ffi STATE WAREHOUSING CORPORATION (Established By ) GaroP (ruomloom ocucOrtd.,oemrlogi ca,cdgCOoOaOfl ' (ceog m.rrEaoco'lmco8 cruocoikooi"

No/KSWC/Constn./SWMavelikkara,t.lewGodownn{ABARDwlFScherhe/19-20 Date 10.03.2020


The Managing Director, Kerala State Warehousing Corporation Emakulum, - I 6.

SI. Name of Work Construction of new . Warehouse at State No Warehouse Mavelikkara in District. I Neirne of Scheme NABARD WIF 2 Probable Amount of Contract Rs.1,18,62,516 /- (Excluding GST) AC 3 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Rs. 50,000i-

4 Tender submission fee Rs.5,000/- + GST 18%: Rs.5.900/-

5 Period of cornpletion 8 rnonthi.

6 Classifi cation of bidder AandB

1 Tender documents Can be downloaded from the web site www. etenders.kerala. gov. in

8 Last date and time of receipt .of 26.03.2020 up to 5.00 PM Tender/ Bids

9 Date and time of opening of 31.03.2020 11.00 AM Tender'

llead OUlce: P.U No.l727. Warehousing Corporation Road. Kochi _ 6g2 016 Phonc: 0"184 - ll7jrl7. 2j16269.lj75 t80. tj7b6t(r^ Fax: 0484_2376339. Ernai I : kerwacor@gmai l.com Tender documents and tender schedure may be downroaded free of cost from the e-GP website www.erenders.kerala.gov.in. A bid submission fee Rr.5,9';;: shall be remitted as online payment. "f All bid/ tender documents are to be submitted online only and in the designated cover(s)/enr4elope(s) on the e-Gp website.. Tenders/ bids shall be accepted only through online mode on the e-Gp website and no manual submission of the same shall be entertained. Late tenders will not be accepted.

Tender conditions duly filled and signed, copy of valid Registration certiflrcate self attested, Experience cerlificates attested, origrnat prelimiiary agreement, n- payment form duly filled and EMD exemption cetificate (if any) ,nul"u. submitted subsequenrly 9:.ljr:.ahd in a separate cover physically on or belore 30.03.2020, 5PM. More details on EMD & cost of rendei dtcuments/ bid suumission iee are rnentioned in the tender notice.

bids ],h. shal1 be opened onrine at the.office of the Managing Director, Keraia State_Warehousing^ pB Corporation, No. 1727,Kochi_le on1t.-OS.ZOZO at it.OO AM by the Executive Engineer in the presence of the Bidders / their representatives who wish to attend at the above address- If the tender opening date happens to be on a holiday or non-working day due to any other valid reason, the tender opening process will be done on the next working day at same time and place.

online l-enders/ hids are to be accompanied with a preliminary agreement exe.cuted. in Kerala stamp paper worth Rs.200/-. Tenders/ bids . receivJ online without the prelirninary agreement will not be considered and shall u" ,,r*iru-.il1 rejected. Further details can be had from the NIT or office of the Executiu. Engirr..r, Kerala State Waiehousing Corporation during working hours.

All other existing conditions . rerated.to e-tendering of Kerara pwD will be applicable in this tender also. The Kerala state warehousiirg corporation will not be responsible for ariy error like missing of schedule data wiile do*r,touoirg- uy tt Bidder. .

Managtn D1re or ,L'

Hagud O{9:, P.BNo.1727, Warehousing Corporation _ phone: Road, Kochi 682 016 0484 - 237 s s37, 237 626s, zztitso, zst aarc, iii'oidi_ztt at:g, Email: [email protected] 6 (Established By Government of Kerala) ' GArO (Tuofiuo g cm oojcor t0.,ol1cm_l,lotri ce, cd g a o.sloE , (coop ffuddocolmcoa cruoc.,jloo)

No'KSWC/Consrrr S W/Mavelikkara,4.,Jeu Codo*n4\ABARD WIF Scheme/19-20 Date: 10.0j.2020

Telephone No. 0484 237 5537

E.TENDER Notice for Execu tion of works 'The Tender fbr the execrrtion of the following work is invited from financially sound and well cxperienced rcgistcred contraclors ,/ Firms of centrai-/State Public work Department itrrigution lwut", ALrthority / Rzril'ray/ Local Scll' Governrrent Depaftments/ public Sector undertal

SLNo Name olwork PAC EMD Tender Time of Submission Completion t'ee I Construction of neu \I,ar.ehouse Rs. l" I 8.62.5 I6l- Rs.50.000/- Rs.5,0001 8 Months. at State \\'rrr.ehouse ( Excluding GST) +IS%CST Mavelil

The rate should be quoted for . . all itens in the works. Tender documents can be downloaded from website wrap._cjg4de1q.(gq1p4q.in..All other details regarding last date ot.ec"lfi oi tender, bid opening date, time of completion period, class of contractir etc for work is separately attached along with th'is notification and should go._through it before downroading the bid documents. All other qonditions regarding the tenders preiailing inihis l"purtrnlnt ar9 applicable to this tender also. details if required Fufther can be had f'rom. this Jffice during working r,ou.s. rhe Milil; the right.to reject D;;;or reserves any or all the tenders without.a.rig,l"inguny ."uron thereof.

M l"
