Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held at the Pavilion, Llys Ben, Hall on Tuesday 14 August 2018 at 7.00pm

Present: Councillors John Golledge, Graham Cook, Linda Thew, Peter Gibson, Steve Robinson and Elaine Price.

In attendance: Stephen C Harms, Clerk.

1. Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Councillors Martin Richardson and Bill Tait due to holidays and Glenis Jones due to illness.

2. Members Code of Conduct - Declarations of Interest

No new declarations of interests were made.

3. Ten minute public participation session in accordance with Standing Orders

4 members of the public were in attendance.

4. Police Report.

PCSO Stephanie Jones attended the meeting, and provided the following report on the latest incidents from the NW Police.

1. 17 July 2018. Suspicious Circumstances. Residents reported shouting on Pinfold Lane area. Officers attended but all found to be in order.

Councillor Thew advised she had reports of two motor crashes at the bottom of Brookside.

Councillor Price reported on the large increase in motor traffic along Village Road in recent months, and advised Members she had been in touch with Go-Safe requesting them to re-visit the area to carry out a further survey.

A member of the public advised of difficulties experienced pulling out of Llys Ben onto Village Road. Vehicles parked along Village Road were causing obstructions and on-coming traffic could not be seen.

Signed...... 24/18

www.northophallcommunitycouncil.btck.co.uk A member of the public stated the junction onto the A55 at the bottom of Brookside was in need of attention. Councillor Golledge advised that the Welsh Government had proposed to close this junction, and we had urged them to carry out this as soon as possible.

Councillor Golledge advised that all collisions or accidents should be reported to the Police, and all collected data would then be reported back to County Council, Highways department. There was a feeling that there were lots of unreported incidents.

5. To Approve the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on the 10 July 2018 and the Extra-Ordinary Meeting held on the 23 July 2018.

The minutes of the 10 July 2018 were proposed as a correct record by Councillor Gibson, seconded by Councillor Cook. Approved Unanimously.

The minutes of the 23 July 2018 were proposed as a correct record by Councillor Price, seconded by Councillor Gibson. Approved Unanimously.

6. Matters Arising.

There were no matters arising from either set of minutes.

7. Grants Sub-Committee – verbal up-date.

Councillors Thew advised Members the third quote for the book had now been received, and Bill Smuts’ quotation had been accepted.

The Clerk would write to Bill Smuts to formally accept the quotation.

It was now anticipated that the book would be completed in September, and we should advise the Heritage Lottery Fund accordingly. Councillor Thew also advised there was a Digital App and proposed we should extend an invitation to our October meeting to obtain further information. Approved Unanimously.

8. Annual Risk Assessment.

No new items were identified.

9. General Data Protection Regulations. (GDPR)

The Clerk advised that the draft GDPR Audit appeared to be sufficient at this time in relation to Council’s requirements under GDPR, but would monitor the situation as further guidelines are issued. The SLCC was holding its North Conference at the beginning of September, when further information would be available. The Clerk would report of further developments.

Members agreed that we should write to One Voice Wales to obtain their latest advice.

The Clerk would contact One Voice Wales.

Signed...... 25/18

www.northophallcommunitycouncil.btck.co.uk 10. Clerk’s Report and Consideration of Action Log.

The Action Log was reviewed and the following items were discussed;

 The situation regarding St Marys Church was discussed, and the response from the Monitoring Officer had been received, advising that as we had at present only offered help and support to any new initiatives, the Code of Conduct had not been contravened. In addition, only individual Councillors could breach the councillor’s code, not the Council.  The extension of the grant period was discussed. The Clerk confirmed he had written to the HLF requesting the extension, but the Grants Officer was at present on leave.  The situation regarding the speeding signs for the village was discussed. Members agreed that it was impracticable to travel to Southport to view the equipment in operation.  The second consultation event held by Pegasus in connection with the proposed development at Plas Ifan was discussed. Members advised there had been a reasonable turnout, approximately 45 people had attended to review the plans.

The Clerk advised Members of the delays to the Internal Audit being experienced as a result of Barclays Bank not making the changes to the mandate. It was now complete and the Clerk would arrange for the records to be delivered to the Internal Auditors as a matter of urgency.

11. Budget Report 2018/19.

The Clerk had provided a copy of the latest budget report for 2018/19. The Clerk confirmed that the VAT Refund of £345.60 and the grant funding of £911.00 in respect of the Summer Play-scheme had both been received.

The Clerk advised that payment of Councillors Allowances would be made at the next meeting, when each Councillor would be provided with a document to accept or decline this payment.

