Grinning, Chidori waved and trotted up to the corner where her friend was waiting.

"Merry Christmas," Akiha called out with a little giggle. Chidori returned the Holiday greeting and the two girls started their walk to school together, joining with the flow of students in identical uniforms that was gradually growing less sparse as they approached the high school. "Did you have a good time with Takagi-san the other day?" Akiha continued.

"Well of course. It was totally romantic and everything," Chidori replied. She'd only been with Takagi for a few months, but he had put a real effort into their special Christmas Eve date.

"Did he give you that? It looks pretty fancy," Akiha motioned at the hairclip holding back Chidori's hime cut. It was black and shiny, set with a row of deep green stones.

"Uh-uh. He got me a necklace, but I thought it was way too flashy to wear to school. This is from Uncle Jojo." She turned her head to let Akiha get a better look at the jewelry.

"Oh yeah, that's your uncle who went overseas. Wasn't he an archeologist or something? And what does this writing here say?" Akiha asked, peering at the letters engraved in the polished black surface.

"I can't tell. It looks almost like English but not quite, and I don't even recognize the second character. Uncle Jojo likes strange foreign things, so I was thinking about asking Kirika about it later today. Oh, and it says something else on the other side, but those characters are even weirder. Here, look," Chidori stopped walking and lifted her so that Akiha could look at the underside of the clip, turning so that it caught the sunlight.

Akiha examined the strange and unfamiliar characters, saying, "this side is all shiny. Is it silver? Or do you think it's just..." then she was cut off by the rumbling noise of a subway passing under the street.

Standing there and waiting for the noise to subside, something at the edge of Chidori's vision caught her attention, and she turned to look ahead down the street to where a pair of girls that looked like first-years were walking together. Her mouth popped open with an inaudible gasp of surprise at what she saw there: one of the two girls had carelessly stepped onto the corner of a subway grate, and the updraft was blowing her uniform's skirt way up past her hips and completely revealing her cute little light blue panties. Behind her, a group of boys were staring at the sight, and one of them was trying to pull his phone out in time to take a picture. He wasn't fast enough, though, and a heartbeat later the girl stepped off the subway grate and her skirt settled back into place.

Chidori closed her mouth as the surprise passed, but her pulse was still racing. That poor girl! And those awful boys! Thank goodness they didn't manage to get a picture. She looked again, to see how the girl in the light blue panties and her friend would react, but they were still staring at the second girl's phone, clearly engrossed in something or other, and hadn't even noticed the little surprise subway-grate-panty-flash. And worst of all, they were headed straight for another subway grate!

At this rate, those two first-year girls were both going to walk right over that grate in just a few seconds and give those boys a double dose of panty-flash. And that one with the phone had it out and at the ready now. What was Chidori going to do!

The sunlight gleamed on her hairpin in a way that looked as though it ought to be audible, and in the same moment Chidori made her decision.

"I gotta save her!"

The thought flickered through Chidori's mind like a lightning bolt, shocking her into action, and she took off running. The boys gave a brief shout of surprise as she shoved past them, which she ignored, focused as she was on reaching the two girls before it was too late. She tried to call out to them between breaths, but her voice was drowned completely by the mighty roar of the subway. She focused anew on running, her vision locked on the fluttering fabric of the girls' skirts and her mind on reaching them in time to stop those skirts from taking flight.

Just in time she reached out and grabbed one girl's shoulder, drawing a little exclamation of surprise that was hardly audible even at this distance. But even as she stopped her friend kept walking, still completely oblivious to her own imminent exposure. Chidori tried to reach across to grab the other girl's shoulder too, but she was too far away, so instead she leaped out past them both, twisting to land in front of the pair with her hands held out in an unmistakable "Stop!" gesture. It worked, and the second girl stopped just short of the updraft, so near to the updraft that the edge of her skirt ruffled restlessly but not quite near enough for it to rise up.

Chidori gave a sigh of relief and lowered her hands before she saw the looks on the girls' faces. They looked very surprised, which was perfectly understandable, but they also looked alarmed and they were both blushing, and most strangely of all they were looking down. Chidori felt a surge of dread rise as something awful occurred to her. She slowly looked down herself, only to freeze at exactly the sight she was afraid of. She was standing right on the subway grate, the updraft was still blowing as strong as before, and her skirt was billowing freely high above her waist, leaving her cute blue-and-purple shimapan completely exposed.

Horrified and all but immobilized by shock, she raised her head and snapped her eyes forward to look past the girls at the cluster of boys behind them. They were staring right at her with big goofy grins, and two of them had their phones pointed at her. Behind them, Akiha was wide-eyed with her hands over her mouth, looking on in horror at Chidori's horrible accident.

After long seconds Chidori's shock passed enough for her to push down the front of her skirt and cover her panties. A moment later the subway completed its passage, the wind stopped, and her uniform settled back into place. Her whole face felt hot as she blushed bright red with helpless embarrassment, and for one more second there was only stunned silence. Her hairpin, meanwhile, sparkled and twinkled like a starry sky, but nobody there could see it.

Akiha broke the silence, crying out, "Oh no! Chidori! Are you... are you..." as she rushed over to try to help. Drawing up alongside the two gaping first-years, she quickly realized that it was much too late for that, since the disaster was over and the boys had already seen everything. So instead, she whirled about and turned her attention on them, shouting "You!" in voice as stern and piercing as that of any teacher. "Just what exactly do you think you're..." she trailed off, however, upon seeing that the boys had already scattered like a group of rats at the first syllable of her accusation, each one disappearing in a different direction.

"Umm... th- thanks! Thanks for, um... h- helping. You really saved us, senpai," the girl on the left offered with equal parts gratitude and sympathy. She had clearly worked out what happened and why. Seeing that her words did little to assuage Chidori's embarrassment, she continued, "And um... it could be worse, you know?" with a nervous little laugh. "I mean... um, at least you're wearing normal panties, and not anything too embarrassing. L-like with goofy pink hearts... or a tiny little thong..."

At that moment, the girl on the right gave a big gasp, and the three others looked at her in time to see her glance straight down and blush, turning not quite as red as Chidori. The significance of the girl's sudden surge of embarrassment was just beginning to dawn on Chidori when the girl on the left put it into words. "Mioko-chan... are you... did you... are you wearing a..." The meaning of her words was clear enough to everybody, but she didn't stop there. "Did Eiko dare you to wear that thong to school again!?"

Eiko hadn't dared her to wear it this time, as it turned out, but Mioko was wearing it anyway, as she stammeringly explained while the four of them resumed their walk to school. "It's just... see, since I still had it and everything. After the last time I mean... and since it turned out just fine back then I just... I thought it would be a waste to never wear it again, you know? And besides, it's... it's, um... kinda comfy..."

The other girls just stared at Mioko for a few seconds before Natsumi spoke up again. "Thank you so, so, SO much Chidori-senpai! If you hadn't stopped us then we... and then she... I mean, it's bad enough what happened to you and me but... but if that happened to Mioko-chan too then those boys totally would have seen her whole... um... I mean..." she trailed off, belatedly noticing the way Mioko was quivering with embarrassment and blushing so hard that her face was briefly even brighter than her long reddish-brown hair. Mioko was the one who'd been walking on the right earlier, and who'd narrowly avoided flashing anybody thanks to Chidori's intervention. Her friend Natsumi had short black hair and had already been informed by Akiha, once they all introduced themselves, that she accidentally flashed her panties without even noticing. She was taking the news pretty well, considering, possibly because it wasn't nearly as embarrassing as what happened to Chidori only moments later.

Chidori herself had also needed Akiha to inform her of the full catastrophic extent of that panty-flash. Specifically, the way that she'd run right over the first subway grate on her way to stop Natsumi and Mioko from stepping on the second, completely heedless of the way her skirt lifted right up to expose the back of her shimapan even before she exposed the front. "But still," Akiha pointed out to comfort her friend, "you did the right thing!"

They all knew what she meant by that. As bad as it was for those boys to get to see Chidori's panties, it would have been far FAR worse if they got to see Mioko's panties instead. Based on Natsumi's unnecessarily and uncomfortably detailed description, the thong she was wearing was so teeny-tiny that from behind she might as well have been wearing no panties at all, and if Chidori hadn't come to the rescue she would have accidentally flashed her entire practically bare butt! All four of them just had to shudder at the thought.

Eventually they arrived at the school gates, where Chidori and Akiha parted ways with their kouhai. Once they'd left, Akiha sighed and said with an air of regret, "I'm just sorry I didn't realize what was happening sooner. If I'd just noticed what those boys were doing in time I could have confiscated their phones on behalf of the student council." As the student council secretary, Akiha might not technically have had the authority to punish those boys for being perverts while not on school grounds, but she definitely had the force of personality to make up for it. Akiha could be really scary when she wanted to. "I mean, they still would have seen... what they saw, b- but I could have at least deleted the video before anyone *else* saw it. Maybe if I can figure out their names I'll try to track them down later and do something about it. Let's talk about it some more after class, okay?"

With that business out of the way, she tried to take Chidori's mind off the morning's embarrassment by changing the subject. "Oh, and maybe later we can talk to Kirika-senpai about what that writing on your hairpin says." With that, she headed off to her first class in building B, leaving her friend standing at the entrance to the main building.

With a sigh, Chidori passed through the doors and entered the hallway, which was quickly becoming crowded as her fellow students streamed in and hurried to class or stood around chatting or chatted on their way to class. She found herself contemplating what was going to happen to her next. Those boys had totally seen her panties, and even if Akiha did somehow manage to confiscate their phones before the embarrassing images reached anyone else's eyes they were sure to talk about it, and the embarrassing story would be all over the school for weeks. Just like before, she could only comfort herself by repeating over and over the thought that it could have been way worse, which inevitably brought to mind Mioko and her very unfortunate choice of underwear. The thought of doing something as risky as wearing a thong to school was bad enough, and after what happened just now it made her shudder yet again.

At that moment, Chidori's thoughts were interrupted by the faint but distinct sound of a rising disturbance behind her, and she turned around to see what it was. The hallway was getting even more crowded now, and at least a dozen students occupied the short distance between her and the main doors. She noticed right away that every one of those students looked surprised at something, and she noticed next that they all seemed to be looking at the same thing. Following the line of the crowd's collective gaze, Chidori's eyes reached the door of the girls' room directly across the hall from where she stood, and the girl who was standing in front of that door, tapping at her phone.

That girl was a perfect kogal stereotype: dark tanned skin, long and curly bleached hair, gaudy glittering lipstick and eyeshadow and fingernails. All done up like that it was no wonder she was drawing the attention of everyone around her, although their surprise reaction did seem to be a bit odd. Chidori was about to turn back around when the gal started to walk away, suddenly revealing to Chidori what was really drawing everyone's attention: her butt. It was plump and perky and just as tanned as the rest of her, and worst of all it was completely exposed. The kogal was wearing a tiny little bright pink thong, and she had apparently tucked the back of her skirt into its little pink waistband. With her underwear covering almost none of them and her skirt covering even less, the careless girl's well-toned buttocks were completely uncovered as they flexed and jiggled with every step she took and drew more and more attention as she walked down the crowded corridor. With her attention occupied by the phone in her hand and her ears occupied by a set of sparkly earbuds, the poor exposed kogal remained completely oblivious to the spectacular show she was giving everybody in sight, even as the hallway behind her filled with exclamations of surprise and the bright flashes of camera phones going off.

Chidori's mouth dropped and her eyes popped wide open as soon as she saw it all, and after a moment of shock she sprang into action. Her hairpin, already twinkling in the fluorescent light from above, gave a quick shine and a soft *ping* as the thought "I gotta save her!" once again flashed through her mind.

She started toward the girl at the center of the attention, but the crowd between them was thick enough that she had to shoulder her way past gawking students with every step, making such slow progress that she was hardly catching up at all. She could try to hurry somehow, but with the memory of what happened to her at the subway grate was still fresh in her mind, she didn't want to do anything reckless like that again. Instead she cupped her hands to her mouth and called out, "Hey!... uh, Kogal!" It didn't quite work. Her shout drew some attention from farther down the hallway, where the crowd had yet to notice the general commotion or the way the kogal was carelessly exposing her rear end, but the music pumping into that kogal's ears rendered her completely deaf to the warning, and Chidori's heart sank as the exposed gal marched along, turning more and more heads and exposing herself to more and more eyes by the second.

Unable to get any closer or to think of anything else but desperate to help the poor girl somehow, Chidori called out again, louder, "Heeeyy!! Your Skirt!!!" That word turned even more heads turned from even farther down the hall at the mention of that word, and Kogal finally raised her eyes and stopped in her tracks. Grasping at this ray of hope, Chidori took a deep breath and shouted with all her might, "Heeeeeeeeyyyyyy!" This time it worked. Practically everybody in sight was staring their way by now, but Chidori smiled as the gal at last reach up to pluck out one earbud and look around.

"Over here," she called once more, and this time the girl looked over her shoulder and saw Chidori's quick wave. With her attention secured Chidori pushed foward a few steps, "Your... your... skirt," she started, still gasping slightly and fumbling for words to explain the embarrassing situation without attracting even more attention and making it even more embarrassing. "I, um, I think, um, you might want to, um-"

"Huh? My what?" the Kogal shot back with a twang of annoyance, reaching up to flip her hair with one hand and placing the other on her hip. The gesture of well-practiced disdain along with her sour expression and the irritation in her voice gave Chidori pause for a moment.

"I-it's... your skirt! It's, um... you really ought to-" she managed to stammer, still off-balance from Kogal's unexpected reaction on top of the whole bizarre situation, before she was cut off.

"Now look here, missy!" Kogal spat, turning to point at Chidori in a flamboyantly dramatic fashion. Chidori was already looking, and more importantly everybody else was too, so when Kogal turned around and pointed her exposed butt right at the half of the hallway that hadn't seen it yet, they all got to see it at once. Chidori winced, which Kogal mistook for a sign of weakness as she pressed the attack. "If you got a problem with like the way I dress or whatever then you can go ahead and take it to the Principal." Every word dripped with disdain, and she punctuated the suggestion with a dismissive snicker. "'Course, I dunno if he'd appreciate it much. That old dude's already tried to chew me out over some stupid crap like that a buncha times," she strode forward as she spoke, walking with a confident sway of her hips that seemed to be getting the crowd behind her more and more excited with every step. Chidori quailed before the sheer contempt in the gal's voice, along with the mental image of what those swaying hips must look like from behind right now.

"I got great legs, and I know it," Kogal continued, bending to stroke her glittering fingernails down her smooth, toned thighs and giving a sharp pointed glance at Chidori's slightly less slender legs, all with the little thin smile of a snake staring down at a cornered rat. "and if I wanna wear a tiny little miniskirt that shows off my legs..." for emphasis she brushed both hands over her skirt, starting at the front and moving around to the sides, "then I'm gonna show off my..." then she stopped, with her mouth open in mid-sentence and her hands behind her back, frozen at the moment that they touched skin instead of fabric and thus discovered what everyone else in sight had already seen. "my..." she repeated in a little squeak, her eyes going wide and her hands falling limp at her sides as she looked up and at last realzed just why so many eyes and so many camera lenses were pointed right at her. Chidori could only watch with horrified sympathy as the awful crushing truth dawned on the other girl's face like a crimson sunrise of embarrassment, and she concluded with a plaintive squeal, "my butt!"

At that moment another voice cut through the clamor, and a figure shoved its way through the gawking crowd that surrounded the two girls. "Eiko-chan! Is that you? I... What's going on?" It was Mioko, from earlier. She burst past the last rank of onlookers directly behind Eiko and drew up with a gasp of surprise at the sight that greeted her, placing her hands on her cheeks as she stared right along with everyone else at Eiko's thong and everything it didn't cover. "Oh no! Eiko! What happened to your skirt!?"

Eiko made no reply but only stood there, motionless aside from the slight trembling that was beginning to take hold of her knees and the tears welling in her eyes. "Oh no!" Mioko repeated, quickly glancing at the crowd of staring faces and then back to what they were staring at. "H- here, just let me fix- eep!" Mioko bent and reached down to finally free the back of Eiko's skirt from where it was trapped by the waistband of Eiko's thong, only to be cut off with a squeal when Eiko's trembling legs gave out.

There was a soft *thump*, and then it was Chidori's turn to gasp once again at the sight before her eyes. When Eiko fell, she went straight down and landed on her butt. But her sudden descent dragged Mioko down too, and Mioko had toppled forward to land with her face on the floor and her rear end sticking up in the air, and worst of all with her skirt draped uselessly over her lower back, totally revealing her bright green thong. Just like Natsumi said earlier, it was every bit as colorful and every bit as tiny as Eiko's, and there was a renewed commotion and another surge of camera flashes as everyone that had been staring at Eiko's butt suddenly got to see Mioko's butt too. For a few seconds Chidori was too stunned to do anything but stare right along with them, and once she recovered she knelt to tug Mioko's skirt back into place. Mioko, meanwhile, got Eiko's skirt back into place, then dragged her to her feet and away down the hall, muttering something soothing about getting to the nurse's office where she could be alone for a while to calm down. The crowd of onlookers, realzing the show was over, began to disperse. Chidori was left behind to lean back against the wall, drained.

"I couldn't do anything..." she muttered. "I couldn't save her... I couldn't save either of them... I just couldn't help at all..." She knew it wasn't her fault. She knew perfectly well that Eiko had nothing to blame but her own carelessness and her own risky choice of underwear for exposing her butt to dozens and dozens of students. And she knew perfectly well that Mioko had nothing to blame but Eiko's sudden collapse and her own equally risky choice of underwear for accidentally exposing her butt when she tried to help. But after watching the whole totally embarrassing thing and especially after her own embarrassment earlier, Chidori just couldn't help feeling sorry for both of them. "If only I could have done something..." she muttered again.

The clip in her hair was shining steadily now, but just as bright as before. Struggling to push her sorrow and guilt aside, Chidori took a deep breath and got to her feet. "There's gotta be something I can do. Maybe it's not too late to contain the damage somehow. Thinking back now, she remembered that Akiha mentioned something earlier about tracking down those boys who took the pictures of her panties on the way to school. What happened to her earlier didn't seem nearly as important anymore, compared to what happened to Eiko and Mioko just now, but if Akiha could do something about the pictures of her then maybe she could do something about the pictures of them too. If there was even a chance of destroying the visual evidence and keeping their embarrassment to a minimum, she had to at least try it. Akiha said to see her after class, but with how many people saw what happened to the girls just now and with just how much of the girls they saw, the story and the pictures were just sure to be all over school by then and it would be way too late. Fortunately, the student council office was just a short distance away, so if she hurried there right now she could still get there in time to make a difference.

Buoyed somewhat by that thought, Chidori pulled herself together and set off at a brisk trot. She tried to think of a plan on the way, but every time she tried to concentrate she could only picture the awful sight she'd just witnessed of poor Eiko walking down the hall, with her cute perky butt bouncing and jiggling for everybody to see and Eiko herself completely oblivious to it. She could only shudder at the thought of what things would be like for Eiko's once everybody at school found out about it, let alone what she'd have to go through if the they all saw the pictures... or even worse, a video! She was trying to push the image from her mind for what seemed like the thousandth time when she at last reached the student council room, slid the door open and hurried inside.

"...just setting up the whole big "Birth of Venus" background when we got there, and Izumo-sensei told her to start changing right away so she took her skin- colored bikini costume and went behind the big curtain thingy we always set up in front of the supply closet for getting changed, and then she asked if..." the voice sounded sort of familiar, but Chidori couldn't quite place it until she walked around the file cabinets to where Akiha's desk was and saw Natsumi, the girl from earlier, gearing up for what was clearly going to be a lengthy story. Akiha, sitting at the desk, looked up with apprehension at Chidori's arrival.

"Oh, Chidori-san, it's just you," Akiha exclaimed, her expression quickly changing to relief as she saw who it was. "I was afraid you were another... um... well anyway, if it's not an emergency I'll just be a second, ok? I'm real sorry, it's just that it's totally been one disaster after another all morning!"

"Huh?" Chidori blinked in confusion. "Disaster? You mean you already heard?" she could only think that the disaster Akiha was referring to was the same one she herself had just witnessed. "A- about what happened to Eiko and-"

"It's like I was just telling her! Sakaki-senpai was right in the middle of getting changed and I guess Kyoko-san must have bumped into the stand for the curtain or something because all of a sudden it totally fell over and everybody saw everything!" There was a soft whimpering from the other side of the room, and Chidori looked that way to see Sakaki huddled in a chair in the corner, staring down at the floor and trembling slightly as Natsumi's description brought the horrible memory flooding cruelly back. Natsumi didn't seem to notice this, and continued, "Sakaki totally froze just like that with her panties halfway down her legs and everyone staring right at her, and then when a couple girls started laughing she shrieked and ran out into the hall, so I grabbed her clothes and followed her and there were all these people taking pictures and stuff so I-"

"Alright, Natsumi-san, I think I get the idea," Akiha quickly interrupted. Just like earlier, Natsumi seemed to be talking a lot faster than she was thinking, and Sakaki didn't need to repeat her whole ordeal from another perspective. "Anyway, for now don't you think it might be best if you take her to the nurse's office so she can lie down for a bit? I'll do what I can to deal with the situation properly, but in the meantime it seems like-"

"Oh!" Natsumi exclaimed immediately, as if the idea hadn't even occurred to her before now. "Good idea! I'll take her there right away! I probably should have thought of that earlier, it's just after I got her into the bathroom and got her dressed again I didn't know what to do next, and all these people were standing around outside and I saw the student council office just down the hall and so I just thought you'd know what to..." then she caught herself and repeated "Anyway, I'll take her there right away!"

Natsumi set about getting Sakaki back on her feet and guiding her out the door, and Chidori felt her heart twist as she got a better look at the girl's tear- streaked face. Sakaki was a fourth-year, and she was tall and slender and graceful and always so sweet to everybody, and from what Natsumi said what just happened to her must have been unbelievably awful! "Ohhhh... that's even worse than what happened to Eiko..." she moaned once the other two had left.

"I'll say," Akiha slumped into her chair, looking drained. "At least Aiko-san had her towel on the whole time. And I'm sure everyone's attention was on Shizuoka-senpai anyway, so even if-" she caught herself and looked up in alarm. "Wait... did you say Eiko? Not Aiko, from the swim team?" Chidori nodded apprehensively, and Akiha moaned with despair.

She described all about what happened with Eiko's skirt in the hallway and how she ended up showing her butt to everybody there, and how Mioko tried to help and ended up showing her butt too. She tried not to go into quite as much uncomfortable detail as Natsumi did a moment ago, and she didn't bother to mention her own ineffectual attempt to help.

"Oh no..." Akiha moaned again, "that's... that's the fifth one so far. This can't be a coincidence..." At Chidori's look of wordless shock, she explained, "Shizuoka from the disciplinary committee was the first one, right after she finished practicing with the swim team. She said they were just getting in the showers when she heard a scream, and she just grabbed her shinai and ran right outside without thinking, and everybody from class 3-2 was there setting up in the gym and they all saw her... apparently the big scoreboard fell and almost landed on Chiaki-chan. Nobody was hurt or anything, but Shizuoka-senpai said as soon as she came out and saw everybody there she totally couldn't move until Aiko came out and wrapped a towel around her.

"Oh no!" Chidori managed at last, picturing the slim and athletic third-year Shizuoka dripping wet and completely naked in front of a whole class. That was way worse than what happened to Eiko and Mioko in the hall... and it might be even worse than what happened to Sakaki in art class.

"Like I said, there's no way that all of this is a coincidence. Somebody must have planned it somehow. I just can't figure out who! I mean, who could even set this sort of thing up? I guess the scoreboard and that curtain in the art room could have been sabotaged or something, but how would anyone predict exactly when they'd fall over? And I can't even think of a way someone could have made something like that to Eiko-san's skirt, not to mention what happened to the Calligraphy club..." Akiha gave a dejected sigh and seemed to collapse into her chair yet again. "Shizuoka-senpai wanted to personally discipline everybody who saw what happened to her, but I convinced her that wouldn't help so she went off to sulk instead. I mean, she said nobody took a picture of it or anything, so the only thing we could do is try to make sure nobody tells anyone what they saw, and it's probably too late for that already. Anyway, I'm more worried about how poor Sakaki-san must be feeling right now. And Eiko-san too, come to think of it, since she's just a first-year after all. If only there was something we could do for them, you know? I mean, we can't very well make people forget what they saw, but that doesn't mean they need to be all cruel about it and everything. If only..."

"That's it!" Chidori suddenly exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with a sudden surge of insight, "We can still help everyone!" Akiha looked up at her, confused by her friend's seemingly baseless optimism. "See, the people in the gym didn't have a chance to get any pictures, but the people in the hall and outside the art classroom did! So if the disciplinary committee wants to discipline somebody, they can get to work confiscating everybody's cameras and stuff. And that way everybody who didn't take any naughty pictures will hear about how we're cracking down on the ones that did and they won't want to make trouble by talking about what they saw! And most important, if there's any other disasters today there won't be a bunch of cameras all over the place!"

Akiha took a few seconds to think it over, then agreed that it was probably the best plan they had to work with just now. Chidori smiled with relief at finally finding a way to dispel her feelings of helplessness and guilt, and didn't notice at all the slight feeling of warmth at the back of her head.

The first step was to let Shizuoka know the plan, but Shizuoka wasn't answering her phone, so Chidori went to find her. The sooner they got this plan started, the better their chances of getting things under control long enough to try to figure out what the heck was actually going on before it was too late, not to mention saving Eiko and Mioko and Sakaki and who knows how many others from an even worse embarrassment than what they'd already endured.

The disciplinary committee headquarters was right around the corner, so she went to check there first, just in case Shizuoka was busy or her phone wasn't working or something. She arrived to find Kana, the head of the library club and also a member of the disciplinary committee, already standing at the door and looking in at the empty room.

"Nobody... hmph," Kana declared, then slid the door shut and turned, her deep green swishing as her stern sharp eyes fixed Chidori with her usual piercing glare. "Chidori-kun," she said by way of greeting, "You are here for Shizuoka-taichou as well, I presume."

Chidori nodded, "Uh-huh. I was just talking to Akiha-chan and we decided to ask the disciplinary committee to start confiscating cameras and phones and stuff before anyone else... um... have you heard about it? About what's going on I mean?"

"Of course I have. Come along then," Kana whirled about and suddenly started away. Chidori hurried after her, trotting to catch up with the other girl's long quick strides. "Shizuoka-taichou has already conferred with me regarding this morning's improbable spate of prurient incidents. That is why I too am seeking her out at this time - she instructed me to inform her at once should I witness any more lascivious behavior. Fortunately, I have an idea of where she may be found." Chidori trotted to keep up with the other girl's rapid steps even as she struggled to keep up with what she was saying. "I expect she will approve of the student council's decision to commence confiscating mobile phones, as she seems quite eager to take direct action in this matter. Given that Akiha has informed you of what transpired earlier, I trust you will readily apprehend her reasons." They were leaving the main administration building now and crossing to the next building over, where the gym and most of the athletics clubs' rooms were. Chidori saw two PE classes warming up on the track nearby and briefly wondered if anyone out there had heard about what was going on today yet. Then with a pang of dread she wondered if anyone out there had experienced firsthand what was going on today, and decided she was better off trying not to think about it.

"Good. It sounds like we've found her," Kana announced as they entered and approached the first door on the left, where a muffled, vaguely rhythmic thumping could be heard. "Taichou!" she called out, throwing the door open with a clatter. Chidori, trailing a few steps behind, came up beside her and saw Shizuoka inside wearing a kendo helmet and gloves, her personalized shinai still pointed at the battered training dummy in front of her. This was the room where the Kendo club met when they couldn't use the gym, the one they'd appropriated after the ballet club lost most of its members and disbanded last spring. One side of the room still had a barre affixed to the wall below a row of mirrors, while the other was carpeted with worn-out tatami and had a few equipment racks and training dummies. Shizuoka lifted her helmet's mask and fixed Kana with the kind of look that could have sent any of the wannabe delinquent boys in school running away scared. Chidori shrank back slightly before the armored girl's eyes, but Kana didn't even twitch.

"Officer Kana. You've something to report, I trust," she said with a quick nod as she leaned her sword against the wall and started swiftly removing her gloves.

"Quite. I observed a pair of boys behaving voyeuristically toward one of my library volunteers, whose undergarments were visible and in a state of some disarray," Kana commenced her summary of the event in the same steady, deadpan voice that a train conductor might use to describe the regular schedule... or a military officer to relate a battlefield report. Chidori was always a little uncomfortable with the way the disciplinary committee acted, especially how Shizuoka addressed the other members as 'officer' and made them call her 'captain'. Akiha had once told her that making everyone nervous was part of the disciplinary committee's job, to make sure students didn't get careless about the rules.

"They took notice of her as soon as she entered the library," Kana continued. "She was wearing a sweater over her standard winter uniform, presumably due to the cold outside, which she removed upon entering the library, presumably due to the warmth inside. In removing it, she inadvertently lifted the rear portion of her skirt sufficiently to entirely reveal the seat of her undergarments. Without being sufficiently familiar with the girl in question to speculate as to her state of mind, I can can only attribute the incident to carelessness." Chidori winced in sympathy at this dispassionate description of such an embarrassing accident. "The sight appeared to excite her observers, who immediately hastened to produce mobile devices in order to photograph it. Their intent now unmistakable, and the use of mobile phones in the library being strictly prohibited, I confiscated both devices and escorted the pair to the faculty office, where I remanded the pair into Kaori-sensei's custodey and requested that she keep them there until you could arrive." With that she produced a plastic baggie that contained two fairly advanced-looking cell phones. "I have not attempted to inspect the contents."

"Yes, excellent work, officer," Shizuoka declared as she finished removing her helmet, rearrangd her long black ponytail and set about returning her kendo gear to its rack. I'll speak with Kaori-sensei and then take the whole matter back to that Akiha. Perhaps she won't be so reluctant to act once she hears a little more about what the trash has been up to." The ferocious look that crossed her face as she said it made Chidori flinch slightly. Akiha had told her once that Shizuoka and her disciplinary committee wouldn't be satisfied until they could catch every boy that ever did anything perverted and lock them all up. "And tell the girl I'd like to speak with her, too. That business with her skirt might seem like carelessness normally, but I've seen far too much of that sort of thing happening today for it to be a coincidence. Maybe she can tell us something useful."

"Yes Taichou, I concur. Before you leave, I believe this person has something of immediate interest to tell you," Kana suggested with a wave of her hand toward Chidori, and Shizuoka seemed to notice her standing nervously in the doorway for the first time.

"Yes!" Chidori started. "Um... we've, uh, decided... that is... we thought it would be a good idea to start taking away all the camera phones in school, in case all the, uh... stuff that's happening... uh, keeps happening." She tried to sound as formal and self-assured as Kana did a moment before, but nervous and unprepared as she was it seemed to have the opposite effect.

Shizuoka looked down for a moment, her lips pursed in a thoughtful expression. "Yes... that kind of proactive approach would protect most of the students, at least for a while. I suppose we can deal with the perpetrators later, once the danger is minimized." She sounded disappointed, and Chidori recalled what Akiha said about how Shizuoka had wanted to "personally discipline" everyone who saw what happened to her in the gym earlier. It seemed that Shizuoka was less interested in protecting other girls from embarrassment than she was in avenging her own embarrassment.

"Taichou, stay back!" Chidori turned to see Kana coming at her with a fierce and determined look. She had enough time to stumble backward a step and then Kana was on her, with one arm around her neck and the other hand gripping her hair. She tried to scream, but the chokehold was so tight she couldn't even breathe.

"She is subdued. Orders, Taichou?" Chidori couldn't see Kana's face, but twisting her head she could see Shizuoka, standing well away and reaching for her shinai with a look of alarm and astonishment.

That changed at once to fierce determination, and then the shinai was pointed in Chidori's face. "What is that!?" she demanded, and Chidori could only gape back in uncomprehension, gasping for breath now that the arm at her throat was loosening so she could answer. "There!" Shizuoka repeated, pointing now toward the mirrors on the wall. Still bewildered, Chidori looked that way and saw herself in the mirror, slumped in Kana's grasp. But what caught her eye was the hairclip at the back of her own head.

It was glowing.

Bright orange-red light the color of a guttering candle or a smoldering chunk of coal shimmered on the black surface, like a reflection on the surface of rippling water. A reflection of something big... something moving. The light seemed to twist as she looked at it, gathering together until it almost had a shape, then sliding apart again. And whenever the light crossed behind the three green stones, they seemed to look like eyes, staring right back at her. She trembled, her eyes going wide at the sight, and she made a tiny terrified squeak. "She doesn't know anything," Shizuoka announced, apparently satisfied by Chidori's reaction. She pursed her lips in thought, then looked back at kana. "Get that off her first. Then we can figure out what it is and what it might have to do with this." Kana nodded and started to remove the black glowing thing from Chidori's hair, only to recoil with a start. She tried again, gripping the hairclip with both hands to yank it off or wrench it open, and there was a strange sizzling sound.

"That's enough," Shizuoka declared. Kana grunted in pain and released her grip, gasping through gritted teeth. A wisp of smoke rose from her fingers, and Chidori felt queasy as she smelled what had to be burning skin. The hairpin hadn't even budged. Shizuoka glanced around quickly "Come on, we can use the drinking fountain in the hall. Carry her."

Kana moved immediately to obey, picking Chidori up as she did, and they all rushed out into the hallway. Before she could do anything more than squeak in surprise, Chidori was being placed back on her feet with her head against the metal rim of a drinking fountain, with Shizuoka and Kana leaning over her and getting to work. She heard another sizzle and suddenly she was very glad that she couldn't see what they were doing from this position. After just a few seconds there was a sharp snap, followed by a clatter on the floor behind her.

Kana sank to her knees, gasping, and Chidori felt her hair slide down over her shoulder. It was just a little wet and didn't seem to be burnt or otherwise damaged, and most importantly it was free of whatever that thing was. With a little moan of relief she collapsed on the floor, tears welling in her eyes. Shizuoka was kneeling and peering down at the hairclip where it had fallen. From here it looked perfectly ordinary once again, black and shiny and not glowing or shimmering or sparkling at all. After a few seconds to confirm that it wasn't going to do anything else but sit there quietly, Shizuoka quickly scooped up the hairpin in the plastic baggie from earlier, careful not to touch the thing herself.

"Come on then, we've got to hurry and get some answers," Shizuoka ordered, rising again and putting away the two phones that had previously occupied the baggie and helping Kana to her feet. "Take her, too," she indicated Chidori with a glance before starting off. Kana helped Chidori up in turn, and then the three of them were hurrying back to the main building and down the hallways. Chidori hardly had time to catch her breath, let alone wonder where they were going or how Shizuoka intended to get her answers, but she wasn't about to question the captain's decision at this point. In what seemed like no time they were at the library.

Shizuoka pushed through the doors, with Kana and Chidori close behind her. A large group of students at the study tables looked up as they entered, but Shizuoka and Kana didn't even seem to notice as they headed straight for where Kirika sat behind the librarian's desk. After a quick nervous glance toward that cluster of tables, Chidori trotted after them.

"We need to know what this is right away," Shizuoka ordered as soon as Kirika looked up from her computer screen, holding up the hairclip in its baggie. Kirika pushed her glasses up a bit and obediently leaned over to peer at it, frowning in concentration.

"It seems to be made of onyx. The green stones may be peridot, but gems of that size would normally be faceted. They could also be tinted glass," she intoned, her face impassive. "Do you know where it comes from?"

Shizuoka glanced sharply at Chidori, who gave a start and began to sputter, "Oh! It... um, it's from my uncle Jojo, and he's an archeologist... uh, somewhere overseas... I think it was in... um..." she struggled for several seconds to recall, then it came back to her, "Oh yeah! Oman. I remember because it sounds like... um, anyway, that's where he was last I heard, but it was a couple months ago..." If Kirika was irritated at this vague answer, she didn't show it, but merely nodded and turned back to the computer. "I will start with presuming it originates in that area or elsewhere on the Arabian Peninsula. The writing on the obverse is Greek, which would indicate an approximate age if it is indeed Arabic in origin. Shall I translate it?"

"Might as well," Shizuoka suggested. Kana and I should remain here, at least until the others arrive. You should remain as well, Chidori-kun. She may have further questions." With that, Shizuoka laid the hairpin on the desk and turned to march back to the tables where most of the gathered students were still looking at Kirika's desk and trying to figure out what was going on, to ask what they were doing here. Kana, meanwhile, took up a position by the desk, scanning the rows of shelves as if analyzing potential avenues of attack.

After a few seconds, Chidori realized something she'd forgotten to mention earlier. "Oh, that's right. There's some writing on the other side too. I mean I think it's writing. I can't tell what language it is or anything, and it doesn't look like any writing I've ever seen." Kirika looked up at this and nodded, then carefully turned the baggie over and peered at the hairclip's silvery side.

"Hebrew," she declared, her face still impassive. "That means little more by itself, but it could help estimate the object's age. Hebrew and Greek only coexisted in that region at certain periods of history..."

Then the door burst open, and Chidori turned to see Akiha rush in, with Natsumi and Mioko close behind. "Chidori-san! Are you okay? We came as soon as we- Oh! Senpai!" Seeing Shizuoka, Akiha drew up with a start and addressed the taller girl in a more even tone, "I... ah... we came as soon as we received your text. I see that you have the situation largely under control, then?"

Meanwhile, Mioko and Natsumi trotted over to talk to Chidori. "Are you okay?" Natsumi began, "The text that Akiha-senpai got just said something about an emergency. We were talking in the nurse's office, see, since she came over to check on Sakaki and Eiko everybody there after Miyu... I mean after President Mitsuka got back. Anyway we didn't know what was going on or anything but Mioko and I wanted to help out any way we can so we all came straight here, since Shizuoka-senpai said it was an emergency and if she says it's an emergency then it's just gotta be..." she was really getting rolling now, and at the mention of Mioko's name Chidori glanced away to where the other first-year was standing next to Akiha and Shizuoka at the tables with the big group of students. They seemed to be asking what everyone was doing here, and Chidori was just about to look back when she happened to see something that made her eyes pop wide open.

The clasp of Mioko's skirt had come undone somehow, loosening the waistband enough to let it slowly slide down her hips. It was already riding very low, and it seemed to be slipping even lower by the second. But before Chidori could even gasp in surprise at the sight, she saw something else that made her eyes pop even wider.

Akiha's skirt and Shizuoka's skirt were both coming undone too, both of the clasps sliding open all by themselves right before her eyes. Akiha was still talking to the students at the tables, and neither one had noticed anything was wrong.

"Like I said, Morooka-sensei just told us to come down to the library and do whatever," a girl with dyed auburn hair sitting on top of the nearest table explained with a hint of annoyance, "And he actually used the words 'just do whatever', so I'm pretty sure we're doing exactly where we're supposed to. And he won't be happy if we just show up back at class now, ya know?"

"Yeah, and he's so hung over there's no way he could try to teach anything anyway," one of the boys sitting nearby added with a snicker. Akiha just sighed at that, "Well I suppose we can talk to Morooka-sensei about it later, but in the meantime why don't you use the library study rooms instead of just sitting out here. I'm not trying to cause any unnecessary inconvenience, but there are other people trying to use the library just now, so if you could please..." she went on, sounding reasonable and looking perfectly calm, even as her skirt descended alarmingly. All three girls' skirts were slipping down now, slowly but steadily and just far enough to let the waistband of each girl's panties peek into view one by one - first the bright green of Mioko's thong, then the pure and proper white of Shizuoka's, and finally Akiha's surprisingly mature black.

That sight shocked Chidori into action. If those skirts slipped down any more they'd be too low to stay up at all, and that meant any second now they were going to fall right off and leave all three girls standing there with their panties exposed right in front of everybody. She couldn't just let that happen... but she especially couldn't let it happen to Akiha! Propelled by the need to save her friend, along with the guilt of having failed to save Eiko earlier, she sprang into action and darted over and reached out and caught Akiha's skirt before it could slip any lower and expose any more.

She smiled in relief at having made it in time, even as Akiha started to turn her head in surprise. Then there was a squeal from behind her, along with, "Mio! Your skirt!" and she turned her head just in time to see Natsumi spring into action, reaching out to catch Mioko's skirt and save her friend like Chidori saved Akiha. But as soon as she took the first step, her own skirt came loose and fell down, reaching her knees just in time to get caught there as Natsumi took a second step. She squealed again and flailed helplessly for a moment and toppled over, landing with a big thud *thud*, her face on the floor and her rear end sticking up in the air.

Chidori and Akiha gasped, staring along with everyone else at Natsumi's completely exposed cute little panties, and Mioko exclaimed, "Oh no! Natsumi! What ha-" as she turned around. The sudden motion of turning was all it took to dislodge her skirt's precarious purchase upon her hips, and it too came loose and fell right off, reaching her knees and getting caught as she took the first step toward her friend. She too flailed helplessly, her words of concern disappearing in a squeak as she fell, hit the floor with another *thud* and came to rest in the same position as Natsumi.

Chidori gasped again, even louder, while Akiha clapped her hands to her mouth in horror at the sight. Mioko's rear end was sticking up in the air just like Natsumi's, and it was pointed right at the tables where everyone was sitting. And with almost all of the back of her little green thong was wedged deep between her bountiful buttocks, hidden from view and not covering anything at all, Mioko's plump and perky butt was completely exposed all over again. Just looking at her like that Chidori was overwhelmed with embarrassment for the poor girl.

For a moment everything was silent as everyone stared at Mioko's butt, still jiggling slightly from the impact. Natsumi was the first to break the silence, with a little whine of "Owwie..." as she raised her head. Mioko raised her head with the same "Owwie...", and started to brush away the red curtain of her hair that had fallen over her face when she fell. The motion set her butt jiggling anew, and that seemed to break the audience's shock. There was a clamor of dozens of voices as girls expressed sympathy and boys expressed excitement and the urgency of taking a picture right away, until Shizuoka's shout cut through it all.

"Get out!" the captain bellowed, reaching for her shinai, "All of you get out of here!! RIGHT NOW!!!" She waved the weapon at the crowd of students and pointed it toward the library door, not noticing at all the way the motion made her skirt slip. "I don't care where you go or what you tell that drunk geezer Morokin! Just get the hell out!!" The objects of her tirade, however, definitely noticed when Shizuoka's skirt descended enough to reveal a glimpse of her pure white panties. The sight seemed to her authority, because instead of fleeing before her fury they sat and watched in apprehension or eager anticipation at what was about to happen. But before Shizuoka's skirt could join Natsumi's and Mioko's skirts in falling off completely, Akiha also noticed it and reached out in a flash to grab the waistband just in time to save Shizuoka from ending up with her underwear on display too.

