
Not enough land for all purposes Angelus lnne By ROSE TATLOW sweyed by RCMF The RCMP will place Angelus, Following the presentation of the proposal by the Squamish Lane, in the Garibaldi Highlands, Rotary Club, presented by Dr. L.C. Kindree, which outlined a under surveillance following a number of uses for the waterfront and allocation of areas to petition signed by 27 residents, serve industry, recreation and fisheries and conservation, he was which complained about the questioned by members of the group seeking more information number of vehicles in the area. on the suggestions advanced in the brief. The petition was submitted to The proposal suggested another marina at the head of the council and requested the lane be McKay channel with one on the west side of the SquamistyTer- blocked off. minals. Jack Stathers, commodore of the yacht club, said there Staff Sgt. Zaharia will report to much turbulence towards the west side it inad- council following the surveillance. was too qaking visable to use it for a marina. Request referred to TPC “McKay Slough would be good as it would bring boats up Diamond J. Properties Ltd.’s ;lose to &hesite of the present marina,” Stathers said “but request to extend its land use con- development of the slough for this purpose would be costly.” tract in the Garibaldi Highlands was referred to the technical plan- He suggested an extension of the present site and the west ning committee for more informa- side of the Mamquam Blind’ Channel area for more moorage tion. would be excellent. This is the third request from the company for an extension. Thor Halvorson was concerned Council was able to approve the about the reference to non- first two extensions because productive areas being made pro- legislation governing land use con- ductive, wanting to know if in- tracts was still in force. However, dustry would have to do this the legislation has since been before or after it was allowed to repealed and holders now must come into the Community. apply to the B.C. Supreme Court. “Non-productive areas should be made productive before an area Subdivison refused could be developed industrially,” Council refused Mitchell’s G. Kindree said. “This would then application to subdivide property become part of the cost of adjacent to the industrial park locating an industry here.” because the property will even- Stathers looked at the map tually be incorporated into the showing the three channels and park. asked if I(indree envisioned the Council was concerned the pro- Mamquam Blind Channel perty could be subdivided and as an ocean channel: houses constructed the area. in “NO,it should just be for small Donntioa made to boats,” the doctor answered, memorial fund “similar to the McKay Slough. In Dr. L.C. Kindree, who presented (he Rotary paper to the Couacil donated $50 to the that afits there should perhaps be P.I.W.G. Elizabeth and Raymond Bryant only one more berth and then use meeting. memdrial fund in rndory of Mrs. the remainder for small boats and then that you realize just how Bryant, who recently passed fishing boats. ” small the area really is. away. Stathers also said the main pro- AI Oloman suggested that a bet- Ald. Norm Barr suggested blems with the float planes are not ter idea might to be fill in the top council establish a policy of sen- the taxiing in but the taking off end of McKay Slough and see a card of sympathy with of- The girls were all smiling with relief when the Miss Pemberton pageant Talbot Logging, Andrea Miss Logging and right, Bonnie ding and landing. what could be done to condense ROSS, CRB ficial condolences from the mayor the area used for industry. - was over. Front row, Miss Pemberton, centre, flanked by senior princess, DesRosier, Miss Pemberton Flying Club, who was chosen as Miss Con- One of the problems in the to the family rather than sending Squamish area becomes quite “If FMC could relocate at some left, Andrea Starks and junior princess, right, Susan van der Lee. In the geniality by her fellow contestants. flowers or donations. Donations clear when you are trying~~ to fit the future date and more berths put in back row are Shirley LeBlanc, Miss Phil’s Drive-In, Susan Zurcher, Miss will be made only in recognition various components together, Continued on page 2 of people who were directly in- Kindree told the group. It is only See PlWG volved in the municipality. Budget bylnw read First three readings were given December dead Iine to bylaw amendment 706 to adopt the 1980 budget. YOUTH PINNED ROSE CANTALINI Date set for - officinl opening UNDER TRACTOR AT for Garibaldi residents WINS WORD Administration will set a date for the official ,opening of the Doug MacDonald of Alpine this year we will have to go to bin- for hiking trails and campsites. He PEMBERTON Lodge at Garibaldi, an alternate ding arbitration,” he added. was sure the residents and the CONTEST public safety building in the next director of the Squamish-Lillooet He also said that Marr told the GRA would bitterly oppose any few months. Late afternoon July 1, nineteen year old Hours staggered Regional District and a group the government is not plans to use the area for camp- Rose Cantalini must have been burning the mid- resident Doug Bailey was pinned under the farm tractor - Administration wiIl consider spokesman for the Garibaldi prepared to take any action at this sites. night oil to come up with 1355 words in the Make-a- that he was driving along the dike near One Mile Creek staggering the animal control of- Ratepayers Association told the time to stabilize the Barrier. He He said Man was asked if the Word Contest using the name of one of our advertisers, bridge. He met. a truck and veered off to the right, lan- ficer’s hours during the summer to Times last week that he had been said there is no surety that, in the government will redefine the Spencer Realty. In second place was Kevin Ruther- ding upside down in the diich feet below. He suffered catch more dogs due to a number I5 disappointed in the results of a event stabilization takes place, danger areas and hoped it might ford with while Carolyn MacDonald found and 81 1, 609 of dog complaints in the burns to his chest and arm from muffler heat and leak- meeting with Deputy Minister of that it will prevent a dangerous be the 400 metre mark which Rajnish Sherman 584 words. Valleycliffe area. ing hot oil which scalded him. He is in satisfactory con- the Environment Ben Marr, who would be just over 1200 feet. slide. In the young people’s section 13 year old Craig Carney contacted dition in Lions Gate Hospital, where he was flown by recently visited Garibaldi and The government is still adamant MacDonald,, who owns a large Mercs found 242 words, eight year old Lisa Thompson Administration will contact helicopter. talked IO the executive of the in its refusal to buy any land piece of prgperty in the Garibaldi found 1% and Mike Marlow came up with 175. . Carney’s Disposal to about in- Bailey has been living the past six weeks at the Garibaldi Patepayers Association which is not developed; that is area as well as

Dr. L.C. Kindree, speaking for merce.” fisheries, water dependent fowl adapt to the needs 2pyears from demands upon it than many other grounds for salmon in the the Squamish Rotary Club, Constant increase in popula- and animals. Finding a balance to now is required. areas of the province. Squamish River System and a presented a brief which recom- tion, more than any other factor, these functions which will satisfy ’ Certain facts about Squamish 1. Squamish is close to the potential, with development, for THIS WEEK’S mended joint use of the Squamish erodes the environment. There the needs of today and as well are unique and place greater heavily populated area of - the greater productivity. estuary with recreation, industry can be no doubt that continuation lower mainland. 6. It is the terminus for the WORDS ARE: and conservation all having a of the world population will even- 2. It is the closest contact of the Roval Hudson Train and a vital place. tually do irreparable damage. The Railway to the part of the destination reSon of --“-.FQtlCH OF CLASS” The brief stated the develop- basic solution must eventually be BRIEFS MUST BE INNO ‘ocean. Whistler. ment of the Squamish Estuary population control. In the mean- 3. Howe Sound is an excellent Components of the Estuary are: Try your hond at forming words management plan faces its timd, efforts to meet essential inlet for deep sea shipping. It is Water and Land. using the letters: greatest challenge, the fact that human needs in our estuaries must LATER THAN JULY 11 wide enough for safe navigation Water must provide: Chan- there are many competing. but be accompanied by equal efforts Jack Stathers, chairman of the P.I.W.G.committee, told and deep enough to preclude ever nels for fish and wild life. In- TOUCH OF CLASS legitidateand worthy demands on to minimize environmental im- last week’s meeting that anyone seeking to put information into being obstructed by sabotage, or tertidd marsh lands for feeding e.9. catch. hot. . . the estuary. Where compatibilities pacts. the draft management plan for the estuary, must seqd it to the acts of war. It requires a minimum and adaptation. Channels for exist, dual uses may be possible. While certian functions can be committee by July 11. Even a simple letter will do. of dredging. There are no naviga- recreation: Aircraft, landing and WIN $10.00 Where it doesn’t, prbrities on excluded from estuary lands, such Stathers stated the draft management plan is supposed to be tion hazards such as the First Nar- take off, pleasure bats. logging Words must be in the dictionary. Anyone is eligible except as general industry, commerce, sharing must be made. in the hands of the committee by mid-September and they will rows, or the Second Narrows and mill activities, deep sea shipp- limes staff members and members of their families residential and most recreational This conflict is most aptly have six weeks to work onit so it can be ready by the beginning bridge. The port is relatively fog ing, freight, passenger and naval. described in the Paish report uses, there are two functions free, particularly at times when Land must provide: CONTEST DEADLINE: JULY 18 of November. Winners of this contest “Just as estuaries provide a which must have estuary. First, Vancouver is heavily fog bound. Intertidal lands for fish, nesting heek‘s ore. biologid link between rivers and deep sea and coastal water He said he was considerably displeased with the lack of per- 4. It is an area of unusual scenic birds, animals. Sanctuary sites. ROSE CANlALlNl . $10 ’ the sea, so do deltas provide transport, including log booming formance by the government committees and added there had beauty and vast recreational Recreational sites. Wharf and’ CRAIG MERCS - $5 logical links between terrestrial storage and transport. been no report from the Land Use work group. potential. Continued on Page 2 and oceanic arteries of com- The second, habitat for 5. It has substantial spawning See Rotary

b .. ’

, ._ marinas and requirements for log- 4. Sea-plane Use . . . While of types of industry allowed d ging and for planes. IJDE NT this is not a large user in terms of estuary and adequate monitoring Future recreational develop- volume, it is a very important of pollution control. . ment could be at the confluence of . - ”- aULllUl I1J. Kar’i Whittam received the Grea award during the function of the estuary. When it fishing sailini, others point out sni table access to t ranspon ation. Pollution and the loss of habitat the Mamquam and Squamish or “Over the last decade there Brackendale secondary awards day. its significance a place to sort On the subject of industrial ef- becomes hazardous, or conflicts do result in loss of salmon runs. Rivers, parking and campsites as have been growing concernsabout over- fluent, “careful assessment” must The award is presented tO the student that Combines ex- with other uses, there is need for But. as with wild ”game. - .. - -. along the training dyke, a second and store logs prior to milling, be given to more discharges for the preservafion of the ohtstan- cellence in academic studies, athletic achievement and school more planning to better integrate harvesting is the greatest factor boat marina at the head of McKay and still others are interested in its future developments and more ding environmental quality of the service. uses. Conflicts . . . Boom logs, cauiing dep[etion. channel, and a campsite area near port and industrial development planning necessary before a area. If this quality is to be main- Whittam achieved the top marks throughout the school dead heads, yacht masts, FMC It is decades, if not centuries, the base of the Chief. potential. This study-examines all is of these and other issues of Howe mine is placed on Gambier Island. tained, all levels of government year and was a member of the field hockey, volleyball, basket- Storage tanks, tank cars, tank since society has been able to look Campsites could be installed and the public must work together ball and track and field teams. she. also served on the student barges. Requires quiet at wild game or fowl as its major along the north and south banks Sound.” In a section entitled Major fin- The $1OO,OOO, 131-page study, dings, the report states large to- ensure that careful planning council and operated the Yadent store. water for landing and take off. source of meat. It is inevitable of the Mamquam River, wildlife areas and management takes place,”

