Bienvenidos • Welcome to our Catholic Community One Family in Christ | Una Familia en Cristo

1301 South Green River Road Evansville, Indiana 47715

Pastor Rev. Bernie Etienne Associate Pastor Rev. Martı́n Estrada Holy Rosary Church (all area codes are 812) Parish OfLice : 477-8923 Parish Fax: 471-7226 Hours: 8 am - 4:30 pm School OfLice: 477-2271 School OfLice Fax: 471-7230 Pre School: 471-7228 Cafeteria: 477-3518

Mass Times: Monday 7:00 AM Tuesday 6:00 PM Wednesday 7:00 AM & 6:00 PM en Español Thursday 7:00 AM, 8:00 AM School Friday 7:00 AM Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 7:30, 9 & 11 AM 12:30 PM en Español Reconciliation Saturday 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Tues. & Wed. - 5:00-5:45 PM ()

Visit our Website at and our Facebook Page at Holy Rosary Catholic Church Dear Friends, Queridos amigos, It is hard to believe that we are almost Es difícil creer que estamos casi a la mitad de half way through our Lenten season. Soon nuestra temporada de Cuaresma. Pronto we will celebrate the Resurrection of our celebraremos la Resurrección de nuestro Señor y la Lord. Therefore, the Church invites us to be Iglesia nos invita a estar preparados para esta prepared for such a great celebration. gran celebración. La Cuaresma es el momento de Lent is the time to prepare our hearts by preparar nuestros corazones haciendo actos de doing acts of charity and by getting caridad y acercándonos a nuestro Dios. closer to our God. This Sunday, March 15, we will have a communal Este domingo 15 de marzo, a las 4:00 pm, tendremos reconciliation service at 4:00 PM and continued as un servicio comunitario de reconciliación. La confesión needed. is the opportunity to es la oportunidad de reconocer el tiempos en que acknowledge the times we have been away from hemos estado lejos del Señor y el deseo de hacer las the Lord and the desire to do things better. Saint cosas mejor. San Agustín dijo: "La confesión de las Augustine said: "The confession of evil works is the malas obras es el primer comienzo de las buenas first beginning of good works." Let us therefore obras". Por lo tanto, continuemos nuestra jornada para dar lo mejor de nosotros como católicos continue our journey to do our best as Catholics by aprovechando al máximo nuestros sacramentos en los getting the most from our Sacraments in which the que se derrama la gracia de Dios. grace of God is poured out. In other news, we are called to care for the Otras noticias: estamos llamados a cuidar de nuestro wellbeing of others and our own wellbeing. Due to propio bienestar y del de los demás. Debido a la the flu and virus season, we should take the temporada de gripe y virus, debemos tomar las necessary measures that protect ourselves and medidas necesarias para protegernos a nosotros those around us out of charity. mismos y a quienes nos rodean. The diocese recommends: La diócesis recomienda: Holy Communion from the and the Sign · La Sagrada Comunión del cáliz y el Signo de la Paz of Peace are to be suspended immediately se suspenden inmediatamente en todas las misas hasta at all Masses until further notice. nuevo aviso. If you are sick or are experiencing symptoms · Si está enfermo o experimenta síntomas de of sickness you are not obliged to attend enfermedad, no está obligado a asistir a misa. Mass. · Se insta a los sacerdotes, diáconos y ministros , , and extraordinary ministers extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión a practicar of Holy Communion are urged to practice una buena higiene, lavarse las manos antes de que good hygiene, washing their hands before comience la misa. Mass begins. · Limite otras oportunidades de contacto físico tanto Limit other opportunities for physical contact antes como después de la misa (ejemplo: los que dan both before and after Mass (example – la Bienvenida no deben estrechar la mano de las greeters should not shake hands with personas cuando entran o salen de la iglesia). people as they enter or leave church). Las vacunas, la buena higiene, evitar a las personas enfermas y quedarse en casa si está enfermo son las Vaccinations, good hygiene, avoiding sick mejores formas de evitar la transmisión del virus. people, and staying home if you are sick are the best ways to avoid transmitting the Recordemos a todos los enfermos en nuestras virus. oraciones. Please continue to remember all of the sick in your prayer. Dios los bendiga, Padre Martín Christ’s peace, Fr. Martin Estrada Page 2 — Holy Rosary Parish March 15, 2020