The class was already running for the doors when Chidori looked back up, leaving the three of them behind looking like some sort of miniature conga line, with Chidori holding up Akiha's skirt and Akiha holding up Shizuoka's skirt while Shizuoka stomped to the doors and slammed and locked them. Then there was silence once again, and Akiha cried out in despair, "What the heck is going on around here today!"

"I may have found something," Kirika called out in reply, her calm and even voice in stark contrast to the commotion of a few minutes earlier. It was like a magnificent gleaming ray of hope, and everyone hurried over to look at what she had found, after pausing to help Mioko and Natsumi to their feet.

"That's right. I've translated the inscription," she pointed at the screen before adjusting her glasses slightly. Chidori's face fell. She didn't see any way that knowing what it said would help anything right away. Kirika went on, "The same word seems to be on both sides, although their pronunciations diverge significantly and the Hebrew on the reverse is written in a script which is not used in modern variants. It is a personal name. Presuming that both are original to the artifact, that should allow us to estimate both its time and place of origin as one in which Greek and Hebrew were simultaneously in use-."

"Is that all?" Shizuoka cut her off with a hint of annoyance. She seemed to have been hoping for something more immediately helpful too.

"Before pursuing that avenue of inquiry, I did also attempt to discern where and when it was unearthed by way of searching the records of recent archeological finds for artifacts matching its description. The results were of little use themselves. However, a depiction of..." she went on like that, even though Akiha and Shizuoka had already lost interest.

"Here, let's take a look at what happened to our skirts," Akiha suggested, taking the others away back to the tables. "We might be able to figure out something like that." Chidori wasn't listening, however. She was staring at the screen, where Kirika was quickly and methodically typing out her findings as she described them. Something on the screen seemed very important, although she couldn't tell why. After some moments of scanning her eyes settled upon three lines written in three different languages with three different scripts.

Αστιν ושתי ワシュティ

She stared at the lines, feeling a strange recognition even though the characters of the first two lines might as easily have been the scratches on a scuffed floor as writing for all she could tell. The third was clearly a foreign word written in katakana, and it seemed the most important of all. She looked even more intently at it, and felt her lips moving to form the sounds, "Vuah- shu-tee..." She was saying it wrong. She tried again, "Vah-sh-"

"No," Kirika interrupted her ongoing explanation, glancing up briefly. "The transliteration is somewhat imprecise in this instance. "Here. The English rendering may be helpful." With a series of brisk keystrokes she added a fourth word, and this time Chidori recognized the characters from years of English lessons.

"What is it? Did you find something else?" Akiha called over. Chidori didn't look up. She was staring at the words, her eyes glazing over and her expression turning blank.

"Vv-... V-... Va-..." she started, still staring at the screen with glazed eyes, her heart pounding for some reason. It didn't feel wrong this time. The foreign sounds were still strange, but now they felt *right* in her mouth somehow, and her lips seemed to know just how to move to make them. She looked down at the hairclip in its baggie on the desk, and the writing upon it. She still didn't know what it meant, but she knew she was going to say it.


There was a loud crack, the hairclip jerked, and the baggie ripped open suddenly like tissue paper. Akiha called out Chidori's name in alarm and Kirika jumped to her feet, her chair clattering to the ground. Chidori just watched the chunk of onyx rise into the air and turn to face her. The three gems seemed to be glowing, and when they flickered they looked just like three eyes, looking back at her.

There was another crack, louder, like the sound of something hard breaking, and the gems glowed even brighter. Akiha and Mioko came running over, followed by Shizuoka. They all stared at the hairpin.

A third crack then, and a plume of pale smoke spewed from the hairpin and up into the air, gathering into a cloud above the empty part of the room between the tables and the big curtained windows. Everyone else backed away from it until they were all up against the far walls. Chidori didn't move.

The gathering cloud of smoke began to glow, first deep dull blue, then red, then orange shot through with strands of green, shifting and turning brighter as it grew larger and larger. Within seconds it reached from the floor to the ceiling, a mass of writhing color. The plume stopped, the cloud pulsed once, then contracted, and with a bright flash there she was.

"Wow! Finally!" the ecstatic shout was followed by a joyous wave of giggles. At first Chidori couldn't believe what she was seeing. A huge, naked woman with multicolored skin floating in midair right in front of her. She blinked, but the huge woman was still there, she was still giggling madly, and her skin was still swirling with a crazed blend of colors like a drunken rainbow. She stretched, squeezing her eyes shut with a long, breathy moan and sticking her arms up to the ceiling and her legs out in front of her on either side of the librarian's desk. She was still naked too.

Extremely naked.

"Mmph! Well now, what have we got here?" the bizarre woman exclaimed, crossing her legs and leaning forward with a huge grin to stare at Chidori with an eager, piercing gaze. Chidori's gaze, meanwhile, was fixed upon a pair of breasts even bigger than the kind you usually only see in anime that air after midnight on AT-X. "It seems my master is once again a sweet and proper young lady," she observed with a soft chuckle. "So! What would you ask of me, master?" This was followed by a fresh round of giggling.

After a few more seconds Chidori finally overcame her astonishment long enough to speak up, crying out plaintively,

"Who... wh-what are you!?" Chidori's voice trembled with fear, and she had to put a hand on the desk to steady herself.

"What, isn't it obvious enough? I'm a Jinni." The towering figure laughed again, her huge breasts jiggling like balloons in a storm, then continued, "And before you ask, I don't grant wishes or anything, that's just a silly story. I mean, I appreciate being let out and all, and if you need a little favor or two that's fine. Just give me a chance to get some of my power back first, okay? I was stuck in that thing for hundreds and hundreds of years after all, practically starving, and I've only been awake for a few hours." Her laughter faded, but the way she gestured as she spoke kept her breasts bouncing and swinging and swaying nonstop, as if they couldn't stand to be still for even a moment. "Of course, that shouldn't take long with so many proper young ladies all around." She let out a great dreamy sigh, "So much modesty ... so much embarrassment..."

Hearing the way the Jinni trailed off, her voice dripping with shameless desire, Chidori suddenly realized something. But before she could open her mouth, Natsumi burst out, "It was you! Wasn't it! You made Mioko's skirt fall off in front of everyone!" She pointed at Mioko, who turned bright red at the mention of the incident, but Natsumi kept going. "And... um... and mine... A- and I'll bet you made the curtain fall down when Sakaki-san was changing, and you made Eiko-chan's skirt get stuck too! All so you could laugh at us!"

Jinni just giggled at the stream of accusation, turning around and reaching over to ruffle Natsumi's hair with a gentle coo, "Now now, you don't need to be so mad about it, little lady. I'm sure none of them minded seeing your adorable panties." That left her plump, round bottom hovering before Chidori's eyes like a pair of smooth and impossibly colorful melons, flexing gently every time she moved. "And I can assure you, amusement was never what I'm after. As for your other friends, I never did a thing to that flashy trollop's clothes," she insisted with yet another giggle. "The silly girl was ever so careless, all I had to do was let her get a bit distracted and she never even noticed anything was wrong. And as for the pure maiden who got talked into modeling, she took her clothes off all by herself. The curtain just needed a tiny little push." She sighed, grinning and clearly savoring the memory. "And the maiden overflowed with delicious embarrassment..."

"How could you!" Chidori cried in indignation at this glib summary of the morning's horrible incidents. "They never did anything to you! That's... that's just cruel!" Jinni turned around again, looking honestly perplexed at the accusation.

"Cruel? But I hardly even did anything to them. And nobody was hurt, after all." She gave a sheepish shrug, "Okay, maybe I got a little carried away with all those skirts just now, but with so many adorably modest little cuties right in front of me, I simply couldn't resist," she waved a hand to indicate the surrounding girls, then grew serious. "And besides, it was you who woke me up after hundreds of years of and brought me here among these delightfully modest young maidens. To have such a splendid banquet of embarrassment laid out before me after all that starvation and not be allowed even the tiniest taste... that would be far more cruel, don't you agree?"

"Huh? I... well I... I didn't think that..." Chidori sputtered, unable to respond to her own accusation being turned around on her like that.

"And I never asked for this either, you know. It's not like I mind or anything, but still, it was that Vashti and her pet mages who bound me into that trinket and gave me this insatiable hunger. So you can hardly blame me for indulging myself a bit, right?" The Jinni looked around at the girls' confused faces. "Oh, I suppose you're not familiar with Queen Vashti after all? I just thought that since you said her name to summon me... well, I suppose I might as well tell you the whole story, then." She floated over to the library tables and plopped herself down right in the middle of the nearest one, beckoning everybody over. "Come on now, gather round. You too, little librarian girl."

They all still wanted answers, and none of them were about to turn down the opportunity for an explanation, so the girls slowly shuffled over and took their seats at the table, including Kirika, who emerged from her hiding place behind the desk with a wary look. Only Kana was nowhere to be seen.

"Now then, a long time ago there was a beautiful young queen named Vashti," the Jinni began, resting her chin in her cupped hands and her elbows upon her knees. This left her audience blushing furiously as they all tried not to stare at what lay between her wide-open legs. "She was sweet and dutiful and ever so eager to please her great and noble king. But she was also a proper young lady, trained ever since she was a little girl to be soft-spoken and demure like a true noblewoman should, and above all she was trained to always be as modest as could be. And that turned out to be a bit of a problem, because that king of hers was quite a bit older and prone to drinking heavily, and whenever he got drunk he would ask his queen to take off all her clothes and dance for him. Now like I said Vashti really wanted to please her king, and she did the best she could, but even so, dancing naked like that was just horribly embarrassing for her. So she asked her court magicians for help, and they found me."

"I was in a bottle in one of the old treasure vaults at the time, you see. King Solomon hunted down and bound all of us Jinn that he could find with his magic seal and stuck us in rings or bottles or whatever, and somewhere along the line my bottle was stolen or given away or something and it ended up in Queen Vashti's vault hundreds of years later. So anyway, her mages took me out of that bottle and used their magic to stick me in one of the queen's trinkets, so that when she had to do her naked dancing I could drain away all her embarrassment, and they made it so I needed her embarrassment, too. At first I was a bit irritated at having to clean up some silly girl's mess like that, but Vashti was just so sweet and kind to me, and her embarrassment was so delicious that soon I actually started to care about her a little."

"Well, after that everything was just fine for a while. The king got what he wanted, the queen wanted to give it to him, and I had a nice easy ride helping her do it. And it was even better when the king had guests and he wanted to show off his beautiful little Vashti for them. Because dancing naked for a bunch of strangers was hundreds of times more embarrassing than just dancing naked for her beloved old king, and that meant I got a totally magnificent feast. And if only it wasn't for those nasty jealous little jerks things could have gone on just like that for years."

"Because see, even though Vashti was sweet and dutiful and everything, some of the king's advisors wanted to get rid of her and make the king choose a new queen. So one day, when there was an enormous feast with lots and lots of important nobles and all kinds of other guests there, one of the king's advisors stole my hairclip and hid it. And when the king got drunk and sent for his queen to come and dance for everyone like always, she couldn't find me. And poor Vashti knew that without me there was just absolutely no way she could bring herself to dance naked in front of all those people. When she refused to come out for him the king was so angry and his wise men told him to find a new queen, and that's just what he did. I don't really know what happened after that since they stuck me back in some vault or other, but it must have been just awful."

"The Book of Esther," Kirika murmured. She had been listening quietly with a pensive expression while the rest of the girls alternated between rapt curiosity and sympathetic horror at the tale of ancient embarrassment and compromised modesty. At the Jinni's curious look, she elaborated, "This story of yours is recorded in- well, certain elements of the story seem to correspond to one recorded in the Book of Esther in the Judeo-Christian Bible. There the king is named Ahasuerus, usually identified with Xerxes I of the Achaemenid Empire, which places it around 500 BC. The entire story is recited as part of the Jewish holiday of Purim. As I recall, Ahasuerus selects Esther for his next Queen, and she proceeds to use guile and clever maneuvering to foil a plot against the empire's Jewish population."

Jinni just shrugged, "Well I think the name Esther sounds familiar, but like I said I was already sealed up and put away by then. Without any more embarrassment to drain I had to go to sleep or else I'd completely wither away. I think somebody dug me up at least a few times after that, but I never actually woke up until just today," Bending down with a big grin, she cradled Chidori's face in her hands, "when this pure and properly modest little lady had a cute little accident that exposed her cute little panties."

Another wave of giggles followed, until Akiha spoke up, "That's... um... that's quite a... remarkable story. But, um... you have to understand, you've caused quite a bit of commotion today. You can't simply go around doing as you please, or there'll be all sorts of trouble..."

"Oh, don't worry about that," Jinni interrupted with a dismissive wave. "I'm sure the shy model and the flashy tart will be just fine. And anyway, I was still half-asleep then, so I did all that stuff pretty much just by reflex. I can be more careful about finding embarrassment to drain from now on. And if someone gets suspicious anyway and tries to investigate, I'll simply make them forget all about it. Of course, I'll need to get a lot more of my power back before I can do that on a major scale, but it shouldn't take more than a year or two."

"Well that's, um... that's fine and all, and I appreciate your consideration," Akiha began, shivering with dread at the thought of having to put up a string of bizarre disasters like this morning's for a whole year, yet trying to be as tactful as she could, "but, ah, wouldn't it be better if you didn't have to seek out embarrassment anymore? You mentioned that it was the hairpin's magic which causes you to hunger for it, so perhaps if someone found a way to get rid of that hairpin you could simply leave us in peace?"

"Don't be silly, little girl," the Jinni scolded, "without that trinket I'd have to go back to my bottle again, and I don't even know where it might have ended up after all these years. No, I think I'll stay right where I am, thank you. Draining embarrassment is just so much fun, and there's a practically limitless supply to be had everywhere I turn. And such a wondrous variety, too! Every girl's embarrassment has a different taste, you know. And I'm gonna sample as many of them as I possibly can." Her big broad smile seemed to turn predatory as she said all this, until Chidori thought she looked like a hawk gazing down at a wide open field packed with plump and juicy rabbits.

Only those rabbits were Chidori's friends and classmates. She couldn't just let them suffer to feed this supernatural creature's hunger. She just had to do something!

Jinni looked vaguely bemused by Chidori's outburst. She quickly continued, "Please! Please don't hurt anybody else! Th- the girls here... they never did anything to you. They don't deserve to suffer just because of what happened to you way back then! Please! There has to be another way!"

"Hurt? Suffer?" Jinni leaned forward toward Chidori again, looking slightly puzzled. "But I just told you, nobody's been hurt. I haven't done anything to anyone besides cause a little embarrassment. And if embarrassment leads to suffering for some girls, they only have their own modesty to blame for such a thing." Her tone brightened, "So if you think about it like that, I'm doing everybody a favor by helping these uptight little ladies to forget about their silly, useless modesty," she concluded with a big grin.

Chidori was horrified at what Jinni was saying. "Modesty isn't useless! Or silly! It's... it's... it's not something you can just forget about like that!"

Jinni shrugged once again, "I'm sure that many would agree with you, but that doesn't mean that I have to agree as well. What about Vashti, after all? If not for that foolish, prideful modesty of hers, she never would have needed my help. She could have been perfectly happy dancing naked for her king and the whole court and anyone else she wanted to and it wouldn't have caused any kind of problem at all."

"But... that's... that was hundreds of years ago! Things are different now!" She might not know much about ancient history or stories from foreigners' bibles or anything like that, but Chidori didn't even want to think about a woman who could just dance naked in front of strangers and be perfectly fine with it. "People here aren't like that. We don't want to be embarrassed. And we don't want to get rid of modesty! I don't want to be cruel or anything, and if... if you really can't survive without embarrassment then I'm not asking you to starve yourself or anything. But... what if there's something else you can use instead to survive without embarrassing anyone? Or... or maybe somebody could get rid of whatever it is that sealed you in the first place so you can go home!" She knew she was grasping at the slenderest of hopes, but it was all she could think of. "Please... just give it a try, okay?"

"Try?" Jinni's smile grew sad, and the swirling color on her skin seemed to slow down a bit, "I spent hundreds of years trying. I tried to escape from Solomon's bottle. I tried to escape from Vashti too at first, and When I started to like Vashti I tried to help her. But I couldn't." The smile disappeared. "I couldn't escape from anyone and I couldn't help anyone, and now here I am. If I thought there was any kind of way to escape now I'd try it again. And if you think you can help me escape Solomon's bondage or find a way to get around the rules of Vashti's bondage then you can try too. But I can already tell you don't know anything about magic. I haven't even felt any magic at all since I woke up here. So you can try whatever you want, but I'm not gonna sit around waiting for a miracle."

"Well... we might not have magic or anything, but... we have all kinds of stuff that people didn't have way back then. I'm sure somebody really smart can find a way to help you so you don't have to hurt-... I- I mean, so you can survive without causing any more commotion."

"Hmph, I suppose I can appreciate your optimism at least," Jinni remarked with a snicker. "But even if you manage to find someone who can do such a thing it's sure to take a while, and in the meantime I intend to enjoy myself. Now if you're still worried about me drawing too much attention, I suppose I can try to be more subtle about things from now on. After all, it's not as if I want people poking around and trying to-"

She was cut off, then, by a mighty wordless shout from Shizuoka as the girl lunged toward the librarian's desk. Chidori and Jinni turned in surprise just in time to see Shizuoka's shinai come down in an overhead smash to strike the hairpin where it lay on the floor beside the desk. There was a loud *crack*, and Jinni cried out in pain. Shizuoka raised her weapon again, but before she could bring it down Jinni's hand lashed out, crossing the room in a flash to catch the wooden blade and the forearm holding it, lift Shizuoka off her feet and throw her toward the windows as easily as a child throwing a doll.

"Break it!" Shizuoka yelled, "Smash that thing!" That was all she got out before Jinni's huge hand came down again and pinned her to the floor.

"Oh, you've got some guts, little lady," Jinni growled in a voice like the rumbling of thunder. Her colors had gone all red and orange, shot through with wavy lines of black, and her eyes were two glowing red pits. "That actually hurt a little bit. You've got to pay for it now, of course," she grinned, showing a row of shining silvery teeth that definitely weren't there earlier, and lifted Shizuoka in the air by one leg. Then she ripped down the curtains from the big bay window with a flick of her fingers and dangled Shizuoka in front of it. The girl only glared back stony defiance until Jinni turned her to face out the window, then she gasped and her eyes went wide.

The PE class was still outside on the track, just a short distance away, and dozens of shocked faces were staring in the window at the disciplinary committee president, currently hanging upside-down. Shizuoka squealed and struggled to hold her skirt in place, her defiance vanishing in an instant.

"Oh no you don't, girl," Jinni scolded with a deep and mirthless chuckle, then plucked the skirt right off Shizuoka's body as if it was made of tissue paper and pinned her arms behind her back with two fingers. "You've still got to pay me back. I'm sure you're no good at dancing, but your audience is right there so the least you can do is take it off for them." She took a deep breath, then chuckled again. "Hmmm, not bad. Yours has a rich, heavy taste. I'm sure it'll be nice and filling, at least."

Meanwhile, Chidori had just overcome her shock and was trying to stand up, but only managed to stumble over the chair and fall to the ground in a heap. She was about to get up when she saw that the hairpin was lying right in front of her. There was a small chip in the black stone on one side, and a wisp of what looked like steam curled from it. Shizuoka's command seemed to echo in her mind as she looked at the thing, mingling with the girl's horrified squeals.

"Let her go! Right now!" Chidori shouted, gripping the hairclip tightly and trying to steady her quivering voice.

Jinni didn't even look at her. "What are you talking about? This naughty little thing tried to hurt me. A bit of punishment is simply what she deserves for such a thing." She tugged gently at the back of Shizuoka's blouse, pulling it taut across her chest for a few moments before the top button popped off. "And if her punishment can repay me as well, that's even better." One by one the rest of the buttons popped open, each one drawing a tiny helpless squeak from Shizuoka, until her blouse was fully open and hanging from her shoulders, revealing a tightly bound sarashi beneath. "Oh? What's this?" Jinni remarked with another snicker and leaning close to examine her captive's underwear, "It seems someone has a little secret. We simply can't have that, now can we." Stroking the long strip of cloth with a single fingernail that suddenly seemed to be -sharp, she gave a burst of cackling laughter, and Shizuoka's helpless squealing began to turn frantic.

Once again Chidori mustered her determination and yelled, "I said let her go! Or else I... I'll smash it!" trying to sound as determined as she could. This time Jinni glanced her way, and Chidori raised the hairpin above her head in a way that she hoped looked threatening.

For a few seconds the two just stared at each other, Jinni's claw paused in the act of slicing open Shizuoka's sarashi, and Chidori allowed herself a surge of hope at the thought that she'd found a way to take control of the situation. But then Jinni asked, "With what?", and Chidori was suddenly struck by the fairly major flaw in her impulsive plan. "It's made of stone and metal, remember?" Jinni continued, snickering, "I don't think those soft little hands of yours can do much to it."

Chidori's determination and bravery crumbled, and she looked around for something that might be capable of damaging the lump of onyx and silver she was holding enough to make a credible threat. Her eyes fell on Shizuoka's shinai lying next to the librarian's desk, and she dashed over to grab it. But as she reached down there was a great gust of wind, and the sword went sliding away past the rows of bookshelves.

"Oh, nice try, little girl," Jinni commented, "but I can't very well just let you misbehave like that." Chidori started toward the shinai again, but Jinni waved her hand and a second gust of wind, far stronger than the first, sent her flying backwards with a squeal. The hairpin slipped from her grasp as she landed, bouncing across the floor and right into Jinni's waiting palm. Chidori's heart fell at the sight of her hopes vanishing, and she quailed before the huge grinning face that towered over her. "So please, just sit right there and watch carefully."

With that, Jinni gave the sarashi that bound Shizuoka's chest a single careful pluck that parted one strip of fabric cleanly, and Chidori could only watch in helpless horror as the whole garment began to unravel, slowly coming undone right before her eyes. Her horror rapidly turned to fascination when she saw Shizuoka's breasts began to gradually expand, slipping free from their containment and returning to their true size. With that tightly-wound strip of cloth loosening, the breasts that it had held bound seemed to be eagerly seeking their release. That forced the wrappings to slide open faster and faster, until with a great mighty bounce Shizuoka's long-suppressed boobs burst out, bouncing majestically for all to see. They were big and soft and firm and round, topped with deep brown pointy nipples that seemed to be standing proud and celebrating their newfound freedom.

Chidori stared at the awful sight, and the crowd outside stared at the magnificent view, while Jinni just stared at Chidori, her eyes once again clear. "See? The prideful tomboy was secretly a G-cup all along," she cooed, gently stroking one of the soft curves and setting them both into a slow and rhythmic swaying motion. Shizuoka was still and silent now, too overwhelmed to even struggle or squeak anymore as she stared helplessly out the window at her audience. "And from the looks of things they really wanted to be set free, don't you think?" Jinni chuckled softly once again, watching Chidori's expression fill with sympathy, then righteous fury.

"How could you!" Chidori cried out, tears glistening in her eyes. "That's just awful! She... she didn't... no matter what she did to you, how could you possibly be so cruel!" She curled up, sobbing, her fury collapsing as quickly as it arose into crushing sorrow. Jinni just watched this display of empathy without responding.

Then, after several seconds she leaned down, her smile dimming. "You care about her, don't you. You care about all these girls," she remarked solemnly, waving her hand to indicate the rest of the girls in the room, "and all the others too," with another, larger wave she indicated the whole school, or possibly the entire world outside. "And you want me to let this one go, do you?"

Chidori's sobs had faded to sniffling now, and at the direct question she raised her head and exclaimed, "Of course!" without hesitation. "Of course I want you to let her go. Please! Sh-she was just trying to protect everyone. She doesn't deserve something like this."

"Protect?" Jinni mused, leaning back again. "Maybe, but that's not all. Mostly she wanted revenge. I could feel it all as soon as she attacked. As if it was all my fault that she accidentally exposed herself earlier, and she wanted me to suffer for it. Not everyone is as sweet and kind as you are, little girl. That's why I had to punish her. I had to make her suffer so much that she would never even think about revenge again." She turned to look again at Shizuoka and the crowd outside the window. "I was planning to slowly peel off those cute little panties and dangle her a little bit longer, then maybe strap her to the rooftop for the rest of the day." She shrugged and continued, "I'd have to do something about everybody's memories afterwards, of course, but she's charged me up more than enough for something like that by now. Still, it would be a lot of work..."

With that she floated over to the tables and tenderly laid Shizuoka atop one of them, all the while watching Chidori's confused reaction. "There," she said softly, grinning once again. "That naughty little tomboy's embarrassment was nice and filling and all, but she's just so serious about her precious modesty that it's way too rich and heavy to really enjoy a whole lot at once. Sorta like having a whole chocolate fudge cake, you know? So I'll let her go if you like, and I'll even make sure that her audience out there doesn't remember anything." Her smile was turning playful now, and a mischievous glimmer entered her eyes as she floated back toward Chidori and continued. "Of course, that's gonna take some effort, and afterwards I think I might just need another little refill. So that's why I hope that you really meant what you said earlier."

"What I said...?" Chidori was confused by the Jinni's sudden change of heart and becoming very suspicious at where she was going with this.

"About finding a way for me to survive without embarrassing anyone." She drew up before Chidori and hovered there, crossing her legs once again. "You see, that wonderful kindness of yours reminds me of her so much, and I really was happy when I was with her and I could help her, and I really wouldn't mind doing it again. So that's why I was wondering..." she grinned even more and leaned forward to ask, "how would you like to be my new Vashti?"

At first Chidori could only stammer, "Your... Vashti? But she... wasn't she..." Her mind filled once again with images of the ancient queen dancing naked. "You mean you want me to... to... to do what she did...?" She paled at the thought, but Jinni only giggled at her.

"No, no, don't be silly. There's no need for something so drastic. That was simply what caused her embarrassment, so I took her embarrassment away. All I'm asking you to do is wear the hairpin, and when something happens to cause you embarrassment, I'll take your embarrassment away. That way you don't have to be embarrassed by anything, and I don't have to embarrass anyone else either, just like you wanted."

For several seconds Chidori was silent, trying to come to grips with the Jinni's request. She glanced over at the table where Shizuoka lay, still motionless and with a vacant expression while Akiha tried to cover her chest and mutter something soft and comforting. Chidori shuddered at the awful sight. If saying yes right now meant that she could keep anyone else from having to go through what poor Shizuoka just did and ending up like that, then she simply couldn't refuse. but then again, she was still pretty suspicious after seeing what the Jinni was capable of. "How do I know I can trust you? How can I be sure you won't just decide to do whatever you want no matter what you say?"

Jinni tilted her head, "Well, you can trust whatever you like. I'm not asking you to just take my word for it. How about this, if you say yes, I'll make sure everybody forgets all about what I did to the tomboy just now, including her. That way she can have her precious modesty back, and nobody ever has to know what happened and she'll be just fine. And if there's something else you'd like me to do just go ahead and say it, ok?"

Chidori looked over at the table again. If there was a way for her to undo the horrible embarrassment that Shizuoka had just suffered, then she really couldn't refuse. But still, she had to be careful. "Alright, I'll do it," she said, mustering up her courage once again, "but first you have to promise me something..."

"You have to clean up everything you've done today. Not just what happened to Shizuoka-senpai, I want you to do something about all the embarrassment you caused everybody else too," Chidori ordered the Jinni, doing her best to sound stern and unyielding.

"Is that all? Certainly! I'll get rid of all their embarrassment and all their embarrassing memories, and I'll make everybody else forget about their embarrassment too. It might take some time, but that shouldn't be a problem, right?" She continued eagerly, without waiting for a response, "Let's see, I can start with the violent tomboy there like I said. Then the klutz and the chatterbox since they're right here... then there's the flashy tart... and the shy model... let's see, were there any others...?" It took Chidori a moment to connect these brief and colorful descriptions with names, then another moment to think back and remember all the other incidents Akiha had described earlier.

"There were plenty of others! Don't tell me you've forgotten already!" she scolded.

"Come on, I was still half-asleep then, like I told you. Look, if you think you can remember everyone that got embarrassed today, just show me who they are and I'll take care of the rest, ok?"

"Well, alright... but I'm not doing anything else for you or letting you do anything to me until we're totally finished. Got it?"

"Yes, master," the Jinni replied with yet another giggle.

So they got to work, starting with Shizuoka and her audience. Jinni simply placed her hand on the windowpane to make the crowd outside forget what they'd seen, then waved at Shizuoka to make her forget what she showed them. Next she fixed everyone's damaged skirts before making herself invisible and following Chidori and Akiha to Morooka's classroom, where Morooka's class was having a study period while Morooka slept off his hangover. Taking care of their memories was simple and easy as well, but Class 3-2, which had witnessed Shizuoka burst out of the gym showers completely naked, posed a bit of a problem, since that class had already ended. Akiha checked the class roster, along with those for Izumo-sensei's art class, which had seen Sakaki naked after the curtain fell down while she was changing, and of course the Calligraphy club. Tracking down all of them took most of the rest of the day, and that still left everyone who was standing outside the art class and saw Sakaki panic and run out the door naked, and everyone who was in the main hallway and saw what happened to Eiko's skirt and what happened to Mioko when she tried to help.

The task seemed all but insurmountable until Jinni suggested that she could start by dealing with Sakaki and Eiko's memories, and use what she found there to identify everybody who saw the two incidents. After that things went much quicker as, with no further need of the girls to guide her, Jinni could simply fly around the school by herself to complete the task while everyone waited in the student council office. Even so, by the time she returned and assured them all that she'd finally found the last of the offending memories, the school day was almost over.

"So, if there's nothing else you need from me, all you have to do now is put this back on," Jinni cheerfully proclaimed, producing Chidori's hairpin. "that's how it works, see. While you're wearing it I can drain away all your embarrassment just like I used to with Vashti, instead of just skimming off a little bit of it like I did earlier today." Chidori looked down at the proferred trinked with some apprehension. Sensing her unease, Jinni continued reassuringly, "Oh, and you don't have to worry about getting burned or anything like that soldier girl from before. That was because of the seal, and since you broke that seal it's perfectly safe now. They weren't real burns either, you see, just a sort of phantom burning sensation."

Chidori had almost forgotten about all that, and anyway it wasn't what she was anxious about. "Will you... will you promise not to embarrass anyone else if I put this on?"

"Of course, master. As long as I'm with you I won't need anyone else. And if we happen to see something embarrassing happen to anyone else, I'll even do what I can to make it less embarrassing, if that's what you want."

"Alright..." Chidori agreed with a nod, then took a deep breath. She accepted the hairpin and reached behind her head, telling herself once again that this was the best way she had to protect everyone, and put it on.

"There now, that looks simply lovely," Jinni proclaimed, now with an odd echo to her voice, and the hairpin shifted slightly as if someone was straightening it. Chidori spun around with a start, but there was nobody there. "Oh, don't be so surprised. I'm in here now, that's all." The hairpin jiggled again, and this time Chidori realized it was straightening itself. "Don't worry, nobody else can hear me. It might take a bit of getting used to, so I'll try not to talk too much and distract you in public or anything." Her voice was echoing in the exact way that voices echo when they're talking in someone's head.

With that last big step out of the way and the school day now over Chidori said goodbye to Akiha, who offered what encouragement she could. That drew a little chuckle from Jinni. Chidori was just trying to decide whether she should skip cheerleading practice when Jinni interrupted, "Ooh, cheerleading? What's that like? It sounds fun!" Startled by the intrusion, Chidori found herself thinking about how she'd been talked into joining the school's small cheerleading squad when it formed to cheer for the recently formed American Football club. "Wow, that really is fun! Don't skip it! You shouldn't act like anything's wrong or people might get suspicious or something. And yes, I can read your thoughts. How do you think I knew so much stuff about this world when I just woke up, anyway? Not to mention how I've been speaking your language this whole time. Did you think I was translating with magic or something? I mean, I could translate with magic if I wanted to, but I'm not because I don't need to. And quit acting so surprised by everything already!" As she made her way to cheerleading practice, Chidori was really hoping that the Jinni would keep her word about not talking while she was in public.

When she got to practice and changed into the cheerleading uniform, Chidori realized that it would at least be a good way to make sure Jinni would keep her promise about not embarrassing anyone else. And as it turned out, she did. Practice went just fine, and nothing strange or embarrassing happened the whole time. There was a group of boys hanging out on the bleachers, trying to pretend they weren't just there to watch the girls practice even though they were practically drooling at every little glimpse of cheerleading panties, but that was perfectly normal. By the time she headed home afterwards Chidori was actually cheering up, starting to think that maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all, when Jinni spoke up again. "That's right! After all, everyone gets a bit embarrassed once in a while, and sometimes you just have to ignore it. Like those boys back there. I made it easier for you to ignore them, right?"

Chidori had to admit that ignoring their lecherous stares was a bit easier than usual today, although when she thought about them staring at her now it still made her pretty uncomfortable. Trying to put it out of her mind, she got home and went upstairs to her room to take off her sweaty cheerleading uniform and have a nice relaxing shower. She was in the middle of drying off afterwards when her phone rang, so she wrapped the towel around herself and trotted back to her room to answer it.

It was her friend Nabiki, just calling to catch up and chat for a little while. Chidori plopped down on the bed, finally able to forget about the day's overwhelming troubles and just chat happily. Soon she started to feel a bit hungry and went downstairs for a snack, still chatting and still wearing her towel. Eventually Nabiki said she had to go and hung up, so Chidori started back upstairs, only to catch herself when she heard her brother Shuu's voice from the other room.

"It's right in here, just let me set it up."

"Cool. You mind if I get something to eat?" that was Suguru, one of Shuu's friends from junior high.

"Sure, the kitchen's right through there. You guys can help yourselves."

"Thanks dude."

"Yeah, thanks."

Both of those were different voices, which Chidori couldn't immediately place. What she could figure out was bad enough, however: Shuu had brought at least three friends over, and from the sound of things at least one of them was about to come into the kitchen. She had to get back upstairs and get changed, but with those boys between her and the stairs, getting there would mean walking right past all of them. Clutching her towel and trying to ignore the faint giggling at the back of her mind, Chidori frantically tried to decide what to do.

She just couldn't let them see her like this. But what else could she do? There was no way she could reach the stairs without walking right past those boys, and any second now one of them was going to come in here. Tugging ineffectually at her towel, Chidori looked around frantically for a way out, or at least for a way to cover herself a little bit better. But the only other scrap of fabric in sight was the hand towel beside the kitchen sink, and the only other way out of the kitchen was the door to the back yard. Driven by the sound of approaching footsteps she hurried over to it, her panic-addled mind quickly coming up with a plan to circle around to the front door and get to the stairs without the boys seeing her.

Once she was outside with the door safely shut behind her, Chidori leaned against the wall to catch her breath. A moment later a gentle breeze blew, and she shivered at the uncomfortable feeling of cool air suddenly stroking her slightly damp crotch. With a wince and a small whine she muttered, "Why did I have to pick such a tiny towel...?", tugging at the lower edge of the makeshift garment. But no matter how she tugged the fluffy peach fabric was barely long enough to reach her thighs, and if the wind picked up even a little bit it was just sure to start fluttering even higher and reveal practically everything. So she settled for clutching the towel to her chest and her thighs and trotted down the little gravel path that led from the back yard to the front, doing her best to ignore the discomfort of the gravel on her bare feet and the cool air on everything else.

Rounding the corner, Chidori started out across the lawn toward the front door, only to let out a surprised squeak as the wind caught an upper corner of her towel and yanked it right out of her unprepared grasp. She frantically glanced up and down the street, somehwat relieved that there was nobody in sight even as she struggled to cover herself. The wind was much stronger here in the front yard, and she had to clutch her towel against her chest with both hands to keep it from being ripped away completely. That left her unable to keep the stiff breeze from lifting the towel's lower edge, which immediately rose up and began to billow freely about her waist just as she feared, leaving everything underneath completely exposed. Part of her wanted to retreat around the corner, but knew she couldn't just stay outside like this. So she forced herself to ignore her exposed lower regions and focus on getting inside as fast as possible.

She dashed across the lawn, blushing fiercely and telling herself over and over that there was nobody watching. She was almost at the door when she remembered the houses across the street and suddenly realized that anyone who happened to look out their window just now would see her running around outside practically naked, and the thought made her squeal and try to grab at the fluttering towel to pull it back into place. That, however, had the exact opposite effect, as a third corner of the towel promptly slipped from her grasp, and suddenly Chidori was running around outside totally naked, with her wide-open towel streaming behind her like a big peach-colored flag.

She reached the door then, spent a few more fruitless seconds trying to grab hold of the towel and cover herself at least a little bit better. Finally deciding it was useless, she instead threw the door open and dashed inside, suddenly profoundly grateful that nobody in the house never bothered to lock the door. Shivering and panting with mingled anxiety and exertion she wrapped the towel around herself once again, tucking it as tightly as she could before peeking carefully around the corner toward the stairs.

She could hear voices from the other room, but nobody between her and the staircase. For the moment at least it seemed like the coast was clear, so she hurried over to the stairs and started to climb, eagerly to reach the safety of her room at last and get herself dressed. But then someone suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs, and Chidori had to stop short with another little squeak.

"Chidori-neesan? Is that you?" Shuu asked. He was carrying something big and bulky and it seemed that he couldn't see her. "Sorry, could you just let me through. This is kinda heavy." He started down the stairs, and they weren't wide enough for Chidori to slide past him, so she had to back up, and just as she reached the bottom again she heard another voice.

"You got it Shu? Or do you need some help with- whoa..." She spun around just in time to see Keiji, another of Shuu's friends, come around the corner behind her and stop short at the unexpected sight of a towel-clad girl. A moment later Suguru and a boy she didn't recognize appeared as well. They all stood there staring at her with big goofy grins, and Chidori could only huddle in the corner and struggle uselessly to cover herself a little bit better.

"Did you just get home or something? I didn't see you when we got back," Shuu asked mildly as he reached the bottom of the stairs and carried his cargo into the next room to lay it on the table. He was the only one who had yet to notice how his sister was dressed.

"I... well you see... that's..." Chidori muttered. She wasn't exactly eager to describe how she'd found herself trapped in the kitchen wearing only a towel, and she really wasn't eager to describe how she'd ended up running around outside wearing only a towel while attempting to avoid being seen in it. She was fumbling for a way to avoid describing any of it and slip past the boys to get upstairs when she happened to see what Shuu had just brought downstairs. "Hey, that's mine!" she exclaimed, pointing at her video game console where it sat on the living room table.

"Oh yeah, that," Suguru piped up, still grinning and without removing his eyes from Chidori's chest. "See, I got Gulch Racer 5 the other day so Shuu invited us all to come over and play it. You don't mind do you?"

"I was gonna ask and all," Shuu added as he took the console's wires behind the TV to plug them in, "but when we got back I couldn't find you so I figured you weren't home yet."

"You can play too if you like. Shuu was just telling us about how good you were at Gulch Racer 4."

"Uh-huh. You'll probably be real good at this one too, since it hasn't changed much. And anyway that's only fair, since it's your system and all. Come on, whaddaya say?"

"Well I... Um..." Chidori stammered. Then she heard the music, and she looked past the three boys to where the TV was showing the Gulch Racer 5 title screen and playing the familiar series theme song, and her face lit up. "I call player 1!" she declared merrily, without any trace of the anxiety of a moment before. And with that she pushed right past them, picked up her chosen controller and plopped down on the couch.

Just like Keiji said, this new Gulch Racer really wasn't much different from the last one. Chidori's old favorite driver was still there, and the controls were only slightly changed. Suguru gave her a little challenge at first, but once she learned the new tracks she was beating her brother and all three of his friends easily almost every time. After a few hours she noticed it was getting dark and decided that she should get dressed and start studying before her parents got home, so she excused herself and headed upstairs to her room. Shutting the door behind her, she tossed the towel on her bed and opened her closet to pick something to wear.

"Now that was simply wonderful." Chidori turned at the voice and saw Jinni, lounging on the window seat and grinning. It was definitely Jinni sitting there, but she looked completely different from the last time Chidori saw her. She wasn't huge anymore, for one thing. Her skin wasn't rainbow-colored anymore, and she wasn't even naked. Now she was normal-sized woman with normal skin-colored skin, and she was wearing what would have looked like normal clothes if they weren't quite so skimpy: a really tiny sleeveless crop-top that didn't quite reach her bellybutton, and an extremely tiny pleated miniskirt that barely reached her thighs. With the way the skirt was fluttering constantly as if being blown around by a stiff breeze it was really obvious that she wasn't wearing anything at all underneath it, and with the way the top clung to her big round breasts and let her firm, pointy nipples poke through it was even more obvious that she wasn't wearing anything at all underneath it either. Seeing Chidori's surprised stare, Jinni continued, "I've even got enough power to whip up this nice little body now. Isn't it lovely?" Beaming, she lifted a slender, toned leg and stroked it with one hand, while the other hand cupped a soft, firm breast, lifted it, then let go and allowed it to bounce and jiggle freely. "And I really appreciate your help, you know. I never could have accomplished this so soon without you."

"Huh?" Chidori blinked, blushing at the indecent sight as she turned toward the closet. "Wh- what do you mean? I didn't do anything," she protested, which only sent Jinni into a wave of giggles. Growing annoyed and suspicious, Chidori turned back around, put her hands on her hips and said, "You better not have been running around embarrassing anyone else since I put your hairpin back on, because we had a deal. Unless... was it you making all that wind that blew my towel around when I was outside? Because that was-"

"Oh, no, no. I didn't embarrass anybody," Jinni quickly interrupted the stream of accusations, her giggles subsiding, "and it was a perfectly ordinary wind that uncovered you just now. I mean it would have been a nice tasty snack, of course, if you got caught running around like that, but it was just a waste with nobody there to appreciate it. What I meant is after that, when you gave me a magnificent feast all by yourself."

Jinni continued giggling then, and Chidori was getting confused and even more annoyed. "What are you talking about? I told you I didn't do any-" this time her protest was cut short, however, by a sudden flood of memories. She remembered sitting down eager to play, perched on the edge of the couch in a way that allowed the towel draped over her chest to part, the fabric hanging to either side of her hips and leaving her entire lower body completely uncovered before the leering eyes of the boys.