5. Logging requirements + that the cultivation of a more prepared by the environment and of the-sound are unsuitable for Honorable went to Carolyn Tee], Leonie . . sanctuaries at the central delta, the minister said. Mill sit& log dumping, booming, domestic seafood industry, in a west side training dyke and north land use committee secretariat, development due to the terrain Plunkett, Debbie Madryga and Sherry Elchuk. sorting, storage. Access for chip more active and intensive manner outlines the pros and cons of every and even possible projects may be “We see this study as a starting of the high school, with the west point fordetermining what needs and hog fuel barges, lumber than at present will be necessary to side of the Mamquam Blind issue in the Islands Trust, Greater -constrained by environmental sen- barges. feed future populations. The sim- Vancouver regional district, sitivities. There is great competi- to be done to ensure that Howe Channel upgraded for waterfront Sound continues to meet the many 6. Industrial . . . General in- ple isolation of native habitat commercial and recreation. Squamish, Britannia Beach and tion over land and water between dustry use which does not require acreage is not enough. ’areas. It also drovides fishing,. recreation, industry and demands placed on the area,” Marinas could be created by ex- Rogers concluded. waterfront location must be Productive Areas panding the present site, conver- great det& on the histoh of the housing. distinguished from export or port To compensate for areas of sion of boom storage areas by area, its resources and possible “Yet it has been found that Copies will be available in oriented industry. estuary required for port develop- relocation and on the west bank of development. each of these uses is important public libraries of the ment it will be necessary that non- the Mamquam Blind Channel. An impoAant finding is the area . . . and no major use can take municipalities and regional Cleoparra’s is pleased IO ONE WAY RENTALS productive areas be made produc- Creation of new water channels has served, and must continue to precedence without costly results districts in the areas and the be able to serve you from Iron, ond lrodersl tive &y development work. with sufficient draft ahng the east serve, a range of needs for both for the other users.” numerous provincial and federal anywhere in local residents and the province agencies which contributed infor- rheir present locarion in North Anierrcu By such a trade-off industry side of Squamish Terminals to as The report concludes the only could bear the burden of usurping Vancouver St. and along the west a whole. However, even though major blocks of land “moderately mation contained in the report the Highlands Mall for . habitat acreage. This will prevent side to a location near the present different activities such as mining, suitable” for development are in and its accompanying map folio. loss of area. It will deter wasteful commercial core. port development and forest pro- the Squamish-Gibsons to Port Interested individuals and or unnecessary use and it will Sea planes require a straight ducts industries have co-existed Mellon area. Smaller blocks are at groups wishing to review the study place the cost for renewal of new flight path, properly aligned to the with recreation, tourism and Britannia Beach, McNab Creek, may write to the director of the areas where it should be. prevailing winds, adequately quiet residential development, there near the mouth of Furry Creek environment and land use com- ...... 28!O With these points in mind the water for touchdown, relatively have been and will be conflicts, and an Bowen, Gambier, Keats mittee secretariat, Legislative ’ brief suggested: safe moorage and reasonable ac- the study concludes. and Anvil islands. buildings,1 XA Victoria, B.C. V8V Ir Preservation of the area west cess for passenger traffic. But it provides no clear recom- The report proposed marine of the training dyke for habitat Logging requirements are not with development to make it more expected to increase in volump5ut F,‘,\fr ,-i :~~~~ ..‘/2 price productive; non-tidal areas might changes in technology and reloca- P.I.W.G. questions be made tidal; trees might be tion of sites might be possible. 1 done by CHERYL using Isle of Olae Prod& 8.0° Continued from Page 1 <. ” )I ’ I cleared and planted with marsh Industry Use grasses, rocky areas might be Industries which are not depen- for Squamish Terminals then we silted to hold vegetation. dent on water can be located away could refrain from using the EAR * Preservation of the area east from the estuary. Several small estuarine areas west of the railway of the training dyke to mid- PIERCING ...... b.. 7p9-- businesses located in the water- tracks,” Oloman stated. includes 24K gold over surgical steel studs channel; this channel to be front area intend to relocate in the However Kindree disagreed designated as a possible deepsea industrial park and this will free with this proposal saying there channel at a future point in time. up some areas for water depen- should be more of a water-land in: U+IAUL * Restoration of the gravel fill dent industry. terface than just land for industry I- 8923588 on the trainidg dyke to marsh Indentification of ‘areas for along. grasses. Examination of non-treed booming, sorting and storage Discussion on uses for material IlliKAY’S areas in the central delta which should be undertaken in conjunc- dredged to create another berth k$ . ,. tion with the logging industry. for Squamish TRminals brought a Railway marshalling yards must remark from Wilf Dowad, acting 3 be planned for the area. The brief president of the Squamish Rotary $ recommended that any plan for Club who said fill would be need- i for the industrial park SO there f? SALE DATES: development should be selective ed of the type of industry brought to would be no problem in disposing Squamish. of it. Possible locations for port He also said the demand for facilities were’outlined: along the more berthage in Squamish is in- shoreline of Howe Sound creasing because of the pressures wherever possible, at Britannia on facilities in the lower Beach or Furry Creek, in the mainland. This was a reference to Squamish estuary at the Mam- additional marina space and quam Blind Channel, channel on Stathers agreed that there could be east side of Squamish Terminals, a need for more room for boats channel west of Squamish Ter- than the yacht club has estimated. minals and the west side of the Ed Scott expressed concern Squamish River but this latter site with freshets which come in the is not deemed suitable. fall and sweep the salmon roe out YOUR ONE STOP DO IT YOURSELF CENTRE Consideration as to width, to sea before they have a chance to depth and length of channels must hatch. He said this was caused by “DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME WITH GENERAL PAINT“ be made. Provision for adjacent heavy logging in the watersheds. lands for warehouses, port depen- He suggested that better spawning dent industries and habitat areas areas and hatcheries might be the must be included. answer. ,$ 52-010 To compensate for areas of Halvorson challenged this state- estuary required, it would be ment, saying that there had been D INT. FLAT INT. necessary for industry or govern- fall freshets long before loggers BREEZE LATEX SEMI - GLOSS VELVET FINISH ment to render biologically pro- had ever touched the steep slopes. The map I ductive, areas which are now “We’re trying to find a middle use as presented in the brief from the Squamish Rotary Club. marginally, or non-productive by of the road solution,” Dowad told s@ development works. The develop- the committee. “We hope you will waterfront area for industry. work being done by his commit- ment of port and industrial areas, take a close look at our proposal Ed Scott also objected to con- tee, stating that campsites at the k$ $ I3’5,d. must not result in the loss of and seriously consider it.” centrating all the development in confluence of the Squamish and biologically active areas but must Oloman queried the suggestion the lower mainland area, saying Mamquam Rivers, another on replace them with new areas, of using the Checkye area as a that this area feeds on the rest of what was known as Binning’s Bar small marshalling yard, possibly B.C. and there should be more and another near the Fisherman’s Motorcycle for railway cars which might be consideration given to dispersing Entrance, would provide camping carrying chlorine or other industry and productivity. areas for people coming to complaints dangerous materials. He pointed out that the BCR Squamish. He.wanted to know if this was Complaints about motorcycles had been instrumental in develop- He also propbsei a series of are on the increase in the not putting the town in just as ing many areas Of the province walks, one which could be’en: municipality with RCMP repor- much danger as it would be fr6m which had contributed to the joyed by people coming in on the ting at least a half a dozen com- this type of industrial material on growth of Vancouver and its sur- Royal Hudson, combined with a plaints about noisy and unlicenced the waterfront. roundings and should not be wildfowl and wildlife viewing Kindree ‘agreed that “one way downgraded. motorcycles. area. or another you would get it” but These reports and complaints Following the Rotary presenta- The next meeting of the corn- always increase during the warm added that it could be considered tion, David Bruce of the Recreatin mittee will be on Wednesday, July a viable alternative to using the weather. as Work Group, spoke briefly on the 23.

#74010 U42-010 EXT. PORCH FLAT LATEX & FLOOR sP,b5 $14’%.


YOUR MEM.8 ER 898 687-7012

and secretary John Dillabough. Back row, 1. to r. Alma

.. y the addition of a 12 fodt extension by Jeene Eveleigh, and another the next ten years developing her along the west wall of the showing her presenting a portrait skills and experimenting in many building, created the room for the of himself to Bob Hope which methods and medias,. becoming gallery and extra living space. hangs in the mayor’s office at fully professional at the age of twenty three. Her first gallery was opened in, Fort Lauderdale, Florida and pro- vided unlimited artistic Services. It was during this period that she learned sign painting and was one of the first women sign painters who%Iso-worked in electrical and. neon signs. She. also did architec- tural drafting, created logos and designed furniture. (“In .fact,” she said, “I have developed skills in many different art forms and can provide a com- bination of art services.” Mrs. Eveleigh said she didn’t teach art but was interested in workshops or seminars. “In these I can work with art This study of mountain lions, one of Jeene Chevelle Eveleigh’s favorites, depicts these beautiful students or people interested in animals in their sinuous grace. CHARTER TRIPS painting for a week or so and then .. ’leave them done to develop their I 1 own style.” After ten years m Florida she Six ships sold her studio, returning to the West coast where she concen- due in July trated almost solely on por- Six ships are due in port this traiture. She now lives in month with four loading pulp and Squamish -and this is where she lumber for Japan and two for has developed her studio and art Europe. gallery. On July 10 the Star World will She works equally well in oils, take on a cargo for Europe with pastels and watercolors and en- the Star Blackford arriving in Port joys painting on leather. She has on July 25th to load for Europe.. now semi-retired from portraits Taking on cargoes for Japan and many of her latest works are will be the Star Rhodian on July of animals, particularly western 15, the Star Magnate OR July 17, ones. the Swan Arrow on July 17 and “Art is like music,” J&ne the Star Delphian on July 30. Eveleigh says, “it tells something Will transport articles to be loaded or of- to each person. It plays on the emotions and it can appeal to dif- ’ Police find flooded with a crane from Squamish-Whistler ferent people in different ways.” area to Vancouver and return. In the gallery, which occupies four cars ’ This mule deer head, painted on leather, is one of the works in the walls of the entry and hallway, The local RCMP detachment Call Jeene Eveleigh’s art gallery. the stairwell and the new portion found four stolen cars on July of the house which they have 2nd. Three of them were found JACK PINE HOLDINGS behind the Squamish Hotel. The fourth was found later in 898-933 5 Court News the day abandoned on Valley The foilowing cases appeared Drive in Valleycliffe. before Judge C.I. Walker in police court in Squamish on June 30th. Joseph Garofano, charged with the unlawful use of a firearm, received a suspended sentence and two years probation with condi- tions. Randy Marchant, chaged with impaired driving was fined $250, in default, 14 days in prison. HonWs all-new Richard Golding, charged with driving with a blood alcohol A ring-tailed cat is one of the many animal paintings in the reading of over ..08, was fined Eagle’s Rest Art Gallery. $300, in default. 14 days in prison. schoolboy- HOUSE FOR SALE Cougar momcmsser. sighted a Police report they were called out last week whPn a woman reported seeing a cougar on the hill leading to the Highlands. RCMP and Conservation of- Highlands. 80’s. Phone ficer Dave Lewis checked the 898-5627. II report but could find no trace of the animal. Meanwhile there are increasing reports of bears in the Bracken- dale aiea with one seen on the highway south of the Brackendale exit during the past week. Also on Wednesday morning at about 8 a.m. a big black bear The Sil\er\mith, a metal sculpture owned h> Jeene Kveleigh is loped across the highway just not for \ale hut \he doe4 have a numher of others b\ Hell known north of the Public Services artisfs. building. featuring the art of

