Volume 104, number 9 December 18, 2012 Salida high school Salida, Colorado 81201 voice of the salida Spartans

THE WALL ABOVE THE STAIRS that lead from the commons area to the upstairs academic hall is no longer bare. The design of the panel was done by the school’s architect, Roy Blythe and Associates, while the last four were left for Bill Donavan to finish. The architect had the idea of each panel be- ing a different color -- one for each season -- yet Donavan had a different idea. He “wanted to create something that would create a little more curiosity.” He started off taking several photos around Salida over a 48 hour period. The photos hold letters and numbers, which he considers to be the building blocks of education. “In an elementary or preschool environment we are used to seeing primary colored letters and numbers—but my inter- pretation of this motif was intended to be more sophisticated, respecting the geniuses at SHS,” he said. Also, he changed the images to a style called tritones, so that the images added to the interior design could still highlight the Spartan Purple. “Getting the color right was important because a big purple piece of artwork would not respect the architect’s contemporary design,” said Donavan. “Most of the images were placed randomly to create a sense of disorder, but divided into squares to reflect order,” Donavan said. “This is the high school experience for most of us: struc- tured random chaos.” “I did add some digital typography to complement a few messages. The primary goal was to create something that would stand the test of time. Many of the images will change as signage changes. But, many of the images will always be around...I hope everyone likes the piece. It is called ‘Electric Minds Awaken.’” Salida High jumps up in state rankings at astounding rate

ments in Colorado. Sienna Rahe & Sarah Wilson Coloradoschoolgrades.com recently released their data on Staff Reporters Blackburn stated that Sal- ida students should realize schools throughout the state. For high schools, 35 percent of the grade is based on college alida surprised the edu- a point or two. Other schools the importance of how well and career readiness and academic growth, and 15 percent is cation community this in the state might have raised they’re doing and really pat based on academic achievement and academic growth gaps. year when they ranked percentage-wise academically, themselves on the back. When College/career readiness is calculated based on ACT S23 in the state over-all, aca- yet it’s only a hundredth, or school pride goes up, so does scores. demically. There are 182 dis- two hundredths of a percent moral and performance. “It’s To see a chart of the results, visit: http://coloradoschool- tricts judged, so sitting 23rd is change. Meanwhile, Salida not just your school pride, it’s grades.com/SchoolReportCard.aspx?sid=7568H quite an impressive feat. changed with a whopping ten your talents.” Salida has always had a percent growth rate. “Are the seniors reaching Salida High’s overall performance: A stereotype of being the school “Everyone is looking at their dreams? That’s what matters,” Blackburn said, that’s not very good with aca- Salida this year with all the In academic proficiency: B demics or athletics. The peo- huge improvements. We are meaning statistics don’t mat- - Reading: B ple of Salida seem to generally the focus of improvements in ter as much as the students’ think that the area may not academics,” said David Black- goals and what they want to - Math: B be as good of an educational burn, Director of Curriculum do with their lives. - English: B community as in neighboring and Instruction. Blackburn would like the - Science: C areas. However, this year, the While Salida High im- public to know the story, not district showed their strengths, proved greatly this year, an- just the stats. He said most In academic growth: A- and it paid off. other school in the district people don’t - Reading: A The last three years, the deserves some merit. Longfel- know how important this - Math: B+ is for Salida and it’s important Salida District has improved low Elementary received the - English: B people can see how great our with incredible speed. It has Governor’s Award this year, - Science: n/a improved at an average of placing it among some of the district about eight points a year. The top elementary schools in the actually is, rather than base “point” system used to judge state. them off of a negative reputa- In college and career readiness: the districts is a collaboration Another less-recognized tion or stereotype. 97% of this school’s students graduated within of all of the state standardized area of excellence is in the To see a list of the rankings four years testing. math departments. According of Colorado schools, please 30% of this school’s graduates, who went The growth of our district to these reviews and TCAP visit the Colorado Depart- to college in Colorado, needed to re-take high is quite incredible consider- scores, the Salida District has ment of Education’s website at school-level courses ing normal growth is within one of the best math depart- www.cde.state.co.us.