"I... I didn't..." she murmured again, her face brightening at the memory. She remembered winning, and getting so excited after each victorious race that she would bounce up and down where she sat, paying no attention at all to the way her excited bouncing caused her tightly tucked towel to gradually loosen. She remembered the feeling of the fabric she had so carefully secured sliding open little by little, until after a particularly exciting win and a particularly vigorous bounce it finally came undone and fell off, leaving her completely naked.

"I just couldn't..." she complained of her own behavior, even as the memory replayed in her mind of how she simply sighed in annoyance and lifted her fallen towel back into place, tucking it haphazardly and with no particular effort to secure the garment nearly as well as she had before, and the inevitable result. Again and again she recalled her towel coming loose and falling right off after even a little bit of bouncing. A few times it even happened right in the middle of a race, causing the boys to instantly lose their focus and stare transfixed at her exposed breasts while she cruised to an effortless victory.

"But I would never..." Chidori murmured, blushing brightly in a voice no more than just a squeak. Yet even as she said it she was struck by the worst memory of all. The way she leaned back in contentment to relax after a long and unusually contested race, stretching her legs and resting one foot on the coffee table, and the way the boys' gazes promptly dropped between her parted thighs.

"I... I wouldn't... I couldn't... There's just no way that I would ever... just let them... see.." Chidori moaned, sinking onto her bed and curling up with her legs clenched together and her hands over her breasts as the rush of memory finally overwhelmed her.

"But you did let them see. And they did see," Jinni announced, grinning as big and brightly as ever. "They saw everything, and you didn't even mind at all."

"But how!" Chidori cried in plaintive disbelief, "How could I do something like that?"

"Well isn't it obvious?" Jinni cocked her head with amusement, "It's just like we agreed. I took away your embarrassment. And it was simply wonderful," she continued, just as excited as before, "I never would have thought that you'd serve me such a magnificent feast so soon. It was absolutely splendid." For a few seconds Chidori simply stared at her in uncomprehending silence, until Jinni gave a little sigh and explained, "You agreed to be my new Vashti, remember? Vashti wanted to obey her king and make him happy, but she was too embarrassed to dance naked in front of everybody, so I made her stop being embarrassed, and then she could dance naked just fine and everyone was happy. And you wanted to play that video game just now, but you were too embarrassed to stay there in front of those boys wearing nothing but your towel, so I made you stop being embarrassed, and then you had fun with them and now everyone's happy. Right?"

Chidori wasn't happy. She may have agreed to let Jinni take her embarrassment away, but she certainly hadn't expected to end up completely forgetting her modesty and letting herself be seen naked like she did just now! Her shocked disbelief quickly turning into anger, she stood up with her hands on her hips to make a perfectly reasonable demand.

"That's not what I agreed to!" Chidori exclaimed. "And it's not what you said either! You said you wouldn't make me get naked in front of anybody! I remember asking about that, and you said-"

"I said there was no need for it," Jinni replied calmly. "And I didn't make you do anything. All I did was take away your embarrassment, just like I said I would, and everything that happened after that you did all by yourself."

"But... but I... I would never! I just... I couldn't possibly!"

"Maybe not normally, but that's just because you'd be too embarrassed. Once you weren't embarrassed anymore you did exactly what you wanted to. And I never said that I'd keep you from getting naked if that's what you wanted to do."

"But it's... I didn't want..." Chidori's protests trailed off, her conviction fading away. "I never thought that... that I would just..." Thinking back now, she was forced to silently admit that without embarrassment to remind her, she hadn't even given modesty the slightest thought. Mustering what remained of her indignation, she burst out, "You've got to warn me next time!"

"Hmm? Warn you?" Jinni tilted her head with a quizzical expression. "Well, I supposed I could do something like that if you'd prefer. But why? It wasn't embarrassing then, so why is it a problem now?"

"There's more to it than that! Modesty isn't just about embarrassment, it's... it's not just..." Chidori trailed off, trying to come up with a way to put her problem with the situation into words. "I don't want people getting the wrong idea about me!" she cried at last.

That required more explanation, and soon Chidori was trying to explain why letting her brother's friends see as much of her as they just did might cause trouble for her. Afterward, Jinni admitted that she might not quite have anticipated all the effects that her deal with Chidori might have, and she even offered to do something about the boys' memories so that they wouldn't cause Chidori any problems. Chidori, for her part, admitted that she hadn't given too much thought to the potential consequences of having her embarrassment drained either. The two of them agreed to try to discuss the matter better in the future, and when Chidori went to bed she was once again feeling fairly comfortable with the arrangement.

The next morning Chidori walked to school just like always, and she met Akiha at the corner just like always, and Akiha waved to her and called out cheerfully just like always, but what she said today was something very unusual.

"Wow, they got even bigger!" The direction of her friend's gaze and the way she was staring made Chidori shiver uncomfortably, but then she heard Jinni's voice in her head again.

"See? It's just like I said. As far as everyone else is concerned, you're simply having a sudden growth spurt." It was what she said earlier that morning, in the course of the argument that ensued when Chidori woke up and noticed what had changed overnight: her breasts, which were now absolutely enormous.

"Surprise!" Jinni had declared as soon as Chidori sat up in bed and looked down, her eyes popping wide open at the sight. She ran to the mirror then, still staring in disbelief, as Jinni prattled on about her 'surprise', "...and then I remembered when I was punishing the violent brute with the sword and the little pang of envy that you felt when you saw her bosom burst free and I knew just what to do! It wasn't easy to make them this big, you know. I spent all night trying to get just the right balance of-"

Chidori interrupted her then, and that's when the argument started. Chidori's first complaint was that everybody would notice, but Jinni just told her that she already thought of that and she could make everyone think they'd already been growing for weeks. Then Chidori said none of her bras would fit now, and Jinni pointed out that wasn't a problem because she made them so firm and buoyant that they didn't need any support at all. Then Chidori started to complain that her uniform might not even fit, but when she went to put it on it turned out that it still did, even though it was really tight and it took her a few minutes of straining to get the third button fastened. Chidori still wasn't exactly happy about the situation, but by then it was time to leave, and Jinni said that she said if Chidori didn't change her mind about her brand new boobs by the end of the day, she'd change them back to their old size and make everybody forget all about the whole thing.

So now here she was, trying not to squirm as Akiha stared, grinning and marveling at at the size of her magically-enhanced bust. "You don't mind if I feel them again, right?" she burst out after several seconds. without waiting for a response, she slipped behind Chidori's back and reached around her with both hands. Chidori could only squeak in surprise and whimper in ineffectual protest as her best friend gave her nice big breasts a nice big squeeze. "Mmmm, they're so soft..." she purred, "and since none of your bras fit anymore I'll bet they bounce and jiggle all the time, huh? But they're so firm that I'll bet you don't even need a bra anyway, huh? Unless... are they real heavy? If they're too heavy they might give you backaches or something..." With that she switched from squeezing Chidori's breasts to cupping them gently from beneath, and tried lifting them slowly and carefully. "Hmm... they do feel pretty heavy, but they're not sagging at all. I guess that means you should be ok, right?

Jinni's joyous, bubbly giggling echoed in Chidori's mind. "See? It's like I said: just the right balance of softness and firmness and weight and buoyancy. They'll bounce and jiggle all you could possibly want, but they'll never sag, and they certainly won't leave you aching or anything like that. Isn't it wonderful? I just know you're gonna absolutely love them."

Chidori didn't respond to that, occupied as she was with trying to fend off Akiha's continued fondling. Eventually she managed to sputter something about how they needed to hurry and get to school, and the other girl reluctantly agreed and disengaged. She kept staring, however, remarking again and again as they walked along about the way Chidori's breasts bounced and jiggled with every step, or how her nipples strained against the taut fabric of her blouse as if they were struggling to get free. Soon Chidori was blushing and squirming uncomfortably once again.

Her discomfort only grew worse when they got to school. Heads turned and mouths dropped open as she came bouncing through the courtyard, boys and girls alike staring in shameless fascination. Chidori did her best to ignore it, but she could feel her blush growing brighter and brighter as she crossed to the main building. And inside it was even worse, the crowded hallways forming a veritable gauntlet for her to walk through. The feeling of dozens and dozens of eyes crawling over her chest was almost like being groped all over again. By the time she at last reached the classroom door she was trembling helplessly, and had to take a moment to calm herself before going inside. Taking several deep breaths, she told herself that once she sat down at her desk her oversized breasts might not be quite so obvious, and that tomorrow everything would be back to normal and nobody would remember any of this.

After calming down a bit she opened the door and stepped inside, relieved that for once nobody turned to stare at her chest, as most of the class seemed to already be staring at the curtain at the far end of the room, where Izumo- sensei's voice could be heard. "Come now dear, there's no need to be so nervous. Try to remember, we are all here for the sake of art. So please, I just know you'll feel much more comfortable once you come out and get started." She stepped out from behind the curtain, gently pulling somebody along with her. Izumo-sensei was a solidly built middle-aged woman with a warm and pleasant manner, and just now she had that warmth turned all the way up in her attempt to coax whoever else was behind that curtain to come on out.

"But I... I can't... I just can't! Please..." Chidori recognized that voice. It was Sakaki, and she sounded almost as distraught now as she looked yesterday, after her 'incident'. "Please, if I could at least keep my... my underwear... Like you said I could..."

"But dear, that was the special costume underwear that I showed you. What you have on now simply won't do at all," Izumo-sensei's gentle but relentless tugging brought Sakaki stumbling partly into view, and it seemed that she was indeed wearing only her underwear. "Come on now, you'll feel better in a moment. It's always the first time that's the hardest."

"It's... it's in my locker!" Sakaki cried frantically, "I must have left it in my locker. I'm just sure that's it! Please, if you could just let me go get it then I could... I..." she trailed off as she caught sight of the class staring at her, then began to whimper softly and tried to cover herself with her hands.

"But there's no time for that now, dear. Class is about to start in just a moment, and by the time you get dressed and find your locker it'll be too late. We mustn't keep everyone waiting, you know." With Sakaki now standing in full view of the class and no longer struggling against her grasp, Izumo-sensei turned her attention to removing her reluctant model's underwear.

Chidori was stunned. From what she'd heard about it yesterday, she had managed to piece together that Sakaki agreed to model for Izumo-sensei's art class, but she never would have imagined that the art teacher might expect her volunteer model to pose completely naked! It was a horrifying thought. And Sakaki herself seemed to be just as surprised and far more horrified. She was blushing right down to her toes and shaking like a leaf in front of the class full of staring art students, still whimpering incoherently and reflexively clutching at her lacy white bra as the teacher gently undid the clasp at her back. Once that was open the lady slipped her deft fingers into Sakaki's lacy white panties and began to slide them down her legs, all the while still smiling as if nothing was wrong at all. When Sakaki moved her hands to clutch at her panties, Izumo-sensei instantly returned her attention to the girl's bra, managing to slip the straps from her shoulders before Sakaki could move to stop her.

The result of all this was as obvious as it was inevitable. Sakaki would be stripped naked in moments, and Chidori just couldn't let that happen. Thinking quickly, she stepped forward and...

"Excuse me!" Chidori called out. "I... ah, I'm sorry to interrupt. I just, um..." Izumo-sensei looked up at the interruption, allowing Sakaki a chance to undo some of the teacher's work by simultaneously tugging her bra and her panties back into place. Chidori, meanwhile, struggled to come up with a story that would create the distraction she needed. She was trying to decide whether to say she needed help setting up her canvas or that the principal or the student council or somebody wanted to see Izumo-sensei right away when the teacher herself spoke up.

"Venus..." she breathed, releasing her grip on Sakaki and allowing the shivering girl to bolt for safety behind the curtain. Chidori was relieved to see Sakaki escape her imminent exposure, but she was also a bit uncomfortable with the way Izumo-sensei was looking at her. The teacher stepped forward and continued, her voice breathless with excitement, "Oh, it's perfect. You're simply perfect." In a flash the woman was upon her, taking her by the hands, and before Chidori quite knew what was going on she was being led behind the curtain herself while Izumo-sensei kept right on talking. "To think that the perfect Venus would appear just in time to model for us. Oh, this will be simply splendid. I just know my little budding artists will produce truly beautiful work With such a magnificent model as you. You will pose for us, won't you? Oh, you must! You simply have to!"

"Wait, you mean... you want me... to model? For the art class?" Chidori asked in confusion.

"Of course! You would be the perfect Venus! We're painting a scene inspired by the Birth of Venus - the one by Botticelli, you know? The original depicts the goddess of beauty and love emerging from the sea in all her glory, rendered as a Renaissance ideal of beauty. So our version shall depict our own ideal of beauty - a Venus of Yamato. And you... you *are* that Venus. Your gorgeous long black hair... your flawless pale smooth skin... your body at once so slender and so toned and lush... you are the very image of Yamato beauty!" Izumo-sensei's face beamed and her voice was filled with reverent wonder.

Chidori felt herself blushing at the woman's glowing praise. "I- um... you really think so?" she asked bashfully, and at sensei's warm smile and heartfelt nod she blushed even more. "Well, if you really think I'd be the best, I guess I could give it a try... at least for- wait!" she suddenly cried, catching herself on the very point of agreeing as her eyes feel on Sakaki, now huddled in the corner behind the curtain along with them, and the sight snapped her back to her senses. "If I pose for the class, would I have to pose in my... um, without any... um, I mean... naked?" her blush deepened again as she breathed that last word, this time with embarrassment instead of pride.

"Of course, dear!" Izumo-sensei exclaimed, totally oblivious to Chidori's discomfort. "A goddess has no need to conceal her beauty. And such beauty as yours simply mustn't be concealed. It would be a crime against art itself!

"Um, sensei... does that mean... do you mean... that I don't have to model today after all?" Sakaki asked in a hopeful little squeak from where she sat huddled in the corner clutching her clothes against herself.

"Hmm? Oh, certainly dear. You can take your seat," Izumo-sensei replied, sparing the girl a brief glance over her shoulder and a dismissive wave before she turned her attention back to Chidori. "Now we'll need to rethink your pose. Old Botticelli used a classical contrapposto with a few modifications to better display and accentuate his model's attributes, you see. So we're going to have to make our own modifications to properly display *your* attributes. Start by getting undressed while I find the sample print..." she bustled off toward the back of the classroom while Chidori stood there, somewhat overwhelmed.

"Thank you so much Chidori," Sakaki squeaked then, looking up at her with an expression of earnest gratitude. "If you hadn't got here just in time then I would have had to... in front of the whole... and everybody would have seen..." she trailed off, blushing just as brightly as before. "W- well anyway, thank you so much for volunteering," she murmured again, starting to slip her uniform back on now that her underwear was securely in place.

Chidori wanted to protest that she never volunteered for anything, but between Sakaki's gratitude and the memory of how miserable she looked after what happened yesterday she couldn't bring herself to say it. If she didn't model naked, then poor Sakaki would have to model naked instead, and snatching away the girl's salvation like that would just be too cruel. Even so, she protested mentally, "But... but I can't just get naked in front of everybody!"

"Why not?" came the response in her head, surprising her. "That's what you did yesterday. Quite a few times as I recall," Jinni's voice bubbled with laughter, "and if you did it before, you can do it again, right?"

"But... but that was different!" she protested again, starting to blush yet again at the embarrassing memory.

"Well of course it was. This is for art!" Jinni exclaimed mentally. "And how could anyone think badly of you for nobly and selflessly displaying your magnificent body for the sake of the fine arts?"

"Still... that doesn't... I can't just... I just can't..." Chidori kept on complaining. Izumo-sensei had said something to Sakaki earlier about everyone being here 'for the sake of art', but thinking about it that way didn't help her feel better now any more than it had helped Sakaki then. Art class or not, the thought of standing there in front of everyone while they stared at her naked body was just so unbearably embarrassing that just imagining it made her shiver.

Sensing this, Jinni continued, "Oh, I know you feel that way now, but that's just because of your silly modesty, and I can take care of that for you no problem. All you have to do is ask, and you won't be embarrassed at all."

For long moments Chidori struggled with the dilemma. What Jinni was saying made sense and all, but even so she really didn't want to get naked in the middle of class. Even if Jinni took away her embarrassment just like yesterday, she would still have to deal with the memories afterward, just like she was still trying to deal with the memory of what happened yesterday. But then again, maybe this new memory would make the old one less bad in comparison. And this time she could always just tell herself that it was for the sake of art, which might help at least a little. And then there was Sakaki.

Thinking about Sakaki was the most compelling motivation of all. Because no matter how bad posing naked in front of the whole art class would be for Chidori, it would definitely be far, *far* worse for poor Sakaki, since without Jinni to help her she would just have to suffer through the incredible embarrassment all by herself. And Chidori just couldn't let that happen, not when she had a way to stop it. With a sigh, she resigned herself to surrendering whatever remained of her modesty and made up her mind. That was when Izumo- sensei returned.

"Oh, you're not undressed yet. Are you having trouble?" she gently inquired, setting down the large easel with the print on it at the front of the class along with a low felt-covered pedestal. "Here, I'll help you out. We wouldn't want to make the whole class wait, now would we." Without waiting for a response, the teacher reached out for Chidori's chest.

Her fingertips touched the third button of Chidori's top, the one right where the fabric was stretched the tightest, and at that first little touch the button burst open like it was spring-loaded. This caused Chidori to let out a little squeak and hop backwards in surprise, which in turn caused her breasts to bounce and wobble and jiggle every bit as vivaciously as they had all day. Izumo-sensei grinned as she watched the spectacle through Chidori's wide open 'boob window'. "Magnificent," she breathed. In a flash she stepped forward and undid the rest of the buttons as well, opening Chidori's blouse wide and allowing her bountiful bust to burst free. "Absolutely magnificent." Chidori was beginning to suspect that she was discovering the real reason Izumo-sensei had been so excited to see her and so quick to make her a new model.

Giggling anew, Jinni spoke up to confirm her suspicions, "Well of course that's why, silly. You didn't think she somehow looked at you and didn't even notice them, did you?" more giggles, then, "I mean, she meant it about your beautiful hair and your skin and your figure and everything, but as far as she's concerned the most important part of the Venus by far is that she's absolutely got to have a pair of nice big boobs. Just as I expected."

Chidori wanted to ask what she meant by that last bit, but Izumo-sensei already had her by the hands and was tugging her gently but steadily out from behind the curtain. "Now let's see how you handle that, and you can take the rest off once you get used to it, okay? I wouldn't want to push you too far too fast..." she kept talking, but Chidori didn't hear anything else, because at that moment she emerged to see the entire class staring at her, and time seemed to stop.

Her eyes widened, her skin turned bright red, and she froze. All those eyes looking at her... looking at her chest... looking at her totally naked breasts... it felt like their eyes were squeezing her, just like in the hall earlier only ten thousand times worse. She wanted to scream, but her voice couldn't make anything but a tiny squeak. She wanted to run, but her legs couldn't do anything besides tremble. She wanted to cover herself, but Izumo- sensei was still holding her hands and they couldn't do anything besides squirm. She could only stand there shaking, staring back into the sea of faces. All the boys had shameless perverted looks, like they were trying to grope her with their eyes. And the girls had a constantly shifting mix of awe and jealousy and resentment all jumbled up together. It was overwhelming, an absolutely unbearable crushing wave of embarrassment, and she simply couldn't stand it. "Please..." she thought, her mind desperately reaching out for anything that might relieve the haze and the pressure, "Please help me!"

No sooner did the words form in her mind than her anguish began to recede. She felt her body slowly relax, her shivering abated, and she managed to smile. The faces staring at her didn't look perverted anymore, or jealous or anything like that either. They were just art students now, dozens of eager budding artists waiting patiently for their model to take her place so that they could capture her beauty. She smiled at the idea, faced the class and said shyly, "This is my first time, so please be patient with me," she gave a small bow. "I promise to do my best."

"Are you ready to begin then? Good, good. Now just take your place right here," Izumo-sensei purred, leading her model to the pedestal. "Look at the sample print and try to get a feel for the pose. Go ahead and finish disrobing whenever you feel comfortable enough." Chidori obediently stepped onto the pedestal and started examining the painting. She started to imitate the way the white woman in the picture was standing on the seashell, placing one hand on her chest and the other on her thigh. That was when she remembered she was still half-dressed and reached down to undo her skirt.

The garment dropped to the ground and she kicked it aside without a moment's hesitation. She slipped her panties off next, then plopped down on the soft felt to remove her shoes and carefully slide her knee socks down her legs. Chidori made no effort to hide anything, and paid no attention at all to the dozens of eyes that were staring at her secret place. When she stood back up she was totally naked, yet still as calm and relaxed as ever.

She started to pose again, with one hand half-covering her breast just like before, and she was trying to decide on the proper placement for the other hand when Izumo-sensei got her attention again. "That's good, but... your hair," she murmured thoughtfully, "we've got to find a way to properly display that lovely hair of yours."

Chidori reached back for her hair, still trying to copy the white Venus. Her smooth wavy hair was bright orange and long enough to fall past her waist, and she was holding it in front of her thighs with the end just barely covering what was between them. Chidori pulled her hair over her shoulder to do the same, only to find that it didn't reach. "Oh, it's too short..." she exclaimed, fingering the tips of the long black strands where they brushed against her bellybutton.

"Nonsense, dear," Izumo-sensei gently chided, "Your hair is just perfect. That color, that glossy sheen. Even the length is just right for a Yamato beauty," she purred, gathering up Chidori's hair to stroke it lovingly, her hands lightly brushing Chidori's breasts in the process. Then, stepping behind the pedestal, she pulled Chidori's hair back and smoothed it out in a lustrous black curtain. "There now, hold it up just like that." Chidori obligingly lifted her arms behind her head, arching her back and causing her chest to stick way out as she did so.

"Wonderful," Izumo-sensei exclaimed. "Now I'll just make a few more adjustments. As long as you don't mind of course?"

"Oh no, please go right ahead," Chidori agreed cheerfully, and Izumo-sensei did just that, starting with Chidori's breasts. She cupped them and squeezed them, drawing a soft startled gasp. Her squeezing was much firmer and deeper than Akiha's earlier, and she finished with a quick pinch and a little twist that made Chidori's nipples stiffen and stand straight up. With her model's chest properly adjusted, Izumo-sensei twisted Chidori's hips into position, pulled one leg forward, then set about carefully arranging her toes while Chidori struggled to keep still and hold back laughter at the feeling of gentle fingers on her very ticklish feet. When she was done all of Chidori's best attributes were on full display: her cute little toes, her firm and lightly flexed calves, the gentle curve of her hips, her smooth tummy, her glossy hair... and most of all, most prominent and most spectacular, her huge full round breasts.

"Magnificent... superb... absolutely splendid..." Izumo-sensei cooed, gently stroking the little fuzzy patch perched atop Chidori's most private place until the fine hair became lush and feathery. That spot alone remained concealed, just barely covered by the way her thigh was angled, and the bit of black fluff that decorated it seemed to call attention to what was shyly hiding just below.

When she was at last satisfied, Izumo-sensei stepped back and told the class to begin, and then there was nothing left for Chidori to do but stand still and hold her pose. Her legs slowly grew stiff and her arms grew tired, but looking at all the eager artists working hard to capture her beauty strengthened her resolve, and she managed to last until the bell rang. Izumo-sensei congratulated her again, helped rub some of the stiffness out of her weary limbs, and invited her to examine what the class had painted. Agreeing eagerly, Chidori trotted over and began to walk among the students as they put their supplies away, stopping to lean over the shoulder of one boy in the front row for a better look at his work.

When she had enough, Chidori went back behind the curtain to get dressed again, and Sakaki came over to say how grateful she was and help her get her top buttoned. Then they left and headed down the hall together, and Sakaki thanked her one more time before heading toward her next class. Chidori was waving goodbye when she happened to notice a group of boys staring at her with their mouths wide open. At first she thought they were watching her waving, but then she realized they were actually watching her boobs jiggling, and she blushed and turned away.

Forcing herself not to think about what just happened in art class, Chidori decided that she should probably try to do something about her whole situation before anything else like that happened. "Maybe later I'll..."

Kirika seemed to know the most about what was going on yesterday, so she was probably the best bet for figuring out what to do about it today. Of course, first Chidori had to get through class. She didn't expect that to be difficult or anything, but it was definitely going to be pretty uncomfortable, as she quickly discovered when she got to class and everybody there turned all at once to stare at her chest. Trying not to blush too much or bounce too much, she hurried to take her seat.

"You can't really blame them, you know," Jinni remarked in her usual merry bubbling giggle, "you are quite a sight today. Of course, if it's too embarrassing for you, all you have to do is ask and I'd be perfectly happy to take care of that for you." The eager purring in her voice told Chidori exactly how happy she would be, and it was a tempting offer. The eyes of her classmates were squeezing her breasts just like before, and without Jinni's help she would just have to sit here and endure their mass visual groping for who knows how long, and it wasn't like she was real likely to do anything even more embarrassing like she did yesterday at home. But at the thought of what she did then and how much she let those boys see, she suddenly decided that even a small chance of something like that happening again was a risk she just couldn't take. So she summoned up her courage and got ready for a very uncomfortable class.

Fortunately, it wasn't quite as bad as she was afraid of. Chidori's seat was in the second row, so most of the classroom was behind her and out of her sight. She caught a few more boys staring at her every time she turned her head, but over time the squeezing sensation seemed to relax and she grew less and less uncomfortable, and by the time class ended and she stepped out into the hall to be suddenly confronted with a fresh wave of stares, she didn't even blush. The next class was easier, and afterwards she was comfortable enough to stay behind and clean up. Unfortunately, when she raised her arms to erase the top line on the chalkboard, the stretching caused the third button on her top to pop open all by itself, with a sharp noise that drew fresh stares from everybody, and this time she did blush as she struggled to get her boob window closed again.

But for the most part things got much better, and at lunch when Chidori got to the library and Kirika looked up at her and calmly observed, "They have grown even larger," she hardly even cringed at all. Fortunately however, beyond that remark Kirika didn't seem to be particularly fixated on Chidori's huge tits, and when Chidori asked her how the research was coming along she answered readily. "I have found quite a bit, although I imagine that little of it will be of immediate use. I began by investigating the ancient king Solomon, particularly his reputed association with various types of supernatural affairs. As it turns out there is a substantial body of information on the topic, most of it originating in Arabic sources. While all of the surviving accounts which specifically mention supernatural creatures seem to focus rather unduly upon extracting some sort of lesson regarding proper morality or the appropriate relationship between the mundane and divine realms, I did find a number of depictions of the 'Seal of Solomon' which may be of further interest. The simplest of these is widely known and used, but there are others as well, which could potentially represent a way for us to-" Kirika's long and detailed explanation was cut off suddenly as the library door opened.

"There you are!" Akiha exclaimed, her eyes glittering as she hurried through the door and toward Chidori. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming straight to the library? I thought we were going to meet at the student council office again. Oh well, this is better anyway." Chidori saw her and began to respond, but she only managed a startled squeak when, instead of drawing up in front of the desk to talk, Akiha walked right over and grabbed Chidori's breasts with both hands. "Ohhh..." She sighed, and her face blossomed with sheer delight, "I've been waiting so long to touch them again. I just couldn't stand to wait another second." Chidori tried to sputter a protest, but Akiha didn't even seem to notice. "What do you think, senpai?" she asked eagerly, suddenly standing behind Chidori, cupping her breasts and jiggling them gently in Kirika's face. "I'd say they're at least 110 cm, maybe even more."

Kirika nodded agreement, "Oh yes, a bit more than that. I would estimate 118 cm at a minimum. May I examine them?" Akiha pulled her left hand away, and without waiting for any other sign of agreement Kirika reached out, popped open Chidori's third button with no more than a brush of one finger, and slipped her hand inside Chidori's top to give Chidori's breast a quick firm squeeze. Chidori squeaked again, but before she could react Kirika's hand was already withdrawing. The seated girl nodded once again, her face still as calm and impassive as ever. "Yes, definitely larger. At least 120 cm."

"Really? Wow..." Akiha intoned, staring down over Chidori's shoulder, and for a few seconds all three girls stood there gazing through Chidori's wide-open boob window. Akiha continued, "I guess we just gotta find out for sure!" With that she produced a tape measure from somewhere. Chidori's eyes widened as she realized what her friend had in mind, and she sputtered again, but Akiha had the next two buttons open before she managed something coherent enough to give the other girl pause.

"Wait! W- what if... what if somebody comes in..." she looked toward the door with unfeigned apprehension. "What if somebody... sees?" If somebody happened to come through the library door right now and saw the student council secretary gleefully groping her topless friend it was sure to be a huge mess.

"Hmm, you're right," Akiha muttered, letting up her assault on Chidori's chest long enough for Chidori to clutch her top against herself and begin to fumble at the buttons. "We need to go somewhere more private. Any suggestions, senpai?"

Kirika nodded, still as expressionless as ever, and pointed down a nearby row of bookshelves. "There. I will make sure you are not disturbed." Immediately Akiha took off in that direction, calling a quick thanks over her shoulder. Chidori could only continue to sputter and clutch at her top as her friend pulled her into the little reading room and closed the door. Once inside Akiha became even more aggressive, and in moments Chidori's top was lying forgotten on the table. She continued her ineffectual protests as Akiha stood behind her and got her tape measure out again, and eventually managed to mention the research she had been planning to do.

"Oh, you mean about the whole Jinni thing? Don't worry about it, just leave that to Kirika-senpai. I'm sure she'll find out everything there is to find in no time. Now hold still." She tightened the tape measure across Chidori's nipples, and Chidori let out another little squeak. After a few more careful measurements Akiha announced with barely contained elation, "She was right. 125 cm, and a lovely G-cup." For a few seconds both girls stared down at them, Chidori struggling to get her head around the meaning of that ridiculously big number and Akiha beaming with blatant shameless desire until she just couldn't contain herself any longer and her hands pounced.

Chidori squeaked again, and this time the sound turned into a breathy startled squeal. Because where Akiha's hands were merely exploring before, now they were enjoying themselves. They squeezed and groped and stroked and fondled, fingers sinking deep into the bountiful softness one moment and caressing the smooth firm curves the next, and generally playing with Chidori's boobs in every possible way. "They're magnificent..." Akiha breathed. "So gorgeous... and so squishy soft... so silky smooth... so buoyant and firm... so full and round... They're just perfect. It must have taken lots and lots of work to get everything just right."

Chidori looked up in surprise at that remark, but before she could say anything the response came, "Oh, it totally did. I worked so hard on them." Jinni's voice seemed to come from all directions at once, resounding off the walls and giggling just like always. "I'm really glad that everybody likes them."

"Well of course everybody likes them," Akiha replied with a snicker of her own, "a pair like this is a work of art. Who wouldn't like them? Have you shown Takagi-san yet?" Chidori gave a slight start at the mention of that name. Observing this, Akiha continued, "I guess not. Still, I'm sure he'll love them too. Especially once he gets to touch them for himself." Chidori shuddered, suddenly very grateful that Takagi went to a different school so she wouldn't have to risk that happening today.

Then she realized something. "Wait a minute... how did you know Jinni had anything to do with my... with them," she cast a suspicious glare at the far wall for lack of anything better to glare at. "I thought everybody was supposed to think I was just having a growth spurt."

Two sets of chuckling met her question, and Akiha was the one who replied, "Come on now, I'm not stupid enough to believe a story like that, especially after I saw what she can do to people's memories yesterday." Looking at that same point on the far wall, she continued, "Still, it's a good thing you took the trouble of making up that story, or else we'd have some explaining to do to everybody else. Oh, and thanks for letting me know you can talk while you're in the hairpin. I'll let Kirika-senpai know later, she was wondering about that.

For now, however, Akiha was busy. She kept right on playing with Chidori's boobs until the end of lunch, then she helped Chidori put her top back on and get it buttoned before they left, waving goodbye at the library doors as if they'd spent the time doing nothing more unusual than study together. The rest of the day passed quickly for Chidori, as visual groping turned out to be quite a bit easier to take after having endured a lengthy and vigorous physical groping. Her last class of the day was gym, and upon entering the locker room she was somewhat puzzled to see lots of unfamiliar faces, as well as two which were more familiar but still unexpected.

"Oh! Hi, Chidori-senpai," Natsumi called out, turning to face her with a friendly smile. Mioko, next to her, turned and smiled as well. They were in the middle of changing, and both were wearing only underwear: cute light green stripes for Natsumi and startlingly mature pure black for Mioko, Chidori couldn't help noticing. She looked away quickly, and the two first years explained that the renovations on the old athletics building were taking longer than expected, so their gym class would be combined with Chidori's second-year class for a little while. "At least the new building has plenty of room for both classes at once," Natsumi concluded with a chuckle. They continued changing then, and again Chidori quickly looked away from Natsumi's small yet firm and perky bare breasts as the girl casually removed her bra. She instead found herself looking at Mioko's bare butt just as the other girl casually removed her panties, and this time she couldn't look away quite so quickly.

Mioko's butt was so round and plump and smooth and the way it jiggled when she moved was so striking that Chidori could only gaze in fascination for several seconds. Then she caught herself and jerked her head away, blushing and hoping that Mioko hadn't noticed the direction of her stare. After a few more seconds she again risked a careful glance in that direction and was relieved to see Mioko calmly putting her underwear away in her locker, while Natsumi had finished changing and was carefully adjusting the string of her light blue bikini top. Chidori blinked in confusion at that, until she remembered.

"Oh yeah, swimming starts today doesn't it?" She vaguely remembered hearing about that last week, but with all the excitement of yesterday and today she'd completely forgotten until just now.

"Uh-huh," Natsumi replied absently, peering over one shoulder, then the other at her handiwork before turning toward Chidori with sudden concern. "Uh-oh, you didn't forget to bring your swimsuit, did you? I heard last year some third-year girl forgot her swimsuit and Fuyumi-sensei made her-"

"No!" Chidori hurriedly cut her off. She had already heard some fourth-hand rumors about Fuyumi-sensei and she did not want to let Natsumi get started and breathlessly relate all the embarrassing details. "It's right here," she said, moving the few steps to her own locker, quite thankful that she had planned ahead and brought her swimsuit to school last week to make sure she wouldn't forget. "See?" Retrieving the standard-issue deep blue school swimsuit, she placed it on the bench and began removing her shoes. Natsumi just stared silently for a few seconds, shifting her eyes from Chidori down to her swimsuit and back up to Chidori again before she spoke.

"Um..." the first-year started, "are you, uh... sure that's yours?" she inquired hesitantly, pointing down at the swimsuit. Chidori just looked back at her in confusion for a few seconds until Natsumi continued. "Because... um..." she trailed off, and Chidori slowly realized what she meant. She looked down as if to confirm it for herself, and her face fell at the sight of her swimsuit along with her breasts.

"Oh no..." she breathed as the awful truth dawned on her. There was no way that her swimsuit would fit her now: her breasts were simply way too big! Even if she somehow managed to stuff them inside and get the straps over her shoulders, the mental image of what it would look like made her shudder with embarrassment. There was absolutely no way she could get through a whole class like that. A familiar giggling sounded in the back of her mind, but she didn't have a chance to think about it before Mioko overheard them and came over.

"Hmm? What's the matter?" the second girl inquired with innocent concern. Then she saw Chidori, her swimsuit, and her expression. "Oh..." she continued, looking back and forth just the way her friend did a moment earlier, then suddenly seeming to comprehend. "Oh!" she exclaimed with an expression of alarm, which Chidori looked up and returned with one of apprehension. Mioko, evidently sharing that apprehension, concluded with a quite concise, "Uh-oh."

"Well it... it fit just fine before!" Chidori cried in protest. It fit fine when she brought it to school last week, and just yesterday it would have fit as well as it had when she started wearing it in junior high three years ago, but there was no need to go into details like that just now. Natsumi quickly and generously offered to let Chidori wear her own swimsuit, a tiny light blue bikini, while she wore Chidori's school swimsuit. Chidori was grateful, of course, but still she hesitated to accept. Even on Natsumi that bikini looked really skimpy, and on Chidori it was sure to be unbelievably skimpy. It was better than trying to wear what she brought, of course, but even so she found herself looking around in the hopes of finding something better. And she did.

Mioko's swimsuit was a tight sporty one-piece that clung perfectly to every curve and covered her chest all the way up to her neck, and even with the big cutouts at her midriff and the sides of her hips it seemed like it would offer more coverage than Natsumi's bikini. On the other hand, however, if she wore the bikini then Fuyumi-sensei might see how skimpy it was and decide to let her skip gym today. For that matter, if she simply explained her predicament to Fuyumi- sensei she might let her skip gym today anyway. That was what any reasonable teacher would do in a situation like this, after all.

After taking a few moments to calm herself, Chidori made up her mind to...

"Thanks, but I think I'll just find sensei and explain," Chidori announced. "I'm sure she'll understand." With a determined nod Chidori started toward Fuyumi- sensei's office.

"Are you sure?" Natsumi protested, following after her. "That's not what she did last year..."

"I- huh?" something about Natsumi's nervous tone made Chidori's determination falter.

"With the third-year, like I was saying. I mean, that's what I heard anyway. See, it was the first day of swimming and she forgot her swimsuit, so she asked Fuyumi-sensei if she could be excused from gym class, but sensei told her-"

"Um, you know what, why don't you tell me about that later, ok? Chidori really didn't think the best time to hear all about what happened to some girl who asked to be excused from Fuyumi-sensei's gym class was right before she had to ask the same thing herself. "Oh, and could you, um... wait for me here? Just in case I mean." If sensei said no, she might have to take Natsumi up on her offer and end up swimming in a tiny little bikini after all. Mioko's swimsuit was less skimpy, but Mioko was nowhere in sight, which meant she was probably already on her way to the pool and it was too late to ask her.

Natsumi immediately understood and nodded. Chidori trotted down the hall to the gym teacher's office, knocked, waited for the muffled response of "come in," and did so. Fuyumi-sensei, seated at her desk, looked up with a stern gaze and said in a sharp tone, "Chidori-kun. What is it?"

"I... um..." Chidori started, then paused, took a deep breath and tried to smile. "I have a problem with my, um, my swimsuit. It's, um... it doesn't quite fit." She held it up to demonstrate what a huge understatement that was.

Fuyumi-sensei looked at it, her features stony and unreadable, then looked back at Chidori before asking "Have you tried it?"

For a second Chidori was speechless. She looked at the swimsuit, then looked down at her chest. Sure enough, the swimsuit was just the same size as it was before, and her breasts were just as big as ever, clearly way too big to fit.

"It'll be very tight, I'm sure, but you can't be sure it won't fit without trying," Fuyumi-sensei continued, seeing the look on Chidori's face. "Here, I'll help." She stood up, and Chidori saw that the gym teacher knew what she was talking about. She was wearing a swimsuit too, one so tight that the elastic was digging into her skin in a way that looked extremely uncomfortable. "It's a water polo suit," she explained, again guessing what Chidori was thinking at a glance. "They're supposed to be very tight, but it's not too bad once you get used to it. Yours shouldn't be any different." She circled around the desk, stepped toward Chidori and went straight for that third button, which popped right open at her touch, and just like that Chidori was being stripped all over again.

She gave a few halfhearted protests at first, which were ignored, and quickly realized she was better off trying to get this over with as fast as she could. It wasn't nearly as uncomfortable as her last stripping, possibly because she was starting to get used to it. It also didn't take nearly as long, possibly because Fuyumi-sensei didn't spend the whole time murmuring praise for her magnificent body like Izumo-sensei did. Her firm, deft hands made short work of Chidori's top, which fluttered to the floor, followed quickly by her skirt. Chidori swiftly pulled down her panties before Fuyumi-sensei could touch them, while the teacher slipped off her shoes and socks, and with that her stripping was complete. Now totally naked, Chidori stepped into the swimsuit and pulled it up to her chest, where it predictably got stuck. She gave it a few dutiful tugs, which accomplished nothing besides making her boobs bounce and jiggle vigorously, then looked up at the gym teacher and said plaintively, "See? It won't fit."

Fuyumi-sensei pursed her lips. "Well of course it won't fit if you don't know how to make it fit. Here," she declared, and with no further warning she suddenly slipped around behind Chidori and grabbed her breasts. She lifted them and squished them together, squeezing way harder than Akiha did earlier, until Chidori let out a little squeal. Then she cradled them with one arm while she pulled the swimsuit's straps over Chidori's shoulders with the other. Once the straps were in place she reached down again, squeezing and squishing Chidori's breasts even harder than before to cram them into the swimsuit. Chidori squeaked and squirmed and moaned, but Fuyumi-sensei kept at it, and when she was at last satisfied she stepped back and concluded with, "There, that looks good enough. How do you like it."

Still gasping for breath to recover from her most extensive fondling yet, Chidori looked down and immediately decided that she didn't like it at all. The swimsuit was covering her nipples, but even with the stretchy material stretched to the very limit it was just barely big enough to cover that much, and it was squishing her breasts so much that they bulged and spilled out in a spectacular blossom of cleavage and sideboob.

"I can't... I can't possibly..." she started. The mere thought of letting everybody see her like this was almost too embarrassing to bear.

Fuyumi-sensei just shrugged. "I know it's uncomfortable, but like I said, you'll get used to it."

"That's not the problem!" Chidori complained. "I can't let everybody see me like this! I... It's... they... I just can't!"

This time the teacher gave an exasperated sigh. "Oh, fine. If you really can't stand it I won't force you. Just pick up your clothes and get back to the locker room to change." Filled with a rush of gratitude and relief, Chidori smiled and hurried to collect her clothing that was scattered on the floor. But as Fuyumi- sensei turned toward the door she continued, "you can simply wear your underwear instead."

Chidori froze, sputtering, "Huh? B-but... but... my what?"

"Your underwear," the teacher repeated, apparently oblivious to the rising panic in Chidori's voice. She opened the door and called back over her shoulder, "Go get your bra from your locker. You can swim in your bra and panties. That ought to be less uncomfortable at least," before stepping into the hall and walking away.

"In my... but I don't have... I mean I didn't..." she sputtered again, rushing to the door to call after the departing teacher and explain that she couldn't do that because she didn't wear a bra today. But as soon as she was through the door she saw them, and then she couldn't say anything.

Fuyumi-sensei's office was located between the boys' locker room and the girls' locker room, off the hallway with the door to the old pool at one end and the door to the new pool at the other end. All the boys in the combined gym class had finished changing now, and were standing around in the hall waiting for their teacher to arrive and unlock the pool area. Chidori didn't really know or care why they were there, however. All she knew was that the previously empty hallway was full of boys, and all of them were staring at her tits.