JEENE CHEVELLE EVELEIGH For the motocross superstars of The suspension features and other outstanding artists tomorrow, Honda presents the adjustable air-assisted front forks Big Scoop to close window OILS PASTELS WATERCOLORS 1980 CR80R. with 6.7 in. (170 mm) of travel BRONZES CARVINGS The CR80R weighs lust 13819 and remote reservoir inverted Big Scoop vill be ordered ,by council ,felt the situation was not Ald. Norm Barr pointed out lbs. (63kg) and is propelled by a rear gas shocks that deliver 6.3 council to c1o.e its front tliding too serious, then it could not merchandise was set up in the discriminate against individual streets only on special daysfiur- high-performance engme that in. (160 mm) of travel. . window which is used to sell ice BRONZE SCULPTURES OF: pours .out 16.5 horsepower with Thinking of g’etting cream to people on the street. merchants. ing special events. - The planning and design com- Ald. Egon Tobus said the other Ald. Kindree abstained from RALPH CRAWFORD immediate throttle response. into motocross competi- mittee recommended the opera-, merchants were displaying rather the vote because he is part owner BUD HELBIG - CAA The six-speed trans- tion? The 1980 CR80R tion slop because the company did than selling items on the street. of the building. CARLA MOSS mission gives out- is the bike to get on. Actual sales were made in the The matter of sidewalk sales not follow proper procedure by CARL WAGNER standing drive off submitting the details to the com- store. Ald. Tobus also said the Big will be referred to the technical every berm. mittee. The committee then for- Scoop was selling on municipal planning committee for research WOOD and LEATHER CARVINGS OF: property. and a survey of the businesses. wards its findings to council for a RUSSELL GREER decision. The committee exprebsed con- LARRY HICKMAN You’re .ahead on a Honda cern that the operation would add CAROLYN MELVIN to congestion on the narrow of sidewalk. It also predicted there Card Thanks WATERCOLORS OF: could be future problems with We wish to, thank all those who have sen( cards and ARLEE FAIRBANKS Bonk Fanancing Available. more businesses bn Cleveland flowers to Mollie Evans while she is a patient at wanting to operate through their By appointment please front windows. Squarnish Hospital. AM. L.C. Kindree said mer- Also to the Anglican Church Ladies and the 40641 Thunderbird Ridge chandising from the streets lends a Legion Ladies, and the Senior Citizens Group. Gariboldi Highlands festive air to the community., He Thank you. HOWESOUND A suggested couiicil create a bylaw Allen and Margaret Stobart prohibiting merchants from Sell- 898-31 94 ing on the street if it felt the situa- and family tion wa5 not good. However. if

Y I .I I,.. necessary industries to pay a share of the That's lovely. Most of the people who CU813 : come up for a weekend or to go fishing or for We all know that bedroom areas can't a das or so come in campers or trailers, or begin to pay lor complex services required in a roau. ped at the house they are building down even tents; bring along their own food and tending the Miss Pemberton Pageant and boat the stillness was only broken by' the community. A solid industrial tax base is enjoying the festivities for the sixth year it There were masses of tall blue pent- the lake and while the girls enjoyed a swim raucous cawing of the crows on the trees ot her essentials and really don't coniribute necessary and for the Vancouver papers to was delightful to stay over, sleep in the stemon growing on some of thbsteep in the lake we sat on the deck looking out at the back of the lot. much more than the odd gallon of gas and hillsides and lots of daisies and yarrow. If urge that Howe Sound be retained for the next morning and enjoy a leisurely brunch at the water and just relaxing. As the sun started to set and the long ma!.be a meal or so or an ice cream cone for the yarrow is picked now and dried, it can pleasure of the people of the lower ma.inland with my hosts George. and Dorothy Four beautiful silver birch trees are shadows began to creep across the lake we the kids. be dyed with ordinary dyes and used in -and to relegate. those who live here to Dungey, we decided to gD down to the growing right beside one of the decks and decided it was time to go back to Pember- lake for a drive and a picnic supper. winter bouquets. My hostess told me that she callsit her breakfast deck. 1 can just ton. At the top of the hill we looked to the 110 they think that the people of Squamish economic ,stagnation is the height of in- George Dungey, wpo is with the one year the girls had taken the yarrow imagine sitting there on a lovely summer west and the sky was golden in the can manage to survive on trade like this? Do solence: and soaked the stems in food coloring to th'ey wanl'io remove all the industry from our Ministry of Aviation and works with morning and sipping a cup of coffee, afterglow with a'few wisps of cloud shin- We wonder just how long Vancouver operators and developers of small airports give them pastel shades. listening to the sounds of the birds and the ing above the peaks. area and make sure there is nothing left and would exist if it could not draw on the throughout the province, was all excited There were wild blackcap bushes along creek acrou the lake, bubbling and purl- It was a lovely day. And a relaxing one. no chance for anything else to develop here? .resources of the rest of the provinp; In all about a union of the 43546 RCAF the road and the fruit was beginning to ing as it comes down the steep slopes from No telephones and no paper to worry And it so, how do they expect to have any fairness it thould be prepared to let us have India-Burma Squadrons, to be held in ripen but we only found a few. These the snow above. Sounds like heaven. , about. Just sun and lake and bird songs. ammitie\ here for them to enjoy, or for the our share of industry and development as Vancouver next month. One of the events make the most delicious syrup for pan- Even on a wet day it would be beautiful And 1 even got a bit of a tan! people who are still living here? well. will be a visit to Squarnish aboard the cakes. All you do is cook them and strain because there is so much green around the But now you can understand why I like Right now we have some of the best And we should have a say in what happens Royal Hudson and a salmon barbecue at the juice, then add sugar, ahout half to house with maples and birches, cedars and to go to Pemberton! recreational area in the lower mainland. And * to Howe Sound which is just as important, if ue are not speaking. about provincial parks not more important to the economy and well or government sponsored recreation areas. We being of the people in Squamish and the upper rclcr to the golf course, created by the people end of Howe Sound. Stop Catch-22 It certainly looks like there will have to be to come to iown,-has to make a left hand turn, a serious multi-car accident with several which is difficult enough even under the best deaths and cripplings before we get a proper of conditions. traffic control light at Garibaldi Way and And if someone wants to go from Highway 99. Brackendale to the Highlands, or vice versa,. Discussions between the provincial then they have to cross the highway. government, department of highways and the Another problem that is frequently ex- niuriicipality are going nowhere . . . fast. perienced by drivers on the highway, is the The municipality maintains ii is the short amount of time allowed for the light to goicrnment's responsibility to pay for the turn from flashing green to red. light hccause it constructed the highway and Several drivers have commented they have the government says it is the municipality's just barely been able to stop in time for the red re\pon\ibility.to pay for at least part of it. light. It's time this Catch-22 situation was put to We have two suggestions for the parties rest and a decision made. concerned to consider. I'hcre have already been numerous ac- Mumber one is to install a 50 kmh zone cident\ at the crossing, but luckily no one has from the overpass to just past the intersection been seriously hurt. so drivers will not be travelling at too great a Which, when you consider it, is truly speed when the light does turn. amairing. Number. two is to install a flashing amber The intersection is used as heavily as the light 100 yards down the road to give drivers one at Cleveland and Highway 99. The ample warning that the light will change. (iarihaldi Way crossing serves two major We urge some action on the matter before re5idential areas, Brackendale and the someone is seriously hurt or killed. Highlands, and the shopping centre. After all, what are a few dollars compared Anyone leaving the Garibaldi Highlands to saving a life? by the Squamish Kinsmen Club. To show their appreciation the combe and Kinsmen Jack Mercs and Harry Bullen. The opening students made this large sign. Holding the sign at the left is Mrs. ceremony was held on June 23. Save your skin Micellef (a proud mother), students who made the sign Paula . Shin and scuba diving are among the most u\e a boat, an anchored float, or both; ~'iiio\ ahlc (ummer activitiej. Whether t hey arc and a di\er'\ llag to warn boaters pr;iL.iiL.cd I'or marine life sightseeing, spear pliir1 .each dive and contider conditions FROM OUR FILES Ii\tiiiig. photography, or for scientific pur- ruch a\ temperatiirt., wa\cs, currents, visibili- 5 years ago io years ago I5 years ago 20 years ago 25 years ago p(i\~.\liAc marine biology. thcy give an ex- ty* ctc. All thr& local trucks and Cattermole Timber Lid., Higher temperatures backed Trustees from six school The strike of 350 Union iitiiip Icxsling of di\co\,ery. hi- ready lor cmcrgcncie\ by learning crews were needed to contain which earlier this year did con- by strong winds resulted in districts, comprising the South Steamships seamen, which Hiit cliiing ha\ it\ halard\ and they can be I'irst aid and \irnplc lil.e-saiing carries for and put out the fire which siderable work on the plans, several fires in the Squamish Coast Branch, held@ quarterly went into effect at noon on 1;it;iI. Shin and wiba diving claim IO to I2 rc'sciic' tborh started in a log pile at the engineering surveys and district early last week. The meeting at Squamish, July 2. Sunday, has caused con- siderable confusion. The 'Lady Ii\c,\ iii ('anada each year. kriou and rr\peci their limitations Weldwood dump south of preliminary drilling for a har- two largest, both in logging School District No. 48 (Howe Squamish on Monday after- bor, announced last week they operations started on Monday Sound) was host to trustees Cynthia' made a final run to I lie ( aiiada Sal'cty ('ouncil \a!\ that mo\t Scuha i\ more dangcrou\ than \kin diving noon. At the height of the fire are planning to go ahead with and by Wednesday were welt froq the districts of Sechelt # Squamishbefore being on tiedSunday up. morning oI tli~wdciith\ can he a\oidcd and urge\ hccauw 01. t tic depth and equipment involved. there was a small one burning the project early in the new under control. 46, Powell River No. 47, cli\c-r\ to: Si,uhn di\c>r\*l.itnc\\ \hould bc better than in another pile of logs a short year. *** Ocean Falls No. 49. *** Iwzonic. ~~~nlidc~ntsi4 imrncr\ ;I\ crage' ;I \(,~,c,ial.rnedicnlcticc.kup I'or div- distance south of the small *** The new sidewalk between No. 73 and Quatsino No. 74. Rail service on the PGE boat harbour. The fifth annual Miner's the Brackendale Store and the north of Williams Lake has iiiahz \Lire thcy arc in gooct health - il i iig i \ I vL.i ) i i i 111 c ii d txrl . *** Day wa,s held at Britannia B r ac k end a I e E I em e n,t a r y Firemen in their privati cagrs beenweek disruptedas a result for moreof thanfloods a iiiLdiL,iil chcch up i\ rrcommended hlo\t laial accident\ happen 'to ineu- *** The Mira Hotel was official- Beach on July 4 with drilling, School is now under construc- have been disregarding speed tnLc Ic\\on\ from competent in$\rucior\ pcricticd di\cr\ lacking formal training. They ly opened on Wednesday, July mucking and hand steel con- tion. Municipal work crews limits. stop signs and other which tore out bridges and niiihC \urc the right equipment i\ u\ed niay ha\c hccii diving alone or with a friend. 2, when John Persic entertain- tests for the men, nail driving have cleared the undebrush traffic regulations when isolated Quesnel for several iilitii\\ trorh in pair\ I)i\cr\ \tioiild cmvider giving up \making ed a group of local and city and hand sawing for the ladies and are laying crushed rock on answering alarms according to days. , Liion t.be-di\jng area :I\ the! iicxx1 optiriiuin lung capaci~y. guests at a smorgasbord dinner and kite flying for the kids. the site of the sidewalk. 'Corp. H.T. Routledge of to mark the occasion. Squamish RCMP detachment. Clean up act Kciently a feu visitors to our lair town clean up cori\tantly. WONDERTHEATRE BYALEX ioiiiiiiCritcd hou lovely the toHn was. but HoweLer, a+the vititors suggested, and we Vancouver's Arts Club Theatre ha\ an uncanny ability [he e\pre\\ purpose of making people enjoy all th@Hc root, while the unwilling ho\t trie\ to convince himself agree, if store ouners swept the sidewalks in 'to produce shows which. regardless 01' the opinion ot achietes that end. that phy\ical indulgence 16 not in heeping with the higher Hut thcy also commented Squamish look- front of their \[ores every day, the town would critics, the public make\ inlo hit\. Three are currcntly in <;ail Nelson. the fourth member 01 the c~,doc\ understanding of IoLe. He has chosen a lift. of ascetici\m. t.d ;I hit dirty Lvith refuse littering the street\ look cleaner. operation, which is unwual. \ince the compan) ha\ onl! liheuiw. In addition. she is as gorgeous to looh at as \he i\ A\ played 'by Tom Wood, the gentleman in queqion 'IIILI \i


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. ,.I .