Coping with finals Snow Pages 6&7 Page 8 Sports Pages 10 & 11 Opinion Tenderfoot Times December 18, 2012 Page 2 Remembering Christ- Memories greater than impressions like memories, so simple and with my other friends, some imperfect, can mean so much. near, some far. Riley Donavan mas in the real world My sister and I have shared and Avery Martinez sat next to a lot of memories such as this me in fifth grade art when I first en adults slain by a troubled one, like the time she painted moved to Salida. That memory young man on the other side my nails, or the first time she is filled with controversial con- of the country. got me to ride a roller coaster. versations all of us found in- Christmas seems to have Even these valuable memo- triguing. that effect on people. The ries will never match up to Even today, I sit next to them season allows us to gloss the first memory. I understand in Tenderfoot having conver- over malicious activity occur- Michael Ricci Photo Editor now that it is not the first im- sations that many around may ring at the time. We become pression that affects people’s not care about, but we do. All so consumed in our superfi- I don’t remember how old I relationships, people three of us are the same kids cial understanding of hope, was, but my earliest memory don’t change, they learn. sitting in art, just older, more peace, joy and love that we is running in my backyard in To me Victoria will always responsible, and smarter. lose touch with what these Ashlyn Stewart Kansas with my sister Victoria. be my older sister who pushes If it is a memory of running principles mean in the real Editor-in-Chief This memory is faded, some- me when I am annoying and in my backyard with my sister, world. thing that now only seems like tells me how she actually is, getting to know a upperclass- Looking for inspiration Want to truly honor the a dream, but it is a very impor- not all that “I’m good” crap. men through my first high for this column, I went back “Christmas spirit?” Don’t tant memory because it is my Like my sister, my best school track meet, or even through the other pieces I hope for something great first memory of my sister. friend, Orion, finds his own knowing someone because have written for Tenderfoot to happen; make it happen. I heard that in order to im- way. People come to him for they talked to the new kid. during the holiday season. Changing the world doesn’t prove relationships with oth- guidance and advice only, be- First memories are different It wasn’t hard considering occur when governments ers and to improve one’s own cause they see he listens. To from first impressions. that would only be three oth- try to execute massive un- memory, people should think me, Orion will always be the They will always last, and er times, but I quickly found dertakings. It comes from of their first memory with each kid who used to draw comics they could just start a friend- a column I wrote my fresh- every-day people seeking to of their friends and family. with me in Mr. Groover’s fifth ship to die for. Next time any- man year about how much I understand and help people. I spent a lot of time think- grade class. He is the same, one has free time, think about HATE putting up the Christ- Don’t work for peace if ing and the more I thought, the just a lot smarter than he was. first memories with the people mas tree. the goal is to change oth- more I understood why dream- I think about my memories you care about. Reading back through it, I ers – peace is created when had to laugh at how frustrat- people come together and ed I was with a lame artificial recognize the mutual goals tree. After that column ran, of improving society. Jealousy solves nothing: be proud though, my mom stopped Don’t find joy in your own even attempting to cajole me successes, but in the suc- a major downer on my day. have things that you want, or into aiding her with the tree, cesses of all people. This is There are a lot of beautiful they look a certain way that so I suppose it was effec- true whether you like them or girls in this town and it’s sad you would wish to look like. tive. not. when they flaunt what they From watching other people, My inner Scrooge emerged Don’t just love your neigh- have, but don’t appreciate it. mostly girls, trying to look like and I thought of all the other bors, but love humanity. I know people who would kill other girls, it’s really just sad. bits of American holiday sea- Whether it is my fight with to have longer hair or clearer It’s sad that young ladies don’t son that irk me. a Christmas tree or your beef skin, or to be shorter or taller. feel like they’re good enough Then it hit me: this is the Someone told me that you for anyone only because of with your neighbors exuber- Jonna Glasby biggest issue on my mind? ant holiday light display, it is Staff Reporter can’t hide who you are through the way they look. And, to be With everything going on time to embrace the ideals make-up or a fake personality. honest, the guy or girl you’re in the world, I’m concerned behind the Christmas sea- Jealousy isn’t the best trait If you have a great personal- trying to be like probably either about what I dislike about son for something bigger to have, especially if you al- ity, then show it off, and if you doesn’t really look so hot with- Christmas? than Christmas. Its happi- ready have everything you wear too much make-up, grad- out make-up, or their lives at With continual disagree- ness should be able to exist need or, better yet, everything ually start to wear less and less home really sucks. ments in the Middle East every day. most girls want. every day. Don’t hide yourself The major point is to be and North Korea launching a The holiday is a great op- When I see all these pretty under all of that product. your own person. If you con- missile. With a ticking finan- portunity to remind each oth- girls walking in the hall, with One other thing about jeal- tinue to be something you’re cial time bomb in the form of er of what truly matters, but their friends, talking about ousy is that everyone is jeal- not, well, bummer. Think about the Euro-zone. With 20 el- it’s time for us to do some- things they want to change ous of something. You know taking some of this advice into ementary students and sev- thing about what matters. about themselves, it really puts it yourself that other people consideration. Tenderfoot Times STAFF Yay Nay Editor-in-chief...... Ashlyn Stewart Assistant Editor...... Catie Wilken Copy Editor...... Reh Vanatta -To winter break! -To senseless violence. Editorial Staff...... Ashlyn Stewart, Catie Wilken, Reh Vanatta Layout and design...... Ashlyn Stewart Advertising Manager...... Robin Petersen -To Christmas parties and -To Final tests and projects. Reporters...... Riley Donavan, Kyle Fowler, Secret Santas! Jonna Glasby, Madison Leinster, Shelby Martin, Avery Martinez, Haley McCoy, Robin Petersen, Ashley Potts, Sienna Rahe, Michael Ricci, Mellissa Rodriguez, Jihyun Shim, -To the trees around the old Ashlyn Stewart, Reh Vanatta, Paige West, Catie Wilken, Sarah Wilson -To snow! school lot being cut down. Photo Editors...... Michael Ricci and Riley Donavan Photographers...... Ashley Potts, Michael Ricci, Riley Donavan, Ashlyn Stewart, Catie Wilken, Robin Petersen, Avery Martinez -To acceptance letters! -To scraping windshields. Graphic Designer...... Ashlyn Stewart Adviser...... Deb Bass Computer Consultants...... William Stokesberry & Jeff Blondeau -To Monarch opening! -To girls’ basketball not being Editorial opinion in Tenderfoot Times does not represent that of the administration or faculty of broadcasted. Salida High School. Unsigned editorials are the opinion of the editors and/or staff. Signed col- umns are the opinion of the individual writer. The Tenderfoot Times is an open forum for student -To the cheerleaders taking expression. Letters to the editor from anyone are welcome and should be kept within 250 words. Letters must be signed and may be edited for style, brevity, obscenity or libel. second at State! -To athletes having to give up Tenderfoot Times is a member of the Colorado High School Press Association. Publication is monthly by Tenderfoot Times classes at Salida High School, 26 Jones Ave., Salida, Colorado their break for sports. 81201. To telephone the adviser is 719-530-5437. Publication costs are paid by advertising sales. -To “The Hobbit” premiering Tenderfoot Times is printed by, and a supplement to, the Mountain Mail, Salida, Colorado. in theaters! -To still not being able to eat CHSPA and drink in the classrooms. Member Since 1977 PUBLICATION -To being the 23rd high PRODUCTION INFORMATION: Tenderfoot Times is produced using iMac computers, an HP ProBook and a HP LaserJet printer. Software includes Adobe InDesign and Adobe Photoshop. school in the state! -To high school drama. News body type is 9.5 pt. Palatino, editorial page type is 10 and 12 pt. Helvetica. Basic headline type is Big Caslon. All makeup is done entirely in computers, with line art and photo prints scanned onto pages with an Epson perfection 4490 photo scanner. Layout and design is done by the editor- in-chief and, if applicable, the assistant editor. Page 3 December 18, 2012 Tenderfoot Times Opinion I know you are better than that Family trumps gifts of following orders and listen- Okay people, just respect ing to instructions when they your elders, This doesn’t ap- quality time with their loved really ought to. ply to certain examples that ones? I’ve talked to many This isn’t something new, are practically worshipped in people and the majority of but I feel it’s getting worse, the media, which ’t start them share that they’d rather especially here at school. It’s to list, because I would like to be with their loved ones than like, you are the odd one out remain at least somewhat like- receive fancy gifts. if you’re actually doing what able. But even then, bashing If you’re in high school, a teacher or parent tells you. and insulting them is just so, picture yourself in forty years. The rule-breakers and the so annoying. All of your family has moved people who ignore guidance Chill out. Calm down. Stop out, and they are scattered across the country. You send Shelby Martin are the ones in the spotlight. the hate. It’s ridiculous. When did acting It’s a sad, sad world where Sarah Wilson them gifts, yet they are too Staff Reporter Staff Reporter rude become the norm? respect is lost. Especially to- busy to come and visit. So, you sit alone at your (Insert random teacher It’s very noticeable in gym ward teachers. I sound like a It’s that time of year again. here): Alright, students. Take class. Trying just makes you broken record and a teacher’s house on Christmas with all Thanksgiving has passed of these fancy gifts from your out a paper, put your name on look silly. Aloofness has re- pet, but really, come on. and Christmas is on its way. it, date it, put the class period, placed actual athletic skill, and Don’t blatantly ignore the family, yet no one to share I’ve started to hear the fa- the day with. Now this might and number it from 1-10, skip- gym teachers are disliked for teachers. Don’t insult them in miliar, jolly tunes as I walk ping lines. just doing their job and trying their own classroom. And any- be hard to imagine since we through Wal-Mart or see the are still in high school, yet (Insert about half the class to keep us from being lazy. way, if you’re doing this, then huge, green, pine trees for here): Do we need to put our Some people have figured your grades probably aren’t our future is so close. sale. Last Christmas, a rela- name on it? Does it need a this out, and are as annoyed the best, and neither are the Everyone is in a rush to date? Number it from 1 to as I am, but it’s still been drilled teachers’ opinions of you. It is tive got sick, and we had to get all the “good” sales. I spend the Christmas away what? Do we need spaces? into many-a teen that following never, NEVER a good idea to heard someone recently (Insert frustrated me): orders and respect is officially be on the bad side of the hand from my dad and brother. It say that it’s ironic that even was really hard to not be with *head-desk* ‘uncool.’ that marks your test papers. on Thanksgiving now, we I’ve noticed something and them on Christmas Day. Where this came from, I So, in short, listen. Pay at- all come together and share it bugs me. Quite a bit. And What I learned from this is fear, I do not know. But it’s tention. Stop applying makeup what we’re thankful for, yet since this is the only place that during the holiday time, found in the boy who back- in the middle of a lecture, or the next day, everyone push- where I can scream at all you realize and share how im- talks the teacher. It’s found in mocking the teacher. In my es, yells and hurries to get people and have at least some portant your friends and rela- the giggly, “whatever”s after a eyes (and I pray in the eyes what they want, and spend of you listen, here we go. reprimand. And I’m going to flip of others) this just makes tives are. money on things they’ll never I have noticed that people out on everybody if it doesn’t you very un-fun to be around. So, the next time you have use in the future. a chance to go somewhere have given up on the concept get better. Honestly. Enough said. Aren’t the holidays sup- with your family, or they have posed to be for everyone to a chance to come to you, I never wanted to be a dress-up doll come together and spend take it. Through the goodness of ley Cyrus in a bikini, because their hearts, my aunt and cous- that’s not hot at all. ins went through their closets This feeling of laughter and Japanese sight-seeing and found some of their cloth- enjoyment is a feeling women one in Japan. The second day, ing that I could wear. While this must crave. Looking at them- we drove to Hiroshima across was really uncomfortable for selves dressed in thousands many bridges and also visited me, the girls had a blast put- of different outfits, that’s how Miyajima. There, we participat- ting blouses, tutu’s, and skirts, women get their fun. ed in a traditional blessing from on me. I was like a giant rag Thankfully, guys get their the religious center. We had to doll that they tried thousands kicks from James Bond and Avery Martinez sit on our knees and listen to of different outfits on. Call of Duty. Staff Reporter a gentleman speak about the I realized that this is why all It was a great experience, history of the place. So as most of you know by women go shopping together I learned a lot about women’s this time, I participated in Mr. at some point. They enjoy the fun, and myself. I found out The next morning we made Kelly Canon the visit to Hiroshima Peace Salida High, and did pretty camaraderie while shopping, why someday my wife will blow Foreign Correspondent well, I guess. I lost first place and also the fun that they get money on clothes. Park and Memorial. There we to Michael Procko (thank God), out of trying to find things that Though to be honest, it’s an November came and went saw the museum and looked and I got a free yearbook out match. experience I never want to feel and I have gotten to do quite a at all the information about of it. For about three hours Guys don’t have that, we again. Not because I don’t en- lot on my exchange in Japan. the bomb and what the conse- with my Aunt Adrienne and my have TV. (Thank God). We joy shopping for stuff, but be- First was the Rotary trip to quences were. cousins, Kenzie and Modesta, have time where we sit and ing in a dress, or feeling like a Hiroshima in the beginning of I am still not decided wheth- I found out what it was like to watch the goriest movies you human mannequin; it’s a weird the month. There are seven ex- er dropping the bomb was the be a chick. can imagine, and laugh at Mi- feeling. change students on our district best idea or something else, and there were five or six Ro- but I did feel bad when we saw tarians with us. We all boarded the Genbaku Dome. Hoping to find myself a passion a massive bus that could have I am surprised that it is still seated thirty people. standing due to the fact that a child playing pretend, I would In an ideal world, everyone The first day was mostly the bomb hit directly above it go to ten to twenty different would have a passion and driving with occasional rests at and also to the fact that the jobs in a day, and sometimes they would be able to make a larger rest stops. The first night people of Hiroshima wanted it I wish I could do that as an career out of it, but in the world we did not spend in Hiroshima removed. adult, too. There are so many we live in, that’s not practical rather we stayed at a tradition- I had a few more experienc- fields I am interested in and or possible. If everyone tried al Japanese hotel close to a es this month such as assist- careers that sound enticing to follow their “passion,” the really famous onsan -- a public ing a friend of my host father to me that I have a hard time world would be oversaturated bathing house that has really with his business at a local fair imagining having to choose with artists and musicians and nice rich mineral natural water here in Kameoka and going to just one. There isn’t, and has greatly lacking in accountants pumped into it. Tokyo with a friend of mine and Catie Wilken and truck drivers. I hope some- The traditional hotel had tat- his host parents. In Tokyo, we Assistant Editor never been, something that stands out to me as what I’m day something will just click for ami mats all over and we wore saw SkyTree and DisneyLand For as long as I can remem- going to do. me, but even then, I don’t feel yakatas to dinner. Yakatas are Sea. We also got to take the ber, I’ve heard advice along the As I got older, I realized like I’ll need to make it my job. like big long fabric jackets that Shinkasen (bullet train max. lines of “follow your passion.” I wasn’t the only one. While While sometimes I wish are tied up around your waist. speed 250mph) to and from When I was younger this some people are lucky enough I knew what I planned to do They are worn with your un- Tokyo. confused me because I didn’t to have a “passion,” others of from a young age and was, derwear and that’s it. So if you So there are the crazy plac- know what my “passion” was. us aren’t so lucky. therefore, able to put all of my weren’t careful, it was a free es I got to visit this month, but It scared me that everyone I now believe we can cre- focus and effort into that, I’m show for everyone. I also got to go to school. else seemed to have one that ate our own passions. While also grateful for my indecisive- After dinner, we all joined in A couple weeks ago most was supposed to guide them we may have an inclination or ness. It’s allowed me to ex- karaoke where I nearly went of the school went on their through their lives, while mine natural affinity for areas, we plore many different subjects, mute with all the singing I had excursions, while I studied in was just not there. can develop both the skill and meet lots of new people, and done. the library. (I missed the sign The problem for me isn’t love for something that goes when I do find a career, I think The next morning we visited up date for those trips.) School feeling apathetic about every- into following a “passion” with that I’ll be even more sure in the onsan. It was famous be- hasn’t really changed in the thing; it’s quite the opposite. As time and curiosity. my decision because of it. cause it was the first and oldest last month. Opinion Tenderfoot Times December 18, 2012 Page 4