She froze again, her skin flushing bright just like before and the words 'but I didn't wear a bra today' dying on her lips. But having caught herself in time to avoid making that embarrassing admission, she was nonetheless overwhelmed by the embarrassment of all those eyes gazing at her semi-covered chest. After a few long seconds she mustered the presence of mind to lift the bundle of clothes she was holding and cover herself a little better, and a few seconds after that she came to her senses and started back down the hall toward the girls' locker room, all thought of getting sensei's attention fled before the far more urgent need to get away from all those boys.

She tried her best to ignore them, but the feeling of dozens of eyes crawling all over her was just too embarrassing to be suppressed. It wasn't nearly as bad as art class, of course, but it was way worse than just walking through the halls in her uniform. At last she approached the locker room door, trembling with every step, and reached out for the handle. But before she could touch it the door burst open in front of her, making her stumble back against the opposite wall. That sudden movement was more than her ill-fitting swimsuit could take, and as she hit the wall her barely-contained bust popped out, bouncing and swaying freely for a long moment while Chidori stood stunned and immobilized before she dropped to the ground, squealing anew and frantically covering herself.

"Chidori! Oh no!" Natsumi cried in surprise and alarm as she emerged from the locker room and knelt to help, but Chidori could hardly even hear her, let alone respond. She could only crouch there, whimpering in anguish until Natsumi gently got her to her feet and guided her the last few steps to safety. With the door safely closed behind them, they sat down together on the nearest bench until Chidori was able to calm down a little.

"... but still I just can't believe sensei actually made you wear it anyway," Natsumi was saying. "I thought that she'd at least let you wear your underwear instead. That's what she made Aki-senpai do last year when she forgot her swimsuit. I mean I only heard about it afterwards and all but apparently she said swimming in her underwear wasn't really any worse than swimming in a bikini. The real problem was afterwards when she had to walk home and-"

With a gasp Chidori looked up from her halfhearted efforts to stuff her breasts back into her swimsuit and exclaimed, "That's it! That's what I can wear!"

Natsumi blinked in confusion, "Huh? You mean your underwear? But I thought sensei made you..."

"No, a bikini!" Chidori continued undeterred, "Your bikini! Like you said earlier!"

Remembering her offer from earlier, Natsumi happily went through with it now, and the two girls quickly undressed and exchanged swimsuits. Natsumi slipped into Chidori's school swimsuit with no difficulty, while Chidori put on the bottom half of Natsumi's bikini. It fit fine, although she had to retie the strings that fastened it at either side. The top, needless to say, posed a bit more difficulty. It was strapless and bandeau-style, consisting of a strip of material with strings that tied behind the back. Natsumi helped tie it for her while Chidori tugged carefully at the fabric in the front, but despite her efforts it just wasn't wide enough to cover more than a small fraction of her breasts. Still, it wasn't nearly as bad as the alternative. Her breasts weren't being squished any worse than they had all day and they weren't bulging too badly, and it didn't feel like they were about to pop out at any moment. By the time Fuyumi-sensei arrived at the door and called everybody out to the pool to warm up Chidori had calmed down and was almost pleased with the solution she'd found.

They all filed down the hall to the pool (fortunately all the boys were gone by now) and Fuyumi-sensei lined everybody up by the side of the pool to stretch. Chidori was aware of a few pointed stares directed at her mostly-covered chest and she caught a couple girls giving her nasty looks, but she reminded herself that at least the boys weren't here to stare at her too since they were all at the other pool, and anyway it wouldn't be so bad once she was in the water.

But when she sat down to start doing toe-touches she saw something else. There was somebody standing over by the far end of the pool. She only noticed from the corner of her eye at first and didn't think much of it, but there was something about the way that person was standing that got her attention, and after another few toe-touches she looked again. It was a boy, which surprised her for a second until she realized he wasn't actually in the pool area. He was on the other side of the pool area's big glass wall. That wasn't really unusual or anything, since she vaguely remembered hearing that some of the school's delinquents liked to hang out over there around the bleachers and the main athletic field, but there was still something strange that she couldn't quite put her finger on. It was only when Chidori looked for a third time that it finally hit her: that guy was staring at her... and not just that, he was staring at her tits!

She felt her skin flush slightly, all at once becoming acutely aware of the way that reaching for her toes again and again was making her totally unrestrained breasts sway and jiggle. She could feel his eyes on her now, and she wanted to cover herself, but she couldn't just stop doing stretches until it was time to stop. She tried to ignore the feeling and ignore the guy, which worked for a little while until found herself wondering if he was still there and if he was still staring at her. So when they finished the toe-touches and switched to the next stretch she glanced that way again, and this time she saw five guys.

They were all just standing there and staring, and now it was even more obvious than before that they were staring at her tits. She jerked her head away, trying to ignore them again, but now she was blushing even more and the feeling of their eyes squeezing her was just making it worse and worse. She really wanted to just hurry and get in the water where they couldn't see her, but Fuyumi- sensei seemed to be really intent on making sure everybody did enough stretching and she showed no sign of stopping anytime soon. The next time Chidori looked at the boys there were even more of them staring at her.

"What's going on?" she thought, trying to keep herself from trembling. "Where are they all coming from? Did... did that first guy tell all his buddies to come over just to look at me or something?"

The silent response was immediate. "Hmm, maybe," Jinni's familiar voice in her head was as playful as ever. "Or maybe they always hang out here, and today you just happened to give them something interesting to look at." A spate of giggles followed, and then, "Of course if you're too embarrassed, you know all you have to do is ask and I'll take care of it for you..." Chidori had to think about that. It was pretty embarrassing, and at this rate it was going to get more embarrassing pretty fast if the crowd out there kept growing, but it couldn't be that much longer before sensei let them get in the water, and besides that she still remembered what happened yesterday. "Oh come on, don't worry about that. I took care of the problem afterward, didn't I? And anyway, it worked out just fine earlier today, right?"

Chidori had to admit that Jinni didn't cause any problems when she asked for help in art class earlier, but she was still a bit nervous about asking for more help like that when she didn't absolutely need it. But then again, she didn't want to be too distrustful either. After another glance toward her audience, she took a deep breath and decided...

Biting her lip, Chidori looked up at the staring boys, then looked down at her swaying breasts. It was embarrassing for them to see her like this, but at least she wasn't naked. She thought about art class earlier, and she thought about the boys that always stood around to watch cheerleading practice. She usually just ignored them, and if she could ignore an audience staring at her in a cheerleading uniform, there was no reason she couldn't ignore an audience staring at her in a bikini too. "Thanks, but I think I can manage for a little while," she thought, trying to add a bit more confidence than what she felt.

"Suit yourself," the reply was accompanied by a sort of mental shrug. "Still, if you change your mind, just say the word."

Chidori pursed her lips at the soft but disconcerting mental chuckle which followed, and thought back, "thanks, I'll remember." For now she just steadied her nerves and looked down, trying her best to ignore all the boys that were staring at her and telling herself that it couldn't be too much longer now until Fuyumi-sensei let them get in the water and she would be out of sight.

She was right about that, and after a little while Fuyumi-sensei called for everybody to line up at the edge of the pool. Chidori smiled with relief and relaxed for a moment, but only until she caught sight the crowd again. It was even bigger now, and it seemed like all the boys who weren't in their own gym class must be standing there watching the girls' gym class. She reflexively tried to cover her breasts with her hands, but decided that it only made her stand out even more and instead just adjusted her top and her swim cap and went back to trying to ignore her audience. It was a big relief when she finally hopped in the water and started doing the warmup laps with everyone else.

Now she could relax, she told herself, trying to forget about the boys and hoping they would get bored without anything interesting to look at and leave before class was over and it was time to get out of the pool. She wondered if boys always stood around by the pool to watch swim practice just like they stood around to watch cheerleading practice, and with a surge of sympathy wondered if that might have something to do with why the swim team practiced in the mornings when they were less likely to have an audience.

She let her mind wander like that, realizing that this was just about the first time since she left for school that she didn't have to worry about anybody staring at her boobs. That little measure of privacy was a nice relief after the day's events, and she savored it. She relaxed, focused on the steady rhythm of her stroke, and allowed herself to slowly forget all about the boys outside and what happened in the hall and the library and art class before that. It was nice, but it didn't last long.

After only a little while Fuyumi-sensei called for everybody to get out of the pool and line up at the far end, where the diving blocks were set up. Still relaxed, Chidori calmly finished her lap and climbed out of the water. She was trying to figure out where to line up when something strange got her attention. Everybody was getting really quiet, and when she looked around to figure out why she saw they were all looking at her. Then she saw the boys.

They were still there, just on the other side of the glass and now much closer than before. There were just as many of them as before, and they were staring just like before too... staring at her. She had a really nasty thought then, an idea so awful her mind refused to let it completely take shape beyond a vague yet absolutely urgent need to check and confirm that what she was afraid of couldn't possibly be true. Slowly, hesitantly, she looked down, and what she saw made her freeze, the color vanishing from her face as if she'd turned to stone.

It was exactly what she was afraid of. Her breasts, dripping wet from the pool and as big and full and round as ever, were completely, totally naked. She wanted to scream and cover herself and run away, somewhere that wasn't filled with people staring at her, but her mouth was hanging open and her legs could only tremble uselessly. She just stood there like that with her chest exposed for all to see, until her trembling legs finally folded and she dropped to the floor and curled up. Eventually she heard someone shouting and it felt like things were about to get even worse somehow, and that was when she said the word.

The next thing she knew Fuyumi-sensei was standing over her and saying something about being totally careless and pointed over toward the middle of the pool. Chidori looked that way and saw her bikini top floating on the water's surface. "Oh! There it is. Thanks, sensei." She got up, smiling, then turned and hopped back in the water and swam over to retrieve her lost top. She started to put it on right there while treading water, but Fuyumi-sensei yelled for her to come back and get out of the way so they could start relay practice, so Chidori swam back to the edge of the pool and climbed back out, still topless and still smiling. She started to put her bikini top back on again, but noticed that everyone was lining up under sensei's instruction and instead moved to get in the nearest line first. Then she saw Natsumi and Mioko getting in a different line and trotted over to them, bouncing with ever step and not even sparing a glance for the boys watching her attentively through the glass.

"Hey guys," she greeted the two first-years. Natsumi took a step back at her approach, and Chidori gratefully stepped into line behind Mioko. "Sensei's right, that was totally careless of me!" Chidori exclaimed with a bashful grin, starting once again to position the bikini top over her nipples. "I really should have known better. I mean, with a top like this anybody could have totally seen that coming, ya know? Oh, thanks." Natsumi, behind her, was helping to retie the bikini's strings while Chidori held it steady and continued blithely talking about what had happened to it just now. "Still, it could be worse," she giggled, "at least the bottom didn't fall off too!" Mioko was about to say something in response, it was her turn and she had to get ready to dive. Chidori kept giggling softly for a few more moments, until Natsumi finished her work.

As soon as the knot was tied and Chidori's bikini top was securely fastened it was like a switch had been thrown. Her giggles stopped abruptly and she gasped, as if becoming aware all at once of something very unpleasant. She slowly turned to peek over her shoulder at the wall where the boys were standing, saw that they were still there, and turned back with a distressed expression. Before the retroactive embarrassment could fully sink in, however, it was her turn to ascend the diving block. She took her diving stance, standing above everybody's heads and reaching down to place her toes and fingertips at the edge of the block. Then something else unpleasant occurred to her and she reached back to feel her bikini bottoms. Just as she was afraid of, they had slipped deep between her buttocks, leaving nearly her entire butt exposed. She quickly tugged the material back into place, trying really hard not to think about how much everybody behind her had just seen as soon as she bent over, especially all the boys. That just made her think about how much they had all seen already, but before she could start trying not to think about that Fuyumi-sensei blew her whistle again and Chidori dived into the water.

When she finished her lap and got back out again Natsumi was holding the bikini top, having helpfully fished it out of the water. Chidori took it, thanked Natsumi, got back in line, giggled and chatted about her carelessness again, and only then started to put her top back on. Just like before, by the time it was tied and her embarrassment returned it was almost time for her to dive again. The same thing happened the next time, and after the third time she realized there was no way the flimsy bikini top was going to stay on when she dived in and hit the water, so the next time she tried to hold onto it with one hand. When she got out after that the bikini top was in her hand instead of Natsumi's, but otherwise it was just like all the other times.

After a few more dives and a few more laps Fuyumi-sensei announced that class was over and everybody headed back to the locker rooms. Once in that relative privacy, Chidori finally stopped magically switching between embarrassed and unembarrassed and instead found herself moving in a daze as she tried to come to grips with everything that just happened. She showered and changed, vaguely aware of Natsumi and Mioko trying to comfort her. At some point she heard Natsumi complain about how Fuyumi-sensei always treated her gym class as a sort of backdoor tryouts for the swim team, which was apparently why they spent it diving and doing laps.

Afterwards, once again in her uniform, Chidori started home. Her dazed state was fading now, replaced by a morose air as the full impact of the day's events sank in. Before she was more than a block from school a familiar voice cut through her thoughts, "Come on, cheer up. You don't have to look so down just because of a little embarrassment." Chidori winced slightly at the intrusion, then gave an irritated sigh.

"There's nothing little about it," she mumbled, looking at the ground. "They all saw... everybody saw my..." she trailed off, belatedly noticing something strange. This time the voice wasn't in her head. She looked up, saw Jinni standing there and sputtered, "What... what... what are you...?"

"Well, I thought I'd walk home with you. I've got plenty of power for this body now, and dressed like this it won't stand out too much." She had on a uniform from Chidori's school instead of the ridiculous clothes from yesterday, although Chidori was pretty sure she would still stand out with the top two buttons undone so that her cleavage was on display and her nipples just barely covered. She had no chance to voice that concern, however, as Jinni continued beaming, "Besides, it's the least I could do after such a wonderful day. I mean what happened in art class would have been plenty all by itself, but then there was your little friend in the library, and gym class on top of that. It was just magnificent. At this rate I-"

"Stop it!" Chidori cried, cutting her off. "Don't... don't talk about it like that! It's not wonderful or magnificent or anything, it's horrible! Don't you even care?" her hands balled into fists and tears welled in her eyes as she glared and shouted at Jinni. "Don't you care about how awful it is... letting everybody see... and then... knowing that... they all saw..." her voice trembled just thinking about it, all the overwhelming humiliation of the day's events rushing back in a veritable torrent that washed over her and poured out in this incoherent tirade.

The helpless anger in Chidori's voice seemed to somehow make an impression on Jinni, and for once she actually looked a little taken aback. "Well, I offered, you know," she started mildly, "I offered to take away your embarrassment. I always offer to. If you'd just-"

"That isn't it!" Chidori cut her off again, sniffing and struggling to fight back the tears. "That only helps at first! Afterwards... it... it's still..." her expression turned piteous and pleading, "there's more to embarrassment than just embarrassment! I still keep thinking about it afterwards... about how I let everybody see... And I still have to look at everybody who... who saw me like that... and know that they saw... and wonder what they're thinking about me. It's... it's even worse than the embarrassment by itself in some ways, having to go through all that afterwards." The anger was quickly ebbing from her now and she felt a sudden surge of helplessness, struck by the bizarre impossibility of trying to explain the whole idea of shame to a being who was totally and utterly shameless.

But Jinni looked down, growing thoughtful, and after some moments muttered, "Vashti never said anything like that. She never felt anything like the way you do, I won't believe it. She liked dancing naked for her king and everybody else, and she loved it when they looked at her and she loved it when they called her beautiful. And she never felt bad about it afterwards at all."

Chidori looked up and shrugged. "Vashti... that was a long time ago, and on the other side of the world. I guess it must have been different for her."

Jinni pursed her lips and gave a sigh, "Well then, what would you like to do? I'm not about to let you out of our deal, but I'd rather you didn't feel all horrible about it either. Have you got a better idea, then?"

"Well I..." Chidori tried to think, but it was so sudden, and besides, they were still standing in public where anybody might see or overhear them. Instead she took a deep breath to collect her thoughts and told Jinni, "Why don't we talk it over..."

"Come on, we've got to deal with this right away," Chidori announced, her mouth set in a hard line. She turned around and marched back to the nearest classroom building, Jinni following behind her with a shrug. She looked for an empty classroom, but eventually settled for an unoccupied stall in the nearest girls' room. Chidori sat down in the cramped but thankfully private space, looked up at Jinni and took another deep breath. "We've got to do something about this," she began in a fierce and resolute whisper. "I'm not trying to go back on the deal or anything, and I don't even mind putting up with a little embarrassment. I mean, everybody gets embarrassed sometimes, and if you have to feed on my embarrassment then that's fine, but not like what happened today!" Jinni looked like she wanted to say something, but Chidori was on a roll. "I just can't keep letting everybody see my... my..." she clutched her hands to her chest in a subconscious indication of the word she couldn't seem to get out, then instead finished, "see me naked like that. Even if you make it so I'm not embarrassed right away, it still feels awful thinking about it afterwards, and on top of that I keep making things even worse when you do it and I just can't take it anymore so you've got to- What is it?"

Jinni still seemed to want to interject something, and when prompted like that she tilted her head and asked, "Why are you whispering?" it took a few moments for Chidori to realize she hadn't actually spoken. Feeling slightly foolish, she left the bathroom, careful to make sure nobody saw the two of them emerging together, and they resumed the walk home. Anybody watching them would have seen only a pair of extremely well-endowed schoolgirls walking together in silence.

"So like I was saying, you've got to stop doing that so much," Chidori thought, continuing her whispered speech telepathically. "From now on, just let me stay embarrassed unless I actually ask for your help," She gave a determined nod, putting as much conviction into the mental demand as she could.

"Are you sure?" the undercurrent of concern was somehow far more clear than in any spoken question. "What if you freeze up again like at the pool? If I hadn't made you unembarrassed just then you might have stood there topless in front of everybody for who knows how long." Chidori felt her determination evaporate as the awful memory came back.

"Well... m-maybe not if that happens... but even then, make sure you only do enough so that I can move again, okay? I don't want a repeat of what happened after that, or what happened at home yesterday, or... um, anything else like-"

"Oh, like what happened in art class!" Jinni burst in. "Especially right at the end. Yeah, that was a real surprise." Chidori stopped where she was then, her face turning red as that memory she had somehow managed not to think about all day suddenly threatened to come rushing back. Jinni stopped walking too, but she still continued, "I never thought you'd just bend over like that right in the middle of the room and show everybody your cute little butt and your cute little p-"

"Exactly!" Chidori cut in before Jinni could finish that last word and call back the unbearable memory fully. "That sort of thing is exactly why you've got to stop it and make sure nothing like that happens again!" fighting to keep down the edge of rising hysteria, she powered ahead without waiting for a reply, "and do something about these too," she indicated her breasts by cupping them with both hands, quite forgetting how remarkably strange the gesture would look to anyone who happened to be watching. "They caused all sorts of problems today and I want them back to normal."

"Aww, what for?" Jinni affected a forlorn look at this last demand. "Everybody else just loves your big beautiful boobs. I was sure you'd love them too."

"Everybody!?" Chidori gave a disdainful huff. "All the *boys*, you mean. I'm sure *they* just loved it, staring at me all day like that," she shivered, remembering the feeling of all those eager eyes fixed on her, "Did you think I'd enjoy it or something? Having all those boys staring at my..."

"Your tits," Jinni interrupted, seizing on Chidori's hesitation as she searched for a less uncomfortable word. "Your boobs. Your titties, your sweater puppies, your melons, your jugs, your mammaries, your big beautiful bouncy boobies! Go ahead and say it," she giggled wildly for a brief moment, "You don't need to get all embarrassed over which word to use."

"My bust," Chidori finished the least embarrassing way she could think of, trying not to blush at the series of much more colorful terms. "And I don't care how much the boys loved staring at them. I'm not the sort of girl that likes that kind of attention. I can't stand being stared at like that. And anyway, that's-"

"Well what about your friend?" Jinni interrupted again, "She just loved them too, and you didn't seem to mind her staring at them. And feeling them. And squeezing and measuring and fondling and groping them."

"That... she... um..." this time Chidori couldn't keep from blushing. "Akiha was just curious, that's all. And anyway, that's not even the worst of the problems they caused. I mean it was bad enough, but on top of that my uniform barely fits, and I had to borrow a bikini that wouldn't stay on and ended up flashing everybody at the pool. And then there's what happened in art class. That was the worst part of all"

"Really? But I thought that was the part you liked best," Jinni reflected in evidently genuine puzzlement.

"What!?" Chidori exclaimed with a veritable mental blastwave of indignation. "What are you talking about? It was totally awful! Why would I like anything about that!? I never would have agreed to do such a thing except it was the only way to save Sakaki-senpai!"

"That's just what I mean. You posed naked to save your shy little model friend from having to pose naked. And you never could have done it without your brand new big gorgeous tits. Remember how that artiste of a teacher asked you to model for her as soon as she saw them?"

"Huh? Well yeah, she got excited when she saw me I guess. But then that means... you mean... my bust size is the reason I was able to save Sakaki-senpai?" Chidori hadn't even considered that possibility, and it put her inflated breasts in a new and very different light.

"Exactly. Without your nice big tits that teacher wouldn't have asked you to model, and then that other girl would have had to model instead," Jinni pointed out with no small degree of relief, which Chidori was a bit too preoccupied to pick up on. "And you can do it tomorrow too, but only if you still have your big juicy tits. Otherwise..." she trailed off as ominously as she could, and this time Chidori did pick up the implication.

"Otherwise poor Sakaki-senpai..." Chidori flashed back to the memory of the other girl's intense gratitude upon being rescued from her nude modeling fate, then to her earlier helpless terror while she was being stripped. "I can't let that happen to her. I just can't. I've gotta save her."

"Of course. Just like you did today. I knew you'd do the right thing, you're so kind and compassionate, so loving and selfless." Jinni's gushing praise was clearly designed to semi-subtly nudge Chidori toward that very selflessness. "I knew it all along, as soon as I saw the artiste and the model."

"I guess... if it's the only way..." Chidori gazed down at her oversized boobs. She really didn't want to have to keep putting up with the troublesome things, but she just couldn't stand the thought of letting Sakaki suffer. Not if there was anything she could do to stop it. "I guess... I just don't have a choice..."

Even as she admitted it, Jinni continued to gush, "I knew as soon as I saw her plan to use her little model that Birth of Venus scene that you'd never just stand by and let something like that happen. Once I made up her mind that the painting had to be perfectly authentic then all that was left to do was give you what you needed to stop it. So I did my part, and you did yours, and it all worked out flawlessly thanks to your beautiful big soft bouncy-"

"Wait," Chidori stopped in her tracks, her head snapping up as something suddenly got her attention. "What was that? Made up her mind...?"

"Hmm?" Jinni froze for a second, her smile disappearing momentarily only to come back again even bigger. "Oh, that. Your teacher was trying to decide about the painting. She wanted everything to be as authentic as it could possibly be, but at first she wasn't quite sure just how authentic she could make it." She laughed again, but this time it seemed somehow more nervous than before.

"Authentic..." Chidori repeated, slowly trying to work out out what that word really meant. "You mean... like what kind of model to paint...?"

"That's right! The model." Jinni's nervousness turned once again to relief, and Chidori was beginning to detect a pattern. "You saw the painting she showed you. That lady in it had long straight hair, pale skin, slender legs, just like your friend. That's what-"

"And she was naked," that cold, blunt statement made Jinni freeze again, and Chidori was becoming increasingly certain she was on the right track. "The lady in the original painting was naked. Is that the kind of 'authenticity' sensei was trying to decide on? Whether or not to make Sakaki-senpai pose naked?"

"That's..." Jinni paused, looking quite nervous now, and as she searched for an answer she seemed to be searching for an escape. "Well, it's... um... I suppose that's..."

"And you made up her mind for her!" The force of the accusation made Jinni freeze once more, and this time her smile vanished completely, her eyes going wide as she realized she was caught. "It's true, isn't it?" Chidori continued, now that she had everything pieced together. "You made sure that sensei would force her model- I mean force Sakaki-senpai to pose naked, all so I'd have to take her place and pose naked myself to save her!"

"Well... I... um... I didn't give her the idea or anything," Jinni tried to prevaricate, smiling weakly. "She really did want everything to be totally authentic, and she really really wanted to use a nude model, she just wasn't sure she could get away with it. She was on the fence about it, all she needed was that last little push to make up her mind. That's all I did, just give her that tiny little push." Chidori just glared at her, quite unmoved by these excuses. "And besides, I was just doing what I promised to do yesterday."

"What!?" Chidori snapped, still glaring, "What are you talking about? You promised *not* to embarrass anybody!"

"And I also promised that if we saw something embarrassing happen I'd try to make it less embarrassing, remember? And that's just what happened: I saw a shy girl who was about to be totally embarrassed when she had to to pose for the art class, and I made sure that she didn't have to." Chidori still looked skeptical, so Jinni continued, "Really! You don't know what she was thinking like I do. She wanted to be an art model so badly that she volunteered without thinking it through. She never even thought she might end up having to pose in just some skimpy flesh-toned costume underwear, let alone if she had to pose naked! And she really is extremely modest. Even if I didn't do anything and she didn't end up posing naked she still would have been totally embarrassed by what she had to do."

"But... but that's not... that wasn't what I thought you meant!" She was really getting angry now, and she really wasn't in the mood for arguing about semantics and weasel words. "I don't care what you thought you were promising yesterday, you've got to stop it! I don't want to have to pose nude in art class again tomorrow, and I don't want Sakaki to have to pose nude either. I don't want anybody to have to pose nude at all! Got it? So just undo whatever it was you did to make sensei start using nude models and let art class get back to normal. And do something about these, too!" she once again indicated her chest.

Jinni sighed and lifted her hands in submission. "Alright, fine, fine. I'll let your teacher do whatever she wants. And if you really can't stand the attention and the way everybody was staring at you today, I'll make sure that tomorrow your boobies are a perfectly normal size. Will that be alright?"

"It'll do. For now," Chidori kept her expression as stern as she could. They were almost home now, and she spent the last of the trip trying not to display her relief or satisfaction at having extracted a promise that tomorrow wouldn't be a repeat of what she had to endure today. At last she reached her own front door and stepped inside, looking forward to getting changed and having a little time to herself.

She was kneeling and slipping off her shoes when she heard someone call out, "Oh, hi! Welcome back," and she jerked to her feet in surprise. It wasn't a voice she recognized, although it seemed familiar from somewhere. Looking up, she recognized her brother's friend Keiji, from yesterday. He was staring at her with a big goofy grin, and behind him were Suguru and two other boys she hadn't met before. They all had the same expression and they were all looking at her in the same way, and she felt herself starting to blush. Then she realized that they were looking at her boobs, which were bouncing and jiggling from the way she stood up so fast, and she blushed even more.

She wanted to cover herself and she wanted to demand to know what they were doing here, but before she could do either one Jinni slipped up beside her. "Oh, hi! Chidori, you didn't tell me you were expecting company," she bubbled, putting on a big friendly grin. "Nice to meet you, I'm Jen," she trotted over to Keiji, her chest jiggling merrily with every movement in a way that just had to be intentional. She introduced herself to each of the boys, leaning forward as she did so and waving her cleavage in their faces for a few seconds, all the while pretending not to notice the show she was giving them.

Once all the boys had managed to sputter their names (the other two were Masao and Noboru, it turned out) Jinni turned back toward Chidori, who was still standing by the door. "Come on, we should get upstairs and change into something comfortable," she suggested, then turned toward the boys again, "I hope you don't mind waiting. we already had a shower after gym just now, so it won't take too long." After a few moments one of the boys managed to stop imagining Chidori and 'Jen' in the shower together long enough to murmur that that was just fine, while all of them gazed at 'Jen' and the way her boobs swung and swayed when she turned like that. "Okay, come on Chidori," Jinni called with a giggle as she started up the stairs, four pairs of eyes trying as hard as they could to look up her skirt. After a second Chidori started up after her, mostly to get away from the staring boys, while trying really hard not to look under that same skirt.

As soon as they were alone in Chidori's room with the door shut behind them she burst out, "What's going on? What are those boys doing here again? And why are you talking to them? I thought you were trying not to let other people know about you. And what-" there was an edge of rising hysteria in her voice.

"Now now, relax," Jinni interrupted, her smile turning warm and comforting to soothe that confusion and apprehension. "They came to visit again because they had a good time yesterday. And I introduced myself so I can have a good time too. It should be safe enough now, since I've got enough power to stay in this body for a while. So come on, let's get dressed. I hope you've got something appropriate around here," she trotted over to the closet, and the way she giggled when she said that last part made Chidori's confusion start to resolve into suspicion.

"Appropriate..." she repeated nervously, "what do you mean...? Appropriate for what?"

"For you, of course. Didn't I tell you yesterday?" she opened the closet and started searching for something there. "Maybe I didn't. We were talking about a lot of stuff."

"Tell me what? What's going on?" Chidori's suspicion was quickly turning into alarm.

"You know how after what happened yesterday I said I'd take care of things so those boys wouldn't cause problems for you," Jinni explained patiently, still rummaging in the closet.

"Right... you said you'd do something about their memories..." she recalled warily, turning right back to suspicion again. "Didn't you make them all forget about how they saw my-... um, about what they saw?"

"Oh, something like that wouldn't work. It would just leave a big hole in their memories, and then they might realize something strange had happened and try investigating and cause all even more problems," she stepped back from the closet carrying something, apparently having found what she was looking for. "Instead I came up with a good explanation for what happened and I made them remember you telling it to them and making sure they understood and they were ok with it and everything. That way they won't think it's anything strange is going on and they won't tell anybody about it."

"An explanation...? What...? What do you mean?" she was getting confused again. "This sounds like it's getting pretty complicated..."

"Oh don't worry, it's not complicated at all. It's totally simple and it's totally perfect. And they were really understanding and and they all said they're just fine with it and they promised they won't tell anybody."

"Tell what? Fine with what?" she demanded in exasperation. "Just what do they think is going on?"

"Like I said, it's just perfect," she bent and placed the clothes she was carrying on Chidori's bed, then looked back up with the biggest smile she had shown so far and proudly declared, "You're a nudist!"

Chidori's mouth fell open. She gaped and sputtered and eventually stammered weakly, "I... a... wha..."

"It's the only explanation. After all, why else would you be running around outside in just a towel and then spend all afternoon lounging around playing games with a bunch of boys in just a towel and not even get upset or anything when your towel slips and they all see your perky little tits and your lovely little p-

"Stoppit!" it was more than she could take, hearing about what happened yesterday on top of what was happening right now and most of all what she was becoming pretty sure was just about to happen any minute. "I remember all that... but... it's just..."

"But if you're a nudist it all makes perfect sense! You love being naked, and you love relaxing around the house naked, and that's why you didn't bother to get dressed when you had unexpected company over yesterday," Jinni declared triumphantly. "And more importantly, they totally respect that you're a nudist, and they would never want to get you in trouble by telling anyone about it."

"But... but I still..." Chidori had to admit that all of that made sense, but it didn't make her much more comfortable with the idea.

"After all, if they got you in trouble then you might have to stop, and then they wouldn't get to come over and enjoy it anymore. Of course, if they find out you're not really a nudist after all then there's nothing to stop them from telling everybody all about what they saw yesterday. As the tone of smug satisfaction in Jinni's voice Chidori finally put the last of the pieces together, and her face fell as she realized she was trapped. She had to go along with this ridiculous 'nudist' story, or else her brother's friends were sure to start spreading stories about her. "So come on then, pick what you want to wear," Jinni urged breathlessly, directing her toward the bed where the three outfits she had retrieved were laid out. "They're all just perfect. Exactly the sort of thing a nudist might wear when unexpected company arrives."

Chidori looked down at the bed and surveyed her options, shuddering at each one and the mental image of what she would look like wearing it. But she couldn't see any way out that wouldn't make everything even worse. So, telling herself that even if she ended up accidentally flashing the boys downstairs they wouldn't end up seeing anything that they hadn't already seen yesterday, she took a deep breath and picked...

Chidori peered down at the bed and examined her options. The yellow dress seemed to be the longest of the three, so she picked it up and held it against her chest to see exactly how far down it came. Then she held it out in front of her to inspect the elastic. She looked back down at the bed, considering the alternatives, and when she looked back up she blinked for a second, then let out a gasp.

"What's the matter?" asked with a note of concern.

"It's... it's... it's seethrough!" Chidori blurted. She picked up the other sundress and held them up side by side. "They both are! They're totally seethrough!" The colorful fabric was so light and so thin that she could look right through it and clearly make out the window on the opposite side of the room.

Jinni looked over Chidori's shoulder. "Hmm... well, maybe a little bit, but only in direct sunlight like this."

Chidori hurried to put them both back down on the bed. There was another window downstairs, and in the afternoon sunlight always came streaming in even with the curtains drawn. There was no way she could go downstairs wearing either of those dresses without letting the boys see absolutely everything as soon as that sunlight hit her, and there was no way she was going to do that. "I'll wear this one," she declared firmly, picking up the T-shirt.

"Great! Here, I'll help you change," with that, Jinni started to deftly undo Chidori's uniform, working so quickly that in seconds she was down to just her green-and-white shimapan. She slipped on the T-shirt at the same time as Jinni slipped off her panties, shivered slightly at the unexpected sensation of cool air against her suddenly exposed nether regions, and reflexively gave the shirt's edge a tug to better cover everything. Then she looked down and gasped again when she saw the result. The old T-shirt was so big and baggy on her that tugging at it like that made the neckline dip down far enough for her nipples to peek out.

"It's wonderful," Jinni remarked happily, standing there and giggling as Chidori hurried to cover herself again. "Totally casual and totally comfortable. Just perfect for a nudist to relax in."

"Well I don't feel comfortable..." Chidori muttered. She felt naked. The T-shirt was covering everything now, but only just barely, and even that was really precarious. If she let it slip down even a tiny bit she just knew her breasts would pop right out, and if she let it rise up at all it would be even worse.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I'm sure you'll get used to it in no time." Chidori winced at the thought of having to wear something like this long enough to get used to it. She was about to protest the idea, but as soon as she looked up the complaint was cut off by yet another gasp at the sight that greeted her. Jinni's slightly modified school uniform was gone, and in its place she was wearing what just had to be the skimpiest little hot pink scoop neck top and the tiniest little blue-green miniskirt ever. The top was so tight and low-cut that her breasts were bulging out above the neckline and looked like they were right on the brink of spilling right over the edge and tumbling out at any moment, and so sheer that her nipples couldn't have been any more visible if it was painted on. The skirt was poised very low on her hips, but so short that it still barely covered anything at all, and so light and flimsy that it looked like it was about to lift right up and expose everything at the slightest puff of breeze or careless movement. "I know. Spectacular, isn't it?" Jinni was still smiling just like before, apparently interpreting Chidori's expression of shock for one of amazement. "Now come on, we should get downstairs before they wonder what's taking so long." With that she took Chidori's hand and led her out the door, and Chidori was too stunned to offer even a word of protest.

She was starting to recover when they reached the stairs, and managed to tug her hand free. But then Jinni whirled around and the sudden movement made her skirt flutter all the way up past her hips exactly like it looked like it would, and the sight stunned her all over again. Jinni, meanwhile, leaned out over the railing to call down, "Okay boys, we're ready. Is the game all set up?" Downstairs, the boys all looked up and stared back her in open-mouthed silence, clearly entranced by the sight of her pendulous breasts dangling before their eyes. The TV screen was showing the Gulch Racer 5 title screen, however, which Jinni took as an answer to her question. "Great! Come on Chidori," she called back with a beckoning motion, which caused one or two of the boys downstairs to glance in Chidori's direction. The feeling of male eyes upon her shocked Chidori back to her senses, and she became suddenly and acutely aware of how extremely exposed she was, particularly from such a low angle. Her legs snapped together and her hands fluttered down to clutch at the fabric there, and she caught herself an instant away from making the same mistake she had in her room. Trying to suppress the impulse to tug, she instead pressed one hand against the front of her thighs and the other into her chest to hold her shirt in place, gathered her courage and gingerly started down the stairs.

"Try to relax now. If you want to act like a nudist you're going to have to act like you're enjoying yourself," warned Jinni's voice in her mind. Jinni herself was now halfway down the stairs, moving so energetically that she was practically skipping. The boys were all staring at her again, now equally entranced by the motion of her breasts and the fluttering of her skirt, which seemed to be right on the brink of exposing absolutely everything. Even with their eyes occupied, however, Chidori knew there was no way she could even begin to relax, so she settled for forcing herself to smile, and when she got to the bottom of the stairs she forced herself to let go of her T-shirt too. Jinni trotted over to the couch and took a seat right next to Suguru, immediately resting her feet on the coffee table, then lowered them again and leaned forward to pick up her controller, then beckoned Chidori over to take a seat as well.

Chidori started to follow, her forced smile quivering. To get to the couch she had to walk right past three of the seated boys, their eyes almost exactly level with her chest. It was like walking a tightrope, every step a keen reminder that her modesty was balanced precariously on the arrangement of her T-shirt and that the slightest wrong move could make it slip down or rise up and she would end up totally flashing everybody. She kept her arms pressed against her sides to hold it in place, but the tension only grew worse and worse as she approached her goal, and by the time she carefully lowered herself to the couch she felt about ready to snap. Her head swimming, she tucked the shirt under her rear and between her legs as best as she could, trying to catch her breath and ignore the way the plush upholstery felt against her tender skin.

Slowly calming down, Chidori told herself that all she had to do now was hold still. As long as she sat straight up and kept her legs together and didn't move around too much then she might just make it through this with whatever was left of her modesty still intact. Keiji handed her the first player controller and she took it with a nod, hoping that the game might help her handle the stress she was under and hoping even harder that it wouldn't be so distracting that she ended up doing something careless.

And so they started playing. And while Chidori sat as still as she could to avoid any accidental exposure, Jinni made no effort whatsoever to do the same. She bounced with excitement before each race, she leaned forward at tense moments, she sat back in relief and triumph afterward, and every little movement made her breasts bounce and jiggle as if she was trying to demonstrate just how much mobility they were capable of. She kept moving her legs as well, crossing and uncrossing them again and again, resting one or both feet on the table in front of her, tucking them under her butt, and never making any apparent attempt to keep her skirt in place as she did so. Every time she started to shift position like that it looked like she was about to totally flash everybody, but somehow it never quite seemed to happen. Naturally, the boys sitting all around couldn't keep their eyes off her, which gave Chidori a very welcome respite from their uncomfortable attention. Eventually she even managed to relax a little, although the sight of Jinni constantly right on the verge of exposing everything kept her from getting complacent.

Eventually Jinni got up and went to the kitchen to get some snacks, and as soon as her voluptuous rear end disappeared through the door Chidori got an unpleasant little jolt as she suddenly realized the boys were all looking at her instead. She redoubled her efforts to sit still and avoid giving them any more of a show than she already was, and by the time Jinni came back her head was swimming from the tension. Then Jinni bent over to set the big bowl of treats she was carrying down on the table and the boys all turned back to look at her and admire what that particular movement did to her boobs. Chidori's blush began to subside and she tried to relax again, reflecting on how much worse this whole ordeal would be if she had to go through it alone like yesterday.

After that Jinni went back to her previous array of movement, and she also started reaching forward for a handful of snacks from the bowl from time to time. Chidori was getting pretty hungry now, and watching Jinni munching happily was only reminding her of how she hadn't had anything to eat since lunch. So once she managed to relax a little she started to join in the snacking herself. The fourth or fifth time she leaned forward to reach for the bowl she happened to notice Keiji rather sharply glance her way, but she didn't think anything of it at first. The next time she caught Noboru and Masao doing the same and had an unpleasant thought about just what they might be looking at. She took a moment to make sure that her shirt was still tucked securely in place, then told herself she was being too suspicious and tried to relax again. But the next time she reached out she noticed all four of the boys looking at her and had an even more unpleasant thought, one that made her stop in mid-reach and look down. She had to bite back a gasp at what she saw. Leaning forward like that made the neck of her big baggy shirt hang wide open and expose nearly all of her breasts, and the sight made her freeze, her skin turning colorless and her mind turning blank.

Once the shock started to pass she sat back as calmly and casually as she could manage, the color rushing back to her face all at once in a furious blush. Her thoughts raced and she glanced at the boys, trying to figure out exactly how much of her chest they had seen just now. Their expressions weren't much of a clue, since they were already turning away to enjoy Jinni's continuing antics. She resumed her efforts to sit as still as she could, telling herself again and again that they might not have seen too much just now, although she couldn't quite seem to get herself to believe it, and she made sure not to lean forward again. She was really glad when it was finally time for the boys to leave.

They got up and headed over to the front door, taking plenty of time gathering up their stuff and saying goodbye to Jinni and telling her all about what a great time they had, all the while hardly lifting their eyes from her chest at all. Chidori felt a surge of relief at the thought that this whole ordeal was almost over, which made her smile seem mostly genuine for the first time since she came downstairs. She got up as well to show the boys out and a puff of cool air slipped between her legs, making her shiver and tempering her relief somewhat and reminding her not to get careless just yet. She adjusted her shirt again and she hung back to stay mostly out of sight as they all went to the door, and once the boys were outside she stood in the doorway and waved goodbye, keeping one arm pressed against the front of her shirt as she did so. The boys stood there on the walk, waving back and staring, and after a few moments she realized they were staring at Jinni. She was also standing there in the doorway waving goodbye, and so energetically that it seemed like her chest was trying to wave goodbye too. Suddenly noticing that her own waving was making her own breasts start to sway a bit, Chidori caught herself, fought back a blush and a surge of annoyance at the same time, and moved to put an end to the ridiculous standoff herself. But just as she stepped forward and reached out to close the door, disaster struck.

Without warning a gentle gust of wind blew, caught the edge of her shirt and lifted it right up past her waist. It hovered there, fluttering in the vicinity of her bellybutton, as she started to pull the door closed, then belatedly noticed the boys' shocked expressions and even more belatedly realized what was happening. She jerked back and let out a little squeal and thrust both hands down to cover herself, knowing even as she did so that it was way too late. The expression that blossomed on those four staring faces before her left no possible doubt of that, and as the door clicked shut by its own momentum Chidori could only stand there, overwhelmed by an absolute tidal wave of embarrassment.

"They... they... they saw..." she began, her voice quavering. "They saw... they saw my..." her whole body began to tremble, her hands covered her mouth and tears welled in her eyes as she took a deep shuddering breath, then exclaimed in utter helpless anguish, "They saw my pussy!" Her knees shook, then folded, and she crumpled to the floor in a daze.

