PHI 4930-003: Philosophy of Images TR 9:30-11:00, Spring 2018 Dr. Robert Leib (
[email protected]) Florida Atlantic University Office Hours: T 11-1 (and by appointment) in SO 281B or by email 3 Credits (Approx. 6 hours of homework/week) Texts: ·The Photographer’s Playbook, edited by Jason Fulford and Gregory Halpern (abbreviated ‘PP’) ·On Photography, Susan Sontag ·Visual Thinking, Rudolf Arnheim ·A Primer of Visual Literacy, Donis A. Dondis ·Camera Lucida, Roland Barthes ·Pandora’s Camera, Joan Fontcuberta ·Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Walter Benjamin ·Photography After Frank, Philip Gefter Amazon Booklist: ($70-$80 used) You will also need: Camera (analog, digital, smartphone, etc.) and $40 to produce your own photo book at the end of the semester. Course Blog: Course Description: A camera is an extension of our memories, a powerful tool if we understand its grammar. It is also a material force that is reshaping the way we live and look at one another. And many of us have them with us at all times. We act in conversation with them. We see that a camera at the right place and the right time is potentially world altering. Given the relative newness of photography as a technological practice, but at the same time, recognizing the strength of its influence in our increasingly image-driven social worlds, this is a course on philosophy and photography that is needed. Of design, it is equal parts theoretical, visual, and actively productive. 1 This syllabus aims to produce students who are better able to think, express themselves, and understand others in images, while rigorously coming to grips with the best photographic theory philosophy has to offer thus far.