Abercrombie, W. A., jun., presents Barbed- Animal Remains from Freswick Viking 2 33 Poin . Deef to r. Antler . , Settlement, ..... 109 Aberdeen, Hoar f Silveo d r Coins fount a d Anniversary Meeting, 1938, 33 1 5 . . Bridg e. of Don . , Anstruther-Gray, Lt.-Col. W., Death of, . 2, 3 Aberdeenshire: see Bridge of Don; Fy vie; Antlers:— Hil Foulzief lo ; Loanhea Daviotf do . Antler, Deer BarbeA , d Poin , froof tm Achcheargary Burn, Sutherland, Jet Neck- Shewaltou Moor, Ayrshire, Not, eon 48 lac3 e 33 from . , (presented . . ) (donation) ..... 332 Ackergill Tower, Caithness fron Pi ,m Mid- ——— ——— Tin , froeof m8 9 Freswick, 93 . , 3 de33 n near . , (purchase . . ) ——— ——— Worked, from Dun, Kildonan "Agricola's Camps in , by General Bay, ..... 214, 227 Melville," Manuscript of part of Antonia, Imitation Coi , fronof m Norrie's projected volume, . . . 247 Law, Largo, Fife, .... 244 Agriculture, Department of, for Scotland, Antonine Wall . 27, O/Coin . . s from . , present a Beaker Urn from Thornton, Antony, M., Coin of, from Kirkness, Kinross5 24 , Innerwick, ..... 330Anvil-stone, from Freswick, . . . 81 Aignish, near Stornoway e n IroA Ag ,n Aqueduc. 2577 . t Birrens,26 a t . , Site at, ..... 55———3 Roman25 . t Dealginrossa , . . , 2 Ailsa . , Marques . Deat , . s, of hof Arbirlot, Angus, Native Entrenchment Ainsworth, Richard2 ,. Deat h. of,. near, ...... 248 Airhouse, Berwickshire, Flint Implements Arbroath, Angus, Sketches of Entrench- from, (donation) ...4 33 . ments near, ....8 24 . Alexander III., Coins of, from Dunblane Ardelve, Lochalsh, Ross-shire, Whetstone, Hoard, ....3 5 . Jasper, from, ...8 32 . Alexander-Sinclair, Admiral Sir Edwyn, Ardoch, Perthshire, Roy's Pla8 Camp24 f no , sat G.C.B., presents Belies from Fres- ——2 —24 Coi . Hadriaf no . n foun , dat wick Links, ..... 335 Argyll e Dunavertyse : , Kintyre; lona; Alexandria, Billon Coi , founof n n Jedi d - Islay; Kildonan. burgh, ..... 243Armlets, Penannular Silver, from Dhiba- Alfoldi, Professor Andreas, elected an dail7 , 32 Stornoway . . , Not , eon Honorary Fellow,...0 7 . (purchased) ....3 33 . Altar, Roman Mothee th o t , r Goddesset sa Arniston Estate, Trustees of, present Relics Mumrills, .... 3 245,32 Grave d fount Outerstoa ol t n di lPi n Alva, Clackmannanshire, Cultivation Ter- Hill, Temple, . . . .331 races at, ' . . . 293,308,315 Arran: see Bennecarrigan. Amandus, Valerius, .... 261-2 Arrow-heads, Flint:— Amphorae, Fragments of, from Fendoch, . 143 from Braes of Rinyo, , . .26,31 Angus: see Arbirlot; Arbroath (Aber- from Cal Edayf o f , ...9 17 . brothick); Battledykes; Brechin; from Dun7 21 , Kildona . . n Bay . , Caterthuns, The; Cloghton; Forfar; Lopsided, from Gullane, (donation) . 334 Keithock; Montrose. from Muirfleld, East Lothian, (purchase) 332 Animal Remains from Aignish Iron Age Site, 57 from Taivers . o Tuick,.16 . .2 345 346 INDEX.

PAGE Asher, John, Death of, .... 2 Beveridge, Rev o Scottis. JohnTw n ho , Atherton, Rev. William B., Death of, . 2 Thirteenth-Century Songs, with the Auchterarder, Perthshire, Coi f Tituo n s original melodies, recently discovered Vespasian found at, . ... 244 in Sweden, ..... 276 Aurelius, M., Coins of, from Kirkness, Bible Box of Oak from the Palace and Kinross, ..... 245 Churc f Marho f Guiseyo , (donation8 32 ) Awl-like Iron Implement from Dun, Kil- Birley, Eric Pottern o , y from3 Fendoch14 . , douau Bay, ..... 211 Birrens Reconsidered, ...4 25 . Awls, Bone, from Freswick. .93 . 8 9 , ——— Coins of Trajan, Pius, and Domitian Axes:— found at, ..... 241 Bronze, socketed, found between Loans Bixter, Shetland, Club-like Ston1 33 e from . , and Troon, Ayrshire, 1 (purchase33 . ) Black, Messrs A. & 0., present a Bible Box, 330 Flint, re-used, from Brae Rinyoof s , Blackdown, Sussex, Worked Flints from, Bousay, ..... 26 (donation) ..... 332 Stone, from Brae Rinyof so , 7 Bousay2 . , Bloomery Cinde6 5 r fro m. Aignish . , ——— from Bennecarrigan, Arran, (dona- Boat-she t Freswicda k Viking Settlement5 8 . , tion) ...... 333Bodkins, Bone, from Freswick Viking Viking, Iron, from South Whiteness, Settlement, ..... 98 Shetland, ..... 70 Bolt, Iron, from Aignish, ... 56 Ayrshire e Irvinese : ; Killochau Castle; . / Bone 4 6 , . Calcined . t Monziea , . , Loans; Shewalton; Troon. ——— ——— in Dwellings1 ,17 Cal f Eday o . f , ——— Object , frosof m Viking Settlement a t Badge, oval, of the Canongate, (donation) . 334 Freswick, . . . . 80/., 96 Badges, Beggars', (purchase) . . . 333 ——— —— e also—Se Pins; Plaque. Balls, Carved 3 Stone33 , . (purchase . ) Borers:— ——— Stone, from Brae Rinyof so , Rousay7 2 . , Flint, from Craigsford, Earlston, Ber- Banffshire: see Grange; Inverlochy. wickshire, ..... 332 r HillBa , Dunbartonshire, Buildin- In g ——— from Netherlee, Glasgow, (dona- scription from, .... 258 tion) ...... 330 Bath0 ff.,8 ,7 Viking 7 . t Freswicka , . , Bowls:— ——— Relies from, ..... 80 Carinated, Fragments of, from Calf of Battledykes Camp, Angus, Sketch-pla7 24 , nof Eday, ...... 182 Beads:— , from Taivers4 16 o . Tuick . , Glass, from Calf of Eday, . . .181 Pottery, from Brae f Rinyoso , Rousay5 2 , ——— Melon, faience, from 8 Fendocb14 . , Samian Ware, from . Fendoch142. / . , ——— from Traprain Law, (purchase) . 332 Steatite m FragmentRi , , froof sm ——— from Freswick Viking Settlement, 102 Taiverso Tuick, . . ' . . 163 ——— from Dun, Kildonan Bay, . . 215 Stone, from Calf of Eday, . . . 179 Stone, from Taiverso Tuick, . . 163 Box, Oak, Iron-bound, from Cupar, Fife, Beaker Buria8 l 31 from . Innerwick . , (donation) ....0 33 . Beakers Urnse se : . ———-Bible f Oako , , fro e Palacmth d an e Bearsden, Glasgow, Coin of Hadrian found Churc f Maro h f Guiseo y , Edin- at, ...... 242 burgh, (donation) .... 328 Beggars' Badges of Lead, (purchase) . 333 Bracelet, Bronze, from Freswick Viking Belmont Castle, Meigle, Perthshire, Food- Settlement, ....2 10 . vessel Urn found near, . . . 331 Braemoor Knowe, Roxburghshire, Cultiva- Belt-chape, Bronze, from Viking House, tion Terraces on, 292, 294, 300, 304, 312 Freswick, .... 92, 100Braes of Rinyo: see Rinyo. Bennecarrigan, Arran, Stone fromAx e , Brechiu, Angus, Sketch-plan of Roman (donation) ..... 333 Camp near, ....7 24 . Berwickshire:— Bremner, Simon, present Buttosa n Mould0 33 , Cultivation Terraces in, . .315 Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, Hoard of Silver Fragmen2 Cinerarf 33 o t from,n . yUr . Coins found at, .... 51 See also Airhouse; Coldingham; Craigs- Brigantia, Statuette of, from Birrens, . 261 ford, Barlston; Greenlawdean; Briglands, Kinross-shire, Roman Coins Button Mill. foun , ....dat 5 24 . INDEX. 347

