Vol. 61 December, 1954 No. 4 THE LARVAE OF THE MYRMICINE TRIBES BASICEROTINI AND DACETINI BY GEORGE C. WHEELER AND IEANETTE WHEELER Department of Biology, Univ.ersity of North Dakota We have treated these two tribes together because they were considered as one tribe (Dacetini) by Emery (1922) and by Wheeler (1922). Recently Br.own (1949) sep- arated out several genera to form a new tribe Basicerotini. Our studies .of the larvae of three of these genera corrobo- rate t,his separation, for they differ as a group from the Da,cetini (as restricted by Brown) in body hairs, mandibles and maxillae. However, one might with equal justification split the larvae of the Da.cetini (sensu strictiore) int.o three groups, which would .differ from each other to at least as great a degree. Tribe BASICEROTINI Brown This tribe comprises some three dozen species in seven genera" Ba.sice"os, Aspididris, Creightonidris, Rhopaloth- fix, Octostruma, Heptastruma and Talaridris. About half the species are in Rhopalothrix, which is Neotropical, Indo- malayan, Papuan and Australian; the remaining genera are strictly The larvae of the Basicerotini are a homogeneous group, if one can ap'ply that adjective to only two types, for the larvae of Basiceros and Aspididris are generically indistin- guishable. The tribe may be characterized as follows : Moderately stout. Thorax and first two abdominal somites strongly curved ventrally.. Anus ventral. Somites distinct .on the anterior half, indistinct on the posterior. Spiracles small. Body hairs numerous; short to long; uni- 111 112 Psyche [December formly distributed (ex.cept that some part of the midventral surfa,ce is naked), ,denticulate and of two types: (1) short and flexible; (2) a few long and slightly .curved or flexible. Cranium vaguely subhexagonal in anterior view, but with the ,occipital border impressed at the mid,dle. Clypeus bulg,. ing. Antennae minute. Head ha,irs long, flexible, and den- ti.culate. Ventral border of labrum spinulose, with two or three sensilla; posterior surface spinulose. Mandibles rather long and narrow, slightly curved medially; with one apical tooth and two teeth on the inner border; s,ome par of .the surface 2urnished with a 2ew spinules or den- ticles. Each maxilla divided into two parts by a trans- verse lateral impression, the basal half swollen laterally and bearing the palp, the distal spinulose (at least in part) and bearing the galea; palp and galea digitiform. Labium with all surfaces spinulose; palp a low knob bearing five sensilla; an isolated sensillum between each palp and the opening of the sericteries; the latter a short transverse slit. Hypoparynx spinulose. Basiceros Schulz Moderately stout. No neck, but thorax and first two abdominal somites strongly curved ventrally. Body hairs moderately numerous, ,of at least two types: (1) .short, denticulate and flexible; (2) moderately long, denticulate and slightly curved. Labrum trilobed. Mandibles with two very stout medial teeth on the inner border; basal third .o2 inner surface with minute, spinules in arcuate subtransverse M:axillae large; palp with four apical sensilla. Labium large. Basiceros sp. (P1. 10, figs. 16 and 17) Body moderately stout; diameter greatest at abdominal somite v, decreasing gradually to , then increasing slightly to the mesothorax; t.horax and first, two abdominal somites strongly curved ventrally. Anus ventral. Spiracles small, mesothoracic slightly larger than the rest. Integument o,f ventral surface of thorax with spinules in transverse rows. Body hairs modera,tely numerous and uniformly Wheeler and Wheeler--Basicerotlni and Dacetini Ant Larvae, 1.13 distributed. Of at least two Cypes" (1) denticulate, flexible, short (about 0.16 mm), without alveolus and articular membrane, probably the more abundant type; (2) den- ticulate, slightly curved, moderately long (about 0.25 mm), with alveolus and articular membrane.. Cranium vaguely subhexagonal in anterio.r view; a third broader than long; occipital border impressed at the middle; genae an.d clypeus numerous subtransverse rows; posterio.r surface of each of which bears a spinule. Head hairs moderately numerous, long (0.108-0.26 mm), flexible and denticulate. Labrum short (breadth 2.3 times length), trilobed, anterior sur- face of each lateral lobe with eleven minute hairs and/or sensilla, ventral border of each lateral lobe with tw,o con- tiguous .sensilla; whole ventral border spinulose; posterior surface spinulose, the spinules near the lateral borders isolated and rather long, the remainder minute and in numerous subtransverse rows; posterior, surface .of each lateral lobe with a .cluster of four Sensilla. Mandibles moderately s.clerotized; long and narrow, slightly curved medially; apical tooth slender, slightly curved and round pointed; two much stouter teeth projecting inward the inner border; basal .of the inner surface with minute spinules in short arcuate subtransverse rows. Maxillae large, with a lateral swelling bearing the palp and a pa.ra- boloidal apex bearing the galea.; apex spinulose; palp digitiform with four apical sensilla (two encapsulated and two with a spinule each) galea digitiform with two apical sensilla. Labium large, with all surfaces spinulose, the spinules in sh,ort subtransvers.e rows; palp a low knob with five apical sensilla (two encapsulated and three bear- ing a spinule opening of sericteries a transverse slit. Hypopharynx spinulose. (Material studied" one dam- aged semipupa from "Hamburg Farm", Costa Rica; worker identified by Dr. W. L. Brown as B. sp. near singulris (F. Smith). Genus Aspididris Weber M:oderately stout. No neck, but thorax and first two. abdominal somites strongly curved ventrally. Body hairs moderately numerous, denticulate and of two types: (1) short and flexible; (2) long, curved or flexible., about a 114 Psyche [December

dozen on each somite (except abdominal somites x and x). Mandibles with two moderately stout medial teeth; a small patch of minute spinules on the medial surface just above the middle. Maxillary 'palp with five sensilla. Labium large. Aspididris militaris Weber (P1. 6, figs. 11-15) Body moderately stout; diameter greatest at abdominal somites v and w, decreasing to , then increasing slightly to the mesothorax, then decreasing rapidly to. less. than the diameter of the head. Thorax and first tw,o abdominal somites strongly curved ventrally; dorsal profile c-shaped, ventral J-shaped. Anus ventral. Leg and wing vestiges present. Spiracles small, mesothoracic slightly larger than the rest. Integument of the ventral surface of the thorax and abdominal .somites I and II spinulose, the spinules in rather short subtransverse rows. Body hairs numerous and uniformly distributed except or a naked strip on the midventral surface of the thorax and abdominal somites and II. Of two types,: (1) short (about 0.19 mm), flex- ible, denticulate, on all somites, without alveolus and arti- cular membrane; (2) long (about 0.32 mm), curved or flexible, denticulate, with alveolus and articular membrane, about dozen on each somite except abdominal somites x and x. Cranium vaguely subhexagonal in anterior view; a third broader than long; occipital border feebly impressed at the middle; clypeus bulging. Antennae minute, each with three sensilla, each of which bears a spinule. Head hairs moderately numerous, long (0.09-0.193 mm), flexible

EXPLANATION OF PLATE 6 Rhopalothrix gravis Mann, Figs. 1-10.- 1, head in anterior view, (76; 2, left mandible in anterior view, X148; 3, left mandible in posterior view, }(148; 4, immature(?) larva in side view, }(32; 5 and 6, two types of body hairs, 185; 7, left maxilla in anterior view, 235; 8, left maxillary palp in anterior view, }(470; 9, left labial palp in pos- terior view, }(470; 10, profile of mature larva in side view. (After Men- ozzi, 1936). Aspididris militaris Weber, Figs. 11-15.--11 and 12, two types of body hairs, 109; 13, larva in side view, 20; 14, left mandible in an- terior view, 95; 15, head in anterior view, 53. PSYCHE, 1954 VOL. 61, PLATE 6

