St Michael the Archangel Dundry Parish Magazine September 2015

50p CONTACT INFORMATION Rector Revd. Charles Roberts The Rectory, Tunbridge Close, Chew Magna, BS40 8SU 01275 332199 [email protected] the rector’s day off is normally wednesday Associate Revd. Sandra Lovern (Thursday-Sunday) - 01275 332657 revd. lovern is the first point of contact for matters relating to dundry Revd. Victor Barley - 01275 331086 Readers Dr Pamela Harman - 01275 332893 Mrs Margaret Masding - 01275 835342 Parish Administrator Pam Foley (Thursday and Friday) - 01275 331061 Churchwardens Jane Lyons - 0117 964 1338 James Le Grys - 0117 964 5730 Magazine Submissions and Advertising [email protected]


Lakeside Group - Village -


Priest: Father Michael Healy - 0117 923 9706 [email protected] : Rev. Mark Forge - 01275 472 391 [email protected] SUNDAY MASS 9.00 AM Please look on notice board outside church for other times or any alterations Rector’s Letter My dear friends,

Coming down to earth!

September is one of those months when we all tend to come down to earth with a bit of a bump! The summer season is rapidly coming to an end, holidays have generally been taken and are already a memory(!), and it’s a case of getting back to our routines be it at work, school, college or university, or just at home. But don’t despair, there is much going on!

We start the month with a new service at Chew Magna (1st Sunday Special), and as we get towards the end of the month we begin our Harvest celebrations in the churches. Make a special note of the one at Dundry (in the British Legion Club) on the 4th October which will combine with their Patronal Festival. There are fund raisers during the month, not least the Somerset Churches and Chapels Bike Ride and Stride on the 12th, so look out for sponsorship forms in the churches or join in yourself and Ride, or Stride, for this worthy local charity. And talking of coming down to earth with a bump, there will be an organised Abseil down Dundry Tower on the 27th September in aid of their Roof Appeal, so please again sponsor those taking part (including myself!). The appeal is doing well, and many in the local community are taking on various challenges to help with the fund raising. Two are running the Bath Half marathon, and one is tackling the Three Peaks Challenge. We wish them all the best of luck with these challenges.

Why are we doing all this? It’s very simple. At the heart of the Christian message is the notion of a God who literally “comes down to earth”. He comes down to our level so that we can see him, speak to him, learn from him, and be “in communion” with him in every aspect of our lives. The story of Jesus is an ‘earthy’ story. Jesus doesn’t come to be a King who lords it over people, he comes as the servant, as the one who is prepared to get his hands dirty and meet us at our level, exactly where we are. Sometimes we feel God is remote, ‘out there somewhere’ untouched and untouchable. Yet the story of Jesus reminds us that he is very much more ‘present’, sticking with us through good times and bad at ground level. That’s what makes us different, that’s what challenges and inspires us on our way, and that’s why we do what we do.

Yours in Christ, Charles Roberts Tower Open Days

The tower will be open on the following Sundays from 2-4pm:

13 September; 4 October

Children must be at least 8 years old to be able to climb the tower.

£2 for adults; £1 for children aged 8-16


DADS presents a one night show on Saturday 5th September 7.30, Dundry Village Hall.

The fabulous ‘Allo, Allo’ by Jeremy Lloyd & David Croft, followed by songs and fun on a French theme.

Tickets are £10, to include a light supper, with all proceeds going to Dundry Church Roof Appeal.

BYO and fancy dress encouraged!

Contact Sandra on 0117 946 5552 for tickets or any DADS member.

The Filling Station

An exciting new way to worship

Thursday 24 Sept. 2015 at 7.30pm

Speaker: Patrick Whitworth

The Old School Room, Chew Magna

The Lakeside Group of Churches Devoted Followers

A devoted follower of a not very successful football team once observed that “No matter how many losing seasons you might have had in the past…the good thing is that all teams get a fresh start once September begins.”