PAGE Bronze, Pieces of Sheet, from Freswick Cathcart Arms impaled with Wallace on 2 10 , Vikin96 , 93 g , Settlement85 . , Oak Panels from Killochan Castle, . 325 ——— Objects of: see Axes; Spear-heads; Cauldrons, Parts of, from Freswick, . . 93 Sword. Chains, Silver, Massive, found in Scotland, Brooches:— , Lisof t.... 6 32 . Bronze Penannular from Dun, Kildonan ——— ——— ——— from Traprain Law, (dona- Bay, .... 215, 219/., 224 tion) .....3 33 . —— Zoomorphic, from Freswick, . 94,100 Chape, Belt-, Bronze, from Viking House, ——— —— from North Howe, Rousay, Freswick, .... 92, 100 (presented) ..... 334Charcoal fro8 m22 Kildona . n. Fort . , Bulloch, J. Malcolm, Death of, 2 ——— from Monzie, ..... 64 Burial Chambers, Taiverso Tuick, Trum- ——— from Brae Riuyof so 9 2 , Rousay . . , land, Rousay, .... 155 Charm-stone, Silver-mounted f o Roc, k Burials, Bronze Age, at Outerston Hill, 4 33 Crystal . ,. (donation . ) Midlothian, ..... 229Chatto Craig, Roxburghshire, Cultivation ——— —— —t a West Pinkerton, Broxburn, Terraces on, ... 293, 312 East Lothian, .... 231 Chert, Implemen fro, tof m Taiverso 3 Tuick16 , Burnisher, Pebble use , frodas m Braef o s Cheyne-MacPherson,, D. . CaptaiG . W n Rinyo, Rousay, ...9 2 . elected, ..... 288 Burns, Rev. Dr Thomas, Death of, . . 2 Childe, Professor n Roco , k Scribingt a s Butchart, Charles B. R., elected, . . 228 Hawthornden, .... 316 Bute, County of: see Bennecarrigan, ——— ——— on a Beaker Burial from Inner- Arran. wick, ...... 318 Butt or Socket, Iron, Remains of, from ——— ——— and Walter G. Grant, on a Stone Freswick Vikin3 g Settlement10 . . , Age Settlement at the Braes of Button, Jet, from Cis Strathnavern i t6 32 . , Rinyo, Rousay, , . . 6 Buttressin9 25 Roma. n gi n. Forts . , Cists at Innerwick, . .... 318 ——— at Monzie, ..... 65 Gadder, Lanarkshire, Food-vessel Urn ——— in Strathnaver, . . . . 326 from, ...... 332——— with Beaker t a Wes, t Pinkerton, Cagnat, Professor Ren<5, Death of, . . 2, 3 East Lothian, .... 231 Cairn, Prehistoric, at Dealginross, . . 254 Clackmannanshire, Cultivation Terraces Caithness: see Ackergill Tower. ; Freswick ...... in, 315 Calder ,Excavation n Charleo , T. . sS Irof so n ——— See also Alva. Age Dwellings on the Calf of Eday, Clark, James A., elected, . ... 6 Orkney, ..... 167Claudius, Imitation Coi, founof nt a d Calf of Eday: see Eday, Calf of. Coatbridge, ..... 243 CaUander, Dr J. Graham, Death of, . . 2, 3 Clay, Levigated, at Freswick, . . .77, 80 Calroust, Roxburghshire, Cultivation Ter- Claymore presented by the National Art . race293/. , sat , 295, 298, 3001 31 , Collections Fund, ...0 33 . Candle-mould f Pewtero s from Kirkwall, Cleat (?), Cetacean Bone, from Freswick Orkney, (donation) . . . 334 Viking Settlement, ... 99 Canne4 l6 Coal ,. Piect Monziea , e. of , Cleaver-like Implement, from Earth-house Canongate: see Edinburgh. 5 27 at . Gripps, . Orkney . , Carluke, Lanarkshire, Coin f Diocletiao s n Cloghton, Angus, Sketch-pla f Nativo n e from, .....4 24 . , Forat t.... 7 24 . Carmichael, Dan . , elected.15 . ,4 Clounie Crichton Castle, Kiucardineshire8 5 . , Carson, James, elected, ...2 . Club-like Implements, Stone, from Braef so Castl f Clounio e e Crichton, Kincardine- Rinyo, Rousay, .... 27 shire, ...... 58 ——— Stone from Bixter, Shetland, (donation) 331 Castledykes, Dumfries, Coins of Hadrian Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, Imitation Coif no . 241/ . . . . from . , 3 24 . . Claudiu . s foun , dat Castlelaw Fort, Midlothian, Relics from, Coggie, Cream, from Grange, Banffshire, (presented) ..... 334 (donation) ....0 33 . Caterthuns, The, Angus, Sketch-plans of Coins : — 7 24 Nativ . e Camp. s. on,. Edward I., from Dunblane, . . 53-4 348 INDEX.

Coins (contd.):— Cross Head with Crucifixion from lona, Edward II., from . Dunblane53-4 . , (donation) ..... 328 Edward III., from Bridge of Don, . 51 Cross-slab from Tarbat, Ross-shire, (dona- Edward IV., from Bridge of Don, . 52 tion) ...... 333 Crossraguel, from Dunfermline and Crucible from Galleried Dun, Kildonan, . 211 Melrose Abbey Holyroodhoused san , Crucifix, Lead, from Dunfermline Abbey, (donation) ..... 334 (presented) ..... 334 Forgerie foun, sof . t / Dunblane,da 3 5 . Crucifixio Crosn no s Head 8 fro32 m lona. , Henry III. Silver Penny, from Preswick Culter, Lanarkshire, Cultivation Terraces Viking Settlement, . . 86, 102 at, . . 293 /., 303 /., 306, 314 Roman, found in Scotland,. . . 241 Cultivation Terraces in South-Eastern Scot- ——— —— from the Antonin9 e Wall28 ' ,. . . . 27 . 0 /. . . land . , ——— ——— fro . m 2610 Birrens . 27 , . , Gumming3 , Dr Alex , DeatS. . , hof ——— ——— from Fendoch, . . .146 Cupar, Fife, Oak Box, Iron-bound, from, . 330 1 5 . —— . — Silver Hoard o . Tw ,, sof Cup, Samian Ware, fro3 m14 Fendoch . . , Coldingham, .Berwickshire, Coin of .Titus Cup-marks:— Vespasian found on Aytou Law on Stone from Dun, Kildona7 21 n Bay . , Farm, ..... 243 on Standing Stone at Monzie, . . 62 Collingwood, Professor Roman o , n Inscrip- Curie, Alex. 0., elected a Vice-President, . 1 . tion3 f.n. t Birrens. s26 a . , ——— ——— on a Viking Settlement at Comb-case, Bone, from Freswick, . . 94, 86 Freswick, Caithness, ..1 7 . ——— from Oslo, ....7 8 . Curwen, E. Cecil, An Iron Age Site at 'Combs:—- Aignish, near Stornoway, by,. . 