WE ARE BACK!!! Holy Rosary Premium Smoked Pork RICE BOWLS Loin Back Ribs…Saturday, March 21 – $20/Slab. THIRD WEEK OF LENT Pick-up from 10 AM – 12 Noon at the MEN’S CLUB Meet Yvone from Kenya. She GARAGE on the Holy Rosary Campus. For pre- learned proper nutrition and orders, e-mail [email protected] with name, order hygiene practices to help keep her healthy and in amount and your phone # or call 812-480-7495 with school. Yvone now has a chance to dream and the your order. Only 120 slabs available. Members will strength to follow those dreams. How can you ensure be calling previous customers. Portions of the net pro- that young people in your community receive proper ceeds benefit various needs of the Parish. Sponsored nutrition? Visit for more. by the Holy Rosary Men’s Club.

This weekend we celebrate Catholic leadership 40 Days for Life with 2 young people from our parish communi- Join Holy Rosary and St. John's (Newburgh) parishion- ty. Andrew Hemerich and Cameron Jones will be ers as they participate in a vigil for the end of abor- honored with the Saint Maria Goretti Distinction on tion. Every Thursday during the month of March we Sunday afternoon (1:00 p.m.) at the Cathedral. will be walking and praying outside the Planned This distinction can be presented to 2 young people Parenthood on Weinbach Ave. To register a group or from each parish in the diocese who exhibit Catholic individual, please contact Kathy Smith leadership both in their parish and in their school and at [email protected] or Kim Engbers local communities. at [email protected] Congratulations Andrew & Cameron

FAITH DAY WAS A BLESSING! March Grief Support Luncheon Thanks to parishioners Marilyn Doyle and Diane Ellis The March Grief Support Luncheon will be held on who served on our planning committee. Gratitude to Wednesday, March 18 at 11:30 AM in the Parish Hall. Mary Wolk who did publicity and Janice Stratton who Please call the office to make reservations or email coordinated refreshments with the help of a great Linda at [email protected] or Sr. Mary team. We cannot thank you enough --- all who helped at [email protected]. with set up and clean up, registration, prayer, presen- tations, and as active participants! Saturday's Faith Day was a blessing! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Newcomers Brunch – April 5 Carol Ann Gaddis and Sr. Mary Mundy We would like to welcome all those who have become a member of our Parish Family within the last six months. This could be through joining as a new Health Ministry invites you to join us Parishioner or new through the RCIA program. on Friday, March 20 and March 27. You are invited to join us in a Celebration of becoming Our program will begin at 10 AM in the Parish Hall part of our Parish Family. Please join us for a Newcom- for A Positive Approach to Care video series: ers Brunch in conjunction with Food & Fellowship on: “The Journey of Dementia” by Teepa Snow. Sunday, April 5, in the Parish Hall. This video helps with preparation and readiness Stop by after the 9:00AM Mass or around 10:00 AM tips in caring and identifying state of the disease. All are welcome to attend. Please gather with us for food, fun, fellowship & freebies! If you have any questions please feel free to (Holy Rosary Goodie Bags will be given out) call Linda A @ 812-477-8923 or NEWCOMER’S Welcome Sunday, April 5,After 9AM Mass email: [email protected] NAME: ______#______RSVP by April 1, 2020 by turning in slip to Parish/School Office, place in collection basket or by calling/emailing the Parish Office at 812-477-8923 or [email protected]

