belt and Road Agreement signed with the People’s Republic of China. [Notice given on 16 March 2021 — Listed for 19 days].

515 MR DAVIS — To move — That this House — (1) notes — (a) the expressions of interest process for the North East Link commenced on 26 November 2018; (b) that there were initially three tenderers and the Government intended that the process would be complete by mid-2020; (c) that to date, an announcement of the successful tenderer has not occurred; (d) the Environmental Effects Assessment accepted the submissions of the Banyule City Council, Manningham City Council, Nillumbik Shire Council and Boroondara City Council to extend the shorter tunnel that was proposed in the reference design; (2) further notes the need for integrated transport solutions in the north east of Melbourne, and in particular, supports the proposal of the Banyule City Council for a bus interchange at Greensborough; and calls on the Andrews Labor Government to vary its reference design, accepting the recommendation of the North East Link Project Inquiry and Advisory Committee and to prioritise bids which provide the tunnel extension through Watsonia. [Notice given on 16 March 2021 — Listed for 19 days].

517 MR ATKINSON — To move — That this House notes the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System. [Notice given on 16 March 2021 — Listed for 19 days].

518 MR ATKINSON — To move — That this House notes the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. [Notice given on 16 March 2021 — Listed for 19 days].

520 MR MEDDICK— To move — That this House — (1) notes that — (a) Government attempts to prevent animal cruelty, although well intentioned, have been ineffective and inefficient; (b) delegating the regulation, investigation and enforcement of crimes against animals to a private charity has been ineffective and inefficient; (c) the Productivity Commission’s 2016 final report into Regulation of Australian Agriculture acknowledged that animals deserve better and recommended that the Government establish an independent animal protection agency; (d) the Economy and Infrastructure Committee’s Report on the Inquiry into the impact of animal rights activism on Victorian agriculture acknowledged that animals deserve better and recommended that the Government establish an independent animal protection agency; and (2) calls on the Government to demonstrate good governance by establishing an Independent Animal Protection Agency in Victoria, given the absence of any decent commitment at a federal level. [Notice given on 17 March 2021 — Listed for 18 days].

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521 MS CROZIER — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the Minister for Veterans Affairs for his disgraceful comments relating to ANZAC Day and veterans in this House on 17 March 2021; (2) calls on — (a) the Minister to apologise to the Victorian community, a community that cherishes its ability to honour those who served our nation; and (b) the Acting Premier to demand the Minister for Veterans Affairs apologise or resign. [Notice given on 18 March 2021 — Listed for 17 days].

522 DR CUMMING — To move — That this House — (1) acknowledges that the Western Region of Victoria is experiencing — (a) increasing levels of homelessness; (b) significant demand for emergency accommodation; (2) notes the negative experiences of those using these spaces, with many commenting on the high cost, and lack of safety, cleanliness, security and self-contained facilities; (3) acknowledges that emergency accommodation should not mean unsafe or low standard accommodation; (4) calls on the Government to — (a) improve the social housing and emergency accommodation stock within the Western Region, as well as across the State; (b) meet the shortfall identified by the Victorian Housing Register and other peak bodies operating within the Western Region; (c) improve regulation and support in the emergency accommodation sector; and (d) provide a standard model as an example for other Australian states. [Notice given on 18 March 2021 — Listed for 17 days].

523 MR MEDDICK — To move — That this House — (1) notes that the Alpine Shire — (a) is home to a dwindling number of alpine dingoes that are threatened but not yet extinct; (b) relies on dingoes to protect native mammal species from introduced mesopredators such as foxes and cats; (c) has the opportunity to save native and endangered species by ensuring dingoes are protected; (d) can aid in post bushfire flora and fauna recovery through dingo protection; (2) further notes that alpine dingoes are — (a) the apex predator of the Alpine Shire and by far the best way to control numbers of foxes and cats; (b) at extreme and direct risk from 1080 poison due to fox baiting programs in the Victorian High Country; (c) vulnerable to horrendous suffering and heinous deaths caused by 1080 poison; (3) calls on the Government to urgently — (a) recognize, that as published by the CSIRO, 1080 poison baits are no longer a viable management option; (b) acknowledge that other countries around the world have banned 1080 poison and are seeing positive long-term results in biodiversity; (c) ensure that the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning and Parks Victoria stop using 1080 poison immediately; and (d) invest in non-lethal methods of population management such as species-specific fertility control. [Notice given on 29 April 2021 — Listed for 16 days].

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526 MS LOVELL — To move — That this House — (1) notes that the infrastructure of Alpine Health’s Bright District Hospital and Health Service is in need of redevelopment in order to meet the current and future needs of the local community, and in particular, there is a need for — (a) improved security in the Urgent Care area to enable separation from the rest of the hospital and improve the safety of staff and patients; (b) an upgrade of the air-conditioning in the theatre area and improvements to air quality control throughout the hospital; (c) more consultation space for visiting specialists to cater for increasing demand in this area; (d) a review of aged care, including the provision of high care beds; (2) further notes that the master planning for this hospital was last completed in 2012 and therefore the first step towards achieving an upgrade of this facility is to undertake a review of the 2012 Master Plan; and calls on the Andrews Labor Government to ensure that $300,000 in funding is made available to Alpine Health to review and update the 2012 Master Plan of the Bright District Hospital and Health Service. [Notice given on 29 April 2021 — Listed for 16 days].

527 MR LIMBRICK — To move — That this House — (1) notes that — (a) there is currently a COVID-19 humanitarian crisis unfolding in India; (b) India is suffering severe shortages of medical supplies; (2) calls on the Government to — (a) assess and audit the current surplus of medical supplies for COVID-19 in Victoria; and (b) coordinate with the Commonwealth Government to see that these surplus medical supplies are packaged and transported to India as a humanitarian donation to assist with the COVID-19 crisis. [Notice given on 29 April 2021 — Listed for 16 days].

528 MS PATTEN — To move — That this House — (1) notes — (a) the enormous contribution regional Victoria makes to the state and national economic strength, and our unique way of life; (b) that regional Victorians, from Bright to Mildura, Portland to Wodonga, Robinvale to Bairnsdale and everywhere in between, should have a more substantial voice in our Parliamentary process; (2) requires the Procedure Committee to inquire into, assess and report by Wednesday, 8 September 2021, on ways that the Parliament can effectively ensure that the concerns of regional Victorians are heard at a Parliamentary level, including but not limited to — (a) investigating the frequency of regional sittings by both Houses of the Victorian Parliament; (b) ensuring a larger proportion of Parliamentary Committee deliberations and public hearings are held in regional locations and broadcast; (c) assuring that outcomes for regional Victoria are trusted by the broader community by giving consideration to the concept of citizens’ juries, whereby everyday Victorians participate in the process of government decision-making; (d) reforming parliamentary petitions to ensure greater participation by all Victorians; and (e) any other matters affecting the way the Parliament communicates with regional and rural Victorians. [Notice given on 29 April 2021 — Listed for 16 days].

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529 MS CROZIER — To move — That this House notes — (1) the crisis within Victoria’s ambulance services; (2) that Ambulance Victoria’s current Code 1 response times are their worst ever, which is putting the lives of Victorians at risk; (3) ambulance ramping remains at an all-time high; (4) record number of patients with significant health needs are being referred to hospital emergency departments by taxi instead of ambulance; (5) hospital by-pass has continued despite promises made by the Premier, Hon Daniel Andrews MP, that under his Government it would end; (6) the ongoing crisis in Victoria’s ambulance services is having a detrimental effect on the health and wellbeing of Victoria’s hard-working paramedics; and calls on the Andrews Labor Government to immediately fix the failures within Victoria’s ambulance services. [Notice given on 29 April 2021 — Listed for 16 days].

530 MR GRIMLEY — To move — That this House notes that — (1) in 2020, 46 per cent of Australian children aged 6 to 13 years used a mobile phone; (2) COVID-19 forced the immediate increase in the uptake of online learning with most Victorian students learning from home following the Government’s announcement in April 2020 that “all students who do not have access to a laptop or tablet at home will be provided one”, acknowledging that technology is part of everyday life for all Victorians, including young Victorians; (3) the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation found that only 52 per cent of parents talk to their children about online safety; (4) recorded cases of online child exploitation in Australia went from 1,000 in 2010 to over 17,000 in 2020, and the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare found that “during COVID-19, public tipoffs about online child sexual exploitation material more than doubled”; (5) grooming, online consent and physical consent should be taught in Victorian schools to ensure all students are learning about their sexual rights and ways to stay safe online; and calls on the Government to include online grooming, online consent and physical consent in the Victorian school curriculum by 11 February 2022. [Notice given on 29 April 2021 — Listed for 16 days].

531 MR O’DONOHUE — To move — That this House notes — (1) the serious and unacceptable 19.5 per cent increase in crime over the term of the Andrews Labor Government; (2) specifically, the significant increases in local crime in the north-east region of Victoria since 2014, including a — (a) 35.6 per cent increase in total recorded offences in the Indigo Shire; (b) 25 per cent increase in total recorded offences in Alpine Shire; (c) 22.8 per cent increase in total recorded offences in the Wangaratta Shire; (d) 21.6 per cent increase in total recorded offences in the Rural City of Benalla; (e) 6.8 per cent increase in total recorded offences in the City of Wodonga; and calls on the Andrews Labor Government to articulate a clear plan to fix these unacceptable increases in crime which have such a detrimental impact on the communities of the north- east region. [Notice given on 29 April 2021 — Listed for 16 days].

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534 MR MEDDICK — To move — That this House — (1) recognises that — (a) free-roaming brumbies are beloved to many Victorians; (b) the grazing of all large introduced hard-hoofed animals, including, but not restricted to, brumbies, is damaging Australia’s environment; (c) if causing environmental damage was a reason to kill someone, many humans would be in strife; (2) notes that — (a) killing anyone is a grave undertaking; (b) killing individual brumbies in their thousands has not solved the issue; (c) one must give serious consideration before taking a life, regardless of species; (3) calls on the Government to seriously consider non-lethal methods to prevent the population growth of brumbies in Bright and the surrounding areas, including — (a) investing in methods of effective fertility control; (b) promoting rehoming of brumbies; (c) supporting equine sanctuaries; and (d) actively researching other non-lethal methods to prevent brumby population growth. [Notice given on 29 April 2021 — Listed for 16 days].

535 MR O’DONOHUE — To move — That this House notes — (1) the unprecedented court case backlog, which now exceeds over 200,000 outstanding matters delaying justice for victims of crime; (2) that without urgent intervention and new solutions, it could take to a decade to fix the court case backlog crisis; and calls on the Attorney-General to work with Court Services Victoria and the Heads of Jurisdictions to, where possible, increase the utilisation and sitting times of regional court facilities including those in the north-east region at Wodonga, Benalla, Wangaratta, Myrtleford, Corryong and Mansfield. [Notice given on 29 April 2021 — Listed for 16 days].

536 MS CROZIER — To move — That this House notes — (1) the secret plan to amalgamate local health services in regional Victoria by the Andrews Labor Government will result in — (a) the loss of local health services and local jobs in the regions; (b) an increase to elective surgery waiting lists for regional health care services; (c) an increase in travel times for healthcare treatment for regional Victorians; (d) the loss of localised health knowledge and expertise; and (2) calls on the Andrews Labor Government to address the funding model for public hospitals without the need to amalgamate regional health services. [Notice given on 29 April 2021 — Listed for 16 days].

537 MS CROZIER — To move — That this House — (1) notes the ongoing crisis within Victoria’s health services including blowouts in — (a) elective surgery wait times; (b) dental service wait times; (c) ambulance response times; and (2) further notes the failures of the Andrews Labor Government to address this crisis which is putting the lives of Victorians at risk. [Notice given on 4 May 2021 — Listed for 15 days].

