Ezekiel Adult Class - Summer 2016

Quesons for 20-24

20:1-44 - Connuing a History of Rebellion 20:1-32 - Elders Inquire, Reminded of Rebellion 1. What do the elders want (v1)? What is God’s response (v3,30-31)? In what passage has this been addressed before? 2. A cycle is repeated 3x: v4-8a, 8b-13a,13b-21a. Idenfy the stages of the cycle. Where does it connue in v21b-26?

20:33-44 - Rescued and Purified 1. What two things will God do for the remnant 1) v33,34,37, 2) v35,36,38? What does ‘pass under the rod’ mean? (v37, see Lev 27:32; Jer 33:13) 2. What is God’s desire for Israel (v40-44)? What is His purpose for the naons (v41)? Whose sake is all this for (v44, 9,14,22; see Isa 48:9-11; Ps 23:3)?

20:45 - 21:32 - Parables: Fire and Sword of the Lord 20:45-49 - Parable: Fire Consumes the South (Teman) 1. Which trees would the fire consume (v47; see Ezk 21:3-4)? What would the naons realize (v48; 21:5)? 2. What was the reason of the people to this prophecy (v49)? How would this have been frustrang to Ezekiel?

21:1-32 - Parable: The Sword of the Lord - Signs: Groaning, Swinging Sword, A Signpost 1. v1-7: What is this prophecy against (v2)? What will the sword do (v3-4)? What sign is Ezekiel to perform (v6-7)? 2. v8-17: Who will sword destroy in v12? What might Ezekiel be called to do in v14,16? 3. v18-27: Who is the signpost direcng (v19)? Who is it direcng him to (v20)? What will he do to (v21-23)? What will be done to the prince of Israel (v25-26)? Who will replace him (v27)? 4. v28-32: What will he do to Ammon (v28,30-32)? What similar problems did they have to Israel (v29)?

22:1-31 - Sins of the Bloody City 1. List the sins of Israel/its rulers in this chapter (esp. v6-12,23-31). Where have we seen some of these before (v28)? 2. What is the image of judgment here (v17-22)? What is the purpose of this process (Isa 1:25; Ps 66:10; Zech 13:9)?

23:1-49 - Parable of Two Sisters - Oholah & Oholibah: & Jerusalem 1. v1-4: Who are the two sisters (v4)? With whom had they lain (v3)? Whose did they become (v4)? 2. v5-10: What had Oholah done and with whom(v5-8)? What fing punishment did God give (v9-10)? 3. v11-35: What did Oholibah then do and with whom (v11-21)? What punishments did God give (v22-31,32-35)? 4. v36-49: What specific sins are pictured (v36-45)? What will God finally do (v46-47)? What was His purpose (v48)?

24:1-14 - Parable: The Boiling Pot 1. When did the siege begin (v1-2)? When would news arrive of Jerusalem’s fall (Ezk 33:21)? 2. What is the main point of this parable (v3-5)? What two explanaons are offered (v6-8, v9-13)? 3. What connecons may there be to the last parable about “meat in the pot” (11:1-13)?

24:15-27 - Sign: Ezekiel’s Wife Dies, No Mourning 1. This is hard to imagine (v15-18). What was Ezekiel prohibited from doing (v16-17)? What is meant by the “bread of men” (v17, Jer 16:7; Hos 9:4)? What is Ezekiel’s reacon to all this (v18)? 2. What is the point of this sign (v19-24)? What is meant by their lack of mourning (v22, Job 27:13-15; Ps 78:58-64)? 3. What confirmaon will there be for Ezekiel (v25-26; 33:21)? What will happen for him on that day (v27; 3:26-27)?

Thought Quesons: 1. What do we learn about the nature of God’s discipline in 20:33-44? How does God accomplish that discipline for us? 2. What do we learn from Ezekiel’s lack of protest (24:18; 12:7)? How can this become praccal for us?