Nru./No. 20,370 Prezz/Price €3.78 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ The Malta Government Gazette

Il-Ġimgħa, 20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 Pubblikata b’Awtorità Friday, 20th March, 2020 Published by Authority


Notifikazzjonijiet tal-Gvern...... 2561 - 2565 Government Notices...... 2561 - 2565

Avviż lill-Baħħara...... 2565 Notice to Mariners...... 2565

Opportunitajiet ta’ Impieg...... 2566 - 2598 Employment Opportunities...... 2566 - 2598

Avviżi tal-Gvern...... 2599 - 2624 Notices...... 2599 - 2624

Offerti...... 2624 - 2632 Tenders...... 2624 - 2632

Avviżi tal-Qorti...... 2632 - 2640 Court Notices...... 2632 - 2640

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2561



HUWA avżat għall-informazzjoni ġenerali li l-Atti li ġejjin IT is notified for general information that the following huma ppubblikati fis-Suppliment li jinsab ma’ din il-Gazzetta: Acts are published in the Supplement to this Gazette:

Att Nru. VIII tal-2020 imsejjaħ l-Att tal-2020 li Act No. VIII of 2020 entitled the Budget Measures Jimplimenta Miżuri tal-Estimi; u Implementation Act, 2020; and

Att Nru. IX tal-2020 imsejjaħ l-Att tal-2020 li jemenda Act No. IX of 2020 entitled the Counselling Profession l-Att dwar il-Professjoni tal-Counselling. (Amendment) Act, 2020.

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020

Nru. 309 No. 309


Ordni tal-2020 dwar Projbizzjoni ta’ Trasferiment Travel Ban Order, 2020

SKONT l-Artikolu 2 (1) tal-Att dwar is-Saħħa Pubblika IN terms of Article 2 (1) of the Public Health Act (Kap. 465), Ordni tal-2020 dwar Projbizzjoni ta’ Trasferiment (Cap. 465), Travel Ban Order, 2020 (L.N. 42 of 2020), the (A.L. 42 tal-2020), is-Suprintendent tas-Saħħa Pubblika b’din Superintendent of Public Health hereby orders that a travel tordna illi l-projbizzjoni ta’ trasferiment ta’ persuni lejn il- ban on persons to the countries mentioned in the following list pajjiżi msemmija fil-lista li ġejja qed tiġi sospiża minħabba is being suspended as the travel of certain persons is deemed li l-ivvjaġġar ta’ ċerti persuni huwa essenzjali: to be essential:

16th March KM7826/7 Malta-AMM 16th March KM7826/7 Malta-AMM (Jordan) (Jordan) 16th March AHO757R Malta-France 16th March AHO757R Malta-France 17th March SK9290 Malta-Copenhage 17th March SK9290 Malta-Copenhage 17th March KM7466/7 Malta-CDG 17th March KM7466/7 Malta-CDG 17th March AHO635G Dubai-Malta 17th March AHO635G Dubai-Malta 18th March KM7466/7 Malta-CDG 18th March KM7466/7 Malta-CDG 18th March KM7382/3 Malta –Frankfurt 18th March KM7382/3 Malta –Frankfurt 18th March KM7612/3 Malta-Rome 18th March KM7612/3 Malta-Rome 18th March KM7526/7 Malta-Bucharest 18th March KM7526/7 Malta-Bucharest 19th March KM7478/9 Malta-CDG 19th March KM7478/9 Malta-CDG 19th March KM7446/7 Malta-CDG 19th March KM7446/7 Malta-CDG 19th March KM7328/9 Malta-Frankfurt 19th March KM7328/9 Malta-Frankfurt 19th March KM7382/3 Malta-Frankfurt 19th March KM7382/3 Malta-Frankfurt 19th March SK9252 Malta-Stockholm 19th March SK9252 Malta-Stockholm 19th March 5ADUA Malta-Misrata 19th March 5ADUA Malta-Misrata (eurocontrol (eurocontrol clearance) clearance) 20th March KM7328/9 Malta-Frankfurt 20th March KM7328/9 Malta-Frankfurt 20th March KM7478/9 Malta-CDG 20th March KM7478/9 Malta-CDG

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020 2562 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

Nru. 310 No. 310


Avviż ta’ Ħruġ ta’ Kalendarju Notice of Issuance Calendar

Dan il-kalendarju juri t-tul ta’ żmien għal kull bill tat- The following calendar shows the tenor of individual Teżor li ser jinħareg kull ġimgħa għax-xahar ta’ April 2020 weekly issues of Treasury bills for the month of April 2020 u li huwa ppubblikat mill-Accountant General skont u għall- and is published by the Accountant General in terms of finijiet ta’ regolament 7 tar-Regolamenti dwar il-Bills tat- regulation 7 of the Malta Treasury Bills Regulations 2017: Teżor ta’ Malta tal-2017:

MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 30 March TB 31 March 01 02 TB 03 Issue of 91 days maturing Tender Date Public Holiday 2 July 2020 and 182 days maturing 1 October 2020

06 07 TB 08 09 TB 10 Issue of 91 days maturing Tender Date 9 July 2020 and 364 days Public Holiday maturing 8 April 2021

13 14 TB 15 16 TB 17 Issue of 91 days Bank Holiday Tender Date maturing 16 July 2020 and 182 days maturing 15 October 2020

20 21 TB 22 23 TB 24 Issue of 91 days Tender Date maturing 23 July 2020 and 364 days maturing 22 April 2021

27 28 TB 29 30 TB 01 May Issue of 91 days maturing Tender Date 30 July 2020 and 182 days Public Holiday maturing 29 October 2020

Notes: Note: TB = Treasury Bills

1. Public Treasury bills auctions are held regularly every week, typically on Tuesdays. Successful bids are settled on the following Thursday on a T+2 settlement cycle.

2. When the auction date, or the settlement date, or any day in between the auction date and the settlement date falls on a non-business day, the auction takes place on the first business day of the same week.

3. Interest (discount) is always calculated on the actual number of days involved.

4. Bids on tender forms which are available from the Treasury, are to reach the Treasury by 10.00 a.m (CET) on the auction date. Such bids may either be transmitted by fax on 25967210, or by e-mail at the e-mail addresses prescribed on the application form.

5. Only offers with a definite yield quoted to three (3) decimal places shall be considered.

6. Bids must be for a minimum of €250,000 nominal i.r.o. the 28 day tenor, and €50,000 nominal for other tenors. Above these minimum amounts, bids must be made in multiples of €1,000. L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2563

7. With regard to the tenor, the following days will apply: 1 month = typically 28 days; 3 months = typically 91 days; 6 months = typically 182 days; 9 months = typically 273 days; 12 months = typically 364 days.

8. In the event of pro-rata allocation, the bidder shall accept any portion of the amount tendered, at the same yield as that tendered for the whole amount.

9. The bidders whose tenders are accepted or rejected under the standard auctions will be informed on the same day on which the auction is held.

10. Settlement (T+2) of amount allotted is to be made by not later than 10.00 a.m CET on the date on which the relative Bills are dated. Settlement is to be made by bank transfer to the credit of the public account held with Central Bank of Malta as indicated on the Letter of Acceptance.

11. The Accountant General reserves the right not to allot any Treasury bills on offer without assigning any reason. For further information please refer to the Malta Treasury Bills Regulations and the Malta Treasury Bills General Prospectus at (

20th March, 2020

Nru. 311 No. 311


Il-Ġonna ta’ Sant’Anton Sant’Anton Gardens

NGĦARRFU għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illi bis- IT is notified for general information that as enabled setgħa mogħtija lilu bl-Artikolu 2 tal-Ordinanza dwar by Section 2 of the Public Gardens (Closing) Ordinance l-Għeluq ta’ Ġonna Pubbliċi (Kap. 34), id-Direttur tal- (Cap. 34), the Director of Agriculture has approved that Agrikultura approva li nhar is-Sibt, 16 ta’ Mejju, sal-Ħadd, on Saturday, 16th May, till Sunday, 17th May, 2020, the 17 ta’ Mejju, 2020, il-Ġonna ta’ Sant’Anton ikunu magħluqa Sant’Anton Gardens will be closed to the public and will be għall-pubbliku u jkunu taħt il-kontroll ta’ The Malta All under the control of The Malta All Breed Rabbit Club. Breed Rabbit Club.

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020

Nru. 312 No. 312


Il-Ġonna ta’ Sant’Anton Sant’Anton Gardens

NGĦARRFU għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illi bis- IT is notified for general information that as enabled setgħa mogħtija lilu bl-Artikolu 2 tal-Ordinanza dwar by Section 2 of the Public Gardens (Closing) Ordinance l-Għeluq ta’ Ġonna Pubbliċi (Kap. 34), id-Direttur tal- (Cap. 34), the Director of Agriculture has approved that Agrikultura approva li nhar is-Sibt, 9 ta’ Mejju, sal-Ħadd, on Saturday, 9th May, till Sunday, 10th May, 2020, the 10 ta’ Mejju, 2020, il-Ġonna ta’ Sant’Anton ikunu magħluqa Sant’Anton Gardens will be closed to the public and will għall-pubbliku u jkunu taħt il-kontroll tal-Għaqda Maltija be under the control of the Malta Fancy Poultry & Pigeon tal-Malta Fancy Poultry and Pigeon Club. Club.

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020 2564 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

Nru. 313 No. 313


Il-Ġonna tal-Barrakka ta’ Fuq Upper Barrakka Gardens

NGĦARRFU għall-informazzjoni ta’ kulħadd illi bis- IT is notified for general information that as enabled setgħa mogħtija lilu bl-Artikolu 2 tal-Ordinanza dwar by Section 2 of the Public Gardens (Closing) Ordinance l-Għeluq ta’ Ġonna Pubbliċi (Kap. 34), id-Direttur tal- (Cap. 34), the Director of Agriculture has approved that on Agrikultura approva li nhar il-Ħamis, 30 ta’ April, 2020, il- Thursday, 30th April, 2020, the Upper Barrakka Gardens Ġonna tal-Barrakka ta’ Fuq ikunu magħluqa għall-pubbliku will be closed to the public from 3.00 p.m. onwards and will mit-3.00 p.m. ’il quddiem u jkunu taħt il-kontroll tal-Uffiċċju be under the control of the Office of the Prime Minister. tal-Prim Ministru.

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020

Nru. 314 No. 314


Is-Segretarju Permanenti, Ministeru għal Għawdex approva The Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Gozo has approved l-ħatra bħala uffiċjal fir-Reġistru Pubbliku (Għawdex), skont the appointment as an officer at the Public Registry (Gozo), in l-Artiklu 306 tal-Kapitlu 16 tal-liġijiet ta’ Malta, ta’ Dott. terms of Article 306 of Chapter 16 of the laws of Malta, of Dr Josepha Erica Farrugia fit-13 ta’ Jannar, 2020. Josepha Erica Farrugia with effect from 13th January, 2020.

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020 Nru. 315 No. 315


Avviż skont l-Artikolu 61(1) Notice in terms of Article 61(1)

SKONT id-dispożizzjonijiet tal-proviso tal-artikolu 61 IN Terms of the proviso to article 61 (1) of the Duty (1) tal-Att dwar it-taxxa fuq Dokumenti u Trasferimenti, il- on Documents and Transfer Act, the Commissioner for Kummissarju tat-Taxxi b’dan jgħarraf lill-persuni msemmija Revenue hereby notifies the persons listed hereunder to call aktar ’l isfel biex imorru fid-Dipartiment tal-Capital Transfer at the Capital Transfer Duty Department 46 Triq il-Merkanti, Duty, 46 Triq il-Merkanti, Il-Belt , sabiex jiġbru Valletta, to collect the notices made on such persons. l-avviżi magħmula fuqhom.

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020

Isem Karta tal-Identità Numru tat-Talba Name ID Number Claim Number

Coleiro Saviour et 739258M IV 145364 Trinnaman Sylvia 201456M IV 145365 Cefai George et 349853M IV 144495 Balzan Adrian 82874M IV 143220 Bajada Aldo 413578M IV 140948 Lauri Victoria 697344M IV 143892 Aquilina Carmela 9957M IV 143634 L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2565

Isem Karta tal-Identità Numru tat-Talba Name ID Number Claim Number

Mallia Charles 231643M IV 142219 Grech Christopher et 50081M IV 140245 Bonello Tiziana 199481M IV 143295 Pavia Alisa 288696M IV 142201 E. M. A. Limited Roc. No. C 10577 IV 142202 Prime Sites Development Limited Roc. No. C 41396 IV 142938 Prime Sites Development Limited Roc. No. C 41396 IV 142936 Ta’ Gniedi Property Limited Roc. No. C 34558 IV 144787 Mosim Limited Roc. No. C 33441 IV 144786 Lime Investments Limited Roc. No. C 77522 IV 143522 E & C Developments Limited Roc. No. C 15633 IV 141144 E & C Developments Limited Roc. No. C 15633 IV 143061 E & C Developments Limited Roc. No. C 15633 IV 140095 Hecnef Properties Limited Roc. No. C 9194 IV 143380 Charter Properties Limited Roc. No. C 69311 IV 143373 G. J. Properties Limited Roc. No. C 84519 IV 142438 Boumbov Rossen 175231A IV 143415 Olczak Monika 149027A IV 143328 Refalo Frances 889083606 IV 137367 Allison Gillian Jean 889410806 IV 141203 Dabouba Mustafa Miftah Mohammed 889197524 IV 140995 Duca Mary Francis 889501936 CM 053211


Avviż Lokali lill-Baħħara Nru. 26 tal-2020 Local Notice to Mariners No. 26 of 2020

Ġebel li qed Jaqa’ fil-Ponta ta’ Ricasoli Falling Stones at Il-Ponta ta’ Ricasoli

Id-Direttorat tal-Portijiet u Yachting, Transport Malta, The Ports and Yachting Directorate, Transport Malta, jgħarraf lill-baħħara u lill-pubbliku illi xi ġebel li jifforma notifies mariners and the general public that some ofthe parti mis-sur fil-Ponta ta’ Ricasoli qed jaqa’. stones forming part of the bastion at Il-Ponta ta’ Ricasoli are falling off.

Minħabba dan il-periklu li qed jkun ikkawżat minn dan Due to the danger caused by any of these falling stones, il-ġebel li qed jaqa’, il-baħħara kollha għandhom iżommu all mariners are to keep at least 50m away from the coastline. tal-anqas 50m ’l bogħod mix-xatt.

Il-baħħara għandhom jinnutaw dan ta’ hawn fuq u Mariners are to note the above and navigate with caution jbaħħru b’attenzjoni u bil-mod meta jkunu qrib l-inħawi and slow speed when navigating close to the area and u josservaw iż-żona ta’ sigurtà ta’ 50 meħtieġa. observe the 50m safety zone required.

Huma għandhom jobdu struzzjonijiet maħruġa mill- They are to comply with any instructions issued by Valletta Port Control (Valletta VTS) fuq VHF channel 12. Valletta Port Control (Valletta VTS) on VHF channel 12.

Chart affettwata: BA 177 Chart Affected: BA 177

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020 2566 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370


Pożizzjoni ta’ Senior Manager (Evaluation) Position of Senior Manager (Evaluation) in the fin-National Coordinating Committee on Combating National Coordinating Committee on Combating Money Laundering and Funding of Terrorism Money Laundering and Funding of Terrorism in the fil-Ministeru għall-Finanzi u s-Servizzi Finanzjarji Ministry for Finance and Financial Services

Nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll il- Nomenclatures denoting the male gender include also the femminil. female gender.

1. Is-Segretarju Permanenti (Integrazzjoni u 1. The Permanent Secretary (Merger and Administration), Amministrazzjoni), Ministeru għall-Finanzi u s-Servizzi Ministry for Finance and Financial Services invites Finanzjarji jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għall-pożizzjoni ta’ Senior applications for the position of Senior Manager (Evaluation) Manager (Evaluation) fin-National Coordinating Committee in the National Coordinating Committee on Combatting on Combating Money Laundering and Funding of Terrorism Money Laundering and Funding of Terrorism within the fil-Ministeru għall-Finanzi u s-Servizzi Finanzjarji. Ministry for Finance and Financial Services.

Tul tal-Assenjament u Kundizzjonijiet Duration of Assignment and Conditions

2.1 Persuna magħżula tidħol f’assenjament ta’ tliet 2.1 A selected candidate will enter into a three (3) year (3) snin bħala Senior Manager (Evaluation) fin-National assignment as a Senior Manager (Evaluation) in the National Coordinating Committee on Combating Money Laundering Coordinating Committee on Combatting Money Laundering and Funding of Terrorism fil-Ministeru għall-Finanzi u and Funding of Terrorism in the Ministry for Finance and s-Servizzi Finanzjarji, li jista’ jiġi mġedded għal perjodi Financial Services, which may be renewed for further oħra. periods.

2.2 Il-pożizzjoni ta’ Senior Manager (Evaluation) hija 2.2 The position of Senior Manager (Evaluation) is suġġetta għal perjodu ta’ prova ta’ tnax-il (12) xahar. subject to a probationary period of twelve (12) months.

2.3 Peress li din hi pożizzjoni fejn iż-żamma ta’ livell ogħla 2.3 Since this is a position where the maintenance of a ta’ fiduċja jkun meħtieġ minħabba fix-xorta tal-pożizzjoni, higher level of trust is necessary by virtue of the nature of il-pożizzjoni ta’ Senior Manager (Evaluation) taqa’ taħt the position, the position of Senior Manager (Evaluation) Regolament 7(4)(b)(ii) tal-Liġi Sussidjarja 452.81 intitolat constitutes an objective reason which falls under Regulation u għaldaqstant dan jikkostitwixxi raġuni oġġettiva skont ir- 7(4)(b)(ii) of Subsidiary Legislation 452.81 entitled ‘Regolamenti dwar Kuntratti ta’ Servizz għal Żmien Fiss’. ‘Contracts of Service for a Fixed Term Regulations’.

Salarju Marbut mal-pozizzjoni Salary pegged to the position

3.1 Is-salarju marbut mal-pożizzjoni ta’ Senior Manager 3.1 The Salary attached to the position of Senior Manager (Evaluation) huwa ekwivalenti għal increment inqas mill- (Evaluation) is equivalent to the maximum of Salary Scale massimu ta’ Skala ta’ Salarju 5 (ekwivalenti għal €31,529.33 5 less an increment (equivalent to €31,529.33 in 2020), fl-2020), li jilħaq il-massimu tal-iskala mal-konferma tal- with attainment of maximum of scale on confirmation of ħatra jew tlestija ta’ sena (1) servizz fil-pożizzjoni, liema appointment after the probationary period of one (1) year or waħda tiġi l-aħħar. completion of one year service, whichever is the later.

3.2 Il-kandidati magħżula jkunu wkoll intitolati għal ħlas 3.2 Selected candidates will also be entitled to the payment annwali marbut mal-prestazzjoni sa massimu ta’ 10% tas- of an annual perfromance bonus of up to a maximum of 10% salarju bażiku tagħhom, marbut ma’ xogħol sodisfaċjenti u of their basic salary, subject to satisfactory performance and suġġett għall-politiki tal-amministrazzjoni ċentrali li jkunu subject to Central Administration’s policies in force from fis-seħħ minn żmien għalżmien. time to time.

Dmirijiet Duties

4. Id-dmirijiet ta’ persuna fil-pożizzjoni ta’ Senior 4. The duties for the position of Senior Manager Manager (Evaluation) huma li: (Evaluation) are: L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2567

i. Tqawwi u tevalwa l-istatistika minn sorsi varji; i. Leverages and evaluates statistics from various sources; ii. Tikteb abozz għall-MONEYVAL u sottomissjonijiet ii. Drafts MONEYVAL and other national evaluation oħra ta’ evalwazzjoni nazzjonali; submissions; iii. Twieġeb mistoqsijiet b’kontribut minn partijiet iii. Responds to queries with input from relevant interessati rilevanti; stakeholders; iv. tipprepara għal siti u impenn internazzjonali (eż. iv. Prepares for on-sites and international engagement loġistika u l-iżgurar tal-konformità); (e.g. logistics and ensuring compliance); v. Tippossjedi kwalunkwe segwitu meħtieġ ta’ v. Owns any required MONEYVAL follow-ups; MONEYVAL; vi. Issostni proċess ta’ ingaġġ pubbliku biex tqajjem vi. Supports a public engagement process to raise kuxjenza dwar ir-riskji ta’ ħasil ta’ flus/iffinanzjar ta’ awareness on money laundering/terrorist financing risks terrorizmu (eż. permezz ta’ seminars konferenzi, kampanji (e.g. via seminars, conferences, PR campaigns); ta’ relazzjonijiet pubbliċi); vii. Tmexxi l-interazzjonijiet u l-impenji mal-awtoritajiet vii. Manages interactions and engagements with internazzjonali; international authorities; viii. Tagħmel kwalunkwe kompitu ieħor li s-superjur viii. Undertakes any other tasks, which the superior may jista’ jiddelega lilu/ha, kif jista’ jkun meħtieġ; delegate to him/her, as may be required; ix. Kwalunkwe dmir ieħor skont l-eżiġenzi tas-Servizz Any other duties according to the exigencies of the Public Pubbliku kif ordnat mis-Segretarju Permanenti Ewlieni. Service, as directed by the Principal Permanent Secretary.

Rekwiżiti tal-Eliġibbiltà Eligibility Requirements

5.1 Sal-ħin u d-data tal-għeluq ta’ din is-sejħa għall- 5.1 By the closing time and date of this call for applikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti għandhom ikunu: applications, applicants must be:

i. a. ċittadini ta’ Malta; jew i. a. citizens of Malta; or

b. ċittadini ta’ Stati Membri oħra tal-Unjoni Ewropea li b. citizens of the other Member States of the European għandhom jedd għal trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin Union who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens fi kwistjonijiet ta’ impjieg bis-saħħa ta’ leġiżlazzjoni tal- in matters of employment by virtue of EU legislation and UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati dwar iċ-ċaqliq ħieles tal- treaty provisions dealing with the free movement of workers; ħaddiema; jew or

c. ċittadini ta’ kwalunkwe pajjiż ieħor li għandhom jedd c. citizens of any other country who are entitled to għal trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related to ta’ impjieg minħabba li jkunu japplikaw għal dak il-pajjiż employment by virtue of the application to that country of b’leġiżlazzjoni tal-UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati dwar iċ- EU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the free ċaqliq ħieles tal-ħaddiema; jew movement of workers; or

d. kwalunkwe persuni oħra li għandhom jedd għal d. any other persons who are entitled to equal treatment to trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in terms ta’ impjieg permezz tar-relazzjoni familjari tagħhom ma’ of the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and treaty persuni msemmija f’(a), (b) jew (c), skont kif hemm fil-liġi provisions, on account of their family relationship with jew fil-leġiżlazzjoni tal-UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati persons mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or msemmija hawn fuq; jew

e. ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi terzi li jkunu ngħataw status ta’ e. third country nationals who have been granted long- residenti li joqogħdu għal żmien twil f’Malta taħt ir- term resident status in Malta under regulation 4 of the regolament 4 tar-Regolamenti tal-2006 dwar ‘Status ta’ ‘Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals) Residenti li joqogħdu għal Żmien Twil (Ċittadini ta’ Pajjiżi Regulations, 2006’ or who have been granted a residence Terzi)’, jew li jkunu ngħataw permess ta’ residenza taħt permit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with family ir-regolament 18(3) tal-istess regolamenti, flimkien mal- members of such third country nationals who have been membri tal-familja ta’ ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi terzi li jkunu granted a residence permit under the ‘Family Reunification ngħataw permess ta’ residenza taħt ir-Regolamenti tal-2007 Regulations, 2007’. dwar ir-Riunifikazzjoni tal-Familji. 2568 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

Għandu jintalab il-parir tad-Dipartiment taċ-Ċittadinanza The advice of the Department of Citizenship and u tal-Espatrijati fi ħdan l-Aġenzija Identity Malta skont il- Expatriate Affairs within the Identity Malta Agency should ħtieġa fl-interpretazzjoni tad-dispożizzjonijiet imsemmija be sought as necessary in the interpretation of the above hawn fuq. provisions.

Il-ħatra ta’ kandidati msemmija f’(b), (c), (d) u (e) hawn The appointment of candidates referred to at (b), (c), (d) fuq teħtieġ il-ħruġ ta’ liċenzja tax-xogħol f’dawk il-każijiet and (e) above would necessitate the issue of an employment fejn hija meħtieġa skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoni u licence in so far as this is required by the Immigration Act leġiżlazzjoni sussidjarja. Jobsplus għandha tiġi kkonsultata and subsidiary legislation. Jobsplus should be consulted as skont il-ħtieġa dwar din il-materja. necessary on this issue.

ii. kapaċi jikkomunikaw bil-lingwa Maltija u l-lingwa ii. able to communicate in the Maltese and English Ingliża; languages;

iii. (a) fil-pussess ta’ kwalifika ta’ Master rikonoxxuta iii. (a) in possession of a recognised Masters qualfication fuq Livell 7 MQF (suġġett għal minimu ta’ 60 krettu ECTS/ at MQF Level 7 (subject to a minimum of 60 ECTS/ ECVET, jew ekwivalenti, fir-rigward ta’ programmi li jibdew ECVET credits, or equivalent, with regard to programmes sa minn Ottubru 2008) fl-Ekonomija, Finanzi jew Accounting commencing as from October 2008) in Economics, Finance jew kwalifika professjonali komparabbli, flimkien ma’ tliet or Accounting or a comparable professional qualification, (3) snin esperjenza f’xogħol rilevanti li sena (1) minnhom plus three (3) years relevant work experience of which one trid tkun f’kariga ta’ management komparabbli ma’ livell ta’ (1) year must be in a management position comparable to skala ta’ salarju 8 jew ogħla fis-Servizz Pubbliku. salary scale 8 level of higher in the Public Service;


(b) Uffiċjal fil-kariga partikulari fuq bażi personali li kien (b) an incumbent in the particular position on a personal ġie kkonfermat fil-kariga. basis who has been confirmed in the position.

Uffiċjali pubbliċi li japplikaw għal dan il-post iridu jkunu Public Officers applying for this post must be confirmed kkonfermati fil-ħatra kurrenti tagħhom. in their current appointment.

5.2 Kwalifiki li huma ta’ livell ogħla minn dak rikjest 5.2 Qualifications at a level higher than that specified hawn fuq jiġu aċċettati għall-fini ta’ eliġibbiltà, sakemm above will be accepted for eligibility purposes, provided dawn ikunu fis-suġġetti mitluba. they meet any specified subject requirements.

Dawk il-kandidati li ma jkunux għadhom ġabu l-kwalifiki Moreover, candidates who have not yet formally obtained msemmija hawn fuq formalment xorta jiġu kkunsidrati, any of the above-mentioned qualifications will still be basta jipprovdu evidenza li ġew appovati għall-għoti tal- considered, provided that they submit evidence that they kwalifiki msemmija jew inkella jkunu lestew b’suċċess have been approved for the award of the qualifications in il-kretti meħtieġa tal-ECTS/ECVETS, jew ekwivalenti, question, or successfully completed the necessary ECTS/ meħuda bħala parti minn programm ta’ studju ta’ livell ogħla ECVETS credits, or equivalent, taken as part of a recognised tal-MQF rikonoxxut, kif mitlub fil-kriterji tal-eliġibbiltà ta’ higher MQF level programme of study, as required in the hawn fuq, sal-ħin u d-data tal-għeluq ta’ din is-sejħa għall- afore-mentioned eligibility criteria, by the closing time and applikazzjonijiet. date of the call for applications.

5.3 L-applikanti jridu jkunu ta’ kondotta li hi xierqa 5.3 Applicants must be of conduct which is appropriate to għall-post li l-persuna qed tapplika għalih (applikanti li the post applied for (applicants who are already in the Malta diġà qegħdin jaħdmu fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ Malta jridu Public Service must produce an updated Service and Leave jippreżentaw is-Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47) Record Form (GP 47) issued not earlier than one (1) month aġġornat u maħruġ mhux aktar tard minn xahar (1) qabel from date of application; those applying from outside the id-data tal-applikazzjoni; filwaqt li dawk li japplikaw minn Service must produce a Certificate of Conduct issued by the barra jridu jippreżentaw Ċertifikat tal-Kondotta riċenti Police or other competent authority not earlier than one (1) maħruġ mill-Pulizija jew awtorità oħra kompetenti mhux month from the date of application and state whether they aktar minn xahar (1) qabel id-data tal-applikazzjoni, u have ever been in Government Service, giving details). jindikaw jekk qatt kinux impjegati tal-Gvern qabel u jagħtu d-dettalji). L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2569

5.4 Il-kandidati magħżula jridu jkunu eliġibbli għall- 5.4 Applicants must be eligible to take up their due ħatra f’din il-pożizzjoni, skont 5.1 sa 5.3 hawn fuq, mhux appointment, in terms of 5.1 to 5.3 above, not only by the biss sal-ħin u d-data tal-għeluq ta’ din is-sejħa għall- closing time and date of this call for applications but also on applikazzjonijiet, iżda wkoll fid-data tal-ħatra. the date of appointment.

5.5 L-applikanti prospettivi għandhom jaraw id- 5.5 Prospective applicants should note the requirement to dispożizzjonijiet ġenerali marbuta ma’ din is-sejħa għall- produce MQRIC recognition statements in respect of their applikazzjonijiet fejn jikkonċerna s-sottomissjoni ta’ qualifications from MQRIC, or other designated authorities, dikjarazzjoni ta’ rikonoxximent tal-kwalifiki mingħand as applicable, as per provisions applicable to this call for l-MQRIC, jew awtorità pertinenti oħra, kif applikabbli (ara applications (see link below). l-ħolqa aktar ’l isfel).

Sottomissjoni ta’ Dokumentazzjoni Submission of Supporting Documents

6.1 Il-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza li l-persuna jkollha 6.1 Qualifications and experience claimed must be għandhom jintwerew b’ċertifikati u/jew dokumenti, li kopja supported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of tagħhom għandha tkun skennjata u mibgħuta permezz tar- which are to be scanned and sent through the Recruitment Recruitment Portal ( Portal (

6.2. Id-dokumenti oriġinali għandhom, mingħajr 6.2 Original certificates and/or testimonials are to be eċċezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista. invariably produced for verification at the interview.

Proċeduri tal-Għażla Selection Procedures

7.1 L-applikanti eliġibbli jiġu assessjati minn Bord tal- 7.1 Eligible applicants will be assessed by a Selection Għażla biex jiġi ddeterminat min hu adatt għall-pożizzjoni. Board to determine their suitability for the position. The Il-marka massima għal dan il-proċess tal-għażla hija 100% u maximum mark for this selection process is 100% and the l-marka li persuna trid iġġib biex tgħaddi hija 50%. pass mark is 50%.

7.2 Tingħata kunsiderazzjoni xierqa lill-kandidati li, 7.2 Due consideration will be given to applicants who, minbarra dak rikjest f’paragrafi 5.1 sa 5.2, għandhom besides the requisites indicated in paragraphs 5.1 to 5.2, esperjenza ta’ xogħol rilevanti u ppruvata. have proven relevant work experience.

Sottomissjoni tal-Applikazzjoni Submission of Applications

8. L-applikazzjonijiet għandhom jiġu sottomessi, għall- 8. Applications are to be submitted, for the attention of attenzjoni tas-Sezzjoni tar-Reklutaġġ, Ministeru għall- the Recruitment and Depployment Section, Ministry for Finanzi u s-Servizzi Finanzjarji, permezz tar-Recruitment Finance and Financial Services, through the Recruitment Portal biss ( L-applikazzjonijiet Portal only ( Applications are għandhom jinkludu Curriculum Vitae (li għandu jinkludi to include a Curriculum Vitae (which should include a list lista tal-kwalifiki tal-applikant), u Service and Leave Record of qualifications held by applicant), and an updated Service Form (GP 47) aġġornat/Ċertifikat tal-Kondotta skont kif and Leave Record Form (GP47)/Certificate of Conduct as applikabbli, li tali dokument irid ikun maħruġ mhux aktar applicable which have been issued not earlier than one (1) minn xahar (1) qabel id-data tal-applikazzjoni, f’format PDF, month from the date of application, in PDF format, which li għandhom jiġu sottomessi permezz tal-Portal. Id-data tal- are to be uploaded through the Portal. The closing date of għeluq tal-applikazzjonijiet hija sa’ tmiem il-ġurnata tax- the receipt of applications is end of business of Monday, xogħol ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, 6 ta’ April, 2020. Ittra elettronika 6th April, 2020. A computer-generated email will be sent ġġenerata mill-kompjuter tintbagħat bħala rċevuta tal- as an acknowledgement of the application. Further details applikazzjoni. Aktar dettalji dwar is-sottomissjoni tal- concerning the submission of applications are contained in applikazzjonijiet jinsabu fid-dispożizzjonijiet ġenerali the general provisions referred to below. msemmija hawn isfel.

8.1 Applikanti jingħataw sa żewġ (2) ġranet tax-xogħol 8.1 Applicants are granted up to two (2) working days wara d-data tal-għeluq jew sa żewġ (2) ġranet tax-xogħol after closing date or up to two (2) working days from date of mid-data tan-notifika, liema tiġi l-aħħar; biex jissottomettu notification, whichever is the later, to submit any incorrect or dokumenti mhux korretti jew mhux mimlija kif suppost. incomplete documents. 2570 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

Dispożizzjonijiet Ġenerali Oħra Other General Provisions

9. Dispożizzjonijiet ġenerali oħra dwar din is-sejħa għall- 9. Other general provisions concerning this call for applikazzjonijiet, b’referenza partikolari għal: applications, with particular reference to:

benefiċċji applikabbli, kundizzjonijiet u regoli/regolamenti; applicable benefits, conditions and rules/regulations; bdil raġonevoli għall-persuni rreġistrati b’diżabbiltà; reasonable accommodation for registered persons with disability; sottomissjoni ta’ dikjarazzjoni ta’ rikonoxximent dwar il- the submission of recognition statements in respect of kwalifiki; qualifications; pubblikazzjoni tar-riżultat; the publication of the result; il-proċess sabiex tiġi sottomessa petizzjoni dwar ir- the process for the submission of petitions concerning the riżultat; result; eżami mediku; medical examination; aċċess għall-formola tal-applikazzjoni u dettalji relatati; access to application forms and related details; żamma ta’ dokumenti, retention of documents,

jistgħu jiġu aċċessati permezz tas-sit elettroniku tad- may be viewed by accessing the website of the People Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards (https://publicservice. and Standards Division ( en/people/Pages/PeopleResourcingandCompliance/ FormsandTemplates.aspx) jew jinkisbu minn (recruitment. FormsandTemplates.aspx) or may be obtained from [email protected]). Dawn id-dispożizzjonijiet ġenerali ([email protected]). These general provisions are to għandhom jiġu meqjusa bħala parti integrali minn din is- be regarded as an integral part of this call for applications. sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet.

Is-sit elettroniku u l-indirizz elettroniku tas-Sezzjoni The website address and email address of the receiving huma ( u ([email protected]). Section are ( and (recruitment.mfin@

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020


Post ta’ Staff Nurse fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ Malta Post of Staff Nurse in the Malta Public Service

Nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll il- Nomenclatures denoting the male gender include also the femminil. female gender.

1. Id-Direttur Ġenerali (People Management), Ministeru 1. The Director General (People Management), Ministry għas-Saħħa tilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għall-post ta’ Staff Nurse for Health invites applications for the post of Staff Nurse in fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ Malta. the Malta Public Service.

Termini u Kundizzjonijiet Terms and Conditions

2.1 Din il-ħatra hija suġġetta għal perjodu ta’ prova ta’ 2.1 This appointment is subject to a probationary period sena (1) jekk appuntant b’Degree fin-Nursing (Skala 10) u of one (1) year if appointed with a Degree in Nursing (Scale għal perjodu ta’ sitt (6) xhur jekk appuntat b’Diploma fin- 10) and for a period of six (6) months if appointed with a Nursing (Skala 12). Diploma in Nursing (Scale 12).

2.2 Is-salarju ta’ Staff Nurse bid-Diploma f’Livell 5 tal- 2.2 The salary for the post of Staff Nurse with Diploma MQF (suġġetta għal minimu ta’ 60 krettu ECTS/ECVET) at MQF Level 5 (subject to a minimum of 60 ECTS/ huwa ta’ Skala ta’ Salarju 12, li fis-sena 2020 huwa ta’ ECVET credits) is Salary Scale 12, which in the year 2020 €18,142 fis-sena, li jiżdied bi €354 fis-sena sa massimu ta’ is equivalent to, €18,142 per annum, rising by annual €20,266. Persuna fil-grad ta’ Staff Nurse (bid-Diploma) titla’ increments of €354 up to a maximum of €20,266. A Staff minn Skala ta’ Salarju 12 għal Skala ta’ Salarju 10 (li fis- Nurse (with Diploma) will progress from Salary Scale 12 sena 2020 hu €20,603 x €407.67 - €23,049 fis-sena) wara to Salary Scale 10, (which in the year 2020 is €20,603 x L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2571 tliet (3) snin servizz fil-grad jekk tkun qdiet dmirha b’mod €407.67 - €23,049 per annum) on completion of three sodisfaċenti. Persuna fil-grad ta’ Staff Nurse (bid-Diploma) (3) years service in the grade, subject to satisfactory titla’ minn Skala ta’ Salarju 10 għal Skala ta’ Salarju 9 (li performance. A Staff Nurse (with Diploma) shall progress fis-sena 2020 hu €21,933 x €447.33 - €24,617 fis-sena) from Salary Scale 10 to Salary Scale 9 (which in the year suġġett għall-kisba tal-warrant rilevanti biex tipprattika U 2020 is €21,933 x €447.33 - €24,617 per annum), subject mat-tlestija ta’ ħames (5) snin ekwivalenza sħiħa ta’ servizz to the attainment of the relevant warrant to practice AND sodisfaċenti fil-grad. upon completion of five (5) years whole time equivalence of satisfactory service in the grade.

Staff Nurses bid-Diploma li jiksbu Degree BSc. fin- Staff Nurses with Diploma who obtain a BSc. Nursing Nursing fil-Livell 6 tal-MQF (suġġetta għal minimu ta’180 Degree at MQF Level 6 (subject to a minimum of 180 ECTS/ krettu ECTS/ECVET, jew ekwivalenti, fir-rigward ta’ ECVET credits, or equivalent, with regard to programmes programmi li jibdew minn Ottubru 2003), jew l-ekwivalenti commencing as from October 2003), or its equivalent as tagħha kif iddeterminat mill-Amministrazzjoni, matul il- determined by Management, during the course of their kors tal-impjieg tagħhom, huma immedjatament imqiegħda employment, are immediately placed in Scale 10 and then fi Skala 10 u mbagħad jitilgħu għal Skala 9 wara sentejn (2) progressed to Scale 9 after two (2) years with Degree or bid-Degree jew ħames (5) snin servizz fil-klassi u l-kisba five (5) year service in the class and attainment of warrant, tal-warrant, skond liema jiġi l-ewwel. whichever comes first.