Of course, the football season now seems to begin in the middle of summer, hardly a whistle or a cheer away from the climax and hype of the previous one, but I confess that I’ve always found there to be something of ‘a new start’ once September comes. Yes, we have a new football or rugby season, and this year there’s the World Cup just around the corner too, but there’s also a return to school or university and in many churches a new autumn sermon series, home group study or initiative in the community on which to embark.

For all of us here in the diocese, there will soon be a new ‘episcopal season’ as we welcome Archdeacon Ruth Worsley to be our new . She is sure to bring us new gifts, insights, experiences and encouragement borne of her rich ministry in various places. She will challenge us too and help us to see and experience the things of God in new, fresh ways.

May I suggest we begin this month remembering her and her family in our prayers as they settle in and she begins her new ministry here? Pray too that as we travel together, all our lives, not least hers will be blessed and become a blessing to those we serve in the name of Christ.

I know that the devoted football supporter to whom I referred earlier would begin each season full of optimism for the season that lay ahead … but hope would soon disappear.

By contrast, devoted followers of Jesus are people whose hope is placed in the one whose love, grace and mercy never fail; they come as gifts for each new day. Jesus will not ultimately disappoint his people.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope (Romans 15:13)

Archdeacon Andy

The service of welcome to the diocese will take place on Saturday 3rd October at 2.00pm in , and will be combined with the Reader Licensing service. Everybody is most welcome!

Dundry WI

Congratulations and a big thank you to all who organised, supported, entered and won prizes at The Produce Show. I believe a good, if busy day was had by all.

On a sad note, one of our long standing members, Sheila Mitchell has passed away and our thoughts are with her husband, Peter, and the rest of her family. A great supporter of the WI, she was an active member of the committee, hosting the meetings and helping to organise our programme of speakers. We will all miss her.

This month there is an exhibition of WI art and craft, ‘Crafty Women’ at the M Shed in Bristol (19th/20th September, 10am-6pm) organised by Avon Federation of WIs to celebrate their 40 years and 100 years of the National WI. Worth a visit (entry £5/£4 members). If you watched Lucy Wolsey telling of ‘100 Years of the WI’ or ‘The Great British Menu’ on BBC2 you will know we are a lot more than just ‘Jam and Jerusalem’!

Our monthly meeting on 16th September will celebrate these anniversaries with a traditional Ploughman’s Supper and members sporting hats in homage to our ‘fore-mothers’ who didn’t feel properly attired without them – although no specification as to what style of headgear! Steven Shepphard will be talking about ‘Living Out of Skips, Car Boot and Jumble Finds’. The competition is for the best car boot find. On the subject of which, our next jumble sale is October 3rd at 11am, so put it in the diary and come and find that best find! DONATE TO Diary/Dateline ST MICHAEL’S Wednesday, 16th September. Monthly WI meeting at 7.30pm at Dundry Village Hall. Speaker Steven Sheppard on ‘Living Out if Skips, Car Boot and Jumble Finds’ Visit Competition is for the best car boot find. Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th stmpccd September from 10am to 6pm at M Shed, Bristol. ‘Crafty Women’. Exhibition of art and or text craft from Avon Federation of WIs to celebrate WI Centenary. DUND33 £5 to 70070 Entry £5, £4 for members. CAT’S WHISKERS DIRECTED BY CAROL MOULE




TICKETS £10 FROM CHEW MAGNA POST OFFICE or TEL. JANE (0117 964 1338), FIONA (01275 332885) OR CAROLE (01275 333569) News from Chew Valley U3A

Chew Valley U3A has a monthly meeting on the third Monday of the month at Ubley Parish Hall. The meeting starts at 10.00am with refreshments. Notices are given out at 10.30 and the Speaker begins his or her talk at about 10.40am.

At the meeting on 21st September Cameron Addicott will speak about, “The Fight Against the Drug Criminals”. On 19th October Professor Simon Haslett will give a talk entitled, “The Severn Estuary, Past, Present and Future”.

