2552 Congressional Record-Senate Senate
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2552 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MARCH 8 6834. By the SPEAKER: Petition of assembly of youth, MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT committee for Philadelphia Youth Council, Philadelphia, Pa., A message in writing from the President of the United petitioning consideration of their resolution with reference to States was communicated to the Senate by Mr. Latta, one of antialien legislation; to the Committee on Immigration and his secretaries. Naturalization. EXPENSES OF THE INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL COMMITTEE OF AERIAL 6835. Also, petition of Missionary District of the Panama LEGAL EXPERTS Canal Zone, Ancon, C. Z., petitioning consideration of their The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the follow resolution with reference to regulation and restrictions of ing message from the President of the United States, which employment; to the Committee on Merchant Marine and was read, and, with the accompanying papers, referred to the Fisheries. Committee on Foreign _Relations: To the Congress of the United States of America: SENATE I commend to the favorable consideration of the Congress F~IDAY, MARCH 8, 1940 the enclosed report from the Secretary of State to the end that Public Resolution Numbered 254, approved August 7, (Legislative day of Monday, March 4, 1940) 1935 (49 Stat. 540), be amended by repealing section 2 of the The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration resolution, which terminates the provisions of the resolution of the recess. as of June 30, 1941, so as to provide an annual appropria The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the tion to meet the share of the United States toward the ex following prayer: penses of the International Technical Committee of Aerial Dear Lord and Heavenly Father, we come to Thee as Legal Experts and for participation in the meetings of the ccmmittee and the Commissions established by that Com humble penitents seeking the comfort of the divine pledge of mittee. the forgiveness of our sins. Cleanse Thou our hearts from all envy, hatred, and malice, that in our thoughts, our words, FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. and our actions we may show to each other only the spirit THE WHITE HousE, March 8, 1940. of courtesy and kindness as we wrestle with the problems Enclosure: Report. that are pressing for solution to the advancement of Thy glory, the safety, honor, and welfare of Thy people. PETITIONS AND MEMORIAL Do Thou clarify our vision, gird us for our toil, direct our The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a resolution minds and wills, and grant that we may never lose our self of the Pennsylvania District Executive Board of the State, respect nor forfeit the confidence of those who trust us now County, and Municipal Workers of America <C. I. 0.), Harris because we trust in Thee. We ask it in the name of Him burg, Pa., favoring the proposal that the President call a con who came to show mankind the true and living way-Jesus ference of labor, industry, and Government leaders to map a Christ, our Lord. Amen. program to end the problem of unemployment, which was referred to the Committee on Education and Labor. THE JOURNAL Mr. GIBSON. Mr. President, I have before me and ask On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by unanimous consent, consent to present for appropriate reference a petition signed the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the calendar by members of the auxiliary to Robert T. Shepardson Post No. day Thursday, March 7, 1940, was dispensed with, and the 82, American Legion, of Londonderry, Vt., asking considera Journal was approved. tion for House bill 7593, which provides Government protec CALL OF THE ROLL tion to widows and children of deceased World War veterans. Mr. MINTON. I suggest the absence of a quorum. The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, the petition The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. will be received and referred to the Committee on Finance. The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the following Senators Mr. TYDINGS presented a resolution of Janet Montgomery answered to their names: Chapter, Maryland Society, Daughters of the American Revo Adams Downey Lodge Schwellenbach lution, protesting against the enactment of Senate bill 1650, Andrews Ellender Lucas Shipstead providing that money be drafted for use in war, which was Ashurst Frazier McCarran Smathers ordered to lie on the table. Austin Gerry McKellar Smith Bailey Gibson McNary Stewart REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Bankhead Gillette Maloney Taft Barbour Green Mead Thomas, Idaho Mr. ADAMS, from the Committee on Appropriations, to Barkley Guffey Miller Thomas, Okla. 8641) Bilbo Gurney Minton Thomas, Utah which was referred the bill <H. R. making appropria Brown Hale Murray Tobey tions to supply deficiencies in certain appropriations for the Bulow Harrison Neely Townsend fiscal year ending June 30, 1940, to provide supplemental ap Byrd Hatch