Crystallography News British Crystallographic Association Issue No. 96 March 2006 ISSN 1467-2790 BCA Spring Meeting 2006 - Lancaster p9-16 IUCr School - Siena 2006 p8 Books p18 BCA Groups p20 Meetings of Interest p31 Crystallography News March 2006 Contents From the President . 2 Council Members . 3 BCA Administrative From the Editor . 4 Office, Elaine Fulton, Northern Networking Puzzle Corner . 5 Events Ltd. 1 Tennant Avenue, College Milton South, Letters to Ed. 6-7 East Kilbride, Glasgow G74 5NA Scotland, UK Tel: + 44 1355 244966 IUCr School - Siena 2006 . 8 Fax: + 44 1355 249959 e-mail:
[email protected] BCA Spring Meeting 2006 - Lancaster . .9-16 CRYSTALLOGRAPHY NEWS is published quarterly (March, June, September and December) by the British Crystallographic Association. Books . 18-19 Text should preferably be sent electronically as MSword documents (any version - .doc, . .rtf or .txt files) or else on a PC disk. Groups 20-30 Diagrams and figures are most welcome, but please send them separately from text as .jpg, .gif, .tif, or .bmp files. BSG . 20-25 Items may include technical articles, news about people (e.g. awards, honours, retirements etc.), reports on past meetings CCG . 25 of interest to crystallographers, notices of future meetings, historical reminiscences, letters to the editor, book, hardware or software reviews. IG . 26-27 Please ensure that items for inclusion in the June 2006 issue are sent to the Editor to arrive before 25th April 2006. PCG . 27-30 Bob Gould 33 Charterhall Road EDINBURGH EH9 3HS Meetings of Interest . 31-32 Tel: 0131 667 7230 e-mail:
[email protected] The British Crystallographic Association is a Registered Charity (#284718) As required by the DATA PROTECTION ACT, the BCA is notifying members that we store your contact information on a computer database to simplify our administration.