55 Bone, from Aignish, ...6 5 . Cutter, Hand Turnip, (donation) . . 328 ——— from Freswick, . . .83, 92, 86 Commissioners of H.M. Works, presenta- David II., Coin of, from Bridge of Don tions by, ..... 334 Hoard, ....1 5 . Commodus, Coi, froe of nFalkirth m k Dealginross, Perthshire, (?) Prehistoric hoard, ..... 245 Cair, ....nat 4 25 . ——— from Briglands and Kirkness, Kinross, 245 ——— ——— Plan of Roman Camp at, . . 252 Constans I., Coi3 , foun24 nof t Jrvineda . , Deer-horn: see Antlers. Constantin Greate eth , Coi , fronof m North , ReporH. . Deschn SlaC o t r g D ,fro m Berwick, ..... 243 Monzie , , 0 7 . Constantius II., Coins of, found near New Dhibadail, Ness, Barvas, Stornoway, Viking Luce, and near Maxton, . . 243 Armlets and Finger-rings from, 327, 333 Constantius Chlorus, Coin of, from Birrens, 261 Dickinson, Dr William Croft, elected, . 6 Contract, Marriag f Princeseo s Margaref o t ——— ——— Rhin5 d Lecture . r 1940rfo . , Scotland and King Eric of Norway,. 276 Diocletian, Coins of, found at Carluke, . 244 Cook, John M., elected, .... 6 Discs:— Cooking-pots:— Enamel, from Dun, Kildonan Bay, . 212 from Kildonan Fort, .... 225 Stone, from Dun, Kildonau Bay, 212, 2146 21 , Mediaeval, from Freswick, . . 85, 103 Dobie, Marryat R., elected Librarian, . 2 Roman5 14 ,. from . Fendoch . , Doig, Major W. H., presents Bronze Spear- Viking, from Freswick, . 80, 86, 89, 92, 104 head, .....3 33 . Corrie, John M., Death of, ... 2 Domitian, Coin of, from Birrens, . . 241 Counters, Gaming, from Fendoch, 124, 129, 148 ——— ——— from Kirkintilloch, . . . 244 Countridge Knowe, Roxburghshire, Culti- ——— ——— from Kirkness, Kinross, . . 245 vation Terraces on, 292, 294, 300, 304, 311 ——— ——— from Rigghill, Caerlenrig, Rox- Cowie, A. M., M.B., C.M., presents a Turnip burghshire, ..... 242 Cutter, ....8 32 . Door-snecks, Cetacean Bone, from Fres- Craigsford, Earlston, Berwickshire, Flint wick Viking Settlement, . . 84, 99 Borer from, ....2 33 . Douglas, James, elected,.... 154 Crawford , presentR. , Bonsa 1 e 33 Plaque . , Dress Fasteners, Bone, from Freswick Cream-skimmer of Horn,, (donation). . 334 Viking Settlement, . . . 97- Cree Collection, Purchase of, . . . 332 Drinking-horn, use s Snuff-milla d , (dona- Cross, Robert, Death of, . . . . 2, 3 tion) ...... 334 INDEX. 349

PAGE PAGE Drummond, H. J. H., elected, . . . 228 Edward I., Coins of, found at Dunblane, . 53 Duddingston, Midlothian, Cultivation Ter- ——— Coins of, 'Irish, do., . . 54 races at, . 295 /., 306, 315 Edward II., Coin foun, sof t Dunblaneda 4 5 , 53 . , Dumfries: see Castledykes; Birrens; Edward III., Coin , frosof m n BridgDo f eo Ecclefechan. Hoard, ....1 5 . Dun, Galleried, at Kildonan Bay, . . 185 Edward IV., Coins of, from Bridge of Don Dunaverty3 , 22 Kintyre . , Por . t at . , Hoard, ..... 52 Dunblane, Perthshire, Hoar f Silveo d r Edwards, Arthur J. H., appointed Director Coins found at, .... 52 of the Museum, .... 4 Duncan, Major Alan Gomme, elected, . 2 ——— ——— Repor Pottern to y from Aignish, Dundas, Mrs, presents Relics from Castle- by, ...... 57 law, ...... 334——— ——— Not massiva n eo e double-linked Dunfermline, Abhe , Relicyof s from, (pre- Silver Chain from Traprain Law, by, 326 sented) ....4 33 . —— —— Note on Three Penannular Arm- Dunbartonshire r HillBa e ; se Kirkin: - Finger-ringo Tw letd san f Silverso , tilloch. by, ...... 327 Dunning, G. C., Eeport on Pottery from Elghope Burn, Roxburghshire, Cultivation Kildonan Port, by, ... 22 5. 294/.1 . 31 , . Terrace . , son Dunphail, Morayshire, Whetstone from, . 331 Enamel, Disc of, from Dun, Kildonan Bay, 212 Dunsapie, Midlothian, Cultivation Ter- Epithalamiu r Princesmfo s Margaref o t . 295race , 297sat , 298, 304, 3095 31 , Scotlandand King Eri Norwayf eo , 2769 ,27 Dunsyre, Lanarkshire, Cultivation Ter- Eric, King, of Norway:— races at, . 292-294, 297, 299, 300, 314 Latin Hymn sun t weddina g n i , of g Dwellings, Iro ne Cal f Ageth Eday o fn o , , 1281, ..... 276, 279 7 Orkney16 . , Excavation . , sof Marriage Contract of,. . . . 276

Earth from Pendoch, Report upon, . . 154 Pairhurst, H., The Galleried Dun at Kil- Earth-house at Gripps, Protoft, Rousay, donan Bay, by, .... 185 Orkney, ..... 273Palkirk, Stirlingshire, Coins of Vespasian, East Lothian: see Gullane; Innerwick; Titus, Hadrian, and Commodus Muirfleld; North Berwick; Pinker- foun , ....dat . 24. 4/ ton, West; Traprain Law; Tuscu- Passet Hill, Roxburghshire, Cultivation lum, North Berwick. . 2961 . 31 , . Terrace . , son Ecclefechan, Dumfriesshire, Coin of Paustina, Senior, Coins of, from Kirkness, Maxentiu3 24 s. foun . d near . , Kinross, ..... 245 Eda d Cal f Edayyan o f , Orkney, Objects Peudoch, Perthshire Agricolae ,Th n Por, tat 110 from Cairns at, .... 328——— Coin of Galba from, 242 Eday, Calf of, Orkney, Iron Age Dwellings Perris Elles , electedMr ,nR. . , 54 on, .....7 16 . Pife, Cultivation Terraces in, . 315 ——— ——— Relic from5 33 , (presented . . ) ——— Coin of Pertinax found in, 247 Edgar, Rev. William, B.A., B.D., Ph.D., —— e also—Se Cupar; Dunfermline; Inver- P.S.A.Scot., presents Stone Axe, . 333 keithing; Markinch; Norrie's Law; Edgerston, Roxburghshire, Coin of Trajan Pitlour. found at " The Camps," . . 24 2e Chiefth Pla f f Clao o gs n Macfarlane, Edinburgh:— (donation) ..... Bibl frok madx Palace oa m th eBo f eo e Flett, Dr Andrew B., elected, . Churcd 8 an 32 Marf ho . f Guisyo . ein Flint, Plake of, at Monzie, 4 Canongate33 . , . Badg thef e. o , ——— ——— in Urn at Outerston Hill, . Grosvenor Crescent, Bronze Sword from ——— ——— from Gripps' Earth-house, Orkney, the hoar , dat ...2 33 . ——— Implements from Airhouse, Berwick- Johnston Terrace5 , 29 Revetments . , at shire, (donation) .... Arthur's Seat Duddingstone se : ; Dun- ——— ——— from Brae f Rinyoso , Rousay. , sapie. ——— ——— from Taiverso Tuick, Edmonston Agness Mr , , presents Knifd ean Pork, ...... 334 350 INDEX.

