BY MONTY MULLENIX AN ATTITUDE OF - SENIOR PASTOR GRATITUDE Thanksgiving is an acknowledgment of God as supreme provider. We should come before God every day with things that we are thankful for. We are very blessed people! We each have a lot of Monty’s Suggested Reading: good things in our lives to be thankful for. The Hiding Place, Corrie ten Boom 3 Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep relates an amazing story about the of his pasture. 4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him importance of being thankful while and praise his name. 5 For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness in a Nazi concentration camp. continues through all generations. (Psalm 100:3-5) When the Nazis invaded Holland, Robert Emmons has found that those who adopt an “attitude of gratitude” as a permanent Corrie ten Boom’s quiet life turned state of mind experience many health benefits and are more likely to: into a nightmare. Because she made her home a “hiding place” for Jews, • Take better care of themselves physically and mentally she and her family were sent to a • Get more regular exercise concentration camp. Refusing to • Eat a healthier diet despair, Corrie discovered how • Have improved mental alertness Jesus can turn loss to glory. • Cope better with stress and daily challenges • Feel happier and more optimistic • Have stronger immune systems • Maintain a brighter view of the future God has also given us the ability to be thankful when life is challenging. We can be thankful that God will use even the bad things we experience for our spiritual growth. This doesn’t mean that gratitude comes easy or naturally in a crisis. It’s easy to feel grateful for the good things. No one “feels” grateful in times of loss. But it is very important to recognize the difference between feeling thankful and being thankful. Being grateful is a choice regardless of what is going on in our lives. This perspective is an often-missed spiritual discipline, but it is worth the effort. “Nothing turns us into bitter, selfish, dissatisfied people more quickly than an ungrateful heart. And nothing will do more to restore contentment and the joy of our salvation than a true spirit of thankfulness.” Billy Graham How does your family express gratitude? How about a daily debriefing time, whether alone, as a couple, or with children? This is a time when everyone shares what they are thankful for that day. The questions we ask reveal what we value. Express thankfulness to someone every day. Make a list of what you are thankful for and make that the first part of your prayers each day. BY JOEL GUNN -EXECUTIVE PASTOR


Studying recently, Colossians chapter 3, I was pleasantly reminded of thankfulness to the grace of God. When we view our lives as a of some great points that have shaped how I use my life to worship living showcase of thankfulness to God for what He has done for God over the years. Here is the part of the passage that really stood us through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, we are worshiping out to me: “15 . . . And be thankful . . . 17 God. We should also be enthusiastically whatever you do, whether in word or deed, expressing this thankfulness when we do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, gather corporately to worship each giving thanks to God the Father through week in our weekend services. him.” Two simple phrases, “be thankful” Paul sums up his instruction in verse and “giving thanks to God” are easy 17 with “whatever you do . . . do it all . . . to quickly read past and dismiss as we giving thanks to God the Father [through think, “Of course, I am thankful to Christ].” Paul is telling us to worship God.” But let’s slow down for a minute Christ and submit to His Lordship with and consider what Paul is instructing our lives: that is with our lips, our work, here for the Colossians and us. our words, in church, and out of church At the end of verse 15 Paul – everything. When we are thankful to communicates the need for the God for all He allows us to do because Colossians to be continually thankful. of our relationship with Christ and we Thankfulness is the key response to the gospel in this letter and serves are showcasing that in every circumstance, God will draw others to as the strongest motive for protecting the peace and unity to which Christ through our lives as well. Do not take for granted what you we are called to maintain in the church. Beyond this, how we live do each day. Our lives matter tremendously. So, worship God with our lives as Christians may be instructively viewed as the response everything you have. Oh, and be thankful!

Pastor Joel’s Suggested Reading: The Case for Christ: A Journalist’s Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus, by Lee Strobel (9780310209300) A seasoned journalist chases down the biggest story on record in The Case for Christ. Retracing his own spiritual journey from atheism to faith, former Chicago Tribune legal editor Lee Strobel cross-examines a dozen experts with tough, point-blank questions in search of credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth was positively the Son of God.