"Uh-huh! They totally saw it! And they totally loved it! It's such a lovely little pussy too. So soft and tender and fuzzy. And you kept it hidden so long!" Jinni bubbled with unrestrained excitement, apparently oblivious to Chidori's condition. "They spent this whole time trying to see my pussy, and they came so close so many times, and after all that suspense you totally flashed them your pussy instead! It's perfect!" she dissolved into giggles, then gave a dreamy sigh. "It was the most perfect flash you could have possibly flashed."

"I didn't mean to..." Chidori whimpered from the depths of her daze. "I didn't mean to flash anybody..." Jinni just giggled some more at that, then gently pulled Chidori to her feet and guided her back upstairs.

"Come on now, you don't have to get so upset about it. Like I said, they won't tell anybody, so it won't cause you any trouble, and when they come back tomorrow you can just pretend it never happened." Chidori shuddered at that. She didn't want to think about those boys coming back tomorrow, and she didn't want to think about trying to pretend anything didn't happen. She just wanted to curl up somewhere warm and safe and alone.

"That's not... there's more to it than-" she murmured weakly.

"Yes, I know. There's more to embarrassment than embarrassment and there's more to modesty than modesty, and I'm sure there's more to this, too." Jinni recited with a weary sigh, wryly summarizing what Chidori had been trying to teach her since yesterday. "Still, you got over everything else that's happened to your modesty so far. I'm sure you'll get over this too."

They reached Chidori's room, and Chidori flopped onto her bed and crawled under the covers and curled up. Somewhere deep inside she knew she probably would get over it eventually, but she couldn't think about that right now. Seeing her little friend and ostensible master looking so miserable, Jinni got a sheepish look that was the closest thing to guilt she had shown so far. She floated there for some seconds, the silence stretching out as she tried to decide what to do. At last she said gently, "Just, um... look on the bright side. At least nobody took any pictures of you today."

That seemed to penetrate Chidori's despondent haze, and she shifted slightly and muttered "Wha-" into her pillow.

"Didn't you even notice?" Jinni sounded more amused than surprised. "I made sure that whatever happened, nobody would take any pictures of you today." Chidori found herself thinking back to all the awful embarrassing humiliating stuff that had happened at school today, and realized for the first time that not once had she seen anybody trying to take a picture of any of it.

She shifted again and peeked out through the covers. "You did that?"

"I guess you really didn't notice," Jinni sighed again. "I realize this is all pretty hard on you and your modesty or your... whatever," she waved her hand dismissively at that vaguery. "But I'm not trying to be cruel here, and I'm doing what I can to make it better. You know?" Chidori pouted for a moment, sniffled and wiped the tears from her eyes. "I made sure nobody took any pictures, and I made sure none of the girls spread any vicious gossip about you, and I made sure none of the boys got too excited and tried to touch you, and I made sure nobody reported anything about it to your teachers or the police or anything like that." Jinni ticked each of the horrible possibilities off on her fingers. Chidori vaguely remembered warning Jinni about all those things last night, along with a few others, but she hadn't even noticed when none of them came to pass today, and she certainly hadn't considered the possibility that Jinni herself was protecting her from all of it. "Did I miss something?" Jinni inquired candidly. "I can't very well protect you from your own emotions, but if there's something else you're still worried about I'll see what I can do about it tomorrow."

Chidori gave another little shudder at the mention of tomorrow, but at the same time she felt her energy returning. It seemed the thought that there was something she could do to alleviate what was going to happen to her next gave her the strength to tolerate what had just happened. She pulled back the covers and sat up, trying to come up with a way to make tomorrow's ordeal more bearable. Eventually she suggested that it would help if...

"Well now," Jinni started, looking thoughtful. "that might be a bit tricky, depending on how many of the little artists have spread the word already, but I should be able to figure it out. I don't think the artiste of a teacher herself has told anybody yet, so at least it-"

"And don't forget what you said about her earlier!" Chidori cut in, suddenly reminded of that previous agreement.

"Hmm? Oh, of course. Don't worry," Jinni smiled reassuringly, "I won't interfere with her artistic decisions at all. And I haven't forgotten about our other agreement either," she added before Chidori could interrupt to remind her.

"Right. About my... um... about these," she finished, cupping her breasts with both hands rather than say the word again.

"Yes, those. Just like I said, when you get to school tomorrow, your boobies will be a perfectly normal size."

And they were.

"It... it's... that's..." Chidori was standing at the school gates, stammering and staring wide-eyed at the spectacle all around.

"See? It's exactly like I said," Jinni replied, the air of deliberate innocence in her disembodied voice somewhat undercut by the mirthful giggle that followed.

"But that... but that's not..." Chidori sputtered some more, still staring at the crowd of students as they passed through the gates.

"You told me you couldn't stand the attention and you didn't want everybody staring at your tits like yesterday," Jinni explained, sounding calm and patient yet still giggling. "And they're not staring at you now, right?"

"But... but I... but this..." Chidori sputtered a bit more, then exclaimed with exasperation, "but this isn't what I meant at all!"

It was true that nobody was staring at Chidori or her breasts right now. As a matter of fact, nobody seemed to be paying her or her breasts any more attention than normal. As a further matter of fact, that was because her breasts were indeed a perfectly normal size right now. But the reason for that was because every other girl in sight had breasts that were every bit as big and bouncy as hers.

Jinni just giggled even more for several seconds, then admitted, "well, it might not be exactly what you had in mind. But it's exactly what you asked for, and it's exactly what I promised. And besides," she added with a self-satisfied air,"nobody else seems to mind."

That was true too. None of the spectacularly well-endowed schoolgirls now arriving at school were acting as if there was anything unusual at all about their newly enlarged bust sizes. Most were giggling and chatting with each other or hurrying to class just like normal, paying no attention at all to the way that sort of movement made their breasts bounce and jiggle under their tight uniforms. Even the mousy bespectacled freshman now passing the gates, who normally walked with a book demurely covering her modestly-endowed chest (and whose name Chidori could never seem to remember) made no effort to cover her newly enlarged chest, and she didn't even seem to notice the staring boys all around. They were the only ones acting like Chidori would expect, and just like she would expect they definitely didn't seem to mind the situation at all. Some were trying not to be too obvious about it, most were just grinning like idiots, a few were open-mouthed with awe, but they were all staring at the plethora of gently bouncing breasts all around, and they were all enjoying it.

"But that doesn't-" Chidori started to protest, but just then somebody called her name and she turned to look and immediately trailed off.

"Chidori! There you are!" It was Akiha, calling out as she ran up to her friend at the gate. "Look! isn't it wonderful? Aren't they all just so beautiful?" Akiha spread her arms to indicate the scene around them, her eyes sparkling and her face alight with excitement. Chidori made no reply, but only stared at Akiha's chest as if in a trance. Akiha's breasts were just as big and just as bouncy as those of any of the other girls there, and the way they moved as she ran was absolutely majestic and completely enthralling.

Akiha drew up in front of Chidori, who kept staring at her friend's magnificent pair for a few more seconds until they stopped jiggling and her trance began to fade, then managed to breathe, "Yeah... They're so beautiful..."

After a moment Akiha seemed to notice what Chidori was staring at "Oh! Yeah, mine are nice too," she agreed with a giggle. "Here, you can feel them if you like." She reached out, and before Chidori could do anything more than give a startled squeak her hands were being pulled into Akiha's chest, and the trance returned.

They were even softer than she could have imagined, so soft that it felt like her fingers were being welcomed into a warm and loving embrace. It was such a wonderful feeling that all her anxiety and distress at the morning's events seemed to melt away, her sudden gasp of surprise became a blissful sigh, and before she even knew what she was doing she started to squeeze. Her fingers sank into that warm softness, and she had the giddy thought that it felt like squeezing a nice fluffy cloud. A big grin spread across her face and she started to giggle. Then Akiha started giggling too, which added a new and exciting element of jiggling to the sensations that Chidori was enjoying. Jinni was giggling too, and for a few long seconds Chidori was aware of nothing beyond the wonderful feelings beneath her fingers and the three overlapping giggles.

Eventually she began to realize that their giggling was the only sound she could hear, and the oddly contrasting silence pierced Chidori's trance and pulled her back to her senses. The casual chatting of the crowd of students seemed to have completely stopped, and with a growing feeling of dread Chidori looked up. Just as she feared, everybody all around was staring right at her and Akiha, watching in silence as the two girls gleefully squeezed each other's breasts. Some of them were shocked and some of them were appalled, and all of the boys were enjoying the show.

Chidori squealed and pulled back, breaking off the mutual groping. She felt herself blush as the realization finally hit her that she was just openly and shamelessly fondling her best friend's boobies in public. Embarrassment gave way to panic, and suddenly she had to get away. She turned and started to run for cover, with just enough presence of mind left to...

"Come on," Chidori called over her shoulder, "we've got to get out of here." She hurried through the yard, leading Akiha by the hand and trying to remember which building didn't have classes in the morning. Before she could come up with an answer Akiha took the lead, suggesting, "Come on, this way. I know the perfect place." Chidori wasn't quite sure what her friend had in mind, but she didn't have a better plan and she really didn't want to stay out in the open any longer than she had to, so she followed along.

Akiha led them around the side of the nearest building to a door that Chidori hadn't seen before. Inside was a dusty stairwell, and when they were both safely inside with the door closed behind them Chidori leaned against the wall and sighed with relief. It wasn't a whole unused building, but at least it was somewhere private.

"There, this should be nice and private. Now where were we," Akiha purred. She grinned, her eyes sparkled, and with a gleeful giggle she grabbed Chidori's chest to resume her interrupted groping. "Mmmm, it feels so nice," she cooed, ignoring Chidori's surprised squeal. "Yours are still the best, you know. Everybody else's are nice and fun and all, but there's just nothing quite like this feeling."

After a few seconds Chidori managed to regain her wits and took Akiha by the shoulders, interrupting her fondling and her commentary. "Stop it!" she cried. "That's what I need to tell you about. It's Jinni! She did that to everyone! She increased my bust size yesterday, and today she increased everybody else's too!"

"Really? I knew it!" Akiha declared with a note of triumph. At Chidori's uncomprehending look she continued, "Well I mean I couldn't be sure, but it just makes more sense that way."

"Awww, you mean you figured it out already?" Jinni's voice seemed to echo in the enclosed space, sounding a lot like it did when she was only talking in Chidori's head, but not quite. "But I was so careful. What tipped you off?"

"Well I was already pretty suspicious about something since yesterday, but I couldn't put my finger on it," Akiha admitted, showing no particular unease at speaking to the empty air. "And then this morning I realized my dresser has a whole drawer full of bras that I never wear and that don't fit at all. You must have changed my memory or something, right?"

"Mm-hmm. I knew there would be little bits like that leftover that didn't quite fit, at least at first. I tried to make sure nobody would think about it too hard and get worried or anything, though."

"It must be because I already knew about you and your magic and everything after what happened the other day. I don't think anyone who doesn't know all that would have figured it out so soon." Akiha gave a confident nod, and with the issue settled she returned her attention to Chidori's chest, grinning again.

"W-wait!" Chidori cried, seeing what was about to happen a bit sooner than she did the last two times. Akiha didn't wait, and Chidori's next protest dissolved into a startled squeal as her chest got another nice big squeeze. After a moment she managed to pull away.

"What's wrong?" Akiha looked quizzical, seeming to notice for the first time that Chidori wasn't enjoying herself like she was outside. "Oh! You want to touch mine too, right?" Akiha grinned and giggled again. "Well go ahead. I don't mind or anything." Once again Akiha grabbed her hands and pulled them into her bosom, and once again Chidori gasped and then sighed as the wonderful sensation once again drove everything else from her mind.

This time the sound that pulled her back to her senses was a soft and uncomfortably familiar popping. It was followed by Akiha's voice. "Ooh! Now that's a nice look." Chidori looked down through her fading trance and saw that, just as she expected, her third button had popped open under Akiha's touch and she was sporting a nice big boob window.

That sight drew her fully out of the trance, and she squealed and pulled away, fumbling at her top. "Come on! We don't have time for this!" she cried, which seemed to halt Akiha's next advance. Chidori was about to say that they needed to figure out something to do about the ridiculous situation Jinni had created, but Akiha spoke up first.

"You're right," her grin had turned into a thoughtful look, and there was a resigned tone to her voice. "We really need to get going or we'll be late to class." Akiha brightened somewhat again and concluded, "Just meet me in the library at lunch like yesterday, alright?" before turning to the other door, opposite the one they came through earlier, leading to the building's main hallway.

Chidori finished getting her top buttoned and went to the door, but Akiha was already hurrying down the hall. with a sigh that mixed disappointment with relief, she realized Akiha was right. Thanks to the time spent arguing with Jinni as soon as she woke up and saw that her bust size wasn't any smaller and the time spent with Akiha just now she was quite a bit behind schedule. Fortunately, upon looking into the hall and seeing which building she'd ended up in, she also realized that her class was only a quick walk away.

On the way there she soon noticed that some of the other girls walking down the hall were unbuttoning the top button of their tops as they came inside where it was warmer, which allowed their boobs to bulge out over a newly lowered neckline in an extremely prominent display of cleavage. Naturally, the boys walking down the hall were enjoying this display, but what seemed decidedly unnatural was the way that nobody but her seemed to notice the way they were leering or what they were leering at. It seemed unbelievable that anyone could overlook such a thing, particularly since Chidori was getting pretty embarrassed just looking at it.

"No, they don't notice, and they won't notice anytime soon either," Jinni replied to Chidori's unspoken question. "See, as long as they don't notice it they won't be embarrassed. And I promised I'd make things less embarrassing, so I make sure they don't notice." Chidori had a few problems with that reasoning, which grew deeper at Jinni's gleeful mental laughter, but she didn't have a chance to bring them up because by then she was already at art class, and as soon as she opened the door she heard someone call her name.

"Oh, Chidori! There you are!" Chidori looked up just in time to see Mioko, who had called out and was now getting to her feet in excitement. That also meant that she looked up just in time to see Mioko's boobs burst into view. After a moment her shock and sympathetic embarrassment subsided slightly when she saw that Mioko was behind the changing curtain where the rest of the class couldn't see her. After another moment she saw that was because Izumo-sensei and Sakaki were behind the curtain too, where they had apparently been helping her to change.

Then Izumo-sensei turned around and noticed Chidori standing in the doorway too. "Ah, I'm so glad you could make it. We were starting to get a bit worried our finest model wouldn't show up," she said, coming over with a warm smile to welcome her finest model and guide her to the curtain. Chidori saw as she did so that what Jinni did to all the girls at school today had clearly not been limited to the students. Izumo-sensei's boobs were every bit as big as those of any of the girls Chidori had seen by the gates or on the way here, and her extremely low neckline was showing them off far more blatantly.

Once Chidori was behind the curtain Mioko began breathlessly explaining about how she heard that Chidori modeled for the art class yesterday and how she decided to volunteer to model for it today and how excited she was when Izumo- sensei told her that she had an idea for a scene with two models because that meant that both of them could pose together. In the meantime, Izumo-sensei asked Chidori to help Mioko with her costume while she went to get Chidori's costume. Chidori was quite relieved to find that Jinni had apparently kept her word about not influencing the art teacher in favor of a nude model again, and further relieved when she looked at Mioko's costume. It was a plum-colored qipao, and from what she could tell once it was properly fastened over her chest it wouldn't even be particularly immodest. Sakaki was currently helping her to squeeze her breasts into the thing well enough to fasten it, which was apparently what they were trying to do when Chidori came in, which is why Mioko's boobs popped out when she sprang up in excitement.

Chidori was about to start helping with that when she realized that she had an opportunity here to get some help with doing something about Jinni. Akiha didn't seem to be much help with that just now for various reasons, but from what she said earlier it seemed like there was a possibility that Mioko and Sakaki might still know about what was going on, and in that case they might be able to come up with a plan. On the other hand, they might not remember anything, and if they did they might not be interested in helping her. Even worse, Sakaki might just fall to pieces if she was suddenly reminded of what happened to her the other day. Knowing that she only had a little while to talk in private before Izumo- sensei came back, Chidori quickly decided...

"So, um... you mentioned you heard about how I modeled yesterday?" Chidori asked, trying to sound as casual and friendly as she could.

"Uh-huh. Akiha-senpai told me about it when I went to the library after class yesterday." Mioko replied easily and cheerfully, sitting back down and smoothing her hair out of the way before getting back to the task of trying to fasten her qipao. "She said that sensei asked you to pose for the art class, but she didn't know much about the details or anything. I asked sensei about it too when I got here this morning, but she wouldn't tell me anything else because she said she wanted it to be a surprise for everybody." It seemed that Jinni had done at least some of what she agreed to last night, Chidori thought with some relief and a bit of gratitude.

"Okay now, let's try this again," Sakaki said, getting to work. She leaned over Mioko's shoulders and took hold of the open portion of the qipao while Mioko gathered her breasts in her hands and maneuvered them into position. Sakaki slowly brought the garment's edges together and Mioko carefully removed her hands, but before they were close enough to be fastened shut Mioko's breasts suddenly slid out of place and they had to start over. Sakaki gave a little irritated sigh and turned to Chidori to suggest, "Ok then, um, why don't you help her hold them steady."

"Huh? Y- you mean... her..." Chidori sputtered.

"Oh yeah, good idea," Mioko seemed oblivious to Chidori's discomfort. "They're too big for me to really keep them under control. Here, I'll push them together from the sides and you hold them from underneath."

Chidori really wasn't sure if it was a good idea for her to touch Mioko's breasts, let alone try to 'hold them steady'. She remembered what happened with Akiha earlier outside and then in the stairwell, and from close up now she could see perfectly well that Mioko's boobs were just as big and soft and beautiful, and she really didn't want to end up getting carried away or slipping into some sort of weird trance like she did earlier. But she knew sensei would be back soon and she didn't have time to spend arguing about it, so she just took a nervous breath and reached down and got to work.

"I'm really glad I volunteered for this, it's gonna be so much fun. I just can't wait to get up there in front of the whole class and pose so they can all create beautiful works of art," Mioko bubbled with a cheerful giggle and a dreamy sigh. She didn't seem at all uncomfortable with having Chidori's hands squeezing her breasts. Chidori was still pretty uncomfortable with it, but she was quite relieved that that at least Mioko's boobs weren't sending her into any kind of trance like Akiha's boobs did earlier. They were just as warm and soft and smooth, and squeezing them still felt really good and all, but somehow it just wasn't the same. "I'm sure they all made wonderful works of art when you posed for them yesterday, too," Mioko continued. "I just can't wait to see them." Chidori had to suppress a little shudder at that. She hadn't had a chance to think about it too much yet, but she really didn't want anyone to see those pictures at all. "You're so beautiful, Chidori-senpai, just like sensei says. So slender and lush and elegant and everything. That's gotta be why she wanted you to model yesterday." The tone of admiration in Mioko's voice suddenly gave way to giggles. "That and your nice big boobs, of course. I'm really glad Jinni gave everybody nice big boobies like yours."

It took a few moments for Chidori to realize what she just heard, and when she did the surprise made her hands slip and sent Mioko's boobs sliding out of place again. Sakaki sighed sharply at them both and said to hold still as they all started over again. "You knew about that? I mean about Jinni and what she... um, about how she did that?" Chidori asked in a breathless whisper, leaning closer to Mioko's head as she rearranged her grip on Mioko's boobs."

"Uh-huh. Senpai told me about it when I went to the library before class this morning. She said she couldn't quite be sure, but it was the only explanation that made sense." Mioko sounded completely honest and guileless.

"You went to the library? And you talked to Akiha there?" Chidori was relieved and a bit surprised at how easy it had been to find that out without having to ask.

"Oh yeah, Akiha-senpai was there too. She was the one who asked us all to come and everything, but it was Kirika-senpai that figured it out and told us."

"I was there too. Hold still now, I just need a little bit more..." Sakaki concentrated in silence for a few moments and finally managed to get Mioko's costume fastened. "There," she grinned with satisfaction, quickly and deftly tidying up the qipao, then straightening and securing it as best she could. "Those two said they wanted everybody who knew about Jinni to come to the library before and after school so we can all stay on top of what's going on with the whole situation."

"Really? That's great!" Chidori burst out with a rush of relief and excitement. She had been hoping to get some help from Mioko and Sakaki, but it looked like Akiha had already got them and everyone else who was involved together to work on it. Maybe when she went to the library at lunch they could make some real progress instead of getting distracted with breast measurement and fondling. Or for that matter, she thought suddenly, maybe all the breast measurement yesterday was actually an important part of some sort of plan they were working on. "So what did they come up with? Do they have some kind of plan?"

"Well, maybe. They said they're working on something, but they wouldn't tell-"

"Oh good, you're ready," Izumo-sensei announced, returning and bustling behind the curtain with them and cutting Sakaki off. She stopped and looked Mioko up and down, her eyes sparkling. "And you look simply splendid, dear. Stand up now, let me get a better look." Mioko stood, and Izumo-sensei crouched to smooth her slightly wrinkled qipao, incidentally placing her face right in front of Mioko's chest and taking nice long close-up look at the girl's boobs at the same time. "Simply lovely," she cooed. "A lovely costume on a lovely model."

Taking a better look now, Chidori had to agree that Mioko's qipao was really pretty, and Mioko looked really cute in it. It was really tight, especially in the chest, and the fabric wasn't quite thick enough to hide the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra, but that couldn't be helped. It had a pair of asymmetrical side slits too, that went halfway up Mioko's right thigh and all the way up to the top of her left hip, but that asymmetry made the overall effect more striking than immodest.

"Now, as for this little model," Izumo-sensei purred, turning her attention toward Chidori. "Sit down, dear. We've got to hurry and get you changed." Chidori was gently urged into the seat Mioko had occupied, and three pairs of hands began swiftly undressing her. Chidori briefly tried to protest that she could undress herself, but then Izumo-sensei leaned forward to help lift the lower edge of Chidori's top and dangled her boobs right in front of Chidori's eyes in the process. Chidori fell silent at the sight of those big boobs just barely contained by sensei's plunging neckline and clearly perched right on the edge of bursting free and tumbling out right into Chidori's face, and by the time she cleared her head of the mental image of that happening and came back to reality she was naked except for her red-and-white shimapan, which were already sliding down her legs.

"You really like stripes, huh," Mioko pointed out with a quick giggle as she finished slipping off Chidori's panties and placed them on the little pile of Chidori's other clothing. Between that little friendly barb and the sudden awareness that she was now totally naked Chidori felt herself start to blush, but mercifully her discomfort with the latter lasted only the few moments that it took Izumo-sensei to slip the costume around Chidori's shoulders. Her relief at being less naked became mixed with puzzlement as she looked down and saw what the costume was.

"A... a yukata?" she blinked, confused. Chidori had expected she would be posing in a qipao like Mioko's.

"Uh-huh. Isn't it just so cute?" Mioko bubbled happily, reaching down over Chidori's shoulders to squeeze her breasts together while sensei and Sakaki gently folded the fabric over them. Chidori gasped slightly at her touch. That feeling too seemed to be somehow different from when Akiha did it, but it wasn't any less uncomfortable or any less distracting. When they were done she looked down and decided that, just like Mioko said, her yukata really was cute. It was bright blue and decorated with little white flower and red leaf patterns. Looking more closely she thought they might be daisies and maple leaves, but before she could decide for sure Izumo-sensei said for her to get up, and when she did so the sudden feeling of cool air between her legs drew her attention to just how short the yukata was. She tried to tug it a little lower, but that only made the fabric folded over her chest start to loosen, while the lower edge remained at the level of her upper thighs.

Meanwhile, sensei was telling her how wonderful she looked and leading her out from behind the curtain along with Mioko. She looked up from her fruitless efforts in time to see the class looking at her as the three of them emerged, and her hands fluttered to her chest and her thighs, reflexively fumbling to keep everything as covered as possible. Today the pedestal set up at the front of the class was a bit higher, and Izumo-sensei told Chidori to sit down on it. She carefully did so, grateful that there was no felt this time and telling herself that no matter how embarrassing it was to pose in front of the art class in a tiny little yukata with no underwear, it was way better than posing naked.

Chidori was trying to relax and calm herself down like that when Izumo-sensei crouched and slipped a pair of geta on her feet. Looking up, the teacher gave Chidori a warm smile and whispered, "Don't be so tense, dear. You look wonderful." Chidori smiled back in gratitude, but then she saw exactly where Izumo-sensei was looking and snapped her legs closed, blushing again.

Ignoring that, Izumo-sensei got up and went to help Mioko into her position. After carefully crossing her legs and taking a moment to calm herself again, Chidori glanced that way and saw that Mioko was placing her right foot on the pedestal to Chidori's left and sliding a sheer, dark stocking up that leg. She stopped when it was just a bit below the knee and Izumo-sensei stepped back in front of the two of them, looking as proud and excited as ever. "And now for the finishing touch. Chidori dear, do you think you could hold your hair just like yesterday?" Somewhat relieved that was all she had to do, Chidori reached back and drew her fingers through her hair. "There!" Izumo-sensei exclaimed, "Just like that." For a moment everything was silent, with a strange undercurrent of tense anticipation. Then there was a soft rustle of fabric, and Chidori was seized by sudden panic as she felt her yukata fall open.

"Perfect! Now don't move!" the order was quite superfluous, since Chidori was still frozen with shock and embarrassment. The feeling ebbed somewhat when it occurred to her that her legs were still crossed and the fabric at her chest was still covering her nipples, although by only the tiniest margin. She frantically tried to reassure herself that nothing important was showing, but it still felt like she was perched right on the edge of exposing herself, just one slightly careless movement or deep breath away from flashing the art class again. "Ah, and if you could turn just a bit more to the right, Mioko?" Izumo-sensei continued, taking a step back, then beamed with approval. "Yes, much better. Such a marvelous scene. Two lovely traditional beauties dressing themselves in lovely traditional clothing."

Chidori had to suppress a little sigh of annoyance. At least that explained why her yukata was missing the obi that was supposed to hold it closed, although she was just as annoyed with herself for not noticing sooner. She spent the rest of class trying to focus on taking shallow breaths and otherwise remaining as motionless as possible, all the while reminding herself that no matter how embarrassing this was it still wasn't as embarrassing as posing naked like she did yesterday.

When the bell finally rang and she could finally lower her arms and pull her yukata closed she made sure to do so slowly and carefully to avoid ruining all her efforts with a last-second exposure. Then she got up and followed Mioko back behind the curtain to change. Mioko was saying something about how wonderful it was being a model and exciting it was to pose in front of everybody like that, but Chidori was so relieved to not be in front of everybody like that anymore she hardly heard it. She slipped her panties back on, took a moment to savor the feeling of having her lower body covered once again, and looked up just as Mioko managed to wriggle out of her qipao far enough to get it halfway down her hips. The sight made Chidori gasp. "Mioko! You're... you're not wearing any panties!"

Mioko looked over her shoulder and giggled, "Well of course not." She struggled with the qipao a bit more, wiggling her bare bottom in Chidori's direction in the process. "I couldn't possibly wear panties under something like this. See?" she slid the garment off, turned around and held it up in front of her hips, pointing to the costume's left thigh. "Look how high the slit goes. I didn't have a choice!" She giggled, folding the costume in her hands, then knelt to retrieve her uniform top.

"Oh... right... of course" Chidori muttered, absently reaching for her own top as well. That made sense, she had to admit, but even if it made sense and even if she herself had just spent the whole class with no panties on it was still surprising to suddenly see that Mioko had just spent the whole class with no panties on too.

"Maybe if I wore a thong today I could have kept it on," Mioko continued as she buttoned her top, then reached for her skirt next, "but since I wore a thong yesterday and the day before I thought some variety would be nice. I mean, I didn't expect I'd get to model for the art class, and I really didn't expect I'd get to model wearing a costume that didn't cover my panties. So I just had to take them off." She giggled again, then picked up her little pink satin panties and held them up for Chidori to see. "Can you imagine if I tried wearing these under that? Everybody would have totally seen!"

Chidori shuddered slightly and gave a sympathetic agreement. If Mioko had tried to pose like that the qipao's thigh slit would have left her panties totally showing and everybody would have totally seen them, and it would have been totally embarrassing. Just like she said, Mioko really didn't have a choice.

The two of them finished changing while Sakaki and Izumo-sensei put everything away, and Chidori hurried out and down the hall to her next class before they could come back. Her morning classes was less uncomfortable than she expected. Unlike yesterday, she and her big bouncy boobs were no longer the center of attention everywhere she went, because unlike yesterday all the other girls all around had big bouncy boobs of their own, and most of them had their tops partially unbuttoned. That part made things a bit uncomfortable itself, particularly in classics when a third-year girl who happened to have her top two buttons unbuttoned got up in front of the class to recite a poem or something. Chidori spent the next several minutes staring with equal fascination and anxiety at the girl's third button, which was under so much strain from containing the girl's bust all by itself that it looked like it was on the brink of popping right open at any moment and letting her big bouncy boobs burst out right in front of everybody. It didn't happen, but when the girl finished and sat safely down again Chidori realized that she had no idea what the poem she just heard was, and she had a feeling that none of the boys in class did either.

After that she decided that even if things weren't quite as bad for her as they were yesterday, they were sure to be a lot worse for everybody else, and she still had to try to do something about the whole situation before things got even worse. She spent the rest of the morning trying to come up with something she hadn't thought of yet, and based on what Mioko told her it seemed like the best plan was to see if anybody else who was involved in everything from the beginning like she was still had their memories of it and if there was anything they could do to help her and Akiha and Kirika come up with a plan. After thinking everything over, she decided to...

"Right, I've gotta find Shizuoka," Chidori muttered, heading toward the Kendo club room. With any luck she'd find Shizuoka there just like the other day and explain everything and finally come up with a way to deal with this whole mess. Of course there was a chance she wouldn't remember anything about what happened and trying to explain it would only cause problems, but Chidori just told herself she would have to bring up the subject carefully like she did earlier with Mioko and Sakaki. She was thinking about how to do that when she got to the club room and slid the door open.

The room was empty. Chidori stood there for a few moments, confused, then slid the door closed again and saw the sign taped to it saying Kendo Club activities were suspended until further notice. Chidori's face fell, but before she could start trying to decide what to do next someone called out to her.

"Chidori! There you are." She turned at the voice and saw Akiha trotting down the hall toward her, smiling happily. "Kirika said you might be here. I guess you didn't hear about Shizuoka-senpai. She hasn't been at school the last few days." Chidori hardly even heard what Akiha was saying, because she was still staring at Akiha's boobs. Just like before they were big and beautiful and the way she was running made them bounce majestically, and now they were nearly bare besides. Akiha had her top two buttons undone just like that girl in classics, and the way that left her boobies mostly exposed and right on the brink of bursting free at any moment they was even more enthralling than before.

After a quick explanation of of why Shizuoka wasn't at school, which Chidori likewise barely heard, Akiha led her friend away, saying, "Anyway, we should get to the library. I've been looking forward to this all day, I can hardly wait." Chidori tried to say something to that, but suddenly discovered that walking at Akiha's side gave her a whole new and exciting perspective of Akiha's chest and found herself so preoccupied trying to look over Akiha's shoulder and down into Akiha's cleavage that the next she knew they were entering the library doors. "Here she is, everybody!" Akiha called out as she pushed through the door.

Belatedly realizing where they were, Chidori finally managed to look up and saw Kirika getting up from her desk. "Excellent, now we can get started," Kirika announced. Her top was mostly unbuttoned too, Chidori noticed, a moment before she saw Mioko and Natsumi turn around and noticed that their tops were mostly unbuttoned too. She was a bit surprised to see Mioko was here, and a bit more surprised to see Natsumi was too. "Come on everyone," Kirika continued, stepping around the desk, "this is a very important part of the plan, and we must begin immediately."

That got Chidori's attention. "Wait, the plan? You actually have a plan already?" she stepped forward with a mix of excitement and relief, realizing that she had been worried that nobody was making any progress on the situation at all.

"Of course. I expect we will be able to deal with your Jinni and the surrounding problems soon. First I will need your help, however." Kirika beckoned everyone down a row of bookshelves, and Chidori hurried to follow them.

"We're gonna help out too!" Natsumi cut in. "We explained everything to each other. Everything we forgot about, I mean. And then senpai came up with a great idea, and we all get to help." she was talking rapidly and eagerly and bouncing with excitement, and Chidori couldn't help but notice that the way Natsumi's big bouncy boobies were bouncing looked even more striking on such a slim and petite girl.

"Indeed, I will need some help from each of you. And we must get started right away," Kirika reiterated, opening a door and leading everyone inside. It was only after Chidori stepped through that she recognized the reading room from yesterday.

"Huh? Wait, this is... um, what kind of help did you need exactly?" Chidori asked with a hint of suspicion, which only grew when she saw the tape measure Kirika was holding.

"Measurement, of course. Just like yesterday." Kirika intoned as calmly as ever. "Would you like to go first, then?" Chidori's eyes widened and she backed away, suddenly realizing that this was going to end up just like yesterday, only to bump into Mioko and Natsumi who were coming in behind her.

"Oh, I don't mind getting measured first," Mioko spoke up, stepping to the middle of the room in front of everyone. "Here, go right ahead." With that she undid her top and pulled it open, allowing her boobies to burst free with a nice graceful bounce. Chidori gave a little gasp at the sight.

"Uh-uh, measure mine first!" Natsumi piped up, "I've been waiting all day to know just how big they really are," she stepped up and opened her top too, and Chidori gasped again at the sight of the small girl's big boobies bouncing energetically into view.

"Oh, there's no need to hurry. We'll all get a turn." Akiha purred, stepping inside and locking the door behind her. Grinning, she took her place between the two topless girls. "The important part is that we all enjoy ourselves. Right, Chidori?" she giggled gently and reached up to her top. Kirika suddenly seemed to remember something and hastily undid her own top, but Chidori didn't notice at all, as she was staring in helpless open-mouthed fascination at Akiha. She could tell what was about to happen, and her mind raced with the image of it happening, and she really wanted to see it happen in a way she had never wanted anything else. And then it happened.

Akiha undid her top and pulled it open and set free her luscious tits. Chidori gasped softly with sheer delight and grinned a big helpless grin. She stood there motionless for a few moments until Mioko and Natsumi came over with a chair and gently pushed her down into it, and then Akiha came forward, jiggling magnificently with every step. Chidori's grin got bigger as Akiha got closer, until her lovely tits were jiggling right in Chidori's face. Chidori's hands slowly reached up to touch those lovely tits, until what was left of her self- restraint managed to reassert itself. Her hands stopped, trembling in midair, and Akiha giggled gently again.

"There's no need to hold back now," she cooed, grinning down, "go ahead and touch them." She leaned forward a tiny bit and let her magnificent tits make the most wonderful tiny bounce, and Chidori's resistance collapsed. She grabbed her friend's big beautiful naked tits and squeezed, letting out a blissful sigh as the magnificent feeling of unbelievable softness, even better than squeezing those same tits earlier when they weren't naked. Everything after that was a blur. A big soft warm happy blur, filled with fondling and bouncing and squeezing and giggling.

When it was over and she could think clearly again she was standing at the library doors waving goodbye to Akiha. The doors closed and she started down the hall, but after a few steps she abruptly stopped, struck by the images flickering through her mind, mostly images of Akiha's tits. Cupping them and stroking them and squeezing them and fondling them and bouncing them. She gasped in shock, stood there a few moments blushing and open-mouthed, then gasped again at the even more shocking scenes that followed, of kissing them and sucking on them and burying her face between them. Some other images were mixed in too, like Mioko and Natsumi gleefully fondling one another and Kirika using her tape measure on everybody, and a particularly strange scene where she was pressing her own big soft tits up against Akiha's big soft tits while everybody giggled madly at the sight.

"What... what's going on..." Chidori whimpered after long seconds of shocked silence. "What did I... and why would I... how could I ever..." With the surge of memories beginning to abate, she gradually became aware of more giggling back in the present. Jinni's giggling. That echoing sound seemed to trigger something in her mind, and suddenly everything seemed to fall into place and all the inexplicable events of those blurry memories made sense. Her shocked confusion transformed into anger, and she shouted, "You!" into the empty air. "It was you! You did all that! You made me... and you made everybody else... you made us do all that! How could you!" She stamped her foot in a classic gesture of anger, yet the giggling only grew. Then Chidori realized something else. "You must have made everybody do all that stuff yesterday too, didn't you!"

"Well of course I did," A faint image of Jinni's face appeared and hovered in the air, grinning even as she admitted it. "Don't tell me you just figured that out now." Chidori glared back at the insubstantial face with all the anger that she could. "Oh, don't be like that." There were more giggles, and then, "After all, you enjoyed it, didn't you?"

"That's not the point!" Chidori spat back, stamping her foot once more. "It's... it was so..." she was about to complain that it was embarrassing, but it seemed like making her embarrassed really was the point. "It's indecent. I would never do something like that. And neither would Akiha, or any of the others! Making us do things we wouldn't... it's just not right!"

"Is that so?" Jinni's grin dropped away. "I guess I must have missed that part." Suddenly the hovering face was glaring right back at Chidori. "I think I missed the part where Humans get to decide what's right. And I just know I missed the part where Humans get to tell everyone else what's right, too." Jinni's eyes were pits of dancing flame, now. Chidori's anger was quickly melting away, fear rising up to take its place, when all at once the image vanished and she was staring at a silent, empty hallway. She stood there for a few seconds, trying to calm herself, then hurried away.

After that she headed to class, trying to focus and put that little episode of fright out of her mind along with all the rest of the day's distractions, particularly the extremely distracting memories of what happened in the library. She spent the rest of the day trying not to think about that, yet despite her efforts she found herself thinking about it again and again and again. Because now it seemed like almost every girl in school had decided to make herself more comfortable by unbuttoning a button or two on her top. And every time Chidori caught sight of a pair of big beautiful breasts bulging proudly from one of those half-unbuttoned tops she couldn't help but compare them to Akiha's big beautiful breasts, and every time she decided that Akiha's were softer or smoother or bouncier or all three, and most importantly that they were much more beautiful. Every time she thought about Akiha's big beautiful tits she wanted to see them again. She wanted to see them naked again, and she wanted to touch them again, and she wanted to squeeze them and kiss them and suck on them again. She tried not to think about Akiha and her big beautiful tits, but she just couldn't seem to stop.

Things got a little better at cheerleading practice, mostly because the cheerleading uniforms couldn't be unbuttoned. They had tight stretchy tops, which clung to the cheerleaders' breasts while still letting them bounce and jiggle freely, making it as obvious as could possibly be that every single cheerleader was totally braless today, but at least they kept the cheerleaders covered. The boys hanging out in the bleachers to watch seemed to be enjoying themselves even more than usual, even if they didn't actually get to see anything more than usual. After everything that had happened over the last two days, however, Chidori found that she didn't mind the way they were looking at her nearly as much as usual.

After practice she left school and started home, and soon found Jinni suddenly walking at her side once again. This time she had on a cheerleading uniform just like Chidori's, except that the skirt seemed to be a little shorter and a little lighter and more prone to fluttering around in the breeze. Jinni herself seemed just as cheerful as ever, her outburst from a few hours earlier apparently forgotten. Chidori calmed herself in preparation for the silent conversation she had been anxiously awaiting for those few hours.

"I'm sorry about what I said earlier." She really didn't want to make Jinni angry like that all over again. "I don't mean to try to tell you what's right and wrong. That's not something I want to dictate to anybody, especially... well, you." With that concession made, she took a deep breath and steeled herself. "It's just, if you keep using that kind of mind control or whatever on people it'll cause all kinds of problems. You've been saying this whole time that you don't want to cause problems like that, right?" She allowed herself to look up, then, and saw with relief that Jinni was still smiling.

"Apology accepted." There was a tone of dry humor in her mental reply, followed by a brief chuckle. "I already know you're not the sort to tell everybody else how they ought to act. But you should already know that there are plenty of Humans who love to do just that." She gave a short sigh of annoyance. "Binding and sealing up all of the Jinn they could find, then trying to claim we were the ones breaking their rules. But that was all a long time ago." She waved a hand, dismissing ancient history and all its injustice. "As for your little friends, they already know about me. The clever ones even figured out part of what I was doing all by themselves, but they haven't given me any trouble over it. What kind of problems do you think it'll cause if I make them have a little fun with you once in a while, hmm?"

"It's..." Chidori started, then trailed off, taking a moment to think about it. "Well what if somebody else notices? I figured out what you were doing to them by myself, didn't I?" Jinni started to look a bit concerned. "And if somebody who doesn't know about you sees people acting weird like that, who knows what they might think is going on? It'll be a really big problem if people start thinking there's something wrong with us and start seriously investigating." Jinni's concern was turning to genuine worry now, and Chidori saw her chance to try convincing Jinni...

"Hmm... I don't know," Jinni muttered once Chidori had finished explaining her suggestion. "Even if people get upset or whatever I think I can take care of myself now."

"Huh? B-but..." Chidori sputtered. She had expected her suggestion would meet with at least a little more agreement than that.

"Besides, I've almost got all my power back now. This should all be over in another day or two, and then it won't matter what anyone does."

"You what? so... does that mean," she tried to sound hopeful, "you won't need any more, um... help after that?"

"I won't need anything from anyone," Jinni laughed. It was a merry laugh, but vaguely discomforting at the same time. "I could just leave right away, as soon as I have enough power to break the seal. Or I might stay around and have a little more fun. Or maybe I could let you have some fun instead, since you've been so helpful." She stopped and turned, showed Chidori a big grin and gestured toward Chidori's front door just in front of them. "But we can talk about all that later. Right now, I expect we've got guests to entertain."

Chidori grimaced at the sight of that grin and the way she said that last word. She gathered her courage and got ready for her next ordeal, then went inside. Sure enough the boys were there again, but this time Jinni didn't even give them a chance to say anything before she stepped forward and said hi to the boys and announced how happy she was to see them all again, bouncing and jiggling away while the boys just nodded and enjoyed the show. Chidori, meanwhile, took off her shoes and tried to ignore them, vaguely glad that at least she herself was spared that kind of attention for the moment as a result. But then Jinni said, "Now I'm sure you like seeing us in our cheerleading uniforms and all, but we just got back from practice and we could really use a nice shower. Right Chidori?"

"Oh, um, yeah. That's right, Jen." Mentally congratulating herself on having somehow remembered that fake name from the day before, Chidori followed "Jen" up the stairs. Then she got a glimpse up "Jen's" skirt, blushed and quickly looked away, noticed the boys at the bottom of the stairs also looking up "Jen's" skirt and enjoying the view of "Jen's" nice plump butt in cute colorful cheerleading panties, and reached back to try to cover her own butt and her cheerleading panties.