Flint, Objects of. See also Arrow-heads; Grant, Walter G., P.S.A.Scot. Earthn a n ,o - Borer; Saws; Scraper. hous t a Grippse , Protoft, Rousay, ——— Worked, from Blackdown, Sussex, . Orkney . .., 3 27 . (donation) ....2 33 . ——— — Professo—and r Child Stona eon e Pood-vessels: see Urns. Age Settlemen e Braeth f t o sa t Porbes, Charles W., presents Relics from Rinyo, Rousay, Orkney, . . 6 Mumrills, ....5 33 . Graver, Jasper, from Gullane Links, Pordoun, Kincardineshire9 24 . ,. Por , at t (donation) ....0 33 . Porfar, Angus, Sketch-plan of Roman Camp Gray, Robert D., elected, ... 54 near, ...... 247Greenhill4 , Pran15 . k A., . elected . , Port William, Inverness-shire, Peat Spade Greenlawdean, Greenlaw, Berwickshire, from, .....8 32 . Flint Saws from2 ,33 (purchase . . ) Ports:— Greig, Francis, Deat , hof ..2 . in Kintyre, . . . . . 186/. Gripps, Protoft, Rousay, Orkney, An The0 Agricolan11 . t Pendocha , . , Earth-house at, . . . 273 Roman (?), at Pordoun, Kincardineshire, 249 Gullane, East Lothian, Coin of Theodosius t Raedykesa , ....9 24 . I., foun , dat ...3 24 . Buttressing in, . . . . . 259 ——— ——— ——— Graver from the Links, . 330 Fortune, Joh , presentR. n s flint imple- ——— ——— ——— Relics from, (presented) . 334 ments,. ....4 33 . Fraser, Rev. Bwen, Death of, . . . 2 Haddow . MuirJ , , elected, ..2 . Freswick, Caithness, A Viking Settlement at, 71 Hadrian, Coins of:— ——— Belies from, ...5 33 , 96 . foun t Ardochda , ...2 24 . Fyvie Castle, Aberdeenshire, ..2 3 . found at Bearsden, .... 242 from Briglands, Kinross, . . . 245 Galba2 , 24 Coi fro, nof m. Pendoch . , fro . m Castledykes.24 . 1. , Galbraith, Dr J. J., presents a Whetstone,. 328 from Palkirk, ..... 245 Gaming Counters from Pendoch, 124, 1298 14 , from Inveresk, ..... 241 Gibson, Willia d Manbyan m , present fro5 m 24 Kirkness . ,. Kinross . , charm-stone, ...4 33 . from Knightswood4 24 ,. Glasgow . , Gilles, J., Analysi Bloomerf so y Cinder from Haematite, from Braes of Rinyo, Rousay, . 29 Aignish , by ,... 6 5 . Hammer, Stone r o Mace-hea, d from Girron, Perthshire, Cultivation Terraces at, Taiverso Tuick, (completing previous 295, 298, 315 find) ...... 164 Gladstone, John, elected, ... 6 ——— ——— ——— Butt end of, from Braes of Glasgow e Bearsdense : ; Knightswood; Rinyo, Rousay, ...0 3 , 27 . Netherlee. Hammer-stones from Iron Age Dwellings, Glass, Cut, Piec1 , fro26 eof m . Bin-ens . , Calf of Eday, . . .177 ff., 181 ——— fragments found at Monzie, . . 64 ——— from Dun, Kildonan . Bay214,7 21 , ——— Roman, bottle, Fragmen , froof t m ——— from Earth-house at Gripps, Orkney, 275 Traprain 2 Law33 , (purchase. . ) Hannan, Canon Thomas, Death of, . . 2 ——— Objects Beadse ofse : . Harpoon, Antler: see Point, Barbed. Goseland Hill, Peeblesshire, Cultivation Hawk'3 33 s Hood. ,. (purchase . ) Terraces on, . . 293, 306, 314 Hawthornden, Midlothian, Rock Scribings Gourlay2 , William R., Deat , hof at, ...... 316 Gown, Advocate's, Sir Walter Scott's, Headshaw Law, Roxburghshire, Cultivation (donation) ..... 331 Terrace . 292 s. on,, 3042 . 31 , Graham, Angus, Cultivation Terracen i s Hebden, Major Harry H., presents Objects South-Eastern Scotland, by, . . 289 from Eday and Calf of Eday, . 328,335 Granaries at Fendoch, Roman Fort,. . 130 Henderson , electedP. . G ,, ..2 . Grange, Banffshire, Cream Coggie from, . 330 Henry III., Coin of, from Freswick Viking Grant, Walter G., P.S.A.Scot., presenta- Settlement, .... 86, 102 tions by, ..... 334Henry V., Coins of, from Bridge of Don ——— ——— on Excavations on behalf of Hoard, ..... 52 H.M. Office of Works at Taiverso Henry VI., Coin , froof sm Bridg f Doeo n Tuick, Trumland, Rousay, 155 Hoard, ....2 5 . INDEX. 351

Hil f Foulzieo l , King Edward, Aberdeen- Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, Maximianus shire, Cinerar8 32 y Urn . s from . , Coi 3 Alexandrif no 24 . a foun . , din Holms, John A., Death of, ... 2 Jet, Objects of: see Button; Necklace; Hones, from Freswick Viking Settlement, Pebble; Pin-head. 82, 85, 106 Jettons, from various sites, (presented) . 334 ——— from Dun6 , 21 Kildona , /. 3 21 n . Bay, Johnston, Sir Reginald F., Death of, . 2 Hook, Iron, from Freswick, ..5 8 . Johnston, Sir William C., Death of, . . 2 Hospital at Fendoch, .... 132Jug, Clay, handled, found containing coins Housesteads, Cultivation Terraces, . . 309 /. at Bridge of Don, . . . 51 ——— Roman Coins from, . . . 271 /. ——— from Kildonan Fort, . . . 226 Hownam, Roxburghshire, Cultivation Ter- ——— Roman, Fragment of, from Fendoch, 145 races at, . . 200, 293, 301, 312 Julia Titi, Coi , founof n t a Briglandsd , Human Remains from Monzie Stone Circle9 6 , Kinross, ....5 24 . ——— ——— from Cist, West Pinkerton, East Julius Verus Inscription at Birrens, . . 256 Lothian, .... 232, 239 Huttou Mill, Berwickshire, Cultivation 2 Kater ,. Rober.. Deat, , M. th of Terraces at, . . . 293, 304, 315 Keef, Miss Phoebe A. M., elected, . . 6 Hymn sung a* weddin f Princeso g s Mar- ——— ——— presents Worked Flints, . . 332 garet 01 Scotlan Kind dan g Erif co Keithock, Angus, Sketch-plan of Roman Norway, .... 276, 279 Camp at, ..... 247 Kennard , ReporS. . n ShellA o ,t s from Aignish. by, .... 57 Implements, Stone, from Calf of Eday, . 178 ff. 2 Kennedy . . , Alex , Deat . B. ., hof Ingram, Northumberland, Cultivation Ter- ——— Major F. presents Badge of Canongate, 334 race Villagd san e9 Settlement30 . , sat Kerr, Robert Hoardo Tw , f Silveso r Coins Innerpeffry (Strageath), Perthshire, found at Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, Sketch-plan of Roman Station at, . 248 an t Dunblaneda 1 , 5 Perthshire . , by , Innerwick, East Lothian, A Beaker Burial Key, Iron, Remains of, from Freswick from, ...... 318 3 10 Vikin . g Settlement. . , Inscriptions, Roman:— Kilbride-Jones , ReporE. . n Peno H t, - of Juliu6 25 s Verus.. t Birrensa ,. , annular Brooch from Kildonan4 22 , by , on Mercury Pedestals from Birrens, . 262 Kildonau Bay, Kintyre Galleriee Th , n dDu 5 24 . on Alta . t Mumrillsa r . , Inveresk, Coin of Hadrian from, . . 241 at, . . . ' . . .185 Killochan Castle, Ayrshire, Oak Panels Inverkeithing, Fife, Cultivation Terraces 4 32 . . . from . , Not , eon at, .... 293, 295 /., 315 (donation) ..... 330 Inverlochy, Banffshire, Bronze Spear-head Kiln in Viking Settlement at Freswick, . 95 from, ...... 333 Kincardineshire e Clounise : e Crichton; Inverness-shire Fore se :t William; Skye. Fordoun; Raedykes. lona, Argyllshire, Cross Head from, . . 328 King, Cuthbert, elected, ...2 . Iron Age Site at Aignish, near Storuoway, 55 Iron, Objects of, from Fendoch, . . 146-8 King Edward, Aberdeeushire: see Hill of Foulzie. ——— —— e Suspender—se , Pot. ——— ——— and Iron Slag, from Dun, Kil- Kinross-shire e Briglandsse : ; Kirkness; . dona212 n. Bay, 2147 . , 21 , Portmoak. Irvine, Ayrshire, Coi Constanf no s I., found Kirkintilloch, Dunbartonshire, Coinf o s at, ...... 243 Domitian and Nerva, found at, . 244 Islay, Argyll, Terraces reported at, . . 296 Kirkness, Kinross, Roman Coins from, . 245 Kirkwall, Orkney, Candle-moulds from, (presented) ....4 33 . Jackson, Dr J. Wilfrid, Report on Animal 4 Knif33 Fork,d e. an (presented . . ) Remains from Aignish, by, . . 57 Knightswood, Glasgow, Coin of Hadrian James I., Coin of, from Bridge of Don from, ...... 244 Hoard, ..... 51 Knives:— Jarlshof Viking House, Shetland, contrasted Flint, from Outerston Hill, (donation1 33 . ) . 10 7. with Freswick. . , ——— from Brae f Rinyoso ,0 3 Rousay , 27 . , Jars, Roman, Fragment fro, sof m Fendoch5 14 , ——— from Taiverso Tuick, . . . 163 352 INDEX.

