CEU eTD Collection

R U In partial fulfillment of partialfulfillment the In requ E NHEALTHYAND - A SSEMBLING SSEMBLING Department of Sociology and SocialAnthropology and Department Sociology of Supervisors: Macario Bag Central European University Central European


Budapest, Hungary Budapest, F


OOD ANDOOD Submitted to P ANGEROUS ANGEROUS Prof. Jean Prof. Geva Dorit HILIPPINES - 2015 ayan Lacbawan Jr. ayan Arts irements for the degree of Master forirements of the degree of By

- Louis Fabiani Louis








CEU eTD Collection

form groups, fuse meanings, and create associations associations create and meanings, fuse groups, form the describe how and landscape thesocial tread actors howto follow ABSTRACT social world actions their following by practices food contentious how we presupposing than oppositions Rather frames. people multiple with practice failure with engages inver l international and local to both by protected try practice the foregrounding of supporters hand, align that assemblages produce (AKF) Foundation Kingdom Animal and rights. human and dog defusing or fusing by how trace to assemblage frames.

must change gear and refocus on how act how on refocus and gear change must

s’ to deal with the quotidian quotidian the with deal to In this thesis, In this

- nesadn of understanding eating ,


or an epiphenomenon of productive forces, I opine that that opine I forces, productive of epiphenomenon an or


dog The key to understanding any social phenomenon is phenomenon social any understanding to key The with More specifically, NGOs such as such NGOs specifically, More - et osmto a a etteet ht is that entitlement an as consumption

I employ Bruno Latour Bruno Iemploy sanitation

attempts NGOs and other actors create assemblages create actors other and NGOs - aig with eating

od s nlcin o de binary deep of inflections as food , violence and violence , i

to ways analyze icuss on discourses

in egal codes egal

hc atr bnl the bundle actors which ’s ors themselves ors


reconceptualization of reconceptualization dog tee lis by claims these t - eating .



from it epidemic dirt, his thesis also thesis his . On the other the On . n flat a in and their their and

different interpret tened y -

CEU eTD Collection you.Program” inme,thank Louis Jean Prof. To imagination. of figment a never is memory how of reminders constant are Nini and Reaksm Weronika, Tusher, world, the of side other the company From Kristina. and Nikhil their with sane me ideas keeping my bring For me fruition. helped into who people several to gratitude my express to want I emotions. scholarship of piece screen computer aft concocted is that thing academic of think always We - Fabiani and Prof. Dorit Geva, my two brilliant supervisors who tamed the “Strongthe tamed who supervisors brilliant Geva,mytwo Dorit Prof. and Fabiani

or spending days of self of days spending or

because er long nights of reading books and staring like a clue a like staring and books reading of nights long er


or hs s a is this work


as an offspring of plain individual individual plain of offspring an as child - loathing.

f collective of ii


n humor and image has never taken root in this in root taken never has image effort


aig un wt different with turns taking I m netd to indebted am I , struggle less child at a at child less -

ey, Mahayu ey, a nebulous nebulous a Saif,

CEU eTD Collection BIBLIOGRAPHY CHAPTER Conclusion 5: CHAPTER CHAPTER 3: Methodology Assembling of/in CHAPTER Essentialist, 2: Materialist and Other CHAPTER I: Problematic Canine ofCo Table 4.4: Sowhat?4.4: Strategic bundling andassemblage Eating4.3: my ? The4.2: Dirty and Violent Eating! 4.1: Mise Tracing3.4: Interpretive Assemblages Coding3.3: Association Where3.2: to Trace Associations? Actors,3.1: Players, Landscape and Networks Assembling2.4: Eating: Towards anAlternative Weakness2.3: in the Strong Program: a alternative?failed Essentialized2.2: deep structure of eating Omniscient2.1: matter 4.3.3: Assembling4.3.3: food and politics of culture 4.3.2 Aestheticization4.3.1: of eating Tripartite4.2.4: Assemblage: Dirt, Epidemic and Violence 4.2.3: Mundane violent eater Geography4.2.2: of Policy: Codifying Spaces Eating of 4.2.1 The4.1.4: Publicness of slaughtering andviolence 4.1.3: Orientalized4.1.2: Dog Ritualized4.1.1: Offering : Consuming: Dirt and Constructionthe Foodof Epidemic : : Internal and External Domestication of FoodEntitlement

Displaying Violent Eaters – 4: Assembling4: Dog

en – scène: the gastronomic field ntents






...... - eating








“ ...... iii -











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CEU eTD Collection narrative rule the between dominant analysis tradition on scholarships puzzling surr that exclusively scholarship account as nature contentious its lobby for rights. indigenous peoples' for advocate who those between society Philippine polarizes ( “sa as eating, (IPRA) promulgated has government Philippine the pressure, such international both from protest 2010) protecting rights animal protecting Nevertheless A E . This figure pe figure This . ach s



which , piiul apiy dog amplify eptitiously in run only not does

o te tension the how vs. year, at least 200,000 are slaughtered for their meat in the the in meat their for slaughtered are dogs 200,000 least at year, which

- within within on

eating cred” “modernity”

dog indirectly recognizes practices of indigenous communitie indigenous of practices recognizes indirectly

the , dog hrceie postcolonial characterizes

on dog

the rubrics of rubrics the - ( is linked is cultural heritage. Therefore, the existence of two conflicting two of existence the Therefore, heritage. cultural n role and eating. - eating rsists despite the presence of of presence the despite rsists

multiple multiple - vs. s

eating. an

Unfortunately, t Unfortunately, have have eeae b tee ofitn dsore d nt xs in exist not do discourses conflicting these by generated .


) to cultural rights cultural to cultural rights cultural

epiphenomenon of how it transgresses state state transgresses it how of epiphenomenon Instead

f a and law of and local non local and

meanings h cont the

legal legal eoe ready a become - aig no n su byn jdca script. judicial beyond issue an into eating

te binary the , explanation ent :

h and ) has made dog made has ) Problematic Canine culture

Philippines is - government organizations. Instead of bowing to to bowing of Instead organizations. government

f ulc eae bt also but debates public of 1

and animal and


otse frames contested -

opposition -

but fail but made ag a law on law a is te akrp of backdrop the ainst

I te n, dog end, the In . couch nltc frame analytic s -

eating an ambivalent practice that that practice ambivalent an eating the to recognize the non the recognize to s animal welfare animal es

nml welfare animal between Indigenous Peoples Right Act Right Peoples Indigenous

a highly ambivalent practice ambivalent highly a

, reflect a

dominant view dominant

law law

s, such as dog as such s, - ht s invoked is that the aig eoe a becomes eating appears regulations

and g and

vs. epr tension deeper n growing a and a -

legal legal “ utr a culture legal codes legal modernist I

roups who roups t remains remains t in

explains (Alegre frames . recent recent recent - meat meat This nd nd in n ”

CEU eTD Collection work the into materialis noting by food mod of review a provide Ifirst analysis, my to Iturn Before actors social other and NGOs which through means various the elucidate to springboard a as research this must scholars thesi rights. dog defusing or fusing by published materials a into eating change h between antagonism assumed an or binarism invokes dog as are constan meanings of structures cultural where field a wagedin is it itself: eating than bigger endeavor argument and heritage assemblage The silenced? 2. How are these meanings and specific assembled what are amplifie elements are1. What thatkey themeanings socia h regard, this In s ’

- ? Two specific guide butinterlockingresearch thesis: questions this analytic f analytic eating? eating?

concept of concept n hs hss I rvd an provide I thesis, this In m and deep structures deep and m on tly

or an associative process associative an or

the level of state contr state of level the ojc of object n bundl


assembled andassembled of trace associations trace o do How ramework. ramework. Bruno Latour Bruno o shlrhp n aig is eating on scholarship how . e


on assemblage ow do we we do ow and fuse frames and discourses and frames fuse and


te ate vr h vldt o wa w pt no u muh s an is mouth our into put we what of validity the over battle the ,

we explain explain we conflicting - - eating toi eating with discourses on dirt, epidemic, violence and human human and violence epidemic, dirt, on discourses with eating More spec More deployed

interpret (2005)

. Next, I Next, .

and the contingency of social action social of contingency the and in ol


where are dentify howNGOs andother actorscreate con o hw ifrn so different how of account food yblc interpretation symbolic

. ifically, Bruno Latour’s Bruno ifically,


peoples’ reaction to contentious food practices such such practices food contentious to reaction peoples’ ping sewn together in an alignment to construct coherent construct to alignment an in together sewn engage with engage

present how present ihu rsrig o an to resorting without l actors embody dog l actors toward competing meanings about ethnicity, citizenship, citizenship, ethnicity, about meanings competing

2 the contour and path of of path and contour the


into coherent interpretive assemblage interpretive coherent into the conc the eritage and law law and eritage his ern and contemporary theories on theories contemporary and ern

core .

critical ept by competing emphasis on on emphasis competing by oe pcfcly I specifically, More assumptions

il cos sebe dog assemble actors cial o f elucidation


shall form part of this of part form shall engagement with engagement interaction - or


culture and culture

operate in my in operate

assemblages that plainly plainly that

d and by tapping by is taken in taken is analy social social

how ze s - .

CEU eTD Collection issue ofdog discussion

Te te hl o ti tei apis hs rmwr b aayig h fracti the analyzing by framework this applies thesis this of half other The . - meat consumption in Northern in meat Philippines. consumption 3

ous CEU eTD Collection actors tryinco tonavigate policies state and NGOs how at looking by assemblage an as construed best be could food how of dog to f fruitful more a is believe I what surface to assemblage discussion, my of half binary). (i.e. elements structural deep by guided (2) and ideology) and class extern engagescholars (1)with their craft elements as residual whoseparately of (or been has scholarship food that argue of food anthropology social the in scholars prominent most the of some of works the in upon gleaned frame. overarching one under c a subsuming of danger the with plays it exercise, scholarly a as merit “ or tautology plain either midair, fo mystical unknown an Like element. residual a as food essentialize that accounts premature throw to is explanation an reach to tread scholars that path quickest the abstractanalyti corporeal make the gastronomy scientists, social of interest the preoccupied have s other to contrast In analysis. In thi social for subject as elusive it makes that food about peculiar something is There


eating as a contingent process. contingent a as eating like od coas ed o ul ocps s explanatory as concepts pull to tend scholars food s chapter

Marshall Sahlins and Sahlins MarvinMarshall Harris c frames like class, ideology, hegemony or even culture. Yet, as in most cases, most in as Yet, culture. even or hegemony ideology, class, like frames c C HAPTER

, I , od n te c o etn dfiut o i down pin to difficult eating of act the and food outline dominant strands ofanalytic outline engagement I engage with an alternative framework by tapping into the works on on works the into tapping by framework alternative an with engage I weak

2 : ocial entitie ocial Essentialist, Materialist Other and Essentialist, rpeettv ltrtr o tee poie oe cud be could poles opposite these of literature representative A aayi (lxne & mt 2003). Smith & (Alexander analysis ” nstructing their

In the next chapter next the In s (i.e. labor, social movements social labor, (i.e. s is 4 dblttd y n on an by debilitated )


argument rame to understand peoples’ reaction peoples’ understand to rame , I ,

against provide an extensive an provide es x machina ex deus

or “ ity - - on ists”… for dog going friction among among friction going ne te purview the under

omplex phenomenon omplex

and and food studies. First, Istudies. First, food and revolution and hl ti delivers this While rce that h that rce

contingency - At the second the At eating.

al forces (i.e. n produce and

illustration overs in in overs

) that )

of in - CEU eTD Collection bee an industry. leather domestic ploughing cow a example, For cow. his slaughtering not by generate can farmer Indian an that benefits positive the from springs complex by place in kept is that relationship symbiotic a in exist environments social According use. domestic for fuel cheap of source as or traction of form the in either animal, this from India an emergent of cowin is article polemic which anthropology of or paralysis” inview “weakness partial a experiencing been has form present its in food of study the mind, my To works their reviewof provide a food In sciences. 2 .1:

ideational god ideational f. The C Omniscient matter

I quote,

ontentious hrec i American in bhorrence prioritizes the infrastructural base as the genesis of cultural practice. practice. culturalof genesis the as base infrastructuralthe prioritizes

a cultural materialist materialist cultural a .


consumption consumption

o lutae i cam Hri eueae hw rhbtn consumptio prohibiting how enumerates Harris claim, his illustrate To ly, t ly, in


his “positive function” allows a functional homeostasis where the physical and and physical the where homeostasis functional a allows function” “positive his a s

is best captured in Marvin Harris’ long engageme long Harris’ Marvin in captured best is published in published since Amidst these Amidst agriculture extensive labour f that ood of the dominanceof of

but protects these benef these protects h

in the form of dung of form the in is practices

to emphasize the crucial elements that can be usef be can that elementscrucial the emphasize to works are works


s an is Curren analysis practice, a practice, “ positive , one encounters encounters one ,

have additional anthropological rendition of Marx’s materialist approach materialist Marx’s of rendition anthropological t Anthropology t

of India’s of

n the and received ”

consequence materialist and essentialist explanations materialist functions its by culturally prohibiting people not to consume to not people prohibiting culturally by its

while its hide is hide its while

5 traction .

notorious Moreover

most most fi amount fair a Marshall Sahlins’ Sahlins’ Marshall , Harris , , H

revered arris of the greater thatoneaccrues the benefits of for hauling, transport, irrigation and and irrigation transport, hauling, for

efforts ,

considers (1966) it a

raw cow. I will not try to present a present to try not will I cow. also

f avn ars (1966 Harris Marvin of f attent of

nt with a ma a with nt material opines that the sacredness the that opines provide

tutrls acut of account structuralist the cattle io In to support to ul in my analysis. analysis. my in ul s cheap fuel for for fuel cheap s i te social the in n one of of one the sacred the ’s terialist brand brand terialist .

sacr o of n his most most his

ality India’s

cow to )


CEU eTD Collection which sciences social other foodin come prohibitions societies. tomobilize have that frames and discourses coercive the about explanation an engender to framework hav Indian some in states onbeefconsumption prohibition play have that rhetoric nationalist and racialized the decoding people guide that structures highly of role pivotal the account not possiblyingenious andan dog explain to framework beefby u isoutweighed thevarious Harris’ “positive its to contingent and homologous is culture how Harris From culture. of understanding any to fundamental is production Harris Mozambique, in work ethnographic of role the dislodged has theories anthropological practice e Such an obsession with mat with obsession an Such warning. a without not comes account materialist cultural Harris’ Yet, fair, be To eeoe ot of out developed


tries to resurrect Marxist tradition in anthropology and put forward an argument an forward put and anthropology in tradition Marxist resurrect to tries theology (Harris1966: whi of system ecological “positive in bought be cattle …e oin f aorbe ucin mle a oiie ut positive a implies function favourable of notion - xplanation of , customs, and rituals associated with management of Indian of management with associated rituals and customs, taboos, of xplanation eating is approached by Filipino by approached is eating .