_.#,* ......

.. .. . ~~-. . . -.

, .'._ \ harvest new zealand minute maid bi7: rump o?outside gq bulk beef granny smith lemonade margarine round roast !#j& sausage apples %79(pink or reg.) 1.36L Ib. 45 la Of5sm2700 Sliced b.c. grown b.c. (asst. varieties) cooked green granulated meats 71pkg. g' H cabbage 1b.U sugar kg...... 11.68 ... 69 24 powdered i Nabob tradition -3. 39 coffee 454 g. (drip) detergent :pke6.79 chunk light Dr. P.epper

starkist tuna 184 g Id) .09 soft drink- 272a 89 super valu instant fkim tang orange milk powder 2.5 kg. .... giapef1.36~...... ruitjuice m 89 7.88 flavor(tin) 650g ...... crystals 2.59 Capri fleecy chun king frozen bathroom tissue 6's I L4* mount Seymour fabric softener 3.64 L 2.49 dinners 3129 ...... 1.49 foremost Official derby entry forms T available at your Super Valu . dinner for dogs 99 york Store and most salt-water marinas (all varieties) 48 oz...... cottage cheese rn 99 yNet proceeds donated to Variety Club 47) charities (a11)227g.... (Tent kraft (creamed or 2%) 5009...... meat pies 59 cheez whiz spread2 29 cheerios highliner 500g ...... rn 4259 ...... fillets in sauce34Og .Z39 glad cereal 1.29 garbage bags royal city french or reg. cut gainsborough 3-pack 26"x36" 10's ...... green beans398mL.2.99 pie shells 4259 ...... 1.49

\ ...... , ';. .,

Local wedding of ...... , McNaught, Pam Dan; Angela Maureen Gilrnour iiii;;;...... Frederick, Tom Moody, Pam little.interest here by ...... ' ...... - 0 - - ~ ' 'I A A 3 - Spencer, Judy Tourand, Steven Vogler; Grade 11: Pierre Friele, In a single ring ceremony on Saturday, July 5, Jen- I 11- Bernice Gilmore, Shirley LeBlanc; nette Anonymous, of Vancouver, and Tiger Billy Whileshoes of Squamish were united in marriage. Do you ever feel 'like the inno- ceremonies but an important *** From tie June 27th issue of the the proposed high school would Grade 12: Bruce Miller, Cathy cent bystander - accused of group of people were missed out Kathy and Dell Roberts were in Squamish Review. commence shortly. McNaught, Renate OHormes, The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Anonymous something and not sure why or due probably to an oversight. for the holiday weekend In the recent provincial election Mr. Cherry then presented the Sylvia Gilmore, Karol Fairhurst of Paris, Saskatchewan, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Tony what it's all about? That happen- Hats off to all the scorekeepersA visiting her parents, Clancy and the voters of the riding sent the sports awards. Harold Halvorson and Jim Bilenduke. T. Tiger of Sugar Pops, Saskatchewan exchanged their ed to me after the paper came out wouldn't have your job on a pen- - pat Park. Hon. E.C. Carson back to the as president of the Students' Activity awards were presented vows before His Worship Jim Elliott1 at the 9:OO a.m. last week and a few people had sion. Line-up changes, substitu- *** legislature as a coalition member Council accepted the cup awarded to students for a noteworthy in- ceremony in the festively decorated Elliott Insurance office. volvement in curricular and extra read my column. Apologies go to tions, correct scores batting order, Men - the soccer season is with 372 votes; the CCF can- to the school having the most .building; curricular activities in the school.-. those concerned but the last two all fall on that individual. One beckoning to you too. The didate George Lyons received 93 points in the inter-high school Tall standards of flowering hop plants decorated the items should have been under the Receiving these awards were: more item - all uniforms should be Squamish Hotspurs Soccer team is votes and W. O'Keefe trailed with track meet. To Margaret office desk and attractive bouquets of hops and pepperoni heading 'Memories of 1949'. Not turned into the team mother or having tryouts and training star- Grade 8: Cherie Renveill, Col- only 7 votes. It is hoped that the Boscariol went the cup given to sticks served as pewmarkers. During the ceremony the quite sure how they made their coach as soon as possible. ting on Tuesday, July 15th at the road and rail programme so im- the girl making the most points in leen Hustins and Brad Spencer. soloist, Vern Cerrard, sang a medley of hit tunes from the way into this section. *** H.S.S.S. field starting at 6:30 portant to Squamish will be car- the same event; she also received a Grade 9: Jodi McEwan and Patti *** Visiting their daughter, Sherry p.m. ried out with all possible speed. statuette for acquiring the highest Carson. Grade 10 Laura Sabey, movie Born Free and was accompanied by John Acorn OR The weather was much nicer Griffiths for the holiday weekend *** *- * t number of points in the local Steven Vogler, Pam Spencer, . the tulip bedecked organ. than here when Oliver and Faith were her parents, Doug and Mrs. Rita Milia and daughter After six months' work on the meet. Norman Halvorson won the Angela Frederick , Jack Meen and The bride was hoping to wear a green taffeta gown Nelson sailed to Alaska and back Georgina Griffiths from Anna Maria have returned home project by Hume and Rumble Co. trophy given to the boy acquiring Garth Phare. Grade 11: Cal with a chiffon overlay, empire waist and accented by a key on the Calypso during the week, Chilliwack. after visiting her sister and brother the B.C. Electric officially took the highest number of points in Logue, Bernice Gilmore, Jeff neckline and full chiffon sleeves, but Field's did not have - Ewart, Angie Hall, and Andrea June 13 - 20. *** in law and family in New York Ci- over the task of supplying elec- the local meet. her size. She carried a bouquet of shredded pleasure boat *** Birthday wishes to the ty. tricity to Squamish on June 20th. Large block letters went to Starks. Athletic blocks are presented to brochures, The lovely jewellery chosen by the bride unfor- Thinking of weather - wasn't it following: Jock Newman, Randy a* * * The new set-up brings the power Harold Halvorson, Phyllis Lewis tunately had to be pawned to pay for the ceremony. great having a hot, sunny day on Gilmour, Renee Schmold, Willie Mykonos held a fifth anniver- to Squamish over a volt, line and Eleanor Sullivan. Small block students who have actively par- 2200 Tiger was decked out in formal blue denim slacks and Canada Day; July 1st. Why I (and Morgan, Heather Paul, Judy say celebration on Wednesday, from Britannia Beach. Later in letters went to Aleeta Smith, Ins ticipated in a number of sports. many more 1'11 bet) even managed Beaulieu, Terra Porteous, July 2nd. We (the staff) were in- the year it is hoped to run a line to Wassen, Margaret Boscariol, Inez These awards were presented to: gaily printed T-shirt. His cummerbund was kindly donated to get a bit of a'sunburn. Not to Thomas Os'terberg, Joanna cluded in the invitations and a Brackendale and possibly to Chee Nygard, Betty Carson, Doreen Large Block, Boys: Duan by Euunie Wall of Caribaldi Truck Tires Ltd. worry though as the rain arrived DeSouza, Gina McCarthy, Susan delicious luncheon with' A-1 ser- Kye. Hurst, Phyllis Dorman, Martha Hustins. Small Block, Boys: Ar- The best man was Howie Metzler, and the worst man on schedule a day or two later. Goodall-, Sarah Tichauer, vice made far agreat afternoon *** Ingraham, Anne Confortin, Betty chie Wallace, Robert Ritchie, was Spencer Hinde. Everyone else was more or less in be- *** Christina Smith, Michael break. All good wishes to To celebrate their diamond Jordan, June Confortin, Elsie Gary Edmonds, Bob Wallace, tween. Curtis Smith, Trone Arnet, David Mrs. D. Shaw of Cleveleys, Albrecht, Simon Smith, Andy Mykonos for another five, ten or jubilee the Union Steamship Co. Nygard, Frank Axen, George Limousine service to the reception was by Burritt & England is returning home this Dawson, Jamie Saunders, Ralph more years in Squamish. sponsored a moonlight cruise to Johnson, David Caldwell, Dan Gilmore and Jack Meen. Large Block, Girls: Robin Ward, and Sons Log Hauling who graciously supplied No. 11 for the week after spendingnn enjoyable Schmich, Eileen Dadge, Robert *** .% Squamish on June 14th. Dance Munro, Thor Halvorson, Glenn occasion. . five week visit with her daughter ' Kathy Zurcher. Small Block, Middelman, Nicole Buck, Wendy Celebrating wedding anniver- music was provided and excellent Vale, Norman Barr, Jack " The reception was held in the intimate Squamish and son in law. Moira and Tony McLeod, Darlene Kelly, Carly saries this week are Mr. and Mrs. Stathers, Jim Buchanan, Norman Girls: Shirley LeBlanc, Pam refreshments wece served. Those Hotel Beer Parlour. The delicious meal of baked beans, Biggin-Pound and grandchildren. Lyn Scheideman, Robbie John Hurren, Mr. and Mrs. Ward taking part in the celebration Halvorson, Terry Frost and Allan Spencer, Bernice"Gilmore, Angela *** Rogers, Steven Harris, Max Langstaff, Mr. and Mrs. Vern reported having a wonderful time. Dent. Frederick and Vicky John. boiled eggs and beer was followed by a musical afternoon Here's a little interesting Kinaken. Kristina White, LaFavor, Mr. and Mrs. Kelli *** Citizenship awards went t6 Kathy Zurcher was presented featuring selections from .'Blazing Saddles'. thought: Being fired from every Josephine Harry, Janine Verheul, Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold By mid-July the PGE hopes to Harold Halvorson and Eleanor with the Basketball Trophy. The groom's mothe{, Mrs. Tiger was resplendent in job you've had proves you're no and Carolyn Armstrong. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shan- have two new diesel engines. Mr. Sullivan in Grade XI1 and to Mar- . Service Awards were presented gol'd and black stripes, a3 was the groom's father. Mrs. quitter. *** non and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stan Goad of Williams Lake has tha Ingraham, Elsie Nygard and to students who showed excep- Anonymous, the bride's mother along with the entire *** lmportant first birthdays are Nyiri. gone to Erie, Pennsylvania, to Norman Halvorson in the lower tional involvement in school func- Anonymous clan did not attend in that they were so chok- I'm sure the TlCs'had a fine being celebrated this week by An- take a course on the maintenance grades. tions. These awards were *** presented to: ed about the whole affair. time on their trip to Prince Ed- drea Gross, Mark Lerch and John Baseball is not really over yet. of these engines. He will return *** Before leaving for their honeymoon, the bride donned ward Island but as this is only F$- Grade 9 Lorna Molner. Grade Vinson. The Junior Babe Ruth Provincial with the new engines which are Mr. George Kuzyk has purchas- a seedy housecoat, put curlers in her hair and hrandished a day (at time of writing) and they tournament e held at Brennan similar to those which arrived ed the local theatre from Mr. Paul 10: Lon McNaught. Grade 11: *** will rolling pin. The lucky couple announced that they would don't return till late Saturday I'm Baseball is now over and young Park form July 13-17th. Over 150 three months ago. which have liv- Harmon and changes are taking Kathy Zurcher, Ellen Mah and just not one hundred percent sure. fellows (13 and 14 years of age) boys will participate including a ed up to expectations. Even the place. The weekend feature will Howard Mah. 'Grade 12: Connie be taking separate honeymagns. Tiger will be spending his What I do know though is that the are you interested in playing soc- Squamish team. Billets for the lovers of the "old Steam-pots" have four showings, two each on Meyers, Vicki Vogler. Jim Bilen- at the Squamish Valley Golf & Country Club and Jennctte boys are determined to raise more cer for the 80-81 season in the boys are urgently needed. If you have reluctantly admitted that the Friday and Saturday evenings. duke, Rhonda Taillefer, Jonathan will combine business with pleasure as she complete\ her money in prepqation for the North Shore Centennial League? have accomodations please call new engines are a decided im- The new owner plans to renovate Anderson, Sheila Gilmore, Bruce training at the Inter City Boxing Club in Vancouver. P.E.I. group's arrival 'August If so, please contact Burnette Corrine Lonsdale at 898-5540. provement over the old type. the rear of the building for use as Miller, Dale Chumley, Twyla Out of town guests included the I). Sullivan4 from Johnson and Cathy McNaught. 2nd. Are you interested in buying Wood at 898-5003, *** living quarters for himself and his Squamish, B.C., the Bredes, hailing from Squamish, *** Citizenship Awards are D. a load of firewood for $45.00? Squamish school grounds were a wife. He also plans-to install a B.C., the D. Kingstons all the way from Squamish. B.C,. The wood will be split and piled presented to students of all grades scene of intense activity on Fri- marquee over the sidewalk to the the W. DeCooks who flew in from Squamkh. B.C' .. (*. wherever you want it - in your who have demonstrated above day, 'June 3rd, the occasion being delight of patrons. The empty Clark who made the trip up from Squamish, B.C.., and yard, garage, carport or??? To the inter-school track meet witb space to the south of the theatre average interest and action in Disco Dan voyaging here from distant Squarnijh, l3.C'. order a load, please call 892-3210. Britannia Beach, Woodfibre and will be turned into a small park. school activities. Receiving awards *** Squamish participating. Winner *** in the various grades are: Telegrams were received from Spiro ARnc-. Idi Bill and Norma Street and of the highest score achieved by a New construction or renovation Grade 9: Jan van der Lee. Amin, Sugar Ray Leonard, Dave Barretl, Joe ('lark and children visited friends in 100 Mile girl went to Margaret Boscariol, can be viewed on all sides. Mr. Grade 11: Alison Alder. Grade 12: Rula Lenska (the famous British actres\). House during the holiday with Terry Whalen of Woodfibre Alex Sullivan has enlarged his Carol Fairhurst, David Collin and The couple plan to make their home in 1)entville. weekend. Bill decided to "cut up a winning the trophy for the top premises, the beer parlor has a 18 Duane Hustins. Congratulations from the Dirty Doren. bit'' - actually he was carving the boy. by 22 addition complete with new Various trophies were presented turkey and ended up cutting his Whh total points of 187.5 tablq and chairs. Over the addi- to a number of student.5>in the hand - good for five stitches. Squamish won the inter-school tion accomodation has been pro- *** There are times when we really Would you believe that 18,443 trophy with Woodfibre second vided for additional guests. This is a good Thought for the blow it and taking an ad over the people passed through the tourist with 145 and Britannia trailing McKenzies Ltd. re building a Week: Always telling the truth telephone is one way to make sure booth at Shannon Falls in June with 123.5 points. new warehouse to the rear of the saves you from overworking you you do. despite the horrible weather? And In the softball games which premises and a new addition to the NOW'S THE TIME TO TAKE -' memory. When the Dirty Dozen phoned on Sunday, June 29th, 18SO peo- followed Woodfibre boys defeated south of the present store is plann- *** on Sunday wanting to the latest ad ple were counted by'the girls in the Squamish 8-6,and went on to beat ed. Down near the post office a The weatber was fairly co- in the Tiger series we took down booth there. Britannia 6-5. The girls from new Red and White Store is un* CARE OC'YOUR operative for the annual Howe the copy and even read it back. It If the weather would only co- Britannia defeated those from construction and on Pemberton Sound Minor Baseball Associa should have read No Boat at the operate we would be heading for a Woodfibre 18-4 but lost the next Road the new B.C. ElecCrJd tion's tournament held June 25 - end instead of No Vote. record year. game to Squamish by a score of substation is rapidly nearing com- GARDEN July 1st. Congrats are in order to Being inclined to have a weird ~~ ~ 8-6. pletion. Up in the school area Mr. the tournahent champs. In the sense of humor we assumed Tiger *** Gene Jordan is building a store to Peewee division, it was the Dairy wouldn't have any more to say in Starlite News The first commencement exer- the delight of the residents of the Queen Manaces, the Minor Little family councils and that's what A space adventure 'Black Hole' cises to be held since the Mashiter vicinity. I League winners were the Double No Vote meant. But instead will be the offering on July 10, 11 School opened honored the *** 'E' Lions and the Major Little Tiger's hopes for a boat were and 12. lt is along the same theme students who had completed their After serving the congregation League champs were the Rayonier evidently going down the drain as Star Trek. The "black hole" in high school course. of the Squamish United Church -Canada Pulpers. Taking home the and that's what the Dirty Dozen space take its toll of space The event was held at the PGE for two years Rev. Charles Ad- Junior Babe Ruth trophies were were implying. travellers. Rated Mature. Hall on June 17th with a large dyman is retiring from the Pat's (Brennan family) Pacers. So our apologies; a slap with a *** number of friends and relatives at- ministry. The many friends which *** wet noodle and a promise to do '1941' is a comedy along the tending. In a few opening words Rev. and Mrs. Addyman made Lots of volunteers - coaches, better next time! Meanwhile con- lines of Happy Days. It is rated Principal Ernie Hayes pointed out during his pastorate here regret umpires, team mothers were given gratulations to Tiger and his Mature and will be shown un July that the past year had been one of their departure but wish them recognition .at the award bride! 13, 14and 15. progress and hoped that work on every success in the life they hope

