International marine renewables support Thinking locally acting globally

Aquatera was born in a small community with a global perspective. We seek locally appropriate solutions, based on international experience wherever we work in the world.

We can learn from how the world has developed in the last 50 years, to help shape how it develops in the next 50 years. Our future ideas are shaped by our recent experiences Some of our clients Wave technology Tidal technology Organisations, governments multnationals

Aquatera: a world-leading 400 sustainable energy projects business in sustainable island energy

250 marine energy projects 10 marine array projects

30 marine energy technologies supported Working in 20 countries 50 island links

20 strategic energy plans 45 staff & associates

100 onshore wind projects

Formed in 2000

Based in Aquatera team • Full time and • Large group of part time associates that employees support team on a project basis covering a range of disciplines • Some almost fully employed some used for specific Core Associate projects Employees team

Partner Specialists companies • Key experts in • Companies that we particular fields work with on a that are used for regular basis to advise and support enhance projects and provide a turn key service

Two decades to change the 6 world – a host community perspective Strategic planning Task: To encourage development in the most appropriate places

Support provided: • Site selection • Regional planning • Cumulative effects • Infrastructure planning Wave resource studies

Aspects covered • Determining wave climate • Working out logistical options • Analysing operational suitability • Creating cost and revenue models • Spotting possible win:win opportunities • Establishing possible planning constraints Tidal resource assessment

Aspects covered • Determining current regimes • Working out logistical options • Analysing operational suitability • Creating cost and revenue models • Spotting possible win:win opportunities • Establishing possible planning constraints Environmental permitting processes Task: To get permission for projects from the relevant authorities

Support provided:

• EIA processes • Scoping reports • Baseline studies • Habitat Regulation Assessment • Environmental statement report • Monitoring plans • Decommissioning report • Monitoring programmes • Monitoring report Community development activities

Aquatera has emerged within a community & understands what make’s up a community and how to sustain a community.

We can use our skills & expertise to help create the right foundations for sustainable development & capacity building.

We can develop monetary and employment models, advice upon community engagement initiatives and deliver community information materials. Government work

• Local - On going contracts to support marine renewables development

• Scottish - Impacts study, advise to Marine energy group

• National - Presentations to four energy ministers (Ed Davey present minister in 2013)

• International - Chilean ministry of energy to support the development of there marine energy strategy Grid work

• Investigations into grid expansion for the islands • Route analysis and selection for national grid system • Socio-economic studies for substation station • Environmental impact assessment for cables, overhead lines, sub-stations and converter stations Test site work & experience

• Wave site selection and scoping • Tidal site selection and scoping • Use of wave and tidal test sites and nursery sites • Production of information materials • Feasibility studies for Phase 5 developments • Analysis of shipping interactions • Monitoring of seabed impacts (ROV monitoring) Test site work & experience

• Taiwan – Wave test site selection and establishing operational standards and practices – Technology evaluation and selection – Existing document reference library for use of test sites – Introduced EMEC as certification partner • Oregon – Evaluation of development potential – Strategic planning for cumulative effects – Test site location analysis – Socio-economic development opportunities Test site work & experience • Chile – Site investigation for tidal test locations – Feasibility study for utility run test site – Wave technology engineering suitability evaluation – Preparation for tendering for provision of International centre of excellence • Ireland, Bellmullet – Briefing local community on the opportunities arising from test site developments and the lessons learned from that experience • Cumbria – Option analysis and economic modelling Awareness information

• Public briefings and workshops • Ministerial and visiting VIP briefing • Public information leaflets and posters • Web based learning packages ( • Professional development training courses • Academic training courses

Socio- economic Reports

• Explore stakeholder conflicts • Planning for marine renewables • Impact on fisheries – Build upon links with local fishers SFF etc • Community benefits – Exploring opportunities to maximise benefits • Economic benefits and impacts • Logistics and operations – debris Aquatera’s island focus Islands where we and our delivery partners have worked and have active collaborations Orkney Islands – - – Sanday – – Auskerry - Islands – – Yell – Unst – Faroe Islands – Iceland – Western Isles – Summer Isles – Inner – Maderia – Canary Islands – Azores – Isle of Wight – Guernsey – Jersey – Alderney – Cyprus - Crete – Nordcapp – Falkland Islands – Tierra del Fuego – Chiloe – Galapagos – Barbados – Indonesian Islands – Philippines – Taiwan – Pung Ho Islands – Japan – Goto Islands – Sakhalin Island – Ushant - Haiti – Vancouver Island – Baffin Island – Nova Scotia – – PNG – Easter Island - Vanuatu

50 islands & island groups globally

19 Orkney Vessel Trials Project

Performance Review of Maritime Support Services for Orkney The project involved

20 organisations 120+ individuals 60+ vessel operations 30 days at sea

21 Programme

The trials completed covered: • Work boat operations • Gantry barge operations • ROV enhancements • Clump weight friction trials • Buoy submergence trials • Man overboard

22 Economics

Precision installation of a large load can be achieved by a gantry barge and accompanying spread of vessels at a cost saving of 70-80%, compared to using large DP dynamically positioned) offshore construction vessels

The equivalent of three practice installations of a full- scale turbine nacelle were carried out during trials for under £400,000

More generally, installation, maintenance and decommissioning can all benefit from cost reductions by using a gantry barge spread of vessels for certain operations

23 Aquatera Tidal database 11300 tidal streams around world

• Indonesia • 364 points within the database solely for Indonesia: • 312 Tidal Streams; • 27 Ocean Currents; and • 25 points which have both tidal and current attributes.

24 Activity flow Brain storming Initial assessment - basis of design

Initial assessment - concept design Screening – Task a and Task B

Detailed assessment and design Final methodology Designed cable handling arrangement Shetland tidal bridge