U3A has a self-help learning principle. Members form interest groups covering as wide a range of topics and activities as they desire. The interest groups are organised by the members, for the members.

The U3A movement is supported by its national organization, the Third Age Trust. For more information visit the national, or local, chewvalleyu3a. websites or phone the Secretary, Christine Evans, on 01934 832841.

Community Bus

A new community bus service starts on Monday 24 August 2015 linking Dundry, Winford and Felton to the terminal building at Bristol Airport where passengers can connect with other bus services for onward travel. The community bus will be operated by the council in partnership with Weston and District Community Transport and Winford Parish Council.

Chew Valley Wildlife Group Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust: Steart Marshes

On Thursday 24th September by Alys Laver in Chew Magna Millennium Hall, 7.45pm. Admission £2.50; Season ticket available.

Steart Marshes is one of the UK’s largest new wetland reserves Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, with the EA, are turning hundreds of hectares of the Steart Peninsula into new saltmarsh and freshwater wetlands that will become much- needed habitat for wading birds and wildfowl, and for rare water voles and great crested newts. Alys Laver, Acting Site Manager, explains the reasoning behind the scheme, the works involved during the construction phase and the on-going management of this newly created 500 hectare reserve. RAISE THE ROOF

Abseil from the top of Dundry Tower. Amazing views over the whole of Bristol. Family day out with stalls, cake sales etc.

Sunday 27th September 2015 First Abseil at 09:00 Dundry Church is currently closed and is in need of a new roof. The Tower is safe and remains fully operational. Please raise sponsorship to help restore this iconic Bristol Landmark and have a great day out with an unforgettable experience

To register please contact Jane Lyons on [email protected] or tel 0117 964 1338 FUNDRAISING UPDATE

We have raised £11,043 to date

And obtained a £100,000 grant from Listed Places of Worship: Roof Repair Fund



Songs from the Shows Saturday 19 September 2015

Sunday 13 September 2015 12 noon – 2pm

at 5pm Dundry Village Hall

In The Old School Rooms, Chew Magna Children’s Fancy Dress

Tickets £10 incl. Cream Tea and a Numerous Stalls, glass of Prosecco Refreshments, Raffle

ABSEILING FROM THE TOP OF THE TOWER All Tickets and Enquiries to –

Sunday 27 September 2015 Jane Lyons

10am – 4pm [email protected]

Refreshments and Stalls Tel No. 0117 9641338 Puzzle Page MOT Testing – Petrol & Diesel Servicing & Repairs Free Collection/Delivery From Dundry Village Tyres Spar Convenience Store Quality Used Vehicles

Bridgwater Road Service Station, Dundry, Bristol BS41 8JP

Tel: 01275 392741

Email: [email protected]


Showcase your business across Dundry

Support your local church

Competitive Rates

Contact [email protected] for more details

Valley&Oil&Services Oil&Boiler&&&Aga& Service&and&Repair 075275413464 012755350098 Reliable,5Trusted5and5Expert

Chris5Meredith Regil5Nr.5Winford offi[email protected]

A chance to see some of Somerset’s finest churches

Two one-day coach tours from Weston-super-Mare

Tour A Thursday, 10th September

This tour visits Emmanuel Church, WsM; and the parish churches of Brent Knoll; North Petherton; Trull; Taunton St John the Evangelist; and East Brent

Tour B Saturday, 12th September

This trip starts at Emmanuel Church, WsM; then goes to the parish churches of Congresbury; Nailsea; Chew Magna; and Compton Martin; and the chapel in Charterhouse

Seats - £20 per person per tour

please note all profits will go to the Somerset Churches Trust’s Ride & Stride initiative and be given out as grants to churches

To book seats contact Richard Tulloch on 01725 511486 or 01749 670777 or at [email protected] St Mark’s Gospel: A Dramatic Retelling

This is a rare opportunity to hear and engage with a whole gospel in a dramatic retelling of St Mark’s Gospel at the historic on Saturday 26 September. Gerald Osborne, Rural Dean of Pewsey and a Canon of , appears as St Mark reciting the entire Gospel to his scribe, Petronius, played by professional scriptwriter, Colin Heber-Percy. An impressive feat of memory, Canon Osborne has learned the entire 11,000 word Gospel in full and created a dramatic interpretation for others to enjoy and be inspired.