A letter to the editor: Gay is okay Girls even able to baffle Dear Editor, is so great and how we’re so parents. happy for them. However, if In my opinion, if someone their own kind I was raised in a house- a woman and a woman want is willing to love and care for hold where your sexual ori- to do the same thing, we a child that is not their own, some girls don’t really seem entation mattered as much call them disgusting and say we should celebrate them. I to understand is that this pro- as the color of your socks. they’re going against God. think that instead of saying it’s longs the drama. Yeah, Suzy I wasn’t even aware of the But who are we to say this? “unnatural” and “unfair to the started it. But Lucy is continu- fact that people are prejudice Is it our job to decide who can child” we should be saying it’s ing it. against those who are “gay.” love who? No, it’s not. unnatural to reject someone Honestly, girls, if you’re re- I honestly don’t remember Which brings me to anoth- who is willing to take a child ally not happy with what some- even knowing that the word er point: some homophobes they did not create. one is saying, you don’t have homophobia existed until are against gay marriage be- There’s no reason to be to talk to them. around 7th grade. cause couples of the same against same sex love be- In fact, when I first heard sex cannot have biological sides pure close minded- Some women wear a lot the word, I didn’t even under- children together, which is ness. Madison Leinster Staff Reporter of make up. stand it, and in a way, I still said to be the ‘point’ of get- “It grosses me out!” This Why people seem to care, I ting married. is one of the most infuriating don’t. I know the definition of I am of the female species don’t know. Ladies, if you feel Supposedly we are meant things I’ve heard. In fact, it the word, but I don’t under- and yet even I don’t complete- more beautiful and happy put- to find a mate and procreate grosses ME out to hear it. It stand how someone could be ly understand them. ting on a lot of eyeliner, then go in order to continue the exis- makes me sick to my stomach “homophobic.” If you look at a Before anyone starts to be- for it. But do it for you, not oth- tence of our species. While to think about how humans skeleton of a gay man next to lieve that I’m pointing fingers ers. If someone tells you how it’s absolutely true that two treat each other, that we are that of a straight man, could or stating that I am not any of crappy you look, but you’re individuals of the same sex so unaccepting of other hu- you tell the difference? the following things, know that truly happy with the job you’ve cannot biologically have a man beings. How is seeing a No. People are people. it’s quite the opposite. I am ab- done, then keep it. There is child, who’s to say they can- man and a woman on a date Every single person in the solutely aware of the fact that I absolutely nothing wrong with not be parents? different from seeing a man world is created exactly the can be my idea of a “girl.” trying to improve things in or- According to ‘The Germa- and a man on a date? What’s same way: equal. No human I have nothing against wom- der to feel good about your- ny World Population Fund’, so different other than the life is worth more than an- en nor does this column relate self. 1/3 of the population growth bathroom the people on the other. Your life has no more to every one of them, because in the world is the result of date use? value if you choose to hold there are honestly some girls Girls usually aren’t happy hands with someone of the incidental or unwanted preg- Again, I say: love is love is out there who aren’t actually with a guy’s answer. opposite sex while at the nancies. UNICEF also re- love. If you can’t accept love like any of these things. But Sorry, boys. It’s like when movies than if you choose to ports that there are currently between two people, them here I go: your girlfriend asks you if an- 16.2 million double-orphans growing old together and hold hands with someone of other girl looks good in whatev- your own gender. (children who have lost both raising a family, being willing Girls. Love. UGGs. er she’s wearing... How exact- We claim to be the freest parents) in the world today. to do anything for their part- It’s mostly just my personal ly are you supposed to answer country in the world, yet we By not allowing same sex ner, then I would suggest you opinion on this, but those gi- that? Of course, you can’t. And aren’t free to marry those we couples to adopt, we are take a serious look at your ant slipper things are useless. no matter what you say, we love? If a man and a woman eliminating potential homes priorities. I bought myself a pair and lit- will never think you have given get engaged, we throw a huge for these children who can- erally fell down the stairs, be- us a justified enough answer. I party and talk about how love not be with their biological -SHS Junior cause they have no traction guess all I can say is that our whatsoever. Even their name mindsets were built this way -- is stupid. Ugg. Sounds like it will never change, so just go Preparing for the future with goals someone vomiting. Ugh! along with it. three weeks. talking about the people we Girls never know what Females move in packs. Now as I grow older, I feel live with, you see them every they want. This is something I’ve never like the start of 2013 should day! I mean the relatives that If you’ve ever seen P.S. I understood. One girl needs to kick off a new, more mature live in different states, or even Love You, you know where I go to the restroom and takes me. countries. got this reference. One minute one or two other people with I’m in high school to prepare Grandparents love a phone they want to talk to you, then her. I mean, what do you do for college. Yes, it gets you call, but a handwritten letter the next they want nothing to in there? You honestly want ready for the stacks of home- is more appreciated, that’s all do with you. Just as a per- your friends hearing you pee? work, studying, and projects, they had more than half their sonal example, about halfway It’s one thing when you’re all but not the housekeeping, lives. through one of my previous re- out on your quadruple date laundry, and cooking. That’s Which leads me to my lationships, I told my boyfriend for prom and you need to what my goals this year aim to second resolution: I will call how much I love white roses. talk about, “Oh, Johnny is so cover. grandparents more, and write Within a few months, I was sweet!” but any where else, it’s Haley McCoy Staff Reporter One resolution I am setting to them, too. Whenever I do telling him not to buy me flow- probably completely unneces- for the upcoming year is to be- end up talking to grandparents ers anymore, because they sary. When the New Year comes come more self-sufficient. it’s because my mom is either always die. Girls can never around many of us set a New I will start doing my own already on the phone with make a decision. Females are giggly, mean Year’s Resolution. The defi- laundry (yes, I know, that’s a them, or she forces me to call and just plain confusing. nition of resolution is: a re- pathetic statement), cooking them. Every girl gossips in When someone feels like solvement or determination; dinner for myself and my fam- I think we can all agree some way. giving me some insight on to make a firm resolution to do ily; and not just Top Ramen or that preparing for college your When Lucy finds out that how their brains function, something. cereal, and this time I’m stick- senior year sounds a little in- Suzy has been talking behind please enlighten me, because I have set resolutions ev- ing to it...I’ll keep my room timidating. I’m hoping to make her back, calling her a _____ I am obviously not completely ery New Year, but have never clean and presentable. that load less daunting by ___, whatever, her automatic aware of my own surround- stuck to them. Last year’s, “I I think we can all agree that starting these habits and skills defense is to: 1) tell everyone ings. I know how girls act, but I will keep my room clean and keeping our family close to us I’ll need in the real world now... about it or 2) do the same do not know why. Hopefully I’ll presentable” lasted, maybe, is very important. No, I’m not or at least after New Year’s. thing. It’s just natural. What figure it out one day. Page 5 December 18, 2012 Tenderfoot Times Feature Three days left for the planet?