PAGE Knives (contd.):— McKirdy, Captain Elliot M. S., Death of, . 2 Iron, from Freswick Viking House, 85, 90, 102 MacLeau8 28 , . lai M.. n,M elected . . , ——— from Dun, Kildonan Bay . , 2124 21 , MacLeod, Angus, elected, . . . 228 Stone, from Cal. Edayf 178o f . , , 180. f McVitie, R., Communion Tokens from col- lection of the late, (presented) . 330 Lacaille, A. D., A Barbed Point of Deer- Magnus , EarSt ,Orkney f lo , Latin Hymn i Antler from Shewalton, 8 Ayrshire4 , ,by . 2762 . 28 , . honou . , of r Lanarkshire, Cultivatio4 31 n . Terrace , sin Maitland, Lt.-Col Ramsay. G . 4 5 , elected . , —— alsoe —Se Gadder; Carluke; Coatbridge; Malloch, Willia2 m S., . Deat h. of,. Culter; Dunsyre; Nisbet Water. Margaret, Princess, of Scotland, Latin Leith, Bone Plaque, from Salamander Hymn sung at the wedding of, 276, 279 Street,...... 331——— ——— ——— Marriag6 27 e Contrac . , of t Letter, Draft of, from John Dougall to Markinch, Fife, Cultivation Terrace, sin Mr Robert Whyt7 24 e Melville. . , 290, 292, 305, 315 Lewis, Isle of, Boss-shire, An Iron Age Site Mathew, James, elected, .... 2 at Aignish, near Stornoway, . . 55 Maxentius, Coi foun, nof d near Ecclefechan3 24 , Liddell, Miss Doroth2 , DeatyM. h. of,. Maximianus, Alexandria Coin of, found in Loanhead of Daviot, Aberdeenshire, Belies Jedburgh, .._... 243 from, (presented) ...4 33 . Maxton, Roxburghshire, Coin of Con- Loans and Troon, Ayrshire, Bronze socketed 3 stantiu24 . foun . sII d near,. . Axe found between, . . . 3314 15 Mayes . , Walte . , electedrP. . , Lockie, John R., elected, ... 2 Melody of the Magnus Hymn, . . . 285 Logan Burn, Peeblesshire, Cultivation Melrose Abbey, Relics from, (presented) . 334 . Terrace294,31 . 4s. on,. Melville6 24 . , General . , Paper . , sof Low, Professor Alex., on the Human Re- Mercury Pedestals, from Birrens, Inscrip- mains from Wes9 t 23 Pinkerton . . , , tion....son 2 26 . ——— ——— ——— on Skeletal Remains, Inner- Midlothian, Cultivatio5 31 n . Terrace . , sin wick, . . . ' . . . 319 —— e —alsoSe Castlelaw; Duddingston; Luce, New, Wigtownshire, Coi f Cono n - Dunsapie; Hawthornden; Inveresk; 3 stantiu24 . . founsII d . near, Outerston Hill, Temple. Lucilla, Coin of, from Kirkness, Kinross, . 245 Midwood present, W. 3 , t Necklace33 sJe . , Luting, Clay, from Calf of Bday, . . 170 Miller, J. A. S., Death of, ... 2 Lyford-Pike, John D., elected,. . . 2 Milne . A.0 R ,, 33 present . Graversa . , Lynchets, alleged, at Torwoodlee, . . 296 Miscellanea Romano-Caledonica,1 24 . II. . , Mitchelhill, Peeblesshire, Cultivation Ter- M'Allister, R., presents a Flint Borer, . 330 race , sat ... .4 29231 , Macarthur, Robert C., presents a Peat Mitchell r Georg2 D , . G.eA , . elected . , Spade,. ....8 32 . ——— Margaret Crichton Alisod an , n Young, MacCorquodale, Hugh, Death of, 2 Repor Excavation to t Monziena , by , 62 MacCulloch, Rev6 . , electedNigeH. . . J l , Moifat, F. Muirhead, elected, . 228 Macdonald Georger ,Si , re-elected President1 , Montrose Panels, The, Note on, 325 ——— ——— ——— Miscellanea Romano-Cale- Do. do., (donation) 331 1 24 . . . donica, . , , Monzie, Perthshire, Repor Excavation to , nat 62 Macdonal f Clanraualo d d Stewardan f o t Morayshire: see Dunphail. Allanton1 , 33 Sea (donation, of l . . ) Morrison, William H., elected, ..6 . MacDowall, J. Kevan, elected,... 70 Mortaria, Fragments of, from Fendoch, . 144 /. Macfarlane, Rev r Andrew.D , presente sth Mortars, from Dun, Kildona5 21 n . Bay . , Flag of the Chiefs of the Clan, . 328 ——— from Braes of Rinyo, Rousay, Orkney,' 28 ——— Clan , e ChiefFlath , f (donationgo of s 8 32 ) Mother Goddesses, Inscription on Altar to Mclnnes, Charle elected, sT. , ..2 . the t Mumrillsa , , ...6 24 . M'lntosh, Murdoch, elected, ... 70 Moulds:— ——— William, elected, ...4 5 . Clay, from Gullane, (donation) . . 334 M'lntyre, James . Rich,A F.S.A.. I - d an , —— from Galleried Dun, Kildonau, e Agricolath mon n o d n Fort a t 211, 2147 21 , Fendoch, . 110 Stone, for Bar, from Dun, Kildonan Bay, 215 Mackay, Captain William5 4 , . elected . , Button, (donation) ...0 33 . INDEX. 353

Muirfield, East Lothian, Flint Arrowheads Outerston Hill, Midlothian, Bronze Age from, ...... 332 Burial at, . . . . . 229 Muller, Ferdinand, elected, . . .228 ——— ——— ——— Cinerary. / Urn9 22 s . from, Mumrills, Stirlingshire, A New Inscription ——— ——— ——— Relics from, (presented) . 331 from, .....5 24 . Ovens:— ——— An Indeterminate Structure and a "Stone Age, t "a Brae f o Rinyos , Hearth found outside the Roman Rousay, Orkney, .... 14 , 9 .31 in Vikin1 g9 Hous t Freswick. ea . , ——— Objects found, .... 323 Roman military, at Fendoch, . . 137 ——— Kelics from, (donation) . . . 335 Murray, P. Keith, Death of, ... 2 Paint-pot, Stone, from Braes of Riuyo, Nails, Iron, from Dun, Kildonan Bay, 212, 214 Rousay, ..... 29 ——— ——— from Feudoch, . . . 148 Panels:— Oak, presented to the Museum by the National Art Collections Fund present a Nationa Collectiont lAr s Fund, Note Claymore, ..... 330 on, ...... 324 ——— ——— ——— Oak Panelling from Kil- Do. do., (donation) . . . 330 . locha. . n Castle . , 330 ——— ——— ——— the Montrose Panels, . 331 The Montrose, Note on, . . . 325 Do. do., (donation) . . . 331 Neaves, H., present Creasa m Coggie. , 330 Panter, Patrick, Bisho Rosf pAbboo d san t Necklace, Jet, from Achcheargary Burn, (presented) ..... 333 of Cambuskenneth, . . .325 fro—— —mCisa — Strathnavern i t , Note ——— or Paniter, Arms of, on the Montrose on, . . . . . 325 Panels, ....5 32 . Papers, General Melville's, mainly on Needles : — Roman Scotland, .... 246 Bone, from Freswick Viking Settlement, 98 4 Paterson15 . , Jame . , electedsG. . , Bronze, Parts of, from Galleried Dun, Kildonan, ..... 211 Paul, Arthu2 . BalfourF r . , Deat . , hof Pebbles:— Nerva, Coin of, found at Kirkintilloch, . 