IGYA SER HANJOP 2(2) (2020): 103-113 IGYA SER HANJOP

p-ISSN: 2716-0491 e-ISSN: 2722-516X

Odonata Diversity Around the Arfak Mountains, Keanekaragaman di Sekitar Pegunungan Arfak, Papua Barat

Keliopas Krey1*, Ade Rahayu Pattiran2, Agustinus Kilmaskossu3, Yance de Fretes4 1,2,3 Program Strudi Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Papua. Jl. Gunung Salju, Amban – , Papua Barat, 98314 4Conservation International, Program Papua Barat Jalan Transito Wosi Dalam No. 56, Lembah Hijau, Manokwari, Papua Barat, Indonesia 98312

Dikirim: 26 Juli 2020; Disetujui: 02 November 2020; Diterbitkan: 10 Desember 2020 DOI: 10.47039/ish.2.2020.103-113

Abstract West Papua is known to harbor high biodiversity and endemicity. Odonata is one taxon that has a high diversity dueand toendemism forest and and land plays conversion an important for infrastructure role as an environmental developments. bioindicator. This study Aswas with designed many toother document taxa, field the researchdiversity onof the diversity, distribution, and habitat of is still very limited in West Papua. Yet, its habitats are under threat

IndexOdonata and around t-test werethe Arfak used Mountains;to calculate especially and compare in Uyehegbrik species diversity Village at (Prafi each District), research Hijoulocation; Village and (NeneySorensen District) Index wasand usedAnggra to analyzeVillage (Minyambou the similarity District). of species Data in each was location.collected About using 21the species purposive from sampling 7 families technique. were recorded The Shannon during this Diversity study, weak10 of whichcorrelation species with are species likely new.diversity Our mainand species conclusions abundance. include: Discovery the Shannon of new Weaner species Index indicates (H’) at that the this study area sites remains 1.43- understudied.1.89 indicates moderate diversity; standing water is the main habitat of dragonflies; the temperature has positive, but

Keywords: Arfak Mountains, neney, minyambouw, odonata diversity, prafi

Inti Sari Provinsi Papua Barat diketahui memiliki keanekaragaman hayati dan tingkat endemik yang tinggi. Odonata adalah salah satu taksa dengan keragamanan jenis dan tingkat endemik yang tinggi dan berperan penting sebagai indikator keadaan lingkungan. Seperti kebanyakan taksa lainnya, penelitian lapangan mengenai keragaman jenis, penyebaran dan habitat Odonata (capung) masih terbatas di Papua Barat. Namun habitat Odonota terus terancam akibat konversi hutan dan lahan untuk pembangunan infrastuktur. Penelitian ini dirancang untuk mendokumentasi keragaman Odonata di sekitar Pegunungan Arfak, terutama di Kampung Uyehegbrik (Distrik Prafi), Kampung Hijou (Distrik Neney) dan Kampung Anggra (Distrik Minyambou). Data lapangan dikoleksi secara puposif. Indeks Keragamanan Shannon (H’) dan uji t digunakan untuk menghitung dan membandikan keragamanan jenis antara lokasi penelitian, dan Indek Sorensen untuk membandingkan kesamaan spesies antara lokasi penelitian. Ada 21 spesies dari 7 family yang berhasil dicatat dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Indeks Keragamanan Shannon (H’) berkisar antara 1,43 – 1,89 menunjukkan keragaman moderat, kolam merupakan habitat utama. Ada korelasi positif antara suhu dan kelimpahan spesies (individu). Penemuan beberapa spesies yang mungin baru menunjukkan bawah masih banyak belum diketahui.