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538 MR GRIMLEY — To move — That this House notes that — (1) children in our child protection system are some of the most vulnerable people in our society; (2) Crime Statistics Agency data shows that between 2019 and 2020 sexual offences against children grew 88 per cent, with 3,111 offences recorded in 2020 compared to 1,651 in 2019; (3) the Coroners Court of Victoria reported that in 2019-20, 65 children who were known to child protection authorities died, and of those children, five were a result of assault and 27 were suicides; and calls on the Government to investigate why sexual offences against children have risen exponentially, outline how they will address and reduce these appalling statistics and requires the Leader of the Government to table these findings in the Council by Monday, 1 November 2021. [Notice given on 4 May 2021 — Listed for 15 days].

540 MS CROZIER — To move — That this House notes — (1) the failures of the Andrews Labor Government to provide appropriate funding for breast screen services; and (2) that the lack of funding for services is putting the lives of Victorian women at risk. [Notice given on 4 May 2021 — Listed for 15 days].

543 MR HAYES — To move — That this House — (1) notes the promise the Government made on 4 November 2018, prior to the 2018 election, that it would “permanently tighten controls to better protect Melbourne’s green wedges against overdevelopment, with the protections enshrined in legislation”; (2) further notes — (a) the accompanying press release from the Minister for Planning, the Hon Richard Wynne MP, titled Protecting Melbourne’s Green Wedges from Skyscraper Guy, in which the Minister promised that “Only Labor will stop Melbourne’s green wedges from inappropriate development and protect our prime agricultural land in the outer suburbs”; (b) the Minister for Suburban Development, the Hon Lily D’Ambrosio MP, in the same press release, promised that “protecting our green wedges is more important than ever and only Labor will get it done”; (c) that the Government is currently proposing ‘transition’ areas which would enable green wedge land to be rezoned to Rural Living Zone or farming, thereby permitting inappropriate uses of green wedge land, including industrial uses, residential development, schools and places of worship, which the Green Wedges Coalition and other green wedge campaigners strongly oppose; (3) calls on the Government to — (a) honour its pre-election commitment to protecting the green wedges; (b) abandon the proposal for so-called ‘transition’ areas; and (c) protect the Southern Ranges and other green wedge land from what the Green Wedges Coalition refers to as a ‘tsunami’ of applications for developments such as places of worship and schools. [Notice given on 4 May 2021 — Listed for 15 days].

544 MS CROZIER — To move — That this House — (1) notes the ongoing concerns expressed by parents and those children who attend the Richmond West Primary School who are witnessing an increase in anti-social behaviour and crime as a result of the location of the medically supervised injecting room; (2) specifically notes the traumatic experience for their children, who have witnessed violent acts, crimes and inappropriate anti-social behaviours on a daily basis; 7 September 2021 9

and calls on the Andrews Labor Government to immediately assess the high risks to children as a result of these traumatic experiences. [Notice given on 4 May 2021 — Listed for 15 days].

545 MR GRIMLEY — To move — That this House notes that — (1) the effects on children in family violence situations is a serious issue that needs urgent attention in Victoria; (2) since the Royal Commission into Family Violence recommendations were handed down in 2016, most family violence statistics have not improved; (3) Crime Statistics Agency data shows that — (a) the number of family violence incidents in which Victoria Police attended was 23,294 in 2017 and 34,145 in 2020, demonstrating a 31 per cent increase in just three years; (b) between 2018 and 2019, one in 50 children witnessed a family violence incident that was attended by police; (4) 77 per cent of children who witnessed family violence went on to have future negative interactions with the justice system, including having intervention orders placed against them; and requires the Government to outline the specific action that they have taken to address these concerns since the Royal Commission recommendations were handed down, including how an increased emphasis on children safety in family violence situations has been demonstrated. [Notice given on 4 May 2021 — Listed for 15 days].

546 DR RATNAM — To move — That this House — (1) notes the 30th anniversary of the report of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody; (2) acknowledges the pain and trauma of First Nations families with every single death in custody, including the tragedy of two deaths in custody in Victoria this year; (3) calls on the Government to — (a) urgently implement all outstanding recommendations of the Royal Commission; and (b) reverse bail law changes that resulted in an increase in First Nations people being imprisoned, contrary to the recommendations of the Royal Commission. [Notice given on 4 May 2021 — Listed for 15 days].

547 MR DAVIS — To move — That until the end of the Session, unless otherwise ordered by the Council — (1) The following Sessional Orders be adopted, to come into operation with immediate effect: 1. Consideration of petitions After Standing Order 10.07 insert: (1) An Order of the Day to take into consideration the subject matter of every paper petition that contains more than 1,500 signatures and every e-petition that contains more than 5,000 signatures will automatically take precedence on the next sitting Wednesday. (2) Petitions will not be listed for consideration on the same day in which they are presented. (3) Petitions of identical content, presented by the same Member on separate days, will be considered to have met the signature threshold if they reach the required total cumulatively within a 12 month period. (4) Consideration of a petition that has been made an Order of the Day under this Sessional Order will take precedence on Wednesday at the time prescribed for Consideration of petitions and Government business. (5) Petitions will be considered in the order in which they were presented in the House. The consideration of a petition may carry over to succeeding 10 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

Wednesdays and will continue to take precedence if the time allocated for the consideration of petitions expires before the question has been resolved. (6) If the sponsoring Member does not seek the call when the Order of the Day is called on, the precedence over other business will lapse. (7) If the House agrees to a motion to adjourn the consideration of the petition to another time, the Order of the Day will no longer take precedence over other business. (8) At the conclusion of the debate the President will put the question “That the motion be agreed to” and no further debate on the petition may occur at the time prescribed for consideration of petitions. 2. Time limits In Standing Order 5.03 insert: Consideration of petitions (under Sessional Orders) Total time 30 minutes Petition sponsor 10 minutes Each Member 5 minutes 3. Referral of petition and response from Minister Standing Order 10.09 is suspended and the following will apply: (1) The Clerk will refer a copy of the terms of every petition presented to the Council to the Minister responsible for the administration of the matter that is the subject of the petition. (2) The Clerk will determine which is the responsible portfolio after consulting the General orders and Ministerial portfolio arrangements. (3) The Minister responsible for the subject matter outlined in the petition must table a response in the Council within 60 days of the petition being presented. (2) Sessional Order 4 be amended, and replaced with: Standing Order 5.02(2) and (3) is suspended and the following order of business will apply on Wednesday — Messages Formal Business Members’ Statements (up to 15 Members) General Business At 12 noon Questions Answers to Questions on Notice General Business (until 5.15 p.m.) At 5.15 p.m. Statements on reports, papers and petitions (30 minutes) Consideration of petitions and Government Business (maximum 60 minutes, with a maximum 30 minutes for consideration of petitions, if applicable) At 6.45 p.m. Adjournment (up to 20 Members). (3) The foregoing provisions of this resolution, so far as they are inconsistent with the Standing Orders or practices of the Council, will have effect notwithstanding anything contained in the Standing Orders or practices of the Council. (4) The Clerk is empowered to renumber the Sessional Orders and correct any internal references as a consequence of this resolution. [Notice given on 4 May 2021 — Listed for 15 days].

548 MR O’DONOHUE — To move — That this House — (1) notes the first anniversary of the tragic deaths at 5.36 p.m. on Wednesday, 22 April 2020, of Leading Senior Constable Lynette Taylor, Senior Constable Kevin King, Constable Joshua Prestney and Constable Glen Humphris; (2) expresses its sincere sorrow and pays its deep respects to each of these four frontline Victoria Police members who were devastatingly killed in the line of duty on Melbourne’s Eastern Freeway; 7 September 2021 11

(3) grieves the loss of and expresses its sincere condolences to the families and friends of Lynette Taylor, Kevin King, Joshua Prestney and Glen Humphris, and to the entire Victoria Police family; (4) acknowledges that the events of that fateful day last year will remain a reminder of the ever-present dangers that the men and women of Victoria Police face each and every day they walk out the door, and their extraordinary dedication to keeping our Victorian community safe; and may Leading Senior Constable Lynette Taylor, Senior Constable Kevin King, Constable Joshua Prestney and Constable Glen Humphris rest in peace. [Notice given on 4 May 2021 — Listed for 15 days].

549 MR DAVIS — To move — That this House — (1) notes the failure of the Leader of the Government to comply with Standing Orders and the resolution of the Council of 16 September 2020 for the production of documents relating to the decision to impose a COVID-19 curfew; and (2) requires the Leader of the Government to comply with Standing Order 11.03(1)(b) and deliver the six documents described in the Attorney-General’s correspondence of 3 May 2021 that a claim of Executive privilege has been made over, to the Clerk within two weeks after the passage of this motion. [Notice given on 4 May 2021 — Listed for 15 days].

550 MR O’DONOHUE — To move — That this House notes that the Andrews Labor Government spent $12 million of taxpayer money to defend Victorian Labor Government Ministers and bureaucrats at the Hotel Quarantine Inquiry, more than the total cost of the inquiry itself. [Notice given on 4 May 2021 — Listed for 15 days].

551 MR DAVIS — To move — That this House condemns the Andrews Labor Government’s management of hotel quarantine. [Notice given on 5 May 2021 — Listed for 14 days].

553 MS CROZIER — To move — That this House notes the ongoing failures within hotel quarantine in Victoria and the deceitful way in which the Andrews Government has covered up these failings. [Notice given on 5 May 2021 — Listed for 14 days].

554 MR GRIMLEY — To move — That this House — (1) notes that — (a) identity theft is a growing problem in Australia, costing $2.2 billion per year; (b) in 2019 in Victoria, robbery increased by 29 per cent, unlawful entry with intent increased by 3 per cent and motor vehicle theft increased by 8 per cent; (c) stealing a person’s wallet or bag is a common form of theft; (d) a Victorian Drivers Licence is one of the few forms of identification that holds a person’s residential address; (e) when a person is robbed, their residential address, through their Victorian Drivers Licence, and their keys are often taken; (f) when these items are taken, it can be very distressing for the victim of crime and lead them to be hesitant to stay in their home and to change the locks at their home; (g) while residential addresses are often used for satisfying 100 points of identification, that in 2021, there should be online means of satisfying these requirements; (2) calls on the Government to — (a) investigate the effects of removing a person’s residential address from their licence and; 12 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

(b) report to the Legislative Council the findings of their investigation and provide an explanation on why it is necessity for a person’s residential address to be included on their Victorian Driver’s Licence. [Notice given on 6 May 2021 — Listed for 13 days].

555 MS CROZIER — To move — That this House notes — (1) the ongoing mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic response by the Andrews Labor Government; (2) the failure of the Department of Health to inform domestic travellers in a timely and accurate manner of current COVID-19 quarantine protocols; (3) the confusion amongst domestic travellers as a result of mixed messages and poor communication from the Government; (4) travellers returning to Victoria are not having their border permits checked at the airport, even when returning from locations which have had community transmission of COVID-19; and (5) the general inability of the Andrews Labor Government to follow or enforce its own COVID- 19 rules. [Notice given on 6 May 2021 — Listed for 13 days].

556 DR RATNAM— To move — That this House — (1) notes with a heavy heart the devastating COVID-19 outbreak occurring across India; (2) expresses our concern for the people in surrounding countries, including Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, which are also reported to be experiencing alarming increases in COVID-19 cases; (3) urges Governments around Australia to offer all the support they can to the people of India, surrounding nations and to the Indian community here in Australia, as they face this tragedy; and (4) condemns the Morrison Government for its racist border policies, including the criminalisation of people travelling from India. [Notice given on 6 May 2021 — Listed for 13 days].