Once inside the bathroom she leaned against the closed door and tried to relax a bit. She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them again Jinni was there in front of her. Something unpleasant suddenly occurred to her and she burst out in a fierce whisper, "Wait, we're... we're not going to have to shower *together*, are we?"

Jinni just giggled. "Of course not, silly. Why would I need to shower, anyway? I mean, I guess I could wash your back if you like..." she giggled again at seeing Chidori blush in response to the suggestion. "Anyway, the important part is that your guests imagine us showering together."Chidori shuddered at the thought that they must be imagining exactly that right now while Jinni faded from view, still giggling.

Now alone in the bathroom, Chidori gave a resigned sigh and started to strip off her cheerleading uniform. She got in the shower and forced herself to relax, trying her best not to think at all about the boys or what they might be imagining or anything else that was going on today. By the time she was done it was sort of working, and she felt at least a little calmer than before. She dried herself off and wrapped a towel around herself and crossed the hall to her room to get dressed. She was just beginning to gingerly think about what she might wear that was just embarrassing enough but not too much when she reached the door and froze at what she saw inside.

The boys were there, in her room, and as soon as Chidori came into view in the doorway they all turned and looked at her, grinning just like before. Her brief relaxation shattered instantly and she clutched at the front of her towel with both hands, then saw the direction of the boys' gazes drop and moved one hand to the bottom of the towel to clutch it there too, wondering why she had to pick a towel that was barely even long enough to cover herself.

Before Chidori could move otherwise or say anything she heard Jinni's voice call out, "That was nice, huh?" Turning her head, she froze again in shock and embarrassment at the sight of Jinni stepping out of the bathroom door, totally naked and vigorously drying her hair with a little towel in a way that made her boobs jiggle even more wildly than usual as she came over to the door right behind Chidori. "So what do you want to- Oh!" she looked up then and saw the boys in Chidori's room. "I thought you were still downstairs," she said with a little giggle, still calmly drying her hair with only Chidori's towel-clad body between them and her own. "Are you looking for something new to play?" she asked cheerfully, then stepped around Chidori and into the room, whipping the towel around just in time to cover herself with a perfectly casual yet unbelievably swift motion.

Then Jinni went over to where the boys were standing by the little stack of video games on the floor which they might have been looking through just now. She knelt to examine them herself, picked up a pair of games and moved to plop herself down on Chidori's bed to look at them more closely, crossing her legs in a way that made her towel fall open while simultaneously concealing just barely enough of what was underneath. "These two look good, let's play them," she declared, hopping back to her feet and trotting out past Chidori. As she cleared the doorway and turned toward the stairs, however, her towel suddenly came undone and fluttered to the ground. "Oops!" Jinni giggled yet again, "how careless of me!"

Chidori watched Jinni kneel without turning around to retrieve her towel, and at the same moment the boys in Chidori's room came rushing out to see what was happening. Chidori stepped back just in time to avoid them, and Jinni lifted her towel just in time and just far enough to keep the boys from seeing her bare rear end. She wrapped it around herself again, making no particular effort to secure it any better than before, then turned and took Chidori by the hand. "Come on, let's go. I can't wait to give these a try." She trotted for the stairs, pulling a still-stunned Chidori along after her and making both their towels flutter open. Chidori clutched at hers again, with one hand at the top and the other at the bottom just like before. Then they reached the stairs, and as Chidori took the first step she felt the back of her towel flip up and moved to clutch at it there instead. Jinni made no attempt to do likewise, and seemed to be almost skipping down the stairs in a way that made her towel rise way up past her hips with every step.

By the time they got downstairs, with the boys following close behind, Chidori's head was already swimming from the embarrassment of it all. Just like yesterday, things got a little better once they all sat down, partly because that meant she could keep still and keep her towel in place without giving it quite so much of her attention and partly because Jinni didn't seem to be giving her own towel any attention whatsoever. She was moving around and bouncing and giggling and shifting position and always seemed to be right on the brink of flashing everybody at any moment, but somehow it never quite seemed to happen. And her towel seemed to be constantly right on the brink of coming undone and falling off and revealing everything to everybody at any moment too, but somehow that never quite seemed to happen either. So the boys kept staring at her, just waiting for one or the other to finally happen, and just like yesterday it gave Chidori a welcome respite from their attentions and a chance to relax a little bit.

Then Jinni got up to go get some snacks again, and as soon as she turned and took a step towards the kitchen her towel suddenly came undone and started to slide off. Chidori gasped and stared in horror, the boys grinned and stared in lascivious fascination, and for a moment everything was completely still except for that towel, opening and fluttering toward the floor. But just as the falling fabric reached her rear end Jinni reached down and caught it, arresting its descent at the last possible moment and revealing only a tiny glimpse of the upper edge of her butt.

"Oops!" she declared, "That was a close call. How very careless of me." Grinning over her shoulder in a way that contrived to look both sheepish and smug, she lifted the towel back up to her chest and trotted into the kitchen. Chidori sighed with relief as the sudden tension of the apparently close call drained away, but as soon as Jinni was out of sight the boys all turned to look at her instead, and beneath their eager, piercing eyes her brief relaxation shattered.

She clutched at her towel, feeling her skin flush beneath those stares. Suddenly she just knew she couldn't simply sit there and try to ignore it like yesterday, and got to her feet. "Wait, Jen. I'll, um... let me help you." She hurried into the kitchen as fast as she could while keeping her towel under control.

When she got there Jinni was reaching up to get a bowl from a high cupboard. "Isn't this just so much fun," she asked without looking or turning around.

Chidori, leaning against the doorframe to catch her breath, could only sputter, "What? What do you- Fun? What part of this could possibly be fun!?"

"Well, the suspense for a start. The tension. The anticipation." Jinni turned around halfway, grinning and giggling. "The constant awareness that both of us have nothing to protect our precious modesty but these flimsy towels. It adds all kinds of delicious flavors to the embarrassment, you know. Her giggles turned into cackling as she turned and reached up to the cupboard again. "After all, you just can't stop thinking about them. Especially the way either one might just totally fall off and completely expose absolutely everything at any moment." Her hands closed around the bowl she was reaching for, and just then, right on cue, Jinni's towel totally fell off and exposed her plump, round rear end.

Chidori gasped again, while Jinni looked down and loudly exclaimed, "Oh! Oh dear. I'm just being so careless today." Chidori noticed vaguely that the rest of their conversation had been silent, while that part was not merely spoken aloud but loud enough for the boys in the next room to hear. Jinni carefully set the bowl down on the counter, then bent over to retrieve her fallen towel, wiggling that shapely rear end in Chidori's direction in the process. Instead of covering herself like before, however, Jinni simply picked up the towel and turned around. "Now then, you said you wanted to help, so how about you take care of this for me." She tossed the towel to Chidori, who fumbled a bit but managed to catch it. "Since I've got my hands full and all," she picked up the bowl, which was now filled with a variety of snacks, "and since I've been so careless today, it might be safer if you help me hold that up." Chidori just stared in confusion until Jinni continued, "I mean, if I get careless about the silly thing like before, I couldn't possibly be expected to catch it with my hands full like this." Chidori's eyes went wide as she caught the thinly veiled threat in Jinni's tone, and she hurried to wrap the towel around Jinni's body.

Before she could try to tuck it into place, however, Jinni stepped through the kitchen door, forcing Chidori to stumble after her and struggle to keep the towel in her hands from lifting too high or slipping too low and revealing too much. "Here we go," Jinni announced merrily to the boys as they both walked out in front of them, "sorry to keep everyone waiting." Chidori did her best to ignore the way they were leering and to not think about how absurd she must look holding up "Jen's" towel for her. They both reached the table and stopped, which made Chidori gently bump into Jinni's back. Then they both crouched to put the bowl down on the table, which made Chidori really grateful that Jinni didn't decide to bend over like yesterday. And then they both stood up, which made Chidori relieved that now Jinni could take back her towel and they could both sit back down. But then she heard a soft rustling and felt the gentle brush of cool air on her skin, and she looked down and froze at the sight. Her towel was lying there crumpled on the floor, and she was standing there completely naked.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry, Chidori!" Jinni exclaimed, also looking down at the freshly fallen towel, one corner of which was still underneath her foot. She had carelessly placed that foot there when they both knelt and carelessly left it there when they stood up, which was why Chidori's towel was now on the floor. "I just can't believe how incredibly careless I am today." her smile might have looked just a little bit sheepish if it wasn't quite so triumphant. Chidori, meanwhile, just stood there, stunned and immobilized by the sheer overwhelming embarrassment of suddenly being totally naked in front of three leering boys, with nothing to conceal herself from their piercing gazes but Jinni's body. She pressed herself into Jinni's back, clinging desperately to her only remaining cover as well as to what remained of her modesty.

After a few more moments of giggling, Jinni reached up and took her own towel from Chidori's unresisting grip. Then she grinned even bigger and with a swift twirling movement reversed their positions. Suddenly Jinni was standing behind Chidori and holding up the one remaining towel to cover both of them. They slowly walked backwards until they were back in the kitchen, where Chidori finally came to her senses and took hold of the towel once again.

"Now that was just wonderful. Such delicious embarrassment, it was totally worth all the setup." Jinni cackled madly yet silently while Chidori wrapped the towel around herself as best she could. When Jinni spoke next it was with her voice, again quite loud enough for the boys to hear. "Would you mind picking that up for me?" Chidori blinked for a moment before she understood, then trotted back out to where the second towel lay crumpled on the floor, still blushing all the while and trying to ignore the way the boys were staring at her.

After that they both went back out, once again wearing their towels, and things went back to normal... or at least as normal as could be expected in a situation like this. Chidori was even more uncomfortably aware than before of the flimsiness of her towel, struggling constantly not to think about how it might totally fall off and leave her totally exposed at any moment. Mercifully nothing of the sort happened, but even so when the boys finally got up to leave her relief was immense. When she went to the door to wave goodbye to them she made sure to keep hold of her towel at both the top and the bottom, in case of a sudden gust like the other day. With her hands occupied like that she couldn't close the door normally, so once she got fed up with waving she reached out with one leg to do it instead. That worked fine, but as the door swung closed she felt her towel being yanked away, and she was too off-balance to even try to hold on to it.

Chidori squealed and tried to cover herself and spun around in time to see Jinni toss both their towels to the floor, giggling gleefully. "So much fun! This whole nudism thing was a great idea. I'm glad I thought of it." She cackled some more while Chidori stumbled over to retrieve her towel yet again.

She was in the middle of tucking it back in when something occurred to her, and she gasped. "Wait, did... did... did they..." She looked up with apprehension. "Did they... see?" She knew the door was halfway closed when Jinni pulled her towel away, but she couldn't be sure that the boys didn't get a quick glimpse of her naked. Just the possibility of that was even more embarrassing just now, after trying so hard for so long to keep it from happening.

"Hmm... maybe." Jinni laughed even more. "I'll let you keep wondering just what they saw. It's more fun that way."

"What the hell!" Chidori snapped, angry enough to bring Jinni's laughter to a sudden stop. "How could you! How could you be so cruel!" She stood up and glared at Jinni with her fists balled and tears welling in her eyes.

There was a little pause, and for a moment Jinni just blinked back at that furious glare. Then she smirked. "Cruel, am I?" She looked down pointedly, and Chidori felt something that made her follow the direction of that gaze in time to see her towel coming undone. The corner that she had carefully tucked in only seconds before was slowly but surely loosening all by itself before her eyes. She clutched at it, but the fabric seemed to turn so slippery beneath her fingers that she couldn't grip it at all, like satin coated in oil. She could only fumble uselessly at the towel as it came undone and watch helplessly as it fluttered gracefully to the floor.

"I could have done that anytime I wanted," Jinni purred, her smirk growing. "I could have let those little perverts see as much of you as they wanted. I could have made you come downstairs with nothing on but a smile, and I could have made you spend the whole time dancing around and doing cartwheels in front of them or whatever else I felt like." Chidori's anger vanished and she quailed at those cold words and blushed at the mental image they produced, perfectly certain that it was no exaggeration. "If I was cruel I might have done all that. So be grateful that I'm not cruel." With that Jinni's anger disappeared as quickly as it had arrived. "Besides, it was more fun this way. Like I said, all the suspense and anticipation makes your embarrassment taste so much better." She floated backward and started to fade away, once again grinning happily. "So go ahead and get dressed and get ready for tomorrow. I've got all kinds of fun plans..."

Chidori stood there shivering for a little while, until eventually she just sighed and gathered up her towel and went upstairs to get dressed. She thought about what tomorrow was going to be like and tried to come up with something to do about it, but for once she couldn't think of anything at all...

The next day she was pretty nervous. Akiha didn't meet her on the way to school, again, but when she got there without anything happening she calmed down a little, and from a quick look around it didn't seem like much of anything had changed either. Akiha wasn't waiting for her at the school gates either, but when she went up to the main building the door burst open right in front of her.

"Chidori! I'm glad you got here early. Look! Isn't it just beautiful?" Akiha stepped back from the door and did a little twirl so Chidori could see.

Chidori just stared for a second, then stammered, "It... it's a... a yukata?" Akiha was wearing an elegant lavender yukata with long sleeves that trailed and fluttered around her as she twirled, and just like she said it was beautiful. "Why are you wearing a yukata?"

"Because of New Year's, of course," she replied with a giggle. "The student council decided we can wear traditional clothes for a few days since it's New Year's." Finishing her twirl, she carefully rearranged her sleeves and then her neckline, which was tucked so loose that it just barely covered her nipples.

"But... but that's not..." Chidori protested, looking apprehensively at her friend's mostly-exposed chest. "But it's so... um... well, aren't you really cold like that?" Even aside from the most obvious places, the thin fabric couldn't be much use against a chilly morning like this.

"That's why I waited to change until I got to school. It's nice and warm in here. See?" She took Chidori's hand and tugged her through the door, and sure enough it was much warmer than usual inside. That seemed strange, and after a moment Chidori realized with a sinking feeling that just meant Jinni had to be responsible for it, along with the whole yukata thing and all the other stuff that was going on.

"But still... yukata are for summer," she tried again. "Wearing them in the winter isn't traditional at all..."

Akiha just shrugged. "So think of it as 'a little taste of summer to break the spell of winter', or whatever." She giggled again. "That's what student council president Mitsuka said about it, at least." She was still taking the two of them down the hall and around the corner. The building seemed to be mostly deserted this early, but when they turned the corner there were a few small groups of students standing around chatting quietly and casually. "Anyway, never mind all the little details like that. I'm sure Jen can take care of things just fine." At the mention of the name Akiha glanced around conspiratorially. "For now let's just wait here. We'll see something really interesting in a second."

They'd stopped in the middle of the hallway, at the edge of a big bright sunbeam that was coming through the window. Chidori wanted to ask what they were waiting for and what they were going to see. She wanted to ask where Akiha had heard the name 'Jen' and how she was so sure things would get taken care of. She wanted to ask why Akiha and Mitsuka and the rest of the student council was going along with all the weird stuff that was happening so easily, and she wanted to ask lots of other stuff too. But before she could even decide what to ask about first someone came around the corner at the other end of the hall and the casual conversations all around seemed to die away. "There. Now watch close," Akiha whispered, her eyes fixed on the new arrivals.

Chidori looked that way and saw that it was three girls in brightly-colored yukata, flowing and elegant like Akiha's but louder and gaudier. They were chatting with each other and laughing about something, and after a moment Chidori saw that all three had dyed hair and tanned skin and glittery nails, and after another she saw that the one in the middle was Eiko, the kogal from the other day, which meant the others must be a pair of her kogal friends. A moment later they stepped into the sunbeam, and what Chidori saw then made her gasp.

The direct sunlight turned those three yukata totally seethrough, and suddenly the three kogal seemed to be wearing nothing but some colorful fluttering mist and tinted clinging cellophane. They gave no sign that they had any idea how completely exposed they were but kept walking and laughing just as casually as before, which made their nicely tanned and plainly visible breasts jiggle slightly. Chidori felt herself blush with sympathetic embarrassment, both at the sight and the soft giggling of the other girls all around.

Akiha was among them. "Not exactly the best choice of underwear for a day like today, huh?" she added in a catty whisper between giggles, which made Chidori drop her gaze from Eiko's breasts to Eiko's panties. At first she was just confused. Eiko was wearing perfectly normal, perfectly modest full-cut plain white panties. But then she saw that both of Eiko's kogal friends were wearing cute little thong panties with loud designs and sequins on the edges, and she realized why the other girls were really giggling and blushed even more. "I guess she must be nervous about wearing thongs after what happened the other day," Akiha added once the kogal trio were past them, once again out of the sunbeam and out of earshot. Chidori shivered and frowned thoughtfully at this strange situation where being seen wearing unexpectedly modest underwear should be paradoxically more embarrassing just because they weren't cute enough or whatever.

"I guess I can't really blame her for not being quite as bold as usual," Akiha continued. "Still, it's a pretty careless thing to do, walking through a sunbeam dressed like that and not even noticing. I'm sure I'd be more careful if I was wearing something I didn't want anyone to see."

Chidori nodded absently, then gave a start when she realized what her friend just said. "Wait, so you mean your-" she caught herself just about to ask what Akiha was wearing under her yukata, but decided she might not want to know the answer. "Um, your yukata... is it, um... I mean, will it... in the sun..." she stammered instead.

After a moment Akiha seemed to understand. "Oh! Of course. See?" She waved an arm into the sunbeam to demonstrate, the sleeve turning into a mere wisp of violet haze. "But don't worry," she continued, seeing Chidori's expression, "I'm not going to just walk through it and flash everybody." Another giggle. "I might be wearing nice cute panties today, but that doesn't mean I want to show them off." Her expression and her giggles made this less than convincing, but before Chidori could reply someone called out to her.

"Oh, Chidori! There you are!" It was Mioko. She was at the far end of the hall, waving, and she was wearing a yukata too. It was orange, and it was really cute, and it was really really short.

"Wow. How bold," Akiha murmured. Chidori knew exactly what she meant, although she probably would have chosen a different word. Mioko's yukata was extremely short, just barely long enough to protect her modesty in her current position standing still with one hand raised to gently wave. From the looks of things if she tried to lift that arm any higher or move any faster than a brisk walk it was just sure to rise high enough to reveal everything. Mioko stopped waving then, which let the hem of her yukata drop a tiny bit lower and let Chidori relax slightly. But when she she started trotting toward them it started to flutter even higher and made Chidori wince. Her expression grew even more apprehensive as she belatedly realized what was about to happen. Everyone else was already staring at Mioko in silent anticipation by the time she heedlessly headed straight into the sunbeam, and Chidori's mouth dropped open at the sight.

"How incredibly bold..." murmured Akiha. This time it was even more obvious what she meant. The sunlight turned Mioko's yukata every bit as transparent as everybody had expected, and they could all see that Mioko wasn't wearing anything at all underneath. The sight of not just her big soft boobs bouncing and jiggling freely for all to see, but also her tender pussy peeking out from between her thighs and beneath her little tuft of soft feathery deep red fuzz was so blatant and so unexpected that Chidori was absolutely stunned. And to make it all even worse, Mioko clearly had no idea she was totally flashing everybody in sight.

"Come on, we've got to get to class right away," Mioko was saying as she came up to the two of them and stopped, stepping far enough out of the sun even as she spoke for her yukata to turn opaque once again. Chidori was still too shocked by what she just saw and embarrassed on Mioko's behalf to respond, however. "Sensei wants us there as early as possible so we have plenty of time to change and get ready and everything..." Mioko went on, taking Chidori by the hand and turning to lead her back down the hall. Then they were both in the sunbeam, and the sight of Mioko's cute plump butt suddenly exposed beneath her once again seethrough yukata rendered Chidori again too stunned to speak or resist or do anything but gaze down at it wiggling back and forth. At least, she saw at the same time, her own uniform was still as opaque as ever.

Mioko led her around the corner and up to the art class door before Chidori got ahold of herself. "Wait! Mioko, you..." she started, catching the other girl's arm and turned her half around. "You... your... you're..." Chidori stammered, searching for the right words, for some way to let Mioko know about what just happened and what she just saw without causing her even more embarrassment. In the end all she managed was, "You're not wearing any underwear!" She said it in a fierce whisper, with as much wide-eyed urgency as she could, but Mioko just giggled.

"Of course not. After all, it's more traditional this way." Chidori had no chance to reply before they were through the door and Izumo-sensei and Sakaki were upon them and all three were bustling Chidori behind the curtain to get changed. Sakaki was wearing a yukata that looked just like Mioko's except for the color, and as they all reached the curtained area Chidori saw another one waiting there and knew right away who was going to end up wearing that.

She took the seat they firmly guided her into and sensei went to complete the preparations while Mioko and Sakaki 'helped' Chidori change. They were even faster at it than yesterday, and in just a few moments her uniform was off, followed by yet another pair of shimapan. Then they slipped the yukata around her, and she was relieved to see that the obi wasn't missing this time. She carefully made sure that it was securely fastened and tried to adjust everything to keep herself covered as best she could, but no matter how she tugged and tucked and pulled it still felt like the tiny yukata was just about to slip down a bit too far or lift up a bit too much and let everybody see everything any second.

At last she got up and stepped around the curtain, trying not to think too hard about what kind of embarrassing pose she was going to have to strike for the class. Her fears were replaced by surprise when she saw the goldfish-scooping pool that was set up on a long table, where Izumo-sensei already guiding her three models into positions around it and explaining about the lovely 'taste of summer' that the class would be painting, with lovely traditional beauties relaxing and enjoying themselves at a traditional summertime festival. Somewhat relieved, Chidori took her place at one end of the pool and knelt down, carefully arranging her yukata as she did so to make sure her butt didn't peek out into view. Tugging at it like that caused the yukata to slip halfway off one shoulder, which gave her a quick shock of panic, but after she reassured herself that her nipples were still covered and that it wasn't going to slip any further by itself she left it that way.

After a moment Izumo-sensei came over and murmured that she loved that careless and relaxed 'off-the-shoulder' look, but she also made Chidori shift from kneeling to a more 'cheerful' pose, which turned out to involve squatting with her toes balanced on her geta and her knees peeking over the top of the pool. That was a bit more uncomfortable, but with a quick glance she confirmed that her hips were still mostly covered and her butt probably wasn't peeking out, so she smiled and tried to relax a little.

But then she noticed that Mioko on the other side of the pool was in the same pose, as cheerful and relaxed as sensei could ask for, and it didn't look like she was being careful about how her yukata was arranged at all. Chidori could just imagine what kind of a view the class must have just now, with Mioko's bare butt peeking out from under her extremely short yukata. Anybody who looked close enough was just sure to notice she wasn't wearing any panties, Chidori thought, suppressing a little shudder. But at least, she told herself after that, both Mioko and Chidori herself were on the ends of the table instead of the side opposite the class. If she had to face the class in a pose like this, and if the table with the pool on it was high enough and if she wasn't really really careful to keep her legs closed at all times or make sure part of her yukata stayed between them, she'd end up with something peeking out that was way more embarrassing.

And that thought made her glance over at Sakaki, who was on the side of the pool opposite the rest of the room and facing the class, and who was in the same pose as her two fellow models, and who didn't really seem to be trying that hard to keep her yukata properly arranged, and who really didn't seem to be trying at all to keep her legs closed. Even as Chidori watched, Izumo-sensei murmured something to Sakaki, who nodded and leaned forward over the pool with the little paper scoop held poised to strike at an unsuspecting goldfish, which incidentally required her to spread her knees just about as wide as they would go. Chidori couldn't see any lower than that with the pool in the way, but she couldn't help imagining the view that anyone in class might have right now, looking under the table and right under Sakaki's wide-open yukata and between Sakaki's wide-open legs, right at Sakaki's... panties.

Her panties. Sakaki was definitely wearing panties right now. She just had to be wearing panties, Chidori reassured herself, putting a stop to her steadily worsening train of thought. Mioko might be so eager to model that she was perfectly happy to pose in a tiny little yukata with no panties on if it was more traditional that way, but Sakaki was different. After what happened the other day Chidori could be quite sure that there was no way Sakaki would be as happy and relaxed as she was now if she wasn't wearing any panties under her tiny little yukata.

So with that settled, Chidori calmed herself down and focused on keeping her own yukata in place and managed to get through the rest of class. Afterwards she headed behind the curtain to change, only to encounter a bit of a problem.

"Something wrong?" Mioko asked cheerfully as she came behind the curtain as well."

"Oh no, not really," Chidori replied in an absent voice, still looking around. "It's just... um, have you seen my uniform?" She was sure she'd left it folded neatly right here before class, but now it was nowhere to be seen.

"It's not there?" Mioko muttered as she went over to open the supply closet and look inside. "Oh! I know" Chidori hurried over and looked over her shoulder, thinking she must have found the lost uniform, but it wasn't there either. "Sakaki must have taken it." Chidori just blinked at this, uncomprehending, while Mioko reached into the closet. "I asked her to take my uniform back to my locker after class, so I guess she must have got yours at the same time."

"Taken back...? to the lockers...? But... why?" Chidori sputtered, becoming worried and even more confused.

Mioko looked up at her, only now seeming to notice the distress in her voice. "Oh, we don't need them anymore. Didn't you hear? The student council decided to let us wear yukata all day, since it's New Year's." She giggled. "Isn't it great? I mean after all, who'd want to wear a boring old normal uniform when we can wear something cute like this instead?"

It took a few moments for the meaning of this to sink in, and then Chidori was struck with panic at the thought of having to spent the rest of the day dressed like this. She hurried out from behind the curtain and looked frantically around the room for Sakaki, then went to the door and leaned out to look up and down the hall, but the other girl was nowhere to be found.

Behind her, Mioko was still talking. "And these ones are just so cute, too! I was kinda upset that I didn't have a chance to get one of my own, but then Izumo-sensei said she brought enough for everybody!" Chidori turned back and immediately saw what she was talking about. Mioko had a whole stack of neatly folded yukata, apparently retrieved from the storage closet, and she was handing them out to the girls standing in line to go behind the curtain and change. A few other girls were emerging from behind that curtain, having already done so and now wearing their borrowed yukata, and Chidori could see that all of them were just as tiny as Mioko's, or Sakaki's, or Chidori's own yukata for that matter. "She said the art classes would get to pick the ones they want first, but she's getting more, and by lunch there should be enough for anybody who wants one," Mioko continued. "Oh, would you like to help?" Chidori made no reply, but only stared wide-eyes at the girls leaving class. None of them seemed at all uncomfortable to be wearing a tiny little yukata that barely covered anything and was constantly on the brink of revealing everything, which only made it all even more embarrassing for Chidori to watch. Then she noticed the sunbeam.

She didn't remember seeing it there before, but there it was now, shining right through the window to dapple the floor and the far wall in direct sunlight, and the first two girls from art class were headed right for it. Chidori had just enough time to feel a little pang of dread before they stepped into the light and their yukata turned transparent. And then all she could think was "at least they're wearing panties." The one on the right had cute little lacy white bikini-cut panties and the one on the left had a cute little black v-string thong, and they were both on display, and worst of all neither girl seemed to even notice.

Then they stepped out of the sunbeam and Chidori took the chance to calm herself, but three more girls were headed the same way and about to reach the sunbeam, and the feeling of dread came right back. This time, however, before they reached it Chidori turned and hurried away. It was all nearly too embarrassing to bear. Art class was bad enough, but all those girls wearing their tiny little yukata in public and accidentally flashing everybody and showing off their panties whenever they stepped into the sun and not even realizing it... And for Mioko it was even worse, since she wasn't wearing any panties... And worst of all, neither was she...

That thought made Chidori stop in her tracks and quickly check to make sure she hadn't let her yukata slip out of place or walked through a sunbeam while she was distracted. After reassuring herself, she continued at a cautious pace. She was going to have to be extra careful from now on, she realized. Spending all day in just a tiny little yukata with no underwear whatsoever was incredibly embarrassing, of course, but there was nothing she could do about it now, and she should at least be able to keep from flashing everybody as long as she was careful enough. She just had to be sure not to move too quickly or suddenly and to stay away from sunbeams, and not to raise her arms too much, and to keep her legs closed when she sat down, and not to bend over at all, and to...

With a sigh and a little shudder of dread at what the rest of the day was going to be like, Chidori headed for her next class.


Getting to class was just as uncomfortable as Chidori was afraid of. With every step she took a little puff of cool air would slip under her yukata and stroke her softly between her legs and constantly reminded her of her lack of underwear, no matter how slowly and carefully she walked. And no matter how slowly and steadily she walked it made her chest wobble and jiggle enough to make her yukata gradually loosen until it felt like her boobs were about to pop right out any second. Again and again she had to pause to try to tuck them in a little better, and when she wasn't doing that she was trying to keep her hands positioned where they could hold down her yukata in case a sudden breeze hit it, and she was always trying to ignore all the boys staring at her. They seemed to be everywhere, just standing around and talking, or more likely pretending to talk and trying to act like they weren't watching Chidori and every other girl in a yukata who walked by, and there were even more of them standing near the sunbeams. There seemed to be a lot more sunbeams than usual too, bathing whole hallways in bright cheerful light, and twice Chidori had to turn around and take a different route to class to avoid walking through one of them. One of those times she came around the corner just in time to watch a group of three girls step into the light, and the one on the left was wearing a cute sky blue yukata which turned totally seethrough in the light and revealed her big soft jiggling boobs and her little lacy royal blue panties. Chidori whirled and hurried away so suddenly when she saw it that she realized too late what the sudden movement would do to the hem of her own yukata, and she was really glad all the boys weren't looking at her just then.

It was all just so awful and it was left Chidori in such constant tension and embarrassment that she was really relieved when she finally got to class and she could sit down and cross her legs and relax a little bit. But she didn't get much chance to relax, because after just a little while Miaka came in. Miaka was a first-year that Chidori recognized from the cheerleading squad, and she was wearing a yukata just like Chidori, and just like Chidori's yukata it was so tiny that she must have got it from Izumo-sensei. But unlike Chidori, Miaka seemed to be perfectly comfortable in her tiny yukata, which made Chidori really nervous. And sure enough, as soon as Miaka took her seat in the front row the first thing she did was lean over to whisper something to the girl next to her, and that made the back of her yukata lift right up and let her cute perky butt peek out into view.

Chidori had to stifle a gasp at the sight. After a moment Miaka sat back up and absentmindedly reached back to tug the back of her yukata back down, but she didn't seem to have any idea that she just accidentally flashed everybody sitting behind her, and she certainly didn't get any more careful after that. Only a few minutes later she leaned over again, only this time in the other direction so Chidori had a better view of the front of her yukata and the way it came open and slipped to the side just far enough to let her cute perky nipple peek out.

Meanwhile the rest of the class was still arriving, and Chidori counted five more girls whose names she couldn't recall wearing yukata just as tiny as Miaka's. And just like Miaka, none of them seemed at all concerned about accidentally flashing everybody. And just like Miaka, as soon as they sat down they all ended up doing just that again and again and again. Their tiny little yukata seemed to slide out of place with every little careless movement, opening up in the front to reveal their boobs or lifting up in the back to reveal their butts, or sometimes both at once. Unlike Miaka none of them were sitting in the front row, but even so it didn't take long for Chidori to see that all five were wearing brightly-colored thongs. After a while the shock and the jolt of sympathetic embarrassment at every accidental flashing she witnessed began to fade into a dull constant pulse, along with the acute and even more uncomfortable awareness that since she herself was wearing a tiny little yukata just like they were, she was only a single careless movement away from accidentally flashing everybody just like they were. Wincing and shuddering at the thought, she redoubled her efforts to be as careful as she could not to let that happen.

The rest of class dragged on just like that, with flashing and flashing and more flashing the whole time. Chidori tried not to look, but since the six girls doing the flashing were scattered around the room she couldn't look away from one without looking at another, and eventually she settled for mostly looking at Miaka. She was flashing just as much as any of the others, but since she was sitting in the front row at least when she flashed her boobs it wasn't quite as obvious as it was when she flashed her butt. Eventually Miaka got out a pencil and paper from her desk and started taking notes, hunching forward over her desk to do so in a way that made the back of her yukata lift up just enough to let the very edge of her butt peek out beneath, the two gentle curves looking like those of a pale plump peach. At last the bell rang and the class ended, and with a big surge of relief Chidori got up to leave. Everyone else started to leave too, but when Miaka got up her pencil rolled off her desk and clattered to the floor, and the sound made everybody turn that way just in time to see what happened next.

Without hesitation Miaka bent over to pick up her pencil and the back of her yukata lifted all the way up, revealing everything underneath and letting everybody see that Miaka wasn't wearing any panties at all, and Chidori let out an even bigger gasp than before which she couldn't even try to stifle. Her mind was still filled with the sight as she hurried out into the hall, along with the image of all the other times she'd seen Miaka's butt, now with a fresh added layer of embarrassment. It had never crossed Chidori's mind that the reason she never glimpsed even a little bit of Miaka's panties, when she could clearly see the thongs the other five girls were wearing every time one of them flashed her butt, was that Miaka simply wasn't wearing any panties. She found herself wondering if anyone else in class had realized it any of the other times that Miaka flashed everybody, and that made her wonder if anyone else had suspected it even before Miaka flashed everybody, and that made her wonder if anyone could tell that she herself wasn't wearing any panties either. Shuddering again, she stepped out into the hall and renewed her determination to make absolutely sure that she didn't accidentally flash everybody herself.

And getting to her next class without doing just that quickly proved to be a whole lot trickier than before. For one thing she had to avoid all the sunbeams, and they were just about everywhere. It seemed like nearly every hallway she saw was awash with that dangerous light, and nearly every hallway that wasn't had an equally dangerous breeze. It was a very peculiar breeze, gentle enough to easily go undetected yet strong enough to lift an unsuspecting girl's yukata right up past her hips in an instant. Chidori nearly fell victim to such a breeze herself as she started down the first such shaded hallway she saw, only to stop in her tracks at the sight of a trio of girls a few steps ahead of her, their tiny yukata suddenly taking flight and revealing a trio of cute butts and the trio of cute little thongs adorning them. After several long seconds the girls noticed what was going on and pushed the fluttering fabric back down, giggling and trotting past the naughty breeze yet paying no attention to all the boys they just flashed.

And they were far from the only ones to accidentally expose themselves like that. Nearly every girl that Chidori saw seemed to be wearing a yukata, and nearly every yukata seemed to be so tiny that it could only have come from Izumo-sensei's costume collection. Yet nearly every one of the girls so immodestly attired seemed to be extraordinarily careless about protecting her remaining modesty until the very moment that she stepped heedlessly into the sun or the wind and found herself suddenly revealed for all to see. It was like some kind of flashing funhouse, a maze of traps totally designed to completely expose unwary girls in skimpy flimsy clothing, and Chidori was the only girl in sight even trying to navigate the labyrinth with her modesty intact. She searched and searched for a hallway free of either sun or wind, but her search yielded only the uncomfortable and unavoidable observation that under nearly every skimpy yukata in sight was either a tiny little thong or, more frequently, no underwear whatsoever.

Ultimately Chidori was forced to give up the search and brave a sunbeam herself, following close behind a trio of girls walking side-by-side so that the front of her brightly illuminated and highly exposed body would be hidden by theirs while she kept her hands casually clasped behind her to keep her equally illuminated backside at least mostly covered. She made it to class just before the bell rang, her head totally swimming with embarrassment, took her seat and tried to steady her nerves and steel herself for another ordeal of being constantly flashed again. In no time at all her expectations were confirmed, as class began and all the students got their textbooks out of their desks. Quite a few girls seemed to have trouble finding theirs and had to continue rummaging for quite a while, which meant they remained leaning way over and showing off their bare or almost-bare butts. Then one girl got frustrated enough with searching to slide out of her seat and kneel on the floor to peer into her desk, leaving her rear end totally uncovered, and Chidori could only gaze helplessly at the gently wiggling bottom and tell herself that at least the girl was wearing a thong. Moments later another girl did the same, except she was facing toward Chidori instead of away from her so Chidori just had to hope that she was at least wearing a thong too. And then the front of that second girl's yukata began to slowly come open, and Chidori could only watch in helpless horrified fascination as the fabric slipped more and more until the unsuspecting girl's nice big boobs totally tumbled out, bouncing and jiggling for all to see.

Eventually those two spectacularly careless girls found their books and sat back down and stopped flashing everybody, but all around the room the flashing went on. Again and again one girl or another would carelessly knock something or other off her desk and it would clatter to the floor and she would bend all the way over to pick it up and end up totally flashing everybody just like Miaka did earlier. It happened so many times to so many girls that eventually Chidori began starting to wonder if she was starting to get used to the awful sight, since the shock and sympathetic embarrassment she felt seemed to be slowly dulling and growing a bit less horrible every time she saw it. By the time class was over she had seen nearly every girl in class flash herself at least once, and most of them way more than that, but even so she smiled with relief when the bell rang and told her that another phase of her ordeal was over with. She was getting up to leave when a burst of loud giggling from across the room got her attention. It was Yui, another first-year that she knew from cheerleading, giggling at something her friend just said. Yui was just about the only girl in class besides Chidori who hadn't flashed everybody, since she was the only girl in class who wasn't wearing a tiny yukata from Izumo-sensei. Yui's yukata was an unusual design, ruffled and sleeveless and even more loose-fitting at the shoulders and arms than most, but it was also full-length and thus kept her covered no matter how carelessly she moved or bent over or what... until now. Because as Yui got out of her seat, still giggling happily, she carelessly stepped right on the trailing lower edge of her yukata, and when she stood up it fell down, slipping right off her shoulders and sliding all the way to the floor. She noticed what was happening just in time to look down and squeal with horror and try to catch the falling fabric, only for it to flutter away from her clutching fingertips and leave her totally naked right in front of everybody.

Yui crouched and covered herself, immobilized with shock and embarrassment and blushing brightly for long moments until her friend knelt beside her and helped her back into her clothes. Chidori spun away then, hurrying from the room and leaving behind the sound of Yui once more giggling with self-effacing mirth at her own carelessness. Once outside she had to lean against the wall to catch her breath. Everything seemed to be getting even worse even faster than ever, and she didn't even want to imagine what it would be like by the end of the day. A quick glance around the hallway only confirmed her fears. The sunlight was practically everywhere now, and every girl in sight seemed to be wearing nothing more substantial than cellophane. Before Chidori could start trying to plot a way through the sun without exposing herself any more than she absolutely had to, a familiar voice called out to her.

"Oh good Chidori, there you are," Akiha trotted up, smiling. Chidori turned around slowly, afraid of what Akiha might be wearing now and how much of her friend she was going to see, only to smile right back when she saw it. Akiha was still wearing the same lavender yukata as before, and it was just as beautiful as before, and more importantly it was just as long as before. Even though it was still so loose in the front that it only just barely covered Akiha's nice big boobs, that still meant Akiha was the most modestly-dressed girl in sight. "I'm glad I found you right away. Come on, we need to hurry if we want to get there before it gets started." Akiha took Chidori's hand and started to pull her down the hall.

"Huh? What do you mean? Before what gets started?" Chidori protested halfheartedly.

"The assembly," Akiha replied eagerly. "At first it was scheduled for after school tomorrow, but then Mitsuka had it rescheduled for today, and at the last minute she had it rescheduled for lunchtime. I meant to tell you about it, but everything's just been so busy. Anyway it's about to start now, so we've gotta hurry." Chidori started to protest again, only to have her words dissolve into a gasp and some sputtering when Akiha walked into a sunbeam and her yukata turned totally transparent, and instead of seeing the cute little panties that Akiha mentioned earlier beneath the suddenly seethrough fabric she saw only Akiha's cute little bare butt. "Hmm?" Akiha looked over her shoulder, then glanced down at where Chidori was looking. "Oh, that," she smiled again and giggled, quickly guessing the reason for Chidori's surprise. "I took my panties off earlier. It's so much more traditional this way, after all. And it's a lot more comfy too, isn't it?" she added that part with a meaningful glance downward, and it was only then that Chidori belatedly realized she was walking through the same sunbeam and it was turning her own yukata seethrough too.

With a little squeal Chidori scrambled to cover herself with her hands, but that only attracted even more attention by making her stand out among the other girls in the sun-dappled hallway, none of them making any attempt to conceal their similarly exposed bodies. After a few moments she forced herself to act casual, while trying to ignore the staring eyes of the boys all around and the heat of her deepening blush. Akiha was saying something else about the assembly, but all Chidori could think of was her own long and determined effort not to flash anybody and how easily all that effort ended up being destroyed by a moment of distraction and carelessness and ended up making the embarrassment of actually flashing everybody that much worse.

Then they reached the gym and Akiha threw open the doors, and Chidori looked up and her eyes went wide as she saw everybody inside. It looked like almost the whole school must be here. The bleachers on either side of the room were packed, and so were most of the rows of folding chairs on the gym floor. Akiha motioned her toward some of the empty seats near the back and left her there, trotting up to the stage that had been set up at the far end of the gym. With a sinking feeling Chidori took her seat and crossed her legs and rearranged her yukata a little bit. She wasn't sure what was going on here, but somehow she didn't think it wasn't going to be any less embarrassing than everything else that had happened today.


Chidori sat there, making sure to keep her hands folded and her legs crossed and trying not to draw anybody's attention. That wasn't hard, thanks to all the girls in the bleachers chatting and giggling happily and not trying to keep their legs crossed at all and drawing lots of attention. Eiko in particular, sitting with a few of her friends, seemed to be doing everything she could to make sure that everybody saw that she had removed her unfashionable panties from earlier and was now dressed as traditionally as all the other girls all around. After a few moments Chidori forced herself to look away from the nonstop flashing festival and keep her eyes on the stage. Akiha was trotting up the steps and Mitsuka and the rest of the student council were already on stage waiting for her, along with Shizuoka and Kirika and representatives from a few of the other clubs. As soon as Akiha took her seat with them, Mitsuka got up and went over to the microphone and started speaking.

"Thank you so much everybody for joining us today. I'm really glad to see so many in attendance on such short notice. Now we're a little short on time, so let's just introduce our first presenter." With that brief introduction and a smattering of applause, the presenter got up from the front row and turned to wave to everybody before starting up to the stage, and Chidori saw with some surprise that it was Izumo-sensei. Then she winced, because Izumo-sensei trotted up the steps a little too energetically and the back of her yukata flipped up to flash her plump bare butt to everybody behind her.

The applause grew more enthusiastic as she reached the stage and took the microphone, smiling happily at everyone. "Oh, thank you so much everybody. Now I know we don't have much time, but before we get started with the main event I'd like to take a few moments to show all of you what a wonderful week we've had in art class and to give an extra-special thank-you to the lovely and talented models who made it all possible. First of all, from the fun and breezy scene we did just this morning, Sakaki Shirokyo! Come on up!"