Kata Kunci: Pegunungan Arfak, neney, minyambow, keanekaragaman odonata, prafi

* Korespondensi Penulis © 2020 Keliopas Krey, Ade Rahayu Phone : +6281245236527 Pattiran, Agustinus Kilmaskossu, Yance Email : [email protected] de Fretes | Ciptaan disebarluaskan di 103 bawah Lisensi Creative Commons Atribusi NonKomersial- Berbagi Serupa 4.0 Internasional. I. Introduction representing lowland habitat; Hijou in District Papua and West Papua Provinces are known to harbor high species diversity and endemism . The habitat;Neney (S and 01̊ Anggra26’ 49,3” in DistrictE 134̊ 00’ Minyambouw 28,00”, about (S Arfak Mountains, an isolated range located on 932 m a.s.l) representing mid-mountain the ‘Bird’s Head’(Marshall of West & Beehler, Papua Province 2009) are considered an important area for biodiversity 01̊ 08’ 09,4” E 133̊ 53’ 01,00”, about 1570 m conservation in Indonesia , and a.s.l) representing high mountain habitat (Fig in 1982 the mountains were declared by 1). the national Government as(CI, a Cagar 1997) Alam Pegunungan Arfak or Arfak Mountains Strict to the high concentration of biodiversity and endemismNature Reserve there. (Craven & De Fretes, 1987) due Unfortunately, since this declaration, only limited actions have been taken to effectively manage the area for conservation and infrastructure development continues to threaten the park and its resident species. If the trend of infrastructure development continues Figure 1. Study Location: Uyehegbrik (District or accelerates without proper planning, and management, we may lose many species before Prafi), Hijou (District Neney) and Anggra (District Minyambouw), Manokwari Papua Barat theywithout are significanteven documented. improvement in the reserve Sampling was conducted in the morning Habitat alteration is by far the main threat 09:00 - 11:00 and in the afternoon 14:00 - 16:00 with two nets, 30 cm in diameter. All or limited geographic distributions. One such species captured and coordinates, temperature to many taxa with special habitat requirements and moisture as well as major habitat types This group remains poorly known in West Papua,taxon is but Odonata it is an(dragonflies excellent andbioindicator damselflies). and Panduan Lapangan Capung many species in are restricted to Jarumwere recorded.di New Guinea Species were identified using (Kalkman & andthe fieldPanduan guides Lapangan Capung Biasa di New Orr, 2013; . Furthermore, Guinea (Kalkman & Orr, and 2013) later gooda high quality proportion forests of and New streams Guinea’s odonates with the assistance of Stephen Richards from are endemicOrr to & the Kalkman, region and2015) many have small the South(A. Australian Orr & Kalkman, Museum. 2015),

A spectacular example of a locally endemic 1) Species Diversity and Diversity between the odonateknown distributions species in the (Michalski, Arfak Mountains 2012). is the Sites Palaiargia ernstmayeri, The Shannon-Weiner Diversity Index a poorly known species known only from (H’ twored and localities black damselfly . Given the species diversity in each site and to compare potential usefulness of odonates as indicators species) and diversity student t-testbetween were sites. used The to calculateShannon of environmental(Orr change, et al., and 2013) the poor state of knowledge about the odonate fauna of the was used to calculate Shannon Index Diversity Arfak Mountains, this study was designed forDiversity each site t-test and to Calculator compare (Gardener,diversity between 2017) to document odonate diversity in different sites. habitats at several sites in the Arfak Mountains H’ = pi ln pi; pi=ni/N

where:- ∑ (1) II. Methods H’= Shannon-Weiner Diversity Index Field data were collected from June - pi = the proportion of individual found in the ith August 2019 in three villages: Uyehegbrik species ni = the total number of individuals in the ith species in Prafi District (S 00̊ 55’ 27,2” E 133̊ 48’ 25.7”, “’about 178 m above sea level-a.s.l)Igya Ser Hanjop: Jurnal Pembangunan Berkelanjutan 2 (2) (2020): 103-113 104 ln = the logaritm natural S = total number of species, and N = the total individual of individuals ln = logarithm normal. 3) Species Similarity between the Sites 2) Relative Abundance and Evenness Relative abundance was calculated with used to compare species similarity between Sorensen Coefficient of Similarity was RA S = 2a/2a+b+c sitess (Krebs, 1999) (2) where, where: (4) RA= relative abundance, ni = the number of individuals of i species, th a = the total number of species found on both N = the total individuals of all species observed. Ss = Sorensen Coefficient of Similarity; b = the total number of species found only on Species evenness was calculated using sitesites 1 (site and 1 and site 2) c = the total number of species found only on site 2. (Magurran, 2013). 4) Correlation between Numbers Individual with Temperature where: (3) examine the correlation between the number H’ = Shannon Weiner Diversity Index, Corel at Excel Software was used to E = species evenness, of individuals observed and temperature.