With an unwavering influence of Marxist philosophy, the manner through through manner the philosophy, Marxist of influence unwavering an With ars agmn ms be must argument Harris’ in the in utilit source - eating, we we eating, ’s

51 , ars clua mtraim os o poie convincing provide not does materialism cultural Harris’ y,

ch they are a part of, rather than in the influence of Hindu of influence the in than rather of, part a are they ch decision about their food habit food their about decision 70s where the dominance of ethnoscience and neoevolotionar ethnoscience dominanceof and where the 70s ).

erialist account of food has found its lifeblood in Philippine in lifeblood its found has food of account erialist

to keep a constant supply of food. However, this However,supply food.constant of akeep to - ucind ad rbby aatv” rcse o the of processes “adaptive” probably and functioned” rdcie forces productive can can tility one cantilityhis cattle one achieve by keeping - hre pbi dsore a equally as discourses public charged c

scholar learly 6 a raie ta te nrsrcua lyr of layer infrastructural the that realized has

understood lcdt hw dog how elucidate s is an account of poverty. of account an is s

. While we may accept that foodtaboos weaccept . While may s osiue lmns Feh rm his from Fresh elements. constitute as ility where the benefit of eating eating of benefit the where ility

” . within

It falls short, for example, in example, for short, falls It function. ed such

eety n h state the in recently

- h larg the

meat provides protein provides meat an int an To a large degree, degree, large a To If we If ellectual milieu, ellectual Nestor Castor, Castor, Nestor r debate er

- frame does framedoes

influential influential follow alive. - wide wide

his on of y

CEU eTD Collection as role its from stems order anima dog towards aversion the explain world their understand people how guides it as impact enormous an has it contingent, is it While contingent. historically but autonomous human regulates that structure behaviour. human govern that structures deep works assumption 2.2: Castro’s explanationsorinother works about aseating of symbolically themeaning cultural that transform codes Philippines, Northern food of configuration complex more of expression an as dog for penchant he Harris, Like source example, for

s food of landscape the dominated has that strand Another For Sahlins, t Sahlins, For Essentialized deep structure ofe Essentialized deep structure

eiae ehiiy n, t ie, acln virility. masculine times, at and, ethnicity heritage, of structuralist anthropologists, like Marshal Sahlins, who consider the existence of of existence the consider who Sahlins, Marshal like anthropologists, structuralist of of protein. . As I have argued in my previous work, previous my in argued have I As . happen will still illegaltrades these resolved, are issues poverty Unless these that? on meat,whythem judge of concept meat of a fromthem eating you forbid . How can to don’t haveaccess people Poor ls in a classificatory pattern. als in about


while others have the means to purchase more expensive moreexpensive purchase meansto whilehave the others provides

he primary reason why Americans do not recognize dog as an ed an as dog recognize not do Americans why reason primary he the presence of presence the

that dog that recipient I

have a

half - meat is a cheap alternative cheap a is meat bevd o te rc o dog of price the how observed

- of

baked ( Nestor Castro as quoted in Sarte 2012: 3 2012: in Sarte as quoted Castro Nestor

behaviour human emotion. human - rigid aig n mrcn oit a rpiain f oe that codes of replication as society American in eating ating

culture in Philippine society. In my own fieldwork in in fieldwork own my In society. Philippine in culture poverty and poverty acc


structures ee

ount : ,

Buenaobra 2009) . To . a 7

of the practice the of

For Sahlins (1 Sahlins For pre

t demonstrate .

he popularity of dog cuisine springs from springs cuisine dog of popularity he

Unlike - (2) These forms of analysis analysis of forms These existing fails to situate his analysis his situate to fails for

chicken, pig, and and pig, chicken,

pork tutr ta is that structure types of meat?... of types T .

as he he as 990), culture is akin to a deep a to akin is culture 990),

ee oe d nt per in appear not do codes hese - his meat or , emphasismine , is argument an index of multiple ofmultiple index an (1) (1) poultry uis w tudies i hge ta pr or pork than higher s simply subsumes the the subsumes simply cheaper form form cheaper T turkey, dogs dogs turkey, hat’s

, Sahlins tries to tries Sahlins , and a and spring orks from an an from orks orie and coercive their ). n essential n within the the within

ible meat ible from the the from

ideas stay stay

CEU eTD Collection of inflection an as prohibition the read we If Sau a deploying simply by elucidate predilection dog of account structures deep of presence quintessential the claims being anotherhuman of huma eaten. selves” true our as selves innermost our parts. body ) and meat of side other kidney and intestine, pig Consuming external contrary self, human the of extensions a And friends. as or as either self, internal man’s of part become they emotion, grouping binary a that believes Sahlins fringe the at Can the Can A n liver, intestines and kidneys and intestines liver, n Therefore parallel that the consistent implication of a prohibition on cannibalism. It is this symbolic logic that that logic symbolic this is It cannibalism. on prohibition (p organizes demands a of implication consistent the with planes two singleon logica makingup whole the species, tabu and edible drawnbetween th 'outer' and 'inner' between distinction The ized , it is permissible to enjoy pork pork enjoy to permissible is it which


This means that means This

and pet vs. food vs. pet for of American diet American of edible over

- code cultural -


aig wih ol b atiue t hs ls affinity close his to attributed be could which eating, , iaim Mr ta ti, h cmlxt o Aeia de i dfiut to difficult is diet American of complexity the this, than More binarism. ifrnits nenl rm xenl self. external from internal differentiates domesticated animal

ing iscannibalism!ing - innards innards inedible

or the internal organ of your own familyyourown member. of organ internal the or

binary explain our case our explain binary organs, such as liver, intestines and kidneys, are are kidneys, and intestines liver, as such organs, . 99). 99). . springs /

inflects inner self inner the inner the

for consumption for as they as opposition opposition consuming

from how Americans how from and

ssureean or Levi or ssureean the disgust over the the over disgust the

- - are domesticated are outer binary outer outer object object outer

eating eating

often produce a sense of horror as they signify the the signify they as horror of sense a produce often between (Sahlins 1990: 99) and anything external can be be can external anything and 99) 1990: (Sahlins dog us duplicates within the animal the differentiation differentiation the animal the within duplicates us ? 8 them . internal For one, For


Quoting words, hisown and chicken stew because these animals are animals these because stew chicken and meat or must we subject our analysis by assuming by analysis our subject we must or

object binari informs is synonymous to synonymous is

- Strauss s atmut o cannibalism. to tantamount is -

external there are clear drawbacks in Sahlins’ Sahlins’ in drawbacks clear are there to become to eating es. The es. mark - subj ic dg ae bet o human of objects are dogs Since

how “we (Americans) conceive (Americans) “we how - inspired ect

animals of innards of or taste

is object subject modulated

consuming structuralist for external parts (i.e. parts external for

in relation in


of human emotion human of Voila, - or internal organs internal or not different not object


into into Sahlins thenSahlins

the innards innards the binary, we binary,

approach. approach. s to human to they another n the On


are . .

CEU eTD Collection meanings competing of contour the plotting in structures cultural of function problematic the elucidate to ways novel provided have 2003), (Alexander structuralism and anthropology cultural of field emerging the among of tools analytic banter the regard, this messy In actors. the social involved pepper that contingencies conjunctural the recognizes which 2.3: Isection, ownwork turntomy analysis will and my for revisit some answers. as far so discussed have binary of inflection unavoidable an Harris Marvin like endeavoured 2000). (Archer conflationism downward of example illustrative re tendency a Such structures. an presupposes it as meaning of unfolding dog processual the account like practices food of reading alternative an for allows structures The binaryanalytic anbe becomes as construed frailty dogcould witchcraft. avert to rites or rituals death during animals sacrificial as importantly more but simp not utilized been always have Dogs weak. binary such render would society community Black America’s liv goose to fail might xliig otniu phen contentious Explaining all Above Weakness in

er) or account the diachronic transformation of guts of transformation diachronic the account or er)

to escape the materialist account in the works of prominent food anthropologist food prominent of works the in account materialist the escape to interrogate how interrogate , while the strength of of strength the while , presence the

(1977), it has nevertheless committed the same the committed nevertheless has it (1977), - oppositions Strong Program Strong

weakness f nvra structures universal of

sociology .

- Similarly, a Similarly, internal organs internal echoes a echoes . Are there any possible alternatives to ameliorate what we we what ameliorate to alternatives possible any there Are mnn uh s dog as such omenon es Sahlins

: afailed a in , which culls its theoretical ancestry from symbolic symbolic from ancestry theoretical its culls which ,

severe form of essentialist stance (Fuchs 2005) or an or 2005) (Fuchs stance essentialist of form severe Harris’ and Sahlins’ explanation Sahlins’ and Harris’

closer look into the function of dogs in Philippine Philippine in dogs of function the into look closer ’ framework in e in framework ’ 9 are made are


ht short that - eating needs an analytic framework framework analytic an needs eating into popular (i.e. pig’s feet, pig’s (i.e. cuisines popular into

- ici sca peoeo a an as phenomenon social circuit lucidating the role of competing of role the lucidating into a into Strong Program Strong both as In addition In drawback a priori priori a

associated with associated food soul pet andas food. pet s - ? aig i fis to fails it eating, existence of deep deep of existence

, although it has it although , In the following the In by presupposing by

(SP) ly as pets, pets, as ly

of the of

CEU eTD Collection Republic. Czech University, Masaryk thesis. MA Unpublished 1 dog thrown has principles a into spiraled has culture Filipino of symbol national that ritual of component sacred as treated is practice the hand, other dog considers group binary by informed is diverse, dog frame that oppositions however debate, The rights. cultural of supporters and interaction employing By Philippines. meaning the an and welfare animal is of ambiguity protection the how for advocate account separately that binaries into legal competing taking of epiphenomenon by studies food into sociology cultural of conduct ofhuman affairs. are discourses public superstructure. over influence permanent a hold not mea of genesis the as sphere economic of independence the Program, reality. social the alter autonomously through that autonomy codes binary cultural of of existence omniscient idea old an forward put has structures on stress The deep of inflection an is meaning public of thicket the how charting creatively by analysis social of landscape the treads Program Strong the binaries, of universality the about dog over

“ Interpreting Food: Ambiguity and Competing Competing and Ambiguity Food: Interpreting In my previous work previous my In - eat

of meanings employed by two groups of social actors: animal welfare advocates welfare animal actors: social of groups two by employed meanings of ing. By emphasizing at the core of its explanation the long the explanation its of core the at emphasizing By ing. - structures that inform the contested food practice of eating dogs in the the in dogs eating of practice food contested the inform that structures recognition of dog of recognition -

eatin considered

1 g as violation of animal rights and rights animal of violation as g - , - eating into a contemporary illustration of cultural ambiguity, or a or ambiguity, cultural of illustration contemporary a into eating eating in a polarized image. On the one hand, the animal welfare animal the hand, one the On image. polarized a in eating I have argued for an analysis that transposes the Strong Program Strong the transposes that analysis an for argued have I tutrl hermeneutics structural

autonomous social facts that impose coercive coercive impose that facts social autonomous

since the 1970s the since - eating as a cultural heritage. In that paper, I unpacked unpacked I paper, that In heritage. cultural a as eating enns n Dog on Meanings 10

. As a result, the result, a As .

ln ti line this Along of tog Program Strong

an insignia of barbarism. On the On barbarism. of insignia an - aig n h Philippines the in eating antagonism of these legal these of antagonism , collective codes and and codes collective , ning and structure do structure and ning - running presumption running I nlzd the analyzed I , effect I n the Strong Strong the n


”. (2014). (2014). ”. over


CEU eTD Collection cultural account a to affinity close my of thesis. my of argument whole the compose will empirical re recent a frames, different of icon ambivalent an as truncated strategically interactions. human straightjacketed affi priori dog like explaining meanings fusi innovative NGOs. among banter social the invigorate welfare. animal protect and food of notions way, this In resources. and power of distribution the in elements constitutive as structures cultural of a heritage about notions Philippines. conflicting to host is that marker liminal iy o hermeneutics to nity Nevertheless Unlike

existence of deep structures. deep of existence , for example, for , - or eating, it fails to account the accountto fails it eating, are material

h fatos su oe dog over issue fractious the tradition andchange. the role of competing of role the

a powerist or class or powerist a amp n f tutrls ad a and structuralism of on

by , lified s the Strong Program does not appear without a caveat. W caveat. a without appear not does Program Strong the


simply simply

oevr wie hv otie te une o hw dog how of nuances the outlined have I while Moreover, ee a ecuie ucm o hw iiio bek ea cds that codes legal break Filipinos how of outcome exclusive an never

attempts of slippage away from a neat binary opposition of legal vs. legal of opposition binary neat a from away slippage of attempts

and revealed t , pcfcly cmeig iw o scaiy n dr ae tlzd to utilized are dirt and sacrality of views competing Specifically, highly e rms o cpuig rcse o smoi itrrtto is interpretation symbolic of processes capturing of promise he

determined bystructures. deep noig ukems iaim s onainl tutr o all of structure foundational as binarism Durkheim’s invoking - based an based -

structuralist structuralist

structures allows for an alternative reading of food practices food of reading alternative an for allows structures several elements that I missed in my previous work. These work. previous my in missed I that elements several