WHEELER AND WHEELER BASICEROTINI 116 Psyche [December and denticulate. Labrum bilobed; breadth about twice the length; anterior surface of each lobe with seven minute hairs and/or sensi!la; ventral border of each lobe with two contiguous sensi]ia and numerous rather long isolated spinules; posterior surface spinulose, the spinules near the lateral borders isolated and rather long, the remainder minute and in numerous subtransverse rows; posterior surface o.f each lateral lobe with two isolated and a cluster of four sensilla. Mandibles heavily sclerotized; moderately long and narrow, slightly curved medially; apical tooth mo.derately stout, slightly curved and round-pointed; two moderately stout teeth projecting inward from the inner border; a small patch oi minute spinules (in short rows) on the inner surface just above the middle. Maxillae with a slight lateral swelling bearing the palp and a paraboloidal apex bearing the galea; apex spinulose, the spinules rather long and in short rows, elsewhere short and isolated; palp digitiform with one lateral (bea.ring a spinule) and four apical (two encapsulated and two with a spinule each) sensilla; galea digitiform with two apical sensilla. Lab- ium large, with all surfaces spinulose, the spinules in short subtransverse rows; palp a low knob with five apical sen- silla (three with a. spinule each); an isolated sensillum on each side of the opening of the sericteries; the latter a short transverse slit. Hypopharynx spinulose. (Material studied: two larvae from British Guiana, courtesy of Dr. Neal A. Weber.)

Genus Rhopalothrix Mayr Thorax and first two abdominal somites forming a stout neck which is strongly curved ventrally; rest of abdomen much plumper; posterior end broadly rounded. Body hairs numerous, denticulate and of two types: (1) slender. flexible, short to mo'.derately long; (2) stout, slightly curved, with hooked tip, in a narrow irregular band around the middle of each somite. Labrum small. Mandibles with two medial teeth, the subapical small, the proximal la.rge; with three or four denticles on the distal half of the poste- rior surface. Maxillae large; palp with five sensilla. ].954] Wheeler and Wheeler--Basicerotini and Dacetini Ant Larvae 117

Rhopalothrix gravis Mann (P1. 6, figs. 1-10) IMMATURE: Length about 2.8 ram. Somewhat stout; thorax and first abdominal somite forming a neck which is strongly curved ventrally, remainder of abdomen with the dorsal profile .curved and the ventral nearly straight; posterior end broadly rounded. Anus ventral, with a dis- tinct posterior lip. Spira.cles rather small. Integument of the ventral surfa.ce of the thorax and abdominal somites and H with a few short transverse rows of minute, spi- nules. Body hairs numerous and uniformly distributed, except scarce on the ventral surface. Of two. types: (1) slender, flexible, .denticulate, short to moderately long (0.09-0.11 mm), without alveolus and articular membrane, on the dorsal and lateral surfaces, the more abundant type; (2) stout, of nearly uniform diameter, slightly curved, with a short sharp apical hook, denticulate, short to. long (0.09-0.22 mm), with alveolus, and articular membrane, in a narrow irregular band around the middle of each somite. Head moclerately large; cranium somewhat broader than long, vaguely subhexagonal in anterior view, but with the occipital border strongly impressed at the middle; cly- peus bulging. Antennae minute, each with three sensilla, each of which bears a spinule. Head hairs few, long (0.09.- 0.14 mm), flexible and denticulate. Labrum small, breadth twice the length, feebly bilobed; anterior surface of each lobe with 4 or 5 minute hairs and/or sensilla; lateral bor- ders with isolated coarse spinules; ventral border of each lobe with minute spinules in short rows and with one iso!ated and two contiguous sensilla; posterior surface of each lobe with two isolated and two .contiguous sensilla; whole posterior surface spinulose, the spinules minute, and in numerous rows, the rows transverse on the middle half. Mandibles heavily sclerotized, long and slender, slightly curved medially; apical tooth long and rather slender; with two teeth projecting inward from the inner border (the distal small and the proximal large) with 3 or 4 denticles on the distal half of the posterior surface. Maxillae large; each divided into two parts by a transverse lateral impres- sion, the basal part swollen laterally and bearing the palp, 118 Psyche [December the distal part spinulose, bearing the galea, and having a conoidal apex; palp digitiform with five sensilla (two apical and encapsulated, three subapical and bearing a spinule galea a slender frustum bearing two apical sensilla. Labium densely spinulose, the spinules in short subtransverse rows; palp a low knob with five sensilla (two api,cal and encapsulated, three subapical and bearing a spinule each) an isolated sensillum between each palp and the opening of the sericteries; the latter a transverse slit. Hypopharynx densely spinulose, the spinules long and in numerous transverse rows. (Material studied" three larvae from Costa Rica.) Menozzi, 1936, pp. 84-85" "Descrizione della larva matura di R. Schmidti n. sp. Ipocefala, col corpo di forma subclaviforme, con la porzione anteriore stretta, subci- lindrica e coi segmenti distinti, quella posteriore rigon- fiat ed i limiti dei segmenti non sono distintamente segnati. Di colore bianco sporco, col .capo cremeo e con le porzioni sclerificate del pleurosoma, del margine an- teriore del clipeo, nonch delle mandibole e del peritrema degli spiracoli tra.cheali di colore ocraceo pifi o meno in- tenso. Cranio visto .dal dorso pi largo che lungo, oppure largo .che luno se ad esso si comprende a.n.che il labbro superiore, coi lati arrotondati e leggermente convergenti in avanti e col margine occipitale lievemente impresso nel mezz,o; le lunghe setole di cui esso provvisto sono fine- mente barbellate Aree antennali di forma triangolare, situate sublateralmente sulla linea medio-trasversale del cranio, fornite ciascuna nel mezzo di tre sensilli, al centro dei quali si erge una piccola appendice spiniforme che ben visibile anche alla semplice osservazione binoculare .della larva in toto. II clipeo appare circoscritto ai lati da un sottile ispessimento sclerificato, che per trasparenza sembra come una semplice piega tegumentale, ma che trovandosi in tutti gli esemplari esaminati, non mi pare dubbio che tali pieghe segnano effettivamente i margini laterali di esso. I1 labbro superiore, separato dal clipeo da un leggero solco, trasverso, col lati fortemente arrotondati alla base e col margine anteriore incavato nel mezzo. Dorsalmente esso provvisto di un .certo numero di sensilli chetici;.., ventral- Wheeler and Wheeler--Basicerotini and Dacetini Ant Larvae 119 mente la superficie tutta cosparsa di piccoli processi tegu- mentali .dentiformi, nonch, di 6 papille bacilliformi collocate in numero di tread ogni lato della incavatura mediana .del margine anteriore e di due aree sensoriali le quali, portano due sensilli ciascuna, di cui uno molto, pifa grande dell'altro. Le mandibole sono robuste, del doppio pih lunghe che larghe e tridentate. Le mascelle appaiono ciascuna come formate di un unico pezzo, di mode .che lo sclerite stipetale, quello cardinale e il cardine non sono differenziati, o almeno, n,on sono riuscito, .come tall, ad individuarli. Palpo mascellare un poco pifi lungo .che largo, pr.ovvisto di tre setolete, due nel lato anteriore ed una in quello posteriore, ed apicalmente di due vistosi sensilli a forma di flabello. Galea del doppio pifi lunga che larga, gradatemente ristreta dalla base all'apice, fornita distalmente di due sensilli ba.cilliformi che sorgono ciascuno da una rispettiva area rotondeggiante sclerificata e ben distinta .dal resto della membrana cir- costante. Labbro inferiore pifi lungo che largo, di un terzo circa sporgente oltre le mascelle, coi lati ed il margine anteriore pressoch diritti. Palpo labiale cosi lungo che ,largo, con una setoletta per ciascun lato, un sensill.o placoide al dorso e due all'apice di forma simile a quelli del palpo mascellare. Tanto le mascelle .che il labbro inferiore nella superficie orale non hanno alcuna setola o peluzzo, mentre in quella dorsale hanno un certo numero di peluzzi dis- scminati nel lato esterno delle mascelle e lungo la linea longitudinale mediana nel labbro inferiore. Tutto il corpo della larva .cosparso di setole eguale a quelle del capo, inoltre gli urotergiti 1--8 sono forniti di tre aptochete ciascuno Sistema tracheale olopneustico, con 10 paia di spiracoli, dei quali due paia nel torace e otto paia nell'ad- dome, situati nella regione pleurale di ciascun segmento. Lunghezza della la.rva naturalmente curvata mm. 2, 3; lunghez, del capo senza il labbro superiore mm. 0,62, larg- hezza mm. 0,93." Fig. 2 (p. 84), lar-a in side view and hea,d in anterior view; Fig. 3 (p. 85), details of mouth pa,rts and a hair. Tribe DACETINI Forel This tribe (in the restricted sense) comprises about 300 species in 29 genera, a.ccording to Dr. W. L. Brown (in 120 Psyche [I)ecember litt.). The largest genus is Strumigenys with some 200 species; next is Smithistruma, with about 56 species; the other genera, are quite small with fewer than ten species each. The tribe is essentially tropical but a few genera range into the warmer parts of the North Temperate Zone. The adults form "an aberrant and sharply distinct group belonging to. the subfamily , as is demonstrated by the structure of the abdominal pedicel and the male genitalia" (Brown, 1953b, p. 465). They show an extreme reduction in the number of antennal segments; head shape, head hairs and mandibles, could be characterized as. bizarre. Their larvaein contrastare quite ordinary and far less specialized than the larvae of many other ant genera. The larvae of the Dacetini are a heterogeneous group but no.t more so than most other tribes of Myrmicinae. Daceton is easily separated. Strumigenys and Smithis- truma are quite distinct from other genera, although they are n,ot .distinguishable from each other. The remaining genera in our collection, although more similar to. each other, are still something of a mlange. This grouping of the larvae confirms somewhat Brown's recent (1953b) div,ision o2 the Dacetini into subtribes" Dacetiti (includ- ing Daceton) Orectognathiti (including Orectognathus) Epopostrumiti (including Epopostruma, Mesostruma, Alis- truma and Clarkist'ruma); and Strumigeniti (including Strumigenys and Smithistruma). The tribe may be char- acterized as 2ollows :--