244 use s a Burnisherd , from Braef o s ——— ——— ——— from Kirkness, Kinross. , 245 Rinyo, Rousay, ...9 2 . Netherlee, Glasgow, Flint Borer from, (donation) ..... 330 use boan di . t riveting107 . 8 ,10 , Fractured, from Freswick Viking Settle- New Luce: see Luce, New. ment, ..... 85, 106 Newmills, Elgin, Carved Stone Ball from, . 333 Newstead, Roxburghshire, Coi Tiberiuf no s Utilized, from Freswick, 81/..85, 106/. Jet, from Traprain Law, (purchase2 33 . ) from, ...... 241 Quartz, perforated, from Freswick ——— Samian Ware, with stamp of Vitalis, Viking Settlement, ..6 8 . from, ...... 269 Peddie, Alex. L. Dick, Death of, 2 Nicoll, James S., Death of, . 2 Peeblesshire, Cultivation Terraces in, . 313 Nisbet Water, Lanarkshire, Cultivation Ter- ff.,2 29 3044 31 . , . races on, ——— See also Goseland Hill; Logan Burn; Nome's Law, Fife, Imitation Coif o n Mitchelhill; Purvis Hill; Romanno; Thornylee. Antonia from, ...4 24 . North Berwick, East Lothian, Coin of Pius Pendant, Pumice, from Taiverso Tuick, . 163 f Constantino e on d an e the Great Pennies, Crossraguel, from Dunfermline and from, ...... 243 Melrose Abbeys and Holyroodhouse, North Howe, Rousay, Relics from, (pre- (presented) ....4 33 . sented) ..... 334Perthshire, Cultivation Terraces in, . . 315 ——— See also Ardoch; Auchterarder; Bel- mont Castle, Meigle; Dealginross; Orkney e Edayse : ; Gripps; Kirkwall; Dunblane; Fendoch; Girron; Inner- North Howe, Rousay; Rinyo, peffry; Monzie; Tullymurdoch. Rousay; Taiverso Tuick, Rousay. Pertinax, Coin of, found in Fife, . . 247 , ReportY. Orr . M Charcoal,n so , by , Piercers, Bone, from Freswick Viking 64, 98, 85 175 . , 228 . , 23 1. . House . , Otho, Coi , founnof t Briglandsda , Kinross5 24 , Piggott, Stuart, elected, ...2 . VOL. LXXIII. 23 354 INDEX.

Pinkerton, West, Broxburn, East Lothian, Pottery (contd.):— . Bronz.23 Buria. e , eAg at 1l from Vatsford, Traewick, Whalsay, ——— ——— Dunbar, East Lothian, Beaker (donation) ....0 33 . 2 TJr33 n from . , (donation . . ) Glazed, from Monzie,...4 6 . Pins:— Mediaeval, from Kildonan Port, Camp- Bone, from Midden near Ackergill beltown, ..... 225 3 33 Tower. . , (purchase . ) ——— from Viking House, Preswick, ——— from Iroe DwellingsnAg , Calf o f 80, 86, 103 . 177/ .. . . . Eday . , Native, from Gripps Earth-house5 27 . , ——— from Preswick Viking Settlement, ——— from Structure outside Mumrills 83, 96, 98 Roman Port, .... 323 Bronze2 10 , ,83 from . Preswick . , ——— from Du n Kildouano u Bay, Iron, Part of, from Dun, Kildonan Bay, 212 211, 214:5 ff.,22 Pin-head, Jet, from Traprain Law, (pur- Roman, from do., . . . 211, 219/. chase) ....2 33 . Neolithic, from Taivers3 16 o . Tuick . , Pitlour, Wester, Fife, Cultivation Terraces Prehistoric, The Building up of, . . 333 , at .... 291, 3035 ,31 Roman, from . Pendoch142 9 . ,14 , Pitt-Kethley, Horac0 7 e V. . , elected . , ——— froon mDun Kildona n Bay, 211, 219/. Pius, Coins of, found at Briglands, Kin- Viking, fro , 1048 m86 ,10 . Preswick . , ross, ...... 245Pounders, from Dun, Kildonan Bay, . 214 - from Birrens, .... 241 Pumice, Pendant of, from Taiverso Tuick, 163 - from Kirkness, Kinross, . . 245 Pumice-Stones, Grooved, from Braes of - from North Berwick, . . 243 Rinyo, Rousay, ...9 2 . Plaque, Bone, with sixteenth-centurn yma ——— from Gripps Earth-house, . . 275 on horse, from Leith, (donation1 33 . ) ——— Rubbed, from Dwellings, Calf o f Plate, Metal, with rivet, from Dun, Kil- Eday, .... 171, 177/.1 18 , donan Bay, ....2 21 . Purvis Hill, Peeblesshire, Cultivation Ter- Platt, Miss M. I., Reports on Animal races on, . 292, 295, 297, 300, 308, 313 Remains, by, . . 109, 185, 227 Platters, Samian, Rim fragments of, from Quartz, Cubical grooved block of, from Peudoch, ..... 143 Preswick, ...6 10 , 93 . Playing-men: see G-aming-Counters. ——— See also Pebbles. Plummets, Quartz, etc., from Preswick, Quern-rubbers, from DwellingsIroo Ag n , , 10686 8 ,10 Calf of Eday, . . . 177, 179 Point of Deer-Antler, Barbed, from Shewal- Querns from Cal Edayf o f , 171, 174, 1791 ,18 ton, ...... 48 ——— from Dun7 , Kildona21 . n Bay . , Polishers, Stone7 , fro10 m . Preswick . , ——— from Preswick, . . 81, 85, 90, 93, 107 —— e also—Se Burnisher. Porter, Eric B., elected, .... 228 Portmoak, Kinross, Roman Coins from, . 245 Raedykes, Kincardineshire, Roman Camp Pot-boilers, from Dun, Kildonan Bay, at, . . • . . . .250 214, 216, 217 Raistrick r A.D ,, Report upon Earth Pot-lids:— Sample from Pendoch, by . . 154 Stone, from Cal Edayf o f . , 180 Reid, Bishop E. S., Death of, . . . 3 ——— ——— from Preswick, 107 Councile Repor3 Th y ,b t . 1937-38 . , ——— ——— from Braes of Rinyo, Rousay, 29 Rhind Lectureship5 , . 1938-1940 . , Pots, Round-bottomed, Making of, . 236 Rice, Professo Talbot. rD , electe Councilo dt 1 , "Potter's Workshop," Cal Edayf o f , 167 Richard II., Coin f (uncertain)o s , from Pottery:— Bridge of Don Hoard, . . . 51 fro7 5 m Aignis . h . SiteIroe n,Ag Richardson, Adam T., presents Relics from froe Ben th mr "Bunyio i e Hoose," GuUane, ....4 33 . Whalsay, Shetland, . . . 330 ——— Jame4 32 s S.Panelsk ,. NotOa , n eby ,o from Cal Edayf fo , Orkney, 174, 1772 ,18 ——— ——— presents a Pot Suspender, . 330 from Ston8 6 e Circl . t Monzieea . , ——— ——— presentations by, . . . 334 from Outerston Hill, .... 230 Richmond Jame. d A.I , an , s Mclntyrn eo from Braes of Rinyo, Rousay, . . 22, 24 the .Agricolan Port at Peudoch, . 110 INDEX. 355