2.3 Is-salarju ta’ Staff Nurse bil-BSc (Nursing) degree 2.3 The salary for the post of Staff Nurse in possession f’Livell 6 tal-MQF (suġġetta għal minimu ta’180 krettu of a BSc (Nursing) degree at MQF Level 6 (subject to a ECTS/ECVET, jew ekwivalenti, fir-rigward ta’ programmi minimum of 180 ECTS/ECVET credits, or equivalent, with li jibdew minn Ottubru 2003) jew l-ekwivalenti tagħha regard to programmes commencing as from October 2003) hekk kif jiġi ddeterminat mid-Dipartiment tas-Saħħa, wara or its equivalent as determined by the Department of Health, konsultazzjoni mal-Kunsill tal-Infermiera u l-Qwiebel following consultation with the Council of Nurses and (Malta), huwa Skala ta’ Salarju 10, li fis-sena 2020 hu Midwives (Malta), is in Salary Scale 10, which in the year €20,603 fis-sena li jiżdied bi €407.67 fis-sena sa massimu 2020 is €20,603 per annum rising by annual increments ta’ €23,049 fis-sena. Persuna fil-grad ta’ Staff Nurse (bid- of €407.67 up to a maximum of €23,049 per annum. A Degree) titla’ minn Skala ta’ Salarju 10 għal Skala ta’ Salarju Staff Nurse (with Degree) will progress from Salary Scale 9 (li fis-sena 2020 hu €21,933 x €447.33 - €24,617 fis-sena) 10 to Salary Scale 9 (which in the year 2020 is €21,933x wara sentejn (2) servizz bħala Staff Nurse (bid-Degree) fi €447.33 - €24,617 per annum) on completion of two (2) Skala 10, jekk tkun qdiet dmirha b’mod sodisfaċenti. years service as Staff Nurse (with Degree) in Salary Scale 10 subject to satisfactory performance.

2.4 Staff Nurse li minbarra r-rekwiżiti msemmija fil- 2.4 A Staff Nurse who in addition to requirements stated paragrafu 2.2 jew fil-paragrafu 2.3, għandha fil-pussess in paragraph 2.2 or paragraph 2.3, is in possession of an tagħha postgraduate Masters Degree xierqa fil-Livell 7 tal- appropriate postgraduate Masters’ Degree at MQF Level MQF (suġġetta għal minimu ta’ 60 krettu ECTS/ECVET, 7 (subject to a minimum of 60 ECTS/ECVET credit, or jew ekwivalenti, fir-rigward ta’ programmi li jibdew minn equivalent, with regard to programmes commencing as from Ottubru 2008) jew Dottorat fil-Livell 8 tal-MQF għandha October 2008) or PhD at MQF Level 8 shall be immediately titpoġġa immedjatament fi Skala ta’ Salarju 8 (li fis-sena 2020 placed in Salary Scale 8 (which in the year 2020 is €23,358 hu €23,358 x €486.83 - €26,279 fissena) bħala Staff Nurse. x €486.83 - €26,279 per annum) as Staff Nurse

2.5. Qed jiġi nnutat li s-salarju marbut mal-post ta’ Staff 2.5 It is being noted that the salary for the post of Staff Nurse hu supplimentat b’allowances hekk kif speċifikat fil- Nurse is supplemented by allowances as specified by the ftehim settorali fis-seħħ iffirmat bejn il-Gvern ta’ Malta u sectoral agreement in force signed between the Government l-Union ta’ Malta għall-Qwiebel u Infermiera. of Malta and the Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses.

Dmirijiet Duties

3.1 Id-dmirijiet għal dan il-post ta’ Staff Nurse huma li: 3.1 The duties for the post of Staff Nurse are:

i. J/tipprovdi kura sana, effettiva u effiċjenti lil grupp i. Provide safe, effective and efficient care to a specified speċifiku ta’ pazjenti u li j/tieħu sehem fl-edukazzjoni ta’ group of patients and participate in the education of junior/ junior staff/persunal li jkunu fuq żjara, kif ukoll ta’ studenti; visiting staff and students; 2572 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

ii. j/tagħti informazzjoni liċ-Charge Nurse u lill-membri ii. give information to the Charge Nurse and other oħra tal-persunal biex j/tassigura l-użu effiċjenti u effettiv ta’ members of staff to ensure the efficient and effective use of impjegati u riżorsi; personnel and resources;

iii. j/tgħallem u tissorvelja junior staff u studenti skont iii. teach and supervise junior staff and students according il-livell personali tal-kompetenza/ esperjenza tiegħu/tagħha; to own level of competence/experience;

iv. j/tassigura kommunikazzjoni effettiva mas-senior u iv. maintain effective communication with senior and junior l-junior staff u mal-membri kollha tat-tim multidixxiplinarju; staff and with all members of the multidisciplinary team;

v. j/tippartecipa fil-kordinament fl-attivitjiet ta’ grupp v. participate in co-ordinating the activities for a group ta’ klijenti inkluż il-parteċipazzjoni tal-membri tat-tim of clients including the participation of members of the multidixxiplinarju; multidisciplinary team;

vi. j/tassessja, j/tippjana, j/timplimenta u j/tevalwa l-kura vi. assess, plan, implement and evaluate the care of one ta’ klijent jew iżjed (skont il-bżonn) j/tipprijoritizza l-kura or more clients (according to need) prioritising care and u bi preċiżjoni j/tagħmel dokumentazzjoni skont il-politika accurately completing documentation in accordance with lokali; local policy;

vii. j/tuża r-riżorsi disponibbli b’mod effettiv biex j/tagħti vii. effectively use the resources available to deliver high livell għoli ta’ kura mill-infermiera; standard of nursing care;

viii. j/tipparteċipa biex żżomm ambjent nadif, sigur u viii. participate in maintaining a clean, safe and komdu li twassal għall-irkuprar tas-saħħa u benessere; comfortable environment which is conducive to the restoration of health and well being;

ix. iżżomm komunikazzjoni effettiva mal-klijenti u ix. maintain effective communications with clients and l-qraba u tassigura li huma miżmuma infurmati tajjeb, j/ relatives ensuring that they are kept well informed, offering toffri parir u pariri fejn xieraq skont il-livell ta’ kompetenza advice and counselling where appropriate according to own personali; level of competence;

x. j/tipparteċipa fl-implimentazzjoni ta’ inizjattivi fuq x. participate in the implementation of quality initiatives kwalità inkluż l-issettjar ta’ standards, evalwazzjoni ta’ including standard setting, evaluation of nursing practice prattiki tal-infermiera u awditjar kliniku; and clinical audit;

xi. j/tagħmilha ta’ mentor ta’ staff appuntat ġdid u studenti xi. act as mentor to newly appointed staff and students kif xieraq, skont il-livell personali ta’ espert u tgħin studenti as appropriate to own level of expertise and help students to biex jilħqu l-oġġettiv ta’ tagħlim tagħhom skont il-bżonn; meet their learning objectives as appropriate;

xii. j/tipparteċipa fl-assessjar tal-istudenti skont il-livell xii. participate in student assessments appropriate to own personali ta’ espert u wara konsultazzjoni mal-membri level of expertise and after consultation with senior members anzjani tal-istaff infermeristiku u mal-Fakultà tax-Xjenza of nursing staff and the Faculty of Health Sciences; tas-Saħħa;

xiii. j/tieħu kwalunkwe kompitu ieħor li s-superjur j/tista’ xiii. undertake any other tasks, which the superior may j/tiddelega lilu/ha, kif jista’ jkun meħtieġ; delegate to him/her, as may be required;

xiv. j/twettaq dmirjiet oħra skont l-eżiġenzi tas-Servizz xiv. perform any other duties according to the exigencies Pubbliku skont struzzjonijiet mogħtija mis-Segretarju of the Public Service as directed by the respective Principal Permanenti Ewlieni. Permanent Secretary.

Aktar dettalji dwar id-dmirijiet marbuta ma’ dan il-post Further details of the job description of the post may be jistgħu jinkisbu mid-Diviżjoni tal-People Management, obtained from the People Management Division, Ministry Ministeru għas-Saħħa, 15, Palazzo , Triq il- for Health, 15, Palazzo Castellania, Triq il-Merkanti, Merkanti, Il-Belt Valletta, VLT 1171 li jista’ jiġi kkuntattjat Valletta, VLT 1171, which may also be contacted by email ukoll permezz ta’ ittra elettronika lil ( to ([email protected]). L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2573

3.2 Persuni maħtura jiġu stazzjonati f’ministeru rispettiv 3.2. Appointees shall be posted in a respective ministry skont l-eżiġenzi tas-servizz u ittri ta’ ħatra jinħarġu mis- according to the exigencies of the service and letters of Segretarju Permanenti tal-ministeru rispettiv. appointment shall be issued by the Permanent Secretary of the respective ministry.

3.3 Il-kandidati magħżulin jistgħu jkunu meħtieġa 3.3 Selected candidates may be required to perform jaħdmu fuq bażi ta’ shift li jinkludi xogħol billejl skont duties on a shift basis including night duty according to the rosters stabbiliti. established rosters.

Rekwiżiti tal-Eliġibbiltà Eligibility Requirements

4.1. Sal-ħin u d-data tal-għeluq ta’ din is-sejħa għall- 4.1 By the closing time and date of this call for applikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti għandhom ikunu: applications, applicants must be:

i. a. ċittadini ta’ Malta; jew i. a. citizens of Malta; or

b. ċittadini ta’ Stati Membri oħra tal-Unjoni Ewropea li b. citizens of other Member States of the European Union għandhom jedd għal trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens in fi kwistjonijiet ta’ impjieg bis-saħħa ta’ leġiżlazzjoni tal- matters of employment by virtue of EU legislation and treaty UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati dwar iċ-ċaqliq ħieles tal- provisions dealing with the free movement of workers; or ħaddiema; jew

c. ċittadini ta’ kwalunkwe pajjiż ieħor li għandhom jedd c. citizens of any other country who are entitled to għal trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related to ta’ impjieg minħabba li jkunu japplikaw għal dak il-pajjiż employment by virtue of the application to that country of b’leġiżlazzjoni tal-UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati dwar iċ- EU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the free ċaqliq ħieles tal-ħaddiema; jew movement of workers; or

d. kwalunkwe persuni oħra li għandhom jedd għal d. any other persons who are entitled to equal treatment to trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in terms ta’ impjieg permezz tar-relazzjoni familjari tagħhom ma’ of the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and treaty persuni msemmija f’(a), (b) jew (c), skont kif hemm fil-liġi provisions, on account of their family relationship with jew fil-leġiżlazzjoni tal-UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati persons mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or msemmija hawn fuq; jew

e. ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi terzi li jkunu ngħataw status ta’ e. third country nationals who have been granted long- residenti li joqogħdu għal żmien twil f’Malta taħt ir- term resident status in Malta under regulation 4 of the regolament 4 tar-Regolamenti tal-2006 dwar ‘Status ta’ ‘Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals) Residenti li joqogħdu għal Żmien Twil (Ċittadini ta’ Pajjiżi Regulations, 2006’ or who have been granted a residence Terzi)’ , jew li jkunu ngħataw permess ta’ residenza taħt permit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with family ir-regolament 18(3) tal-istess regolamenti, flimkien mal- members of such third country nationals who have been membri tal-familja ta’ ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi terzi li jkunu granted a residence permit under the ‘Family Reunification ngħataw permess ta’ residenza taħt ir-Regolamenti tal-2007 Regulations, 2007’ . dwar ir-Riunifikazzjoni tal-Familji.

Għandu jintalab il-parir tad-Dipartiment taċ-Ċittadinanza The advice of the Department of Citizenship and u tal-Espatrijati fi ħdan l-Aġenzija Identity Malta skont il- Expatriate Affairs within the Identity Malta Agency should ħtieġa fl-interpretazzjoni tad-dispożizzjonijiet imsemmija be sought as necessary in the interpretation of the above hawn fuq. provisions.

Il-ħatra ta’ kandidati msemmija f’(b), (c), (d) u (e) hawn The appointment of candidates referred to at (b), (c), (d) fuq teħtieġ il-ħruġ ta’ liċenzja tax-xogħol f’dawk il-każijiet and (e) above would necessitate the issue of an employment fejn hija meħtieġa skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoni u licence in so far as this is required by the Immigration Act leġiżlazzjoni sussidjarja. Jobsplus għandha tiġi kkonsultata and subsidiary legislation. Jobsplus should be consulted as skont il-ħtieġa dwar din il-materja. necessary on this issue. 2574 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

Applikazzjonijiet jiġu wkoll ikkunsidrati minn kandidati Applications will also be considered from candidates li huma ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi terzi u li ma jissodisfawx il- who are third country nationals and do not satisfy the kriterji msemmija f’paragrafu 4.1(i), dment li jissodisfaw criteria set out in paragraph 4.1(i), provided that they satisfy il-rekwiżiti msemmija f’paragrafi 4.1 (ii) sa 4.2. Il-ħatra the requirements stated in paragraphs 4.1 (ii). to 4.2. The ta’ dawn il-kandidati teħtieġ il-ħruġ ta’ liċenzja tax-xogħol appointment of such candidates would necessitate the issue f’dawk il-każijiet fejn hija meħtieġa skont l-Att dwar of an employment licence in so far as this is required by the l-Immigrazzjoni u leġiżlazzjoni sussidjarja. Immigration Act and subsidiary legislation.

(ii)(a) profiċjenti fil-lingwa Maltija. Madankollu, (ii)(a) proficient in the Maltese language. However, kandidati li mhumiex profiċjenti fil-lingwa Maltija xorta candidates who do not possess proficiency in the Maltese se jiġu kkunsidrati imma għandhom jipprovdu evidenza language will still be considered but have to provide ta’ profiċjenza bażika fil-lingwa Maltija qabel il-konferma evidence of basic proficiency in the Maltese Language tal-ħatra li hi fi żmien sena mill-ingaġġ fil-każ ta’ Nurses before confirmation of appointment, which is within one appuntati bid-Degree, u sitt (6) xhur fil-każ ta’ Nurses (1) year of engagement in case of Nurses appointed with appuntati bid-Diploma, billi jgħaddu b’suċċess mill-eżami a Degree and six (6) months in case of Nurses appointed fil-Basic Medical Maltese for the Healthcare Profession Part with a Diploma by being successful in the examination in 1 tal-Università ta’ Malta. Il-kors li uffiċjalment iwassal għal Basic Medical Maltese for the Healthcare Profession Part dan l-eżami huwa l-Course in Basic Medical Maltese for the 1 of the University of Malta. The course officially leading Healthcare Profession Part 1 immexxi mid-Dipartiment tal- to this examination is the Course in Basic Medical Maltese Malti tal-Università ta’ Malta. Nurses impjegati b’Diploma for the Healthcare Profession Part 1 run by the Department li ma jkunux kisbu dan iċ-ċertifikat fi żmien ta’ prova ta’ of Maltese of the University of Malta. Nurses engaged with sitt (6) xhur, jingħataw estensjoni ta’ darba ta’ sitt (6) xhur a Diploma who would have not obtained this certification biex jiksbu b’suċċess dan iċ-ċertifikat, qabel il-konferma within the probationary period of six (6) months, will be tal-ħatra tagħhom. Kwalunkwe ħlas relatat mal-kors jew given a onetime extension of six (6) months to successfully assessjar tiegħu jridu jiġu mħallsa mill-kandidati prospettivi obtain this certification, prior to confirmation of their magħżula. Madankollu, tali spejjeż jistgħu jiġu applikati appointment. Any related course and assessment fees are biex jitħallsu lura permezz tal-Iskema tal-Continuous to be paid by prospective selected candidates. However, Professional Development (CPD). such expenses may be claimed through the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Scheme.


b. profiċjenti fil-lingwa Ingliża: billi jipprovdu, sad-data b. be proficient in the English language: either by tal-intervista, evidenza li l-kwalifika primarja fin-nursing providing proof by the interview date, that the primary ġiet segwita bil-lingwa Ingliża; nursing qualification was undertaken in the English language;


jipprovdu, sad-data tal-intervista, ċertifikat validu tal- by providing by the interview date, a valid certificate of IELTS (International English Language Testing System) ta’ IELTS (International English Language Testing System) of band score medju ta’ 6 jew ogħla f’dominji ta’ komprensjoni, average band score of 6 or above in the listening, reading, qari, kitba u lingwa mitkellma. Kwalifika ċċertifikata writing and speaking domains. A certified equivalent ekwivalenti għal IELTS Livell 6 (ta’ band score medju ta’ 6) qualification to IELTS (Overall Band Score 6) e.g. GCSE/ eż. GCSE/Cambridge Grad Ċ, TOEFL (IBT): 60-80, CEFR: Cambridge: Grade C, TOEFL (IBT): 60-80, CEFR: B2 will B2 jkunu wkoll aċċettati; also be accepted.


billi jipprovdu dokumentazzjoni li turi tal-inqas sitt by providing documentation showing at least 6-month (6) xhur esperjenza ta’ xogħol iċċertifikata full-time bħala Full Time Equivalent certified work experience as registered infermiera rreġistrata fir-Renju Unit jew fl-Irlanda jew Nurse in the United Kingdom, Ireland or any other English kwalunkwe pajjiż ieħor li jitkellmu l-Ingliż fejn l-Ingliż Speaking country where English is the primary and/ or the huwa llingwa primarja u/jew uffiċjali. official language.

U AND L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2575

(iii) fil-pussess ta’ kwalifika rikonoxxuta f’Livell 5tal- (iii) in possession of a recognised qualification at MQF MQF b’minimu ta’ 60 krettu ECTS/ECVET, jew ekwivalenti, level 5 with a minimum of 60 ECTS/ECVET credits, f’Nursing jew kwalifika komparabbli professjonali U jkollhom or equivalent, in Nursing or a comparable professional ċertifikat ta’ reġistrazzjoni mal-Kunsill tal-Infermiera u qualification AND in possession of a certificate of Qwiebel (Malta) bħala Infermiera fl-Ewwel Livell (First Level registration as First Level Nurse with the Council for Nurses Nurse), jew ikollhom isimhom imniżżel fit-Taqsimiet Speċjali and Midwives (Malta), or be listed in the Special Parts of tar-Reġistru miżmum mill-Kunsill tal-Infermiera u Qwiebel the Register held by the Council for Nurses and Midwives (Malta) għar-rigward ta’ Infermiera mħarrġa f’oqsma speċjali (Malta) in respect of nurses trained in the different special differenti rikonoxxuti mill-imsemmi Kunsill; areas recognised by the said Council;


(iv) fil-pussess ta’ kwalifika rikonoxxuta f’Livell 6 tal- (iv) in possession of a recognised qualification at MQF MQF (suġġett għal minimu ta’ 180 krettu ECTS/ECVET, level 6 (subject to a minimum of 180 ECTS/ECVET credits, jew ekwivalenti, fir-rigward ta’ programmi li jibdew or equivalent, with regard to programmes commencing as minn Ottubru 2003) f’Nursing jew kwalifika komparabbli from October 2003) in Nursing or a comparable professional professjonali U jkollhom ċertifikat ta’ reġistrazzjoni mal- qualification AND in possession of a certificate of Kunsill tal-Infermiera u Qwiebel (Malta) bħala Infermiera registration as First Level Nurse with the Council for Nurses fl-Ewwel Livell (First Level Nurse), jew ikollhom isimhom and Midwives (Malta), or be listed in the Special Parts of imniżżel fit-Taqsimiet Speċjali tar-Reġistru miżmum mill- the Register held by the Council for Nurses and Midwives Kunsill tal-Infermiera u Qwiebel (Malta) għar-rigward ta’ (Malta) in respect of nurses trained in the different special infermiera mħarrġa f’oqsma speċjali differenti rikonoxxuti areas recognised by the said Council. mill-imsemmi Kunsill.

Uffiċjali pubbliċi li japplikaw għal dan il-post iridu jkunu Public Officers applying for this post must be confirmed kkonfermati fil-ħatra kurrenti tagħhom. in their current appointment.

4.2. Kwalifiki li huma ta’ livell ogħla minn dak rikjest 4.2 Qualifications at a level higher than that specified hawn fuq jiġu aċċettati għall-fini ta’ eliġibbiltà, sakemm above will be accepted for eligibility purposes, provided dawn ikunu fis-suġġetti mitluba. Kwalifika ta’ Masters they meet any specified subject requirements. A Masters f’Livell 7 ta’ MQF, jew ekwivalenti, għandha tinkludi qualification at MQF Level 7, or equivalent, must comprise minimu ta’ 60 krettu ECTS/ECVET fir-rigward ta’ korsijiet a minimum of 60 ECTS/ECVET credits with regard to li bdew minn Ottubru 2008. programmes commencing as from October 2008.

Dawk il-kandidati li ma jkunux għadhom ġabu l-kwalifiki Moreover, candidates who have not yet formally obtained msemmija hawn fuq formalment xorta jiġu kkunsidrati, any of the above-mentioned qualifications will still be basta jipprovdu evidenza li ġew appovati għall-għoti tal- considered, provided that they submit evidence that they kwalifiki msemmija jew inkella jkunu lestew b’suċċess il- have been approved for the award of the qualifications in kretti meħtieġa tal-ECTS/ECVET, jew ekwivalenti, meħuda question, or successfully completed the necessary ECTS/ bħala parti minn programm ta’ studju ta’ livell ogħla tal- ECVET credits, or equivalent, taken as part of a recognised MQF rikonoxxut, kif mitlub fil-kriterji tal-eliġibbiltà ta’ higher MQF level programme of study, as required in the hawn fuq, sal-ħin u d-data tal-għeluq ta’ din is-sejħa għall- afore-mentioned eligibility criteria, by the closing time and applikazzjonijiet. date of the call for applications.

4.3. Uffiċjali Pubbliċi li għandhom grad fi klassi 4.3 Public Officers holding a grade in a particular stream, partikolari, u li ngħataw il-ħatra ta’ Officer in Scale permezz and who were granted Officer in Scale status by virtue of ta’ deċiżjoni tal-Grievances Unit fl-istess skala ta’ dak ta’ a Grievances Unit decision in the same scale as that of a grad ogħla fl-istess klassi, huma eliġibbli li japplikaw għal higher grade in that stream, are eligible to apply for grades gradi miftuħa għal uffiċjali li għandhom tali grad ogħla bl- open to officers holding such higher grade within the stream istess skala ta’ dik tal-ħatra ta’ Officer in Scale. that carries the same scale as that of the Officer in Scale status.

Is-snin ta’ servizz mid-data ta’ meta daħlet fis-seħħ il- The years of service since the effective date of ħatra bħala Officer in Scale jgħoddu bħala parti mis-snin ta’ appointment as Officer in Scale are reckonable for the servizz mitluba fis-sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet. purpose of satisfying any requisite years of service stipulated in calls for applications. 2576 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

Kwalunkwe kriterju ieħor ta’ eliġibbiltà għall-post irid Any other eligibility requisites for the post must be met in jiġi sodisfatt skont din is-sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet. terms of this call for applications.

4.4 L-applikanti jridu jkunu ta’ kondotta li hi xierqa 4.4 Applicants must be of conduct which is appropriate to għall-post li l-persuna qed tapplika għalih (applikanti li the post applied for (applicants who are already in the Malta diġà qegħdin jaħdmu fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ Malta jridu Public Service must produce an updated Service and Leave jippreżentaw is-Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47) Record Form (GP 47) issued not earlier than one (1) month aġġornat u maħruġ mhux aktar tard minn xahar (1) qabel id- from date of application; those applying from outside the data tal-applikazzjoni; filwaqt li dawk li japplikaw minn barra Service must produce a Certificate of Conduct issued by the jridu jippreżentaw Ċertifikat tal-Kondotta riċenti maħruġ Police or other competent authority not earlier than one (1) mill-Pulizija jew awtorità oħra kompetenti mhux aktar minn month from the date of application and state whether they xahar (1) qabel id-data tal-applikazzjoni, u jindikaw jekk qatt have ever been in Government Service, giving details). kinux impjegati tal-Gvern qabel u jagħtu d-dettalji).

4.5. Il-kandidati magħżula jridu jkunu eliġibbli għall-ħatra 4.5 Applicants must be eligible to take up their due f’dan il-grad, skont 4.1 sa 4.4 hawn fuq, mhux biss sal-ħin u appointment, in terms of 4.1 to 4.4 above, not only by the d-data tal-għeluq ta’ din is-sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet, iżda closing time and date of this call for applications but also on wkoll fid-data tal-ħatra. the date of appointment.

4.6. L-applikanti prospettivi għandhom jaraw id- 4.6 Prospective applicants should note the requirement to dispożizzjonijiet ġenerali marbuta ma’ din is-sejħa għall- produce MQRIC recognition statements in respect of their applikazzjonijiet fejn jikkonċerna s-sottomissjoni ta’ qualifications from MQRIC, or other designated authorities, dikjarazzjoni ta’ rikonoxximent tal-kwalifiki mingħand as applicable, as per provisions applicable to this call for l-MQRIC, jew awtorità pertinenti oħra, kif applikabbli (ara applications (see link below). l-ħolqa aktar ’l isfel).

Sottomissjoni ta’ Dokumentazzjoni Submission of Supporting Documents

5.1 Il-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza li l-persuna jkollha 5.1 Qualifications and experience claimed must be għandhom jintwerew b’ċertifikati u/jew dokumenti, li kopja supported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of tagħhom għandha tkun skennjata u mibgħuta permezz tar- which are to be scanned and sent through the Recruitment Recruitment Portal ( Portal (

5.2. Id-dokumenti oriġinali għandhom, mingħajr 5.2 Original certificates and/or testimonials are to be eċċezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista. invariably produced for verification at the interview.

Proċeduri tal-Għażla Selection Procedures

6.1 L-applikanti eliġibbli jiġu assessjati minn Bord tal- 6.1 Eligible applicants will be assessed by a Selection Għażla biex jiġi ddeterminat min hu adatt għall-post. Il- Board to determine their suitability for the post. The marka massima għal dan il-proċess tal-ghażla hija 100%u maximum mark for this selection process is 100% and the l-marka li persuna trid iġġib biex tgħaddi hija 50%. pass mark is 50%.

6.2 Tingħata kunsiderazzjoni xierqa lill-kandidati li, 6.2 Due consideration will be given to applicants who, minbarra dak rikjest f’paragrafi 4.1 sa 4.3, għandhom besides the requisites indicated in paragraphs 4.1 to 4.3, esperjenza ta’ xogħol rilevanti u ppruvata. have proven relevant work experience.

Sottomissjoni tal-Applikazzjoni Submission of Applications

7.1 L-applikazzjonijiet għandhom jiġu sottomessi, għall- 7.1 Applications are to be submitted, for the attention of attenzjoni tad-Diviżjoni tal-People Management, Ministeru the People Management Division, Ministry for Health, 15, għas-Saħħa, 15, Palazzo Castellania, Triq il-Merkanti, Il- Palazzo Castellania, Triq il-Merkanti, Valletta VLT 1171, Belt Valletta VLT 1171, permezz tar-Recruitment Portal through the Recruitment Portal only (https://recruitment. biss ( L-applikazzjonijiet Applications are to include a Curriculum Vitae għandhom jinkludu Curriculum Vitae (li għandu jinkludi (which should include a list of qualifications held by lista tal-kwalifiki tal-applikant), u Service and Leave Record applicant), and an updated Service and Leave Record Form L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2577

Form (GP 47) aġġornat, li tali dokument irid ikun maħruġ (GP47), which has been issued not earlier than one (1) mhux aktar minn xahar (1) qabel id-data tal-applikazzjoni month from the date of application, in PDF format, which f’format PDF, li għandhom jintbagħtu permezz tal-Portal. are to be uploaded through the Portal. The closing date of the Id-data tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjonijiet hija sa tmien il- receipt of applications is end of business of Monday, 28th ġurnata tax-xogħol ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, 28 ta’ Diċembru, 2020. December, 2020. A computer-generated email will be sent Ittra elettronika ġenerata mill-kompjuter tintbagħat bħala as an acknowledgement of the application. Further details rċevuta tal-applikazzjoni. Aktar dettalji dwar is-sottomissjoni concerning the submission of applications are contained in tal-applikazzjonijiet jinsabu fid-dispożizzjonijiet ġenerali the general provisions referred to below. There will be four msemmija hawn isfel. Se jsiru erba’ proċessi tal-għażla. Il- (4) selection processes. The selection process will consider proċess tal-għażla jikkunsidra applikazzjonijiet li jaslu sa applications received by end of business of the following tmien il-ġurnata tax-xogħol ta’ dawn id-dati msemmija hawn dates only if satisfying the elegibility criteria, namely the taħt biss jekk tissodisfa l-kriterji ta’ eliġibbiltà, jiġifieri qualification and registration as a first level nurse with l-kwalifika u r-reġistrazzjoni bħala infermier tal-ewwel the Council of Nurses and Midwives (Malta): livell mal-Kunsill tal-Infermiera u l-Qwiebel (Malta):

Il-Ħamis, 16 ta’ April, 2020 Thursday, 16th April, 2020 Il-Ħamis, 2 ta’ Lulju, 2020 Thursday, 2nd July 2020 Il-Ħamis, 1 ta’ Ottubru, 2020 Thursday, 1st October 2020 It-Tnejn, 28 ta’ Diċembru, 2020 Monday, 28th December 2020

L-applikazzjonijiet li jaslu għad-dati speċifikati hawn fuq The applications received for the above specified dates se jiġu mqassmin f’erba’ proċessi tal-għażla. will be grouped in four (4) selection processes.

7.2 L-applikanti jingħataw sa żewġ (2) ġranet ta’ xogħol 7.2 Applicants are granted up to two (2) working days wara d-data tal-għeluq jew sa żewġ (2) ġranet ta’ xogħol after closing date or up to two (2) working days from date of mid-data tan-notifika, liema tiġi l-aħħar, biex jissottomettu notification, whichever is the later, to submit any incorrect or dokumenti mhux korretti jew mhux mimlija kif suppost. incomplete documents.

7.3 L-applikanti qed jingħataw parir li ma jistennewx sal- 7.3 Applicants are strongly advised not to wait until the aħħar ġurnata biex jissottomettu l-applikazzjoni tagħhom last day to submit their application since heavy internet peress li ħafna traffiku tal-internet jew ħsara fil-konnessjoni traffic or a fault with the internet connection could lead tal-internet tista’ twassal għal diffikultajiet fis-sottomissjoni. to difficulties in submission. The People and Standards Id-Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards ma tistax tinżamm Division cannot be held responsible for any delay due to responsabbli għal kwalunkwe dewmien minħabba tali such difficulties. diffikultajiet.

Dispożizzjonijiet Ġenerali Oħra Other General Provisions

8. Dispożizzjonijiet ġenerali oħra dwar din is-sejħa għall- 8. Other general provisions concerning this call for applikazzjonijiet, b’referenza partikolari għal: applications, with particular reference to:

benefiċċji applikabbli, kundizzjonijiet u regoli/regolamenti; applicable benefits, conditions and rules/regulations; bdil raġonevoli għall-persuni rreġistrati b’diżabbiltà; reasonable accommodation for registered persons with disability; sottomissjoni ta’ dikjarazzjoni ta’ rikonoxximent dwar il- submission of recognition statements in respect of kwalifiki; qualifications; pubblikazzjoni tar-riżultat; publication of the result; eżami mediku; medical examination; proċess sabiex tiġi sottomessa petizzjoni dwar ir-riżultat; the process for the submission of petitions concerning the result; aċċess għall-formola tal-applikazzjoni u dettalji relatati; access to application forms and related details; żamma ta’ dokumenti, retention of documents,

jistgħu jiġu aċċessati permezz tas-sit elettroniku tad- may be viewed by accessing the website of the People Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards ( and Standards Division ( mt/en/people/Pages/PeopleResourcingandCompliance/ en/people/Pages/PeopleResourcingandCompliance/ 2578 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

FormsandTemplates.aspx) jew jinkisbu mid-Diviżjoni tal- FormsandTemplates.aspx) or may be obtained from the People Management, Ministeru għas-Saħħa, 15, Palazzo People Management Division, Ministry for Health, 15, Castellania, Triq il-Merkanti, Il-Belt Valletta VLT 1171. Palazzo Castellania, Triq il-Merkanti, Il-Belt Valletta VLT Dawn id-dispożizzjonijiet ġenerali għandhom jiġu meqjusa 1171. These general provisions are to be regarded as an bħala parti integrali minn din is-sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet. integral part of this call for applications.

Is-sit elettroniku u l-indirizz elettroniku tad-Divizjoni The website address and email address of the receiving huma ( u (recruitment. Division are ( and [email protected]). ([email protected]).

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020


Pożizzjoni ta’ Project Administrator, Establishment Position of Project Administrator, Establishment of a National Gene Bank for the Conservation of of a National Gene Bank for the Conservation Indigenous and Endemic Plants Project, of Indigenous and Endemic Plants Project in the fid-Direttorat għall-Ħarsien tal-Pjanti fil-Ministeru Plant Protection Directorate in the Ministry for għall-Agrikoltura, Sajd u Drittijiet tal-Annimali Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Rights

Nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll il- Nomenclatures denoting the male gender include also the femminil. female gender.

1. Is-Segretarju Permanenti Ministeru għall-Agrikoltura, 1. The Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Agriculture, Sajd u Drittiijiet tal-Annimali jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għall- Fisheries and Animal Right invites applications for the pożizzjoni ta’ Project Administrator, ‘Establishment of a position of Project Administrator, ‘Establishment of a National Gene Bank for the Conseravation of Indigenous National Gene Bank for the Conservation of Indegenious and and Endemic Plants Project’ , fid-Direttorat għall-Ħarsien Endemic Plants Poject’ , in the Plant Protection Directorate tal-Pjanti fil-Ministeru għall-Agrikoltura, Sajd u Drittijiet in the Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal tal-Annimali. Din il-pożizzjoni se tkun kofinanzjata mill- Rights. This position shall be co-financed by the European Unjoni Ewropea taħt ‘Il-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall- Union under ‘The European Agricultural Fund for Rural iżvilupp Rurali: L-Ewropa tinvesti f’żoni rurali’ Miżura ta’ Development: Europe investing in rural areas’ Application Applikazzjoni 10.2 – ‘Appoġġ għall-konservazzjoni u l-użu Measure 10.2 – ‘Support for conservation and sustainable sostenibbli u l-iżvilupp tar-riżorsi ġenetiċi fl-agrikoltura’. use and development of genetic resources in agriculture’.

Tul tal-Assenjament u Kundizzjonijiet Duration of Assignment and Conditions

2.1 Persuna magħżula tidħol f’assenjament sat-30 ta’ 2.1 A selected candidate will enter into an assignment Ġunju, 2022, bħala Project Adminstrator, ‘Establishment of until the 30th June, 2022, as a Project Administrator, a National Gene Bank for the Conservation of Indegenous ‘Establishment of a National Gene Bank for The Conservation and Endemic Plants Project’, fid-Direttorat għall-Ħarsien of Indigenous and Endemic Plants Project’ which may be tal-Pjanti, li jista’ jiġi mġedded għal perjodi oħra. renewed for further periods.

2.2 Il-pożizzjoni ta’ Project Administrator, ‘Establishment 2.2 The position of Project Adminstrator, ‘Establishment of a National Gene Bank for the Conservation of Indigenous of a National Gene Bank For the Conservation of Indigenous and Endemic Plants and Project’ hija suġġetta għal perjodu and Endemic Plants Project’ constitutes an objecive reason ta’ prova ta’ tnax-il (12) xahar. which is subject to a probationary period of twelve (12) months.

2.3 Peress li din hi pożizzjoni marbuta ma’ terminu 2.3 Since this is a position is time-barred or linked to ta’ żmien fiss jew tkomplija ta’ biċċa xoghol speċifika, il- the completion of a specific task , the position of Project pożizzjoni għaldaqstant taqa’ taħt Regolament 7(4) tal-Liġi Administrator, ‘Establishment of a National Gene Bank For Sussidjarja 452.81 intitolat u għaldaqstant dan jikkostitwixxi the Conservation of Indigenous and Endemic Plants Project’ raġuni oġġettiva skont ir-‘Regolamenti dwar Kuntratti ta’ , falls under Regulation 7 (4) of Subsidiary Legislation Servizz għal Żmien Fiss’. 452.81 entitled ‘Contracts of Service for a Fixed Term Regulations’. L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2579

Salarju Marbut mal-Pożizzjoni Salary Pegged to the Position

3. Is-salarju marbut mal-pozizzjoni ta’ Project 3. The Salary attached to the position of Project Administrator, ‘ Establishment of a National Gene Bank for Adminstrator, ‘Establishment of Natonal Gene Bank for the Conservation of Indigenous and Endemic Plants Project’ Conservation of Indigenous and Endemic Plants Project’ huwa ekwivalenti għal Skala ta’ Salarju 7 (ekwivalenti għal is equivalent to Salary Scale 7 ( which in the year 2020 is €24,894 fl-2020 li jitla’ b’żidiet fis-sena ta’ €531,17 sa €24,894 per annum rising by annual increments of €531,17 massimu ta’ €28,081). up to the maximum of €28,081).