EXPLAlVATION OF PLATE ? Daceton armigerum (Latreille), Figs. 1-14.--1, head in anterior view, )36; 2, left mandible in lateral view, X86; 3, mature larva in side view, (8; 4, left mandible in anterior view, X86; 5, head in side view, X36; 6-8, 10 and 11, bifid-tipped body hairs, X185; 9, simple body hair, 12, labrum (left half of drawing shows posterior view, right half, anterior view), }(185; 13, very young larva in side view (hairs omitted), (8; 14, young larw in side view, Epopostruma sp. from Victoria, Figs. 15-19.N15, left mandible in anterior view, (185; 16, head in anterior view, X109; 17, larv in side view, }(30; 18 and 19, two types of body hairs, (185. Epopostruma sp. from South Australia, Fig. 20, left mandible in an- terior view, X185. PSYCHE, 1954 VOL. 61, PLATE


Anus ventral. Spira.cles small. Body hairs of the most abundant type bifid, and except in Clarkistruma, denti- culate. Head hairs few (20-30), except moderately nu- merous (52) in Daceton. Labrum small; posterior surface spinulose. Mandibles subtriangular in anterior view; with one apical and (ex.cept in Daceton) two medial teeth; no spinules or denticles on the surfaces. Maxillae usually without spinules (occasionally a few present). Palp a conspicuous protuberance bearing five sensilla (usually two, encapsulated and three bearing each a spinule), except in Strumigenys and Smithistruma. Galea tall and rather slen,der. Anterior surface of labium spinulose; palp re- sembling maxillary palp but shorter; an isolated sensillum between each palp and the opening of the seri,cteries; the latter a short transverse slit. Hypopharynx spinulose. Brown, 1953b, p. 467: "No da.cetine was ever observed to feed the larvae by regurgitation Food delivered to and fed upon by the Australian dacetine larvae consisted. only of C,ollembola." Genus Daceton Perry Somewhat stout; thorax and first two abdominal somites, strongly curved ventrally but not forming a neck; diameter greatest at abdominal somites IV and v, decreasing grad- ually to the anterior end and more abruptly to the posterior end, which is round-pointed; dorsal profile c-shaped, ventra! J-.shaped. Body hairs numerous. Of two. types: (1) short, nearly straight, with short-bifid tip, each branch recurved and bearing short denticles; (2) very few, widely scattered, simple, minute. Antennae moderately large; with three to five sensilla each. Head hairs short, simple or with sbort-bifid tip. Posterior surfa,ce of labrum with 16 sensilla. Daceton armigerum (Latreille) (P1. 7, figs. 1-14) MATURE WORKER LARVA: Length about 12 mm. Some- what stout; thorax and first two abdominal somites strongly curved ventrally but not forming a neck; .diameter greatest at abdominal somites v and v, decreasing gradually to the anterior end and more abruptly to the posterior end, Wheeler and Wheeler--Basicerotini and Dacetini Ant Larvae 123 which is round-pointed; dorsal profile c-shaped, ventral J-shaped. Anus ventral. Leg, wing and gonopo.d vestiges present. Spiracles small. Integument apparently without spinules. Body hairs numerous and uniformly distributed, except or the naked midven'tral surfa.ce; the longest and stoutest hairs border this naked area. Of two. types: (1) short (0.105-0.175mm), nearly straight, with shor't-bifid tip, each branch recurved and denticulate; (2) very few, widely scattered, simple, minute (about 0.009 mm). Head small; cranium about as long as broad; vaguely subpen- tagonal in anterior view, with a small dorsal projection rom the middle of the occipital border. Each antenna mounted on a drumlin-shaped .convexity, with three (some- times our or five) sensilla, each oi which bears a spinule. Head hairs moderately numerous., short (0.024-0.072 mm), simple or with short-bifid tip. Labrum very small, sub- rectangular, about twice as broad as long; anterior surface with a pair of ventrolateral convexities, each of which bear nine ,or ten sensilla and/or minute hairs; near the ventral border the middle oi the anterior surface is .coarsely spi- nulose; ventral border coarsely spinulose and bearing our to six sensilla; lateral borders coarsely spinulose; posterior surface coarsely near the lateral and ventral borders, elsewhere beset with a few minute spinules (except for the .center which is smooth) posterior surface with about 16 sensilla. Mandibles heavily sclerotized; straight and subtriangular in anterior view, curved posteriorly; apex stout, straight and blunt; inner border with two. blunt teeth near the middle. Maxillae with he apex paraboloidal and directed medially, on its ,outer surface a patch of large isolated spinules; palp digitiform with five sensilla (one lateral, two subapical and two apical); galea a tall cone with two apical sensilla. Labium densely spinulose, the spinules isolated and rather large.; palp a skewed peg, with one lateral and four apical sensilla; an isolated sensillum between each palp and the opening of the sericteries; the latter a short transverse slit. Hyp,opharynx with a few minute spinules in short transverse rows. YOUNG LARVA: Length about, 5.5 mm. Subcylindrical; strongly curved ventrally;, thorax with a pair of ventro- 124 Psyche [December lateral bosses on each somite. Segmentation distinct. Body hairs moderately numerous and uniformly .distributed; hairs short (0.035-0.15 mm), with short-bifid tip. Other- wise similar to the mature larva. VERY YOUNG LARVA: Length about 2.4 mm. Subcylindri- cal, but somewhat constricted at the mesothorax and meta- thorax. Anus terminal. Body hairs moderately numerous, except for large naked intersomiti.c areas; with sho.rt-bifid tip, short to mo.deraely long (0.035-0.105 mm). ,Head hairs :imple. Otherwise similar to. the young larva. Material studied" numerous larvae from British Guiana. Genus Orectognathus F. Smith Shaped somewhat like a crookneck squash; thorax and first abdominal somite curved ventrally; diameter greatest at abdominal somite v, decreasing gradually toward the anterior end and more rapidly toward the posterior end, which is broadly rounded.. Body hairs moderately nu- merous. Of three types: (1) short to moderately long, bifid, with the branches equal, short to long, denticulate and recurved at the tip, the most abundant type; (2) on the ventral surfa.ce, short to moderately long, slightly curved, distal half denticulate, usually with a minute hook at the tip; (3) a few on the dorsal and lateral surfaces of each somite, long, sparsely denticulate, with a minute hook at the tip and a short denticulate lateral branch near the base. Antennae moderately large, with two or three sensilla each. Head hairs short to long, flexible, with a few

