The History of

Basketball was invented by in 1891 when he was just 31 years old. Naismith was a teacher at the where he was in charge of entertaining a group of boys. He wanted to create a game that could be played indoors during the winter months, that would be an active game without the roughness of football or rugby. Naismith took inspiration from games like lacrosse, rugby, soccer and “duck on a rock”, a game where a goal was to be scored but the ball could not be rushed. With only two peach baskets and a soccer ball, Naismith had the janitor nail the baskets to opposite walls about 10 feet in the air. He divided a group of boys into two, and instructed them to somehow get the soccer ball into the other team’s peach basket.

Naismith noted that the game was overly rough, however the boys really enjoyed it. To prevent injuries, Naismith decided to create 13 rules in which the game was to be played. Some of the rules being that you could not run with the ball, the ball must be held in or between the hands, there would be no shouldering, tripping or pushing. Naismith also had the idea to incorporate free throws whenever there was a .

With increasing popularity of the game within the college, the game spread to other high school and college teams. Rules were added over the years to limit the amount of time that a team could hold onto the ball before shooting, and the soccer ball was replaced with a basketball!

Reference: We found this information from the following websites, check them out for more details! -a-canadian-invented-basketball

HORSE Materials:  Basketball

 Basket

Instructions: 1. Players will take turns taking shots from different distances and using different techniques. The first player that goes decides where the ball must be shot from and

the technique used, if the player makes the shot then the other players have to attempt to make the same shot. If player one misses they will get a letter, and the next player can choose where the ball is shot from. The game will repeat in this fashion. As players miss baskets, they get letters that spell out the word HORSE. If they miss 5 baskets and are the first to spell horse, then they are out! 2. Examples of different shooting options are free throws, grannie-shots, one handed shots, , three pointers, etc.

Instructions created by Melanie Radzicki Mcmanus. Found at this URL: play-in-your-backyard.htm . For more fun basketball games check out the URL.

Reference: We found this craft from the blog NAME. Here is the URL: PLACE URL HERE

Basketball Cup and Ball Craft Materials:  White plastic or styra foam cup

 Orange ping pong balls

 Black Sharpie

 Orange Sharpie  Wood chopsticks or popsicle stick  String/thread  Sewing needle  Something to pierce holes

Instructions: 1)Decorate your styra-foam cup to look like a basketball net using the orange and

black sharpie. 2)Make your ping pong ball look like a basketball by drawing lines on it with the black sharpie. 3)Take your popsicle stick and cup. Make a small hole in the side of the cup near the bottom. Then insert your popsicle stick. 4)Take your sewing needle, thread and ping pong ball. Use the needed to thread the string through the ping pong ball. Once threw tie a knot. 5)Next use the sewing needle to thread the other end of the thread through the bottom of the stya-foam cup and then tie a knot. 6)Once all your parts are attached you are ready to play. See how many baskets you can make. If you make more than one, you can challenge others to see who can make the most baskets

Tips: -The recommended string length is 12 to 18 inches

-Hot glue around the popsicle stick to hold it in place.

Reference: We found this craft from the blog Exploring Domesticity. Here is the URL: