This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article Riu Sec, Avda. Sos Baynat s/n, 12071 Castellón, Spain (mail address: [email protected]) [email protected]) Spain (mail Castellón, address: SosBaynat Avda. s/n,12071 Riu Sec, c b a Pérez-de-Castro Fredes Alejandro rootstock assessmentofwaterm Fruit quality +34 96 3879415; fax: +34 96 3879422. [email protected] 3879422. 96 963879415;fax:+34 +34 Politècnica Camino de Vera València, de Conservación de Instituto Pico. Belén Maria *Corresponding author [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected])[email protected]; (mailaddress: Spain (COMAV-UPV) Valencia,València,Vera Caminode46022, [email protected]) Ca s/n, 12071 Baynat Sos Avda. Sec, Riu de Instituto de Conservación y Mejora de la Mejorade Conservación y de Instituto I,Campus Jaume Natural,Universitat del Medio Agrarias y Ciencias de Departamento Instituto UniversitarioAgua de Plaguicidas y

article as doi: 10.1002/ differencesbetween version lead to this may been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination andproofreading process, which This article hasbeen accepted for publication andundergone full peer review but has not c , Carmina Gisbert Carmina , a , Salvador Roselló , Salvador jsfa.7915 c , María Picó , Belén a , JoaquimBeltrán 46022, Valencia, Spain (COMAV-UPV). Tel (COMAV-UPV). Valencia,Spain 46022, elons graftedelons ontocitronmelon Agrodiversidad, Universitat Politècnica de Politècnica Universitat Agrodiversidad, stellón, Spain (mail address: [email protected]; y Mejora de la Agrodiversidad, Universitat Universitat Agrodiversidad, la de Mejora y s (IUPA),UniversitatJaume I,Campus de

and the Versionof Record. Please cite this c* b , JaimeCebolla-Cornejo

c , Ana This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article lanatus; fruit quality; grafting; aroma profile grafting; aroma profile fruit quality; lanatus; Citrullus Keywords rootstocks. to makealternative a the promising against nematodes, resistance The lowimpactmelon ofcitron fruittheenhanced along rootstock on quality with CONCLUSION associated withpumpkin-likeodors) the rootstock didn’t display increased melonand tocitron wasthatoftheThe controls. self-grafted similar non-grafted citron produced onto fruits profile of aroma The rootstocks. Cucurbita inthe also occurred which maliccontent, acid and glucose in for anincrease except grafted , effecton fles melonno significant had citron The Cucurbita rootstocks. and citron both onto plantsgrafted from fruits in observed thicker rinds were fruits with Larger hybrids. ofCucurbita to those quality on effects its comparing rootstock, watermelonas validated hasbeen Citron RESULTS problems. quality these toavoid alternative an is citroides), Exploiting novelCitrullus germplasm, such aimpact oftenhave negative on fruitquality. they Cucurbita hybrids. However, mo The understressfulsoilconditions. yields watermelons of (Citrulluslana The grafting BACKGROUND

found in fruits produced with Cucurbita hybrids. found infruitsproduced levels of (Z)-6-nonen-1-ol (acompound tus) is a common technique that increases increases that technique a common tus) is h sugars or acidprofilesto non- compared st common rootstocksforwatermelons are as citron melon (Citrullus lanatus (Citrullus melon as citron

var. var. This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article been reported asresistant tobeing RKNs. C. pustulatus metuliferus and exNaud. genus (C. E. Mey. root-knot nematodes tothe watermeloncrops. Somebelonging in species couldgenera leadthat tothe of development inother resistances for thesearch in aspike caused has situation This this fumigant. effective than less are treatments alternative crops, cucurbit andasthe other watermelon on ofRKNs impact the of an increase in has resulted markets the from bromide methyl by fumigationcontrolled in watermelon with methyl bromide. theremovalHowever, of of roots and Fusariumincrease the severity fields. usedto wiltin RKNs watermelon be spp.). (RKN, Meloidogyne are fungi affecting susceptible watermelon. However,they toroot-knot nematodes the soilborne most toof resistance confer These rootstocks Standl). siceraria (Lagenaria accessions bottle and maximaDuchesne) C. x Duchesne (C. moschata hybrids interspecific are Cucurbita forwatermelons rootstocks commercial most common The USA. later tothe the late todifferent countries in and Korea, introduced European 1980sand was in late 1920s Japan wasthe first used during This technology breeding. conventional than stress ofabiotic scenarios variable to a faster response that permits strategy Kleb). dahliae (Verticillium wilt like Verticillium (E.F. Sm.; W.C.Snyder and H.N. Hans), as well as other damaging soilborne diseases, Fusarium by caused wilt, control Fusarium common that increasestechnique yields under stressful conditions. in(CitrullusGrafting watermelon lanatus 5 3 4 These pathogens causeextensive damageto watermelon INTRODUCTION (Thunb.) Matsum.(Thunb.) is a &Nakai)production oxysporum Schlechtend Fr. F. sp. Fr. niveum Schlechtend F.sp. oxysporum alternative rootstock suitable for managing alternative rootstocksuitableformanaging 6 These rootstocks can forbe can used Theserootstocks 2 It is also an important management management It is alsoan important

Naudin ex Hook. f.) have f.) have Naudin ex Hook. 1 It is mainly used to ismainly It This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article rootstocks inducea differentia metabolicprocesses. other and photosynthesis and water nutrient synthesis, caninfluence uptake,scion hormone which interaction, the rootstock- effectson observed. are These dependent arecommonly different effects combinations However, even in compatible incompatibility. isrootstock/scion impact scion fruitmany in quality vegetables. Different studies proventhat have rootstocks management nematodes and Fusarium.combined of practice rootstocks withCucurbitaandLagenaria melon couldbeaneffective inthe to wilt. Fusarium tolerance enhanced showed onto citron rootstocks plantsgrafted watermelon rootstocks, bottle gourd and squash hybrid than Fusarium Whereas rootstocks. commercial citron conditions, in watermelon. RKNs accessions melon citron rootstocks, Cucurbita insome and bottlegourd by reported hybrids has been asless than expressed thatgallingto nematodes, of fruitpreserves.Resistance displayed Citron melons are aroundthe cultivated worl watermelons. of cultivated anancestor tobe oftenconsidered is andwhich worldwide, canfound be today fromcultigensthat SouthernAfrica group ofancient is a group var. citroides Citrullus lanatus belongingto arethose for graftingwatermelons materials promising melo melongenus, (C. as such andcucumber sativus L. and C. same tothe forothercropsbelonging moreas rootstocks suitable butare watermelons, 10 giving higher yields in comparison with C. maximamoschata C. withC. x incomparison yields givinghigher

(L.H. Bailey) Mansf ex Greb, also called citron melon. The citroides citroides melon. The citron also called Bailey) Mansfex Greb, (L.H. 5 , suggesting the usefulness ofas , suggestingthethis grouprootstock formanaging usefulness 9 Some resistant accessionshave already been validated inspecific l gene expression in the scion, suggesting that this this thescion, suggestingthat l geneexpressionin 12,13, 14 d mainly mainly for fodderd and for the production The most Thefora obvious reason negative may influence, positively or negatively, negatively, positively or influence, may 15 display lower levels of resistance to to resistance of levels lower display It has recently been described that that beendescribed recently has It 9, 10 9, 11

