Apr 21, 2011 09:55 BST The Eye Catching New HTC Salsa Offers Users Great Connectivity Options

The new Salsa from HTC is one of two new handsets from the brand that are designed to work seamlessly with social networking website . These features include a number of options to make interacting with the site a much more simple task. In order for a phone to sports such facilities, there is one area where it must excel and that is in the connectivity department, after all this marvellous integration is pretty useless if you cannot gain access. This is the reason why the HTC Salsa is much more than just a Facebook phone, it is actually the perfect handset for all manner of web based activities.

An array of connectivity options are on offer to help ensure that regardless of where you are location wise, your ability to use the web should not be affected. WiFi is obviously the method of choice, and ideal if you are at home or indeed anywhere where you have access to a network. Your experience however should not be adversely affected if you are on the move thanks to the phone allowing access to the 3G network. Web browsing on the Salsa is a pleasure thanks to an easy to navigate browser which features a host of useful features that make the whole experience both more enjoyable and easier. An example of this is the ability to use multiple browsing windows which means having several sites open at the same time. In practical terms this means you can easily flick between different pages without having to load each one every time. If you find the text on a page is a little small for your liking then the zoom facility work in almost an instant, resizing everything so if fills the page. On the more innovative side of things, HTC have implemented a "Smart Lookup" feature which enables you to highlight any word or phrase in any area of the phone and instantly look it up via a number of different methods including Wikipedia, or Youtube.

Of course online facilities on the HTC Salsaare not limited to purely browsing the web, take the phones excellent media facilities for example. Take a snap or a section of video footage and the phones great connection options enables the upload to a variety of sites including Facebook. The web connectivity even comes into play for a plain, old fashioned phone call. In addition to displaying who is calling you, the Salsa allows a host of other information to be shown on the handsets display. This can be a real ice breaker as you can not only see the latest Facebook update of the person but also other details such as birthdays. Indeed this feature may also give you a clue as to why the person is calling and may result in you not answering the call.

The HTC, despite being designed as a social networking phone offers great general functionality thanks to its excellent connectivity features and impressive specification.

The HTC Salsa and the Galaxy Gio are coming soon.

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