The Quantum World

Tania Martin Smals Research June 2017 Hypothetical scenario

How is your company responding to the announcement of the new commercially available quantum computer that can “break” RSA and ECC?

What the hell??? I don’t have any plan for that !!!

I have no comment on that…

2 Hypothetical scenario

What the hell!!! I hope for you (my dear Research team) that you have anticipated this HUGE problem that can threaten much of our business (eID, communication protocols, etc.)!!!

Euh, sorry but no, we decided that it was not urgent…

3 Hypothetical scenario

What the hell!!! I hope for you (my dear Research team) that you have anticipated this HUGE problem that can threatens many of our business (eID, communication protocols, etc.)!!!

Euh, sorry but no, we decided that it was not urgent…

4 It’s too important to be set aside!!!

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCall is calling on Congress to increase spending on research to ensure that the U.S. is the first nation to employ quantum computing as a tool to decrypt data.

— September 2016 5 It’s too important to be set aside!!!

6 A certain future

1994 2018 2030 2050

QC = Quantum Computer 7 A certain future

1994 2018 2030 2050

QC = Quantum Computer 8 Quantum computer technology [Know the enemy]

Quantum [Enhance cryptography]

Quantum attacks [Break actual cryptography]


AGENDA [Counter quantum attacks] Quantum computer technology I can safely say that no one understands quantum mechanics

Richard Feynman (1918-1988)

Father of the new way to conceive quantum mechanics

11 What is a quantum computer?

A digital computer uses transistors to perform computation of data

A quantum computer uses quantum properties of the matter to perform computation of data

12 Examples of used *matter*

• not excited An atom can be • excited • both

• horizontal The polarization of • vertical a photon can be • both

Formally, any matter used in quantum mechanics can be in a superposition of 2 states

13 Understand the superposition 14 Recap

1 bit 0 1 or

1 qubit 훼|0 + 훽|1

|0 and |1 are pronunced "ket 0" and "ket 1" 15 What does mean?

1 Reference to Schrödinger’s cat

16 What does mean?

1 Reference to Schrödinger’s cat

2 3 2 states: Equal probability • Cat alive that cat is alive or • Cat dead dead: 훼 = 훽 = 1 2

17 Quantum theory

Not supposed Not fully Fully to represent represent represent reality reality reality

Position Modified Influence of Quantum Multiple Positivism as added quantum laws consciousness decoherence universes variable

R. Omnès S. Hawking L. de Broglie R. Penrose E. Wigner M. Gell-Mann H. Everett N. Bohr D. Bohm J. Hartle

J. Von G. Ghirardi Neumann H.-D. Zeh A. Rimini J. Bell F. London W. Zurek W. E. Weber E. Bauer

18 vs.

1 bit 1 qubit 0 1 훼|0 + 훽|1 or

Either 0 or 1 Both 0 and 1

푁 bits 푁 qubits

훼 |00 … 0 + 훼 |00 … 1 + … + 훼 푁 |11 … 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 2 2 ……… ……………

1 out of 2푁 possible states All out of 2푁 possible states -

19 Consequences of -

Mathematical operation on 푁 -

Parallel computation on ퟐ푵 data

Computation power of a

x2 each time a - is added

20 -- in real life

1994 2007 2017 2023 2030 2050

QC = Quantum Computer 21 Quantum cryptography Goal

Exploit the mechanical properties to perform crypto tasks

Quantum Random Quantum Number Generator Distribution

Quantum Commitment

Secure Multi-Party Oblivious Transfer Computation

23 Quantum Random Number Generator

Generate better high-quality random numbers

Based on: • Radioactive decay • Noise • Quantum optics 24 Quantum Random Number Generator Single-photon splitting

0 1 1 0 1 … "1"

Detector 1 Detector




Semi-transparent mirror "0" The beam splitter The photon’s choice Example based on deviates the photon at beam splitting is quantum optics to a 0/1 detector totally random


Transfer securely From , produce a from Alice to Bob random key -

throught the channel

throught the classical channel

26 Quantum Key Distribution Polarization of a photon





27 Quantum Key Distribution Polarization of a photon

Unpolarized photon Polarization filter Beam splitter 0 1

0 1

4 polarized photons

100% 50%

0% 50%

Not readable during transfer otherwise qubits are disturb

28 Quantum Key Distribution The BB84 protocol

29 Quantum Key Distribution The BB84 protocol

1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0

30 Quantum Key Distribution The BB84 protocol

1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0

1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%

31 Quantum Key Distribution The BB84 protocol

1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0

1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

1 - - 1 0 0 - 1 0 0 - 1 - 0 Shared key 32 Quantum Key Distribution Eavesdropping the BB84 protocol