Dmirijiet Duties

4. Id-dmirijiet għal din il-pożizzjoni ta’ Project 4. The duties for the position of Project Administrator, Adminstrator, ‘Establishment of a National Gene Bank for ‘Establishement of a Gene Bank for the Conservation of the Conservation of Indigenous and Endemic Plants Project’ Indigenous and Endemic Plants Project’ are: huma li:

i. tippjana u tikkordina l-proġett ‘Establishement of a i. plans and coordinates the ‘Establishment of a National National Gene Bank for the Conservation of Indigenous and Gene Bank for the Conservation of Indigenous and Endemic Endemic Plants Project’; Plants Project’;

ii. tħejji dokumenti ta’ sejħa għall-offerti għar-riżultati ii. draws up of tender documents for the project’s tal-proġett, inluż il-parteċipazzjoni fil-proċess tal-akkwist, deliverables, including participating in the procurement kunsinna, installazzjoni u taħriġ tal-impjegati dwar it- process, delivery, installations and personnel training for tagħmir tekniku meħtieġ biex timla’ l-bank tal-ġeni, kif ukoll technical equipment required to populate the gene bank, as servizzi meħtieġa; well as required services;

iii. tirrevedi kwalunkwe studju tekniku rilevanti, stħarriġ u iii. reviews any relevant technical studies, surveys and disinji relatati mal-kostruzzjoni tal-infrastruttura żviluppata designs related to the construction of the infrastructure mill-konsulenti; developed by consultants;

iv. tirrevedi u tinterpreta mapep, ritratti tal-ajra, data u iv. reviews and interprets maps, aerial photos, data and rapporti ta’ investigazzjoni fuq il-post; field investigation reports;

v. twettaq sorveljanza tax-xogħlijiet fuq il-post; v. carries out site supervision of works;

vi. tikkollabora ma’ periti u impjegati oħra mill-Ministeru vi. liaises and collaborates with architects and other għall-Agrikoltura, Sajd u Drittijiet tal-Annimali (MAFA), u personnel from the Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries esperti oħra jew msieħba nvoluti fil-proġett; and Animal Rights (MAFA), and other experts or partners engaged in the project;

vii. tipparteċipa f’riċerka u attivitajiet oħra; vii. participates in research and other activities;

viii. tassisti lill-Project Leader fil-monitoraġġ u r-rappurtar viii. assists the Project Leader in the monitoring and tal-azzjonijiet tal-proġett; reporting of the project actions;

ix. tikkontribuwixxi fl-iżvilupp ta’ materjal ta’ ix. contributes in the development of information material informazzjoni, pubblikazzjonijiet u letteratura oħra xjentifika; and publications and other scientific literature;

x. twettaq dmirijiet oħra fuq struzzjonijiet mogħtija mis- x. carries out other duties as directed by the Permanent Segretarju Permanenti (MAFA), id-Direttur għall-Ħarsien Secretary (MAFA), the Director (Plant Protection) and/or tal-Pjanti u/jew rppreżentanti tagħhom; u their representatives; and Permanent Secretary (MESDC), the Director (Plant Protection) and/or their representatives; and

xi. twettaq dmirjiet oħra skont xi eżiġenzi tas-Servizz xi. performs any other duties according to the exigencies Pubbliku skont struzzjonijiet mogħtija mis-Segretarju of the Public Service as directed by the Principal Permanent Permanenti Ewlieni; Secretary. 2580 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

Rekwiżiti tal-Eliġibbiltà Eligibility Requirements

5.1 Sal-ħin u d-data tal-għeluq ta’ din is-sejħa għall- 5.1 By the closing time and date of this call for applikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti għandhom ikunu: applications, applicants must be:

i. a. ċittadini ta’ Malta; jew i. a. citizens of Malta; or

b. ċittadini ta’ Stati Membri oħra tal-Unjoni Ewropea li b. citizens of the other Member States of the European għandhom jedd għal trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin Union who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens fi kwistjonijiet ta’ impjieg bis-saħħa ta’ leġiżlazzjoni tal- in matters of employment by virtue of EU legislation and UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati dwar iċ-ċaqliq ħieles tal- treaty provisions dealing with the free movement of workers; ħaddiema; jew or

c. ċittadini ta’ kwalunkwe pajjiż ieħor li għandhom jedd c. citizens of any other country who are entitled to għal trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related to ta’ impjieg minħabba li jkunu japplikaw għal dak il-pajjiż employment by virtue of the application to that country of b’leġiżlazzjoni tal-UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati dwar iċ- EU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the free ċaqliq ħieles tal-ħaddiema; jew movement of workers; or

d. kwalunkwe persuni oħra li għandhom jedd għal d. any other persons who are entitled to equal treatment to trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in terms ta’ impjieg permezz tar-relazzjoni familjari tagħhom ma’ of the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and treaty persuni msemmija f’(a), (b) jew (c), skont kif hemm fil-liġi provisions, on account of their family relationship with jew fil-leġiżlazzjoni tal-UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati persons mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or msemmija hawn fuq; jew

e. ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi terzi li jkunu ngħataw status ta’ e. third country nationals who have been granted long- residenti li joqogħdu għal żmien twil f’Malta taħt ir- term resident status in Malta under regulation 4 of the regolament 4 tar-Regolamenti tal-2006 dwar ‘Status ta’ ‘Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals) Residenti li joqogħdu għal Żmien Twil (Ċittadini ta’ Pajjiżi Regulations, 2006’ or who have been granted a residence Terzi)’ , jew li jkunu ngħataw permess ta’ residenza taħt permit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with family ir-regolament 18(3) tal-istess regolamenti, flimkien mal- members of such third country nationals who have been membri tal-familja ta’ ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi terzi li jkunu granted a residence permit under the ‘Family Reunification ngħataw permess ta’ residenza taħt ir-Regolamenti tal-2007 Regulations, 2007’ . dwar ir-Riunifikazzjoni tal-Familji.

Għandu jintalab il-parir tad-Dipartiment taċ-Ċittadinanza The advice of the Department of Citizenship and u tal-Espatrijati fi ħdan l-Aġenzija Identity Malta skont il- Expatriate Affairs within the Identity Malta Agency should ħtieġa fl-interpretazzjoni tad-dispożizzjonijiet imsemmija be sought as necessary in the interpretation of the above hawn fuq. provisions.

Il-ħatra ta’ kandidati msemmija f’(b), (c), (d) u (e) hawn The appointment of candidates referred to at (b), (c), (d) fuq teħtieġ il-ħruġ ta’ liċenzja tax-xogħol f’dawk il-każijiet and (e) above would necessitate the issue of an employment fejn hija meħtieġa skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoni u licence in so far as this is required by the Immigration Act leġiżlazzjoni sussidjarja. Jobsplus għandha tiġi kkonsultata and subsidiary legislation. Jobsplus should be consulted as skont il-ħtieġa dwar din il-materja. necessary on this issue.

ii. kapaċi jikkomunikaw bil-lingwa Maltija u l-lingwa ii. able to communicate in the Maltese and English Ingliża. Dawk il-kandidati li m’għandhomx Livell 3 tal- languages. Candidates who do not possess an MQF Level MQF fil-Malti u fl-Ingliż, iridu jattendu u jgħaddu b’suċċess 3 in the Maltese and English languages, must attend and be fl-assessjar tal-korsijiet tal-linwga Maltija u l-lingwa Ingliża successful in the assessment of equivalent level Maltese and rispettivament. L-attendenza għal dawn il-korsijiet, flimkien English language courses respectively. Attendance for such mal-kisba tal-Livell 3 tal-MQF għandhom jitlestew qabel il- courses, together with the attainment of MQF Level 3 are konferma tal-ħatra, jiġifieri fi żmien tnax-il (12) xahar mill- to be completed before confirmation of appointment, i.e. ingaġġ. within twelve (12) months from engagement. L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2581

Jekk il-persuna tonqos milli tippreżenta evidenza li Failure to present evidence of successful pass and għaddiet il-korsijiet b’suċċess u attendiet sal-aħħar tal- attendance by the end of probationary period (i.e. twelve perjodu ta’ prova (jiġifieri tnax-il xahar mill-ingaġġ), months from engagement) will result in automatic awtomatikament tintilef il-kariga msemmija hawn fuq. termination of the post in caption;

iii. ikollhom fil-pussess tagħhom kwalifika Masters iii. in possession of a recognised Masters qualification rikonoxxuta fil-Livell 7 tal-MQF (suġġetta għal minimu at MQF Level 7 (subject to a minimum of 60 ECTS/ ta’ 60 krettu ECTS/ECVET, jew ekwivalenti, fir rigward ECVET credits, or equivalent, with regard to programmes ta’ programmi mibdija minn Ottubru 2008) fil-Project commencing as from October 2008) in Project Management Mangement jew kwalifika oħra professjonali kumparabbli, or a comparable professional qualification, plus one (1) year flimkien ma’ sena (1) esperjenza ta’ xogħol rilevanti; JEW relevant work experience; OR

iv. ikollhom fil-pussess tagħhom kwalifika Bachelors iv. in possession of a recognised Bachelors qualification rikonoxxuta fil-Livell 6 tal-MQF (suġġetta għal minimu ta’ at MQF Level 6 (subject to a minimum of 180 ECTS/ 180 krettu ECTS/ECVET, jew ekwivalenti, fir-rigward ta’ ECVET credits, or equivalent, with regard to programme programmi mibdija minn Ottubru 2003) fil-Project Managment commencing as from October 2003) in Project Management jew kwalifika professjonali kumparabbli, flimkien ma’ tliet (3) or a comparable professional qualification plus three (3) snin esperjenza ta’ xogħol rilevanti; JEW years releveant work experience; OR

v. Uffiċjali Pubbliċi fi Skala ta’ Salarju mhux inqas v. Public Officers in a Scale not below Scale 10, whose minn Skala 10, il-ħatra tagħhom f’din l-iskala tkun ġiet appointment in such scale has been confirmed, and who are ikkonfermata, jew impjegati fis-Settur Pubbliku li qed in possession of a recognised Bachelors qualification at MQF iwettqu dmirijiet fis-Servizz Pubbliku jew impjegati tal- Level 6 (subject to a minimum of 180 ECTS/ECVET credits, RSSL, li qegħdin f’Livell ta’ responsabbiltà kumparabbli u or equivalent, with regard to programmes commencing as li l-ħatra tagħhom f’dan il-livell tkun ġiet ikkonfermata, u li from October 2003) in relevant areas to be specified or a għandhom sitt (6) snin esperjenza ta’ xogħol rilevanti; JEW comparable professional qualification; OR

vi. Huma impjegati tas-Settur Pubbliku li bħalissa qed vi. Public Sector employees currently performing duties jaqdu dmirijiet fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ Malta jew ħaddiema in the Malta Public Service and RSSL employees, both tal-RSSL, f’Livell ta’ responsabbiltà kumparabbli ma’ Skala at a level of responsibility comparable to not below scale ta’ Salarju mhux inqas minn Skala 10 fis-Servizz Pubbliku, 10 in the Public Service and whose appointment in such li l-ħatra tagħhom f’din l-iskala ġiet ikkonfermata, u li level has been confirmed, and who are in possession ofa għandhom kwalifika Bachelors rikonoxxuta f’Livell 6 tal- recognised Bachelors qualification at MQF Level 6 (subject MQF (suġġetta għall-minimu ta’ 180 krettu ECTS/ECVET, to a minimum of 180 ECTS/ECVET credits, or equivalent, jew ekwivalenti, fir-rigward ta’ programmi mibdija minn with regard to programmes commencing as from October Ottubru 2003) fil-Project Management jew kwalifika 2003) in Project Management or a comparable professional professjonali kumparabbli; JEW qualification; OR

vii. uffiċjal fil-kariga fuq bażi personali liġie kkonfermat vii. An incumbent in the particular position on a personal fil-kariga. basis, who has been confirmed in the position.

Uffiċjali pubbliċi li japplikaw għal dan il-post iridu jkunu Public Officers applying for this post must be confirmed kkonfermati fil-ħatra kurrenti tagħhom. in their current appointment.

5.2 Kwalifiki li huma ta’ livell ogħla minn dak rikjest 5.2 Qualifications at a level higher than that specified hawn fuq jiġu aċċettati għall-fini ta’ eliġibbiltà, sakemm above will be accepted for eligibility purposes, provided dawn ikunu fis-suġġetti mitluba. they meet any specified subject requirements.

Dawk il-kandidati li ma jkunux għadhom ġabu l-kwalifiki Moreover, candidates who have not yet formally obtained msemmija kif indikat fil-paragrafi 4.1, iii jew iv hawn fuq any of the above-mentioned qualifications as indicated in formalment xorta jiġu kkunsidrati, basta jipprovdu evidenza paragraphs iii and iv will still be considered, provided that li ġew appovati għall-għoti tal-kwalifiki msemmija jew they submit evidence that they have been approved for inkella jkunu lestew b’suċċess il-kretti meħtieġa tal-ECTS/ the award of the qualifications in question, or successfully ECVETS, jew ekwivalenti, meħuda bħala parti minn completed the necessary ECTS/ECVETS credits, or programm ta’ studju ta’ livell ogħla tal-MQF rikonoxxut, kif equivalent, taken as part of a recognised higher MQF level mitlub fil-kriterji tal-eliġibbiltà ta’ hawn fuq, sal-ħin u d-data programme of study, as required in the afore-mentioned tal-għeluq ta’ din is-sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet. eligibility criteria, by the closing time and date of the call for applications. 2582 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

5.3 Biex jigi ddeterminat u kkumparat il-livell ta’ 5.3 To determine the comparable level of responsibility responsabbiltà tal-impjegati tas-Settur Pubbliku li bħalissa of Public Sector employees currently performing duties qed iwettqu dmirijiet fis-Servizz Pubbliku u tal-ħaddiema in the Public Service and RSSL employees to the level tal-RSSL mal-livell ta’ responsabbiltà meħtieġ minn uffiċjali of responsibility required of public officers applying for pubbliċi li japplikaw għal din il-pożizzjoni, il-Bord tal- this position, the Selection Board should invariably and Għażla għandu dejjem u formalment jikkonsulta mad- formally consult the Director/Hr Manger responsible for the Direttur Servizzi Korporattivi/HR Manager responsabli tal- respective Public Sector entity. entità rispettiva tas-Settur Pubbliku. 5.4 The current arrangement, whereby Public Sector 5.4 L-arrangament preżenti, fejn ħaddiema tas-Settur employees performing duties in Public Service remain on Pubbliku li qed iwettqu dmirjiet fis-Servizz Pubbliku jibqgħu the books of thre respective entitiy, shall continue to apply fuq il-kotba tal-entità, f’każ li ħaddiema tas-Settur Pubbliku in the case of Public Sectro employees who are selected jintagħażlu għall-pożizzjoni. Ħaddiema tal-RSSL jibqgħu for the position, subject to the consent of the entity. RSSL fuq il-kotba tal-kumpanija. employees will remain on the books of the company.

5.5 L-applikanti jridu jkunu ta’ kondotta li hi xierqa 5.5 Applicants must be of conduct which is appropriate to għall-post li l-persuna qed tapplika għalih (applikanti li the post applied for (applicants who are already in the Malta diġà qegħdin jaħdmu fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ Malta jridu Public Service must produce an updated Service and Leave jippreżentaw is-Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47) Record Form (GP 47) issued not earlier than one (1) month aġġornat u maħruġ mhux aktar tard minn xahar (1) qabel id- from date of application; those applying from outside the data tal-applikazzjoni, filwaqt li dawk li japplikaw minn barra Service must produce a Certificate of Conduct issued by the jridu jippreżentaw Ċertifikat tal-Kondotta riċenti maħruġ Police or other competent authority not earlier than one (1) mill-Pulizija jew awtorità oħra kompetenti mhux aktar minn month from the date of application and state whether they xahar (1) qabel id-data tal-applikazzjoni, u jindikaw jekk qatt have ever been in Government Service, giving details). kinux impjegati tal-Gvern qabel u jagħtu d-dettalji).

5.6 Il-kandidati magħżula jridu jkunu eliġibbli għall- 5.6 Applicants must be eligible to take up their due ħatra f’din il-pożizzjoni, skont 5.1 sa 5.3 hawn fuq, mhux appointment, in terms of 5.1 to 5.3 above, not only by the biss sal-ħin u d-data tal-għeluq ta’ din is-sejħa għall- closing time and date of this call for applications but also on applikazzjonijiet, iżda wkoll fid-data tal-ħatra. the date of appointment.

5.7 L-applikanti prospettivi għandhom jaraw id- 5.7 Prospective applicants should note the requirement to dispożizzjonijiet ġenerali marbuta ma’ din is-sejħa għall- produce MQRIC recognition statements in respect of their applikazzjonijiet fejn jikkonċerna s-sottomissjoni ta’ qualifications from MQRIC, or other designated authorities, dikjarazzjoni ta’ rikonoxximent tal-kwalifiki mingħand as applicable, as per provisions applicable to this call for l-MQRIC, jew awtorità pertinenti oħra, kif applikabbli (ara applications (see link below). l-ħolqa aktar ’l isfel).

Sottomissjoni ta’ Dokumentazzjoni Submission of Supporting Documents

6.1 Il-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza li l-persuna jkollha 6.1 Qualifications and experience claimed must be għandhom jintwerew b’ċertifikati u/jew dokumenti, li kopja supported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of tagħhom għandha tkun skennjata u mibgħuta permezz tar- which are to be scanned and sent through the Recruitment Recruitment Portal ( Portal (

6.2. Id-dokumenti oriġinali għandhom, mingħajr 6.2 Original certificates and/or testimonials are to be eċċezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista. invariably produced for verification at the interview.

Proċeduri tal-Għażla Selection Procedures

7.1 L-applikanti eliġibbli jiġu assessjati minn Bord tal- 7.1 Eligible applicants will be assessed by a Selection għażla biex jiġi ddeterminat min hu adatt għall-pożizzjoni. Board to determine their suitability for the position. The Il-marka massima għal dan il-proċess tal-għażla hija miija maximum mark for this selection process is one hundred per fil-mija (100%) u l-marka li persuna trid iġġib biex tgħaddi cent (100%) and the pass mark is fifty per cent (50%). hija ħamsin fil-mija (50%). L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2583

7.2 Tingħata kunsiderazzjoni xierqa lill-kandidati li, 7.2 Due consideration will be given to applicants who, minbarra dak rikjest f’paragrafi 5.1 sa 5.2, għandhom besides the requisites indicated in paragraphs 5.1 to 5.2, esperjenza ta’ xogħol rilevanti u ppruvata. have proven relevant work experience.

Sottomissjoni tal-Applikazzjoni Submission of Applications

8. L-applikazzjonijiet għandhom jiġu sottomessi, 8. Applications are to be submitted, for the attention għall-attenzjoni tad-Direttur għas-Servizzi Korporattivi, of the Director Corporate Services, Ministry for Ministeru għall-Agrikoltura, Sajd u Drittijiet tal-Annimali, Agriculture,Fisheries and Animal Rights, through the permezz tar-Recruitment Portal biss (https://recruitment. Recruitment Portal only ( L-applikazzjonijiet għandhom jinkludu Curriculum Applications are to include a Curriculum Vitae (which Vitae (li għandu jinkludi lista tal-kwalifiki tal-applikant), u should include a list of qualifications held by applicant), Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47) aġġornat/Ċertifikat and an updated Service and Leave Record Form (GP47)/ tal-Kondotta skont kif applikabbli, li tali dokument irid Certificate of Conduct as applicable which have been issued ikun maħruġ mhux aktar minn xahar (1) qabel id-data tal- not earlier than one (1) month from the date of application, applikazzjoni, f’format PDF, li għandhom jiġu sottomessi in PDF format, which are to be uploaded through the Portal. permezz tal-Portal. Id-data tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjonijiet The closing date of the receipt of applications is end of hija sa tmiem il-ġurnata tax-xogħol ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, 6 ta’ business of Monday, 6th April, 2020. A computer-generated April, 2020. Ittra elettronika ġġenerata mill-kompjuter email will be sent as an acknowledgement of the application. tintbagħat bħala rċevuta tal-applikazzjoni. Aktar dettalji Further details concerning the submission of applications dwar is-sottomissjoni tal-applikazzjonijiet jinsabu fid- are contained in the general provisions referred to below. dispożizzjonijiet ġenerali msemmija hawn isfel.

8.1 Applikanti jingħataw sa żewġ (2) ġranet tax-xogħol 8.1 Applicants are granted up to two (2) working days wara d-data tal-għeluq jew sa żewġ (2) ġranet tax-xogħol after closing date or up to two (2) working days from date of mid-data tan-notifika, liema tiġi l-aħħar; biex jissottomettu notification, whichever is the later, to submit any incorrect or dokumenti mhux korretti jew mhux mimlija kif suppost. incomplete documents.

Dispożizzjonijiet Ġenerali Oħra Other General Provisions

9. Dispożizzjonijiet ġenerali oħra dwar din is-sejħa għall- 9. Other general provisions concerning this call for applikazzjonijiet, b’referenza partikolari għal: applications, with particular reference to:

benefiċċji applikabbli, kundizzjonijiet u regoli/regolamenti; applicable benefits, conditions and rules/regulations; bdil raġonevoli għall-persuni rreġistrati b’diżabbiltà; reasonable accommodation for registered persons with disability; sottomissjoni ta’ dikjarazzjoni ta’ rikonoxximent dwar il- the submission of recognition statements in respect of kwalifiki; qualifications; pubblikazzjoni tar-riżultat; the publication of the result; il-proċess sabiex tiġi sottomessa petizzjoni dwar ir- the process for the submission of petitions concerning the riżultat; result; eżami mediku; medical examination; aċċess għall-formola tal-applikazzjoni u dettalji relatati access to application forms and related details; retention żamma ta’ dokumenti, of documents,

jistgħu jiġu aċċessati permezz tas-sit elettroniku tad- may be viewed by accessing the website of the Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards (https://publicservice. People and Standards Division ( mt/en/people/Pages/PeopleResourcingandCompliance/ FormsandTemplates.aspx) jew jinkisbu mid-Direttorat FormsandTemplates.aspx) or may be obtained from the għar-Riżorsi Umani (Att: Assistent Direttur), Ministeru Directorate Corporate Services (Att: Assistant Director, għall-Agrikoltura, Sajd u Drittijiet tal-Annimali, Old Human Resources, Ministry fo Agriculture, Fisheries and Farhouse, L-Għammieri, Il-Marsa MRS 3303. Dawn id- Animal Rights, Old Farmhouse, Għammieri, Marsa MRS dispożizzjonijiet ġenerali għandhom jiġu meqjusa bħal parti 3303. These general provision are to be regarded as an integrali minn din is-sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet. integral part of this call for applications. 2584 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

Is-sit elettroniku u l-indirizz elettroniku tad-Dipartiment/ The website address and email address of the receiving Diviżjoni/Direttorat huma ( u Department/Division/Directorate are ( ([email protected]). and ([email protected]).

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020

Pożizzjoni tista’ tkun parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea Fondi Strutturali u ta’ Investiment Ewropej 2014-2020 Rata ta’ kofinanzjament: 75% Unjoni Ewropea; 25% Fondi Nazzjonali

Position may be part-financed by the European Union European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020 Co-financing rate: 75% EU Funds; 25% National Funds


Pożizzjoni ta’ Project Officer, Establishment Position of Project Officer, Establishment of a National of a National Gene Bank for the Conservation Gene Bank for the Conservation of Indigenous of Indigenous and Endemic Plants Project fid-Direttorat and Endemic Plants Project in the Plant Protection għall-Ħarsien tal-Pjanti fil-Ministeru Directorate in the Ministry for Agriculture, għall-Agrikoltura, Sajd u Drittijiet tal-Annimali Fisheries and Animal Rights

Nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll il- Nomenclatures denoting the male gender include also the femminil. female gender.

1. Is-Segretarju Permanenti, Ministeru għall-Agrikoltura, 1. The Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Agriculture, Sajd u Drittijiet tal-Annimali jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għall- Fisheries and Animal Rights, invites applications for the pożizzjoni ta’ Project Officer, Establishment of a National position of Project Officer, ‘Establishment of a National Gene Bank for the Conservation of Indigenous and Endemic Gene Bank for the Conservation of Indigenous and Endemic Plants Project, fid-Direttorat għal-Ħarsien tal-Pjanti, fil- Plants Project in the Plant Protection Directorate in the Ministeru għall-Agrikoltura, Sajd u Drittijiet tal-Annimali. Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Rights. This Din il-pożizzjoni ser tkun kofinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea position shall be co-financed by the European Union under taħt ‘Il-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Rurali: ‘The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: L-Ewropa tinvesti f’żoni rurali’ Miżura ta’ Applikazzjoni Europe investing in rural areas’ Application Measure 10.2 ‘Appoġġ għall-konservazzjoni u l-użu sostenibbli u 10.2 - ‘Support for conservation and sustainable use and l-iżvilupp tar-riżorsi ġenetiċi fl-agrikoltura’. development of genetic resources in agriculture’.

Tul tal-Assenjment u Kundizzjonijiet Duration of Assignment and Conditions

2.1 Persuna magħżula tidħol f’assenjament sat-30 ta’ 2.1 A selected candidate will enter into an assignment until Ġunju, 2022, bħala Project Officer, ‘Establishment of a the 30th June, 2022, as a Project Officer, ‘Establishment of a National Gene Bank for the Conservation of Indigenous and National Gene Bank for the Conservation of Indigenous and Endemic Plants Project’ fid-Direttorat għall-Ħarsien tal- Endemic Plants Project’ which may be renewed for further Pjanti, li jista’ jiġi mġedded għal perjodi oħra. periods.

2.2 Il-pożizzjoni ta’ Project Officer, ‘Establishment of a 2.2 The position of Project Officer, ‘Establishment of National Gene Bank for the Conservation of Indigenous and a National Gene Bank for the Conservation of Indigenous Endemic Plants Project’ hija suġġetta għal perjodu ta’ prova and Endemic Plants Project’ constitutes an objective reason ta’ tnax-il (12) xahar. which is subject to a probationary period of twelve (12) months.

2.3 Peress li din il-pożizzjoni hija marbuta ma’ terminu 2.3 Since this position is time-barred or linked to the ta’ żmien fiss, jew tkomplija ta’ biċċa xogħol speċifika, il- completion of a specific task, the position of Project Officer, pożizzjoni ta’ Project Officer, ‘Establishment of a National ‘Establishment of a National Gene Bank for the Conservation Gene Bank for the Conservation of Indigenous and endemic of Indigenous and Endemic Plants Protection’ falls under L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2585

Plants Project’ taqa’ taħt Regolament 7 (4) tal-Liġi Regulation 7(4) of Subsidiary Legislation 452.81 entitled Sussidjarja 452.81 intitolat u għaldaqstant dan jikkostitwixxi ‘Contracts of Service for a Fixed Term Regulations’. raġuni oġġettiva skont ir-‘Regolamenti dwar Kuntratti ta’ Servizz għal Żmien Fiss’.

Salarju Marbut mal-Pożizzjoni Salary Pegged to the Position

3. Is-salarju marbut mal-pożizzjoni ta’ Project Officer, 3. The Salary attached to the position of Project Officer, ‘Establishment of a National Gene Bank for the Conservation ‘Establishment of a National Gene Bank for the Conservation of Indigenous and Endemic Plants Project’ huwa ekwivalenti of Indigenous and Endemic Plants Project’ is equivalent to għal Skala ta’ Salarju 9 (ekwivalenti għal €21,933 li jitla’ Salary Scale 9 (which in the year 2020 is €21,933 per annum b’żidied fis-sena ta’ €447.33 sa massimu ta’ €24,617 fis- rising by annual increments of €447.33 up to a maximum of sena 2020). €24,617).

Dmirijiet Duties

4. Id-dmirijiet għal din il-pożizzjoni ta’ Project Officer, 4. The duties for the position of Project Officer, ‘Establishment of a National Gene Bank for the Conservation ‘Establishment of a National Gene Bank for the Conservation of Indigenous and Endemic Plants Project’ huma li: of Indigenous and Endemic Plants project’ are:

i. twettaq ix-xogħol amministrattiv kollu meħtieġ fir- i. carries out all the necessary administrative work in rigward tal-proġett; relation to the project;

ii. tirrapporta lill-Project Administrator u żżomm kuntatt ii. reports to the Project Administrator and liaising with mal-uffiċjali tal-proġett fuq l-affarijiet kollha relatati max- the project officials on all matters relating to the purchases xiri u n-nefqa li ssir taħt dan il-proġett; and expenditure made under this project;

iii. iżżomm id-dokumentazzjoni kollha meħtieġa, inklużi iii. maintains all the necessary documentation, including l-offerti, id-dokumenti tax-xiri u fatturi u żżomm il-files tal- tenders, purchase documents and invoices, and the upkeep of Verifika skont il-Manwal tal-Proċeduri tal-Fond Agrikolu the Project Audit Files as per the European Agricultural Fund Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Rurali (EAFRD); for Rural Development (EAFRD)’s ‘Manual of Procedures’;

iv. tikkontribwixxi fl-iżvilupp ta’ materjal ta’ iv. contributes in the development of information material, informazzjoni, pubblikazzjonijiet u letteratura oħra publications and other scientific literature; xjentifika;

v. tagħti direzzjoni u tassisti lill-esperti u l-imsieħba v. directs and assists experts and partners engaged in the involuti fil-proġett fiż-żamma tad-dokumentazzjoni kollha project in the maintenance of all project documentation and tal-proġett u l-manutenzjoni tal-files tal-Verifika tal-Proġett; upkeep of Project Audit Files;

vi. tissolvelja l-proċeduri kollha tax-xiri li jitwettaq fil- vi. oversees all the procurement procedures carried out proġett; in the project;

vii. timplimenta l-pubbliċità skont ir-rekwiżiti obbligatorji; vii. implements publicity as per obligatory requirements;

viii. tissorvelja u timmanniġġja l-iskeda tal-infiq u viii. monitors and manages the disbursement schedule tikkordina l-iskeda tal-implimentazzjoni; breakdown and coordinates the implementation schedule;

ix. tiċċertifika u tipproċessa fatturi, u tħejji ċertifikati ix. certifies and processes invoices, and prepares invoice dwar l-istatus tal-fattura u rċevuti; status certificates and receipts;

x. tipprepara rapporti ta’ progress skont ir-regolamenti x. prepares progress reports as per the Rural Development 2014-2020 dwar l-Iżvilupp Rurali; 2014-2020 regulations;

xi. tiġbor u tissottometti talbiet (inklużi talbiet ta’ rimbors) xi. compiles and submits claims (including reimbursement lill-awtoritajiet kompetenti; claims) to the competent authorities; 2586 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

xii. tassisti lill-uffiċjali tal-proġett waqt eżerċizzji ta’ xii. assists project officials during audits and on-the-spot verifika kif ukoll waqt verifiki fuq il-post matul il-perjodu checks during the specified contract period; speċifikat tal-kuntratt;

xiii. twettaq dmirijiet oħra fuq struzzjonijiet mogħtija mis- xiii. carries out other duties as directed by the Permanent Segretarju Permanenti (MAFA, id-Direttur għall-Ħarsien Secretary (MESDC), the Director (Plant Protection) and/ tal-Pjanti u/jew reppreżentanti tagħhom; u twettaq dmirijiet or their representatives; and performs any other duties oħra skont l-eżiġenzi tas-Servizz Pubbliku kif ordnat mis- according to the exigencies of the Public Service as directed Segretarju Permanenti Ewlieni. by the Principal Permanent Secretary.

Rekwiżiti tal-Eliġibbiltà Eligibility Requirements

5.1 Sal-ħin u d-data tal-għeluq ta’ din is-sejħa għall- 5.1 By the closing time and date of this call for applikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti għandhom ikunu: applications, applicants must be:

i. a. ċittadini ta’ Malta; jew i. a. citizens of Malta; or

b. ċittadini ta’ Stati Membri oħra tal-Unjoni Ewropea li b. citizens of the other Member States of the European għandhom jedd għal trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin Union who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens fi kwistjonijiet ta’ impjieg bis-saħħa ta’ leġiżlazzjoni tal- in matters of employment by virtue of EU legislation and UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati dwar iċ-ċaqliq ħieles tal- treaty provisions dealing with the free movement of workers; ħaddiema; jew or

c. ċittadini ta’ kwalunkwe pajjiż ieħor li għandhom jedd c. citizens of any other country who are entitled to għal trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related to ta’ impjieg minħabba li jkunu japplikaw għal dak il-pajjiż employment by virtue of the application to that country of b’leġiżlazzjoni tal-UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati dwar iċ- EU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the free ċaqliq ħieles tal-ħaddiema; jew movement of workers; or

d. kwalunkwe persuni oħra li għandhom jedd għal d. any other persons who are entitled to equal treatment to trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in terms ta’ impjieg permezz tar-relazzjoni familjari tagħhom ma’ of the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and treaty persuni msemmija f’(a), (b) jew (c), skont kif hemm fil-liġi provisions, on account of their family relationship with jew fil-leġiżlazzjoni tal-UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati persons mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or msemmija hawn fuq; jew

e. ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi terzi li jkunu ngħataw status ta’ e. third country nationals who have been granted long- residenti li joqogħdu għal żmien twil f’Malta taħt ir- term resident status in Malta under regulation 4 of the regolament 4 tar-Regolamenti tal-2006 dwar ‘Status ta’ ‘Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals) Residenti li joqogħdu għal Żmien Twil (Ċittadini ta’ Pajjiżi Regulations, 2006’ or who have been granted a residence Terzi)’ , jew li jkunu ngħataw permess ta’ residenza taħt permit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with family ir-regolament 18(3) tal-istess regolamenti, flimkien mal- members of such third country nationals who have been membri tal-familja ta’ ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi terzi li jkunu granted a residence permit under the ‘Family Reunification ngħataw permess ta’ residenza taħt ir-Regolamenti tal-2007 Regulations, 2007’ . dwar ir-Riunifikazzjoni tal-Familji.

Għandu jintalab il-parir tad-Dipartiment taċ-Ċittadinanza The advice of the Department of Citizenship and u tal-Espatrijati fi ħdan l-Aġenzija Identity Malta skont il- Expatriate Affairs within the Identity Malta Agency should ħtieġa fl-interpretazzjoni tad-dispożizzjonijiet imsemmija be sought as necessary in the interpretation of the above hawn fuq. provisions.

Il-ħatra ta’ kandidati msemmija f’(b), (c), (d) u (e) hawn The appointment of candidates referred to at (b), (c), (d) fuq teħtieġ il-ħruġ ta’ liċenzja tax-xogħol f’dawk il-każijiet and (e) above would necessitate the issue of an employment fejn hija meħtieġa skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoni u licence in so far as this is required by the Immigration Act leġiżlazzjoni sussidjarja. Jobsplus għandha tiġi kkonsultata and subsidiary legislation. Jobsplus should be consulted as skont il-ħtieġa dwar din il-materja. necessary on this issue. L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2587

ii. kapaċi jikkomunikaw bil-lingwa Maltija u l-lingwa ii. able to communicate in the Maltese and English Ingliża. Dawk il-kandidati li m’għandhomx Livell 3 tal- languages. Candidates who do not possess an MQF Level MQF fil-Malti u fl-Ingliż, iridu jattendu u jgħaddu b’suċċess 3 in the Maltese and English language, must attend and be fl-assessjar tal-korsijiet tal-lingwa Maltija u l-lingwa Ingliża successful in the assessment of the of the equivalent-level rispettivament. L-attendenza għal dawn il-korsijiet, flimkien Maltese and English languages course respectively. Attendance mal-kisba tal-Livell 3 tal-MQF, għandhom jitlestew qabel il- for such courses, together with the attainment of MQF Level konferma tal-ħatra, jiġifieri fi żmien tnax-il (12) xahar mill- 3 are to be completed before confirmation of appointment, i.e. ingaġġ; within twelve (12) months from engagement;

Jekk persuna tonqos milli tippreżenta evidenza li għaddiet Failure to present evidence of successful pass and mill-korsijiet b’suċċess u attendiet sal-aħħar tal-perjodu ta’ attendance by the end of probationary period (i.e. twelve prova (jiġifieri tnax-il xahar mill-ingaġġ), awtomatikament months from engagement) will result in automatic tintilef il-kariga msemmija hawn fuq. termination of the post in caption;

iii. (a) ikollhom fil-pussess tagħhom kwalifika Bachelors iii. (a) in possession of a recognised Bachelors rikonoxxuta fil-Livell 6 tal-MQF (suġġetta għal minimu qualification at MQF Level 6 (subject to a minimum of ta’ 180 krettu ECTS/ECVET, jew ekwivalenti, fir-rigward 180 ECTS/ECVET credits, or equivalent, with regard ta’ programmi mibdija minn Ottubru 2003) fil-Project to programmes commencing as from October 2003) in Management jew fil-Bijoloġija jew fil-Botanija jew kwalifika Project Management or Biology or Botany or a comparable professjonali kumparabbli, flimkien ma’ sena (1) esperjanza professional qualification, plus one (1) year relevant work ta’ xogħol rilevanti; JEW experience; OR

(b) Huma Uffiċjali Pubbliċi fi Skala ta’ Salarju mhux (b) Public Officers in a Scale not below Scale 12, whose inqas minn Skala 12, li l-ħatra tagħhom f’din l-iskala appointment in such scale has been confirmed, and who are ġiet ikkonfermata, u li għandhom kwalifika Bachelors in possession of a recognised Bachelors qualification at MQF rikonoxxuta f’Livell 6 tal-MQF (suġġetta għal minimu Level 6 (subject to a minimum of 180 ECTS/ECVET credits, ta’ 180 krettu ECTS/ECVET, jew ekwivalenti, fir-rigward or equivalent, with regard to programmes commencing as ta’ programmi mibdija minn Ottubru 2003) fil-Project from October 2003) inProject Management or Biology or Management jew fil-Bijoloġija jew fil-Botanija jew kwalifika Botany or a comparable professional qualification; OR professjonali kumparabbli; JEW

(c) Huma impjegati tas-Settur Pubbliku li bħalissa qed (c) Public Sector employees currently performing duties jaqdu dmirijiet fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ Malta jew ħaddiema in the Malta Public Service and RSSL employees, both tal-RSSL, f’Livell ta’ responsabbiltà kumparabbli ma’ Skala at a level of responsibility comparable to not below scale ta’ Salarju mhux inqas minn Skala 12 fis-Servizz Pubbliku, 12 in the Public Service and whose appointment in such li l-ħatra tagħhom f’din l-iskala ġiet ikkonfermata, u li level has been confirmed, and who are in possession of a għandhom kwalifika Bachelors rikonoxxuta f’Livell 6 tal- recognised Bachelors qualification at MQF Level 6 (subject MQF (suġġetta għall-minimu ta’ 180 krettu ECTS/ECVET, to a minimum of 180 ECTS/ECVET credits, or equivalent, jew ekwivalenti, fir-rigward ta’ programmi mibdija minn with regard to programmes commencing as from October Ottubru 2003) fil-Project Management jew fil-Bijoloġija, 2003) in Project Management or Biology or Botany or a jew kwalifika professjonali kumparabbli; JEW comparable professional qualification; OR

(d) Uffiċjal fil-kariga partikolari fuq bażi personali li kien (d) An incumbent in the particular position on a personal ġie kkonfermat fil-kariga. basis, who has been confirmed in the position.

Uffiċjali pubbliċi li japplikaw għal dan il-post iridu jkunu Public Officers applying for this post must be confirmed kkonfermati fil-ħatra kurrenti tagħhom. in their current appointment.

5.2 Kwalifiki li huma ta’ livell ogħla minn dak rikjest 5.2 Qualifications at a level higher than that specified hawn fuq jiġu aċċettati għall-fini ta’ eliġibbiltà, sakemm above will be accepted for eligibility purposes, provided dawn ikunu fis-suġġetti mitluba. Kwalifika ta’ Masters they meet any specified subject requirements. A Masters f’Livell 7 tal-MQF, jew ekwivalenti, għandha tinkludi qualification at MQF Level 7, or equivalent, must comprise minimu ta’ 60 krettu ECTS/ECVETS fir-rigward ta’ korsijiet a minimum of 60 ESTS/ECVET credits with regards to li jibdew minn Ottubru 2008. programmes commencing as from October 2008.

Dawk il-kandidati li ma jkunux għadhom ġabu l-kwalifiki Moreover, candidates who have not yet formally obtained msemmija kif indikat fil-paragrafu 4.1 (iii) (a) formalment any of the above-mentioned qualifications as indicated in 2588 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370 xorta jiġu kkunsidrati, basta jipprovdu evidenza li ġew para 4.1 (iii) (a) will still be considered, provided that they appovati għall-għoti tal-kwalifiki msemmija jew inkella submit evidence that they have been approved for the award jkunu lestew b’suċċess il-kretti meħtieġa tal-ECTS/ of the qualifications in question, or successfully completed ECVETS, jew ekwivalenti, meħuda bħala parti minn the necessary ECTS/ECVETS credits, or equivalent, taken programm ta’ studju ta’ livell ogħla tal-MQF rikonoxxut, kif as part of a recognised higher MQF level programme of mitlub fil-kriterji tal-eliġibbiltà ta’ hawn fuq, sal-ħin u d-data study, as required in the afore-mentioned eligibility criteria, tal-għeluq ta’ din is-sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet. by the closing time and date of the call for applications.

