n EOWCgDAT, MARCH 20, W 9 ' Average Daily Clrealatioa Far Mm Hmmtk of FMraarr. 1M6 The Weather nao9ia j3tanr(|fpat?r Ewm ing ilfgralb 9,042 Foraeaat of U. S. Weatlier \ Clear and coo) tonight; FrMay Mary B. Cheney Gahip, Daugh­ Mcnber ad Uw Aadit sunny and eontlnned mild. ters of Veterans of the Civil War,, Heads Assembly Drive Lagging B fese of dreelatloBa About Town will meet tomorrow evening at e i^ t o'clock with the president We Have In Stock:- Hnnch^iter— A City of Village Charm For Fiirid'Here ■ \ i S. JoliMtoa, ■ l*c> Ml*. Arthur Hutchinson, of 183 B louses North Elm street. TA H k). U8N11, o t 9 llunro «tr«*t. VOL. LXV., NO. 145- (OlaaalSed Advertlatag oa Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAy , MARCH 21, 1946 (POITRTEEN^P^ES) PRICE THREE CBI « M Mp«T«ted from Naval aenice Only Half Has Been Col- •t JoclMonVlUa, Fla., an Saturday. The North Methodist W'SCS will j RCA, Philco and Emerson combine its spring rummage sale I at the church tomorrow morning | leeleil for the Re»l TIw axacuUva cbc^mittea of the from nine o’clock on, with a work OoHs; (^iiota $21,CH)0 Want to Give Plane Crash Kills 26 Baatbovan Glee cltib will havr’an meeting. They will continue their Table Model Radios Imaortaat njeetlnj thta evening upholstery efforts on the church Attack on Japan at tte home of Cari A. OiiaUfaon Reds’ En furniture. - Noon lunches will be With the drive for the 1946 UNO Priority nvoy Asserts «t SI Maple atreet. brought and coffee will be served. Fund Campaign going into the ■ A busy and profitable time is an­ Herbert Kearna, Jr., eon of Mr. closing weeks. Manchester has ticipated. ' Mrs. Ellen Plcldes subscribed $10,298.50 to the Amer­ Without Further On Problems and Mra. Herbert Kearna, of 68 heaw Uie committee for the rum­ Philco and Emerson Maple atreet, baa enllated in the mage eit^. ; ican Red Cross. Unless the town in Haste Will United Statea Navy. He haa been is to fall in this fund raising, Man­ a atudent in High achool. King David Lodge, No. 31, I. O. chester will have to step up it^s SeuBiors Hear Pepper O. F.. will vi.slt Obwelietiick lodge donstions considerably from now Combination Radio and Warning Dropped A program of visual education No. 16 of WilllmantlC tomorrow on. The quota l.s $21,325 and about Call r All-Inclusive for all persons in the church evenln.g and their cahdldates will half of that amount. In fact, a little Conferehee of Leaders of South Methodist church receive the second deg?*^ Those | under half has been collectad. Stimson Discloses Dis- icate Dispute] will be held each Thursday in Lent who Intend going will mCet at It scarcely seems necessary to Record Players Of Big Thi^ Nations w jtming this ..Thursday at 3:30 Odd Fellows hall st 7:15 snan>.' point out that without public sub­ eussidu and Rejection Rocket Sent p m. The program will be in scription an organizatlor such as Transportation Will be by autosh. VVaahington, March 21 — ^arge of the minister. Rev. W. Friday evening King David Lodge Red Cross will be imablc to func­ Of Proposal Nine Days 43 Miles |Gromyko^8 Comment on Ral{di Ward. Jr., and will be given will confer the third-degree upon tion. yet such is the case and with­ y Senatora who heard thelrNipl- In the Boy Scout room. The pro- a class of candidates at its meet­ out the Individual dollar subscrip­ Before Pearl Hariior; league, Claude Pepper (D., Fla. Iran Made Shortly MhiW Josephine SmarhetU ANOTHER SHlPMEIJiT OF Year-Olds Called I I gtaip will' consist of both slides ing here. tion from those who do hot feel call for a hurried but all-inclusive they can give more. Red Cross Statement Made Pub­ Into Space ' After Flat Statement] and motion pictures in color Ulus* conference of Russian, American tration the work of the church A special Lenten program en- M lu Joaepklita E. Smachetti. of will.have failed to raise the neces­ AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC IRONS lic by Probing O^up Summer atreet, lit the newly elect­ sary funds. If this is the ca*e, it and British leaders appeared In­ To Colors by Iran j By Truman That Next! both at home and abroad and titIed"Together at the Cross': will clined today to give UNO firat other features of special interest be presented at the monthly meet­ ed president of GlbbiJn* Aaaembly, will be the first time that Man­ e Job Will Be to Speed chester haa gone behind, Bind it is Washington, March 21.^ chance at relaxing International i Monday's UNO. Mee$i to children. ing of the Mi.ssionary Circle, Fri­ Catholic Ladie. Insufficient time to arrange a j side at the program. Dinner will progr«ma thua far. She ■will be ably “without further warning.’’ Iran’h 19-year-olds were aum-' ------drei A. Gromyko said todajr . Stimson recounted this in a Technology, has soared 43 1-2 meeting auch as Pepper suggest­ be se r^ promptly at six-thirty Private First Class George F. Bupported la her efforts during COMMUNICATING SYSTEMS ed In advance of that date. that any hasty action by th« o’clock. Brooks, son of Mr. and Mra. the coming year by Mra. Boirle who statement sent to Uie Senate- miles into space In quest of weath­ moned to the colors today in | Declares Continuance of United Nations Securitjr MURPHY'S House committee investigating 3. The widely varying make-up the wake of reports that three ! Henry Brooks, who reside at 111 will become honorary prealdent, er secrets. of the, group Pepper urged In hie Japan’s surprise blew on Dm . 7, PoHcy o f Reaction* council on the Iranian dispute A brief business meeting of the Woodland atreet, Manchester, was and by the following: foreign policy speech from the Iranian Army garrisons were| Second Oongregatloiial CSiurch, White blouses, tailored short sleevjes, sfluare neck with 1941. The committee made It pub­ The Army Ordnance depart­ would merely complicate it. recently transferred from the 96th Vice president, Mrs. John Daley; ment disclosed today that the rock­ Senate floor yesterday. under attack by Kurdish i ary Orcles May Lead Inc., will be held at 7:30 this eve­ Division to the 34Sd Infantry Regi­ One Ball colored trim on sleeves and neckline. Dotted Swiss, lic today. His ^m m ent was . made recording secretary, XIrs. John Stimson related that on the et. weighing 1,000 pounds, 16 feet Might Cause New Trouble tribesmen in the isolated re­ ning, preceding the mid-week ment, 86th Infantry Division at Hayford; financial secretary, Mrs. REMING.T()N ELECTRIC SHAVERS To Sharper Situation shortly after a flat statem oii drawstring neckline. Blue, pink cotton, square neck. morning of Friday, Nov. 28, 1941, long and 12 inches in diameter, One Influential member of the gion near the border of Iraq. Lenten service. TOe purpose of the Manila. Pfc. Brooks was inducted Richard Post; treasurer, Mrs Foreign Relations committee who by President Truman that nest meeUng is to elect a member of Sizes 7 to 14. * he received information of Japa­ has been turned over to the Signal into the Army at New Haven, on Stanley Juros; mistress at arms $10Q.00 Corps. Its Job will be to speed In­ asked not to be named said an At the same time, leaders of Moscow. March 21—(>P)— The Monday's UNO meeting will not | the b t^ e s s committee, to suc­ December 13, 1944, and has serv­ nese movements along the Asiatic Iran'e leftist Tiideh party were be postponed. Mrs. Charles Nute; assistant mis­ coast. They were of such a “for­ to the sub-stratosphere, record assemblage which included not ceed Menno Lutke, who has left ed in the Pacific Theater since tress at arms, Mrs. Stephen Frey; only the heads of the three gov- /' called Into private _ session and Soviet government newspaper Will Press for A^loa for Binghamton. N. T. Electrical Appliance Dept. — Basement. midable character’’ that be went temperatures, and release tbo Lieut Stephen Cummings, left, grbund rescue officer, Hamilton Field, June, 1945. A graduate of Man- sentinel, Mrs; Wllttarh Holland; In Prizes $1.39 to $2.98 data by parachute.^ emmdhts, but military, business, rightist elements expressed belief Izvestia declared today that "it Mr. Truman told his news ctm - I cheatfr High school where he was organist, Mrs: Leo Dubois; audi­ to the White House. Calif., and Bill LaMarr, game ga rd en , examine wreckage o f C-47 the sTudeh party might Lead left­ Mr. Roosevelt was still abed but Army authorities disclosed that labor, farm and veterans’ leaders I* perfectly obvil&ua that qohtlnu- ference today that the United active in basketball and swim­ tors, Mrs. J. A. Vole, Mrs. T. K. Army ’Transport plane which mploded and crashed In snow covered ist dc^nstrations against the received his secretary of war and in a recent test at the White would be “ a camp meeting’’ which ance of the policy of reactionary States delegation will press fo f ming, he also attended Howell Bye, Mra. John Shea; trustees, might cause more trouble than it mountains near Truckee, Calif/ All 26 occupants of plane were killed. govern:imment because of its apiieal action in the explosive controvar* they diacuBsed the matter. Sands Proving grounds at Las —(NEA telephoto). / circle* in Iran may lead only to Cheney Tech. Mrs. John Allison, Mrs. H. A. Mac- Saturday Cruces, New Mexico, the giant could cure. * ,, to the Uhited Nations Security ay despite Moscow's* request for a j FOR SALE Ardle, Mra. R. E. Hagedorn. The Stimson story continued: council againiit continued pres­ further sharpening of the situation 16-day delay. Three Aitemattves man-made meteor soared to a new A similar view was expressed Mr. , and Mrs. Henry G. Ander The installation of the above by Senator Ellender (D., La.). ence of Russian troops in Iran. in the country. Gromyko talked With reportoiil tIm J W . N A M (CORK "H* suggested that there were American altitude record, 230,000 A Few son and daughters of 155 Eldridge new officer* will take . place. on Sweaters feet. That is 43 1-2 miles. The test “I don’t, see that much good (In Baghdad, 'a former Iraq “Among Irantkn political lead­ at 'the State department after a | street are spending today and Tuesday, May 21, following a din­ M a NCHBSTM CONIi* three alternatives, as my notes would come out of a Big Three diploipat declared''^esday upon ers there are.'hot a few persons hurriedly-arranged 20-minute con* show: First, to do nothing; sec­ Extensi0h of Draft returning from. *tehran that the Building Lets tomorrow visiting the Internation­ ner, arrangements for which will (Conttaaed oa Page Six) conference,’’ he told a reporter. for changes In foreign and in­ ference with Secretary Bymea, al Flower Show’ and trade exhibits be made by Mrs. T. Kennedy Bye, Capitalize On A ond, to make something in the na­ “ We’ve had them before (on a Tudeh party Could st^e a coup ternal policy," Izvcetla added. The Soviet ambassador, who ra* ture of an ultimatum, stating, a dliolee Loenttona. in New York City. chairman and Mrs. John B. May­ smaller scale) and it seems that d’etat at ally time. Hexadded: ‘These changes have really turned unexpectedly last n l^ t point beyond which we would An ^Baproveoaeata. otte, co-chairpian and the mem­ everybody misunderstands every­ Ii^efinitely Sought "The great fear In Iran today Is ripenei^ ahd- are directed by the from New York, declined to toll High Market fight; or, third, to fight at once, S. A. BE^CHLER, Agent bers of their e^^mlttte body else, rd rather see things that If the Iranians officially an­ interests of the Iranian people.’’ newsmen what he said to BynuM, “I said that I felt that to do Death Decree worked out through the United nounce that they will take the but he reiterated that Rusola ba* Telephone 6969 nothing was out (rf the question ^ Izveitia’s observation was made Nfo red tape-^No unneces­ Nations organlxation." matter to the UNO), then the Com­ i t the end of a long article re­ Ileves the Iranian case upquaa* Coat and the president agreed with me. Senator Knowland (R., Calif.) munist* win be given the word to tionably should be delayed ba> LECLERC sary details. Cash for all Aa to the other two alternatives, Gets Approval Hearing viewing jhe eltuation In Iran be- said it appeared that Pepper •trike.’’ ) - ginnliig:wlth August, 1941, when cause negotiations ara now under rUNERAL^HOMB Spring Cleaning the desirable thing to do from the ‘wants to rely more on the actions Taken Into Custody way between Iran and Russia. types of property— singles, Sweaters point of view of our own tactics Soviet 'troops forces moved into WASH WINDOWS o f the Big Three than on the ity o f Inductees to Of Slaughters Rightist Deputy Said Zia Ed- Aske(h In what way theoe nego* M Main $trMt duplex, flats, farms, lots and safety was to take the initia­ the northefnnart of the country. tiatlons are taking place he re­ WASH WOODWORK Perfect for school wear. Sizes MacArthur Sharply Dis­ United Natimu. . y Din, deacribed by political writers INSURE tive and attack without further Most Bely On United NaUone Period o f 18 Mqnths Thl* actloni\the article said, plied they were being carried'oa Phone S269 Clean, Wax, Polish F^c^rs aiid subiUrban property. 7 to 16. as anti-Russian, and generally was taken to combat Geripan in­ With warning. It is axiomatic that agrees With Two Dis­ “ We must rely more on the known as a leading opi>onent of thrpugh diplomatic channels and Vacuum Clean Throughout the beat defense Is offense. It Is United NaUons for the making of W^hington, March 21.— ^ Goering Says Hininile|: filtration in accorMQce with a that for the Security council to BicKINNET BROTHERS Remove Storm Windows senting Justices Premier Ahmed Qavam es Salta- Russlan-Iranian treaty, of 193l always dangerous to wait and let decisions which affect the world,” neh, was taken Into custody yes­ take any hasty action'now would' Install Screens the enemy make the first move. (/P)-7’^ e n . Dwight D. Eisen- Kept Doing at Conceh- which granted the SovieV Union JARVIS $3.50 to $4.98 the Californian assarted, “ or terday by two inen in the uniform complicate the ripiation. MS MAIN 8 T. TEL. mm "I waa Inclined to feel that the the right to move troops Trim Lawns and Shrubs Tokyo, March 21—(iP)—General otherwise we would be setting up hower asked Congress today tration Camps ^^^ecret of Iranian Army colonels. Purely UMrteey OaU FULLER BRUSH wanUng'glven In August by the MacArthur today decreed a firing three powers abova ths Igw.” extend the draft law indefl-! country for self-defense An inquil^' put to officials fa* prealdegt^ agalaati.ftilthaa jpoves Zia Ed-Din told newsmen: **I r e a l t y CO. squad daatb for Lieut Gen. Masa- Senator Aiken (R„ Vt) said a "should be turned Injto ______.miliar with the nature of G roq^ Personal Service by the Japanese toward Thailand nitely and to limit service lia­ Nuernberg, .Germany, March 31 think they are arresting me be­ AUOB OOntAN DEALERS Big Three meeting “might help." a military attack on the Soviet ko’* talk with Byrnes broug)iUth* 6 Dover Road or justified an attack without further ham Homma, hi* victorious foe la "Certainly we can accomplish: bility of i^uctees to 18 cause I am not liked by the Rus­ union.” (S aem i As <|m m AHee) —(JP)—Hermann Goering swore to­ coim en t that It had bera^puraly Agency 26 Alexander St. Slip-Ons warning, particularly as their new the 1942 battle for Bataan and more sitting around a table talV months. If that is done, - the sians.’’ He said In an interview B einriB It— ik tir r f t T------**• "“t day that he Knew nothing of Ger­ Tuesday that "Iran’s only hope Hitler AgeHte Planned Coup a courte^ call.They sMd Gromy­ CALL 2-1254 lOHNNIE JAY TEL. 4974 Phone 4112 or 7275 movement southward indicated disagreed sharply with two U. S. Ing than standing off a long dis­ chief of staff told the House It charged that Iran’s foreign ko actually, had not taken up any ^ Bm Wlta a VeB Long sleeves,/boxy. Beautiful that they were about to violate man concentration camp slaugh­ lies with the UNO." Supreme court justice dissenters— tance and throwing rocks. . policy under the former shah, of the wide range.of <»1tlcal prob* ■ M iito Deny, leetaaas i selection o f,.^ o r 8. Sizes 7 to .that warning: M i 1 i.t a t y committee, the ter*. Prince Flrouz, director of prop­ one of whom had termed the sen­ “But,’* Aiken added, "the UNO i X l T i e • P. M.Or By / 16. / . ■ “ On the other hand,'" I realized must be made to wdrk.” Army cah' release all fathers by "Even Hitler didn’t know apr aganda and political und^rsecre-, Reza Pahlavi, waa “oriented by wmmi. b tbe iervlee el tence vengeance rather than Jus- the end/ of August or early In proximately what went on because elements hostile to ^he Soviet (Continued on Page ittglit) diat the situstion could be made Uce.- Popper’s colleagues were chary tary of state, said tb* deputy was pM te te Teenu more clean c a t from the point of S ep tep ^ r regardless of how long Himmler (head of the Gestapo) "put under preventive detentLon- union.” German engineers were BPnUTDAL MEDIUM Date and details of the execu­ of discussing for quotation some of $2^8 to $3.98 view of public opinion if a fur­ his other proposals, such as de­ theyJiave been In service. always kept these things extreme­ pending investigation of certain declared to control the Iranian im Ohneb StiMt. Bwtiord. 4 ther warning were given." tion, which now could be stayed /Army May Be Short Men , ly secret,” the leading defendant charges’’ on orders of Premier war.: industries. Izvestia said phM* a-saM only by President Truman, will be struction of our atomic boimha and of 22 Nazis on trial for war crimes (During its hearings, closed a plants for making :them, and for a J f It la not done, he warned, thC Ahmed Qavam. agents of Hitler planned a coup determined in Manila. Army may fail short by 165,000 told the International Military month ago, the committee leSmed loan to Russia or "any other power The Army, In announcing thcr'"^ ihstall a Quisling regime, but Afftmia Conviction men of its estimated needed tribunal. meeting reasonable conditions.’’" conscription of 19-year-olds, said that British and Russian reprS' F la sh e s! (OoBtiaoed OB Paga Two) Affirming the Manila court, mar­ strength of 1,070,000 on July 1, Goering, still sharp in hla sentations were disregarded. Privately some senators indicat^ seveilth dSy on the stand, was em­ men In the 22 to 25 years age r*- Margaret O’Brien Hats tial conviction of Homma, who or­ 1947. bracket were beln^; deferred. Izvestia then told how Soviet ( Late Bolletine of the u n Wirt) dered the Iqffimoua Bataan death heated opposition to both thdSe Both Eisenhower and Secretary phatic as he sought to place the Plowing recommendations. . / Normally Not Given Training force* moved into U'Sn on Aug. New Patterns and Colors Straws, Rollers with velvet .binding and' bands.. Straw march that’ eOat '17.20O lives, Mac­ of.War Robert P.' Patterson argued blame for camp liprrors on the 25. 1941, some months before the Arthur asserted: Vandenberg DecUnee Oomaient agaUnst proposals for a shorter Gestapo chief, who committed (In Washington, the Iranian Beanies with ribbon trim. All colors. Felts, Rollers Admits Atteck Senator Vandenberg (R^lch), conclusion of the Soviet-Brltish- Students End “ Strike" Harrowing , “If this defendant does not de­ extension of the selective service suicide after capture.. embassy said the Army normally Iranlan treaty. The article said Philadelphia. March 31—(JA*> and Scotties in navy, red, brown. the target of some hefty ,-punches "You mean to say that even Seconds of 52 serve his judicial fate, none In jur­ act, which expires on-May 15 of consict^ of men 20 to 22 years old that Britain also moved troops in, Most of the 900 students at subur* . In Pepper's speech, dec&ed com­ when the krelsleiters were inform­ In training, with those over 22 isdictional history ever did.’’ this year. basing their presence on the ban Ridley Township High school Scooping "On Little Girl ment. / “ Should the selective service.act ed, of the concentration camps moving Into reserve classes. It Before annouiming his decision, formal agreement signed later. returned to classrooms today, MacArthur studied opinions ex­ A friend said he^’^ e v e d Van- not be continued and should our that you. as second man of the said 19-year-olds normally were $1.79 to $2.98 denbergr would “n o^ dignify with Izvestia said that, despite the ending a "strike’’ which resultetl' Lawn Grading pressed by Supreme Court Justices recruiting program fall to es­ Reich, didn't know?" asked Brit­ not given training. in formation of picket lines Mtxdt- Cloth and Father of Two Held a reply ” Pepmr’a Aasertions that tablish and sustain a volunteer ish Prosecqtor Sir David Maxwell- (A Moscow radio broadcast tripartite treaty, the former shah Murphy and RuUedge, wh-en) that Hitlerites continued to func­ the stude^ revolt In pralM ^ Drapery Fabric and* powerful advocate of the new­ have won, would become pre­ kept from me,—And I object to S ■ ■■ ■ » I . iiy. I I II tion in Iran. The shah, was com­ agninst suspension of two senlont- With white bindings. Navj% red. Bulletin! est form of IsolatkHUam—the ex­ carious." / your designating Himmler as my reportod" to have written an^artlcW M clusive (mntrol take chances dn manpower for the Attacks Claim Of Ignorance ^ i n e s e R e d s Hjilch was criticalI (rf the faculty: /To Face Trial Although Pepiier spoke' o f ' his Army," he added. “ After the . conclusion of thfe Special T 9 c Burke today ialoed a warraat Sir David attacked 4oering's Husstan-British-Iranian t r c a t v, i verc reinstated. chargfaig aaeaolt with iatea*"^ friendship for the Republican: he Suggests Pay Increase claim of ignorance by introducing MANCHESTER * Patterson told the committee pro-Fascist flj^ires went under- 4^, ^ . to kin against Jaaaea F. lia- For Treason told the -Senate that, Vandenberg a secret document, an order issued W m Stay Out g^'ound In the struggle against the * ^®^®*‘**in*^**?.-^ the future. . » March 19: celyed passes signed by both Pretty as a picture, sweet as spun children and son o f a wealthy Maine, native. Identified by Amer­ He told the committee that Receipts. $497,120,303.64; ex- sions of the January p(>litlcal unity Starters industrialist. ican MHilAry govemihent umciala conference. ’ n r 1 • Tfe .1 . rf't # .J .umuiiunion cinuand $(‘onipany, iiiiiiiaiiji, iirfs?are payroll Sliarp Oeavage Devel* psnditures, - $775,032,739.08; bal­ Bcl^lUn R p ^ P ilt LoniCrS and. maintenance workers. sugar arc the complinieUls you’ll Burke said Lincoln was held in as Mildred GiUaVs, haa been under (Coatiniied on Png* -CIglit) ance, $23.416,485,630.87. A Spokesman of the Democratic REPAIRED LOWEST PRICE EVER I Jail without .formal charge apd arrest in Zehlendorf since Friday ops Oyer Russian>Chi« league said his party also would With Piirlianieiit Lead* boyebtt the government revamp­ 10 Super\i:.urs hurl • Expert Workmanship! had signed a statement admitting night. In an interview today she hear as you stroll into spring sport­ the attack. He said no charge had referred to herself peraistenUy as nese Plan at UNRRA ing If attempts were made to pre- era qii New- Gahitiel ..Stamford, .'.•■urch '21—(J’l—Gen* I Fully Guaranteed! been filed pending outcome of the “Axis Sally" and told reporters:, sei've one-party rule in China. eri'.l .Mamigcr William K. . Hojrf ■ft child’s Injuries. “My conscience is clear* 1 have Bulletin! Railroad Crews Arrange Term Situation “ Serious" said that 10 supervisors were halt ing one o f these smart new hats. Off- 17 in. Smart Printed Both spokesmen termed the po­ Brussels, March 21 -•<:?*)— Paiil- today, none scr’ocsly, while pass Victim of the attack, Carol Wll- nothing to.hide.” Atlantic City, N, Henri Spaak resigned today at > Campbell liama, daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Writing Aceoimt of Advenforee March litical situation “serious." ing through a reinforced picket) —(J*)—India .gravely wara- The charges against the Kuo- premier of Belgium after failing the-face, pipped over your eyes, sail­ George Williama, who live on a "Sally," whose jeering voice To Send Girl to Hospital to win a vote of confidence yes­ line to enter the Yale and ’Towaa-i farm four miles east o f Joliet, suf­ today that five to~flfteea mintopg had been stated earlier Auto Supply, Inc. once was beamed nightly from millions o f her populatloo qiny terday In the Chamber of Depu •Mfg. Co. plant where a strike fered a poaaible skull fracture, the Berlin to homesick OIs In North by the No. 2 Chinese Communist gall last .\o\. 7. Hoji reported 29BissenSt. Tel. 2-1139 ors, open-erown, picture hats— we , -Toweling die In coming nionthn. **We In tins. result of the hammer blows, bullet Africa and later In fiurc^, (p Covington, Tenn., March 21—-(A*) ycab(x>se with a wheel chair which leader, Gen. Chou En-Lal, who to­ IhSt all of Iheiii -wcre - ahlt? to India are t a ^ with famine,” day departed unexpectedly for Regent Prince Chailes imihedt- wounds in tSb right hip, in the up­ spending her .time plgylng casino —Nearly a year ago a railroad the men on **the "line had ^ bought for ately conferred with the heads of work. lie said about 30 olbero FOR DRAPERIES, SCARFS, ETC. per right arm and shouldar and in Sir GlrJn.,Bhnnknr Bajpnl, ng* party headquarters in Yenon. have them all. with her guards and writing g conductor stopped hla freight train Minnie Rose. the Upper and. Lower Houses of were unable |o grt into the lock , , *. ■■ -■ '. Ihe left Bide of the cheaL Phyat- ^ t genehU for India ^ Wash­ (Thou will report, said the party personal account of her adven­ ii) front of a ramshackle farm Tonight the 70-ntlle-an-hour Psriiament preliminary to desig factory. ftlcanwHlle, 1|)0 police*^ BOYS’ ETON SUITS ctana aald It was not Immediately tures, ington, toM delegntas from 47 spokesman, to his chieftain, Mao ^ nations to UNRRA’a eouacU house to get acquainted >wlth a Chickasaw Limited will stop at hating a new premier. men patrolled the scene as several determined how many bullet* had “Sally," whose favorite trick the muddy crossing. But Instead Tae-Tung, u d will return to la navy and brown wool. ' , here. little girl who had been waving It was expected the regent hundred strlkejrq and sympnthlz- BUILDING struck her. ' was describing the comforts of to the trains from her rocking of dropping gifts, it will pick up Chungking after receiving instruc­ ers, under the "direction of t$W- Select Your 2 6 c yd. tions. would ask either Auguste de i ' Lincoln’s father, whom the th e. United States and aliat she chair on the front porch. Minnie Rose to take ' her to a Stanrford cotiiblned labor organ Atlantic City, N, J., March 3 1 ~ - Allow UseZM Railroads Schryver, leader of the -rightwing ' $6.50 to $7.90 Salesman identified aa James Fin­ called the folly of war against the He found the little girl was Shrine hospital in St. Louis. izntlon, paraded near the main cm - LOTS a ney Lincoln, Sr., president of the Reich, waa identified in a Mili­ (JV-A sharp cleavage developed crippled from a spinal anaesthetic The railroad men got together Meanwhile Chinese press dis­ Social Christian party, or former A new pattern in Green, Blue and Red. today amu^ng the Big Five powers Premier Achiller van Ackier, 8 o- trance to the plant. < Easter Hat Now! Long pants, regulation sailor Suits, sixes 2-6, |5.98-I9.95 Lincoln ESectric Company of. tary government statement aa riven her during an operation, and bought her a drawing room patches said today that Russians Fine Quality Twill, Prelaundered and Washabld. Cleveland, was reported en route Mildred E. Gillars, 37, a native of oyer a RusataaTChinese backed ef­ word was passed along the- Illinois and then arranged with the tratn- have agreed for toe first, time to cialiat party leader, to form a to Joliet by plane. fort to curtail the allocating pow­ new government. L'nderstand Demand Better FOR SALE Portland, Me. Central line that the little girl who maater to have the limited stopped permit Nations! troops to use rail­ Wnshington. March 31 (• )-^ Size approx. 80 x 200 ft. Called “Woaderful Hunband’* The statement said Lb6 propa­ ers of . the Combined Food board waved to the trains w’as crippled, at the little rural community along roads in expanding their control Spadk, who is a Socialist and, - ^ . . . which controls the flow of gnxier- president of the United Nations !*®fl coal operatoro deU*d^ Vefy good garden Iohl A COTTON JERSEY SUITS ' In River Forest, a Chicago sub­ gandist had been captured by U. ^opn l4-yeartold Minnie Rose the- tracks: They’ve even gone so of Manchuria: - and reported., these urb, Lincoln’s wife, Laura, an ex­ S. counter Intelligence agents In ieo supplied for world consumption additibnal developments: General AsMnibly, formed his J®l*n L. l^wls alnc (soatroct few minutes walk from Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! In plain color* and atrip**. Suspender and button-on atylei. Webb Was the mascot oT the line. far as . to have her rullman car ^vernment. of **technlcian$ amd 1 Uxlny »n« >®pori«d » $ 2 - 9 8 pectant mother, deseribed her hus­ Berlin after a aearuh requested by by Canada, England and the Unit­ Train* passing hei; house would hajted right In front of her front 1. National forces are tbnutlng first time school, stores and bus., Can Sine* 1-7. band aa “a wonderful husband and the U. B. attorney general in d ^ ed SUtea. slow down while conductors, en­ porch. eastward and northward from specialists” only .nine days ago'' progress" (or ha purchased with egiall father" and at firat refused to be­ veloping cases ai^nst American* Opposing tha movs wer* toe Friday morning • lltUfr- Minnie Mukden, toward toe coal n)h>lng after Schryver had tried in vain current wage negoUntloM. A gineers and brakemen threw, dolls, to irame a new cabinet. ; resentatUe of tke o p e r o ^ down Moraaent. OTHERS $1.98 lo $7.98 lieve he was in custody. who ooyabormted with the Naats. United States and Britain, sup- candy, toys and comic magazines Rose Webb, who sat on th* porch center of Fushuh and , the rail $1.39 to $3.49 ^hryver’s papty won a plural- Ih* ' •whuob “ He loves (iblldrgp and he hasn’t Ciyda E. 43ooch. Justice depart­ p o i ^ by . Canada. i t o the brown-haired little girl who o f her foUr-room tonant farm junction of Szeplngkai, held by For r^ h er Information any gun in hla car, 1 know that” ment representative, was quoted C3iineae (Communists. ity.ibut not a majority of too seats, hmuith* * CORK Under Oonstant Attack never aeemed.to <|o anything but house and waved to the trains, will lor CALL ^105 Mrs. Lincoln said. Later she by the AMO aa saying that “Sal­ These three eoimtrlea comprise rock and wave. be in the Shrine hospital iir 8 L 3. Saveral 30- to SSicard trains In too chamber In ^the recent na- of Lawla’ dnitaM talked to her husband In jail and ly" came to Germany In llM3. membership of the hoard which Preeeated Wkeei Chair Louis, where all that medical tcl-. packed with auppUes. maatly food, Uonal elections and was tmahle welfare tmad S ^ i ALLEN ■aid an*-will “stick by him” and Since the capitulation ehe has ha(l been under constant attack One day las; September a freight ence can offer will he her s aa a Ara leaving Harbin dally for Rus- to roach a neceisaiy working i kn* stimia** • The JW.HAL 4 CORK been hiding out In Berlin and liv­ train halted in front of her house. reward for her friendly agreement with the Communists and eenfSronew snta to# R fA L T Y CO. MANCMisTB* Comm- ing o t t the black market. (Uonttanad an Page ■m-eni ,The conductor emerged from the the men on tha line. (Uaattaoei aa Fag* Twa) or Liberals. =\ . tors slaeo M arw It* . iBt' CantMT’ ; ..V 3 5?K.y ( ' i - r .