Centred around the identity and authority of Jesus and what it means to follow him, St Mark’s Gospel is a thrilling and powerful story of encounters, observations, questioning and testing. Canon Osborne said: ‘‘Long ago I was inspired bythis gospel. I am convinced that Mark’s main source was the Apostle Peter himself, while Mark is always careful to name or indicate eyewitnesses to each event. Written within 30 years of the resurrection and certainly within the life times of many of those eyewitnesses we are very close to a first-hand account of Jesus’ life.’’

Canon Osborne’s performance, which lasts about 2 hours, is in support of the international development charity Send a Cow which works with some of Africa’s poorest rural communities to give them the hope and the means to build sustainable futures for themselves. He has been trustee of the charity since 2008 and is Chair of its UK board. He has also been farming in Wiltshire since 1987 and was ordained in 1999.

The performance commences at 7pm. Tickets are £5 in advance and include refreshments at the intermission. They are available from Bath Box Office in person or online and by calling 01225 463 362.

If you have any further questions please contact Ann Hatton at Send a Cow on 01225 874 222.

A mother asked her son, as they waited for the bus, to tell the driver he was four years old, so he would travel for free. So as they got into the bus, and the driver asked Jimmy how old he was, the little boy replied solemnly: “I am four years old.” “And do you know when will you be five years old?” asked the smiling driver. “Oh yes, that’s easy,“ replied Jimmy – “just as soon as I get off the bus.” St Michael’s Church Rota

Sidesman Reader 6th Sept James Le Grys James Le Grys 20th Sept Jane Lyons Jane Lyons 4th Oct Kathy Woodward Kathy Woodward

If you are unable to do your allocated duty please swap with someone else





COPY DEADLINE The copy deadline for inclusion in the next magazine is the 14th of the month proceeding; articles should go by email to [email protected] 07713 839921 or What’s on in Dundry Mondays 6 – Mondays 3

3 rd contact the telephone given number rd

Fri in Jan

Wed in Jan Wed Saturday 19 September 12noon Sunday Sunday Sunday 27 September Sunday Every Saturday 7.30pm 5 September @ Saturday 3 October at 11.00 am Saturday 2 21 November Sunday 13 September @ 5p 13 September @ Sunday Sunday 4 O Sunday 2nd


Sunday 20 September Sunday Book your slot NOW!! 7pm 2 if you ar e Saturday 17 October – er 13 Septemb nd

July, Sept Monday Monday

– Tuesday in Tuesday Oct

Nov & 2 Nov & finish , this calendar will be updated monthly. details More can be found on notice boards M DATE W

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– in taking part in September 2015

4pm –

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9.00pm 4pm – 4pm

Fri 1.00pm in @ Dec



11.55 a

Please ring Daisy


Sorry no children under 8; Don’t forget your binoculars; Refreshments available

Sorry no children under 8; Don’t forget your binoculars; Refreshments available Tickets £10 each incl. light supper.

Refreshments available,Refreshments various stalls


Children’s Fancy Dress, Numerous Children’sStalls, Raffle Dress,& Fancy Numerous Refreshments on Dundry Amateur Dramatic Society presentsDramatic a French Evening Amateur Dundry


£10 each. Including and a glass Tea of a Cream Prosecco Open toOpen everyone want who Hog Hog Roast at Manor Farm, Norton Malreward Interested? along on Come Cat’s Directed Whiskers Carol by Moule Abseiling from Dundry’s Church Tower A differentA of way keeping fit The Annual Visiting Mobile Library Singing songs from the Shows