E ven if ven processual alysis, the Strong Program emphasizes the autonomy the emphasizes Program Strong the alysis, - aig eut from results eating emnuial driven hermeneutically

it tradition of cultural sociology. cultural of tradition 11 employs What What

To some degree some To

unfolding of meaning as it presupposes an presupposes it as meaning of unfolding emerge

a meaning a

the rm uh n analysis an such from , this this ,

clash con o hw diverging how of account - centered analysis with its its with analysis centered failure

f different of d dniy n the in identity nd hile

I was not able to to able not was I is a consequencea is - reading of my my of reading its

strength in strength - eatin

cultural cultural is is g

an a CEU eTD Collection eating come and work Latour’s I section, dog account we without analysis d and ideology) and class (i.e. concepts abandon simply we Do assumptions? 2.4: diachronic ofinternalpopular cuisines. transformation organs into lend that framework observe to fails one subject, the about approaching the ( denies structures creative rooted deeply from spring that twigs small as or forces productive world empirical the in class a B analysis. of novelty the discredit completely not do I paragraphs, a Again, explanation. tautological not, if incomplete, an of risk the runs structures deep or forces productive to character its subsuming by food on investigation myself). (including Sahlins Marshall and Harris Marvin of works the any predilectionthe analysis. I argue that this tendency has brought more problems than provide a provide than problems more brought has tendency this that argue I analysis. How then must we study food or any social elements if we do not start with start not do we if elements social any or food study we must then How t More Assembling Eating . e m sat y lrfig o I eie sebae and assemblage define I how clarifying by start me Let sacrality upon sacrality r destructive or at o xed y icsin n epoe the explore and discussion my extend to want . ut to start an start to ut han what I have I what han For instance, instance, For eutvl te adcp o s of landscape the deductively

to - tool aig ihu jmig o iais r o te analytic other to or binaries to jumping without eating forward an assumption an forward s

to help us wade through the complexity of the social world? How do How world? social the of complexity the through wade us help to : Towards anAlternative : Towards

India’ inquiry at truh hc idvdas ie r eue meanings. defuse or give individuals which through acts ) - delivers up with a more convincing argument about argument convincing more a with up Marvin Harris has unwittingly turned a blind eye to cultural codes cultural to eye blind a turned unwittingly has Harris Marvin discussed s cattle while Marshall Sahlins is incapacitated to deal with the the with deal to incapacitated is Sahlins Marshall while cattle s


n incomplete an

seeks to seeks

as inherent lack in my work, the weakness weakness the work, my in lack inherent as

about the nature of food even before the conduct of of conduct the before even food natureof the about interactions ca aayi wt a rdtrie assumption predetermined a with analysis ocial

“verify” the existence of such analytic concepts analytic such of existence the “verify” 12


o ujc fo a hmlgu to homologous as food subject To ht o not do that concept

s I said in the preceding the in said I s f sebae n Bruno in assemblage of o i oeae i this in operates it how - its b ased or a materialist materialist a or ased confirm

applicability to dog to applicability


frames? frames? commence

h analytic the v it our into ive also nswers to nswers analytic analytic In this this In lies in lies

By By an an - CEU eTD Collection traces individuals catch to ability the core its in has explanation sociological “lines” as assemblage of conception original Guattari’s by world social the trace of sociology alignment is what an constitutes assemblage. effects intended prescribe informaticsdestructiveor to attempts that 2007) (Li alignment or context multipl Rather, relationship. chaotic a in exist things conjure necessarily not does rhizome a as world the Conceiving end. or beginning no with influences and forces filling directions, possible all to spread that surfaces like are society and culture model, this In struggle. social of points at looking by con commence must reality social elucidating at attempt any such, allowing by explanation to amenable ontol the Latour accomplish To research. nection among semiotic chains, power organization and the immediate circumstances of of circumstances immediate the and organization power chains, semiotic among nection eael, h cnet f assemblage of concept the Relatedly, of legacy enduring An

(Luckhurst 2006) (Luckhurst

the “initial” seed to build his ideasthe “initial” his seedtobuild and deterritorialization an constitutes 3)1980: speeds of measurable and movements lines this, All rupture. ph and flight,acceleration of produce contrary, the on lines or, viscosity, these of and slowness relative on flow lines of rates Comparative also destratification. but and strata segmentarity, territories; or articulation of lines are there things, all in as book, a In ogical nature of the social world as as world social the of nature ogical

has the social the

. informed informed

- in fissures and carving their own niche. They are map are They niche. own their carving and fissures in - up an image of a humongous social field where all imaginable forms and and forms imaginable all where field social humongous a of image an up

that . An i

. The process of aligning or the production of points of convergenceof points of productionaligning the processof Theor . hs task this the

follow is predicated on an an on predicated is Gilles nvestigatio

naos attempt infamous ing Quoting theirQuoting words, , I want to revisit a pair of thinkers who who thinkers of pair a revisit to want I , Deleuze and Deleuze

“ h atr themselves actors the utpe non multiple, n . should catch, should

s a as 13 effort

Felix rhizomatic f aor (2005) Latour of non

- to Guattari irrhcl nr ad xt points exit and entry hierarchical

assemblage e elements are gathered into a single single a into gathered are elements e -

hierarchical explain or nodes or . Such peculiar nature is only only is nature peculiar Such . (. 12). (p. ”


the , Dlue Guattari & (Deleuze he networks ie of line

o u frad a forward put to

is an assumption about assumption an is opines rm eez’ and Deleuze’s From s of wide array of of array wide of s by following their their following by nmn of enomena


of interaction or interaction of that a veritable a that have provided provided have -

productive, productive,

As . new new and

CEU eTD Collection be understood. dog which within a boundary ideascreate tries opposing discursive tosilence and o Each 5). 2005: Collier & (Ong elements” heterogeneous of “ensembles of out order conjuring or alignment producing of process active the to contingent dog how of analysis an to points assemblage on emphasis the Hence, detail. minute dog of account anomalous and accepted separates that boundary dog multiple of out meanings assemblages durable creating at attempts competing from (Latour 2005). ins social and individuals their convinceothers to is goalend intersecting fromwhose builtactors is that one is assemblages durable or articulations of lines coherent Each actants articulations. of lines coherent networ a meanings o into movement - In this paper, I argue that the fractious issue over dog over issue fractious the that argue I paper, this In that This implies eating must be understood. In such a a such In understood. be must eating network of them of

associa new the define they have been forced establish”to ( best could accounts which together, fit it make to elaborated have they methods which hands, their in become has existence collective “… in Latour’s word) that forge and break alliance and association to fulfill their claims. their fulfill to association and alliance break and forge that word) Latour’s in k of relation with other with relation of k . These alignments endeavor to propose and deify a a deifyand propose to endeavor alignments These .

individual n epaie o te fr gopns or groupings form they how emphasize and

tries to convince other other convince to tries of

ne association. association. ne

support with their often wild innovations in order to learn from them what the what them from learn to order in innovations wild often their with one must start by following the network the one start must byfollowingtheor ers titutions win acceptance of a distinct form of knowledge of form distinct a of acceptance win titutions . In every attempt to form coherent lines of articulation, objects, articulation, of lines coherent form to attempt every In

A This network of relations is composed of different of composed is relations of network This actors, ssemblage by

fuse, defuse and refuse meanings and discourses into discourses and meanings refuse and defuse fuse, expanding the network of relationship while building building while relationship of network the expanding Latour 2005: 12

then is then 14 horizon

the process through which social actorswhichthe processsocial through te oe f o i set u ad the and out spelt is dog of role the ,

(Spinuzzi 2008). (Spinuzzi ).

assemble - eating in the Philippines springs Philippines the in eating horizon f these attempts at assemblage at attempts these f - eating is enume is eating twist andturns twist

in which the practice of of practice the which in ies discourses diverse Hence in that tions , an assemblage an ,

by expanding - frames and and frames eating must eating must rated to its its to rated

actors (or (or actors of actors’ of actors’

- eating is eating or claim or

and , in

CEU eTD Collection invoke assemblages These actors. diverse by policies) (i.e. elements various assembling situate to is a strategy their shifting and another to policy one bundling by assemblages build actors Social forces. contingent to adapting constantly and changing on keeps that configuration particular into created and deployed gamutelements of ass interactio the from springs a as interpreted highly dog actors social other and NGOs (i.e. is action social 2005) interrogate to means different render would that analysis account “interactionist” or “structural” from society of framing priori but terms. same the in them describing by of principle human of nature embling - they Briefly, i Undeniably, eating class, Hw does How .

- re rlto a scooia ivsiain hud o b te to tied be not should investigation sociological as relation order contingent process. That is, peoples’ engagement with engagement peoples’ is, That process. contingent



dooy dsore clue, wn to want I culture), discourse, ideology, infe te cie process active the signifies generalized symmetry generalized oe udmnal, a putti am I fundamentally, More only realized and generated and realized only n this n this h fatos su oe dog over issue fractious the elucidated

residue uh a such inter h picpe f symmetry of principle the to thesis

construct aninterpretationconstruct action

, Iexplore , f btat xenl elte bt ahr n on an rather but realities external abstract of eiiin is definition

in other sociological traditions traditions sociological other in ns of various elements. elements. various of ns .

try to build assemblages out of various meanings and frames to frames and meanings various of out assemblages build to try At h cr o Latour’s of core the


ccording to the nature of the problem. the of nature the to ccording the ways inwhic Certainly nepne b a udmna asmto aot the about assumption fundamental a by underpinned

in entities in a in entities in

hc a individual an which

- the network of relations. of network the 15 aig s rsl o cnlcig teps at attempts conflicting of result a as eating

ng fit to my overall project? project? overall my to fit .

, differences are indelible are differences ,

forward an important image of action as as action of image important an forward launch h specific assemblages on dog specific assemblages on h n assemblage n nepeig dog Interpreting Actor by various

y netgto b taig how tracing by investigation my firstl - dog ewr Theory Network

s yadapting elements -


r oil groups social or have to have r o utmz tools customize to or -

eating There has to be no be to has There - on poet which project going should

In contrast to how how to contrast In M elements in society in elements an separately be treated be

an analytic focus focus analytic an y

as a project of of project a as main argument argument main lot clichéd almost

(ANT) is the the is (ANT)

not - eating are be orders

(Latour equally equally easily easily

of a a

CEU eTD Collection chapter. domesticati a of projection through alignment different fundamentally

n f od entitlement food of on iln eat violent 1 apaig o ulc health, public to appealing )

means of linking linking of means er

) eteiiain f aig 5 eating, of aestheticization 4) I il xli ec o tee lmns n h following the in elements these of each explain will I . often 16

- conflicting

) pta dsgain f sanitation of designation spatial 2)

elements etra and external )

into an encompassing encompassing an into 6) internal internal , 3) CEU eTD Collection These contentious. more banter dog of element heritage and cultural the recognize to contest the Parliament, th broadsheet a Using influence. in Museum Courier Midland the is Afable Cecil instance, For Parliament. Philippine reporters alliance institutionalized dog for advocate who those capital, social voi 3.1 deploy endeavor outlines closed claim coherent a into discourses how assemblage with filled meaning entity an as society consider we If society. human th understanding : Actors, Players,andNetwo Landscape ce

ept te opeiy f h ise tee r ietfal paes ht od dominant hold that players identifiable are there issue, the of complexity the Despite proce the are assemblages of heart the At ac s

system tors n h dbt o dog on debate the in meaningful

- the

making individuals, our epistemological apparatuses must be capable in explicating in capable be must apparatuses epistemological our individuals, making n academic and as it require it as

behave in the behavein B route , our methods and the mode of our analysis are analysis our of mode the and methods our , aguio City aguio s yblc rcs i itiaey ikd o o w ve te nooy of ontology the view we how to linked intricately is process symbolic is

and Isikias Picpican works as chief as works Picpican Isikias and of

action rigid s a framework that framework a s CHAPTER , hl ohr ae ed o gvrmn ofcs r ebr o the of members or offices government of heads are others while s, . Nevertheless, the lack of noticeable group does not indicate lesser lesser indicate not does group noticeable of lack the Nevertheless, .

. theyasshow on byfocusingworld social


immovable cn eoe ie n eeg to energy and time devote can t - eating. a . t a etnie oa raesi and readership local extensive has at ctors

n h ohr hand other the On 3

: hl gop wo poe dog oppose who groups While Methodology of/in Assembling of/in Methodology matters

possess massive influence in public debates as they they as debates public in influence massive possess allow rks - eating as heritage or a or heritage as eating 17 ssu . Yet, und Yet, .


al constructions of meanings. T meanings. of constructions al us to trace and follow and trace to us i we if , d erstanding assemblages is not a not is assemblages erstanding irector

omr editor former indistinguishable consider

of the Saint Louis University University Louis Saint the of h is the emble s cultura - u. ot f hm are them of Most sue. eating enjoy extensive extensive enjoy eating

a as world social the how

different - in backings - l practice has no no has practice l

chief of of chief actors - eating puts the puts eating

from - he method to method he omn and forming frames and framesand

form rm the from how

rigid and one

CEU eTD Collection op and columns Where3.2: Associations? toTrace local bureaucrats. because corruption dog made has Gobyerno dog the investigate to them dog for advocacy their However, misconduct. and corruption government for companies private against and officials cases hundred a than more register to able has LinisGobyerno date, “all an in participates that group a as itself named it 2000, in created was it When country. the of region northern the t animal of violators against cases file to interested are who individuals dog a maintains AKF funds, of the and UK’s issues with partnership Ithas dogs. protecting to related national on focuses that NGO an as itself considers Foundation Kingdom Animal geogra different in operate but objective parallel have the debate ondog l once were ogether Animal WelfareAnimal Act - LinisGobyerno is a civil society group composed mostly of activist and journalist in the in journalist and activist of mostly composed group society civil a is LinisGobyerno The My analysis is a textual textual a is analysis My aig ny tre i 20 we Aia Kingd Animal when 2002 in started only eating A

with other animal other with most visible visible most nimal Welfare Institute Welfare nimal ocal officials themselves or heads of influential influential of heads or themselves officials ocal - eds written by NGOs and published in four Philippine broadsheets. All the All broadsheets. Philippine four in published and NGOs by written eds

- meat eating.meat

food establishments that serve that establishments food animal -

u wr aant oenet corrup government against war” out in 2012. in - aig s n cmoet n hi cmag aant government against campaign their in component one as eating - right advocates right - rights groups rights a

- - et nuty n oten hlpie. ic te, Linis then, Since Philippines. Northern in industry meat nalysis

pound, an adoption center and even offers legal assistance to assistance legal offers even and center adoption an pound,

in the . With a far a With States. United the in

f dtras gvrmn plc rlae, newspape releases, policy government editorials, of , ,

LinisGobyerno AKF has initiated has AKF 18

do g cuisine are owned are cuisine g m onain AF prnrd with partnered (AKF) Foundation om phical “scale”. “scale”. phical International Wildlife Coalition Trust WildlifeCoalition International

and bodies in Lnsoyro 06. To 2006). (LinisGobyerno tion

the call for the amendment of of amendment the for call the Animal Kingdom Foundation Kingdom Animal - reaching linkage and source and linkage reaching

that are at the frontline of of frontline the at are that Unlike LinisGobyerno, Unlike - rights , if not managed, not if , . Furthermore, .

by r ,

CEU eTD Collection 4 3 2 Anti & Act Welfare Animal (i.e. laws specified the All donors. from funds for appeal to or operations entrapment police successful as such accomplishments Foundation Kingdom People Indigenous of Rights the on Commission I cover in the to views papers selectedthese diverging Philippines the in group advocate Junction ha I communities. Northern of culture and tradition the celebrates the of wonderland the of “exponent Cordilleras an as itself marks former the while Newspaper!) dog on opinions contrasting the represent Junction The and (BMC) Courier Midland Baguio PDI, and MB Like Philippines. Northern in readership wide with weeklies regional are papers two other semi the while policies state of critical are that opinions of source pivotal a as serves PDI regime, Marcos they how Philippines the in readership of newsletters of Inquirer Daily the including newspapers, print except online, published are texts sources

https://animalkingdomfoundation.wordpress.com/ http://www.linisgobyerno.org/ http://www.ncip.gov.ph/ Apart from printed texts, I also collected my data from official webpages of the of webpages official from data my collected also I texts, printed from Apart (PDI) Inquirer Daily Philippine and (MB) Bulletin The

oe a ie ag o oiin ad etmns bu dog about sentiments and opinions of range wide a cover is the the is treat public issues public treat and the riches of the of riches the and Animal Kingdom Foundation Animal Kingdom - state owned MB has always been the conduit of pro of conduit the been always has MB owned state (PDI), (PDI), de facto facto de - aig Te atr aes tef s “ as itself labels latter The eating.