tlojia. The aurvgy also showed words, to us4 in preparing^" hU ject to certain conditions. Among that acreages of biirley, grain memoirs. * them were stipulations that the In­ British fought, w'V would have to Given Thanks ' Union Reject^ crease must be approved by the fight. . Less Meats sorghiimn and tame hay may not 1945 Busiest. Year’ — Ihnl to Work Oye^Mme comg up to goals. Thla too polnta economic stabilization director and Izvestia Sees “We' decided, therefore, that WF The company IuhI-^ work over­ would not become affective until could not Just alt sUlfand do ncMt‘ to the prospect of a drop in llva- By Churchill time t6 fill the oTMr. Brass Olfe^ Red Cross Seen Likely stock production; < OPA granted xompensstory Ing,’- he continued. ("On thc/6thr NOW PLAYING Usoming o^ ^ is, Churchill used pritajnereosef. ^ Policy Chailge er hand, we also decided Uiat wc ,.,v ___ Commenting on the aurvey, the In Hospital History Cenipr Strcpl ons of thp/dises to record' this A it^ m e n t issued by 27 CIO B O L A N D : : r could not attack 'without a fur­ department said tarmera face ■SPpe Grateful to Employes measan>«> the employes, receipt Strikes iii Three Con­ leaders MtandUig the conference \ * Waster ^«m r is S'STILL Vitally Needed! Buying' ther warning to Japan, and we Total Dro|^^ Milk and Poul- many serious handicaps, includ­ of w)Mcb the company announced contwioed tliat the attached con­ As Iran Need discussed what form the warning 1 '-f. ing shortages of labor and farm Total of 3,904 Patients Of SoundScriber Corp. necticut Cities and Buf­ andI collecting waatc wa papef, magazinee and scrap 1 try Prnilucts Outlook y: ditions “robhH the offer of any should taka. The president sug­ machinery. real valfh to taeNvorkero.’’ metalalals Is our b q sm ^ Dial gested a special telegram front Cared for; 1,790 Op­ For Overtime Work 1 am deeply Impressed with the falo, N. * Y., Continue K VN(.l (OiatUnMd from Pmgt Om ) I For Neih, 15 Months It said the tight warUme labor enormous advance which has John Driscoll, sts;# CIO secre­ Our collection aeYqjke meeta your every need. himself to the Emperor of Japan. For Today situation hai* been alow to im­ tary, asserted: f>320 After some discussion It was de­ erations Performed been made. I am full of hopes that Wsterbury, March 21—(>r>— • Eliminates Fire Hetafda \M) H Ki- V/ 1 L i I^U atlon under the name o f Mel prove, and that farmwt who urlng the year there. 'finished in time. I think it Is roost tiations here. ing whenever he felt "there is a PHONE 5 8 7 9 will not be .serioiui enough to for thanks, n o t ^ person nor by con-y aul Schultse, and others. Including ing what we would have to do If cult tp obtain. Read Herald Ad vs. were 8,904 ^tienta admitted to , kind of them, and on a par with A two-day conference between posaiblllty of reaching common ■ome German parachutist's among the danger happened.” a return to rationing. * the hoqptUl for care. ’Ilieae pa* i ventlonoKletter, but with his Oil the hospitality and friendship represehtatiyes of the company ground:’’ southern tribes. Program Not Followed CjliiieBe Reds An Agriculture departnsont mjr ttanta accounted for, a total of 34,- voicsstuertlng "This Is me, W^- I have received over here. I wish and the Mine, Mill and Smelter More than 11,000 workers at th e ] WM. OSTRINSKY HARTFORD ROAD The article said this demon­ As it develojied, this progra vey on farmers' 1946 planting In w 988 patient days. xThe highest: stQiFxniurchUl, speaking, himself, them the beet luck. Workers’ union (CIO) ended company’s plants here, and in An- 182 Bissell Street strated that Iranian government was not followed. Stimson iex- WilLjStay Gilt tentions indicates that livestock number of paUehtaxbt. any one to you." "This is me. Winston Churchill, abruptly yesterday with rejection oonis, Torrington and Buffofo, N. circlea. actually aided and defend- plained that the president went to feed grain supplies, already far day woa 124, ft waa revealed to* While in the Unltid States, speaking, himself, to you, and I of a company offer to Incrosoe Y., have been idle since the strike r e s t a u r a n t & G R ILL i ed pro-Fasclam. Warm Springs, Ga.. for Thanks­ short 'of requirements, may con- Young People All Around do-y by Supt. William P. Slover. Britain’s ex-prime miiusier pur­ am so glad to be able to thank you wages 18 1-2 cents on hour, sub­ began Feb. 4. : ■ T..,ho..J8I» Attacks Reaction giving "and that Iq the interim be­ HiMd from Page One) tinne below demands for a year Surgery woa busier than ever chased two sets of ^Aohndsertber in this remarkable way.” X lavestln atUcked What It called tween his return Dec. 1 It was after this season’s crops are har- i with 1,790 operatlona throughout rseordem and traiwcilbers and 'a veste 9 A. M. to 12 Noon . ample. Anne W: Cheney home on Hart­ en. Price 819,000. R. SUrk, the chief of Naval op­ deep secret, known only to the au­ Evucuating Changchun The nation's^ cornfields appear pital for the purchase of needed CENTER STREET— erations. and Gen. George C. Mar- thorities In W ^ lngtqn who kept ford road is completed os a hospi­ COVENTRY— Tientsin. March 21—(J*)— Rus­ likely to be about the same size aa equipment and apparatus for the FRESH DAILY / 4- Fohilly Dwelling, 5 room* ehall, the Army chief of staff. it mysteriously to themselves.” relief and comfort of its patients. tal annex. Form,' 20 acres, mostly tlll- sian forces may WS evacuating last year but about five per cent DRINK" No definite word is available at each apartment, Convenlenes. For emergency calls after hours Possible Meaning Disrtissed i It was a n)Atter of public knowl- below government recommenda The total proceeds througt^ 1945 obiS.'. '7-room house now va­ / I edge as apyone could see from Changchun, capital of Manchuria, the present time as to when the We Also Have Downy flake Waffles On bus line — near business Stimson said this meeting dis­ dispatches to north China news­ ____^____ A 4..M.AR»l MUSICAL « U K ------alone were 82,417,32. This amount cant, with all conveniences bi- consult our telephone listing. cussed the possible meaning of the reading the newspaper headlines, was turned over 'to the Imspltal new wing will be constructed. section and center of. town. papers report^S~today. The press FUN! LAUCBTER! PRIZES! Price $10,000. elndlng steam heat. Bam Japanese move—possibly, an at­ he said^/addtng that: for the purchase of the following However, as soon aa building con­ TRY OUR NOW FAMOUS eqnlpp^ to tie dp 20 head of RANGE tack on the Philippines, on Thai­ also reported that many Russian ditions become favorable the hos­ Puhllriy Warned Of "Clash" items: UNION STREET— ' cattle. Price 87.800. land, the Dutch East Indies, Sing­ Oq'Oct. 24 Secretary Knox pub­ planes,. Including bombers, were Round and Square . TONIGHT! 12 chairs, 1 gaa anesthetic ma­ pital authorities plan to proceed asse{»bled on the Changchun air 'without delay. .Meanwhile, they OIL apore, or Rangoon. licly warned of a "clash’' with DANt.INt; With IheX chine, 1 ether suction machine, 2 BURGER-IN-ArBASKET 5- Fnmily House, 4 'rooms and FUEL Call ^5105 for Additional “'The posaiblllty of an attack on J^pan figld. oxygen tents, 6 bedside tables for are doing the very best they can •7. . Ta Kung Pao, one of the- most Every Friday Nlifhl. R:S0 to give good care and treatment each apartment. Large Ipt. Information On Any Of DIAL 5 1 5 6 Pearl Harbor was not discussed / On Nov.* 11. Armistice day. the Casa Madrid Orelidstra patients, 1 food truck, 4 troy Hond.v to bus and shopping OPEN 2 4 HOURS ______...... "h e said.. president warned the people that reliable papers here, reported that trucks for transporting food. to their patients in the present YEOMAN'S HALL ' x^oapital Iniilding. section. Price S5AOO. -x ' These Properties, The Manchester/Electric Division Stimson went on to say that Ml the nation was facing a World ,War the Russians had bade farewell to The hospital urgently requests WE ARE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK agreed the Japanese expedition again. Chinese officials in Changchun. Coluifihia DEPOT SQUARENQRILL ~tbe people of Manchester to con* m o r i a r t y b r o t h e r s must not be allowed to land 1 On the same day, Sumner tinue to save their waste paper, The newspaper E Shih Pao. said 14 Depot Square — Tel^hone 38.T5 10 A. M. TO MIDNIGHT .. ALLEN REALTY COMPANY, THE CONN'ECncUT PO W ^ COMPANY “ “Oh the Level At Cente# «nd Broad” Gulf of Slam, "that If the Welles, under.secretary pf'state, de­ many planes had been flown to the including newspapers and cartona eae got Into the Isthmus ^ clared "our people realize that at Manchurian capital from Peril, Quality Wines — Liquors — Beers \ . as the proceeds are grolhg for a 180 CENTER STREET > TEI.EPHONB 5108 178 5tain Street Mancheater, Coan. the British would light; ^ d , If the any moment war wiay b« forced just outside Vladivostok, presum­ ______t r y o u r SPAGHETTI'o r PIZZA 'V - good cause. distrMS A . . OM Liquid w Toblato All Lines of Insurance. Inclmling Life MortcMgcs A'rraiiKcd upon us.” ' y' ably to evacuate troops. The Women’s auxiliary contin­ oct OB & aud I m a A f / S88»m »O iO 6O9f 06M »ltS il«6SSSSStOmf88H f f t t t t f i t m t 9t f 9»4f 6f 6SaaSttttta8> W tz H 9^ H / Announcing Zhe^ 1 all confronted. ...” • ------' ' ' ...... y'— Should Have Been On Alert \ / II |\ 1 Stimson declared Short should Injury E\’«ry Hqi^r In 1945 In t have been on the alert even if no [warning message had been sent to Hartford, March' 21—(Aq—Some ■ / GRAND OR I him. ' > '• one waa Injured In a Connecticut \ I "If he did not know that the automobile' aqcldent every hour . relations between Japan and the during 1945 state nu tor vehlclea o f the United States were strained and I Commission'er John T. McCarthy might be broken.at any time, he' said yesterday,j - - —andj added **—*that must have been the only man in such accidents killed an average Hawaii who did not kniow it, for of one person every 35 hours dur- the radio and the nevi-apapera were |„g, y eor. Of the 249 persons T H E G ARD EN / ' ’ blazoning out those facts dally, m^ed 198 were males. -One wo- RESTAURANT & C.RII.I, and he had*a chief of aU ff and an a„d 52 men operators lost 840 MAIN 8T. TEL. S90* - / intelligence officer to tell him ao. hvcs. while for every driver “Food As Von Like It” “And If he did not kndw jj,j,pd 55 were Injured. ------McCar­ Wines — Liquors — Beers th« Jmpanese were likely to atriKe thy’s report shows. Most accl- I without warning, he could pot have 'dents. It adds, occurred on Satm- read nis history of Japan or Ipiown daya. the lessons taught In the -Army schools in respect to such blat­ SEHYICE SYATION ters." Lfgal ~ Notices Yet Stimson said that with the aid of "hindaight,” he could see AT A COURT o r PROBAXB held that the Army’s War Plana dlvl- ] at Manchester. Srithin and for the D c n n Diitrlrf of Manchester, on the Slat \ Sion here woqld have placed, itself day rtf March, A.D.. 1648. TODAY, X. . and "the safety of the country In Present WIPUAM 8. HTDE, Esq., FRL, SAT., SUN. Relax ana EiOey Yourself './• a sdbncRr position” if it had sent, .Itiilze. OUTSTANDING HITS! more information to Slmrl.-- Estate of Wells A. Strickland of ■/ CORNER SPRUCE AND ELDRIDGE StS. Maiiuhvster. In said district. liKapable. FIRST MANCHESTER Upon application of The Usnehea- . The price of victory Includes care ter Trust Company. Conaervator. pray- SHOWING! ' TONIGHT .V of the woundcd;~Iniure the beat for Ijig for authority to sell cartaln tsal your narion’s heroes who are dis­ estate particularly deacribed In said AT THE NEW application t>n fltb. It la abled. Buy A Victory Bond Today I ORDERED: That the foregoing ap­ In The New Super plication be heard and determined at The Safety of School Children is My Business the Probate ■ offlee In M anchester, In said District, on tha 38th day of March. A.D.. 1848. a f 6 o'clock tp the Eiso Preduets and Accessories forenoon, apd that notice be given to all persons Interested In ssld estate I s V of the pendency of aStd application and 30 OAK ST. TKI.. :»8«4 the time and plaSS of hearing thereon, USERS! by publishing a copy of thla order In specializing tn Prompt, Superior Service to All Our Customers. All W^e Ask Is some newspaper having a circulation I 1 'x In said district, at least five dsyS be­ ' Give Vs a Try fore the day-of said hearing, to appear If they aee'*cause at said time and place •pH . ‘ Radio Re|iairfl and be heard, relatlvp thereto.” and make return to this court. Prompt, Expert WILLIAM 8. HYDB, Judge., HP! road that lead.s {o beauUfuUy- BUD MKHALAK— economical Prices KKC'OND ORDER OF NOTICE' THE MOST PRECIOUS LOAD ON EARTH \ ‘ coiffured hair starts , *>,->:.. 10 Years’ Experience W'ith Esso Super Products and Servicing. ARF. YOU SUPERIOR COURT. COUNTY OF Guaranted Hartford, the llth day ot March, 1648. It * ■k* 'V\ ith. an expert hair shaping by Tp SPARKLING MUSIC NBLrLiB SOLONUK BRRNNAN va. Every day in the school year The Connecticut Ij^etter schools — p'articularly in the rural A James,- Then a soft, 9 0 Days Wa l t e r b r e n n a n . BOB OLIVER— Upon complaint In said cause AS STYLED BY Company carrie* approximately 20,000 young­ districts. HAIK- ratiirul looking permanent that will brought to aald Court, at Hartford, In .' ’ In the near future we will announce the opening of our garage under ' DRUS&KR? - HUMAN said County, on the first Tuesday of sters to and from their sdioolhotues. < his superV’Ision for general repair .work on all niakes of cars. He i^ ju^t - # cau.se your friends March. 1948. and now pending, claim* A R T 'M e K A Y ’ t f - . HAIR Ihg-a divorce, ^custody of minor child The safe transportation of school children is ' out of the service. PHor to his entrance into the Army he was heifd tVe are m nerd of ^ /7 and alimony and support for aald ^ mechanic for a large Hartford garage. He took up automotive engineering . aflditional opcratois. to remark (If only to themselves), NETS child it appearing to the aubscriblng AND HIS ORCHBSTRA Kkre diildrra are riding to and from school this Company’s ^greatest , respomibility and we in the service and is fully-skilled in all makes of cars. < Attractive salary “You are certainly a Bre - war style authority that the realdence of the and nice hours. Wi* fiM' now BONDfn defendant, formerly of Manoheater la Brown, White, ; now unknown to the plaintiff. . x p I f K t If If if if if * * than ever before which means that bus trans- look bade bn an enviable safety record oyer a Beautiful YOU this Spring!”,. . by SI • ** . dium Brown . ORDERED: That notice of the In­ portation ia largely accountable for bigger and Black. WFSTtRN NATIONAL stitution end pendency of eald com­ REMEMBER — THERE IS NEVER A COVER OR period o f many years. . A BETTER JOB AT A BETTER PRICE WILL BE OURIMOTTO INOLMNUY CO lo plaint ehall be given aald defendant by publlahtng this order In the Manchea- MINIMUM CHARGE! ^ f j u o m n t roil j c i <1 - o i o ler Eveiiliif Herald, a newspaper - ALL WORK GUARANTEED! * p <) I ( vV O f ■ b . f *^1 -■ f j (! y - published In.Uancheeter. once a week, DROP IN TONIGHT AND YOU'LL SliE WHY IT’S for two aucceaaive weeke. commenc­ Hum JACK HALIT y : u I CJ - t' 1 T! RAYMOND J . CANNON. MfUNWAUOlMIDYVAUB I i ) i T i p ! f I » ‘ '. o 1 1 f o 11i o n ' ICIVIIIS Assistant Clerk of eald Court. OZZK NOSON'fMUMBD EKCEI^^ENT w in e s ~ LIQUORS — BEERS! ONf RINIlEI BUD MICHALAK BOB OLIVER Liqi’OSi FBBMIT ^ m ART LINKLETTER THE NOTICE o r APFUCATION . ■ Mechanic SPEOniARERJNNY CIMMSHITICS For Service ea ll This Is to five notice that I,. JOHN RADIO SHOW rtf: r. VALL,U2U, .pf *• Oxfofd atreet. Manchester. haV filed an appIleaUon RANCES UNGIOID y Phone 3829 for Battery^ TirB .and Gas Service dated March 18. 1948. with the Uquor Control Commleeion for a Tavern a l s o - e - permit for the aale of alcoholte liquor It’s Always Quality Food At the Oak Grill James’ Beauty on the premlsea IW Middle Tumplkk. “f o r e v e r y o u r s** CORNER SPRiifE AND ELDRIPGE STREETS Weat. Maachaatar.vTWa Mialp ey la Whether s DeLuxe Dinner “Where It’s Cojivenient T e Park” Opea Thursdays *til 9:00 F. M. ,owned by JOHN F . VALLUSSl. Of ^ I I I ' ' Or s Business Men's Luncheon Cloasd SsC At $:30 P. M. Oxford atreet. Mancheatar._ and will E1«D TONlOHTt REMEMBER-DAILY LUNCHEOWI-65c . » " f o r m e r l y a d a m t s 74 EAST CENTER STREET Conducted by JOHN F. VALLUSfSI. “SPANISH MAIN'* At the Center 88 Oxford street, Manchester ee Our Kitchen Open.*Til 1:00 A. M. wssgagassMMSM»a»ss»as>9»ass8sts»9s>so«l»a8MsatsM6S sssn 8S8s*ta»Ms«sgas»ssgtt4 Next To the Telejihone ComfMuiy 539-541 Main Street permittee. i4s*8tsst8«sa«ausssqss«t8SS9Ssaaaa«s^*^*ta8«B| JOHN r. VALLUEZl “MAMA LOVES PAPA** iTt 1 Dated March 19Ui. 1848. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MAJNCHESTMR, CONN„ THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 194® " MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCTIESTER. CONN^ THURSDAY, MARCH 11.194S . X roxnt O m *1 ^ m___ .1 '^Ivlolence In strikes, permits suits (Strike VxOlllTOl 'Relations of Sounds Disquieting MACHINES Labor Relations Study cdntracts, and exempts supervis­ White against Gilford White theta Easter Seal REPAtKBb- ALL MAKES ory employes from the national Note on Termites will be a motion made fo f counsel Law Far Awav labor IMlatlons act. R o c k v ille fees and ju«bpnent In the divorce Today’s The Dayy Folks 10 Tsww Bxpartcncs! Bs— onalJS' $totea! Bfforti^irill be made to odd these acUomr o f Everett Sidney Gergler Drive Opens eni lent to the Senoto Mil whem It roaches against Marcella Jeaaette Oerg- A. BRE>VfeR the floor. Whatever meooure the New Haven, March 31.—(flv-tt ler; Diane W. Arnold against Ed­ Bill Approved by Sen* Seante may finally approve la vir­ is spring and termite time and M. ig Quota ward A. Arnold: George W. Hln- Telephone 8-0649 or 3 ^ 4 8 ' FuticU-to Be Raised for tually certain, hovTover, to contain P. Zappe, Qonnecticut Agricultur­ kel against Lucy A. Hlnkel; Har­ FouKYear Schoo\ Cre­ Kte Oimmittee May fundamental diffetohqes - from the al Experiment station entomolo­ For Red Cross ry A. Taylor against Leona Red- Crippled; Letters ot ated by ,New York Await Other Matters House bill sponsored ^ Re)>. Cose Eggs are goad far ya«i dlt ’I^lor. (R.. S. D.). gist, sounds a disquieting note— taata goad, taa. Other actions scheduled are Appeal Mailed about the tprmites in dwellings. Legislature Pmrt of Washington, March 21-^g*)— This wopld mean appointment ^ Usa tham maralag, George Flklet agaln.st Arthur H; STUFFED TOYS of a Senate-House conference epm- "Spraying and fumigation meth­ ^ naan and nigkt, eat an> tockviUe Needs Only Hall; Jane Albano against Mar­ Mra. Charles S. House, chair­ -In Cornell University Final congressional action—1( any mlttee to try to work out k cotit- garet PaU; Angelo Comarella, ad- In VshHur sad Leotksr. ods for the control of tennites are \ ty aarvad alawa bat with man of the 1946 Easter Seal Sale —on strike control legislation ap­ promise, which could turn'into a ^■$3,700 More to ;r»twi«trator against Roland Fred­ (WosIwMe) " By blax Hall pears today to be months off. time-consuming process. f not effective," says Zappe. "The atharfoada ta maka erick Poirier et al. ^ committee, has announced that Chairman Murray (D., Mont.) oiiiy sure method o f control is/ e- mala eaarsa dtoaaa ar Over the Top the local campaign to ralee funds ARTHUR DRUG STORES Washington, Uareh 21— (Vj — Bomb leMslatlve friends ot or­ told reporters the bill approved by ganized labor B«y privately they consii^ction of the dwelling.’’ daoaarts. for Ute Connecticut Society for 845 MAIN ST. TEL. SSM Hsre and th*fc, you find reason- the Senate Labor committee prob­ would, prefer no legialaUon at all But the cloud ia not without ita ■ockvUl#. March 21— (Special) C i^pled Children and .AdiUta. abla p«Ie, making earnaat. and ably ivill not come up for floor In thin ^fleld.______fUUani Partridge, treasurer of To kesuitie Count opche today when 8,500 letlsra of silver Hnlh|^, Zappe Indicates. ter Easter Seal Salt Committee thoughtf)iI efforts to bring about debate until such matters os the ^ v e for fxmda of the Bock* appeal w ill be mailed' to people In British loan, housing legislation Spring, he 1» the time of are: Mre.sOeorge Welle Cheney, better labor-management rela­ To Go oo 49-Hour k e e k year the termites e^perge from the ----- Chapter, American Red Croaa In Primary Vole this area. and extension of \the O PA have FIRST RATIONAL STORES Dr., Eugene M. Davis, Rev. W, J. tions in this country.' • » , l I ■! woodwoik and due can see them .Zammci^ that m.ioo bw ^en Robert E. Hathaway, treasurer, been settled. Dunn, Arthur H< lUlng,'' Dr. It refreshes the mind, in a time Hartford, March . 21— (A)— ' ‘The winging about, likd ^ying onto. ^ iM t c d which represents 76Sfr of announced that $2,068.06 was rais­ Oil Burners DeriBloa F o r ' Leadership . fM. CLLIQtT Georgs A. F. Lundberg, Dante of bitter Industrial warfare, to 18 U. 8. Employment offices in SUPER MARKETS a b quota. The aura of $3,700 ia ed here last year and atressed that That, of courae, is a decision for 'This swarming, a brief period New Britain. March 20.—IFV— Paganl. Rev. Ferris E. R ey­ look 'Into such efforts. Onii of Connecticut will go on a 40-hour during which they lose' their M o d J d l m ' — ieeded by the Chapter to this community must raise more leadership, he said, but odde)!:^ Weary members of the Democrat­ nolds," Mra. A. L Rlker, Mra. them is being made at Ithaca, N. week beginning April l. Director wings, often la the first indication Liilen te.'.’’l^e((Mn'i Radio Jeurnat"9:30 A. M. Mon. to Fri. Stations WBZ. WIZA, Qrado lU goal of $14,800. Contrl- money, this year aa Its ahara of the " ’Those measures are more em­ at* neceaaary from every- ic-Town committee, who suspend­ George H. Waddell and Elmer A. Furnocet Y. The effort has a nine-word ergency matters than this would William J. Fitzgerald said yester­ of their presence in a building, $175,000 atatcwlda quota, ‘ the day. In order that the campaign ed the counting of ballots cast In Weden. x A Pew Slin Avtilabta. title: / be.” . Zappe disclosed. amount needed to carry on tha So­ "New York State School of In­ From all indications, the pro­ ^ a y nacb a aucceaaful clo^hg yesterday’s primary at 3 S. m. UV ciety’s rehabilitation program ^tth lU goal of $14,800 atUlned. day, prepared to resume Uic job dustrial and.Labor Relations." YOUR 8TBP8~A c. posed $3,750,000,000 loon to Brit­ j2, ^UoUm during the coming year. r a c k i-i p p b o il CO. This four-year school came into •a N lM t* t ie Rod Crees. aoeb ain will come In for extensive de­ BoUcttora are urged to make their this afternoon . after determining *8 Maple Arenae — KarMaea -: Tlie Society operptee rehabilita­ existence last fall. Administra­ k a ta r* eoatritorte to tke yearly bate. And the betting around the FRESH NATIVE, TO OR BROIt jutuma aa aoon aa. possible to the before going to bed that Henry J. t o l Hafttavd 8-5lt1 Owlazda, former' police court tion workshops In Hartford. New tively It is a part of Cornell uni­ toll of 88.989 kiltod and 4A99A99 capitol is that a decision on O PA’s aCflce. ialared to U 8. hSM aecideato Additional buaineae houaea mak- judge,, had been nominated for Haven. Bridgeport and Stamford LECLERC versity. and it is operated by Cor­ future will not be reached much eontrtbutiohs are follows: mayor in a contest with James N. and offers a program from home- rUNEKAL HOME nell. But It is a state-financed In-, ahead pf the price control act’s CHICKENS bound patients all over the state. present expiration date—June 30. ORANQES 3 9 lar Package Store, $3; Stand- Bofdlere and William D. Boyle. stitution. sure to be made as the school fMis FOR ROASTING „ Motors. $2; Red Star Service The task-before the Tow-n com­ The funds raised are also used to 8.^ Main StrcM Created by Legislature its way along in the first few Wide Difference In Measures FLORIDA . . . Itation, $S; Webar’a Variety .Store, mittee Is the counting of the bal­ finance medical treatments and to The New York state Legtala- years. If mistakes are made, they Adding to the uncertainty as to FOR JINCf - 6 ^ tAG O 3 * 4-5 LB i | A Phone S28f whether any strike control bill will K ; Chet'a Package r Store, $2; lots for members of the School pay for artificial limbs and appli­ MALE HELP ture created the School with the can be corrected if the leadership AVERAGE board and Board of Selectmen. ances for handicapped persons. be enacted Is the wide difference GRAPEFRUIT CHICKENS Kate’s Package store, $10; Koaiofr purpose of bringing together is alert and flexible. between the measure produced by ak Market, $5; L. P. FiUgerald, The ballots from two of the larg­ The eervlces of the Society are future representatives of manage­ Labor unions and corporati(M)s PUMP, MEATY, TENDER the Seriate committee and the one toMt^^Juky 3 19< $10; Qessay’s Market, $5. Groups est wards in the city, the Ninth avallabis to the crippled of , all^ WANTED ment and labor for common train­ can well afford to watch this ed­ 1 H E M W and Tenth, were brought to party ages, racea and creeds. already passed by the Houae. and organisations have contributed ing, to give them mutual under­ ucational experiment dlosely. The Senate bill provides: k W W L . 4-5 LB AVG q ^ t ^ nai amounts— Ekmt School headquarters this morning when, Mrs. House pointed out that Wanted To Buy PEAS LB standing and appreciation of dif­ 1. A Federal mediation board 4 2 . jika&iera' aub, $10; Polish- Na- it was reported, the personnel of since there Is no public program Apply fering attitudes the sU ffs at the polling places de- 9) or 6-Rooni Duplex... which would try to avert strikes m p u - m i CAUTORIMA. 2 3 BONED AND ROLLED IF DESIRED luonal Alliance, No, 2291, $5; Un- which can meet all the needs of In the first semester-there were by mediation and conciliation. ilen Congrregatlonal church, $32.14; cidep>2 4 . paign. • Ekich of the societies and pose of improving general rela­ *1. Tllden Jewett, Tolland, Mra P. regent and vice regent, Mrs. Rob­ examiner, said the wound was FOR ESTIMATE CALL Plowing 'at Cornell is the first full-fledged Col. Samuel S. Auchincloss of garbage pail, draina—make your houoa organizations of the church have tions between labor and capital. ’ that any dealer in Connecti­ TOMATOES E X H U a J. Johnston, William A. Kuhnly, ert L. Cooper and Mra, Raymond self-inflicted and that Sibrava had four-year school. Darien, Conn., was awarded the aparkla from collar to attic! Read diree- RID WILSOH'S B-V ”fS'242 been solicited, and the offering at shot himself \yrth a 12 gauge shot­ cut Is paying more than I distinguished service medal -for RIRi CELLO PKG 2 9 . Mrs. Francis T. Maxwell, George the morning service of worship Burnham; Mrs. C. R. Burr, Mrs. D U N -R ltE ^ Harrowing \ A ll See Good Future tione carefully. ‘ gun which Was found near the am for good, clean automo­ SomiKof thes men and women “outstanding service" with the B. Milne,. Francis 8. Nettleton, will be directed Into the Red Cross W.'O. Crawford, Mrs. F. F. Spen­ ¥ -CELERY body. biles. atudents^^he average age ia 25) Army Signal corps in the South­ ^op t, ^Wookottd VaUttl Marold R. Obenauf, Judge Thomas Fund. cer. Mrs. Cora Clarke, Mrs. Ellen Firemen’s Social A U TO BODY WHEN IT’S "DAZILEB" VOg M|W ITS CLURI RASCAL wmrra F. ^ d y , Jr„ George C Scheeta, Thresher of South Windsor, Mrs. The rnkn was alone In the farm­ Scooping / expect to WQ^ for business firms west Pacific, where he was assist­ Other members of the commit­ house i t the time. He leaves a ant to the chie^gnal officer. Doublo . Doubla . . flA Stephen J. Von Buw, Samuel Alfred Mubklow of Wethersfield. 