12. Scarecrow Festival.

Councillors agreed that the Scarecrow Festival had been a great success, and Councillor Cook advised that approximately £400 - £500 had been made, which would be put to future events. Several suggestions had already been made for the future, including a Festive Christmas event, Best Lit House and Northop Hall in Bloom.

Councillor Golledge proposed, seconded by Councillor Robinson, that we should send congratulations to Mrs Julie Green and the team behind the event. Approved Unanimously.

13. Dog Fouling and Litter.

Councillor Price advised there had been a poor turn-out for the last event, which may have been due to holidays. The next event was scheduled for the weekend of the 8th and 9th September.

This produced some discussion amongst Councillors and the members of the public, with all agreeing we should raise the profile of the events. It was suggested that a Village Newsletter could be produced on a monthly basis, which could promote village events. Mr Alan Sprowell volunteered to produce a draft newsletter for the September meeting. It was agreed that any residents could contribute towards the newsletter.

Signed...... 26/18 www.northophallcommunitycouncil.btck.co.uk Members agreed that we should include this item on the agenda for the September meeting. Councillor Cook suggested that advertising space could be made available to local businesses which may contribute towards the costs of the newsletter.

14. Speeding Signs.

It was agreed that it was not practicable to travel to Southport to view the equipment in operation, and the matter should be dealt with now rather than incur any further delays.

Councillor Robinson proposed, seconded by Councillor Golledge, that we should purchase one speeding sign and assess its performance in operation. Agreed Unanimously.

The Clerk would contact Evolvis to purchase one set of solar powered equipment.

15. Correspondence.

The schedule of email correspondence received since the last meeting had been circulated to Councillors with the meeting papers. Members discussed the following item from the schedule;

 The request for financial assistance from Welsh Talking Books. Councillors requested the email be circulated in order that this may be considered.  The Independent Review Panel for Wales is to attend the SLCC Conference on the 5th September to provide details of its report. The Clerk would be at the conference and would report back to Members.  Councillor Astbury’s letter concerning the draft minutes of the June meeting was circulated to Members. Councillor Cook asked whether this letter should be made public, however Councillor Gibson suggested that some items included in the letter were inaccurate and would require explanations. Councillor Cook proposed that such letters should be placed in the public domain, seconded by Councillor Golledge. After a vote by a show of hands, Motion Denied.

16. St Marys Church.

There had been no response from Reverend Hainsworth to the Council’s letter, although it was recognised that the Vicar had indicated he would be on annual leave and paternity leave over recent months, and Councillor Gibson asked how the Community Council should now proceed. Is this matter now decided? As agreed in earlier meetings, we should now write to the Diocese to re- iterate our offer of help.

Councillors agreed unanimously that the Chairman should write on behalf of the Community Council to the Bishop.

Councillor Robinson asked whether the church had been built on land given to the Church of Wales, and if so was there any covenant on the land. Would details of this be available in Diocese records? Councillor Thew asked whether there may be any information held at the Records Office.

Signed...... 27/18 www.northophallcommunitycouncil.btck.co.uk 17. Planning Matters.

The following planning applications has been received for consideration.

058704 Two storey rear extension at Brentwood, Smithy Lane, Northop Hall. 058663 Demolition of existing garage and construction of a single storey extension to create a new sitting room, bedroom and bathroom at 10 The Ridgeway, Northop Hall. 058687 Single storey rear extension at Bryn Gwyn Farm, Bryn Gwyn Lane, Northop Hall 058306 Change of use of buildings from Use Class C2 (Residential Institution) to self- catering tourist accommodation at Save The Family Plas Bellin Centre. 058746 Replacement of temporary marquee with permanent function suite catering for weddings, conferences etc at Northop Hall Country House Hotel.

No objections were raised against any of the above applications.

The proposed development of 50 residential dwellings on the site of Plas Ifan, Village Road was discussed. The Chairman advised Members that he understood the appeals to dis-apply TAN1, para 6.2 had been successful, with approximately 80% in favour of dis-application. It was however, unclear of what was the current situation, as nothing had been advised on the Welsh Government website. The Chairman suggested we should contact our local Welsh Assembly Member, Hannah Blythin AM, for clarification.

The Clerk would write to the AM.

Councillor Gibson advised Members he had spoken to a former work colleague who was now involved with a Community Council. His Council had been successful in submitting an objection to a proposed development after engaging professional assistance. Councillor Gibson advised his colleague was willing to meet with Councillors in order that we may clarify what can be done.

Councillors agreed unanimously we should investigate what we can do.

The Clerk would make contact.

18. Highway Matters.

No matters concerning highways were raised.

19. Street-lighting Matters.

No matters concerning street-lighting matters were raised.