Holy Rosary Parish — Page 3 SUMMER SOCIAL JUNE 4, 5 & 6 NEEDS: New Study on Saturday Mornings - The Bible gifts you won't use?... Gift cards to places and the Church Fathers is a new study beginning Sat- that aren't your favorite?...... Down sizing? Spring urday, March 28th at 7:30 a.m. Through this study cleaning? Please remember the Silent Auction/Raffle you’ll learn who the Early Church Fathers were and for the Summer Social. Clean, new, unused items are how they shaped the way we read Scripture. It will needed. If you have questions please call Mary Broth- also teach you everything you need to know about ers in the evenings at 812-858-5069 . how the Bible took form, powerful tools for reading it, and better understand Scripture’s relationship to Tra- Please Help: dition and to the sacraments. Please contact Bill Your help is needed for the success of the Silent Auc- Groves 812-449-3255 or Carol Ann 812-477-8923 tion and Raffle at our Summer Social. It is a huge job por go online to to register. The cost is and people are essential before and after the Social. $27.00. 1. People to contact businesses for donations. Letter and basic lists provided. Take control of your 2. People initiate ideas to encourage parishioners. money with Financial 3. People to pick up donations. Peace University (FPU)! 4. People to make follow up phone calls. This nine-lesson course 5. Help moving items to gym on day before...teens uses biblical wisdom and are welcome! common sense to help 6. Help calling winners on Sunday morning. you tackle budgeting, 7. Sunday afternoon help needed taking items from pay off debt, and make your money work for you! gym to parish hall...teens are welcome! FPU includes your member workbook and a year of free online resources through Financial Peace Member- 8. Monday after Social - hand out items to winners ship. FPU classes start at Holy Rosary Parish Sunday, and make follow up calls. April 19, at 4:30 PM and is a nine-week course. Needed for Summer Social…..While Spring Cleaning, Join an FPU group today! Please contact the Parish Office at 812-477-8923 to please save your new or gently used clean stuffed register or contact Joe Holtz at [email protected] for animals. They can be dropped off in Parish Office. more information. Call Becky Smither at 456-1165 with questions.

RCIA - On March 1st we sent our Candidates and *Help Needed - United Caring Shelter - Catechumen to the Cathedral for the Rite of Elec- Monthly Service Opportunity* tion. It is always fun watching their reaction to meet- ing the and ALL THOSE PEOPLE who are also Holy Rosary Parish has partnered with United Car- becoming Catholic. Please pray for our candidates ing Shelter to cook and serve on the 2nd Saturday and catechumen during these final weeks of prepara- of every month for lunch. It is a 3 hour shift to begin tion at 10:00 AM & end at 1:00 PM. We are schedul- The Unbaptized: Damon Havill, John McCullouogh, ing out for the year, July until December, so please Maria Perez, April Schumate, Mariano Zamudio. call to reserve your spot. Contact Melissa Zint at The Baptized: Priscilla Campbell, Cathy Dale, Ali [email protected] or 812-484-4381, to sign Garau, Jonathan Parkhurst, Laylah Ragland, Liz up to volunteer. This is a great opportunity for all Stauth, and Nathan Weisling. members of Holy Rosary Parish to work together and provide a meal the guests will appreciate. Our Vigil Reception: Are you a cook or a baker next few dates are April 11, May 9, June 13 and and are willing to donate food for the July 11,August 8, September 12. Reception on Saturday, April 11. We are looking for Also, we are looking for a partner to work along- simple finger foods that can be enjoyed in the late side Melissa - A backup is needed for when life evening after Mass. We are also looking for a few happens and we can count on someone to run the good volunteers who can help decorate (Saturday show. morning) and worker bees to help set up during Mass and serve and clean up after Mass. Contact Carol Ann if you are able to help at 812-477-8923. Page 4 — Holy Rosary Parish FISH FRIES DURING LENT: St. Wendel Knights of Saint John will be hosting their Pray the Rosary Monday thru Friday 6:45 AM & annual Fish Fry on Friday, March 20, from 5-7 pm. . Sunday 7:15 AM Church For more information call 812-963-6159. Quilters Mon. 6:00 - 9:00 PM PH-LL St. Benedict - Fridays, thru April 3, 5-7 PM. $10 - & Tues. 8:00 - 11:00 AM Adults, $5 - Kids. Religious Education Sunday, 11:00 AM Holy Redeemer Catholic Church Fish Fry. Friday, March RCIA English Sunday, 10:00 AM 20, and April 3rd. 5pm-7pm, Adult $11.00, Child $5 RICA Spanish Sunday, 11:00 AM (ages 5-10) (4 and under FREE). Dine in or drive thru. Food Pantry Wed./Thurs 9:30-11:30 AM, Wed. 5:30-7:15 PM Call Holy Redeemer for advance sale tickets 424-8344.