8 Griswold St., off Center St. s,. Signed: as personnel ot^mdustrlal relations Itlw $ el«A J * Behi l y « JA C K s h a d » 19« tee who have been working on this Proves Successful wid*^' and two children. Stepson, Tolland. matter are Miss .Ethel Harrlaon Mrs. William Slover and ‘ Mrs. PHONE 8888 Lawn Grading ^ directors. Some'^ant to be labor BeaeSt Games and Miss Marlon Brookings, David Lester Hohenthal. leaders. Others areN|imlng at gov­ REDFISH FILLtr FANCY u 31. AL. CHAGNOT. Prop. Krol Motets ernment careers. Mafiy haven’t de­ There Will he two basketball J. O’Nell. Charles Gill and the The hostess chapter Is Marana Publ'c Support Urged Two of Family ^ o o d l imca this evening at the Town minister,jFlev. W..Ralph Ward, Jr. Norton Brooks Chapter of Tor- Hose Company No. 2 of the Edw. Senkbeil By Clarepco J. Krol cided Which camp tbe^swant to FLOUNDER FILLET »« » 4 0 < all for the benefit of the Englert rlngton and the headquarters is Manchester Fire Department held Hartford. March 21—(ffj—Gov­ 653 Center Street land in. But all seem to nave un­ E the Center Congregational church limited confidence that theVe will Perish in Fire APRICOTS ■oftball team. The proceeds will a most aucceaaful night orogram ernor Baldwin yesterday urged Carter St. Phone^7519 M A CKEREL u 17. be used to purchase uniforms for In that place. pubne”support for the 1946 Easter TeL ,2-11)60 be a goocLfuture for men and wo­ Table Teatad 16-OZ PKG 2 9 . the team...... at the fire headquarters. Main and seal campaign of the Connecticut men who are trained in labor retur E ASY TR E A T. Gom muf­ Marlborough Hilliard street last ntghV In the first game tha PAC. Girls Society for Crippled Children and MASON tlons. ' LeUyard, March 21.— — Mrs. fins made with Flakorn LIMA BEANS /U Om/s R eJ iitef. ' e< this city will play the Broad Nelson Qulmby was cKalrmkn of Adults. The campaign, seeking They express this eager confi­ tonett Lawson, 59, wife of are always delicious and Bequest Will Aid the turkey supper which began the Brook Girls at 7:30 p. m. and In Frank Surowiak and Edward contributions of $175,000, starts dence so enthusiastically that you Ledyard's second select-man, land always easy to make. Same To scrub hnoUums, IFm baby s wash, . Ferdheek Finnat 12-OiPkg36* events of the evening. On the com- her six-years-old granddaughter, W n i l B SLICED BRIAO • • LOAF 1 0 * the second game the ’Traveling Surowlak of North Westchester today. WORK wondsn whether some of them may good ingredients, you use. Makf floors bright-- hiapers eirtd such. Hoboes will meet the Ehiglert Five who have recently received dis­ Industrial Peace vnlttae with hint w ire Francis be in for disiq>polntment8 before Dorothy, White, died last night Nothing to add but egg and Daztle helps me You certainly want D A IC IM RITTY ALOEN h i 40Z dea Dwyer and Harold Sankey. Twen- their shining careers open up. when they were trapped in their BRUSSELS SPROUTS oh Rockville, this game starting charges from the service were milk. Precision-mixed for Do them right. y The "Sunshine" touch. K M I d i r i SLICED BREAD LOAF | 2 * at t:80. callers here the firit of the week. ty-flVs couplek enjoyed the excel­ Chimneys This writer recently spent two bedrooms 'by flames which de­ OIL stroyed a cehUiry-old farmhouse ToMa Tastad ll-OZ PKG 3 2 . TIeket Bschaaga Pfc. Richard L. Rankl has re­ New Hat’cn, March 21.—(ffl — lent meal and the entertainment HIGH GRADE da3Ts on the . Cornell campus, ob­ J. L. PRESCOTT 80.. PASSAIC. NEW JERSEY • 7$ YEARSIn TUSINESI CR A CK ED WHEAT 1 0 TIciMts for the Senior Drama- and dance that followed. Mr. and serving the school. It ’s much too on Long Cove K)ad here. turned to Rhodes General hospital H alf of the money left by Benja­ Rebuilt ties may be exchanged at the In Utica, N. Y „ after spending the Mr.'<. Charles Nute. won the door INTERIOR FINISHI^IG early to Judge whether the infant Her husband, \another grand­ min Toland, young Marine llcif-i Immediate insWflation. Small down pay- daughter, 3, andXMrs. Sheldon NOWI THIN SUCID . . . M AKIf CRISRIR TOAST Sykes Auditorium box. office today week-end here. prize. A SPECIAI.TY institution will Justify the time, Ki^JuHaHfd P n o d f l io U - AND THIN, DAINTIfR lANDWICHIS or Friday, 2:30 to 5 and 7 to 8 tenant who hastily scribbl^ a 1 . effort, money, and the confidence White, mother of thes^bumed girl, Tonight will be "Neighbor’s Plosfering ‘ were saved. A m. The play will be presented will before he w ai killed on Iw o | meut. Balii^c^ 36 months. FHA Plan. of the students who enrolled. The ^ _ WHOLi WHEAT Night" at the local Grange with The fire, apparently ^ r t ^ by Cleanser 3 'o* 14* Friday evening at 8:15 in' the the following Granges puttlns on Jima -13 months ago, will be used, Ernesl D. Clough T el. 2 -S418 project is really Just getting under 1 0 0 ^ JOAN UROL RREAD | 5 i S]^es Auditorium. to better labor-management rela­ way. But it seems to be o ff to an a defective- chimnbyi, was^Ntought the evening’s program; East PAINTER AND Iqr the Ledyard aiM'^iNavy Shbma- Granulated Sanp Lg« Pta 23* Superior Court Hampton. Columbia, Rocky Hill tions although he^wad directed, Cg/Hartford 2-4307 or 7-9089 encopraginb start Apparently it is RANGE OIL : DECORATOR In the hands of able, fair-minded rine base. New London, fire ''de­ There will be, a short calendar and Good Will. that only 40 per^cent be devoted j partments, but they were h a m p ^ Soap Flakes ICC NCG 23* people who have no axe to grind N A V Il ORAt40l JIMCI JOAN CAROL PKG OF 12 1 6 . aeasion of the Tolland County Su- A Red Cross houae to house to this purpope^ . | FIRST QUALITY ed by lack of water after a weiy DOUGHNUTS Prof. E.J!wight Bakke, director for special Interests. lor court on Friday afternoon canvass Is being conducted here. Delivery PAPERHANGING was pumped dry. Soap Powder 18* Rockville with Judge John H. Mrs. William Edbcrg Is a .. pa­ of the nkw’ly-estabMshed Labor-. POULTRY = 7 No political party or economic Proved by ocianca hi 6-y*or FINGER ROLLS ‘c»*SANDWliS^^^ PKG OF I 1 2 c r King presiding. Several businesstient In the Hartford pispltal. Manacefnent center at Yale, aald ' group aeeins likely to exert undue .X JStSfrom CaMorfiiana^.^gejuice-rK* Complexion 3c*^»14* todgjr the university, left 10 per CALL 5501 94 RUSSELL STREET influence. The dean Is Irving M. natters and four divorce actions Harry Turcotte has returned EQUIPMENT invitaminC.A.c»kaiin. BqoT are scheduled for the session. home from the Middlesex Hospital TEL. 5309 Ives, who led the movement in the Borax Soap 3 14* Pkg of Baby Chick Feeders^ TWO EX-SERVICE MEN" ' state legislature to establish the , The Water Muet ^ Boiling' HOT CROSS BUNS In the action of Edna Ledoux where he was a patient for som^ Cookes Service Station its finer flavor, too. WHEN AVAILAILE BAKED FRESH AND 12 school. He is resignihg from the DELIVERED DAILY time. Fountains, -H roiler Legislature to devote full time to Weim a ezoekery toepoL Pul in one toaspeeatol^ol tea Im each person. * Mr. and Mrs. Royal Goff/ and 25 Mrs. Delia Sullivan \ and Garage the new Job. Ivea 1s a Republican, Addbeslt,bubbUnq.BOIUNOuratM! Steep ftratoinnlM and serve. the MlJses Dora and/ Estelle lik e Butterflies SPENCER CORSBTIER Feeders, Oil, Cod and WOULD TO BUY but the first two teachers hired TIDY HOUSEHOLD Dickson of East Hampton, have Manchester Green. Conn. DOES YO U R wer9 Democrats. been recent visitors .*> Broad Electric Bro^^lc^, But* WATBR MOISTURI Furthermore, Cornell has a long RiPIU LfN T RROOF80 Street tery BroodCTs^' 100-, TW O RIDING HORSES and powetful tradition of academic KYBO COFFEE 2 — 51 BAGS I ’OMnployment Claims Drop freedom, whereby professors teach Far Faadd Rraaarvatton Rraaarvoi and • —------« • V' •*.>" IVANOIUN8:—Unawaatanad Vhoniin' D FartHlad h Call 2-0900 ROOF LEA K ? 750 C h ^ Size, Stove An d EQUIPMENT “ the truth as they see it, regardless Oanarol■I IMHty Rwrpaeaa Rt Hartford^ March 21— (F)-— Un­ Pipe,V^ol- SaddU of whether that is the way the employment compensation claims for WRITE P. O. BOX 331 - » MANCHESTER university trustees see it. JUMBO BAQS filed l « Ihe state dropped 6.6 per Appoint­ . SP EC IA L! EVAP. MIIK 4— 35 PKG 20 23. Mtptid NesU . _ - ^ Some educators, ^ looking oVer cent/to 68.486 for the week end­ OR TELEPHONE 6031 ment At Delivered the planned four-year curriculum ing March 16, State Labor Com­ $8.00 and Inatalled of the School of Industrial and La­ WYANDOTTE missioner John-J. Egan said yes­ Your Horae E^o Company bor Relations, would think there is terday. The' claimants, he said, CLEA N Sn -cmg. or Mine. S7DOLT3STER ST. (Rear) too much apecialization — not. CLUB S0DA’.'.^-«< 5 ’±^25' included 29,965 veterans of whom New Wringer Rolls Open Evenings anough all-round liberal arts edu­ TEA HOMHANB—ORANOI RIKOi RUNO 553 Were women. ' cation. / For Yoiir Washer / P H O N E s m Only Fins Quality Givas Flna FlaTor CASHMERE But adjustments of all l^nds are TEA BAGS'37 ' r 13 .ROUqUIT SOAR Eoves-Trough BREWER 3 2 7 * FILL FOR SALE and Condiietore Need Repairing Household Appliances NIBLETS BRAND WHOLE KERNEL LUX FLA KES Fine quality, reasonable or Replacing*On T oot Home? Phone 2-0549 or 2;0248 price. Inquire:' LGE We Carry Compeoeattoa! ' ' ' . ~ I I "■ t e l e p h o n e PKG 2 3 * ; 2 ^ 1 9 * 12-OZ TIN 14* Coal" gaa la dangcrona. Have WHfN AVAILABLE Andrew Ansoldi vour hot air furnace conditioned At Main street. by an expert. 4 8 6 0 9*F ANNOUNCEMENT. I e a u im iw * Comer of St;" .Tames Strwt CALL M. —I.E^r ' a t P ^ ic e l Or Call Why spend money on old, Norman Bentz' The Qfflce of’' CHATEAU M^nto 24. MANCHESTER 3746 worn-out roofsl We w in Phone 8988 871 S p n m 8t. DR. BARNEY juic€ii Rneak^aii! ^ CHOOSE W A X PAPER CUT-RIT1 125 FT ROLl1 5 « WIChMAN gladly give you an estimate Yo* fc«v« ImoM of DDT, "lalioeU WllW-" Faflaa i o rtltptd • gieii for Mkie DOT i W It b9th •iedlve • PENIMtAD '"S," «.3t„m1.99 SfRVI THI FAMILY CITRUS ANCiS . . . on .a new roof and guaraii' Chiropodist WITH R O YA L L U N C H 24. tee the workAanship. GRAPEFRUIT Has Been Moved From uni IV uiRi! CONFIDENCE :/ PURINA FLY W kXY FOR fARM RUItn. PREM IUM 1kg 19. Ladies’ Skirts — Main Street To INOI Tw» ipgRmHut e ywa IlM to iIm bom. PANCAKE now mSuma^pk 12* SWEETENED By Mra. Anne.Cabot"' A Visit To Onr Large Dis­ - BABY F D.«« nu. 3 % ? 2 3 . A lovely and unuaual embroid­ NEW COLORS -V 117 EAST CENTER A . A . DION 00 ery design— a cloud of big apd lit­ play of Beantlfnl Memt^, 2 , PURINA a v SPRAY FOR DAIRY CAT, MARMALADE O «•*». N v an , UNSWEETENED "N1 7 . STREET ; - ■ iNC. ^ . 11^33 ■*‘P tle butterfitea to be done in three CHECKS AND PLATOS rials Win Convince ' Ton iTLE. StwoMItot A^^LL, VW UWU. HAVE IP HNAiT HOUYHIUmrPmAST^ 18-02 ^ E delicate shades of blue; yellow br •‘•ik ' ' 14-PZ BTL 1 5 * 299 a u t u m n STREET '« H « , Ikit ericUy Mlb 4w4 Npob ihMk AiAW.PeOPLE SEE you KETCHUP TOMATO Sweetened or Untwotftoned I rese-ptnks. Use them on ptllow- MANY STYLES! SIZES 14 TO SO t e l e p h o n e 5220 . That Yon Cannot Bay n ,2 cows. on towels, on' a dresser * MANCHES’IJER - TIKIM home t h a t lOAO SPAM 12 0Z tin 3 3 * scarf or a vanity table cover. Nice Better Memorlil Anywhere BLENDED oh a breakfast cloth, also. , OF AMBISCO SiiR&OOEO TREET 12-OZ TIN 3 4 . To obtain three transfers 'for At Any Price. . eiAiM i oo. aiATirwiT Butterfly Cases and Sheet (Pat- I WHEAT/, CORNED BEEF . I' 22 FINABT, BOROO ar tern No. 5887) colqr chart foh W>ZTIN FINAST 160ZTIN HOUYHKL * 3 7 . ' Working, amounts o f flou apseb EAT THE BEST AT REYMANDER’S MANCHESTER MOLASSES 18. Bad, send 15 cents In Coin plus 1 BEANS FINAfT, ROROO ar 4% cent postage. Your Name, Addree;t> RETAIL SALESROOM . COBNiED BEEF AND CABBAGE ■»*Mnand 19^0 r Tin |7 * H C ^ Y H IU _ J jg IIOZTINS 2 9 . PORK CHOPS A LA MARINARA MEMORIAL •ad the Pattern Number to Anne ' PEAS 4Mm4ord Swept 20-OZ TIN |2< Oibot T h e Mancheater Elycnlng VEAL CVTtBTS Herald, 1150 Ave. Americium New . DELICIOUS BROILERS ★ COMPANY km» O RAN GE _ _ ★ * AND STEAKS ^ To|h.I». N. Y. M ANCilESTER Obeckorboiiri Store TOOTSIE V-M FINABT ar BOROO 46 0ZT1n 3 7 < Gifts for shower parties, churph DINE AND DANCE TONIGHT! i csiiresNM^ii^0R«Neis M —sweater and vestees fdr OOB. Pna«L ABJDHULBBiaOH TELEPHONE 7711 Otend terttos—bee er.______erear, hatA ba^iy cIoUms, lUaTTm G MILLS The Times Yoa Like Played By The Swingsters! 56 cottage STREET toef Be (wre to gm the etigtoal Nlegsre Fails aCcesgorise, lovely en - praduct--lVab4Me Bteaddsd WbMt srUk 3 Nabtoce BEST FOR JUICE 1-LB JAR 4 7 « irtee for the home,, nice Un- ManehMifr Green, Conn, Toytown c^t-buU in svary packaga. ' hMiihwm dolllfa for crophet Baym ander'e ^ Raetaurant free instrtiO- 25-27 OAK STREET TELEPHONE .1522 ipihUt OPEN DAILY 9 A. M. TO 9 P. M. z' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 21,194C MA>JCHESTEB e v e n in g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY. .MARCH 21. 194« F A O i - r SOL none deserved more tbe honors of UNRRA the final say on what it to the raspeetive Washington em- ectlve cards.- They enjoyed vtalt war in their final hour of final Helps You Overcome * cam who have revolted against w* 1 . ' , i 'i I quite a number of red winged Ing classes._V ■ Want to Give Want to' Curb needs and to see to it that the bzsaies, explaining he had bqen altofcther. or keap on playing It t s O l l O l l lO U S rtK ’C _ i backbirds near their residence on B «»lto n seventh grade is the winnei^’ agony. The cellousneaa of the de­ money-poor Countries grt an even authorixed “to approach” UNO m Um rl^eatrr toward the Inevitable, end of a new party llnee which eeentied U> them , ! Exeter road. They have also seen ^ e nial never has been ix.caeded.' ^ < break in the a llo c a t^ of sup­ membara who do not belong to FALSE TEETH AS ALW A YS this week In the spelling content In placing_ responsibiuty . .for the Food Powers war. to be disastrous. FrequenOy, those T o A l f l R e i l ( V o s s ; -t**-'*****- P "«y wiuowa are BolJt«Vfi Grange will meet Friday between the seventh and eighth ^ UNO Priority “ plies with those who can afford UNRRA "with reapect to Joining I..oo8enes8 and Worry who lead such Independent move­ ■ ./a U l l a c t l a .1 plentiful and there are other aigns atrocities directly on Homma, to payy that organiaatlon." WE LEAD-THE HELD W rm A , Jwttlnfi ^rralB . _____ ot spring, but ao( far no robins evening at 8 p. m. In the Fireplace grades. The score (or. Uia year MacArthur said soldiers of any (Coatiaaed (ram Page Oae) No lonivr b« annoyad or feel III at ments come In time to be the stands aa a tie, 9-9. Agefnat this backgrounds there He said a majority of the 47 ea*e beraiiee of loo—.' wabbly- false , , COMPLETE grOCR OP THE BETTER ri PUJIUtUBD *T THB ' have been reported. room of the. Copimunity hall.. A Army “Invariably reflect the at­ remained the appeal of Director teetlj. FASTEETII. an Improved alka­ tfW***-*^ PRINTlffO 00. tNC. Baruch’s Biggest Job champions of their parties. The boys have Ihnced to go out On Problems titude of their general.” UNRRA membera muat approve Bolton, March 21.—(Special) A loud blast from the newly rer fine program has been arranged and hava a brink basebaU game. Biace delegates from 47 nations General Herbert Lehman for an applications before memberakip 1* line (non-acid) powder, aprlnkled on •WINES — CORDIAL$ It is the right of the individuai ___...... ____ _ paired fire siren Saturday morning convened here Friday for UNR Increase In the Combined Food your platea holda them firmer so they KuNkMtM’, C m . During all the decades during Bolton Orange will - sponaot a and a large attendance is desired. This week they were g^d to see (Oonttaaei .(ram Paga One) granted. feel more comf^table. Soothing and TBOIUB nUIOOBON to dare to violate party lines Saturdav nlsht at the , brought out interested and anklous RA’s btennlel council meeting. board’s members, suggesting in cooling to gafna fiiade .tore' ^y excea- which Bernard M. Baruch haa^ dance on Saturday mgni at m e , wondering where the A group of nineteen members of tbe sun shining so they could. The partirtilsr that it should Include 0«Mral KUMSM _ American two girls are just aa glad and are play­ 19-Year431ds Get Just where France stood ' re­ alve arid mouth. Avoid embarraiement fMHid«d Oetobar t. UM been considered this nation's moat which keeps the and all proceeds will be given to i fire was. It was learned that the the organization meL Wednesday remember that he Joined those who mained temporarily uncertain. As­ Russia. From Oenada’a Lester Patience la a good all-year-round rauied by loote platea. Oet FAS- Fred's Package Store eminent trouble-shooter he ha* party systefti virile and healthy. Community Hal), Bolton <>nter, I fire siren was only being tested evening at the home ot. Mr. and ing klok bhU. • voted to ntake It illegal to extend sistant Secretary, of State Will Pearson, •ambassador to the Unit­ lubricant for the wheels ef life. TEBTril today at any drug ajore. Wednesday night the seventh lend-lease to her, three months be­ (^11 to Iran Colors 117 Spruce Street ' -MS u » Honiara. Bntarad at tha never been bended a task of more Organize two rigorous political the Bolton .Red Croaa, It la hoped i out, it having been but of work for Mrs. Clyde Marshall to prepare Clayton, however, catted attention ed States, and Clayton, came two >mer Spruce and OCtaa at Mapebeatar, Cono.. aa a large number will attend that Isome time, and Just being brought the program. There will be import­ and slghth grades aang at a PTA fore Hitler struck hsr In 1941.” yesterday to Russia’s plan to sell: differently-worded but similar rea- Claaa Hall Mattar. importance than that of United straitjackets. as Mr. Wallace rec- party, aecompanied on the piano (Continued From Page One) aons why they would like to i«e TELEPI )NB 7723 j j iH tit* the dance may awell the Red I back into use again. There was a ant business during the meeting by Mra. AUen. ThS songs were Advocates Sterner Course wheat to France—“reportedly for States Representative on the omroenda, and you would have Ihe lagging far great deal of relief and^some exas­ proper. Where Pepper urged tolerance y . 8. dollere." Russia on the board. •______y gosaciurnoN b*t m and "The Skaters Waltz" and “Sailing , yrut by itoU *2 ®*2? United NaUona Atomic Energy death of both independence behind iast year's. peration at being ao easily fooled. Mrs. Keeney Hutchinson, former for Ruaela'a position In the world mobilization. of six age classes of Clayton said- this woiftd. mean a Pearson described Russia as a Song," aung in three parts. the Red Army, effective between greai food-producing country, and . / ' • •rr •ofitb by lUU ...... ; Commission. Never before bss it liberalism. 1 Mrs. Donald Tedford ia chalr- Mrs. Carl LBnkotf entertained lecturer ot Bolton Grange, asks The reporter for Center school and nh attempt to understand her probable reaurvey of the amount Copy asaa.aa..*aa*.a«ta*a.J ‘JM ia I man of the dance and assisting the He-Gl-Am Bridge club at h^r that all those who ordered articles problems, another senator advo­ May and September. T a ^ ty - of wheat allocate to France froin expressed hope that UNRRA’a rod Ob# Totf ^a.aaaaaaaaa.J f*W been so essential that he possess But Mr. Wallace, of cour.ae, this weak Js Correan Anderson. member nations would be sup­ Ladies ’ •Ibitt tad APO ««*•••.. her will be Donald Tedford, Mrs. home Wednesday; evening with the at the time of the demonstration cated a ateriier course in a speech three.dge groups, all over $2, the amount available for parceling and use all that wisdom which not to be taken seriously. He will Daniel Halloran, Sophie Anderson usual t ^ tablet! in play. Mrs. In November,to please contact her. (taMqfvlUe Methodlat laat night. previously were ordered demobil­ out by the combined food board. plied with “full Ififormation" on Like th^ Weather, Everybody HBIUUBR o r ia conceded to him in hla atatua of not nweaaarily mean it tomori-ow. | Vincent Kizealeki Eluyd.F^il won first prize, Mrs. Due to Icy road conditions and-ill­ SundaVr Harch 24, Rev. John T, Senator Raymond Wlllla .(R-lnd) ized by the presidium of the Su­ what contribution the Soviet could THB aSSOClATED PKBM Seamaods, aasocUte pastor, will Under the board’s present schedule make toward relieving hunger SMoelatad Press is eaeiuslTelir elder stateaman. Never before He has kept bis feet fairly near ' There will ife round and square Warner second, with Mrs. John A. ness, it was Impossible for tbe told the Sons of the American preme Soviet.) • France was to have received 1,- Is Talking About G. I. Homes, Bi dances with music by the Mcllo- Markham holder of consolation. preach at tha 9:80 a, m. service of throughout the -world. ^ to tha ISM of ropaMieatioa of haa It been ao important that hla tha ground for a record long peri­ demonstrator to bring the articles' worahit). Albart Holman, superin­ O Yas, h nukss s nict-toaod- Revolution that we ought to “stop An Iranian general ataff officer 800,000 tons from th4 United Clayton expressed hope—on the •ews diapatchaa credited to U or not Toncs and Earl Johnson will call Refreshments of cake and coffee to.Bolton any earlier. ing alibi. But maybe tbsts'l a sending both notes and goode "To said heavy snows prevented rein­ States and (Tanada. Jaj^s Is Doing 5ometbing A b i^t 1#^ mriM eredUeti in this papei and acknowledged shrewdness and od—over a year. In fact. Some the square acts. Refreshments will were served. Besides the winners Bolton Center School tendent WiU be in charge of Church Russia. forcement bf the three garrisons basis of the" plan to ship grain the loeai news puOlisbed here. School at 10:80 a. m. . rMWfi for “that feeling.” If yon ' There was no question where to France—that "the Soyiet union Reversible Coats JARVIS again take* the laittatlvc! -Hoaae* are aow nafiae kind of extreme recommendation be on sale in the Fireplace Room “Russia is able to carry out • e soundneas be accompanied by those present included Mrs. Leroy The pupils received their report Bolton Oongregatlonal are chronically lacking In en­ besieged by Kurds in the north- China aad Ruasia stood on the is­ may be in a position to give a e'oniitructlon! dll rights 01 raoublication ol spoeial from him was long overdue. during the entire evening. H. Oetcheil, Mr*. Everett B. Por­ theaq aggressive moves because .wesl, but, he added, seven Iranian great rapacity of the heart—capa­ cards for this period. Honor roll Church School sUrta at Sunday sue. The CTiinese delegate told favorable reply to the UNRRA re­ Four large rooms on first floor — two nnflnlalMd upetataw I dUMtehas herein, are also reset^ed. The Saturday night dances are ter, Mrs. Ralph Record, Mrs. Wil­ Tor scholarship Is as follows; Her­ ergy theis spring days, better America furnished her with planes were trying to keep the the conference bluntly yesterday t ^ ’rollMMiee client of M. B. A Sarriee city to know that the fears and becoming mo're and more popular services at the Bolton Oongrega­ bars a talk with your doctor. quest Star aid-in the form of Fully Insulated. Capper and bras* ptumblng — hot water heat­ liam Hammond, and the hostess. bert Greenwood, Lawrence Soma, tlonal church at 9:45 a. m. Morn­ billions in lend-Iesne materials garrisons from being cut off from he waa "full of anger" againat the grain) and thus align itself with Isa hopes of all humanity hinge on each week. 'Those who attend are The club will meet next' on Raymond Negro, Margaret Tobias, He may find a condition that without getting a clear'agreement divisional headquarters. ing ayatem — oil buVner — automatic hot water. Lot 70x148 I t sure of a good time. There will be ing worship wUl be held at II a. m board, aaylng that some of its al­ the United States and other sup­ minimum. Small down payment required. Publisbers ffepreaentatleea: Tbe what he may accomplish. ! this evenin|^ st the home of Mrs. Robert Goldsnlder. Thelma Pesce, with tbe Rev. Oswald Schrag in need* correction. And then, if in ndvsnce.’’ Willis said. “Russia He said 3,000 tribesmen were locations "cannot be Justified on plying countries." 'Jliilus Hatbeers Special Asency— Naw For as the representative of the ; 1 no advance in prices thla week. Markham. Dorothy Ganter and Patricia Hall­ is not nearly so strong as she engaged in the attacks against <"> Trench Coats Pay Vs a Visit and Choone Tour Plan aad toeattou! any grounds." Russia's Nikolai . l^Tor*. Chiiago, UelroU and Boston. Connecticut the pulpit. bo giTSi you n prescription, might seem to be, and our tacit . , y' United SUtea, the aole pbsseasor | The dale was changed on ac­ oran. Citizenship: Lawrence So­ The Youth Fellowship meets we'd like-to compound it! the garrisons st Sardaaht, Baneh Feonov took a similar position tfilMSSh AUDIT SURBAU o r count of a conflicting date, that of support of many of the things she Four. Nations Invited of atomic energy, Mr. Baruch will ma. Patricia Mahoney, Raymond each Sunday evening at 7 at the and Saqqiz, while "loyal" Kurda earlier, JARVIS REALTY COMPANY L CltC U U A TIO N S the spring meeting of the Jplnt Negro, Margaret Tobias, Theresa has done ab far has been her big­ had engaged "democrats" of self- » The Ruseian-French wheat tran- WE HAVE JUST R E C E IV ^ occupy a key position on tbe UNO boards of education in Lebanon. parsonage. Young people will dnd gest single weapon." To Become Members 6 DOVER ROAD g$ ALEKANDBB 8Y. the Hereld Piihiins Coropany. Ua. Y ankee Hebron Kurya, Robert Gowdy, Ulllan Mur­ a hearty welcome and an opportu­ proclaimed autononmous Aser- aacUon described by Clayton of­ PHONES: 4112 - 7278 jHhmcs no dbanriel raspooelblllty/ for Atomic Energy Commission. And By A. H. O. p n the 28th, which will be attended dock, Helen Greenwood, Robert nity for aocialblllty and recreation, WELDON There was -no immediate reac­ baijan province, which is occupied fered a clearcut example of the Atlantic City, N. J.. March 21— tyhegraphical e.rors eppeaHna ip ad- that Commission has before ,it At a meeting held at the homp' ^by several of the bridge club mem­ Goldsnlder, Earle Anderson, PS' tion, meanwhile, to'the resolution by Russian troops. difficulties involved in the contro­ 18*)—Rep. Sor Bloom ID., N. Y.), f^StlacihanU m The UaaeheHa/ All young people are cordially in­ DRUG COMPANY introduced.in the Hoiide. yesterday chairman of the United NaUona what many rightly regard aa the of Alfred Goldstein a newly or­ bers. The^lub meets every ofher trlcia Halloran, Antoinette Pag- vited to attend. The officer said /'^'strangers” versy over the powers of the board thing Herald^______SPRING SONNETS week. gioU, Thelma Pesce and Dorothy Preacrlptlun Phnrmaciats by Representative Merhow (R- committee on UNRRA, said today most Impoiiant anJ necessary ganized 4-H club came Into being, speaking a Turku dialect aimilar which has announced its existence he had sent telegrams to the gov- Thiiradny, March 2i with the name “The Hebron Jun­ A number from here attended Ganter. B01 MAIN ST. TEL. 8821 N. H.) urging an immediate con­ to that heard in northern Azer­ will be continued at least until the work of our lihie. 1. ior Farmers." . the presentation of the play, “A Thursday, March 14 the eighth ference between President Truman baijan had been observed among end of this year. emmenta of Argentina, Syria, The Commlaalon itself, created Officers were ^elected as foHows: Woman of 15," at Windham High, grade went to Manchester High FULLER BRUSH and Prehiier Stalin. Merrow said the tribesmen attacking the Iran­ At present, UNRRA — as tbe Lebanon and Saudi Arabia Invit­ suel^ n meeting should clarify fu­ ing them to apply for member- Inut The Paiij/n by the' London meeting of the President, Alfred Qoldsteln; vice in which Miss Betty Horton of He­ school. The pupils attended an as­ ian garrison*. spokesman for countries with lean RED On One Side, The minds of spring have met; sembly. Mr. Robinson and Mr. ture Soviet Intentions and this ship in the international relief or­ ,\ UNO, ia thei outgrowth of the president, George Smith; secre­ bron took a prominent part. Those DEALERS (^p atch es from Baghdad, An­ larders and skimpy purses—must ganization. \ t a n On the Other. The Russian request that the their soft^ decrees tary, Joseph '.Nlcolo; treasurer, who saw the play said her part Bailey explained the program of country’s foreign policy. He speci­ kara and Cairo during the week enter iU request for aid on their A . P a g a n i Moscow Conference in December, climb Leroy Getchell, Jr.'': leader, LeRoy studies which benefited the Ontex fied that the results be made pub­ All four countries afr membera nenting of the UNO Security Run with the brook," and was well taken, and,the play was lic. have reported uprising among the behalf to the Combined Food board of the UNO. Weil Tailored, and in Sizes 10 to 20. OouncU be postponed from next which in turn was preceded by the tbe aim-aloped field; Kinney;' senior leaders, Alfred a success. She is a student at school pupils at the same time CALL 2-1254 Kurds and establishment of “an for allocation of supplies from the Bloom said he rant the men.sagea Goldstein, Kenheth Porter. since they are making out their e1- A Regular $15.00 Value! AND SONS Itenday until April 10th will be Washington Atomic ^ Powers Con­ Speak from the livid Ups of maple Windham High. independent Kurdish state in three member natlonf. ference, when this nation first James Lakilaw, 4-H club coun­ There was only a half day ses­ southern Azerbaijan.” Far East­ To the board must com* nations .