1 3 Lecture of the qubit state Qubit modification in the channel

2 4 splitter disturbance Detection (error rate) & abortion 33 Quantum Key Distribution In practice

Currently The highest bit rate for QKD with optical fiber is held by Toshiba with 1 Mbit/s over 50 km [up to our knowledge]

Limitation on the distance of

34 Quantum attacks Goal

Exploit the mechanical properties to crack/solve hard problems

Shor’s algorithm Grover’s algorithm

HHL’s algorithm

Quantum simulator Etc…

36 Shor’s algorithm

Created by Solve Peter Shor (1994) prime factorization in polynomial time


2 546 Prime factors: 2, 2, 3, 7, 13 2 273 1092 = 22 ∗ 3 ∗ 7 ∗ 13 3 91

7 13

This is a very simple example 37 Shor’s algorithm Breaking public-key cryptography

E.g. an RSA number: 푁 = 푝 ∗ 푞 , where 푝, 푞 are prime numbers

Easy to compute 푁 from (푝, 푞) RSA-1024 = 135066410865995223349603216278805969 938881475605667027524485143851526510 604859533833940287150571909441798207 282164471551373680419703964191743046 496589274256239341020864383202110372 Hard to recover (푝, 푞) from 푁 958725762358509643110564073501508187 510676594629205563685529475213500852 879416377328533906109750544334999811 with standard methods 150056977236890927563

38 Shor’s algorithm Breaking public-key cryptography

E.g. an RSA number: 푁 = 푝 ∗ 푞 , where 푝, 푞 are prime numbers

Easy to compute 푁 from (푝, 푞) RSA-1024 = 135066410865995223349603216278805969 938881475605667027524485143851526510 604859533833940287150571909441798207 282164471551373680419703964191743046 496589274256239341020864383202110372 Easy to recover (푝, 푞) from 푁 958725762358509643110564073501508187 510676594629205563685529475213500852 879416377328533906109750544334999811 with Shor’s algorithm 150056977236890927563

39 Grover’s algorithm

Created by Solve Lov Grover (1996) invertion of function in sub-linear time

Function 푓 Input 푥 Output 푦 = 푓(푥)

40 Grover’s algorithm Searching an unstructured DB / an unsorted list

E.g. searching a phonebook where: • 푥 is a name • 푦 = 푓(푥) is a phone number

푦 (푓, 푥) Easy to find from Phonebook of 10,000 entries

Hard to find 푥 from (푓, 푦) with standard methods Need 5,000 guesses

41 Grover’s algorithm Searching an unstructured DB / an unsorted list

E.g. searching a phonebook where: • 푥 is a name • 푦 = 푓(푥) is a phone number

푦 (푓, 푥) Easy to find from Phonebook of 10,000 entries

Easy to find 푥 from (푓, 푦) with Grover’s algorithm Need 100 guesses

42 Grover’s algorithm Searching an unstructured DB / an unsorted list

E.g. searching a phonebook where: • 푥 is a name • 푦 = 푓(푥) is a phone number

푦 (푓, 푥) Easy to find from Phonebook of 25 million entries

Easy to find 푥 from (푓, 푦) with Grover’s algorithm Need 5,000 guesses

43 Grover’s algorithm Breaking symmetric-key cryptography

Brute-forcing a 128-bit key Brute-forcing ퟔퟒ in ≈ ퟐ iterations a 256-bit key in ≈ ퟐퟏퟐퟖ iterations

Simple solution Use loooooooooooonger keys!

44 Post-quantum cryptography Goal

Cryptographic schemes/algorithms resistant to attacks

Hash-based crypto Code-based crypto

Lattice-based crypto

Multivariate crypto Etc…

46 Hash-based crypto

Created by Alternative to (1970) signature schemes like RSA/DSA/ECDSA 1

Hash 2 function ℎ

3 4

1 2 3 4 Create private key - Distribute Sign data with Verify signature with and public key - 47 Hash-based crypto The scheme

and must be used only once

0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

random random random random random random random random

ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ

hash hash hash hash hash hash hash hash

1 Create private key - and public key - 48 Hash-based crypto The Lamport signature scheme

0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

random random random random random random random random

ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ

hash hash hash hash hash hash hash hash

1 2 Create private key - Distribute and public key - 49 Hash-based crypto The Lamport signature scheme

= 1 1 0 1 = random random random random

0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

random random random random random random random random

ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ

hash hash hash hash hash hash hash hash

1 2 3 Create private key - Distribute Sign data with and public key - 50 Hash-based crypto The Lamport signature scheme

= 1 1 0 1 = random random random random

0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

random random random random

ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ =? =? =? =? hash hash hash hash hash hash hash hash

