Roundtable on the Age of

On Thursday, September 5 we will be holding a roundtable discussing about the religious doctrines and policies of various religious leaders and groups during the Age of Reformations. Each of you will be assigned the role of a religious leader or a member of a specific group. To prepare for the roundtable you need to do the following.

1. Research your person or group so that you can familiarize yourself with this person’s personal history and beliefs. You should be familiar with your person when we discuss him/her in class. For the roundtable, you should be able to play the role of your person with passion and verisimilitude. You should also know how your person related to the other religious groups of the era. You are particularly responsible for the connections, disputes, and points of agreement with the others of the age. You should be prepared to challenge the other religious leaders on the points where your beliefs either connect or conflict. 2. Read the assigned primary document(s) and then type up an analysis using specific and explicit evidence from the documents to analyze one (or more) of the following topics. If you have several documents, you should include all of them in your analysis. You need to use your own words in writing up your analysis. This will probably be two-three pages long. Pick at least one of the following topics and use your primary docs to explain how your person thought about that topic. Depending on the information you find and your document(s), you may find you need to bring in your person’s thoughts on more than one issue. Don’t forget a thesis statement. Using a document means more than just quoting from it. You also need to analyze what your person said and how he expressed his or her beliefs and then connect that to the argument you’re making. Of course, you will give citations for any information you use. Feel free to do outside research to better understand your person. • What is the proper relationship between church and state? • What is the state of the Catholic church and are there reforms that are necessary to make or are the Church problems irreparable? • What is your vision of the ideal church and how to establish and/or preserve it? • How best can the church and/or state instill the proper Christian principles into people? • How best can the church and/or state ensure that a community is a sufficiently Godly community? • What is your theological position concerning doctrinal issues such as the sacraments, predestination, and free will? (You may choose just one of those issues if you prefer) • What is your attitude toward at least one of the other religious groups or leaders of the era? How do you believe that heretics from what you believe to be the one true faith should be dealt with? • What are your opinions on the importance of converting others to your faith?

3. Bring in a name plate that visually presents your person or group’s beliefs and role in the Age of Reformations. Rubric Possible Your Points Points I. Nameplate that is illustrative of your person’s beliefs and role in the 10 . You should have the nameplate on both days. II. Analysis of the primary document(s): Do you have an adequate thesis 55 statement? Do you use specific evidence to support your arguments? III. Use of beautiful English, grammar, punctuation, spelling, proper 10 citations/bibliography in Chicago style, etc. IV. Active, perceptive, and accurate participation in the roundtable 25 reflecting your person’s beliefs and role in the Reformation plus your person’s opinions of other members of the roundtable TOTAL 100

Luther and his Contemporaries, Supporters and Adversaries Jacqueline Desiderius The Praise of Folly Complaint of Peace Letters to Martin On Free Will Zoe - A Address to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation The Freedom of a Christian (two excerpts) A Sermon on Marriage Against the Murderous, Thieving Hordes of Peasants Neil Martin Luther - B Address to the Christian Nobility The Bondage of the Will Colloquy Kyle Charles V Statement of Grievances: Advice to his son Aidan Thomas Müntzer Letter to Thomas Müntzer and the Peasants’ Sermon to the Princes War of 1525 The Twelve Articles of the Peasants of Swabia p. 69/86 in Perspectives Other and the Radical Reformers Ashley Ulrich Zwingli Sixty-Seven Articles Refutation of the Tricks of the Catabaptists An Exposition of the Faith Marburg Colloquy Sanjana Michael Sattler of The Schleitheim Confession the Swiss Brethren Trial of Michael Sattler - Anabaptists Riley Menno Simons Selected writings Abby John Calvin - A Catechism Letter to the Duchess of Ferrara Draft of Ecclesiastical Ordinances of Geneva p. 75/91 in Perspectives Pierce John Calvin - B Institutes of the Christian Religion: Free Will and Predestination Varun John Knox Vindication of the Doctrine that the Sacrifice of the Mass is Idolatry First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women The Scottish Confession of Faith

Anabaptist Martyrs The Execution of Archbishop Thomas Cranmer in 1556

The English Reformation Max King Henry VIII Act in Restraint of Appeals Act for the Submission of the Clergy Supremacy Act Statute of the Six Articles Act Dissolving the Greater Monasteries Adithya Sir Thomas More Dialogue Concerning Heresies Jake Thomas Cromwell Act in Restraint of Appeals Dispensations Act Act Dissolving the Greater Monasteries Cromwell’s Agents’ Report The Suppression of Glastonbury Abbey Eli Archbishop Cranmer Necessary Doctrine Preface to the Great Bible Act of Uniformity under Edward VI The Execution of Archbishop Cranmer Mary Mary Tudor Report to the Council on Princess Mary Elizabeth Queen Mary I’s Speech at the Guildhall First Statute of Repeal Revival of the Heresy Acts Second Statute of Repeal Will of Mary I Julia Archbishop An Appeal to the Council of Trent Reginald Pole First and Second Statutes of Repeal, Revival of the Heresy Acts Somya Queen Elizabeth Act of Uniformity Act Against Papists 39 Articles Queen Elizabeth on Religion in 1559 and 1585 The Catholic Reformation Divya Council of Trent – Cardinals’ Proposal for Reform Addressed to Pope Paul III Pope Paul III - A Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent p. 92 – 96 (up to the 25th Session) in Perspectives 5th edition (not in 6th) On the Enslavement and Evangelization of Indians in the New World Rory Council of Trent – Rules on Prohibited Books Pope Pius IV Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent p. 96 – 98 (from the 25th Session) in Perspectives 5th edition (not in 6th) Injunctum Nobis Confirmation of the Council of Trent Michael Ignatius Loyola and The Spiritual Exercises Jesuits Letter on Obedience Constitution of the Society of Jesus The Spiritual Exercises p. 82/98 in Perspectives

St. Ignatius Loyola The Council of Trent