^iBed down. The Security Coun- treea ty agent. Was present. The boys Deatli Decree such as France—likewise with hesitantly committed itself to the sion of schools here Tuesday, as ern experts expressed the belief **Catere^s o if th e eii will meet as acheduled. and It And softly on the quiet twilight are collecting paper to earn the forenoon was takML.4iP with that Russia might be' p in in g to short food supplies, but with Tired nriU apparently be the disposition basic Idea of the internationaliza­ wield money for Uielr club expenses. giving school tests, and that made Gets Approval support the Kurds in thefe historic money or exchange in trade to tion of atomic anargy. Meetings will be held on ttte a day of it for the pupils. demand for an independent state.) pay for the goods they receive. Reiter Ktnd** ef at laast a majority of its mem­ Their well-piped summons to the second and fourth Thursday. The The board alao controls shipments Bring; Tha UNO resolution creating certainties Ceases of "flu'' continue to be re­ Honest Value , bers to agree with the United next meeting will be at the home ported about the town. The Rev. FOR WINTER (Ooatlaoed from Pnge One) to wartime neutrals. Trench Coats the Commiaalon prescribes four J i Watkins Memorial Service need not be a costly StSten position that the Iranian Of seed and toll and warmth and of Lawrence Green, March 28, at George M. Milne la suffering from Denies Hearing Showdown Likely Soon erlsia'ahould be the ftrat thing to main tasks for It. growth and yield; ./ 7:30 p. m. denounced Homma's trial as a de­ The showdown applied likely to Sleepless mglits Just the Coat for Spring and the IF YOU ARE PLANNING AN OCCASION OF ANY The presldeiil, Alfred Goldstein, a touch of the disease, but man­ one — yet no detail will have been overlooked. scent “to the level of revengeful Decton tar yMrUfaiys eoatain IS mlht be discussed. It is to study snd racommend The red-wkiged blackbird chlls aged to conduct services at the come on a resolution presented to of tiny tub—or a)tf* which htlp to parity tp4 Rainy Season! Well Tailored in is already a successful poultry blood purges." Of Slaughters UNRRA’s council by Poland, blood and hoop you h—lthjr, when th— aat KIND, YOU WILL BE DOING THINGS RIGHT TO mecans for extending between na- from floating ease two churches Sunday, though MacArthur declared "no trial ■uch refusal for a poatpone- raiser and has won high rating in hardly able to do so. which has asked Canada, England tired and don t work rlsht ia tiio dayti—ak Light Tan. Sizes 10 to 20. LET PAGANI HANDLE YOUR TROUBLES FOR YOU. nent would obviously not be tjie^ ;uoions the exchange of basic scien­ Aboye the plot where summer lies egg laying contests. Could have been fairer” and said (^nUaued from Pkge Oae) ~ and thb United States to give many people havo to tret up nlshta. Freqdeat tific information for peacaful enda A son, Robert Stanley, second; Tax bills have been sent out to diaeentere "either advocate arbi­ oracantypaaiaseawithamartliizaodlniTalaz ESPECIALLY HELPFUL FOR WEDDINGS, OUT- LMBCtion Of tbe Other power* i' ' ebneealed. Bometinwa abows tbera ia aomethlnz wronz A Regular $10.00 Value! H It ia to propose a plan for the was bom at the Hartford hospi­ property owners by Mrs. Monica trariness of process above factual civilians who fled' before Allied with your kidntya or blad4ar. Don’t aaslaet INGS, CLAMBAKES. ETC. they had good reason to believe tal, March 11), to Mr. and Mrs. Post, tax collector. Taxes are due realism, or , . . inherently shrink tbla condition and )oto valuable, rettf ql ai—p. international control of a to n ^ I 'Will go ploughing where the April 1, and the usual penalty will Armies and specified that Nazi . When dlaorder of kidney f unatlra peimita that RuasiA would spend tbe ad* Robert S. TenEyck of Burrows 142 from the stern rigidity of capital party members were “to keep back PATENT MEDICINES polaonoua n u tter to remain In your blood, it diUonal time thus granted in an energy in order to Insure that it red-wing tialls. Hill road. be exacted to those failing to pay punishment” ' , ffom the front up to the last may aim cauMnatqcinz bacItacbarrheumaUa FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION OR ESTIMAITSS will be used only for peace^ pur­ A meeting of the school build­ on or before May 1. Interest at the fiapnaeae Agree As To Justice minute” so they would survive to paint, lex palii*. Iota of pep and enercy, effort to reach a fair and reason- Turn back the deep red earth rate of five-tenths of one per cent Lowest Prloee In Towht awelliny. puflintin under too ay—, rdaenta RETAIL SALESROOM SIMPLY DIAL EITHER: - poses. / / where summer sleeps. ing committee, called for Sunday Wataru Narahashi. chief cabinet “form the foundation stone of a and diuineaa. dUa aettlemanb which, would re- afternoon on the site of the pro- wilt be charged from April 1 for secretary, said he and the Japa­ greater Germany." Don't wait! Aik your dmzrlit for Doan’a It is to study and p ra ise a plan Sing with the red-wing a* the fur­ ARTHUR DRUG STORES Pilla. a stimulant diuretic, ui^ tuco—afuHy iaoye Iran from tbe agenda of 1 posed consolidated school building. delinquents. As the rate is now nese people agreed as to the jus­ Goering reiterated . he had no by milllont for over *0 y—ra. Doan’t ylva not jnly for tha eliimnatlon from row fans. I baa been poatpone add lowest 4bb of depravity of mod­ Is becoming increasingly ap Uonal contrms. / No ploughman sees the end of first peacetime application'' of equipment, and factory-en­ ern times.' There are few parallels But it ia ,mc^ realistic to re­ to the fund already started. With atomic energy probably wllf be in Infamy and tragedy with the parent that the dispute in Iran >a endless springs; $25 from the PTA a/i a starter to power a Naval vesael. Archer CALL WM. DICKSON & SON gard it as a pam by which all na­ No blackbird holds his song of gineered ports to do qdality brutalization of troops who in good not between Russia and Iran.. j>ut this totals" $160. op nearly half E. Knowlton, Electrical World as-, faith had laid down their aims." tions which/sre eventually certain ploughing cheap. the desired amount, and with the aociate editor, told the Connecti­ repair work at reasonable MANCHESTER 6501 betwean Russia and tba United organizations contacted stllj to m u iB Of the men of Bataan, their . Exterior - Interior Painting States and Britain. It is doubt* to devel^ atomic margy for cut Society of Civil Engineers fit prices! Make ao appoint­ former leader said: be heard from. a banquet last night conclhdlng ful that .there can be any true set* tbemae|ieB shall be brought into Repeal the law of the bursting The Rey. H. R. Keen baaed his ment—.NOW — and save "Of all fightingYnen of all time, advance commitmenta which a'ill the 6^nd annual meeting. Dis­ Campbell Buyer Went to New York^ tiement of the world-wide problem . seed? sermon at the 11 a. m. Service at cussing' long-range potentialities time, trouble, and expense! and Decoratirig .,, Paperhanging aymboUxed by Iran and focussed give tbe world a chance of living Gather the broadcaat back to the St. Peter's Episcopal/church , on of the new power source, KnowlV Gay PajUinas ^rm ally no matter who happens hand? the importance of regular attend­ He Purchau^: ^ 5pring Cleaning Workmen Covered By Compensation and Public Liability In Iran through any agreement ance at church s e rv i^ . Flowers ton asserted that, could it be un­ ^oliiueue & Flagg, Inc. I between Rtiaria and tbe little pow­ to have the atomic secret, aa all Seal the furrow behind the plough, leashed, the energy In one pound WASH WINDOWS on the altar were In Remembrance of Helium would light a 400-watt fik^EN TER ST. . ^^iSL. 81011 WASH WOODWORK IjiRurance. er which iB nothing more or less will have it eventually and inevi­ and heed of Mrs. Nellie RydelTs mother, a tably. The aorry voice- of blight upon" the beautiful pot o r daffodils. They bulb for 13.000.00a years. $600b00 Worth of Chamois and Cleam Wax, PoHab Floors than the pawn in this contest be­ Vseaum Clean Thronghoat., This is why Mr. Barueb’a new land ? were, presented to MnL An'he’ C. tween big powera. - " Gilbert after the service. Suffer Serious Injuries Sponges..:AI$o Synthetic Sponges Remove Storm Windows ^ Iran has become tbe test pawn Job is in all ways the opportunity I abaU be ploughing where the Mr. Keen spoke of his pleasure DODGE-PLYMOUTH “ Install Sereaas Lincoln, Eng.. March 30—(/P)— edth which theae nig powers ara for a dramatic climax to'all his red-wing calla In returning to take up his work COURTEOUS AND Trim Lawns and Shrabs <;areer of public usefulness. in'the .church again after having A Jrouhg mother and her 17-raonth 25c to $5.00 Each > 0 going to determine their own And Binging aa the peaceful fur­ old adn. were In a Lincoln hospital DEPENDABLE SERVICE And, Incidentally,' President row falls. spent i«me weeks in Florida, W nilE’S RESTAURANT basic attitudes towards one an­ where he went for reasona of today with aerioua bead Inji^es, ...... ,. . 5Qc to $2.00 each Personal 5erylce other for a long time to come. Truman is to be complimented not health, having been a victim of caused whta the automobUe in X Chamois ...... ^ . Either they make this case ,the oc­ only upon having thought the po­ grip, which left him In a weak­ which they were riding waa atrock Agency by a two-ton bomb which bptmeed AND GRILL casion for coming together In sition worthy of tbe best man be ened condition. JVotice of Special Floor M ats...... $2.00 find up JOHNNIE JAY TEL. 4974 Rocket Sent Philipills Oark and his sister. Miss off an R. A. F. trailer. The bomb ■ 4 • ^ 446 CENTER ST. TEL. 3861 some mutual understanding, in coi’.ld find, hilt alao Upon having did not explode. Judged that it was a post for a ci­ Anne Caark, report having seen . .**$2.00 each - Presents which Russia wiU really and fairly 43 1-2 Miles ______'■ ' ---- - Town Meeting 5*Gal. Emergency Cans ^ . be accepted aa an equal, and in vilian. It ia no secret that this which Russia will be content with post, too, was sorely cpveted by Into Space The Legal"Voters of the Town] Water Pails (exUa heavy) ...... $3.50 FAMILY GROUP , Flip and Hie that status and not seek advan­ our military. of CovenUy are hereby - waimed ■ . • V and directed to meet at tbe | tages beyond It, or they make this (sao aWfa oHUi-pMinnaoa) Church Community Houaa, North Seat Covers . $7.95 and up HOSPITALIZATION case tbe occaaion for a hardening Wallace Back In Form Coventry, Conn., on Thursday, 200 Sets In Stoqk! Connecticut Wranglers and cryatallUation of basic enmity was under the dirMtion o( Lieut. March 28. 1946, at 8:00 P. M... to] : ' INSURANCE which must sooner or later lead Secretary of Commerce Henry Col. Harold R. Turner. yote_on the following articles: Scissors Jacks $5.75 Every Thursday and Saturday Njght Wallace poses before the Ameri­ A parachute attachments brings Article I: Reaclnd Item No. 4 i -A New Family PoHey - to war. And those' wbp take the the device back to eajrth. Its Sea Food. Steaks - Chops • Chicken • and Grindenl can public as a liberal. But, the ord'height exceeds by some lCMi,- of September 34, 1948 Special How do they look to you? ' comfortable view that this war, if $ 1 0 0 i n •Town nieetlng, that the* Town re-. Tire Irons Now Available ’ . it mes; will be a matter of some ultimate depth of hia Uberallam 000 feer the beat achieved by the quest the Beard of Finance appro- All Descriptions, Sha||M and Forma! At Low Groap Rates ' ^ n e In Any iW e For A Real Good, H o m ^^k ed Meall can be Judged by the fact that he Signal Corps' weather . balloons. •X..-., ■■ , • .; ' _ *■ ^ ■ ,. ten or fifteen years from now are, Cost of its development was not triate $10,000.00 to hire an arcM- NEVER A COVER CHARGE OR A MINIMUM , haa proclaimed hlmaelf willing to ect to' prepare plans and to pu^ | 90c and up . For Men, Women Agee 18 to Ml we think, grievously in error. This disclosed. e b a l l CONTEST Children to Ag* i f laetaetvn. Taks a look at our 1946 plant for improving your Long Distance telephone world is flirting with immediate put the individual members of Usqp Liquid Propellent chase a site. Older AgeOranp fe-M political parties into a disciplinary The rocket dees a liquid propel­ Article 2:- To accept the recom­ III- war. mendation ot the BMrd of Fi­ Seat Wedges . . $1.59 . . . ' ton atraitjacket in . order to enforce lent of hydro-carbon and oxldiser. SIckaeas or accident expenses *OFvlce. Here ore a few of them: Train about 150,Q00 new telephone oper- That being the ca^e, it is a time It han a aupersonic nose, designed nance ■ to issue Bonds in the | their vujting' regularity in Con­ Saturday^March 2 3 PERFECT CIRCLE RINGS when oonOned la any bosMtal for statesmen of all jiatloga^^^to to withstand the pressure of amount of $100,000.00 and to au­ SPARKPLUGS waywhera la the C. B. A. or otors. Suild 2/i00,0p0 more miles of Long Distance circuits. Add new switch- search their pwnriuula, and see gress. speeds greater than aound without thorize the Selectmen to borrow I tMaada. Room aad board ex- damage which might affect its From 11 a. m. until closing 3100 in prizp. sums not^to exceed. 880,000.00 on.| POG^IGHTS V SEAL BEAM FOG LIGHTB whether they are not going to be By Mr. Wallace's proposal, a peases np to 88.M per day tor /LET boordt ond centrol offices where and as needed.' flight path. The Army’s code Short Term notes ifor the Coven­ dret 80 days* oonaaeqaent—IM S capable of' those mutual concea- Democrat who voted against a name (or the device is JLhe “ WAC try School project, said project | ROAD LIGHTS / - WHITE TIRE PAINT Democratic. party policy would be $35 high three string. From 14 a. m. until per day tor next M days* eon- SHARPEN YOUR LAWl^ MOWER NOWJ aions of attitude and policy which Corporal."^ - “* not to exce^ jlBO.OOO.OO. MUFFLERS dnement. alone can preserve our chances of read out of ihe party. A similar Father bf the rocket is Dr. 5 p. m. Article 3: 'To accept the reeom'-l RUBBER HAMMERS 8963 SOON WE WILL BE TOO BUSY TO GIVE YOU thing would happen to a Republl-. Frank J. Atallna, Caltech aclentist mendation of the Board of Ft-1 Yon owo- It to yoor tomily to We hope this will take care of your lo n g Distance needs. 'But circuits are ■ peace. TA lt LIGHTS AND TRUMPET BORNS 1242 pravido tbls Boearlty and pro­ PROMPT SERVICE. W4 have a special Lawiimower can who violated party llnu. and technical director of the in- $15 high single from 11 a. m. until 5 p. m. nance-to appropriate $8,180.00. to | 'The statesmen of the western sUiute’s Jet propulsion laboratory. the School Etuilding Committee By Saie Burnett tection In aa cipergeaaiy aad Sharpening Machine that puts the keenest cutting edge now oveiicrowded with 3 0 % more Long Distance calls than during the three dsmocracies cian only be certain It may have b«en‘* tbat Mr. Wal­ He guided the development of the $35 high three string from 5 p. m. until and the Town Fiscal Agent to I time of need. . on your lawnnower you ever saw. When we'aharpen T O O L BOXES ^ ^ $3-50 neasaat dnauns are youra tn . that they have done their beat to lace, in the thinking which drove p r o ^ t from ito beginning in 1944 purchase the site recommended by A Family HoopItalisattoB your lawnmower it stays sharp for a longer period of busy waf y e a rs -a n d the lines ore, getting busier all the time. iSe this tre- him to such an extreme recom­ to its recent completion, but • closing. ' the Building Commltteo and hire these gfaunoroua pajamas: Pattern Oroop Policy as low as $.87 a avoid war, thay can only be sure pravldes two tope—a cap sleeved Day tor a Family of Yhrsei Time and our price is very reasonable. Why use your _ a ' mendation, was concerned over disclaims credit individually an architect, said appropriation to PLENTY OF GOOD RECAPS! that they will not share tbe blame It. $15 high tingle from 5 p. m. until closing. be paid' out of. anttoiphted Bond butcher boy type end a gay bow- Larger Families Sttgb^ High­ present dull lawnmower when it can be made better than mendous progrom of oxponsion may still i^ot be enough. If It Isn't, you con for llhla war, after they have mada Bofne specific liberal measures. "The WAC CorpbimI Just grow proceeds. tied bare midriff thet’s nice for er. ," a new one at a fraction of the cost? sura that they are being fair aa But it needs to be pointed out that in the. collective acientlflc mind," Articla 4: To authorlaa tbe Ba- ONE DAY ELECTRIC WELD Bummer nigbta. Wear them for CooM la aad laveettgate tkis be sure we will go oh adding more of everything that will give you the best there is no liberalism in the rem­ ha tol(i a raportcri “It involved lounging too. policy wkicb le dealgaed tor tom­ wall aa tougb. So far, we have a the efforts of numerous sclehtlsts ledtmen to borrow on Short Term ’S'- Pattern No. 8983 is (or sises 13, ily pratectloa aa a oMt- PICKUP AND DELIVERY SERVICE " WOBdarful technical case against edy he proposes, and that there notes in anticipation of Sble oi RECAP SERVICE I possible Long Distanco service. and abglneers.'” M urph y*s Schools Bonds $8,160.00 to cover 14. 18, 18, 20; 40 and 42: Size 14. ■ o c^ to Traditlenal With Dal BUMla in ^ n . But; underneath, would be no Uberallam left tn Col.'B. S. Maslck, Army Ord­ expendituraa authorised In Item Jacket stele, 4)4 yards of 89-inch; American p^Utica If it should aver nance liaison officer at Caltech, midriff, 8% yards. IlMi real'fiiiastlon is wb^^ 8. ” prtinarily interested in pre- bf required to funcUoQ by Mr, waa miUtary coordinator of the For this pattern, aetd 20 cents, Tfae ARen project, and aaalatance on the ArflcTe j: , To approve the reo- in oolna, your name, address, alse T m n i i i ^ ^\iltF ing not Iran’s independence Wallace's iron-clad rules. complete assembly and manufac- Reattaurant ommendation of the Board of Fi­ desired, and the pattern number to Realty Company nance to appropriate an addition­ ftoedom, but Anglo-American As it baa happened and Witt' tiire ot special parts was given by \ Sue Burnett. The MancheateF Eve­ ' and'.::!.- tmsirteua^ |wlvIvate contractors and the Doug.] al $2,500.00 (or snow raMoval. FlX-IT SHOP that pawn country continue tb happen jn A: Signed: CAMPBELL ning Herald, 1180 Ave. Americas. W. A. BURNETT, Prop., YHI SOUTHERN NEW INOLAND COMMHY kiLBi MRMIbBB. For dacadea, politics, It has frequentlyly bo«i ^ Aircraft Company. Turkey Dinner 91.oo George G. Jaoobaou, New Turk. N. T. The Allen Iniofanoe TELEPHONE TIm aprling and aummar laaue of Bepaira Made On Waahem, Vaeuuma, j^ ie rs t Irons— hM 'been in Damoclrala who dared to vtoUta u ■e DeiiibMI Up Arthur J. Vinton. FaahlMi la fliled with smart, vp-to- “ ^ betwean party line who have barn tha bast Selectmen of Coventry. i « v n > Agency, tnr. '' Or What Have You! > Attest: Albert B. Hannon. s v m r tbe-mlBute atylta. Printed in the 180 Cchter St.,-M aachratar basic quas- Democrats and done Uialr party State Oollege, Pa^—Bam Hariry, Fresh Strawberry Shortcake! ' book la a frea gift pattern fOr you. Penn State'i champion wreotler, Town Clerk. U BIS8SLL tfREET m ’liM / 718>N0. MAIN ST., BUCKLAND PHONE 4777 -wa are go- and tbair .GounU-jb-most good. And alao competed on the boxing team , - -^tVawbtrrics By Plane From Florida. South Coventry, Oann. ' tfiallsm the aame can be i^ d of RepubU- March lfc,194jk;, •j:" '

\' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 21. 194# •. ■ A ■/ PAGE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. AiANCUESTER, CONN, THURTOAT. MARCH 2 1 . 194S the Methodist Camp Fund which those in the Southeast section of xan Church W ort the chib men is now raising. W il­ the parish will be held next Wed­ the hearing was conducted any- Stubborn Fire liam Miinsie.' a teacher in the Jun­ nesday evening. Rev. N. B. Bur­ * W | | | ONI Of' Reds’ Eiivriy Says tithe he ihodght it w'tse. / I.oral Man's Fiaiicpe Local Officer Obituary ior departmeitk o f the church ton, minister of the Burnside I f IN CtANOI •'Of course you want tb codch Is Outlined school, spokm of the Work of the Methodist churnh. East Hartford, teachers' ana officers,* and chal­ $ 4 0 0 “ , ^ [any L ocal Enthusiasts Hastv Action Will y«iur witness," McFarland - told \ ■.------Aided Search " On Porter St. win be the'principal speaker. The lenged tKe##S«re#ent to aupport Gleaners group will Serve the meal or win on* ol a> Donnell. ,/ ■ ■ ■ "He's hot my witness." Connell the efforts of the school. Robert with Mrs. Jamea B. Wilson tn Silex coil** me D e a t h s Leaders Tell thi? Gordon, Jr., led In singing. charge. Coniplicale Issue retorted. By Duane Hduneasy <^ote of hia outfit “fled across the- Chtc^ Foy Is Forced to Ask • ter detail* ■ At Boston Flower Show "We'U find out about that," Mc­ Lieut. Barron Assisted (Subbing For'Hal Boyle) (N ew Gtiinea) mountain# and they •^Duties of Groups at Kodaefarome slides- iUbstrating Farland said. A% ilUani P. McCaw Cnil Out Other Com* : were indeed .the entrance to HelL the work of the Church of A ll na- your A4P Food Sb (t)ontiniied from Page'One) 111 Solving Mystery of Tokyo, * Mkrch 21—m —Jn ' a . .contest end* at i As Bittner re.sumed sworn te*-, William P. McCaw of Pine atreet Our men were,.no longer soldier# South M ethodist ttons In Lae Angeles and Cathe­ coraagrR, wedding flowers and pam es'to Help Tokyo auburb a family liee etill night, March 31, H tiniony. McFarland began cross;' Abandoned Baby died today after an illneas of about but starving devti# who cried that dral pictures of •‘The Life of CAR PAINTING >hi Thousands o f New Ulble arrangements, and In nlrhea lems in Soviet-Ainerit an rclatiohs. in the darkness each night as a Christ,” were khown by the min­ examining the shoe manuTactikrer they wanted only i meal of rice Member# the-northeast sec­ Get Our Estimate combined with other flowers and Including the Iranian case. Man­ three year*. ; ister at the conclusion of the eve­ fEnglanders at a Pn- about testimony ye.sterdsy that Yesterday was a comparatively < former Japaneae Arm y aergeant, before they died.” ' tion of S6uth -Methodist foliage. churia. and the pos.sibillty of an Lieutenant William Barron of Born in Boston, April JS, 18d*. ning's activity. Mrs. D. M. Cald> SOLIMENE & FLAGG There la an iinusfially large and i ’ommodore Vaidaman now fhe easy day Jtor the fire department# broken by hunger end malerla, Desperate Effort ^6 U ve American loan to Russia. ihe Manchester Police department he had lived In Manchester ^Ihe church parish ^eard the Rev. W al­ well acted Os hostess for the oc­ ’▼iew of Spring; Some The Soviet aniba.s.sador left some Ijresklenfs Naval aide, had ''de­ cries out the Hell that he experi­ The alck could m w e only . 500 INC. - 1 «• 1 1 Interesting display of cacti of greater part of hia life irony the In Manchester both depart* lace T. Viets, minister of Eman­ casion. G x h ih it S H i a n l i g n t s ! many kinda, some of them in bios* doubt on whether he personally frauded" Bittner in a atock sale is credited by the State Ppllce for enced In the South Pacific. feet a day. One/day three dien •84 OMtot 8L TeL 8101 his assistance in the solving of the time he wa* alx years o \ ^ For thents answerliigiwo alarms each. "We can eat that guy, too,” he were laid on the ground. Wbeii uel* Methodist churdfa, West Hart­ The second Lenten supper for , . ^ som. and a gorgeous showing of will attend the X^njted Natlona ^involving the Vaidatnan Shoe sb'ibe year* he lived in Livingston, parenthood of the baby abandoned ■ The Soutw Manchester depart­ screame. “How many messkita full they died that night "there were white and colored ama- council meeting, despite an em- Company of St. Units whieh^ was Monuna. He waa formwly active ford, speak on ‘"rhe Ladder of Bjr Mary laym r I rvllis. Easter lilies, sacred lilies baasy .statement several days ago reorganised in bankriiplcy^^^^^ . in Rockville In March, 1039, a re­ ment wqs'^llcd 3:43 for a will he m ake?". three bare patches wherp they had port on which haa just been re­ In Manchester Lodg* •.■W Mason*, He fUls his dayif 'by telling of Prayer,” at the Lenten service last «< New Englanders specimens of thatshe will be « member o f the ) Odd Fallowa grass>flre at the rear of the Wel- eaten the grass in a'desperate ef­ evening,. . A . fine meal was served leased in Rockville by the State King David Lodge emaciated men fighting over a fort to live. had a i>re-view of spring at ihe lily family. There *re Innum- Russiftt} delegation though not rg it Livingston, dqit^apartments on Porter street. at 6:30 td’ those present by the Police I and the Elks lx>d|^i single spider for food, crying like "Soldiers even fought over a sin­ a iJtamond Jubilee floWer show erable small exhibits by niirse^- necessarily its chief. • K o.'2 responded and Chief Albert Willing Workers circle of the No Argument- Seven year* sgo, a well blanket* Montana. / women as death gnawed at their gle aplder for food." a n a m on y garden clubs and private In- Oromylfw said no decision has Altoiil Town Foy upon arriving. Immediately Women’s Society of (Christian EXCEPTIONAL been made 11^111 Russia’s perma­ ed baby was found in a truck park* ] only negV^ relative Is Jam ^ etOmachs, cursing their comman­ He aald the commander, who for­ ; the ^^iMeg dIviUualh, artistic table arrange* called for additional help. Box der each morning as he forced Service. Mrs. KOrl Marks was .ioclety, Bostob, ment.s. children's gardens and veg* nent represe^ative on the peace ed on Main street, Rockville which | q _ jjeCaw, Xy ' / aged for hlmaelf, told 20 critically 82 was sounded at 3:51 bringing them to read the Enqjoror Meiji’s In charge, assisted by more-than agency. ^ Mrs. Chriattiie McOuire, Mrs. was owned_ by Stanley L«mek of | pumral atrangement* in efiarge ill men to kill themaelves. He gave Must bse Your OPPORTUNITY Jtgtixy u 1?