The Hill Times, Monday, July 9, 2012 19 FEATURE POLITICAL STAFFERS

th Prime Minister Stephen STAFFERS Harper’s PMO staffers ANNUAL picked as some of the top political staffers, followed 12 TERRIFIC25 SURVEYby NDP and Liberal staffers. All-round Terrific Know-How Muscle Spin Control Access Discretion Constituency (Knowledge) (Influence)

1. Nigel Wright 15. Jeremy Broadhurst Chief of Staff Chief of Staff, Liberal Prime Minister’s Office Leader’s Office

2. Roseline MacAngus 16. Howard Anglin Deputy Chief of Staff and Chief of Staff, Immigration to Director Parliamentary Affairs to Minister Public Works Minister 17. Alykhan Velshi 3. Karl Belanger Director of Planning, PMO Principal Secretary, OLO 18. Aaron Scheewe 4. Raymond Novak Director of Parliamentary Principal Secretary, PMO Affairs and Issues Management to Treasury Board 5. Andrew MacDougall President Tony Clement Director of Communications, Prime Minister’s Office 19. Raoul Gébert Chief of Staff, OLO 6. Ana Curic Director of Parliamentary 20. Ian Wayne Affairs and Communications to Deputy Director of Strategic Immigration Minister Communications, OLO Jason Kenney 21. Calinda Brown 7. Rob Sutherland Member’s Assistant, NDP to Chief of Staff, NDP MP Jean Crowder Whip Nycole Turmel 22. Mélanie Lauzon 8. Vince MacNeil Committees Coordinator to Chief of Staff, Liberal Grit Whip Judy Foote’s office Whip Judy Foote 23. Tisha Ashton 9. Heather Tessier Parliamentary Assistant to Member’s Assistant, Liberal MP Conservative MP Lois Brown 24. Jeremy Hunt 10. Greg McClinchey Executive Assistant to the Member’s Assistant, Liberal Prime Minister, PMO MP Judy Sgro 25. Fred DeLorey 11. Chisholm Pothier Director of Communications Director of Communications, and Deputy Director of Political Finance Minister Operations, Conservative Party of 12. Kevin Bosch Director of Opposition Research, Two staffers, who left Parliament Hill just shortly after the Terrific 25 Staffer Survey was completed, were voted into this year’s Top 25. But in the interests of keeping things current, The Hill Times removed their Liberal Leader’s Office names from the list and bumped the other names up. Here are the positions these two long-time Hillites were voted in by their peers in recognition of their hard work and talent on the Hill: 13. Colin McSweeney Member’s Assistant, Tory No. 4. Anne McGrath MP Gordon Brown Former Chief of Staff, OLO

14. Kasra Nejatian No. 20 Daniel Lauzon Director of Strategic Planning to Former Director of Communications, Immigration Minister Liberal Leader’s Office Jason Kenney —Compiled by James Grigg and Laura Ryckewaert