Michael Ricci & Riley Donavan Photo Editors

he idea that everything should all explode at once and that has a beginning has lava should go everywhere. an end is once again be- Then mummies should re- Ting tied to our planet. The An- awaken and start killing ev- cient Maya created a calendar eryone. that said the world ends on “That would be awesome,” December 21, 2012, which is said Johnson. He ended by this Friday. stating that people who be- Though many scientists lieve that the world would have debunked the idea of the end haven’t thought about the world spontaneously ending situation enough. JOHN ARCHAMBEAU on Dec. 21, popular culture Avi Marie Beaulieu, Physi- has embraced this theme, and cal and Earth Science teacher at anything stupid,” he said. produced films, video games SHS, also doesn’t believe will “Some people just love and books of the 2012 predic- happen. “Why would it?” she a end of the world kind of tion, all of which supply us asked. Beaulieu said that she story,” said Archambeau. He with visions of billions of peo- would not like it if the world thinks people like the idea be- ple and their gruesome deaths ended. In response to the idea cause it’s just “one more rea- as the whole world is cast into that 2012 will be a year of great son to drink a beer, or build a oblivion -- an apocalypse. awakening, Beaulieu said she shelter.” Junior Caleb Johnson be- would like everyone to be nice Either way, we won’t know lieves that nothing will hap- to each other and have world until the day actually comes. pen on Dec. 21. “Lots of things peace. Until then, try to ignore the were supposed to happen in John Archambeau, history fact that everything you have the past and they never did. teacher at Salida High, strong- done has been pointless and Why now?” ly believes that nothing will will end in a fiery blaze. The Johnson does, however, happen on the 21st, besides other side is that life will go on Photo by: Catie Wilken have some ideas on how the manmade panic which we are as normal, don’t do anything A HOLIDAY TREE provided by Student Council greets stu- world should end if it does. All already seeing some of now. too stupid. May your years be dents as they enter the front doors this holiday season. of the volcanoes in the world “I hope people don’t do happy and your body healthy. Fowler shares holiday traditions New holiday tunes get to think of all the presents should be as bright as a pair Leinster reviews top holiday pop albums to get for people. Except for of headlights. This isn’t nec- those few people who you essarily a bad thing, it lets us to relate to what their Christ- Madison Leinster have to buy presents for so get into the Christmas mood Staff Reporter mas is like?” Colbie Caillat you pick them up some ge- even faster. said after releasing the album. neric gift from the discount is the season to get This record brings a sun- rack at Wal-Mart. But that’s jiggy. Christmas is nier, warmer look at things, not the point. Some people a great time to start especially great due to the lack Another reason to love listening‘T to holiday favorites, of snow in Salida. It’s definite- Christmas...the movies. Not like Christmas so out of the top 10 sold pop ly full of fun songs to dance to, the romantic comedy starring because it’s when albums in the US, here are my as well. 9: Sleddin’ Hill - August two opposites totally falling they get a bunch of personal top five organized by Kyle Fowler in love with each other at the popularity within the country: Burns Red Staff Reporter end of the movie, only after presents and candy. 2: On This Winter’s Night Separating itself a little dif- they had a huge falling-out - Lady Antebellum ferently from the rest, Chris- ecember is possibly in the middle of the repeated That is stupid. You It has been two years since tian metalcore band August the most wondrous of storyline, but the classics our aren’t supposed Lady Antebellum released Burns Red shows their holiday all the months. Why? parents watched when they “ spirit through solely instru- to be greedy on their first holiday collection, DBecause December has the were our age. Rudolph the A Merry Little Christmas, and mental covers of songs such as best holiday ever: Christmas. Rednosed Reindeer, Frosty Christmas. for their first Christmas-based “Frosty the Snowman,” “Little It’s the time of year when the Snowman, The Little album, Lady Antebellum has Drummer Boy,” “Carol of the everybody seems to have that Drummer Boy, the list goes really outdone themselves. Bells,” and many more songs. warm feeling inside and ev- on and on. Watching those After uncountable hours of The first track of the record, This album is obviously much erything in the world seems movies takes me back to my, untangling lights and trying “On This Winter’s Night” is heavier than the rest, which is to be OK. what seems to be very dis- to find which lights to replace an originally-made song by exactly why it would be in my (Disclaimer: this column tant, childhood. in order to fix the strand, start the band. The rest are wonder- top 3 favorites. is NOT sarcastic. Most of And yes, the tree. The first with the ornaments. We have fully presented covers. 10: A Very Merry Perri my other columns have been notion that Christmas season shooting stars, jingle bell Honestly, I’ve never really Christmas - Christina Perri very sarcastic, but this is a is upon us. It’s an all day af- balls, and some my brother been much of a fan of Lady Singer of “A Thousand nice change of pace.) fair at my house. It starts with and I made when we were Antebellum, but after listening Years” and “Jar of Hearts” Some people like Christ- dragging the tree up from the kids. to this, my ears have definitely comes Christina Perri with mas because it’s when they basement, along with the No matter how old I get, I been opened. her wonderfully portrayed get a bunch of presents and five bins of tree ornaments think I will always get a giddy 5: This Christmas - John holiday album. You will find candy. That is stupid. You that we have collected over feeling whenever Christmas Travolta and Olivia Newton- “Something About December” aren’t supposed to be greedy the years. season rolls around. It’s just John put together with the other on Christmas, it’s more a time We turn on Christmas mu- the joy and wonder that sur- That’s right, hit musical film five tracks. of giving than receiving. sic and begin with the lights. rounds the holiday that will Grease is coming back to town. Perri demonstrates the That’s one of my favorite My family has a philosophy keep me happy and thankful Travolta and Newton-John are calmer, inspiring part of the parts about Christmas; you that your Christmas tree every year. collaborating a second time holidays. She gives a “chill” in one full album. Many are atmosphere, just perfect for a saying that one of the songs, romantic Christmas Eve. “I Think You Might Like It” is The other half of the top 10 To advertise in the Tenderfoot Times, sounding very similar to the included “Holidays Rule” by style of #1 hit “You’re the One various artists (ranked first), contact Robin Petersen That I Want” from Grease. All “Merry Christmas, Baby” by proceeds from the album will Rod Stewart (ranked third), be donated to charity. “Cheers, It’s Christmas” by 7: Christmas In the Sand - Blake Shelton (ranked fourth), [email protected] Colbie Caillat “Tinsel and Lights” by Tracey “Not everyone lives in the Thorn (ranked sixth), and or the Tenderfoot Times advisor at 530-5437 snow or cold places for Christ- “Christmas With Scotty Mc- mas, so why don’t we write Creery” by Scotty McCreery some songs for them to be able (ranked eighth). Feature Tenderfoot Times December 18, 2012 Page 6 Page 7 December 18, 2012 Tenderfoot Times Feature End of first semester brings changes and stresses to Salida High students Applying to college and How to stop stressing over finals Five to graduate at semester, will return to walk with class scholarship information my hair out over homework: even 5 hours of sleep. If you Early graduate Tim DeVos says, ‘If I can do it, anyone can’ Bekki Simko blew through high school Sarah Wilson 1. Music: Play the kind of only sleep for a few hours each Staff Reporter application versions follows be- music that inspires you to keep night, you can crash eventu- of Salida High graduation. Peonie Wong going through homework. ally, get sick or your cognitive Robin Petersen Ashley Potts Staff Reporter low. tress affects all of us. In order to graduate, a senior Staff Reporter Sports Editor * The colleges you apply to Whether pressure to fit 2. Social Media: Just imag- functions will decrease rap- needs 24 credits -- four in Eng- will most likely want supple- ine if you took that wasted idly. ell, boys and girls, the in, working on paper- enior Tim DeVos is among lish, three in Math, one in P.E., ekki Simko only has a mental materials in addition to Facebook time and put it into 4. Stress Balls: Try some- end of first semester Swork for your job or having the seniors who will be three in science, one in fine arts, few days left as a Salida homework. Also, when you’re thing to keep your hands busy: is upon us...finally. To the application you submit to to spend three hours after a one in technology, three in so- High School student. stressed out your “filter” might a sand bag made for a stress re- graduating at the end of Wyou seniors, it means that we them. These can include tran- basketball game to finish that cial studies, and eight electives. She is one of a handful of first semester. B changed, and your negative liever or a worry stone. S are halfway through our last scripts, recommendations, es- essay you really need an A on, Some students who have met students who has decided to strong opinions might end up 5. Breathe: When you’re feel- He said he wants to graduate year of high school. Just a few says, etc. so make sure to check we all experience it in different their requirements choose to graduate early. She made this all over the internet. ing like you just might explode early in order to start his skiing more months and we will step if any are needed! ways. not graduate early, because they decision due to the fact that 3. Sleep: The average teen- think about pushing your career and hopes to go to Vail or into the real world. Our journey * If you want to ensure that I devised ways to make want to be involved in sports, she used to be homeschooled ager really needs nine hours homework over to the side, Keystone to work while he fig- into the real world, at least for these materials made it to the homework less stressful and participate in school activities, and high school has always of sleep. Realistically, I hear take a few deep breathes and ures the rest out. those of us applying, starts with college safe and sound, you can more fun. My top ideas to help or don’t feel fully prepared. De- been a bit overwhelming. DeVos said that it might be a BEKKI SIMKO, pictured with college. always contact them directly by relieve stress and not pulling about people getting 7, 6 or let all that stress slip away. Vos, on the other hand, took on- bit weird, at first, not going to “I was surprised how easy her older sister, Sarah By now, those of you apply- calling or emailing. line classes to help him gradu- it was for me to do [graduate school every day, “but once I TIM DEVOS ing to college should have al- Generally, you can find this ate a semester early. early], but I don’t think it’s for start skiing, it won’t be.” that interested in dances and ready taken the ACT, filled out information on a “Contact Us” DeVos feels prepared to everyone,” said Simko. The seniors graduating at the like, so this option seems your applications, and done page, and the link can be found leave. He said, “Oh yeah, I was want to graduate early is, She said that her work Preparing for finals: study earlier, the end of this semester are re- like a better fit for her. many other college related ac- at the bottom of the college’s ready Freshman year.” “Buckle down and get it done. seemed easy after her home- quired to meet the expectations She is planning to enroll tions (right?). However, if you website homepage. His advice for seniors who If I can do it, anyone can.” schooling background. “It was in college next fall at Western haven’t applied yet, and want stay active, eat and get plenty of rest easy to just blow through ev- State Colorado University to, there is still time! Scholarships Katie Criswell has been ready since her freshman year to graduate erything.” in Gunnison. “It’s beautiful, For many colleges, their Once you’re done with that Jihyun Shim & Sienna Rahe She also said she took im- small, and cheap,” she said. deadlines are around the be- whole business of actually ap- Staff Reporters plans to “work as much as pos- portant classes, like econom- Until then, she will be using ginning of January. Although, Kyle Fowler plying for college, you can fo- Staff Reporter sible to save money and start ics, as a sophomore in order to her extra time to take Colora- very semester, twice a some, such as Colorado State cus on the holy grail of ensur- my life.” Some of her places of get her credits done. do Mountain College (CMC) year, finals roll around. University, have deadlines in ing that you’ll be able to attend mong the seniors grad- employment will include Sonic She is excited to graduate classes and work a lot at her The word can come February. your higher education institu- uating at semester this and Mount Princeton. early, as she doesn’t feel like front desk at the pool. Others admit applicants on a Eacross people like the word Criswell plans to attend col- tion of choice: scholarships and year is Katie Criswell. she’s going to miss out on She is happy to be getting “Voldemort” to Hogwarts’ stu- rolling basis (which means you financial aid. ACriswell has decided to graduate lege starting in the Fall 2013 at anything. She’s never been all life experience before college. dents. People hear “finals” and can pretty much apply at any Always remember, though, early because she simply “had Western State Colorado Univer- run in circles like the apoca- time) such as Colorado Mesa to check the college’s website the opportunity.” Criswell said sity in Gunnison to pursue a de- lypse is coming. University and Western State for priority deadlines regarding she would only have one class gree in Elementary Education. Jake Phillips ready for next part of life The stress of them can make Colorado University. If a college financial aid and scholarships. to stick around for, English. But, Criswell has also thought hair fall out and cause constant uses a rolling admission basis, * Though tax returns won’t as Criswell bluntly said, “there about this decision a lot. Think- freak-outs. But with a little re- Reh Vanatta then you’ll be notified of your be out within the next month, was no point in staying another ing of the pros and cons of the laxation and time, finals can Staff Reporter acceptance within a few weeks you can still get a head start on semester for one class.” decision, Criswell said that she become an area of confidence KATIE CRISWELL as opposed to having to wait your Free Application for Fed- When students graduate high is sad that she will miss some s first semester comes until late March or early April. and cause semester grades to eral Student Aid (FAFSA). Photo by: Ashlyn Stewart school, some are ready to leave of the added perks that come to a close, Salida High sky rocket upwards. This means you still have You can do this by asking for while others are not. Criswell along with being a high school walk with her class during the will be saying good- The biggest step to success SOPHOMORES JESSICA ADAMSON, Melia Golin, and Han- time to squeeze an application a pin number online at www. however, said she has “been senior, next semester. graduation ceremony this com- Abye to some seniors. Included with finals is giving oneself nah Sites study for finals in the cafeteria after school, Dec. 13. in before the end of Christmas fafsa.ed.gov ready since freshmen year.” Af- Criswell is “pretty bummed ing May. in this group is Jake Phillips, time. Start studying early so Students utilize the space after hours to work on group projects. break, which also happens to be * Also, remember that schol- ter her graduation, the senior is about not going to prom.” “If I wouldn’t have been who made his decision a few that as not to end up pulling a perfect time to work on it. Just arships are competitive, but you ready to “start [her] life.” Criswell also said that she able to walk with my class, I weeks ago with the idea that an all-nighter right before and make sure to check the applica- can apply to as many as your say, “Peace out bro, and I’m since grade school. In addition Along with starting her life would have been upset if she probably would have stayed in he would save up more mon- likely not remembering half of tion deadline for the college(s) little heart desires. going to go die now.” to that, one must find time to comes a lot of work. Criswell would not have been able to school.” ey before going to college. the information studied. you’re applying to! Besides seeing Mr. Tressler That’s not the point. You escape studying and take time He plans to attend Colo- If you are better when you For a general rundown of and checking the SHS Counsel- should study maybe an hour for themselves.” rado State University in Fort are in a group, just get together Anita Kudasik gets ahead start on classes at CU, Boulder how to apply for college, see my ing Center web page (http:// a night until finals week and Another very important Collins beginning in the fall of JAKE PHILLIPS October story “Using Common with a group of friends and then, feeling confident and thing students should do is to www.salida.k12.co.us/SHS_ her ideal career, forensics. 2013. App.” work together, using notecards prepared, be able to relax a stop wasting time. Many high Reh Vanatta Scholarships_ALL), here’s a list “An extra semester of college Next semester, Phillips that I had to stop wrestling or other memory devices to re- little during the last week. school students waste time on Copy Editor of websites you can visit to find could help me in the long run if plans to work for his parents but there’s more important member whatever is needed. In finals’ weeks, students social media and pop culture College Applications scholarships: I ever wanted to take time off,” at Salida Greenhouse and things to do,” he said. Another often skipped step also need to try to go to sleep websites. nita Kudasik, a senior at Now, for those of you who --scholarships.com said Kudasik. maybe Patio Pancake Place Even though he won’t be to an easy, breezy finals week early. Sleeping is directly relat- If students could just dis- Salida High, is gradu- have completed your applica- --gocollege.com She decided to enroll in col- again to save up money. He wrestling this season, he will is eating well before tests. Eat a ed to academic performances. connect themselves from the ating at semester. Ever tions, here’s a breakdown of --scholarship360.com lege next semester, while she is will also stay busy with taking continue doing Jiu Jitsu about good breakfast on the day of a We sleep to give our brains web, they would be able to fo- Asince freshman year, Kudasik what you should have done in --scholarshipexperts.com still in the school-mode. college courses through Colo- four times a week. test and then you’ll be destined time to organize and store in- cus much more of their time on planned to graduate early. She November and should do in --scholarshipdude.com “I would get lazy if I just sat rado Mountain College. These Though Phillips won’t be at for success. formation that we learned dur- their studies. said she has really no reason to December: --collegescholarships.org around. It would make the tran- courses include Sociology, coming to the building daily, A good source of food can ing a day. Sleeping can also A study performed through stay for another semester, be- * For you brave seniors who --collegeincolorado.org (un- sition from high school to col- Psychology, English Compo- he still wants to be connected not only cause energy levels boost your mood. Addition- the New York Times discovered cause she has already taken all decided to use Common App, der “Financial Aid Planning”) lege much harder,” said Kuda- sition, College Algebra, and with his class and friends. to be spread out for a good ally, if you go to sleep early, that students who frequently the classes she needs and wants don’t fret about the finality of sik. “Senioritis hasn’t kicked in, American Government. “I’ll still come to games and amount of time, but also allow you have time to eat breakfast shared links and checked Face- to take in high school. submitting one application and There’s still some time to ap- yet, so I’m still working hard.” “I’m ready to go. I’m get- hang out with everyone. I just the brain to think more clearly. which helps you for while tak- book to see what friends were Unlike many students who not being able to edit your other ply for college, but hurry! Good By graduating early, Kuda- ANITA KUDASIK ting a head start on college. won’t be at the school during For example, Dark chocolate, ing your test like we said. up to tended to have higher graduate early, Kudasik will be applications. A step-by-step luck to all and happy scholar- sik will miss out on things like So it’s not like I’m graduating the day.” He’s not too wor- 75% cacao content or higher, Carol Moran-Brown, direc- grades while those who posted attending college next semester guide on how to create multiple ship hunting. spring sports, prom, and all the to be a part of my class though. now. I’m still taking classes, I ried about missing out on any- is one kind of food that helps tor of the Counseling Center status updates tended to have at University of Colorado, Boul- fun senior things at the end of If they called me, I would defi- just won’t be at Salida High thing. “Maybe some drama,” people focus their energy at fi- at Champlain College said in lower grades. der. the year. She doesn’t feel like nitely come back for an event or School,” said Phillips. he joked. nals. White salmon, green tea, an Washington Post article, “In But most of all, during finals, She chose this university be- she’s necessarily missing out just to hang out,” said Kudasik. Phillips was wrestling this “I’m excited and nervous. Step-by-step instruction on how to eggs, and acai berries are good order to perform best on final whether you’re struggling or cause it’s in state, therefore, less though, just moving on. Kudasik will be back to walk winter but ended up quitting I’m more excited to get the for test taking, also. exams, one must remember rushing through the whole test expensive and she loves the lo- “The things I want to do, I with her class at graduation on when he decided to graduate next part of my life started,” Students should also relax. the basics: stay active, get plen- with ease, take a deep breath cation. It also provides a good make multiple CommonApp versions will make time for. I still want May 25, 2013. at semester. “It’s a bummer said Phillips. And by relax, we don’t mean ty of rest, eat a good breakfast, and remember that the grades program to get her started on 1) Log onto your Common App account and click relax until Dec. 17, realize you all those healthy study-tips received on finals usually bring have a test tomorrow and then on the “Instructions” button to the left that students have been told semester grades up, not down. 2) Scroll down to the list of links and click on the Congratulations! 11th bullet labeled “Application Versions” Schedule for first semester finals 3) Just follow the instructions on the screen and presto! You now have separate applications, which Wednesday Third Hour: 12:20 - 1:50 Thursday The Tenderfoot Times wishes a big “good luck” to can be customized for different colleges or simply for First Hour: 8:30 - 10:00 Fourth Hour: 2:00 - 3:30 Fifth Hour: 8:00 - 9:30 the purpose of updating your information. Second Hour: 10:10 - 11:40 Sixth Hour: 9:40 - 11:10 all semester graduates. We’ll miss you! Lunch: 11:40 - 12:15 Seventh Hour: 11:20 - 12:50 Feature Tenderfoot Times December 18, 2012 Page 8 Colorado dependent on this season’s snowfall to shred areas of the Northern United Sienna Rahe Staff Reporter States and create good snow in the Colorado area. So far his season, very little who made the final decision of this season, we have had a La snow had fallen. It’s the when the mountain would of- Nina, but it is predicted to mu- start of the skiing sea- ficially open was Rich Moor- tate into a minor El Nino. Tson, but there’s little to noth- head, the CEO of Monarch Due to where Colorado sits, ing to shred on...yet. Will we Mountain. it can receive both the La Nina see some more flakes soon? Many were hoping this year and El Nino storms but the El When will Monarch open? would not be a repeat of the last Nino generally is better for the The community of Salida was winter season (which was how Colorado area. Colorado does eager to return to the slopes. it was looking for a while), but better with the El Nino track Monarch has been off to a we shouldn’t give up hope yet. simply because the moisture rocky start this year with hav- The NOAA (National Oceanic source comes from the warmer ing had to postpone the open- and Atmospheric Administra- waters of the Pacific Ocean. ing day to Dec. 14. The origi- tion) forecasters have predict- Another prediction made nal opening date of Monarch ed fairly normal amounts of by weatherblogs.com is that was Nov. 21, which was near snowfall for many areas next Colorado will have a bet- ter winter than last year, but Thanksgiving. They were just season including the Colorado Photo by: Ashlyn Stewart: waiting on some actual snow area. The Northern East Coast, slightly below average for the to open. however, is predicted to have area as well as Utah and Wyo- MOUNTAINS ARE COVERED by clouds dense with snow on As of the end of November, a 20-30% increase in snowfall, ming. It should be just enough Dec. 16, finally dumping much need moisture on the peaks. the mountain needs about two the biggest surprise forecast to make a good season, but not more feet of snow to open. this year. an extremely memorable one. isn’t always right. They are We definitely shouldn’t This isn’t the first year this has In Scientific terms, a La However, these predictions not 100% accurate, but they give up, because who knows? happened either. Nina is a storm pattern that are simply the best possible usually aren’t far off, either. Maybe this winter will simply This last season Monarch is caused by cold ocean tem- guess, given the information Don’t give up hope, two years be a late bloomer (like we saw Ski Area was forced to open peratures and isn’t generally the forecasters have at the ago, when Colorado had re- this past weekend), and we in late December which was a very beneficial to the Colora- time. The ocean temperatures cord snowfall, it was a winter will be shredding the pow- major let down for the snow- do area. An El Nino generally and patterns help them col- predicted to be just below av- pow before we can even blink loving community. The man tends to cause mild winters in lect the best data they can, but erage, much like this year. our eyes. New class bells can be changed Macklemore a success