558 MR O’DONOHUE — To move — That this House — (1) notes the damning Auditor-General’s Report on Implementing a New Infringements Management System, May 2021, that revealed the Andrews Government’s gross incompetence and mismanagement of another major IT project; (2) further notes the Auditor-Generals’ damning findings, including — (a) more than $125 million, three times the original budget, has already been spent on the Victorian Infringements Enforcement Warrant system, which has disproportionately harmed vulnerable Victorians; (b) that the Department of Justice and Community Safety did not have a good understanding of its own proposed fines legislation, prior to committing to this IT project; (c) conflicts of interest, with the audit finding that the IT advisor’s reporting was “…overly optimistic, not evidence based and misleading”; (d) that the launch of this bungled project “impaired the integrity of the courts system”; (e) the bungled system’s failed functionality led to significant financial reporting errors, including underestimating the State’s fine revenue by $91.3 million in 2017-18 and overstating it by $176.5 million in 2018-19; and (3) condemns the Andrews Labor Government for yet again letting down Victorians and for being incapable of delivering the basic services that Victorians need and deserve. [Notice given on 6 May 2021 — Listed for 13 days].

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560 MS CROZIER — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the Andrews Labor Government for its plans for a second medically supervised injecting room in Melbourne’s Central Business District; (2) notes — (a) that the Government has failed to consult with, or listen to, the views of local residents, small business owners and traders on this proposal; (b) that the businesses in Melbourne’s Central Business District are still suffering from the effects of COVID-19 related lockdowns; (c) that further disruptions before the COVID-19 pandemic, from the Metro Tunnel works, have impacted Flinders Street and the iconic tourist attraction of Degraves Street; (d) the failure of the Government to fully assess the trial for the medically supervised injecting room in North Richmond, as committed by the Government to the Victorian people, prior to any further medically supervised injecting room to be opened; and (3) further notes the potential for additional medically supervised injecting rooms around the state. [Notice given on 25 May 2021 — Listed for 12 days].

564 MS CROZIER— To move — That this House — (1) notes the ongoing failures of the Andrews Labor Government across the Victorian public health system as revealed in the 2021-22 State Budget, including the failure to reach — (a) the target of patients admitted from the elective surgery wait list; (b) the target of category 2 elective surgery patients treated; (c) the target of category 3 elective surgery patients treated; (d) the target of patients treated in specialist outpatient clinics; (e) the target of emergency patients treated within the clinically recommended ‘time to treatment’; (f) the target of proportion of ambulance patient transfers within recommended timeframes; and (2) further notes the ongoing health crisis which is putting the lives of Victorians at risk. [Notice given on 25 May 2021 — Listed for 12 days].

566 DR RATNAM — To move — That this House — (1) notes the Labor Government’s budget announcement of a new public sector wages policy instituting a 1.5 per cent cap on wage increases; (2) expresses disappointment that the Labor Government is acting against all economic advice by pursuing a policy of wage suppression, which is likely to hinder Victoria’s economic recovery; (3) further expresses concern that the Labor Government is punishing essential public sector workers with a real wage cut, after these essential workers have helped Victorians during the COVID-19 pandemic last year; and calls on the Government to abandon its wage suppression policy and ensure fair, above inflation, wage increases for Victoria’s essential public sector workers. [Notice given on 25 May 2021 — Listed for 12 days].

567 DR CUMMING — To move — That this House — (1) notes that — (a) some students have no obvious physical or neurological impairment but may have difficulty with concentrating, communicating or understanding; (b) many learning difficulties do not become obvious until students are in secondary school; (c) the cost of assessment for diagnosis and intervention of learning difficulties does not fall under Medicare, and is well out of the reach of the average family, varying between $1,200 to $2,500, depending on what test is required; 14 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

(d) teachers in Victorian schools have not been identifying children as there are no funds to diagnose nor resources to support them; (2) recognises that the Government’s 2020 announcement for the Disability Inclusion package will now include those students with autism, dyslexia or complex behaviours; and calls on the Government to ensure robust policies are in place that support identification, planning and support for children who show difficulties with learning at all levels, including free assessment. [Notice given on 25 May 2021 — Listed for 12 days].

568 MS MAXWELL — To move — That this House notes — (1) the frequency of non-custodial sentencing in Victoria for the despicable crimes of child pornography and child exploitation; (2) the increasing difficulty in accessing publicly available statistics about how often these crimes are committed, given recent changes to the Victorian Crime Statistics Agency data sets in this area; (3) the ongoing evidence of working with children approvals being granted to serious offenders through the State’s Working with Children Check system; (4) the prevalence of convicted child sex offenders living in close proximity to schools and/or working on school grounds; and calls on the Government to outline what actions it is taking to redress each of these problems. [Notice given on 25 May 2021 — Listed for 12 days].

569 MR DAVIS — To move — That this House expresses our deepest condolences for and support of the people of during this difficult and challenging time. [Notice given on 25 May 2021 — Listed for 12 days].

570 DR RATNAM — To move — That this House — (1) notes that Victoria is one of the only jurisdictions in the world where greyhound racing is still permitted; (2) acknowledges that greyhound racing is a cruelty fuelled sport designed to profit off the pain and suffering of racing greyhounds; (3) further notes that in 2020, more greyhounds were killed or injured on Victorian tracks than anywhere else in Australia, with 72 dogs killed and 3,716 injured; (4) calls on the Government to — (a) immediately establish an independent inquiry into the welfare, safety and wellbeing of racing dogs in the Victorian Greyhound Racing industry; and (b) ban greyhound racing for good. [Notice given on 25 May 2021 — Listed for 12 days].

571 DR CUMMING — To move — That this House — (1) notes the lack of creative infrastructure in the Western Region, despite being home to some of Victoria’s most creative talents; (2) acknowledges that local communities in the Western Region are missing out on the benefits this attracts; (3) calls on the Government to boost the creative infrastructure economy of the Western Metropolitan Region by creating a strategic plan and funding model that includes the provision of —

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(a) performance venues that can seat 500 people or more; (b) inclusive, culturally sensitive and accessible programs; and (c) assistance in establishing long-term models and partnerships that will support ongoing service needs, and anticipate future projects and their funding requirements. [Notice given on 25 May 2021 — Listed for 12 days].

572 DR RATNAM — To move — That this House — (1) notes that burning Victoria’s municipal waste — (a) risks undermining growth in the recycling and composting industries and economic and environmental opportunities in a circular economy; (b) poses unacceptable environment and health risks from the generation of large volumes of hazardous waste and climate pollution; (2) calls on the Victorian Government to — (a) immediately implement a moratorium in Victoria until 2030 on any approvals, subsidies and support for all types of incinerators built to burn waste to produce energy, including mass combustion, gasification, pyrolysis, and cogeneration projects with the coal, paper and cement industry; (b) ban the large-scale incineration of recyclable and compostable materials in waste incinerators; (c) require all waste incineration projects using more than 100,000 tonnes of waste per annum to undertake an Environment Effects Statement process; (d) ensure that waste incineration is not falsely categorised as renewable energy in government policy or accounting in relation to the Victorian Renewable Energy Targets and related schemes; and (e) pursue policies and investments that genuinely transition Victoria towards zero waste and a circular economy. [Notice given on 25 May 2021 — Listed for 12 days].

573 DR RATNAM — To move — That this House — (1) notes that — (a) globally, nationally and locally, human induced climate change is contributing to record breaking temperatures, extreme weather events, and more regular and intense bushfires and drought; (b) climate change will have a devastating effect across Victoria on public health, food production, water availability, loss of animal and plant species and biodiversity, and the liveability of our cities and towns; (c) the global temperature increase must be limited to 1.5 degrees to minimise the risk of the worst impacts of climate change, a task the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says requires urgent and unprecedented action; (d) mitigating the impacts of climate change requires a shift to 100 per cent renewable energy and a plan to ensure coal, gas and oil reserves stay in the ground; (2) declares that we are in a state of climate emergency and that there is a moral imperative to act swiftly to prevent the harm of a changing climate; (3) calls for all levels of government to work with communities to urgently respond to the climate emergency in a way that is fair, including — (a) ensuring justice for First Peoples; (b) capturing the economic opportunities and job creation of a low carbon economy; (c) providing investment and jobs for coal-reliant workers and communities; and (d) delivering a circular, zero waste economy, and restoring the natural environment, including ending native forest logging to preserve carbon stores and our water supply. [Notice given on 25 May 2021 — Listed for 12 days].

16 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

575 DR CUMMING — To move — That this House — (1) reaffirms its commitment to a free and open press in Victoria, noting that it is a vital and fundamental foundation of our democracy; (2) supports the rights of the press to investigate matters of public interest without fear or favour; and (3) continues to protect the rights of whistle-blowers who expose matters of public importance in an effort to maintain transparency and accountability in our public institutions. [Notice given on 8 June 2021 — Listed for 10 days].

576 MR DAVIS — To move — That this House — (1) expresses concern at the ongoing lockdown of 5.3 million Melbournians through Public Health Orders; (2) notes that the Andrews Labor Government continues to refuse to release, in full, the health advice and briefs on which this and other lockdowns have been justified, despite the existence of Parliamentary orders for the release of this information; and (3) further notes that Victorians are entitled to this information given the severe impact on economic activity and Victorian businesses, in particular, students forced into remote learning, casual workers left without employment and the many impacts on Melbournians, including physical and mental health impacts. [Notice given on 8 June 2021 — Listed for 10 days].

577 MS CROZIER — To move — That this House — (1) notes the secret report provided to the Andrews Government on the mental health impacts caused by the ongoing lockdowns in Victoria; (2) further notes — (a) the increasing numbers of children and teenagers who are self-harming; (b) the numbers of children requiring hospitalisation due to self-harming and suicidal thoughts which has spiked by 51 per cent; (c) concerns expressed by GP doctors and mental health experts on the impacts on children and young people by extended and ongoing lockdowns; (d) the impacts to school outcomes for children and young people due to ongoing lockdowns; and (3) in the interest of transparency, calls for the immediate release of the Victorian Agency for Health Information’s Report on Mental Health, Alcohol, and Other Drug Treatment Services in Victoria, that was provided to the Andrews Government. [Notice given on 8 June 2021 — Listed for 10 days].

578 DR CUMMING — To move — That this House — (1) recognises that 20 to 26 June is Refugee Week; (2) notes that the theme for 2021 is Unity, which — (a) aims to highlight aspects of the refugee experience and help the broader community to understand what it is like to be a refugee; (b) provides a focal point for events across Australia, uniting separate activities into a single nationwide celebration; (c) promotes harmony and togetherness through uniting individuals, communities and organisations from many different backgrounds behind a common cause and this common theme is a reminder that, regardless of our differences, we all share a common humanity; (d) broadens the impact of Refugee Week by providing a common, cohesive message which can be promoted across the country, helping to maximise the effectiveness of awareness-raising activities; and

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(3) recognises the valuable contributions made by refugees in all areas of community life in Victoria. [Notice given on 8 June 2021 — Listed for 10 days].

579 MS CROZIER — To move — That this House — (1) notes the claims made by the Andrews Government of “stranger to stranger” transmission of COVID-19 to justify a state-wide lockdown were found to be untrue; (2) further notes — (a) the unpreparedness of the Andrews Government for further COVID-19 outbreaks; (b) that the “stranger to stranger” transmission, which the Government claimed occurred with two individuals, did not occur, and in fact the results were reclassified as false positives prior to the decision being made; (c) that the Health Review Panel did not meet until 48 hours after the first confirmed false positive result had been communicated to the affected individual; (d) that ongoing issues within the Department of Health’s contact tracing has contributed to wrong site identification and delays in getting the latest COVID-19 outbreak under control; (e) that Victoria did not have a single QR Code system in place which further hindered contact tracing and led to delays in following up COVID-19 cases; (f) the latest outbreak has now been confirmed as a result of breaches in hotel quarantine; and (3) calls on the Government to release all of the health advice that the Andrews Government relied on for its decision to put Victoria into an unprecedented fourth lockdown. [Notice given on 8 June 2021 — Listed for 10 days].