Rotation of citron Rotationofcitron L.) 7 . Other more . Other 8

This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article assessed. volatile profileswas and acids sugars, organic of analysis adetailed including quality, internal and external both on effectof grafting The rootstocks. Cucurbitahybrid two onto grafted and on fruit quality was plants,self-grafted withnon-grafted studiedplants andcompared to nematodes. resistant ashighly previously collected Spainas in rootstock Thisaccession been forwatermelon. had reported th validate to was study this The aim of quality. onscion fruit rootstocks putative of new impact the evaluate we that imperative therefore is It combination. scion-rootstock the rootstocks. andLagenaria Cucurbita hybrids interspecific fruitsonto grafted from plants watermelon in volatile compounds anincreasein show although recentreports 18, 22, 23 sugars, mineral composition, ascorbic acid,ci heart. ofhollow the occurrence bands and of yellowish number increased negativeeffects been have report fruit rind weight, andincreasedflesh firmness.thickening in increase arethe rootstocks orL.siceraria hybrids Cucurbita graftedonto watermelons of appearance external the on effects common most The thefruit. of properties organoleptic the and composition chemical the including characteristics, and/or flesh appearance external affect the can of consequence grafting a in fruit quality as Changes grafted plants. of processes physiological mediating importantthe an rolein may play mechanism The impact ofgrafting onfruit tolesserhas been aroma a studied degree, 16 ed, such as more flesh, as fibrous such ed, EXPERIMENTAL e use of a selected citron melon accession accession melon citron ofa e selected use 25 24 trulline or lycopene contents also occur. also contents lycopene or trulline The effect The effect of this citron melon accession Most of these reported effects on depend theconcentrations of certain aldehyde 1, 17, 18, 19 20 poor color and taste, poorcolortaste, and Other clearly clearly Other 21 Changesin 17, This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article having six plants). Between-row and within-row spacingplants). and within-row Between-row were2.0mhaving six and 1m, replication control(each each and combination ofeach rootstock-scion replications four with design block complete arandomized in carried out was experiment The control. used asnon-grafted Oneida, F1 EasternSpai inPicassent,Valencia, located transplanted to an experimental field (a field belonging to the company Rijk Zwaan, graftingOneida).F1 the wasconsolidat Once onto each ofthemelon,four rootstocksand F1Cobalt (citron F1 experimentalhybrid, methodThe graftingapproach usedtowas graft24 plants ofthe F1 watermelon Oneida assay Field treatments. all in as scion wasused (Rijk-Zwaan) Oneida self-grafted watermelons, c and coded NG, Non-grafted hybrid. watermelons, flowering of the resulting the early as well the as ofcross compatibility high due tothe was selected combination parental Australia) C crossing the by obtained was hybrid Theexperimental GMM2). coded Zwaan, F1 Cobalt fromRijk commercial moschatax C. (anewexperimental hybrids F1 hybrid, codedand GMM1, the maxima two C. with compared as GC)was as(coded rootstock watermelon Its behavior the nematodeswatermelon to ofeggsand onrootsscions. lower number compared responded and nematodes innaturalconditions, against tested Itwas Spain). Eastern (Valencia, Ademuz in collected was accession This for watermelon. rootstock potential a new as assayed was Genebank COMAV´s the at held citroidesBGV0005167 var lanatus accessionThe Spanish Citrullus Material

x the C. moschata Crookneck fromThis squash 550689(Canada USA). x the C. PI

. maxima oded SG, were included as controls. The watermelon F1 F1 The watermelon ascontrols. wereoded SG, included accession VAV 1860 (Large Warted Hubbard from from Hubbard Warted (Large 1860 VAV accession n), along with 24 non-grafted plants of the non-graftedofthe along24 n), plants with as highly resistant, with a significantly asignificantly resistant,with as highly ed (after the30 days), plantswere 25 This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article hexadimethrine bromide (HDM) and sodium (HDM) and bromide hexadimethrine MO, USA). Glucose,fructose, sucroseand dicarboxylic2,6-pyridine acid (PDC), chemicals usedwere ofanalyticalgrade Organicacid standards wereprepared fro analysis metabolite for Reagents and kept Spain) Barcelona, Seb Iberica, Groupe KB720, (KRUPS fleshhomogenized was remaining discarded. The seeds were replication (sixteen fruits pertreatment). Pe per fruits four each of of plane equatorial fromthe obtained was section cross 5-cmA and b). L,a Hunter color parameters using the USA NewJersey, CR-400, Minolta colorimeter, a with (measured color andflesh Germany) Merck, Darmstadt, refractometer, Japan),pH(measuredpH1-14 pH-indicator paper with Atago®,Tokyo, usingadigital (quantified totalsolids soluble MA), Melrose, (8mm) FHT-803®, (mm andcm), and flesh (kg cm rindfirmness (g), lengthand width(cm), ratio), (length/width rindandflesh thickness fruitshape Each fruit (twenty-four per treatment) waschar characterization Fruit and externalfruit spotcolor color. ground basedonexternmaturity at visual harvested performed in two days and all fruitswere char fruits was of Theharvesting aroma analysis. and acids sugars, for sampled additionally combin per fruits Sixteen characterized. (six were harvestedpercombination fruits Twenty-four forfruitsampling. used were ofeachreplication sixplants The practices. respectively. Plants were furro

w irrigated andfertilized to according standard cultural

frozen at-80ºCuntil metabolite analysis. and were purchased from Sigma (St. Louis, were purchasedfromand Louis, (St. Sigma ricarp and approximately 2 ricarp and mmapproximately of fleshand ation (fourfromeach per replication) and weremorphologically msaltsfree acids.their sodium or The dodecyl sulphatedodecyl (SDS) were supplied by − acterized over a 5-day period. Fruits were a period.Fruitswere acterized over 5-day al indicators, suchas senescental tendrils, 2 acterizedfor the following traits: weight ) (measured with a digital Penetrometer ) a (measured with digital Penetrometer replication) were This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article Germany) using fused silica capillaries (Polymicro Technologies, Phoenix, AZ) with a AZ)with usingGermany) fusedsilica (Polymicro Technologies,capillaries Phoenix, previously were quantifiedcapillary by electrophoresismethod followingthe described a fructose sucrose, The sugars analyzed. subsequently and were Amsterdam) Corning®, Spin-X®, (Costar® membranes tubewith solutionfilters 0.22 centrifuge The wasfiltered using water. deionized were then centrifuged at 510 g minutes.for 5 The upper phase wasdiluted (1:20) in in complete darkness.They a refrigerator in thawed were stored at-80ºC samples Fruit ofacids sugars and Analysis mLmg as traps. mesh,Tubes 6 (Supelco, Spain)wereused SPE Barcelona, 500 400 SupelcleanTMENVI-CarbTM120- fromSpain). (Barcelona, were obtained Scharlab avoid analyte lossesand to ensure reproduc solutions were at stored sealedglass vials –18°C in any headspace) leaving to (without mL ranging fromconcentrations ng 10 compound (final to different finalconcentrations, n-hexane with dilutions volume consecutive from solutionsby working solutions were prepared 10-fo obtainedstandard by solutionswere standard stock mgsolutions (500 L Spain) (90as purecompounds and Fluka;Barcelona, - 99.5% purity). Individual compounds of standards volatile Reference water. deionized with stock solutions the diluting stored prepared and at4ºC until their were by Working prepared daily of the(1000mL solutionsused µg analytes stock as received. Individual Sigma were other chemicals USA). All ofanalytical (St.Louis,MO, gradeand were 26, 27 on an Agilent 7100 system (Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn, Technologies, Waldbronn, on (Agilent system an Agilent 7100

