St. Anne Byzantine 222 E. Foothill Boulevard San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 Parish Office: (805) 543-8883 Fax: (805) 543-8832 www.stanneslo.org Pastor's e-mail: [email protected] Most Reverend Bishop John S. Pazak C.Ss.R DD Holy Protection of Mary Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Phoenix Served by Rev. Pastor Bezruchka Welcome! We are honored to have you come to worship with us. If you are unfamiliar with the worship of the Byzantine Church, simply listen to the Liturgy and allow the rest of the congregation to carry you in worship. We extend our hands and hearts in Christian fellowship to you here, celebrating with us, whether long-time residents or newly arrived in the parish. We thank that you are with us. If you are not registered, please fill out the form below and place in the collection basket or mail to the Parish Office. We invite you to join us for Coffee Social, held in the fellowship hall, immediately after the Divine Liturgy and ask that you make yourself known to our Pastor who would be happy to answer your questions.

St. Anne's email list: Would you like to be added to our weekly St. Anne bulletin email list? Send an email to [email protected]

Glory to Christ! Glory forever! This Week's Liturgy Schedule Sunday 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy TENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST July 29 For the Parishioners, Confessions: 9:00-9:45am Friends, and Benefactors p. handout 1 Corinthians 4: 9-16; Matthew 17:14-23 Parish Potluck celebration after Divine Liturgy. Monday No Divine Liturgy Holy Apostles and Silvanus and their July 30 Parish office closed companions 2 Corinthians 2: 4-15; Matthew 23: 13-22 Tuesday 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy Prefestive Day of the Procession of and July 31 Mary Lynn Cihak by Fr. Life-Creating Cross. Holy Venerable Eudocimus. p. 378 Michael Bezruchka Venerable Father Ignatius of Loyola. 2 Corinthians 2: 14-3:3; Matthew 23: 23-28 Wednesday 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy Procession of the Wood of the Venerable and Life- August 1 +Poor Souls Creating Cross p. 360 1 Corinthians 1: 18-24; John 19: 6-11, 13-20, 25-35 Thursday 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy Translation of the Relics of Holy Protomartyr and August 2 J. Garrity by Fr. Christopher Archdeacon Stephen p. 368 Andrews 2 Corinthians 4: 1-6; Matthew 24: 13-28 Friday 6:00 PM Divine Liturgy Venerable Fathers , Dalmatus and Faustus August 3 J. Garrity by Fr. Christopher Confessions: 5:45-6:15pm p. 378 Andrews 2 Corinthians 4: 13-18; Matthew 24: 27-33, 42-51

Saturday 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy Holy Seven Children of Ephesus. Venerable Martyr August 4 +Esther Stalter Eudoxia p. 381 by Tim Stoner Confessions: 8:15-8:45am 1 Corinthians 1: 3-9; Matthew 19: 3-12 Cantor Workshop: 10:30am-Noon--Parish Hall Sunday 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy ELEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST August 5 For the Parishioners, Confessions: 9:00-9:45am Friends, and Benefactors p. handout 1 Corinthians 9: 2-12; Matthew 18: 23-25

Cantor/Singing training – On Saturday, August 4, there will be a cantor training workshop in the parish hall after Divine Liturgy from approximately 10:30am to noon. We will be learning how a Vigil Vesper Divine Liturgy works and practicing some of the music for this. This class is open to all cantors as well as parishioners who are curious to learn how to sing Byzantine chant more easily and confidently. Last Sunday's Gifts to the Lord

Sunday July 22, 2018 Attendance: 75

PLEASE REMEMBER ANNE'S IN YOUR WILLS AND BEQUESTS May God bless your generosity to His Church!

Birthdays: July 30th: Fr. Michael's mom; 31st: Kian Biro and Jeff Baron God grant them many years. Cleaning Angels: Santos family-- July 22- August 4

Eternal Lamp above Ambon for this week: [available] Eternal Lamp to St. Anne in narthex: [available] Icon of Jesus Christ: [Available] Icon of : [Available] Icon of St. : [Available] Icon of St. : [Available] Icon of St. Anne: +Carla Anne Kndimuk by Philip & Rachel Slagel (7/6/19) Icon of St. Nicholas: [Available] You are invited to sponsor the weekly candles/lamps in our church for your intention(s). If you are interested in sponsoring one or two of the "eternal" vigil oil lamps, the usual suggested offering is $10.00 and it will burn from Sunday through Saturday. The other smaller oil lamps (Christ, Theotokos, St. John Baptist, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Anne, and St. Nicholas) are each available for a suggested $2.00 offering per week which will burn for one Sunday Divine Liturgy. The bulletin will remind your fellow parishioners of your special intention or of the memory of a loved one. You may request and "prepay" for as many weeks/Sundays as you would like. See envelopes in narthex.