EXPLANATION OF PLATE 8 Orectognathus clarki Brown, Figs. 1, 2 and 4-10.--1, head in anterior view, X67; 2, larva in side view, }(20; 4, long body hair with unequal branches, }(235; 5, denticulate body hair, }(235; 6 and 7, body hairs with equal branches, }(235; 8, left mandible in anterior view, }(185; 9, left maxilla in anterior view, }(185; 10, left maxillary palp in anterior view, }(730. Orectognathus satan Brown, Fig. 3, labrum (left half of drawing shows posterior view, right half, anterior view), X235. Clarkistruma alinodis Forel, Figs. 11-15.--11, mandible in anterior view, }(185; 12, head in anterior view, }(105; 13, larva in side view, 14 and 15, two types of body hairs, }(185. :)SYC I-IE, 1954 VOL. 61, PI,ATE 8


W-IEELER AND WI-IEELER--DACETINI 126 Psyche [December denticles near the tip. Posterior surface of labrum with ten sensilla. Labium feebly bilobed; anterior surface with two or three slight swellings.

Orectognathus clarki Brown (P1. 8, figs. 1 and 2 and 4-10) MATURE WORKER LARVA: Length about 3.8 mm. Shaped smewhat like a .crookneck squash; thorax and first abdom- inal somite curved ventrally; diameter greatest at abdom- inal somite v, decreasing gradually toward the anterior end and more rapidly toward the posterior end, which is broadly rounded. Anus ventral, with a small posterior lip. Leg and wing vestiges distinct. Spira.cles small. Integument of the ventral surface of he. thorax and abdominal somites and II and of the .dorsal sur2ace .of a few posterior somites with a few transverse rows of minute spinules. Body hairs moderately numerous. 02 three types: (1) short to mod- erately long (0.07-0.14 mm), bifid, with the branches short to long, equal, denticulate and recurved at the tip, on the lateral and dorsal surfaces, the most abundant type; (2) ,on he ventral suriace, short to moderately long (0.0% 0.175 mm), slightly curved, distal half denticulate, usually with a minute hook at the tip; (3) a ew (about eight) on the dorsal and lateral surfaces of ea,ch somite, long (0.175-0.245 mm), sparsely denti.culate, with a minute hook at the tip and a short denticulate lateral branch near the base. Cranium vaguely subhexagonal in anterior view, scarcely broader than long. Antennae with two or three sensilla, each bearing a spinule. Head hairs few, short to long (0.035-0.175 mm), flexible, with a few denticles near the tip. Labrum small; subrectangular, width twice the length; with a median impression of the ventral border which extends as a trough onto the anterior surface; an- terior surface of each half with four minute hairs and/or sensilla; lateral borders with a 2ew isolated spinules; ven- tral border wih minute spinules and two contiguous sen- silla; posterior surface smooth near the ventral border, elsewhere spinulose, the spinules minute and in short trans- verse rows medially, but isolated laterally; posterior surface with about 10 sensilla. Mandibles heavily sclerotized, 1954] Wheeler and Wheeler--Basicerotini and Dacetini Ant Larvae 127 subtriangular in anterior view; body ,curved medially and produced inward to form a blade which bears two stout ,teeth on. its inner border. Maxillae with the apex para- boloidal and directed medially; palp chair-shaped with five sensilla (two apical and bearing a minute ,spinule each, two su:bapical and encapsulated, one latera'l and bearing a large spinule) galea conical with two. apical sensilla, Labium feebly bilobed, anterior surface with hree slight swellings (one basal and an anteroventral on each side); anterior surface densely spinulose, the spinules minute and in short transverse rows; palp similar to maxilla,y palp but shorter; an isolated sensillum between each palp and the opening of the sericteries; the latter a short transverse slit in a ventral depression. Hypopharynx spinulose, the spinules minute and in moderately long ransverse rows. VERY YOUNG LARVA: Length about 1.4 mm. Subcylindri- cal; hairs seemingly abundant; otherwise very similar to the mature larva. Material studied" 18 larvae from Victoria (Australia); courtesy oi Dr. W. L. Brown, who. believes that the larvae eed on Collembola (Brown, 1953b). Orectognathus mjSbergi Forel Apparently very similar to clarki, except, cranium trans- versally subelliptical. (Material studied: 5 damaged in- teguments from Queensland.) Orectognathus satan Brown (P1. 8, fig. 3) Generally similar o cla.rki, except in the following details" Head subcordae in anterior view due o a median impression of the occipital border. Spinules on the posterior surface of the labrum iewer and larger. Mandibles with the apical tooth longer and stouter, he blade shorter and narrower, medial 'teeth sharper-po,ined. Maxillae with a few minute spinules on he apex. Anterior surface of labium with only two swellings and with the spinules longer but fewer. Hypopharynx with the spinules larger and in longer rows. (Ma'terial studied: a dozen immature (?) larvae from Queensland; .courtesy .of Dr. W. L. Brown.) 128 Psyche [December

Orectognathus versicolor Donisthorpe MATURE LARVA: Length about 3 mm. Generally similar to clarki but differing in the following details" Mandibles with the apical 'tooth shorter and stouter and the blade narrower. Anterior surface of labium with only two swell: ings, the spinules moderately abundant; palp a skewed frustum. (Material studied: numerous, larvae rom Queensland and New South Wales.) Genus Epopostrma Forel Shaped somewhat like a .crookneck squash; thorax and first abdominal somite forming a long and rather slender neck; metathorax constricted. Remainder of abdomen very stout; dorsal pro.file c-shaped, ventral nearly straight; seg- mentation indistinct. Body hairs short and moderately numerous. Of two types: (1) slightly curved, with the distal 2/3 denticulate, a few on the ventral sur2ace; (2) bifid, with the branches denticulate. Antennae minute; with three sensilla each. Head hairs moderately long, flex- ible, with the distal half denticulate. Posterior surface of labrum with 12 sensilla. Middle 2/3 of labium raised into. a ventral projection. Epopostruma sp. (P1. 7, figs. 15-19) Length about 3.4 mm. Shaped somewhat like a crookneck squash; thorax and first abdominal somite forming a long and rather slender neck, which is bent ventrally to 90; metathorax constricted. Remainder of abdomen very stout; dorsal profile c-shaped, ventral profile nearly straight; segmentation indistinct. Anus ventral. Leg vestiges indis- tinct. Spiracles small; the mesothoracic the largest, diam- eter decreasing posteriorly. Integument of the ventral surface o.f the thorax and anterior abdominal somites and the dorsal surface .of the posterior somites spinulose, the spinules minute and in short transverse rows. Body hairs moderately numerous; uniformly distributed, except for naked intersomitic areas.. Of two types (1) short (0.054- 0.185 mm), slightly curved, with the distal 2/3 denticulate, a few on the ventral surface; (2) short (0.07-0.11 mm), 1954] Wheeer and Wheeler.--Basicerotini and Dacetini Ant Larvae 129 bifid, with branches denticulate, on the .dorsal and lateral surfaces. Cranium vaguely subhexagonal in anterior view, occipital border feebly impressed at the middle. Antennae minute, each with three sensilla, each bearing a moderately long spinule. Head hairs few, moderately long (0.039-0.12 ram), flexible, with the .distl half denticulate. Labrum small, twice as broad as long, bilobed; anterior surface of each lobe with three minute hairs and/or sensilla; ventral border of each lobe with wo or three sensilla and a ew spinules; posterior surface of each lobe with three isolated and three contiguous sensilla; posterior surface spinulose, the spinules minute and in transverse rows. Mandibles heavily sclerotized, rather small, subtriangular in anterior view; apical tooth curved medially; two. stout blunt teeth on the inner border. Maxillae large, apex paraboloidal; palp a skewed peg with one lateral (bearing a spinule) and four apical (two encapsulated and two bearing a spi- nule each) sensilla; galea a tall cone bearing two. apical sensilla. Labium with the middle 2/3 raised into a broad ventral projection; .anterior surface densely spinulose, the spinules in subtransverse rows; palp similar to maxillary palp but smaller; an isolated sensillum between each palp and the opening of the sericteries; the latter a transverse slit on the ventral surface. Hypopharynx with a ew rather long rows of minute spinules. (Material studied" two dozen larvae from Burwood, Victoria, Australia, IX-12-51; collected by Dr. W. L. Brown and identified by him as E. sp. near quadrispinosa Forel.)

