The Populous State Of by traveldesk

Uttar Pradesh is the most populous and fifth largest state in the Union of . Uttar Pradesh covers a large part of the densely populated Gangetic plain. Uttar Pradesh can be divided into three regions by different geographical conditions: Himalayan region - North, the Gangetic plains - Middle, and the Vindhyan hills and plateau - South. The state comprises the regions of in the northwest, The , or Brij () (Braj-bhoomi) in the southwest, (Oudh) (the historic country of Koshal) in the centre, the northern parts of & in the south, and the south-western part of the Bhojpur country, commonly called ("Eastern Province"), in the east. It shares an international border with Nepal and Tibet in northeast, by the Indian states of Himachal Pradesh in northwest, by Haryana, Rajasthan and in West and by the state of in south and the state of Bihar in southeast. With nearly 176 million inhabitants, Uttar Pradesh is not only the most populous state in India but also the most populous subnational entity in the world. Only five countries (the People's Republic of China, India itself, the USA, Indonesia and Brazil) have higher populations. It is also one of the most economically and socially backward states in India. On virtually every index of social development, whether literacy, infant mortality or unemployment, Uttar Pradesh ranks among the lowest in India; the situation is compounded by the fact that figures for females is invaribly much lower than for males on every parameter. In sheer magnitude Uttar Pradesh is half the size of France, thrice that of Portugal, and four times of Ireland. Seven Switzerland and ten Belgium's could easily fit in this mammoth state. A little bigger than England, Uttar Pradesh has one out of every 36 persons in the World living here. The travel time from Ghazipur to Ghaziabad or from Churk to Chamoli within U.P. will easily exceed a cruise across the oceans. Uttar Pradesh represents the heart of India. For the same reason it has been referred to as the Madhya Desh (Central Province) in mythological descriptions.

The Populous State Of Uttar Pradesh by traveldesk