nd glucose, as well as malic,asas wellnd glucose, -1 ) were prepared in acetone. Then, several mixed mixed several ) wereinacetone. Then, prepared according to the detectoraccording tothe foreach response were supplied by Supelco (Sigma-Aldrich Supelco (Sigma-Aldrich by were supplied ld volume dilution inacetone. Calibration ibility. Gas Cromatography-grade solvents ibility. Gas solvents Cromatography-grade -1 to 5000 ng mL ng to 5000 citricglutamic and acids -1 ). Allstandard -1 ) were μ m This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article followed by mL followed by 5 was Theextract of etherinto glasstube. diethyl agraduated directly mL ether/hexane each cartridge 5 (1:1) After ofdiethyl extraction, eluted was with magneticto 40ºC. stirbarand heated minutes flowrate 1.6Lmin withanitrogen of gas(N nitrogen dry a to connected was inlet tube the tubes; connection two cap with a glass with gof homogenizedsample of30 amount fru (Et ether mL diethyl of with 5 conditioned cartridges were thetrap Beforeanalysis, a trap. usinghomemade a purge& trap device previously Volatiles were extracted andanalyzed following thedescribed methodology Analysis of volatiles up. them and thenadding respectively, and1.73, 1, 0.74 by contents calculatedSucrose equivalents were multiplying by sucrose,glucose and fructose milligrams inoffresh(FW). per weight nm. expressed at kilogram Results are done 214 Pa for 10 s. Separations were performed at min).min) Sampleswerehydrodynamically at3400 BGE (5 and injected (2 therunning bromide.w/v hexadimethrine was Betweenruns,thecapillary mM flushed with SDS 58 0.1% and mMdicarboxylicat pH12.1 acid 2,6-piridin consistedof20 TheBGE min. with the wasflushedat20ºC r capillary 3, Millipore,min). Billerica,MA (10 ofeach Atthebeginning working session, the Elix water, min),deionized and (5 1 N (5 min),NaOH 1N NaOH C: and 50 Pa 95,000 Capillaries were effective length. previously 50- 2 μ O) and then by 5 mL of n-hexane, and were finally vacuum dried for 10 minutes. vacuum driedfor 10 5mL and of finally A O) andthenby were n-hexane, minternal 363- diameter, 28 . The extraction wasperformed. Thein a dynamic headspacesystem (DHS) 2 ) source and the outlet tube to the tr to the tube the outlet and ) source

μ m external diameter, 67-cm total length, and 60-cm 29 using commercial (500 mg) using commercial SPEcartridges (500 as unning background electrolyte (BGE) for 30 (BGE) for electrolyte background unning -25 kV and 20ºC. Indirect kV detection -25 was conditioned the flushes with following at it was weighed in a 150-mL flask closed closed weighed ina150-mL flask was it -1 . Sampleswere stirred ata 7 gusing ap. Extraction wasperformed49 for 24 24 This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article Statistical analysis Statistical properconcentration. reachingthe until hexane the exceeding linearity n- dilutingconcentrations range with by extracts were quantified selected ion(Q)for quantitation ea corresponding extracted ion the from usingpeak chromatograms for by areas the ofex means by out carried was Quantitation Kovats. formula by following the given and 10 capillary column Supelcowax on n-alkanes (C7-C30) standardcontaining all index for Theretention respectively. 60°C, and 275°C,190°C at were set temperatures manifold and trap ion interface, ionization ineV) positivemode(70 andex 200 using50 – Da) performedof electronimpact infull scanmodescan range (m/z autosampler with equipped a10- a Varian8400 using 220°C)was performed porttemperature mode (injection min). time39 Injectionof1 analysis chromatographic min °C at30°C 250 to increased finally min °C at 4 °C 160 to increased min,then for 5 40°C program was: temperature of1mLminseparation, helium flow using constant at a mm Supelcowax10(0.25 m×0.25 ofthe inTable 1.A volatilesVarian) wasused4000, included 30 forthe analysis mass coupledtoaspectrometry detector gas chromatograph (Saturn VarianA CP-3800 GC-MS(iontrap). inafreezerat by their analysis -20°Cuntil andstored inserts, sealed µL with 200 aliquotsinvials mL.extractfinal wasdividedintotwo 0.5 The volume of to afinal nitrogen35°C controlled of temperature under agentle streamata evaporated

μ m film thickness) capillary column was used for the column used for was capillary m thickness) film μ L syringe. MS (ion trap) determinations were were (ion trap)determinations MS L syringe. 30 ch compound (Table 1). Compounds with with Compounds 1). (Table compound ch -1

, witha finalisothermal stageminof 1 (total studied compounds wascalculatedstudied compounds using a ternal standard calibrationcurvesobtained ternal ionization configuration. GC-MS GC-MS ionization configuration. ternal μ L of sample in the splitless in thesplitless sample L of -1 as carrier gas. The The gas. ascarrier -1 , and , This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article having values for a and b color parameters that were significantly lower than those of lowerthan that were parameterssignificantly bcolor foraand values having parameter affected by self-g 2).Theonly (Table pH and content solids soluble firmness, such as properties, not processitselfdoes the grafting that of fruits fromandThe comparison non-grafted propertiesmorphology andflesh Effect graftingonfruit of made were calculationsandgraphs biplot may be anotherfound alongdirection in difference a significant there isanoverlap, a butif difference, is significant thatthere is thatifno procedure intheisfounditconservative sense overlap can beconcluded theirThe projections. of overlap the checking by established be variableparticular can of the The significance interval. confidence directiononto therepresentingrepresent variable anapproximate circles agiven the circlesconfidence markersadded are to the group in suchaway thatthe of projections thedifferences of characterization the meanmarker allowingfor ofthegroupon approximatesjth variable variable the kth their of as anapproximation correlation. variables canbeinterpreted between graph.Theangle function oftheirdistanceon the subspace, the similarity tr grafting between multivariate analysis biplot MANOVAbiplot.Inthe MANOVA and MANOVA using jointly evaluated were due to grafting different watermelongenotypes multipleANOVA andLSD rangetests.changes The inthe composition volatile of using evaluated were contents acid sugar and and fruitcharacteristics in Changes rafting was flesh color, with fruits from grafted plants flesh was rafting color, withfruitsfromgrafted plants RESULTS with MultBiplot, free-licensed software. The innermarkerThe product of witha a group alter fruit size and shape or essential flesh flesh essential shape fruit and or size alter the multidimensionalthe All MANOVA space. difference between groups withregardsdifferencea between groups to between groups. groups. Univariate Bonferroni between eatmentsmeasuredcan be asan inverse self-grafted watermel