5.3 Biex jiġi ddeterminat u kkumparat il-livell ta’ 5.3 To determine the comparable level of responsibility responsabbiltà tal-impjegati tas-Settur Pubbliku li bħalissa qed of Public Sector employees currently performin duties in iwettqu dmirijiet fis-Servizz Pubbliku u tal-ħaddiema tal-RSSL the pUblic Service and RSSL employees to the level or mal-livell ta’ responsabbiltà meħtieġ minn uffiċjali pubbliċi li responsibility of public officers applying for this position, japplikaw għal din il-pożizzjoni, il-Bord tal-Għażla għandu the Selection Board should invariably and formally consult dejjem u formalment jikkonsulta mad-Direttur/HR Manager the Directive/HR Manager responsible for the respective responsabbli tal-entità rispettiva tas-Settur Pubbliku. Public Sector entity.

5.4 L-arranġament preżenti, fejn ħaddiema tas-Settur 5.4 The current arrangement, whereby Public Sector Pubbliku li qed iwettqu dmirijiet fis-Servizz Pubbliku jibqgħu emplyees performing duties in the Public Service remain on fuq il-kotba tal-entità rispettiva, jibqa’ japplika, bil-kunsens tal- the books of the respective entity, shall continue to apply entità, f’każ li ħaddiema tas-Settur Pubbliku jintgħażlu għall- in the case of Public Sector employees who are selected pożizzjoni. Ħaddiema li jiġu magħżula għal din il-pożizzjoni for the position, subject to the consent of the entity. RSSL jkollhom l-impieg tagħhom mal-RSSL awtomatikament employees will remain on the books of the company. terminat wara li jtemmu b’suċċess il-perjodu ta’ prova.

5.5 L-applikanti jridu jkunu ta’ kondotta li hi xierqa 5.5 Applicants must be of conduct which is appropriate to għall-post li l-persuna qed tapplika għalih (applikanti li the post applied for (applicants who are already in the Malta diġà qegħdin jaħdmu fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ Malta jridu Public Service must produce an updated Service and Leave jippreżentaw is-Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47) Record Form (GP 47) issued not earlier than one (1) month aġġornat u maħruġ mhux aktar tard minn xahar (1) qabel id- from date of application; those applying from outside the data tal-applikazzjoni; filwaqt li dawk li japplikaw minn barra Service must produce a Certificate of Conduct issued by the jridu jippreżentaw Ċertifikat tal-Kondotta riċenti maħruġ Police or other competent authority not earlier than one (1) mill-Pulizija jew awtorità oħra kompetenti mhux aktar minn month from the date of application and state whether they xahar (1) qabel id-data tal-applikazzjoni, u jindikaw jekk qatt have ever been in Government Service, giving details). kinux impjegati tal-Gvern qabel u jagħtu d-dettalji).

5.6 Il-kandidati magħżula jridu jkunu eliġibbli għall- 5.4 Applicants must be eligible to take up their due ħatra f’din il-pożizzjoni, skont 5.1 sa 5.3 hawn fuq, mhux appointment, in terms of 5.1 to 5.3 above, not only by the biss sal-ħin u d-data tal-għeluq ta’ din is-sejħa għall- closing time and date of this call for applications but also on applikazzjonijiet, iżda wkoll fid-data tal-ħatra. the date of appointment.

5.7 L-applikanti prospettivi għandhom jaraw id- 5.5 Prospective applicants should note the requirement to dispożizzjonijiet ġenerali marbuta ma’ din is-sejħa għall- produce MQRIC recognition statements in respect of their applikazzjonijiet fejn jikkonċerna s-sottomissjoni ta’ qualifications from MQRIC, or other designated authorities, dikjarazzjoni ta’ rikonoxximent tal-kwalifiki mingħand as applicable, as per provisions applicable to this call for l-MQRIC, jew awtorità pertinenti oħra, kif applikabbli (ara applications (see link below). l-ħolqa aktar ’l isfel).

Sottomissjoni ta’ Dokumentazzjoni Submission of Supporting Documents

6.1 Il-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza li l-persuna jkollha 6.1 Qualifications and experience claimed must be għandhom jintwerew b’ċertifikati u/jew dokumenti, li kopja supported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of tagħhom għandha tkun skennjata u mibgħuta permezz tar- which are to be scanned and sent through the Recruitment Recruitment Portal ( Portal (

6.2. Id-dokumenti oriġinali għandhom, mingħajr 6.2 Original certificates and/or testimonials are to be eċċezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista. invariably produced for verification at the interview. L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2589

Proċeduri tal-Għażla Selection Procedures

7.1 L-applikanti eliġibbli jiġu assessjati minn Bord tal- 7.1 Eligible applicants will be assessed by a Selection Għażla biex jiġi ddeterminat min hu adatt għall-pożizzjoni. Board to determine their suitability for the position. The Il-marka massima għal dan il-proċess tal-għażla hija mija maximum mark for this selection process is one hundred per fil-mija (100%) u l-marka li persuna trid iġġib biex tgħaddi cent (100%) and the pass mark is fifty per cent (50%). hija ħamsin fil-mija (50%).

7.2 Tingħata kunsiderazzjoni xierqa lill-kandidati li, 7.2 Due consideration will be given to applicants who, minbarra dak rikjest f’paragrafi 5.1 sa 5.2, għandhom besides the requisites indicated in paragraphs 5.1 to 5.2, esperjenza ta’ xogħol rilevanti u ppruvata. have proven relevant work experience.

Sottomissjoni tal-Applikazzjoni Submission of Applications 8. L-applikazzjonijiet għandhom jiġu sottomessi, għall-attenzjoni tad-Direttur għas-Servizzi Korporattivi, 8. Applications are to be submitted, for the attention of Ministeru għal Agrikoltura, Sajd u Drittijiet tal-Annimali, the Director, Corporate Services, Ministry for Agriculture, permezz tar-Recruitment Portal biss (https://recruitment. Fisheries and Animal Rights, through the Recruitment L-applikazzjonijiet għandhom jinkludu Curriculum Portal only ( Applications are Vitae (li għandu jinkludi lista tal-kwalifiki tal-applikant) u to include a Curriculum Vitae (which should include a list Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47) aġġornat/Ċertifikat of qualifications held by applicant), and an updated Service tal-Kondotta skont kif applikabbli, li tali dokument irid and Leave Record Form (GP47)/Certificate of Conduct as ikun maħruġ mhux aktar minn xahar (1) qabel id-data tal- applicable which have been issued not earlier than one (1) applikazzjoni, f’format PDF, li għandhom jiġu sottomessi month from the date of application, in PDF format, which permezz tal-Portal. Id-data tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjonijiet are to be uploaded through the Portal. The closing date of hija sa tmiem il-ġurnata tax-xogħol ta’ nhar Tnejn, 6 ta’ the receipt of applications is end of business of Monday, April, 2020. Ittra elettronika ġġenerata mill-kompjuter 6th April, 2020. A computer-generated email will be sent tintbagħat bħala rċevuta tal-applikazzjoni. Aktar dettalji as an acknowledgement of the application. Further details dwar is-sottomissjoni tal-applikazzjonijiet jinsabu fid- concerning the submission of applications are contained in dispożizzjonijiet ġenerali msemmija hawn isfel. the general provisions referred to below.

8.1 Applikanti jingħataw sa żewġ (2) ġranet tax-xogħol 8.1 Applicants are granted up to two (2) working days wara d-data tal-għeluq jew sa żewġ (2) ġranet tax-xogħol after closing date or up to two (2) working days from date of mid-data tan-notifika, liema tiġi l-aħħar; biex jissottomettu notification, whichever is the later, to submit any incorrect or dokumenti mhux korretti jew mhux mimlija kif suppost. incomplete documents.

Dispożizzjonijiet Ġenerali Oħra Other General Provisions

9. Dispożizzjonijiet ġenerali oħra dwar din is-sejħa għall- 9. Other general provisions concerning this call for applikazzjonijiet, b’referenza partikolari għal: applications, with particular reference to:

benefiċċji applikabbli, kundizzjonijiet u regoli/regolamenti; applicable benefits, conditions and rules/regulations; bdil raġonevoli għall-persuni rreġistrati b’diżabbiltà; reasonable accommodation for registered persons with disability; sottomissjoni ta’ dikjarazzjoni ta’ rikonoxximent dwar il- the submission of recognition statements in respect of kwalifiki; qualifications; pubblikazzjoni tar-riżultat; the publication of the result; il-proċess sabiex tiġi sottomessa petizzjoni dwar ir- the process for the submission of petitions concerning the riżultat; result; eżami mediku; medical examination; aċċess għall-formola tal-applikazzjoni u dettalji relatati access to application forms and related details; żamma ta’ dokumenti, retention of documents,

jistgħu jiġu aċċessati permezz tas-sit elettroniku tad- may be viewed by accessing the website of the Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards (https://publicservice. People and Standards Division ( mt/en/people/Pages/PeopleResourcingandCompliance/ 2590 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

FormsandTemplates.aspx) jew jinkisbu mid-Direttorat FormsandTemplates.aspx) or may be obtained from għas-Servizzi Korporattivi (Assistent Direttur għas-Servizzi Directorate Corporate Services (Attn: Assistant Director, Korporattivi) fil-Ministeru għall-Agrikoltura, Sajd u Corporate Services), Ministry fo Agriculture, Fisheries and Drittijiet tal-Annimali, The Old Farmhouse, L-Għammieri, Animal Rights, The Old Farmhouse, Għammieri, Marsa. Il-Marsa. Dawn id-dispożizzjonijiet ġenerali għandhom These general provisions are t be regarded as an integral part jiġu meqjusa bħala parti integrali minn din is-sejħa għall- of this call for applications. applikazzjonijiet.

Is-sit elettroniku u l-indirizz elettroniku tad-Direttorat The website address and email address of the receiving huma ( u (humanresources. Department/Division/Directorate are (http//:www. [email protected]). and ([email protected]).

L-20 a’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020

Il-Pożizzjoni tista’ tkun parzjalment iffinanzjata mill-Unjoni Ewropea Fondi Strutturali u ta’ Investiment Ewropej 2014-2020 Rata ta’ kofinanzjament: 75% Unjoni Ewropea; 25% Fondi Nazzjonali

Position may be part-financed by the European Union European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020 Co-financing rate: 75% EU Funds; 25% National Funds


Post ta’ Manager II (Implementation) fil-Ministeru Post of Manager II (Implementation) in the Ministry għall-Ambjent, it-Tibdil fil-Klima u l-Ippjanar for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning

Nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-maskil jinkludu wkoll il- Nomenclatures denoting the male gender include also the femminil. female gender.

1. Id-Direttur Ġenerali għall-Operat, f’isem is-Segretarju 1. The Director General (Operations) on behalf of Permanenti, Ministeru għall-Ambjent, it-Tibdil fil-Klima u the Permanent Secretary, Ministry for the Environment, l-Ippjanar jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għall-post ta’ Manager II Climate Change and Planning invites applications for the (Implementation) fil-Ministeru għall-Ambjent, it-Tibdil fil- post of Manager II (Implementation) in the Ministry for the Klima u l-Ippjanar. Environment, Climate Change and Planning.

Termini u Kundizzjonijiet Terms and Conditions

2.1 Din il-ħatra hija suġġetta għal perjodu ta’ prova ta’ 2.1 This appointment is subject to a probationary period tnax-il (12) xahar. of twelve (12) months.

2.2 Waqt il-perjodu ta’ prova, dawk appuntati jridu jkunu 2.2 During the probationary/trial period, appointees must temmew b’suċċess kors ta’ induzzjoni offrut mill-Istitut tas- successfully complete appropriate induction programmes Servizzi Pubbliċi sabiex ikunu eliġibbli għall-konferma tal- organised by the Institute for Public Service to be eligible ħatra. for confirmation of appointment.

2.3 Is-salarju ta’ Manager II (Implementation) huwa ta’ 2.3 The salary for the post of Manager II (Implementation) Skala ta’ Salarju 7, li fl-2020 huwa ta’ €24,894 fis-sena, li is Salary Scale 7, which in year 2020 is €24,894 per annum, jiżdied bi €531.17 fis-sena sa massimu ta’ €28,081. rising by annual increments of €531.17 up to a maximum of €28,081.

2.4 Persuna fil-grad ta’ Manager II titla’ fi Skala ta’ 2.4 A Manager II will progress to Salary Scale 6 (€26,543 Salarju 6 (€26,543 x €596.33 - €30,121 fis-sena 2020) x €596.33 - €30,121 in 2020) on completion of three wara tliet (3) snin servizz fil-grad, jekk tkun qdiet dmirha (3) years service in the grade, subject to satisfactory b’mod sodisfaċenti. performance. L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2591

2.5 Il-kandidati magħżula jkunu intitolati għall-ħlas 2.5 Selected candidates will be entitled to the payment of annwali marbut mal-prestazzjoni sa massimu ta’ 15% tas- an annual performance bonus of up to a maximum of 15% of salarju bażiku tagħhom, marbut ma’ xogħol sodisfaċenti u his/her basic salary, subject to satisfactory performance and suġġett għall-politika tal-amministrazzjoni ċentrali li jkunu subject to Central Administration’s policies in force from fis-seħħ minn żmien għalżmien. time to time.

2.6 Ġaladarba jiġi appuntat għal din is-sejħa għall- 2.6 On being appointed, a successful candidate would applikazzjonijiet, il-kandidat maħtur jiġi rikjest biex jirrifjuta be requested to renounce to other applications currently in kwalunkwe applikazzjoni oħra li attwalment il-proċess tagħha process within the Public Service which is/are pending at the fi ħdan is-Servizz Pubbliku għadu għaddej u li dakinhar tad- time of this appointment, without prejudice to SAAC calls data tal-ħatra jkun għadu pendenti, bla ebda preġudizzju (including Assistant Directors). għas-sejħiet tal-applikazzjoniet tas-SAAC (li tinkludi wkoll l-Assistenti Diretturi).

2.7 Applikazzjonijiet laterali minn Uffiċjali Pubbliċi, li 2.7 Lateral applications by public officers who already diġà għandhom ħatra fl-istess grad imsemmi f’din is-sejħa, hold an appointment in the same grade being advertised huma aċċettati biss bil-kundizzjoni li l-ispeċjalizzazzjoni are allowed only if the area of specialisation of the vacancy marbuta ma’ din il-vakanza hija differenti minn dik relatata is different to the one held by the applicant and requires a mal-ħatra kurrenti tal-applikanti u liema vakanza tirrikjedi specific related qualification as an eligibility requirement, kwalifika speċifika relatata bħala rekwiżit tal-eliġibbiltà, li which the applicant must satisfy. l-applikant huwa mistenni li jissodisfa.

a. Il-kandidati magħżula jridu jservu f’dan il-post għal a. Successful candidates are to serve in this post for a minimu ta’ sentejn, bla ebda preġudizzju għas-sejħiet tal- minimum of two (2) years, without prejudice to applications applikazzjonijiet tas-SAAC (li tinkludi wkoll l-Assistenti for SAAC calls (including Assistant Directors). Diretturi).

2.8 Mhux se jkun possibbli li jintalab trasferiment 2.8 It will not be possible to request a transfer before a qabel perjodu ta’ sentejn (2) mill-ħatra. Hekk kif jiskadi two (2) year period from date of appointment. On the lapse l-imsemmi perjodu ta’ sentejn (2), dawk appuntati jistgħu of a two (2) year period, appointees may only be transferred jiġu biss trasferiti fuq talba tagħhom sabiex jaqdu dmirijiet at own request to carry out duties elsewhere in the area of x’imkien ieħor fil-qasam tal-Implementation, suġġett Implementation, subject to availability of vacancies and the għad-disponibbiltà ta’ postijiet vakanti u l-eżiġenzi tal- exigencies of management. management.

2.9 Ir-riżultat ikun validu għal sentejn (2) mid-data tal- 2.9 The result will be valid for a period of two (2) years pubblikazzjoni. from the date of publication.

Dmirijiet Duties

3. Id-dmirijiet għal dan il-post ta’ Manager II 3. The duties for the post of Manager II (Implementation): (Implementation) huma li:

(i) Tikkontribwixxi għall-iżvilupp tal-istrumenti (i) Contributes to the development of the Ministry’s leġiżlattivi, l-istrateġiji, il-politika u l-programmi ta’ legislative instruments, strategies, policies and work ħidma, filwaqt li tikkordina u tagħmel monitoraġġ tal- programmes, and coordinates and monitors implementation; implimentazzjoni;

(ii) Tħejji dokumenti ta’ politika, analiżi u dokumenti ta’ (ii) Prepares policy papers, analytical and background sfond, sommarji, rapporti kif ukoll riċerka biex tappoġġja papers, briefs, reports as well as research in support of the l-istrateġiji, politiki u azzjonijiet relattivi, inkluż fuq xogħol relative strategies, policies and actions, including work relatat ma’ kwistjonijiet nazzjonali, tal-UE u internazzjonali; related to national, EU and international matters;

(iii) Tipprovdi u tikkordina kontribut biex jippermetti (iii) Provides and coordinates input to enable data collection l-ġbir ta’ data u aktar żvilupp u implimentazzjoni ta’ politika and further policy development and implementation in the fil-qasam tal-ambjent, żvilupp sostenibbli u tibdil fil-klima; field of environment, sustainable development and climate change; 2592 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

(iv) Tipparteċipa u tikkordina attivitajiet b’rabta mal- (iv) Participates and coordinates activities in connection promozzjoni tal-politika ambjentali, u tal-klima; with the promotion of environmental and climate policies;

(v) Tassisti fl-ipproċessar u l-immaniġġjar ta’ proġetti, (v) Assists in project processing and management, inklużi l-evalwazzjonijiet ta’ proġetti, it-tħejjija tad- including project appraisals, preparation of project dokumentazzjoni tal-proġett u r-rappurtaġġ tal-progress tal- documentation and project progress reporting, as may proġett, kif jista’ jkun meħtieġ; become necessary;

(vi) Tassigura l-konformità mal-linji gwida ta’ rappurtaġġ (vi) Ensures compliance with mandatory reporting obbligatorju b’tali mod li r-riżultati u l-istadji ewlenin jiġu guidelines such that results and major milestones are dokumentati sew, maqbudin u mqassma lill-amministrazzjoni properly documented, captured and disseminated to the għolja tal-Ministeru; Ministry’s senior management;

(vii) Twettaq dmirijiet rappreżentattivi f’Malta u barra, u (vii) Undertakes representational duties in Malta and twettaq superviżjoni u tagħti gwida lill-uffiċjali subordinati; overseas, and supervises and guides junior officials;

(viii) Tadotta perspettiva trasversali u twettaq kull dmir (viii) Adopts a cross-cutting perspective and performs any ieħor kif assenjat mis-Segretarju Permanenti (MECP), id- other duties as assigned by the Permanent Secretary (MECP), Direttur Ġenerali relattiv u/jew ir-rappreżentant/i tagħhom; the relative Director General and/or their representative/s;

(ix) Twettaq kull dmir ieħor skont l-eżiġenzi tas-Servizz (ix) Any other duties according to the exigencies of Pubbliku kif ordnat mis-Segretarju Permanenti Ewlieni. the Public Service as directed by the Principal Permanent Secretary.

Rekwiżiti tal-Eliġibbiltà Eligibility Requirements

4.1 Sal-ħin u d-data tal-għeluq ta’ din is-sejħa għall- 4.1 By the closing time and date of this call for applikazzjonijiet, l-applikanti għandhom ikunu: applications, applicants must be:

i. a. ċittadini ta’ Malta; jew i. a. citizens of Malta; or

b. ċittadini ta’ Stati Membri oħra tal-Unjoni Ewropea li b. citizens of other Member States of the European Union għandhom jedd għal trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin who are entitled to equal treatment to Maltese citizens in fi kwistjonijiet ta’ impjieg bis-saħħa ta’ leġiżlazzjoni tal- matters of employment by virtue of EU legislation and treaty UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati dwar iċ-ċaqliq ħieles tal- provisions dealing with the free movement of workers; or ħaddiema; jew

c. ċittadini ta’ kwalunkwe pajjiż ieħor li għandhom jedd c. citizens of any other country who are entitled to għal trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet equal treatment to Maltese citizens in matters related to ta’ impjieg minħabba li jkunu japplikaw għal dak il-pajjiż employment by virtue of the application to that country of b’leġiżlazzjoni tal-UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati dwar iċ- EU legislation and treaty provisions dealing with the free ċaqliq ħieles tal-ħaddiema; jew movement of workers; or

d. kwalunkwe persuni oħra li għandhom jedd għal d. any other persons who are entitled to equal treatment to trattament ugwali daqs ċittadini Maltin fi kwistjonijiet Maltese citizens in matters related to employment in terms ta’ impjieg permezz tar-relazzjoni familjari tagħhom ma’ of the law or the above-mentioned EU legislation and treaty persuni msemmija f’(a), (b) jew (c), skont kif hemm fil-liġi provisions, on account of their family relationship with jew fil-leġiżlazzjoni tal-UE u dispożizzjonijiet ta’ trattati persons mentioned in paragraph (a), (b) or (c); or msemmija hawn fuq; jew

e. ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi terzi li jkunu ngħataw status ta’ e. third country nationals who have been granted long- residenti li joqogħdu għal żmien twil f’Malta taħt ir- term resident status in Malta under regulation 4 of the regolament 4 tar-Regolamenti tal-2006 dwar ‘Status ta’ ‘Status of Long-Term Residents (Third Country Nationals) Residenti li joqogħdu għal Żmien Twil (Ċittadini ta’ Pajjiżi Regulations, 2006’ or who have been granted a residence Terzi)’, jew li jkunu ngħataw permess ta’ residenza taħt permit under regulation 18(3) thereof, together with family ir-regolament 18(3) tal-istess regolamenti, flimkien mal- members of such third country nationals who have been L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2593 membri tal-familja ta’ ċittadini ta’ pajjiżi terzi li jkunu granted a residence permit under the ‘Family Reunification ngħataw permess ta’ residenza taħt ir-Regolamenti tal-2007 Regulations, 2007’ . dwar ir-Riunifikazzjoni tal-Familji.

Għandu jintalab il-parir tad-Dipartiment taċ-Ċittadinanza The advice of the Department of Citizenship and u tal-Espatrijati fi ħdan l-Aġenzija Identity Malta skont il- Expatriate Affairs within the Identity Malta Agency should ħtieġa fl-interpretazzjoni tad-dispożizzjonijiet imsemmija be sought as necessary in the interpretation of the above hawn fuq. provisions.

Il-ħatra ta’ kandidati msemmija f’(b), (c), (d) u (e) hawn The appointment of candidates referred to at (b), (c), (d) fuq teħtieġ il-ħruġ ta’ liċenzja tax-xogħol f’dawk il-każijiet and (e) above would necessitate the issue of an employment fejn hija meħtieġa skont l-Att dwar l-Immigrazzjoni u licence in so far as this is required by the Immigration Act leġiżlazzjoni sussidjarja. Jobsplus għandha tiġi kkonsultata and subsidiary legislation. Jobsplus should be consulted as skont il-ħtieġa dwar din il-materja. necessary on this issue.

ii. kapaċi jikkomunikaw bil-lingwa Maltija u l-lingwa ii. able to communicate in the Maltese and English Ingliża. Dawk il-kandidati li m’għandhomx MQF ta’ Livell languages. Candidates who do not possess an MQF Level 1 1 fil-lingwa Maltija, iridu jattendu u jgħaddu b’suċċess fl- in the Maltese language, must attend and be successful in the assessjar mill-kors ‘Maltese Language 1’ offrut mill-Istitut assessment of the ‘Maltese Language 1’ course, offered by għas-Servizzi Pubbliċi. L-attendenza għal dan il-kors, the Institute for Public Services. Attendance for such course, flimkien mal-kisba tal-MQF tal-Livell 1 għandhom jitlestew together with the attachment of MQF Level 1 are to be qabel il-konferma tal-ħatra, jiġifieri fi żmien tnax-il (12) completed before confirmation of appointment, i.e., within xahar mill-ingaġġ. twelve (12) months from engagement.

Jekk il-persuna tonqos milli tippreżenta evidenza li Failure to present evidence of successful pass and għaddiet il-kors b’suċċess u attendiet sal-aħħar tal-perjodu ta’ attendance by the end of probationary period (i.e., twelve prova (jiġifieri tnax-il xahar mill-ingaġġ), awtomatikament months from engagement) will result in automatic tintilef il-kariga msemmija hawn fuq. termination of the post in caption.


iii. ikollhom kwalifika ta’ Masters rikonoxxuta fil- iii. in possession of a recognised Masters qualification Livell 7 tal-MQF (suġġett għal minimu ta’ 60 krettu ECTS/ at MQF Level 7 (subject to a minimum of 60 ECTS/ ECVET, jew ekwivalenti, rigward korsijiet li bdew minn ECVET credits, or equivalent, with regard to programmes Ottubru 2008), fil-Business/Project Management jew fl- commencing as from October 2008) in Business/Project Istudji Ewropew jew fl-Environment/Earth Sciences jew Management or European Studies or Environment/Earth fl-Ekoloġija jew fl-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli jew fit-Tibdil fil- Sciences or Ecology or Sustainable Development or Klima jew fil-Waste/Resource Management jew fil-Parks Climate Change or Waste/Resource Management or Parks Management jew fil-Ġografija jew fl-Ekonomija jew fil- Management or Geography or Economics or Public Policy a Public Policy jew kwalifika professjonali komparabbli. comparable professional qualification.

Uffiċjali pubbliċi li japplikaw għal dan il-post iridu jkunu Public Officers applying for the post must be confirmed kkonfermati fil-ħatrakurrenti tagħhom. in their current appointment.

4.2 Kwalifiki li huma ta’ livell ogħla minn dak rikjest 4.2 Qualifications at a level higher than that specified hawn fuq jiġu aċċettati għall-fini ta’ eliġibbiltà, sakemm above will be accepted for eligibility purposes, provided dawn ikunu fis-suġġetti mitluba. they meet any specified subject requirements.

Barra minn hekk, dawk il-kandidati li ma jkunux għadhom Moreover, candidates who have not yet formally obtained ġabu l-kwalifiki msemmija hawn fuq formalment xorta any of the qualifications as indicated in paragraph 4.1 (iii) jiġu kkunsidrati, basta jipprovdu evidenza li ġew approvati will still be considered, provided that they submit evidence għall-għoti tal-kwalifiki msemmija fil-paragrafu 4.1iii) ( that they have obtained the qualifications in question, jew inkella jkunu lestew b’suċċess il-kretti meħtieġa tal- or successfully completed the necessary ECTS/ECVET ECTS/ECVETS, jew ekwivalenti, meħuda bħala parti minn credits, or equivalent, taken as part of a higher recognised programm ta’ studju ta’ livell ogħla tal-MQF rikonoxxut, kif MQF level programme of study, as required in the afore- mitlub fil-kriterji tal-eliġibbiltà ta’ hawn fuq, sal-ħin u d-data mentioned eligibility criteria, by the closing time and date of tal-għeluq ta’ din is-sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet. the call for applications. 2594 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

4.3 L-applikanti jridu jkunu ta’ kondotta li hi xierqa 4.3 Applicants must be of conduct which is appropriate to għall-post li l-persuna qed tapplika għalih (applikanti li the post applied for (applicants who are already in the Malta diġà qegħdin jaħdmu fis-Servizz Pubbliku ta’ Malta jridu Public Service must produce an updated Service and Leave jippreżentaw is-Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47) Record Form (GP 47) issued not earlier than one (1) month aġġornat u maħruġ mhux aktar tard minn xahar (1) qabel id- from date of application; those applying from outside the data tal-applikazzjoni; filwaqt li dawk li japplikaw minn barra Service must produce a Certificate of Conduct issued by the jridu jippreżentaw Ċertifikat tal-Kondotta riċenti maħruġ Police or other competent authority not earlier than one (1) mill-Pulizija jew awtorità oħra kompetenti mhux aktar minn month from the date of application and state whether they xahar (1) qabel id-data tal-applikazzjoni, u jindikaw jekk qatt have ever been in Government Service, giving details). kinux impjegati tal-Gvern qabel u jagħtu d-dettalji).

4.4 Il-kandidati magħżula jridu jkunu eliġibbli għall-ħatra 4.4 Applicants must be eligible to take up their due f’dan il-grad, skont 4.1 sa 4.3 hawn fuq, mhux biss sal-ħin u appointment, in terms of 4.1 to 4.3 above, not only by the d-data tal-għeluq ta’ din is-sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet, iżda closing time and date of this call for applications but also on wkoll fid-data tal-ħatra. the date of appointment.

4.5 L-applikanti prospettivi għandhom jaraw id- 4.5 Prospective applicants should note the requirement to dispożizzjonijiet ġenerali marbuta ma’ din is-sejħa għall- produce MQRIC recognition statements in respect of their applikazzjonijiet fejn jikkonċerna s-sottomissjoni ta’ qualifications from MQRIC, or other designated authorities, dikjarazzjoni ta’ rikonoxximent tal-kwalifiki mingħand as applicable, as per provisions applicable to this call for l-MQRIC, jew awtorità pertinenti oħra, kif applikabbli (ara applications (see link below). l-ħolqa aktar ’l isfel).

Sottomissjoni ta’ Dokumentazzjoni Submission of Supporting Documentation

5.1 Il-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza li l-persuna jkollha 5.1 Qualifications and experience claimed must be għandhom jintwerew b’ċertifikati u/jew dokumenti, li kopja supported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of tagħhom għandha tkun skennjata u mibgħuta permezz tar- which are to be scanned and sent through the Recruitment Recruitment Portal ( Portal (

5.2 Id-dokumenti oriġinali għandhom, mingħajr 5.2 Original certificates and/or testimonials are to be eċċezzjoni, jintwerew waqt l-intervista. invariably produced for verification at the interview.

Proċeduri tal-Għażla Selection Procedures

6.1 L-applikanti eliġibbli jiġu assessjati minn Bord tal- 6.1 Eligible applicants will be assessed by a Selection Għażla biex jiġi ddeterminat min hu adatt għall-post. Il- Board to determine their suitability for the post. The marka massima għal dan il-proċess tal-għażla hija mija fil- maximum mark for this selection process is one hundred per mija (100%) u l-marka li persuna trid iġġib biex tgħaddi hija cent (100%) and the pass mark is fifty per cent (50%). ħamsin fil-mija (50%).

6.2 Tingħata kunsiderazzjoni xierqa lill-kandidati li, 6.2 Due consideration will be given to applicants who, minbarra dak rikjest f’paragrafi 4.1 sa 4.4, għandhom besides the requisites indicated in paragraphs 4.1 to 4.4, esperjenza ta’ xogħol rilevanti u ppruvata. have proven relevant work experience.

Sottomissjoni tal-Applikazzjoni Submission of Applications

7. L-applikazzjonijiet għandhom jiġu sottomessi, 7. Applications are to be submitted, for the attention of the għall-attenzjoni tad-Direttur għas-Servizzi Korporattivi, Director (Corporate Services), Ministry for the Environment, Ministeru għall-Ambjent, it-Tibdil fil-Klima u l-Ippjanar, Climate Change and Planning, through the Recruitment permezz tar-Recruitment Portal biss (https://recruitment. Portal only ( Applications are L-applikazzjonijiet għandhom jinkludu Curriculum to include a Curriculum Vitae (which should include a list Vitae (li għandu jinkludi lista tal-kwalifiki tal-applikant), u of qualifications held by applicant), and an updated Service Service and Leave Record Form (GP 47) aġġornat/Ċertifikat and Leave Record Form (GP47)/Certificate of Conduct as tal-Kondotta skont kif applikabbli, li tali dokument irid applicable which have been issued not earlier than one (1) ikun maħruġ mhux aktar minn xahar (1) qabel id-data tal- month from the date of application, in PDF format, which applikazzjoni, f’format PDF, li għandhom jiġu sottomessi are to be uploaded through the Portal. The closing date of permezz tal-Portal. Id-data tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjonijiet the receipt of applications is end of business of Monday, L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2595 hija sa tmiem il-ġurnata tax-xogħol ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, 6 ta’ 6th April, 2020. A computer-generated email will be sent April, 2020. Ittra elettronika ġġenerata mill-kompjuter as an acknowledgement of the application. Further details tintbagħat bħala rċevuta tal-applikazzjoni. Aktar dettalji concerning the submission of applications are contained in dwar is-sottomissjoni tal-applikazzjonijiet jinsabu fid- the general provisions referred to below. dispożizzjonijiet ġenerali msemmija hawn isfel.

7.1 Applikanti jingħataw sa żewġ (2) ġranet tax-xogħol 7.1 Applicants are granted up to two (2) working days wara d-data tal-għeluq jew sa żewġ (2) ġranet tax-xogħol after closing date or up to two (2) working days from date of mid-data tan-notifika, liema tiġi l-aħħar biex jissottomettu notification, whichever is the later, to submit any incorrect or dokumenti mhux korretti jew mhux mimlija kif suppost. incomplete documents.

Dispożizzjonijiet Ġenerali Oħra Other General Provisions

8. Dispożizzjonijiet ġenerali oħra dwar din is-sejħa għall- 8. Other general provisions concerning this call for applikazzjonijiet, b’referenza partikolari għal: applications, with particular reference to:

benefiċċji applikabbli, kundizzjonijiet u regoli/regolamenti; applicable benefits, conditions and rules/regulations; bdil raġonevoli għall-persuni rreġistrati b’diżabbiltà; reasonable accommodation for registered persons with disability; sottomissjoni ta’ dikjarazzjoni ta’ rikonoxximent dwar il- submission of recognition statements in respect of kwalifiki; qualifications; pubblikazzjoni tar-riżultat; publication of the result; eżami mediku; medical examination; proċess sabiex tiġi sottomessa petizzjoni dwar ir-riżultat; the process for the submission of petitions concerning the result; aċċess għall-formola tal-applikazzjoni u dettalji relatati; access to application forms and related details; żamma ta’ dokumenti, retention of documents,

jistgħu jiġu aċċessati permezz tas-sit elettroniku tad- may be viewed by accessing the website of the People Diviżjoni dwar Nies u Standards (https://publicservice. and Standards Division ( en/people/Pages/PeopleResourcingandCompliance/ FormsandTemplates.aspx) jew jinkisbu mid-Direttorat FormsandTemplates.aspx) or may be obtained from the għas-Servizzi Korporattivi (Attn: Assistent Direttur, Riżorsi Corporate Services Directorate (Attn: Assistant Director, Umani), Ministeru għall-Ambjent, it-Tibdil fil-Klima u Human Resources), Ministry for the Environment, Climate l-Ippjanar, 6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Santa Venera SVR1301. Dawn Change and Planning, 6, Triq Ħal Qormi, Santa Venera id-dispożizzjonijiet ġenerali għandhom jiġu meqjusa bħala SVR1301. These genera provisions are to be regarded as an parti integrali minn din is-sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet. integral part of this call for applications.

Is-sit elettroniku u l-indirizz elettroniku tad-Dipartiment/ The website address and email address of the receiving Divizjoni/Direttorat huma ( u Department/Division/Directorate are (www.environment. ([email protected]). and ([email protected]).

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020


Sejħa għall-Applikazzjonijiet għall-Pożizzjoni ta’ Call for Applications for the Post of Kontrollur Finanzjarju fi Ħdan l-Aġenzija Kulturali Financial Controller at the Valletta Cultural għall-Belt Valletta (VCA) Agency (VCA)

Nru. tal-Permess tal-Jobsplus 677/2019 Jobsplus Permit No. 677/2019

In-nomenklaturi li jindikaw il-ġeneru maskili jinkludu Nomenclatures denoting the male gender include also the wkoll il-ġeneru femminili female gender

1. Il-VCA hija entità tal-Gvern inkarigata biex issostni u 1. The VCA is a Government entity tasked with sustaining ssaħħaħ il-ħajja kulturali vibranti tal-Belt Valletta permezz and strengthening the capital city’s vibrant cultural life 2596 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370 tal-ħolqien ta’ programm annwali ta’ avvenimenti kreattivi through the creation of an annual programme of creative żviluppati f’kollaborazzjoni ma’ artisti u Organizzazzjonijiet events developed in collaboration with artists and other Kulturali Pubbliċi oħra. Bħala parti mil-legat tal- Public Cultural Organisations. A legacy of the Valletta 2018 Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018, il-VCA ssostni wkoll standards Foundation, the VCA also upholds standards of excellence ta’ eċċellenza fil-kordinazzjoni u l-organizzazzjoni ta’ in the coordination and organisation of cultural events in the avvenimenti kulturali fil-Belt, filwaqt li tħeġġeġ l-aċċess u city, while encouraging access and participation by a diverse l-parteċipazzjoni minn udjenza diversa. audience.

1.1. L-Aġenzija qed tfittex kandidati xierqa biex jaqdu 1.1. The Agency is seeking applications from suitable dmirijiet bħala Kontrollur Finanzjarju kif imniżżel hawn candidates to perform duties as Financial Controller as cited taħt. Din il-kariga hija fuq bażi full-time għal perjodu ta’ below, for a period of three (3) years on a full-time basis. tliet (3) snin.

1.2. Billi din il-pożizzjoni taqa’ taħt il-liġi S.L.452.81 1.2. Since this position falls under S.L.452.81 para. 7 (4) para. 7 (4)(b)(i), pożizzjoni maniġerjali fit-termini tal- (b)(i), being a top management position in terms of Subsidiary leġiżlazzjoni 452.81 imsemmija ‘Contracts of Service for Legislation 452.81 entitled ‘Contracts of Service for a Fixed a Fixed Term Regulations’, din tinkludi ‘objective reason’ Term Regulations, this constitutes an objective reason for għal impjegat biex ma jottjenix status indefinit. the Employee not to attain indefinite status in this position in terms of the said Regulation.

2. Il-Kontrollur Finanzjarju jifforma parti mil-livell 2. The Financial Controller forms part of the top maniġerjali tal-VCA u se jkun qed jaħdem taħt is-superviżjoni management team of the VCA and will be working under diretta tal-Kap Eżekuttiv. the supervision of the CEO and will be accountable directly to the CEO.