581 MR BOURMAN — To move — That this House notes that — (1) animal and wildlife rescue is important in ensuring the welfare of animals; (2) protesting against a lawful activity on State Game Reserves (SGRs) does not constitute rescue of animals or wildlife; (3) animal and wildlife rescue is not a sufficient or safe reason for being on SGRs during duck hunting season; (4) by being on SGRs during duck hunting season, activists posing as animal and wildlife rescue are harassing law abiding people who are pursuing lawful activities; (5) calls on the Government to — (a) immediately enact regulations that prohibit protesters that masquerade as animal rescuers from being within the boundaries of a SGR during lawful duck hunting times; (b) end the constant harassment by activists who are masquerading as rescuers by — (i) only allowing people with a valid game license and clear intent to hunt onto SGRs during lawful duck hunting times; and (ii) empowering the police and Game Management Authority to move on any person not reasonably on a SGR to hunt. [Notice given on 9 June 2021 — Listed for 9 days].

582 DR RATNAM — To move — That this House — (1) acknowledges the one-year anniversary of the murder of George Floyd in police custody and expresses solidarity with the continuing Black Lives Matter protests in the United States and Australia; (2) acknowledges Victoria’s own history of racist oppression of First Nations people; (3) condemns the fact that — (a) Aboriginal people are the most incarcerated people on earth; (b) Aboriginal Victorians continue to be overrepresented in Victoria’s prisons, and the rate of imprisonment has doubled in the last 10 years as a direct result of the policies of Victorian governments; (c) Aboriginal people continue to be overpoliced and racially profiled; 18 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

(4) notes that there have been at least 475 Aboriginal deaths in custody since 1991; (5) condemns the fact that Victoria is yet to fully implement the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, almost 30 years after it reported; (6) calls on the Government to consult with First Nations people in implementing reforms they are demanding, including, but not limited to — (a) increasing the legal age of culpability to 14 years; (b) reforming bail and repealing mandatory sentencing laws to make prison a last resort; (c) preventing and eradicating racism in the justice system; (d) ensuring all investigations of police complaints are undertaken independently, not by police; (e) overhauling our justice system to prioritise crime prevention initiatives, public housing, and social support services, rather than over-policing and custodial sentencing; and (f) urgently implementing all outstanding recommendations from the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. [Notice given on 9 June 2021 — Listed for 9 days].

583 MR DAVIS — To move — That this House notes the worrying escape of the Delta variant of the coronavirus from hotel quarantine in Victoria and calls on the Leader of the Government to make an urgent statement to the House as to how this occurred and what failures in the Government’s quarantine management are responsible. [Notice given on 9 June 2021 — Listed for 9 days].

584 DR RATNAM — To move — That this House — (1) notes with abhorrence the rise of the far-right and right-wing nationalist movements as a global threat to democracies worldwide that are emboldening extremists in Victoria; (2) condemns all political activities that promote racism, anti-Semitism, white supremacy and that denigrate Victorians from different backgrounds; and calls on all Victorian parliamentarians to commit to an anti-racist Victoria, end any affiliations with racist and right-wing nationalistic organisations and promote equality of all Victorians, regardless of background. [Notice given on 10 June 2021 — Listed for 8 days].

585 DR RATNAM — To move — That this House — (1) acknowledges that duck shooting is a barbaric and cruel practice that has no place in a modern, progressive Victoria; (2) notes that waterbird populations in Victoria continue to decline as a result of dry conditions, climate change and continued duck shooting seasons; (3) condemns the Labor Government for continuing to promote the killing of ducks in Victoria as sport and allowing a duck shooting season to go ahead despite current lockdown restrictions; and calls on the Government to listen to the majority of Victorians and immediately ban, once and for all, duck shooting in Victoria. [Notice given on 10 June 2021 — Listed for 8 days].

586 MS CROZIER — To move — That this House — (1) notes — (a) the new evidence that was made public in relation to the inappropriate closure of iCook Foods; (b) that this new evidence contradicts the testimony provided by senior officials in the Victorian Government and City of Greater Dandenong; and 7 September 2021 19

(2) requires the Legal and Social Issues Committee to re-open their Inquiry into the closure of I Cook Foods Pty Limited within seven days of the House agreeing to this resolution and report within 30 days of the commencement of the Inquiry. [Notice given on 22 June 2021 — Listed for 7 days].

587 DR CUMMING — To move — That this House — (1) recognises that — (a) Men’s Health Week was 14 to 20 June 2021; (b) Men’s Health Week aims to heighten awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease amongst men and boys; (2) notes that — (a) the theme of this year’s Men’s Health Week focused on what it means to have a team; and (b) it is important for men to prioritise their physical, emotional, and social health by staying connected and seeking support early if something is wrong. [Notice given on 22 June 2021 — Listed for 7 days].

591 MR O'DONOHUE — To move — That this House notes that — (1) the Acting Premier, the Hon James Merlino MP, has failed his own constituents with the delayed and uncoordinated response to the significant storm damage in the Dandenongs; and (2) Victorians cannot have any faith in the Acting Premier if he cannot represent his own constituents and respond to their pressing issues in a crisis. [Notice given on 22 June 2021 — Listed for 7 days].

592 DR CUMMING — To move — That until the end of the Session, unless otherwise ordered by the Council, the following Sessional Order be adopted to come into operation with immediate effect — 1. Notices of motion – Published in Hansard After Standing Order 6.01(5) insert: (6) A notice of motion will be published in Hansard. [Notice given on 22 June 2021 — Listed for 7 days].

593 MR DAVIS — To move — That this House expresses its severe concern at the management of the Mont Albert and Surrey Hills level crossing removals, in particular concerns about the lack of consultation and the fact that the draft form of the proposal is almost identical to the final form, indicating that not only did the Government not listen, but the Government also failed to heed the community’s concern about the loss of Lorne Parade Reserve and, importantly, heed the community’s concern about stripping out a station in conflict with the Government’s election promises in 2018. [Notice given on 22 June 2021 — Listed for 7 days].

594 MS PATTEN — To move — That this House — (1) recognises that — (a) in response to the activism and lived experiences of Grace Tame, Chanel Contos and Brittany Higgins, it is now more important than ever that consent is taught in schools; (b) the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare reported increased rates of sexual assault by more than 30 per cent, whilst in Victoria, the Crime Statistics Agency reported an increase of sexual offences by 45 per cent; (c) the teaching of the Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) program is patchy and inconsistent, with the quality of delivery varying between schools and the program 20 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

lacks adequate teacher training and clear resources to provide clear and consistent sex education; (d) we cannot teach young people to have conversations about consent, nor equip them with the tools to effectively give and withdraw consent, without providing them with the language to discuss sex and pleasure; (e) sex education programs need more comprehensive content to cover a wider range of sexual health matters, including material that supports diverse genders, sexualities and disabilities; (2) calls on the Government to provide adequate funding to improve the RSE program, with further support directed towards — (a) education and training of teachers; (b) support to teachers for ongoing program delivery; (c) the expansion of training and curriculum to be more gender diverse, LGBTQ+ friendly and disability inclusive; (d) a more specific curriculum that explicitly establishes requirements for what must be taught; and (e) direct funding for outsourcing of sex education in all Victorian schools. [Notice given on 23 June 2021 — Listed for 6 days].

595 MR MEDDICK — To move — That this House notes that — (1) approximately 15 million lambs die of exposure every winter in Australia; (2) this number would be drastically reduced if it was a legal requirement to provide shade and shelter for farm animals; and calls on the Government to make shade and shelter mandatory for all animals. [Notice given on 23 June 2021 — Listed for 6 days].

596 DR RATNAM — To move — That this House — (1) notes that on any given night, 25,000 people are experiencing homelessness in Victoria; (2) further notes that homelessness services are overstretched, under resourced and unable to provide housing to everyone who needs it; (3) agrees that the best way to end homelessness is to create more affordable, secure public housing; and calls on the Government to immediately increase funding for homelessness services so that anyone in need can have shelter. [Notice given on 24 June 2021 — Listed for 5 days].

598 DR RATNAM — To move — That this House — (1) acknowledges that many renters in Victoria are continuing to struggle with the economic downturn in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic; (2) notes that — (a) renters are more likely to be in casual work, including hospitality and retail, which are the industries most affected by COVID-19 restrictions; (b) during the most recent lockdown and COVID-19 restrictions, no additional support was provided for renters; (3) further notes that without this support, renters have been placed in financial hardship and are facing eviction and homelessness; and calls on the Government to immediately re-introduce rental relief grants and stronger protections against evictions for renters adversely affected by the recent lockdown. [Notice given on 24 June 2021 — Listed for 5 days].

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599 DR RATNAM — To move — That this House — (1) notes that Victoria is in a housing crisis, with 25,000 people experiencing homelessness on any given night and over 100,000 people currently on the public housing waiting list; (2) condemns the Government for neglecting the public housing system in Victoria, by failing to properly respond to tenant issues and complaints and letting units fall into disrepair; (3) acknowledges that over the last five years public housing in Victoria has repeatedly been demolished or privatised, with the government shifting responsibility for housing to community housing associations and developers; (4) further acknowledges that the Government uses the term ‘social housing’ to disguise its failure to invest in the public housing system; and calls on the Government to immediately commit to build 100,000 new public housing homes within 10 years. [Notice given on 24 June 2021 — Listed for 5 days].

600 MR BOURMAN — To move — That this House notes that — (1) since 1857 the Lord’s Prayer has been recited in the Council; (2) our society was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and the prayer is an acknowledgement of those beliefs; (3) differing personal beliefs are able to be dealt with using personal reflection during the recital of the prayer; (4) although it has been custom and precedent for over 150 years to attend the Chamber during the Lord’s Prayer, individuals are already refraining from entering the Chamber during that time, in line with their beliefs; and (5) any attempt to remove the Lord’s Prayer is unnecessary and divisive political manoeuvring. [Notice given on 3 August 2021 — Listed for 4 days].

602 MS CROZIER— To move — That this House — (1) notes — (a) the comments made in February 2021 by Dr Michelle Ananda-Rajah, the Labor candidate for Higgins, regarding the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine; (b) that Dr Ananda-Rajah said the AstraZeneca vaccine “failed in terms of its efficacy” and the rollout of the vaccine was “a population-level experiment which has high stakes attached to it”; (c) the advice from the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) recommends AstraZeneca for those aged over 60 years and that AstraZeneca can be administered with informed consent and following consultation with a General Practitioner to those aged under 60 years; (d) that vaccine hesitancy is a major issue for those aged over 60 years and constant criticisms of the AstraZeneca vaccine, particularly by medical professionals, is very damaging to public confidence in vaccines; (e) that the COVID-19 vaccine rollout is crucial to ensuring public health and ending lockdowns, and its success is reliant upon uptake of several vaccines across the population; and (2) condemns the comments made by Dr Michelle Ananda-Rajah regarding the AstraZeneca vaccine, which amount to scaremongering and undermine the national COVID-19 vaccine rollout. [Notice given on 3 August 2021 — Listed for 4 days].