20. Report from any Meetings or Training Attended by Members.

No matters from Meetings or Training were reported.

Signed...... 28/18 www.northophallcommunitycouncil.btck.co.uk 21. Items Relating to Footpaths and Styles.

Councillor Cook advised Members that footpath number 3 was completely overgrown, and required clearing by Street-scene or Environment.

The Clerk would contact Street-scene accordingly.

The Chairman advised that the footpath from opposite the Northop Hall Country House Hotel had been closed. It appeared to have been closed by developers working on a new-build at Brackenwood. Councillors were concerned that the closure had been carried out without following procedure, and agreed the Clerk would contact Flintshire County Council to establish the facts of the matter.

22. Accounts for Payment.

Members discussed the payments to be made.

Resolved The payments scheduled should be authorised. Motion Carried.

One Voice Wales Membership fees £215.00 Chq No 101652 Stephen C Harms Clerk Salary £360.00 H M Revenue & PAYE £90.00 Customs

The cheque in respect of the One Voice Wales Membership fees was the last cheque available. Payment of the Clerk’s salary and PAYE would be made when the new cheque-book was received.

23. Guest Speakers.

Katie Wilby and Ruth Cartwright from Flintshire County Council, Bus Network Review, attended the meeting to provide Councillors and members of the public with the latest details following the Bus Network Review. Many groups, town and community councils and individuals had been consulted to gauge overall requirements. Over 650 responses, both on paper and online, had been received, of which in excess of 85% were current bus users. The main feedback had been in favour of Option 3, Core Bus Network plus Local Travel Arrangements. The final report and recommendations had been presented to the Scrutiny Committee on the 17 July, which had subsequently been approved by Flintshire County Council Cabinet. The changes to services will be introduced over a period of time, and Flintshire County Council will co-operate with the working group. Some of the existing routes have been stopped or cancelled by the Bus Operators. The number 8 service through Northop Hall will be run as a commercial service, and although there will be some timetable changes, the service is not expected to alter. Flintshire County Council will continue to support operators until December 2018. Ms Cartwright advised that the operators had indicated they would be willing to attend Community Council meetings to provide further information on the new services.

Signed...... 29/18 www.northophallcommunitycouncil.btck.co.uk Councillor Robinson asked for clarification on the following matters;

 Commercial operators will be able to amend fares (increase)  Subsidies will be cut to all but core services  There would be no change to the 60+ passes  These amendments had nothing to do with Statutory School Services

Ms Wilby also advised of forthcoming changes to the present number 9 service. The current operators, Stagecoach, will cease this service at the end of September 2018. Arriva have introduced two new services, numbers 12 and 13, to its schedule which will run close to the number 9 route, but does not come into Northop Hall. The new services 12 & 13 will not replace the no 9. The no 8 route will be changed slightly to cover some of the area currently covered by the no 9. Both the new services are circular routes going to and from Chester. Councillor Golledge proposed, seconded by Councillor Gibson,that we write to Arriva inviting them to our September meeting to discuss a possible amendment to the routes to include Northop Hall village. Councillor Robinson asked what the Local Travel Arrangement feeder service would comprise of. Ms Cartwright replied that she would like to find out what the community needs are. A survey carried out by the Community Council some years ago may still be representative. Flintshire County Council would carry out a leaflet drop advising residents of the number 8 service. Councillor Cook recommended village residents should make their requirements known in order that the Community Council can advise the operators. Ms Cartwright advised that the community bus servicing the village at present, would be terminating as it could not be run in competition to a commercial service.

Ms Wilby advised that the School Transport Scheme had also been reviewed, however had only taken into account those children who were eligible to transport. Lots of anomalies had arisen including children from Northop Hall attending Hawarden High School when the nearest school would be Connahs Quay High School. All new applicants for September 2018 had been approved, however the rules would be strictly adhered to in future, and transport would only be provided to the nearest school, based on the GIS system, not a GPS system. This may have the effect of younger siblings applying in future years may not get free transport. In addition, any pupils from the 6th Form would need to re-apply.

Ms Wilby advised that the Flintshire County Council Ring and Ride Service was still available for medical appointments.

There being no further questions, Ms Wilby and Ms Cartwright left the meeting after being thanked for their attendance.

Meeting Closed at 9.26pm.

Signed...... 30/18


Ordinary Meeting of the Council held at the Community Pavilion, Llys Ben, Northop Hall on Tuesday 12 June 2018 at 7.00pm

Member Item Agenda No Refers Councillor Tait Personal interest in any discussions relating to the Pavilion 2

Signed...... 31/18