4 Tee nie ore ae platfor are sources online These . h Junction, The

esetr f the of newsletter . Due to its role as channel of anti of channel as role its to Due .

, although each has occupied an opposite pole opposite an occupied has each although , Ilocandia” . Most of its members work as journalists for journalists as work members its of Most .

auo iln Courier Midland Baguio

(AKF) . This means that BMC sees itself as a paper that paper a as itself sees BMC that means This . 19 LinisGobyerno, LinisGobyerno,


(NCIP) national andregional level.

LinisGobyerno aaaag Palaban Pahayagang 2 , poiet nml welfare animal prominent a LinisGobyerno - s o pbihn recent publishing for ms dictatorial views during the during views dictatorial - Manila Bulletin, Philippine Bulletin, Manila Act) are accessible accessible are Act) Rabies h (BMC) - - e o eto that mention to ve government government et osmto. All consumption. meat ave the highest number highest the ave .


with regards to regards with 3 The Junction The

! and

( ” views. The views. h online the National

F Animal earless The The .

CEU eTD Collection 5 represent rights human and violence actors other and I analyze specifically, More 13). p. 2003, Smith & (Alexander meaning” social of webs textured guide will that model as taken thi In discourses. public and 3.4 dog dog put that of form one represents arguments and views key theme of snippets contains “disease” theme the example, one For assemblage. where chapter next the in analysis my of backbone (e.g. work previous my food good rights, ( identified have I that themes to according them grouped and fi Excel an into codes the transferred I coding, After materials. these from themes emerging the identify to coding open manual a done have I webpages. official five and releases) press 3.3: CodingAssociation under reviewbills LowerUpper in theand Philippines’ of database the from

http://www.gov.ph/ : TracingInterpretiveAssemblages - Plotting the traces of how actors associate various associate actors how of traces the Plotting is data my Overall, eatingentitlement asare rights”.grouped an “human within


the on the - cted meat consumption as harbinger of illness while co while illness harbingerof as consumption meat Executive Branch Executive -

create going published materials published


space social assemblages

generated from printed materials (i.e. newspaper articles, photos and photos articles, newspaper (i.e. materials printed from generated hlpie as n Jurispru and Laws Philippine nml ihs hrtg, n idgnu peo indigenous and heritage, rights, animal ). I deliberately excluded those themes that I already discussed in discussed already I that themes those excluded deliberately I ). .

wy te hermeneutically the way, s banter

dtra, n Editorial, 5 how I how . Recent .

by because on t



revisions dog wppr rils n gvrmn pes relea press government and articles ewspaper

C the “codes, narratives, and symbols that create the create that symbols and narratives, “codes, the

- hambers t eating in eating 20 hey hey

reflect are posted in the same webpage including webpage same the in posted are


of the country’s

the Philippines to identify to Philippines the meaning is possible by followingtexts by possible is meaning - eating with eating

dence - the horizon of meaning that meaning of horizon the rvn ehd f Geertz of method driven

des that inform my analysis on myanalysis inform that des violence, dirt, disease, human disease, dirt, violence, within the official page of of page official the within

notions of notions Legislative Branch Legislative ple ). These form the the form These ).

dirt, epidemic, epidemic, dirt, how NGOs how

(1973) informs .


le is

CEU eTD Collection reasonable claims attempts community the of member clear make to have I meanings. social of inscriptions as serve they as assemblages of curve the follow compendium writt the s n ok fr ulc consumption public for works en ocial configuration ocial

f Gs n ohr actors other and NGOs of hwvr ta pbi dsore d not do discourses public that however, ,

of differing .

of public opinion public of

ulc etmns T sbet hm o nepeain los s to us allows interpretation to them subject To sentiments. public holds Ised te pit o tutrs f signs of structures to point they Instead, .

t assembling at

on dog on r epesos f pnos n textual and opinions of expressions are 21

- meat consumption meat simply different

ee t te ide the to refer

iw o dog on views . These texts and texts These s that as ht facilitate that - eating into into eating

every other ized

CEU eTD Collection instance,for welfare largely e arguments alignment internal to resort they eating of inflation strategic a into frames their 3 and Gobyerno Linis dog t Afterwards, previous actors.multiple dog which within boundary a draw frames conjuring dog how of illustration claims. to veracity lend could they how to relation in function their associate and bundle the is tn. s hv mnind n h peiu chapter, previous the in mentioned have I As ating. - To reiterate, To to context a provide To important An eating, employeating, )

easy slippage of slippage easy

as an expression of right protected by national legislations national by protected right of expression an as

a moral symbol of violence of symbol moral a truncated by an overemphasis on how dog how on overemphasis an by truncated or the binaristic opposition between modernist narrative and heritagiz and narrative modernist between opposition binaristic the or work on dog on work

by invoking

failed to grasp the complexity of the debate by easily subsuming their discussion discussion their subsuming easily debateby the complexityof the grasp to failed he

and its a its and second

these frames have frames these dimension t o - form

eating - international international meaning. eating is casted into different assemblages by NGOs. NGOs. by assemblages different into casted is eating par llies conflate the practice as practice the conflate llies CHAPTER

t coherent

identifies three pivotal means that NGOs, which lobby against lobby which NGOs, that means pivotal three identifies behavior the following the and that must be emphasized about peoples’ understanding of understanding peoples’ about emphasized be must that

but also an external expansion or a univ a or expansion external an also but

The slipperiness The highlight . legal principles. On the other hand, supporters of the practice has taken taken has practice the of supporters hand, other the On analytic interpretive assemblages interpretive

o smoi lnsae where landscape symbolic a to 4 : od consumption food Assembling Assembling

sections the the 22 implication on the on implication

religious and historical layer historical and religious

stems - , the the , eating transgresses state laws on animal on laws state transgresses eating

danger to 1) public health public 1) to danger Dog - h cnor f cdmc dis academic of contour the aig is eating

first part of this chapter this of part first from how social actors social how from -

eating by internally aligning dog aligning internally by

against dog against

In this chapter, I provide an an provide I chapter, this In current normatively

. In addit In .

discussion - ersalization of their of ersalization cin a actions meat consumption. s ion, not only do only not ion,

ation These forms of of forms These of the practice. practice. the of understood by by understood

2) sanitation 2) strategically revisit . ttain new new ttain s Scholars course

on dog on - s meat food

my my

is - ,

CEU eTD Collection police and other clandestinely done be to has this force into made restaurants student former a City, of number from strict associatedas 4.1: of how social navigatea actors landscape structuralist or Marxist a within The Mise imple a estimate n .

uig h etr drto o m studies my of duration entire the During – popularity

en , dogs butchered butchered dogs

mentation of the of mentation which – a distinct distinct a scène: the scène: American American .

state authorities state However

includes dishincludes Illustration

from serve f dog of food

s gastronomic the colonial hill station hill colonial

, one could still still could one , dog every year every 1 - of meat : A menu of a restaurant in Northern Philippines that that Philippines Northern in restaurant a of menu A : Animal Kingdom Foundation Foundation Kingdom Animal prepared prepared A -

ni meat indigenous communities in the in communities indigenous

mal W mal (see photobelo account because s ma vre a varies meal a as ,


tre t dide fe te nml W Animal the after dwindle to started field for their meat their for elfare . Such frameworks fail to understand the possibility the understand to fail frameworks Such .

filled they og visit visit

- meat (Powel 2011 meat (Powel 23 where A

no longer include include longer no these with inconsistencies ct

w for aw sample menu). , there is no official statistics to date a date to statistics official no is there ,

I lived for more than eight (8) years as a a as years (8) eight than more for lived I . , restaurants and request and restaurants

T rs regions cross I he center of center he have have ). ht u te iue at figure the put that

Northern bevd o t how observed it i it . n their menu list menu their n

the al


province industry is in Bagu in is industry

for elfare Law was was Law elfare

e ubr of number he it


s is . D

- 0, 000 200, regularly

meat ue to ue to avoid to part part but the the io

CEU eTD Collection reference “hot” ( “hot” a possess they since fearless shall accomplish by thetask “commanding” thedog. witchcraft. the performed who dogwill who person the hurt to dog throw stomping while words lif offering death only is were part did not present but cla big a to belongs is ritual the perform who elders of number elders village summons of conduct performed to cleansing and death 4.1.1 ls bd o a rsl bthrd o. n b one, by One dog. butchered freshly a of body eless At this point At this The Amongthe : Ritualized Offering req will elders village the , a t b epand s t ol sig could it as explained be to has harsh phrases harsh executed Drn te ritual, the During .

seek revenge by “barking and gnawing” “barkingandseek by revenge dao

to this

- es appease the spirit of a of spirit appease the heat.

ritual takes one takes ritual is indigenous if , it is important to note that among the Igorots dogs are considered brave and brave and considered Igorots dogs are among the notethat to isimportant it

done the fami the A

n. In one In n. towards ceremonies hot their

in and prepare food for villagers who will participate will who villagers for food prepare and

wake wake

ly believes that witchcraft has been committed. If this this If committed. been has witchcraft that lybelieves

character Igorots sponsored the witchcraft the sponsored icipate directly ritual. inthe feet.

h edr wl sron te ik esn h st nx t the to next sits who person sick the surround will elders the the lifeless animal. lifeless the dao

Since the dead cannot ret cannot dead the Since whole or immediately after a a immediatelyafter or


E - Lcaa 2014) (Lacbawan

es ach of them will will them of ach

in the north the in dead person or to revert a curse cause a torevert or person dead

menpuos that I witnessed, the immediate relatives of the family the of relatives immediate the witnessed, I that the family to prepare a pair of dog and dog of pair a prepare to family the refers d ay iy different nify

in 10 to 10

o o' short dog's to 24 wh ) blood. blood. ) ,


At ich ( 20 gunggungan naya ngabngaban , although it could it although ,


. speak about the the about speak the family who wants to perform to wants who family the his moment, t moment, his . Igorot I dead persondead i ue when used is t However,

enns aat rm its from apart meanings, urn to life to seek revenge, his soul his revenge, seek to life to urn they

a -

pivo epr and temper believe that the that believe

will stand and spew litany of of litany spew and stand will tal h ei un emic the he elders elders he

is buried role as a ritual a as role sick

be t d e ritual he higher person territorial

by ar

. .

soul of a lifeless lifeless a of soul As for illness, As Oftentimes e “inciting” e witchcraft. witchcraft. esadn of derstanding chicken

if the family the if and later on on later and the cause of of cause the ) the person

offering denotative

dao behavior behavior dao

- as an an as es , the the , The The

the the


es in is it

CEU eTD Collection did only Not Philippines. prac the about account extensive written bureaucrats American of number A culture. Philippine with dog administrators, colonial all the inthe Orient. Of civilization America’s of version assimilation benevolent America’s of laboratory social the became Philippines the thereafter, Immediately 1898. d million 20 of payment the after Guam and Cuba Rico, Puerto with along resistance anticolonial of decade a After Madrid. from independence demanded Asia and America Latin in colonies its of several 4.1.2 and dog how of illustration an provide positively rituals in dog of function symbolic the perceived had who actors social burial appropriate an aphrodisiac. provides eatingit as to applies dog to relation in dimension to provoked. especiallywhen

hurt raison d'être raison oad te n o te 19 the of end the Towards dog Overall, : Orientalized Dog (

abwn 2014) Lacbawan the person who is responsible for the witchcraft. Additionally, this this Additionally, witchcraft. the for responsible is who person the as

iul object ritual

for America’s s are

otcs with contacts . noe wt hmn hrce ( character human with endowed

n te anhn st fr aiu poet amd t introducing at aimed projects various for site launching the and

u te iulsi lyr a tkn nte dmnin when dimension another taken has layer ritualistic the But

they reproduce factual observations, these colonial ethnographies colonial these observations, factual reproduce they This is This - s eating has had the most enduring mark in America’sengagementenduring in mark most the had haseating

- o one witchcraft counter to aig Aside eating. a w a benevolent assimilation th

ay to survive the survive to ay precisely - etr, h Saih mie tre t disintegrate to started empire Spanish the century, eating Igorots , the Philippines was Philippines the , ie f dog of tice is

what the what

rm t ritual its from transformed into an index of Filipino barbarity Filipino of index an into transformed 25

ic te mrcn ooil period colonial American the since

cold and nippy weather, nippyweather, and cold

or perform cleansing ceremonies after after ceremonies cleansing perform or dao - aig n h nrhr region northern the in eating .

- practices that caught the attention of thecaught attention of that practices es istic

tries to tries i.e. i.e. unfortunately I te following the In .