The SpectacularThe Winter Fair What’

– – The Autumn TheJumble Autumn Sale


Adults £2 each; Children 8 Adults £2 each; children 8 & over& to sign on to Dundry AF - SEASON FOOTBALL TRAINING Parish Council Meetings BELL RINGING PRACTISE

St Giles Fair Cheese & Wine Evening Wine & Cheese Local History Group s on in 201 Dundry Dundry Lunch Club EVENT MONTHLY EVENTS MONTHLY CHOIR PRACTISE WEEKLY EVENTS WEEKLY In aid of Dundry’s Roof Church Appeal Dundry W.I

FITSTEPS s to try it out, although you must be 16 in public buildings –

A funA day out for all the family -

the night and join in the fun! Dundry RBL DundryCar Park RBL

dancing without a partner

16 £1 each 16 £1 each

, in the Parish Magazine and, also on the Dundry website



St Michael’s Church St Michael’s Church St Michael’s Church Dundry VillageDundry Hall VillageDundry Hall VillageDundry Hall VillageDundry Hall VillageDundry Hall Norton Malreward The Old School Chew Magna Chew Dundry RBL Club RBL Dundry Dundry VillageDundry Hall Rooms, Rooms, VENUE Tower Tower Dundry VillageDundry Hall Dundry VillageDundry Hall Dundry VillageDundry Hall Dundry SportsDundry Socia & Upper Grove Farm, Dundry Lane, Dundry Details Details Library Enquiry Centre


t Michael’s Church Tower, Dundry Details – Details

– Geoff Baker –

St Michael Church - Details –


Details Details – Jane – –

332885 or Car Details Details

Details Details Details Details Details Details Details Details Details

-­‐ [email protected] Dundry Church Roof Appeal Church Dundry l Club for the summer –

0117 9641338 -

Details Details Francis Gillett 0117 9645590

0117 9641338, Fiona -

St Michael’s Church St St Michael’s Church St Michael’s Church Daisy

– -

– ORGANISATION 07974 Village Hall Trust Judith 0117 9642804

– – – –

Janet 0117 9643498

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01275 333569 9465552

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- Jane Lyons



For the latest local news, visit or subscribe to a weekly e-mail newsletter at to get it straight to your inbox

The Lakeside Group Ministry Chew Magna, with Dundry, Norton Malreward and Stanton Drew and Chew Stoke with Nempnett Thrubwell

Services for September 2015 6th September 13th September 20th September 27th September 4th October PARISH 14th Sunday 15th Sunday after 16th Sunday after 17th Sunday after 18th Sunday after after Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity Trinity

Chew Magna 8.00am Holy 8.00am Holy 8.00am Holy Communion Communion Communion cr cr vb 10.30am 10.30am Parish 10.30am 10.30am st 1 Sunday Communion Morning Worship HARVEST Special cr FESTIVAL cr cr

Chew Stoke 10.30am Family Worship 10.30am (at Methodist) HARVEST FESTIVAL 6.30am 6.30pm 6.30pm vb Evensong Parish Evensong vb Communion cr sl

Stanton Drew 8.00am Holy 10.30am Communion Parish vb 10.30am Communion Morning Worship sl ft

Dundry **Please note: 10.30am All Services will 10.30am 10.30am PATRONAL/ be at The Royal All Age Parish HARVEST British Legion Worship Communion Hall until further vb cr FESTIVAL/ notice. HOLY COMMUNION Norton Malreward 10.30am 10.30am Parish 10.30am Morning Worship Communion Morning Worship mm sl mm

Nempnett Thrubwell 10.30am Parish 6.30pm Communion Evensong vb sl

Key: cr Rector: Revd. C. Roberts, vb Revd. V. Barley, sl Revd. S. Lovern, ph Dr P. Harman, mm Mrs M. Masding, ft Mr F Tucker

St Andrew’s, Chew Magna: Holy Communion: First Thursday of the month at 10.00am