on plants indicates 31 This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article (Table 3). Citron melon the(Tablecitric did not alter 3).Citron acid malic the increased significantly hybrids melonand Cucurbita citron Both rootstocks. graftedplants onto non-watermelon metabolitesin 3). However, somewere found fruitsfrom in these significantchanges of fruits between contents acid in differences find significant occurredproperties,morphology andwe did not As flesh with fruit graftingonfles Effect of of theHuntercolorparameters. in thea reduction notcausevalues rootstock did fromself-grafted plantsand mostthe similar flesh color tothe non-graf fruits allthe degrees). Of harvested from graf wa NG and toSG compared content solids The citron melon was the only rootstockthat significantly increased thetotal soluble grafted plants. resulted Theserootstocks infruitswi plants). fromin flesh (ranging thickness to 16.0cm in 16.9 17.2 versus grafted innon-grafted anincrease by was alsoaccompanied which andNG, rindsthanSG thicker fruits with alterations.fruit shape bothCucurbita rootstocks citron Inaddition, and melon yielded with theproductionof and was associated towatermelons).to self-graftedand non-grafted Thisincrement 24%onaverage, was both increasedfruit (GMM1andGMM2), (incomparison weighthybrids significantly F1 Cucurbita melon two and the (GC) citron ofrootstocks, In bothtypes 2). fact, Unlike self-grafting, grafting non-wate onto components. flesh color oftheredandyellow meansintensity less which plants, non-grafted h sugar and acid content acid h sugarand from plants grafted onto the Cucurbita hybrids, this this hybrids, theCucurbita fromonto plantsgrafted wider and longer fruits, without significant wider andlonger fruits,without significant rmelon rootstocksaltered fruit rmelon size (Table th firmerself- fleshthanthoseproducedby ted watermelons. In fact, unlike the fruits fruits the In fact,unlike watermelons. ted non-grafted and self-grafted plants (Table content compared with compared content termelons versusBrix (10.2 9.3 and9.6 and glutamic acid contents in comparison andacid glutamiccontents in comparison ted plants, the fruits from GC plants had from the fruits GC plantshad plants, ted

non-grafted non-grafted plants This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article separated from those of theothercombinations.TheseparatedMANOVAconfirmed those from the and inthe biplot clustered highly of each samples combination were individual differences precise the order toelucidate Considering thecomplexity of the analysis butyrate. propyl acetateand butyrate, phenylethyl butyl butyrate,phenol, methyl-2-methyl hexanoate, methyl methyl butyrate, butyrate, linalool, isobutyl butyrate, isoamyl acetate, acetate, hexyl heptyl eugenol,eucalyptol,guaiacol, propanoate, ethyl-3-(methylthio) ethyl-(E)-2-butanoate, ethyl pentanoate, diethyl carbonate, ethyl heptanoate, isobutyrate, butyl acetate, butyl acetate, benzyl acetate, amyl 2-hydroxy-benzaldehyde, acetate, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol the samples: acetate, ethy notdetectedin was presence their but were analyzed, compounds following twenty-nine (Table4).The amounts 32 the were foundinquantifiable 61volatiles analyzed, Of Effect graftingonflesharoma profile of equivalents. sucrose with observed were Similar results contents. sucrose reduced theCucurbita experimentalrootstock. rootstock Only significantly Cucurbita hybrid using and those plants non-grafted between measurementsSucrose morewere variable. thatwasof solidshigh value content totalobserved in fruits soluble GC from plants. the with is consistent plants, which fromNG fruits than higher significantly amounts, glucose fruits thatproduced withthe highest rootstock was the non-watermelon Fructose content was not affected by grafti grafted plants. of had contents lower hybrids onto Cucurbita plants, whereasand fruitsnon-grafted plants to fruitsfromself-grafted grafted from

, a MANOVA biplot (Fig.1) was selected in was , aMANOVAbiplot(Fig.1) ng (Table 2). However, the citron rootstock the citronrootstock (Table 2).However, ng in the profile of aroma volatiles. The ofaroma in theprofile volatiles. l hexanoate, propyl 2-methyl 1-decanol, No significant differences were observed these acids than those of citron melon- citron of those than acids these either citron melon or the commercial commercial melon orthe citron either This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article controls and GMM1 (Fig. 1). The differences between the controls and the CG andThe betweenthetheCG controls GMM1 (Fig.1). differences and controls the with an intermediatebiplot controls, NG theMANOVA between positionin fruitsWatermelon frommore plantsGC showeda similar volatileprofile tothe and SG most from thecontrols. importantdifferences the compound represented stoodhybrids for theiraccumulation out (Z)-6 of (Z)-3-nonen-1-ol. and BothCucurbita 1-hexanol 1-octanol, including 1-nonanol, GMM2whereas the rootstock inhigher resulted ofseveral accumulation alcohols, were nonadienal, observed in fruits from plantsGMM1-grafted (Fig1, Table 4), and(E-Z)-2-6-nonadien-1-ol (E-Z)-2-6- amounts of(Z)-6-nonenal, with high ofvolatilecompounds, accumulation low Ingeneral, theCucurbita hybrids. grafted onto to differencesrootstock. The NG greatest themselves nor aroma withor SG, indicating NG onthe profiles depending different among circlesnot overlap combinations showed thatdo grafting These controls. onto the(GMM1 Cucurbitaand GC(Fig.1)compared hybrids andGMM2) tothe Significant effects on flesh volatile profiles 4). (Table and beta-cyclocitral beta-ionone 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, suchas geranylacetone, pathway, degradation those compounds,accumulation including from carotenoid the ofseveral deriving earlier from 1). a (Fig. Fruits NG described consistent with was which controls, grafted Few differences volatile were in the profile not overlap statistically represent significant do compound differences. certain a theThe Bonferronici and second31%. variance greatest (Roy’s roottest,P<10 watermelon of volatileprofile aroma the had on significance rootstockthat the theeffect of found between the non-grafted andthe self- and SG were found in fruits from fruits plants in werefound and SG were infruits observed were from plants grafted nd SG plants stand out for theirnd SGplantsstandout for elevated -3 ). The first axis explained 43% ofthe 43% axis). The explained first the limitedeffect of self-grafting as rcles whose projections on the vector of projectionsonthe vector whose rcles -nonen-1-ol. In fact, the vector for this this vector for In fact,the -nonen-1-ol. This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article changes that we changes observed in fruit size did grafting commonly found in watermelon reports, is In agreement with what size. infruit increase report an grafted watermelons cultivated in soilsinfestedwith donot nematodes, but they clearly indi rootstocks, citron andhave grafted onto soils. infested non- and Fusarium-infested in both hybrids, Cucurbita graftedonto watermelons for reported been often have plant offruitnumberper theincrease as as well of biggerwatermelonyi fruits.Better production to the related mainly rootstocks are Cucurbita effectsofcitronand The common traits. quality certain on usedrootstocks commonly these than impact less but have hybrids, plants graftedontoCucurbita in are alsoobserved fruits that mecitron that shown we have this paper, In nematodes. to resistance Thepromisingcitron as of watermelon. use rootstock toitshigh levelof is very due these traits each rootstock-scioncomb new grafting, modified by negatively canbe fruit quality related are properties morphology and fruit fles main preferences.quality- the In the consumers’ watermelon, tosatisfy determined that are parameters and internal involves complex external quality traitthat is a Fruit rootstock(Fig1,Table4). melon accumulation ofcarotenoid-derived volatiles in fruits from graftedontothecitron plants as6-nonen-1-ol, as (E-Z)-2-6-nonadienal thewell lower and(E,E)-2-4-heptadienal rootstock were related tothe accu higher 24 Only a few reports have studied these effects in watermelon plants in plants effects watermelon a fewreportshavethese studied Only 9,10 9,10 9,10