40 options pre-loaded onto junior Darby Himschoot. Catie Wilken for Colo. audience Assistant Editor the computer system. “My ideal bell would be just a “We go through and listen normal one -- one that doesn’t in his garage listening to Dave Peonie Wong ith a new school to them for a change, and then change every day.” Staff Reporter Niehaus announcing baseball comes a new bell we pick one that we think is The software allows clips games in “My Oh My.” In system, and with fun for that week,” said Cos- to be downloaded and used as rom the fact that Mitt between songs, Macklemore Wevery new bell comes strong carella. a bell. The “Spartans, what’s Romney scares him to chatted about judging those opinions. Reverting back to “What we’ve started do- your profession?” clip from how the women in Colo- waiting in line to the men of a bell or introducing another ing is just leaving it until the movie 300 that is played radoF are beautiful to drug ad- Colorado’s mustaches. one can elicit smiles, groans, somebody comes in and says, before sports games is a clip diction and recovery, Seattle The concert was not only and questions like “who ‘Will you please change the from online, downloaded by rapper Macklemore captured lighthearted, but also pen- chooses these things?” from bells?’...The students might the system’s installer. his audience and, with his pro- sive. Macklemore shared his students and teachers alike. not like the ones we play, but Thompson encouraged ducer Ryan Lewis, entertained history of drug addiction and Principal Tami Thompson some of them are pretty bad,” students to bring in sugges- like none other at a sold out recovery with his songs “Oth- and Athletics Director Jim Thompson added. tions for a new bell saved as show at the Ogden Theatre in erside” and “Starting Over.” If Coscarella do. They are able “Some of them are good, a WAVE (.wav) file on a flash Denver on Friday Dec. 6. anything, this part of the show to pick from approximately but they change it a lot,” said drive. The show was opened only made the audience love by first Xperience and then Macklemore because he was DEE-1. Xperience excited an willing to share so much of already hyped audience and himself so honestly. Local vs. chain coffee up to students ended his set with some a capella vocals and rhymes. Haley McCoy & Jonna Glasby The next opener, DEE-1, riled The audi- Staff Reporters up the crowd with meaning- ful songs such as “One Man ence became truly any people grab a to get a latte. Army” and “The Man in My ecstatic when the cup of coffee and Having one in our little City.” The latter song is nor- head off to work or town makes the competition mally accompanied by the reason they were school.M Coffee is the perfect for the local coffee shops more two artists Mannie Fresh and boost to start your day off, but intense. Juvenile. Unfortunately, both all there came out do some brewing companies The students who answered were unable to make it the really have the secrets to bet- they get locally brewed cof- concert. “on stage: Mackl- ter coffee or just more adver- fee isn’t too much further be- Instead, DEE-1 invited up tising? hind. 34 kids said they get a member from the crowd, emore.” We took the time to ask stu- their morning coffee from lo- a man named David, who dents where they prefer to get cal places such as Simmering rapped along side DEE-1 and After pumping up the their cup of caffeine. Cup, Cafe Dawn, and Sacred absolutely killed it, making the crowd with the songs “And Starbucks took in a whop- Grounds. They stated that crowd burst into cheers. How- We Danced” and “Irish Cel- ping 44 tallies. The coffee “Starbucks sucks here!” But ever, the audience became ebration,” the night ended in company is “The Hollister of we all know that everyone Photo by: Michael Ricci truly ecstatic when the reason an explosion of cheers from coffee” in our society. Star- gets a craving for Starbucks. they were all there came out the audience. From the trum- A STUDENT DISPLAYS a bucks has a big franchise, and Comparing prices between on stage: Macklemore. pet player on stage to the mer- Starbucks reusable tumbler. has hundreds of stores around the local places vs Starbucks, As the opening song for the chandise manager to Ryan The tumbler was filled with the world. the difference is huge. The album “The Heist,” it was only Lewis, Macklemore directed water, the only liquid allowed But what makes Starbucks franchise that already makes fitting that Macklemore wel- said cheers to everyone but on carpeted areas in the so special compared to the lo- millions in sales each day comed the Denver audience himself. building. Students often bring cal coffee shops? Starbucks charges $4.60 for a medium to his tour, The Heist, with the Nevertheless, everyone in coffee to school in the morn- has gotten so popular that holiday latte, whereas the song “Ten Thousand Hours.” the room knew how much ing, but must drink it before there is not an area across the same size latte at Simmering From there the night became love and appreciation was felt entering the academic wings. country over 150 miles long Cup is $3.30. something few will be able to for Macklemore himself. Being without at least one Starbucks The extra $1.30 is paying forget. Macklemore’s second hip hop coffee shop on it. for the label of “Starbucks” on There was great service, Macklemore took the audi- home, Colorado gave Mackl- With their fresh smell of the coffee cup. Starbucks also smiling employees, and a ence everywhere from thrift emore most likely one of the coffee grounds, and the per- doesn’t give the local hospital- homey atmosphere. shopping with his catchy, im- most hyped show of his tours, suasive advertising, it’s nearly ity that was experienced at Sa- So, you decide, Starbucks possible-not-to-dance-to single with more than enough love to impossible not to be tempted cred Grounds. coffee, or local coffee? “Thrift Shop” to being a child spare at the end. Page 9 December 18, 2012 Tenderfoot Times News Jazz and concert bands join for a successful semester concert