^; 1. eUble plots something to interest out No. •2, 3 and 4. Considerable imperial rescript for soldiers and a dozen members of her group. ha goctety has held an exhibit at everybody, besides commercial ex- ! Asked whetheVs Andrei Viahin- Ivy Sidcll, Mrs. Eliiabeth White them two rifles but they crjed like Sd"*nd"’a bUte ^or^lk S d ' o' Wafkln* Funeral H6 me are grass and brush was burned and sailora. Preceding the address of Rev. o r -Money One of ConnecHout’e Largeet time of the yegr in the hiblts galore. aecUa, bulbs, garden > sky. Soviet vice and Mrs. l^ewis. all employees of incomp^lste^ It was-^the most stubborn fire at women, saying "W e don't want to Viet*, several of the church mem- I hanlcs building. During the the Jl. VV. Hale Company, spent Into the baby’, blanket. Pieced Ftom Lucid Momeitte die.” . . ’Cough Roadside Dine and Dance Ee- tools and accessories. I n",. From that moment, a seven the south efid this season. " The Japanese people learned his bera presented the church’s work. BACK tabllaluneate. Large aad smnll and the shortage of labor and \ttend New York ERhtilt I London earlier thi« >ei^. Oroniyko veaterdav'lii New York. A soldier who crept into, an cn- Mrs. .Edwin Brown, president of Miss i*byms Gilbert years' hunt- waa on for the baby's A ^ 4 o’clock yesterday after­ story In their press today. It was Ufwara H OwwhMr InM hial dining room*, 60’x86’ and 20’x25* it was held in its own Local garden enthusiasts who | *aid he did not know but did not / pieced from’ hie lucid momenta and \ ^ y food dump and returned with the Women’s Society told of Its parents. Over 100 suspects were noon yo. 1 called to a grass N w O i ■—fnlly eqaipfied. with orchestra illdfng. and again thU season re- have taken in the New York Hor think so The recent Military whist by F d n e r a l s the shattered night* experienced food for the commander got a ci­ work; Robert Cole, vice president l i i l i O i M i As for his own plans, Gromyko the auxiliary to Anderaon-Shea Mr. and Mrs. Earle E.' Gilbert, interviewed by Rockville and State I Are on Hackmatack atreet. tation for "calm action." Another stage, etc. Large Bar with full to the Mechanic* buildihg ticultural show, also going on this by the family of the uncle who of the Men’s Friendship club, told .Ten mnst a«t satisfaeUea er meney liquor license. No,nearby qom- said -he expects to stay in Wash­ Post, V.F.W., was so succesafnl Police but the parents were never I The Manchester fire department who brought a ' badly-needed radio back, ae araumrat—It two er three Huntington avenue, for the week at the Grand Central Palace 54 East Main street. Jewett City. Wallace T. -lones gave lilm a home. It is another of the men’s work, emphasizing ington for a few days, might be they propose tn run another, Mon- found until now and the names o f j 1 answered two grass fires. The set wa* denounced. doeee et Broa-ehn-llne Bmiilelon P^tion. l^rge parking area. JtoE. Tbw ! ■t ehow In It* history. for the first time since the war, Conn., announce the engagement the parents were not dlscloac# by chapter In the disaster of the den't give yen teat nomlatuable Owner forced to sell because of back in New York on Monday and (lav evening. March 2.^. at the V. The funeral of Wallace T. Jones fire call waa at 4 o’clock yester- Many deserted a* AIU#d planes TALL The dally papers, the aarden are lotid in their pralse.s of all that the police because both parents Japanese In the South Pacific. retlef,.. . we Will retuaa your oioaey llhiea#. Sole hwlnde* four-year nieanwhile had no arrangenienta F. \V. Home. Manchester Green, of their daughter. Phyllis to Lt. B la long time and respected resident, j day afternoon on Summit street dropped surrender leaflet* with Withontrithoat ququMtIen. TO YOUR dube and the radio have advertls- they have seen. It is the 30th an­ are now married, the father and |i . ^ ^ j i- m The sergeant, 83, aald he Is the leaae all atock, cqul)Mneat, and to see President Truman. for the benefit of the Eaton Rap-1 j^^n S. Atvord. Miss Gilbert is a married, the father aad ). _ y ^ land the second at 6:45 on Mlddl* pictures of happy prisoners. The Thafa how seed we thlak Brea- CANS the event so thoroughly that nual exhibit of the society, togeth­ mother each having three children • ot Stalford Springs, who died sole, survivor of a contingent of Loans Arranged ehtt-lln* la good wIIL Fun piteo $80,«M. . RED CROSS I attendance exceeds all eje­ er with the New York Florists I,nng Conference Held ids. Michigan, honie for widows Edgewood Park. TSrrnplkc. east. l,8()b men dispatched to New sergeant, only survivor o f his unit, Conjtetns no ehlereform or aareet- at the present time. Tuesday at the Memorial hospital, fee. aad no .swoft au^ary ayrup* Net Minimum cash required 820,000. ctions; long lines of people club and the Federated Garden An another phase of the Iran­ and orphans. Miss Slater of Rock- ufr vr.nnr N Y and of the Guinea. The uncle related: stayed on with a few from other DO YOU NEED M ON^ ian case, Gholam Abbas Aram, ville w ill. be in charge and the Briarcliff Manor, N. Y.. and of The caae was one of the most j place at the Baker Fun- hablt-formia#. But If you are eoush, t Act quickly. Thl* won’t be avail­ at both entrances from the Clubs of New Jersey and New “ When he came back to my outfits until they heaid of the end couah, cougnlns(bins y .me _ , kt r< S9nri for the care of the infant, which W alter Tracy. He made hia home ‘Damn the hen! Even human bs- W a Specialize in Business talks. death of Mri. Diakan’s mother. | Fort Bragg, N. C., with the 82nd Inga cantt get vegetables!.’' He killed their leader and boiled and [■T'n^ weather, this week has flowers; gorgeoua growing red-tia- j is now attending school. during the winter seasons with Lo an s CALIFORNIA LARGE Indications were, however, that They w ilf return home on Sunday.' Airborn Division. broke away from the and viciously ate him. Our commander just sat i a i t served to Influence great mellias, azaleas, roses, orchids, he made clear to them that Am ­ 1 'The breakdown of the case is Mrs. W alter Walsh, of Center] Intere^ at 5 % in advance sweet peas and countlesii other • credited bv the State Police to street a daughter of Mrs. Tracy. I alaahed o ff the hen’s head.” there with a bitter expression. He SOLID CRISP HEADS [lumbers of people from all ov’er , 1 r bassador Husaein Ala, represent­ The Men s Club of the Recondi iN ew England to see the marvels | blossoms; also the lovely views to i the work of Chief of Police Peter He leaves several other nieces and * The aergeant aald that surviv- aald nothing.” Call . 2n,AO,23' ing the government of Premier Congregational vhuiTh has its | flKcompl^hed by landscape artists, j b«J>ad Ahmed Qavam was hoping and ' Dowgewicz of the Rockville Po­ nephews. 1 THE ALLIED FINANCE plans well under way for the W el­ Manchester lice; Lieut. W’llllam Barron of the BEETS TEXAS SMALL HOSE BUD 2 8CHS . ^ ^ 1 3 * [florists, gardeners after months of Evidence that the efforts of the worning for a pro.mpt hearing of C O R P . • t r come Home dinner to be glytn In Manchester Police, State Police­ nnlng, forcing th* shrubs and promoters In providing this fore­ Iran’a appeal for Security council Friday Store Hours: Stale’s Employees Overseas Mail honor of the boya of Ihe -^ paridh 1 Date Book men Samuel 8 . Rome and Jamea __ omoo of TEMPTINOLT FRESH ver* and erecting hlllsldM, taste of spring is appreciated is help In getting Russian troops out 8:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. FLORIDA O R A N G ES ,S3* who have served In the armed Finnegan and State Policewoman THE ALLEN REALTY CO. walls, waterfall*, brooks shown by the fact that 38,000 at­ L L m s m s -U p—Ex H > of the country. forces. Friday evening: A.pril 5. Tonight Evelyn J. Brigga and Lieut. Frank Seeking Increase Complaint Made 86 Pearl Street, HarMord «—jtd placid pools’. Rare flowers tended bn Tuesday. Among local The Soviets have asked for a Ifl Tlii«kCktkii«Pliina CARROTS 2,^°,! 15* Tickets may be Secured from 1 Modern and old-fashioned dance J. Chameroy, director of the State 180 Center Street, Maaebpater S E A F O O D Bftom all parU of the country w>re people who have seen the New day delay oh tjie ground they need Pinehurst members of the club. of Buckland-Oakland club. Police State Bureau of Identifica­ \ ------Telephone ' Iflown by plpne to add to the en* Yoi'k show are Mr. and Mrs. Sam­ tim# to prepare their answer.* ASPARAGUS ?45' Saturday, 51»rch 2S tion; Broiehifll Coii]|hsl .Hartford. March 21.—A com­ Washington, D. C., March 21— Hartford 7-lOM ent of the patron*. uel Kemp, Mr. and Mr*. T. Edward Reminded of the Ruaslau re­ Tbe t . 8 Senate has approved Meats FLORIDA - INDIAN Broanan, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Borst. American Legion vs. North Important aid waa given due to An investigation of the mall aery- Manchester 5105 DRIED COD BLUR quest for a postponement, the the nomination of Mrs. Clara ^ B. We could have more meat to mittee from the Connecticut State F IL L R T o f PERCH ORAPEFRUIT RIVER - LARGE .SIZE 3 ,0* 27* of tbe Highlights From Burr Nurserlea ^ Ends, 8 p. m. East Side Rec. the fact that the. hospital where ice to GI’s overseas has been re­ Wllllmantlc 105 BUTTER FISH COD president was asked ^ a t will Snow to .bif postmvnrrss at Wap- • offer you If we were a little Employees Association represent­ , IJT TLE N E C K CLAM S TEXAS-FANCY It would be futile tbto attemptattemj to For several years the Burr nur* ^ Monday, March 25 the baby was born took footprints Couch On quested by Congressman Herman M ACK EREL SMELTS J$* STEWING OV.STEBS happen Monday if the, Sovieta In­ ping. / less particular in our selections. ing a croaa wetion of the state P. Kopplemann. Acting on several CABBAGE GREEN HEADS 2 15* j y rtna the beauty of the spec* aeries have granted their women Women’s Club meeting. South o f the baby. . Spend 45 cents todf QUAHOOS I SALM ON 'Cherrystones sist on their .plea. ■tore for ■ bottle Take L am b ...w e do not ac­ /I complaints that mall transmission -iacle here, beyond mentioning a office employes the privilege of at- Methodist church. Russell Curry, Long continued checking of the service met with Governor Ray­ SHRIMP i I HALIBUT COD FILLETS large j 0 g The president told his question >iembeis of the Friendly Circle CANADIOL MiiturjC. Take a tea- 1 cept anything below Good grade is delayed, tlie Congressman wrote CELERY fANaiASCAl DOUBLE STALK few of the high spot*. People who tending the current spring flow ­ entertainer. * abandoned baby's footprints with epoonful, let it lle/on vou^tongu* a I mond E. Baldwin yesterday on er he had better Attend the meet­ and their guests, at their meeting .. .and 00 per cent of tbe Lamb Secretary of War, Robert P. Pat­ KRYI.NG OYSTERS AND FRYING CT.AMS . have the time and are able to do er show igi guests of the manage­ Tuesday, March 26 the different records* of the vari­ moment then aw ulox' slowly. Feel I salary increases, to compensate Hospital Supplies- ing and find out.. last night at the Y.M.C.A., en>y- Its powerful effective action spread | we offer yon Is CHOICE , . / terson. ALWAYS A VARIETY AT -niE OLD HUNDRED .ao are making more than one visit ment. This year they were given Meeting of Board of Selectmen. ous hospitals In this section, finally state employees for the rising cost Bedpan* — Graduate* — Hot ICECREAM ALL FLAVORS Not Seeking •>tllg Three" Meeting ed a millinery fashion show de­ disclosed where the baby was born. thru throat, head and bronchial tabes. < which Is the best available. . of living, ^ rn a rd H. McCusker, "Mali was an important morale Dolicioui in the effort .to take It In. their choice of the New York or Mr. Truman again annoi^eJ Municipal building at 8. . Acta fast to ease eoaghinc epasms j W ater Bottle* — Crutche* and , The Bay SUte Nurseriee of scribed by "Miss Betty,” who is Pythian Sisters "Brfcakfa.st in It was revealed that the mother and loosen up thick choking phlegm I FRAHKFURTS • - ww fea­ executive secretary, stated that factor while the fighting was on. Cane*. 12 OZ Boston show. Today, Mrs. Tina that he wks not seeking another -which seema to clog tha tabea and I It. Is far more so now while these cpRESH SEi^ FOOD/MARKET Uirten Jforth Ablngton. won the pres I* connected with Hartford hat Hollywood" party. Odd Fellow* had given a false name and ad­ ture Fnuikfurts, Polish Rings, the governor was sympathetic to BIRDS EYE PEAS PKG 2B* Martin, Mrs. Mary Mullany, MIm meeting of the "Big Thre^" to deal shop. Hats were modeled by Mrs, make breathing dlfflcult—helps Meat Loaf. Mettwurst and Liv* lads are -fretting out their stay 180 NORTH MAIN ST. TE LE PH O N E 2-1546 fovorit*i prize for the mbst meritori* dress in Manchester. many get better night's rest. the needs of the state employees ARTHUR DRUG STORES 1OOZ2 0 C Marjorie Kirch, Mrs. Roxy Foss, with the differences between Rus­ Bertha Heydcniich. Mrs. Alfred hall. erwurst from Orote A Weigel. overseas,” he said. The_Congress­ ------Open n in>nrada.v* i ’Til 9 P. M. ' PKC oua exhibit, which occupies one Mtas Anna Zwlck. are at the New Try Buckley’s Canadlol on oqr and win investigate the possiblli- 845 MAIN ST. TEL. 8800 delivered BIRDS EYE COT CORN ’ PKG sia And other membpts of the Lange, Mrs. Henry Kuiyla, Mrs. guarantsa et aatlstaetton or money 1 T ry a pound or two of Orote a tie# of continued wage adjiidt- man has had numerous investiga­ aide of Grand Hall. It is a me*. York exhibit, while Mrs. Marga­ OF 9 12 OZ United Nationa. , Robert Weiner. Mrs. Norma Har­ Local Delegation back. 45e-l5e—all dragglata Fraaktarte . . . they are made meiit and ha* arranged to have tions made o f . individual corn; frcih daiiyi £»rd«n to the men who ret Gabbe^ and MCa. Gertrude Admits Attack MIXED VEGETABLES COLD SEAL RKG The United fJaUons organiza­ rington and Mix. George H. Fisch­ the freshest of meat In a another meeting with this com­ plaints, he told Secretary Patter­ z: 28* gi^e their live# in World W*r 2. Bausola were there yesterday. Mrs. tion, he said, la supposed to take er. The models wore sports en- qiliBB’s Phannany — WaMoa Drag' amMt tectory that la as clean as son. and had assurance that the •ltd Is a maaterplece of colorful To Attend Parley mittee after he has had the oppor­ Walter Henry. Mrs. Helep Wheeler. over things that formerly were semblea and dresses from their On Little Girl Storo.— CeatcT Ptaaraiaejr your kitchen. tunity to study certain matters mail difficulties had been satis­ gBring ahruhe, tall evergreens Miss Ethel Hewitt. Miss Barbara DROP COOKIES 23^ discussed by^ the Big Three, own wardrobes. Delicious refresh­ When we hnye beef. It Is from now under consideration. The factorily cleared up. gocke. a waterfall and pool, Donnell.V attended the Boston show ; A three power conference was "The complaints, however,” he PECAN COFFEE RING Vino 25* CHICKENS ments were served by Mrs. Harold A number of the officers and Government Inspected westera committee is headed by . President with lowi-growlnp tulip*, daffodil# (Contimied From Page One) Tuesday, and tomorrowTdrs, Flor­ ! suggested in the Senate Stonebury. members of Chapman Court, Orfley plnnts.. .Choice u d Good grade Wanklin and includes Vice Presi­ wrote, "are continuing." Even MANCHESTER'S^XvORlTE FOOD STORE ence Osrron will take In the New PLAIN DONUTS Ptrktr DOZ I 6^ and other flowers. by Senator Pepper (D„ Fla.) M bs. Elizabeth Walters. Their of Amaranth, will attend the 46th . .and, please remember this, dent Charles Fahey, representing ranking, officers are complaining. SUOAK O f « SUQA*—* PLAIN dOI I7e M Y THE FARTS YOUR FAMAY UKES KST... Grand hall as usual wa* the York Show, while Miss .Cjarrle M. I >^r. Truman told newsmen he will obtain legal counsel, He cited the instance of a Lieut. children are a daughter, 5 and annflal session of the Grand Court every plero of meat Is guaran­ the institutional workers; Ray­ MAAVEL BOSTON STYLE TO MOIL « FRY BWMt popular place In the show Johnson and Mrs. Qi'rmen Bur­ Would be glad to see any or all Attorney and Mrs. Jay E. Rub!-; of Connecticut, Order of Am a­ HiLP .WANTED mond Spielman, salary group; Colonel,-In command of a Prisoner James III, 3. ■ / teed to please you. IQI. BREASTS EACH8TO10OZ u73* 1 With it* row* upon rows of seats leigh wlihgo to Boston. -I members of the UNO at any time. nojv and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Green- ranth Inc., at the Hotel Bond, Try our Farm Fresh Turkeys, Mary Hannifan. clerical forep; of W ar Camp In, France and his BROWN BREAD LOAr IB * ,/0 OZ ^ 2 ^ Orchid Dtsplaya Tor their arrival, , the crowd begantan I n omen’s Club property on Lgnox street. ut’es were sent Pascal or White Celery elected chairman of the board. M e Pancake Flour JflmlrnD PKO CNICKENS 4 to 5 POUNDS By jaU.‘ Me’an- A P R I L 22, 1946 Spring Lamb Sale! Th# orchid display, .6ome yarl- gather at the Center post E. E. Hilliard to Max M. FuT- to the Will cou FRIDAY... 5 TO 9 P. M. has been with the firm 54 years. 0 %: ' R areripes ■ONCD • nOLLEO while, Mrs. W liams had taken AuntJemlmg PKO aties tn niches and others, set ott girl on her way-.T to.f^to ^ n\an, property on Middle Turn­ Red, Ripe Tomatoes The firm waa founded by the A T 6 P. M. Buckwheat 16« UMB FORES IF D I* I* ID by palms and ferns^was/lovely be­ the Lincoln school, was heardi d io The Manchester’. Women’s Re­ pike. west, and Adams .street. her daughtetylo the Silver Cross COMPLETE new president’s grandfather, whom P a l a f A HORSE NADISM • OZ # ttg , 32c box AT V aiH a Plain or w)th Baala JAR IV * yond description Bmd rtowds filed inquire; "Is this another nylon publican club at Its nieeting yes­ Iva J. Watkins to George M. hospital hi , the ratiring president and new STEWING UMB TASTY and ECONOMICAL slowly past it. (ivas true of Danks et al. propeity on Bruce board chairman succeeded In 1907. Boneless LOIN {CHOPS lb. 49c sale?" ' , terday In the Federation room of Pinehurst D O N A L D J, G R I T ’S LEGS Prenlnni Crackers LB PKQ 1 9 « many of the mo'st^exotlc^flowers in ft KIDNEY UMB CROPS *NAOE A Local Persons Attending Center Church house, enjoyed. a road. ^ _ LOBSTER DINNER The new presidenL with’ the I N W A P W the thow. Rdse# ftlled dne hall. Manchester Development Cor- Roulettes In tl)e party leaving froip this round-table discussion on tox*n Radishes \ company since 1017, has served as ,Wheatswoith Cereal pSS 18* RIB UMB CHOPS WBLLTmMMES two gixat pyramidal arrangements planning, schools and roads, led pdration to Jack Peatritto et al. vice president and general mana­ R IB C H O P S Shoulder Chops town, were jjits. Fred/ Pohlnian, The mee^g i.s called ,i th ^ A r In the ceptifr of the floor and tall Mrs. Frank V. Williams, Mra. by the president. Mrs. George F. property on Lenox street. /W ed d in gs ger for 12 years. He will conUnue Grapefruit Juice ^%?27* SAUSAGE MEAT rotstr FO*K 8c bunch by the Bpard of Direc­ apdiihd the walls. An I Ralph Rockwell, C. T. Wil- Borsi. Everybody entered Into the Harold N. Warner to iver Gun^ $1.75 to serve as general manager. • an ^■‘try by the Copley Plaza ,. ^ Bolton A ner Anderson.* Jr., property oit > 2 Bunches 15c tors to take action on the 41c lb. 39c lb. Orange Juice ^^°^37* COnAGE CHEESE ------♦•'Th#* OOllOIl, iV irt Hemingway discussion of town affairs, and 4 waa entitled "The Story Fanner Brown’s Cole Slaw Chooo# Bargaining Agent and hia d d u g ^ r, Mrs. Harold one of the things upon which all Branford street. / I vote pf the directors to tEYAILT Cft*d%r»PVR ’ ’ i Orange & Grapert S 37* Roman's L ife ."-It was told Manchester Development^'Tlor- Cup of Chowder BOLOGNA t.S1* SAUERKRABt Belcher, Jaajw Cheney, Mr*. Hen­ w'ere flrmly decided wa* the erec­ Murray*Belack or Salad Mix terminate the existence from the time, the little ry Rockwe^'Mra. Henry Lanz of poratton tp Harold N. 'Warner, ~ Announcement has been mad* Whole BroUed.Lobater Washington, March 21— iff)— A&P Sauerkraut "*can^14* F*t*K *UCE# X tion of a bus terminal at the can- reaches us fresh each morn­ of the Conn. Agricultural STUK COD had^he measles when roses Rockville/’ Rlr. and Mra. Charles property on Lenpx street,' of the m i l a g e of Miaa Helen French Fried: Fotetoee Employes In. the offset department 'w r e seiit to her, on to her gradua­ terr ing. ' Try this Crisp, fresh, Credit Corp. Beans '• V.H I lures''* 2 d£l35> FANCY *K IN L E |* Beach or Vernon, Mrs.- Ruth Scrib Mra. William G. Crawford, who , Articles of Association Louise ^lack. formerly of l70 Cole Slaw o f the Travtlers Insurance com-" COD FILLETS Edwin G. Adams. James L. Cope- easy to serve cellophane pony, Hartford, Conn., have voted, Sm oked Shoulders FANCY CAPE HEADED and OUESSEO tion, daughter ,of Mr. Crockett, Is vice chairman of the Republi Chsrte/Oak street, daughter of Dessert Coffro or-T^ Iona Cocoa U* G* w h e n ^ b told it with rose.s< hei i^ra. X Alfred Johnson, Mrs. Hen- Gabriel Me Mr. a/nd Mra. Charles Belack of package of assorted vegeta­ 12 to 0, to have the Amalgamated S ign ed: MACKEREL t.17* WNITIN8 bridal bouquet. her silver weddmg, j ry/Hagberg of WbSt Hanfbrd. LIthographen of America as their Mello-WheatASr;;i» %Vo* 15* RuUand, Vt.! to . John Rockwell Fine Quality WInea— bles. . ’ LOUIS L. GRANT, • uid then her g<>lden wedding. The , Herbert irray, soh of Mr. and Mrs. W il­ Special Luncheons bargaining agent, the National bouquets in color and ■ formation Green Peppers SLICED ENDS A&P Spinach — LBiiten SuKeBtionsI Sargent. Miss Florence Shaw, mt!2?Jst* P a t h f l n d ^ ^ c . with the tovt*n bur Murrt^ of Brandon. Vt. The Liquora and Beer Labor Relations Board reported i . Sec.-Treas. were appropriate to each occasion Mrs. W. J, Taylor, Mrs. Arthur uiicresi. . ^ 'Pnft association Js formed and Dinnera Daily Iceberg lettuce yesterday. /- * LS and most interesting. • ceremony was performed by Rev. Saltines*S^“h^R'-K*o1G*^P*^32« ANN PABE MACARONI Ua'FKQ. t30* p V e ll* Hanson, MisS BernlcVhiydall. Mrs, ed^hv T^e h*?st*esL Mrs*"Vr*ank ' to^alptM n a clubhouse fcr the re, Chicory / i Butter i lb 1 4 < Carnation Hall Mark/Hsrvey of the Church of .. Arthur Seymour, Mrk.' William ^ TiffinV ^ Mr, I fresl>nient. entertainment and eX- G oo^H elp of Brandon, Vt., oh Grahams^ n•'“* n a t RKO 33« ANN PABE SPABHEHI PKO 3 0 * pVall* Gerlach, Mrs^ Hal Tiffany. j e,cise of its members and to pro- Pinehurst BACON » 2 1 'Lim it One To a Cnetomer. Carnation hall attracted fully >Y„nsl{v. Miss Stephanie Tuhsky, M#i^h’ 2. - u rwny. to see the new things Theodore Filblg and daugh- Louis Horton^and Mrs. Ja> the mental, moral and phyal- 9 Amtrici't Finest Qwese Food • LtDO CLUB e couple were attended by Mr. SPABHEHI DINNER (*al* welfare’ of Its members and to n U N C ^ RESTAURANT Chives, 39c WO ter. Mtss Anna Filbig. , " _nd Mrs. Elmer Pratt of Brandon, FANCY MILK-FED, 3 TO 3^ L& AVE.. Bonlen^a Chateau 24* CAN grant, lovely and lasting. They foster social contacts. of mtitual Cauliflower IONA SLICED BEETS M2* ^-Alsip* Mrs. Charles Lashinske, formerly of Hartford. The bride’# were"- fashioned into all sorl.s of Mrs. Paul G. Prokopy. Mrs. Henry benefit and assistiillce. The prin­ “Food That’s Fit For A King” . _. Spring Dug Parsnips Draft Extension dree* was of pink jersey and ahe IONA STRINB BEANS / 3c^°^131* and Mrs. cnarence Freheit, Mrs. cipal offlee of the association la 23 wore pink and black acceasortea. White Turnips each Albert Petke, Mrs., John Krorhpe- Cambridge atreet. ’ m a i n STREET AT PEARL STREET ^ CUT-UP FOYVL SPRY A&P BOLDEN SWj^ CORN Indefinitelv Asked Articlea of Incorporatloa Her corsage waa of three. white Summer Squash PerfMinal Nolice* gal; Mrs. John Kahn,* Mra. WHUffni VEGETABLE SHORTENING i.Hadi'oziiiski, Miss - Emma Merkel, John and Rhoda Krlnjak-have orchids. BroccoV Mr. 'Murray was recently dis­ j Mrs. Fred Hope and her guest, filed with the town clerk artlblgs Beets : ' SUNCREST NO. 5 CAN FRESH EGGS (Oontinnod from FflK* One) charged from the Intelligence PURE In Memoriam Miss Josephine Ruf of. New Jer- o( incorporation 'o f The Manchea-, Green Beans ‘ .xey.. Mrs. John Tedford, ter Floor Coverihif CAmpany with Corps ofy,the Third M m y, after JAR strength is necessary to* aupporf ependlng 21 months oversea#. I Pinehurst '"2 4 *’,? 69' LARGE In toviiig nif-jiUiiy of nur l-r-tlifr. ' Helena Pickup, Mrs. John. ,, Burk- ./he positfon o#" the Allies In the Town Clerk S.; J. Turklngton. - G r a p e f i Iu i t "Wheir AvAUabla" Pvt. Willlgm H. riialiibrrlalti »:li« iIk*') -liardt. “ “ The couple are making their GRAPE SMMykreok Cndt A in K'tlbn in Omnan.v. Man li 21, Ifll.'i. Nstlona organization and Galden Carrafs .said the amaller nations are look-, home In Brandon. Vt., where Mr. M ARIO- S ^ y Frcih Native urdav, with h’er sister, Miss Irene Hospital Notes ♦ Murray j f employed. J u i c e Cuttou Groind. .. Toil hra'rtl tlir lal) to serve your roun.- ing to the larger ones to supply / lOic bunch P R E S E R y E S trs'. Lydail, ‘ that strength. '* ' 1 For r#al satiofaction. buy vigor- We "sere *0 proud to aee you go; Conn«M!ticut Exhibit Praised Prayed God .to lend you aafely baek- Retrauetlv* PromoHoiis Admitted yesterday: Mrs. A sp aragu s A&l LUNCHEON Meat *CAN* 33* Tb wa' sho loved you »o. Everything went smoothly on Legislation authorizing the Elisabeth Avery, Rockvill?: Wil­ SISCO And AUGUSTO, he, New Potatoes ■ ] 3 F o r L b . J a r ou«, win#y Bokar...hcnr# it mu- the trip to the Hub and through -j retroactive proniotlon of 5,563 liam O'Hara, 60 Cambridge street; Sweet Potatoes , ! lom grotuid to iui^your m#thod Anuour’i Treat can' 36* And, 0ien you )itard another C4I). the day at the show. Mr. Crockett Naval and Marine Corps personnel Mr#. Elizabeth Walker. 17 Har­ REAL ESTATE Far greater . than the brat; Idaho Bakers '.tr',:..- ol coif##-makiB9. NemwI'tSpam roN'36* The otie of our dear Master, announced that Sherman Eddy of who were held by the enemy as vard road; Mrs. Eva Dolan, 62 Avon, had graciously offered the prisoners of wsr was meanwhile Will pay cash for your prop* Painters and Decorators W))o ealled you home to rest. Linmore atreet; Bertha Holmes, DR. WALTER H. EDDY’S PetteJ Meatrm.ur^.”^AN' 10* l: ' use of part of his space to the- ex­ approved by the Senate Naval 136 Woodland aUaet; Miss Lulu erty — anywhere in Man'* s u n s w e Et Up to.Feb 15,1946 ,#teep on. our darllns loved one. cursionists for wraps and pack­ affairs committee. TELEPHONE: F O O D A N D TAYLOR’S - rbur meinojo sill ever be; Cox. 474 Main street. C h e s te r. Bolton^ Vernon or .A Swedish Rye'Bread That’s UB Ivory Salt i^izro *px* ’ 7* ages, checking privileges being The OPA. came In for anotlter h o m e f o r u m s a l e A&P HAS Iqsttlled within Our hearts Admitted today: E u g e n e^ South Windsor. No delay. GLASTONBLBY 2713 HARTFORD 7-3505 Bally Kennel Meal ”*Aff 20* Cntil ifre rest with thee. I tax’ed to the utmost at the. show. lambasting, this tim e,by represen- I Schmidt. 54 Westminster road. j Croom of Rlc# '280 PRUNE BAGS EMPLOYED Mr Eddy’s exhibit by the way I'tatlves of the pelrple,um Industry, yesterday: Phylis i Golden Center SWEET cuanh can . Kletnnr llunon, They esked Senate , and House j Stanley Howard R. Hastings Delishtfilly Different . Oetageu * 2 * G* Klaie Taylor, , wae the only one vv* noticed from Wheat G e rm ...... ^ 14,593 Merlld ChamherUln, Connecticut.. It w a s an old-fash­ committees to remove price con ■ Grzyb, Jr.. 74 North street; Real Estate Specialist Kuox Gclattn# ,.••••.•-•••1#® Berax lO UUlC TEAk P*e 13* Viking’s Limps is s dafinitely different and de- JUICE POTATOES ioned farm home, scene, with old- trols on Gasoline and other petro­ Mrs. Mrfry Barbiri, Stafford * Praato _ . YETERARS Berixi 2 CAN* 25* Card of Thanks time lilacs, crabapple tree# in leum products. , Springs: Mrs. Gladys Crockett and 101 Phelps Road ... Paper Hanging Cah^ Flour -soc Ueioiis Swedish Rye Bread maiia from an and *.meh S women who full bloom, a shed with the usual Hearlngs’on the Fecleral Reserve daughter. 2iS Highland' atreet Phnpes 4842 or 2*1107 tested r o c ^ that wa baliavc you’ll agree is “top*.’’ Ql- B o ttle Suubriti CLEANSER 3 CANS 14* proudl)r weir the W « wish to thank our friends hnd Implements for. farming, old-time board nomination of Commodore Staley . . .. Z 1 " 2 C a n s 3 5 ^ Mra. Elizabeth Runde. 118 Walnut Insurance Mortfaxes The old fasUonod mathod of h fa rth -b a l^ 3 LB BAG 75*^ honorable discharg# tisiphbori for their kindneu and lym- tieehivea . nearby. , moae-covered James K. Vardaman, Jr., continu­ . Cream Con starch...... l«o Sweetbiart *<>*# 3 c” *• 19* p t w -ehown ue et the death of our atreet; Mra. Emma Kahehl. 399 ■wheo Viking’a Lfanpa a bread o f smooth 'tex­ gATH SIZE CAKE 11* _ emblMi. logs and ao on, aiid it was a prize ed before a Senate Banking #ub- . e # Floor Finiihing Veolee Mhld Saueee elster sad eousin, We espeeiSliy thank Oak atreet; W illiam Lunden, 76 ture and “stay-freah** quality. It’* the ideal Tha Ssh-etlon Army,. membere of tlie winner too. , n- coramlttec. Cottage atreet: Mrs. Irene Hub- OlAOge aocisl Club. Britleh-Americen Tbe Tonkee Network componioa to cold meat^ chccae and salad*. IhTien the buses were filled, at Engage In Heated ExchUg# latd and daughter. 20 Earl atreet: ■ • ;M - 10:00 A, M. Oub. Southern New., England Tele, Senators McFarland (D-Arli) MAXWELL HOUSE shone Co. Local plant„No... IS. shd all the parking place, ready to start GUve Keminekl. 23 Apel piece; Monday, Wedpewlay. Friday at seven o’clock for the homeward and Donneir |R-Mo) engagfed In a . • General Repair SWAN SUPER SOAPINE those’ wh^ sent flowers ifnd'extended Mra. Esther Bunce and dsughrer,- f e a t u r i n g SWAN Mte use of their csr», trip, great was the consternation heated exchange today over con- 88 Hertford road. DR. WALTER IL'EDDV . V of all when a Hartford, woman duct-of /lhe Senate heaa-Ing.'* ' Coiifracling It a-TUriss l(U«raiM QUIdC EFFICaENT-. Robert 'Wlleon. FLAKO MAKES ALL Semiirl W'lli^u, waa reported missing. No one had When Donnell Interrupted dur­ (iMM’t vlait jTMr COFFEE SOAP SOAP SUDS ing en argument between Frank ' )iMw ree«]ari*> *aii *aEANR4G EASiet/: Albert W/i'on;- Seen her as the time for iesving WHITE FLOATING WHHE FLOATING "FlO Q W OF SUPS? Martha Tiirklngton. approached and whether she was O. Bittner. Jr„ St. Louis, Mo., I South Coventry | still in the show and would have shoe manufacturer, and McFar­ ESTIMATES H a r t f o r d REGULAR f it 22031------Card -Tiuuiks tb be paged, or whether she was land. and aald the aenator wae not Lb. Bag ^ / LARGE A A g URGE O O t in a restaurant no bn# could telL allowing the witneaa to “an#wer The cboli: will rehearse at the 2 "v: 2 9 ' ’ CAKES E l 9 .CAKE U PKG 4k Q PEG i W e would tike to .thank all aur Jiome o f Mrs. R. B. White thia «ve' 3 Men In, the party scouted around queetiona fully.” McFarland re­ '• m* "" ' ( 1,1 I:’ iI V " •*Whtn AvkilsW* ” "Whae Avaitobla" frlnda, aad Mighbora for iKeir klhd- lUng at 7:30 with Mrs. L. K, Alirn URKE01 trs-a t1 tha tima of tha degih of our bath entrances and enifs o f the torted: ' CH^RFULLY GIVEN 1^ bathsnd and raib^r. Otto Msnnri. We building, and after about half an » " I ’m running thl# hearing. 1 hostess. • 'f.'l also'Uantt a|i throe who sent fUisrars hour's search she ’was foun.d. don’t propose to let you Interfere." The Boy Scouts meet tonlKht In I aad leaned t# a » ears, weary and anxioii# for fear ah# Donnell, not a committee' mem- the auditorium at 7 p. m. at the * . -L . ■{' bar. m M h# would praUot tlw way|Op#sfflUBity O uter Kkaael aad takUv. h a bMB left batalBd. . / ./