Table 1.

Number of Species Recorded at Uyehegbrik (U), Hijou (H) and Anggra (A) No. Family Species U H A - Aeshnidae Ictinogomphus lieftincki √ - Oreaeschna dictatrix - - √ Argiolestidae Argiolestes sp. - √ - Calopterigidae Neurobasis sp. - √ - Chlorocyphidae Rhinocypha tincta - √ - Coenagrionidae Agriocnemis femina √ - - Coenagrionidae sp. - √ - Papuagrion sp. - √ - Pseudagrion silaceum √ - - Teinobasis sp. - √ - Diplacina sp. - - √ Huonia sp. - √ - Lanthanusa sp. - - √ Nannophya pygmaea √ √ - Neurothemis stigmatizans √ √ - Orthetrum glaucum √ √ √ Orthetrum sp. √ - - Orthetrum villosovittatum √ √ √ Pantala flavescens √ - - Rhyotemis resplendens - √ - Synthemistidae Palaeosynthemis sp. - - √ Total 7 21 9 12 6

Odonata Diversity Around the Arfak Mountains, West Papua Keliopas Krey, Ade Rahayu Pattiran, Agustinus Kilmaskossu, Yance de Fretes 105 III. Results and Discussions document the species diversity and their distribution patterns. A. Number of Species (S) Figure 2 shows the 21 species were recorded from 7 families, only one family Twenty-one species from seven families families only have one species. Similar results About 10 species recorded from Libellulidae, (Libellulidae) contains all species, while other were observed across all three sites (Table 1). were documented from previous studies in Wondiwoi Mountains, Papua Barat, in remaining families were represented by less five species from Coenagrionidae, while the which 9 of 14 species belongs to Libellulidae and in Misool Islands, recorded from Hijou village followed by nine where 12 of 17 species recorded in Misool speciesthan five at species.Uyehegbrik, About and 12 six species species were at Island(Simanjuntak, came from 2009), the same family (Rambu, Anggra. Table 1 reveals that four of the seven families recorded during this study were 2015). represented by a single species: Aeshnidae B. Habitat Preference Figure 3 was constructed from the species. The most species-rich family was record of 123 individuals from 21 species. Libellulidaeby two species with and10 species Coenagrionidae represented, by two five Habitat types were assigned to the most of which (Orthetrum glaucum and Orthetrum dominant habitat where individuals were vilosovitattum observed. At least four major habitat types study sites: that this from the lowland up to were recognized across all study sites. Figure ) were recorded at all three 3 shows that standing water (56% observed singlethe Arfak study Mountain site. More (ca. systematic 1700 m asl). studies However, over most preferred habitats. Orthetrum galucum, most species (80%) were observed only at a Orthetrumindividuals) andvillosovittatum, open forest (16%)Neurothemis are the a longer time are required to satisfactorily

Figure 2. The 10 Most Abundant Species from 3 Study Sites. All the Species are Belonging to Libellulidae

