THE SARUM RITE Sarum Breviary Noted. Performing Edition.

Volume B. Part . Pages .

The Week of Easter.

Edited by William Renwick.


The Sarum Rite is published by The Gregorian Institute of Canada/L’Institut grégorien du Canada, c/o School of the Arts, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4L8. The Gregorian Institute of Canada is affiliated with the School of the Arts, McMaster University.

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The Week of Easter.

Monday in the Week of Easter. Lesser Double Feast. At Matins. Surrexit Dominus vere. Invit. VI.ii.

T He Lord * is ris en in deed. †Al le lu ya.

Ps. O come, let us sing. *. And let it be sung by four Rulers of the Choir in white silken Copes : similarly on the Tuesday and Wednesday that follow.

Let no Hymn be sung : but on the let only this Antiphon be sung and let it be begun in the Superior Grade. Resurrexit Dominus alleluya. Ant. VI.i.

T He Lord is ris en, * al le lu ya : as he said un to

you, al le lu ya. Ps. Hear me when I call. (iiij. ) [].

Ps. Ponder my words. (v. ) []. Ps. O Lord, rebuke me not. j. (vj. ) []. V. The Lord is risen indeed. R. And hath appeared unto Simon, alleluya. Let the response be made privately.

1317 The Week of Easter.

Let the Lessons and Responsories be read in the Superior Grade : and let them be sung in .

Lesson from the Holy according to Luke, final. xxiv. . Lesson j. T that time. not word by word : lest a more ABehold, two of lengthy disourse of explanation Jesus’ disciples, should prevail to burden your good went that same day will. Behold, ye have heard, dearly to a village called beloved brethren, that to two dis Emmaus, which ciples as they went in the way, indeed was from Jerusalem about threescore not believing but yet talking of him, furlongs. And they talked together of the Lord appeared : but he did not all the things which had happened. shew them an appearance which they And that which followeth. might recognize. The Lord therefore A of Blessed Gregory, . shewed outwardly in the eyes of their xxiij. bodies : that which was taking place Ven though in the midst of a inwardly in themselves, in the eyes of E daily observance, a few words their hearts. For in fact they both may be addressed to you : and per loved and doubted within themselves. chance they shall profitably benfit. For the Lord was present to them Seeing that often the nourishment outwardly : and yet he shewed them which is less sufficient : is the more not who he was. But thou, O Lord, avidly consumed. Therefore I have have mercy upon us. determined to examine the meaning of the Gospel lesson summarily and

Maria Magdalene. 1. Resp. IV. M A ry * Mag da lene and the ot her Ma ry

went ear ly in the morn ing un to the se pul chre : Je sus

1318 The Week of Easter.

whom ye seek is not here : he is ris en as

he said. †He go eth be fore you in to Ga li lee : there

shall ye see him, al le lu ya, al le lu ya.

VV.. Go quick ly and tell his dis ci ples and Pe ter :

that the Lord is ris en †He go eth.

Second Lesson. S they were talking of him he say 'to fashion', whence those who A made his presence known to fashion with clay are called potters. them : but as they had doubts he Simple Truth therefore maketh concealed his recognizeable appear nothing by duplicity : but he so ance from them. He did indeed join shewed himself to them in body, as the conversation, he reproved the he was amongst them in the mind. hardness of their understanding, he For they had to be proved, whether opened the mysteries of holy scripture these, which did not yet love him as concerning himself : and yet because God : were yet able to love him as a he was still a stranger to their hearts stranger. But since these with whom by faith, he made as though to go Truth was walking could not be farther. Now we say 'to make' as to foreigners to charity : they called him

1319 The Week of Easter. to abide with them as though a They set the table, they offer food : stranger. But why say we, Called : and God, whom they had not known when it is there written, They when he was explaining the holy constrained him ? No doubt from Scriptures : they recognize in the this example it is inferred that breaking of bread. But thou, O Lord, strangers are not merely to be invited have mercy upon us. as guests : but are even to be pressed.

Congratulamini michi. 2. Resp. III. R E joice with me, * all ye that love

the Lord : for he whom I sought hath ap pear ed un

to me. †And while I was weep ing at the se pul chre,

I saw my Lord, al le lu ya. VV.. When the

dis ci ples went away, I went not a way : but en kin dled

with the fire of love for him, I was a flame with long ing.

1320 The Week of Easter.

†And while.

Lesson iij. OT by hearing the command have entertained angels unawares. N ments of God were they Hence Peter saith, Use hospitality enlightened, therefore : they were one to another without grudging. enlightened by doing them : for it is Hence Truth himself saith, I was a written, Not the hearers of the law stranger : and ye took me in. are just before God, but the doers of Consider, brethren, how great is the the law shall be justified. Let any virtue of hospitality. Receive ye therefore who wisheth to understand Christ at your tables : that ye may what is heard : hasten to fulfil in prevail to be received by him at the works what he hath already been able eternal banquet. Offer hospitality to understand. Behold the Lord was now to Christ the stranger, that at not known when he was speaking : the judgment he may not know you but he vouchsafed to be known when as if strangers : but that he may he was being fed. Love hospitality receive you into the kingdom as one therefore, dearly beloved brethren : of his own, who liveth and reigneth love works of charity. Hence indeed with the Father in the unity of the it is said by Paul, Let brotherly love Holy Ghost, God, world without end, continue. Be not forgetful to amen. But thou, O Lord, have mercy entertain strangers, for thereby some upon us.