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. H^CHESTER, OONNrtHURSDAT. MARCH 2 1 .194® ■■ ij:i N ■■ k M. : HERAU), MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSD4f5!^;?^^RCTi 21, 194® MANCHESTER EVENING J&X. .. ■______.• - ______- .S i- .------■■ \ TEN < WTlO-t-lOM WIMM>—1860 *8 Radio WOTD—idlO Standard Time Angelo Reelected Twi League Presiden 4:00— WDRC — House 7:30—WDRC—Mr.’Keen, Tracer News: WHTD — Ersklne J of Lost Parsons; WHTD—Arto-'' son In Hollywood; WTHT —Jack ur Hals.; WTHT — Professor Berch; WTIC—Backstage Wife. Njuiz; WTIC—Bob Burns Show. 4:15—WHTD — Musical Round- 7:48r-WHTD—Inside of Sports. Olbert Signs up;, WTHT — Olrand’s Music 8:00-^WDRC—Suspense; WHTD Sport Slants No Decision Reached /■ Mias Helen Paculfy ^idvi^ier HaU; WTIC — Stella DaUas. —Carilqgton Plsybouse: WTHT Compiled by Stadcnts of Manchester Hiph School —Lum Aqd Abner; WTIC — THURSDAY, MARCH 21 4:30—WDRC—Life Can Be Beau­ To Pitch in Minors By Earl W. Yo»t tiful; WHTD — Mutual Melody Burns and Ajlsn. ■ports Mtae .. On Teams in Lei TOL. xm . NO. 26 'Hour; WTIC—Lorenzo Jones. 8:15—WTHT—Earl Godwto. Leader of YW CA Club Offers Prizes PI. 18—WDRC—Main SUeet, Hart- 8:30—WDRC—F. B. I. in Peace and War; New*; Local Southpaw Hurler Score Goes Up The AL*s nig Three ■ Pep and Brady ar* two differ­ Receive Awards The Current Affalrii Clqh WTHT — Hop Harrigan; The American League batUng Eight Teams Presoat Wave C6mes ^ Legion of Honor Tells of Founding 1C *-• Young Wldder Brown. Rogue’a Gallery; t^THT—Alp. Who Tossed No HHter ent fightcra. First of aL they are voted last Thursday to give ten erica’s Town Moating of lhe Air; race to expected to develop Into a not In the same class. Pep to the Last Night's Bowling i| JJew Schedule Three M.H.S. atudenta have dollars in prizes to the winner By School Club 8;00-\WDRC—This Uvlng World; The Manchester Division of three-cornered duel between "Ted champ and Brady a ’teen age kid Session; Local WHTD — Hero’s Howe: WTHT WTIC—Dlndh Shore. x’^ Last Year Signs With toe Connecticut Sportameh'a •won awarda in the Scholaatlc Back to M. H. S. t>ld any of yoti t^glon of Honor • of the U.N.O. essay, test proj­ • ' , ■ — 9:00—WDRC—MuMo of Ahpre Williams of the Red Box, Jo* Di- to en toe way up toe flsUc Taddd^ Matches at s Glance To Get Prefi \ k . jg Preview ed I , —Tertrj^ and the Pirates; WTlC North Carolina T^am Asooclatlon received 88 addl- Magglo of the Yankees and Dick of fame. jlkagaalne conteat. Kaarolr readers ever hear a familiar name “We always get a greater joy ect—five dollars, three dollars, Kostelanets; WHTD — G a b ^ Uonel membershipe yesterday orxyb. ’46, has received a and see s fatnillar jTace for any out of making someone else happy, .and two dollars. Students Bring in Sou­ —When k Girl Marries. HeatAr: WTIC—Music Hall. Wakefield of the Tigers. The popular Bronx youngster RockviUe May Be Gold Key award for bis Mar- length of time without assoclat- , because It Is always better to gtve Juniors are to be taken Into 8:18—WH’lt? —Superman; WTHP Ziggy Olbert who pitched In the* in toalr present drive of get­ IVlllianui and DlMaggiu are ca- The Center Service team In* Mrs. Gertrude - Hitch* venirs from Philip­ —Dick TraOy: WHC — Portia 9:18—WHTD--Real Stories from ting 1,000 membera by Maroh with the dynamite laden fists ma.v chanlcal Drawliyf entry. Ing the two? You gueSped It. For than to receive,’.’ declared Mrs. the Current Affairs Club nn Real Uf*. Sodlfi Pacific during the past few tablialicd major league stars. find Bartola too cagey. The latter creased their league lead in toe Y Nick Anffclo was uoa Bailey Calls Spe- othy McCreedy, ’iS, hpa ^ Coun* Michael D. Corovilles, Director of April 16. The club also agreed Faces'Life. \ . 31. Wakefield to the slugglag beauty loop to two full games'last night rock, Foraier the past four years., thih reporter pine:, Samoan Islands 9:80 — WDRC — Hobby Lobby; baseb^t aeaaons whHe serving in to a pretty fair boxer with little re-elected to aarr* aaoUMT celved three gold keys for her has been smiling "Hello’s", In the , the Nationality Communities Ds- that dues should be paid to 6:30—WDRC -A News; Swoon or WHTD—Treasure Hour of Song; The score to as'follows: who la rk e d to* Tigers In the punch. On^ Brady punch, connect­ cial Assemblies for selor Returns Croon; WHTd V- Captain Mid­ Total member* to date 906 1944 flag race to within a gam* when they took all three point*! ^ proaldent of to* ______Art entries, and pob/GenovesI, school corridors to an attractive. | partment of the New Britain the trcamirer, thus putting the Sandals, silk kimonos, bolos, WTHT — Detect and Collect; the Navy .has sighed a players ed solidly, would knock nut Pep ' tliree Lower aasscs] •46, has r c c e l^ a , red aUr Y.Vf.C.A. The senior Girl Reserves responsibility on the Individual night; WTHT- Jack Armstrong; contract wHh Wilmington in the sun to go ...... 94 at the American League flag arier or any other man in to* 126-pound from Chambers Movers. The tec. [ Twilight Baseball Leagu* fit (honorable pntntlon) for hla brown-haired miss, never quite re' wers very fortunate In having MrSi and shell necklaces were among Coronet Front Page; WTIC— Ten days to go. Sign up to­ being mustered out Of one of the ond place Manchester Motor Sales Her experience In teaching was memberlng her name . . . mean- | membera W nC — Just Plain Bill. Jack Haley with Eva Arden. N o ^ Carolina ^ a te League for division. meeting held tost- night a t . corovilles at their last service the many articles displayed In the B:4S_WDRC — Old Record Shop; day! pre-flight schools. The fight, should Brady win, took two out of tor** point* from p* xa onl«r to mplala m art entry.' of more value In the Waves then while, hearing the often-mention­ The question of a field trip 10:0O W'DRC — Island* Venture; the coming seaaoiix y D iM a^o has been tearing to* West bide Rec. Nick haa h*)d AU -^tSold Key awarda are meeting held March 13. was discussed but no decision Philippine Exhibit held by the WHTD — Tom Mix: WTHT WHTD - Talk for Mayor Quig­ would send the Hartford favorite Don Willis Garag* and Morlarty post since the death of Jack P«vypi»yt«w th« p r ^ m rf her yVstty*-training la In teaching ed name of Barbara Dunlop, never All ' membera brought some Tennessee J4d; WTIC\— Front Olbert, a husky adbtopaw, while cover off the ball In toe Yankeea’ Brothers won two frmn Bryant i^lbe oMulng achool year, 1946-1M7, submitted to the National con­ quite remembering who she Is. , was reached. U. 8. foreign pol­ Spanish clubs of Miss Beulah Yodd ley; WTHT-^Curtaln Dme; akyrocketlng Into fame practical­ and Chapman. er, nridway Ui the 1944 seasoB. test In Pittsburgh. Pa. veterans, according to Mrs. Ger­ clothes that were In good condi­ icy was discussed this morn­ Page Farrel. ^ home on leave last suihqier from exhlblUon ahd Grapefruit League ly overnight A loss by Bartola Other officers for to* eos MMmblles for the three lower And so. as the perennial Interjec- I tion to be sent to a girl in Greece. on March 14 and 15. The students WTIC—Abbott and Ooatelld. imca to date. Jolting Joe to the Howard Bartop of the pace alaiMei were held during the past I FHirther news In regard to trude Oberempt Hitchcock, a for­ Hon goes, "Just Imagine my sur­ ing. 6:00—News on all stations. 10:15—WHTD—Muaical Roundup.. hto Naval assignment, tossed the would hurt toe latter's name and season include Robert Donaba the contest will appear In fu­ mer lieutenant (j. g.) In the They were allowed to bring Iri who could not submit an article e;l»_WDRC - Headliners Club; only ho hit. no run game In the Tourney Results ?ankee Clipper of old. Joe, back chaficea for future fights. Brady setting Servicemen cracked out a |.wmlirMweU M an awembly for prise!” I overshoes, underclothing, as well 10:30—WDRC- Powder Box Thea­ In to* cleanup spot, haa driven In triple of 4l)5 with Joe Prentice vice president and Etorl Yost, ture Issues of the “World. Waves, and now a teacher In the to' displayed gave oral reporta WHTD — Jim Britt’s Roundup; ter; WHTD—Polka Pa'rade; Manchestec Twilight League in ha* everything to gain and noth­ rctaty-trsasurer. The latter pw«BU held Mondpy , Wasn’t surprised, though. to aa sweaters and skirts as long as Musical Roundup; WTHT—Kay- more runs than any Other major ing to lose. A good shot at Bar- re^atering'^a 400 for toe Motor .R n d p al Bdson Bailey ^ Vlrt Manchester High veterfcn achool. see that her smile was as charm­ WTHT — To be announced; almost a decade. The East Side Rec Intermedi­ league player to date and In addi­ Sales. Other fine score*- Included reelected. . Mrs. Hitchcock was interviewed garments were Clean pressed and based on the 4*hilipp1ne Islanda. O-Qulz; WTTC—Emile Cote Glee The local raoundsman gradu­ tola is all that Pat needa. Eight teams were present a t < ;»PrtBciMi Cheater Roblniofi. vi»der^| ing as the "Grapevine" leads one wearable. S. C. C onslilulion \ WTIC-Rudy Vallee Show. ate Tourney got underway last tion has rapped out more home Bruno Mazzoll 305, Walt Korn* took the explanation ^C courM. at the World Staff meettngj^ on Many of the Items on display a u b 10:45-WTHT George, toe Real ated from Manchester High and runs. Odds and Ktoda- nanlk 388, Harold Burr 370, Dan meeting. They were to* to believe. Wasn’t at all disap­ Mrs Ctorovllles has dona excel­ were sent to Mlss^'Todd by her sU* 6:30—WDRC—Connecticut Econ­ ni^ht with Center Billiard Jun­ ' "The Mnncheetet/Hlph School Alum nae Relum ^ Friday. pointed after comparing Barbara’s lent work for the Greek War Re­ McCoy. Manchester Trade in 1941 after a Williams haa given every Indi­ Bud Geoghegon, popular golf Newcomb 373 and Jerry Smith Americans, British Amerli i- nlMTam of atu^Jiea haa a twofold *“N Leaving her position of teaching Being Revised ter Ardith Todd'who U an assist­ omic Council; Tune Time; WHTD 11:00 -News on all stations. brilltont career in basketball and iors Nyhipping to* CelUca 35 to cation of returning to hto pre-war ^ (^ a t the WetherafleUl Country 3 7 3 ./ American Legion, United Ail ( .. . ^ ■'nrep&ratlon for ac- at M. H. S. on a leave of absence personality with the very affirma­ lief, through which these clothes ant Red Croos^'dliector In Manila, —Answer Man: W.THT — Con­ 32 and^iye Phantoms whipped the tive opinions expressed concerning will be sent. 11:15--WDRC—Night Owl Show; baseball. In the former sportXhe power hitting days.. Td haa blasted Clim haa been named pro at the / Uoa WIlUa (1) Hamilton Props, -Depot Sqv the actlvitlea To Leaders’ Club in 1942 Mrs. Gertrude HltchcocK The guest speaker spoke about j These Itsms.dncluded a black lacs ‘ cert Hour; WTIC — Bob Stsele; WHTD—Red Cross Program; was a member of the starting flVe Tramps 8|\Io S3. many a pitch for a country mile Crestwood Country Club In West Cargo ,.143 118 89—350 Grill, Rockville HUl BUUos and Pa- praparatlon for “• the first Y.W.C.A to.be set up tn Organisation of a rifle club next I mantilla ^ d shawl, a small teak Five Minute Mystery. WTHT — Music; WTIC—Hark- which helped toe achool to the Bob 'pedfohl and Mickey Mur­ although he hasn’t bean a ball of Orange, New Jersey. .But haa a McGutr* ,.112 105 —217 gani's West Sides! Moirtarty BretfiJ formal educa* . Barbara's had four years of a fall was .announced among other I wood ew it of sheila, a luncheon 6:45—WDRC — Veteran Speaks; ' ness of Washington. era failed lo have a reprasentativ have well-rounded extra - curricular Athens, Greece. Stat* Class B championship in phy led toe BilUarda with Jimmy fire In toe Bosox games played' to host of friends in Manchester..* Kompanlk .146 114 128 388 . Uonin iome other achool 'U>07» HI gang!" and "Where Barbara Dunlop “In a palace In Greece there was business at the Student Council I m ^ e ojR,^banana fibers, a hand- W irrD — Easy Aces; WTIC — 11:30—WHTD—Feeling is Mutual; 1944. On toa diamond. Ziggy Blanchard best Tor the losers. date. Very few acribeir^.aro picking the Twaronlte .110 305 137—332 pixsent. L'Mtnpletion of the high- achool ■*’’ were schedule, having belonged to the meeting on March 12. A team I «n,i,|^dered\ sash, two pairs of WTHT — Gems for Thought; O’Bright No action was taken on you been keeping yourself .Ubrkry Club In her sophomore a huge staircase with several spa­ Logroll Thomas. pitched some fine games for Man­ Corky Coughlin and Fred 'Purk- The above trio loom as toe Big Detroit Hgcra is repeat last .116 100 98-328 ■ To help achieve theae o ^ two of the greetings heard when period!" Although not having cious landings. Several girls and will be sponsored n « t fall if a 1 hand-carved sandals, and a beige 7;00.,.WDRC — Mommia and Dance Music; WTIC—Story of chester High during! hto Junior and Ington were the Phantoms best Three in the American League year’s win In the American league. Lailcy 01— 91 teams toot would be admitted year, and Junior and Senior Girl director and suitable range can be 1 handbag. the Men: WHTD—Fulton Lewis, Music. batting race thia season. . .The Yankeea and Red Sox ■ore though It IS a known tact that Reserves. Bowling and volleyball drawn up her poit-whool plans myself thought that this would be Senior years. scorers with Rernie August high yfet. she "has her eye on” office a wonderful place to atart a obtained. Several ranges are ^ I, Among the varied PhlUpplna Jr.; WTIC — Supper Qub. 11:45—WHTD—Harold La Chap- After graduating, Ziggy was man for the Tramps. Big Test for Brady one-two. .^’Ihe Hartford Pros fea­ Total .627 551 51.3 1721 1946 league, will consist oi loveli; In addition, seven dtf- «nt leadem ^h*w" bv *Glria were also on her Junior and senior Y.W.C.A. After receiving permis­ ing considered, with the hope articles brought into ths first 7:18-^WDRC—Jack Smith Show; elle. / inducted Into tfie Navy and after Pat Brady, toe Bronx killer, turing Leo Gottlieb. - toe sensa­ filanrhestrr Motor stoics (3) teams. Also local teams wUI gotj list of activities, while during her work. Tonight the Junior Tourney will Hair Well, that's Barbara Dunlop, sion from the. refugee commis­ we may be given the privilege of | period club meeting was a larga WHTD — Famous Bongs; Musi­ 12:00—WHTD—Henry King’s Or­ completing boot training was off take place starting at 6 o'clock. who has done practically all of his tional set shot and play maker 86 99 10,5—290 pixteicnce. {Should six iooai Sophomore year, Barbara served sioner, they started what waa the using the Armory. wooden hand-carved spoon used In cal Roundup; WTHT — Ray­ chestra: W nC—News; Design to the South Pacific area„ During The Improvers will play the Spar­ fighting out of Hartford, has sign­ from New York Sunday afternoon McCurry ...... IM 07 127-3.38 apply and tall within the laagit*) as a Junior Red Cross representa­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howard ...... 112 103 111 324 Dunlop of 120 Summer street. We first Y.W.C.A. In Greece. Later," Mary Ann Pazlanos, speaking on marriage ceremonies of ths mond Swing: W nC — News of for Listening. his lengthy stay t« this area, he tans. At 7, toe North End ed to meet Sal BSrtola of Boston at the Hartford Auditorium.... rules and regulations,'an all Ms tive. she went on, "we asked ffir a room behalf of ths ConstltuUon com- ^ b e ; this spoon belonged toe World. 18:30—WHTD—Let Brown’s Or, attracted the attention of several Atoms face the Nor.tn End Juniors in a ten-rounder at the Boston While Pat Brady la getting ready Prentice ...... 132 139 129 ICO Chester league will operat* this teams, the Lambs and the Uons. "Barb" Is partial to all kinds of hope you like her . . . we know mltte, explained how the commit-1 phiuip Linnell. Barbara Black- Garden on Friday, April 6. for hto fight with Sal Bartola. Mar.zoli ...... 131 158 106—305 spring and summer. you will! and another room, until we had a major lea^ie players among them and at 8 the Royal Kings play the J . toe'pupU enters high achool sports and music, dancing, and place big enough for the many tro has been working on tte r ^ displayed a hand-woven West Sides. Bartola is the same fighter who Hartford’s Johnny Cesario to in The situation aummed up ui n • Phyl Karlin. ’46 Johnny Mize, Joe DiMaggio.. and ran out of hto fcathei-welght title Total ...... 575 504 678 1747 'S'u i?rc 3 ^ '“^aK er*‘orhrr food—"just plain food . people who came to the "Y." vision of the purposes of the Stu- Peabody brought In many other name stars who were Center Billiards Jrs. (35) training for a return go with Gus nut shril finds the PA's, BA’s, Pa- Women came to the "Y" not only dent Council. A new plan which JJ^^.g^rved brightly colored p scrap with Willie Pep last month "Pell" Mell of Montreal. The lat­ gani's and the Legion as "ia.* 'New Biographical Drama perfornling with Army and Navy B r Tot at Madison Square Carden. Pep Bryant and Chapman (I) (■Mutlal Si& he should formutate team' and e ^ ^'^famb for sports, but to be taught sub­ will increase the sandals. George Garbarinl ex- teams in that area. 0 Tedford, rf ___ 7 1-3 15 ter is the only boxer to whip Morlarty H Hre undecided und tbS 1 20 M .H.S. G irls Substitute From Uconn jects such as; English literature, for t^e upper classes due to toe ^ Japanese saber. 2 twice outpointed Bartola. Cesario. ' Wilson ...... 105 90 96—291 Grill, a north end sponsored teanH! o“htSS" s^e^^ist m w ic^ s s ’™ ^ __ Ziggy developed into a bulky aifford. If ___ 0 O-O 0 Farrand ...... 80 100 10) 302 typing, Greek literature and Sten The second period club in v l^ Opens Saturday on CBS six footer while, wearing his Navy 1 Carlson, I f ...... 1 0-1 2 provideo tliut tliey efin sseur*' Joseph Murray ot the Uni­ ography. 3 King, c ...... 0 0-2 0 Palmer ...... 108 84 326—318 town ball players will be graatad a ' at Fom ni versity of Connecticut, doing These women tried to pro'Vlde toe Sophomores have lli the Jun- Mlss ^ r i s Kibhe s blues and after completing his Burr ...... 1.34 97 139 37fi franchise. duty In the South Pacific he was 3 VVirt'alla, r g ___ 2 1-4 5 Skoog ...... 90 108 122-326 •d to help parents aM pupils wito a r a ^ iporta; ping pong, bowl- practice-teaching with Mr. clothes for the orphans and other lors, seven, and the Seniors only Spanish class to see toe etolbtt Nsw York, March 2l\-(>P)—* Cantor as Truth or Consequences 1 Jackson, rg .. . . 0 0-0 0 Among the outside teams pres­ Pearson, will take Mr. Pear­ unfortunate children. Many tlm.'es ^ . ) The classes sang Spanish songs assigned to a Rhode lalSnd base. Local Sport Chatter ent, Kockvi tie’s Hill BlUle* have thU problem. Ing. badminton, ahuffleboard. darta Students from five qountrles »n On March 18 Bob /Genovesl, which were followed bjrauch oral American Bqrtralt, a weekly bio-' guests on NBC Saturday night It waa while he was stationed 0 Kiernan, Ig . . . . 0 0-0 0 ! Total ...... 532 488 587 1607 qiiaatlonaireationaires anaand apUtude testa a quoits. Each couple wrote the Western Hemisphere, three j son’s place while the latter is they would take a group of chll graphical drAma designed to pre- j when the show will be celebrating 5 Murphy, I g ___ 5 3-9 . 13 been in the league for toe past ftv* in Cleveland for the National dren to the Acropolis to play. Tom Mary Kehl W d Dori. reports as; "History of tos ^ llip - here toat he wrote his name into Morlarty Brothers (2) years and are entitled to ssaiorty: are administered down^the number of polnU adilch countries in Europe and one in the sent toe story of the^ men and ; iU sixth anniversary. the Twilight Leagrue record book The, aecond game in the playoff • the winter months and Coach Tom Newcomb .124 118 131—373 time and the results are made po„pUe I Topics Tonight: NBC—7:30 Bob ance. CcIticB (32) and the American Legion will be pitchci'-outflelder will be on deck LaChapelle ,. 93 — 03 three year members, second. Du- on who have been In we am ed i tabulated In the office, As We See It ” were very Impres­ concluded by saying. "They’ll ConnecUcut Association of Stu- pianation of the most authentic racy, to opening on CBS at 6:15 p .! Burns; 8 Burns and Allen; 9 Bing P B F Tot played Saturday night at eight when h*, views the candidates for closure ot the sto team* that wtU Mrs. Oertrude Hltehoock sive to the twenty Senior Girl never forget what you have done dent Council held at H. P. H. S. map of the Philippines, which waa In hto first start with the PA’s. Waickowakl ,.125 121 102—348 foroee. competition In all vocation- After the whistle blew for the m., Saturday with “Alexander Crosby and guests; 9:30 Jack 3 Campbell, rf . .. 1 2-5 4 o’clock at* the East Side Rec. the 'first time April I. Brogan .301 104 121- 326 make Up the league wlU not h* dlh’ nl fields will be keener th w ever 1 fourth period of sports, Was commissioned aa an officer In Scouts of Manchester’s Troop 1 for them." ’ Progress was announced by the taken from ths "National Geo- while on leave, he limited the hard elded upon until the next meeUiif The things that were collected Hamilton.'’ The program takes the Haley and Joe E. Brown; 10 Ab­ 4 McCurry, if ... 3 3-4 9 1 Atamion 134 89—223 hsfore. Home, room and clasalyj^ Lions were pitted against the the Waves and sent to Jackson­ who ushered at the forum for Austria. Miss Schneider also took trophy case committee. It has g^phlc Magazine.” • " time of People’s Platform, moved bott and Costello; 10:30 Rudy hitting Willimantic Fliers to s 3 two weeks hence. youth sponsored by the “Service are as follows! 11 skirts, 11 been planned that the cases will I Then various students displayed few scattered hits In a tie game. Zanis. I f ...... 1 1-1 3: The traveling Hoboes, Includlgg Durable Stan Hilmskl and Hank room teachers and guidance coun- | ^ n,hs for several exciting volley- ville. Florida, for her Indoctrina­ up life in Austria and spoke of to Sundays. Valley . . . CBS—7:30 Mr. Keen 1 Blancbard, c ... 3 5-5 11 several local players, will be In Haefs playod 36 holes of golf tost Total ... .642 601 675 1718 Commlttsee Choosn a^tora wUl help him with this prob- 1 g^mos. tion course. Bureau for Women's Organiza­ the interests of the Austrians. dresses. 10 sweaters, 7 blouses, 1 be put near the frqnt door of toe 1 their contributions to the exhibit. Milton Bacon, who specializes In Tracing: 8:30 FBI In Peace and He canle back four nighto later A schedule and rulos eommlttsM slack, 2 pairs Of shoes, 6 pairs of against the Pratt and Whitney 0 Chirran, c ...... 0, 0-0 o! Rockville again tonight for a ben­ Sunday. Stan reported that he . .. . The weary though still onthu- When the indoctrination was tions’’ on Saturday, March 16 at The last speaker of the forum Main Building as soon aa Harold Margery Alford .brought in a Ha- broadcasting Amerlcsn folk lore \^ar;\9;30 Hobby Lobby; 10 Is- 3 Martin, rg ...... 2 1-2 efit baf^kctoall game. Attired in Chamber’a Movers (0) were chosen and each team wUI be Centlnel Hill Hall in Hartford was Charles H. P. Lo of C?hlna. gloves. 5 pair h t socks, 6 hand­ Hodge can secure toiim. wailan newspaper. “The Honolulu Men’s (31ub of West Hartford with ’■‘i f(!cl8 good and to looking forward OMieral W»*U<>ns e s ^ ^ e d t r o o ^ down to the completed, Mrs. Hitchcock was kerchiefs. 1 girdle. 1 snuggles. 1 talia, will be toe flnt guest-narra- lAqd Venture, drama . , . ABC— 2n Brown, Ig ...... 0 0-0 0 colorful uniforms, the team com­ to a big year. Last season he came S. Hilinskl -----118 125 116—3.59 required to post a fifty dollar bond J by the admlnlstraUon read aa fol- urtiere the resulU of the sent to Lakehurst, N. J.,*where The twenty girls from Manchester Mr. Lo spoke of the political strife For all the enthuslhatlc follow- Advertiser." which varied from 'tor. Dean dagger from toe stage 7:80 Prof. Quiz; 8:30 Town Meet­ hto great performance. — X, _ _ ;bines plain dnd fancy basketball along fast and waa one of the Ketoh ...... 89. 104—193 before they will be aceapted Into 119 all attend M. H. S. housecoat, 1 batjirobc, 3 vests, 3 era, there’s a note of ^encourage-1 newspapers In that the front Signing with North (jjarolina, it lows: . . . . . evening’s sports were announced. she had charge of training the in China. He told of China during coats. 1 trousera^2 scarves. 1 rain­ will do toe lead. SuMect of toe ing ’^a v e Britain and America 16 Totals 10 12-17 32 with clowning tacti''s. The game club's moat consistant golfers. Chsmbers ...... lio 91 —201 the league. Last yaar tba bond 1. Beginning wim the clsss of i5unbs won out over the first enlisted women on a station. Mrs. Alan Hoy Mean, national the war and also said that the ment: Dancing lessons will M ar- contained sport write-ups second broadcast to 'rho:omas Jef- an Reason to Fear Russia?” 9:30 wlH give Ziggy a fine chance of Score at half time 18-17, Center | w*" b® played at toe fown Hall at Sasiela -----....120 110 09—338 waa 810 The Increase was mads to ' president of the Girl Scouts of coat, ! winter coat, 2 old sweaters, 19M seventeen credits wUl be re- ^ sixeable score. The Mrs. Hitchcock had to arrange Chinese are lacking in ediicationi 8 neckties. Miss Greenaway stated ranged early in the fall of next advertisements. Lois Dog- faraon. Letect and. Collect; 10:30 Here’* getting settled in organized bail Billiards. .Ir. Referee^ Fortin. |8:15, Local players will meet at Another fine day yesterday af­ Smith ...... 121 123 •129—873 protect the league. mired for graduation. Sixteen and pojnu compiled by the individual the housing and auppUes for these America, presided over the forum Mr. Lo is now at .Harvard Univer-' year- . . w ,. gar showed a Filipino b e l t / Morgan . .'