Ir-responsabbiltajiet ewlenin tal-Kontrollur Finanzjarju The main duties of the Financial Controller are: huma:

L-iżvilupp u l-immaniġġjar tal-aspetti finanzjarji Developing and managing the financial aspects of tal-Aġenzija u l-parteċipazzjoni fil-formulazzjoni u the Agency and participating in the formulation and l-implimentazzjoni ta’ inizjattivi strateġiċi u pjanijiet ta’ implementation of coherent strategic initiatives and action azzjoni konsistenti mal-missjoni u l-mandat tal-Aġenzija; plans consistent with the Agency’s mission and mandate;

Jassisti fl-iżvilupp ta’ pjanijiet, standards u proċeduri Assisting in the development of work plans, standards ta’ ħidma biex tkun assigurata l-kwalità, il-puntwalità u and procedures to ensure quality, timeliness and measurable riżultati li jistgħu jitkejlu b’rabta mal-objettivi strateġiċi tal- results in relation to the strategic objectives of the Agency; Aġenzija;

L-evalwazzjoni u l-għoti ta’ assigurazzjoni raġonevoli Evaluating and providing reasonable assurance that risk li s-sistemi tal-immaniġġjar tar-riskju, tal-kontroll u tal- management, control and governance systems are functioning; governanza qed jaħdmu;

L-iżgurar li l-proċeduri, is-sistemi u l-istandards li Ensuring that procedures, systems and standards concerning jikkonċernaw l-oqsma finanzjarji jiġu implimentati u financial areas are correctly and fairly implemented and applikati b’mod korrett u ġust; applied;

Iwettaq kontroll intern fuq it-tipi kollha ta’ operazzjonijiet Carrying out internal control on all types of financial finanzjarji; operations;

Il-ġestjoni tal-funzjonijiet finanzjarji ewlenin tal- Managing the core financial functions of the Agency Aġenzija jiġifieri: kontijiet bankarji, Baġit, Pjan tan-negozju, namely: Management Accounts, Budgeting, Business Plan, rapporti lill-Gvern, pagi, verifiki u sorveljanza tal-akkwist; Reports to Government, Payroll, Audits and overseeing procurement;

Segwitu ta’ rakkomandazzjonijiet u rapporti biex Following up recommendations and reports to mitigate jittaffew u jiġu indirizzati s-sejbiet tar-rapporti ta’ kontroll; and address control report findings; L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2597

Il-kollegament mal-Gvern u l-partijiet interessati b’rabta Liaising with Government and stakeholders in relation ma’ kwistjonijiet li jittrattaw il-flus u l-obbligi ta’ rappurtar; to matters dealing with cash flow and reporting obligations;

Id-direzzjoni, il-ġestjoni u l-monitoraġġ tar-riżorsi kollha Directing, managing and monitoring all the resources assenjati lid-Dipartiment tal-Finanzi; assigned to the Finance Unit;

Konsulenza u sorveljanza ta’ kollegi biex ikun żgurat Mentoring and supervising subordinate staff to ensure the it-twassil effettiv u effiċjenti ta’ servizzi Finanzjarji fi ħdan effective and efficient delivery of Financial services within l-Aġenzija; the Agency;

L-iżgurar li l-operazzjonijiet kollha taħt il-ħsieb tiegħu/ Ensuring that all the operations under his/her purview are tagħha jkunu kontinwament aġġornati u jitwettqu b’diliġenza constantly up to date and carried out with due diligence and u effiċjenza dovuta; effectiveness;

Immaniġġjar ta’ kuljum dwar kwistjonijiet finanzjarji; Handling day-to-day issues concerning financial matters;

Iwettaq dmirijiet relatati mal-kumpilazzjoni ta’ dejta u Performing duties related to the compilation of data and xogħol ieħor ta’ riċerka; other research work;

It-twettiq ta’ dmirijiet oħra kif ordnat mill-Kap Eżekuttiv Carrying out any other duties according to the exigencies jew mir-rappreżentant tagħha skont l-eżiġenzi tal-VCA. of the Valletta Cultural Agency as directed by the CEO.

2. Is-salarju marbut mal-kariga ta’ Kontrollur Finanzjarju 3. The salary attached to the position of Financial Controller huwa ta’ €36,014 fis-sena fi Grad 3 fi ħdan il-Gradazzjoni shall be €36,014 (in 2020) per annum at Grade 3 within the u l-Istruttura tas-Salarju tal-Organizzazzjonijiet Kulturali. Public Cultural Organisations Grading and Salary Structure. Il-kandidat li jintgħażel ikun intitolat għal Communications The chosen candidate will be entitled to a Communications Allowance ta’ €1,600 fis-sena, Transport Allowance ta’ Allowance of €1,600 per annum, a Transport Allowance €4,659 fis-sena, Expenses Allowance ta’ €1,630 fis-sena, u of €4,659 per annum, an Expenses Allowance of €1,630 Qualifications Allowance, jekk applikabbli. Bonus skont il- per annum and a Qualifications allowance, if applicable. prestazzjoni sa massimu ta’ 15% fis-sena huwa ukoll inkluż Furthermore, a Performance Bonus up to a maximum of 15% mal-pakkett finanzjarju. per annum is included in the financial package.

4. L-applikanti eliġibbli se jiġu intervistati minn Bord 4. Eligible applicants will be interviewed by a Selection tal-Għażla li se jevalwa l-adegwatezza tagħhom biex iwettqu Board to assess their suitability to carry out the duties d-dmirijiet imsemmija hawn fuq. mentioned above.

4.1. Sad-data u l-ħin tal-għeluq tal-applikazzjoni, 4.1. Applicants must, by the closing date and time of l-applikanti għandu jkollhom fil-pussess tagħhom MQF submission of the application, be in possession of an MQF Livell 7 (suġġett għal minimu ta’ 60 krettu ECTS/ECVET, Level 7 (subject to a minimum of 60 ECTS/ECVET credits, jew ekwivalenti, ghal programmi li jibdew minn Ottubru or equivalent, with regard to programmes commencing as 2008) fil-Finanzi/Żamma tal-Kontijiet jew kwalifika from October 2008) in Finance/Accounts or a comparable professjonali ekwivalenti u accountant warrant rilevanti, professional qualification and relevant accountant warrant, flimkien ma’ sitt (6) snin esperjenza ta’ xogħol fil-qasam, plus six (6) years relevant work experience of which three (3) fejn tliet (3) snin minnhom ikunu f’pożizzjoni maniġerjali. years must be in a management position comparable.


MQF Livell 6 (suġġett għal minimu ta’ 180 krettu ECTS/ MQF Level 6 (subject to a minimum of 180 ECTS/ECVET ECVET, jew ekwivalenti, għal programmi li jibdew minn credits, or equivalent, with regard to programmes commencing Ottubru 2003) fil-Finanzi/Żamma tal-Kontijiet jew kwalifika as from October 2003) in Finance/Accounts or a comparable professjonali ekwivalenti u accountant warrant rilevanti, professional qualification and relevant accountant warrant, flimkien ma tmien (8) snin esperjenza ta’ xogħol fil-qasam plus eight (8) years relevant work experience of which three li tlieta (3) snin minnhom ikunu f’pożizzjoni maniġerjali. (3) year must be in a management position comparable.

4.2. Il-kwalifiki u l-esperjenza mitluba għandhom 4.2. Qualifications and experience claimed must be ikunu sostnuti minn ċertifikati u/jew testimonjanza, li kopji supported by certificates and/or testimonials, copies of which 2598 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370 tagħhom għandhom jiġu mehmuża mal-applikazzjoni jew should be attached to the application or sent separately to mibgħuta separatament lill-Kap tal-HR tal-VCA, Exchange the Head of HR Management at Valletta Cultural Agency, Buildings, Triq ir-Repubblika, Il-Belt Valletta jew b’ittra Exchange Buildings, Triq ir-Repubblika, Valletta or by email elettronika lil ([email protected]) sa mhux aktar tard mid-data to ([email protected]) by not later than the closing date and time. u l-ħin tal-għeluq.

4.3. Ċertifikati oriġinali u/jew testimonjanza għandhom 4.3. Original certificates and/or testimonials are to be ikunu prodotti għall-verifika waqt l-intervista. invariably produced for verification at the interview.

5. Il-persuni rreġistrati mal-Kummissjoni Nazzjonali 5. Persons registered with the National Commission for għall-Persuni b’Diżabilità (NCPD) jistgħu jingħataw Persons with a Disability (NCPD) may be given reasonable akkomodazzjoni skont it-Taqsima 7 tal-Att dwar accommodation in terms of Section 7 of the Equal l-Opportunitajiet Indaqs (Persuni b’Diżabilità) (Kapitolu Opportunities (Persons with Disability) Act (Chapter 413 413 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta), anke jekk dawn ma jissodisfawx of the Laws of Malta), even if they do not satisfy in full the il-ħtiġiet kollha għal din il-kariga, sakemm jistgħu jwettqu, requirements for this position, provided they can carry out, in essenzjalment, id-dmirijiet relatati mal-pożizzjoni li għaliha essence, the duties related to the position applied for. saret l-applikazzjoni.

5.1. Ir-rappreżentazzjonijiet skont din il-klawsola 5.1. Representations in terms of this clause should be għandhom ikunu mehmuża mal-formola tal-applikazzjoni attached to the application form and supported with relevant flimkien mad-dokumenti rilevanti li għandhom jinkludu documents which must also include documentary evidence of wkoll evidenza dokumentata tar-reġistrazzjoni mal-NCPD. registration with the NCPD. Reasoned justifications should be Għandhom jingħataw ġustifikazzjonijiet raġunati biex given to substantiate the lack of full eligibility requirements jissostanzjaw in-nuqqas ta’ ħtiġiet ta’ eliġibbiltà sħaħ u and why reasoned considerations are merited. għaliex huma mistħoqqin din l-opportunità.

5.2. Il-korrispondenza kollha għandha tiġi indirizzata 5.2. All correspondence is to be addressed to the receiving lill-entità u għandha tiġi kkupjata wkoll l-NCPD. entity and copied to the NCPD.

6. L-applikazzjonijiet sostnuti mid-dokumentazzjoni 6. Applications supported by the necessary documentation, meħtieġa, li għandha tinkludi ittra ta’ motivazzjoni, which should include a motivation letter, a detailed Curriculum Curriculum Vitae dettaljat, u fejn applikabbli Service and Vitae, and where applicable a Service and Leave Record Form Leave Record Form (GP 47), għandhom jaslu għand il-Kap (GP 47), are to reach the Head of HR Management, by hand tal-HR, bl-idejn jew bil-posta, Valletta Cultural Agency, or by post, at Valletta Culture Agency, Exchange Buildings, Exchange Buildings, Triq ir-Repubblika, Il-Belt Valletta sa Triq ir-Repubblika, Valletta by not later than noon (Central mhux aktar tard minn nofsinhar (Ħin Ċentrali Ewropew) tat- European Time) of Monday, 30th March, 2020. In the case of Tnejn, 30 ta’ Marzu, 2020. Fil-każ ta’ impjegati tas-Settur Public sector employees, these are to present their paid leave/ Pubbliku, dawn għandhom jippreżentaw rekord tal-paid unpaid leave/sick leave records for the last four (4) years, leave/unpaid leave/sick leave għall-aħħar erba’ (4) snin, including any records of any disciplinary action that may have inkluż kull rekord ta’ kwalunkwe azzjoni dixxiplinarja li been taken (in the absence of such records it will be understood setgħet ittieħdet (fin-nuqqas ta’ dawn ir-rekords ikun mifhum that no disciplinary action was ever taken). Scanned copies li ma ttieħdet l-ebda azzjoni dixxiplinarja). Kopji skennjati of the application and the relevant documentation sent tal-applikazzjoni u d-dokumentazzjoni rilevanti mibgħuta electronically to ([email protected]) are acceptable. b’mod elettroniku lil ([email protected]) huma aċċettati.

6.1. L-applikazzjonijiet riċevuti ser ikunu rikonoxxuti. 6.1. Applications received will be acknowledged with a receipt.

7. L-uffiċjal magħżul se jintalab jiffirma kuntratt li 7. The chosen officer will be required to sign an undertaking jindika l-impenn tiegħu għall-inkarigu li għalih huwa ġie signifying his commitment to the assignment for which he is magħżul. selected.

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020 L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2599


Maritime Law Fellowships 2020/2021 (for Maltese citizens only)

Applications are invited from Maltese citizens for the 31st course at the IMO International Maritime Law Institute, Malta to be held from mid-October 2020 to May 2021.

The course is at postgraduate level leading to a Master of Laws (LL.M) and places particular emphasis on the international regulatory law relating to maritime safety and port protection of the marine environment. It also covers the commercial law aspects of shipping. A unique feature of the course is the provision of comprehensive training in the development and drafting of maritime legislation.

Persons already in possession of a recognised university degree in law with a high standard may apply.

Application forms as indicated below can be downloaded from the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs website ( and should be submitted with the other required documentation to the Scholarships Section at the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs, Valletta from 8.00 a.m. till noon and from 1.15 p.m. till 3.00 p.m.

(a) MFEA Application Form (b) a Curriculum Vitae (c) a copy of the University degree(s) obtained (d) a University transcript detailing results and grades obtained (e) IMLI Application Form

Applications from Government and Parastatal employees will not be considered unless recommended by their Head of Department/Parastatal Organisation respectively.

Closing date for these fellowships is by not later than noon of Friday, 8th May, 2020.

Successful candidates may be required to enter into a contract to serve the Government or the Public Sector of Malta upon completion.

Late applications will not be considered.

The Board’s decision will be final.

20th March, 2020


Avviż Notice

Bis-saħħa tar-regolament 90 tat-Tielet Skeda tal-Att By virtue of regulation 90 of the Third Schedule dwar Gvern Lokali (Kap. 363), il-Kummissjonarji Elettorali of the Local Government Act (Cap. 363), the Electoral jgħarrfu illi l-kandidati nominati skont id-dispożizzjonijiet Commissioners hereby notify that the candidates nominated tar-regolament 89 tal-iskeda msemmija hawn fuq, għall- in accordance with the provisions of regulation 89 of the elezzjoni każwali ta’ Kunsillier għal-Lokalità ta’ Birkirkara aforesaid schedule for the casual election of a Councillor for huma dawn li ġejjin, jiġifieri: the Locality of Birkirkara are the following that is:

Kandidati Nominati Nominated Candidates


Il-Kummissjonarji Elettorali jgħarrfu wkoll illi huma The Electoral Commissioners further notify that they se jibdew jeżaminaw il-poloz tas-Sa Sephora Cutajar will proceed to examine the ballot papers of Ms Sephora għal-Lokalità ta’ Birkirkara, skont id-dispożizzjonijiet tar- Cutajar for the Locality of Birkirkara, in accordance with the regolament 91 tat-Tielet Skeda tal-Att dwar Gvern Lokali provisions of regulation 91 of the Third Schedule of the Local (Kap. 363), nhar it-Tnejn, it-23 ta’ Marzu, 2020 fil-11.00 a.m. Government Act (Cap. 363), on Monday, 23rd March, 2020 at fl-Uffiċċju tal-Kummissjoni Elettorali, Evans Building, Triq 11.00 a.m. at the Office of the Electoral Commission, Evans il-Merkanti, Il-Belt Valletta. Building, Merchants Street, Il-Belt Valletta.

J. CHURCH J. CHURCH Kummissjonarju Elettorali Prinċipali Chief Electoral Commissioner

Uffiċċju tal-Kummissjoni Elettorali, Office of the Electoral Commission, Evans Building, Evans Building, Triq il-Merkanti, Merchants Street, Il-Belt Valletta. Il-Belt Valletta.

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020


Lista ta’ direct orders mogħtija minn Trade Malta Ltd List of direct orders awarded by Trade Malta Ltd during matul il-perjodu bejn l-1 ta’ Lulju, 2019, u l-31 ta’ Diċembru, the period between 1st July, 2019, and 31st December, 2019, ippubblikata skont l-Artikolu 111(2) tar-Regolamenti 2019, published in terms of Regulation 111(2) of the Public tal-2016 dwar il-Kuntratti Pubbliċi u skont struzzjonijiet Procurement Regulations and in accordance with MFEI maħruġa b’Ċirkulari tal-MFEI 11/2011 tal-11 ta’ Ottubru, Circular 11/2011 dated 11th October, 2011. 2011.

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020

Direct Orders

It-threshold għal Direct Orders hija ta’ €5,000 eskluża l-VAT. Jekk awtorità tal-kuntratti tqis li Direct Order taħt it-threshold stabbilita hija ta’ importanza sinifikanti hija tista’ tiġi inkluża. (Threshold set for Direct Orders stands at €5,000 excl. VAT. Should a Contracting Authority deem that a Direct Order below the set threshold is of significant importance, it can also be included.)

Nru. Ref. Nru. Isem id-Direct Order/ Data Approvata Kuntrattur Valur tad-Direct Suġġett tad-Direct Order tal-Kuntratt Order eskluża l-VAT No. Direct Order Name of Direct Order/ Approval Date Contractor Contract Value Ref. No. Subject of Direct Order Excluding VAT

1 MF100/15/30 Trade Malta - Partcipation 9/7/2019 Messrs Dubai €26,857.14 in the Gulfood Fair - World Trade February 2020 Centre 2 MF100/15/30 TradeMalta - Building and 22/9/2019 YICAO €47,294.00 dismantling of Malta Stand Exhibition Services Co Ltd 3 n/a TradeMalta - Concept & n/a Pure Concept €9,575.00 Design for Malta Stand in Ltd China 4 n/a TradeMalta - Design and n/a E.D.S. Middle €9,254.18 Construction Charges East LLC Gulfood 2020 L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2601


Lista ta’ kuntratti mogħtija mid-Dipartiment tal-Kuntratti List of Contracts awarded by the Department of matul il-perjodu bejn l-1 ta’ Jannar, 2017 u t-30 ta’ Ġunju, Contracts during the period between 1st January, 2017, and 2017, ippubblikata skont l-Artikolu 13(k) tar-Regolamenti 30th June, 2017, published in terms of Article 13(k) of the tal-Kuntratti Pubbliċi tal-2016. Public Contracts Regulations 2016

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020

Suġġett Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt (VAT Eskluż) Subject Contractor Contract Value (Excl VAT)

Provision of Educational Services/Training for Visually Outlook Coop €317,760.00 Impaired Persons for Aġenzija Sapport Trenching and Pipe laying Works at Triq Alfred Cachia Sier & Sons Limited €999,697.74 Zammit, Żejtun by the Water Services Corporation Supply of Automated System for the ID and AST of Bacteria Cherubino Ltd €1,481,483.50 with Equipment on Loan Framework Agreement for the Provision of Outside Catering Caffe Cordina €81,400.00 and Ancillary Services During Malta’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2017 Lot 5 Framework Agreement for the Provision of Outside Catering James Caterers Ltd €116,200.00 and Ancillary Services During Malta’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2017 Lots 2 and 4 Provision, installation and dismantling of large format AF Sign Studio Ltd €525,480.00 printing, and signage for the Malta’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2017 Restoration of the facades of the Internal Courtyard of the V & M Turnkey Limited €171,151.50 University Valletta Campus (Old University Block) Triq San Pawl, Valletta using Environmentally Sound Materials Provision of Educational Software Content for Primary Avantis Systems Ltd €131,300.00 Schools Tablet Computers (OTPC Initiative) Lots 2 and 3 Provision of Expertise to Design and Draw up a Sustainable LuxMobility SaRL €168,325.00 Urban Mobility Plan for the Valletta Region and Related Activities as part of Civitas Destinations Framework Agreement for the Provision of Outside Catering Island Caterers Ltd €91,200.00 and Ancillary Services During Malta’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2017 Lot 3 Framework Agreement for the Provision of Outside Catering R J C Caterers €80,250.00 and Ancillary Services During Malta’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2017 Lot 6 Provision of annual vessel surveys provided by an authorised Det Norske Veritas (Malta) €267,000.00 classification society to Gozo Channel (Operations) Limited Ltd vessels 2602 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

Suġġett Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt (VAT Eskluż) Subject Contractor Contract Value (Excl VAT)

Leasing of Ancillary Items Related to the Organisation of Investros Ideas Services Ltd €248,420.00 Meetings and Events During the Malta EU Summit and the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2017 Supply of Soft Tissue and Reconstruction System on a Pay Associated Equipment Ltd €416,775.80 per Use Basis Supply of Teicoplanin 200mg Injections Cherubino Ltd €388,800.00 Provision, Packaging and Delivery of Food Items to various Vivian Corporation Ltd €794,250.00 Distribution Centres in Malta and Gozo for collection by Deprived Families Construction of a New Primary School at Marsaskala using Polidano Brothers €1,194,278.64 Environmental Friendly Products and Materials Provision of Security Screening Equipment and Security Kerber Securities Ltd €270,376.00 Services for Malta Summit Supply of Diagnostic Markers for Immunophenotyping with Evolve Ltd €1,264,679.94 Equipment on Loan Setup of MUŻA at the Auberge d’Italie, Triq il-Merkanti, MC Joint Venture €6,877,404.46 Valletta Provision of Insurance Broking Services to the Malta, College Island Insurance Brokers Ltd €292,909.98 of Arts, Science and Technology Leasing of Low-Emission Vehicles to Heritage Malta South Lease €108,186.00 Lot 2 Restoration of Sa Maison Bastion, Haywharf, Floriana, in an MT R Contracting Ltd €93,859.00 Environmental Friendly Manner Finishing Works Related to the Regeneration Project at Ruzar Iprojects Ltd €715,197.16 Briffa Complex, St Vincent De Paul Long-Term Care Facility Construction and Finishing of Kalkara FC Club House V & M Turnkey Ltd €341,148.59 Call Off: Reconstruction of part of Triq is-Sur, Isla (excluding Denfar Excavators Ltd €445,370.90 WSC and WSCD works) Part B Request for junction design and implementation at Triq id- Northwind Investments Ltd €241,332.75 Dejma, Fgura Supply of Quetiapine Preparations Accord Healthcare Ltd €94,066.66 Lots 2 and 3 Framework Agreement for the Provision of Outside Catering Montekristo €122,500.00 and Ancillary Services During Malta’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2017 Lot 7 Call Off: Re-Surfacing of Road Network within the Fruit and Asfaltar Ltd €460,210.41 Vegetable Market, Ta’ Qali Supply of Hydrocortisone 20mg Tablets Cherubino Ltd €114,055.20 Paving Works and Street Furniture Installation with Low Schembri Infrastructures Ltd €151,344.00 Life Cycle Environmental Materials at Proposed Qajjenza Promenade, limits of Birżebbuġa L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2603

Suġġett Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt (VAT Eskluż) Subject Contractor Contract Value (Excl VAT)

Supply of All-in-One Energy Efficient Computers for Various FGL Information Technology €429,825.00 State Schools in Malta and Gozo Ltd Call Off: East Region - Various Road Surface Repair Works V & C Contractors Ltd €260,138.80 Call Off: South Region - Construction of part of Triq il- Schembri Barbros Ltd €184,654.34 Kaħwiela, Ħaż-Żabbar Construction of a Storm Water Network at Kalkara Sier & Sons Ltd €328,111.00 Handling and Compaction of Permitted Waste Delivered at Bonnici Bros Services Ltd €712,800.00 the Maghtab Environmental Complex Supply of Moscoskeletal and Joint Pharmaceuticals Vivian Corporation Ltd €75,476.10 Lots 10, 12, 22, 26, 27 and 29 Leasing of 35 Low Emission New Motor Vehicles and 1 New Davico €234,932.25 Self Drive Van for Transport Malta, Marsa Lot 1 Supply of Gauze Swabs size 10cm x 10cm Krypton Chemists Ltd €164,340.00 Supply of Footwear and Clothing Items Made from Fabric PF Services Ltd €15,600.00 Compliant with Environmental Criteria to the Armed Forces of Malta Lot 6 Framework agreement for the Salesian Press €1,250.00 provision of hands on training services in printing related processes Supply of Dipyridamole Tablets Vivian Corporation Ltd €268,670.00 Lots 1 and 2 Construction of an Extension and Alteration works to the C & F Building Contractors €185,283.01 Existing Primary School, Pembroke using Environmentally Ltd Friendly Products and Materials Framework agreement for the Lewis Press Limited €1,200.00 provision of hands on training services in printing related processes Supply of Footwear and Clothing Items Made from Fabric In Design (Malta) Ltd €127,158.00 Compliant with Environmental Criteria to the Armed Forces of Malta Lots 2, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12 Leasing of 35 Low Emission New Motor Vehicles and 1 New Alpine Rent A Car €17,820.00 Self Drive Van for Transport Malta, Marsa Lot 2 Framework Agreement for the Provision of Training of Public Leadership Consultancy and Framework agreement Officers Training Services Framework Agreement for the Provision of Training of Public Allied Consultants Ltd Framework agreement Officers Framework Agreement for the Provision of Training of Public PricewaterhouseCoopers Framework agreement Officers Framework Agreement for the Provision of Training of Public Outlook Coop Framework agreement Officers 2604 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

Suġġett Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt (VAT Eskluż) Subject Contractor Contract Value (Excl VAT)

Framework Agreement for the Provision of Training P5+ Management Ltd Framework agreement of Public Officers Framework Agreement for the Provision of Training Misco Consulting Ltd Framework agreement of Public Officers Framework Agreement for the Provision of Training Idea Management Consulting Framework agreement of Public Officers Services Ltd Framework Agreement for the Provision of Training Grant Thornton Services Ltd Framework agreement of Public Officers Supply of Footwear and Clothing Items Made from Fabric Eagle K Wear Co Ltd €13,830.00 Compliant with Environmental Criteria to the Armed Forces of Malta Lots 1 and 9 Supply, Delivery, Maintenance and Installation of Swimmers’ Ruby Marine Services Ltd €238,475.38 Zones Delineation Buoys for 2017, 2018 and 2019 Lots 1 and 2 Supply of Footwear and Clothing Items Made from Fabric Phoenix Group Ltd €102,823.00 Compliant with Environmental Criteria to the Armed Forces of Malta Lots 3, 4, 7 and 8 Embellishment of Piazza Antoine De Paule, Paola, with Eco Schembri JV €1,644,583.89 Friendly Materials Infrastructural and Structural Works using Environmentally Tekne Dell Arch Renda €224,593.00 Sound Wall Panels at Hexagon House Refurbishment and Embellishment Works at Outer Argotti Schembri JV €1,467,852.99 Garden in an Environmentally Friendly Manner Supply of Anaesthetics P & D Pharmaceuticals Ltd €141,720.00 Lots 12, 13, 14, 22 and 26 Supply of Dispensers and Cleaning Sanitising Wipes Prohealth Ltd €138,701.60 Framework Agreement for the Supply and Delivery of Ready Rockcut Ltd €420,326.00 Mix Concrete to Various Sites in Malta for use by Works and Infrastructure Department Widening and Reconstruction of Rockcut Ltd €1,529,731.35 Vjal ix-Xarolla, Żurrieq Call Off: Repair Works to existing roof slabs and road works SM Contractors Ltd €117,942.95 at part of Triq il-Marina, Kalkara Provision of Cafeteria Attendant Services on Board Gozo J F Security & Consultancy €348,639.41 Channel (Operations) Limited Vessels Services Ltd Repair Works, Widening and Extending the Existing Slipway Sier & Sons Ltd €99,610.64 and Pathway at Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq Mechanical and Electrical Works related to the Regeneration Central Power Installations €792,325.75 Project at Ruzar Briffa Complex, St Vincent de Paul Ltd Long-Term Care Facility Restoration of the Church Facade and Southern Belfry at the Agius Stone Works Ltd €149,007.21 Immaculate Conception Parish Church at Cospicua, Malta L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2605

Suġġett Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt (VAT Eskluż) Subject Contractor Contract Value (Excl VAT)

Professional Services of Project Designers, Project P8-1-JV €755,000.00 Supervisors and Project Management and other Supporting Services for the site known as Tal-Ħofra at Xewkija Industrial Estate Provision of a Fully Integrated Data Exchange and Payment FinTechMalta Consortium €1,696,465.00 Solution for the Depositor Compensation Scheme (MFSA) Supply of Thirty-Two (32) Operational Brand New A M Mangion Ltd €5,605,000.00 Haemodialysis Machines on a Pay per Use Basis to Mater Dei Hospital Call Off: Central Region Construction of part of Triq Mosè Road Servicing Ltd €154,346.23 Gatt and part of Triq Mons G. Depiro, Birkirkara Supply of Mesalazine 1g Foam/Retention Enema Cherubino Ltd €332,787.00 Construction of a New Primary School at St Paul’s Bay G & P Borg Ltd €3,615,072.10 using Environmental Friendly Products and Materials Supply on Loan, Installation and Commissioning of a Evolve Ltd €400,320.00 Liquid Based Cytology (LBC) System for the Processing of Gynaecological Cytology Samples and the Supply of Reagents and Consumables to Mater Dei Hospital Provision of Lifeguards Services at SportMalta Facility Red Cross Society €158,467.74 Professional Services of Project Designers, Project QPM Ltd €846,450.00 Supervisors and Project Management and other Supporting Services for the Embellishment Works at Ta’ Qali Crafts Village Internal Restoration and Finishing Works Including Macri Joint Venture €232,621.81 Installation of Services at 24, Triq l-Ifran, Valletta Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Noel Borg €202,111.02 Mechanical and Electrical Equipment and related services for Stairs and Extension of St Francis Square, Victoria, Gozo Renovation of Malta Basketball Association Hangar to High General Maintenance Ltd €417,981.83 Energy Efficiency Standards using Environmental Friendly Construction Materials and Products Integrated Design Team for the Malta International P8-JV €275,000.00 Contemporary Art Space (MICAS) Call Off: Construction of part of Dimbros Ltd €126,602.22 Triq Ċensu Costa, Birkirkara Supply, Installation and Commissioning of a Cytogenetics E J Busuttil Ltd €150,478.16 Image Analysis System Leasing of Tail Lift Vans For the Ambulance Transport South Lease €230.00 Garage at Gwardamangia Lot 1 Provision of Cleansing Services to the Commissioner for Floorpul Co Ltd €61,308.00 Revenue Using Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products 2606 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

Suġġett Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt (VAT Eskluż) Subject Contractor Contract Value (Excl VAT)

Upgrading and Finishing Works in an Environmentally Carmel Portelli €88,696.20 Friendly Manner of the Second Floor level at Sir M. A. Refalo Sixth Form, Victoria, Gozo Lot 1 Upgrading and Finishing Works in an Environmentally Noel Borg €36,256.64 Friendly Manner of the Second Floor level at Sir M. A. Refalo Sixth Form, Victoria, Gozo Lot 2 Supply of Blood Line Consumables Plus Cell Saver Units on EuroPharma Ltd €399,000.00 Loan Construction of a Building Forming Part of Institute of FMM Joint Venture €4,987,686.37 Engineering and Transport (IET), at MCAST Campus in Corradino, including Internal and External Finishes and Electrical and Mechanical Installations Road Works at Triq il-Qajjenza, Birżebbuġa Schembri Infrastructures Ltd €853,418.65 Implementation and Updating of Marine Monitoring Malta Marine Monitoring €1,774,000.00 Programmes, Assessment of Environmental Status and Consortium Development of a Marine Database System Provision of Support (Care) Worker Services at Dar Il-Fjuri Support Services Ltd €502,473.60 Residence for Persons with Disability, Victoria, Gozo Provision of Insurance Brokerage Services to Gozo Channel AIB Insurance Brokers Ltd €649,061.00 (Operations) Ltd Call Off: East Region Resurfacing and Footpath Works at Northwind Investments Ltd €235,724.47 Triq San Nikola, Bormla Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Mechanical, John Micallef Builders €1,354,967.56 Electrical and Finishes Works for the Upgrading of Manuel Theatre Project Using Environmentally Friendly Material and Products Investigative Coring in Connection with the Construction of a Geotec SPA €751,645.60 Sub-Sea Tunnel between Malta and Gozo Supply of Mesalazine 500mg - Slow Release Tablets E J Busuttil Ltd €191,268.00 Framework Agreement Contract for the Supply, Delivery X-Treme Technologies €121,467.76 and Installation of New Appliances, and the Disposal of the Appliance Being Replaced Advisory Services in relation to a Preliminary Marine Route Rina Consulting SpA €459,600.00 Survey, Permitting Procedures, FEED and EPC Tender Review for the Malta-Italy Gas Pipeline Interconnection Provision of Skips and Collection of Waste at WM Environmental Ltd €225,301.20 St Vincent De Paul Long-Term Care Facility and Government Homes for the Elderly in an Environmentally Friendly Manner Lot 1 Provision of Mechanical and Electrical Services using Megaline (M&E) Ltd €1,072,529.58 Environmentally Friendly Products for the New Marsaskala Primary L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2607


Lista ta’ kuntratti mogħtija mid-Dipartiment tal-Kuntratti List of Contracts awarded by the Department of matul il-perjodu bejn l-1 ta’ Lulju 2017 u l-31 ta’ Diċembru Contracts during the period between 1st July 2017 and 31st 2017, ippubblikata skont l-Artikolu 13(k) tar-Regolamenti December 2017, published in terms of Article 13(k) of the tal-Kuntratti Pubbliċi tal-2016 Public Contracts Regulations 2016.

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020

Suġġett Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt (VAT Eskluż) Subject Contractor Contract Value (Excl VAT)

Construction of a New Drainage System using Bonnici Bros Services Ltd €140,257.95 Environmentally Friendly Methods and Materials at Ta’ Qali Crafts Village Trenchless Rehabilitation of Wastewater Networks at Hydro Rocks Contractors €498,792.00 Birżebbuġa and Marsaskala Co Ltd Call Off: South Region Landscaping Works at the MHAS Denfar Excavators Ltd €272,482.83 Police Academy Ta’ Kandja Provision of Cafeteria Attendant Services on Board Gozo Trust Business Solution JV €348,639.41 Channel (Operations) Limited Vessels Environmentally Sound Aluminium Apertures Works at Tower Aluminium Ltd €281,025.00 Zammit Clapp Residential Home Supply and Delivery of Police Equipment and Riot Gear Phoenix Group Ltd €53,820.00 to the Malta Police Station Lot 1 Supply and Delivery of Police Equipment and Riot Gear UniKing International €43,243.00 to the Malta Police Station Lots 2 and 3 Supply and Delivery of Police Equipment and Riot Gear Fieldsport Ltd €3,998.40 to the Malta Police Station Lot 4 Supply of Drug Eluting Stents Technoline Ltd €505,600.00 Provision of Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Services Floorpul Co Ltd €117,720.00 at Various Sites Managed and Operated by Jobsplus Provision of Security Services to the Commissioners for Security Services Malta Ltd €174,489.12 Revenue Supply of Etanercept 25mg Injection and Etanercept 50mg Vivian Corporation Ltd €119,817.12 Pre-Filled Pen Lot 1 Supply of Etanercept 25mg Injection and Etanercept 50mg Pharma MT €3,969,600.00 Pre-Filled Pen Lot 2 Service of Temperature Mapping Exercises for all Reliability and Maintenance €215,800.00 Pharmaceutical, Reagent, Body and Blood Refrigerators, Services Ltd Cold Rooms and Freezers in various departments and clinical areas at MDH including SAMOC Supply of Bumetanide Tablets and Injections Vivian Corporation Ltd €315,200.00 Lot 1 2608 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

Suġġett Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt (VAT Eskluż) Subject Contractor Contract Value (Excl VAT)

Engineering, Procurement And Construction Management Design & Technical €600,000.00 (EPCM) Consultancy Services For The Rehabilitation And Resources Ltd Restoration Of Wied Fulija Landfill, limits of Żurrieq Supply of Homogeneous Immunoassay Tests for Toxicology Technoline Ltd €401,750.00 with Equipment on Loan Annual and Quarterly Testing of Mater Dei Hospital CSSD RAMS - DTS JV €130,636.00 Sterilizers and Washer Disinfectors According to CFPP-01 per annum Standards Construction of a Football Ground and Ancillary Facilities at C & F Building Contractors €1,906,422.48 Family Park, Marsaskala Ltd Production of an Occupational Handbook KPMG €244,000.00 Call Off: Excavation Works and Carting away of Demolished T & C Ciappara Construction €156,060.00 Materials using Environmentally Friendly Methods and Co Ltd Materials - Site at Triq Nazzarenu Mifsud, Qrendi (A) Corporate financial management solution Grant Thornton Malta - Unit €9,836,513.56 4 Consortium Call Off: Excavation Works and Carting away of Demolished Tal-Maghtab Construction €508,554.00 Materials using Environmentally Friendly Methods and Company Ltd Materials at the Site between Triq it-Tabib Nikol Zammit, Triq l-Imdina and Triq Dun Manwel Zammit, Siġġiewi Call Off: Excavation Works and Carting away of Demolished Bonnici Bros Services Ltd €78,643.50 Materials Using Environmentally Friendly Methods and Materials - Site at Triq K. M. Buhagiar corner with Triq I-Indipendenza, Ħaż-Żebbuġ A Supply and Delivery of Qty 27 ITU Beds and Qty 27 Low Air Triomed Ltd €169,900.68 Loss Mattresses and Accessories Call Off: Road Side Repairs - Level 3 - Asfaltar Ltd €247,143.51 South Region Call Off: Road Side Repairs - Level 2 - Mr Raymond Calleja €121,667.91 South Region Call Off: Road Side Repairs - Level 2 - Mr Raymond Calleja €119,204.70 South Region Call Off: Improvement Road Works at Bonnici Bros Ltd €230,238.91 Triq L-Imdina, Qormi - Level 3 Call Off: Proposed Junction at Triq Ħal Luqa, Santa Northwind Investments Ltd €281,581.50 Luċija - Level 3 Call Off: Extension of the Public Parking at Triq Central Asphalt Ltd €270,550.02 il-Katakombi, Salina, Naxxar - Level 3 Provision of Chauffeur Driven Transportation Services Zarb Coaches Ltd €4,377.18 in Malta to the Malta Tourism Authority for a period of 36 months Supply, Installation and Commissioning of a Complete Technoline Ltd €292,253.40 Integrated EEG System for the Neurophysiology Department at Mater Dei Hospital L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2609

Suġġett Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt (VAT Eskluż) Subject Contractor Contract Value (Excl VAT)

Construction of 2 New Court Halls and BAVA Holdings Ltd €171,928.93 Other Works at 3rd Floor, provision of Court furniture, provision and installation of lifts at the Courts of justice, using Environmentally Friendly Material Lots 1 and 3 Construction of 2 New Court Halls and Other Works at 3rd LBV Ltd €48,000.00 Floor, provision of Court furniture, provision and installation of lifts at the Courts of justice, using Environmentally Friendly Material Lot 2 Supply of Valvulotomes ProHealth Ltd €244,725.00 Supply of Energy Efficient Computer Systems for the Malta Merlin Computer Ltd €285,175.00 Financial Services Authority Provision of Educational Software Content for Primary BrainPOP Ltd €111,300.00 Schools Tablet Computers (OTPC Initiative) Lot 4 Supply of Sodium Chloride Infusion 0.9% X 100ml A M Mangion Ltd €213,500.00 Call Off: Construction of part of V & C Contractors Ltd €351,493.34 Triq Lepanto, Marsaxlokk Design Development and Implementation of an Integrated Keen Ltd €538,713.00 Marketing Communications Campaign on Quality Wines in Malta Supply of Moscoskeletal and P and D Pharmaceuticals Ltd €98,558.15 Joint Pharmaceuticals Lots 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 18, 23, 24, 28, 33 and 35 Supply of Moscoskeletal and Joint Pharmaceuticals V J Salomone Pharma Ltd €258,031.96 Lots 3, 9, 16, 19, 20 and 21 Supply of Moscoskeletal and Joint Pharmaceuticals EuroPharma Ltd €30,050.00 Lots 13 and 30 Supply of Moscoskeletal and Joint Pharmaceuticals Charles De Giorgio Ltd €168,900.00 Lots 14, 31 and 32 Supply of Moscoskeletal and Joint Pharmaceuticals Medical Logistics Ltd €170,000.00 Lot 25 Professional Services For Design, Project Management and Dr Edwin Mintoff Architects €554,262.00 Certification For The Construction of a New Open Centre for Asylum Seekers At Ħal Far Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Qty 12 Electro- Technoline Ltd €121,765.32 Mechanical Non Invasive Ventilator Units for the Medical NIV Units for the Medical NIV Unit at Mater Dei Hospital Provision of Hairdressing Services to Male and Female Serah Marie Camilleri €201,380.40 Elderly Persons Residing in five (5) Government Homes Lots 1, 2 and 3 Demolition of the existing factories and Construction of RM Construction Ltd €331,245.37 Hoarding at the proposed multi-level interchange at Nodes EA20a and EA21 on route 1 (Marsa) 2610 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

