The Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 2015 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 Planning notices Sections 67 & 73

The following applications have been submitted to the council. The codes are: ASCON Affecting the Setting in a Conservation Area ASLCO Affecting Setting of Listed Building in Cons area CONLB Conservation Area and Listed Building LB Listed Building PRW Footpath - Public Rights of Way

Applications received for //Broadway: 17/00764/LB Broadway CONLB Replacement windows for Room 202 (Orchard Wing) at The Lygon Arms Hotel, Broadway Lygon Arms, 28 High Street, Broadway, WR12 7DU 17/00823/ADV Evesham ASLCO Item 1 = 1 x Fascia Sign. Item 2 = 1 x ACM Direct Panel. Item 3 (a,b,c) = 3 x Window Graphics. Item 5 = 1 x Poster Frame 83 High Street, Evesham, WR11 4DN 17/00663/LB Evesham LB Internal alterations and 3no. rooflights Flat 1, The Ems, 12 Road, Evesham, WR11 3DT 17/00409/HP CONLB Single storey rear extension 8 China Corner, Honeybourne, Evesham, WR11 7PH 17/00410/LB Honeybourne CONLB Single storey rear extension- Listed Building Consent 8 China Corner, Honeybourne, Evesham, WR11 7PH 17/00891/HP ASLCO, PRW Proposed enlargement of existing garage, single storey oak framed rear extension, insertion of rooflight in existing store room together with internal amendments and new detached garage. Rock End Cottage, Pepper Street, Inkberrow, WR7 4EJ 17/00892/LB Inkberrow ASLCO, PRW Proposed enlargement of existing garage, single storey oak framed rear extension, insertion of rooflight in existing store room together with internal amendments and new detached garage. Rock End Cottage, Pepper Street, Inkberrow, WR7 4EJ 17/00895/HP North Piddle LB Works to and associated with the renovation/refurbishment of the listed cottage. Works include replacement of all existing windows and doors, remodelling of the drawing room fire place, remodelling/refurbishment of the staircase balustrade and infill, general alterations and redecorations. Essential work to repair and renovate the first floor structure, essential repairs to existing timber frame and rendered infill (internal and external). Part retrospective. The Butts, Village Street, North Piddle, WR7 4PT 17/00896/LB North Piddle LB Works to and associated with the renovation/refurbishment of the listed cottage. Works include replacement of all existing windows and doors, remodelling of the drawing room fire place, remodelling/refurbishment of the staircase balustrade and infill, general alterations and redecorations. Essential work to repair and renovate the first floor structure, essential repairs to existing timber frame and rendered infill (internal and external). Part retrospective. The Butts, Village Street, North Piddle, WR7 4PT 16/03040/LB Pershore CONLB To remove Upvc rear door and to install timber door of a style and material to match original Mr Thomas 7 Priest Lane, Pershore, WR10 1EB 17/00881/RM ASCON Reserved matters application for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline planning permission W/15/02041/OU. Peace Avon, Main Road, Wyre Piddle, Pershore, WR10 2JB

A copy of all the above listed applications, plans and other documents can be viewed at Any objections or representations concerning the proposals should be sent to the Housing and Planning Services, Civic Centre, Pershore, to reach them on or before 15/6/2017.

Evesham Community Contact Centre, Abbey Road, Evesham, WR11 4SB Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore, Worcs WR10 1PT Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm T: 01386 565000 F: 01386 561092