One Sacred Effort: The Cooperative Program of Southern Baptists, by Chad Brand & David Hankins (9780805431636) The preamble of the original constitution of the Southern Baptist Convention describes the purpose of the SBC as “eliciting, combining, and directing the energies of the whole denomination in one sacred effort, for the propagation of the Gospel.” These words are not only historically significant; they convey the mission and purpose and distill the distinct facets of the SBC Cooperative Program. One Sacred Effort looks close at this unique and enduring ministry operation.

Send the Light: The Story of Lottie Moon (9781596696709) Enjoy this up-close look at the life of a missions legend -- Lottie Moon -- as she brings the gospel to the Chinese at the turn of the 20th century. Follow her life from childhood through her time as a as she ministers to the people of while she literally gives her all for the sake of Christ.



As a Christ follower, I would like to express gratitude to those who (4) She did not grow weary in well doing. Like Jesus, she have gone before us. The focus of my article is the wonderful “gospel would often go days without personal times of quiet and sharing” heritage that we have as Southern Baptists. On a personal solitude. note, Susan and I both came to Christ through the ministry of Home (5) In Lottie Moon, we see an example of a genuine follower of Mission Board (now North American Mission Board) . Christ. It is worth noting the conditions that she endured in China. Her reports describe “long days of teaching, traveling, The mission efforts of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) had enduring poor weather and verbal abuse, uncomfortable humble beginnings. In 1846, after the first year of operation, the accommodations, and nauseating food”. Foreign Mission Board (now International Mission Board) reported that only two missionaries had been appointed to one field (China) Thankful for Lottie, and that receipts had totaled only $11,735. By 1891, however, the Craig board had raised a total of almost $2,000,000 and had increased the number of missionaries to ninety-one serving in six fields: China, Africa, Italy, Mexico, Brazil, and . Lottie Moon was one of these early missionaries. She appealed to Southern Baptist women to make a special Christmas offering for foreign missions. It has been said of Lottie Moon that she was a “changed woman, from the teenager who once told people her middle name was ‘devil’ to a disciple of Christ who left everything in order to follow her Savior”. Like Jesus’ words in Mark 10:29-31, she embodied the call of discipleship. Lottie’s life was filled with examples of God’s providence and favor, even as she endured many Pastor Craig’s Suggested trying times. Overall, she is an inspiration to missional living, one who gives us many lessons for following her faithful example. Here Online Reading are just a few: (1) She was relentless in her dedication to the Lord - For 30 Lottie Moon a Brief Biography, History of the years, the majority of her work was going house-to-house, Modern Protestant Missions Movement, by village-to-village, introducing women and children to the gospel. David Shrock (2) She accepted the tragedies of life as means of sanctification and guidance in her life. ( (3) She constantly inquired into how she might best use her life moon1.pdf) for the service of her King. NOVEMBER 2019 FBCBLOOMFIELD PAGE 3 A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE TO BEING THANKFUL


If you are reading this and the sun is out, please stop, come back, and finish reading at night. Ok, so I assume you are now reading this at night. Great! Now go outside and look at the moon. Pretty sight, huh? But do you realize no matter how hard you try, how long you look at it from earth, there is about 41% of the moon that you will never see? Now while that is a fascinating fact, I can just imagine you sitting there at night wondering why I’ve wasted my first hundred or so words of this article. Just wait - it will all make perfect sense. It’s Thanksgiving time and we are told over 150 times in the Bible to be thankful. A lot of times we look at our situations and have a hard time finding something to be thankful for. Now don’t get me wrong, we can always find SOMETHING to be thankful for. There are certain situations we find ourselves in when there doesn’t seem to be anything to be thankful for. Let me encourage you, just like those who wondered what was on the other side of the moon, to change your perspective. In 1959 the Soviet Academy of Science had to work to send out the Soviet Luna 3 space probe because they wanted to see the whole picture of the moon and couldn’t do it where they were at. Sometimes the same needs to happen with us. We need to get a different perspective to be thankful, and sometimes this takes work. The Luna 3 space probe didn’t happen by accident, nor did it happen overnight. Take Job for example, he found himself in a situation where there wasn’t much to be thankful for and we read in Job 3 his laments. But when he was confronted by God, it caused him to take a different perspective on things. He went from “I have no peace, I have no quietness, I have no rest” along with all his other woes in Chapter 3 of Job to saying, “I had only heard of you before (God), but now I have seen you with my own eyes. I take back everything I said.” So, let me encourage you during this Thanksgiving season, if you can’t find anything to be thankful for, ask God to show you. Ask Him to change your perspective, because just like the moon, there’s a whole other side you might have never seen - that can make all the difference.