22 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

605 DR RATNAM — To move — That this House — (1) notes the evidence given to the ongoing Royal Commission into the Casino Operator and Licence, which has revealed ongoing money laundering, tax evasion, significant gambling harm and links to organised crime at Crown Melbourne; (2) further notes the submission of counsel assisting that Crown Resorts is not suitable to hold a casino license in Victoria due to repeated illegal activity; (3) condemns current and previous Victorian governments for repeatedly ignoring the wrongdoings of Crown, giving Crown regulatory exemptions and protecting corporate interests instead of the community; (4) calls on the Labor and Liberal parties to return the $566,965 of political donations they received from Crown since 2007; (5) further calls on the Government to — (a) immediately strip Crown of its casino licence in Victoria; (b) ensure the new independent Casino and Gambling Commission has the power it needs to properly regulate the gambling and casino industries, the legislative backing to challenge billionaire gambling corporations, will be immune to political interference, and will implement harm minimisation that actually works to protect the community; (c) ban political donations from the gambling industry and ban politicians and senior ministerial advisors from working in the gambling industry for five years; and (d) ensure any new casino licence includes conditions that require strong harm minimisation measures to be implemented at the casino, including removing casino exemptions for poker machine harm minimisation. [Notice given on 4 August 2021 — Listed for 3 days].

606 MS CROZIER — To move — That this House — (1) notes — (a) the failure of Business Victoria to ensure support payments were made to businesses during the fourth and fifth lockdowns; (b) that many small businesses have been damaged by ongoing lockdowns resulting in staff losing jobs and livelihoods being ruined; (c) government support has not been forthcoming, despite the Andrews Government insisting it is supporting small business, with tens of thousands of businesses having not received support, weeks and months after applying; (d) Business Victoria has failed to handle the volume of calls it is receiving from small businesses and has disconnected the phone line on several occasions; (2) requires the Minister for Small Business, within seven days of the House agreeing to this resolution, to provide the House with a report detailing — (a) the number of pending applications for business support; (b) the value of outstanding payments to be made by the Government to small businesses; (c) the number of identified issues with businesses accessing support; (d) the length of time Business Victoria’s phone line has not been operational; and (e) what the Minister is doing to ensure Business Victoria is addressing systemic issues and supporting small businesses. [Notice given on 4 August 2021 — Listed for 3 days].


1 MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT (STANDARDS) AMENDMENT BILL 2021 — (Dr Cumming) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Ms Taylor).

2 EMERGENCY POWERS SAFEGUARDS LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 2021 — (Mr Quilty) — To be committed. 7 September 2021 23

3 CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES (RAISE THE AGE) AMENDMENT BILL 2021 — (Dr Ratnam) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Ms Taylor).



6 HOUSING AMENDMENT (ENDING HOMELESSNESS) BILL 2021 — (Dr Ratnam) — Second reading.




10 HOUSING AMENDMENT (CREATING JOBS AND HOMES) BILL 2020 — (Dr Ratnam) — Second reading.

11 ROAD SAFETY AMENDMENT (MEDICINAL CANNABIS) BILL 2019 — (Ms Patten) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Ms Taylor).

12 EDUCATION AND TRAINING REFORM AMENDMENT (SCHOOL EMPLOYMENT) BILL 2020 — (Ms Patten) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Ms Stitt).


14 VICTORIAN LAW REFORM COMMISSION AMENDMENT BILL 2020 — (Mr Grimley) — To be committed.


16 WILDLIFE RESCUE VICTORIA BILL 2020 — (Mr Meddick) — Second reading — and on the reasoned amendment moved by Ms Bath — Resumption of debate (Ms Shing).



19 ROAD SAFETY ROAD RULES 2017 (OVERTAKING BICYCLES) BILL 2020 — (Dr Ratnam) — Second reading.

20 FAMILY VIOLENCE REFORM IMPLEMENTATION MONITOR AMENDMENT BILL 2020 — (Mr O’Donohue) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Ms Stitt).

21 SUMMARY OFFENCES AMENDMENT (MOVE-ON LAWS) BILL 2019 — (Mr O’Donohue) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Ms Stitt). 24 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

22 CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES AMENDMENT (OUT OF HOME CARE AGE) BILL 2020 — (Ms Patten) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Ms Stitt).


24 CRIMES AMENDMENT (ABOLITION OF BLASPHEMY) BILL 2019 — (Ms Patten) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Ms Stitt).

25 DRUGS, POISONS AND CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES AMENDMENT (PILL TESTING PILOT FOR DRUG HARM REDUCTION) BILL 2019 — (Dr Ratnam and Ms Patten) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Ms Stitt).

26 COMMERCIAL PASSENGER VEHICLE INDUSTRY AMENDMENT BILL 2019 — (Mr Barton) — Second reading — Resumption of debate.

27 ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION AMENDMENT (REFUND ON BOTTLES AND CANS) BILL 2019 — (Dr Ratnam) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Ms Stitt).

28 WILDLIFE AMENDMENT (PROTECTION OF BIRDS) BILL 2019 — (Mr Meddick) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Ms Stitt).

29 RACIAL AND RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE AMENDMENT BILL 2019 — (Ms Patten) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Ms Pulford).


31 SPENT CONVICTIONS BILL 2019 — (Ms Patten) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Ms Stitt).

32 FREEDOM OF THE PRESS — PETITION — To be considered (Dr Cumming). [Listed for 20 days — 90 minutes remain for debate].

33 PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS — CRRC CHANGCHUN RAILWAY VEHICLES COMPANY LIMITED — Motion calling for the production of documents relating to advice received by the Minister for Transport Infrastructure on CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Company Limited (Mr Davis) — and on the amendment moved by Mr Davis — Resumption of debate (Mr Finn). [Listed for 19 days — 42 minutes remain for debate#].

34 TARNEIT WEST STATION PROJECT — PETITION — To be considered (Mr Finn). [Listed for 19 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

35 2021 DUCK HUNTING SEASON — PETITION — To be considered (Mr Rich-Phillips). [Listed for 19 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

36 BUS ROUTE ON DOHERTYS ROAD, TRUGANINA — PETITION — To be considered (Mr Finn). [Listed for 16 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

37 QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE — ROYAL COMMISSION INTO VETERAN SUICIDES — Minister’s answers to a question without notice and a supplementary question, 29 April 2021 — To be considered (Ms Crozier). [Listed for 16 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

 Pursuant to Sessional Order 8, a total debate time of 90 minutes applies to General Business. 7 September 2021 25

38 FUNDING TO FIX THE BOX HILL INTERCHANGE — PETITION — To be considered (Dr Bach). [Listed for 15 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

39 CEASE BILLS STREET DEVELOPMENT IN HAWTHORN — PETITION — To be considered (Ms Crozier). [Listed for 15 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

40 POLICE STATION FOR WYNDHAM VALE AND MANOR LAKES — PETITION — To be considered (Dr Cumming). [Listed for 15 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

41 ABOLISH SUPPRESSION ORDERS — PETITION — To be considered (Mr Grimley). [Listed for 15 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

42 BAN FACTORY FARMS — PETITION — To be considered (Mr Meddick). [Listed for 15 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

43 REJECT WASTE-TO-ENERGY PLANTS — PETITION — To be considered (Dr Ratnam). [Listed for 15 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

44 QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE — HOTEL QUARANTINE SAFETY STANDARDS — Minister’s answers to a question without notice and a supplementary question, 5 May 2021 — To be considered (Ms Crozier). [Listed for 14 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

45 QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE — HOTEL QUARANTINE SAFETY INQUIRY — Minister’s answers to a question without notice and a supplementary question, 5 May 2021 — To be considered (Mr Davis). [Listed for 14 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

46 QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE — HOTEL QUARANTINE AIR CONDITIONER SAFETY — Minister’s answers to a question without notice and a supplementary question, 5 May 2021 — To be considered (Ms Crozier). [Listed for 14 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

47 PROCEDURE COMMITTEE — INQUIRY INTO PHOTOGRAPHY IN THE CHAMBER — Motion referring a matter to the Procedure Committee in relation to photography in the chamber (Mr Grimley) — Resumption of debate (Ms Taylor). [Listed for 14 days — 76 minutes remain for debate#].

48 REVISE TIMELINE FOR STAGE 2 OF THE HURSTBRIDGE LINE UPGRADE — PETITION — To be considered (Mr Atkinson). [Listed for 13 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

49 END NAPLAN IN VICTORIAN SCHOOLS — PETITION — To be considered (Dr Ratnam). [Listed for 13 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

50 MINISTER’S STATEMENT — TAFE FUNDING — Minister’s Statement relating to TAFE funding, 6 May 2021 — To be considered (Dr Bach). [Listed for 13 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

51 ACKNOWLEDGING ‘NATIONAL SORRY DAY’ — Motion relating to acknowledging ‘National Sorry Day’ (Ms Patten) — Resumption of debate (Dr Ratnam). [Listed for 12 days — 70 minutes remain for debate#]. 26 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

52 QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE — MEDICALLY SUPERVISED INJECTING CENTRE IN CITY OF MELBOURNE — Minister’s answer to a supplementary question, 26 May 2021 — To be considered (Ms Crozier). [Listed for 11 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

53 QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE — SOLE TRADER FINANCIAL SUPPORT — Minister’s answers to a question without notice and a supplementary question, 8 June 2021 — To be considered (Mr Davis). [Listed for 10 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

54 FUNDING TO REBUILD RECWEST RECREATIONAL FACILITY IN WEST FOOTSCRAY — PETITION — To be considered (Dr Cumming). [Listed for 7 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

55 COVIDSAFE PLAN FOR RE-OPENING GYMS — PETITION — To be considered (Mr Finn). [Listed for 7 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

56 RELEASE ADVICE INFORMING THE COVID-19 LOCKDOWN DECISIONS — PETITION — To be considered (Mr Limbrick). [Listed for 7 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

57 REFUSE THE DEVELOPMENT OF A 5MW SOLAR FARM IN COSGROVE — PETITION — To be considered (Ms Lovell). [Listed for 7 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

58 QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE — AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE FORCE — EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT CAPACITY — Minister’s answers to a question without notice and a supplementary question, 23 June 2021 — To be considered (Mr Davis). [Listed for 6 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

59 QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE — PAYROLL TAX COSTS FOR UNIVERSITIES — Minister’s answers to a question without notice and a supplementary question, 23 June 2021 — To be considered (Ms Crozier). [Listed for 6 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

60 QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE — EVENTS INDUSTRY SUPPORT PACKAGE — Minister’s answers to a question without notice and a supplementary question, 24 June 2021 — To be considered (Mr Davis). [Listed for 5 days — 90 minutes remain for debate#].

61 SESSIONAL ORDERS — COMMENCEMENT OF SITTING DAY PROCEEDINGS — Motion to introduce Sessional Orders in relation to the commencement of sitting day proceedings (Ms Patten) — and on the amendments moved by Mr Meddick — Resumption of debate (Ms Taylor). [Listed for 4 days — 7 minutes remain for debate#].