Good Selection of Roses Tea c\.\rab'"B Q\Ot \bande Hyb<\d

Remember we have a fine selection of Tropical House Plants. So come in and see for yourself. -rT

Strathcona dancers at the lnternational Folkfest. The dancers dance. are deeply appreciative of the travelled from Vancouver to perform a number of dances for the ' work which was done. --. cic nifer Moreau, Kristine McPher- Binahmad: Ronnie Alward, Lindner, interest in read=: 5on. Grade 112; Sonya Torney, Grade 6; Leah Proudfoot, S. Grade 112. At library Mette Knudsen, Derek Percy, Cooley, A. Lindner, Kevin Horth, School Patrol: Kosta Sifniotis, Dawna Tipper, Fotoula Sifniotis, G. Saugstad, M. Knudsen, AIana captain; Michel Marini, lieute- I Grade I. Chinapen, T. Edwardsen, Grade nant; Robert Wilson, Ronnie New refe.rence books 4 x 4 and Most improved student: Kerry 5; Murray Smith, I. Yarernchuk, Beaulieu, Warren Marr, J. Truck Graham, Wayne Jung, Grade 7; Saugstad, Laini Board, Allan The library now is employing SALE fout students on a Provincial Pavid Barnfield. Cindy Fleming, May report Brownfield, Kindra Wilson. ’ Grade 6; Patti Beale, ,Dee Dee Student Council: C. Mercs, Youth Employment grant. They Clarke Simpkins Toyota will fly you from anywhere in B.C. AT Pickard. Gurinder Gill. Grade 5; The value of building permits president; S. Rivett, secretary; are: Sandy Whitmore, Armajit NO CHARGE if you purchase any new or used 4x4 OR Tammy Everett, Grade 3/4; for May 1980 has almost doubled Parker Cook, vice-president; Sandhu, Karen Weiss and Julie PICKUP. Leaha Otto, Grade 3; Donna-Jane compared to the same month in Michele Quinn, treasurer; Alex Camm. Offer good on the following units: Evans, Grade 112; Trish 1979. Ross, Kevin Guy, R. Mihalick, G. With their help the library is All Pickups Osterberg, James Farmer, Rudy Fifteen single family dwelling Gagnon, R. Turcotte, M. Raf- presenting a free “Summer Fun” All Land Cruisers .c Meyer, Kelly Friesen. Oliver permits worth $676,300,eight im- faele, R. Crowston, D. Barnfield, program for children ages 5 to 12. Any and all used 4x4‘s in stock. Schulte, Grade I. provements worth $66,600, two J. Borrell, Paula Wittow, C. Karen Weiss has put together an interesting itinerary of projects, Please call COLLECT for details and ask for John Rundle or Nest exercise books: D. Borrell, commercials worth $69,,000 and Madryga. films, stories and games which will ‘Rene Mantha 112-736-4282. Brad Smith, Michelle ‘ Quinn, one industrial worth $140,000 Inter-house awards: Volleyball, Laurel Honey, Jill Campbell, were issued for a total of $978,600 Mermaids; Hockey, Mustangs; start July 7, from 9:30 a.m to Kevin Crowston, Kerry Graham, for May 1980. Soccer, Barracudas; Basketball, 11:30 a.m.,-Monday to Friday at Grade 7.; Danielle Rowe, Wayne In May, 1979, six single family Stallions. the library. The program will run Jung, P. Barnfield, Deanna -dwelling permits worth $219,130, Bicycle Roadeo: Daryl Hedin, to August 29. Patrons are-re- Shantz, Grade 617; M. Raffaele, five improvments worth $9,000 primary; R. Crowston, in- quested to pre-register at the Karyn Wilson, Teresa Wilson, R. and two commercials worth t ermediate; Darren Tipper, library as there is a limit of 12 Turcotte, Jerri Saugstad, Kathy $270,qoO were issued totalling primary; Carig Clausen, in- children per IO-day session. Poole, Wanda Brozer, C. Flem- $498,130. termediate; Erica Neilsen went on The students have created an at- ing, Murray ThomaS, Richard Eighty permits worth $2,937,660 to participate at Park Royal; Paul tractive “Charlie Brown” display Hughes, Jaime Grant, Grade 6; have been issued to date. Howard, intermediate. which, together with an R.C.M.P. display, is currently on view at the library. Other news is’that Encyclopedia Britannica 3 has been added to our reference section. Also available are the B.C. Hydro route selection study of the WkO DOYOUTHINK Cheekeye to Dunsmuir 500KV transmission line phase two report and phase two appendices and the Forest and range resource analysis technical repoh. The report of the Garibaldi ad- The RCMP display that was featured at the International visory panel, part one, two and Festival, now is at the library, and includes a number of books three, is available on request and from the library. further copies are on order. The hospital site selection study and Squamish intermediate Care Society existing Constitution and bylaws and amended constitution Whitehorse scene and bylaws are also available. The Sqamish estuary public in- volvement work group, inforrna- of June wedding tion table offers a number of free reports, including the interim. A reception was held in the Pro- report of the habitat work group. spector Dining Room and at that Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Weberg Other reference books of in- time, George Hanson proposed and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Thorne terest include the 1980 Canadian of Squarnish announce with the toast to the bride. Travelling to Whitehorse to at- Almanac and Directory, the Cor- pleasure the marriage of their pus 1980 Almanac of Canada, children, Teresa Anne and Allan tend the wedding were Gordon and Mary Weberg and Clayton “The Code Breakers” by David clay& Kahn and the Art of Emily Carr Thorne of Squamish, Gay Thorne The wedding took place on by Doris Shadbolt. -. June 29 in Whitehorse on the stern of Prince George and Grandma wheeler S.S. Klondike before Calderwood of Victoria. Justice of the Peace Peggy Teresa and Allan will reside in MacNeil. Attending the bride was Inuvik, N.W.T. where Allan is Glennys Smith. Best man waS stationed with Northwest Comings George (G.J.) Hanson. Telephone. and Goingk