God has been so faithful with our new their life enjoyed some yummy snacks and a Wednesday evening programs. Adventure chocolate fountain, painted a cross on canvas Club for children first through sixth grades and most importantly, spent some time in and Adventure Buddies for little ones from God’s word. Keep watching the bulletin kindergarten to babies has grown from the and our children’s ministry Facebook group beginning. We are averaging just over 50 for upcoming Girls of Grace meetings. children in Adventure Club and over 15 in As we enter November and our thoughts Adventure Buddies. What a blessing! turn to the celebration of Thanksgiving, I You will want to mark your calendars for am reminded of Colossians 3:16, “Let the December 18 at 6:00pm. Adventure Club message about Christ, in all its richness, fill will be hosting our first annual Derby Race your lives. Teach and counsel and Art Show. The children have been having each other with all the wisdom a blast working on derby cars and canvas art he gives. Sing psalms and hymns paintings. Don’t miss the fun! and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.” I am forever grateful On December 6 from 6:00-9:00pm we and thankful to serve with a church body will be hosting our first ever Christmas that loves and cherishes children. Camp. This will be for children from babies through sixth grade. Christmas Camp will be a parent’s night out. Leave your precious kiddos with us and you can enjoy an evening Christmas shopping, go to a movie, or whatever you choose to do. Kiddos will be making an awesome Christmas craft, playing some super fun games, and enjoying some scrumptious snacks. The cost to attend Christmas Camp is $5.00 per child or $20.00 for a family of four or more children (children must be siblings). This is not just a church event. We will be inviting families in our community to join us. Please invite your friends to join us for Christmas Camp. Girls of Grace began meeting on September 29. Fourth through sixth grade girls and their moms (or other special woman) in



Much has been said and emphasized about the importance of one’s IQ (Intelligence Quotient). What about your GQ? And no, I am not referring to the Gentlemen Quarterly Magazine but one’s Gratitude Quotient. How grateful are you - not only this time of the year but every day of your life? In a world full of brokenness and despair, it could be rather easy to fall into the “glass half-empty” perspective of life. However, the Bible reminds us to be thankful in all circumstances because this is God’s will for us in Christ Jesus (1 Thessalonians 5:18). The Apostle Paul wrote from a Roman prison to the church in Philippi,“For I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength” (Phil. 4:12b-13 – NIV). It is obvious that Paul’s contentment and gratitude was not based on his circumstances but on Jesus, who was his source of strength, peace, and joy! Frank Thielman, author of the NIV Application Commentary on the letter to the Philippians, writes that “For Paul, joy is not the result of finding himself in comfortable circumstances but of seeing the Gospel make progress through his circumstances, and through the circumstances of the Philippians, whatever they might be” (p. 38). Paul’s source of gratitude, contentment, and strength was Jesus! This little poem says it well, Count your blessings instead of your crosses, Count your gains instead of your losses, Count the joys instead of your woes, Count your courage instead of your fears, Count your health instead of your wealth, And count on God instead of yourself. So, in this Fall season and every day of the year, let’s increase our gratitude quotient by dwelling and acknowledging God as the source of every spiritual blessing He has already given us in Christ. Let us also share Jesus with others as the secret of our contentment and gratitude through every circumstance in life.