“Sleigh Ride” by Leroy An- Madison Leinster Staff Reporter derson. Andre Wilkins, the band The Salida High concert director of SHS, believes that and jazz bands entertained an the students’ favorite pieces to audience of students, parents, play were “Linden Lea” and teachers, and other adults at “Sleigh Ride.” Although he their semester concert Dec. 10. wasn’t going for a Christmas- This performance includ- themed concert, Wilkins did ed pieces from the works of throw in some holiday tunes James Williams, Glenn Miller, for enjoyment. and Leroy Anderson. “Little Suite for Band” com- The jazz band played Glenn posed by Erickson, is one of Miller’s famous piece “In the Wilkins’ favorite pieces in the Mood,” Westside Story hit concert. This is Erickson’s first “Somewhere,” a Duke Elling- published tune, whereas at the ton song known as “Mood last SHS band recital, the play- Indigo” and a famous Latin ers performed one of Erick- piece called “Alter Ego” by son’s final published pieces. Williams. “Frank Erickson’s works Each performance had are applicable for a high school at least one soloist, includ- band,” Wilkins said, “so I al- ways try to squeeze in a few ing Michael Procko (junior), Photo by: Avery Martinez Brooke Love (senior), Aaron pieces from him every now McCorkindale (freshman), and then.” SOPHOMORE JAMIE TREAT, left, eyes band director Andre Wilkins during their semester con- Austin Bridges (sophomore), Schehrer, a trumpet player cert on Dec. 10. Right, freshman Kelsey Lindbloom plays the baritone saxophone. Evan Schehrer (junior), Jamie in both jazz and concert band, Treat (sophomore), Jesse Or- said “It [band] is a way for me a flute player for the concert Pascarelli stated that she’s seems very happy with the ris (freshman), and Jayme Mc- to be creative because art isn’t band. Her favorite piece to really pushed herself this year outcome of the performance Corkindale (senior). my thing.” perform was “Linden Lea” in becoming a better player and the students’ participa- Concert band, also brought Schehrer’s favorite piece due to all of the emotion and and hopes she can be a good tion. They will open tonight a wonderfully presented per- from the last concert was “Lit- drama affiliated in it. role model for the female un- for the CMC jazz band. formance. They played “Little tle Suite for Band,” because it “You really have to be in the derclassmen. “It’s clear that they care Suite for Band” by Frank Er- is a treat to play and most of piece emotionally as you’re Another Salida High band about how they sound and ickson, “White Christmas” by all, sounds absolutely awe- playing in order for it to sound concert has come and gone, yet play,” Wilkins mentioned Irving Berlin, “Linden Lea” by some. good on your instrument,” she the students will still be work- proudly, “It’s really fun teach- Ralph Vaughn Williams and Jessie Pascarelli, junior, is said. ing hard for the next. Wilkins ing kids with that attitude.”

Photo by: Michael Ricci

ISAAC STACKONIS, SE- Martinez creates radio NIOR, fills out paperwork after speaking with a recruiter for the American Academy of drama for 1340 AM Dramatic Arts at the Thespian Junior Avery Martinez beries, or a set-up, Mackin’s Conference in Denver Dec. 8. decided that it would be a willing to put his neck on the The conference, the second great idea to start his own line for twenty bucks a day. largest thespian conference radio show like there was in You can hear Mackin’s in the world, had over 4000 the 40s and 50s. He calls the thrilling adventures on attendees, including about radio show, “Eddie Mackin, Sunday nights on 1340 AM, nine drama participants from Private Eye.” Martinez’s ra- starting in late December. Salida. dio drama show is based on “I want people to know The students fundraised to when radio shows were king that I made the show,” said attend, and once there partici- of American entertainment. Martinez, “I want them to pated in a slew of workshops. When Martinez started know that it’s all original Some are about acting, writing this show about a work.” such as improv., covering for detective named Mackin, he “Eddie Mackin, Private on-stage mistakes, miming didn’t really think anything Eye” will be brought to you and stage combat. Some would come of it. “With by at least one sponsor, this were also offered for stage some support from my fam- first sponsor is Waste Man- technicians. Plays are also ily, and a few friends, I took agement of Salida. performed for the students, it to 1340 AM radio station to “The last time a radio sta- this time including a comedy see what they thought. Right tion aired a completely orig- called “The Foriegner.” away they were interested, inal radio show, and broad- Drama Club Sponsor Devon and they have been very casted it to the country was Jencks and a parent volunteer kind, helpful and supportive the final episode of ‘Yours served as chaperones. of this project.” Truly, Johnny Dollar,’ in Mackin is a detective in 1962. I think radio is a huge San Francisco who solves form of information and en- a different case every epi- tertainment to this day, and I Choir amidst a busy holiday season sode. There are multiple re- think the show will succeed,” curring characters, like the said Martinez. He called it a However, they did host Symphony on Dec. 21 and 22 Shelby Martin grandmother and owner of “thrilling half hour of radio their own performance in the at 7:30 p.m. in Boettcher Hall Staff Reporter the boarding house where deductive suspense!” SHS auditorium on Dec. 4, at in Denver. Mackin lives, Leanetta McK- If you want to learn more The Salida High School 7 p.m., which featured songs Nine out of 15 choir students ay, and her granddaughter, about Eddie Mackin, how choir’s busy winter sched- about the Christmas holiday will be staying overnight l and Katy. to get involved, or want to ule started off on the Nov. 23, and winter. It was also senior will attend one rehearsal with There’s also two police- hear the show, go the Eddie when they performed at both Katie Criswell’s last concert. the symphony, but will mostly men, Adler, the crooked cop, Mackin Detective Agency the Parade of Lights and the She has been a member of the be preparing in Salida. and the straight cop Tellen, Facebook page. opening to Holiday Park as a choir since freshman year, but They will be singing ‘Too always lurking somewhere Martinez said, “It would way to welcome in viewers of is graduating at semester. Hot to Handel’, which is a behind Mackin. These char- be fantastic to listen and the trees. The choir performed for jazzed up version of Handel’s acters are played by Lois show support for us on the In class, though, they have the Upper Arkansas Service Messiah. The choir will have a Martinez, Annie Deveney, show. We need if we are been preparing for many other Group (UASG) on Dec. 6 as total of two performances and Isaac Stackonis, and Orion going to go anywhere, so performances. the holiday program for the will be joined by gospel choirs Gamber, respectively. please, tell your friends, The SHS choir was set to group’s regularly scheduled from the Denver area. Mackin’s story takes place family, and co-workers! This sing at the Creche Festival at meeting at Country Bounty. Robin French, choir con- in 1952, where he’s a former show won’t disappoint!” the Lutheran Church on Dec. The most exciting thing that ductor and sponsor, said, “It’s Marine looking for a job. Tune in to hear the first of 2, but only four choir members will be happening to the choir amazing for a small school Whether he’s dealing with many exciting episodes to showed up, so their part was this month is their upcoming like Salida to get this opportu- crooked cops, murders, rob- come. cancelled. performance with the Denver nity.” Sports Tenderfoot Times December 18, 2012 Page 10 Cheer Cheerleaders take second place at State comp.

