(ReFS) Resilient and Exchange 2016

https://ucconnect.wordpress.com/2016/02/06/refs-resilient-file-system-and-exchange- server-2016/

ReFS is a newly engineered file system for that is built on the foundations of NTFS. ReFS maintains high degree of compatibility with NTFS while providing enhanced data verification and auto-correction techniques as well as an integrated end-to-end resiliency to corruptions especially when used in conjunction with the storage spaces feature.

ReFS is Supported with Exchange 2013/2016 with the following considerations:

· Data integrity features must be disabled for the Exchange database (.edb) files or the volume that hosts these files.

· If deploying on Windows Server 2012, ensure the following hotfixes are installed on Windows Server 2012:

Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 update rollup: April 2013

Virtual Disk Service or applications that use the Virtual Disk Service crash or freeze in Windows Server 2012

Windows 8-based or Windows Server 2012-based computer freezes when you run the ‘dir’ command on an ReFS volume

· ReFS is not supported for OS volumes.

· If DAG is configured with AutoReseed disks, the Disk FileSystem (ReFS) must be defined : PS> Set- DatabaseAvailabilityGroup -FileSystem ReFS

Option 1: Format the new Volumes with ReFS and Disable Data integrity.

A. Using PowerShell to Initialize Raw Disks and to Partition and Format Volumes with ReFS and disable Data integrity feature.

1. Get the disk that has a raw partition style.

PS> Get-Disk clip_image002 clip_image004

2. Change the Disk Status to Online.

PS> Set-Disk -Number 1 -IsOffline $False

1 (ReFS) Resilient File System and Exchange Server 2016 clip_image006 clip_image008

3. Initialize the disk.

PS> Get-Disk 1 | Initialize-Disk -PartitionStyle GPT clip_image010 clip_image012

4. Partition and format the disk with ReFS.

PS>Get-Disk 1 | New-Partition -UseMaximumSize -DriveLetter E | Format-Volume -FileSystem REFS - NewFileSystemLabel Data -SetIntegrityStreams $false clip_image014 clip_image016

5. Gets integrity information for a file on an ReFS volume

PS> Get-FileIntegrity E:\Test.txt clip_image017

B. Using command line to Initialize Raw Disks and to Partition and Format Volumes with ReFS and disable Data integrity feature .

C:\> DiskPart

DiskPart> List Disk

DiskPart> Select Disk 1

DiskPart> Create Partition Primary

DiskPart> Assign Letter=E

C:\> Format /fs:ReFS /q /i:disable E:

2 (ReFS) Resilient File System and Exchange Server 2016 clip_image018

Note: By default, when the /i Switch (CMD) or -SetIntegrityStreams (PowerShell) is not specified, the behavior that the system chooses depends on whether the volume resides on a mirrored space. On a mirrored space, integrity is enabled because we expect the benefits to significantly outweigh the costs. Applications can always override this programmatically for individual files.

Option 2: Disable integrity for multiple files by using the pipeline

PS C:\> Get-Item -Path ‘E:\*’ | Set-FileIntegrity -Enable $False