RAMA 638 monkeys unconscious. At that time Vibhlsana was away told Ravana about his victory, and as suggested by the latter Raksasa to arrange for food. women took to the battlefield in the When Vibhisana returned with food he was taken Puspaka Vimuna, showed her Rama, Laksmana and aback to find Laksmana and others lying in an uncons- others lying there in a life-less condition and told her cious condition. Rama was informed about the matter that all of them were dead. Sita wept aloud, but Trijafa and when he came to the battle-ground and saw consoled her by saying that the Puspaka Vimana would not Laksmana, Sugrlva, and all the others lying carry widows and therefore Rama was not dead. for a short there unconscious he lost self-confidence Hanuman returned before dawn the next day. As he that it was all the result of his while and remarked could not distinguish mrtasanjivini he had brought having put faith in Vibhlsana, Ravana's brother whom with him a mountain peak where the four medicinal This comment he had put in charge of die battlefield. plants, Salyaharani, VisalyakaranI, Sandhanakaranl but Sri Rama soon of Rama pained Vibhisana much; and MrtasanjTvini grew. Jambavan distinguished treated him kindly. mrtasanjivini from the others and carried the four Devas who witnessed the scene were alarmed. Even the herbs into the battlefield. Contact with the air, which sat for sometime immersed in medi- But Rama there carried the smell of mrtasanjivini brought the dead back tation and then a light emerged from his right eye, to life. Visalyakarani removed all the arrows from their shot towards the north and disappeared in the horizon. bodies and Sandhanakaranl healed the wounds. At once Garuda appeared on the scene from the west Laksmana again went out to Reluctant and removed with his beak the nagastra from fight Indrajit. to fight with the former, Indrajit resorted to a new Laksmana's body. Laksmana jumped up from his magical trick. He created an artificial or illusory unconscious state; Sugrlva and others also regained Slta and with her seated in a chariot he rose in the consciousness. In the fighting that followed all the up and said as follows: "Ravana has abandoned Sita Raksasa leaders were killed. It was Hanuman, who sky who about humiliation to the Raksasas and killed Kumbhakarna. At the time of his death brings ruin to Lanka.. So, I cut her to pieces." So he Kumbhakarna made a last request to Rama, i.e. his head saying cut into one stroke of his who should be cut off and thrown into the sea as otherwise two, by sword, Slta, cried Oh ! lord ! oh! brother." Blood fell on the the Raksasas would laugh at him to see the head from my battlefield and Rama which the ears have been bitten off by monkeys. Indrajit disappeared. Though and others were alarmed by all these, Vibhlsana explain- Accordingly Rama got Hanuman to throw Kumbha- ed that it was all the of the and in the karna's head into the sea. magic Raksasas, fierce fighting that followed Laksmana killed Indrajit. Then Sri Rama told Laksmana thus : Today I shall By now all the important and prominent Raksasas fight Indrajit. The war shall not continue yet further. were killed. At last Ravana himself entered the battle- Today Indrajit and tomorrow Ravana should be killed field. His first encounter was with Laksmana. Then and the next day we will return to Ayodhya. Laksmana the fighting turned into one between Rama and answered: "I shall Indrajit. I have told Vibhisana fight Ravana. The former broke the bow of Ravana and did that I will kill Indrajit within three days." not want to fight with the weaponless Raksasa With Sri Rama's blessings Laksmana began fighting King. Next day Ravana brought Patala Ravana and Indrajit shot Narayanastra which attracted by again. Kumbhodara to Lanka. Both of them entered Rama's the 'seven-let ter-Mantra' (Namo Narayanaya) of camp during night, but Patala who realised Laksmana circled him thrice and entered his quiver. Ravana, that could be achieved there returned to The Raksasa minister called Mahodara converted his nothing Patala with Kumbhodara. He built a tunnel from elephant into Airavata and himself changed into Patala to where in the fort created Devendra and encountered Laksmana. Saying that he upwards earth, by Hanuman's tail twisted in a circle lay Sri Rama and had no quarrel with and would not fight him others. The tunnel opened into this 'fort', and Patala Laksmana put down his bow, and Indrajit, exploiting Ravana and his brother made Rama and Laksmana the situation shot Brahmastra against Laksmana under unconscious by them inhale sammohana cover of the clouds. Laksmana, Sugrlva and others making medicine and carried them off into Patala. Rama and fainted. Then Sri Rama was in the army-camp, Laksmana were laid in the of a worshipping weapons to render them more powerful. court-yard temple to be sacrificed to Mahakali the same Rama returned to the battle-ground to find Laksmana very night. Arrangements for the sacrifice were and others in life-less condition and crying like a mere completed. ignorant fellow he lay by the side of Laksmana. Hanuman had been frequently looking inside the fort. VibhTsana, who returned with food prayed for the grace As soon as the absence of Rama and Laksmana was of Devas. Indra appeared, gave to VibhTsana Ganga noticed, Sugriva and others, under the leadership of water in a golden vessel and asked it to be given to VibhTsana reached the Kali temple through the tunnel. Hanuman and Jambavan, who, though unconscious In the fighting that followed Hanuman killed Patala were not dead. Ravana and Arigada killed Mahodara. The only son VibhTsana did so and both Hanuman and Jarnbavan of Patala Ravana, Sumali, was crowned King of Patala. regained consciousness. Jambavan told Hanuman that Ravana entered the field again against Rama. Rama if mrtasanjivini (herbal medicine which will put life shot the Mahendra arrow against Ravana. The arrow, back into the dead) were brought from the distant which represented in itself the effulgence of Mahendra, Himalayas before dawn the next day all the dead ones the hardness of diamonds, the intensity of fire and like Laksmana and SugrTva could be brought back to Visnu's glow cut off the ten heads of Ravana. His life. (See under MrtasanjTvini) . Accordingly Hanuman physical body fell on earth and his spirit ascended to started for the Himalayas. Meanwhile Indrajit had heaven.