Visiting Mr. and Mrs. George HUGHES DIRECTOR OF Lipsey last weeli. was Mrs. Jean Ridgely of Port Coquitlam. While LUNG ASSOCIATION here Jean looked up a few of her other old friends. Mrs. Johhnie Hughes of the Squamish Hospital Women’# ***; Auxiliary was elected today as a director of the British Columbia 8 On his return to Lac La Hache Lung Association, at the associatiqn’s annual meeting in Van- couver. Hughes will serve as the Christmas Seal Committee following a visit with his Halvor- chairman in the Squamish area for the 1980 Christmas Seal cam- son cousins Ken Munro was ac- paign. companied by Paul ualvorson Dr. F.D. Mackenzie, former director of the provincial and Dean Aldridge. ministry of health’s division of tuberculosis control, was elected *** as president of the association; Dr. Jack Rosenblatt, a Van- After three years of teaching at couver respiratory disease specialist, became vice-president; and Granisle, Carol Butterworth has Gary Cooper was elected as honorary treasurer. left her position thefe. Mr. and Delegates from 50 communities are attending the annual Mrs. Butterworth travelled to meeting of the association, which is the province’s oldest volun- Granisle to help their daughter br- 0 tary organization. the Lung Association conducts the annual ing home her goods and chattel. Maytjcttic yo:iti): guy ~icc,iilw11c clocm’t liavc rnucli money: Or the older man because Christmas Seal campaign in this province, with funds going After a stay in Squamish Carol he just might he a more rc~pons~l~lcJrii,cr; How ahout thc woman?She may drive less and more cautiously towards research, education, health facility construction and and Heather Peterson plan to The logger! He certainly docsn’t 1~;ii.cto tight city nish-hour traffic. programs of patient support in the field of respiratory diseases. spend some time in Banff before Carol makes plans for the fall. The answer: none of thc ~iIiT,i.i.;.Iicccss3nlv. Last year, the Christmas Seal campaign raised $690,000 to be us- *** Drivers whoshould pay the least possible amount for their Autoplan insurance ed against such lung diseases as emphysema, lung cancer, asthma, tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis and industrial lung Recent visitors at the home of are those who don’t cause accidents. It docm’t in;ikc any difference-and it shouldn’t diseases. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cates were her make any difference-whether thcy ;ire rii~ilc.or tcrnalc, young or old, mamed or single, ~- parents Mr. and Mrs. Gene Jor- or where they live in the province dan of Pritchard and aunt Mrs. That’s the whole ide;i I~cliinclthe F.A.I.K.program-Fundamental This summer the Squamish Public Ruth McCall of Osoyoos. Auto Insurance Rating. When EA.1.K.is hilly in place, everyone will be entitle Library will be having a Summer Fun *** as the& right, to the same l~aseAutoplan premium, depending upon the Program for children ages 5-12. The Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wyssen and their children have come from Kit- -use of their vehicle. Only drivers who arc rcqmsihle for Gn accident wiU be program will include stories, games, wanga for a visit with her parents charged a.n additional premium ot SSOO sprcd over thee years. hdthe crafts, and films. There will be four Mh and Mrs. A. Hoogenboom. more accidents they cause, the niorc thcv’ll py. *** .c It’s simple. It’s log~cal.it’s E A 1.R 10-day sessions, starting July 7, -. Nothing will break up an or- 9:30-11:30 a.m. Please pre-register at dinary conversation quicker than having someone make an in- Insurance Corporation of Brirish Columbia the Library. telligent remark, &** ‘

.. b + b t

, ‘L -- mothers. Proud league champions Commissibner Chuck Elliott sum- gestions go a lvg way in letting us 5 anu~nm~uritnlltittnrt~~tsitr~~~mtt~~~inn~l~i~~~~~~ of the 1980 Season in the pee wee med it all up at Tuesdays’ closing know what is needed. Address I \c ”i ’, division are the Squamish Mill ceremonies when he said good- ’ your remarks to the Howe Sound 3 1 Giants. coached by Keith sportmanship, good weather and Minor Bpeball League, P.O. Box E3 PJ’s 2209, Squamish, B.C. VON 3~0,The Squamish karate club, and its Parent club from Vancouver, demonstrated various karate % Muirkad and Ross Hultman. Lit- goodwill had combined 10 make 3 Ltd. attention of Gary wong. We techniques at the summer fair. Here, Squamish membkrs perform a face kick- Fibre Fair tk league minor league champs the tournament one of our most E-- located in the Highlands mall R free pattern’s in store for you. O.t O(H heMcCd Portem when vou buy bo In McCall’r .“oM’r Fnr” kurlng fprra.

for all your sewing 898-542

Don’t wait for winter! 1 Don’t let your SSdollors fl out your windows. Instal storm windows inside or out- side, or insulated gloss. B.C. hydro fimncing up to $500 ovoilolbe. Look out, Catfish Hunter, here comes Allan Ross of theDouble It’s strike one for this Red Sox player during the Lions game Saturday. E Lions. The team defeated the Highbailers lo take the minor FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL ball tournament championship. Don Green 898-3395 or call are the Triple ‘C’ Hi Ballers, successful. Gary Wong then thank you for your interest. coached by George Schulte and presented trophies to the trouna- To the many people, the board Seat belt use . W Ill1AM$ INSTALLATION major little league champs are the ment winners with the honors go- of directors, the sponsors, collect (112) 826-2219 Rayonier Pulpers coached by ing to the Dairy Queen Menaces’ members of the Ladies Auxiliary,. increases Brian Jamieson and Laroy Watt. in the Pee wee division, the Dou- team and area mothers, coaches, Use of seat belts by drivers and Pats’ Pacers, coached by Paul and ble ‘E’ Lions in the Minor Little umpires and to all who have sup- passengers is on the increase in Norma Gratton, Murray Good League division and the Rayonier ported us over the season all we British Columbia, according to a and Ian Hall took home the Pulpers in the Major Little can say is ‘thank you very much’ March survey carried out for the VINYL SIDING Junior Babe Ruth trophy. Cpl. League. Pat’s Pacers, sponsored for making this past season possi- Motor Vehicle Branch, Transpor- ble for the boys - which after all is Bruce Haines of the RCMP by the Brennan family, edged the tation and Highways Minister +40 year guarantee presented the RCMP trophies for Longshoremen out to take the the bottom line. Again thank vou. Alex V. Fraser said today. the most sportsmanslike team and Junior Babe Ruth trophy. The and we’ll be seeing you at the ball rt insulated while it renovates these went to Rons’ Haulers, the draw for the Pee wee, raffle was park come July 13 and the Junior The survey was recently con- rt Styrofoam backed Chieftain Braves, Triple ‘C’ Hi then made and winners were: 8. Babe Ruth tournament. ducted by Western Analysis Ltd. of Vancouver over a one-week *6 colours period and compares to a study *never needs paint carried out in October 1979 for z the Insurance Corporation of * vertical or horizontal patterns British Columbia. There were FOR FRtE ESTlMATt CALL 2.214 observatiok and the sites and time$ periods were the same Don Green 898-3395 as for the previous studies and in- or call cluded ,Vancouver, Victoria, , Penticton and WILLIAMS INSTALLATION Courtenay. collect (112) 826-2219 The minister said comparative statistics show that in March, 1980, driver use had increased to 63 per cent from 58 per cent in Oc- tober, 1979; pashenger use increas- ed from 42’per cent to ss per cent. Northridge In the Vancouer area, the breakdown was 62 per cent for Plymouth Chrysler Ltd. passengers buckling -up compared 1177 Marine Drive, North Vancouver to a low of 38 per ce& in October. 1979, and driver use increased form 59 per cent to 69 per cent. In Victoria, driver use rose from 60 Weehdy New Car Special! per cent to 63 per cent, while Bra; New 1980GRAND FGRY passenger use dropped slightly 4dr. sdn. from 55 per cent to 54 per cent. In Stk. 4‘54-1209 other areas, paccenger use increas- Dave Harkness (in striped shirt) receives the 1980 golf club ed from 32 per cent to 40 per cent champion trophy from club captain Gar) Hendrickson. On behalf of the school board, Margaret Marchant expressed appreciation of the Kinsmen and drivers from 39 per cent to 45 Club, builders of the adventure.playground at Stawamus School. Taking part in the opening per cent. ceremonies were (I. to r.) school trustees Detlaf Rudolph, MIS. Marchant, prinicpal Jeff Lar- The urban area, GAR IBALD I SPECIALIZING combe and Kinsmen Harry Bullen and Jack Mercs. The happy students are all around them. Vancouver, showed a higher rate IN TAR 8 than that of all other sites. ROOFING LTD. GRAVEL SuDerintendent of motor vehlcies, R G Whltlock. noted NEW ROOFS there were several contributing “No Job Too BmauqP”.. . Adventure Playground factors wch az more comfortable ROOF REPAIRS Feat belts and greater enforcement. SERVING He said from January thi5 year to Tan H.D. vinyl bench seat, radial tires. H.D. rear \cat sprine\. SQU AMISH at,Stawamus School date there habe been well over automatic transmission, 318 V8 H.D. engine, 500 amp Imp WHISTLER, AND ma life battery. poHer steering, oil pump cooler. power brakc\. An official opening ceremony structure they had provided for 3,000 conv~ctionsfor violations of PEMBERTON heated rear mindow defogger.aux.tranc.oi1 cooler./- heas) duo of the recently comdeted Adven- the children. Then Kinsmen Harm the seatbelt law susDension. DIU~much more. ture Playground at Stawamus Bullen and Jack Mercs held a Elementary School was held on water balloon while Mrs. Mar- 4 FOR A FREE ESTIMATE KARL ” Monday, June 23. chant popped it to mark the of- 3 STARLlTE THEATRE - $ ‘‘Used Car Specials ON YOUR 890-3732 The structure had earlier been ficial opening. 5 892-5052 9 898-5439 .)r OR 1975 Chrysler 1979 Omni 1979 \‘olare erected by the Squamish Kinsmen showtlme 8 pm unless stated otherwlre ROOF OR GUY New Yorker 5 dr. Hatchback 4 dr. Sedan The Adventure Playground had ;i + Club. Mrs. Micallef and Mrs. 4 Thurs Fri Sat July 11 12 c+ SUNDECK CALL: 090-9267 “8 auto, p.s.9 ~.b. 4cy1.automatic 6q1.auio.. p.‘ earlier been decorated with IO Allan were the parents responsible P-w*vlilt radio, rear defogger p.h., vinyl roof for initially approaching the numerous balloons and, after the 3 wheel, plus much BLACK HOLE ‘t: ALL WORK GUARANTEED n plus more radio. ctc. Kinsmen Club regarding construc- opening, the primary students Rated Mature more . tion of the Adventure were each handed a balloon. A excellent Trailer- Skk. #40-0044 Stk. #50-0054 ,+ Sun Mon ’lues r July13 14 15 *DUROID @CLAYTILE Playground. large sign painted by Laura 3 E Towing Vehicle” 1 was 5995 aj5995 *SHAKES & SHINGLES At the official opening school Sprett, Paula Peerson and Maryel St k . #50-0057 NOW YO\!’ Helmers aptly expressed the “1941” c *FIBERGLASS .NEOPRENE trustee. Mrs. M. Marchant, ex- 3 Comedy, Rated Mature c OHY PALON pressed her gratitude IO the children’s appreciation to the 4495WAS Kinsmen Qub. BOX 1547, SQUAMISH, B.C. VON 3GO $338838 $4999 $4999 Kinsmen Club for the excellent )rrr~rrrr*r~rrrrrr~~Wr~~r*r~~#c 7nUF 34 c I' 'I IREG. DRIP or ELEC. GRIND ...... ;.:.= ::::::::A ...... $$>? .:...... &$$+ 3 ...... +'.'.'..)? 9 I2 POUND TIN ...... :.:::::::: '@ AEs .*) .. 4 ~~~~~~~,,-.&kg 6%. BCOnAGE 1 ROLLS