Suġġett Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt (VAT Eskluż) Subject Contractor Contract Value (Excl VAT)

Supply, Delivery and Installation of Office Furniture with RnD Ltd €156,808.80 Environmentally Friendly Materials and Processes at Transport Malta, Ħal Lija Conversion to High Energy Efficiency Standards of Premises V & M Turnkey Ltd €499,737.20 in Kirkop, Malta into a Health Centre using Environmental Friendly Construction Materials and Products Leasing of Thirteen (13) Brand New Low Emission Vehicles 2000 Ltd €96,370.95 for Court Marshals at the Courts of Justice Department Lease of a New Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption lonization Cherubino Ltd €278,750.00 Time-of Flight Mass Spectrometer at Mater Dei Hospital Design, Development and Delivery of SGM Solutions & Global €1,840,000.00 MQF Level 7 Vocational Programmes Media GmbH Supply of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) Technoline Ltd €906,000.00 Kits Device on a Pay Per Use Basis Call Off: Construction of Sqaq No 1 in SM Contractors Ltd €113,304.14 Triq San Patrizju, Rabat - North Region - Level 2 and 3 Call Off: Road Side Repairs - North Region - Level 2 Dimbros Ltd €92,237.86 Framework Contract for the Supply and Delivery of Brand NATS Limited €562,800.00 New Fruit and Vegetable Crates for the Ta’ Qali Fruit and Vegetable Market (Pitkali) – 2017 Supply and Installation of Colour Coded Polypropylene Mr Michael Camilleri €124,650.00 (PP-R) Pipework Systems at the Public Abattoir Includes Environmentally Non-Toxic Thermal Insulation Products Supply, Installation and Commissioning of a Total Technoline Ltd €597,176.03 Ureteroscope / Cysto-Ureteroscope System for the Operating Department at Mater Dei Hospital Incorporating Energy Efficient Monitors Supply of Respiratory Pathogens with Equipment on Loan E J Busuttil Ltd €486,981.30 Supply of an Aphaeresis System for Collection of Blood Associated Equipment Ltd €694,308.50 Components Call Off: Road Side Repairs Various Localities - East Region Polidano Brothers €231,199.25 - Level 3 Supply of Cardiac Implants Associated Equipment Ltd €576,288.00 Call Off: Road Works in Triq il-Faqqus, Żejtun Schembri Barbros Ltd €121,248.39 Excavation Works in Rock at the Polidano Brothers Ltd €362,711.86 Malta Carnival Experience, Marsa Call Off: Excavation Works and Carting Away of Demolished Polidano Brothers Ltd €240,000.00 Materials Using Environmentally Friendly Methods and Materials at Site tas-Sisla, Birkirkara Supply and Delivery of Vehicles Registration Plates Galaxy Ltd €634,943.00 Provision of Labour Hire Services in Respect of Services of J F Services Ltd €38,233,965.00 Personnel for Sites and/or Offices Managed and Operated by Wasteserv Malta Ltd L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2611

Suġġett Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt (VAT Eskluż) Subject Contractor Contract Value (Excl VAT)

Provision of Services for a Technical Study and Cost Benefit Tractebel Engineering SpA €498,000.00 Analysis for the Development of LNG as a Marine Fuel in Malta Infrastructural and Embellishment Works using Bonnici Bros Services Ltd €799,106.00 Environmentally Friendly Methods and Materials at Ta’ Qali Crafts Village Supply of Cyanoacrylate Glue Occlusion Packs for Venous Drugsales Ltd €236,160.00 Disease to be supplied on pay per use basis

Embellishment and Finishing of an Outdoor Car Park near the ABB Joint Venture €1,164,132.50 Marsaxlokk Football Ground Using Environmentally Friendly Methods Repairs to Buġibba Breakwater Mr Josef Borg €288,313.98 Provision of Project Management, Information Technology, Pricewaterhousecoopers €147,200.00 Legal and Architectural Consultancy Services in relation to the Digital Tourism Platform Acquisition of Systems for the Management of Spatial Data Joseph Cachia & Sons Ltd €126,676.22 and Analytical Tools for Thematice and Spatio-Temporal Analysis Partially using Energy Efficient Equipment Lot 1 Acquisition of Systems for the Management of Spatial Data Planetek Italia Srl €80,730.00 and Analytical Tools for Thematice and Spatio-Temporal Analysis Partially using Energy Efficient Equipment Lot 2 Public Private Partnership for the JCL and MHC Consortium €57,524,292.00 Provision of Comprehensive Services to St Vincent de Paul Long Term Care Facility Acquisition, Installation, Commissioning and Testing of Mapping Malta JV €1,014,398.39 Equipment Partially using Energy Efficient Equipment: Terrestrial Based Technologies Lot 1 Acquisition, Installation, Commissioning and Testing of Leica Geosystems AG €305,190.39 Equipment Partially using Energy Efficient Equipment: Terrestrial Based Technologies Lot 2 Provision of Finishing Works and Furniture for ‘The Marigold BAVA Holdings Ltd €554,969.73 Place’ Marsa in an Environmentally Friendly Manner for the Ministry for the Family, Children’s Rights and Social Solidarity Acquisition, Installation, Commissioning and Testing of Mapping Malta JV €495,463.00 Equipment Partially using Energy Efficient Equipment: Aerial Based Technologies Construction of Enterprise Hub and infrastructural works Road Construction Co Ltd €8,038,118.86 using environmentally friendly methods and materials at Xewkija Industrial Estate, Gozo 2612 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

Suġġett Kuntrattur Valur tal-Kuntratt (VAT Eskluż) Subject Contractor Contract Value (Excl VAT)

Provision of Project Management and Technical Right Projects Co Ltd €606,995.00 Engineering Services for the Rehabilitation of Chadwick Lakes Creation of a Large-Scale Topographic IIC Technologies Ltd €1,230,963.00 Base Map of Malta as Part of an Integrated National Mapping Strategy Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Dab Electronica Co Ltd €1,887,964.99 Video Digitisation Equipment and Integration with the Media Archive Management System at Public Broadcasting Services Demolition of existing structures and the removal of soft RM Construction Ltd €609,796.48 material at the Marsa Government Garage, Marsa Installation of lifts to access roof Bava Holdings Ltd €1,582,179.76 and the upgrading of roof at the Mediterranean Conference Centre using environmentally friendly materials Lots 1, 2 and 3 Video Digitisation of Various Media from the Archives Picturae AV €302,230.00 of Public Broadcasting Services Lots 1 and 2 Construction of the MCAST Resource Centre (MRC) at C & F Building Contractors €2,072,577.83 the MCAST Main Campus in Corradino using various Ltd environmentally friendly and energy efficient products Lot 1 Construction of industrial units and infrastructural works using Road Construction Co Ltd €3,244,004.30 environmentally friendly methods and materials at area known as Tal-Ħofra at Xewkija Industrial Estate, Gozo Supply of Laparoscopy Tower Systems for the Operating Technoline Ltd €181,400.41 Theatre Department at Mater Dei Hospital Incorporating Energy Efficient IT Equipment Construction of the MCAST Resource Centre (MRC) at CE Installations Ltd €1,478,881.95 the MCAST Main Campus in Corradino using various environmentally friendly and energy efficient products Lot 2 Provision of Project Management and Support for the KPMG €386,002.36 Implementation of the National eHealth Services Programme Provision of Services to Conduct and Implement a Scientific Adi Associates €160,000.00 Study to Environmental Consultants Improve Trawling Gear Selectivity for Fisheries Research Ltd Supply of Winter Uniforms, Yorkie Clothing €7,000.00 Winter Uniforms, Skirts and Ties 2017 L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2613 ira, Wied is-Sewda Wied ż ira, Tunnels Supply of Urine Leg Bags 750ml from Rabat to Works and Pipe-laying Trenching Ker ċ em, Gozo Suction/Irrigation Supply of Electro Surgery Device Adhesive Drapes Supply of Surgical Supply of Consumables for Pain Management Provision of Conference Interpretation Services for the EU Presidency 2017 Supply of Consumables for Pain Management National Flood Relief Project (NFRP) – Design and Build of Birkirkara, G Subject Suġġett DEPARTMENT OF CONTRACTS DEPARTMENT 06/07/2017 13/07/2017 18/07/2017 20/07/2017 27/07/2017 27/07/2017 30/07/2017 06/07/2017 Date of Approval Data tal-Approvazzjoni

20th March, 2020 List of approved variation to contracts by the Department of Contracts during

the period between 1st July, 2017, and 31st December, 2017, published in terms of 2017, and 31st December, the period between 1st July, Article 20(2) of the Public Procurement Regulations 2010.

21,519.66 inc. VAT 1,270,642.63 exc. VAT 118,687.68 exc. VAT 427,460.00 inc. VAT 134.40 inc. VAT per pack of 10 up to a maximum contract value of VAT 2,016.00 inc. 556,660.00 exc. VAT 159.10 inc. VAT per pack of 10 up to a maximum contract value of inc. VAT 4,773.00 23,457,739.15 inc. VAT Contract Value Contract Value € Valur Valur tal-Kuntratt € 13,772.80 29,105.89 27,849.96 106,865.00 2,016.00 Lot 5 76,000.00 4,773.00 Lot 9 1,941,295.08 Variation Variation € Varjazzjoni € 64.00 2.29 23.46 25.00 100.00 13.65 100.00 8.28 Variation Variation % Varjazzjoni % DIPARTIMENT TAL-KUNTRATTI DIPARTIMENT Reactilab Ltd Road Construction Co. Ltd Associated Equipment Ltd Associated Equipment Ltd Associate Equipment Ltd Solten France Sarl Associate Equipment Ltd BM Tunnel Joint Tunnel BM Venture Contractor Kuntrattur File Lista ta’ varjazzjonijiet lil kuntratti mogħtija mid-Dipartiment tal-Kuntratti Marzu, 2020 L-20 ta’ 2033/2014 3019/2015 2023/2015 2023/2011 2180/2012/3 2068/2016 2180/2012/6 3032/2011 3032/2011 II I Vol CT File No. CT CT Nru. CT tal- matul il-perjodu bejn l-1 Lulju, ta’ 2017, u l-31 Diċembru, ta’ 2017, ippubblikata dwar il-Kuntratti Pubbliċi tal-2010. skont l-Artikolu 20(2) tar-Regolamenti 2614 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

Ħ ondoq to Bir ż ebbu ġ a Ċ en ċ Construction of a Grade Separated Junction at Node EA15 (Kappara) Construction of a Grade Separated Junction at Node EA15 (Kappara) Agreement for the Provision of Framework Construction of a Grade Separated Junction at Node EA15 (Kappara) Services in Gozo Provision of Home HELP Installation, Commissioning Delivery, Supply, Light Traffic Adaptive and Maintenance of an Solution of Works Construction and Finishing a Clubhouse for the waterpolo pitch at Bir ż ebbu ġ a Supply of Filgrastim Injections from Works an Pipelaying Trenching Ta’ Outside Catering and Ancillary Services During Outside Catering and Presidency of the Council Malta’s European Union 2017 efficient laptop computers Supply of energy inclusive of comprehensive support, software support and hardware repair for Educators Construction of a football ground, including ancillary facilities at Subject Suġġett 12/09/2017 12/09/2017 14/09/2017 10/10/2017 17/10/2017 17/10/2017 26/10/2017 26/10/2017 26/10/2017 14/09/2017 19/09/2017 Date of Approval Data tal-Approvazzjoni 22,470,006.53 inc. VAT 22,470,006.53 inc. VAT 84,725.00 exc. VAT 22,350,893.71 inc. VAT 2,731,625.00 exc. VAT 786,721.45 inc. VAT 665,207.07 exc. VAT 168,555.00 inc. VAT 4,155,056.67 inc. VAT 5,877,715.86 exc. VAT 1,348,279.92 inc. VAT Contract Value Contract Value € Valur Valur tal-Kuntratt € 265,640.79 335,548.78 25,417.00 Lot 8 188,163.48 7,007.90 27,117.94 12,017.53 36,975.00 548,213.72 581,623.00 446,518.45 Variation Variation € Varjazzjoni € 1.18 1.49 30.00 0.84 0.26 3.45 1.81 31.60 13.19 9.90 0.40 Variation Variation % Varjazzjoni % SJ Kappara JV The Xara Palace Hotel Co Ltd SJ Kappara JV Support Services Ltd Albsem JV C&F Building Contractors Ltd Drugsales Ltd GTE JV SJ Kappara JV FGL Information FGL Ltd Technology C&F Building Contractors Ltd Contractor Kuntrattur File 3151/2013 2252/2015/7 3151/2013 CT File No. CT 2213/2014 3180/2014 2161/2014 2101/2014 3007/2014 3151/2013 VI Vol 3073/2015 2016/2013 CT Nru. CT tal- L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2615

Construction of a Building Forming Part the (IET), Transport Institute of Engineering and Main Campus in Corradino,at the MCAST inclusive of all Internal and External Finishes Electrical and mechanical installations Pumps Volumetric Supply of Sets for IVAC Construction and finishing works for the Kalkara Football Ground Clubhouse Network at Water Construction of a Storm Kalkara Tat- Horizontal Directional Drilling from Tomna, l/o Mellieħa, to Binġemma Mġarr Agreement for the Provision of Framework Ancillary Services During Outside Catering and Presidency of the Council Malta’s European Union 2017 Repair/Rebuilding/Restoration of Retaining Arch Buttresses for the EU Life and Walls Saving Buskett Project at Works Refurbishment and Embellishment in an Environmentally Argotti Outer Garden, Friendly Manner Construction of a Grade Separated Junction at Node EA15 (Kappara) Services in Malta Provision of Home HELP Construction of a Grade Separated Junction at Node EA15 (Kappara) Subject Suġġett 26/10/2017 31/10/2017 31/10/2017 31/10/2017 02/11/2017 05/11/2017 09/11/2017 09/11/2017 14/11/2017 14/11/2017 19/11/2017 Date of Approval Data tal-Approvazzjoni

4,987,686.37 exc. VAT 291,601.44 exc. VAT 314,148.59 exc. VAT 328,111.00 exc. VAT 4,378,966.50 inc. VAT 81,400.00 exc. VAT 499,649.75 inc. VAT 1,467,852.99 exc. VAT 22,470,006.53 inc. VAT exc. VAT 6.50 per hour for 2015 exc. VAT and 7.05 per hour for 2016 22,470,006.53 inc. VAT Contract Value Contract Value € Valur Valur tal-Kuntratt € 40,952.24 95,097.60 86,497.86 30,730.30 128,989.20 excl. VAT 4,000.00 Lot 5 81,942.20 49,605.00 91,322.00 960,000.00 82,675.99 Variation Variation € Varjazzjoni € 0.82 33.00 27.53 9.37 4.00 4.91 16.40 3.38 0.41 30.28 0.37 Variation Variation % Varjazzjoni % Pharma-Cos Limited Ltd Turnkey V&M Sier & Sons Ltd Bianco Impianti srl Cordina Caffe Works Agius Stone Schembri JV SJ Kappara JV Support Services Ltd SJ Kappara JV FMM Joint Venture FMM Joint Contractor Kuntrattur File CT File No. CT CT Nru. CT tal- 2024/2015 2069/2016 2144/2016 3071/2012 2252/2015/4 3165/2014 2192/2016 3151/2013 2015/2015 3151/2013 3025/2016 2616 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

Rinella Public Convenience at Binja Buqana, Mtarfa, in an Works Repair Environmentally Friendly Manner Activities at Ancillary Excavation and Main Campus MCAST Activities at Ancillary Excavation and Main Campus MCAST Activities at Ancillary Excavation and Main Campus MCAST Installation and Commissioning of Supply, for Works Mechanical, Electrical and Finishes Theatre Project using the Upgrading of Manoel environmentally friendly material and products Agreement for the Provision of Framework Ancillary Services During Outside Catering and Presidency of the Council Malta’s European Union 2017 Aviation Park at Safi Works Civil Aviation Park at Safi Works Civil Services (Provision of Chauffeur Transportation Driven Cars, Executive Minivans and Coaches, and Self-Drive Cars) for the Ministry and the Parliamentary Affairs for European Secretariat for EU Presidency 2017 and Councilthe for Presidency Malta’s During Funds of the EU – October 2016 - June 2017 Installation, Migration, Delivery, Supply, of a high and Maintenance Commissioning storage and backup solution availability server, Subject Suġġett 21/11/2017 23/11/2017 28/11/2017 28/11/2017 28/11/2017 30/11/2017 19/12/2017 21/12/2017 21/12/2017 21/12/2017 28/12/2017 Date of Approval Data tal-Approvazzjoni 141,369.10 exc. VAT 1,504,244.40 exc. VAT 131,100.00 exc. VAT 131,100.00 exc. VAT 131,100.00 exc. VAT 1,354,967.56 exc. VAT 84,725.00 exc. VAT 4,348,280.50 inc. VAT 4,348,280.50 inc. VAT 24,000.00 exc. VAT 1,026,480.76 exc. VAT Contract Value Contract Value € Valur Valur tal-Kuntratt € 30,848.24 371,220.14 10,164.00 14,700.00 19,400.00 38,104.91 33,890.00 Lot 8 152,274.16 393,762.56 4,941.25 Lot 1 153,658.18 Variation Variation € Varjazzjoni € 21.82 24.68 7.70 11.20 14.80 2.81 40.00 3.50 9.10 20.00 14.97 Variation Variation % Varjazzjoni % Progressive Solutions Ltd John Micallef Builders Limited Rockcut Ltd Rockcut Ltd Rockcut Ltd John Micallef Builders Ltd Xara Palace Hotel Co Ltd Asfaltar Ltd Asfaltar Ltd Garage John’s Ltd eWorld Contractor Kuntrattur File CT Nru. CT tal- File No. CT 2118/2016 2112/2016 2063/2015 2063/2015 2063/2015 3042/2016 2252/2015/7 3183/2013 3183/2013 2047/2016/1 2105/2016 L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2617 Call Off - Sewage Works in Triq Santa Katarina Triq in Works - Sewage Call Off l/o Rabat Information System for Child Care Centres in Malta and Gozo Rock Excavation and Ancillary Activities at Ancillary Rock Excavation and Ġewwa l/o Magħtab Ta’ Għallis Rock Excavation and Ancillary Activities at Ancillary Rock Excavation and Ġewwa l/o Magħtab Ta’ Għallis Rock Excavation and Ancillary Activities at Ancillary Rock Excavation and Ġewwa l/o Magħtab Ta’ Għallis Pipe Laying Works by Open Cut Trenches Trenches by Open Cut Works Pipe Laying – Baħrija Rabat Technology Trenchless and Network Phases 2 and 4 Supply of full electric vehicles for the life+ project “demonstrating the feasibility of electric vehicles towards climate mitigation – No Life10/ENV/MT/088” under a DEMOEV framework Trenching and pipe laying works – Tat-Tomna, Tat-Tomna, and pipe laying works – Trenching Mellieħa Supply and Installation of Energy Efficient Supply and Installation of Energy Interactive Flat Panels For State and Church Schools in Malta and Gozo Supply and Delivery of a New Jetting Suction Bowser Subject Suġġett DEPARTMENT OF CONTRACTS DEPARTMENT Date of Approval Data tal-Approvazzjoni 17/01/2017 12/01/2017 12/01/2017 12/01/2017 12/01/2017 10/01/2017 09/01/2017 05/01/2017 02/01/2017 03/01/2017 List of approved variations to contracts by the Department of Contracts during 20th March, 2020 the period between 1st 2017, January, and 30th June, 2017, published in terms of Article 20(2) of the Public Procurement Regulations 2010. 478,440.50 inc. VAT 246,706.35 inc. VAT 6,748,465.00 inc. VAT 6,748,465.00 inc. VAT 6,748,465.00 inc. VAT 2,158,945.33 inc. VAT 198,906.00 inc. VAT 225,967.55 inc. VAT 1,159,238.20 exc. VAT 326,774.00 exc. VAT Contract Value Contract Value € Valur Valur tal-Kuntratt € Variation Variation € Varjazzjoni € 71,404.80 10,640.65 1,160,000.00 1,005,489.42 371,838.00 559,029.03 2,800.00 Lot 3 9,547.00 203,737.86 6,850.00 14.90 4.31 17.19 Variation Variation % 14.90 Varjazzjoni % 6.50 20.00 1.41 4.22 14.89 2.10 DIPARTIMENT TAL-KUNTRATTI DIPARTIMENT Denfar Excavators Ltd AIS Technology Ltd Technology AIS Ballut Blocks Services Ltd Ballut Blocks Services Ltd Ballut Blocks Services Ltd BHP Joint Venture Joint BHP Industrial Motors Ltd V&C Contractors Ltd FGL Information FGL Ltd Technology SR Environmental Solutions Ltd Contractor Kuntrattur File Lista ta’ varjazzjonijiet lill-kuntratti mogħtija mid-Dipartiment tal-Kuntratti Marzu, 2020 L-20 ta’ CT File No. CT CT Nru. CT tal- 2003/2013/ 4068 2084/2014 2001/2012 2001/2012 2001/2012 3151/2014 3132/2012 3029/2014 3032/2016 2199/2015 matul il-perjodu bejn l-1 ta’ Jannar, 2017, u t-30 ta’ Ġunju, 2017, ippubblikata skont ippubblikata 2017, Ġunju, ta’ t-30 u 2017, Jannar, ta’ l-1 bejn il-perjodu matul dwar il-Kuntratti Pubbliċi tal-2010. l-Artikolu 20(2) tar-Regolamenti 2618 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370 ż ebbu ġ a Upgrading Works (including civil works) Works Upgrading Triq at Transport in connection with Public Nazzjonali in Blata l-Bajda Design, Build (Develop and Construct) Waste Operate of a Mechanical and Biological Plant at the North of Malta Treatment Design, Build (Develop and Construct) Waste Operate of a Mechanical and Biological Plant at the North of Malta Treatment Extension of the Centre Residential Restorative Services (CORRS) at Imtaħleb Extension of the Centre Residential Restorative Services (CORRS) at Imtaħleb Framework Agreement for the Provision of Framework Incontinence Diapers and Pads for Senior Citizens and Persons with Disability Structural Works and Refurbishment of Works Structural Premises Partially using Environmentally Sound Materials at the Malta Environment and Authority (MEPA) Planning Civil Works at Safi Aviation Park at Safi Works Civil Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning Delivery, Supply, Message Signs Variable and Maintenance of Transport (VMS) including connection with the Control Centre Traffic Malta Trenching and Pipe and Cable Laying Works – Works and Pipe Cable Laying Trenching Ba ħ rija/Rabat Network – Phase 1 Trenching and Pipelaying Works – Ras il- Ħ ob ż , Works and Pipelaying Trenching G ħ ajnsielem, Gozo Call Off - South Region - Road Works for service for Works Road - Region South - Off Call il-Qajjenza, Bir Triq providers at Subject Suġġett Date of Approval Data tal-Approvazzjoni 07/03/2017 07/03/2017 07/03/2017 02/03/2017 02/03/2017 02/03/2017 07/02/2017 02/02/2017 24/01/2017 24/01/2017 17/01/2017 17/01/2017 170,816.40 inc. VAT 49,079,010.56 inc. VAT 49,079,010.56 inc. VAT 1,532,077.79 exc. VAT 1,532,077.79 exc. VAT 215,990.00 inc. VAT 406,858.40 exc. VAT 4,348,280.50 inc. VAT 692,027.58 inc. VAT 467,178.40 inc. VAT 280,246.91 inc. VAT 478,181.46 inc. VAT Contract Value Contract Value € Valur Valur tal-Kuntratt € Variation Variation € Varjazzjoni € 7,320.36 379,152.99 128,206.42 126,502.06 36,022.58 36,840.00 7,943.48 140,886.45 312.83 78,180.70 12,136.86 198,660.00 4.29 5.73 0.26 8.30 2.35 17.06 1.95 3.20 0.05 16.70 4.33 41.54 Variation Variation % % Varjazzjoni Bonnici Brothers Contractors Ltd BEV JV BEV BEV JV BEV Central Power Installations Ltd Central Power Installations Ltd Pharma-Cos Ltd iprojects Ltd Asfaltar Ltd Albertadmv JV Joe Tanti Joe Road Construction Ltd Schembri Infrastructures Ltd Contractor Kuntrattur File 3037/2014 3016/2011 3016/2011 4 Vol 3016/2011 3016/2011 4 Vol 3057/2015 2 Vol 3057/2015 2 Vol 2215/2014 2051/2016 3183/2013 3181/2014 2 Vol 3063/2014 3153/2014 II Vol CT Nru. CT tal- File No. CT 2003/2013/ 4121 L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2619 Supply of Simvastatin Tablets or Capsules Tablets Supply of Simvastatin Supply of Amlodipine Tablets/Capsules Amlodipine Supply of Construction of an Information Centre Extension of the Centre Residential Restorative Services (CORRS) at Imtahleb Extension of the Centre Residential Restorative Services (CORRS) at Imtahleb Supply, installation and commissioning of Supply, medical equipment, furniture and other related goods and the provision of services for the Mater Dei Hospital Oncology Centre Call Off - Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir c/w Triq Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir c/w Triq - Call Off Amici, Floriana Francesco Buon Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning Delivery, Supply, and Maintenance of Bus Priority Measures Call Off - Resurfacing of road network within Call Off Qali Ta’ the fruit and vegetable market, Framework Agreement for the Supply and Framework Vegetable Delivery of Brand New Fruit and Qali Fruit and Ta’ Plastic Crates for the Market (Pitkali) Vegetable Construction of a Grade Separated Junction at Node Ea15 at Kappara Supply of Sterile Intravenous Cannula, G22 Subject Suġġett Date of Approval Data tal-Approvazzjoni 06/04/2017 06/04/2017 04/04/2017 04/04/2017 04/04/2017 04/04/2017 30/03/2017 23/03/2017 21/03/2017 16/03/2017 16/03/2017 09/03/2017

0.45 VAT inc. VAT 0.45 per pack of 28 units up to a maximum contract value of VAT 28,928.58 inc. 207,000.00 inc. VAT 1,215,818.14 exc. VAT 1,532,077.79 exc. VAT 1,532,077.79 exc. VAT 4,528,589.00 inc. VAT 492,892.47 inc. VAT 720,707.44 inc. VAT 460,210.41 inc. VAT 586,000.00 exc. VAT 22,350,893.71 inc. VAT 112,557.66 112,557.66 inc. VAT Contract Value Contract Value € Valur Valur tal-Kuntratt € Variation Variation € Varjazzjoni € 26,602.20 Lot 3 77,361.20 251,591.52 15,541.48 72,667.00 327,950.89 244,074.69 5,835.92 28,641.90 61,200.00 6,417.73 25,313.60 91.00 37.37 20.70 Variation Variation % 1.01 Varjazzjoni % 4.74 7.20 49.52 0.81 5.85 10.44 0.03 22.49 Cherubino Ltd Accord Healthcare Ltd John Micallef Builders Ltd Central Power Installations Ltd Central Power Installations Ltd Ergon Projects - Ergon Ltd Joint Technoline Venture Schembri Barbros Ltd RTG Joint Venture Joint RTG Asfaltar Ltd NATS Ltd NATS SJ Kappara JV Contractor Associated Equipment Ltd Kuntrattur File CT File No. CT CT Nru. CT tal- 2201/201 4 2006/2013 3225/2014 3057/2015 2 Vol 3057/2015 2 Vol 2230/2010 2003/2013/ 4124 3179/2014 2003/2013/ 4134 2132/2015 3151/2013 4 Vol 2182/2012 2620 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370 żebb uġa Cleaning of State Schools Cleaning of State Schools Cleaning of State Schools Cleaning of State Schools Construction of a Football ground including ancillary facilities at Bir Call Off - Road Surface Repair Works Various Various Works - Road Surface Repair Call Off Locality (Central Region) Restoration of Facade on Triq Triq Restoration of Palazzo Ferreria Facade on Vallettair-Repubblika, Extension of the Centre Residential Restorative Services (CORRS) at Imtaħleb Extension of the Centre Residential Restorative Services (CORRS) at Imtaħleb Extension of the Centre Residential Restorative Services (CORRS) at Imtaħleb Subject Suġġett Date of Approval Data tal-Approvazzjoni 10/05/2017 09/05/2017 09/05/2017 09/05/2017 02/05/2017 27/04/2017 20/04/2017 18/04/2017 11/04/2017 11/04/2017 303,349.76 inc. VAT 46,376.96 inc. VAT 151,674.88 inc. VAT 367,646.72 inc. VAT 1,348,279.91 inc. VAT 259,965.45 inc. VAT 126,591.47 exc. VAT 1,532,077.79 exc. VAT 1,532,077.79 exc. VAT 1,532,077.79 exc. VAT Contract Value Contract Value € Valur Valur tal-Kuntratt € Variation Variation € Varjazzjoni € 303,349.76 plus other increase in for COLA Lot 3 46,376.96 plus other increase in for COLA Lot 10 151,674.88 plus other increase in for COLA Lot 2 367,646.72 plus other increase in for COLA Lot 1 446,518.45 (additional works) and 91,019.33 (new rates) 38,973.53 30,598.50 49,971.38 2,451.00 89,808.71 100.00 100.00 100.00 Variation Variation % Varjazzjoni % 100.00 39.87 14.99 24.17 3.26 0.16 5.86 Specialist Group Cleaners Floorpul Ltd Specialist Group Cleaners Specialist Group Cleaners C&F Building Contractors Ltd Central Asphalt Ltd Central V & M Turnkey Limited Turnkey & M V Central Power Installations Ltd Central Power Installations Ltd Central Power Installations Ltd Contractor Kuntrattur File CT File No. CT CT Nru. CT tal- 2144/2015/1 2144/2015/2 2144/2015/1 2144/2015/1 2016/2013 II Vol 2003/2013/ 4098 2006/2016 3057/2015 2 Vol 3057/2015 2 Vol 3057/2015 2 Vol L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2621

Negotiated Procedure for the Supply, Delivery, Delivery, Negotiated Procedure for the Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Cameras and Control Room Equipment CCTV Internal Mechanical & Electrical Installation Works for the Development of a Digital Hub at SUB025, San Ġwann Cleaning of State Schools Cleaning of State Schools Cleaning of State Schools Cleaning of State Schools Cleaning of State Schools Cleaning of State Schools Supply and Delivery of Polymer for the Gozo Plants under a Treatment North Sewage Agreement Framework Construction of Bunkers and Provision Therapy Accelerators for a new Radio Linear Department, Mater Dei Hospital Subject Suġġett 18/05/2017 18/05/2017 16/05/2017 15/05/2017 14/05/2017 13/05/2017 12/05/2017 11/05/2017 Date of Approval 11/05/2017 Data tal-Approvazzjoni 11/05/2017 1,740,688.69 exc. VAT 557,858.45 inc. VAT 176,404.48 inc. VAT 219,269.12 inc. VAT 79,134.72 inc. VAT 164,864.00 inc. VAT 115,404.80 115,404.80 inc. VAT 494,592.00 inc. VAT 82,930.40 inc. VAT 13,337,924.95 inc. VAT Contract Value Contract Value € Valur Valur tal-Kuntratt € Variation Variation € Varjazzjoni € 24,659.66 18,911.00 176,404.48 plus other increase in for Lot 9 COLA 219,269.12 plus other increase in for Lot 8 COLA 79,134.72 plus other increase in for Lot 7 COLA 164,864.00 plus other increase in for Lot 6 COLA 115,404.80 plus 115,404.80 other increase in for Lot 5 COLA 494,592.00 plus other increase in for Lot 4 COLA 22,590.00 VAT VAT 22,590.00 exc. Lot 2 471609.69 exc. VAT 1.42 3.39 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 32.00 3.54 Variation Variation % Varjazzjoni % Indra Sistemas SA Titan International Ltd Titan Specialist Group Cleaners Specialist Group Cleaners Specialist Group Cleaners Specialist Group Cleaners Specialist Group Cleaners Specialist Group Cleaners SNF SAS Ergon Projects Ltd Ergon Contractor Kuntrattur File 3042/2015 3156/2013 2144/2015/8 2144/2015/7 2144/2015/6 2144/2015/5 2144/2015/4 2144/2015/3 2032/2014 2473/2007 3 Vol CT File No. CT CT Nru. CT tal- 2622 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370 Call Off - Civil Works at Triq il-Kunvent Phase 2, Triq at Works - Civil Call Off Ħaż- Ż abbar Leasing of Ancillary Items Related to the Leasing of of Meetings and Events during the Organisation Malta EU Summit and the Maltese Presidency of the Council European Union 2017 Provision, Installation and Dismantling of format printing and signage for the 2017 large Presidency of the Council EU Malta’s Infrastructural & Structural Works Using Works Infrastructural & Structural Panels at Hexagon Wall Environmentally Sound House, Marsa Supply of Laparascopic Surgery Consumables Supply of Laparascopic Surgery Lab Machine Valley Triad for Force Transportation Services (Provision of Chauffeur Services (Provision of Chauffeur Transportation Driven Cars, Executive Minivans and Coaches, and Self-Drive Cars) for the Ministry and the Parliamentary Affairs for European Secretariat for EU Presidency 2017 and Presidency for the Funds During Malta’s Council of the EU October 2016 – June Supply, Delivery, Installation, Commissioning and Delivery, Supply, Light Solution Traffic Adaptive Maintenance of an Construction of Helicopter Pad and Rooms including Engineering Services at Roof Level at the existing Mater Dei Hospital National Flood Relief Project (NFRP) – Design & Build of Qormi and Marsa – Canals Bridges Replacement of Existing Roof, Maintenance of Internal Steel Structure, Mechanical and including Environmental Works Electrical of Both Works Control System, Restoration at Works Ancillary External Facades and Other the Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum Subject Suġġett 15/06/2017 13/06/2017 13/06/2017 13/06/2017 13/06/2017 13/06/2017 01/06/2017 30/05/2017 Date of Approval 23/05/2017 Data tal-Approvazzjoni 18/05/2017 205,561.29 exc. VAT 248,420.00 exc. VAT 525,480.00 exc. VAT 224,593.00 exc. VAT 143,103.00 exc.. VAT 180,900.00 exc. VAT 786,721.45 inc. VAT 735,209.11 735,209.11 inc. VAT 3,398,400.00 inc.. VAT 782,957.26 exc. VAT Contract Value Contract Value € Valur Valur tal-Kuntratt € Variation Variation € Varjazzjoni € 10,225.00 100,000.00 88,957.09 78,659.00 143,103.00 72,300.00 Lot 2 7,272.96 107,541.42 44,506.36 30,192.84 4.97 40.00 16.93 35.02 100.00 39.97 0.90 14.63 12.20 3.85 Variation Variation % Varjazzjoni % Bonnici Bros. Ltd Investors ideas Services Ltd AF Sign Studio Ltd Teckne’ Dell’ Arc, Renda Dell’ Teckne’ Associated Equipment Ltd Unscheduled Bus Service AlbSem JV B V Joint Venture Joint V B Rockcut Ltd John Micallef Builders Contractor Kuntrattur File 2003/2013/ 4114 2273/2016 2236/2016 2104/2016 2067/2015 2047/2016/2 3180/2014 2 Vol 2101/2011 3099/2010 III Vol 3017/2016 CT File No. CT CT Nru. CT tal- L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2623 Transportation Services (Provision of Chauffeur Services (Provision of Chauffeur Transportation Driven Cars, Executive Minivans and Coaches, and Self-Drive Cars) for the Ministry and the Parliamentary Affairs for European Secretariat for EU Presidency 2017 and Presidency for the Funds During Malta’s Council of the EU October 2016 – June Supply of Sets for IVAC Volumetric Pumps Volumetric Supply of Sets for IVAC Supply of Domiciliary Medical Oxygen Supply of Domiciliary Medical Oxygen Supply of Domiciliary Medical Oxygen Compilation of a Detailed Preparatory Study, Compilation of a Detailed Preparatory Study, Analysis and Project Design, full Cost-benefit Implementation Plan in view of the Sustainable Hubs (SMITHS) Transport Multi Intermodal Project Compilation of a Detailed Preparatory Study, Compilation of a Detailed Preparatory Study, Analysis and Project Design, full Cost-benefit Implementation Plan in view of the Sustainable Hubs (SMITHS) Transport Multi Intermodal Project Call Off - Civil Works at Triq il-Kunvent Phase 2, Triq at Works - Civil Call Off Ħaż- Ż abbar Subject Suġġett Date of Approval Data tal-Approvazzjoni 27/06/2017 27/06/2017 27/06/2017 27/06/2017 27/06/2017 22/06/2017 22/06/2017 15/06/2017

24,000.00 exc. VAT Lot 1 69,000.00 exc. VAT Lot 3 291,601.44 exc. VAT 40.00 VAT inc. VAT 40.00 per annum – regulator complete with flow meter Item 3 7.34 inc. VAT per cylinder Item 2 7.34 VAT inc. VAT 7.34 per cylinder Item 2 103,983.00 exc. VAT 103,983.00 exc. VAT 205,561.29 exc. VAT Contract Value Contract Value € Valur Valur tal-Kuntratt € Variation Variation € Varjazzjoni € 10,000.00 46,675.20 133,588.00 (for all contract) 133,588.00 (for all contract) 133,588.00 (for all contract) 23,000.00 5,000.00 17,913.80 14.50 16.01 9.80 Variation Variation % 9.80 Varjazzjoni % 9.80 22 4.8 8.71 John’s Garage John’s Pharma-Cos Ltd Poligas Ltd Poligas Ltd Poligas Ltd Studio FRA Architettura Studio FRA Ed Ecoinnovazione srl Studio FRA Architettura Studio FRA Ed Ecoinnovazione srl Bonnici Bros. Ltd Contractor Kuntrattur File CT File No. CT CT Nru. CT tal- 2047/2016/1 2024/2015 2176/2013 2176/2012 2176/2012 3008/2016 3008/2016 2003/2013/ 4114 2624 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370


Lista ta’ direct orders mogħtija minn Projects Malta Ltd List of direct orders awarded by Projects Malta Ltd matul il-perjodu bejn l-1 ta’ Lulju, 2019, u l-31 ta’ Diċembru, during the period between 1st July, 2019, and 31st December, 2019, ippubblikata skont l-Artikolu 111 (2) tar-Regolamenti 2019, published in terms of Article 111 (2) of the Public dwar il-Kuntratti Pubbliċi (LN 352/2016) u ċ-Ċirkolari Procurement Regulations (LN 352/2016) and of Circular 02/2017 tat-23 ta’ Jannar, 2017, maħruġa mid-Dipartiment 02/2017 of 23rd January, 2017, issued by the Department tal-Kuntratti. of Contracts.