Igya Ser Hanjop: Jurnal Pembangunan Berkelanjutan 2 (2) (2020): 103-113 106 stigmatizans, Nannophya pygmaea, Rhyothemis C. Species Diversity Index resplendens, Diplacina sp., Lanthanusa sp., Figure 5 shows the Shannon-Wiener Agriocnemis femina and Pseudagrion silaceum, all the most common species at the open water. 1.88; and Anggra 1.4. Figure 4 revealed that Orthetrum villosovittatum was observed in HijouDiversity and Index Uyhegbrik (H’); Uyehegbrik, have similar 1.89; species Hijou all habitat types. Prior studies (Rambu, 2015; diversity, despite the fact that Hijou has more suggested that this species of individuals sampled in Uyehegbrik may Simanjuntak,therefore can 2009) be seen in almost all habitats contributespecies than to Uyehegbrik more diverse (Table species 1). The compared number withinhas the study ability sites. to fly over long distances, and to Anggra. Figure 5 shows the t-test of Shannon Weiner Diversity Index between the sites. These results indicate that Odonata diversity in highly disturbed habitats is low to moderate in

the study area (Krebs, 1999).

a) Habitat Preference

Figure 4. that Uyehegbrik and Hijou Contain Higher Species Diversity ShannonKompare Weiner to Diversity Diversity in IndexAnggra (H’). It shows

difference between species diversity at Figure 6 shows there is no significant differences in diversity between Uyehegbrik andUyehegbrik Anggra andand Hijou between but there Anggra are significantand Hijou

(TableD. Relative 2). Abundance Figure 7 shows the relative species abundance between the study sites. At Uyehegbrik, Pantala flavescens most abundance 35% of the total, and the lowest was Ictinogomphus lieftinck the most abundant species was Orthetrum villosovittatum (4%). At Hijou, were Rhynotemis resplendens, Papuagrion sp., Teinobasis sp. (23%),, Coenagrionidae and the sp. lowest, and Argiolestes the most abundant species was Orthetrum sp. (only 1% of the total). In Anggra, b) Open Forest and Standing Water Habitats glaucum Oreaeschna Figure 3: Habitat Preference (constructed from 123 dictatrix and Palaeosynthemis (31%) and the least was sp. (1%). individuals) and Two Main Habitats (standing water and open forest) Odonata Diversity Around the Arfak Mountains, West Papua Keliopas Krey, Ade Rahayu Pattiran, Agustinus Kilmaskossu, Yance de Fretes 107 Figure 5. Comparison of Shannon-Weiner Diversity Index Between the Study Sites

Figure 6. Relative Abundance at the Study Sites

Igya Ser Hanjop: Jurnal Pembangunan Berkelanjutan 2 (2) (2020): 103-113 108 Table 2. T-test Results Shannon Index Diversity Between the Sites.

No Comparing Between Sites t-value t-critical p-values Remarks 1 Uyehegbrik vs Hijou 0.146 1.963 0.08 no significant 2 Uyehegbrik vs Anggra 10.987 1.964 0.05 significant 3 Hijou vs Anggra 10.091 1.964 0.01 significant

E. Evenness F. Species Similarity Between the Figure 8 shows that Uyehegbrik has the Sites Table 2 shows there is high species similarity between Uyehegbrik and Hijou speciesmost evenness are evenly (0.86), distributed Hijou (0.76) between and Anggra the sites.(0.79). Therefore, it can be concluded that This is remarkable as Anggra and Hijou are geographically(0.739), but lowclose similarityto each other, with situated Anggra. at the mid to high mountain habitat, whereas Uyehegbrik is located at the lowland. Further research is needed to examine this result.

Table 3. Species Similarity Index between the Sites

Uyehegbrik Hijou Anggra

Uyehegbrik 1 0.739 0.266

Hijou 1 0.222 Figure 7.