deserves Ashley Potts Sports Editor kudos It’s been an eventful year for the Salida High School cheerleaders. They’ve dealt from peers with injuries, new members, and changing their routine Mellissa Rodriguez more times than expected. Staff Reporter They had practice after stressful practice, both in the What does not cross peo- morning and after school. ple’s minds when they are in This hard work has been sports is what happens behind well rewarded. They took the scenes -- all the hard work first in every competition that goes into practices or the leading up to State. When stress that happens before State finally rolled around on competitions, meets or games. Dec. 8, they had about two For cheerleading it’s very minutes and thirty seconds different. When one hears 2 to make it or break it. minutes and 30 seconds you After all the obstacles the don’t think it’s very long. team faced, they made it. Photos by: Peonie Wong Little do people know, it is in- The team took second place THE COMPETITION CHEER- credibly demanding. at State by less than a point. LEADERS perform their state Cheerleaders try to defy Strasburg with a score of routine for the school during gravity as much as we can. We 69.33 and Salida with 69.17. halftime of the boys’ Varsity are lifted up in the air and try “It was a great feeling basketball game on Dec. 11. to be so tight we sometimes watching the team come off Above, left to right, seniors forget to breathe. the mat knowing they gave Cassidy Thompson, Micaela Imagine being the lifter it their all,” said head coach Lowe and Reh Vanatta, soph- who has to get close and per- Sandy Gardunio, who was omore Harmony Hartranft, sonal with the other base, has named coach of the year for and senior Julaine Graves to lift all that weight and then the league. peform in the dance portion of catch it with a big smile on her Freshman Olivia Lowe the routine. face. pulled a hamstring and To the right, left to right, “Stick it!” “Reach!” “Again!” junior Bailee Gardunio sophomore Demi Vanatta, These are dreaded words to a tweaked a disk in her back Reh Vanatta, and sophomore tumbler who uses what seems the night of Dec. 6, leaving Haley McCoy are hoisted by like every muscle in their body the team just one day to re- the rest of the cheerleaders in to flip around in the air. choreograph. But that didn’t the final stunt of the routine. Nothing is easy when it seem to faze them. comes to this sport. Honestly, Nor did training senior whoever came up with cheer- Jacob Adamson last minute. Adamson said he would a point, but I’m really proud cheer. The whole season she leading was trying to redefine “I got a week-long crash probably never do it again, of my team,” said Bailee Gar- pushed herself and her team- the word impossible. course in anything and every- but he was glad to take part dunio. mates to be the best they can We have our work cut out thing cheerleading,” said Ad- in the experience and respects Senior Emily Dewberry be,” said coach Gardunio. for us every single practice we amson, who joined the team the cheerleaders a lot more was named for the fairly new All the teams who made it go through. With people fly- on Nov. 30 to replace another now for what they do. All State Cheer award. to the finals at the State com- ing in the air and never know- member. “It was one of the “It’s a little frustrating to “Emily is a natural leader petition got to pick one mem- ing whether it’s going to be a longer weeks of my life.” come in second by less than who is very passionate about ber for All State. good or bad practice, because if you’re off, you’re off and when you’re on that’s when you get stuff done. Young girls’ basketball team off to a good start When people see us laying high school, participating in but they understand practic- seems to have improved. They on the mats, that’s not exactly Jihyun Shim Staff Reporter competitive leagues during ing hard is the first step to are more experienced, confi- what we’re doing. We lay on high school years and con- playing a good game. dent and stronger than last the mats every time we get a The Girls’ Basketball sea- tinuing to play on town team Kapushion said even year. They have became more chance to actually catch our son is back. The team is spon- leagues. He brings this experi- though they have a young mature this year as whole with breath from the routine, or sored by three coaches: Rocky ence to the court. team this year, they expect to most of them having a year or trying to figure out why some Granzella, Casey Golden and The team practices right be very competitive and to two of varsity play. stunt’s not going right. Randy Kapushion. There are after school or in the evening compete at the regional and Kapushion said, “We are It’s not about just spending 24 players on the squad this- (they have to share the gyms state tournaments. He hopes going to be very competitive time on your hair or deciding year; the players are divided with the boys’ team so their they are in the top three con- this year.” what we’re going to wear for into two teams, junior varsity practice schedule switches) ference wide. The team played the Denver school. and varsity, based on the skill Monday through Thursday Lauren McDonald, a soph- School of Science and Technol- This sport isn’t a joke. It can levels and three freshman play and Friday in the morning. omore player, said, “We im- ogy in Buena Vista on Dec. 15. make you learn a lot of life les- on both teams: Sydney Fes- They practice basic shooting, proved a lot from last year. So They sustained their first loss, sons like discipline, how to enmeyer, Dayna Stewart and defensive formation, funda- far, we are doing pretty well.” 52 to 37. face your fears and how to not Karlie Scherff. mental practice and most im- As many sophomores make Their next game will be a just think about yourself but Kapushion has been a bas- portantly conditioning. The up the varsity team. home game on Dec. 20 against 18 other girls who want the ketball player since he was in players say practice is hard, Also, this year, the team Centauri High School. same exact thing. So, before you judge us and think it’s the easiest sport at Boys’ basketball team still excites home fans Salida High, come to a prac- Colton Newcomb, and fresh- were ahead at halftime. They tice or a competition and re- Mellissa Rodriguez alize we’re not the only team Staff Reporter man Jhett Trenary. excited the crowd when they that has problems or lays on Senior and team manager, played and helped each other the mat. This season the boys bas- opener and being such a Janet Barrientos, said, “watch- in defense throughout the We’re something to talk ketball team has played in young team, we did really well ing them, they’re the most game. Though they lost, they about because as a family we multiple games considering for ourselves. We stuck with a optimistic and energetic team showed promise. cheer at games in the freezing the season is just beginning. lot of older, more experienced I’ve been around.” Even though this year a lot cold or extremely hot gyms Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 the boys teams.” Many may be making ex- of the boy’s peers are thinking to support our friends, peers, traveled to Colorado Springs, The boy’s varsity team con- cuses for the team that it might the worst for them, Trenary and school. to the traditional James Irwin sists of seniors, Thibaud Aerts be a long season, because they is confident about the season. And hey, we might not be tournament to start off their and Nick Keserich; juniors, are such a young team, but “We’re out to prove them all the most respected for doing season. Harry Spencer, Evan Scherer, they proved this assumption wrong,” said Trenary. what we do, but for ourselves Sophomore Derek Scott and Caleb Johnson; sopho- wrong on Dec. 11 when they Their next game will be Dec. we come home with trophies. said, “for it being a season mores, Scott, Jonah Byars, and played Lake County and 20 against Centauri at home. Page 11 December 18, 2012 Tenderfoot Times Sports Spartan swimmers kick off winter season Lessons Swim team thus far undefeated from sports