FRIDAYS DURING LENT - and Mass on Fridays during Lent starting at 5:00 PM at St. Agnes Monday 16 6:00 PM Corinthians Bible Study Church, 1600 Glendale Ave, Evansville, IN 47712. 6:00 PM Women Spanish Cursillo 6:45 PM The Mass Study The Legion of Mary Acies Ceremony will be held on Sunday, March 22, at 2:00 p.m. at Annunciation Par- Tuesday 17 3:00 PM Hospitality Commission Mtg. ish. This annual ceremony is a rededication to Our 6:00 PM Mass Blessed Mother as we practice the Spiritual Works of 6:30 PM Spanish Prayer Group-Chapel Mercy. The ceremony consisting of Benediction, Rosary, 6:30 PM Stations of the Cross-Church homily and renewal of our promise will be presided over Wednesday 10:30 AM Celebrating the Mass Bible Study by Fr. Lowell Will. All members are invited to attend as 18 11:00 AM Grief Support Luncheon well as those interested in the work we do. A reception 5:30PM Finance Commission Mtg. will follow the ceremony in the Parish Center. 6:00 PM Spanish Mass 6:30 PM Spanish Bible Study-PH ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CEMETERY IS HIRING FOR Thursday 5:30 PM Men’s Cursillo Mtg./Spanish-PH-LL GROUND MAINTENANCE PERSONEL FOR THE SUM- 6:30 PM St. Vincent de Paul MER. APPLICANTS CAN FILL OUT AN APPLICATION 19 AT OUR OFFICE AT 2500 MESKER PARK DR. FROM 7:30 Friday 20 10:00 AM Health Ministry Program am TO 12:00 pm MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. 6:00 PM Spanish Way of Cross 6:30 PM Spanish Young Adults Evening of Adoration: On Friday, April 3, at 7:00 pm C.D.T. (Evansville time), at Saint John the Baptist Church in Saturday 21 7:30 AM Bible Study Newburgh, there will be an evening of adoration in cele- 9:00 AM Bible Study/Spanish bration of the to the Diaconate of Garrett 2:00 PM Ultreya/Spanish Braun. This evening of prayer and worship before the is an opportunity to pray for Garrett Sunday 23 10:0 AM Social Outreach Commission Mtg. as he prepares for ordination the following day. In addi- tion, this is also a call for all people to recognize the presence of God among us and to be aware of His invi- SUMMER SOCIAL tation to a life of fulfillment in following His will. If you have questions, please contact Matt Miller at the Catholic Center: [email protected] or 800-637-1731. 2020 DATE CHANGE!! The Courage apostolate welcomes men and women who experience same-sex attractions, helping them to find Please note that the Summer their true identity as sons and daughters made in the im- age and likeness of God. United by friendship with Christ and one another, Courage members strive for chastity Social has been moved to and holiness, meeting regularly with a chaplain for prayer and mutual support. The Diocese of Evansville of- fers this support. For more information, go to http:// June 4, 5 & 6, 2020., call 812-518-5815, or email [email protected]. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Holy Rosary Parish—Page 5 LITURGICAL MINISTERS March 21-22, 2020 Mon. March 16 7:00 AM Mike Klueh Servers Tues. March 17 6:00 PM Nancy Berendsen Sat. 4:30 PM Mallory, Callie & Cade Ott-Volunteer Wed. March 18 7:00 AM Louise Ritzert Sun. 7:30 AM Makayla Ford-Volunteers 6:00 PM Padre Miguel González, Corita Osorio, Sun. 9:00 AM Adelaide & Charlotte Fredrich-Volunteer Maura Robles Sun. 11:00 AM Ella Stofleth-Natalie West-Teddy Ziemer-Vol. Thurs. March 19 7:00 AM Holy Rosary Parishioners Sun. 12:30 PM Fabiana Ríos, Henry Vázquez, Gisselle Jacobo 8:00 AM Special Intention: Daniel Garrison Eucharistic Ministers Fri. March 20 7:00 AM D. Jean Samples Sat. 4:30 PM Bill Groves-Marilee Hartman-Sr. Jane Sat. March 21 4:30 PM Ruthie Holderread Liken McConnell-Elizabeth McGovern-Jane Moss- Sun, March 22 7:30 AM Holy Rosary Parishioners berger-Sr. Mary Mundy-JoAnn Smith-Kevin & M. Jane Swartz 9:00 AM Grace Campese Mary Ellen Coker-Madeleine & Steve Reffett-Gil 11:00 AM Donald Bengert Sun. 7:30 AM & Jackie Sartore-JoAnn Schlachter-Ann Stuck- 12:30 PM Priscilla Lara, (AD) José Garrido, German ey Tirado Sun. 9:00 AM Sean Bagbey-Manina Charnes-Terry Davis- Ginger & Richard Franz-Ashley Rennie-Sandy Sitzman-Julie & Lloyd Young Sun. 11:00 AM Gretchen Bartelman-Mike & Mary Ann Decker- Weekly Sunday Budget …………………...…. $ 28,500.00 Kathy Hambidge-Jenna Martin-Cindy Schaefer- Last Weeks Offering ………………..………… $ 19,185.50 Vel Sitzman Sun. 12:30 PM Hilario Ayala, Laisha Díaz St. Vincent de Paul …...…………………...…. $ 1,356.00 Haiti…………………...….…………………….. $ 230.00 Children’s Collection ……………………...….. $ 19.26 Sat. 4:30 PM Marilyn Doyle-Matt Potter (Children’s Collection donated to St. Vincent de Paul) Sun. 7:30 AM Kim Melchiors-Alicia Padgett Sun. 9:00 AM Greg Charnes-Bill Jackson THANK YOU FOR YOUR GIFT TO GOD AND HOLY ROSARY PARISH! Sun. 11:00 AM Jim Casey-Jordan Whitledge Sun. 12:30 PM Ángela Velázquez, Benjamín Andrade Time- helped GiGi set the table, Ushers did homework without being Sat. 4:30 PM Patty & Bob Balbach-Terry Keil-Monica Roy asked, helping my friend prac- Sun. 7:30 AM Jim Heck-Scott Heck-Greg Valentine-Volunteer Sun. 9:00 AM Eric Girten-Cameron Jones-Bob Moffett- tice lines for my play, prayed, I Volunteer helped do the laundry, I apolo- Sun. 11:00 AM Troy Edwards-Kyle Merris-Dennis Neuhoff-Pat Wempe gized to my friend when I was un- kind, I set the table Sun. 12:30 PM Alfonso y Rosio Sánchez Greeters Talent- playing the piano, play- Sat. 4:30 PM Carol Ann Gaddis-Mary Hodgson-Rita Horty- Cheryl Reiners ing, dance Sun 7:30 AM Elaine Baumgart-Ethel Forche-Sandy Powell- Bob Shoulders Sun 9:00 AM Caroline & Steve Jones-Johana & Jerry White Sun 11:00 AM Nita Aurs-Chuck Leach-Linda Milligan-Donna Roth Sun 12:30 PM Yenifer Guevara