- function turned fearless) achieve - anthropologists have have anthropologists the ,

that - ollars to Spain in Spain to ollars not to mention asmention to not

ceded to the US the to ceded to “ brings

warmth incite makes section


another the dog the

f the of ”


them after

also not ,


CEU eTD Collection head of image the fair, the In Missouri. in Exposition reproduced is that frame predominant a into transformed is behavior highly and violent dog case, pet from food distinguish to inability his (2) and brutality of element an (1) around dog of domain the enter they before starved and suffer to need dogs where sadism of element an within couched “ eaten be w ambiguity explains this Jenks, ( center imperial the in companion human as dog of position the specifies clearly that code cultural strict the contradicts role multifaceted Such pet. as and as function ambiguous its from springs dog for natives of disregard utter the description, Jenks’ In food. and pet between exists that boundary hazy the ofextended discussion howdogsIgorots.areI treatedby the quote, examp For behavior. serve also An overarching narrative that has informed the colonial understanding of dog of understanding colonial the informed has that narrative overarching An - meat consumption portrays an image of a savage eater whose eating behavior revolves revolves eating behavior whose savageeater a of imagean portrays consumption meat man of the house said they would be kept twenty days longer before they would be reduced reduced be would 110 (pp. eating. theyfor properly before longer days twenty kept be would they said house the of man after bones only dog his ceremonial eats for Igorot mainly the bred is In He consumption. children. and women dog the the with enemies way attacking spiritless its a in from escapes evi mountains less the to or flees more pueblo surly, a a when is though and strangers, time, the of most dwelling the about lies He existence. his justify to nothing does he dogs, hunting few the of case the in Except (taro). atten dog.… “Eskimo” the States the in and dog, “Chino” the Islands really the in yellow, or Luzon white,of coast west the of lowlands black, the in everywhere impress its color, left has which dog solid a of usually h is Where color. “buckskin” Igorot Bontoc the of dog The - d aig eoe a idx o h ntv’ md o tikn wih fr ek, is Jenks, for which, thinking of mode native’s the to index an becomes eating kn n bones and skin

tion from his owners. his from tion as pockets for orientalist indices of the violence and barbarity of natives’ eating eating natives’ of barbarity and violence the of indices orientalist for pockets as of food and “ and food of . I saw two in a house so poor that they did not raise their heads when I entered, and the the and entered, I when heads their raise not did they that poor so house a in two saw I . - visceral le, the classic classic the le, ceremonial consumption ceremonial . o te ooil diitaos te aie’ aig ai is habit eating natives’ the administrators, colonial the For ”. This . Asiatic the of marks the of none has He known. not is originated e Twice each day he is fed sparingly with cooked rice or camotes or rice cooked with sparingly fed is he day each Twice - 111, emp 111, hy natives give “ give natives hy The Bontoc Igorot Bontoc The rtlt ad violence and brutality hasis is mine). is hasis 26

little attention little ”. This implies that the colonial rendering colonial the that implies This ”.


hunting and dog and hunting (1905) of Albert Jenks has devoted an an devoted has Jenks Albert of (1905)

it has been reduced to to reduced been has it a source of protein, ritual offering ritual protein, of source a

intrinsic in the native’s eating eating native’s the in intrinsic ” to their dogs as they have to to have they dogsas their to ” aln 1990 Sahlins The dog receives little receives dog The - l eating tribes provided provided tribes eating - tempered to to cur tempered in the 1904 World World 1904 the in . s uh for such, As ). skin and skin — called called - eating is eating . In this In . CEU eTD Collection natives his “discovered” Columbus how of rendition orchestrated and localized i bone” and “skin with performed and origin spatial its from transported is but represented simply not is barbarity events, these In humankind. of races backward for steward as America of role predestined org spectacle orchestrated the by metropole the in visible rendered is wretchedness The intervention. colonial of need in race butchercook theaccompanyi and without eaten. and slaughtered are dogs how illustrate to accomplished are sick and dead the for rituals Even offering. religious as dogs using ceremonies perform Phil the of representatives As entertainment. public for display on put are Asia and America Latin in colonies American the of each representing groups where anthropological an into transformed is exposition the months, seven of span the commu and huts to paddies rice from everything, replicated has community The delegates. Filipino to assigned land of acres 47 the within village Igorot an of replica a build Exposit most Its natives. the the in communities tribal of groups of various of displaythe is project controversial prosperity” material and civilization in about…advancement assimilation the of 4.1.3 natives from environment” their “natural (NewYork the uplift to responsibility moral their of public American the convince to evidence living a The same strand of colonial imagining is articulated by articulated is imagining colonial of strand same The : Indeed, the discourse of violent eater has made possible the production of an inferior inferior an of production the possible made has eater violent of discourse the Indeed, Displaying Eaters Violent ueu f Non of Bureau ion

in Missouri. More than 100 Igorots from northern Philippines were recruited to recruited were Philippines northern from Igorots 100 than More Missouri. in , the Bur the , eau is mandated to “determine the most practicable means for bringing for means practicable most the “determine to mandated is eau - n an American stage. What transpires then is a corporeal encounter, a a encounter, corporeal a is then transpires What stage. American an n hita Tribes Christian

nzd o tg te aua odr f hns n the and things of order natural the stage to anized A te ntttoa fr o America’s of form institutional the As . ng ritual duetopublic demand.ng 27


Editorial Dean Worcester Dean ippines, the Igorots are paid to paid are Igorots the ippines, At other times, other At


in the formation the in

nal courts. In courts. nal they have to to have they - 1904 World1904

benevolent a colonial colonial a CEU eTD Collection “extremeI violence”. quote, c introduce to government American the for reason legitimate the frames he when sentiment dog of colonial appropriateness the captures instance, for doctor, prominent of nature exploitative the on not centered mostly have debates althoughthe US the in discussion th in consumed and slaught are dogs where performancesritual in reproduced ethnographyis Jenks’ in native instinctual highly and violent a of image the Again, Exposition. the in villages Philippine Northern 4.1.4 (seeconsumption 1 Photo colon the allow events these hand, other the On soil. American in unfolding triumph of narrative the spectacle but on the sheer the on but spectacle the : a dsore f rup t bcm a omn nweg ta i oe for open is that knowledge common a become to triumph of discourse ial After The Publicness andviolence slaughtering of ideas prevalent in the United States (Starr 1908, emphasis is mine).emphasis is 1908, States(Starr the United in prevalent ideas head the to As dogs. male make dog and hunters head are they “but self of capable not is that tribe a not is there islands the all In

Philippines, the Bureau has employed Albert Jenks as chief curator for the the for curator chief as Jenks Albert employed has Bureau the Philippines, eiig from retiring goo d food d e open ground (see photo 2 photo (see ground open e . Although they are extremely violent extremely are they Although - eating as “good food” but emphasizes how the practice provides provides practice the how emphasizes but food” “good as eating

). i rl a a oa amnsrtr f the of administrator local a as role his

- hunting…it does not compare unfavorably with some religious religious some with unfavorably compare not does hunting…it brutality - eaters” They are, but I never could see why dog should not should dog why see could never I but are, They eaters”

of the natives the of 28

. Subsequently

, they only eat only clean, white young young white clean, only eat only they ,

(New Yor (New - government …“ government , the act has generated intense generated has act the ,

vlt ad ouin t their to solutions and ivility k Times k onan Provinces Mountain

Oh”, you say say you Oh”, Editorial

1904). A 1904).

public ered ered

in CEU eTD Collection Am to back dog on conflictingInterestingly, opinions the thatcolors contemporaryof colonial the debate powers. moral universe. dog a of image the predators, sexual Man’s White have regimes colonial native the of Other inclination perceived the employed Philippines. the with engagement colonial America’s to idiosyncraticnot is however, image, Such violence. for penchant and barbarity native’s the of dog of consumption and slaughtering public the way, this In watches. audience American the while public in habit eating his displaying in qualm between exists that boundary strict the distinguish to him impedes decency of level whose man inferior an of dog of practice the lacking is rationality human of level Photo The orientalist fascination orientalist The half a native, incomplete an of imagination colonial The -

1 et aig rie svrl yblc tutrs f enn woe rgn s traced is origin whose meaning of structures symbolic several cruises eating meat

Igorots Igorot butchering in the dog 1904World of Village the Exposition erican colonial discourses. More than a mudslinging at the rhetorical level, the level, rhetorical the at mudslinging a than More discourses. colonial erican

burden. From depicting native women of French Indochina and African men as as men African and Indochina French of women native depicting From burden. private and public space. As he is guided by sheer instinct, the native finds no finds native the instinct, sheer by guided is he As space. public and private

- eating. Furthermore, the publicness of the performance created an image image an created performance the of publicness the Furthermore, eating. for the violent dog violent the for

and purely guided by visceral anguish is imputed into imputed is anguish visceral by guided purely and - eater also verifies the looseness and lack in native’s native’s in lack and looseness the verifies also eater 29

to -

eater continues even after the breakdown breakdown the after even continues eater violence as a legit a as violence - meat provide corporeal represen corporeal provide meat -

(Saint Louis Public Library1904) human or a juvenile whose whose juvenile a or human imating claim for the the for claim imating


CEU eTD Collection normative actors multiple how of strains resultant of opposition binary these subsume to not wary be a upon opened has meaning cultural of portals several and heritage as practice the portray that arguments and rhetoric Philippines. the in mood dominant the been has i an avoid or derail to tactic interpretive strategic heritage and narrative modernist is consumption assemblages. imaginaries 4.2: propinquityits savageand tobarbaric, uncivil life deploy (AKF) Foundation play that institutions issue the While activists. and outfits media NGOs, involved state, the from spring discourses opposing These society. Filipino “ the stains that impurity as description its to culture Filipino “authentic” of signifier dog understand actors social way

n h floig chapter, following the In The Dirty and

discourses that discourses specific normative and hermeneutic field hermeneutic and normative specific alignments

of dirt and violence are creatively deployed into coherent interpretative interpretative coherent into deployed creatively are violence and dirt of ht s ehp uiu i te otmoay de contemporary the in unique perhaps is What the , the the , Violent Eating! Violent Eating! frothing banter that banter frothing moderni on critical impact Office of City Veterinarians City of Office

dog - const - ty vs. tradition vs. ty eating. public opinion. These groups construe dog construe groups These opinion. public oe i ti dbt. The debate. this in roles

ruction w ruction utpe nepeie sebae a eihnmn o the of epiphenomena as assemblages interpretive multiple dsrb tee icuss y emphasizing by discourses these describe I discourse. Each of these involved involved these of Each discourse.


et osmto sas rm t drc prryl as portrayal direct its from spans consumption meat has generates exploit here agents struggle to build and claim legitimacy legitimacy claim and build to struggle agents here

divided social actors who separately emphasize separately who actors social divided 30 or of of or

. of understanding dog understanding of mpasse with their opponent. Such situation Such opponent. their with mpasse ulc enns y unn it “logical” into turning by meanings public

law vs. culture vs. law The antagonism between modernization modernization between antagonism The ulc neet tee are there interest, public , and the and , LinisGobyerno Welfare Animal . I . groups nstead, these frames are frames these nstead, ae rud dog around bate - eating. - , eating by invoking invoking by eating

nml Kingdom Animal have constructed have

Yet, one must must one Yet, recognizable o public how modern” -

meat each - up up

CEU eTD Collection ow pet responsible “promoting and (ibid) rabies” animal and human of spread and prevention health to “right tradition andchange. law and culture between opposition binaristic assumed an by guided being necessarily ins dog stop to frame coherent a assembling “ relationship policies they amo Perceiving pr the link to attempt perplexing 4.2.1 alternate rmns r rfetv o hw oil cos aiae h gmt f oiis without policies of gamut the navigate actors social how of reflective are truments esi” (ibid). nership”

ng NGOs but NGOs ng In 2007, the Philipp the 2007, In On : utilize Consuming e on

plce d nt noe nml welfare animal invoke not do policies ” rm ta fns o rsne n the in presence no finds that frame

public health present an alternative an present health public

dog to to other laws which laws other to circumvent

- of Filipinos of aig s a as eating

Dirt approaching Unlike

and the Construction of and theConstruction ine government has introduced the introduced has government ine

any ” (Official Gazette 2008 Gazette (Official ” the desecration

disagreement nml efr Law Welfare Animal it as it codify

cie o icuss f it eiei ad violence and epidemic dirt, of discourses to actice a source of source a

it f nml ihs a be te ot iil frame visible most the been has rights animal of

as an as - et cons meat

from supporters of cultural rights. Specifically, Specifically, rights. cultural of supporters from 31 apparatus Food


danger on ) by )

- going Epidemic , bu

umption. hc was which t


to public health is one is health public to to frame dog frame to hy ae eoe ntuetl in instrumental become have they element of Filipino heritage. Filipino of element

icsin n dog on discussion Anti

- More

Rabies Act Rabies

a rmlae i 1998 in promulgated structure - eati hn this than ng by ng

to for the “control, the for - safeguard aig s the is eating , these legal legal these , removing tactic

which T the , hese hese


its or .