Norris Truman Byrnes Hayden Nye Tydings propriations for such fiscal year, and for other purposes, Capper Herring O'Mahoney Vandenberg reported it with amendments and submitted a report <No. Chandler Hlll Overton Van Nuys 1296) Chavez Holman Pepper Wagner thereon. Clark, Idaho Holt Pittman Walsh Mr. HARRISON, from the Committee on Finance, to which Clark, Mo. Hughes Radcliffe Wheeler was referred the joint resolution (H. J. Res. 407) to extend the Connally Johnson, Calif. Reed White Danaher Johnson, Colo. Reynolds authority of the President under section 350 of the Tariff Act Davis La Follette Russell of 1930, as amended, reported it without amendment and sub Donahey Lee Schwartz mitted a report <No. 1297) thereon. Mr. MINTON. I announce that the Senator from Wash Mr. WHEELER, from the Committee on Interstate Com ington [Mr. BoNE] and the Senator from Arkansas [Mrs. merce, to which was referred the bill (H. R. 7863) to amend CARAWAY] are absent from the Senate because of illness. section 602 (e) of the Communications Act of 1934, as The Senator from Nebraska [Mr. BuRKE], the Senator from amended, relating to a study of radio requirements for ships Minnesota [Mr. LUNDEEN], the Senator from Texas [Mr. navigating the Great Lakes and inland waters of the United SHEPPARD], and the Senator from Dlinois [Mr. SLATTERY] are States, reported it without amendment and submitted a report detained on important public business. (No. 1298) thereon. The Senator from Georgia [Mr. GEORGE], the Senator from Virginia [Mr. GLASS], and the Senator from Utah [Mr. KING] ENROLLED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTION PRESENTED are unavoidably detained. Mr. TRUMAN (for Mrs. CARAWAY), from the Committee on Mr. AUSTIN. I announce that the Senator from Wis Enrolled Bills, reported that on March 7, 1940, that commit consin [Mr. WILEY] is unavoidably absent because of illness. tee presented to the President of the United States the fol The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-five Senators have an lowing enrolled bills and joint resolution: swered to their names. A quorum is present. s. 263. An act for the relief of George R. Morris; 1940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 2553 S. 538. An act for the relief of certain purchasers of lots ties," approved August 2, 1939, which were ordered to lie in Harding town site, Florida; on the table and to be printed. S. 2157. An act for the relief of George H. Eiswald; AMENDMENT TO FIRST DEFICIENCY APPROPRIATION BILL s. 2276. An act for the relief of the R. G. Schreck Lumber Mr. FRAZIER submitted an amendment making funds Co.; available during the fiscal year 1941 to any person who raised S. 2299. An act for the relief of Hubert Richardson; or produced and marketed hogs for slaughter on which there S. 2500. An act authorizing the Comptroller General of the was levied, collected, or paid a processing tax under the United States to settle and adjust the claims of Mary Pierce provisions of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933, or his and John K. ·Quackenbush; legal representative, of so much of such tax as was in fact S. 2607. An act authorizing the Comptroller General of the borne by such person, and so forth, intended to be proposed United States to settle and adjust the claim of Edith Easton by him to House bill 8641, the first deficiency appropriation and Alma E. Gates; bill, 1940, which was ordered to lie· on the table and to be S. 2879. An act to authorize the posthumous· appointment printed. of the late Arthur Mortimer Fields, Jr., to be an ensign of NOTICES OF MOTIONS TO SUSPEND THE RULE-AMENDMENTS TO the United States Navy; AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATION BILL S. 2973. An act for the relief of Inez Gillespie; and S. J. Res. 206. Joint resolution creating a commission to Mr. RUSSELL submitted the following notices in writing: arrange for the celebration of the sesquicentennial anni In accordance with rule XL of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby give notice in writing that it is my intention to move to versary of the signing of the first United States patent law. suspend paragraph 4 of rule XVI for the purpose of proposing to BILLS INTRODUCED the bill (H. R. 8202) making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1941, and for other · Bms were introduced, read the first time, and, by unani purposes, the following amendment, namely: mous consent, the second time, and referred as follows: At the proper place insert the following: By Mr. SMATHERS: "Loans: For loans in accordance with sections 3, 4, and 5, and the purchase of property in accordance with section 7 of the Rural S. 3534. A bill to amend the act entitled "An act to amend EI!=!ctrification Act of May 20, 1936, as amended (7 U. S. C. 901-914). -the act entitled 'An act for the relief of certain purchasers of $40,000,000, which sum shall be borrowed from the Reconstruction lands in the Borough of Brooklawn, State of New Jersey,' Finance Corporation in accordance with the provisions of section 3 (a) of said act and shall be considered as made available there approved May 6, 1936"; to the Committee on Commerce.