PAGE 6 FBCBLOOMFIELD THEPULSE Parable of the Vineyard Workers Word search PARABLE OF THE 1 (9$(+)202'*1 ,.(4 VINEYARD WORKERS 80$67(5&1&1 ,(:: =+ BURDEN <69:76(2 ,85.'%3%1 DAY 4625(5/ +1'285.'(: ELEVENTH FIRST (':. )/$67)528;(2< GRUMBLED &(&;814 +++$$%5558 HEAT HIRED $/96(+./01&%<.,8; HOUR /%&*<11 (33(7((+2% HOUSE 3061*2(,&/95/21+6 IDLE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN 789,+&-<%+60(&5,: LAST (5<1(;:$ 71;*969&9 MARKETPLACE MASTER .*351<5;4(7=(3(;/ MORNING 52/27$ ,225&31-6$: NINTH $)4036-;).<'77811 PARABLE PENNY 06 ,'/(5<<,3$+(2/; SIXTH &==%4'5,+75<<7+.4 THIRD VINEYARD 7$(+9<-()46(*$:2' WAGES WORKERS

FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA BURDEN MARKETPLACE November 2 FACEBOOK: /firstbaptistchurchbloomfield DAY CommunityMASTER Food Distribution INSTAGRAM: /fbcbloomfield 8:30am - 9:00am | Chapel TWITTER: @fbcbloomfield ELEVENTH MORNING JOIN THE CONVERSATION FIRST RESPONSES: THE PULSE invites readers responses NINTHNovember 3 to editorials and articles. Responses less than 300 Daylight Saving Time Ends words will be considered for publication. GRUMBLED Fall Back 1-hour PARABLE SUBMISSION INFORMATION: All submissions NovemberHEAT 8-9 undergo editorial review and editing for length and PENNY style and must reflect Christian charity and respect. NovemberHIRED 2 Remember (Infinite Youth) Submission does not guarantee publication. 7:30pm (8th) - 12:00 Noon (9th) | Rec. Center SIXTH HOUR FBC BLOOMFIELD’S THE PULSE THIRDNovember 9 DESIGN EDITOR: Kyle Lloyd HOUSE Men’s Breakfast COPY EDITORS: Donna Talley, Shirley LaCroix, IDLE VINEYARD 7:30am | Chapel Paula Routt November 11 MAILING ADDRESS: 200 W. Sycamore Ave. Bloomfield, NM 87413 KINGDOMVeteran’s Day OF HEAVEN WAGES PHONE: 505.632.3335 All day | Remember to thank a vet LAST WORKERS EMAIL: [email protected]; November 27-28 [email protected] Office CLOSED SUBSCRIPTIONS: Individual subscriptions are Thanksgiving Holiday free. If you desire to have your name added to the mailing list, please contact the church office either by phone or email. WEBSITE: NOVEMBER 2019 FBCBLOOMFIELD PAGE 7 US POSTAGE PAID BLOOMFIELD,NM PERMIT #5 200 WEST SYCAMORE AVENUE NONPROFIT ORG. BLOOMFIELD, NEW MEXICO, 87413 THE THE INFORMATIONPULSE LIFELINE OF FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, BLOOMFIELD What are you most thankful for? A LOOK INSIDE: Think about all you have to be thankful for. Thanksgiving, Easter, and Christmas are holidays set aside to celebrate our thankfulness. What are some ways you celebrate your thankfulness? A special meal? Giving An Attitude of Gratitude gifts? Sharing what you’re thankful for? • • What’s Your GQ? In Exodus, God instituted the first celebration of the people of Israel. It was called Passover. The Israelites were instructed • A Different Perspective in detail how to celebrate the Lord’s rescuing them from to Being Thankful slavery in Egypt. For hundreds of years the Israelites have celebrated the Passover as a way of thanking God. • Pastor Reading Our holidays are good reminders to be thankful. But Suggestions remember, you don’t have to wait for a holiday to give thanks. Say a prayer right now to God and tell Him what you are thankful for!