CEU eTD Collection 7 6 dog slaughters the that asked dog of Foundation Animal Kingdom direct a as practice the presenting by strategy their redirected have a to welfare animal of LinisGobyerno regulations one example, this With dog when apparent more even become has This expand indirectly and rabies “security”from diseases. dog dog Foundation Kingdom Animal Anti

- - - - “DogMeatTraders 2015( Retrieved Busted” May 16, - Clearly, t Clearly, the in seen be can As (http://www.animalkingdomfoundation.org/index.html). meat trades in 2008 in trades meat violate who traders meat nml Kingdom Animal eating as eating eating as t aseating ais c does Act Rabies

the - eating as vector of vector as eating evc bcue hy nw t s lea (r Bii Po itriw y M Alegre JM by interview Piok Brigit (Dr. illegal 2010). is it know they because pass Service not does it that considering rabies inspectio meat like through meat dog from diseases get may We spread

community dogs

by building a strategic a building by

he a conduit a

hreat is not is . I. quote, have have cr e

ation to public health. This had This health. public to

becauseof “stretched”

n not to not


imminent of of identifies

onain fiil epg. 01 Rtivd ac 1, 2015 12, March Retrieved 2011. Webpage. Official Foundation

for of Anti of

infectious rabies virus (see Illustration 2 Illustration (see virus rabies forbid

violating picture ns conducted by our office and the National Meat Inspection Meat National the and office our by conducted ns their agenda to include to agenda their eat


and and



- the “negat the

the Animal Welfare Law but the public’s right to health and and health rightto public’s the but Law WelfareAnimal the Rabies Act has Act Rabies how social actors actors social how threat to public health. In this way, animal way, this In health. public to threat other LinisGobyerno dog association , one one ,

virus. the Anti the as - et eating. meat

government institutions are quickto government institutions

the virus the eonzs o AF re t rlt do relate to tries AKF how recognizes A dog of consequences ive” the group has registered a registered has group the https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=11&v=qVRXmXOxx9Y


but bythe but local veterinarian local - clear

Rabies Law and Law Rabies between

, have re have , delivered could

impact n pushing vn so Even egotiate ) 6


one policy to another. The AKF and and AKF The another. to policy one likelihood infe Since then Since -

appropriated the law and and law the appropriated

on another legal another

ct them. ct for , animal rights groups, such as as such groups, rights animal ,

within within local policies after a number of of number aftera policies local , for instance, instance, for , not the Animal Welfare Act Welfare Animal the not public safety from epidemic. epidemic. from safety public

of getting bitten when gettingbitten of , the law law the a cause - But eating landscape complaint

machinery she did not did she

of epidem of proclaim -

has criminalized has rights advocates rights as has a

of rules and and rules of against two against desecration desecration repetitively g -

aig to eating depicte to brand brand to

the role explain ic. ic. T ). ). one he he

7 d .

CEU eTD Collection geographies. spaces physical codify NGOs how understand 4.2.2 container of public dange right inherent has dog c consuming in imputed is that behavior accompanying th of reflective but actions social guide that structures of absence an imply not does This frames. different into actors social how illustrates the But rights. animal securing of objective original group’s one’s health”( hazard health public serious most the as “rabies and meat, dog consuming by transmitted not is rabies of office national the though Even they which to decided has Philippines Southern welfare. animal protecting of objective becomehas a but rights, animal of violation cities Animal Welfare Institute Welfare Animal To further To On :

several towns in the Philippines Philippines the in towns several Geography ofPolicy


the organizing frame to regulate to organizingframe the slaughtered

gl More specifically, NGOs have redefined the physical division of city as as city of division physical the redefined have NGOs specifically, More LinisGobyerno ance - elucidate meat is a direct violation of animal welfare animal of violation direct a is meat . On . , such an easy shift in tactic could be interpreted as interpreted be couldtactic in easyshift an such , e slippery relationship between “meanings” attributed to food and the the and food to attributed “meanings” between relationship slippery e the other hand other the

and the r, a malevolence. conduit ofdisease and : Codifying Spaces of Eating : Codifying Spaces of

try t try intriguing link of link intriguing

consumed, 2006). have meticulously drew a link between the two and two the between link a drew meticulously have s a s o assemble dog assemble o

potential sourceof potential

, dog is dog , quarantine 21 men after men 21 quarantine Philippines’ promulgated

o example For has


dog 33 etd oiie o rabies for positive tested dog

- in the country” and dog and country”the in where - eating into a into eating ran od practices. food ertain meat consumption away from the “original” the from away consumption meat

eatet f Health of Department -

eating regulations NGOs like NGOs , disease

morphed into into morphed osmto s embed is consumption

h hat ofcas f io Ct in City Digos of officials health the to -

change dirt and epidemic, and dirt . a desecration of a life form that that form life a of desecration a

flex the discarded discarded the In recent cases of cases recentIn

that framed dog framed that Animal Kingdom Foundation Kingdom Animal

ible form that is then casted then is that form ible

from an entity an an -

eating a eating virus

On abandonment of the of abandonment one has head of the dog, the of head

the that serves that ded goal Dny 2013). (Dinoy explained -

eating, not as as not eating, we must also must we s “harmfulto s arrest,

in one to another to portrayed specific rabies rabies hand

as a a as that ,

CEU eTD Collection 8 p state of deployment the how presents Foundation Kingdom space every to associated activities accompanying , domestic of practices unsanitary the from health people’s protect to need the on insists but Act) Right Peoples (Indigenous Code backla any avoid to Sanitation Law Welfare Animal the invoking of instead the use to decided has director the expected, As compound. a residential within purpose commercial for dogs butchering were who owners abattoir two against Foundation the of members what exactly is strategy” “legal This Law. Welfare Animal culture. the “violating” without slaughterhouses Consequently st can s/he before constructintends to has anabattoir permit tosecure afromgovernment the sanitation national who Anyone health. public to threat poses and unsanitary is areas residential within or near acknowled explicitly has decree The abattoir. ( 856 PD pol cultural from opposition the understood. is consumption human for meat specific how of constitutive

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVRXmXOxx9Y i cies that designate spaces for slaughtering animals. In 1975, the government has enacted has government the 1975, In animals. slaughtering for spaces designate that cies Likewise eatin from health people’s protecting the about all It’s region. the in tradition a is meat dog anoverpower isThis not o In effect, the owners of dog slaughterhouses slaughterhouses dog of owners the effect, In oe f aiain n h Philippines the in Sanitation of Code

g dog anddirty slaughterhouses (AKF) have been deploying. In 2003, the director of AKF of director the 2003, In deploying. been have (AKF) te oiiain f ph of codification the , , animal ,

art building the in a location far from any residential areas. areas. residential any from far location a in slaughterhouse the building art


rights advocates can can advocates rights and and LinisGobyerno - right advocate is to bundle the prote the bundle to is advocate right

f Cordillera the culture where most insist people that eating rituals in dog of role the acknowledges he statement, his In .


(Greg Quimpo, Director AKF)of ih o idgnu cmuiis o exercise to communities indigenous of right

ower by local bureaucrats mirror an interesting interesting an mirror bureaucrats local by ower use this law and and law this use ae en osrcig hi agmns I also It arguments. their constructing been have 34 ged that slaughtering animals in places situated places in animals slaughtering that ged

adcp (.. residential (i.e. landscape ), a law that identified specific areas for for areas specific identified that law a ), violate os o ol pret how permeate only not does convince the police to raid illegal raid to police the convince

the Sanitation Code Sanitation the ction of animal welfare with with welfare animal of ction sh from supporters of IPRA of supporters from sh 8 has registered a case a registered has .

O ne

Animal Kingdom Kingdom Animal area

way to escape escape to way

and )

n the and Animal not

their their


CEU eTD Collection dog tog to relation means avoid to apossible col provide but agenda their complement that policies to advocacy their bundling by impasse rela antagonism the about what avoid to strategy a but goal, original AKF’s of abandonment alignment. strategically coherent one into sewn be could media) police, officer, sanitation (e.g. players various aroun discourses into interview an in entrapment operation Philippines Northern in department police the of desecrating state embod creative of illustration ether, they amp they ether, - an of possibility the circumvent to tries AKF IPRA, and Act Welfare Animal of tionship From animal of rhetoric the beyond moved has debate the seen, be can As aig all eating ies an out an ies case Cordilleran the purpose the for event.is media the glorify to us with media take we market, the in happens raid house, ofsanitationsc the a inside done is slaughtering cheaper city come the by allowed used not is camouflage is it because slaughter government illegal an is area…it slaughter the for As

nte layer, another how dog how . So we have t

from re ows

- than here in Baguio in here than noe it dmsi spaces domestic into encoded - - sancti of

ad f lea sagtr ra uuly t s o cniee a a de a as considered not is it usually area, slaughter illegal of raid Batangas, Laguna and Quezon. Why? B Why? Quezon. and Laguna Batangas, lify the practice into practice the lify and this illegal slaughter area could be found in an isolated place, the place, isolated an in found be could area slaughter illegal this and h sra o dsae and disease of spread the - - place practice place . aigi udrto a cnuto pdmc I hs rms are frames these If epidemic. of conduit as understood is eating s are claiming that is their , their food, but it should not be the be not should it but food, their delicacy, their is claiming that are s p d

oned slaughterhouses. oned assembl o stop the slaughter caninesof ewe cluetaiin n plc. n iw f h conflicting the of view In policy. and culture/tradition between ity.

- bi sntto ad health. and sanitation ublic the spatial codification of slaughtering takes more legitimacy in in legitimacy more takes slaughtering of codification spatial the usually under vegetation under usually The city has aThehassanitationofficerhewith city alwaysus and is lusion with supporters of IPRA. withsupporterslusion of

of letting the people know what is illegal. is what know people the letting of age … ,

where dog where dog Sometimes it is warrantless search, except when the when except search, warrantless is it Sometimes

- a social dilemma that is worthy of worthy is that dilemma social a eating becomes an ano an becomes eating

u ti ri i atal rpeetd y the by represented actually is raid this but

35 Forexample

- . eating is positioned positioned is eating as as

Again btor ae situated are abattoirs n hs way this In where they dogs. butcher they where

(emphasis is mine)

, this should not be interpreted as an an as interpreted be not should this , Additionally ecause dog in this place is more is place this in dog ecause demonstrates , t his

sntto i ivkd and invoked is sanitation , frame by disorder of source malous

we have mentioned earlier mentioned have we , the lumping together of of together lumping the , vis . is reechoed by the head head by the is reechoed

Because some of some Because

- à how

- in in odce atr an after conducted vis

public concern public - Usually the Usually These dogs These rights and tapped tapped and rights

oetc spaces domestic

different frames frames different sanitation. A sanitation. .Ifthe clared sewn . As As . s it s ,

CEU eTD Collection cruelty. dog of layer cultural the eating of fate the direct to appeared violence. to epidemic and sanitation transpires What dog on debate contemporary the informs alignment b has consumers. among that f pets. their consuming welf for time, some For undertone. 4.2.3 that being monstrous more even an brings it one, into morph faces two these If areas. residential disease of public. cl holds longer (AKF “right” community’s dog consuming rame that w that rame

os atog sc efrs r nt necessarily not are efforts such although dogs, wreak are. Brand dog : een deployed as a spring board board spring a as deployed een Mundane v

food eaten not is meat Dog

And its fluidity is akin to a to akin is fluidity its And

- Instead et consumption meat

s n dog ing and filth and

havoc to people, community life. topeople, havoc and public ill o mn o nc o drn dikn bne…HR IS binges…THERE drinking during on snack to men for

aim form part of part form -

, mass vaccination is described as a viable solution to prevent people from from people prevent to solution viable a as described is vaccination mass , meat meat on iolent eater iolent -

et osmto a a etr f ies hs n mlct pedagogical implicit an has disease of vector a as consumption meat As I have described in the previous previous the in described have I As as ,

its and on the other side other the on and

A a becomes

midst urn form current - cultural eating and presents it as it presents and eating

LinisGobyerno 2011 as a meal for sustenance in the Philippines, but rather as rather but Philippines, the in sustenance for meal a as

a a cm t ebd i the is embody to come has the promotion of mass of promotion the tripartite assemblage tripartite

heritage o sml a esnl c bt complete a but act personal a simply not ) to a safer and cleaner environment. cleaner and safer a to ) double hwvr i a itrsig marriage interesting an is however, , .

h colon The Take for instance how how instance for Take

f but a floating form that form floating a but or -

faced character faced , and AKF have been supporting mass vaccination mass supporting been have AKF and

it denigrates it America’s 36

a ma ial

an - .

eating but devoid of the colonial project. colonial the of devoid but eating ordinary finger food that is imputed with imputed is that food finger ordinary

Beside dirt and epidem and dirt Beside understood vaccination, dogs are aligned to another another to aligned are dogs vaccination, ster is long dead but a new god has has god new a but dead long is ster sections It is a danger to all things pure things It isadangertoall eeoet a benevolent the neat and clea and neat the

where, on one side, it is harbinger is it side, one on where, presumed the following statement denies denies statement following the , the image of a violent eater violent a of image the ,

as poses danger to the greater the to danger poses wy to way a

ssimilation That is, the practic the is, That ecat o violence for penchant

n environment of of environment n NOTHING of ic, t ic,

protect animal animal protect ilto o a of violation discourses on on discourses finger he third face third he . h same The .

e no e

CEU eTD Collection grounds sacred within couched longer converting “s the makes consumption public for practice. traditional a aseating devoidthat is ofany religious element. debates public anything of representation claim longer regard believe IPRA of supporters what in inherent dog consuming and taken the on but claims sacred any on hinged longer incivility. dog eating in imputed violence mundanity presumed One witnesses an implicit assumption about a break in the temporal continuity of dog of continuity temporal the in break a about assumption implicit an witnesses One la two are There i oe om f eair s dtce” rm t sce foundation sacred its from “detached” is behavior of form one if , go been dog with go thatreligious therituals and sanctity The food). (finger … So, what's big the fuss about the present dog meat eating andtrading? be should dog a death, witnesses occurrence of b or accident an the prevent to living the of spirit the guard will meets dog the of spirit the that so sacrificed one when why is That Igorot Our respect. much with treated is ancestors (then) dogs of eating and butchering the day a not is it delicacy; a as served our before pre the between difference only The BE HALTED (Brown 2013 CULTURAL Dog meat eating has become a day a become has eating meat Dog

f ae tgte, h practice the together, taken If it into into eiiay s dog as legitimacy ne that vilify that

eivd ht os a gad u siis ( spirits our guard can dogs that believed (Bawang Igorot ancestors ate and butcher dogs for religious rituals. religious for dogs butcher and ate ancestors Igorot an


meat. outdated thing thing outdated

ad luck. es ht ut e dismantled be must that yers renders the cultural argument mute. On the other other the On mute. argument cultural the renders

2003, emphasis is mine)

the practice as a mundane and highly commoditized good commoditized highly and mundane a as practice the cultural or heritage. or cultural This layer is pivotal in relation to the to relation in pivotal is layer This