2 LB ...... A2 .., 5 ...... ::&xp$.... ,BAG : ...... ,..+.. ,.% Z:.: .....k


.~ t I .. h .., < .' I 4 Q , "' ' . Classified Rates ' 1 1.- FclrSale'Miscellaneous 1,.For Saie Misc8liine.ous 9 Announcements 19 Pets 40 Jbb Opporhmltier I9 Carrfor'Sate- 52 trailerr& cumper8 - 4 . .. -XWw++mes '' .Artic es or a e:,. .ewing machine Complete hamster cage S20. Hoover TM-STEPHENS Specializing in dog' and cat boarding Building Superintendent 9%condition!! Vanguard Flush camper. toilet, immaculate pressure F'e30'a I' you your lo be $1251 yri&erswiash: $40; extractor 975 Volkswagen super beetle. New dacuum cleaner $100. Phone 898r5639 ASTROLOGER 898-38 I I. Senior Citizens complex requires the ngine so0 'miles, excellent running '" LQ 'Or ltnes wtJJbe I' Sl5; yogurt maker $10; fibergaiss And author of thkpaper's horoscope, s-r 3P) Garibaldi Highlands service of a mature, semi-retired cou- ondition. radials, radio, sunroof. water. 3-way fridge,. stove,. furnace. :ho'ge: ': ::.e' :c515 Deodline lor canoe $300; electric heater $5. warns that following such , ple. The couple selected for this posi- -_ ' 16.000 linear feet, 1x6 hemlock, 8 ft. DOG BEAUTY SALON orduroy interior, all papers for double sink, queen size bed, four ___.j S :-. ;* the Soturdoy "generalized" advice can lead you 896-2205. - lengths. planed, utility and better I2 Sjenta Wilkinson 2545 A Mamquan tion should have the ability to carry epairs in last year. Phone 898-3237 iacks, etc. Phone 898-5960. (Sp) :'e:$: -;.-? -.CS:JI publicolion astray! For a more personalized twt custodial repairs, janitorial work, c.:-+ $21 5':' : ;;le I.og Homes and Cabins. Da'ybreak :ents linear foot. 254-8743 Rd. ,sk for Danielle. sp ~ reading, please phone 112-738-1612 or 1967 soft top tent trailer in good con- Construction Lid. For brochure or [Vancouver). Ask for Ron. (cp) (end of golf course) and gardening duties an grounds. This write: P.O. B'8x 48968, Bentall Cen- couple must possess a tolerant and 971 Ford Lid station wagon. Good dition. Phone 892-5760 (sp) lurther information contact George tre, Vancouver, B.C. Birthcharts, Professional clipping, trimming unning order. Phone 898-3109 after 4 Donovan. Box 777, 100 Mile House, bathing, grooming, all breeds. Phonc responsible attitude in order to deal Utility trailer, good condition, $150. lifereadjngs or- specific questions with tenant public relations. Reply at: 1.m. (sp) B.C. VOK 2EO. Phone 395-2867 (days) 898-3811. Open Sat. Closed Mon Tent trailer, sleeps six, exc. condition, 1 For Sale Miscellaneous .- 2 Wanted to Buy answered. Squamish Senior Citizens Home 970 VW Bug. Good condition. 5800. 18 foot yellow cedar canae 791 -6676 (evenings). (6.3.M) ' --- Society, P.O. Box 1744, Squamish, ebuilt motor. Asking $1200 o.b.0. designed for small motor, exc. on ti<>\\ :,> IVO.iXX) Will pay up to 25% more than face Antique bedroom suite - includes two value for old cojns you wish to dispose 4 month old Chihuahua, for sale, ha! B.C. before July 31. 1980. (7.15) 192-5007 (SP) large lakes, $175.898-9765. (8.7) (sp) dre\ter\. Excellent condition #212 had all her shots, $35.00. Phonc Df. Call John or Barbara Hill 898-5440 10 Personals Professionals wanted: 1980 - 81 74 Astre Pontiac, 42,000 miles, $750. 1975 Lionel hard top tent trailer. two- \\il\on Crescent Apts. (SP) , evenings. 898-9460. (7.8) -. AL-ANON season. 7th Figure, Gold Dance, 'hone 698-5162 between 9 a.m. and 4 burner stove, sink, ice box, sleeps 6, I year old St. Bernard Collie cross, no Siliania Insjamatic color T.V. 20" Wanted to buy: child't large ipring Family Group Meetings Wednesdays Senior Silver, Free Skate, others ac- ).m. (sp) $2.200. 898-5528 after 5 p.m. (sp) overly.large, nice family, good witt portable. Offers starting at $250. A set horse. 892-3880. (8.V at Alano Club, 37978 3rd Ave., phone :epted. Send resumes to: Brooks of Colliers encyclopedias, mint condi- children. 898-541 I. (7.8) Figure Skating Club, Box 303. 964 Austin Healty Sprite. $500. 32 ft. 5th-wheel travel trailer. in good 892-3661 or 898-5392. United Church, condition. Fridge with freezer, 3 tion. SISO. o.b.0. Phone 892-3397 bet- Brooks, Aka. TOJ OJO. 198-9245 (SP) ~~ 4th Ave., Monday 8:30 - 892-5467 - These animals will be destroyed thi! burner stove with oven, full bath. fur- ueen 9a.m. and 3 p.m. 'I Triumph Spitfire, 45,000 miles. ex- 898-9562. (2.6m) week if a home is not found for them Sales person - Seamstress pap time. nace, etc. Asking $8750. Phone 8 Legals :ellent condition, $2,500 o.b.0. Fence Posts. Untreated, by the by- Alcoholics Anonymous A young neutered male cat,Jlack wid Phone 892-5646. (7.15) 898-3194. See anytime at 40641 Province of British Columbia white front and four white paws 198-3087. (SP) dle. Taking orders for summer and 892.3887 892-9044 Thunderbird Ridge Road. (sp) tall delivery. Peeled with chisel points, Ministry of Forests Lovely and affectionate. Found neai Part Time 898-9572 898-9880 Maintenance Helper 1976 Peugeot 504 diesel, very clean, Camp Trailers. Six man sleeper, 7'~3"~4.".$1.10 each. 4"x5" $1.20 This is a Federal Provincial Project, to Civic Centre. Also: St. Bernard Pemberton 894-6807 The North Vancouver Outdoor School )6,000 miles, 40 mpg. Best car for washcar complete with storage room, each. Vanderhoof 567-9709. (6.24) be financed by the Department of Shepherd cross. Phone SPCP :ommuting. 892-5388. (sp) - Regional Economic Expansion and 37978 3rd Avenue in Paradise Valley requires a part time two sleeping units, washer, dryer, etc. aw-3424 Queen sile water bed, 4 poster, triple 898-9024. the British Columbia Ministry of THOdirect flight tickets to Winnipeg helper for Fri., Sat., Sun. each week. Sacrifice: '76 4x4 Toyota Land Phone 837-5234. dres


Ill+5% bestsellers

ONE LEVEL WITH 3 THUNDERBIRD RIDGE IN.VEST IN THE FUTURE LOOKING IN THE 40's BEDROOMS Incredible 2 acre lot located Super duper duplex 3 bdrm. with vaulted ceiling makes this a top-notch home in the CUI de sac on the top available. Features 3 bdrrn. in liv. rrn. plus balcony off lor the elderly or anyone who of Thunderbird Ridge. with ensuite, fireplace, large master bdrm., black top hare5 stairs!! ( WhoTould like Seclusion. privacy & view. basement over 1 100 sq.ft. driveway and bright kit- t hem?) Special free heat from Ajking Call on main, landscaped lot. chen. Call Jean Pettersen the Fisher fireplace makes only $45,000. those hydro bills low. Great Bet Croft 892-5901 or Call Jean Pettersen for fur- for further info. 898-3264 Country style family kitchen 898-53 13. ther info at 898-3264 or or 892-5901 pager 628. . and all for the low price of GARIBALDI 892-5901 P.S. This duplex is 552.900. Call Steve Howard HIGHLANDS $64,900 a money maker. LOTS 4 HI-:I)KOO\l HOMI-: 898-2261 or 892-5901, IT'S A HOT CAKE! Great family home for peo- Duplex lots $27,500 01 C:K O\F 4CHI-: OF 81.1' AT OEF-SEASON Grcat value in this 1252 \q.lt. ple who love wood. Large PRICED TO SAVE . 1 acre property at 5 coves Onl\ ciiiLc 111 ;I hlw moon 3 ju(r minute\ from U'hisrler LOT ON RHUM & EIGG rudor dc\ign on landjcaped propc*rli Iikc IIII\ coin<' up. I'nr Iiall rlic price. Three Squamish rock fireplace in On heating costs, home access only by boat $18,000 '11of an acre with view & corner lot. featuring living room: Just a few of Lot on The Boulevard Ttic*rc I\ ~l\\~i\\lei\ 01 dc- wclu5ion. S19,900. "Helga" brcaklajt nooh itL jpasiou\ hdr oo 111 coti dominium cI ow features wood/oil furnace & inand 17111 ii(1 \tippl!. \o. the special features include thermal pane windows. 3 $22,500 Lilshcn. alw inajtcr en\uttc. ' 10 iorc hhoppiog area of dori'i IL,r tlii, oiic \Ilp h\. call 892-5901. pager #603. covered sundeck, large in- bdrm. home nicely Call Jean Pettersen Otic bcdrooin wiic do\\n. I'c~nihcrtoii. 1 I l.2 0'0 tnnrtgagc "t1cIga" Il~tll'\\\;I\! Call "Helga" quick hct'orc ii :iuitiii;itiIc \\ til1 qualilica- try, double cavort, roughed decorated basement 898-3264 or 892-5901 pager 8Y2-5901. p;igL'r #001 LOT ON THUNDERBIRD gel\ cold. 892-5901, pagcr iion,. ,A\L (or Alice 898-5130 in down and plenty under a year old. Located in 628 RIDGE #603. A4iq S59,Y)O. or 892-3571. of space to finish rec rm., Brackendale. \\itti park and fuIure tennis verylarge lot with many Call Jean Pertersen ' I court in back. S21.500. trees'. To view please call 898-3264 or 892-5901 pager "Hclga" 892-5901, pager Bev Croft. 892-5901 or #hO3. 628 898-5313. h A

f 4- .. c r .