Bigghill, Ca-erlenrig, Roxburghshire, Coin Saws, Flint, from Greenlawdean, Greenlaw, of Domitian found at, . . . 242 Berwickshire2 33 , . (purchase . ) Rings:— Schaeffer, Professor C. F. A., Rhind Lecturer Bronze, penannular, from Freswick for 1938, ..... 5 Viking Settlement, . . 83, 85, 102 Scott, J. C., presents Urn fragment from Finger, Silver, from Dhibadail, Stor- Berwickshire, ...2 33 . noway, Note on, .... 327Scott, Sir Walter, Advocate's Gown of, . 331 Rinyo, Braes of, Rousay, Orkney, A Stone Scrapers:— Age Settlemen , at t ..6 . Flint, from the Beni or " Bunyie Hoose," ——— ——— Relics from4 ,33 (presented . . ) Whalsay, Shetland, (donation) . 330 Rivets:— ——— from Iron Age Dwellings, Calf of Iron, from Freswick Viking House . 177/, . . 8. 5 . . Eday . , Iron Ship, from Freswick Viking Settle- ——— from Braes of Binyo, Bousay, . 26 ment, .....6 8 . ——— from Taiverso . Tuick.16 . , 3 Robert II., Coi , froof nm n BridgDo f eo Quartz, from IroDwellingse nAg , Calf Hoard, ....1 5 . of Eday, . . . . .177 Bobertson, Francis J., elected, . . 2 Scribings, Bock, at Hawthornden, . . 316 3 —— —. Bober.. , Deat , B. t hof Seal, f MatriMacdonalo , of x f Clano d - ——— Dr W. G. Aitchison, presents Sir ranal d Stewaran d f Allantono t , Walter Scott's Advocate's Gown, . 331 (donation) ..... 331 ——— ——— ——— presents Wine Glasse- be s Selkirkshire, Cultivation Terraces in, . 313 longin4 Walter 33 Si o g t . r Scott . , ——— See also Torwoodlee. Robertsou-Collie, Alexander8 28 , elected . , Seton, Commander, presents Belies from Bobinson, Rev. W. Eason, elected, . . 288 Loanhead, ..... 334 Rock Scribing6 t Hawthornden31 sa . . , Settlement, Stone Age, at the Braes of 0 11 Roma . n For. Fendocht ta . , Rinyo, Rousay, Orkney, (First Re- Bomanno, Peeblesshire, Cultivation Ter- port) .....6 . , 3033 /. 6 31 , ff.,29 1 29 . . race , sat Shackle, Hair, from Shetland, (purchase1 33 . ) Romano-Caledonica, Miscellanea, II., . . 241 Sharpening-stones from Dwellings, Calf o f Boss, J. D., presents Cross-slab, . . 333 Eday, ...... 171 Boss-shire Aignishe se : ; Ardelve; Dhiba- ——— from Freswick, ... 85, 106 dail Burn; Lewis, Isl; Stornoeof - Shears, Iron, from Freswick Viking Settle- way; Tarbat. ment, ...... 103 Bousay, Orkney: see Gripps; Rinyo; Shells from Aignish Iron Age Site, . . 57 Taiverso Tuick. —— Gallerie—n i d Dun, Kildonan Bay, Boxburghe, Duke of, presents Urn from 193/., 202, 208, 216/., 227 Cist, West Pinkerton2 , 33 Duubar . , Shetelig, Professor Haakon, Bhind Lecturer Boxburghshire. Cultivation Terrace , 311sin 5 ,31 for 1939, ..... 5 ——— See also Braemoor Knowe; Calroust; Shetland, Hair Shackle for Sheep from, Chatto Craig; Countridge Knowe; (purchase) ..... 331 Edgerston; Elghope; Fasset Hill; ——— See also Bixter; Jarlshof; Whalsay; Headshaw Law; Hownam; Jed- Whiteness, Tingwall. burgh; Maxton; Newstead; Rigg- Shewalton, Ayrshire, A Barbed Point of hill, Caerlenrig; Buberslaw; Stot- Deer-Antle . r from,48,33. .2 fleld Hffl; Venchen. Simpson . DouglasW r D , , Fyvi2 e3 Castle y b , Buberslaw, Boxburghshire, Coi f Veso n - Sinker, Steatite, from Freswick, . . 107 pasian found on, .... 242Skinner, Thomas, present Whetstonesa 1 33 . , Skye, Coin of Trajan found near Loch Grisornish, ....4 24 . Samian Ware:— Slag foun t Monzieda , ...4 6 . from Birrens, ..... 267-9 —— t Kildona—2 a fron 21 mDu . n Bay . , from Fendoch, .... 142 /., 14Slag-lik9 e lumps from Braes of Binyo, ofron n KildouamDu . 219/n . Bay, Bousay, ..... 29 Sandstone, Dressed, with marks of Boman Sleigh, Daniel J., elected, . . .228 workmanship, from Structure out- Sling Stones, from Dun, Kildonan Bay, 21.47 21 , side Mumrills Bomau Fort, . . 323 3 Smellie, Thomas . ,. Deat , hof 356 INDEX.

PAGE PAGE Smith BairdD. , ,1 electe Council d. to . , Stones:— ——— John, Deat , hof ... 3 . Club-like, from Bixter, Shetland, (dona- ——— Robert, present sClub-lika 1 e 33 Stone . , tion) .....1 33 . ——— Samuel n Indeterminata n o , e Struc- Grooved, from Freswick Viking House, 85, 106 ture and a Hearth found outside the Sculptured; see Cross Head. Roman Por9 t Mumrillsa t31 . , . ' Standing: see Standing Stones. Smithy in Viking Settlement at Freswick, . 81 /. Stornoway, An Iron Age Site at Aiguish, Socket or Butt, Iron, from Freswick Viking near, ...... 55 Settlement, . . . . .103 Stotfield Hill, Roxburghshire, Cultivation ——— Stones Dunn i , , Kildona6 21 n . Bay ,. Terraces on,. . 293,297,300,312 Songs o ScottisTw , h Thirteenth-Century, Strageath: see Innerpcffry. with the original melodies, recently Strathnaver, Sutherland, Jet Necklace discovered in Sweden, . . . 276 from a Cist in, . . . 325 Spade, Peat, from Fort William, (donation8 32 ) Do. do., (donation) . . . 333 Spear-heads:— Structure, Indeterminate, and Hearth Bronze, from Inverlochy, Banffshire, found outsid e Eomath e u Fort a t (presented) ..... 339 31 3 . Mumrills. . , Not , eon —— lea shapedf- , locality unknown, Do. do.3 ,32 Object . s . found . , (purchase) ....2 33 . Suspender Pot,0 Iron33 , . (donation . ) Iron, from Dim, Kildonan Bay, . . 212 Sutherland: see Achcheargary Burn; Spirals, carved on rock at Hawthornden, . 317 Strathnaver. Standing Stone t Monziesa , Excavatio2 n6 of,. Sweden, Two Scottish Thirteenth-Century Stanfleld . J n A.Decorate,o , d Samian Songs discovered in, . . . 276 2 War14 e . from . Fendoch . , Swords:— Steatite, Pieces of, from Calf of Eday, . 171 Two-handed, or Claymore, (donation) . 330 ——— Rims of Vessels of, from do., . 182 Bronze, fro e Grosvenomth r Crescent ——— Pebble of, perforated, used as Sinker, Hoard, Edinburgh, (purchase) . 332 from Freswick, .... 107 Iron, Roman, from Fendoch, . . 146 /. ——— See also Urns. Roman auxiliaryf o , , from 2 Fendoch14 . , Steer, Kenneth A., elected, ..6 . Steuart, James, Death of, ... 3 Stevenson4 5 , . Roberelected, K. . . B t , Taiverso Tuick, Trumland, Rousay, Ex- ——— ——— Report on Pottery from Calf of cavation , sat ...5 15 . Eday, by, ..... 182——— ——— ——— ——— Relics from, (pre- —— —o Bronz —— Tw e Burials —n Ag eo — sented) ...... 