DISCUSSION mulation of(Z)-6-nonenal, (E)-2-nonenal,(Z)- not cause important fruit shapealterations,cause not lons causearange ofeffects inwatermelon cated an increase in yield in citron melon- citron in in yield anincrease cated ination, such as that of citron melon- citronas thatof ination, such h texture,color,h flavor aroma. Sinceand elds associated with both larger fruits fruits larger both with associated elds

12 itis important toevaluate for 12,19,32 the the This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article Cucurbita hybrids reduced the content of the two acids. There are limited studies on the studies the on are limited two acids.There ofthe content reduced the hybrids Cucurbita whereas plants, thosefruits fromnon-grafted ofthe to were similar plants melon-grafted acid concentrations, thecitric aci and glutamic in fruitdetermining al flavor. Even though parameter acentral represents and acidity sweetness flesh between The balance hybrids. than Cucurbita negatively less and sweetness acidity affect melonsfruit seemto Citron moresimilarcontrol.a colorthatrootstocks resulted ofthenon-grafted in to profile melon citron the whereas plants, Cucurbita-grafted and the the both self-grafted affected certain in the reduction andresults showedaoffleshcolor,which redness yellowness reported. been colorhave flesh on watermelon of rootstocks effects Variable stage. ripening the with be associated also might color flesh of The development fromof thefruits thedifferent treatments. quality the in and order to compare assess essential is which state, maturity at a similar and thefruits watermelons from non-grafted pl indifferences fruit eithfirmness between of maturity. indicators external showed combinations the all plotsintwodays, when all wereharvested fruitsexperimental of indicator of anis firmness Flesh behavior. ri mightpostharvest alsoinfluence and quality to fruit importanttraitrelated asitis firmness. increase inflesh is the hybrids interspecific Cucurbita common different onto graftingwatermelons a consequenceof often reportedas change Another alteration. minimized ofthis which theimpact negativewider flesh), 1cmcontent (about a flesh higher with wasassociated rind thickness in 2-mm increase the nearly assay, of thewatermelon although they werethethickening rind. associated with 33 l non-watermelon rootstocks malic increased The fact that we did not find significant notfindsignificant did Thefactwe that peness in watermelon. Inthecurrentstudy, er the Cucurbita or the citron-grafted citron-grafted orthe Cucurbita the er d contents oftheind citron fruitsharvested ants mayants suggest that we harvested fruits 1,17 18,19 This is an is an This 22,34,35 In our In Our This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article level of sucrose equivalents, similar to those found in the non-grafted plants. in similarthe ofsucroseequivalents, plants. non-grafted level tothosefound melon citron rootstocksretaintheleve highest harvesting. at of fruit stage development and scion levelofthe ploidy environment, the depending on Cu in ofgrafting a consequence as content studies alsoshow variableresults,report equivalents. sucrose in detected are ifnodifferences consumers by perceived will really be sugars in remains specific it unclear ifreductions combinations, hybrid other watermelon-Cucurbita stated for waspreviously as and Therefore, concentration. crops, been found,inother has variable power.This sweetening its with sugar ofeach concentration the correct Sucr equivalents. sucrose in plants grafted differedfromthis non- sucrose oftheseDespite Cucurbita rootstocks none reduction, Cobalt not commercial did decrease sucros whereasthe rootstock, Cucurbita experimental the with plants from collected the fruits variable effectwas This content. the sucrose all However, we combinations. found a non-de concentrations higher there were as favorable, sucrose, non-grafted plants. Therelative swee grafted and etal. Colla in agreement ourarewith thosefoundby effect sugar content, results the Regarding on plants. grafted infruitsfrom acidity titratable higher indicate modification of watermelons’ ac 27 which makes the fact that grafting had no effect on fructose content quite quite makescontentthe fact whichthat graftinghadnoeffect on fructose 32 and Soteriou et al. andSoteriou 1,12,18 Our study shows that the fruits harvested from plants grafted onto onto grafted from plants fruitsharvested the that shows Ourstudy 27 to be more correlated with sweetness perception than sugar sugar than perception more with tobesweetness correlated 35 idic profile as aconseque as profile idic who found similar sugar compositions in fruits from in similar fruits found compositions who sugar ing both reductions and ing both no effects insugar ose are equivalents calculated in to order in the Cucurbita hybrids, as it only affected affected asitonly hybrids, Cucurbita in the curbita hybrids and Lagenaria rootstocks, and rootstocks, Lagenaria hybrids curbita e levels compared to non-grafted plants. ls of all sugars, in addition to the highest to ls of allhighest the in sugars, addition of fructose than glucose and sucrose in andsucrosein offructosethanglucose sirable effect of grafting, as it reduced itreduced as grafting, of effect sirable tness offructose ofis greaterthanthat 35, 36 nce of grafting, and most nce of grafting, and

36 Previous Previous This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article concentration of (Z)-6-nonen-1-ol increases, increases, (Z)-6-nonen-1-ol of concentration like odors, pumpkin- This of(Z)-6-nonen-1-ol. compound confers show thehighestlevels notably The volatileprofiles offruits fromharvested of self-plants. non-grafted and Cucurbita buthybrid, not which had similar that in therootstock, commercial values to melon-cucumber-likeconfer and experimentalaromas that the two compounds in watermelonsvolatile profileofthe produced important an usedhas the rootstock effect that on Our results clearly suggest also volatile profileofwatermelons. were interpreted by Petropoulos et al. values ofthese compounds found in fruits fromplants grafted ontoCucurbita hybrids respectively. aromas, and cucumber-like melon-like with associated been been to befound most among the vol abundant ((Z)-6- thesecompounds Two of nonadienal). studiedPetropoulos et by al. fourof thoseincluding muchIn our of work, were number volatilesquantified, a higher (E,Z)-2,6-nonadienal, (Z,Z)-3,6-non (Z)-6-nonenal,nonanal, including watermelon, seeded the in quantified they volatiles seven of the levels the increased watermelon).Cucurbitarootstock mini Theuseofthe (OblaF1,seed used asscion watermelon of varieties two profileof onthearoma andDiasF1(Lagenaria hybrid) maxima hybrid) al. et Petropoulos effect of the on available information is almost no practiced since1920,there hasbeen grafting inwatermelon Even though 38 which is detrimental to fruit quality. In fact, in sliced watermelon, the in the fact, sliced In watermelon, to fruitquality. whichis detrimental 24 the reported effect of148(C.moschata TZ C. onto grafting x 24 ((Z)-6-nonenal, (E)-2-nonenal, nonanal, (E,Z)-2,6- ((Z)-6-nonenal, (E)-2-nonenal,nonanal, adien-1-ol and (E)-2-nonenal. 24 as a negative effect of these rootstocks on the the on rootstocks these of effect negative a as rootstock on the aroma profile. Recently, Recently, the aroma profile. rootstock on ed watermelon, and Vanessa F1: unseeded ed watermelon, F1:unseeded andVanessa plants grafted onto Cucurbita hybrids most hybrids graftedonto Cucurbita plants . We also found increased amounts of the the We also amountsof . foundincreased and it has been suggested that it maybe it that suggested been ithas and nonenal and (E,Z)-2,6-nonadienal) have have nonenal and(E,Z)-2,6-nonadienal) atiles in seedless watermelons, and have 37 The higher Thehigher This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article However, this does not explain the differen the explain doesnot this However, (inbparameter) lowerle flesh yellowness had watermelon. in contents lycopene and carotenoid total to been related has volatiles these of thepresence differencesas correlatedcolor,in fruitThis resultwiththe observed derive frombeta-carotene. tetraterpenoid othernoncyclic and lycopene 6-methy-5-heten-2-oneand Specifically, watermelon. inand tomato carotenoids originate fromof the degradation compounds These rootstocks. other the with comparison in and beta-cyclocitral levels high have they isthat watermelons characteristics of themainOne differential of hybrids. fruitsfrom (Z)-6-nonen-1-olCucurbita than compound aroma-associated ha they However, (E,Z)-2,6-nonadienal). and melon-associated with volatile compounds Fruits harvested fromciplants graftedonto sugar and pH signalsfruit of ripening aretoosoon,but when the fruits in our case,occurrence ofexternal harvested etal. as King most Also, the probable. be may andsugars rind andfleshfirmness,content) pH that showedsimilar of these fruits values or possibly torootstocks, afasterripening the Cucurbita whicharespecificto higher accumulation ofcompounds, these watermelon. to overripe whole attributed pumpkin-like to the o related partially 43 In fact, the experimental Cucurbita hybrid with the strongest impact on on impact withthestrongest hybrid Cucurbita experimental Infact, the 42