Sakaki got up from her seat on the floor just a few rows from the stage, looking surprised and excited to hear her own name called, and started up to the stage while the audience started applauding again. Then Izumo-sensei motioned to Mitsuka over at the far corner of the stage, who pulled the cord to lift the curtain that covered the back half of the stage and all the paintings set up behind it. Just like sensei said they were from art class that same morning, with Sakaki and Mioko and Chidori herself in their yukata posing crouched around the goldfish-scooping pool, and just like she said they all looked really fun and breezy. All the art students had really captured the relaxed and casual atmosphere of the scene, in particular the careless way that Mioko and Sakaki were leaning over the pool and how it left their boobs right on the brink of carelessly spilling out from their tiny little yukata. Chidori was really glad she had been careful to make sure her own pose wasn't nearly that revealing.

After a few seconds the applause suddenly got more enthusiastic, and for a moment Chidori was afraid Izumo-sensei had done something careless again, but she was just admiring the paintings along with everybody else. Chidori took a closer look at them herself, and after another few moments she saw it and she gasped. Because just like Chidori was afraid of earlier and just like she told herself couldn't possibly be the case, Sakaki wasn't wearing any panties after all, and thanks to her pose every single painting had captured the sight of her carelessly exposed pussy. Sakaki herself took a few more steps before she saw it too, and when she did she gasped even louder than Chidori and put both hands over her mouth and her ears turned bright red.

"Just magnificent, isn't it? So detailed and so lifelike. Come on up and tell everyone what you think." The applause was dying away now, and Izumo-sensei motioned for Sakaki to come up on stage. Still practically paralyzed with shocked embarrassment, Sakaki slowly obeyed, moving like a sleepwalker and never taking her eyes from the paintings. They really were lifelike and extremely detailed, and the most detailed part of all was Sakaki's pussy, soft and delicate and perfectly framed by her slender ankles and topped with a little tuft of feathery pure black fuzz.

Once she was on stage Sakaki finally dropped her gaze away from the depictions of her own most intimate and private spot and started to come out of her daze, but when Izumo-sensei held the microphone in front of her she could only stammer, "I- I- I... I didn't mean... to let them... see..." Sensei gently turned her to face the audience then, and Chidori could see she was still blushing brightly. "It's just... I just... I was so excited, to model and everything, and... I didn't think... I just..." her lips trembled for a few seconds, tears welling in her eyes, before she burst out, "I totally forgot I wasn't wearing panties!"

Chidori's heart ached with sympathy for Sakaki's anguish at the truly horrible embarrassment of having her accidental exposure put on display for all to see. Izumo-sensei didn't even seem to notice the girl's misery, but only beamed even more. "Ah, yes, such a wonderfully traditional detail to add to such a lovely traditional scene. And our next scene is just as lovely and just as traditional," she continued, her eyes sparkling. "From the wonderfully intimate candid scene we did yesterday, Mioko Kitaraku! Come on down!"

Mioko was sitting all the way up in the top row of the bleachers, but Chidori could still hear her delighted squeal just fine. Everybody else in the gym did too, so all eyes were on her as she hurried down to the gym floor, totally bursting with excitement and bouncing with every step. There was more applause, and at first Chidori started applauding along with everyone else, but after a few seconds she saw something that made her freeze with alarm. Mioko was wearing her yukata pretty loose, and her energetic movements were making it loosen a bit more with every step and every bounce. Mioko herself was so excited that she didn't even notice what all that bouncing was doing to her yukata, and Chidori could only watch in helpless dread as it continued to slide and slip open, until at last the fabric parted and Mioko's boobs burst free. She was about halfway down the bleachers, and after a few more steps and a few more majestic bounces she finally glanced down and belatedly realized her exposure and squealed and crouched to tuck herself back in. She was still blushing when she resumed her descent and looked slightly sheepish, but having a spectacular wardrobe malfunction right in front of everybody somehow didn't seem to have dampened her excitement at all. And to Chidori's continued anxiety, Mioko's hurried effort to close her yukata seemed to have left it just as loose and just as quick to loosen as it was in the first place. This time she was at the bottom of the bleachers when it came open and the last little hop to the gym floor made her boobs spill out for all to see. Once again not noticing what had happened she trotted over to the stage, still bouncing, to raucous applause, and this time when she did notice she didn't stop walking or even miss a step but just casually pulled her yukata closed and started up the steps to the stage.

At about the same time the second curtain rose to reveal the second set of paintings, and this time Chidori gasped right away as soon as she saw them. The scene was from yesterday, with Chidori posing on one pedestal with her hands in her hair wearing a wide-open blue yukata and Mioko posing on the other pedestal putting on stockings wearing a plum qipao. But what made her gasp now and what was making everybody else clap and cheer was something she hadn't noticed at all at the time. When Mioko lifted her right leg it lifted up the front of her qipao and made the slit on the left side of it open wide and totally reveal everything underneath, especially her totally exposed pussy. It was way more blatant than Sakaki's exposure in the first set of paintings, and as soon as Mioko looked up from tucking herself in again she saw it too.

"Oh! Oh no!" she cried, reaching the stage and trotting up to Izumo-sensei. "I'm so sorry! I had no idea! I never thought that just lifting my leg like that would let everybody see everything!" She demonstrated by lifting her leg just like that, and her yukata lifted up far enough that it would have let everybody see everything all over again if she was facing the audience. As it was only Mitsuka and Akiha and some of the others on stage in front of her saw, and to Chidori's confusion none of them reacted at all to the sudden close-range flashing.

"Now now, there's nothing to apologize for, dear," Izumo-sensei comforted the girl before her, chuckling softly. "After all, it's that lovely intimate pose that makes the scene so perfectly candid." Mioko's distress vanished instantly at this ridiculous reassurance and she smiled happily and turned to wave at the audience, deepening Chidori's confusion. For a moment she couldn't decide if the blithe reaction or the earlier distraught reactions were more embarrassing to watch, but after just a few seconds of wondering she suddenly found something much more important to worry about.

"And now, our finest model of all, a truly magnificent beauty," Izumo-sensei announced, beaming more than ever, and as soon as Chidori heard the word 'beauty' a really uncomfortable thought occurred to her and she froze, seized by a pang of dread. She tried to shake it off, telling herself she was jumping to conclusions, but the thought wouldn't go away, and the dread only grew as sensei continued. "A young lady as elegant and voluptuous as anyone could dream of, captured in a classical and wondrously uninhibited pose." Chidori was trembling now, the dread quickly turning to terror, but still she clung to the idea that she might be wrong and the slender hope that sensei wasn't just about to say what she was afraid of. "A vision of loveliness who's inspired all our artists to new and splendid heights. I just know you're all going to love her..." Izumo- sensei paused for effect, and Chidori could only sit there in agonized suspense, now almost certain of what was about to happen next yet hoping with all her might that it wouldn't. "...Chidori Kujiro! Come on over here!"

At the sound of her own name Chidori felt the last of her hopes slip away. Applause filled the room once again as she slowly stood up and took a few steps toward the stage, her eyes fixed on the third curtain that was already starting to rise. She knew what was behind that curtain, and she really didn't want to see it, and she really really didn't want anyone else to see it either, but there was nothing she could do to stop it. In terrified helpless agony she watched the curtain come up and the paintings behind it come into view, and as soon as they did the applause turned into a cheering cacophony. It was exactly what she was afraid of, and her mind seemed to go numb at the sight. They were the paintings from the other day, the first time she posed for the art class by herself... when she posed completely naked.

It was like being hit by a tidal wave of embarrassment, the worst, most overwhelming embarrassment she had ever felt in her life. The paintings were so incredibly detailed and her pose so incredibly shameless that it was as if she herself were up there posing naked in front of everybody right now, only even worse because no matter how much she wanted to squeal and cover herself and run and hide the paintings just stayed right where they were. She walked forward in a daze, unable to tear her eyes away from the unbearable sight of her own naked body with her back arched to put her huge boobs proudly on display and her thighs positioned just far enough apart to let her pussy shyly peek out between them. Tears were welling in her eyes and making everything get blurry, and Izumo-sensei was saying something else but she couldn't hear it over the noise of the applause from all around. She kept walking, but it felt like she was wrapped up in a fuzzy cocoon of pure embarrassment until...


The shout cut through her haze and she blinked away the tears in time to see Akiha leaping to her feet. Then there was a swooshing sound and she caught a sudden movement in the corner of her eye that made her look around in time to see some of the girls from the front row get up and dive toward the steps. Then there was a loud *crack* and a scream that made her stumble and fall to her knees, looking up. Jinni was hovering in the air above her, screaming in pain and clutching her head with both hands.

"We've got you," Akiha called out from the stage. She was the one who'd shouted, and now she was standing there with a sneering grin of triumph and pointing at the huge rainbow-swirled figure floating before her. "We've got you now," she repeated. "You're trapped, and you'll never break free again."

Jinni roared and turned bright red all over and lunged at the stage where Akiha stood unflinching. Chidori did flinch, covering her eyes at the last moment, but instead of the awful sickening crunch that she expected there was a deep noise like the ringing of a muffled gong.

"What!?" Jinni's voice cried out. Chidori looked back up at the surprised exclamation and saw that huge first drive toward the stage again, but halfway there it stopped with another noise and some weird ripples in the air. "But... how!?" She tried a few more times with the same result, growing more and more frustrated.

"You're trapped, just like I said." came Akiha's calm response, enraging Jinni even more. She drew back and took a deep breath, and flame and lightning sprang from her skin, wreathing her all over and slowly creeping down her arms to gather on her clenched fists. Then with another furious shout she attacked once again, and this time the sound was like a thunderclap. Chidori felt the ground shake, and instead of just ripples now there was a sheet of pale light standing in front of the stage and all around her. Jinni held her fist against it for a few long seconds while the flames crackled and blazed and the lightning arced all around, until her roaring turned from fury to pain and frustration and she sank to the ground. "You can't break that barrier," Akiha repeated, still sneering. "You'll never get out, and you'll never cause any trouble for anyone again."

Chidori looked around at the barrier while Jinni lay on the floor panting with exertion. It was a circle of light that stretched up toward the ceiling, and there were some strange glowing symbols painted on the floor all around it. "Shut up," Jinni growled, getting her breath back and rising unsteadily into the air. "I won't be sealed up again. I won't let you Humans seal me up again." With that she lifted her fist and brought it crashing to the ground. The floorboards cracked with the first blow and began to buckle and snap by the third. Chidori scrambled away backwards as Jinni started ripping up the broken chunks and tossing them aside, focusing on the area nearest the barrier and rapidly working her way around the circle that surrounded them, and when the curtain of light started to flicker and waver Chidori realized why. That ring of symbols on the floor had to be what was generating the barrier, and that meant once Jinni ripped up enough of the floor to get rid of the symbols then the barrier would disappear and she could escape.

Chidori watched the destruction in helpless dread, and in moments nearly all of the circle was gone. The light dimmed and flickered even more, until with a sort of hollow pop it finally disappeared altogether. But just as Jinni raised her head in triumph there was another great thunderous *CRACK* along with a blinding flash, and then Jinni was screaming again. "Nice try," Akiha called out again over the noise, sneering now, "But we thought you might try something like that, so we made the second barrier even stronger." Chidori looked back down, and sure enough there was another circle with another set of blazing symbols on the concrete under the ruined floorboards. "The calligraphy club worked so hard on it, too," Akiha's grin turned mean enough to make Chidori shiver a bit, "they all wanted revenge for what you did to them, for what you did to everyone, for what you-" She was cut off suddenly as Jinni lunged again, striking the barrier with a tremendous crash.

Chidori covered her ears against the noise as Jinni attacked in a blind fury, hitting the barrier again and again, but its light didn't even flicker at all. Realizing that it wasn't working she paused for a moment before shifting her attacks to the ground again, but the blows only left a few little cracks and scorch marks on the concrete. Seeing that she wasn't getting anywhere, Jinni groaned in frustration and sank back to the ground, but then fresh contemptuous chuckles from Akiha made her spring back up and slam her blazing fists into the barrier again. "You're beaten, monster!" Akiha taunted. "Give it up, you'll never break through that."

Something flashing on the ground caught Chidori's eye then, and she looked down and saw her hairpin, the one she'd been wearing for days, so long she'd almost forgotten about it and hadn't noticed at all when it fell off during the commotion. The three gems set into it were glowing bright, and little tendrils of smoke were gathering around it. The smoke was gradually getting thicker, and now she could see that it was coming from Jinni, emerging from all over her in a pulse each time she struck the barrier. Seeing it, she suddenly realized Akiha really was taunting Jinni on purpose, goading her into wasting her strength attacking the barrier so the hairpin could finish sealing her back up. But then she saw that a few of the symbols under the part of the barrier Jinni was attacking were starting to flicker, and as she watched one and then another turned dull red and went dark. But just when she was starting to worry whether the barrier could take the beating it was getting, Shizuoka came down the stairs.

She was wearing her kendo gear and she had her shinai, but as she approached the barrier Chidori saw it wasn't a shinai at all, it was a real sword, flashing in the light as she drew it and cast the empty sheath aside. She approached the circle and stood before it, took her stance and waited motionless while Jinni kept hammering at the barrier without even looking down at her. Then she struck, thrusting the blade into the front Jinni's fist and ripping it out the side with a gout of billowing blood-colored smoke.

Jinni roared in pain again and reared back, clutching her hand. "I too shall have my revenge, fiend!" Shizuoka called out, holding up her sword one-handed to show the guard and the hilt-wraps and the symbols drawn on both of them, the same as the symbols on the floor around the barrier. Then she leaped inside the barrier, slicing faster than Chidori's eyes could follow at Jinni's legs and slipping back out of the circle just ahead of her furious retaliation. She dashed around and struck again from another angle before Jinni could return her attention to the barrier itself, and now the smoke was flowing out in and Jinni's screaming and roaring was tinged with fear. Soon she was gasping for breath and her movements seemed to be slowing down, and Chidori watched with rising hope, silently cheering Shizuoka on.

But Jinni must have only been pretending to slow down, because suddenly she lashed out with an incredible burst of speed and caught Shizuoka's leg before she could reach the barrier and started to drag the struggling girl backwards. With a last wild swing Shizuoka managed to drive her sword into Jinni's wrist, only to have it wrenched from her hands. Then she was being lifted into the air with her arms and legs pinioned, but she kept struggling until Jinni started ripping her clothes off and her grunts of effort turned into helpless squealing.

Chidori could only watch, horrified, as Shizuoka was stripped down to her sarashi and fundoshi, and her horror reached a peak right along with Shizuoka's piteous squeals at what happened next. Jinni plucked the sarashi open, and like a slow-motion explosion Shizuoka's boobs burst free from the unraveling fabric and tumbled out, and Chidori could only gape in astonishment at the unbelievable sight. They were just so incredibly big - way beyond huge, beyond enormous, even bigger than she had ever imagined possible - Shizuoka's breasts were absolutely gigantic, and the way they wobbled and flopped around while Jinni cackled and shook her helpless victim was absolutely obscene. It was so awful Chidori could hardly stand to watch, but she couldn't look away either. Jinni finished away the last scraps of Shizuoka's underwear and started trying to pry her legs apart, and Chidori's vision was blurring with tears again.

"Stop it!" she cried out before she knew what she was saying. "Put her down!"

"No," Jinni called back without looking away from what she was doing. "She hurt me. She cost me a lot of power with that sword of hers. So now her body's going to give me all the power I need." Chidori glanced down again and saw that the swirling smoke was going the other way now, flowing out of the hairpin and back into Jinni. And even as her brief hopes shattered, the spectacle playing out above was getting even more awful. Jinni was swinging Shizuoka slowly back and forth like a pendulum, holding her legs wide open so that absolutely everything was on display, while everyone in the audience just stared back silently like they were all hypnotized or something. It was too much to bear. She couldn't stand it. She just had to do something! But what could she do... She didn't have any way to fight Jinni, and Jinni wasn't going to stop until she got what she wanted and that meant...

Suddenly she had an idea, one so horrible she could hardly even stand to think about it. There was no way she could possibly do such a thing... but she didn't have a choice. She just couldn't leave Shizuoka like that, she just had to save her, no matter what it took. gazing up through her tears at Shizuoka to steady her courage, Chidori slowly got to her feet, lifted her trembling hands, took a deep breath and shouted, "Here!" and with a single swift motion she pulled her yukata wide open, exposing herself completely.

All at once she was struck by the most unbelievable, unbearable embarrassment she had ever dreamed of, an endless ocean of embarrassment, and she was drowning in it. Everything she had spent so long trying so hard to keep covered was totally uncovered, up top and down below and in the front and even behind, it was all on display right in front of absolutely everybody. She could feel their eyes on her, crawling all over her, squeezing her. Her head was spinning and she could hardly think, and she couldn't move at all even though every last bit of modesty she had was screaming frantically at her to cover herself. But then she caught a glimpse of Jinni staring down, having interrupted her torment of Shizuoka. Seeing that it was working, Chidori felt a bit of her courage return. "This is what you want, isn't it?" She bounced her chest, making her boobs jiggle and sway. "Well then here, use my body instead. I'll give you as much as you need, so just... just put her down!"

Chidori stood and whimpered while Jinni just looked at her silently for long seconds. "Such compassion," she muttered at last, then abruptly she turned toward the stage where Akiha and the others were still standing and shouted, "What about the rest of you? Aren't you ashamed, making your friend clean up the mess you made?" She sneered, waving Shizuoka in their direction. "This is your fault, so why don't you take some responsibility for it. Maybe if all of you come over here and offer yourselves too, I'll agree to show a little mercy.

There was another long silence, broken only by Shizuoka's gentle sobs. Looking into Akiha's face Chidori could see the same struggle there she herself had just gone through, and she saw her friend reach the same conclusion. Setting her face in fierce determination, Akiha reached up and opened her yukata, parting the fabric in the front and lifting it below and totally exposing herself as quickly and easily as could be, as if it was designed to do just that. "Fine then, if that's what it takes," She called out, trying to sound as defiant as she could even as her voice and her body both started to tremble.

Kirika, by her side, pulled her own yukata open too, and they both started down the stairs, totally on display and blushing brighter by the second. Jinni grinned and chuckled at their approach, while Chidori marveled at their selflessness. Then a voice cried out, "Me too!" and everybody looked that way to see Mioko hurrying down the stairs behind them, yanking her yukata open and bouncing wildly with every step.

Jinni just laughed even more at that, and when they were all inside the circle she said, "Alright, I guess that'll do," and laid Shizuoka on the floor to one side, where she immediately curled up in a ball. Chidori hurried over and threw her own yukata over the sobbing, naked girl, while Jinni continued, "Now as for the rest of you, let's start with-"

Before she could say anything more there was an enormous noise like some kind of explosion from the direction of the gym doors, and Chidori looked up along with everyone else to see them land in a crumpled heap, blasted off their hinges and reduced to twisted metal. A plume of pale smoke filled the doorway where they used to be, and she could see the silhouette of a large man approaching through the smoke with slow and purposeful steps like someone in an action movie. For a few moments she watched in the same stunned confusion as everybody else, until the man came out of the smoke and she saw his face and got even more confused.

"Uncle Jojo?" she murmured, uncomprehending. It was definitely him, and she definitely recognized him, but she had no idea how he got here or what he was doing. He came forward, not even glancing at any of the naked and mostly-naked girls, looking only at the naked rainbow-shining monster hovering above them. When he was right outside the circle on the floor he stopped, struck a weird sort of pose and pointed up at her.

"You!" Jinni shouted, recoiling from Jojo's finger. "How!? How did you find- No! Stay back!!" She turned away as if trying to flee, but unable to get through the barrier. She struck and clawed at it a few times, but it only flickered again, still too strong for her to break. With panic in her eyes she turned back to where Chidori and the others were huddled and raised one hand toward them. There was a burst of light from her palm that made Chidori flinch away and cover her eyes, and then suddenly she was being lifted off the ground by the arms and legs.

She squealed and struggled, but the grip didn't budge, and then she saw with a shock that it was Akiha and Kirika holding her legs, and craning her neck she saw it was Mioko holding her arms. But the even bigger shock was their eyes, empty and glowing with a swirl of rainbow color. Then her legs were being pulled apart, facing the bleachers so that everybody there could see absolutely everything, and suddenly she was drowning again. She struggled and squealed some more, but with her arms and legs still held fast she couldn't do anything more than make everything bounce and jiggle and made the ocean of embarrassment deepen even more. She could feel herself blushing all over and tears were filling her eyes, and she forced herself to look away from the crowd silently gaping at her and instead looked down, just in time to see Akiha take a single finger and gently stroke it across the underside of her foot. Instantly Chidori's squeals turned to shrieks of laughter and her struggles turned to ineffectual squirming that only made her boobs bounce and shake even more.

She tried to stop, but her feet were just so ticklish and Akiha knew exactly where they were most ticklish and exactly how best to tickle them and she could hardly even begin to control herself at all. Then Kirika joined in on her other foot and it got even worse, and then Akiha started using her tongue instead of her fingers, and then there was nothing she could do at all to stop the helpless peals of laughter and the helpless reflexive writhing that made her boobs bounce and wave wildly for all to see.

Everything was a blur of tickling and laughing and absolutely overwhelming embarrassment, the worst, most unbearable embarrassment she had ever even imagined gripping her, crushing her, going on and on and on until it felt like it would never end, like there was nothing else in the world...

Then there was a sudden tremendous crashing noise and she fell, landing in a heap with the other girls. The blur fading, she gasped for breath, wiped the tears from her eyes and looked up, only to see nothing empty blue sky all around.

"It was Kirika-senpai's idea. She discovered the Seal of Solomon and she figured out that it could trap Jinn and drain their powers, and she came up with the idea to get the calligraphy club's help drawing it. The assembly was her idea too. We had to find a way to lure Jinni into place and make sure she didn't realize what was going on before we could spring the trap, and we didn't know if she could read minds or what, so we had to keep her as distracted as possible the whole time, and that meant..." Akiha trailed off and looked down, abashed.

"It's ok, I totally understand. And I totally don't mind," Chidori hurried to reassure her friend. If all that embarrassment she went through at the assembly was part of the plan to trap Jinni then it was all worth it, even if the memory was still agonizingly embarrassing and even if it didn't end up working after all.

Akiha nodded. "Still, I'm sorry you had to go through all that. And I'm sorry we couldn't tell you anything about what we were doing before, without letting Jinni know about it too. We couldn't risk letting her figure it out for herself, either. That's why we had to keep her distracted whenever you were around us and keep you from asking any questions that might make her start asking questions too. So I volunteered to be as distracting as I could whenever we were together. Like before school, or, um... in the library..." she looked down again. "I'm really sorry about that."

The thought of what happened in the library the other day made Chidori shiver uncomfortably and adjust the position of her hands, which were currently covering as much of her breasts as they could. "It's ok," she repeated, "I don't mind at all," before she noticed where she was looking and quickly turned her head to avert her gaze from Akiha's breasts, similarly and just as inadequately covered.

"She volunteered too," Akiha continued, nodding toward where Shizuoka was lying on the floor. "She said she wanted to avenge herself with her own hands and her skills and her ancestral sword. She was really serious about it, so even though Kirika-senpai didn't think it was a good idea she eventually agreed to find a seal for the calligraphy club to draw on the hilt-wrap that would help." They both looked over at Shizuoka. She was sleeping now, but until a few minutes ago she had been curled up there alternating between pitiful whimpering sobs and horrible hysterical wailing while everybody tried to comfort her. It was only once she finally passed out exhausted that Chidori and Akiha had a chance to sit down and cover themselves with their hands and folded legs and talk about what happened.

"Hey! I see something," Kirika called out over her shoulder, and they both jumped to their feet, dropping their conversation to hurry over. Chidori again had to avert her gaze, since Kirika was also quite naked and currently on her hands and knees.

"What is it?" Chidori asked, coming up and crouching beside the other girl to peer out into the distance, but all she could see was the empty sky above and the ocean far below. They'd been flying for over an hour already, as best she could figure, and she hadn't seen anything but sky and sea yet.

According to Akiha and Kirika, as soon as they snapped out of whatever mind control they were under and collapsed in a heap together, the chunk of concrete inside the barrier had ripped itself from the gym floor and crashed through the gym roof and soared away with all of them riding it. By the time Chidori herself got her bearings they were already over the ocean, and within minutes they were out of sight of land entirely. Jinni hadn't shown herself or said anything the whole time, leaving nothing for them to do but comfort poor Shizuoka and talk over what happened and watch the horizon.

"You mean that little speck?" Akiha asked, pointing, and now Chidori saw it too. That speck of land on the horizon was growing fast, and soon enough they could all see that it wasn't just some desert island but the edge of an actual shoreline.

"I guess that must be where we're going, huh," Chidori said with a note of apprehension. "Where do you think it is?" She had only a general sense of how long they'd been flying, and no idea how fast or in what direction. "And, um... what's gonna happen when we get there?" She'd been trying not to think too much about where they were going or what was going to happen when they got there ever since she woke up, but it looked like she couldn't avoid thinking about it much longer now, and unpleasant possibilities were already flashing through her mind.

Kirika shrugged and opened her mouth to reply, but a sudden rattling noise interrupted her. They all turned around and looked at where it came from: the hairpin, still on the floor where it landed earlier. All three gems were cracked and darkened, but even so nobody had wanted to touch it, and it hadn't moved since then. Now it was shaking, clattering slightly on the floor and emitting a little wisp of smoke. They all watched in tense anticipation as that smoke curled, gathered, and took shape.

"You!" Chidori jumped to her feet and pointing an accusing finger at Jinni's disembodied face, now floating above the hairpin and wreathed in smoke. "Where have you been? And before that, what are we going? And what happened back there? And what the heck is even going on!?" She burst out, then remembered to put her hands over her breasts again.

"Oh pipe down," Jinni grumbled. Her voice was different from before, rougher and more breathy. "I don't need you getting mouthy. I need you getting to work." She glanced down, and the hairpin jerked up off the ground. It hovered and shimmered for a moment, then started to ripple and stretch out, and before Chidori could recover from the surprise it flew at her. She squealed, grasping at the black thing as it wrapped itself around her neck. "Just wear that. The rest should take care of itself," Jinni smirked. "And don't try anything like before, either. I won't fall for that kind of trick twice." She glared briefly at everyone, then faded away just as quickly as she had appeared.

"Wait! Don't just leave!" Chidori cried, but the floating face was already gone. "Come back! Answer me!!" She shouted helplessly at the empty air, then sank to her knees, despair rushing in to replace her rapidly draining anger.

Akiha came over to help her calm down, and then Kirika came over to took a look at what had happened. "It's become a choker necklace," she concluded after examining the black stone for a little while. "It doesn't seem to be doing anything now, but I can't see any way to remove it either. I imagine that may be the point."

"A necklace..." Chidori muttered, feeling the chain of smooth beads around her neck. "But... but why?"

"It would seem she wants to make sure that you can't take it off," Kirika sat back and nodded, as serious as ever, "The gemstones are gone as well. As I expected, they must have been the source of the artifact's seal, and having shattered them she can now exert her power upon the-" She stopped, looking up and noticing Chidori's confused expression. "The Jinni has broken free, that is to say, as she wanted all along. She must have gathered the last of the power she needed from the display that-" she caught herself about to bring up something unpleasant, "ahem, ah, from what happened in the gym. She then used up all of that power to escape, so now she must remain in the artifact while she gathers more power. From us." she added, her face reddening just slightly.

"From... us..." Chidori repeated, her eyes widening as the meaning of those words slowly sank in. Reflexively she squeezed her arms around herself, her skin getting hot as the memories of everything that had been happening all week and especially what happened today came rushing back. "You mean we... we're all gonna have to... go around in public n-... n-n- na-... like this?"

Kirika nodded gravely, "I imagine so. A great deal will depend on the exact situation we encounter, of course. When we arrive, that is." She looked back toward the horizon, and Chidori followed her gaze to the land in the distance, not nearly as distant as it was before. The two of them went and sat down by the edge to watch as that landmass grew steadily closer, Chidori's mind already filling with awful visions of what awaited them there. Before long Akiha and then Mioko joined them as well, and before long they were close enough to make out a line of white sandy beach on the shore and sprawling gray streets and buildings beyond. Chidori whimpered slightly as she fought to suppress the horrid image of streaking through those streets, filled with gawking, shouting foreigners.

She clutched herself even harder, dread rising within her as the shore rose up beneath them. There was a gentle bump, followed by a soft *pop* and a brief shimmer in the air as the barrier surrounding them vanished. Then they were on the beach, with a tall ridge of sand dunes in front of them and a warm salty sea breeze all around.

"It's so warm..." Mioko muttered, looking around in surprise.

"Yes," Kirika nodded. "As I expected, it appears to be summer here."

"What!?" Mioko squeaked. "It's... you mean... did we, like... time travel or something?"

Kirika gave her a strange look. "We are in the southern hemisphere, where it is summer in January." She looked away again, toward the nearest dunes. "I had concluded as much already, from observing our trajectory in flight, but I cannot yet be sure of much beyond that. In any case, we will need to explore a bit to decide what to do next." With that she stepped off the floor and started across the sand. Chidori just whimpered again, unable to suppress the cascade of horrible mental images of what they might have to do next.

Akiha took her hand and looked into her eyes. "Come on, it won't be so- um... well, it might not be so bad." Chidori looked vaguely up at her friend. "I mean... it's just, well..." Akiha stammered, searching for words. "It can't possibly be as bad as what we're imagining, right? So the sooner we see what it's really like, the sooner we can stop imagining." She seemed to be trying to convince herself as much as anything, and Chidori found herself thinking of how much Akiha and the others had already endured and how hard it must have been on them. After going through all that while keeping it a secret, surely they could get through a little more now that they were all together. Buoyed by that thought, she felt the overwhelming dread and the begin to recede slightly, and she nodded. Gathering her courage, she took Akiha's hand and the two of them went to follow Kirika, with Mioko following after them.

Kirika was crouching motionless on the slope of the sand dune and peeking over the top when they got there, and they all crouched beside her. "What is it?" Akiha asked, and at first Kirika could only respond with a slow shake of her head.

"I should go out there..." she muttered distantly after some moments. "I should go... but... I can't." They saw tears welling in her eyes, and Chidori's dread returned as she tried to imagine what the usually perfectly calm and unflappable Kirika could be looking at to react like that. Akiha turned and nodded, dread and determination showing on her own face, and all together the three pulled themselves up to peek over the ridge.

"Oh!" she exclaimed with a gasp when she saw what was on the other side.

"Oh! It's..." Akiha burst out beside her with another gasp, then trailed off immediately.

"Oh! It's a nude beach!" Mioko declared, and she was definitely right about it. There were a few dozen foreigners scattered all across the white sand as far as they could see, women and men together, strolling around or sunbathing or splashing in the water, all of them totally naked. But while the shocking sight left Chidori and Akiha speechless, Mioko's voice held an eager thrill, and the others all looked over just in time to see her stand right up and pop right into view of all those people.

"M-Mioko! W-w-wha- what are you...?" Chidori sputtered, glancing frantically between Mioko and the nearest of the naked sunbathers, who were lounging on a large beach blanket under an umbrella and already starting to look their way.

Mioko didn't seem to mind or even notice their attention, any more than she noticed Chidori's rising panic. "Oh wow, it's just beautiful," she sighed, then giggled happily, "and I was so afraid this would be embarrassing." Chidori could only gape in uncomprehending astonishment. The sight of those foreigners looking their way was enough to make her want to cover herself and squeal and run and hide somewhere, and they couldn't even see her. And Mioko was standing there totally naked in front of them, but she wasn't embarrassed at all. It just didn't make any sense. "Oh, I can't wait!" Mioko exclaimed next, and with that she started to clamber right over the ridge, pausing only to beckon for the others to follow her. "Come on, let's go!" she exhorted them, and at the sight of her just about to run heedless toward the foreigners Chidori jerked into action.

"Mioko!!" She cried out, catching Mioko's hand in time to stop her. Mioko just looked at her, confused, and it was just so bizarre that she could only sputter for a few seconds before blurting out the first thing she thought of. "Are you some kind of exhibitionist!?"

"I'm not an exhibitionist!" Mioko protested, whirling around, "I'm a nudist!"


"See, it's got nothing to do with being some kind of pervert or anything like that. I mean a nudist is just a person that walks around naked at home sometimes. Or, you know, all the time." Mioko giggled. Chidori nodded and squirmed uncomfortably, trying not to think about her own recent experiences with walking around naked at home. "Well, my family's like that, and I've been like that since I was little, and I always just thought that's what you're supposed to do at home. It was only when I started elementary school I started realizing that wasn't right. I mean, I couldn't really tell anyone about something like that, and I thought it'd be best if no one knew what I was, so I tried to avoid standing out. I kept it a secret for years and years, and I didn't even tell my best friends until... um, until they kinda found out." She blushed slightly, and this time Chidori couldn't help but think about how that might have happened. All sorts of awful embarrassing possibilities flashed through her mind before Mioko continued.

"See, I was just relaxing one day and nobody else was home, when someone knocked at the door. So, in a rush, I put on my skirt and a blouse and ran down to answer the door."

"It was Natsumi and a couple of my other friends, and they were going to the amusement park and wanted to know if I could come too. So I told them to wait while I got ready, and I went back upstairs to get dressed." Chidori nodded along attentively. "So I went back up, pulled the blouse off and put on a fancy top and some really cute shoes. I didn't want them to wait too long, and I was really excited to go to the park, so I ran down the stairs and grabbed a coat and we got going." The story seemed perfectly innocent so far, but somehow something about what Mioko hadn't mentioned made Chidori just a bit uncomfortable.

"I didn't even notice... We went down to the station and got on the train, and the whole way there, I had no idea anything was wrong... until it was too late." That ominous phrase set Chidori's mind racing again with more unpleasant possibilities about what she might mean. "I totally thought everything was just fine, until we got to the station and the train stopped and the doors opened and Natsumi and the others got up to leave." Mioko paused and blushed brighter, and Chidori's uncomfortable suspicions about where the story was going grew stronger. "I was just about to get up too, and I reached down to adjust my sock, and just as I lifted my leg Natsumi turned back around, and she totally gasped so hard I looked up and... and..." She lifted her leg a little as she described the scene, and between the demonstration and the tension in her voice, Chidori's suspicion was growing impossible to ignore, even though she really didn't want to be right about what she suspected.

"And she just shouted so loud that everybody could hear, 'Mioko! You're not wearing any panties!' And everybody looked... and then I looked too... and that was when I realized I really wasn't. I totally forgot my panties, and I totally flashed everybody, and it was totally embarrassing!"

It was even worse than Chidori had imagined. As soon as she heard Mioko's description of getting dressed that didn't mention her underwear at all, she got a little bit worried that Mioko might have forgotten to put on her underwear that day and ended up letting her friends find out somehow. But to end up accidentally flashing a whole train full of strangers was way more embarrassing than anything Chidori had been afraid of. It would have been just unbelievably embarrassing, if it wasn't for all the other even more unimaginably embarrassing stuff that she'd been hearing about and seeing and experiencing herself again and again and again all week.

"So everybody found out my big secret, and I was all afraid they'd all think I was some kind of pervert or something and I tried to explain, and I ended up telling them everything. And they were totally fine with it!" Mioko's face brightened again, and she giggled. "None of them thought I was a pervert or anything, and it turned out I was all worried about nothing." They both smiled at the story's happy ending, until Mioko continued, "The rest of the day was great, nobody else noticed at all, and I had such a good time I didn't even let it bother me.

Chidori's smile froze. "Huh? N-noticed?... What do you mean...?" She had a feeling about what that might mean, but she was hoping she wasn't right about it.

"Oh, well, see, we were already at the amusement park and we couldn't go all the way back, and nobody had spare panties with them, so I... I just had to be careful for a day and wear none." It was just what Chidori was afraid of, and she shuddered slightly as she pictured Mioko happily running around that amusement park all day in a little skirt without any panties. Mioko's assurances only made things even worse, since she could easily imagine the bubbly redhead having such a good time that she inevitably forgot all about her own missing panties and all about being careful, and got careless enough to end up accidentally flashing everybody in sight all over again without even noticing it.

Not noticing Chidori's discomfort, Mioko went on, "That was the first time anybody ended up finding out about it, but it wasn't the first time I forgot to wear underwear." Chidori snapped back to attention, her imagination racing anew with all sorts of uncomfortable images. "I mean, I know you're supposed to wear underwear, but it's just, see, I'm not really a morning person, so um, sometimes I kinda space out in the morning, while I'm getting dressed. I mean, I've tried to lose the habit over and over, but... I still end up screwing up sometimes, and every once in a while I don't notice until it's too late, and I end up going to school or other places like that." Once again Chidori couldn't help but imagine Mioko spending all day without any panties under her uniform and all the ways she might have ended up totally embarrassing herself by accidentally flashing somebody.

She was still lost in thought like that when Mioko got up and trotted back down the beach to run and play in the water again, just like she did earlier. At the time, Chidori had been absolutely shocked to hear Mioko suddenly announce she was a nudist and immediately run off, totally naked yet not even the least bit embarrassed by the countless foreigners watching all around. Even now, after listening to Mioko explain how her family had been vacationing at nudist resorts in the summer ever since she was a little girl, and then explain what a nudist really was and what being a nudist really meant, all Chidori could think of as she watched Mioko wade into the gentle waves and splash happily in the water was how unbearably embarrassing it would be to do something like that herself.

She shuddered and pushed the thought away, then remembered where she was and snapped her legs closed, blushing. Talking to Mioko just now had helped her relax and stop thinking about being naked in front of everyone, but now that Mioko was gone she realized it also let her get a bit careless. Trying not to think about how long she had been sitting with her legs wide open like that, she carefully returned to her previous position lying facedown on the beach towel so that at least everyone could only see her naked butt. She had been 'sunbathing' like that since they arrived, along with Shizuoka, while Mioko played in the waves and Akiha and Kirika sat nearby and talked with the friendly nudist ladies, the ones that had invited the five of them to come over and use their beach towels as soon as they arrived. They were all speaking English, and at first Chidori had tried sitting over there with them too, but between their unfamiliar accent and the difficulty of concentrating while she was totally naked in front of everyone, she could only understand a few words here and there.

Sighing, she lowered her head onto her arms and tried to relax and stop thinking about all the people that could see her bare butt right now. Instead she found herself thinking about Mioko again. Mioko was running around totally naked in front of all those same people right now, and she wasn't embarrassed about it at all. She said that there was nothing to be embarrassed about since it's perfectly normal to be totally naked on a nude beach, and maybe for Mioko and all the other nudists here there wasn't, since they were all used to being naked around other nudists, but for Chidori it just wasn't that simple. No matter how much she told herself that she was on a nude beach and it was perfectly normal to be naked here and there was nothing to be embarrassed about since everyone else was naked too, it barely made any difference at all to the awful overwhelming embarrassment of being totally naked in front of everyone.

She stayed there like that until eventually Akiha came over with some sunscreen. "Oh gee, I didn't even think of that," she exclaimed when she saw what the bottle was.

"Uh-huh, we don't want to get sunburned on top of everything." Akiha knelt and began to gently rub the oily stuff into Chidori's back. "The ladies noticed we didn't bring any sunscreen, so they gave us enough for everybody." They both glanced over to where Kirika was still sitting and chatting with the nearby nudist ladies while applying her own sunscreen, then they looked over to where Shizuoka was lying, just in time to see Mioko arrive to help with her sunscreen. Instead of sitting on the towel like Akiha, however, Mioko knelt and bent down to rub Shizuoka's back, and Chidori had to snap her eyes away from the sudden and unexpected sight of Mioko's naked rear end wiggling in her direction.

"I don't know how she can stand it..." Chidori murmured, her head spinning with the thought of how much of Mioko she just saw. Everybody else behind Mioko could see it too, but Mioko didn't even seem to notice.

"I guess it's different for her, since she's been going to places like this for years," Akiha replied, shifting position so that she wasn't facing that direction. "At least for Kirika and me, it seems to help if we just focus on something else, like figuring out what we're going to do next. And anyway, we've all been through worse already, right?" she added with an uncomfortable little chuckle.

Chidori thought about that. She thought about everything that had happened all week, about everything Jinni had put her through and about everybody that had seen her naked, especially all the boys. Even thinking about it now was almost too embarrassing to stand, but she had to admit Akiha had a point. After all, even just at the assembly in the gym earlier today there were more people that saw her naked than all the nudists on the beach right now. And even more important than the numbers, the way that the nudists here looked at her was nothing at all like the awful perverted stares that all the awful perverted boys at school stared at her with every time they saw her naked all week. Thinking about it that way made her feel a little better at least, and she tried to tell herself that there was no reason to be embarrassed about a bunch of nudists seeing her naked. Then she realized what else Akiha had just said.

"Wait. Then did you figure it out? I mean, what to do next?" She looked up with a surge of expectant hope, but Akiha just looked back at her blankly.

"Oh, um, well, we've got to find something to wear. Right?" She said after a long silent moment, and Chidori's face fell and her hope faded just as fast as it arose. Of course she didn't want to stay here naked with a bunch of naked foreigners, but how were they supposed to find something to wear on a nude beach? "Anyway, turn over, I need to get your front side now," Akiha continued, and Chidori's face fell even more. She gingerly propped herself upright and looked around nervously before shifting position, only to freeze when her eyes happened to fall on Mioko again just as Mioko finished applying sunscreen on Shizuoka's back and started on Shizuoka's front. Because instead of having Shizuoka turn over, Mioko bent down even more to reach underneath her, sticking her own naked wiggling rear end up in the air so that absolutely everybody could see absolutely everything.

Chidori looked away again, her head spinning even worse than before even as she rolled onto her back, telling herself that there was nothing to be embarrassed about like this, and that none of the nudists would be interested in staring at her bare boobs, any more than they were interested in staring at Mioko's bare butt. Yet between the sight of that butt still fresh in her mind and the feeling of the gentle breeze stroking her boobs, nothing she told herself could quite suppress the rising wave of embarrassment at all that exposure. And the embarrassment only got worse when Akiha finished applying sunscreen on her belly and started on her chest, squeezing and kneading her boobs and making her gasp and squeak and squirm, until she was just sure that the whole beach must be staring at them.