Epopostruma sp. (P1. 7, fig. 20) Length about 3.6 ram. Quite similar to the Victorian species described above, except that the apical tooth mandible is stout, straight and blunt. (Material studied: three dozen larvae from Aldgate, South Australia, VII-8- 50; collected by Dr. W. L. Brown and identified by him as a new species near quadrispinosa Forel.) Brown, 1953b; The larvae of E. spp. were observed to feed only on collembolans. 130 Psyche ecm,r Genus Mesostruma Brown S.haped somewhat like a crookneck squash; thorax and first abdominal somite orming a long slender' neck, which is strongly .curved ventrally; metathorax constricted; re- mainder of abdomen subovoidal. Body hairs sparse. Anten- nae small; with three sensilla Head hairs minute and simple. Posterior surface of labrum with ten sensilla. Mesostruma laevigata Brown (P1. 9, figs. 1-3) Length about 4 ram. Shaped somewhat like a crookneck squash; thorax and first abdominal somite forming a long slender neck, which is strongly curved ventrally; metatho- rax constricted; remainder of abdomen very stout and sub- ovoidal. Anus. ventral. Spiracles small; the mesothoracic the largest, the diameter decreasing posteriorly. Inte- gument thin, flimsy and apparently without spinules. Body hairs apparently sparse. Cranium vaguely subhexagonal in anterior view; slightly broader than long, broadest at the antennal level; occipital border feebly concave. Anten- nae very small, each 'vith three sensilla, each of which bears a spinule. Head hairs few, simple, minute (about 0.012 mm long). Labrum small; twice as broad as long; subrectangular, with the ventral corners rounded and the medial bor,der slightly .concave; anterior surface of each half with three or four sensilla near the ventral border; ventral border with two clusters of two .or three sensilla each; posterior surface of each half with three isolated and two contiguous sensilla; dorsal 2/3 of posterior surface spinulose, the spinules minute and in short arcuate rows. Mandibles with the apical half heavily sclero.tized, sub- triangular in anterior view; apical tooth rather long and tapering to a rounded point, a narrow blade extends medial- ly off the anterior surface and, bears two round-pointed teeth. Maxillae short and lobose; palp .chair-shaped with one lateral (with a spinule) and four apical (two encapsulated and two bearing a spinule each) sensilla; galea a frustum with two apical sensilla. Labium with numerous short rows of minute spinules on the anterior surface; palp similar to maxillary palp but shorter; an isolated sensillum between Wheeler and Wheeler--Basicerotini and Dacetini Ant Larvae 131 each palp and the opening of ,the sericteries; the latter a short transverse slit ,on the ventral surface. Hypopharynx with a few short arcuate rows of spinules. (Material studied: a dozen larvae from Victoria, Australia; hairs broken off.)

Genus Alistruma Brown Thorax and first abdominal somite strongly curved ventrally; dorsal profile c-shaped, ventral J-shaped; begin- ning with the anterior end o the prot.ho.rax the diameter increases to the mesothorax, decreases somewhat to abdom- inal somite I, increases to v and then decreases gradually to the posterior end, which is narrowly rounded. Bo.dy hairs sparse and moderately long. Of two types: (1) slightly curved, simple or denticulate, a few on the ventral suriace; (2) .mstly bifid (a ew wih one of the branches reduced to a denticle), the branches smooth or with very few denticles. Antennae small; with three sensilla each. Head hairs long, mostly simple. (rarely denticulate). Posterior surface o2 labrum with 10 sensilla.

Alistruma n. sp. (P1. 9, figs. 4-10) MATURE LARVA: Length about 3 mm. Thorax and first abdominal somite strongly curved ventrally; dorsal profile c-shaped, ventral J-shaped; beginning with the anterior end of the prothorax the diameter increases to the meso- thorax, decreases somewhat to. abdominal somite I, increases to v and then decreases gradually to. the posterior end, which is narrowly rounded. Anus ventral, with a small posterior lip. Segmentation distinct. Spiracles small; the mesothoracic the largest, the diameter decreasing posteri- orly. Integument of the ventral sura.ce o the thorax and a few anterior abdominal somites and the dorsal surface of a few posterior somites with numerous short transverse rows of minute spinules. Body hairs uniformly distributed, moderately long and rather sparse. Of two. types: (1) a few on the ventral surface, 0.036-0.16 mm long, slightly curved, simple or denticulate; (2) on the dorsal and lateral 132 Psyche [December surfaces, 0.1-0.21 mm long, mostly bifid (a few with one of the branches reduced to a denticle), the branches smooth or with a very ew denticles. Cranium as broad as long; occipital angles smoothly rounded; occipital border straight. Antennae small, each with three sensilla, each of which bears a spinule. Head hairs few, long (0.027-0.18 mm), flexible and mostly simple (only rarely denticulate). Labrum small and very short (breadth three times length) narrowed dorsally; eebly bilobed due to a shallow medial impression of the ventral border; anterior surface of each lobe wih three or four' .minute hairs .an,d/or sensilla; ven- tral border of .each lobe with one isolated and a cluster of three sensilla; posterior surface of each lobe. with three isolated and a cluster of three sensilla; dorsal 3/ of poste- rior surface spinulose, the spinules minute and in short arcuate rows. Mandibles heavily sclerotized; somewhat short and stout; subtriangular in anterior view; apical tooth short; with two teeth on the inner border (one small and subapical, the other large and central). Maxillae short a.nd lobose; palp a. skewed peg bearing five sensilla. (two apical and bearing a spinule each, two subapical and encap- sulated and one lateral with a spinule) galea a cone bear- ing two apical sensilla. Labium with the anterior surface spinulose, the spinules minute and in short rows; palp similar to maxillary palp but smaller; an isolated sensillum between each palp and the opening of the sericteries; the