several ripening-related values do not support this explanation. explanation. notsupportthis values do ff-odors and squash-like off flavors often squash-likeoff flavorsoften ff-odors and 39 of geranyl-acetone, 6-methy-5-hepten-2-one 6-methy-5-hepten-2-one of geranyl-acetone, process in these grafted plants. Considering Considering grafted plants. in process these ces observed in flesh redness ces observed(a infleshredness parameter) effectThis could a abe of consequence tron melons also have amountsthe high of ve muchve loweramounts of thesquash-like the aromasnon-grafted andself-grafted of the and cucumber-like aromas ((Z)-6-nonenal geranylacetone seemingly derive geranylacetone from s while beta-ionone and beta cyclocitral ands whilebeta-iononecyclocitral beta 2 vels of these carotenoid-derived volatiles. ofthesecarotenoid-derivedvels volatiles. suggested, may flavorthe “squash” arise tothecontrol fruits, the firstexplanation parameters (including 40,41

This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article variability detected in the aroma profiles of profiles aroma the in detected variability melon. citronwatermelonflavor, in may be an The effect notobserved detrimental to the increasesAdditionally, use ofCucurbitahybrids hybrids. (Z)-6-nonen-1-ol,which moreis similarrootstock, used to the control the Cucurbita commonly than non-grafted meloncitron theusing aroma profile,when hand, On theother volatile slightly. them may evenimprove or watermelons profiles of acidand sugar limitedthe effecton a watermelonhas Thetonon-grafted Curcurbita hybrids. useofthis compared rootstock The use of citronmelon may represen rootstock hybrids classic Cucurbita the alternative to good bea would melon citron that seemsto indicate the controls to compared as profileproduced volatile similar aroma The sugar and profiles. asacid, properties quality such watermelon to desc first this isthe paper knowledge, our moreCitrullus producesa genus similar volatile melons.use The citron effect of differential of variat existence confirming the thereby including arelevant impact on aroma profile,which isthe dependent on rootstocks, effectsonfruitquality, ofvarious the occurrence results confirm Our combinations. can prev fruit quality negativeimpact on the scions, but ofthe performance field the itenhances as practice recommendable cultivars watermelon grafting Overall, Cucurbita hybrid. commercial the onto grafted plants the of those to similar are and watermelons, slightly loweronly and self-grafted amountsthannon-grafted compounds ofthese between fruits from non-grafted and self-graftedplants.Fr CONCLUSIONS of the citron melon fromof the citron rootstock the same ion within the Cucurbita hybrids and the andthe hybrids Cucurbita the within ion ribe the effect ribe melonof citron on rootstock onto rootstocks onto resistant isa highly different Cucurbita hybrids also suggests also suggests hybrids Cucurbita different ent the use of some rootstock-scion rootstock-scion some use of ent the profile to that of non-grafted plants. To that To ofnon-grafted plants. profileto t an interesting alternative to the classic classic to alternativethe t aninteresting

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53 : 3142-3148 (2005) : 3142-3148 This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article *Different letters in the same row indica citroides) (GC). Cucurbita experimental Cucurbita(C. maxima from non-graftedharvested plants Table 3. *Different letters in the same row indica (GC). citroides) var lanatus (Citrullus melon citron experimental new one and (GMM2) Cobalt Cucurbita grafted plants (NG), self-grafted plants (S Table 2. ***Linearity range corr column. capillary glycol) polyethylene (bonded 10 Supelcowax cartridges, 30 sample. g Reten watermelon of chromatogram GC-MS from obtained (Quan Ion)) time parameters (retention (R **Chromatographic * CAS= Chemical abstract service Table 1. Volatiles analyzed in the samples. watermelon Characteristics of watermelon fruits (Cit fruits watermelon of Characteristics Sugar and acid concentrations of watermelo of concentrations acid and Sugar hybrid Cobalt (GMM2) and one new experimental citron melon (Citrullus lanatus var var lanatus (Citrullus melon citron one newexperimental and (GMM2) Cobalt hybrid (C. maxima x e sponding to the real concentration of standards used for calibration. for used standards of tothereal concentration sponding C. moschata) hybrid F1 (GMM1), the commercial commercial the (GMM1), F1 hybrid C. moschata) (NG), self-grafted plants(SG) and plantsgrafted ontothe x te significant differencessignificant (LSD,P=0.05) te differencessignificant (LSD,P=0.05) te C. moschata) hybrid F1 (GMM1), the commercial the commercial (GMM1), F1 hybrid C. moschata) G) and plants grafted onto the experimental theexperimental onto grafted plants and G) rullus lanatus F1 Oneida) harvested from non- from Oneida) harvested lanatus F1rullus t), retention index (RI) and quantitation ion ion (RI) index and quantitation retention t), tion index calculated with n-alkaneson index with tion calculated s. P&T extraction using EnviCarb 500 mg 500 usingEnviCarb s. P&Textraction n fruits (Citrullus lanatus cv F1Oneida) lanatus cv fruits (Citrullus n Cucurbita hybrid hybrid