334 Outerston HilWesd an l t Pinkerton9 22 , Tarbat Kirkyard, Ross-shire, Cross-slab ——— ——— Note on a Jet Necklace from a from, .....3 33 . Cist in Strathnaver, by, . . 325 Taylor, John d Professoan , r Childe, Note Stewart, John, presents Pottery and Scraper on Rock Scribings at Hawthornden, from Whalsay, ...0 33 . by, ...... 316 —— Johr —D n Philip, elected, ..4 5 . Teggin, Jame elected, sR. , ..6 . ——— of Allanton and Macdonald of Clan- Terraces, Cultivation, in South-Eastern ranald, Sea , (donationof l ) 331 Scotland, ....8 28 . Stirling, Coin of Tiberius found at, . 244 Theodosius I., Coi fro, nof 3 m 24 Gullane, . . Stirlingshire, Cultivation Terrace, sin 315 Thornylee, Old, Peeblesshire, Cultivation —— e also—Se Falkirk; Mumrills. Terraces, . 293 jf., 297/., 308/., 313 Stone Age Settlement at the Braes of Tiberius, Coin fro, 1 sof m 24 Newstead . . , Rinyo, Rousay, Orkney , (FirsA , t ——— ——— from Stirling, .... 244 Report) ..... 6 Titus, Coin fro, Falkire sof m th k5 Hoard24 . , ——— Circl t Monzieea 2 6 , Excavatio . , nof ——— ——— from Kirkness5 24 , Kinross. . , ——— Implements from ff.8 Cal17 f Eday. o f , ——— Vespasian, Coins of, from Auchterarder, 244 ——— ——— from Brae f Rinyoso , Rousay7 2 . , ——— ——— ——— from Ayton Law Farm, ——— Objects of, from Earth-house at Coldingham, .... 243 Gripps, Orkney, .... 275 Toggles, Stone, from Dun, Kildonan Bay, ——— —— e also—Se Graver; Moulds; Whet- 2125 21 , stones. ——— Bone, from Freswick, ..7 9 . INDEX. 357

Tokens, Communion, from the collection of Vespasian, Coin , founof s t Briglandsa d , the late B. McVitie, (donation) . 330 Kinross, ..... 245 Torwoodlee, Selkirkshire, " Celtic lynchets " ——— ——— from Palkirk Hoard, . . 244 at, . . , . .296 ——— ——— from Kirkness, Kinross, . . 245 Trajan1 , Coin24 fro, . sof m Birrens . , ——— ——— from Ruberslaw, . . . 242 ——— ——— from Briglands, Kinross, . . 245 Victorinus, Coi, nof ... 2 24127 , ——— ——— from "The Camps," Bdgerston, 242 Viking Armlets and Finger-rings, Silver, ——— ——— from Kirkness5 24 , Kinross. . , from Dhibadail, Stornoway, Note ——— ——— found near Loch Grisornish, on, ...... 327 Skye, ...... 244——— Axe from South Whiteness, Shetland, Traprain Law, Bast Lothian, A massive exhibited, . . . . .-70 double-linked Silver Chain from, . 326 ——— Settlement at Freswick, Caithness, Do. do., (presented) . . . 333 Report on Excavations in 1937 and ——— ——— Jet Pin-head and Pebble, two 1938, ...... 71 glass Bead fragmend an s f bottlo t e Vitalis, Potter, Samian Ware of, from New- glass from, (purchase) . . . 332 stead, ...... 269 2 ——24 — ——— Coin. .. s foun , dat Vitellius, Coin of, from Kirkness, Kinross,. 245 Trench, G. Mackenzie, elected, . . 154 Troon, Loans and, Ayrshire, Bronze Walker, William, present a Cross s Head socketed Axe found between,. . 331 from lona, ....8 32 . Tubes:— Walker-Love, 3 DrT. ,. Deat h. of,. Iron, from Dun, Kildonan Bay, . . 214 Water-pipes, Agricolan, leaden, from Ches- Lead, from Dun, 4 Kildona21 . n Bay . , ter, ..... 140 f.n. Tullymurdoch, Perthshire, Cultivation Ter- Water Supply at Fendoch, . . . 138 races at, . . 292, 294, 301, 305, 315 Waterston, Professor D., Report on Bones Turn Buckles, Cetacean Bone, from Viking from Monzi69 e Ston . e Circle by, , Settlement, Preswick, . . .84, 99 Wattle and Daub, below Viking Settle- Turnip Cutter, Hand8 32 , (donation . . ) ment, Preswick, .... 94 Tusculum, North Berwick, Relics from Weights, Pebble7 , fro10 m Freswick. . , Kitchen Midden 2 , (purchasesat 33 . ) Weir, John L., elected, .... 54 ——— ——— ——— Whistle from, (purchase) . 333 Welch, Charles, present Iron-bounn sa x dBo of Oak, ..... 330 Urns:— , presentWestouF. s Mr s, Communion Beaker from Brae Rinyof so , Rousay0 3 , 26 . , Tokens, from collectio e latth e f no ——— fro9 m31 Cis t . Innerwickta . , R. McVitie, ..... 330 Do. do., (donation) . . . 330 Whale, Skull of, in wall of Viking Settle- ——— from Cist, West Pinkerton, Dunbar, ment at Freswick, ... 94 , Not....eon 1 23 . Whalsay, Shetland, Fragment f Pottero s y Do. do., (donation) . . . 332 and Flint Scraper from the Beni or Cinerary, Fragment of, from Berwick- "Bunyie Hoose," Pettigarthsfield, shire, (donation) ...2 33 . and from Vatsford, Traewick . . 330 ——— from Hill of Foulzie, Aberdeen- Whetstones:— shire, (donation) ...8 32 . from Dun, Kildonan Bay, . . 213/., 216/. ——— from Outerston Hill, Midlothian,9 22 . Jasper, from Ardelve, Lochalsh, (dona- 1 Do33 . . do., . (donation . ) tion) ...... 328 Pood-vessel, found near Belmont Castle, Quartzite, from Dunphail, Moray, . 331 (purchase) ..... 331Whistle, Brass, from Mediaeval Floor, ——— from Cadder, Lanarkshire, (pur- Tusculum, North Berwick, (pur- chase) ..... 332 chase) .....3 33 . Iron Age, from Taivers3 16 o . Tuick . , Whitelaw, Alexander, Death of, 3 Neolithic, from Taivers. / 3 16 o . Tuick . , Whiteness, South, Tiugwall, Shetland, Steatite, from Freswick, . . 93, 107 Vikin frome ,g Ax ...0 7 . ——— from Taiverso Tuick, . . . 163 Whorls:— Bone, from Preswick, Venchen, Roxburghshire, Cultivation Ter- 0 10 8, 0 ff.,92 /.3 8 , . 3041 . 31 , . race , sat Clay, from Dun, Kildona214 . n Bay . , 358 INDEX.

PAGE PAHE Whorls (contd.):— Yates, Miss Agnes A., elected. , 2 Stone, from Freswick Viking Settle- Young, Alison, and Margaret Crichton ment, ...... 84 Mitchell, Report on Excavatiot na ——— from Dun, Kildonan Bay, . 212 Monzie, by, ..... 62 Wigtownshire Lucee se : , New. Yule, Brian J. OK, elected, 154 Wineglasses belonging to Sir Walter Scott, ——— Thomas, re-electe Councildto . , I (presented) ..... 334 ——— ——— presents a Seal, 332 Wood, Objects of: see Bible Box; Boxes; Coggie; Spade, Peat. Wyness, J. Fenton Castle Th ,f Clouni eo e Zetland County Council exhibite dVikina g Crichtou, Kincardineshire, by, 58 Axe, ...... 70 PRINTE N GREADI T BRITAIY B N NEIL CO.D AN L, LTD., EDINBURGH-