7 September 2021 27



1 Fare Monitoring Report, 2019-20 (Mr Barton).

ANDREW YOUNG NAZIH ELASMAR Clerk of the Legislative Council President 28 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

DAY AND HOUR OF MEETING Tuesday — 11.30 a.m.  Wednesday — 9.30 a.m.  Thursday — 10.00 a.m. Friday — 9.30 a.m. ROUTINE OF BUSINESS‡ TUESDAY Messages Questions Answers to Questions on Notice Formal Business Members’ Statements (up to 15 Members) Government Business At 6.30 p.m. Meal break (unless otherwise ordered by the House) Government Business (continues) At 10.00 p.m. Adjournment (up to 20 Members) WEDNESDAY Messages Formal Business Members’ Statements (up to 15 Members) General Business At 12 noon Questions Answers to Questions on Notice General Business (continues) At 5.15 p.m. Statements on reports, papers and petitions (30 minutes) Government Business (maximum 60 minutes) At 6.45 p.m. Adjournment (up to 20 Members) THURSDAY Messages Formal Business Members’ Statements (up to 15 Members) Government Business At 12 noon Questions Answers to Questions on Notice Government Business (continues) At 6.30 p.m. Meal break (unless otherwise ordered by the House) Government Business (continues) At 10.00 p.m. Adjournment (up to 20 Members) FRIDAY Messages Formal Business General Business (maximum 2 hours) Government Business At 12 noon Questions Answers to Questions on Notice Government Business (continues) At 4.00 p.m. Adjournment (maximum 30 minutes)

Note: Unless otherwise ordered, the Adjournment of the House will be moved automatically at 10.00 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday, at 6.45 p.m. on Wednesday and at 4.00 p.m. on Friday.

 Pursuant to an Order of the Council of 4 May 2021  Pursuant to an Order of the Council of 2 February 2021

‡ Pursuant to Standing Orders and Sessional Orders adopted by the Council of 19 March 2019 7 September 2021 29


DEPUTY PRESIDENT — Ms Lovell. ACTING PRESIDENTS — Mr Bourman, Mr Gepp, Mr Melhem and Ms Patten. * * * * COUNCIL COMMITTEES

ECONOMY AND INFRASTRUCTURE STANDING COMMITTEE — Mr Barton, Mr Erdogan (Chair), Mr Finn, Mr Gepp, Mrs McArthur, Mr Quilty and Mr Tarlamis. Participating members: Dr Bach, Ms Bath, Dr Cumming, Mr Davis, Mr Limbrick, Ms Lovell, Mr Meddick, Mr O’Donohue, Mr Ondarchie, Mr Rich-Phillips, Ms Shing, Ms Vaghela and Ms Watt. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING STANDING COMMITTEE — Dr Bach, Ms Bath, Dr Cumming, Mr Grimley, Mr Hayes, Mr Meddick, Mr Melhem, Dr Ratnam, Ms Taylor and Ms Terpstra (Chair). Participating members: Ms Crozier, Dr Cumming, Mr Davis, Dr Kieu, Mrs McArthur and Mr Quilty. LEGAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES STANDING COMMITTEE — Ms Garrett, Dr Kieu, Ms Lovell, Ms Maxwell, Mr Ondarchie, Ms Patten (Chair) and Ms Vaghela. Participating members: Dr Bach, Mr Barton, Ms Bath, Ms Crozier, Dr Cumming, Mr Erdogan, Mr Grimley, Mr Limbrick, Mr O’Donohue, Mr Quilty, Dr Ratnam, Ms Shing, Mr Tarlamis and Ms Watt. PRIVILEGES COMMITTEE — Mr Atkinson, Mr Bourman, Mr Davis, Mr Grimley, Mr Leane, Mr Rich- Phillips, Ms Shing (Chair), Ms Symes and Ms Tierney. PROCEDURE COMMITTEE — The President (Chair), the Deputy President, Ms Crozier, Mr Davis, Mr Grimley, Dr Kieu, Ms Patten, Ms Pulford and Ms Symes.


DISPUTE RESOLUTION COMMITTEE — Mr Bourman, Ms Crozier, Mr Davis, Ms Symes and Ms Tierney. ELECTORAL MATTERS COMMITTEE — Mr Erdogan, Ms Lovell, Mrs McArthur, Mr Meddick, Mr Melhem, Mr Quilty and Mr Tarlamis (Chair). HOUSE COMMITTEE — Mr Bourman, Mr Davis, Mr Leane, Ms Lovell and Ms Stitt. INTEGRITY AND OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE — Mr Grimley and Ms Shing. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS AND ESTIMATES COMMITTEE — Mr Limbrick and Ms Taylor. SCRUTINY OF ACTS AND REGULATIONS COMMITTEE — Mr Gepp (Chair), Ms Patten, Ms Terpstra and Ms Watt.

30 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

7 September 2021 31

QUESTIONS ON NOTICE Questions appearing for the first time will appear in the Notice Paper. Questions remaining unanswered are listed below and are correct at the time the Notice Paper is published. For the full text of all questions and answers see the online Questions Database. The provisions of Standing Order 8.13 [the "30 day rule"] apply in relation to answers to questions. Notice Paper Date received Questions remaining unanswered 10 19 Mar 2019 28525

16 28 May 2019 40925

59 23 Apr 2020 2078, 2139, 2143

60 27 Apr 2020 2153, 2155

60 29 Apr 2020 2181

60 28 May 2020 2295, 2296, 2297

60 29 May 2020 2303

64 17 Jun 2020 2486

66 4 Aug 2020 2548, 2549, 2550, 2551, 2552, 2553, 2554, 2555, 2556, 2565, 2570, 2571, 2572, 2573, 2580, 2581, 2585, 2587, 2588, 2590, 2591, 2592, 2600, 2626, 2645, 2650, 2651, 2652, 2653, 2654, 2655, 2656, 2657, 2658, 2659, 2660, 2667, 2668, 2669

67 7 Aug 2020 2707, 2708, 2709, 2710

67 11 Aug 2020 2724, 2725, 2726

67 12 Aug 2020 2737, 2746, 2749, 2751, 2761, 2763, 2766, 2772, 2773, 2779, 2780, 2783, 2786, 2789

68 21 Aug 2020 2807, 2808, 2809, 2810, 2811, 2812, 2813, 2815, 2816, 2817, 2818, 2819, 2820, 2821, 2825, 2826, 2827, 2828, 2829, 2830, 2831, 2833, 2836, 2837, 2839, 2841, 2843, 2845, 2850

68 24 Aug 2020 2867, 2869, 2875

68 25 Aug 2020 2882, 2883, 2884, 2885, 2886

68 1 Sep 2020 2896

70 15 Sep 2020 2905, 2906, 2907

72 13 Oct 2020 2921, 2981, 2982, 2983, 2987

74 15 Oct 2020 2992, 2993, 2994, 2995, 2996, 2997, 2998, 2999, 3000, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005, 3006, 3007

75 16 Oct 2020 3057, 3058

76 27 Oct 2020 3091, 3092, 3093, 3094, 3095, 3096, 3097, 3098, 3099, 3100, 3102 32 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

81 11 Nov 2020 3115, 3118, 3120, 3123, 3124, 3125

86 8 Dec 2020 3151, 3164

88 10 Dec 2020 3218

89 2 Feb 2021 321950, 322050, 322150, 322250, 322350, 322450, 322550, 322650, 322750, 322850, 322950, 323050, 323150, 323250, 323350, 323450, 323550, 323650, 323750, 323850, 323950, 324050, 324150, 324250, 324350, 324450, 324550, 324650, 324750, 324850, 324950, 325050, 3251, 3252, 3253

95 2 Mar 2021 3406, 3408, 3412, 3415, 3417, 3423, 3424, 3427, 3428, 3431, 3432, 3433

98 16 Mar 2021 3442, 3443, 3445

100 18 Mar 2021 3454, 3457

101 29 Apr 2021 3464, 3465, 3466, 3467, 3468, 3469, 3470, 3471, 3472, 3473, 3474, 3475, 3476, 3477, 3478, 3479, 3480, 3481, 3482, 3483, 3484, 3485, 3486, 3487, 3488, 3489, 3490, 3491, 3492, 3493, 3494, 3495, 3496, 3497, 3498, 3499, 3500, 3501, 3502, 3503, 3504, 3505, 3506, 3507, 3508, 3509, 3510, 3511, 3512, 3513, 3514, 3515, 3516, 3517, 3518, 3519, 3520, 3521, 3522, 3523, 3524, 3525, 3526, 3529, 3533, 3534, 3535, 3536, 3537, 3538, 3539, 3540, 3541, 3542, 3543, 3544, 3545, 3546, 3548, 3550, 3551, 3552, 3553, 3554, 3555, 3556, 3557, 3558, 3559, 3560, 3561, 3562, 3563, 3564, 3565, 3566, 3567, 3572, 3576, 3577, 3578, 3579, 3580, 3581, 3582, 3583, 3584, 3585

102 4 May 2021 3589, 3590, 3591, 3592, 3593, 3594, 3595, 3596, 3597, 3598, 3599, 3600, 3601, 3602, 3603, 3604, 3605, 3606, 3607, 3608, 3609, 3610, 3611, 3612, 3613, 3614, 3615, 3616, 3617, 3618, 3619, 3620, 3621, 3622, 3623, 3624, 3625, 3626, 3627, 3628, 3629, 3630, 3631, 3632, 3633, 3634, 3635, 3636, 3637, 3638, 3639, 3640, 3641, 3642, 3643, 3644, 3645, 3646, 3647, 3648, 3649, 3650, 3651, 3652, 3653, 3654, 3655, 3656, 3657, 3658, 3659, 3660, 3661, 3662, 3663, 3664, 3674, 3675, 3678, 3679

104 6 May 2021 3690, 3693

105 25 May 2021 3695, 3696, 3699, 3709, 3710, 3731, 3732, 3733, 3734, 3735, 3736, 3737, 3738, 3739, 3740, 3741, 3742, 3743, 3744, 3745, 3759, 3760, 3761, 3762, 3763, 3764, 3765, 3766, 3767, 3768, 3769, 3770, 3771, 3772, 3773, 3774, 3775, 3776, 3777, 3778, 3779, 3780, 3781, 3782, 3783, 3784, 3785, 3787, 3788, 3789, 3790, 3791, 3792

107 8 Jun 2021 3800, 3801, 3802, 3803, 3804, 3807, 3808, 3809, 3810, 3811, 3812, 3818, 3819, 3821, 3825, 3826, 3827, 3828, 3829, 3830, 3831, 3832, 3833, 3834, 3836, 3837, 3838, 3839, 3840, 3841, 3842, 3843

110 22 Jun 2021 3844, 3845, 3846, 3848, 3850, 3851, 3853, 3857, 3860, 3862, 3863, 3864, 3865, 3866, 3867, 3868, 3869, 3870, 7 September 2021 33

3871, 3872, 3873, 3874, 3875, 3876, 3877, 3878, 3879, 3880, 3881, 3882, 3883, 3884, 3885, 3886, 3887, 3888, 3889, 3890, 3891

111 23 Jun 2021 3894, 3896, 3898, 3899

112 24 Jun 2021 3902, 3903, 3904, 3908, 3912, 3913, 3914, 3915, 3916, 3917, 3918, 3920, 3921, 3922, 3923

113 3 Aug 2021 3924, 3925, 3926, 3927, 3928, 3929, 3930, 3931, 3932, 3933, 3934, 3935, 3936, 3937, 3938, 3939, 3940, 3941, 3942, 3943, 3944, 3945, 3946, 3947, 3948, 3949, 3950, 3951, 3952, 3953, 3954, 3955, 3956, 3957, 3958, 3959, 3960, 3961, 3962, 3963, 3964, 3965, 3966, 3967, 3968, 3969