1 2 3 4 Create private key - Distribute Sign data with Verify signature with and public key - 51 Hash-based crypto The Lamport signature scheme

To be quantum-resistant

The lengths of random , hash and random - must be > x2 larger than the security parameter

EX A 128-bit security requires lengths > 256 bits

52 Hash-based crypto The

h[3,0] A B : B = ℎ(A)

h[2,0] h[2,1]

h[1,0] h[1,1] h[1,2] h[1,3]

h[0,0] h[0,1] h[0,2] h[0,3] h[0,4] h[0,5] h[0,6] h[0,7]

Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7

X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7

( Xi , Yi ) must be used only once

1 Create private key - and public key - 53 Hash-based crypto The Merkle signature scheme

h[3,0] A B : B = ℎ(A)

h[2,0] h[2,1]

h[1,0] h[1,1] h[1,2] h[1,3]

h[0,0] h[0,1] h[0,2] h[0,3] h[0,4] h[0,5] h[0,6] h[0,7]

Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7

X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7

1 2 Create private key - Distribute and public key - 54 Hash-based crypto The Merkle signature scheme

h[3,0] A B : B = ℎ(A)

h[2,0] h[2,1]

h[1,0] h[1,1] h[1,2] h[1,3]

h[0,0] h[0,1] h[0,2] h[0,3] h[0,4] h[0,5] h[0,6] h[0,7]

Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7

X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7

Sign Sig = Y2 h[0,3] h[1,0] h[2,1] X2 1 2 3 Create private key - Distribute Sign data with and public key - 55 Hash-based crypto The Merkle signature scheme

h[3,0] A B : B = ℎ(A) =? h[2,0] h[2,1] =? h[1,0] h[1,1] h[1,2] h[1,3] =? h[0,0] h[0,1] h[0,2] h[0,3] h[0,4] h[0,5] h[0,6] h[0,7] =? Y2

Verif Sig = Y2 h[0,3] h[1,0] h[2,1] Y2 1 2 3 4 Create private key - Distribute Sign data with Verify signature with and public key - 56 Code-based crypto

Created by Alternative to Robert McEliece(1978) PK like RSA/ECC

Based on error-correcting code

Most well-known • the McEliece • the Niederreiter cryptosystem • the Courtois-Finiasz-Sendrier signature scheme

57 Code-based crypto The principles

The size of is extremely large: > 8,3 Mbits to be quantum-resistant 1

2 KDF ℎ

3 4

1 2 3 4 Create private key - Distribute Encrypt data with - Decrypt with and public key - and add - 58 Lattice-based crypto

Lattices first studied by Alternative to Lagrange & Gauss PK encryption (18th century) like RSA/ECC

59 Lattice-based crypto The most well-known schemes Encryption • the Peikert ring-LWE key exchange • the Goldreich-Goldwasser-Halevi encryption scheme • NTRUEncrypt

Signature • the Gunesyu-Lyubashevsky-Poppleman ring-LWE scheme • the Goldreich-Goldwasser-Halevi signature scheme • NTRUSign

Hash • SWIFFT (based on Fast Fourier Transform) • LASH (LAttice based haSH function) LWE = 60 Lattice-based crypto Security assumptions

Learning With Errors (LWE) Find 푥 from 푓, 푦 when 푦 contains errors

Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) Find the shortest vector in a lattice

[and its sub-problem] Short Integer Solution (SIS) Find the shortest vector in specific lattices

61 Post-quantum actors

62 The helper: -

Michele Mosca

Co-Founder, President and CEO of Co-founder of at Project leader of

Quantum risk assessment Quantum safe hardware & software

Roadmap design & implementation Education service

63 The integrator: -

1 Open source C library liboqs for quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms

2 Prototype integrations into protocols/applications such as OpenSSL

Some performance results can be found at 64 Recommandations Quantum tech is not a dream

No certification yet for quantum products

1994 2007 2017 2023 2030 2050

QC = Quantum Computer 66 How to be quantum-resistant

Which crypto? PK crypto

New app to dev?

no SK crypto

yes App well structured?

yes no

Use/change to Use longer keys PQC libs

PK = Public Key | SK= Symmetric Key | PQC = Post Quantum Cryptography 67 Be careful with PQC

Hash-based crypto • Keys must be used once • Lengths of variables and keys must be long enough (> x2) to be quantum-resistant

Code-based crypto • Size of public key is extremely large (> 8,3 Mbits) to be quantum-resistant

Lattice-based crypto • Not mature yet

PQC = Post Quantum Cryptography 68 Tania Martin

02 787 56 05 [email protected]

Smals @Smals_ICT @SmalsResearch