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020

Nru. Ref. Nru. Isem id-Direct Order/Suġġett Data tal- Isem Valur tal-Kuntratt tad-Direct Order tad-Direct Order Approvazzjoni il-Kuntrattur eskluża l-VAT No. Direct Order Direct Order Name/Subject of Approval Date Contractor’s Contract Value Ref. No. Direct Order Name Excl. VAT

1 DO2019/24 Legal services 9/7/2019 Mifsud Bonnici €40,000 Advocates 2 DO2019/27 Viability study of an innovative 29/8/2019 Charles Scerri €5,000 service 3 DO2019/30 Advisory services i.c.w. assistance 2/10/2019 RSM €9,975 to facilitate the procurement process 4 DO2019/31 Advisory services i.c.w. assistance 2/10/2019 RSM €9,975 to issue of a Preliminary Market Consultation 5 DO2019/32 Advisory services i.c.w. 25/10/2019 RSM €60,000 negotiations between Government and a service provider 6 DO2019/33 Architectural services including 23/7/2019 Innovative €8,000 design proposal, walkthrough & Design preliminary project cost estimates Architects IDA 7 DO2019/34 Gypsum works 23/7/2019 Frans Bartolo €6,800 8 DO2019/35 Architectural services i.c.w. 15/10/2019 Ellul & Ellul €9,900 regeneration and upgrade of a Periti garden 9 DO2019/38 Maltese legal advisory services 18/10/2019 Mifsud Bonnici €9,990 Advocates


Iċ-Chairman Eżekuttiv, Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal- The Executive Chairman, Water Services Corporation Ilma jgħarraf illi: notifies that:

Jintlaqgħu offerti/kwotazzjonijiet fil-ġurnata u l-ħin Tenders/quotations will be received on the date and time indikati hawn taħt. Il-kwotazzjonijiet/offerti għandhom indicated below. Quotations/tenders are to be submitted online jintbagħtu online BISS fuq ( ONLY on (

Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tlieta, 24 ta’ Marzu, 2020, għal: Up to 9.30 a.m. on Tuesday, 24th March, 2020, for:

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/20/2020. Bażi ta’ ftehim għall- Advt No. WSC/T/20/2020. Framework agreement for the provvista u konsenja ta’ stationery items għall-Korporazzjoni supply and delivery of stationery items for the Water Services għal Servizzi tal-Ilma. Corporation. L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2625

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Erbgħa, 25 ta’ Marzu, 2020, għal: Up to 9.30 a.m. on Wednesday, 25th March, 2020, for:

Avviż Nru.WSC/T/19/2020. Bażi ta’ ftehim għall-provvista Advt No. WSC/T/19/2020. Framework agreement for the u konsenja ta’ hard-stone sand f’basktijiet tal-25 kilo għall- supply and delivery of hard-stone sand in 25kg bags for the Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma. Water Services Corporation.

Avviż Nru.WSC/T/22/2020. Bażi ta’ ftehim għall- Advt No. WSC/T/22/2020. Framework agreement for provvista ta’ servizz ta’ skip b’mod li jitħares l-ambjent the provision of skip service in an environmentally friendly għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma. manner for the Water Services Corporation.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Ħamis, 26 ta’ Marzu, 2020, għal: Up to 9.30 a.m. on Thursday, 26th March, 2020, for:

Kwot. Nru. WSC/Q/03/2020. Provvista u konsenja ta’ Quot. No. WSC/Q/03/2020. Supply and delivery of laptops laptops għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma. for the Water Services Corporation.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Ġimgħa, 27 ta’ Marzu, 2020, għal: Up to 9.30 a.m. on Friday, 27th March, 2020, for:

Avviż Nru.WSC/T/24/2020. Provvista u konsenja Advt No. WSC/T/24/2020. Supply and delivery of ta’ polypropylene nozzles għall-Korporazzjoni għal polypropylene nozzles for the Water Services Corporation. Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tnejn, 30 ta’ Marzu, 2020, għal: Up to 9.30 a.m. on Monday, 30th March, 2020, for:

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/23/2020. Provvista u konsenja ta’ drill Advt No. WSC/T/23/2020. Supply and delivery of drill taps għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma. taps to the Water Services Corporation.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tal-Ħamis, 2 ta’ April, 2020, għal: Up to 9.30 a.m. on Thursday, 2nd April, 2020, for:

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/26/2020. Provvista u konsenja ta’ repair Advt No. WSC/T/26/2020. Supply and delivery of repair clamps 63mm għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma. clamps 63mm to the Water Services Corporation.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tlieta, 7 ta’ April, 2020, għal: Up to 9.30 a.m. on Tuesday, 7th April, 2020, for:

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/29/2020. Provvista u konsenja Advt No. WSC/T/29/2020. Supply and delivery of rugged ta’ rugged tablets u aċċessorji għall-Korporazzjoni għal tablets and accessories to the Water Services Corporation. Servizzi tal-Ilma.

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/08/2020. Ftehim ta’ manutenzjoni Advt No. WSC/T/08/2020. Maintenance agreement for għall-PABXS – Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma. PABXS – Water Services Corporation.

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/25/2020. Provvista u konsenja ta’ brass Advt No. WSC/T/25/2020. Supply and delivery of brass crutch handle stopcocks 1/2 pulzier għall-Korporazzjoni għal crutch handle stopcocks 1/2 inch for the Water Services Servizzi tal-Ilma. Corporation.

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/21/2020. Bażi ta’ ftehim għall- Advt No. WSC/T/21/2020. Framework Agreement for provvista u konsenja ta’ 80MM - 700MM resilient gate valves the Supply and Delivery of 80MM - 700MM Resilient Gate għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma. Valves for the Water Services Corporation.

Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tlieta, 21 ta’ April, 2020, għal: Up to 9.30 a.m. on Tuesday, 21st April, 2020, for:

Avviż Nru. WSC/T/30/2020. Provvista u konsenja ta’ Advt No. WSC/T/30/2020. Supply and delivery of bluetooth/tagħmir ta’ komunikazzjoni NFC IRDA għall- bluetooth/NFC IRDA communication devices for the Water Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma. Services Corporation. 2626 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

Sad-9.30 a.m. tat-Tlieta, 28 ta’ April, 2020, għal: Up to 9.30 a.m. on Tuesday, 28th April, 2020, for:

*Avviż Nru. WSC/T/28/2020. Telemetry outstation panels, *Advt No. WSC/T/28/2020. Telemetry outstation panels, motor control panels, cables u cable glands għal 8 siti ġodda motor control panels, cables and cable glands for 8 new ta’ boreholes għall-Korporazzjoni għal Servizzi tal-Ilma. borehole sites for the Water Services Corporation.

Id-dokumenti huma mingħajr ħlas. No participation fee is required.

*Avviż li qed jidher għall-ewwel darba *Advertisement appearing for the first time

Id-dokumenti tal-offerti/kwotazzjonijiet jistgħu jinkisbu mill- Tender/quotation documents are obtainable from the Electronic Procurement System ( Electronic Procurement System ( Trid issir reġistrazzjoni sabiex isir użu minn dan is-sit. Operaturi mt). Registration is required in order to make use of this ekonomiċi Maltin jeħtieġ ikollhom l-Organisation eID sabiex website. Maltese economic operators need to be in possession ikunu jistgħu jidħlu f’dan is-sit. Iktar informazzjoni tista’ of their Organisation eID in order to access this website. tinkiseb mis-sezzjoni tal-FAQ tal-istess sit. More information is available from the FAQ section of the same website.

Operaturi ekonomiċi li huma interessati sabiex Economic operators interested in participating in these jipparteċipaw f’dawn is-sejħiet għal offerti huma mħeġġa calls for tender are urged to take note of the workshops jieħdu nota tal-workshops organizzati mid-Dipartiment being organised by the Department of Contracts. During tal-Kuntratti. F’dawn il-workshops, operaturi ekonomiċi these workshops, simulations will be carried out so that jkollhom l-opportunità sabiex isiru jafu aħjar kif għandhom economic operators familiarise themselves with compiling and jikkompilaw u jissottomettu l-offerti tagħhom onlajn. Iktar submitting their tender online. More information is available informazzjoni tinsab fid-dokument tal-offerta. in the tender document.

Il-pubbliku jista’ jattendi waqt il-ftuħ u r-reġistrazzjoni The public may attend during the opening and scheduling tal-offerti fil-ħin u d-data msemmija aktar ’il fuq. of tenders at the time and date specified above.

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020


L-Uffiċjal Kap Eżekuttiv, Awtorità tal-Artijiet, jgħarraf li: The Chief Executive Officer, Lands Authority, notifies that:

Offerti ssiġillati għall-avviżi li ġejjin għandhom Sealed tenders in respect of the following jintefgħu fil-kaxxa tal-offerti tal-Awtorità tal-Artijiet, advertisements have to be deposited in the Tender Box il-Berġa tal-Baviera, Il-Belt Valletta, sal-10.00 a.m. tal- at the Lands Authority, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta, by Ħamis, 26 ta’ Marzu, 2020. 10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 26th March, 2020.

Avviż Nru. 26. Bejgħ ta’ servitù ta’ aperturi li jagħtu għal Advt No. 26. Sale of the aperture servitudes overlooking proprjetà tal-Gvern f’Nru. 349, Triq D’Argens, Il-Gżira, Government property, at No. 349, Triq D’Argens, Gzira as kif muri bl-aħmar fuq il-pjanta P.D. 2019_0210. L-Offerti shown edged in red on plan P.D. 2019_0210. Tenders are to għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’Bid-Bond għall-ammont be accompanied by a Bid-Bond for an amount of €2,592 ta’ €2,592 kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the anqas mill-ammont ta’ ħamsa u għoxrin elf disa’ mija u amount of twenty-five thousand nine hundred and twenty għoxrin ewro (€25,920) ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas euro (€25,920) will not be considered. A fee of €10 will be ta’ €10 għal kull kopja tad-dokument tal-offerta. charged for each copy of the tender document.

Avviż Nru. 27. Kiri tale quale fl-istat li jinsab fih inklużi Advt No. 27. Lease tale quale in its present state including xi difetti li jista’ jkun hemm moħbija tal-Ħanut vojt f’Nru. any latent defects of a bare Shop at No. 2, Triq Fuq San 2, Triq Fuq San Pawl, Bormla, muri bl-aħmar u mmarkat Pawl, Bormla as shown edged in red and marked No. 2 on Nru. 2 fuq il-pjanta P.D.2009_399. L-offerti għandhom plan P.D.2009_399. Tenders are to be accompanied by a Bid- ikunu akkumpanjati b’Bid-Bond għall-ammont ta’ €11,661 Bond for an amount of €11,661 as stipulated in the tender skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas conditions. Offers below the amount of three thousand eight L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2627 mill-ammont ta’ tlett elef tmien mija sebgħa u tmenin ewro hundred and eighty-seven euro (€3,887) per annum will not (€3,887) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 be considered. A fee of €50 will be charged for each copy of għal kull kopja tad-dokument tal-offerta. the tender document.

Avviż Nru. 28. Kiri, għall-perjodu li fadal tal-kirja Advt No. 28. Lease, for the remaining period of the present kummerċjali preżenti li jintemm fil-21 ta’ Settembru, 2028, commercial lease which ends on the 21st September, 2028, tal-Ħanut vojt f’Nru. 5 (qabel Nru. 2), Triq il-Barrieri, Ħal of the Bare Shop at No. 5 (previously No. 2), Triq il-Barrieri, Kirkop, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D. 48_83_14. Il-kerrej Ħal Kirkop, shown edged in red on plan P.D.48_83_14. preżenti ma jridx jibqa’ fil-kirja u terz interessat lest li jidħol Present tenant does not want to remain in the lease and an għar-rimanenti perjodu ta’ din il-kirja. L-Offerti għandhom interested third party is ready to assume the remaining term of ikunu akkumpanjati b’Bid-Bond għall-ammont ta’ €14,688 this lease. Tenders are to be accompanied by a Bid-Bond for kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas the amount of €14,688 as stipulated in the tender conditions. mill-ammont ta’ erbat elef tmien mija sitta u disgħin ewro Offers below the amount of four thousand eight hundred and (€4,896) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Din it-tender hija ninety-six euro (€4,896) per annum will not be considered. soġġetta għad-dritt tal-ewwel rifjut. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 This tender is subject to a right of first refusal. A fee of €50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument tal-offerta. will be charged for each copy of tender document.

Avviż Nru. 29. Bejgħ tad-Dirett Dominju Temporanju Advt No. 29. Sale of the Temporary Directum Dominium u ċ-ċens relattiv ta’ ewro u disgħin ċenteżmu (€1.90) fis- and relative groundrent of one euro and ninety cents (€1.90) sena, għaż-żmien li fadal mill-perjodu li jintemm fid-19 per annum, for the remaining period which expires on the ta’ Awwissu, 2083, regolat skont kuntratt fl-atti tan-Nutar 19th August, 2083, as per deed in the acts of Notary Antonio Antonio Micallef tal-10 ta’ Lulju, 1847, u li ġie estiż skont Micallef dated 10th July, 1847, which was extended as per il-kuntratt fl-atti tan-Nutar Salvatore Borg Olivier tal-20 ta’ deed in the acts of Notary Salvatore Borg Olivier dated Diċembru, 1933, u s-sussegwenti assoluta proprjetà wara 20th December, 1933, and the absolute ownership after the li jintemm l-imsemmi ċens temporanju, ta’ Garaxx inkluża expiration of the said temporary emphyteusis, of the Garage l-arja tiegħu f’Nru. 29 (Gia 12) fi Triq Zimelli, Il-Ħamrun, including its own airspace at No. 29 (Gia 12) in Triq Zimelli, muri bl-aħmar fuq pjanta P.D.2013_336_A. L-offerti Ħamrun, shown edged in red on plan P.D.2013_336_A. għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’Bid-Bond għall-ammont Tenders are to be accompanied by a Bid-Bond for an amount ta’ €10,504 skont kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. of €10,504 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ mija u ħamest elef u tmienja below the amount of one hundred and five thousand and u tletin ewro (€105,038) ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas thirty-eight euro (€105,038) will not be considered. A fee of ta’ €50 għal kull kopja tad-dokument tal-offerta. €50 will be charged for each copy of the tender document.

Avviż Nru. 30. Għotja b’ċens temporanju għal perjodu Advt No. 30. Grant on a temporary emphyteusis for a ta’ ħamsa u erbgħin (45) sena ta’ sit fi Triq ix-Xgħajra, Ħaż- period of forty-five (45) years of a site at Triq ix-Xgħajra, Żabbar kif muri bl-aħmar fuq il-pjanta P.D. 2015_0488. Ħaż-Żabbar as shown edged in red on the plan P.D. Dan is-sit irid jintuża biss bħala ġnien. L-offerti għandhom 2015_0488. This site is to be used only as a garden. Tenders ikunu akkumpanjati b’Bid-Bond għall-ammont ta’ €1,000 are to be accompanied by a Bid-Bond for an amount of kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill- €1,000 as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below ammont ta’ elf mitejn u sittin ewro (€1,260) fis-sena ma the amount of one thousand and two hundred and sixty euro jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €10 għal kull kopja tad- (€1,260) per annum will not be considered. A fee of €10 dokument tal-offerta. will be charged for each copy of tender document.

Offerti ssiġillati għall-avviżi li ġejjin għandhom Sealed tenders in respect of the following jintefgħu fil-kaxxa tal-offerti tal-Awtorità tal-Artijiet, advertisements have to be deposited in the Tender Box il-Berġa tal-Baviera, Il-Belt Valletta, sal-10.00 a.m. tal- at the Lands Authority, Auberge de Baviere, Valletta, by Ħamis, 2 ta’ April, 2020. 10.00 a.m. on Thursday, 2nd April, 2020.

Avviż Nru. 31. Bejgħ tale quale ta’ Sit fi Triq Tal-Qattus Advt. No. 31. Sale tale quale of a Site at Triq Tal-Qattus kantuniera ma’ Triq Dun Vincenz Saliba, Birkirkara, kif cornering with Triq Dun Vincenz Saliba, Birkirkara as muri bl-aħmar fuq il-pjanta P.D.2019_0790. L-Offerti shown edged in red on plan P.D. 2019_0790. Tenders are għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati b’Bid-Bond għall-ammont to be accompanied by a Bid-Bond for an amount of €1,830 ta’ €1,830 kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti as stipulated in the tender conditions. Offers below the anqas mill-ammont ta’ tmintax-il elf mitejn tlieta u disgħin amount of eighteen thousand two hundred and ninety-three ewro (€18,293) ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €10 euro (€18,293) will not be considered. A fee of €10 will be għal kull kopja tad-dokument tal-offerta. charged for each copy of the tender document. 2628 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

Avviż Nru. 32. Għotja b’Ċens Temporanju għall- Advt. No. 32. Grant on a temporary emphyteusis for perjodu ta’ ħamsa u erbgħin (45) sena tale quale ta’ Sit fil- a period of forty-five (45) years tale quale of a Site at Qasam Industrijali tal-Marsa, muri bl-aħmar fuq il-pjanta Marsa Industrial Estate as shown edged in red on plan P.D.2016_1195. L-offerti għandhom ikunu akkumpanjati P.D.2016_1195. Tenders are to be accompanied by a Bid- b’Bid-Bond għall-ammont ta’ €42,075 skont kif stipulat Bond for an amount of €42,075 as stipulated in the tender fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill-ammont ta’ conditions. Offers below the amount of fourteen thousand erbatax-il elf u ħamsa u għoxrin ewro (€14,025) fis-sena ma and twenty-five euro (€14,025) per annum will not be jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 għal kull kopja tad- considered. A fee of €50 will be charged for each copy of dokument tal-offerta. the tender document.

Avviż Nru. 33. Kiri tale quale fl-istat li jinsab fih inklużi xi Advt. No. 33. Lease tale quale in its present state including difetti li jista’ jkun hemm moħbija għal skopijiet kummerċjali any latent defects for commercial purposes of the Premises tal-Fond b’Nru. 47, Triq L-Ibjar, Il-Belt Valletta, kif muri at No. 47, Triq l-Ibjar, Valletta as shown edged in red on plan bl-aħmar fuq il-pjanta P.D.2019_0490. L-Offerti għandhom P.D.2019_0490. Tenders are to be accompanied by a Bid- ikunu akkumpanjati b’Bid-Bond għall-ammont ta’ €25,461 Bond for an amount of €25,461 as stipulated in the tender kif stipulat fil-kundizzjonijiet tal-offerta. Offerti anqas mill- conditions. Offers below the amount of eight thousand four ammont ta’ tmint elef erba’ mija sebgħa u tmenin ewro hundred eighty-seven euro (€8,487) per annum will not be (€8,487) fis-sena ma jiġux ikkunsidrati. Irid isir ħlas ta’ €50 considered. A fee of €50 will be charged for each copy of għal kull kopja tad-dokument tal-offerta. tender document.

L-offerti għandhom isiru biss fuq il-formola preskritta Tenders should only be made on the prescribed form li, flimkien mal-kundizzjonijiet rilevanti u dokumenti oħra, which, together with the relevant conditions and other tista’ tinkiseb mill-Awtorità tal-Artijiet, il-Berġa tal-Baviera, documents, is obtainable from the Lands Authority, Auberge Il-Belt Valletta, f’kull ġurnata tax-xogħol bejn it-8.30 a.m. u de Baviere, Valletta, on any working day between 8.30 a.m. 11.45 a.m. Ma ssirx rifużjoni għal flus li jkunu diġà tħallsu and 11.45 a.m. Tender fees are non-refundable. għad-dokument tal-offerta.

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020


Il-Kunsill Malti għas-Settur Volontarju jgħarraf li Noah’s The Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector notifies that Ark Foundation qiegħda tħabbar pubblikazzjoni għal Sejħa ‘Noah’s Ark Foundation’ is requesting a Call for Tender. għal Offerta

Referenza tal-Proġett VOPS 69/2020 Project Reference VOPS 69/2020

‘Noah’s Ark Foundation’ għandhom bżonn panel van ‘Noah’s Ark Foundation’ require the provision of a biex ikunu jistgħu jġorru l-klieb u għal funzjonijiet oħra. panel van to enable them with transportation for dogs and Dawk interessati huma mistednin jitolbu d-dokument tal- other associated fucntions. Prospective bidders are invited offerta u informazzjoni oħra mill-indirizz elettroniku tal- to request the tender document and additional information Fondazzjoni ([email protected]). from the foundation’s email address (noahsarkmalta@gmail. com).

Is-sejħa tagħlaq il-Ġimgħa, 24 ta’ April, 2020. Deadline for submissions on on Friday, 24th April, 2020.

Dan il-proġett ġie ffinanzjat permezz tal-Voluntary This project has been funded through the Voluntary Organisations Project Scheme ġestita mill-Kunsill Malti Organisations Project Scheme managed by the Malta Council għas-Settur Volontarju f’isem is-Segretarju Parlamentari for the Voluntary Sector on behalf of the Parliamentary għaż-Żgħażagħ, l-Isport u l-Organizzazzjonijiet Volontarji Secretary for Youth, Sports and Voluntary Organisations fil-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogħol. within the Ministry for Education and Employment.

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020 L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2629


Fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Rurali European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development 2014-2020 2014-2020

Avviż Announcement

Miżura 16: Measure 16: 16.2 –Għajnuna għal proġetti pilota kif ukoll 16.2 - support for pilot projects, and għall-iżvilupp ta’ prodotti u metodi ta’ prattika ġodda kif for the development of new products, ukoll għal proċessi ġodda u l-użu ta’ teknoloġija ġdida practices, processes and technologies 16.4 – Għajnuna għal koperazzjoni b’mod vertikali 16.4 - support for horizontal and vertical co-operation u orizzontali bejn atturi differenti għat-twaqqif among supply chain actors for the establishment u żvilupp ta’ ktajjen qosra ta’ provvista kif ukoll and development of short supply chains and local swieq lokali u għal attivitajiet ta’ promozzjoni f’kuntest markets, and for promotion activities in a local lokali rrelatati ma’ l-iżvilupp ta’ qtajjen qosra context relating to the development of short tal-provvista kif ukoll swieq lokali supply chains and local markets 16.6 - Għajnuna għal koperazzjoni bejn l-atturi 16.6 - support for cooperation among supply fil-katina tal-provvista għal provvista sostenibbli chain actors for sustainable provision of biomass tal-bijomassa fl-użu ta’ l-ikel u l-produzzjoni for use in food and energy production ta’ l-enerġija u proċessi industrijali and industrial processes

Id-Direttur Ġenerali tad-Diviżjoni tal-Fondi u Programmi The Director General of the Funds and Programmes tal-Unjoni Ewropea fi ħdan is-Segretarjat Parlamentari Division, within the Parliamentary Secretariat for European Għall-Fondi Ewropej jħabbar li ser terġa tiġi varata Miżura Funds announces the re-launching of Measure 16 under the 16 taħt il-Programm tal-Iżvilupp Rurali għal Malta. Rural Development Programme.

Miżura 16 toffri għajnuna għal inizjattivi ġodda jew The co-operation measure (Measure 16) of the rural innovattivi, kemm b’mod individwali kif ukoll taħt forom development programme supports new or innovative ta’ koperazzjoni, billi tassisti lill-operaturi biex jgħelbu sfidi joint activity by assisting operators in working together to preżenti fis-settur agrikolu. Din il-miżura toffri għajnuna biex overcome disadvantages faced in rural areas (fragmentation, tagħmel possibli li jseħħu u jiġu kreati affarijiet u attivitajiet communication, economies of scale and difficulties of ġodda, iktar milli biex toffri għajnuna għal attivitajiet li diġà integration). This measure offers support that can be used to qegħdin iseħħu. Din il-miżura tista’ wkoll tkun ta’ għajnuna make new things happen rather than used to support activities għal gruppi eżistenti ta’ koperazzjoni biex iwettqu proġetti which are already taking place. The measure could also be ġodda. used to support an existing group of co-operating entities in undertaking a new joint project.

L-applikazzjonijiet għall-Miżura 16 ser ikunu milqugħa Applications for Measure 16 of the RDP will be received sat-30 ta’ April, 2020. until the 30th April, 2020.

Aktar informazzjoni tista’ tinkiseb mis-sit elettroniku More information can be found on (www.eufunds. ( u ( jew and ( or email to (rdd. billi tintbagħat email fuq ([email protected]). [email protected]).

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020 Programm tal-Iżvilupp Rurali għal Malta 2014-2020 Proġett parzjalment iffinanzjat mill-Unjoni Ewropea Rata ta’ kofinanzjament: 75% Unjoni Ewropea; 25% Gvern ta’ Malta Il-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Rurali: L-Ewropa tinvesti f’żoni rurali

Rural Development Programme for Malta 2014-2020 Part-financed by the European Union Co-financing Rate: 75% European Union; 25% Government of Malta The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas 2630 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370


Sejħa ta’ Interess – General Hand u Messaġġier/a Expression of Interest – General Hand and Messenger Ref: CFQ/FES/004/2020 Ref: CFQ/FES/004/2020

Il-Fondazzjoni għal Servizzi Edukattivi (FES) qiegħda The Foundation for Educational Services (FES) is tippubblika din is-sejħa bl-iskop li tidentifika persuni eliġibbli hereby publishing this call with the purpose of identifying biex jissottomettu kwotazzjoni għall-għoti ta’ servizz ta’ eligible applicants to submit a quotation for General Hand & Messaġġier/a u General Hand. Il-persuna magħżula tkun Messenger Services. The selected applicant shall be required meħtieġa tipprovdi servizz fl-uffiċċju prinċipali tal-entità u to provide support to the entity’s Head Office, Childcare fiċ-ċentri ta’ Childcare, Klabb 3-16 u Skolasajf. Centres, Klabb 3-16 Centres and Skolasajf Centres.

Għal aktar informazzjoni dwar din is-sejħa ta’ interess More information about this Expression of interest can il-pubbliku jista’ jżur is-sit ( be obtained from ( procurement.aspx). aspx).

L-applikazzjonijiet għandhom jintbagħtu permezz ta’ Applications are to be sent via email on (procurement. ittra elettronika lil ([email protected]) bin-numru ta’ [email protected]) quoting the Reference Number stipulated referenza li jidher hawn fuq u għandhom jinkludu dawn id- above and including the following documentation: dokumenti:

CV dettaljat; a detailed CV; ċertifikat tal-kondotta maħruġ mill-Pulizija datat mhux a certificate of conduct issued by the Police dated not aktar minn xahar mid-data tal-applikazzjoni; earlier than one (1) month from date of application; kopji oriġinali taċ-ċertifikati; copies of the original certificates; employment record history maħruġ minn Jobsplus, employment record history from Jobsplus, all other dokumenti oħra relatati u l-kriterji ta’ eliġibbiltà kollha kif supporting documents and all eligibility requirements listed jidhru fi klawsola 4 tad-dokument tas-sejħa ppubblikat fuq in clause 4 of the CFQ document published on the FES is-sit elettroniku tal-FES. website.

Din is-sejħa tagħlaq il-Erbgħa, 1 ta’ April, 2020. Deadline for quotations is Wednesday, 1st April, 2020.

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020


B’referenza għall-offerta elettronika CFT 004-0212/20. With reference to the electronic tender CFT 004- Disinn, provvista, installazzjoni u kkummissjonar ta’ 0212/20. Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning stretcher lift fiċ-Ċentru tas-Saħħa tar-Rabat (Għawdex), of a stretcher lift at Victoria health centre, published in the ippubblikata fil-Gazzetta tal-Gvern tat-3 ta’ Marzu, 2020, Government Gazette dated 3rd March, 2020, the closing id-data tal-għeluq ġiet emendata għall-Erbgħa, l-1 ta’ April, date has been amended to Wednesday, 1st April, 2020. 2020.

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020


Il-Ministeru għall-Ġustizzja, Ugwaljanza u The Ministry for Justice, Equality and Governance Governanza jgħarraf li se jkun qed jilqa’ offerti sa notifies that it will be receiving offers up to noon of nofsinhar tat-Tlieta, 7 ta’ April, 2020, għal: Tuesday, 7th April, 2020, for:

MJEG/MPU/63/2020. Kiri ta’ spazju għall-użu ta’ MJEG/MPU/63/2020. Leasing of office space for the uffiċċju għall-Ministeru għall-Ġustizzja, Ugwaljanza u Ministry for Justice, Equality and Governance located in Governanza fil-lokalità tal-Belt Valletta. Valletta. L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2631

Informazzjoni addizzjonali tista’ tinkiseb minn (https:// Additional information is available from (https://justice.

Il-parteċipazzjoni hija bla ħlas. Participation in this tendering procedure is free of charge.

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020


Il-Kunsill Lokali Ħal Lija jgħarraf illi: The Ħal Lija Local Council notifies that:

Sad-9.30 a.m. ta’ nhar il-Ġimgħa, 3 ta’ April, 2020, fil- Tenders will be received at the Ħal Lija Local Council Kunsill Lokali Ħal Lija jintlaqgħu offerti għal: up till 9.30 a.m. on Friday, 3rd April, 2020, for:

Avviż Nru. LLC 08/2019. Twaqqigħ u rikostruzzjoni ta’ Advt No. LLC 08/2019. Demolition and reconstruction of ħitan tas-sejjieħ taħt il-miżura 4.4 tal-Fond Agrikolu Ewropew rubble walls under measure 4.4 of the European Agricultural għall-Iżvilupp Rurali. Fund for Rural Development.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerta huma bla ħlas u jiġu mniżżla Tender documents are free of charge and may be mill-ePPS ( downloaded from the ePPS (

Kull kjarifika jew addenda lid-dokument jittellgħu fis-sit Any clarifications or addenda to the quotation document elettroniku u tista’ tarahom jew tniżżilhom mill-istess sit. will be available to view and download from this same website.

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020


Il-Kunsill Lokali l-Mosta jgħarraf illi: The Mosta Local Council notifies that:

Offerti għandhom jintlaqgħu permezz tal-ePPS mill- Tenders will be received at the Mosta Local Council Kunsill Lokali l-Mosta sad-9.30 a.m. ta’ nhar it-Tlieta, 21 through ePPS up to 9.30 a.m. on Tuesday, 21st April, ta’ April, 2020, għal: 2020, for:

Avviż Nru. KLMT-01-2020. Stampar ta’ magazine, flyers Advt No. KLMT-01-2020. Printing of Mosta Local Council u materjal stampat tal-Kunsill Lokali l-Mosta. Magazine, Flyers and Printed Materials.

Avviż Nru. KLMT-02-2020. Tneħħija ta’ air-conditioning Advt No. KLMT-02-2020. Removal of existing air- unit/s, provvista u installazzjoni ta’ sistema ġdida ta’ air- conditioning unit/s, supply and installation of new air- conditioning fis-sala tar-raħal tal-Mosta. conditioning system in Mosta town hall.

Avviż Nru. KLMT-03-2020. Provvista, installazzjoni u Advt No. KLMT-03-2020. Supply, installation and manutenzjoni ta’ sinjali ta’ traffiku u marki tat-toroq. maintenance of traffic signs and road markings.

Id-dokumenti tal-offerta huma bla ħlas u jiġu miksuba/ Tender documents are free of charge and are to be viewed/ imniżżla u milqugħa BISS minn fuq is-sit elettroniku (www. downloaded and submitted ONLY through the e-tenders website (

Kull kjarifika jew addenda lid-dokument jittellgħu fuq Any clarifications or addenda to the tender document will is-sit elettroniku u wieħed jista’ jarahom jew iniżżilhom be uploaded and available to view and download from this mill-istess sit. same website. 2632 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

Il-Kunsill Lokali jżomm id-dritt li jirrifjuta kull offerta, The Local Council reserves the right to refuse any offer, anke l-aktar waħda vantaġġuża. even the most advantageous.

L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 20th March, 2020


Lista ta’ persuni kkwalifikati biex joqogħdu u li għandhom List of persons duly qualified and subject to serve as iservu bħala Primi Ġurati u Ġurati Ordinarji fil-Qorti Foreman and Jurors in the Criminal Court during the month Kriminali matul ix-xahar ta’ April, 2020, skont l-artikolu of April, 2020, in terms of section 606 of the Criminal Code 606 tal-Kodiċi Kriminali (Kap. 9, Ediz. Riv.). (Cap. 9, Rev. Ed.).

PRIMI ĠURATI Attard Alan (Alan Dominic), Clerk, San Ġwann ĠURATI ORDINARJI Axisa Alexander, Self Employed, Il-Fgura Abdilla Shirley née Parnis, Midwife, San Ġwann Bajada Anthony Mario, Communications, Il-Fontana Abela Aaron, Architect and Civil Engineer, Ħaż-Żebbuġ Baldacchino Paul, Mechanical Engineer, Ħal Qormi Abela Michael, Clerk, Is-Siġġiewi Bonavia Clive Saviour, Bank Manager, Marsaskala Agius Diane, Bank Employee, Ħaż-Żebbuġ Bonello Aldo, Technician, Santa Venera Agius Jesmond, Clerk, Ta’ Sannat Bonnici Jean Carl, Mechanical Engineer, San Ġwann Agius Priscilla Ann née Camilleri, Electrical Engineer, Is- Caruana Anthony, Bank Supervisor, Ix-Xagħra Swieqi Caruana Joseph, Nurse, Pembroke Alshehri Sonia née Camilleri, Occupational Therapist, Cassar Bruno, Bank Manager, Il-Mosta L-Imtarfa Catania Anthony, Accounts Officer, Birkirkara Apap Kevin, Communications, Ħaż-Żebbuġ Dalli Ismael, Pharmacist, Ħal Tarxien Aquilina James, Bank Employee, Marsaskala Falzon Michael, Mechanical Engineer, Birżebbuġa Aquilina Philip, Agricultural Officer, Ħaż-Żebbuġ Farrell Dion, Bank Employee, Ħal Tarxien Aquilina Susan, Doctor, San Ġiljan Fenech Carmel, Pharmacist, Il-Mellieħa Attard Giovanna, Clerk, Marsaskala Galea Judith-Anne, Manager, Birkirkara Attard Petra May née Cortis, Doctor, Ħaż-Żabbar Gerada Arthur, Information Officer, Ħal Tarxien Attard Stefano, University Graduate, San Ġiljan Grech Elton-Mark, Photographer, Tas-Sliema Axisa Maria Victoria née Bonanno, Clerk, Ħal Tarxien Ishmael Claudette née Falzon, Clerk, Il-Fgura Azzopardi Graziella (Maria Graziella), Bank Employee, Il- Jones Jonathan, Professional Officer, Marsaskala Mellieħa Melbourne Adrian, Bank Employee, Ħal Balzan Azzopardi Mario, Director, Birkirkara Micallef Edward, Clerk, Birkirkara Bajada Marie Claire, Public Officer Micallef Malcolm, Accountant, San Pawl il-Baħar Balzan David, Bank Employee, Iż-Żurrieq Mifsud Ian, Manager, Ħad-Dingli Balzan Orville Josef, Bank Employee, Il-Furjana Mifsud John, Printer, Iż-Żejtun Balzan Robert, Bank Employee, Ħaż-Żebbuġ Muscat Keith, Clerk, Iż-Żejtun Barbara Francis, Director, L-Imqabba Musù Pierre, Accountant, Marsaskala Bezzina Philip, Communications, Iż-Żurrieq Paris Noel, Manager, Il-Mellieħa Bezzina Robert, Engineer, Ħad-Dingli Portelli Johann, Director, Ħ’Attard Bilocca Amanda née Grech, Bank Employee, San Pawl il- Portelli Kevin, Bank Employee, L-Imsida Baħar Rizzo Vincent Edward, Communications, Tas-Sliema Bonello Irene née Cutajar, Bank Employee, Għajnsielem Saliba Robert, Air Pilot, Ħal Għargħur Bonello Mark Adrian, Manager, Il-Qala Sammut Kathleen née Bowman, Bank Employee, San Bonello Mary Rose née Abdilla, Bank Employee, In-Nadur Ġwann Bonello Stefan, University Graduate, Ħ’Attard Sciberras Joanne née Mizzi, Bank Employee, Birkirkara Bonnici Mark, Administrator, L-Imġarr Spearing Lorraine née Grech, Sales Assistant, Ħal Tarxien Borg Agius Claudine (Marie-Claudine) née Borg, Bank Spiteri Stephen, Clerk, Is-Swieqi Employee, Is-Siġġiewi Sultana Peter, Supervisor, Il-Furjana Borg Cardona Candie Ann née Grech, Physiotherapist, Trapani John (John Baptist), Accountant, Is-Swieqi L-Imsida Vassallo Margaret née Attard, Signatory, Tas-Sliema Borg Christine née Spiteri, Psychologist, Il-Mosta Vassallo Raymond, Mechanical Engineer, Ħal Balzan Borg Daniela, University Student, Il-Qala L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2633