KOCH INVESTMENTS LTD. (authorized indgendent Iicencee) #6 TANTALUS MALL GARlBALDl ESTATES 898-9070 892-5901 Pager #645

in the various categories were: speed bucking was Rich Gander Pemberton Flying Club, Talbot with a time of 57.2 seconds. Logging, Ross’ Garbage Disposal, Underhand chopping winner was 2544 Orkney Way, B.C. Forest Services, Pemberton Jack Ronayne with a time of 39 SARIBALDI HIGHLANDS On Health Team, and two wins for seconds, Obstacle pole bucking :uI de sac. No thru traffic.-3 youngster, Devon Davidson. Best winner was Raye Shier at 18.8 and 3edrooms up, 1 bedroom entry in the parade was won by the he also won the axe throw with 13 jown. 2’,1baths, 2 fireplaces, D’Arcy 4-H club. out of a possible 15 points. The .ec. room etc.etc. The presentation to the parade axe pole falling was won by Bup TERRIFIC BUY winners was made at the Signal Carson with a time of 1:29. Molly Hill grounds by George Henry Hogan race winner was Heinz 40405 Braemar Dr. and Miss Pemberton for 1979, Zurcher in one minute flat. and he 3 bedroom bungalow, fully Sylvia Gilmore. Ethnic dancers in also won the chokerman’s race landscaped, carport, cement various costumes danced folk with’a time of 25 seconds. The drive. Excellent starter home, dances of the several countries obstacle power saw bucking win- Priced right. they represented. ner was Ian McLeod and the eye The L.A. to the Royal Cana- splicing contest was won by Bup ing. Cormack. Lcglull. HIGHLANDS WAY NORTH many cultures, fatherland of all David’s Church hosted a delicious dian Legion manned the conces- Carson. A beautiful split level home t( picnic supper at Placata House. Canadians. To honor this land of sion booth at Placata House, and The big winners of the day, win- be built just for you. Fantastic “11’s great to go into the com- The ladies were kept busy with the ours, he proclaimed the week of did a roaring business with ning the overall best logger trophy foyer. Huge bedrooms witt munities where the work is actual- 1 large turnout. June 26-July “Canada Week”. burgers, hot dogs, baron of beef was Heinz Zurcher. The broken master ensuite large livin! ly done,” he said, “from St. He then raised the flag and invited The Recreation Commission’s and submarine sandwiches as well axewho awardhas worked is won the by hardestthe person but and dining room. Doubk John’s, Newfoundland to lnuvik the citizens’ of Pemberton, Mt. treasure hunt took place,at the as juice and coffee. garage. In an atea of fin( Cooler Service Signal Hill grounds and it didn’t in the north and right across Currie, Birken and D’Arcy to The Logger Sports, sponsored didn’tin any haveevent. enough This year’spoints winnerto win homes. Plans may be seen a Canada. ” celebrate the week by striving to take Pete Moody long to figure by the Pemberton Sportsman and our office. Deal now and picC semi trailers He complimented the Pember- know Canada better, and to par- out that the $50 certificate was on Wildlife Association took place entered nine events, worked hard your colours etc. ton Canada Week Committee ticipate in the Canada Week top of the flag pole. during the afternoon at the Signal vans, low beds and was Steve Phare Sr. After the treasure hunt, the Hill grounds. There was much ex- Mile 18.5, Upper Squamirh which had done a super job. celebrat ions. Newly built log home, 4 crane trucks The stage was decorated with Rev. A. Manson said the in- novelty slow pitch ball tourna- citement and many local con- The beer garden sponsored by 4 vocation and Father Scott spoke ment took over the ball field. This testants for each of the events. the P.S.W.A. seemed to do a bedroom, unique kitchen, 2 space theme, with a mood and briefly. He thanked Mayor Shirley \has to be the funniest event of the Trophies were presented to the brisk trade during the afternoon, full baths, dining room and flat decks planets, and a space rocket had Henry for her hard work. Signal week. The umpires were not much winners by Miss Pemberton, even though the weather didn’t huge living room. Excellent been created through which the Hill’s school band played a couple help either, they followed the Sylvia Gilmbre. Winning the cooperate. water and situated on 6.3 girls entered the stage. as The musical accompaniment of selections to end the short pro- ‘almost’ softball rules. There were acres cleared qnd fenced DISPATCH 892-3838 29 1-7384 prizes for sportsmanship and land. Country living not too OFFICE throughout the evening was gram. presented by Tom Wood. The strawberry tea held by the costumes. far from town. 291-7 156 At the opening of the pageant Women’s Institute after the open- Saturday morning the third day ing ceremonies, was usual a big of celebration got off to an early Mobile Homes the contestants took part in a as success. Special guests were the start with the Birken Ratepayers 12’ x 64’2 bedroom Homette OVERNIGHT SERVICE Miss Pemberton contenders and Association 4x4 Rally. The 19 en- Lot #224 Timbertown the pageant committee members. trants started off from the Excellent condition. to Squamish, Woodfibre, Britannia Beach, Whistler, Pemberton, Pemberton Local pianist, Bernard Beaumont Birkenhead Bridge gravel pit at 8 of Birken, played several classical a.m. for this all day race. COMMERCIAL Mount Currie, Lions Bay, Brunswick Beach, 2 acres between Highway 99 Coming Events pieces. The rally had four parts, with Sunset Beach. 8 Gov’t. Road. Excellent traf- The Pemberton T.V. Society The novelty potato salt and three optional events. Winners in fic exposure. Zoned C-5 General Information Meeting at pepper shakers, made and the slalom course were: first, Kelly EXPRESS SERVICE the Community Hall, Wednesday, donated by Phyllis Chandler were, Ross; second, Steve Phare Sr. and July 16 at 8:00 p.m. won by Mrs. B. Beaumpnt. The third, Rocky Robson. 2547 Mamquam Road Vancouver to Squamish. pickup before noon 1920 sq ft bldg zoned 5 Hill climb winners were first, C delivered afternoon Holf of building suitable for same Terry Ross; second, B. Howard of large vehicle repair etc Haney; third, Rocky Robson. The all-terrain course winners were other half used for office or7 Around first, Kelly Ross and B. Howard Excellent price minimum Eharge $5.70 and second, Sandy Clausen of Pemberton Brackendale. Powder Puff winners were Happy birthday this week to from an enjoyable eight-week visit driver Deb phare and navigator MEMBERS OF: Janet Naylor, Fred Zurbrugg. and with daughter Andrea and son-in- Cindy Ross. Katy Greatrix. law Wayne Matthews and the Overall winners were first. *** grandchildren in Burlington. On- Rocky Robson, winning a trophy Mrs. Connie McEchren and son tario. and $100 gift certificate; second, Alvin are off to Regina to spend a *** e REALTY LID. coast to Coast Kelly Ross: winning a trophy and month visiting her parents, Mr. On Friday* June 29* the Fish $50 gift certificate and third, B. 37991 Cleveland Ave. Real.-.. -., .“_, Estate . Service and Mrs. Erhardhorn. and Wildlife Branch under the Howard winning a trophy and $25 Box 1760, Squamirh, B.C. Coast to Coast Real Estate *** direction of Tom Burgess, wildlife gift certificate. 892m3541 1979’s Miss Pemberlon, Sylvia Gilmore, is heartily kissed by one VON 3G0 24 hr. answering service John m’d Mary Jo MacDonell biologist of Burnaby, released 92 The DvArcvcommunitv held a Service is a referral service of the trophy winners in the loggers sports show. OFFICE HOURS which helps you relocate of Nanisivik, NWT spent a few moulting juvenile geese in this barbecue at the‘ reSerYe days visiting Wayne and Pat area. Twenty-eight birds were and the Birken 9 a.m. - 7 pm. Mon. - Frl. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sat. anywhere in North America. campgrounds Ferguson and family. Mary Jo taken to the outdoor school, as Ratepayers held a beer garden. was D’Arcy’s special nurse when well some were released at One Both were well attended after the he was a patient at Vancouver Mile, Sue and Lillooet Lakes and rally. General Hospital after his acci- at Green River. The Royal Canadian Legion dent in 1978. She was thrilled to Bdb Lawrence, local conserva- branch 201 sponsored the Miss see D’Arcy had made such a tion officer, picked the sites. The pemberton Ball in the evening at wonderful recovery. birds came from Stanley park and the Hill activity room. *** it is hoped to relieve the, pressure Everyone had a good time dancing Fridays and Sslurdays: Singles Dances - live music - Vancouver ma- Ambulance attendants have of this over-populated a%. Many the music of a local band. successfully completed an 80-hour of these geese were taken to other A delicious pancake jor hotel ballrooms 8:30 to l a.m. Singles all ages invited. Saturda!, July 12: Squamish N.D.P. Club Barbecue at 41570 Cot- emergency medical ass.is!an! I Lower Mainland locations. All of breakfast provided by [he Birken -course. Instructor Bob Campbell the birds have been banded in Ratepayers got day four, tonwood Drive, Brackendale, from 4 p.m. onwardc. All procpective held the course on weekends and order to find out if they return IO June 29, off to a good new members welcome. Saturda), Jul) 12: Howe Sound Drama Club’s picnic and barbecue was delighted with the 93 per cent the Stanley Park area. Luscious fresh strawberrfes were at Shirley and Bob Deno’s, 40280 Skyline from 3 p.m. till ?? For further average attained by the class. In *** on all of the tables and the well the driving section, Ken Greenway Signal Hill teachers Brenda organized kitchen workers had info call 898-5227. July 13-17: Junior Babe Ruth Provincial baseball tournament at Hraialator l/p uiih Canc. Bli. in achieved the best score this year Dunbar and Liz Beatty are spen- breakfast served in double quick vacuum y\iem. 4th hdrm. dosn. by any of Campbell’s students. ding their summer vacation time. Brennan Park. Accommodation needed for some of the boy$. Please 898-5540. quality appl. in hiich. - \io\c uiih Two of the IO medical assistants travellng in Australia and New After breakfast,the Pemberton \ell cleah wen. D.W & fridge. of this area were unable,to attend Zealand. They hope to check out Recreation Commission Tuesday, July 15: Tryouts and training for Squamish Hotspurs soc- Yd. landtcapcd lroni - 8 back the course. Successful members the ski slopes and see the Barrier started off from the hall. cer team at high school field (HSSS) starting at 6:30 p.m. Ju\i a hrautilul home - mu\! io are Milt Fernandez, Margaret Reef. Wednesday. July 16: Senior Citizens Mystery Bus day trip - leab- \<..(.’I All participants that completed ing Cedars at 9 a.m. B ring your lunch. Cost approximarely $9 - Phone Adolph, Tom Mitchell, Tom *** the run received a souvenir t-shirt Carney, Ken .Greenway, Judy School is out and families are and trophy winners were: In the Bob Silcock 892-9845. Aug. 1 I Monday to Friday - Senior Citizenc !rip to Victoria for 2 Aseltine of Pemberton ahd Gerry on the move. Welcome to Fred four run: M~~+~open, Alan Bullington and daughters Susan Smith; nights. Port Alberni for I night and Courtenay - 1 night - home via Nesbitt of Whistler. women,s open, Roslyn Powell River. Cost $150 double, $155 single, $145 triple, and includes Full time attendant, M.J. Ayers and Samantha who have moved Tu~l;,,,idget girl, Michelle took the course last year and here from Chilliwack. Another ville. ,,,idget boy, Bishop; bus, hotels, and side trips. (All paid up members receive a 20% dis- count). We welcome non members at above-quoted prices. Phone Bob REVENUE PROPERTY - achieved the best marks in the Chilliwack family has come to live junibr boy, Scott McAlpine; Silcock 892-9845. Duplex in Brackendale. Side by driving section of any attendant in in Pemberton. Welcome 10 Eileen master men, B~~~~ ~~~l~i~~and \ide - ea. \id? hac full btrnt. Very the entire province, which is a and Richard Temple and children, master August 11-15: Vacation Bible School sponsored by Squamish Barb M~~I~~~~.United Church. An interdenominational program from 9:30-12 noon modern, 3 bdrmr.. lib. rrn./dining SEMI drtachcd on quiri Perih Dr. tremendous accomplishment. Michael* Jennifer and Youngest entrant was six-year-old rrn.. kitchen. balhrm. on main - 3 hJrm\ up plu\ haih - hripht *** *** ,each day. 3 hdrni .ondn LIow io clrmcnrar\ floor. Both tide5 rented bv e.c- Shannon Naylor. Ronnie Renville \unnv ktith. din rrn. Hall IO Hail, Audrey and Wafter Tymo were A speedy recovery is wished Mr. age nine, came in fourth overall Oct. 25: Reno trip - Senior Citizens. 8 high \dI Mrs’Ronnie McCartney Helen Magee to have daughter Leslie King and her princesses, Andrea Naylor. I 8V8-3226 8vasv4 1 8&?-3Pg5 in-law Dieter Ktapstein Starks and Susan van der Lee and The parade started Bazaar. iff Saturday, December 6: Xmas Dinner at Chieftain Hotel for Senior R.J. Carsel! Dorothy Golden . Linda Burritt spend the weekend with them. to Bonnie DR Rosiers. chosen and a tremen40useffort had gone Citizens - hosted jointly by District of Squamirh and Senior CitiTent 898-322b 8Ve-3249 BV2-5558 *** Miss Congeniality by her fellow into the floats and bicycles, mak- Phvllis Graham has returned contenders. ing for a grand parade. Winning Branch 70.

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