/M B S —8 Carrington as the team manager will be the Rockville Town Hall at 7:30. W^^ltkowski . . . . 92 04—186 Player contracts will oontUiuil as and the students were welcomed that all the articles brought In Phantoms (34) ternoon found many of the town’s tnrae-foUrtha credit will, be re- j pouplea were announced. The wln- enlisted Waves and aee that they sity. were practically new and there­ Sports Nigl\t, to be h^d hracelets, silk handkerchief, anst vt 11147. . I corsages while the girls of the The Waves had three training The first speaker was Miss Car­ Artemis Pazianos, '47. from ths movies. It to tlUad "Acad­ team. get In a round or two at the local H. Barton ...... 108 164 135—405 ••Uttle time In passing to* m o ti^ men Figueroa from Chile and now lowed. The Girl Reserves pins were 2 Duffy, if ...... 1 t-2 3 ; banquet will be bclcl at the Dil- 2. Pupils wUl elect all of the Upgmg couple were required to eat schools at Lakehurst, the para­ given out. Those taking part were: to the members ------. embroidered towel and kerchief. emy Award Theater" and will step Friday Progralps; NBC—9:30 , Katkaveck. a catcher, waa im­ 3 Coughlin, c .... . 8 0-2 16 i worth-Cornell Post 102, American Country Club; Kcye . .113 103 86—302 William Brennan, presidint of required subjects In the program ^ of "Pep" cereal to give them chute. pigeon, and aerogrupher attending Wellesly College. She teams. This will be an Invitation Bob King, \ chairman of th.’ Into toe half-hour on Saturday a.m. Daytime CTasMcs; 1 torn. U. pressed with the performances by VV. Hilinskl ..122 119 ’07—348 th* local chapter of umplras wUl spoke briefiy about life in Chile Lois Fountain. Edna McAllister, affair. More details will be aS^- evenings being vacated this week­ 4 Turkington, rg . I- 0-0 2 ! Legion Home on Satuiilay eve­ of their choice. Elective subjects, the energy that they lacked, schools. The pigeon women, Revision of Bylaws Helen Maneggja and Phyllis Fi- third period club, presided ov-sr S. Marine Band; 5:4.5 FronK.Page Olbert last year in the fast local 0 Patch, ig ...... 5 1-2 11 ning. May 4 at 6 o'clock. Earle Cllffprd yesterday morn­ Clcnson ..131 103 102-336 be asked to alt In at toe next msefc- where permitted, may be taken The Lions, the losing team, was known as “plgeonettes,” had saying that a girl’s activities In nounced later. % end by toe Helen Hayes plays. Fantell: 7 Radio Supper CHub: league and upon being appointed ing (bright and early) issued a CaScllo .115 111 112—338 tng and explain the chaptar’s Chile are much the same as those I rato. Mary Ralmondo The Council .passed a resolution the meeting and called cm ■ the The show gets Its name from oiily from prescribed lists. Under also made to pay a forfeit which charge of ^le training of homing :students to give, their reports or ?0:45 Wilson Wyatt on “Vctera'hs manager, set out after Olbert. It 14 Total® 15 4-10 34 Tlie Manchc."ttcr No. 1 team challenge to Jim Blair to a road views tor the coming season. and extraordinary clrcum- was to serva refreshments to the pigeons. The pigeons were carried in North America. Miss Figu­ Planned by Club thanking Charles House ahd Geo. ths fact that, through arrange­ Housing.” . . . CBS-«1:15 a.m.' will be Olbert’s first year in organ­ race this coming' sca.son. The pair Total . ; ...... OS’? 600 542 1729 A report of the league efftolsln eroa also mentioned that the Waddell for their efforts to secure exhibit some article. Walter Gryzb ment with toe Academy of Motion Tramps (33) heads the circuit by six full game.s Btsncce, a pupil may be permitted Lambs. The evening closed with on blimps, and In case of emer­ G el-Com m iltees htought a pair of ^andals. a fan,, Second Husband; 3 p.m. You’re In ized baseball. P B r Tot : with four weeks of play rcmaln- agreed to run last fall but when meeting with the Rec Board was to mix the subjects of two or more the* singing of songs, gency the pigeons were released country is Interesting geograph­ exits for the Army. Picture Arte and Sciences, "Oscar” the Act; 4:30 Marshall 'Young Olbert flashed a ' good fastball t harlie Ryjbblns appeared both de­ Arena Fight Tonight given and much dtocuasiim cropped ically having deserts In the North Membership dues, and sigu-up.s Co-operation was again request- coi^nut buttons, and a Japanese award wiijnera as web as those 0 Johnson, rf ... . . 1 2-2 4 ' ing. The locals are the defending programs. "So long kids!": "Be sure to come and they flew back to the home For Class Day sings: 8:30 Kate Smith and Wal­ with Control and a fine cur\'e in 0 Bailey, rf ...... 0 0-0 0 champion.®. cided to wait another year. In the up concerning the league hiriag ad 8. A pupil may not take more back next year!” were remarks base of the blimps, Lakehurst. and volcanic mountains in the for the club were among the top­ ed''bv“ to’e Salvage Committee in | flagv Frank nominated for toe honor are to ter Pidgeon; 11:15 Cleveland meantime, Earle has been prac­ New Haven, March 21——Bob South. In concluding she said the collection of paper which will bolo from Luzon. Ralph Axlnger participate on ai guest basis. The his staHs last summer in town. 1 Dubaehinski, lf‘. . 3 0-2 6 officer for all league gamas. A than the required amount of work made by the new leaders to the The training at the three schools ics discussed at toe Jr. Girls Re­ of C. Track Meet . . . ABC—11 With toe' sadvantage of spring 2 Straw, c ...... ticing (those trips to Boston) and Montgomery, National Boxing As­ committee constotlng of WUfSod old. that It would be Interesting If serve meeting held March 19 in the take place on MoUay.Monday, March 25. lexh'ibited a Hawaiian shell n e ^ March 30 opener will have Bette a.m. Breneman’s Breakfast; 1:15 . 1 2-2 4 \ The annual American Legion is- now ready to go. It’s all up to sociation lightweight champ, faces ^ th o u t the permission from the lasted three months and one hun­ The Commencement committees '46 I lace. Beverly Dus.*U presented Davto and Fay Balnter In "Jeze­ training anid playing ball every 3 Aiigu.st, rg .. . . . 5 1-5 11 ! sweepstakes, limited to l)'iwleis in Clarke, Matt Morlarty and to* principal. ~ Artemis Pazlanos, 47 dred fifty Waves were graduated everyone attending the forum school libraiy. for Class Day exercises were chos Lucille Klely. p.m. Constance Bennett; 3:30 La­ Jim now. Ernie Petrone h?re tonight in fi leagu* officials were appi^ted to could “see the country and know The results of a meeting of a a Japanese -silk kimono. _Doris bel.” dies, be Seated; 7:30 Lone Ranger; day, Ziggy mky be able to realize 1 Fogarty, Ig ---- . 4 0-5 8 the Legion League, will be held 4. Not more than one make-up each month. Mrs^ Hitchcock esti­ en recently by the class of '46 Aspinwall gave a report on "The his' lifetime ambition of pitching I April 22 on alleys that will be non-title 10-round bout, with a ca­ meeUmrtth toe Board of Selactman unit nuiy be taken In any one year. mates that during the period she the people." special committee who met with Each committee consists of eight 9 Allan Young comedy . . . MBS - The American Legion baseball pacity 5,000 crowd a posslhllltv. to seek furthr details on to* mat­ R eports on France Miss Juanita Guruceta from Miss Doris Klbbe March ft for the M r . L v i i c h S p e a k s Itoroir*d^en* of ^ the Philip- Added for Tonight: MBS 10:80 11:15 a.m. Elsa Maxwell; 2:30 p.m. in the big show. 7 Total* 14 5-16 33 ; announced at a later date. team will hold an Important meet­ 5. A pUplI who has failM two was at Lakehurst about one thou­ Members and a faculty adviser. . ' I ______It V.-.MA Alt Both boxers hail from Philadel­ ter at their meeting Tuesday *v*- Mexico, attending Connecticut purpose of revising the by-law® of /Lw-K .1 s Tk I pines." June Stevenson spoke on Commentator half-hour roundtable Queen for a Day; 4 Ersklne John­ .Score at half time, Pliantoin.'., ing tonight at 8 o’clock at the Le­ phia. or more subjects for the half year sand Waves went through the sta- The committees-are: on “Issues Before The UNO.” . . . 9-5. R(>feree. Jackson. 1 ’The one. ball swccp.stakcs at nlng. may not carry more than four sub- Given at M eetings (>)llege for W om^ was the sec­ the Junior Girl Reserves were History: Irene llllng, chairman O i l ^ D a i l y ’ D r a m a “ The Philippines cry For Help. son on movies; 8 Human Adven­ gion HoiiTc. All World War II vct.s. The undcrcard consists of four The next meeting will be held on ond speaker. The main point of brought up for discussion among In toe fourth period club Nancy Paul Whiteman Is missing both his ture; 9:30 Orriir Tucker band. R hode Island Ram s I M'lii jiliy's alleys from Saturday whether members of the post or ^jeeits in the following half year. Mrs. Hitchcock returned to M. Eugenia Brodeur, Carolyn Wood- Sunday Hall of Fame and his Mon­ Braves 1 noon to midnight have proven tights. Wednesday, April 8. S^ A puplf who carried five H. S. at the rpquest of Principal her speech waa that feminine lib­ the club mentbers. Two members. house, Lois Day. Charlie Moller, Moore eitolhited a wall map of the not are invited to attend. Reports on France were the erty is very restricted, in Central Mafifin Krar and Lois Funk, who “Drama In Everyday Life,” waa day Forever Tops on ABC bseausa : popular week by' week. ItoO la units of work will be required to Edson Bailey to aid in the veter- John Palleln, Nick Am.bulos and Philippine Islands. Other artlclei ha will be en route back to New D t;feated in Fiuiils Fort Lauderdale. Fla.. March prizes will be av arrleJ ^tu rd ay main Items of Interest In the Hltchcock is America, women have limited in­ presented' special applications, Charlie Trotter. The faculty ad­ the topic , of Edward Lynch In . a contributed by the students In this We have learned that both tlie, drop one of them when he falls meetings of'the French club held ans’ course. Mrs terests and tor years Kavs de- speech given at toe Wednesday, York from'Hollywood . . Ralph Last Night's Fights 21..-fiipi—Convinced by the Bos­ i at the popular .Main street bowling Rec. Ea.st .'Side Rec, Junior and one or more any quarter.' teaching the veterans biology, U. ^ were accepted Into the club. viser is Edward Lynch were: two tea seta and a More Edwards expects Jack Benny, Phil ton Braves’ owners that he lias no alleys. / 7. ••Promotions are made an- Friday, March 8. S. History and English. Confirm-1 manded the op^rtim lty pursus Artemis Pazianos, Interclub Prophecy: Anne Beechler, chair­'T March 20, Sock and Buskin m a t­ knife from Carolyn Bobyk, dolls Intermod.iAte League's are now Roll call Was answered In peri­ Council Representative, reported ing. < Harrto, Rochester, Dinah Shore New Yo>k, March 21 (/Pf — A chance of obtaining Inflcldcrs over. Only once during the entire ITS i IME TO THINK ABOUT I nuaUy, each semester of work W. man: Ruth McLagan. June Blgger- dressed In native costume by Con­ and her husband, Georg* Mont­ > By The Associated Press Marty Maiion or Wliiley Kurow- Bobby Cliffgi'il is delernilnc'd to ods two and three by giving birth­ to toe cldb on the special meeting staff, Grace Galinat. Norman Mr. Lynch Is one of toe Man- nie Roger®, a native Jacket from spprta story that always thrills— ! season did the standings come in. oountiiig one-half unit. Final credit days In French! French cities and SIL T ‘^roS^lnT tLn Wilson, an ^change student gomery. Rudy Vallee and Eddla Camden, N. J.—Jersey Joe Wal­ skl from the 3t. Louis Cardinals. "(,'Onie back" ibis season and )day j that was when we complaipcd and SPRING SERVICING YOUR CAR is not given In full year subjects I held Saturday. March 16 in Cen- Beauregard. Bob Qenovesi,fs. Paul. Bu. Chester High teachers who left toe Kathleen Gilroy, a Jewel box from how the underdog won toe cham-i Manager Blllv SouthW^th wU^ Bhort.stop for Manchester Hlgn. names given to their peoples an­ Haitl, who la now attending Wes- tinal Hill hall. Present at the 'T— ...... :------^ ^ — cott, 192, MetchantVille, N. J., ’ITCO i not once did a writeup or a tew ! until the work of the entire year swered tlie roll calls in the fifth teaching high school students be- Brookman andana JohnJonn fellow* Manila and occupation money A1 Blake, 199, Baltimore, 4. John­ plonshlp against; terrific odds—al-] try to make' the best of It with I (!Hff suffered a broken arm for the notes Sccompany the league score-1 WASH POLISH , SIMONIZ has been completed. - In cases cause the veterans want to learn leyan University. He said that the were the national presi- The faculty adviser is Dwight returned to teach fellow retumea most, came true at- Madison Square and sixth periods.' history of Haiti la divided Into five qjj.| grouts. Govei*nor from Susan. Todd. ny A11«A 208, Philadelphia, TKO another ■ infleid switch. Whltey I second time last fall in a ^grid Bpeats. -----GET THAT RAmATOR FI.USHEO Where work Is'of a continuous na­ Betsy Slover. Shirley Draghl “Education is something everyone Pprrv veterans. ^ ^ \ In toe sixth period class John Ijto StroU, 196, Baltimore, 2. Garden last night " Wlctelmanfi will replace Nanny I game , and wa* sidelined tor '' \the ture such as mathematics or lan- wants, but not everyone will work main parts and went on to give a Baldwin, and twelve for- will: Bdb Clifford, chairman; A PAlleln gave the report Brockton, Massi>—Johnny Priest, The occasion wa* the final of the Fernandez at shortstop and the ; basketball .sc&son.. REMEMBKR: WE ARE CARBCRETOR SPECIALISTS and Irene llllng , reported on brief resume^ of each hlatorical pe-1 exchange students who are Evelyn Lanz, Jennie Talarskl, form schooL Mr. L ^ch s ta t^ RADIO SERVICE No bowling - scores from last I guagit*. one-half ('.'dit earned in •France Tightens her . Belt," a to get, It,” she statM. Of all toe Are Moments In ‘ The-, Lives Of 144, Cambridge, outpointed Billy National Invitation basketball, latter will move- over to third n»ghfs West Sid* P.ec Bowling 1 the first semester may be granted subjects she has taught at various riod. _ - I Attending colleges, in toe United Doris Wlganowskl, Edfta McAllls- the eiqieriences Men." Then Jean Robinson ex­ ON Ca r a n d h o m e < Napier, 148, Boston, 30.. Tony Pe­ tournament. Unseeded little Rhode base, thereby benching Slbby Slstl. Norm Beauregard/ another reg­ discussion of the economic and po­ Following **’" • , Lates. Among the countries fep- ter Floya Forde. Burt Carlson boys had undergone League came In this rnorning. WUh \ DeMARTlN AND STEPHENS r when the second semester is failed litical situation of France. “Shoes times, which Include civics, eco­ hibited a sleeping mat. Dorothy RADIOS trie, 161, Boston and Billy, Wynne, Island State, upset conquerors of Southworth plans to try out his ular from last sea.sqn, waa Injured but two weeks ot bowling left It ! If the pupil does not continue or for the Children of Drancy.'^ a nomics, mathematics, geseral sci­ and W a^e Carter, The faculty j life are I — Linnell a native blanket and ear­ 160, . Boston, Drew, 8. Bowling Green and Muhlenberg, new Infield combination Saturday. In an automobile /accident during seems that the least teams can do 4,16 Cenl'er street . Tcleplumc 2-0980 than anything Hollywopd can pro­ , Esso Gas and Products i repeat the subject or other sub- ftory of three hundred children of ence, and U / S. History, Mrs. adviser la not chosen. ' duce. The speaker used drama rings, Jean Wiley on opium pips ^ Wc Spedslize In Akron, O.—Pat Comtokey, 205. led b l^ly favored Kentucky, 45 to is to bring in the score, win, lose I jects in that subject matter field. a very poor section In Paris, was Hitchcock likes ecoMmics best. O' Gift; FriscUla Wade, chairman^ and bracelets, and hand-made mat P a t e r s o n ,J ., TKO Bob Garner, 44, with less than 00 seconds to 7 or draw. ------MOTjBTR TUNE-UP SPECIAUSTS ------— Rosemary Quish, Mary Ann I^xlV at toe school boxing matches aa Car Radio Service ' 385; Louisville, 8. Johnny cniap- , fc Next year twelve and one-fourth the report given by Constance Being a detective appeals to She has found many difference Casa Blanca one of his Interesting examples. from the Samoan Islands. play. A sellout crowd of 18,475 ■ t units will be required for promo- Ellis, Alan Knofla, Jean Thlbault, most people as a thrilling and ad-1 to ^w av of life In ths I. At a special biwlnesa meettag anos, Phyllis Flrato, Bob Tedford, Ma^oh Dickson. ’48. mon, 140, Buffalo, outpolhied Ar­ rooted hysterically for the Rbodies The Rec bowling league i t 's Loren Andreo, Mickey Murphy, Mr. Lynch 'concluded his talk by chie Bower, 139, Pittsburgh, 8. I tlon to the senior class, seven and and Helen Stevinsdn In the vari­ venturous Job, but H did not ^nd Ilfs in -^^pn- Tuesday. March ^ ^ stating that In order to know lo complete what would have been • tight rge* 'between Brown’s and ^ three-fourths units to the junior ous classes. Nornia Miller, a riiem- Mrs, Hitchcock whO once woijsed For one thing, using New groups Will be orgMlzed to Wk Don Hall and Ed Weiss. The Chorus Subatituts BARLOW Nsw - York—Patsy Oldvanelli, one of the season's best Cinderella Sports. Roundup the Grill for flrat place. The form­ faculty adviser . Is Miss Doris one’s fellow man, one must ob­ 136, Neiy York! TKO Charley class arid three and one-fourth to ber oi the second period class, as a sleuth for a detective eseO” York City aa an example she stat- over future pl^ns tor • serve and understand toe, drama yarns. er bowled last night. The bowlers the sophomore class. A unit* repre­ 'gave a report oh the French Ri­ elation of Boston. After appre- ^ o,at everything la "big^r. Each group wiU be Klbbe. ^ Joyce StVftughan, '46, will su ^ RADIO SERVICE Vatee, 138, Wllltonuburg. N. Y., Then, aklnny, Ernie Calverley, By Hugh Fullerton, Jr. . Shorts and Shells' ; themselves know to* outcome of sents a year of work in a prepared The class nas'"AlM chosen Its in everyday life. 6. Joey CSrkido, 138,. Youngstown, viera. . hending' two crooks. Mrs. InoUer, more crowded ehd women! mal^e at least one sugg^tlon for a Mr. Lynch la planning to pre­ stltute for oSotoy Tracy, '48. Who 595 Main St. TeL 5404 Rhode Island star, fouled Malcolni New York, March 21— (iiP) -r- Bobby Riggs halls San Fran- the match but fans and readers subject reciting four or live periods • Current events Including the cock gave up her Job because she „„re Ihdependent” Bhe went on to] club meeUng. class motto: "Not,.for self, but for to 111. In toe New Britain Music .outpointed Jackie Connors, 147, Campbell of Kentucky, Ctompbell I Cisco’s Tom Brown, just out of the don’t. Let's cooperate. a S'eel^ or an unprepared subject sent "The Valiant", a one-act Newark, 6. Spring sports on the sUghtly silly new government of France, . the didn’t like It. tell about-education In Argentina Membera of toe coaatltutkm re- alL” , ^ . drama, at a coming Sock and Bus­ Festival, to be held from March made good hto Charity tosa and j Navy, as "the. country’s greatest reciting eight or ten periods a Spanish queatlon, Indo-CSilna and Mra. Hitchcock received her ed- ^nd also diacuaaed toe ^ R lc a l vision committee who met witn 20 to March 23. __ ^ . the score was tied with one min­ side: . , . The handicap yacht ' unknown tennis player" and as a 'Yankees week. Syria was the topic .chosen by ucatlon at the McDuffy School for situation In that country. Miss Klbbe were Jean Sullivan, kin meeting. ute left.-Twenty seconds iafer Chi- Does Your CAR 8. The* will be no class in any G irls to R epresent Don Klemer ’46 jacing group, on' Long Island sound j sure first ten player this year George Torrance. , A scramble Girls in Masaacliusetta and at next speaker waa Mary I Marguerite O'Leary, Arllne Cum- Sob Foreign Movie* verity fouled Ralph Beard arid the ' . J . George Strickler. National St, Petersbiirg, Fla., March, 21, subject uriless a sufficient num­ gams with the names-of cities, a Pembroke of Brown University. Meintbah from CJanada and now]mlng, and Susan Trustenltzer. substitute Wildcat player tossed in met the other night and decided — (JP), Little Tony Sabol, subbing ber of pupils elect it. •47. Color Fhotograplu to waive the ban on "wh^ker I Ffiotball League publlcitor, finally Need-A g\iesslng game, and the election where she was secretary* of the '^ u d ^ g at Smith College. ‘ Mlsaj Busan Truatenltser, M .H.S. at Festival The aecoad period Spanish cUs* the free throw that won to« title i-kas been put on the carpet after at second base for toe Injured Joe Principal Edson Bailey, in a of. Ann Campbell as the new sec- Glee club, and member of to* dra- Mcintooh aald that (Smada la ea of Miss Beulah Todd and Mtoa for to* Southeastern Conference Poles,"-but only for one aesson Gordon, failed to impress yester­ statement to the "Press,’” stated retsry, took place in the fifth pe- George ZaniA '46 and Audrey j holding his feet in the air for two day as the New York Yankees matte ’ club and of various com- j much ■ like the United Statos to i _ , , .. Nine members of M. H. S. chor-1 Dobson, ’« o n colortog senior Dorto Klbbe saw two movies en­ champs, 46 to 45.- . . . Not long ago there ifvas a days while workmen WeTe laying that there were no major changes rlod. , mlttees. culture. She compared J ^ e n i O r l y i r l S t l C a r titled "The Bombing of Manila," Npw At Our New ~ The fate toat caused Ctolverley took a drnbbing from Cleveland. Valve Job! In the curriculum i t M. H. S., with The program In the sixth period As assistant principal of a jm Canada to education In this . ^ _ uses will attend the New England pictures with o ll^ to e large pic furore oyer>a "ringer" In a ' dog . the floor covering in the new He went hitless and hla defensive the possible exception of the pLuval Concert in New Britain tores and some of toe smaUer size and “MaeArtour, America’s First to commit toe fouto toat let Ken­ show . . . Harry Jamas, the band league offices . . . The‘Dodgers MARCH SPECIAL! class included 'talks by. Conrad .school iWAshaway. R. I., Mrs. country. Continuing, aho told •'V skssa f i r m ' l l T l l l k f i Soldier," this week. • tucky triumph ad d ^ an unusual work left a lot to be desired. ■ Nurses Preparatory Course. In Polletlor and Mary Lou Williams Hitchcock-Jtaught six subjects and about toft eveiyday Ilfs in her | V. O C r tllW U a i i c i a i s o •niursday, Friday ahd Saturday ] Y7>« result's are very attractive, leader, had hte more velvet horns already have a 8300,000 advance I this epursei languages have been X dcaildit twist a few seconds later. Ken­ flown from Sim Diego to his ranch on education in France and French had charge of the dramatic club, country and in , concluding she a# this week. Three hundred' tucky’s Campbell hacked Rhode sale—three/imes as much as they Olant* BUICK 8 . . . ___ $12.95 taken from the Freshmen "year news. , school paper and graduation ex-|gave examples how frlendahlp voices representing all New Eng­ Island’* XHck'Hole and to* latter near Los Angeles to be aur* she ' ever had at tpls time of year. And and have become electives for the —Janet Iverson, The oenlor glrla of Mlaa Helen land under toe direction of would be at home when a bleased the Philadelphia Eagles have sold Miami; Fla., March * CHRYSLER 6 . $10.95 Junior and Senior years, due to ercises. I between ^ two countries has smith’s Home Miuiagement w«* awarded on* free throw. If Mrs. HHchcock likes detective I grown. entries Woodbury, director of mu- he had'ipnad* It toe game would event took plao* - . . . The Na­ three times im many season tickets Pitcher Bob Boyce Is to* leading hospital adrplsslon practices. alcUi Keene, New Hampshire, will ] A eiS^ tional Hockey League, diasatlsfled tor 1946 as they did for the entire twlrlcr in the New York Olant DE SOTO ...... $10.95 Johnriie Palleln, ’46 stories and cites Agatha ChrisUel” Two students represented Nor^ clss«!« have gone Into an extra period. In­ M usic Program ^ ^ her favorite author. Other 1 way to the |Prum. ^ r e j l ^ j c lw ^ prepaly a concert. fXANNERirS stead hto toss hit toe back of toe with its rule awarding the Vestna 1945 season . . . Bill Hells, toe camp. In 18 inning* he haa yield­ special interests are the theater Wentog n o ^ ^ B r ^ Itowa Ck)l- open t o ^ l s . From Manchester High will go: Trophy to the goalie who had toe horseman, has _ bought a 1.000 ed only tw’o nins on 10 hits. He NASH . . • • « • a .... $12.95 and travel by air. llago.and Otto BuU who la attond-| The flrot of^ t o w _ _ t ^ waa rim and bounced out. Hole cried in Senior R eserves III English Class llage Joyce Straughan, Loretta McKin­ to* dressing room afterwards. fewest goals scored against him acr* model dairy farm to adif-to has struck out six and issued one "Former* detMtive And Wave I uig"'wi5lama^ ^Uege. MIm Wat- j • Nrfson**Jne X t h T duS- ney, Laurlne Hoaglund, Janice S P O R T S H O P . For Coach Adolph Rupp’s Ken­ because goalies no longer play his Raiicocaa Farm at Jobstown, base on balla. . - OLDSMOBILE 6 . . . . .$10.95 XTra Hitohonek declares I ring spoke of Norway during tlw Vlfglnia Nelson, one o ^ Whalen, Lois Doggart, Caroline l l l W » tucky aggregation It was a grand every game, solemnly decided to N. J,. , . . Shows you how far a Com plete Program - The fifth period sophomore Eng­ w ar She menUoned that E sley. Irene llllng, Nancy Bunzel, give it to toe team with the best guy firtli go for butter these days. Red Sox OLDSMOBILE 8 ..... $12.95 that she likes teaching best. thing .waa rationed. Including edu- pltal. Misa Nelson gave an totor FOP climax to a campaign that saw lish class of Miss Marion Casey and Gwendolyn Glennev. j 4 €3u$ner Oak Avenue tb4m sweep aside Arizona and defensive record and then to the held a music program in the as­ cation bwauae of toa shortage of esUng, ^ount i»n RehearsalA*for the Concert will goat guardian on that team who ” Observatfon Post ^ Sarasota, Fla.. March M.—OPi— PACKARD 6 ...... $10.95 The Senior Girl R^erv'es have rei -WT lag 1-- ■.__ books and schoolrooms. Mr. BuU is required of a dleUclsn. She In- Waat Virginia in toa quarter and planned their programs for the sembly hall on MarchJlS. be held Wedpesday night, twice semi-finals and finish the seaaon played the greatest number of - Sam Nahem, ex-Phillies pitcher, Evidently irked by failure of toe .The chairman was Elame-Haus- T w o N e w M e m b e r briefly of toe history of Noi^ eluded toe subjroto houra and on Thureday, three times on Fri­ NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL fames . . . And in New Orleans Boston Red Sox to win more than PACKARD 8 ...... $12.95 rest of toe year. ^ vroy and also of the boye tortured training to toat field. Murtfera with 28 victories against two de- has asked for voluntary, retire­ On March 86, they will have ~ a chUd. The program opened with day. once on Saturday morning, leats—by Temple and Notre.Dame. boxer Patsy Spa taro, who slugged ment' and plans to go Into toe lace one “grfipefruit” ,game to date. PhylUs Johnson singing "Beautiful Aslewittsxsl t r t ‘O l l l l l ’ ^ t o e Oermana. The aecond speroh w m given by and too concert wlU bo presented Manager Jbe Cronin haa ordei^ PONTIAC 6 ______$10.95 bowling party at toe local Y, M. A C i m i t t e C l l O I Taalopoulou, dressed I henry Miller, B am ^d PHOTOGRAPHIC AWARDS In toe cpnsotatlpn game, praced- s referee a couple of times, was bualnesa . . . Rrobably the holes Dreamer" by Foster and accom-^ on Saturday night. Also a dance ] suspended and fined because his' all of hla regulars to take the long C. A.. - _____ . In the coatuma of her naUve prwtlcal arts teacher Ei^iyAing for the Sportsmsii~yoiing and old. ing toe final. West Virgioia rsnilnd him of the fields that used bus ride to Fort, Myers. to play STUDEBAKER 6...... $10.95 A Faculty taa will be held April panylng herself on the piano. will be held on Thursday evening. -ft swamped Muhlenberg, 65 to 40. conduct was “Not" In toe best In­ to play behind him in Philadel­ 1, while a aecond meeting during Bgrbara Hall gave a report on Two new membera were admit- country Greece, gave a short toto ^ r U m a n ^ te rw Bands and orchestras will bd| e ' . terests of boxing.” . Boston’s Loutavilla American Ao- “American Music.” Sylvia Keith Interest noi* ablfta to the East­ phia. Bociatlon farmhands. Meanwhile, Prices Include Gaskets and Labor. tbla month haa not been , definitely ted to toe staff of toe ’’QulU" dur- about Greek customs and West, “ a rlo ^ iS^fturo Bk^es^ttU lM represented there, out no M. H. ern NCAA eliminations that open daddsd upon. played toe piano and sang "I’m ing toe weekly meeting Thura- ghe menUoned togt educaUon In S..band or orcheetra will attend. • AH High School Shidsnn Aro Eligi* Are You AU $et for the fishing Reason? to* Sox second-stringers take toe Always -Chasing Rainhows" from tonight at toe Garden. In toe first AU Wet _ Clenning- the Cuff easy jaunt to nearby Bradenton 4 SERVICE CARS TO LOAN! Om ot the highlights ot the day, March 14. They are: Jane Qroece was mostly classical and ^ game Harvard, 20-1, t^ le s with When toe University of Ala­ - A1 Sutphtn, Cleveland Arena roar is the annual Mother and Chopin's "Fantasle Impromptu.” Vlckerman, *48, who an j that the Greek people feel the Spanish C8ass~Owesti bio. SubmH 0% many |>rinti o* you RODS, REELS, HOOKS, LINES, to engage a makeshift Naw York Then Baibara Darting spoke on SUte, 14-4 and B ig. Ten bama recently recalved a shipment bos*, i* inspactlng portable basket­ Yankc* lineup. Daughter banquet. Thia la ached- origtoal prose * e t c h , " f c e ^ n - ••weight qf glorious *"c«Mots." “ O P«t t o l ^ ^ to ^ S L * ^ o champion. In toe feature New of bath towel* from the KUby alad tor May 7. yean, due "The Life of CJhopln”. Elaine day Lost October,’’ and Naiy MU- ghe told about the period ot occu- to take up fumltmre sales- Miss Doris Klbbe's Period wont. Ths contost closm Moy 15, ball court on hi* jaunt* around Hauachild played “Twilight Rev- ler. ’48, who read an ori^*» patlon and of the resistance. Miss FLIES, TACKLE BOXES, ETC York University, M-2 stod North State Prison cotton 'mill at Mont­ toe country . . . Gtis Wilson to the war, they have not beeh' Spanish I class was toe nest 1946. Sso U9 for sntry blonla ond *’ Caroliha. 