Species Evenness between Sites Anggra 1

a) b) Figure 8 Temperature and Number of Observed Individuals . a) Temperature and Number of Observed Individuals and b) Correlation between

Odonata Diversity Around the Arfak Mountains, West Papua Keliopas Krey, Ade Rahayu Pattiran, Agustinus Kilmaskossu, Yance de Fretes 109 G. Temperature and Abundance at temperatures between 26-340 Celsius, Habitats, including temperature plays while Fig 8b shows that there is a positive important roles in the presence or absence of correlation between the number of observed species and number of individuals. Figure 9a. individuals and temperature. The number of shows that many individuals were observed observed individuals increases as temperature

Plate 2. Orthetrum sp. 1 Plate 3. Orthetrum villosovittatum. Plate 1. Ichtinogomphus lieftincki One of Common Genera in the The Common Species Distributed from Survey Sites. Lowland to Highest Mountains in Arfak

Region and Elsewhere

Plate 4. Orthetrum glaucum Plate 5. Pantala flavescens Plate 6: Nannophya pygmaea

Plate: 8. Oreaeschna dictatrix Plate 7. Huonia sp. 1 A New Record for Arfak Mountains or New Species

Figure 9. Some of the species observed in this study

Igya Ser Hanjop: Jurnal Pembangunan Berkelanjutan 2 (2) (2020): 103-113 110 Table 4.

. Species from Field Study Sites Around Arfak Mountains, Wondiwoi Mountains (Simanjuntak, 2009) and Misol Island (Rambu, 2015), Bird Head Region, Papua Barat Study Areas Species Uyehegbrik Hijou Anggra Wondiwoi Misol Agriocnemis femina √ - - √ √ Agrionoptera longitudinalis - - - √ √ Anax sp. - - - √ √ Argiolestes sp. - √ - - Camacinia gigantea - - - √ Coenagrionidae sp. - √ - - Diplacina sp. - - √ - Diplacodes triavilis - - - √ √ Gynacantha sp. √ Huonia sp. - √ - - Ictinogomphus lieftincki √ - - - Lanthanusa sp. - - √ - Lestes praemorsus - - - √ Lyriothemis hirundo - - - √ Nannophya pygmaea √ √ - - √ Nesoxenia mysis √ Neurobasis sp. - √ - - Neurothemis stigmatizans √ √ - √ Nosoticta plagiata - - - √ Oreaeschna dictatrix - - √ - Orthetrum glaucum √ √ √ - Orthetrum sabina - - - √ Orthetrum serapia √ Orthetrum sp. √ - - - Orthetrum villosovittatum √ √ √ √ Palaeosynthemis sp. - - √ - Pantala flavescens √ - - - √ Papuagrion sp. - √ - - Protothermis coronate - - - √ Pseudagrion silaceum √ - - - Rhinocypha tincta - √ - √ Rhyotemis resplendens - √ - - Rhyothemis phylis - - - √ √ Teinobasis rufithorax √ Teinobasis sp. - √ - √ Tholymis tillarga - - - √ Tramea sp. √ Xiphiagrion sp. - - - √ Zyxomma multinervorum √

Odonata Diversity Around the Arfak Mountains, West Papua Keliopas Krey, Ade Rahayu Pattiran, Agustinus Kilmaskossu, Yance de Fretes 111 increased, but this is not a linear relationship International West Papua Program. Thanks as at a certain temperature (ca. 340 also for students from F-MIPA and Fahutan, number of individuals decreased. Celsius), anonymous reviewers. studies on Odonata diversity around the Bird University Papua for their field assistance and Table 3 show result from prior field Head Region (Wondiwoi Mountains and Misool V. Reference Although, these studies show similar number Pelestarian alam Pegunungan Arfak Irian ofIslands) species by recorded, students but from very Papua different University. in the Craven,Jaya I.,Rencana & De Pengelolaan Fretes, Y. (1987). 1988-1992. Kawasan species compositions. For instance, only one species (Agriocnemis femina) was observed Gardener, M. (2017). Statistics for Ecologists Wondiwoi and Misool Islands. About 5 species Using R and Excel; Data Collection, in the Arfak Mountain Area (Uyehegbrik), were shared between Wondiwoi and Misool Exploration, Analysis and Presentation Islands ( Agriocnemis femina, Agrionoptera Conservation(2nd Edition). PelagicPriority Publishing. Setting sp., longitudinalis, Anax Diplacodes triavilis CI. Workshop (1997). The[map Irian scale Jaya1:1,575,000, Biodiversity with and Rhyothemis phylis recommendations of the workshop at ( Neurothemis stigmatizans, Orthetrum the verso]. The Irian Jaya Biodiversity and ), but only 3 specieswere villosovittatum, Rhinocypha tincta) Conservation Priority-Setting Workshop. shared with Wondiwoi and Arfak Mountains. https://portals.iucn.org/library/ Only 3 species ( Nannophya pygmaea, Pantala node/24365 flavescens, and Teinobasis between Arfak Mountains and Misol Island. Guide to the Damselflies of New Guinea. This pattern shows all of thesp.) sampling were sharedseems Kalkman,Brachytron. V. J., & https://www.researchgate. Orr, A. G. (2013). Field to have been done in highly disturbed habitats net/publication/283085645_Field_guide_ and the faunas are dominated by common, to_the_damselflies_of_New_Guinea widespread species.