Where before it is considered sacred, its entry as a commodity commodity a asentry its sacred,considered is it before Where - , emphasis mineis aig a n vldt t gon itself ground to validity no has eating - et conjures meat that is that , the presumed banality is then coupled with violence with coupled then is banality presumed the ,

ntt ad eiiu” ieso vanish dimension religious” and anctity - -

war issue on dog on issue war to is - only committed to memory. to committed only - to day pulutan day mnae om f ilne ht s no is that violence of form mundane a 37 - day thing, most of it consumed as pulutan as consumed it of most thing, day t

o be o Such an understanding looms large in large looms understanding an Such




p n mg o barbaris of image an up

traditional t hs on. On point. this at - for ab (finger food). As matter of fact, of matter As food). (finger - - eating and the present, is that is present, the and eating - granted act of slaughtering slaughtering of act granted abiik CRUEL ACT

in dog in n akne dialect). Kankanaey in purported - eating have long have eating


eating. In this this In eating. A one

It is not being not is It THAT MUST s symbolic as s the practice is no no is practice the s i cn no can it ,

side side sacrality and m , the the , the , thereby - . CEU eTD Collection no find alignments creating in instrumental become that codes cultural the manner, same in slippages such with f accounts, Structural approach. materialist a or structuralist to moored either thatis an assumption along working been myself, whohave epidemic a world, a such In created. is eating of definition normative where meaning of horizon “logical” and clean a compose ant an reworked. an into ideas various stitching by food understand people externalforcesto slave is that far. so established 4.2.4 the use of dog force brutal and torch blue utilize slaughterhouses illegal how describe they as ut been have LinisGobyerno and AKF dogs. of slaughtering the to directly connected and amplified now is it as practice the of mundanity or banality the around cohere w sacred food finger ordinary as function sheer its fulfill to accomplished fuss” “big the lies Here orld of banal and mundane andbanal of orld - I opine that this triumvirate has eluded earlier attempts by other scholars, including including scholars, other by attempts earlier eluded has triumvirate this that opine I have I what reiterate to want I debate, this of players key next the to move I Before meat. meat. : Tripartite A : Tripartite i - and modernist stance in Philippine society. Rather, NGOs and other social actors try to try actors social other and NGOs Rather, society. Philippine in stance modernist brutal force physical

That is, d is, That nd violence. v Hence, grand. ssemblage:Violence Epidemic Dirt, and This As I have been arguing against the propensity to situate eating as a practiceeatinga assituate propensity to the Iagainst arguingbeen have As iolence is committed in two forms: an absence of sacred foundation and and foundation sacred of absence an forms: two in committed is iolence og -

violence is understood as understood is violence eating is not simply vilified as an anomalous practice that represents that practice anomalous an as vilified simply not is eating h rsmddr i os but dogs in dirt presumed the Sagtrn ad aig dog eating and Slaughtering .

dog (Alexander2003) , my discussion has elucidated a starkly different picture of how how of picture different starkly elucidateda has mydiscussion , .

- meat consumption consumption meat or instance, will easily crumble when c when crumble easily will instance, or 38 .

But the image of a violent eater does not violent eaterdoesimagea of the But

an absence of foundation, of absence an is tied with social discourses of of discourses social with tied is with an inherent animal right. In the In right. animal inherent an with - et s fr o voec a i is it as violence of form a is meat

assemblage -

there is nothing religious nothing is there

ht s elyd and deployed is that

ilizing this frame this ilizing an entry into the the into entry an

in rendering rendering in onfronted onfronted only only dirt, ,

CEU eTD Collection an of form some embodies state the Since culture. pre pure Filipino a of representation proclaimed its on hinges that symbol 4 other means appear that might into tapping actively by but authenticity and heritage of politics within couched arguments o supporters how examine interests. their pursue to motivations conflicting flux in remains action social how illustrates health. and sanitation dog subsuming by welfare animal protecting of goal original their “abandons” group this how a alignments 1) by assemblage 4.3: portray thepracticeas 1) to seek that assemblage interpretive of forms interrelate two discuss I section, next the In paper this of end the at issue this on discussion a provide will I misrecognition. of working the and power Nevertheless withi subsumed when presence . 3 .1 - As I have I As I far, So eating not as violation of Animal Welfare Law but Law Welfare Animal of violation as not eating myEating : Aestheticization eating of long , I do not want to suggest a gastronomic field of contestation that is devoid of devoid is that contestation of field gastronomic a suggest to want not do I , after elucidating how supporters of dog of supporters how elucidatingafter

pet? mentioned in the previous chapter previous the in mentioned have have

discourses of dirt, epidemic and violence and epidemic dirt, of discourses

icmetn plce ad dpig hi strategies their adapting and policies circumventing ny icse how discussed only t ih apa prematur appear might It proper food f dog f , onthesurface, ticolonial subversion subversion ticolonial

- eating try to defend the practice not simply by resorting to resorting by simply not practice the defend to try eating a aayi fae ht invoke that frame analytic an n - pnoe ntoait ripple nationalist sponsored

and 2) as fol an 39


social actors resort to unpredictable and often and unpredictable to resort actors social oes of lowers insignia of foodentitlement of insignia

e to conclude at this point point this at conclude to e This becomes This , dog , - eating as a practice deal with the debate.the with deal practicea aseating that - as eating has spiraled into a nationalist a into spiraled has eating

. Again, it Again, . openly desecration of the public’s right to right public’s the of desecration nml efr have welfare animal

even in devalues the perpetuated perpetuated the devalues

more apparent when we when apparent more is important to highlight highlight to important is s h 17s do 1970s, the

- ooil n pristine and colonial materialist .

n 2 creating 2) and u sc a case a such but

created an an created

analysis. g - eating eating - CEU eTD Collection from other dishesofpoultry made out orpork. dog how amplifying often gastronomy, of rubrics the within dog of supporters that frame important dog of out run already they as early closing restaurants dog dog cubed or minced with cooked are poultry pork. and chicken adobo dog with but dish Filipino common dog Filipino other as cuisine level same the to it elevate to but practice the in inherent violence and dog describing By Foundati Kingdom Animal for preparing circulated widely advocates welfare dog support who groups from master colonial old how the of sensibilityeating whole the criticize Filipinos of moment gastronomic the becoming by Philippines uncivilized an of imagination - - To my mind, the publication of these of publication the mymind, To et r mr epnie n hv hge demand. higher have and expensive more are meat I that restaurants all In meal. popular a is meat heritagiz , a meat stew meat a , s. dog the want not do 2007). who men among serving preferred longga like cooked " parts common the as such recipes several in " come the said chef meat dog A pinuneg pulutan

n y at I ae a sot neatos ih etuat i Bgi Ct where City Baguio in restaurants with interactions short had have I part, my On ae h kuke, ml ma ad oe boiled bones and meat small knuckles, the are "

dog ation " i a evn o itsie cend n sufd ih lo ad pcs and spices and blood with stuffed and cleaned intestines of serving a is "

(finger food) (finger

meat article - have In the same manner, stir manner, same the In meat as a delicacy a as meat , braised braised hr i aohr a t mk a atraie lgmn cntutd by constructed alignment alternative an make to way another is there cuisine claim , for example, has example, for , - nisa eating. F eating. on and other NGOs other and on

in vinegar and soy sauce, is cooked using dog using cooked is sauce, soy and vinegar in

of roasted skin and lean meat fried with onion leaves. onion with fried meat lean and skin roasted of ed ma ) (meat .

I quote,

regarding ood - , not only do they endeavor to endeavor they do only not , et s mi igein. o isac, th instance, For ingredient. main a as meat aestheticization aestheticization

- et ae en deplo been have meat

short the - attracted fried noodles that are traditionally prepared with with prepared traditionally are that noodles fried .



unsanitary natu unsanitary Asozena - have vilified have recipes must be understood in relation to howto relation in understood be must recipes


have have reaction when it printed printed it when reaction

Unlike o adobo or " is visited, the menu menu the visited,

one Oftentimes, -

et o serve. to meat

dog - other re

meat cuisines are not different not are cuisines meat - scheme ‘ et ml (Guimbatan smell meat

till ig s o on te practice the point to is ying of -

eating as eating sy et stew) meat (soy

dog f (sic) ood deny the presumed filth presumed the deny

- to invert what animal what invert to

meat consumption meat

t s omn o see to common is it , dishes made out of out made dishes , (Ale edr while tender, filthy and violent. and filthy typically

gre 1988) gre - o etrt, an reiterate, To meat instead of instead meat short

" Spare

s a is famous e “

includes recipes .

Apart Apart .

A ”

CEU eTD Collection discussions. in practices dog compare to interact frames local as inutile rendered is division neat the sometimes portray, to want I what than anal entitlement assemblage at attempts two these divided expression an as recognition dog treat state the and AKF how define to come countries. Asian neighboring food other with it juxtaposing by practice the from Guimbatan 2007) meat dog offers and dog a man a when hospitality “… dog on ban the from communities indigenous offering Department t instance, For dimension. another to practice 4

.3 .2 aig f o ma i pr o nrhr tie clue ad oeie i i a gesture a is it sometimes and culture, tribes northern of part is meat dog of eating ytic typology to help me elucidate my arguments. arguments. my elucidate me help to typology ytic Yet, the most powerful alignment that supporters have effectively employed is to rec to is employed effectively have supporters that alignment powerful most the Yet, presenting from Aside : Internal Domestication ofFoodEntitlement andExternal with to .

smo o eoinl od I a ou t rqet h gvrmn t exclude to government the request to forum a In bond. emotional of symbol a

other countries which receive little attention of have not generated not have of attention little receive which countries other I do not want to suggest a strict empirical division between the two but largely an two betweenthe division empiricalsuggeststrict to a wantI not do in the north even extended the function of dog of function the extended even north the in discourses from outside. from discourses - aig ih cock with eating .

a layer of gastronomy, other key players tried to amplify the the amplify to tried players key other gastronomy, of layer a

of human right. human of The goal of which is to articulate the double the articulate to is which of goal The - ihig r idie utn wie h lte invokes latter the while hunting wildlife or fighting The former refers to how supporters of t of supporters how to refers former The

into into

41 To facilitate my discussion, I have prem have I discussion, my facilitate To - practic meat trade, Director Gerry Baliang claims that that claims Baliang Gerry Director trade, meat he regional head of Philippines’ Philippines’ of head regional he

internal - es within the Philippines and with and Philippines the within es aig n t rdfn te al o its for call the redefine to and eating

Nonetheless, the ground is murkier murkier is ground the Nonetheless, and - - delicacies to his visitors” (quoted (quoted visitors” his to delicacies eating outside outside eating xenl oetcto o food of domestication external

- its standard that has has that standard

role as a ritual a as role he practice he intense Agriculture aturely aturely public public

other ode

try of

CEU eTD Collection ( double apparent the out voiced have players Key Law. Welfare Animal the of promulgation the since debates public of contour the been cock popular more dog animal over concerns two these mind, my To welfare. as categorized be could that practices other of issue make not does imp internal within eating Isupporters of the practice. quote, Picpica Isikias welfare. animal double the portray to seeks that banter relational mo a fact, In oppositions. circumvent Yet heritage. communities indigenous of practices the by supported heritage cultural Afable - ose a foreign standard to the Philippines. the to standard foreigna ose Based from the statement, t statement, the from Based part most the For eating as animal cruelty is cruelty animal as eating that that is our culture it. do still people why behind reason a something…there’s cruelty. in engage people i when example it is barbaric, more is which but savage vendors market dog at look Baguio to visitors are who people other you can How

2004 ) butdoes not

noig heritage invoking hl i yu ev i a a el o e ese o b pol ta i really is that people by on feasted be to meal a as it serve you if While cc fgtn, r oss wthn aia kl ec ohr o ta is that now other each kill animal watching horses, or fighting, cock n - - m fighting in lowland Philippines or h or Philippines lowland in fighting a etn a ofnie Toe h cmet o eape bu the about example for comment who Those offensive. as eating eat el o Cordillerans to tell - discourses. discourses. welfare has no root in Philippine society and the proclivity to translate translate to proclivity the and society Philippine in root no has welfare , who sell meat sell who

( upres ae en ra been have supporters Isikias

consider , Picpican quotedas Buenaobra in 2009

here are two layers layers two are here ’ cmet ersns sniet ht us through runs that sentiment a represents comment n’s in itself in




layers Act Rights Peoples Indigenous oth only

, animal ,

r rcgie b te tt a pr o te country’ the of part as state the by recognized are e rnucd om f naeet s o a it a into tap to is engagement of form pronounced re er practices as of violation er practices ht dog that only ,

a i i sm Biih tabloids British some in it saw

preposterous tr y -

Second 42 standard that standard or who are who or shows one dimension of how groups try to to try groups how of dimension one shows

- o eoaie h patc by practice the delocalize to - welfare advocates are not locals and that they that and locals not are advocates welfare

aig s offensive is eating lig eid the behind llying that constitute how supporters align dog align supporters how constitute that - , this stan this , tnad neet mn avcts of advocates among inherent standard because orse visitors to the Cordiller the to visitors demonize - fighting in the South. Such has Such South. the in fighting dard They have to understand to have They

advocates do not oppose the oppose not do advocates Yu a’. ts only It’s can’t. You .

the Animal Welfare Act. , emphasis mineis is

da that idea IR) I ti lw all law, this In (IPRA).

extremely abig ie for like gambling dog

te cl that call …they voain f animal of violation a - eating as “cruelty” as eating

dog setn how asserting a selective , who , - eating ) .

as s a is all

it s -

CEU eTD Collection supported byforeign topursue their donors NGOs against remark scathing a written has Baguio, of mayor city former a Afable, Cecil pract animal principle. how note legal supporters international an by protected rights human of expression an as Philippines Southern t tries former the As culture. Philippine in food as standards. foreigners by barbarity of insignia an into transmogrified fighting. horse and dog policing of agenda their of selective Philippines. the dog to opposition fore 2007) dog from made delicacies served who owners restaurant against directed p Local 1970s. the in colonial igners who visited the country and started to castigate the practice. practice. the castigate to started and country the visited who igners Similarly, pr invoking in 2007 in organized was that forum public a In ices . The same frame has been articulated but not directed against a colonial master but to but master colonial a against directed not but articulated been has frame same The other people saveto dogs The them.eating viol a as Nations culture a especially anybody deli national should areas, people. areDogs Man layer, which i layer,which

within the Philippines the within

I i a is It .