This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article 0 uy sbtrt 9-701491 098 2-25 0,999 -2155 22 89 1059 9,13 144 97-87-0 539-90-2 11 Isobutyl butyrate isobutyrate Butyl 10 0 say uyae 0-74181,617 02 60 1,000 -2640 26 128 1,000 1,000 - 70 3195 -2183 87 55 1178 88 1,000 1162 21- 2083 13,46 1147 12,91 93 158 88 12,32 106-27-4 1111 144 71-41-0 10,99 123-66-0 154 109-21-7 butyrate Isoamyl 470-82-6 20 1-pentanol 19 111-71-7 hexanoate Ethyl 18 106-70-7 17 Butyl butyrate 16 Eucalyptol Methyl 15 623-70-1 hexanoate Heptanal 14 12 Ethyl-(E)-2-butanoate 13 Mty uyae 2-271240 0 344-26 0,988 - 2268 454 43 900 4,04 102 623-42-7 Methyl butyrate 1 # Compound name Ehlpnaot 598- 3 ,014 82 58 0,999 1,000 -2508 25 55 - 2745 88 43 1047 1034 8,70 8,24 130 44 130 539-82-2 57 105-66-8 963 pentanoate Ethyl 5,80 9 Propylbutyrate 130 8 7452-79-1 5 Ethyl-2-methyl butyrate ehl2mtybtrt 885- 1 ,5918 23 88 921 4,55 116 868-57-5 2 Methyl-2-methylbutyrate eaa 66-25-1 7 Hexanal 2mty rplaeae 1-901646 2 311-26 1,000 265 - 2765 111 71 43 947 926 5,34 123-86-4 4,67 116 116 105-54-4 110-19-0 6 Butyl acetate 4 Ethyl acetate 2-methyl propyl butyrate 3 Volatiles analysed inanalysed samples. Volatiles thewatermelon Table 1 *Values expressed in ng g inng expressed *Values (Citrullus lanatus var citroides) (GC). commercial onto the experimental Oneida) harvestedfrom non-grafted plants(NG), Table 4. A y ctt 123-86-4 myl acetate Mean contents of the volatiles quantified inofquantified thevolatiles contents Mean Cucurbita hybrid Cobalt (GMM2) and one new experimental citron melon melon citron experimental one new and (GMM2) Cobalt hybrid -1 Cucurbita fresh fresh weight. CAS * (C. maxima n o . MW . MW

4 17 117 0-26 0,988 -2965 60 1,000 71 1,000 -2643 26 -2720 55 1,000 1131 74 - 116 2900 70 1,000 11,74 26 1099 43 144 -2950 30 69 1096 10,58 71 1086 130 10,49 1074 114 10,11 1071 116 9,69 0,999 743 114 9,58 - 105 2616 56 144 43 993 985 7,20 100 6,51 116 (min)** (min)** x self-grafted plants (S Rt watermelon fruits (Citrullus lanatus cv fruits(Citrullus F1 watermelon C. moschata) hybrid F1 (GMM1), the (SupelcoWax 10) (SupelcoWax RI


Quan Ion Quan (m/z)** (m/z)** G) andG) plants grafted Linearity range (ng mL (ng – – – – – 29 0,999 2596 0,995 2173 1,000 2270 72 0,995 7425 0,997 2648 -1 ) ***

r 2

This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article 31 (E)-2-octenal 2548-87-0 126 19,05 1343 55 33 33 55 1343 19,05 126 2277-19-2 2548-87-0 (Z)-6-nonenal 32 112-06-1 (E)-2-octenal 31 28 Heptyl acetate 4 EE-,-etdea 819 1 11 488 2-20 1,000 -2203 22 81 1408 21,17 112-31-2 110 881395 112-14-1 21 35 Decanal (E,E)-2,4-heptadienal 34 109 33 Octyl acetate 1251 15,99 126 110-93-0 6-methyl-5-Hepten-2-one 26 6 -yrxbnadhd 9-28122,619 2 9-21 0,997 24 0,999 41- -2915 29 4140 0,941 67 55 122 -2260 23 1600 0,996 91 1594 1585 -9460 95 26,80 26,66 26,15 1559 142 70 122 144 10340-23-5 25,59 1501 143-08-8 90-02-8 120 23,95 122-78-1 138 (Z)-3-nonen-1-ol 47 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde 46 557-48-2 1-nonanol 45 Phenylacetaldehyde 44 43 (E,Z)-2,6-nonadienal 42 9()3hxn1o 989- 0 75 276 51 205 67 56 1,000 1297 -2118 85 1267 17,57 124-19-6 83 100 16,54 102 928-96-1 1235 111-27-3 15,48 30 Nonanal 112 29 (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol 18829-55-5 106-30-9 1-hexanol 27 3681-71-8 25 Ethyl heptanoate (E)-2-heptenal 24 (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, 23 acetate 1 -eao 123- 5 90 605 3-27 0,996 25 -2075 83 0,999 22 1,000 104 -2183 22 55 -1250 13 81 67 1734 108 1680 0,997 1727 37 30,38 1685 -2155 22 29,01 1646 164 30,30 67 158 29,15 81 152 28,04 103-45-7 140 112-30-1 150 1634 25152-84-5 1618 28069-72-9 140-11-4 27,75 54 Phenethyl 27,32 142 acetate 0,999 (E,E)-2,4-decadienal 138 53 0,998 -2063 41 35854-86-5 (E,Z)-2,6-nonadien-1-ol 52 -2345 23 5910-87-2 1-decanol 55 51 93 acetate Benzyl 50 1474 (Z)-6-nonen-1-ol 49 1465 (E,E)-2,4-nonadienal 48 26 23,14 22,89 130 105 154 111-87-5 78-40-6 1436 24 21,97 67 13327-56-5 106 18829-56-6 Ethyl-3-(methylthio)propanoate 41 1423 100-52-7 1-octanol 40 Linalool 21,58 39 140 (E)-2-nonenal 38 2396-84-1 Benzaldehyde 37 ethyl ester acid, (E,E)-2,4-hexadienoic 36 1 ey ctt 129- 4 37 184 0-33 1,000 -3038 30 43 1188 13,73 144 124-13-0 142-92-7 22 Octanal Hexylacetate 21 β ccoyrl 324- 5 48 53102 38 0,996 -2358 24 110 1533 24,82 152 5392-40-5 -ciclocytral

7 06 314 8-21 1,000 -2913 58 0,988 -12260 61 43 81 108 1391 1366 57 20,60 30 172 19,75 1307 43 140 1,000 17,90 -2980 30 1288 142 88 17,27 27 158 50 1247 67 69 15,88 1231 158 1200 15,30 142 14,27 128 4 33 437 2-38 1,000 -3185 32 74 49 1483 81 23,37 148 25 1450 67 22,43 140 1413 21,31 156 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 55 0,992 1,000 5050 2975 0,999 4260 1,000 0,998 2660 2479 25 1,000 0,996 2452 2180 0,999 7455 1,000 4750 0,982 1,000 9780 0,999 2613 0,999 2370 2469 83 0,999 833 0,999 5420 1,000 4100 This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article Flesh Firmness (kg cm (kg Firmness Flesh idTikes(m 78 79 98 1.b 9.3b 17.0bc 1.19b 18.8b 10.1b 22.4b 17.2c 1.17b 19.2b 22.5b 9.8b 16.9bc 1.12a 18.8b 21.2ab 16.3ab 7.9a 1.17b 17.9a 16.0a 21.1a 7.8a 1.16ab 17.6a 20.5a Rind Firmness (kgcm (cm) Thickness Flesh Rind Thickness (mm) Fruit shape (FL/FW) Fruit width FW (cm) Fruitlength FL(cm) utrb 05 95b .a .a 10.1bc 22.4 b 30.1bc 9.5ab 20.9ab 27.8a 9.1a 20.8ab 28.1ab 10.2c 9.5ab 19.6a 29.1abc 10.1bc 10.5c 21.7b 30.6c 9.6ab 9.3a Hunter b Hunter a L Hunter 9.6ab pH 5.2ab TSS (ºBrix) Solids Soluble Total 5.3b 5.1ab 5.2ab 5.1a ri egt() 35.a 32.a 987 46.b 3970.9b 4160.2b 3958.7b 3321.7a 3157.8a* Fruitweight (g) corr range ***Linearity on alkanes Supelcowax 10 po (bonded n- with calculated index Retention sample. ofwatermelon g 30 cartridges, mg 500 EnviCarb using extraction P&T chromatograms. inde (Rt),retention time (retention parameters **Chromatographic service abstract Chemical = * CAS 1 ueo 9-30143,929 6 7-25 0,997 -2650 27 164 0,999 2098 -1250 13 36,99 91 164 13 97-53-0 1830 79 32,85 1795 122 31,99 60-12-8 108 Eugenol 61 100-51-6 59 2-phenylethanol 58 Benzyl 57 Alcohol 6Gaao 9-51143,917 0 26 0,997 44 - 4345 109 43 1779 1773 31,59 124 31,44 194 90-05-1 689-67-8 56 Guaiacol Geranylacetone 55 60 Phenol 108-95-2 94 35,24 1937 94 54 54 94 1937 35,24 94 108-95-2 Phenol 60