Cross Bearer: 12:30 PM: Ender Vázquez Vocation Chalice: 4:30PM: Bill & Patty Weinert Catholic Charities of Liturgy of the Word: Sun. 9:00 AM: No Session-Spring Break Evansville: Sun. 12:30 PM: Josarelyn Guevara y Leslie Ortega 812 423 5456 and Page 6 — Holy Rosary Parish Rev. Bernard Etienne [email protected] Baptism: Arrangements may be made by call- Pastor ing the Parish Office. Rev. Martín Estrada [email protected] Associate Pastor Matrimony: Must contact a priest at least six Chris Borowiecki [email protected] months before proposed date for wedding. Permanent Deacon Guidelines are available at the Parish Office. Deacon José Garrido [email protected] Permanent Deacon RCIA: Christian Initiation of Adults: Anyone inter- Sr. Mary Mundy [email protected] ested in becoming Catholic, call the Parish Pastoral Associate Office Pilar Tirado [email protected] Pastoral Assistant-Latino : Saturday Evening Mass: 4:30 PM Carol Ann Gaddis [email protected] Director of Religious Education Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 AM Jill Jackson [email protected] Mass in Spanish at 12:30 PM Director of Music Christine Gilles [email protected] Weekday: Tuesday - 6:00 PM Director of Volunteers & Stewardship Wednesday Mass in Spanish - 6:00 PM Joan Fredrich [email protected] School Principal Monday, Wednesday & Friday – 7:00 AM Tracey Unfried [email protected] Thursday – 7:00 AM and a 8:00 AM School Mass Assistant Principal/Early Childhood Administrator Joseph Holtz [email protected] Parish Manager Nancy Oskins [email protected] Assistant Parish Manager Lauren Bordfeld [email protected] Accounting Assistant We welcome you to inquire further about what it means to Cindy Johnson [email protected] Office Manager be Catholic. Contact Carol Ann ([email protected]) or Linda Austin [email protected] call 812-477-8923 for more information. Health Ministry

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