IV. Conclusion Krebs,Cummings. C. J. (1999). Ecological Methodology Although, the Shannon Weaner Index of (2nd, berilustrasi ed.). Benjamin/ Diversity revealed Odonata diversity in all and Its Measurement. In Berilustrasi study sites are low-medium diversity, many Magurran, A. E. (2013). Ecological Diversity species recorded are the widespread species. Springer Science & Business Media. This may due to the sampling that disturbed (Ed.), Springer Science & Business Media. habitat. Although it would be essay, but, in order to capture a better representation of Marshall,Review A. J.,of & Biology Beehler, B.(Parts M. (2009).One, TheVol. species, sampling must be done in forested area Ecology of Papua. In Thehttps://doi. Quarterly or more pristine areas. Due to proper species org/10.1086/598266 4). Tuttle Publishing. remain unknown, but the rest species may be Identification of the Dragonflies and newidentification to science, in indicates the field, the some richness specimens of this Michalski,Damselflies J. (2012). of New AGuinea, Manual Maluku, for and the mountain range remain unknown and more the Solomon Islands . Kanduanum Books. studies are needed. the-solomon-islands-book

Acknowledgement Four New Species of Palaiargia Förster, We thank all communities in Uyehegbrik, Orr, A. G., Kalkman, V. J., & Richards, S. J. (2013). Hijou and Anggra for allowing and assisting New Guinea with Revised Distribution Records1903 (Odonata: for the Platycnemididae). International from Journal of Odonatology us during our field work. Special thanks to https://doi.org/10.1080/13887890.2013 SusanStephen Vulvas (Steve) from Richards Conservation from South International Australian .855949 , 16(4), 309–325. forMuseum reading for the helping manuscript, species identification;Conservation

Igya Ser Hanjop: Jurnal Pembangunan Berkelanjutan 2 (2) (2020): 103-113 112 Dragonflies of New Guinea. Brachytron. Orr, A.,https://www.brachytron.nl/wp-content/ & Kalkman, V. (2015). Field Guide to the uploads/2018/03/Download-Fieldguide- Simanjuntak,Cagar Alam A. R.Pegunungan (2009). InventarisasiWondiboi dragonflies-NewGuinea-2015.pdf Distrikspesies Rasiei capung Kabupaten (Odonata) Teluk di Wondama. Kawasan Suara Serangga Papua, https://www.sugapa.org/wp-content/ Rambu,Selatan S. (2015). Kabupaten Inventarisasi Raja SpesiesAmpat CapungPapua uploads/2019/03/Students-corner- 3(4), 22–24. Barat.(Ordo Odonata)Universitas di Papua.Misool Utara dan Misool Angginta-Renta-Simanjuntak-Diah-

Odonata Diversity Around the Arfak Mountains, West Papua Keliopas Krey, Ade Rahayu Pattiran, Agustinus Kilmaskossu, Yance de Fretes 113