The International Body Group, who are complaining against dog trade in our in trade dog against complaining are who Group, Body International The T - hi by accomplished is eating cacy go n so And acut wy acrig o Picpic to according why, accounts s 's BestFriend. 's ,

s reminiscent of how dog reminiscenthow of s the latter form of alignment expands the debate to reframe dog reframe to debate the expands alignment of form latter the oliticians oliticians ua rgt n we and right human to to ation . British u British

Eating dog meat to us is part of our of part is us to meat dog Eating and and Taiwan actices of other countries become instrumental countriesactices in ofother become . fr upres dog supporters, for ,

- oeg spotd ru t cm ad eilt aant our against legislate and come to group supported foreign Even our legislators who legislators our Even rights advocates are hypocritical by ignoring other contentious other ignoring by hypocritical are advocates rights

(Afable 2004 , they , sed their dogs to hunt and kill kill and hunt to dogs their sed organized But theyButalsocanbe raisedand forgods food the for the

too utilize contentious food practices of other countries. other of practices food contentious utilize too - meat consumption but turning a blind eye to cock to eye blind a turning but consumption meat

, where dog meat is a daily fare to them. It is a is It them. to fare daily a is meat dog where ,

a tk ti u aant hm o h United the to them against up this take can , emphasis mineis h gteig s rato t a eis f arrests of series a to reaction a as gathering the dog 43 pointing its origin from outside and not within not and outside from origin its pointing - -

saving agenda, saving eating was morphed into a nationalist a into morphedwas eating is o align the practice with with practice the align o

lcl od n h Piipns u only but Philippines the in food local a try to prohibit the eating of dogs are dogs of eating the prohibit to try Baguio City Baguio culture

n aia welfare animal an, who try to impose their selective selective their impose to try who other animalsother ) .

and we do no do we and , these frames took an anti an took frames these — Thus, realigning Thus, and they paythey and - meat repositioning dog horse t tolerate t

advocates are are advocates

(Guimbatan - fighting Also

symbol - eating eating as , the the

in -

CEU eTD Collection how describes culture Filipino of recognition for call immediate the and law international “immediate” reason beyond goes that layer another takes culture of insignia an into it transforming thereby principles, rights. advocates, welfare dog practices food 4 (Bawang 2003 cock see to interesting This hunting). for animal how to synonymous dogs runs claims of “reversal” using (i.e. Britain in practices contentious similar as opposition Afable’sremark of dog like countries other from cases use animal how articulate rights. Rights Animal of Declaration Universal policies international employ they how and China) and (Korea region the in practices .3 dog .3 - These two forms of reversal have played critical played have reversal of forms two These Afable’s hs tep t oclae between oscillate to attempt This eating and to demonstrate the selective standard that permeates the advocacy of animal animal of advocacy the permeates that standard selective the demonstrate to and eating : Assembling

- From within the Phi the within From On meat consumption as an accepted delicacy. What is more interesting to interesting more is What delicacy. accepted an as consumption meat - the fighting as a violation of animal welfare but welfare animal of violation a as fighting

remark a ) indog and n abject n one hand, hand, one

is food

an I see a see I nml rights animal why the practice beforeigners.why must protectedfrom represents

- interesting reversal of claim in which supporters which in claim of reversalinteresting - their of selective are advocates rights meat consumption. meat and politics of culture of and politics

violation of human rights rights human of violation

strategic d to food contentious other with practice the contrast they lippines, og -

aig s a as eating how . y “loca By

re supporters - assembling - an ) eating in Korea and Korea in eating

to support what they claim they what support to

noain f right of invocation n iig ad epnig ter lis o support to claims their “expanding” and lizing”

44 entitlement

t ry to juxtapose the practice with other eating other with practice the juxtapose to ry

legal of but

role in role - dog rights advocates in the Philippines fail Philippines the in advocates rights

emphasiz right. On the other hand, invoking invoking hand, other the On right. principles

- insist on the p the on insist o od s deployed is food to eating the current debate debate current the

Taiwan to emphasize the status the emphasize to Taiwan motives ht is that ed

as an expression of human of expression an as

more more and invokes culture as as culture invokes and as a violation of human of violation a as .

do upre b lcl or local by supported In addition In

resumed “barbarity” resumed

not plainly not on

the presence of of presence the on

eid legal behind

highlight contentious , they also they ,

treat the treat ( i.e.

in in CEU eTD Collection objects. other to them bundle users when shift things of 414) (p. relevance” and utility,value, concept the introduces he history, Indonesian 4 immediate manifestation ofright culture. to Rights Human of Declaration Universal the and IPRA a practice the locates that argument an forward this, than More Philippines. the in dog of consumption the castigate only attitude att calling while permissible legally is that practice a paint to laws o discourse the diffe becausea humanright eating is iscultural. it discourse. humanitarian a to synonymous is that dimension le within interspersed is that issue an merely not becomes springb as laws This government. the for concern immediate an “forei from protection cultural when right on discourse of realm different battle legal a becomes food to entitlement an immediacy. cultural of politics as call I what levels two into bundled is rights” “human how of illustration practi the of supporters .4 : Sowhat In an article written by Webb Webb by written article an In W rent portals of meaning of portals rent hat

of animal welfare advocates who turn a blind to other contentious food practices but practices food contentious other to blind a turn who advocates welfare animal of have ?

Strategic bundlinganda f filth and violence, they have bundled up dog up bundled have they violence, and filth f ad o cam hnhmnrgt s meddi “culture”. in embedded is right human when claims for oard I argued so far? far? so argued I between Animal Welfare L Welfare Animal between e taeial dpo ter position their deploy strategically ce s tpltd in stipulated as

that straddle straddle that Supporters of the practice have have practice the of Supporters Keane (2003) on the continuing appropriation of appropriation continuing the on (2003) Keane ssemblage

the from food aesthetics to food entitlement. food to aesthetics food from

Indigenous Peoples Right Act. Act. Right Peoples Indigenous 45 On one On semiotic bundling semiotic

s an expression an s oalredge,ge beyond goes degree, large a to ,

aw and the IPRA. However, this takes to takes this However, IPRA. the and aw layer or ,

by simply foregrounding it as an as it foregrounding simply by eating dog eating - . eating to local and international and local to eating -

n short In gal frames but is taken to a a to taken is but frames gal t also It backed by legal principle and principle legal by backed

of human right human of

to explain how the “relative the how explain to aligned

nin o h selective the to ention - rsns n interesting an presents fr upres dog supporters, for , m gners” is invoked as as invoked is gners” eat is translated is eat

h debate the they seek to put put to seek they In this way, it it way, this In

ih t food to Right supported by supported the the To invert To batik u along s e of e into

in -

CEU eTD Collection absent. exact of translation the but authority state of consequence as assumed easily is Everything eating. and is it but defuse) (and fuse policies and meanings who bureaucrats state and NGOs of act creative the account given has approach bigger hoverthem discoursespre over anddeploy that proclivity analytic ta almost is class) discourse, (i.e. reality short mind, my To analysis. social of feature important an omits reality, external an to homologous is which moment, misrecognition functions in like concepts if surprising ofhowexaminations external element m ear ana of strands two first the reflects analysis either dogs, “treat” should individuals how define that codes legal influential into converted are they as coercion symbolic of level ri cultural and welfare animal as words abstract Such habit. eating “proper” “ as sa the In tra cniin f rdcin n de structures deep and production of condition aterial ir at f hs sa. ars and Harris essay. this of part lier slave” to imposing structures that serve as discursive sites to propagate certain forms of of forms certain propagate to sites discursive as serve that structures imposing to slave” But

unable to explain how and why they draw links among disease, epidemic, sanitation epidemic, disease, among links draw they why and how explain to unable me manner, this is how I view the social life of food. On one On food. of life social the view I how is this manner, me this proclivity to juxtapose juxtapose to proclivity this Animal Welfare Laws Welfare Animal ,

the contour of peoples’ reaction reaction peoples’ of contour the oefl ol o nesad dog understand to tool powerful . It . can elucidate can class social analysis. - circuiting

and structure and

in relation to the to relation in s define how peopleeating interpret how theirs define as h maig ht e att we that meaning the

how we interpret food interpret we how

the deployment of animal of deployment the aln lo fr xlntos usd fo, n the in food, outside explanations for look Sahlins pet or pet tmut o a to ntamount

yi faeok ht e ae icse i the in discussed have we that framework lytic 46

become crucial analytic tools to explain how explain to tools analytic crucial become

as as food. In the literature of food studies, such studies, food of literature the In food. - Sanitation Code Sanitation reflexive interpretations. Although this interpretations. Althoughreflexive this - to eating, it could not, in my opinion, opinion, my in not, could it eating, weak analysis or tautology or analysis weak

dog Tee prahs r critical are approaches These .

- as mirror as aig s eey elcie of reflective merely is eating iue o food to ribute - rights as a coercive frame frame coercive a as rights

and side - reflection of abstract of reflection , food can be read be can food , Anti ghts assume some assume ghts -

- habit. It isnothabit. Rabies s cultural a as . In s In frames, frames,

Act uch uch

is CEU eTD Collection ass together as ingredients are elements diverging and disparate when solidity of level certain a assumes meat. canine chara t rights. human with bundled creatively is food where bricolage interesting an present umbrell the under practice dog dog meaning associated of web a form to together pulled openly are that webs social become but food to unrelated extent, some to are, that where tog sewn are epidemic and violence filth, of discourses laws bundled strategically Anti and Code Sanitation to Law Welfare fro advocacy their bundle and decouple to advocates pushes welfare animal and tradition between relationship problematic the discussed, have we As restrictions. own their circumvent and achieve to them deploy actively can people action, discourses and contingent he expression of right becomes something that could be associated with eating or or eating with associated be could that something becomes right of expression he - - hand other the On eating into a practice that is that practice a into eating eating. space Sanitation, and oneattempt toconvert within violenceareframe taken inan cter

dog which

- on dog on et osmtos s nesod as understood is consumptions meat n h ed te a pol udrtn fo i a omes niy ht only that entity formless a is food understand people way the end, the In

constitutes food is extended to a delicious dog stew or a noodle with minced with noodle a or stew dog delicious a to extended is food constitutes an - eating are eating mret rcs. hs s atclry paet n o policies how in apparent particularly is This process. emergent for dog ,

a eating. social recipe of o entitlement of a

n meanings and created and created - eating isolated ol be could

utilized by key stake key by utilized to food and consumption. consumption. and food to

through 47 o hi advantage. their to -

Rabies Act. Undeniably, social actors have have actors social Undeniably, Act. Rabies


nesod s a as understood

a n anomaly. an n assemblage that sets boundaries around around boundaries sets that assemblage n

oa ad nentoa lgl principles legal international and local oe a t aohr fo Animal from another, to law one m te t mk a oia alignment logical a make to ether hy oiie aiu views various mobilize They - holders. W holders. asmlg ta is that assemblage n

Dispersed and unrelated unrelated and Dispersed Similarly, re Similarly, hile policies limit policies hile - coding the the coding

In here, here, In that the that embled embled

both and CEU eTD Collection tradi deemed is what beyond are that associations symbolic build dog understand to framework simplistic overly an becomes actors. other food rights, a human in theyengageas NGOs by togetherareaestheticswoven and entitlement violence, dirt, on discourses contradictory how unpack I thesis, this elements. social other with food associating by assemblages coherent a create they understand how themselves actors how on actions. their following refocus by practices food contentious and gear change must one that opine foo of frames. multiple with practice the bundle engagements alterna an providing cuisines. as elevated also is practice the counterclaims, stronger protected is that entitlement an dog juxtaposing by claims these invert to try practice the of supporters dog align that as such NGOs dog of sense make to discourses various assembling been have frames. different as create and meanings, fuse groups, form they how describe and landscape In phenomenon social anyunderstanding to keyThe d as inflections of deep binary deep of inflections as d analytic

on dog on In this process, the supposed antagonism between culture and modernity modernity and culture between antagonism supposed the process, this In - LinisGobyerno eating with with eating

level, Such has been the objective of this thesis this of objective the been has Such tive reading which taps into Latour’s framework. I argue that argue I framework. Latour’s into taps which reading tive - eating is unable to unable is eating y nlss nae wt eitn shlrhp n dog on scholarship existing with engages analysis my discourses on dirt, violence and disease. disease. and violence dirt, on discourses

and Animal Kingdom Foundation Kingdom Animal and by both local and local both by CHAPTER - oppositions or an epiphenomenon of productive forces, I forces,productive of epiphenomenonan or oppositions deal with the quotidian modes through which actors which through modes quotidian the with deal Rather than presupposing how people make sense sense make people how presupposing than Rather

48 5



international is to follow how actors tread the tread actorshow follow to is T food sion his is best accomplished by trac by accomplished best is his


that sits alongside other Filipino other alongside sits that

to describe how describe to -

eating as actors navigate and and navigate actors as eating laws. Furthermo laws.

(AK tional or legal. In the same the In legal. or tional - aig Mr specifically, More eating. F) From -

meat consumption as consumption meat produce assemblages produce

social banterwith social

h other the specific actors actors specific re, to provide provide to re, sociations of of sociations - aig by eating previous camp social ing ing

In , CEU eTD Collection lines e.g.casterace, ethnicity, and imagination. oriental diverse along assembled is eating how of examples startling present 2013 in horsemeat fake scandal “anti and nationalist practices. food direction, imposing from fissures and hegemony orideology. inequality or class of grooves social through move they as a from begin must they perhaps actors as emerges only field banter. social in engage to capital equal have actors asdiscourses. anvarious iconof/for dog define a to come have that offerscodes cultural of presence onlythe given explanation limited condition economic or poverty of result a as practice the subsuming light,

aty a i i ams hbta i ay cdmc nevr o riuae n’ future one’s articulate to endeavor academic any in habitual almost is it as Lastly, Never are slaved to prevailing structural conditions. Rather, a sociological investigation of food food sociologicalainvestigationof Rather, prevailing conditions. structuralto slaved are

ie h cret od cr oe Mgi ode i Ida or India in noodles Maggi over scare food current the like crucial for any analysis is not to not is analysis any for crucial

h cnet of concept the theless, theless, For instance, instance, For d nt at o an a itr o a tpa fed f neato where interaction of field utopian a of picture a paint to want not do I flat social world social flat - ooil reoi ae ude wt eating with bundled are rhetoric colonial”

assemblage Japan’s whaling practice is an interesting case interesting an is practice whaling Japan’s participate . Th .

promise is means is that w that is means is

ih other with commence 49 s

a new way to understand other contentious contentious other understand to way new a s

the n ntok f eainhp W relationship. of network a in However, the presence of an unequal unequal an of presence the However,

descri e

must ption of ption

follow the actors themselves themselves actors the follow I te ae ih, food light, same the In . uoes ecin over reaction Europe’s


to illustrate how illustrate to ’

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