*Different letters inthesame rowindi citroides) (GC). experime new and one Cobalt (GMM2) hybrid maxima (C. Cucurbita experimental the grafted plants and (SG) plants self-grafted (NG), grafted plants Characteristics ofwatermelonfruits (Citrullu 2 Table β inn 1910- 9 34 86172 33 0,999 -2363 24 177 1856 33,49 192 14901-07-6 -ionone − e 2 − sponding to the real concentration of usedforcalibration. real standards spondingto the 23a 28a 29a 26a 12.92a 12.65a 12.98a 12.89a 12.37a ) 2 .1b .4 13b .7 1.38b 1.27b 1.38b 1.04a 1.21ab ) lyethylene glycol) capillary column.capillary lyethylene glycol) x Non-grafted C. moschata) hybrid F1 (GMM1), the commercial Cucurbita Cucurbita thecommercial F1 (GMM1), moschata) hybrid C. NG Self-grafted cate significant differences (LSD, P=0.05) cate (LSD, differences significant SG x (RI)and quantitation ion (QuanIon)) obtained from GC-MS s lanatus F1Oneida) harvested from non- ntal var citron melon lanatus (Citrullus F1 experimental experimental F1 Cucurbita GMM1

F1 Cobalt Cucurbita Cucurbita GMM2 – – – 27 0,988 2173 0,999 1,000 2500 2638

melon Citron GC This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article ai cd(gk-) 6.a 151b 1.b 2.b 230.5b 220.1b 219.9b 195.1ab 163.0a* kg-1)Malic acid(mg

urs m g1 18.b 613 683 11.a 1155.5b 1118.1ab 4.1c 2083.4b 2814.8a 7566.8b 1894.6ab 53.3c 2558.0a 6945.4ab 688.3a 0.9ab 37.1ab 1773.8ab 5989.7a 2305.6a 1651.3c 0.5a 22.6a 1919.9ab 1185.4b 7737.2b 2696.6a 1630.9a *Different letters inthesame rowindi 6564.3ab 2411.6a 3.6bc Sucrose equivalents (mgkg-1) 52.7bc Sucrose (mgkg-1) 2.2abc 41.9bc kg-1) (mg Glucose kg-1) (mg Fructose Glutamic acid (mg kg-1) Citric acid (mgkg-1) (Citrullus melon citron experimental and onenew Cobalt (GMM2) commercialCucurbita hybrid experimental Cucurbita (C.maxima x C.moschata) hybrid F1 (GMM1), the self-g (NG), non-graftedplants harvested from cv F1Oneida) andfruits(Citrullus lanatus ofwatermelonacids concentrations Sugars 3 Table

lanatus var citroides) (GC). citroides) var lanatus Non-grafted (NG) cate significant differences (LSD, P=0.05) (LSD, catedifferences significant Self-grafted Self-grafted (SG) rafted plantsand (SG) the plants grafted F1 experimental Cucurbita (GMM1) F1 Cobalt Cobalt F1 Cucurbita (GMM2)

melon Citron (GC) This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article 22peyehnl . 14 . 09 1.0 25.8 0.9 42.6 14.1 31.6 45.3 19.4 0.4 48.9 154.0 27.8 29.8 291.7 16.0 88.7 1.4 24.1 212.0 50.8 74.3 15.9 1.1 25.0 53.1 175.2 1122.7 2.8 14.3 18.4 76.7 1928.0 6-methyl-5-Hepten-2-one 23 3.6 3.0 170.3 14.9 22 2-phenylethanol 60.0 1096.4 3.7 1-Pentanol 19 37.0 1.3 1-Octanol 18 1366.7 3.2 17 1-Nonanol 1251.9 16.2 2.6 1-Hexanol 16 2.3 14 131.9 130.9 24.4 49.5 53.1 2.6 (Z)-3-Nonen-1-ol 13 70.4 (Z)-6-Nonen-1-ol 2.5 (E.Z)-2.6-Nonadien-1-ol 12 11 (E.E)-2.4-Nonadienal (E.E)-2.4-Heptadienal 10 8 (E)-2-Octenal 7.2 5.8 3.5 6.1 6.4 6.4 3.6 6.1 4.3 559.1 3.5 173.2 1.4 504.2 97.0 22.8 32.9 347.0 5.8 3.1 160.1 367.2 46.6 413.4 7.2 4.1 243.2 89.1 501.6 29.2 382.6 94.6 (E.E)-2.4-Decadienal 9 (E)-2-Octenal 8 23.5 226.5 7 (E)-2-Nonenal 5 (Z)-6-Nonenal 284.2 (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol 3 2 (E.Z)-2.6-Nonadienal Compound # name E--etnl .* . 37 . 5.8 6.0 3.7 4.4 4.7* 1 (E)-2-Heptenal citroides) (GC). Cucurbita hybrid Cobalt(GMM2) and one new experimental citron melon (Citrulluslanatus var experimental Cucurbita C.moschata)(C. maximax hybridF1(GMM1), the commercial the grafted plants and (SG) plants self-grafted (NG). plants non-grafted from harvested in water quantified Mean contentsofvolatiles the Table 4

Non-grafted (NG)

Self-grafted (SG) melon fruits (Citrullus lanatus cv F1 Oneida)

F1 experimental experimental F1 Cucurbita Cucurbita (GMM1)

F1 Cobalt F1 Cobalt Cucurbita Cucurbita (GMM2)

melon Citron (GC)

This article isprotected bycopyright. Allrights reserved. Accepted Article 5Otnl . 91 . 63 9.3 0.6 0.2 6.3 0.1 0.8 284.0 3.5 6.2 0.5 0.2 120.5 189.6 3.5 90.4 194.1 9.1 0.6 0.5 82.4 2.6 125.7 4.3 268.0 5.8 120.4 7.2 0.7 0.9 4.3 34.3 109.8 6.8 3.3 207.8 54.3 85.0 104.158 Phenylacetaldehyde 4.1 6.8 3.4 56 Octyl acetate 36.1 143.2 12.1 2.7 55 Octanal 4.5 11.3 54 Nonanal 2.1 134.9 7.6 42.3 46 Hexanal 5.2 8.8 44 Heptanal 50.3 1.0 7.1 42 Geranylacetone Ethyl-2-methyl 38 butyrate 15.8 3.3 Ethyl 34 butanoate 32 Decanal 16.6 3.4 29 28 Benzyl 26 Alcohol 25 Benzaldehyde *Values expressed in ng g inng expressed *Values

β β -cyclocitral 1.2 -Ionone 4.0 1.1 0.5 3.6 0.9 1.8 0.8 2.8 2.8 -1 fresh fresh weight.