114 4 Aug 2021 3970, 3971, 3972, 3973, 3974

116 17 Aug 2021 3975, 3976, 3977, 3978, 3979, 3980, 3981, 3982, 3983, 3984, 3985, 3986, 3987, 3988, 3989, 3990, 3991, 3992, 3993, 3994, 3995, 3996, 3997, 3998, 3999, 4000, 4001, 4002, 4003, 4004, 4005, 4006, 4007, 4008, 4009, 4010, 4011, 4012, 4013, 4014, 4015, 4016, 4017, 4018, 4019, 4020, 4021, 4022, 4023, 4024, 4025, 4026, 4027, 4028, 4029, 4030, 4031, 4032, 4033, 4034, 4035, 4036, 4037, 4038, 4039, 4040, 4041, 4042, 4043, 4044, 4045, 4046, 4047, 4048, 4049, 4050, 4051, 4052, 4053, 4054, 4055, 4056, 4057, 4058, 4059, 4060, 4061, 4062, 4063, 4064, 4065, 4066, 4067, 4068, 4069, 4070, 4071, 4072, 4073, 4074, 4075, 4076, 4077, 4078, 4079, 4080, 4081, 4082, 4083, 4084, 4085, 4086, 4087, 4088, 4089, 4090, 4091, 4092, 4093, 4094, 4095, 4096, 4097, 4098, 4099, 4100, 4101, 4102, 4103, 4104, 4105, 4106, 4107, 4108, 4109, 4110, 4111, 4112, 4113, 4114, 4115, 4116, 4117, 4118, 4119, 4120, 4121, 4122, 4123, 4124, 4125, 4126, 4127, 4128, 4129, 4130, 4131, 4132, 4133, 4134, 4135, 4136, 4137, 4138, 4139, 4140, 4141, 4142, 4143, 4144, 4145, 4146, 4147, 4148, 4149, 4150, 4151, 4152, 4153, 4154, 4155, 4156, 4157, 4158, 4159, 4160, 4161, 4162, 4163, 4164, 4165, 4166, 4167, 4168, 4169, 4170, 4171, 4172, 4173, 4174, 4175

25 Reinstated in full on 17 March 2020 50 Reinstated in full on 5 May 2021

34 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

(Notice received 17 August 2021)

3975 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Transport Infrastructure):

In relation to page 27 of Budget Paper No. 4 in the 2016-17 Budget, where it states that the completion date for the Drysdale Bypass in Drysdale was planned to be before 30 June 2016, after the publication date of the Budget Papers: (1) What date was the Drysdale Bypass planning project completed. (2) What was the actual spend for the Drysdale Bypass planning project.

3976 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Transport Infrastructure):

In relation to page 106 of Budget Paper No. 4 in the 2016-17 Budget which states the completion date for the Drysdale Bypass in Drysdale is the fourth quarter of 2021-22: What works are scheduled to be completed during the 2021-22 financial year.

3977 DR BACH — To ask the Minister for Early Childhood:

How many kindergarten service closures and program modifications have been reported due to a shortage of early childhood educators, teachers and relief staff.

3978 DR BACH — To ask the Minister for Early Childhood:

What Government advice is provided to early childhood services when they cannot get relief teachers.

3979 DR BACH — To ask the Minister for Early Childhood:

What action is the Government implementing in the next six months to address the chronic shortage of early childhood educators and teachers.

3980 DR BACH — To ask the Minister for Early Childhood:

What action is the Government currently taking to address the high attrition rates of early childhood educators and teachers.

3981 DR BACH — To ask the Minister for Early Childhood:

In relation to the diminishing rate of students undertaking childhood courses: How will the Government guarantee that there will be a sufficient rate of early childhood students qualifying in the next six months to meet demand.

3982 DR BACH — To ask the Minister for Early Childhood:

In relation to the low level of completion rates of students in early childhood courses: How many months or years will the roll-out plan for three-year old kindergarten be delayed.

3983 DR BACH — To ask the Minister for Early Childhood:

In relation to early childhood services with high levels of vulnerable children: How has access to kindergarten been maintained, given the high attrition rates in early childhood teachers and educators.

3984 DR BACH — To ask the Minister for Early Childhood:

In relation to the shortfall of graduates with a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care: What steps is the Government taking to attract and retain students to this course.

7 September 2021 35

3985 DR BACH — To ask the Minister for Early Childhood:

Will the Government fund targeted traineeship programs to attract early childhood trainees.

3986 DR BACH — To ask the Minister for Early Childhood:

How many kindergartens have been reported as unable to provide student placements due to staffing shortages.

3987 DR BACH — To ask the Minister for Early Childhood:

In relation to the new Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care course, and its extended placement requirements: How will the Government ensure that students studying this course are able to secure placements.

3988 DR BACH — To ask the Minister for Early Childhood:

How many students are currently studying Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care in Victoria.

3989 DR BACH — To ask the Minister for Early Childhood:

What is the Government’s current estimate of the shortage of early childhood educators and teachers in regional and rural Victoria.

3990 DR BACH — To ask the Minister for Early Childhood:

How many casual relief teachers are required to meet current demand in early childhood services in Victoria.

3991 DR BACH — To ask the Minister for Early Childhood:

How many early childhood educators and teachers are required to meet the chronic shortage currently in regional Victoria.

3992 DR BACH — To ask the Minister for Early Childhood:

In relation to current staffing shortages impacting placements for students in early childhood services: How will the Government increase the ability of early childhood education services to meet this demand.

3993 DR BACH — To ask the Minister for Early Childhood:

In relation to the new Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care course, and its extended placement requirements that is exacerbating the strain on services to provide placements: Will the Government develop a placement model that encourages services to provide placements to vocational students.

3994 DR BACH — To ask the Minister for Early Childhood:

In relation to Early Years Management organisations — (a) how many are there currently in Victoria; and (b) how many kindergartens do they manage in total.

3995 DR BACH — To ask the Minister for Early Childhood:

How many Early Years Management organisations have closed or ceased operating since 2019.

3996 DR BACH — To ask the Minister for Early Childhood:

When will the Government release the Victorian Early Childhood Workforce Strategy.

3997 MR DAVIS — To ask the Attorney-General (for the Treasurer):

In relation to the 2015-16 Museum Victoria Exhibition Renewal project: 36 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

(1) Did the project have a full business case completed prior to project announcement, and if not, why not. (2) Was this project classified as a High Value High Risk project.

3998 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Creative Industries):

In relation to the Museum Victoria Exhibition Renewal project and the reported completion of the project in the fourth financial quarter of 2018-19, as outlined on page 70 of Budget Paper No. 4 in the 2019-20 Budget: (1) What date was the project completed. (2) At project close, what was the actual — (a) capital expenditure; and (b) output expenditure.

3999 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Creative Industries):

In relation to the Museum Victoria Exhibition Renewal project: (1) Which exhibits were purchased under the project, in list form. (2) What was the cost of each exhibit purchased under the project.

4000 MR DAVIS — To ask the Attorney-General (for the Treasurer):

In relation to the 2015-16 Melbourne Exhibition Centre Stage 2 Development project: (1) Did the project have a full business case completed prior to project announcement, and if not, why not. (2) Was this project classified as a High Value High Risk project.

4001 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Creative Industries):

In relation to the 2015-16 Melbourne Exhibition Centre Stage 2 Development project and the reported completion of the project in the fourth financial quarter of 2018-19, as outlined on page 70 of Budget Paper No. 4 in the 2019-20 Budget: (1) What date was the project completed. (2) At project close, what was the actual — (a) capital expenditure; and (b) output expenditure.

4002 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Creative Industries):

In relation to the announcement of the 2015-16 Melbourne Exhibition Centre Stage 2 Development project, which was reported without a total estimated investment (TEI) and estimated completion date for two successive years: Why was this project prematurely announced.

4003 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Creative Industries):

In relation to the Melbourne Exhibition Centre Stage 2 Development project and the different estimated completion dates reported in successive budget papers from 2015-16 to 2019-20: What has driven each successive estimated completion date change for this project.

4004 MR DAVIS — To ask the Attorney-General (for the Treasurer):

In relation to the 2015-16 Arts and Cultural Facilities Maintenance Fund project: (1) Did the project have a full business case completed prior to project announcement, and if not, why not. (2) Was this project classified as a High Value High Risk project. 7 September 2021 37

4005 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Creative Industries):

In relation to the Arts and Cultural Facilities Maintenance Fund project and the reported completion of the project in the fourth financial quarter of 2019-20: (1) What date was the project completed. (2) Why was the project delayed by 12 months relative to the completion date at project announcement. (3) At project close, what was the actual — (a) capital expenditure; and (b) output expenditure.

4006 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Creative Industries):

In relation to the Arts and Cultural Facilities Maintenance Fund project: The project was announced with a total estimated investment (TEI) of $20 million and $0 output funding, but by project close more than $10 million was transferred from capital to output: Why was this project announced before there was a clear understanding of its scope.

4007 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Creative Industries):

In relation to the Arts and Cultural Facilities Maintenance Fund project: (1) What works were funded from the capital component of the project. (2) What is the expenditure of each item of capital funded work. (3) What is the completion date of each item of capital funded work.

4008 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Creative Industries):

In relation to the Arts and Cultural Facilities Maintenance Fund project: (1) What works were funded from the output component of the project. (2) What is the expenditure of each item of output funded work. (3) What is the completion date of each item of output funded work.

4009 MR DAVIS — To ask the Attorney-General (for the Treasurer):

In relation to the 2015-16 State Library Victoria Redevelopment project: (1) Did the project have a full business case completed prior to project announcement, and if not, why not. (2) Was this project classified as a High Value High Risk project.

4010 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Creative Industries):

In relation to the State Library Victoria Redevelopment project and the original project total estimated investment (TEI) of $83.1 million: Were the scope of works completed by the second financial quarter of 2019-20 as per the project announcement in the 2015-16 Budget, and if not, why not.

4011 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Creative Industries):

In relation to the State Library Victoria Redevelopment project and the changes in scope resulting in an additional $6.9 million being allocated to this project in 2019-20: (1) What changes in scope underpinned the additional $6.9 million allocation to the project. (2) Why were these items not included in the original scope of the project announced in the 2015-16 Budget. (3) Why was the project announced prematurely.

38 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

4012 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Creative Industries):

In relation to the State Library Victoria Redevelopment project and the reported completion of the project in the fourth financial quarter of 2020-21, as outlined on page 89 of Budget Paper No. 4 in the 2021-22 Budget: (1) What date was the project completed. (2) At project close, what was the actual — (a) capital expenditure; and (b) output expenditure.

4013 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 381 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4014 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 388 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4015 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 461 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4016 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 709 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4017 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 796 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

7 September 2021 39

4018 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 890 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4019 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 898 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4020 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 246 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4021 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 382 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4022 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 403 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4023 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 462 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4024 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 789 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: 40 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

(1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4025 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 798 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4026 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 891 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4027 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 899 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4028 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 301 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4029 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 383 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4030 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 418 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented. 7 September 2021 41

4031 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 505 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4032 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 790 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4033 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 799 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4034 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 892 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4035 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 900 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4036 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 309 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4037 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 384 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: 42 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

(1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4038 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 426 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4039 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 509 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4040 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 791 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4041 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 833 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4042 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 893 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4043 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 905 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented. 7 September 2021 43

4044 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 356 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4045 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 385 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4046 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 456 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4047 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 517 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4048 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 792 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4049 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 843 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4050 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 893 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: 44 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

(1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4051 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 906 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4052 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 357 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4053 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4054 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 460 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4055 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 543 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4056 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 792 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented. 7 September 2021 45

4057 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 847 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4058 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 897 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4059 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 907 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4060 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 358 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4061 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 387 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4062 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 461 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4063 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 561 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: 46 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

(1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4064 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 795 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4065 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 863 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4066 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 897 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4067 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Metropolitan Bus Route 908 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4068 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Ballarat Bus Route 12 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4069 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Ballarat Bus Route 14 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented. 7 September 2021 47

4070 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Ballarat Bus Route 20 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4071 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Ballarat Bus Route 22 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4072 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Ballarat Bus Route 24 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4073 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Ballarat Bus Route 26 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4074 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Ballarat Bus Route 31 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4075 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Ballarat Bus Route 11 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4076 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Ballarat Bus Route 13 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: 48 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