EXPLtNArION OF II,TS 9 Mesostruma laevigata Brown, Figs. 1-3.--1, head in anterior view, (95; 2, left mandible in anterior view, X185; 3, larva in side view (hairs omitted), Alistruma n. sp., Figs. 4-10.--4, left antenna in lateral view, 5, head in anterior view, }(95; 6, left maxillary palp in lateral view, 7 and 8, two types of body hairs, }(185; 9, left mandible in anterior view, 222; 10, mature larva in side view, 30. Smithistruma talpa (Weber), Figs. 11-18.--11, head in anterior view, }(130; 12, anchor-tipped body hair, X370; 13 and 14, denticulate body hairs, }(370; 15 and 16, bifid body hairs, X370; 17, mature larva in side view, }(43; 18, left mandible in anterior view, X235. Smithistruma nigrescens (Wheeler), Fig. 19, very young larva in side view, X43. :PsYcHE, 1954 VOL. 61, PLATE 9

WHEELER AND WHEELER DAcETIN]: 134 Psychv [December latter a short transverse slit. Hypopharynx spinulose, the Spinules minute and in short transverse rows. YOUNG LARVA: Length about 1.4 mm. Similar to the mature larva, except in the following .details: postanal li.p la.rge; body and head hairs shoer; palps and. galeae shorter. Material studied" 20 larvae from Kallista, Victoria, Australia, IX-50; .collected by Dr. W. L. Brown. Brown, 1953b: The larvae feed only on collembolans. Genus Clarkistruma Brown Shaped somewhat like a cr.ookneck squash; thorax and first abdominal somite forming a short and very stout neck which is bent ventrally to about 90; remainder of abdomen much stouter, its dorsal profile c-shaped, its ven- tral nearly straight. Body hairs short, very sparse, stout, blunt-pointed and scarcely tapering. Of tw.o types: (1) a few on the anterior portion of the prothorax and on the ventral surface, with denticles on or near the tip (2) .deeply bifid, with the branches strongly divergent and curved. Antennae minute; with three sensilla each. Head hairs long, stout, scarcely tapering, blunt, .th denticles on and near the tip. Posterior surface .of labrum without sensilla. Mi,ddle 2/3 of labium raised into a ventral pro- jection. Clarkistruma alinodis (Forel) (P1. 8, figs. 11-15) Length about 2.4 mm. Shaped somewhat like a crookneck squash; thorax and first abdominal somite forming a short and very stout neck which is bent ventrally to about 90; remainder of abdomen much stouter, its dorsal profile c- shaped, its ventral nearly straight. Anus ventral. Spiracles small; the mesothoracic the largest, diameter decreasing posteriorly. Integument of ventral surface of anterior somites with numerous short transverse rows of minute sp,:nules dorsal surface of last few abdominal somites with a few short rows of minute spinules. Body hairs very sparse, short, stout, blunt-pointed and scarcely tapering. Of two types.: (1) a few on the anterior portion of the prothorax and on the ventral surface, 0.018-0.11 mm long, 1954] Wheeler and Wheeler--Basicerotini and Dacetini Ant Larvae 135

with denticles near and on the tip; (2) deeply bifid with the branches strongly divergent and curved, 0.054-0,1 mm long. Cranium subhexagonal in anterior view; slightly broader than long; occipital border straight. Antennae minute, with hree sensilla, each of which bears a spinule. Head hairs few, long (0.036-0.1 mm), stout, scarcely tapering, blunt, with .denticles near and on the tip. Labrum bilobed due to a wide and deep impression of the ventral border; breadth 1.6 times length; anterior surface of each lobe with three to five sesilla ventrolateral corners spinulose; ventral border of each lobe with one isolated and two contiguous sensilla; posterior surface ap- patently without sensilla but with numerous rather long transverse rows of minute spinules. Mandibles with the apical half heavily sclerotized; apical tooth long, stout, sharp-pointed an.d curved medially; inner border produced into a blade bearing two rather stout acute teeth. Maxillae with the apex paraboloidal; palp vaguely chair-shaped with one lateral (bearing a spinule) and iour apical (two en- capsulated and two bearing a spinule each) sensilla; galea a tall cone bearing two apical sensilla. Labium large; middle 2/3 raised into a ventral projection; anterior sur- face spinulose, the spinules minute an.d .in numer, arcuate rows; palp similar to. maxillary palp but smaller; an isolated sensillum between each palp and the opening of the sericteries; the latter a very short transverse slit on the ventral surface. Hypopharynx with long transverse rows o' minute spinu!es. (Material stu,died" twenty larvae from South Queensland; courtesy of Dr. W. L. Brown.) Brown, 1953b: The larvae feed only upon coilembolans. Genus Strumigenys F. Smith Short and stout; pro.thorax short and directed ventrally; head ventral; dorsal profile c-shaped, ventral feebly si- nuate; diameter of body increasing gradually from anterior end to abdominal somite v, then decreasing to. posterior end. Segmentation indistinct. Body hairs moderately numerous and short to moderately long. Of three .types: (1) on the ventral surface, few, denticulate, flexible; (2) bifid, with the branches denticulate; (3) anchor-tipped, with tortuous shaft, four in a row across the dorsum of 136 Psyche

each abdo.minal somite I-V. Antennae small, wth only two sensilla Hea.d hairs short to moderately long, flexible and denticulate. Posterior surface of labrum wth six sen- silla. Maxillary palp a low elevation bearing our sensilla. Labium with pair of mammiform ventrIateral lobes, each bearing a palp which is a low elevation with our sensilla.

Strumigenys louisianae Roger (P1. 10, figs. 1-6) MATURE LARVA: Length about 2 ram. Short and stout; prothorax directed ventrally; head ventral; anterior end formed from the dorsum of the prothorax; dorsal profile c-shaped, ventral eebly sinuate; diameter of body increas- ing gra.dually rom the anterior end to abdominal somite v, then decreasing to. the posterior end, which is broadly rounded. Anus ventral. Leg vestiges present. Segmenta- tion indistinct. Spiracles small, diameter decreasing grad- ually rom he mesothoracic toward the posterior end. Integument of ventral surface of thorax and first hree abdominal so.mites with rather long transverse rows of minute spinules; a few shorter rows of minute spinules on the posterior surface of the last few abdominal somites. Body hairs moderately numerous, uniformly distributed (except on the naked midventral surface of the thorax and abdominal somites I-III), short to moderately long. Of three types: (1) on the ventral surface of the thorax and of abdominal somites I-W, few, denticulate, 0.027-0.126 mm long, flexible; (2) .on the dorsal and lateraI surfaces, 0.054-0.148 mm long, bifid, with the branches finely den- ticulate; (3) anchor-tipped, with tortuous shaft, about 0.165 mm long, our in a row across the .dorsal surface of each abdominal somite I-V. Cranium vaguely subhexagonal; slightly broader than long; middle of occipital border feebly convex. Antennae minute, each with only two sensilla; each sensillum bears a spinule. Head hairs few, moderately long (0.054-0.125 mm), flexible and .denticulate. Labrum small and short; breadth 2.5 times length; bilobed due to a median impression of the ventral border; anterior surface of each lobe with three sensilla; ventral border of each 19'54] Wheeler and Wheeler--Basicerotini and Dacetini Ant Larvae 137 lobe with a few minute spinules and two contiguous sen- silla; posterior surface .of each lobe with three sensilla; middle half of posterior surface .densely spinulose, the spinules minute and in subtransverse rows. Mandibles subtriangular in anterior view, with the apical half heavily sclerotized; apical tooth long, stout, sharp-pointed and curved medially; with two ,sharp-poin,ted teeth on the inner .border. Maxillae short and lobose; palp a low eleva- tion bearing four sensilla; galea, with two apical sensilla. Labium large; anterior surfa.ce spinulose, the spinules in short curved subtransv.erse r.ows; with a pair .of mammiform ventrolateral lobes, bearing a palp, which is a low elevation bearing f.our sensilla; an isolated sensillum between each palp and the opening of the seric- teries; the latter a very sh.ort transverse slit. Hypopharynx densely .spinul.ose, the ,s,pinules minute and in numerous long subtransverse rows. (MateriaI studied: two dozen larvae from Alabama and Mississippi; courtesy of Dr. W. L. Brown.) Wilson, 1953: The larval foo.d is. chiefly Collembola, but a few other are .occasionally eaten (p. 481). "Larvae are fed by being pla,ced directly on the prey. As many as ten or more may be piled at fi'rst on the same collembolan, and since they are active feeders they may wholly consume a small individual within several hours. The final fragments of the are held aloft, ponerine fashion. No case of ingluvial feeding of the larvae by the workers was ever observed, although occasionally wo.rkers were seen passing food in this manner"' (p. 483). The life cycle was found to be" egg, 12 days; larva, 29 days; pupa, 12 days. (p. 4.91).