Cantor training: Saturday, August 4 at about 10:30am. Solemn Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ-- August 6 Divine Liturgies at 9:00am and 6:30pm on August 6. Fruit will be blessed at end of each Divine Liturgy Family Game Night! Saturday, August 11: 4pm--Great Vespers; 5-8pm--Pizza and board games. All parishioners & guests welcome. DORMITION OF THE THEOTOKOS: (HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION)-- August 14: Vigil Vesper Divine Liturgy at 6:30pm. August 15: Divine Liturgies at 9:00am and 6:30pm Flowers will be blessed at the end of each Divine Liturgy. (Fr. Michael will be away in France from August 16-31. Fr. Diodoro Mendoza substitutes during August dates)

Prayer Requests: Our Holy Father Francis, Benedict XVI, our Metropolitan William, our God-loving Bishop John S. Pazak, Bishop Gerald Dino, Father Christopher Zugger, Fr. Marcus Gomory, Msgr. George Vida, Msgr. Michael Moran, Mitred Archpriest Stephen Washko, Gregg and Diane Meyer, Risch Family, Kathy Slonka, Judy & Tom Walsh and whole Family, Linda & Frank McKenna, Baron Family, John Shepard, Julie Carlin, Ketchum, Sara, Steve Potts, Maria Slinsky, Jennifer Dunn, Grant Lopez, Paul Ferriera, Henry Stewart, Ann Jutras, Bob Swenson, Silvia Soto, Paula Bradley, Alexis Curley, Jay Dicky, Paul Roden & Kasper Paul Roden, Maria R.Turley, Terry Family, Gianna, Silva family, Juraj Kasperek, Stephen Bezruchka, and all St. Anne Parishioners. CONFESSIONS: Saturdays: 8:15-8:45am, Sundays: 9:00-9:45am, and when Fridays have a 6pm evening Liturgy: 5:15-5:45pm. Also before holy days as listed in the bulletin and by appt. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: after the Holy Services in church before hospitalization. For emergencies, please call the Parish Office immediately. BAPTISM/CHRISMATION/EUCHARIST: must be arranged at least three months in advance. CROWNING OF MARRIAGE: must be arranged at least six months in advance. EASTERN CHRISTIAN FORMATION: contact Parish Office. See Bulletin. LITURGY INTENTIONS: use envelopes available on the greeting table in the church narthex (vestibule), call the parish office, or ask the pastor.

ICON FUND – As you may remember, there are several icons to be added on the south wall and ceiling of the church. This will finish the iconography in the church. The back wall will not have icons added since we are optimistic that our church will grow with enough members to one day need to expand the church building to the parking lot. With that in mind, we humbly ask for any donations you might be able to give to help pay for the remaining icons in the church. We are also in the process of seeking grants to help pay for this work which so far will total about $60,000. If you would like to make a donation to help in this endeavor, please write your check to "St. Anne BC Church" and write "Icon Fund" in the memo line. Thank you.

St. Anne weekly e-mail list – Would you like to receive the bulletin by email each week? What if you go to a different Catholic church while on a vacation or business trip and cannot be present at St. Anne's for a particular Sunday to pick up the bulletin? Have no fear! The bulletin e-list is here! Simply send an email to [email protected] and ask to be put on the bulletin electronic list (this email address is different from Fr. Michael's parish email address). Then, you can count on getting the St. Anne bulletin while you are away, and not miss out on the schedule and important announcements. Beginning today, this email address is listed on the front of each bulletin in case you lose, forget, or misplace this particular bulletin's announcement you are now reading.

Quotes for the week: "There is no vacation from God"--Fr. May quoting Catherine Doherty in the July-August 2018 edition of the Restoration newspaper.

"When you walk into a Byzantine Church community you just feel this overwhelming sense of joy. The tradition. The minute I walk into our church I always cry, I always tear up, because I've never felt so close to God...... So, what really attracts me the most, and why I have chosen to remain Byzantine Catholic, and why I would die for this Church, is because I love it so much."--Sanziana Tamiian--A Romanian Byzantine Catholic who is a first year student at university. Quoted from Unirea Canton magazine: April 25, 2018 available at www.unirea.org