(1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4077 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Ballarat Bus Route 15 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4078 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Ballarat Bus Route 21 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4079 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Ballarat Bus Route 23 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4080 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Ballarat Bus Route 25 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4081 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Ballarat Bus Route 30 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4082 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Bendigo Bus Route 5 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented. 7 September 2021 49

4083 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Bendigo Bus Route 50 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4084 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Bendigo Bus Route 52 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4085 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Bendigo Bus Route 54 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4086 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Bendigo Bus Route 60 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4087 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Bendigo Bus Route 62 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4088 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Bendigo Bus Route 65 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4089 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Bendigo Bus Route 6 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: 50 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

(1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4090 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Bendigo Bus Route 51 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4091 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Bendigo Bus Route 53 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4092 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Bendigo Bus Route 55 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4093 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Bendigo Bus Route 61 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4094 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Bendigo Bus Route 63 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4095 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Bendigo Bus Route 70 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented. 7 September 2021 51

4096 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 1 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4097 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 12 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4098 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 22 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4099 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 25 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4100 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 32 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4101 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 42 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4102 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 50 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: 52 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

(1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4103 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 56 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4104 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 10 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4105 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 19 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4106 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 23 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4107 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 30 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4108 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 40 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented. 7 September 2021 53

4109 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 43 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4110 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 51 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4111 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 60 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4112 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 11 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4113 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 20 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4114 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 24 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4115 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 31 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: 54 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

(1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4116 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 41 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4117 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 45 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4118 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 55 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4119 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Geelong Bus Route 61 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4120 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 1 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (1) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4121 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 4 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented. 7 September 2021 55

4122 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 7 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4123 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 11 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4124 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 15 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4125 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 22 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4126 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 41 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4127 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 44 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4128 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 2 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: 56 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

(1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4129 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 5 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4130 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 8 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4131 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 12 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4132 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 20 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4133 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 21 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4134 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 30 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented. 7 September 2021 57

4135 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 42 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4136 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 45 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4137 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 3 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4138 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 6 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4139 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 9 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4140 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 14 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4141 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 40 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: 58 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

(1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4142 MR DAVIS — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Public Transport):

In relation to the Minister’s answer to Question on Notice No. 1027, which indicated that Latrobe Valley Bus Route 43 was ‘introduced or changed’ in the context of the 2015-16 Bus Package: (1) Was this route introduced or changed, and if so, when. (2) If this route was changed, what changes were made and when was each change implemented.

4143 MS CROZIER — To ask the Attorney-General (for the Minister for Health):

What proportion of positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) COVID-19 tests were from asymptomatic people, from the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic to date.

4144 MS CROZIER — To ask the Attorney-General (for the Minister for Health):

In relation to the furloughing of healthcare workers due to COVID-19 outbreaks: (1) How many health services have furloughed staff since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. (2) For each public health service, what is the highest percentage of staff furloughed at any one time since the beginning of the pandemic. (3) What contingency plans are in place if high numbers of staff are furloughed. (4) Has the furloughing of staff at any public service resulted in deterioration of patient care or any adverse outcomes.

4145 MS CROZIER — To ask the Attorney-General (for the Minister for Health):

From 5 August 2021 to date, how many staff at Western Health have been furloughed due to COVID-19 outbreaks.

4146 MS CROZIER — To ask the Attorney-General (for the Minister for Health):

What advice has your office or the Department of Health received regarding the use of point-of-care polymerase chain reaction (PCR) COVID-19 tests.

4147 MS CROZIER — To ask the Attorney-General (for the Minister for Health):

Is the Department of Health working with the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity in developing point-of-care polymerase chain reaction (PCR) COVID-19 tests.

4148 MS CROZIER — To ask the Attorney-General (for the Minister for Health):

How many anti-depressant prescriptions were administered from 1 July 2020 to date.

4149 MS CROZIER — To ask the Attorney-General (for the Minister for Health):

How many doctors are stationed at the drive-through vaccination hub at 149 Barries Road, Melton West.

4150 MS CROZIER — To ask the Attorney-General (for the Minister for Health):

How many pharmacies were offering COVID-19 vaccinations as at — (a) 1 July 2021; and (b) 1 August 2021.

4151 MS CROZIER — To ask the Attorney-General (for the Minister for Ambulance Services):

7 September 2021 59

How many Ambulance Victoria paramedics have worked overtime since 1 April 2021 to date.

4152 MS CROZIER — To ask the Attorney-General (for the Minister for Ambulance Services):

How many Ambulance Victoria employees have had to self-isolate or have been furloughed due to exposure to COVID-19 since 1 April 2021 to date.

4153 MS CROZIER — To ask the Attorney-General (for the Minister for Ambulance Services):

How many WorkCover claims have been lodged by Ambulance Victoria employees since 1 April 2021 to date.

4154 MS CROZIER — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services):

What are the Chief Health Officer’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the COVID-19 Accommodation Program.

4155 MS CROZIER — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services):

In relation to weekly audits conducted by Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Site Leads at each operational quarantine hotel, Melbourne Airport and transport hub: (1) How many breaches of personal protective equipment (PPE) procedures and protocols have there been at each site since weekly audits began. (2) How many breaches of hand hygiene procedures and protocols have there been at each site since weekly audits began. (3) How many breaches of donning and doffing procedures and protocols have there been at each site since weekly audits began.

4156 MS CROZIER — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services):

In relation to monthly audits conducted by Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Managers at each operational quarantine hotel, Melbourne Airport and transport hub: (1) How many breaches of personal protective equipment (PPE) procedures and protocols have there been at each site since monthly audits began. (2) How many breaches of hand hygiene procedures and protocols have there been at each site since monthly audits began. (3) How many breaches of donning and doffing procedures and protocols have there been at each site since monthly audits began. (4) Have these audits revealed any breaches that were not identified in weekly audits conducted by Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Site Leads.

4157 MS CROZIER — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services):

In relation to third line assurance audits conducted by various COVID-19 Accommodation Program partners and external parties at each operational quarantine hotel, Melbourne Airport and transport hub: (1) How many of these audits have been conducted. (2) Who has conducted these audits. (3) Have these audits highlighted any failings in governance of the COVID-19 Accommodation Program. (4) Have these audits highlighted failings in risk management within the COVID-19 Accommodation Program. (5) Have these audits revealed failings of internal controls within the COVID-19 Accommodation Program. 60 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

4158 MS CROZIER — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services):

How many Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Site Leads are currently employed within the COVID-19 Accommodation Program.

4159 MS CROZIER — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services):

How many Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Managers are currently employed within the COVID-19 Accommodation Program.

4160 MS CROZIER — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services):

Who is the Chair of the Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Steering Committee.

4161 MS CROZIER — To ask the Attorney-General (for the Minister for Health):

How many ventilators were distributed as part of the intensive care unit (ICU) expansion strategy.

4162 MS CROZIER — To ask the Attorney-General (for the Minister for Health):

How many final year paramedic students and graduates took up surge workforce opportunities to assist with contact tracing during the second wave.

4163 MS CROZIER — To ask the Attorney-General (for the Minister for Health):

How many personnel were provided by private businesses to assist with contact tracing during 2020.

4164 MS CROZIER — To ask the Attorney-General (for the Minister for Health):

In relation to the 4,590 rapid testing kits in Victoria’s stockpile on 22 October 2020: (1) How many of these kits have been used. (2) Where have these kits been used.

4165 MS CROZIER — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services):

In relation to the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Matrix in use at all COVID-19 Quarantine Victoria (CQV) sites: (1) How many ‘zones’ have been developed and how are they defined. (2) What PPE is required in each zone.

4166 MS CROZIER — To ask the Minister for Training and Skills (for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services):

In relation to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) training provided to staff at Melbourne Airport, a quarantine hotel or a health hotel: (1) What does the training involve. (2) Are staff retrained if there are breaches of infection protocols and procedures. (3) How many staff have been dismissed, suspended, or moved elsewhere for failing to — (a) use PPE as trained; and (b) follow infection prevention and control (IPC) protocols and procedures.

4167 MS CROZIER — To ask the Attorney-General (for the Minister for Health):

In relation to public COVID-19 testing sites across Victoria: (1) Has a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Matrix been developed for use at all sites. (2) Are there clearly defined ‘zones’ at these sites. 7 September 2021 61

(3) Is there mandatory PPE and infection prevention and control (IPC) training for staff. (4) How many staff have been dismissed, suspended, or moved elsewhere for failing to — (a) use PPE as trained; and (b) follow IPC protocols and procedures. (5) Are staff retrained if there are breaches of infection protocols and procedures. (6) How are traffic controllers, nurses, and doctors at the sites being kept separate. (7) Are there designated toilets for testing site staff separate to those for public use at the sites, and if so, how many breaches have there been where testing site staff have used the same toilets as members of the public.

4168 DR RATNAM — To ask the Minister for Local Government (for the Minister for Consumer Affairs, Gaming and Liquor Regulation):

In relation to modified residential tenancy agreements that were negotiated under the temporary COVID-19 rental laws, between 29 March 2020 and 29 March 2021: (1) How many temporary rent agreements were registered with Consumer Affairs Victoria, and of these agreements, how many were registered without requiring dispute resolution services. (2) How many agreements were for a rent reduction and what was the average reduction. (3) How many agreements were for a rent deferral. (4) What was the average length of an agreement. (5) How many reduced rent agreements were lodged in each month of the scheme. (6) How many agreements, where a rent reduction was negotiated, were backdated to when the initial request for a reduction was made. (7) What was the average time taken to reach an agreement. (8) How many disputes were referred to the Chief Dispute Resolution Officer for Residential Tenancies.

4169 DR RATNAM — To ask the Attorney-General:

In relation to the Commission for Children and Young People’s June 2021 report, Our youth, our way: Inquiry into the over-representation of Aboriginal children and young people in the Victorian youth justice system: When and how will the Government formally respond to the report’s recommendations.

4170 MR HAYES — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Transport Infrastructure):

In relation to the Glenferrie Road level crossing in Kooyong: (1) What is the timeline for the proposed removal of this level crossing. (2) Has the Minister consulted with the Federal Government regarding the $260 million offer to assist with this project.

4171 MR HAYES — To ask the Minister for Employment (for the Minister for Transport Infrastructure):

In relation to Docklands and Yarra’s Edge residents being informed of developments plans in the area: (1) Will the proposal to build a tram bridge from Collins Street to Lorimer Street proceed. (2) Can the Minister provide information on the proposed build of the low level, six metre high freight bridge adjacent to the Bolte Bridge.

62 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 116

4172 MR HAYES — To ask the Minister for Local Government (for the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change):

In relation to the Minister’s response to Question on Notice No. 3824: Will the Minister consider a new holistic plan for the future, rather than three separate management plans.

4173 MR HAYES — To ask the Minister for Workplace Safety (for the Minister for Planning):

In relation to the interim heritage order put forward by the Boroondara City Council and supported by local residents for 1 Cooloongatta Road, Camberwell: Will the Minister approve the interim heritage order.

4174 MR HAYES — To ask the Minister for Workplace Safety (for the Minister for Planning):

Is there a strategy for future management and re-opening of the Flinders Street Station ballroom site.

4175 MR HAYES — To ask the Minister for Workplace Safety (for the Minister for Planning):

In relation to the five-storey development near the Royal Exhibition Building which will breach UNESCO world heritage protections: (1) What are the Government’s plans to strengthen protections on this site and its surroundings. (2) Will the Minister consider establishing an independent statutory authority to manage the site and the World Heritage Environs Area to ensure transparency, independence and unified management.

To view, please visit http://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/council/notice-paper

By Authority: Government Printer for the State of Victoria 31 August 2021 63