28-4, battle In a return gomery, one bundle contained a «bla to have a regular dinner, but w to’ by T. J. Gay on toe piano. poem, "Feathery *“ ***5*^*®"-' I tkalopoto^ la now a atudent at j i„ tl» near toture the class la Wap Beulah Todd’s , 2nd bought boxtr Nick Moran’s con­ QLnla Ferrell reported on toe (contest. Early tn tha seaspn North pencilled note: “Coach Thoms*: tract from Mike McNulty, for FENDER AND thla jrear they wtU 'retain the old wltee X LSc& iTheLTtiS.on nurs- Spanish class on W day, ^ oomplolo dotoib. Carolina acored a surprla* 48-41 Brunner's ‘.‘Symphony Orchestra." Olv# Lowtll- Tew and Hfirty' 81,000 beeguae Mike, a pari­ ^mtam of havUig a good meal. Eleanor Schneider from Austria Ijni^as a vocaUon. The *------iC t® U»o axhlblt of PtoWP*! Open Every Friday Evening Until 9 win over NYU, but th* Violets fin Oilmer two of.these towala . . . BODY WORK 80 OAKLAND ST. TBIUflil - May 16. a atualeal program wllj ' rA olscuastoh waa held on prom­ Uon ki U now Attending Mount Holyoke I nursing r^ u lrt pine aduvenlra which Mlsa TodaaJ mutuel clerk, wanted to go back ' ka to tba High achool audt- inent composers and folk music In Spanish classes had ' brought in, V WELDON DRUG COMPANY favored to reverse toe tables. Ohio Thomas made th* delivery, aa rt- to work at toe racetrack and SOLIMbNB a PLAGd which toe class memberh could rfXSfih Ml" 8ch«toWer said toat IKslon to aiiosStai, Membera of toA clAaa told ^ u t Telephone 5-8263 ' ! State, b*Mus* of its tougher com- quested, but he'* still wondering couldn’t handle a boxer, too. Qua i^ ^ to r ir claa^^T h ere t«ll®w mgn Is I of a nurse, and toe many fields Pireaerlptten FSaraiarlata petltlop, la favored oVer Harvard, INC. ' 1 ^ ^ ptohably heat of all. participate. The program con the article*. they had brought in j 9«rMAIN8T. TEL.58ll_ what becama of hla. own supply of estimates ha has mad* |10,000 b ^ X h K i K as the dtod- •towtlal^ world peace." She Uhlch a nurse may enter. Many btaten paly by Holy Crossi crying towtln. from Nick so far. «4 Ueatw St. TsL t l f l afMMi the week-cn(l Cainp eluded with the class singing the hn^for hiding in material la] went on to say that If we want]other helpful talks be *r-> and toe human Interest'atory | —'IT'* In Bomen. QBihMtlcut. chorus of “I'm Always ChaMng line for handing bind them. , ' line f r g ‘ to buOd a fan;iUy of nations w# I ranged for toe senior girls. —ChroltJi 8o»nlk8fBh ;48. ,.«i/l|8t-'1M to M. RslnboU’s.” April 1. must take back Germany add • . Oloiia FerrelL '48 HMtonr RakitoMA • ...... Marion Dickaon. '48 June Stevenson, •• • -V ,. .rfi jJs**» J . ,.V \'

r '' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CUNN., THURSDAY, MARCH 21,194$ PAGE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. C O N N .. THURSDAY. MARCH 21, 194S p " . i P W l L T * 45 Honaehold Goods 61 toonekville p o l k s , dusiness Services Offered 13 Help Wanted— Fem«le 361 Articles for Sale lusiness Services Offered Iff RE^PONSIBl.E Party— Wahted by Hazel Garages—Servici WANTED— Woman or girl for Clashed 10 WALTER SCHULTZ. 83 Congreaa CLOTHES REEL, nearly new, $5. to tak44>ver 8 rooms of furniture, Sense and Nonsense Storage OIL BURNER SERVICE street Ashes and rubbish remov­ counter work at Bakery. Hours ; ust relcabo4 from warehouse a9- Heidergott from 1 to 9 p. m. Manchester Phone 4348'. f o r r e n t — WarehouM o r •tor- Air CondiUonlng Inatalled ed. Local trucking. Tel. 2-1588. count Unpaid' storage bill; 8 pe. AdvertiseiL..nts daisifi^ Baking Company or call 8881. FOR BALE — Prewar all-metal living-room, 8 pc. bedroom aet, r.iiiyHiilit Muimr-Sniilh-ru. by NT,.\ SKIINTCR INC' age apace. Hilliard atreet. Man- All Work Guaranteed! riBow OM Are Y ear* Initiative la that polhs form of cheater. 2 one-atory bulldliiga. ELEtn’RU. and Acelyiena weld­ coaster wagon. Just like new. dinette, ruga, mirTor, table, etc„ I ing. No lob too large o ' too W ANTED-^rialrdresaar aa mana­ Fur Rent Foi Sail ag^Bsiveness, kept unfler • con­ one approximately 4,000 aquare . VAN CAMP BROS. Call 8913. complete like new, kmount due Would you like a littfa fun with trol, which leads men ana. women Advertisements small. All work guaranteed ger of nrat-claaa'beauty'salon In aomeone who does- not care to re­ Joan -atudled her eigaret. "It’^ feet, one approxlmateljr 8.000 8384.80. Will arrange terms. to recognize opportunltlea '’' to be The Story: Ana has a raa-la 1 "1 didn’t know you could Day and Night Servlca Parker Weldlna Oo., 166 West Mancheater. Good salary and FOR SALE-i-Solld mahogany din­ To Buy Tu Sell veal hia age? AU right almply with Beulah Redeile, self-atyM^ t*lk. you ve been oo quiet." not a bad idea,” she admitted. gnuare feet. No heat. Drlve-ln bonus. Applications confidential. See credit manager. helpful, to put one more abc^lder ^VbrBflnt For Sm c Middle Tun.plka. Tel. MW8. ing set colonial style. 2 complete aak him to multiply bis age by 2, social arbiter of Fort Drake, on ' "I don’t talk with my mouth • • • and loading platfonna. Will rent 'PHONE 6244 OR 4844 Address.Box B.8., Herald. A-L-B-E-R-T-8 to a sluggish wheel, to contribute sets matched golf clubs with alp- 43 Allyn Street. Hartford. Conn and add 6 to the result, but not their first meeting. Beulah rJaloM full," he rebuked her gravely, When Colin got home that T ^ B a y T o S e D all or part .lOSPITALIZATION. accident to let you aee the flgurea. Then iueaa. r a d i o REPAnUNG. Pick-up DUE TO Rapid expansion, several pered bags. One set with, Walter the first Mrs. Drake Is her best * "Every evidence of 'a proper night, Ann was radiant. "I've ant. Call H. Dragat and. Sona. Are. automobile. All forms of In­ teU him to multiply the last figure Laclf^ of initiative may be due to found a friend In town, COlin—I service. Kadloa checked at the stenographers are needed at Hagen Irorur, Louisville power FOR SALE — Solid mahogany Bouses for Sale 72 desire to follow beaten paths, or YrlewL Ana later ^meeta and j upbringing," Ann agreed Sol- Inc., Hartford 8-9381, surance. Real estate llatlnga by 60, and *dd to this result the can call her that already, although home. Store open air day Man- oncie. Good working condltlone, built woods; other set with Jim­ hand-carved 6 piece bedroom set lack of self-confidencsr or fear Of rtUMtes friends with lonely Joan emnly.,“ Dn you suppose you could cbdatei' Riadlo Sarvloe, 78 Birch wanted. Harold' J. l^eae, agent vaHfh r\Ai/ InatirAncf < my Thompaon wodda and Bobby with 4-poater Tel. ^-1256. FOR SALE-^-fam lly flat—5 down amount of change (leaa one dol­ W isie* aad her four yoaagatera. I’ve only known her today." vacation with pay. Insurance lar) he haa in hia pocket, If he has ridicule. bring your mother over to aee OARAGE For Rent 109 Foater atreet. Telephone 2-0840'. Telephone 3627 daya-evenlngt. ’ Jonea Irons. Pair of Dr. Locke and 4 up, approxinoately 1 ^ Joan amazed to lewm that Ana me sometime?" "W ho?” . and found beneflU, 5-day V eek. Cost de- ^ FOR SALE— Hot water heater any. Then have hltai subtract from Most of us are too fearful .about atreet. Phone 6388. partment or purchasing depart-1 aplke shoes. s l « 9 4 D; also man • acres of lan>«*• 9>iD. burner, 2 car garage and gopd- pecially when our opiniona are at • 1* • mind. "No." he said, after con- Irons repaired,' lawn mowers 3-2077. . . - ths ye*r (365). Then, for good "She has 'a bright and beautiful -_____knitUd chlld’a glove, dwk not essential. Pay commensurate Phone 8809. sized two decker hen house on a variance with generally accept­ A XVI .atderlng it carefully, "because I’m sharpened, repaired, prompt pick msasure, let Mm add 116. Now husband, too," Colin aaid. “ Im Motorcycles— Ricyclcs 11 EXPERT REPAIRS of ahlnglea. with experience and ability. Ap­ bus line, 89.800. Charles Oder- ed thought. Independent thinkers Ann grlflhad M Joan. “ You don’t not allowed to drive yet. But I’ll ^ataen. ®*J;^'^hae?er up and delivery service. w6rk VENETIAN Bllnda. Ideal Manu­ ask the fellow to state tbe total given to understand be is very Green road. Schaeffer. alate, composition and Un roofs ply In person or write stating mann. Phone 4928. are the ones a’ho set the pace for know Colin, dp you?" apeak to her about bringing me guaranteed. The . Friendly Flxlt Buildingr Materials 47 facturing Company. Custom Imllt sum, wMch should be four figures. valuable to the Drake Line. Tm Rebuilding and repairing of full particulars. Employment Ths -first two wlU be his age, and profpreas. " O f oourso t know him,’' Joaa over. It’a 4 little bard on account & «w«ia f o r s a l e —Glrl’a Miami 26" shop. 718 North Main street. for homes and offices. We 'spe­ 4 ROOMS, space for 2 upstairs, glad you've found a friend, my chimneys and flashlnga. E. V. Manager, The Sllex Co.. 80 Pliny cialise In repainting, recording, tha last two the amount of change Nothing costs so little, nor Is so said Indignantly. . "Stan la quite of tha children’s naps, but If we balloon tire bicycle. Phone 2-1257. Phone 4777. W. Burnett. NO DOWN payment 36 montha entire house insulated, alr-condl- darling—you haven’t seemed to V Coughlin, 390 Woodland street street, Hartford. Conn. to pay. Montgomery Wards roof reUping like new. For prompt he haa In hia pcxsket. Practice on productive of enlarged good will an. Important executive of the dould come In the morning— ’’ f l « g t — COMMERCIAL number tioned, oil burner, laundix Ih as civility. Oilr supply should be "Joan,” Barbara said, "I could take much to local talent so far." Phone 7707, x' --- Ing experts will ^ve, without service call 4553. . your own age, so you won’t make Drake Line. He’s been after me "She’s real — and admirable— ^ t e a 1932. Phona OLD FLOORS SANDED WANTED—Saleslady, coaoietlca basement, storm windows , and Inexhaustible. eat some more Ice cream—easy.” ^ ' 1 % GIRL'S Bicycle^ n. IWt tAOQt StViSY. IT ./I O f ~ - VIW5D------MOTOR SALES ALL MAKES of washing ma- j DEPARTMENT worn few times. Telephone 6526 PROPERTY Owners — If you art they curled up in the window- WmWMb A DOO AQOUMO HA’VTNG a dinner party, church lawns. Through careful study we vorce, and haa aired her views ViftytSlVOOVAi IH tW t-W t’O chines repaired. 10 yeara’ exper- ( * / after 4. interested in aeUtng your proper­ seat in tbe master bOdroom, over­ t o O f IT L supper, banquet or perhaps you lence. Call. A- BreWer, 2-0549. ' PAINTING, Interior and exterior. have found that In analysis of rather freely that yoii and Mr. looking the Sound, and Ut clga- vovJt K vsxTvt sccravs; I 24 MAPLE STREET Phone 6472 for estlnnatea. AT 8-6-2 when Intelligently blended ty contact us. We pay top cash Drake are—um, I guess I ahould v v v ■Just want a Sunday dtniier. BM- TEU 8864 MANCI«STER price for property. For quick ac­ rets feeds lawns properly throughout 58 remember the widely quoted say­ "How old are you. Joan?" Ann cellent cooking. Food and walt- ODEN 9 A. M. TO M. REFRIGERATION SERVICE I Wanted—To Buy tion communicate with us. Phone nssea suppllad; tbe beat of serv­ INTERIOR and exterior decorat- the season without repeated ap­ ing about little pitchers You get asked impulsively, then added, Orunow. Coldspot, Crosley, Frigid- BURR / ,7728 — 2-0920 — 5329 or write. lca guaranteed In your homes WANTED — Us«l^ automobile j .ingr. roofing, floor sanding, gen­ plications. 83.95 per 100 pounds. my point — Of Course ahe- doesn’t "I'lff sorry- 1 didn’t really ..lean alre. Q. E.. and all other makes..j eral repairing. Pre-war prices, WANTED— A sidewalk bicycle or Brae-B'irn Realty Oo.. 5 "South or la • hall. Telephone 4598. tadlo In good wofklng condition. Manchester Plumbing and Supply go on to say that Milliosnt is, too, to be pertinent.” Commercial and Domestic. work guaranteed. Get outside a amall two wheel bicycle. Phone Main atreet. MaTIChester. but she never was noted for her Telephone 2-U186. NURSEI^Y ' Co., 877 Main atreet. Phone 4425. “ Dear child. I’m not ashamed quotes now. Webster, 6965. '8966. . ______logic.” SCIENTIFIC WANTED—A nice single home In of my age. Rather proud of it, in ABtemobllcs for Bal* ^ CAR—Any ^aake. between 1936 FOR SALE—Green Mountain sec WANTED—Used Underwood or "Dr. MacDougal 'doesn’t think fact I’m . twenty-eight. 1 waa GILBERT FICKETT. Painting and SEE Manchester or close by. Will pay V,. and i r p : Call 6681 or 100 Blsiell REFRIGERATION CO. - onds. Amelia Jar^'ls. 872 Parker Royal standard typewriter; or so — ke married us,"' Ann said. gradOated from the University .'V 1 37 OAK ST. PHONE 2-1220 paperhanging, residential and street. Phone 7026. the Inflated caah price for the "Arid somehow I value hia opinion FOR BALE—Krol Motora has a S treep portable, any make, regardless of right property. Will wait up to when I was twenty-two. Stan and brand new stock of cara. At ronnmerclal. interior and exter­ MR. HARRIS - rather more than Mrs. Bedelle’s.” I had been married for ai;c months SEWING machines, vacuum clean- NOW IS THE Ideal time to plant condition Will pay cash. Tele­ 90 days for occupancy. «Write ’-*♦- peasant am have 80 used cara In ior worl|. Phone 4208. then, and Alan was oh the way, InesB Servicee Offered «ra and amall appliances repair- i onion sets. We have a very fine phone Hartford 9-3588. Box Q. Herald. price range from 1196 and up. ed. A.B.C. Appliance and Service GET YOUR Insldi work done be­ 119 OAKLAND STREET Small Alan, beside her, downed but I was determined to get my ! stock of selected sets In yellow, the last bit of Ice ' cream and T— OMh or terms. Krol Motors, 65^ ANTIQUES refinlahed and repalr- Co., 21 Maple atreet. Phone 2- fore the spring rush. Booking WE WILL Buy your rags, news­ W a n t e d —6-room house by a degre^ To, prove to myself and ! red and white. Manchester Plumb­ set his spoon down carefully. He a l l y p o p Center atreet ed. Rush or apliiit aeats replaced. 1575. Pick-up and delivery service outside work now. All work papers and Junk of all kinds. CM bqsiness couple and two children. . . . the world that I was a domestic | Just So We Understand BY V.T.HAMUif ing and Supply Co., 877 Main 'turned and looked at Ann. his science expert, you see. I’ve been i Tiemann, 189 South Main atrlet. guaranteed first class. Joseph Arnold Nelson. 737 Lydall stjrefet. 521 Main atreet. JUSTsfitc a THBV drAVE I ’M (SLAP I HAP A ' t o r b a l e —1948*0. 2%- street. Phone 4425. AT THE o u t s e t , ^ OUP! eeReeant POMT UlSTBU -np HER,OOOIA. Murawski. painter and paper- Phone 8906. ______, eyes large a n d questioning, piovlng It ever nlnce.” i, POUSH-POOT OUR LAKiblMG HAMP IM THEIR PE-/ p e r h a p s , b u t it PULUM6 RANK! LOOK. EIXTVA _ [%■ ton van type truck. p tO . Man- 1 Phone 5643. WATERMAN'S Personal errand •UP WARRgKi; hanger. Phone 2-0338. ''What," he demandedHi, "are you ' “And I’m going on twenty-fiv^ ABOUT CRAFT THE VELOPMENT.« BUT WAC t h e ir use by IT’S 6OODT0 O O T TWO CTRtPCS ON MS' ^ OK.OH!^ service. Local package delivery. SPRING Clcan'ng! We buy rags, He al\y(^s starts his j;arden the first day of spring. talking about? myself. I’d better get going on BbCKETS.' IT'S OSCAR HER^ aheeter 6602. / ALL APPLIANCES serviced and Light trucking. We cater to any Household (lOods 51 FIRE-POWER SOU FI6H7INGMEN SEC '«DU CAM X«KT repaired, bumem, refrigerators, INTERIOR and exterior painting I WANTED DISHWASHER. Ap­ magazines, newapapera and scrap regardless of the weather! \ Ann smiled at him. "Hi, fella,” | family, hadn't I?" OP battle- WHOS THE FAIR- THAT MADE ^ asaim ; IMMBDIATB, dMtrtry on new local errand. Telephone 2-0752 WA©OWSf^ HAieSP BOV! t h e m G iO C ft^ 7 “ ranges, washers, etc. All work Also paperhanging Prompt serv­ ply. Silk CUy Diner. WE HAVE finest assortments of metals. Thr^e trucks tfo serve ■ 1948 w niys Jp4p, a proven, all you. Wip. Dstrinsky. 182 Bissell fen d er and purpoM veMCle w ith four-wheel guaranteed. Metro Service Co IF ITS Electrical we do it. No Job ice. Fair Price. D. E. Frechette kitchen linoleums AUo Ule and ALL-AROUND handyman to wall coverings Mnncheslei Floor street. Phone 5879. drive i^ h le teductloa trans- Tel Manchester 2-0883. too large or too small. Estimates- Phone 7630. BODY WORK C A I ^ V A I . BY DICK TURNER SIDE GLANCES BY GALP^AITH make himself generally useful.) Covering Center. 24 Birch Call . Prlee delivered in Mefi- free New? and old work expertly | K E Y S T O N E decorators on Dining room table ■ COMMERCIAL ^ $25 a week, room and board. Ap­ 5688 WANTED— SOl.liVIKNE ft KLAGG 11,198. BqddW . Motor done and guaranteed D ^ t let ^ interior work Submitting bids on ply Chestnut Lodge as soon as and chalra in good condition. 191 Center street Tele- it shock you. Call Richard M , exterior work for spring. Man- INC. REFRIGERATION possible. 91 Chestnut street. FOR RENT — Hospital bed^by Call 3831. 684 O nter St. tel 5101 2-1T09. Gallnat. 'Tel. 5719. ______} 2-1805 - — ■ ' ' week, month or longer periods.! Ca" Watkins Brothers. 5171 for | 1841—WyHls 4-4oer aedaa, radio SPECIALISTS SriEET METAL WORK, hot air LEACH A Fogil. painting and Help Wanted— Male prompt delivery. ' • Rooms Without Board 59 •nd heater, mechanically good,- furnace repairing. New hot air , .perhan.ging, ■ Interior and ex­ We engineer, aervlim and tell re­ and air conditioning furnaces In­ Or Female 37 ueeds body work. Parker Weld­ frigerating equipment for mar- terior decorators. reasonable MUELLER warm air quality fur- x o ,f R E ^ —One furnished room. stalled. Eaves trough and con­ ing 00., 166 Middle Turnpike, kets^s^restauranta, ddlries, Instltu- prices. Call for free estimates w a n t e d '— Experienced dish- naces In stock. Devlno <'!ompany. . suitable for 1 or 2 persons, gs- LIST YOUR W est Uona, taverns, farma. etc. ductor repairing. Norman Bentz, Hartford 6-0261 Manchester 5797 washer, good pay. good hours. Post Office Box 1007, Waterbury ragsT 125 Autumn atreet. Phone V;2Ui: 277 Spruce street. Tel. 8966. Vernon Inn.-Talcottville. Phone 89. Telephone 3-38.56. Waterbury, 8717. ^PROPERTY PAINTING AND Paperhanging Rockville 1335. '5 FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS / The Fall Guy BY MERRILL BL0S8BR Alto AcccMOries—Tlrai 6 WAYNE W. PHILLIPS LINOLEUM and asphalt tile In­ Good work Reasonable rales Fo r t h a t new Inlaid, linoleum WITH THIS AGENCY stallation. „ quality materials Raymond Flake Phone 3384 kitchen floor or asphalt tile In Poor m e! howll Gosksusar, C a n t you e v e n s t e p Manchester, Conn. j Wanted^— Board 6’2 FOR QUICK RESULTS iraiW TIRES, BSfW neaps, ustc Stock Place Your Job gets complete attention Situations Wanted-^ basemiipt floor, telephone 2-0866 j 1 GET ACROSS 7 THIS BET CP in to th e po o d le a n d AND READY CASH! IP you WERE SIR threads tins sad tubes. Expert vulesnlz' Daly • Dougherty • Noonan, Inc, Female 38 or 6759. Free estimates, D"ly. OEaTrLEMAN would like large, LET ME KNOW HOW > . Ins. • hours recapping aervlce. PHONE. 6761 468 Hartford road. Tel. 2-0866 or Private IrtstrucHons 28 VVAlTER RALEIGH, COST It DEEP;P IT IS ? ------, Dougherty and Noonah, in’K, 468 | clean room with private family, Singlet, 8-Fnmlly Ho'— VOU D POT VOUR SUCKS AND Manehester Tire and Recapping Night Emergency, 3622 6759. Hartford road. write Box S. Herald. ness Locations or x|lj COAT DOWN* R)R IM NOT THAT Company, Broad strdet. Tele­ PLAIT? SPEECH plus clear talk­ r a d i o C linic- Radloa serviced ing equals elocution. Private les­ TWO TEEN age girls desire work Property. / m e TO STEP o n ; phone 3869. Open 7 tO 7. BOOKKEEriNG, public account­ caring for children. Phone 7640. WE BUY and'^ael! good used ^ with ia ^ em teat equipment and ing, Income tax returns, payroll, sons phonetic and alphabet read­ furniture, cbrnblnatlon ranges.! Wanted to Rent 68 returned In 24 hours. 25 years’ GEORGE L. G ^ZIA D IO social security, withholding tax. ing also arithmetic i ^ it e Studio, as ranges and healers. Jones’ I experience. 90-day guarantee. Real BaUte anfl^Ynaaranoe _ unempOoyment compensation, 709 Main atreet. Tel..2-1392. Dog»—Pets— Birds 41 f'umitiirs Store, 36 Oak. Phone | YOUNG Couple desire 3-4 room Phone 6079.______100 HENRY 8T. / TEL. 5278 notary public.’ Telephons “• 3627 2-1041, flat or apartment. Telephone PLOWING, harrowing and scoop- days or evenings. Musical— Dramatic 29 Frimcls Cook, Hartford 7-4267 7 INSURE COCKER puppies, champion stock USED FURNITURE bought and between 8 — 5:30. ’ * Ing^^-Wp). F. .Steels A Son. 683 OIL BURNER Service. Burners bred. Phone 2-1805. sold. The Red Shop. 56 Hudson z With Vernon street. Phone 2-0581. LET US recondlUon your piano Installed and cleaned by licensed tike new and start It on a new street. Moore’s Used Furniture. URGENT— Veteran Serviceman McKINNEY BROTHERS operator. All work guaranteed Phone 7251. and wife need 2-3.4 room apart LOCAL MOVING, trucking and career of usefulness. The Plano PEDIGREED, Male, Scotch Ool- Beal Betate and Insnraaoe ashes removed. J. Klein, 28 Foley Lowest possible price. Senna Shop. 6 Pearl etreet Open 'UU ment or flat, furnished or un He. Phone 8593. - ALE 506 MAIM ST. TEL. #060 etreet. Telephone 6718. Bros. ( ^ 3^147. 9 p. m. .Phone 3328. — furitiehed. Telephone 2-2031. white gas and oil combination RADIO — Electrical 'Appllnnce with coppert hot water coll, like WANTED—5 or 6 room apart- FJkST (BLASS PIANO Tuning and repairing. Pouitry and Supplies 43 RED RIU|CR Dissolving Partnership BY FRED HARMAN Service, repairs, picked up and Player pianos specialty. John new. Call 2-1390...... ’till 9“ p. m. ment or private■ house, heated, delivered prpmpUy. 20 years’ near grade school. Stanley Karr, (Jockerham, 28 Bigelow etreet DELUXE dressed brollera, fryers, CARptNTERS LEf[t_ppuBl6-Q?0556O T kSovTX lOUNEEDnElFTOU exi>erience. John -Maloney. Phone roaatera, 48c lb. Also fresh eggs.' JUST Received for Immediate de­ 134 Windsor street. Hartford. Dial 421* ' livery. 18H cubic feet 1946 Stein-1 'tooW‘l*5ciw*’THir\Ot«j, loori’f 17-lkNOV^ WHERE you(DUDOrit ] VlANTIOtttTRiOor C p s s m % “ 74R Special price stores and large Phone 7-9727 (collect). i w t q I RIDER' THIN lOUll KlLV horst Fr««ser. and Food storage I Apply - pUAJi’ HlAGOl ^ FUTTHA? itl5TE$6)OS«.16aT> riAR POULTRY orders. DeUveriea Wednesdays. ■WAT EOBBERTf lOU. I rsort '■ ■ ME LIKE, yeu p ip leftt- THte PIOTiBER Steel V e n e t^ Co u p l e would lik e'to rent 4- Help Wanted— Female 35 Saturdays. 2-0617. LockerA for farm or home ■use. | blinds, IvoiY color. Immediate de­ Watkins Brothers, Inc. room flat or elngle. Ix^.al resi­ ^3: DECAU6E l ieu HiA/' livery. Flndeli itt g , Co., 485 Midi WANTED—Woman for week-end dents. Telephone 6137, rris Realty Co. FOR SALE—30 Plymouth Rock 6 Dover Road 3 -X t die Turnpike East Telephone 4866 work. Plain cooking, general pullets, *1.76 each. Started . to SPRING aeanlfig made easy. 3-XJ C6Ht 1*«« av Nt« l*«VICt. He. T M. «tO. U. ». CAT Off A t AUCTION Order aensatlonal 1946 vacuuiiu RE3WARD--3160 for a 4 at 5 jS!L2i21JLIJli2£211i£LJ!SUL!IJ!££L!6JLS^2£!I:■7" housework. Short hour# vVlth lay. Can 2-1390. Phone 4112 or .7275 PLUMBING and Heating Service, good wages. Box K.H.," Herald. now. Immediate delivery, liberal room flat in Mancheater. W iitt "Oh, 1 wouldn'l worry* about Junior hanging around FOR AARON PEKOWSKY Box A.Z., Herald. , , "You’d think thej’M hnve a few congratulations for u«, Phone 5504. 861 Tolland Turn­ FOR SALE).- Nice fat turkeys, trade-in allowance, home demon- the bride’s parents—'who do they think cooked up this Dorothy somiuch—iril wear off as soon as he gets ac­ . " MANCHESTER, CON.N. pike. Jamea Cummlnga. WANTED— Full time aaleaclerk. 2 lbs. free If you can use aHnrge ■tration. Phone* Harry Mahoney. IBxi^ence desired but not neces­ vA wedding, anyway?” '* , — climated to this spring weather!” 160 WETHERELl- STREET — Follow- Auction Arrows from LANDSCAPING, plowing, har sized bird over 20 pounds. Phone TeL 2-1826.______. Hartford Road (near.BlucfleMs Section) ont Bridge Street. sary. W. T. Grant Co. ‘ rowing,’ tree removing and laWn 7733.< FLOOR problems solved with I /V IC FLINT Not So Good For Me BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY AND RALPH EANE for general grading. A lm e, Latulippe; 758 CAPABLE woman f o r a ALB-r Chicken coop, * 2 linoleum, asphalt tile, - counter. Satuiday. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE Saturday/ Mar. 23# 1946 at 1 P.M. Vernon etreet. Call 60'77. hotiaework svery years old, 5x6x6 with small coop Expert wdrkmnnahlp, free estl« Z We HAVE A FEW CHOICE B ID IN G SITES • Rain 6r Shine. ' Phona 6130. for young chickena and yard. mates. Open evenlnga Jones] e Campbell Electric Plucking Machine, S3 SecMone (10 each). g e n e r a l concrete work; land­ Furniture, Oak street . Rhone | IN A AND B ZONES: scaping, grading, retaining walls, WANTED — Waltrasa, good Cheap to have moved, for room. Galvanized Nesta, S- Water Kniintalna for Automatic HooK-op, 35-Branford street. Phone 7780, 2-1041. Taaner atreet. Henry atreet. 5-5 ft. Hen Feeders. 6-8 ft,. Hen Feeders. 48 C)ilrk Feeders. *4 septic tanks Installed. For estli wages, good hours. Apply SUl* Beld street. Bridge etreet. Keenly atreet Brookfleld street uton- Fountains, 4 3lakoinb OU Brooders, Power Feed Cutter; Steel mates. Call 4705. City Diner. ' FRESH EGGS. Also 25 laying pi^ FOR SALE —WMte Bengal ANPVOU'LL NOT TMjHjOUj^ <>vCM HR7 juurizt ITY2MN«IN» AND'THeV’VE GONE < ABOUT IT, YOU SUPPOSE IS W llH SEIM' from our own Conn, approved, FOR AUTO INSURANCE OTHER H IM ‘TO COME ONLY BE MAYOR , 0 youRMRema 70 HIS H EAD -h e 's y SCRSeANT IN HIS O FFIC E -BUT GOVERNOR.' M AVOR-THE Pullorum clean stock. Hatches j CASUALTY l in k s y TO VOU ' I 1ALKINC ABOUT ^ -B U T WHEN RIGHT NOW ? OVER.' (GOVERNORSHIPI ‘ weekly. Cockerels eyMUNe. RUNNING POR J ALL THIS DIBS 25th aaason. Fred MlUer'a Poul- 1 LUMBERMEN'S MUTUAL W Sim NCE CO. CAN ^fM T.' try Farm, Coventry. Phone: FOR FIRE AND ALLIED LINES - • M A Y O R L OOWN,HBU.- Manchester 6626- IF ITS INSURANCE . . . CALL OUR OFFICEI % STUART j. WASUEY '755MAIN ST. t e l . 6648aR7146 ANYTIME M In'EnsIneas MoreThhh 29 Years!^ -A : hE ’ TRICK’ DOiG 5’2f' 5TBATy/.OtP9oy« — MmfPMasmMiaaa 4 ^ ...