business leaders paying up to $22,000 for QForum access to LNP's

• by:Steven Wardill • From:The Courier-Mail • March 03, 2012 12:02AM

QUEENSLAND'S business elite are paying up to $22,000 to cosy up to Campbell Newman under the LNP's latest pay-per-view program.

The Courier-Mail can reveal the first event of the so-called QForum was staged in on Thursday night and featured former federal treasurer Peter Costello.

It is understood Mr Newman told the gathering that Joh Bjelke-Petersen ran the last decent government in Queensland.

His behind-closed-doors comments came only hours after he publicly labelled the same regime corrupt while touring the late former premier's home of Kingaroy.

The revelation comes after a horror week for the LNP leader dominated by Mr Newman giving himself the green light to continue owning all his interests and pleading ignorance over multiple payments from developer donors.

The rise of a new high-level program for paid access to LNP politicians will spark renewed outrage and debate over the ethics of the practice.

Premier scrapped such events after a campaign byThe Courier-Mail and an attack by corruption crusader , who claimed the practice was leading Queensland back to its "dark days".

With memberships on offer for 12 months, the LNP plans to continue holding the QForum events well after the March 24 election, despite the ethical dilemmas.

The most basic package of $3300, slightly less than the average worker earns in a month, gives access to the 10 events to be held each year.

Other packages include access to the LNP's corporate observers program, where membership buys access to senior MPs.

The premium sponsorship package costs $22,000 and offers prominent logo recognition, a five- minute speech and a seat at the head table. Promotional material for QForum is devoid of the LNP brand but the telephone number and address belongs to the party.

The events promise to "bring together a cross section of business and industry leaders and key decision and policy makers".

SEE the electorates and candidates in the Queensland election

Despite Mr Newman travelling around Queensland with a banner promising "increased accountability", the LNP yesterday refused to name members or the amount of cash that QForum had raised for its coffers.

Labor state secretary Anthony Chisholm said Mr Newman wasn't interested in Queensland families.

"This week proves the only people Mr Newman wants to help are his family and those who donate cash to fill his coffers," he said.

An LNP spokesperson would not reveal who attended the function or how much money was raised, but QForum contributions were subject to the usual funding and disclosure rules.