of girls and coaches.” Kyle Fowler Staff Reporter Kaylin Carpenter, an- other high school junior, The Salida Spartan swim added by saying, “the team team has kicked their sea- is a family, and no matter son off with a bang. The what happens we will still team has been doing great be a family,” and as for right both individually and as now, it looks like what’s a team, snagging thirteen happening is a lot of win- first place spots for their in- ning to go around. dividual events for the last “Right now we are unde- two swim meets as well as feated and I’m pretty sure Reh Vanatta taking first overall as a team we can keep that,” Sharrar Copy Editor at both of the meets held in said. Salida and also at St. Mary’s This team already has “You know Reh, it’s just High School. their eyes on the state title like if you were kayaking...” The swim team has a too. “Hopefully we will take “It’s just like if you were ski- team of fourteen competing state,” said Carpenter. ing...” “It’s just like if you were this year. The team’s head They are also setting cur- mountain biking...” These are coach is Sandy Love, also a rent goals for their times as some of the famous responses fifth grade teacher at Salida well. my dad gives whenever I need Middle School. Love’s assis- McCorkindale hopes that help with something. I mean, tant coach is Wendy Gorie for this season she just gets he can say this about ANY- as well as Pam Denison who “better at swimming over- THING! Nine times out of ten, assists as the diving coach. all.” While Carpenter hopes if I need help, my dad will The team also has swim- to get a new personal record bring it back to sports to help mers from Buena Vista High (PR) for her diving, an as- explain himself. School to help round out the pect of swimming that she Ever since I was little, my team. enjoys for the “technique dad has made me learn and The team also agrees that and the new things that we appreciate sports. I was on my this is going to be a good sea- get to learn.” first pair of skis at age three. I son for the Lady Spartans. Sharrar also said, “I’m climbed into a kayak and ex- “It’s going to awesome, and hoping to beat my times perienced my first stretch of amazing, and spectacular,” from last year.” river kayaking when I was ten. said current senior and first- The Lady Spartans are Even though I hate it, my dad time Spartan swim team hoping to continue their still makes me go mountain athlete Jayme McCorkind- winning at their future biking with him from time to ale. swim meets and keep ahold time in hopes that I will learn “My team is the best onto their undefeated title to enjoy it. Yeah, that’s prob- thing ever,” said Samantha as well as getting support ably not going to happen, but it’s a nice gesture. Photos by: Kyle Fowler Sharrar, high school junior from their two schools. and third year swim team But for now, the team- All these sports, along with ABOVE, BROOKE LOVE, senior, takes a breath during a participant. “I love my team, mates are pumping them- running, soccer, and cheer- butterfly stroke at the team’s home meet Dec. 4. The Spar- [they’re] fantabulous.” selves up. leading, have taught me so tans swam against Platte Canyon and Gunnison. McCorkindale added Sharrar said, “yay swim- many life lessons. Directly above, Sage Kitson, senior, rises from the water to that the team was “amaz- ming! We kick water’s For the longest time, when- take a breath during a breaststroke race as she stays ahead ing. They are a great group butt.” ever my dad began to say one of an opponent. This is Kitson’s second year on the team. of his phrases, I would think: what on earth does skiing have to do with the argument I got in today? The the more Wrestlers cut weight to succeed as a team I thought about it though, it makes complete sense. man. Lowe explained that last to. It teaches them self-disci- Now I know that my dad Mellissa Rodriguez year he had to keep dropping pline. Staff Reporter didn’t just make sports a huge at least ten pounds a week, They have had two tourna- part of my life, so I would have because he kept gaining a lot ments thus far in the season. As a wrestler one thing that The wrestling team has 14 something fun to do if I get of weight back. This year he The first was the Air Force comes with the sport isn’t just different weight classes with bored. He made me ski runs decided to not cut weight and Academy Invitational, held the hot bod, girls drooling over multiple athletes wrestling in so steep that even grown men stay at 152 lbs. Dec. 1. The next was the Lew- you, or the bruised faces from some classes. Coach Bob Smith would turn away from it, just There are some athletes is Palmer Tournament, held every practice. stated “If there are kids in the so I could conquer my fears who don’t have to drop weight Dec. 8. Something that every wres- same weight class, they have and make some of the best and don’t go through cutting Next is the Southern Colo- tler has to go through, and a wrestle-off, and the athlete memories I will ever have. weight. Sophomore Jacob rado Tournament, held the many other students don’t who wins gets the weight class He didn’t make me run sec- Wood wrestles at the 220 lbs first weekend of break (Dec. understand is cutting weight. and the other either has to go tions of rivers that were hard weight class and explained he 21 - 22). They will continue Wrestlers aren’t just working up or down a weight class.” and scary just to see me cry, doesn’t have to drop weight as to practice during break, and their butts off to be a stereo- Junior Tony Gentile and but rather to prove that I could well as Nick Mann who also even have a dual against CSCS typical “meathead” who slams senior Tyler Martin were in overcome mental obstacles, wrestles in the heavy weight. on Jan. 3. people on the ground. the same 170 lbs weight class. make quick decisions, and en- With wrestling comes a lot After break, their schedule Cutting weight is not about Gentile was expected to drop joy time out on the river with of life lessons that each of the will resume full-force. They these athletes starving them- 9 pounds to fill the 165 weight him. He purposely put me wrestlers can say they’ve ex- have a home dual against TCA selves either. They are just class spot. in hard situations, so I could perienced and learned. Some on Jan. 10. Then will be the serious about winning and Sophomore Nathan Lowe, learn to handle them. stated that you can’t make or massive home Rob Michael being the best in their weight experienced the cutting weight I don’t believe a person can cut weight if you don’t want tournament on Jan. 19. classes. part of wrestling as a fresh- learn all the necessary life les- sons they need from a textbook MIKE HARRIS, LPC, LAC and I, absolutely, don’t believe someone can find themselves Professional Counseling Services if all they do is bury their SANITY. PSYCHOTHERAPY. heads in their studies. It’s like PERSONAL GROWTH. the old saying, “life is to be ex- perienced, not read about.” Helping you revitalize your life! As I go through my senior year and make all kinds of de- cisions, I find myself saying, 719-966-7135 “Reh, it’s like if you were ski- www.mikeharrislpc.com ing...” and, sure enough, most of my problems are solved. News Tenderfoot Times December 18, 2012 Page 12 Gardunio resigns as head coach

to. To take it on is no small workout, and our overall Avery Martinez Staff Reporter feat. numbers weren’t very good. According to Jim Coscarel- They need to find a guy who Since the days of 1934, foot- la, the Athletic Director and can convince the kids, par- ball has been the focal point assistant coach, “Coach Gar- ents, and board, to give time of Salida High School. And dunio has been instrumental to workout; and, I’m not that this year another era of Salida in being part of the success the guy.” High Football has come to a football team has had in the “I am proud of my staff, close. last five years. Just a few years proud of our accomplish- In early November, Phil ago, we were beating BV, and ments, we have two confer- Gardunio, the seven year vet- he won Coach of the Year mul- ence titles to show for our Courtesy Photo eran head coach, and Jim Cos- tiple times! As far as it goes for work with very little student carella, a long time assistant me, it was just time for me to athletes,” said Gardunio about SOPHOMORES SIENNA RAHE, Faith McKenna, Meghan coach, announced their deci- step down. My first duty is to the teams successes. White, Jessica Adamson and Hannah Sites smile after taking sion to step down from their the school and the board and “I was raised a Spartan, and second place at their Destination Imagination Extreme Compe- coaching positions on the Sali- doing both was too much.” I’m finishing my career as a tition on Dec. 1. da High School team. Gardunio said he stepped Spartan, and I feel good about The team, called “Pause for Dramatic Effect,” was given a As head coach, Gardunio down as head coach, because, that,” said Gardunio. challenge at 8 p.m. Nov. 30 and had 12 hours to solve it. They has lead the Spartan team “It was just my time. This is The steps being taken to stayed up the entire night before presenting the solution in the through thick and thin. In my fourth program I’ve been obtain a new football coach morning, and beat nine other teams for the second place finish. his years as coach, he’s faced involved in, and the third I’ve are just like that of a job. They The event was practice for later competitions this year. many challenges, from a low been head coach of. I’m burned opened by accepting resumes, White said her favorite part is “being able to be on the team number of student athletes, out and tired.” and nominations, for the new with all my friends. We work well as a team.” to being dropped in classifi- “I felt like things were slip- coach, next they are going to Their regional competition will be held March 23, where they cation. Coach Gardunio has ping away,” Gardunio said, review them with the school will have the chance to go to state if they are one of the top had his time with the Spartans “convincing the students to board, and figure who is best teams. If they take first at the State tournament, the team will team, putting up with more workout, convincing parents suited for the new coaching qualify for Globals. than most coaches ever have to get the kids to commit to position. Nutcracker adaptation

The performance starred Shelby Martin Staff Reporter many community members ranging in age. Salida High We all know the basic story Drama Club members Isaac of the Nutcracker. Girl (Clara) Stackonis, senior, and Michael get’s nutcracker for Christ- Ricci, junior, played leading mas, nutcracker becomes roles in the performance. real and alive, Mouse King is Stackonis played the Nut- evil, there is something about cracker, while Ricci played sugar plum fairies, girl falls in both Mikey and the Mouse love with the nutcracker, then King, who the Nutcracker wakes up to realize it’s all a fights to gain his power. dream, but then some young In addition to Drama Club man who looks suspiciously members, Andre Wilkins, Sali- like the Nutcracker shows up. da High School Band Director, Okay, so maybe not the exact played the father of Clara. story, but a brief and very bad The idea for the adaptation summary. sprung from the mind of Dev- But, the Stage Left Theatre on Jencks, Salida High School Company, in collaboration Drama Advisor and Stage Left with the Salida Dance Com- Artistic Director. Photo by: Peonie Wong pany, seeked to change that. As a child she “read and On the evenings of Dec. re-read a book called ‘A Very SENIORS MATT TRUEBLOOD and Brandon Coleman launch their ballista-style catapult for 13,14 and 15, and a matinee Young Dancer’ which told Physics class on the football field Nov. 26. Todd Bright, instructor, encouraged the students to performance on Dec. 16 at the the story of the Nutcracker. . build either a trebuchet, onager or ballista, fashioned specifically to throw tennis balls. The ma- SteamPlant Theatre, they put .“ It was a story she felt was chine also had to fit within one square meter and had to be launched by one person not touching on an adaptation of June Walk- “magical.” Jencks was able to the actual structure. Seniors Claire Zwaan and Peonie Wong’s trebuchet chucked the ball the er Rogers’s The Nutcracker. share this with the community farthest distance. There was less dancing and -- both the audience and the more acting. performers. JKB to host pancake breakfast tomorrow

Before finals begin tomor- and serve the pancakes with row morning, the J. Kyle Braid the help of the kitchen staff, club will be sponsoring a pan- and the meal is by donation, cake breakfast to get everyone only. ready for their tests. Senior JKB member Jacob JKB’s breakfast will start at Adamson said they will of- about 7:45 a.m. Because school fer coffee and pancakes with has a delayed start late due to multiple toppings, including finals, it will come to a close syrup and whipped cream. just before the first tests begin He added, “JKB would like at 8:30 a.m. to wish everyone best luck on JKB members will prepare your finals!”