Borg Joseph, Clerk, Iż-Żurrieq Debono Anna née Ebejer, Bank Employee, Il-Mellieħa Borg Lizienn, Clerk, Iż-Żurrieq Debono Jesmond, Medical Laboratory Technician, Il-Mosta Borg Mary Rose, Clerk, L-Imtarfa Debono Josef, Bank Employee, Santa Venera Borg Mary-Louise née Piscopo, Bank Employee, Il-Fgura Debono Noel, Clerk, Ħ’Attard Borg Noel, Director, Il-Belt Valletta Delia Gail, University Student, Ħaż-Żabbar Borg Richard-Ian, Professional Officer, Birkirkara Demanuele Romina Maria née Fleri Soler, Clerk, Ħ’Attard Borg Rita née Caruana, Interpreter/Translator, San Pawl il- Desira Mary, Secretary, Ħal Qormi Baħar Dimech Lara, Chef, Santa Venera Borg Roselyn, Public Notary, Is-Swieqi Dimech Ludwig, Director, Ħaż-Żebbuġ Briffa Tania née Abela, Mechanical Engineer, Iż-Żurrieq Ebejer Mark, Electrical Engineer, Il-Mellieħa Bugeja Giovanna Raffaela née Buhagiar, Midwife, Iż- Ellul Maria Elena, Principal, In-Naxxar Żurrieq Evans Brian John, Bank Employee, Ħaż-Żabbar Bugeja Paul, Communications, Ix-Xagħra Falzon David, Bank Employee, San Pawl il-Baħar Bugeja Tiziana née Attard, Machine Operator, Ħaż-Żabbar Falzon Emmanuel, Clerk, Iż-Żurrieq Buhagiar Ingrid née Farrugia, Clerk, Ħal Balzan Farrugia Carmel, Public Officer, Iż-Żurrieq Busuttil Marica (Maria Carmela) née Busuttil, Bank Farrugia Charlie, Architect, Iż-Żurrieq Employee, Ħal Kirkop Farrugia Christopher, University Graduate, Ħ’Attard Buttigieg Giorgina née Abela, Medical Laboratory Farrugia Jean Paul, Public Notary, Il-Mellieħa Technologist, Ix-Xgħajra Farrugia Jesmond, Electrical Engineer, Ħaż-Żebbuġ Buttigieg Scicluna Conrad, Pharmacist, Ħ’Attard Farrugia Johann, Bank Employee, San Pawl il-Baħar Buttigieg Susanne née Carabott, Bank Employee, Marsaskala Farrugia Rose née Vassallo, Director, Ħaż-Żebbuġ Cachia Antonia née Grech, Bank Employee, In-Naxxar Fenech Victor, Director, Tas-Sliema Caligari Conti Annabelle née Mifsud, Economist, Ħaż- Ferriggi Paul, Clerk, Ir-Rabat Żabbar Formosa Gilbert, Communications, In-Naxxar Calleja Jacqueline, Bank Employee, San Pawl il-Baħar Frendo Karen née Galea, Bank Employee, Il-Mellieħa Camenzuli Charmak, Electrical Engineer, Għajnsielem Galea Nicholas, Bank Official, Marsaxlokk Camilleri Annamaria née Apps, Administrator, Ħ’Attard Galea Riona née Sultana, Clerk, Ix-Xagħra Camilleri Denis, Clerk, L-Imġarr Ganado Max, Lawyer, Ħal Balzan Camilleri Joseph, Director, Il-Mellieħa Gatt Emanuela, Clerk, In-Naxxar Camilleri Louie, Director, Tas-Sliema Gatt Tania née Gatt, I.T. Educator, Marsaskala Camilleri Maria (Maria Silvia), Clerk Gauci Jacqueline, Human Resources Officer, San Pawl il- Camilleri Nicola née Degiorgio Aquilina, Communications, Baħar San Ġwann Gauci Joseph, Director, Is-Swieqi Camilleri Robert, Clerk, Il-Mosta Ghaznavi Shaheryar Ahmed Khan, Public Notary, San Ġiljan Camilleri Simon, Clerk, Ix-Xagħra Ghigo Albert-Joseph, University Graduate, Tas-Sliema Caruana Andrew, Electrical Engineer, Il-Mosta Giordmaina Maria, Manager, In-Naxxar Caruana Charlene, Psychologist, Ħ’Attard Grech Bernard Joseph, Public Officer, Tal-Pietà Caruana Dulcie Frances née Abela, Bank Employee, Ħal Grech Derek John, Engineer, Ħ’Attard Luqa Grech Karen née Scerri, Secretarial Assistant, Il-Marsa Cassar Loridana née Cutajar, Clerk, Marsaskala Grech Rachel née Axisa, Pharmacist, Is-Swieqi Cassar Maria Nicolina née Vassallo, Bank Employee, Is- Grima David-Paul, Architect and Civil Engineer, Birkirkara Siġġiewi Grima Kenneth, Interpreter/Translator, L-Imtarfa Cauchi Carlo, Veterinary Officer, Ħaż-Żebbuġ Grima Rowena (Maria Rowena), Director, Ix-Xagħra Cauchi Ruben, University Graduate, Iż-Żurrieq Haber Stefania, Engineer Chircop Rose Mary, Sales Person, Ta’ Xbiex Hili Maria Concetta née Muscat Scerri, Public Officer, Ciangura Kenneth, Professional Officer, Għajnsielem Ħ’Attard Ciantar Wendy, Sales Person, Ħal Luqa Hili Maria née Grima, Training Administrator, Ħaż-Żebbuġ Cini Rose née Sultana, Bank Employee, Ħaż-Żebbuġ Incorvaia Gaetano, Accounts Clerk, Il-Gżira Colombo Stanley-John, Mechanical Engineer, Il-Gżira Jones Amanda née Debono, Clerk, Il-Mellieħa Costa Edward Alexander, Accountant, L-Imsida Karlsson Maria née Borg, Director, Għajnsielem Danastas Joseph (Joseph Gerald), Mechanical Engineer, Kayekh Ali, Director, Tal-Pietà Ħaż-Żabbar Magro Albert, University Student, Marsaxlokk Darmanin Michael, Accountant, Is-Swieqi Mallia Noreen née Attard, Clerk, San Pawl il-Baħar De Battista Raymond, Supervisor, Il-Mosta Meli Joseph, Communications, Birkirkara De Bono Kevin, Mechanical Engineer, Birkirkara Mercieca Godwin, Clerk, Ħad-Dingli 2634 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

Mercieca Joyce, Bank Employee, Il-Qala Saliba Godwin, Social Worker, Ħaż-Żabbar Messina Alexia (Alessia) née Gerada, Bank Employee, San Saliba John, Clerk, Birżebbuġa Ġwann Saliba Olivianne née Briffa, Accountant, Ħal Balzan Micallef Brian, Economist, San Pawl il-Baħar Sammut Cristian, Architect and Civil Engineer, Is-Swieqi Micallef Elaine, Clerk, Ir-Rabat Sammut Cynthia née Azzopardi, Bank Employee, Il-Mosta Micallef Jacqueline, Bank Employee, San Ġwann Sammut Henwood Kevin, Student, Il-Mosta Micallef Tamara née Micallef, Interpreter/Translator, Il- Sammut Joseph, Mechanical Engineer, San Ġwann Mellieħa Sammut Mary Anne née Vella, Communications, Il-Mosta Mifsud Anna Maria née Frendo, Clerk, Il-Mosta Sant Carmelo, Manager, Iż-Żurrieq Mifsud Christopher, Director, Il-Mosta Scerri Angela née Cassar, University Graduate, Ir-Rabat Mifsud Giuseppa née Ciappara, Librarian, Ħad-Dingli Schembri Aldo, Project Manager, Birkirkara Mifsud Josephine, University Graduate, Ħal Qormi Schembri Annabel née Xuereb, Architect, San Ġiljan Mifsud Josephine-Ann Catherine née Mifsud, Public Officer, Schembri Martina-Jo née Muscat, Doctor, Is-Siġġiewi San Pawl il-Baħar Scicluna Jurgen, Media Executive, Ħal Qormi Mifsud Mario, Clerk, Il-Fgura Scicluna Sharon née Farrugia, Professional Officer, Iż- Mifsud Rosaria née Gatt, Bank Employee, Ħaż-Żabbar Żurrieq Mizzi Edward, Clerk, Ħal Kirkop Smith Edward, Director, San Ġiljan Montebello Brian, Public Officer, Pembroke Spiteri Christine, Data Entry Operator, Bormla Muscat Lorna née Buttigieg, Public Notary, Ħal Balzan Stafrace Andrew, University Student, In-Naxxar Muscat Rita née Cachia, Supervisor, Ħaż-Żebbuġ Sullivan Malcolm (Malcolm John), Director, In-Naxxar Pace Catherine (Alexandra-Catherine) née Cassar, Housewife, Theuma Adrian, Bank Employee, Ħad-Dingli Ħal Safi Thornton Mandyann, Radiologist, Il-Mellieħa Pace Ross Paul, Communications, Tas-Sliema Thornton Romina née Vassallo, Public Officer, Il-Fontana Panzavecchia Kevin, Professional Officer, Birkirkara Vella Alessandro (Alessandro-Mariano), Clerk, Ħaż-Żabbar Pisani Stefan, Nurse, San Pawl il-Baħar Vella George, Director, Is-Swieqi Portelli Laurabelle, Research Analyst, Marsaskala Vella Geraldine née Jones, Manager, San Ġwann Pullicino Rachel née Darmanin, Bank Employee, Ħad- Vella Graziella née Pisani, Pharmacist, San Ġwann Dingli Vella Lorraine née Micallef, Clerk, Ħaż-Żebbuġ Raffaele Abigail née Scicluna, Bank Employee, Birżebbuġa Vella Mark Anthony, University Graduate, Tas-Sliema Refalo Charlton, EU Fund Officer, Ix-Xagħra Vincenti Karen (Catherine) née Vella, Health Officer, Il- Reginiano Simon, Doctor, Ħ’Attard Mosta Ricca Suzanne née Monreal, Signatory, Ħ’Attard Xerri Caroline née Camilleri, Clerk, Marsaxlokk Riviera Daniela, Student, In-Naxxar Xerri Mary-Grace née Sultana, Bank Employee, Ħaż-Żabbar Rizzo Adrian, Mechanical Engineer, L-Iklin Xuereb Paul, Director, In-Naxxar Rizzo Manuel, Signatory, Il-Mosta Zammit Frances, Supervisor Ir-Rabat Sacco Roberta, Secretary, Tas-Sliema Zampa Matthew, Manager, Ħal Lija Sacco Silvia née Gauci, Clerk, Iż-Żurrieq Zerafa Andrè (Andrea), Public Notary, Tas-Sliema

Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, Il-Belt Valletta, illum il- Registry of the Superior Courts, Valletta, today, Friday, Ġimgħa, 13 ta’ Marzu, 2020. 13th March, 2020.

(Iff.) FRANKLIN CALLEJA (Sgd) FRANKLIN CALLEJA Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati u Tribunali Kriminali f/Registrar, Courts and Criminal Tribunals


B’digriet mogħti mill-Qorti Ċivili Prim’Awla fit-30 By means of a decree given by the Civil Court First ta’ Jannar, 2020, fl-atti tar-Rikors Ġuramentat fl-ismijiet Hall on the 30th January, 2020, in the records of the Sworn BNF Bank plc ġja Banif Bank (Malta) plc vs Vassallo Application in the names BNF Bank plc previously Banif Joseph, Rikors Numru 895/19 FDP, ġiet ordnata s-segwenti Bank (Malta) plc vs Vassallo Joseph, Application Number pubblikazzjoni biex isservi ta’ notifika fil-konfront tal- 895/19 FDP, the following publication was ordered for intimat Joseph Vassallo, a tenur tal-Artikolu 187(3) et the purpose of the respondent Joseph Vassallo, in terms of sequitur tal-Kap. 12. Article 187(3) et sequitur of Cap. 12.

Permezz ta’ Rikors Ġuramentat ippreżentat fil-Qorti By means of a Sworn Application filed in the Civil Court Ċivili Prim’Awla fl-Atti tal-ittra uffiċjali maħruġa a tenur First Hall, in the Records of the Judicial Letter issued in L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2635 tal-Artikolu 166A tal-Kap. 12 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta bin- terms of article 166A of Cap. 12 of the Laws of Malta, with numru 244/2013, fl-ismijiet BNF Bank plc ġja Banif Bank number 244/2013, in the names BNF Bank plc previously (Malta) plc (C 41030) vs Joseph Vassallo (KI 160081M) fid- Banif Bank (Malta) plc (C 41030) vs Joseph Vassallo (ID 19 ta’ Settembru, 2019, ir-rikorrenti BNF Bank plc ġja Banif 160081M) on the 19th September, 2019, the applicant BNF Bank (Malta) plc esponew bir-rispett: Bank plc previously Banif Bank (Malta) plc respectfully pleaded:

Illi permezz tal-ittra uffiċjali fuq imsemmija, li saret That by means of the judicial letter abovementioned, eżekuttiva fis-16 ta’ Settembru, 2013, l-intimat Joseph which became excutive on the 16th September, 2013, the Vassallo ġie kanonizzat debitur tal-kumpanija esponenti respondent Joseph Vassallo was declared a debtor of the fl-ammont ta’ €16,781.17 oltre charges u fees bankarji, interpellant company in the amount of €16,781.17 besides mgħaxijiet u spejjeż. charges and bank fees, inerests and costs.

Illi d-dejn tal-intimat għad ma ġiex saldat. That the debt of the respondent has not been settled.

Illi peress li għaddew aktar minn ħames snin mill-ġurnata That whereas there passed more than five years from li fiha l-kumpanija esponenti kienet f’pożizzjoni li tesegwixxi the day when the interpellant company was in a position dan it-titolu, u kif ukoll li għad fadal ammont dovut, il- to execute this title and also that a balance is still due, the kumpanija esponenti qiegħda tintavola dan l-umli rikors ai interpellant company is filing this humble application in termini tal-Artikolu 258(c) tal-Kap. 12 Liġijiet ta’ Malta. terms of Article 258(c) of Cap. 12 of the Laws of Malta.

Għaldaqstant il-kumpanija esponenti umilment titlob lil Thus the interpellant company humbly prays this din l-Onorabbli Qorti tawtorizza u tordna li t-titolu tagħha Honourable Court to authorise and order that its title against kontra l-intimat jiġi mġedded sabiex tkun f’pożizzjoni li the respondent be extended so that it will be in a position tesegwixxi l-istess titolu u toħroġ il-mandati eżekuttivi to execute the same title and issue the opportune executive opportuni u dan taħt dawk il-modalitajiet u provvedimenti li warrants and this under those modalitities and provisions din l-Onorabbli Qorti jidhrilha xierqa u opportuni. this Honourable Court deems fit and opportune.

Ir-Rikors Ġuramentat fl-ismijiet BNF Bank plc ġja Banif The Sworn Application in the names BNF Bank plc Bank (Malta) plc vs Vassallo Joseph, Rikors Numru 895/19 previously Banif Bank (Malta) plc vs Vassallo Joseph, FDP, jinsab differit għas-smigħ għall-14 ta’ Mejju, 2020, fid- Application Number 895/19 FDP, has been put off for 9.15 a.m. hearing to the 14th May, 2020, at 9.15 a.m.

Intimat: Respondent: 33, Ix-Xatt ta’ Tigne, Tas-Sliema 33, Ix-Xatt ta’ Tigne, Tas-Sliema 496, Triq it-Turisti, Il-Qawra 496, Triq it-Turisti, Il-Qawra

Reġistru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 16 ta’ Marzu, 2020 Registry of the Superior Courts, today 16th March, 2020

AV. FRANK PORTELLI, LLD ADV. FRANK PORTRELLI, LLD Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals


Bandu għall-Kuraturi Bann for Curators Repubblika ta’ Malta Republic of Malta

Lill-Marixxall tal-Qrati To the Marshall of the Court

B’digriet mogħti minn din il-Qorti fid-19 ta’ Diċembru, By means of a decree given by this Court on the 19th 2019, fuq talba ta’ Philip Caruana ġie ordnat biex jintgħażlu December, 2019, following a request by Philip Caruana kuraturi deputati sabiex jirrappreżentaw lis-sidien mhux it was ordered that deputy curators be chosen to represent magħrufa fl-atti taċ-ċedola numru 2385/2019 fl-ismijiet the unknown owners in the acts of the schedule of deposit Philip Caruana vs Direttur tal-Artijiet u kuraturi deputati u number 2385/2019 in the names Philip Caruana vs Director fl-atti l-oħra relattivi u sussegwenti. of Lands and Deputy Curators and in the other relative and subsequent acts. 2636 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

Permezz ta’ ċedola ta’ depożitu u kontestwali fidi ta’ ċens By means of a schedule of deposit and concurrent ta’ Philip Caruana, pensjonant, bin il-mejtin Paul Caruana redemption of ground rent filed in the First Hall of the Civil u Elvira nee Cassar, imwieled u joqgħod Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Court, in the names Philip Caruana, pensioner, son of the Malta (KI 0591645M) vs Direttur tal-Artijiet u kuraturi late Paul Caruana and Elvira nee Cassar, born and resided deputati nominati sabiex jirrappreżentaw lis-sidien mhux in Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta (ID 0591645M) vs Director of Lands magħrufa, ippreżentata fil-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti Ċivili fis-16 and deputy curators to represent the unknown owners, filed ta’ Diċembru, 2019, ir-rikorrenti espona bir-rispett: on the 16th December, 2019, the applicant Philip Caruana respectfully submitted:

Illi l-esponenti jippossjedi l-proprjetà ossia l-fond bin- That the applicant owns the property that is the premises numru 11, Triq Lorenzo Gafà, Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta, ġja with number 11, Triq Lorenzo Gafà, Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta, porzjon ta’ art fabbrikabbli fi triq ġdida bla isem li tiżbokka formerly a developable piece of land situated in a new road ġo Triq Dun Filippo Calleja li tifforma parti minn Plot numru that abuts in Triq Dun Filippo Calleja and which forms part 4, formanti parti mill-Għalqa ta’ Tillu sive Tal-Għarbi, fil- of a Plot number 4 forming part of a field named Ta’ Tillu sive limiti ta’ Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta tal-kejl ta’ ċirka 55.5q.k. inkluż Tal-Għarbi in the limits of Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta measuring nofs il-wisa’ tat-triq quddiem is-sit, tmiss mill-Punent ma’ approximately 55.5 square canes including the width of triq ġdida proġettata u min-Nofsinhar u mil-Lvant ma’ beni the road in front of the site, bounded on the West with a ta’ Grazia Sciberras. Illi din il-proprjetà ġiet akkwistata new projected new road and from the South and from the mill-esponent mill-poter ta’ Philip Micallef, b’att tan-Nutar East with the estate of Grazia Sciberras. This property was Dottor Philip Saliba tal-15 ta’ Settembru, 1977. Kopja tal-att acquired by the applicant from Philip Micallef in the records tinsab hawn annessa u mmarkata bħala Dok A. Illi l-pjanta of Notary Doctor Philip Saliba dated 15th September, 1977, relattiva qiegħda tiġi hawn annessa u mmarkata bħala Dok. copy of which is attached and marked as Doc. A and the B. relative plan is here attached and marked as Doc. B.

Illi skont dan l-Att pubbliku, l-imsemmija porzjon ta’ art According to this public deed, the said portion of land is hija soġġetta għal ċens u awment ta’ ċens annwu u perpetwu subject to the annual and perpetual ground rent and increase ta’ Lm5 ossia ċirka €11.63. in ground rent of Lm5 that is about €11.63.

Illi minn riċerki li saru jirriżulta s-segwenti: That from searches which have been carried out the following resulted:

i) Illi l-imsemmija porzjon ta’ art hija soġġetta għal ċens i) That the said portion of land is subject to the original oriġinali annwu u perpetwu ta’ Lm0.03 ossia ċirka €0.07 kif annual and perpetual ground rent of Lm0.03 that is about ukoll għal subċens annwu u perpetwu ta’ ċirka Lm5 ossia €0.07, and also the annual and perpetual sub-groundrent of €11.63 hekk kif jidher fil-kuntratt fl-atti tan-Nutar Paul about Lm5 that is €11.63 as shown in the contract in the Pullicino datat 6 ta’ Ġunju, 1976. Illi permezz tal-imsemmi records of Notary Paul Pullicino dated 6th June, 1976. By kuntratt, il-venditriċi Grazia Sciberras imponiet fuq il- means of the same contract the vendor Grazia Sciberras kumpratur Philip Micallef is-subċens annwu u perpetwu imposed on the buyer Philip Micallef the annual and ta’ Lm5 pagabbli kull sena bil-quddiem mid-data tal-istess perpetual sub-groundrent of Lm5 payable every year in kuntratt. Kopja ta’ dan l-att qiegħda tiġi hawn annessa u advance from the date of the same contract. A copy of this mmarakta bħala Dok. C. deed is being here attached and marked as Doc. C.

ii) Illi preċedentement Grazia Sciberras akkwistat ii) That previously Grazia Sciberras acquired all the field l-għalqa kollha msejħa Ta’ Tillu sive Tal-Għarbi fil-limiti called Ta’ Tillu sive Tal-Għarbi in the limits of Ħaż-Żebbuġ, ta’ Ħaż-Żebbuġ, Malta ta’ kejl superfiċjali ta’ ċirka 1290q.k. Malta measuring approximately 1290 square canes as subject bħala soġġetta għaċ-ċens annwu u perpetwu ta’ Lm0.64.2 to the annual and perpetual ground rent of Lm0.64c2m pagabbli lill-Gvern ta’ Malta, mill-poter ta’ Rosario Spiteri payable to the Government of Malta, from Rosario Spiteri et permezz ta’ kuntratt fl-atti tan-Nutar Dottor John Spiteri by means of a contract in the acts of Notary John Spiteri Maempel datat 20 ta’ Jannar, 1973. Maempel dated 20th January, 1973.

iii) Illi, għaldqstant, meta wieħed jieħu inkonsiderazzjoni iii) That, thus, when one considers the portion of land l-porzjon ta’ art di proprjetà tal-esponent u ċjoè 55.5q.k. property of the applicant and that is 55.5 square canes from minn 1290 q.k. l-ammont relattiv ta’ ċens annwu u perpetwu 1290 square canes the relative amount of the annual and pagabbli minnu lill-Gvern ta’ Malta huwa ta’ ċirka Lm0.03 perpetual ground rent payable by him to the Government of ossia ċirka €0.07 minn Lm0.64.2. Malta is that of about Lm0.03 about €0.07 from Lm0.64c2m. L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2637

Illi ċ-ċens annwu u perpetwu ta’ ċirka Lm0.03 ossia The annual and perpetual groundrent of about Lm0.03 ċirka €0.07 huwa dovut lill-Gvern ta’ Malta senjatament lid- that is about €0.07 is due to the Government of Malta that Direttur tal-Artijiet, filwaqt li s-subċens annwu u perpetwu is to the Director of Lands, whilst the annual and perpetual ta’ Lm5 ossia ċirka Lm11.63 huwa dovut lil Grazia Sciberras, sub-groundrent of Lm5 that is about €11.63 is due to Grazia hekk kif indikat fil-kuntratti Dok. C, però d-dettalji tal-istess Sciberras as indicated inthe contracts Doc. C, but the details Sinjura Sciberras huma injoti mill-esponenti u dan minkejja of the same Mrs Sciberras are unknown by the applicant kull tentatttiv li sar minnu, u għal din ir-raġuni qiegħed jiġi and this notwithstanding all attempts which he made to find ppreżentat rikors kontestwali. out such details, and for this reason an application is filed together with this application.

Illi llum l-esponenti jixtieq li jipprevalixxi ruħu mill- That the applicant wishes to avail himself from the option fakultà lilu mogħtija skont il-liġi u dan ai termini tal-Artikolu given to him and this in terms of Article 1501 of Chapter 16 1501 tal-Kapitolu 16 tal-Liġijiet ta’ Malta, u jifdi dan iċ-ċens of the Laws of Malta and redeem the groundrent and sub u subċens skont it-termini tal-istess liġi. groundent in terms of the same law.

Illi ċ-ċens ta’ Lm0.03 ossia ċirka €0.07 kapitalizzat bir- That the ground rent of Lm0.03 that is about €0.07 rata ta’ 5%, u dan kif stipulat fl-istess Artikolu, jammonta capitalised with the rate of 5% and this as stipulated in the għal €1.40. L-esponent ser jiddepożita wkoll is-somma ta’ same Article amounts to €1.40. The applicant is going to €0.35 rappreżentanti ċens dovut għall-aħħar ħames (5) snin deposit also the sum of €0.35 representing the groundrent u ċjoè t-total ta’ €1.75. due fo the last five (5) years and that is for the total of €1.75.

Illi inoltre s-subċens ta’ Lm5 ossia ċirka €11.63 That the sub-groundrent of Lm5 that is about €11.63 kapitalizzat bir-rata ta’ 5%, u dan kif stipulat fl-istess liġi, capitalised at the rate of 5%, and this as stipulated in the jammonta għal €232.60. L-esponent ser jiddepożita wkoll same law, amounts to €232.60. The applicant is depositing is-somma ta’ €58.15 rappreżentanti subċens dovut għall- also the sum of €58.15 representing the sub-groundrent for aħħar ħames (5) snin u ċjoè s-somma totali ta’ €290.75. the last five years and that is the total amount of €290.75.

Għaldaqstant l-esponent qiegħed umilment jadixxi lil din Thus the applicant is humbly calling upon this Honourable l-Onorabbli Qorti u taħt l-awtorità tal-istess jgħaddi sabiex Court and under its authority is depositing the total amount jiddepożita s-somma komplessiva ta’ €292.50 bħala valur of €292.50 representing the relative groundrent and sub- kapitali rappreżentanti ċens u subċens relattiv, sabiex dan groundrent so that this amount may be freely withdrawn by l-ammont jingħata liberament lil min għandu dritt skont il- whom has a right to it according to law after leaving the liġi wara li tiġi rilaxxata d-debita riċevuta skont il-liġi. relative receipt.

Esponenti: Philip Caruana, 11, Triq Lorenzo Gafà, Ħaż- Applicant: Philip Caruana, 11, Triq Lorenzo Gafà, Ħaż- Żebbuġ, Malta Żebbuġ, Malta

Notifika: Notification: Direttur tal-Artijiet, Berġa tal-Baviera, Triq San Director of Lands, Auberge de Baviere, Triq San Sebastjan, Il-Belt Valletta VLT 2000 Sebastjan, Valletta VLT 200 Kuraturi deputati, il-Qorti, Il-Belt Valletta Deputy curators, Law Courts, Valletta Direttur tar-Reġistru Pubbliku, Reġistru Pubbliku, Il- Director Public Registry, Public Registry, Valletta Belt Valletta Reġistru tal-Artijiet, Casa Bolino, Triq il-Punent, Il-Belt Land Registry, Casa Bolino, Triq il-Punent, Valletta Valletta

Int għaldaqstant ordnat li twaħħal kopja uffiċjali ta’ dan You are therefore ordered to affix an official copy of this il-bandu fid-daħla ta’ din il-Qorti Superjuri u ssejjaħ b’dan bann at the entrance of this Superior Court and to summon lil kull min irid jidħol bħala kuratur biex jidher fi żmien sitt whosoever wishes to act as curator to appear before this ijiem f’dan ir-Registru u jagħmel b’nota d-dikjarazzjoni illi registry within six days and by means of a minute to submit huwa jidħol għal dan. a declaration that he wishes so to act.

Int ordnat ukoll li tgħarraf lil kull wieħed illi jekk ma You are also ordered to inform each one that if he fails jagħmilx din id-dikjarazzjoni fiż-żmien fuq mogħti, din il- to make this declaration within the stipulated time, the Court Qorti tgħaddi biex tagħżel kuraturi tal-uffiċċju. will proceed to the selection of Curators of Office. 2638 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

U wara li tkun għamilt dan, jew jekk tiltaqa’ ma’ xi And after so acting or if you should encounter any xkiel fl-eżekuzzjoni ta’ dan il-bandu, inti għandek tgħarraf difficulty in the execution of this bann, you are to inform minnufih lil din il-Qorti. forthwith this Court.

Mogħti mill-Qorti Superjuri hawn fuq imsemmija bix- Given by the Civil Court First Hall, above mentioned, xhieda tal-Onor. Imħallef Francesco Depasquale LLM with the witness of the Hon. Mr Justice Francesco Depasquale (IMLI) LLD, Duttur tal-Liġi. LLM, (IMLI) LLD, Doctor of Laws.

Illum 19 ta’ Diċembru, 2019 Today 19th December, 2019

Registru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 13 ta’ Marzu, 2020 Registry of the Superior Courts, today 13th March, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTA ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTA Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals


B’digriet tal-10 ta’ Marzu, 2020, mogħti mill-Prim’Awla By a decree given on the 10th March, 2020, by the Civil tal-Qorti Ċivili, din il-Qorti ordnat il-pubblikazzjoni tal- Court First Hall, the Court ordered that the extract hereunder estratt li jidher hawn taħt biex iservi ta’ notifika skond mentioned be published for the purpose of service according l-artiklu 187 (5) tal-Kodiċi tal-Proċedura u Organizzazzjoni to Article 187(5) of the Code of Organisation and Civil Ċivili (Kap. 12). Procedure (Chapter 12).

Illi b’Rikors ippreżentat minn HSBC Bank Malta plc That by an application filed by HSBC Bank Malta plc (C 3177) fit-18 ta’ Ottubru, 2019, qed jintalab l-iżbank fl- (C 3177) on the 18th of October, 2019, is asking for the ammont ta’ €3654.33 minn HSBC Bank Malta plc b’ċedola withdrawal of €3654.33 by HSBC Bank Malta plc (C 3177) ta’ depożitu numru 1817/2019 fl-ismijiet: from schedule of deposit number 1817/2019 in the names of:

HSBC Bank Malta plc (C 3177) vs Anthony Galdes (KI HSBC Bank Malta plc (C 3177) vs Anthony Galdes (ID 460956M) u Emanuela Galdes (KI 134871M) 460965M) and Emanuela Galdes (ID 134871M)

Il-Qorti ordnat in-notifika tar-rikors b’erbat (4) ijiem The Court ordered the notification of the application with żmien għar-risposta. a four (4) days period to reply.

Reġistru tal-Qorti Superjuri, illum it-Tnejn, 16 ta’ Marzu, Registry of the Superior Courts, today Monday, 16th 2020 March, 2020

MARVIC FARRUGIA MARVIC FARRUGIA Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals


Permezz ta’ digriet mogħti fil-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti By means of a decree of the 10th March, 2020, in the Ċivili fl-10 ta’ Marzu, 2020, fl-atti tal-ittra uffiċjali numru records of the judicial letter number 678/2020 in the names 678/2020, fl-ismijiet Mary Rose Zammit vs Roxanne Mary Rose Zammit vs Roxanne Mangion et, the First Hall Mangion et, ordnat is-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi of the Civil Court ordered the following publication for the ta’ notifika fil-konfront ta’ Roxanne Mangion a tenur tal- purpose of effecting service on the respondent Roxanne Artikolu 187(3) et sequitur tal-Kap. 12. Mangion in terms of Article 187(3) et sequitur of Chapter 12.

Fil-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti Ċivili In the First Hall of the Civil Court

Illum 20 ta’ Frar, 2020 Today 20th February, 2020

Lil To L-20 ta’ Marzu, 2020 2639

Roxanne Mangion (KI 508395M) ta’ 14, Gostna, Triq it- Roxanne Mangion (ID 508395M) of 14, Gostna, Triq it- Torri, Iż-Żurrieq, u Laferla Insurance Agency Limited Torri, Żurrieq, and Laferla Insurance Agency Limited

Permezz tal-preżenti Mary Rose Zammit (KI 486665M) By means of this present Mary Rose Zammit (ID ta’ Binja Ħarriġiet, Ent. D, Flat 1, Triq il-Ħarriġiet għal Triq 486665M) of Binja Ħarriġiet, Ent. D, Flat 1, Triq il-Ħarriġiet 15 ta’ Settembru 1598, L-Imqabba, tinterpellak sabiex entro for Triq 15 ta’ Settembru 1598, Mqabba, solicits you so that t-terminu ta’ tmienja u erbgħin (48) siegħa: within forty-eight (48) hours you:

1. Tersaq għal-likwidazzjoni u ħlas ta’ danni kaġunati 1. Come forward for the liquidation and payment of fuq il-persuna tagħha hekk kif stabbilit mir-rapporti mediċi damages she suffered as established from the medical liema danni huma inġenti fil-perċentwali ta’ 11% diżabilità reports which damages are considerable as resulting from sofferta minnha konsegwenza tal-inċident sottoindikat u an 11% disability suffered by her as a consuequence of the ċjoè kwantu għal 5% diżabilità viżwali u kwantu għal 6% accident hereunder mentioned split as to 5% visual disability diżabilità fiżika, u dan kif jiġi ppruvat permezz ta’ ċertifikati and as to 6% physical disability and this as it will be proved debitament rilaxxati jekk ikun il-każ. by means of duly certificates issued if the case may be.

2. Tħallasha l-ammont ta’ €2783.63 rappreżentanti 2. Pay the amount of €2783.63 representing the damages ħsarat minnha sofferti fuq il-vettura proprjetà tagħha bin- caused to her vehicle with registration number JBS 146 and numru ta’ reġistrazzjoni JBS 146, kif ukoll l-ammont ta’ also the amount of €1544.22 or any other sum representing €1544.22 jew dik is-somma verjuri rappreżentanti spejjeż the medical cost which cure is still being administered. mediċi liema kura għadha qiegħda tiġi amministrata.

U dan konsegwenza tal-inċident awtomobilistiku tat- And this as a consequence of the car accident of the 22nd 22 ta’ Marzu, 2018, meta l-vettura misjuqa minnek tat-tip March, 2018, which vehicle was driven by you of the type of Toyota Vitz bin-numru ta’ reġistrazzjoni BBU 223 daħlet fuq Toyota Vitz with registration number BBU 223 that collided il-vettura tat-tip Kia Piccanto bin-numru ta’ reġistrazzjoni with the vehicle of type KIA Piccanto with registration JBS 146 li fil-ħin tal-inċident kienet tinsab fit-triq li minn number JBS 146 that at the time of the accident was in the taħt il-Mini ta’ Ħal Kirkop tieħdok fid-direzzjoni tal-Belt road of the Ħal Kirkop Tunnel in the direction of Valletta and Valletta u għal liema inċident stradali taħti unikament inti u for which road accident you were solely responsible because dan minħabba nuqqas ta’ tħaris tar-regolamenti tat-traffiku, of your default in abiding with the traffic regulations, lack imperizja, negliġenza u nuqqas ta’ osservazzjoni tar- of skill, negligence and lack of observation of the traffic regolamenti tat-traffiku. regulations.

Tavżak illi jekk tonqos milli tottempraw ruħkom mal-fuq You are further warned that if you fail to abide with the espost, il-mittenti ser tipproċedi ulterjorment fil-konfront above mentioned, the interpellant will proceed futher against tagħkom skont il-liġi. you according to law.

Illi dan l-att ġudizzjarju qed jiġi servut lilek ai fini u This judicial act is being sent to you for all the effects effetti kollha tal-Liġi partikolarment il-Kap. 12 u 16 tal- and purposes of law particularly Chapter 12 and 16 of the Liġijiet ta’ Malta. Laws of Malta.

Registru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 17 ta’ Marzu, 2020 Registry of the Superior Courts, today 17th March, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTA ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTA Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals


Permezz ta’ digriet mogħti fil-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti By means of a decree of the 10th March, 2020, in the Ċivili fl-10 ta’ Marzu, 2020, fl-atti tal-ittra uffiċjali numru records of the judicial letter number 678/2020 in the names 678/2020, fl-ismijiet Mary Rose Zammit vs Roxanne Mary Rose Zammit vs Roxanne Mangion et, the First Hall Mangion et, ordnat is-segwenti pubblikazzjoni biex isservi of the Civil Court ordered the following publication for the ta’ notifika fil-konfront ta’ Roxanne Mangion a tenur tal- purpose of effecting service on the respondent Roxanne Artikolu 891(1) u (2) tal-Kap 12. Mangion in terms of Article 891(1) u (2) of Chapter 12. 2640 Gazzetta tal-Gvern ta’ Malta 20,370

Fil-Prim’Awla tal-Qorti Ċivili In the First Hall of the Civil Court

Illum 20 ta’ Frar, 2020 Today 20th February, 2020

Lil To

Roxanne Mangion (KI 508395M) ta’ 14, Gostna, Triq it- Roxanne Mangion (ID 508395M) of 14, Gostna, Triq it- Torri, Iż-Żurrieq, u Laferla Insurance Agency Limited Torri, Żurrieq, and Laferla Insurance Agency Limited

Permezz tal-preżenti Mary Rose Zammit (KI 486665M) By means of this present Mary Rose Zammit (ID ta’ Binja Ħarriġiet, Ent. D, Flat 1, Triq il-Harriġiet għal Triq 486665M) of Binja Ħarriġiet, Ent. D, Flat 1, Triq il-Ħarriġiet 15 ta’ Settembru 1598, L-Imqabba, tinterpellak sabiex entro for Triq 15 ta’ Settembru 1598, Mqabba, solicits you so that t-terminu ta’ tmienja u erbgħin (48) siegħa: within forty-eight (48) hours you:

1. Tersaq għal-likwidazzjoni u ħlas ta’ danni kaġunati 1. Come forward for the liquidation and payment of fuq il-persuna tagħha hekk kif stabbilit mir-rapporti mediċi damages she suffered as established from the medical liema danni huma inġenti fil-perċentwali ta’ 11% diżabilità reports which damages are considerable as resulting from sofferta minnha konsegwenza tal-inċident sottoindikat u a 11% disability suffered by her as a consuequence of the ċjoè kwantu għal 5% diżabilità viżwali u kwantu għal 6% accident hereunder mentioned split as to 5% visual disability diżabilità fiżika, u dan kif jiġi ppruvat permezz ta’ ċertifikati and as to 6% physical disability and this as it will be proved debitament rilaxxati jekk ikun il-każ. by means of duly certificates issued if the case may be.

2. Tħallasha l-ammont ta’ €2783.63 rappreżentanti 2. Pay the amount of €2783.63 representing the damages ħsarat minnha sofferti fuq il-vettura proprjetà tagħha bin- caused to her vehicle with registration number JBS 146 and numru ta’ reġistrazzjoni JBS 146, kif ukoll l-ammont ta’ also the amount of €1544.22 or any other sum representing €1544.22 jew dik is-somma verjuri rappreżentanti spejjeż the medical cost which cure is still being administered. mediċi liema kura għadha qiegħda tiġi amministrata.

U dan konsegwenza tal-inċident awtomobilistiku tat- And this as a consequence of the car accident of the 22nd 22 ta’ Marzu, 2018, meta l-vettura misjuqa minnek tat-tip March, 2018, which vehicle was driven by you of the type of Toyota Vitz bin-numru ta’ reġistrazzjoni BBU 223 daħlet fuq Toyota Vitz with registration number BBU 223 that collided il-vettura tat-tip Kia Piccanto bin-numru ta’ reġistrazzjoni with the vehicle of type KIA Piccanto with registration JBS 146 li fil-ħin tal-inċident kienet tinsab fit-triq li minn number JBS 146 that at the time of the accident was in the taħt il-Mini ta’ Ħal Kirkop tieħdok fid-direzzjoni tal-Belt road of the Ħal Kirkop Tunnel in the direction of Valletta and Valletta u għal liema inċident stradali taħti unikament inti u for which road accident you were solely responsible because dan minħabba nuqqas ta’ tħaris tar-regolamenti tat-traffiku, of your default in abiding with the traffic regulations, lack imperizja, negliġenza u nuqqas ta’ osservazzjoni tar- of skill, negligence and lack of observation of the traffic regolamenti tat-traffiku. regulations.

Tavżak illi jekk tonqos milli tottempraw ruħkom mal-fuq You are further warned that if you fail to abide with the espost, il-mittenti ser tipproċedi ulterjorment fil-konfront above mentioned, the interpellant will proceed futher against tagħkom skont il-liġi. you according to law.

Illi dan l-att ġudizzjarju qed jiġi servut lilek ai fini u This judicial act is being sent to you for all the effects effetti kollha tal-Liġi partikolarment il-Kap. 12 u 16 tal- and purposes of law particularly Chapter 12 and 16 of the Liġijiet ta’ Malta. Laws of Malta.

Registru tal-Qrati Superjuri, illum 17 ta’ Marzu, 2020 Registry of the Superior Courts, today 17th March, 2020

ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTA ALEXANDRA DEBATTISTA Għar-Reġistratur, Qrati Ċivili u Tribunali For the Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals

Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni ( — Valletta — Published by the Department of Information ( — Valletta ® Mitbugħ fl-Istamperija tal-Gvern fuq karta FSC® — Printed at the Government Printing Press on FSC® certified paper