October 1978, Number 61 The Delius Society Journal October 1978,Number 61 The Delius Society Full Membe,rshipf3.00 per year (f5.00 from April 1979) Studentsf1.50 (92.50) Subscriptionto Lib,raries(Jo'r.rrnal only) f2.00 per ye{}r(€3.50) President Eric FenbyOBE, Hon. D. Mus Hon. D. Litt Hon. RAM Vice Presidents The Rt Hon Lord BoothbyKBE, LLD Felix Aprahamian RolandGibson M Sc,Ph D (FounderMember; Sir CharlesGroves CBE StanfordRobinson OBE, ARCM (Hon),Hon CSM MeredithDavies MA, B Mus, FRCM, Hon RAlv{ Chairman R B Meadows 5 WestbourneHouse. Mount Park Road.Harrow, Middlesex Treasurer P Lyons 1 CherryTree Close,St. Leonards-on-Sea,Sussex. TN37 6EX Secretar:y J K White 48, PattensLane, Rochesiter,Kent Editor ChristopherRedwood 4 Tabor Grove,London SW194EB Telephone:0t-946 5952 The Delius Society' Journal A Special Issue dedicatedto Dr. Eric Fenby Contents The Fenby Legacy by David Tall 5 Did Delius Live Here? t3 Cover lllustration F Delius by Dawn Redwood(after Kapp) Publishedquarterly, January, April, July and October Material for inclusionshould reach the Editor by the lst of the month prior to that of publication Additional copiesof this issue50p each,inclusive of postage ISSN-0306-0373 EDITORIAL Ootobe'r 28th 1978 was the fiftie'th anniversary of Eric Fenby's first visit to Delius at Grez-sur-Loing, and accordingly this issue of. The Delius Society Journal is dedicated to Eric and the village in which he carried out what many will see as the achievement of a life'time. Our leading artic e examines that achievement to-day, with particular em' phasis on the s,tarfing-po,intso,f the many composi,tions which the collaboration produced, and will answer many of the questions which must have arisen in the minds of reade,rsaf.
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