Yusuf Adib Abou-Jawdah Adib Abou-Jawdah Bldg.│ Maska Broumana, Metn │C. 03-010344 │
[email protected] EDUCATION Undergraduate Level 1. B.Sc. in Agriculture (with distinction) Specialization: Crop Production and Protection American University of Beirut, Lebanon (1977). 2. Ingenieur Agricole (with distinction) American University of Beirut, Lebanon (1977). Graduate Level 1. Master of Science Specialization: Plant Protection American University of Beirut, Lebanon (1979). 2. Certificat d'Etudes Spéciales en Phytopharmacie et Phytiatrie (3e cycle) (High Distinction). Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux, Belgium (1980). 3. Docteur en Sciences Agronomiques (avec la Plus Grande Distinction/Highest Distinction) Main Subject: Plant Pathology. Laboratoire de Pathologie végétale Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux, Belgium (1983). EMPLOYMENT RECORD 1. Oct. 2001- Present Professor of Plant Pathology, Department of Agriculture (AGRI), Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences (FAFS), American University of Beirut (AUB). 2. 1995 – 2001 Associate Professor of Plant Pathology, Crop Production and Protection Department (CPP), FAFS, AUB. 3. 1992- 1995 Chairman of CPP Department, FAFS, AUB. 4. 1991 - 1992 Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology, CPP Department, FAFS, AUB. 5. 1989 - 1991 Plant Protection Expert - FAO - Ministry of Agriculture and Water, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 6. 1987 - 1989 Plant Protection Expert - FAO - Wadi Jizan Development Project, Jizan, Saudi Arabia. 7. 1984 - 1986 Assistant Professor, AUB, adjuncted to the Department of Plant Protection Research at the Ministry of Agriculture and Water - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 8. 1977 - 1978 Graduate Assistant, Phytopathology Lab, CPP Department, FAFS, AUB. NOTABLE MEMBERSHIP AND CONSULTANCY 1. 2010-present Scientific consultant on pesticide registration Committee Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture 2. 2011-present Member of the Pesticide Scientific committee 3.