Strumigenys australis Forel (P1. 10, figs. 8-15) Iu. (?): Length abou,t 1.6 mm. Generally similar o louisianae, except in .he foil.owing characters" Seg- mentation distinct. Spinules restricted to. ventral surface ,of thorax. Body hairs,---(1) length 0.009-0.12 mm, with- out alveolus and articular membrane; (2) shorter (0.054- 0.11 ram), with or with.out alveolus and articular 138 Psyche [December membrane; (3) as in louisianae. Cranium transversely subelliptical; breadth 1.4 times length; middle o.f occipital border straight. Head hairs shorter (0.029-0.09 mm). Labrum shorter and br.oa.der (breadth 2.8 times length); anterior surface of each lobe with four sensilla; entire posterior surface spinulose, the spinules minute and in long subtransverse rows. Mandibles shorter and stouter; apical tooth long, slender and round-pointed; subapical tooth anterior, proximal medial tooth much larger. Labial palp with five sensilla. (Material studied" 10 larvae rom Queensland, Australia; courtesy of Dr. W. L. Brown.) Brown, 1953b, p. 467: The larvae feed .only on Collem- bola. Srumigenys elongata Roger Length about 1.7 mm. Similar to. louisianae, except in he 2ollowing deails" Body hairs (1) occurring back as far as abdominal somite viii, shorter (0.018-0.12 mm); (2) shorter (0.014-0.12 mm); (3) slightly longer (about 0.18 mm). Head m.oclerate[y large. Head hairs shorter (0036-0.1 mm). Apical tooth of mandibles longer and slenderer. (Material studied: 10 larvae and semipupae from, .collected by E. O. Wilson; courtesy of Dr. W. L. Brown.)

EXPLANATION OF PLATE 10 Strumigenys louisianae Roger, Figs. 1-6.--1, head in anterior viw. X105; 2, left mandible in anterior view, }(185; 3, mature larva in side view, X38; 4-6, three types of body hairs, }(185. Strumigenys nidi]ex Mann, Fig. 7, a deeply bifid anchor-tipped hair. >(185. Strumigenys australis Forel, Figs. 8-15. m8, immature (?) larw in ventral view, }(43; 9, anchor-tipped body hair, }(185; 10 and 11, bifid body hairs, }(185; 12, denticulate body hair, }(185; 13, left man':lible in anterior view, }(185; 14, head in anterior view, }(95; 15, immature (?) larva in side view, Basiceros sp., Figs. 16 and 17.16, head in anterior view, }(4'; 17, left mandible in anterior view, We wish to thank Dr. W. L. Brown for material, for identifications and for advice. Dr. W. L. Brown regards schmidti as a synonym of gravis. PSYCHE, 1954 VOL. 61, :PLATE 10


Strumigenys lewisi Cameron YOUNG LARVA: Length about 1 mm. Generally similar to louisianae. (Material studied: six young larvae from Jap- an; courtesy .of Cho Teranishi.) Strumigenys nidifex Mann (PI. 10, fig. 7) Length about 3.5 mm. Similar to. louisianae, except in the ollowing details" Mesothorax more swollen, abdomen less so. Body hairs--- (1) occurring back as ar as abdom- inal somite vii and covering all the prothorax, except the middorsal surfa.ce, longer (0.036-0.18 mm); (2) longer (0.054-0.148 mm); (3) longer (about 0.3 mm) and times, deeply bifid, each branch bearing a single, anchor- hook. Head hairs shorter (0.054-0.08 mm). Mandibles longer and narrower with more slender round-poin.ed teeth. (Material studied" a dozen larvae and semipupae from Fiji; courtesy of Dr. W. L. Br,own.) Strumigenys perplexa (F. Smith) Length about 1.6 mm. Similar to louisianae, except in the following details" Spinules on the ventral surface o2 the thorax and first abdominal somite .only. Body hairs (1) occurring back as far as abdominal somite wH, shorter (0.036-0.087 mm) (2) shorter (0.036-0.09 mm) (3) usually on abdominal somites -IV, rarely one o.r two on v. Head hairs shorter (0.036-0.092 mm). Anterior surface o each lobe .of the labrum with four or five sensilla. (Ma- terial studied" numer,ous larvae from Victoria, Australia; courtesy o2 Dr. W. L. Brown.) Brown, 1953b, p. 467: The larvae feed only on Collem- bola. Strumigenys saliens Mayr Apparently very similar to louisianae. (Material studied: a single larva with hairs broken off, fr,om "Rio Negro, Paran.") Strumigenys n. sp. Length 1.9 mm. Similar to louisianae except in the fol- lowing details: Body hairs (1) shorter (0.027-0.1 mm); (2) shorter (0.054-0.134 mm); (3) slightly longer (about 1954] Wheeler and Wheeler--Basicerotini and Dacetini Ant Larvae 141

0.173 mm). Cranium transversely subelliptical; breadth 1.5 times length; occipital border feebly concave at the middle. Head hairs shorter (0.042.-0.1 mm). Labrum twice as broad as long; with f.our sensilla on the anterior surface of ea,ch lobe. (Material studied: 10 larvae from Malanda, Queensland, 2400', 4-XI-50, W. L. Brown.) Genus Smithistruma Brown Short and stout; diameter increasing gradually rom the mesothorax to abdo.minal somite IV, then decreasing to the posterior end, which is broadly rounded; tho.rax and first abdominal somite strongly curved ventrally; head ventral; dorsal profile c-shaped, ventral eebly sinu.ate. Segmentation indistinct. Bo.dy hairs moderately numer- ous and short to moderately long. Of three, types (1) on the ventral surface, ew, denticula,te, slightly curved; (2) bifid, with a 2ew .denticles .on each branch (3) anchor- tipped, with tortuous shaft, 2our in a row across the dor- sum of abdominal somite I-IV, I-V or I-VI. Antennae small; with two sensilla each. Head hairs short to. long, flexible and denticulate. Posterior surface of labrum with six sensilla. Maxillary palp a low elevation bearing four sensilla. Labium with a pair of mammiform ventrolateral lobes, each bearing a palp, which is a low elevation with four or five se.nsilla. Brown, 1953a, p. 43; "The larvae are whitish in color and rest motionless or nearly so in the bro.o'd chambers. They are well cared for by the workers, which feed them at least part of the time by placing them directly .on top of freshly-killed springtails. In my particular c.olony of S. rostrata, I never once observed regurgitation from work- er to larva, but since my colony did not seem very healthy or vigorous, I woul.d .certainly not say that the larvae are never fed by regurgitation in nature." Smithistruma talpa (Weber) (P1. 9, figs. 11-18) MATUZE LZVA: Length about 1.6 mm. Short, stout and turgid; diameter increasing gradually from the meso.tho- rax to. abdominal so.mite Iv, then decreasing to the posterior end (which is broadly rounded); anterior end broa.dly 142 Psyche [D,ecember rounded and formed from the dorsum of the prothorax; thorax and first abdominal somite strongly curved ventral- ly; head ventral; dorsal profile c-shaped, ventral feebly sinuate. Anus ventral. Segmentation indistinct. Spiracles small, diameter decreasing slightly from the mesothoraeie toward the posterior end. Integument of the ventral sur- face of the thorax and abdominal somites I and H with short rows of minute spinules. Body hairs moderately numerous, short to. moderately long and (except f.or a small ventral n,aked area on the thorax and first two abdominal somites) uniformly disCributed. Of three, types: (1) few, 0.018-0.072 mm long, on the ventral surface of the thorax and abdominal somites I-V, slightly curved a.nd dentieulate; (2) on the dorsal and lateral surfaces, 0.018-0.072 mm long, bifid, with a few dentieles on each branch, the most numerous type; (3) anchor-tipped, with tortuous shaft, about 0.125 mm long, four in a row across the dorsal surface of each abdominal somite I-V; types 1 and 2 with or without alveolus and articular membrane. Head moderately large; cranium transversely subelliptieal in anterior view, a fourth broader than long; occipital border slightly concave at the middle. Antennae small, each with only two sensilla, each of which bears a short :spinule. Head hairs few, flexible, moderately long (0.054- 0.072 ram) and dentieulate. Labrum small, breadth 2.7 times length; bilobed, due to a median concavity of the ventral border; anterior surface of each lobe with three sensilla; ventral border of each lobe with a few spinules and two contiguous sensilla; posterior surface of each lobe with three sensilla; middle half of posterior surface spin- ulose, the spinules minute and in transverse rows. Man- dibles heavily selerotized; subtriangular in anterior view; apical tooth long, slender, sharp-pointed and curved medi- ally; two sharp-pointed teeth on the inner border. Max- illae short and lobose; palp a low elevation bearing four sensilla; galea digitiform, with two apical sensilla. Labi- um large; anterior ,surface spinulose, the. spinules in curved subtransverse rows; with a. pair of mammiform ventr.o- lateral lobes, each bearing a palp, which is a low eleva- tion with four sensilla; an isolated sensillum between each palp and the opening of the serieteries; the latter a short Wheeler and Wheeler--Basicerotini and Dacetini Ant Larvae 143