After what felt like way more time and way more squeezing than it should have required, Akiha finished up with the sunscreen and went back to sit with Kirika and the others, while Chidori rolled back over. Without looking up she buried her head in her arms again, too embarrassed to even look around to see who was or wasn't staring, even as she tried again and again to convince herself that nobody was doing anything of the sort and there was nothing to be embarrassed about at all.

"Come on Chidori, it's time to get up," the voice called, and Chidori jerked awake to see a blurry Akiha standing over her.

"Oh... oh, sorry. I guess I fell asleep," Chidori muttered with a sheepish grin, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something else, but instead she felt herself start to yawn, and then she was stretching her arms over her head like she did every morning in bed. Then she opened her eyes all the way and saw the beach and all the people all around, blinking at them in a sleepy daze for a few seconds until she belatedly remembered where she was, and then for a few more seconds until she belatedly remembered that she was naked.

She snapped her arms back down to cover her chest, blushing at the thought of how many people had just watched her stretch topless like that, and then she snapped her legs closed, blushing even more. Then she realized even more belatedly that since she had been lying face-down earlier and she was face-up when she woke just now, that meant she must have rolled over and ended up totally exposing herself in her sleep. Now blushing more than ever and trying not to think about how many people might have seen her lying like that and for how long, she carefully got up and followed Akiha across the beach. Akiha was saying something about how it was getting late and they should make sure to leave before it got dark and the beach closed, and Chidori was trying to listen while also telling herself again that being naked on a nude beach was nothing to be embarrassed about, but then she saw where they were going. A line of open-air showers stood there at the edge of the beach, right next to the part of the fence with the changing rooms and the main gate, and most of them were occupied by showering nudists. Chidori stopped in her tracks and gave a little whimper as she realized she was going to have to take a shower there herself to wash off the oily sunscreen residue before they left, and the thought of showering naked in front of everybody was even more embarrassing than just being naked in front of everybody until now. And then she saw Mioko.

"Oh, Chidori!" Mioko said with a cheery wave, seeing her at the same time. She was using one of the showers, carefully applying a little more lather to her already very soapy breasts before rinsing off, paying no attention to any of the people all around. "You need to clean up a little too, right? Come on, I'll help wash your back," she trotted over, still dripping wet, and suddenly Chidori was being ushered underneath a showerhead by Akiha and Mioko together, where Mioko began to apply soap all over her back while Akiha did the same to her chest. She squirmed and squeaked again at the rubbing kneading and squeezing just like before with the sunscreen but even more slippery, trying not to look around at anybody that might be staring at the unbearably embarrassing display. And when it was finally over and the soap was all rinsed off, then it was her turn to help Akiha.

Mioko was already helping with Akiha's back, which left Chidori with Akiha's chest. She looked at her best friend's bare breasts and thought about what happened the other day every time she touched Akiha's big beautiful boobs, and she gulped and tried to prepare herself so she wouldn't get carried away again. But as soon as she reached out and felt that delightful softness beneath her fingers it took only a few brief moments before all her resistance melted away and her world dissolved into the wonderful slippery squishy squeezing. She didn't know how long she stayed like that, but she was still grinning and giggling when Akiha and Mioko pulled her hands out of the fluffy clouds and she slowly came back down to Earth as they walked away together, her bliss turning to horrified embarrassment at the thought of having lost control and ended up groping Akiha all over again like that in front of all those strangers.

"As we've discussed, the first thing is to find something to wear," Kirika was saying. They were walking at the edge of the sand with, with the long tall fence that marked the edge of the beach to their right. Chidori fought the urge to look over her shoulder at all the people who just had to be staring at them right now, gawking at the shameless girl who was just groping and fondling the other girl's huge breasts, and tried to focus on what Kirika was talking about instead. "I believe there is sort of mall or shopping center nearby, but I am still working on finding a way to get there." Chidori's spirits lifted a bit at hearing Kirika actually had a plan for how they might get something to wear, only to collapse again as she realized what kind of plan it was.

"Wait... a mall? Does that mean..." she glanced at the fence, picturing what was on the other side. "Are we... gonna have to just walk around... like this?" She was only starting to get comfortable with being naked in front of a bunch of foreigners on a nude beach. Walking around totally naked in the middle of a town full of foreigners was something totally different, and way too embarrassing to even think about.

"Hopefully we can find a way to reach the mall unobserved," Kirika replied with an unreassuring sigh. "That is the major difficulty with finding a way there, and the primary reason I would like to get some sort of help." She stopped and looked down in thought, and Chidori noticed they had reached a smaller side gate with two sets of doors. "I tried to ask for directions earlier, but it would seem that my English is not quite-"

Just then something caught Chidori's eye and she turned and gasped and cried out, "Mioko! Wait!!" Mioko kept walking when the others stopped, happily strolling right through the inner door before Chidori noticed, and she was just emerging from the outer door and onto the street beyond when Chidori's panicked cry got her attention.

"Hmm? What is it?" she turned and asked, smiling sweetly. "Is someth-" she started, only to suddenly stop, her eyes going wide at the sight of something outside the gates. She froze and stood there motionless for a few moments, then squealed and blushed all over and covered herself and ran back through the gate into Chidori and Akiha's waiting arms. "Ohmyghosh! I... I wasn't... I didn't..." she stammered, her skin almost the same shade as her hair, then gasped a few times to catch her breath. "I can't believe it. I didn't... I just... I wasn't thinking! And... and... and..." she trailed off, and Chidori and Akiha glanced at each other, nodded, and both leaned out to peek around the outer gate.

Chidori's eyes went just as wide as Mioko's had when she saw them. There were three boys standing there, and they were staring right at her, and the way they were staring was exactly like the boys at school. She felt her face getting hot as she ducked back behind the gate again. "And they all saw," Mioko finished gloomily, her voice beginning to quaver. "They totally saw everything!" Chidori just stared straight ahead at nothing and nodded, already picturing the awful scene. Mioko was so completely relaxed and comfortable being naked on the nude beach that she didn't even notice she was leaving the nude beach and she didn't even think about anybody that might be there on the street and see her naked as soon as she did, and Chidori didn't notice either, until it was too late. "Ohhh..." Mioko was muttering, "I can't believe I got so careless..."

"I should have been more careful too," Chidori muttered back, moving to place a consoling hand on Mioko's shoulder as Kirika came over to take her place peeking around the gate. "If I just noticed a few seconds earlier, I could have warned you in time." Mioko only sniffled and nodded, still looking at the ground. It was strange to think that the same girl who had just spent the afternoon happily running around naked in front of everybody on the beach would be this embarrassed at being seen naked by just three more, but then again they had been involved in all kinds of stranger things this week. "Um, but still, it'll be okay. After all, we can just-" she stopped with a squeak as something caught her eye again, gasped and cried out, "Kirika! W- what are you..."

She was going out there, right through the gate and out into the open, and she was even smiling. "Hello, boys!" she called out in English, and started over to them. Chidori could only watch in stunned silence from the gate again, while Akiha and Mioko crowded behind her. Kirika waved hello as she walked, and the way she was walking made her boobs bounce and sway and jiggle so much it looked like they were trying to wave hello too. She said something else, but from back here all Chidori could make out was something that sounded like English for 'phone'.

Once the initial shock passed, Chidori took a moment to try to figure out what was going on. Kirika could barely even stand to be naked in front of all the nudists on the nude beach at first, at least until... until she could focus on what to do! That had to be it! The only way she could go out there in front of those three now is if she was still focused on some kind of plan. But what was it? The boys were standing around a big foreign car, Chidori could see from here, and from Kirika's voice it sounded like she might be asking for something. Maybe she was trying to get a ride to the mall? It might solve some of the problems she mentioned earlier, but getting in that car naked with those three boys and sitting next to them like that was way too embarrassing to think about. Kirika repeated herself, and this time Chidori clearly caught the last three words. "... your phone? Please?"

The boy right in front of her stared for another few moments, then reached out to offer his phone, which Chidori didn't see at all until now. "Oh, thank you so much," Kirika said, reaching out to take it in a way that rewarded him with a nice big bounce right in his face. Then she turned and started tapping at the screen while the boys maneuvered for a better view, and after a moment she sat down on the hood of the car and crossed her legs without even looking up at them. Chidori couldn't tell what she was doing with the phone, but it had to be something really important if she was willing to go that far for it. Before she could figure it out, Kirika called out, "Hey, come over here."

The boys looked up at them, and even though they could only see her face it still made Chidori want to squeal and duck back out of sight. But Kirika had just gone right out there where they could see everything, and she did it for everyone's sake. If she needed some kind of help, Chidori couldn't just let her down. Kirika called out again, "Come on, it'll just take a second," and made a beckoning motion with one hand. The boys looked back down at her, and Chidori gathered her courage and determination and stepped out into the open.

She took a single step before all three boys looked back up at her again and she froze. They were looking at her naked, and she couldn't think about anything else, and she couldn't move. She could only stand there trembling, drowning in an overwhelming flood of embarrassment and fighting the incredible urge to cover herself and run for it. It took all the willpower she had, and she could feel her resistance fading by the second. It felt like her legs might start moving all by themselves and take her back through the gate at any moment, until Kirika came to her rescue.

All she did was shift her position a little, lifting one leg and reaching down to absently brush some of the sand off her foot. And as soon as she uncrossed her legs and revealed the fuzzy tender private spot between them, all three boys looked down at once, their eyes pulled away from Chidori by the sudden sight of Kirika's exposed pussy.

Now that they weren't looking right at her, the unbearable embarrassment holding Chidori immobilized receded slightly, just enough that she could move and think again, and before she could think twice about it she seized the chance. Hurrying forward as fast as she could without bouncing too much and bringing down a fresh flood of embarrassment, she came up to Kirika and tried to ask what she needed.

"Here, how about this?" Kirika said before she could open her mouth, holding the phone's screen up so Chidori could see it. There was some sort of map there, but everything was labeled in English and before she could try to make any sense of it one of the boys glanced briefly up at her again and for a quick moment she once again couldn't think about anything but how close and how naked and totally exposed she was in front of them. Kirika went on, "It seems to be a large mall, and it's close enough to walk to. Think it'll do?"

"It's... I, um... that's..." Chidori stammered, partly from confusion but mostly from the way the boys kept looking up at her and back down at Kirika and back up at her again, their attention torn between the naked girl sitting in front of them and the other naked girls standing in front of them. "I... I guess..." she finally managed.

"Yes, that's it. It looks just perfect," Akiha said from behind her. Chidori had almost forgotten Akiha was there, but as soon as she said it Kirika smiled and stood up.

"Great!" she declared, turning back around so fast that her boobs almost hit the nearest boy's wide-eyed face. Akiha tugged on Chidori's arm, and she realized that was their cue to leave. They both trotted away, Chidori fighting the urge to dash for cover and the urge to cover her butt with her hands, while behind them Kirika was thanking the boys and probably bouncing for them again. Then she reached the safety of the gate where Mioko and Shizuoka were waiting, and once she was through it she sank to the ground trembling with relief.

"Are you okay? Ohmygosh are you okay? Ohmygosh Chidori I can't even imagine doing something like that, right in front of them like that, and... and totally naked like that!" Mioko was saying. The same Mioko who was totally comfortable with all of them spending all afternoon totally naked in front of everyone on the beach was wide-eyed and breathless with apparently genuine amazement at seeing Chidori take just a few steps off the beach while still naked. Until now Chidori would have said that didn't make sense at all, but now she knew better. She wasn't a nudist, so being naked on a nude beach was still totally embarrassing for her, but even for her taking a few steps off the nude beach and having those boys look at her like that was way worse.

Then Kirika came through the gate and crouched next to them, hugging her knees to her chest and trembling and staring wide-eyed into the distance. "Oh... oh Kirika, I..." Chidori began. She hadn't let it show until now, but walking out in front of those boys totally naked must have been at least as embarrassing for Kirika as it was for her and Mioko. Unable to think of anything to say, she just put a comforting hand on Kirika's shoulder.

Akiha knelt down and put a hand on her other shoulder, and the other one on Chidori's, smiling warmly at them both. "That was hard, but we all got through it together, right? We can get through all of this, if we just stay strong and all work together." She took Chidori's hands and helped her to her feet, and Chidori managed to smile back at the encouragement.

"Yeah. We'll make it through together," Chidori sniffed and wiped at her eyes as she stood up, feeling her spirits lift at her friend's encouragement.

Kirika didn't stand up, though. "I had to..." she muttered, still staring vacantly straight ahead. "I had to do it, but... but they saw..." she bit her trembling lip and tears sprang to the corners of her eyes. "they all saw my..." her hands moved down between her legs, as if remembering by themselves to try to cover the precious private place that she had already exposed for them to see. "They saw everything..." Kirika looked like she was about to start crying, and watching her like this made Chidori want to curl up somewhere and cry too, and next to them Shizuoka started to whimper and wrapped her arms around herself again.

"Oh no... Oh Kirika, I... I didn't realize..." Kirika had been so focused and strong and confident just now that it was a shock to see her like this.

"Don't worry," Akiha told her firmly, still smiling. "We just need to rest and collect ourselves. Then we can get going, and it won't be long before this is all over.

"Get going... oh, um, you mean to that mall, right?" Chidori thought back to the map she had seen on the phone, "but... but how do we get there..." Everything happened so suddenly that Chidori could hardly even recall the map, let alone picture it well enough to figure out a way from the beach to the mall.

"I know the way," Kirika looked up, sniffling and wiping her eyes. "It's not far. We should be able to get there before sundown." She stood, the distress of moments before already gone from her face.

"Really?" The sun was already going down, and Chidori hadn't even thought about what they were going to do once it got dark. "Wow, that's great." After hours of worrying helplessly, it was such a relief finally having a clear goal to focus on that she could almost understand the way Kirika recovered from her awful embarrassment so quickly. "And you only saw the map for a few seconds... that's really amazing, Kirika-senpai."

Kirika and Akiha were already leading them away, back through the inner gate and onto the beach, with Chidori and the others following along. "That was improvisation," Kirika replied without looking back. "I had hoped to find a map of some sort, perhaps at a bus stop. I suppose I should have expected that a nude beach might attract those trying to peep on the nudists.

It took a moment for that word to sink in, and when it did Chidori stopped in her tracks and squeaked, "Huh?"

Behind her, Mioko's reaction was similar but louder. "Whaaaat!?" she cried out, hurrying up next to Kirika and clutching her by the arm. "They what? You mean back there? those boys at the gate? They were PEEPERS??!?" the shock in her voice turned into anger all at once at Kirika's simple nod. "That's awful! Those big jerks. Someone totally ought to teach them a lesson!"

"That is why they were standing on the roof of their car, in an attempt to see over the fence, and most likely to take pictures as well," Kirika continued just as calmly as before. "I heard them climbing down when you arrived and I saw the phone they were using for it, and I realized that we might use that phone as well.

"So that's why!" Mioko exclaimed. "I thought it was kinda strange how they were all standing on top of a car like that. Still, I can't believe someone would do that."

"I expected that we could easily convince them to let us borrow the phone for a moment, in our current state. But I... I wasn't thinking..." Kirika's voice began to waver, and her hands again moved between her legs. "I just didn't think about how much I'd have to... let them see..."

Kirika was whimpering piteously now, while Akiha and Mioko tried to comfort her, and behind them Chidori whimpered too, as she thought of something uncomfortable. She glanced over to quickly scan the top of the fence, and sighed with relief that no peeping eyes were staring back. Kirika had been completely focused on what she had to do, and then on how much she had to expose to do it, and Mioko apparently hadn't even thought about peepers in the first place, but now that Chidori knew those boys were trying to peep on the nudists at the nude beach she couldn't help but think about how they might still be trying to peep right now. And even worse, somebody else might be trying to peep on them too, from the bushes over there, or from the roof of that building just outside the fence, or from that boat out in the water...

She felt her whole body getting hot and she wanted to run and hide or curl up on the ground again, but after a moment of glancing around frantically searching for imaginary peepers she caught herself. That bush was way too small to hide anybody, and the roof of that building was sloped, so nobody could be standing on it, and the boat was so far away that it would take a telescope to see anything more than tiny little dots on the beach. She was just being silly imagining peepers in such ridiculous places. She glanced around one last time and reassured herself that nobody was peeping on them right now and that as long as she was careful and kept watching for peepers nobody was going to peep on them without her noticing. But she still couldn't stop thinking about peepers, because she had just spent all afternoon lying around totally naked on a nude beach and not thinking about peepers at all, so some peeper might had been peeping on the nudists that whole time and she never even would have noticed.

Akiha quickly got Kirika calmed down again by reminding her that they had to hurry and get to the mall so she had something to focus on, but all the while as they walked along Chidori's mind was racing, replaying the entire time she spent with the nudists on the nude beach, only now with what small level of comfort she had developed about it completely ripped away by the thought that some peeper might have been lurking somewhere nearby to peep on all those nudists, and ended up peeping on her and her friends right along with them.

"Something wrong?" Mioko's voice pulled Chidori back to reality. She looked up, blinking, and saw Mioko walking beside her with a relaxed friendly smile. "Are you nervous about what's gonna happen when we get to the mall?" she went on. "Don't worry, Akiha-senpai and Kirika-senpai said they have everything all planned out." She giggled, "They're really reliable, huh. If it was just me I'd have no idea what to do at a time like this, you know?"

Chidori smiled back and gave an uncomfortable giggle of her own, "Yeah, they're amazing." From Mioko's high spirits, she clearly wasn't thinking about peepers anymore, and Chidori couldn't bear to bring her back down by mentioning what was on her mind and reminding her that some peeper might have been watching her the whole time she was running around naked and having fun with the other nudists. And if Shizuoka heard too it would be even worse! She could barely even stand to let the nudists see her naked in the first place. If she realized some peeper could have been there and seen her naked too, she might just collapse all over again just like when she ended up naked at school.

Mioko went back to walking with Akiha and Kirika Chidori went back to thinking about peepers and what might happen if the others started thinking about peepers, until a familiar whimpering made her look up again.

"Don't worry, we're almost there." Akiha was saying to Shizuoka, trying to comfort her while she stood and trembled. Chidori came up beside them and apprehensively tried to see what Shizuoka was looking at that made her stop like that. They were at the end of the beach now, where the fence ended and the sand gave way to a little stretch of dirt and patchy grass between them and a rusty chain-link fence with a narrow curving road beyond it that vanished into the distance and the rapidly gathering darkness. Everyone was standing at the edge of the gap between those two fences and staring at the empty road, and for a few seconds Chidori wondered if they were waiting for something, until she heard it. It started out quiet and rapidly grew louder, and she realized what it was and ducked back behind their cover along with everyone else just before the car came zooming out into view and past them and away. Shizuoka whimpered again, and now Chidori understood.

"They didn't see us," Kirika said in a reassuring manner somewhat undercut by the hint of uncertainty in her tone. "I... don't think they saw us..." she corrected herself, her voice faltering and undercutting the reassurance even more.

"Don't worry," Akiha repeated, touching Kirika with one hand and Shizuoka with the other. "We just have to get behind that, right?" she pointed, and Chidori moved forward to see what she was pointing at, but just then another car came past. It was a lot quieter than the last one and she didn't hear it at all, so she totally wasn't expecting it and before she could even think she squealed and covered herself and dropped to her knees.

"Now's our chance. Come on!" Akiha called out, grabbing her hand and Shizuoka's and pulling them both along as they all hurried out into the open. She squealed again as she ran and looked around frantically to make sure that there was nobody watching, and only then looked where they were going and what they were trying to get behind. It wasn't an encouraging sight. There was some ivy growing on the fence, which in a few places looked like it might be substantial enough to hide behind. Akiha turned and said brightly, "There. That wasn't so bad, right? I mean, nobody saw us, right? We just have to keep moving, and hide when there's someone coming." Chidori nodded uncertainly. She knew they needed to keep going, but she didn't feel nearly as confident as Akiha sounded that they could hide that easily. She kept peering anxiously into the distance along the road, ready to dash for cover as soon as she saw anything, but even so when she heard the engine coming her mind went blank and she froze.

The headlights came into view just a moment later, over a little rise in the ground, and she froze just like the metaphorical panicked deer as the light hit her. She couldn't move at all, she couldn't make a sound, she couldn't even blink as the car zoomed at her and then zoomed past in a blur, with a long loud honk and a rush of wind that ruffled at her hair. The echoes of the honk were fading when she came to her senses, let out a little squeak and slowly turned her head to the others. Akiha and Kirika seemed to have pulled Shizuoka behind most of the ivy at the last moment, and they all stood just like that and stared at each other in silence, until Kirika muttered, "I think they saw us..." She was right about that, and everyone knew it. And except for Shizuoka getting behind the ivy none of them had been able to even try to hide anything, so whoever was in that car must have seen everything.

She whimpered a little and started to tremble as the awful truth sank in, and Kirika seemed to be doing the same, until Akiha interrupted, "Don't worry!" she reassured them both, "It doesn't matter what they saw. I mean, we're not far from the beach, right? I'm sure they thought that we're just a few nudists that wandered off the beach. Right?" she turned from Chidori to Kirika and finally to Shizuoka, then glanced pointedly at Mioko for confirmation.

"Huh? But that's..." Mioko started, then belatedly realized what Akiha was really saying. "Oh. Oh! I mean, um, yeah! For sure!" She giggled in a way that sounded cheerful but somehow uncomfortable. "It happens all the time. I'm sure everybody around here is totally used to it."

Kirika nodded slowly, "Yes... in that case, I suppose it's no worse than what happened earlier." She gave a faint smile. With a little more reassurance and encouragement they convinced Shizuoka to leave the shelter of the ivy, and they all started moving again. But then Chidori noticed the way Mioko was lagging behind and the troubled look on her face.

"What's the matter?" she asked softly, with a sinking feeling that she might have a bit of an idea.

Mioko looked up, blushing slightly. "It... it's just..." She glanced at Kirika and Shizuoka. "I had to play along just now, for Shizuoka-senpai's sake, but... but what I just said... that's not really how it is." She bit her lip nervously and went on, quiet enough so that the others wouldn't overhear. "I mean, it was one thing earlier when we were right near the beach. Stuff like that happens sometimes, like this one time I was playing Frisbee with my friend, and we were having so much fun we ran right past the end of the nude beach and onto the regular beach, and we didn't even notice the signs or anything until I totally tripped right over this lady sunbathing and landed right in another lady's..." she trailed off, and after a moment Chidori realized it wasn't from the embarrassment of talking about her own carelessness, when she heard it too.

It was the sound of another car, and it was getting closer. Everybody froze when they heard it and looked around. She couldn't see the car yet, but any second now it would come over the rise up ahead just like before. She started toward to the fence to get behind the ivy before it was too late, only to stop short when she saw that the ivy on the fence here was much skimpier than before, nothing but a few solitary leaves scattered here and there that wouldn't provide any more cover than a metaphorical fig leaf. She glanced around frantically for somewhere else, anywhere that she could hide, but there was nothing. She was trapped.

"Oh no..." Kirika squeaked, realizing the same thing at the same time as everyone else. They all looked up the road, helplessly awaiting the inevitable. Chidori moaned in dread and anticipation, and Mioko and Kirika moaned too, but Shizuoka didn't moan. Instead she let out an awful keening wail, a thin rising sound like the primal squealing of some tiny terrified animal. That terror was plain to see on Shizuoka's face too, along with rising panic, so awful and so urgent that it looked like she was right on the brink of totally losing control and running off blindly, and that would make everything even worse.

Chidori had to do something, she had to help Shizuoka, but all she could do was look around frantically again, and again there was nothing anywhere to hide behind and nothing to grab and nothing that anyone could do to stop what was about to happen.

But then Akiha grabbed her by the wrist. "Come on! Hurry!" she cried, and tugged Chidori with one hand and Kirika with the other hand she got them lined up shoulder-to shoulder, then motioned for Mioko to join them. Chidori didn't know what was going on, but she clung to the slender hope that at least Akiha might have some kind of idea of some way to help Shizuoka, and then as soon as Mioko was standing with them the car finally came into view and she froze again.

She watched it coming at them, way slower and making way more noise than the last one, and she couldn't move she couldn't look away and she could hardly think about anything else. The car honked as it came closer, and Chidori wanted to run away or cover herself or at least squeeze her eyes closed and imagine she was somewhere else, but she couldn't even blink. She could only stand there motionless as the car went past, honking a few more times, and then at last it was shrinking in the distance.

Chidori gasped and panted with relief before looking around. Shizuoka looked back at her with an expression of immense relief and gratitude, and seeing it she realized that with the four of them lined up like that Shizuoka must have been mostly hidden behind them. Thanks to Akiha's quick thinking Chidori and the others really had helped Shizuoka just now, letting themselves be seen naked so that she wouldn't be seen naked.

"There, that wasn't so bad, right?" Akiha put a comforting hand on Shizuoka's shoulder, and Shizuoka nodded eagerly. "And remember, as far as whoever that was is concerned, we're just a few nudists, right?" She put her other hand on Kirika's shoulder, and Kirika nodded timidly. "Right! So come on everyone, we can't stop here," she turned and led everyone onward.

They all followed, but once again Mioko lagged behind a bit looking even more uncomfortable than before, and this time she didn't need any prompting. "That's not how it is at all..." she muttered so that only Chidori next to her could hear. "That isn't something nudists would do..." she trailed off, glanced up at Chidori, then blushed and looked back down. Chidori wasn't sure if she wanted Mioko to go on, but she went on anyway. "Real nudists wouldn't even be walking around naked this far from the beach, unless they were really really distracted and got lost or something. The only kind of girls that would do what we just did... are the kind of girls that give people weird ideas about nudists." She looked up again and into Chidori's eyes with an expression that made her even more uncomfortable about what she was about to hear next. "I mean, we had to help senpai, but... standing there like that, like we wanted to be seen... we didn't look like nudists just now... we looked like exhibitionists!"

Chidori's face fell. It was exactly what she was afraid of. She shivered at the thought that whoever it was in that car just now and probably the other car earlier had looked at her and thought she was some kind of exhibitionist who got some kind of thrill from walking around naked in public. She found herself replaying the whole thing all over again in her mind, just like before only even worse, because now she couldn't even tell herself that she looked like just another nudist like all the others on the beach. She wanted to shout at the memory, "It's not my fault! I'm not like that! I'm not walking around naked on purpose!!"

Mioko must have been thinking the same kind of thing, because she looked just as downcast as Chidori felt. They trudged along like that, walking together behind the others with eyes downcast, until Akiha called out, "There it is!" and Chidori looked up and saw it.

The parking lot stretched out ahead of them, and beyond that the mall, a big white two-story building with a whole panel of windows over a whole row of doors, all lit up brightly from within. To Chidori it looked like the light of hope that meant the end of their long walk, and her spirits lifted at the sight. They all started eagerly across the parking lot, energized by the sight of goal, but after just a few steps Shizuoka stopped in her tracks, so suddenly that Chidori almost bumped into her.

"What's the matter?" she glanced in concern at the other girl, who was staring off toward the mall, wide-eyed and motionless. Chidori looked that way too. "Is something wrong? Is there something over there or-" she stopped short when she saw what was over there - people. They were coming and going through mall doors and to and from the cars scattered around that side of the parking lot, not too many, but more than enough for someone to see them if they got any closer. "Oh no..." she murmured, her spirits falling just as fast as they had risen. "But then... how are we gonna..." The mall was in sight, but the goal of finding something to wear was still out of reach if they couldn't even get inside it without being seen.

"Oh... um..." Akiha saw where they were looking and glanced around, searching for something. "There! Don't worry," she found it and brightened again, pointing off to one side. "We'll just go around to the back door. I'm sure there won't be anyone walking around back there. Come on, don't get discouraged now, we're almost there," she urged, and Chidori followed along apprehensively, glancing again at the people by the doors. "And don't worry about any of them seeing," Akiha went on. "Look, the sun is right behind us, so even if someone looks this way they won't see anything at all." Chidori glanced back and realized Akiha just might be right. They were getting close enough to be seen now, but with the sunset where it was right now anyone who looked their way would only see a group of shadows against the glare.

They got closer, and Chidori really hoped Akiha was right about that, because if she wasn't then someone was just sure to see them any second now, and then they'd shout and everyone else would look and see them too. But it was too late to turn back, so she just stared straight ahead and kept walking and kept telling herself that nobody could really see them, all the while expecting at any second to hear that shout and turn and see all those people looking right at them. But there was no shout, and when they turned the corner into the shadow of the wall she almost sank to her knees in relief. "We... made it..." she breathed, leaning against the wall for a moment to steady herself.

"Uh-huh, we made it" Akiha echoed, pointing ahead. "Now the back door should be right over there, so all we have to do is-" she stopped short, freezing in place, and Chidori looked up and her heart sank all over again. Just like Akiha said the back door was right there, and just like she said earlier there were no cars on this side of the parking lot and nobody was walking around. But instead there was a group of boys, five of them, standing around by the door and laughing at a joke of some kind. This side of the building was in shadow, so they couldn't see much beyond the little pool of light around the door, which must be why they hadn't noticed the girls there yet. And their own laughing must have kept them from hearing Akiha just now.

Akiha crouched down against the wall and crept closer to the light, and Chidori and the others came up behind her, all careful to stay hidden. Kirika peeked around Akiha's shoulder, and Chidori peeked around Kirika's shoulder, watching the boys for any sign of noticing anything over in the shadows, but they only kept talking and occasionally chuckling some more. She tried to relax a little, telling herself that those boys hadn't seen anything so they were all safe for now, but they still had to get inside somehow, and as long as those boys were standing there by the door there was no way they could get past without being seen. And they couldn't turn back either, since there was absolutely no way they could go back around the corner without being seen by everybody there instead. Chidori leaned over behind Kirika's back to whisper to Akiha, as softly as she could, "What should we do?"

Akiha looked around again. "Well... I think I have an idea," she locked eyes with Kirika, who nodded.

"Yes, right over there," Kirika said evenly, rising and pointing off into the shadowed parking lot. Chidori got up and squinted into the darkness along with the others, but she couldn't see much. Frowning, she turned back just in time to see Kirika step behind Shizuoka and give her a shove.

Shizuoka squealed and stumbled forward a few steps, out of the shadows and right into the light, and the boys looked up at her and she looked up at them and she froze. She stood there naked in front of them, completely exposed and completely helpless, motionless except for the gentle swaying of her huge breasts. Their swaying slowed as the seconds dragged on, and only once when they too had finally stopped moving Shizuoka blushed brightly all over and screamed. It was an awful scream, the sound of her fragile control finally shattering completely. Shizuoka had been through so much all week, ended up totally naked in front of leering boys so many times, that having these boys see her naked now must be bringing it all right back in a totally unbearable crushing wave of embarrassment. She turned and bolted, running blindly away into the darkness, her horrible wailing scream fading as she fled. The boys ran after her, and Chidori would have gone after her too, but Akiha grabbed her hand.

"Come on, now's our chance!" she exclaimed, pulling Chidori toward the door. She was right, with the boys gone now and the door unobstructed, the way was clear for them to get inside. But still...

"We can't just abandon her!" Chidori cried, slipping out of Akiha's grip and starting to turn back. "Shizuoka-senpai... she's all alone out here. She needs our help! We've gotta-"

"She is not alone," Kirika said firmly, taking Chidori's other hand. "Mioko has gone after her already." Chidori looked again and realized Mioko too was nowhere to be seen. Just like Kirika said, she must have gone chasing after Shizuoka. "There is little that we can do to help them like this. But she's given us this chance, and if we hurry we might be able to find clothing for everyone."

"Well... I guess," Chidori muttered. They'd come all this way to reach the mall and find something to wear, and they were so close now. And running around naked outside some more wouldn't help anything. It would be so much better if they could all just get dressed already, and if they didn't at least try then Shizuoka's distraction would be all for nothing... "Alright, but we have to come right back out and find them as soon as we can," she continued as they passed through the doors. "Now let's hurry so we can find..." she trailed off.

"Oh no," Akiha moaned softly.

"Oh dear," Kirika added, sighing. "That's certainly inconvenient."

"It... it's..." Chidori stammered, looking around, "this is... the housewares department?" Her spirits fell. In front of them were display shelves, stocked with various appliances and utensils and other assorted things, and none of the clothes that they were hoping for. That they needed. That they'd been counting on. That they'd come all this way for. "Ohh... now what are we going to do..."

"We'll simply have to keep looking," Kirika sighed again. "Going back outside and around to another door might be too slow. Would you agree?" Akiha nodded glumly, while Chidori just grimaced at the thought of either having to go back to wandering around naked outside or having to wander around naked inside. "Well then, no sense waiting. We should hurry. That way first," she pointed and immediately started off past the nearest shelves.

Akiha nodded again and took Chidori's hand and they both followed after her. And just like that they were walking naked through the mall. Chidori's mind raced with thoughts of what might happen if someone saw them like this. Walking around naked outside where anybody might see them from anywhere was bad enough, but in here somebody might just come around a corner and see them from close up, and they'd have nowhere to run and no chance of being mistaken for nudists now that they were nowhere near the beach.

But it was too late to turn back now, and besides, Mioko and Shizuoka needed their help. All she could do was hurry on behind the others, dreading with every step that she might hear a shocked gasp and turn to see a wide-eyed foreigner staring at them. So when Kirika stopped and pointed and said "There," she squeaked and covered herself and dropped to the ground, hiding behind the nearest shelf. After a few moments she realized she hadn't actually heard anything and peeked out and saw there was nobody there. "It ought to be through those doors," Kirika continued, still pointing, and Chidori lifted her head and saw the big set of double doors she was pointing at, just across a big open space. With a gasp of relief and renewed hope, she got back up and started out, only to squeak and hide again when she saw what else was over there.

"First we'll have to find a way past them..." Kirika went on, crouching behind the shelf beside Chidori and peeking out at the three cashiers at their three little desks facing in three directions. They were all sitting there looking bored, and between them they had a total view of the entire wide open entrance area between the doors and the very shelf Chidori was hiding behind. She was trapped again. There was no other way to go and nothing else to do, and no way to reach those doors without running right out there and letting them see everything.

Chidori whimpered and shrank back behind the shelf a bit more, looking around for something and frantically trying to think of anything else besides that. They couldn't go back now, and they couldn't just keep wandering around naked, and she totally couldn't run out in front of somebody naked! But it looked like she might not have a choice. She looked at Akiha and Kirika, who were looking around too and seemed to be thinking just the same thing, and Kirika sighed, sounding just as discouraged as Chidori felt.

"I suppose I have an idea," she muttered, and Chidori looked up again with a flicker of hope, just in time to see Kirika disappear off to the side past another shelf.

"Huh? What..." she crept over and carefully peeked out, but the other girl was nowhere in sight. "Where did she go?" she turned to Akiha, "What's she gonna-"

There was a crash, like a whole lot of big metal things clattering on the ground. The clerks heard it too, and they looked and then got up and hurried over that way. The same way Kirika went. "There! Now's our chance," Akiha grabbed Chidori and led her out past the desks as soon as the three were out of sight. Chidori didn't need to be told what had happened. Kirika had stayed behind to create a distraction, probably by knocking over something heavy, just like how she left Shizuoka behind to create a distraction earlier. Now there was only Chidori herself and Akiha left to find something to wear, and everybody was counting on them. They had to hurry, and they absolutely had to succeed. Filled with renewed determination, she rushed through the doors and burst out into a long wide hallway.

It was spacious and well-lit and two stories high, lined with shops on both sides. But the first thing that got her attention was all the people, some hurrying purposefully into or out of stores, other just drifting around and window-shopping. There weren't many of them, but there were more than enough to see her for sure if she went out there. She stopped in place as soon as she saw, gripped by the urge to turn and flee back back the way they came, but Akiha pulled her to the side to hide behind a pillar.

Chidori sank to the floor, trembling, her determination already disappearing at that brief sight of what was in their way. All those people, in that wide open space... there was no way to sneak past them, no way to go any further without being seen... and yet they couldn't turn back now, squandering the chance that everyone had bought them. They just had to keep going somehow... but how? "What are we gonna do..." she moaned softly.

The question hung in the air for long hopeless moments, then Akiha gave a long sigh and answered, "There's one thing left." Chidori looked up, a fragile spark of hope returning. Akiha helped her to her feet and took her by the shoulders and stared her right in the eyes, looking somehow even more serious than she had all day. Then she pointed out past the pillar and said, "Run."

"Huh?" Chidori replied in confusion, and before she could say anything else Akiha was around the corner and bounding up the stairs. Chidori hadn't even realized that the pillar they were hiding behind had a staircase on the other side, and now she could only watch in helpless shock as Akiha hopped up on the staircase railing.

"Hey everybody! Look at me!" Ahika called out in English, and the dozens of foreigners all turned to look at the same time as Akiha spread her legs wide open, and Chidori's shock turned to uncomprehending horror at the sight of her best friend perched on her hands and feet totally naked and totally exposed, showing absolutely everything to absolutely everyone below. She couldn't understand, it didn't make any sense, what was Akiha doing? After they spent so long trying so hard to hide, why would she just jump out in plain sight like that? She was shaking her chest now, making those magnificent boobs sway majestically, and all Chidori could do was stand and stare wide-eyed along with everyone else in sight, and all she could think about was what Akiha said to her just a moment ago...

She ran.

She didn't think about what she was doing, or why she was running, or where she was going, or about what was going to happen. She just ran the way Akiha pointed, out into the corridor with all the foreigners, and suddenly she couldn't think about anything else. She was running past them naked, where all of them could see her totally naked, see her bare pussy and her bare butt and her huge bare boobs. They were flopping around as she ran, and she tried to clutch at them to keep them under control but then she stumbled and they flopped right out of her hands and bounced around even more. People were starting to look at her now, their shocked gazes moving from the naked girl with the huge swaying tits to the other naked girl with the huge bouncing tits. It was impossibly embarrassing, incomprehensibly embarrassing, like a brick wall of embarrassment slamming into her, crushing her, until she couldn't even scream, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't think. She could only keep running, as more and more people looked at her and the embarrassment got worse and worse and even worse.

The hallway curved up ahead, and rounding the corner Chidori saw there were even more people there, milling about in a sparse crowd around a big circular open area and lining up at counters and carts and sitting at the little tables scattered all over what looked like some kind of food court. And as soon as she ran into view they all saw her, first the closest ones, looking up and gasping or squawking exclamations of surprise at the sudden sight of a totally naked girl, and the noise made more heads turn and see and make more surprised noises, which got even more attention. Like a wave spreading out in all directions, more faces turned and more eyes looked at her and saw her naked. She could see all of them, all the staring faces and all the staring eyes all around her, she couldn't see anything else. She ran blindly, hardly even knowing what was ahead of her, now more like falling than running. Falling forward, into an endless pit, with nothing else anywhere but her and the crowd and the colossal overwhelming embarrassment. It seemed like it would never stop, she was falling forever, the embarrassment was all that was left.

She landed in a heap on the floor, looked up and found that she was in the middle of the room. Then there was a blazing flash and a tremendous crashing noise, like a lightning bolt from the inside. The crashing noise faded slowly, and she could hear screaming instead, and when the light faded she could only see grey. The whole room was shades of grey and nothing was moving, the crowd all around her standing completely still like they were frozen in place, but the screaming was still coming from above her. She looked up and up, craning her neck, and she saw Jinni up there.

It was the naked rainbow giant Jinni, just like the first time Chidori had seen her, except now the rainbow was spilling out. Long writhing bolts of black lightning were going into her, through her arms and legs and three of them through her chest and one through her neck, and everywhere they pierced her the colors flowed out like the spray from a punctured water balloon. The bolts wrapped around her too, like crawling chains, and they stretched away up toward the ceiling and down to the floor, and at each end was one of the beads from her choker.

"That is enough," a deep, powerful voice called out. Chidori jerked her eyes that way to see the big figure in the long coat, approaching slowly with deliberate and dignified steps. "You have done as you pleased for this long, caused a great deal of trouble," he stopped, looking up with a solemn frown, "but that ends now." Above them Jinni, still screeching in pain, managed to fix him with wide panicked eyes, as Jojo raised his hands.

"Priest... Judas!" he shouted, and the grey frozen scene around them seemed to ripple, dark waves forming in the air and flowing down into the floor in front of where he stood, spreading out there like an inky pool. The blackness stopped rippling, becoming as still as a sheet of glass for just a moment. Then it erupted, and something rose out of it.

Chidori watched in terror, trying to back away feebly on limbs that felt like jelly, unable to scream or even make a sound, and completely unable to look away. The thing was huge, and the blackness was dripping away now to reveal bright red and steely blue underneath. It was making a noise like twisting metal, and she saw horns and armored plates and fangs, huge broad paws reaching up, and then tank treads. It looked up with eyes sunk deep beneath a horned red cowling, and lightning crackled and flared around the bright yellow whiskers that flanked its narrow fanged maw. It roared, a sound like something being crushed between huge boulders, and then it reared up to attack.

Jinni's scream rose above the grinding roar for just a moment, along with a burst of lightning that backlit the thing's outline with blinding radiance even as its claws grasped her torso and its jaws closed upon her face. A tremendous blast of pure blinding whiteness and a deafening peal of thunder forced Chidori to quail and look away and and cover her ears. And then it was over.

Once the ringing in her ears and the lingering glare covering her eyes started to fade she gingerly looked up again, overwhelmed and trembling, but the metal creature was still and silent now, a gleaming shadow crouching somewhere off to her side, and Jojo was in front of her. "I hope you are unhurt, Chidori-kun," he said solemnly. It was hard to tell with her vision still clearing and her mind still reeling from what just happened, but there was something strange about his expression. He removed his coat and draped it around her shoulders, and she realized it was that he was looking to the side. She slowly turned her head and looked that way too, but the metal beast was still motionless. Something occurred to her then and she slowly looked down, blinked twice, then snapped her legs closed and clutched the coat closed over her chest. "My apologies," Jojo went on, "for what you have been through. It must have been an awful ordeal." He knelt beside her as he apologized, but Chidori was only half listening, since behind him she saw the living wall of metal start to rotate like a building on a turntable. "I had planned to return to Japan and explain the entire situation before asking for your help, but events for you must have progressed much faster than I anticipated. I certainly never expected that you would open the seal upon the relic in only a single day." The beast's mouth came into view now, with Jinni dangling limp and colorless from its jaws by her arms and legs. "And I never even considered that the spirit within might break free of the seal entirely, or that it would cause so much trouble in doing so."

He rose and looked up at his defeated adversary, "In any case, I am pleased that you and your friends were able to lure it here and into the seal so quickly. I was afraid that you might have had difficulty finding this place with only the instructions I sent, or doing so without allowing the creature to realize your intentions. But now, if you would, please allow me a moment to assert control over her, so that we might set about cleaning up her mess."