transverse ,slit. Hypopharnyx spinulose, the spinules in rather long transverse rows. (Material studied: tw.o dozen larvae 2ro.m Alabama; courtesy of Dr. W. L. Brown.) Wilson, 1953, p. 486: The food consists chiefly of Col- lembola, but a 2ew other arthrop.ods are eaten. Smithistruma brevisetosa (M. R. Smith) Wilson, 1953, p. 485" "This species appears to be identical in ood habits to Smithistruma rostrata." Smithistruma clypeata (Roger) Wilson, 1953" The 2oo,d of the larvae consists mostly of Collembola, but a few other arthropods are eaten (p. 486). The life ,cycle was found to be: egg, 14 days; larva, 25 days; pupa, 14 days (p. 491). Smithistruma dietrichi (M. R. Smith) Wilson, 1953, p. 487" The larval food consists chiefly of Collembola, but a 2ew other arthropods are used. Smithistruma epinotalis (Weber) SEMIPUPA (?): Length about 1.8 mm. Similar to talpa, but differing in the fllowing details" Anchor-tipped body hairs slightly longer (about 0.15 mm) and occurring on a.bdominal somites I-IV ,only. Occipital border o,f cranium slightly convex at the middle. Head hairs shorter (0.036- 0.054 mm). Labial palps each with five sensilla. (Material studied: two damaged specimens from Costa Rica and Mex- ico.) Smithistruma missouriensis (M. R. Smith) Wilson, 1953, p. 486" The food of the larvae consists of Collembola. Smithistruma nigrescens (Wheeler) (P1. 9, fig. 19) MATURE LARVA: Length about 1.6 mm. Similar to talpa but differing in the following details: Body hairs (1) sligh'tly lo,nger (0.02-0.09 mm) (2) longer (0.063-0.088 mm); (3) longer (about 0.144 mm) and occurring on ab- dominal somites -v only. Head hairs slightly longer (0.056-0.085 mm). Mandibles more slender. Labial palp with five sensilla. 144 Psyche [Dece,mber

VERY YOUNG LARVA: Length about 0.84 mm. Hairs rela- tively 1,onger; head and p,o,s.tanal lip relatively larger. Otherwise very similar to mature larva. Ma,terial studied" two dozen larvae from Cuba, collected by E. 0. Wilson; courtesy of Dr. W. L. Br.own. Smithistruma rostrata (Emery) YOUNG LAaVA: Length about 1.4 mm. Generally similar o talpa except in the following details" Head rela.ively .larger. Anchor-tipped body hairs longer (about 0.14 mm). Antennae moderately large. Anterior surface of each lobe of the labrum with four sensilla and a. few oblique, rows of minute spinules. Labial palp with five sensilla. (Mater- ial studied" two, dozen larvae from Illinois; courtesy of Dr. W. L. Brown.) Wilson, 1953: "Essentially similar to Trichoscapa mem- .bra,nifera in detail,s. o.f larval feeding and in the total absence of irophallaxis" (p. 485). The life cycle was found ,to be: egg, 9 days; larva, 31 days; pupa; 19 days (p. 491). Smithistruma schulzi (Emery) Length about 1.7 mm. Similar to ta.lpa but differing in the following detail,s: Anchor-tipped body hairs longer (about 0.14 mm) and occurring on abdominal somites -v only. Head hairs shorter (0.027-0.054 mm). An.terior sur- face of each lobe of the labrum with four sen,silla. Man- dibles rather small. (Material studied: three larvae from Brazil.) Smithistruma studiosi (Weber) Apparently similar to talpa. (Material studied" three. ,damaged specimens from Costa Rica.) Smithistruma (Wessonistruma) pergandei (Emery) IMMATURE LARVA: Length about 1.6 mm. Similar to talp.a, except in the following ,detail,s," Body hairs--(1) slightly longer (0.027-0.1 ram); (2) longer (0.045-0.1 ram); (3)considerably longer (about 0.17 mm). Head hairs shorter (0.036-0.054 mm). Mandibles more slender. (Material studied: seven larvae from Virginia; courtesy of Dr. W. L. Brown.) 1954] Wheeler and WheelermBasicerotini and Dacetini Ant Larvae 145

Wesson, 1936, p. 173" "The larvae are fed by being placed on top of whole springtails." Genus Trichoscapa Emery Trichoscapa membranifera Emery Wilson, 1953" "Details o. larval eeding seem to be sim- ilar to those in the case of Strumigenys. In addition, the Trichoscapa were never observed to participate in any sort of trophallaxis, either between workers or between workers and larvae" (p. 484). The. life cycle was found .o be: egg, 13 days.; larva, 19 days; pupa, 19 days (p. 491).

LITERATURE CITED BROW, W. L. 1949. Revision of the ant tribe Dacetini: IV. Some genera properly excluded from the Dacetini, with the establishment of the Basicerotini new tribe. Trans. Amer. Entom. ,Soc., 75" 83-96. 1953a. Revisionary studies in the ant tribe Dacetini. Amer. Midland Nat., 50: 1-137, 3 pls., 10 text figs. 1953b. A preliminary report on dacetine ant studies in Australia. Ann. Entom. Soc. Amer., 46: 465-471. EMERY, C. 1921/22. Fam. Formicidae, Subfam. Myrmicinae. Genera Insecto- rum, Fasc. 174:397 pp., 7 pls. MENOZZI, C. 1936. Due nuovi Dacetini di Costa Rica e descrizione della larva di uno di essi. Arb. Morph. Tax. Entom. Berlin-Dahlem, 3: 81-85, 3 figs. WESSO, L. G. 1936. Contributions toward the biology of Strumigenys pergandei" A new food relationship among . Entom. News, 47: 171-174. WHEELER, W. M. 1922. Keys to the genera and subgenera of ants. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 45: 631-710. WILSOI, E. O. 1953. The ecology of some North American daeetine ants. Ann. Entom. Soc. Amer.. 46: 479-495. International Journal of Peptides

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