R. . When the sabbath was past. And let it be sung by three as above on Easter Day. iij. . Ps. Te Deum. [].

Before Lauds. V. In thy resurrection, O Christ. R. Let heaven and earth rejoice, alleluya. Let this Versicle be sung daily before Lauds until the Ascension of the Lord, when the service is of the Temporale. 1321 The Week of Easter.

At Lauds. At Lauds daily throughout the week let be sung this single Antiphon, The angel of the Lord. j. of Lauds . and let it be begun in the Superior Grade. Let be sung Ps. The Lord is King. (./ xcij.) []. and the other Psalms that follow.

Let no Hymn be sung, but the V. The Lord hath risen from the grave. R. Who hung for us upon the tree alleluya. Let the response be made privately. Let the foregoing order of VV. and Antiphons together with the preceding Invitatory : serve throughout the whole week.

Qui sunt hi sermones. Ant. VIII.i.

W Hat man ner * of com mu ni ca tions are these that ye

have one with an oth er, as ye walk, and are sad ? al le lu ya.

The one of them whose name was Cle o pas, an swer ing said

un to him, Art thou on ly a stran ger in Je ru sa lem : and

hast not known the things which are come to pass there in

these days ? al le lu ya. And he said un to them, What things ?

1322 The Week of Easter.

And they said, Con cern ing Je sus of Na za reth, who was

a pro phet, might y in deed and word be fore God and all

the peo ple, al le lu ya. Ps. Blessed be the Lord. XX*.

Let us pray. Prayer. God, who in the Paschal So thy people : that they may both be O lemnity hast bestowed remedies worthy to attain to perfect freedom, upon the world : we beseech thee, O and advance unto life everlasting. Lord, extend the heavenly gift unto Through Jesus Christ.

On this day and on the other following days through the week after the first Let us bless the Lord. at Matins let be made a Procession to the Crucifix through the middle of the Choir and the west entrance : with an in white bearing the Cross with Taperers and Thurifers and a boy bearing the Book before the Priest in a all of whom be in the same as at Vespers on Easter Day except the Acolyte singing an Antiphon while walking, the Rulers of the Choir beginning, Christus resúrgens. XX . and thus let be made a Station before the Cross as at Vespers except for the oil and chrism as above. V. Let the Jews now declare. XX . And let be said this V. this day : by two of the Superior Grade in Surplices before the entrance to the Choir facing the Clergy. But on the following two days : by two Clerks of the ij. Form in the aforesaid place and . Nevertheless on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday let the aforesadi Antiphon be sung, but without first censing the Cross let first be said this V.

1323 The Week of Easter.

V. Tell it out among the nations. R. That the Lord hath reigned from a tree, alleluya.

Here let the Taperers approach the Priest, and the boy bearing the Book : and let the Priest say. Let us pray. Prayer. O God, who for our sake didst will thy Son. . Having finished saying the Prayer let the Taperers and the boy bearing the Book resume their places, and in the same way let them do and approach the Priest throughout the whole year.

At the entrance into the Quire let be sung the Antiphon of Saint Mary. Ave regina celorum. Ant. VI.

Q Ueen of the hea vens, * we hail thee, Hail thee, La

dy of all the An gels ; hail, ho ly Root, Whence the

world's true light is ris en : greet ings, glo ri ous one, sur

pas sing all in beau ty, hail and fare well, most gra cious, and

for us al ways in ter cede to Christ, al le lu ya.

1324 The Week of Easter.

V. After childbirth, O Virgin, thou remainedst inviolate. R. O Mother of God, intercede for us, alleluya.

Prayer. Pour forth, we beseech thee. as above. .

At Prime (and the other Hours ). At j. all as on Easter Day, except that the Psalm O Give thanks unto the Lord. is not sung. And let it be made thus until Saturday : similarly this day and daily throughout the week until Saturday let the Hours of iij. vj. and ix. be sung as on Easter Day together with the Prayer of the day : nevertheless on Saturday let the V. This is the day. be said with Alleluya. and the rest. Yet it is to be noted that if the Great Litany or any other Feast occur in this week of Easter : nothing is made of the fast in that year : neither shall be made of of the Procession nor of the Feast the same : because all the saints arose with Christ, being restored to life in Christ, and the Feast of the Resurrection of Christ is applicable to all the saints : therefore in the week of Easter nothing is made of the Feast of any Saint unless by chance it should fall on the Octave of Easter, then indeed it can be deferred until the morrow : and at there let be made three Lessons with Rulers of the Choir, if the Feast shall have Rulers of the Choir. Thus when the Feast of Saint Richard, should fall on the Octave of Easter : then let it be deferred until the following Tuesday. Nevertheless if a Double Feast should happen to fall within Easter Week or on the Octave of Easter or on the three days preceding Easter : let the service be made of the same Feast after the aforesaid Octave, when it may conveniently be made : that is to say where it is able to have both Vespers. If on the other hand it be a Simple Feast in that year let it be entirely omitted unless by chance it shall fall on the Octave of Easter. Let this same rule be kept on the Vigil of Pentecost and in the following week.

At Vespers. At Vespers let eleyson. be sung as above. . Ant. Alleluya. iiij. as above. . Ps. The Lord said. (./ cix. ) []. together with the other Psalms as on Easter Day.

1325 The Week of Easter.

Hec dies. Dicat nunc Israel. Grad. II. T His * is the day. . V.V. Let Is ra el now XX

con fess that he is gra cious, and

that his mer cy en dur eth * for

ev er.

Alleluya. Nonne cor nostrum. I. A L le lu ya. *

V V.. Did not our heart burn with in us con cern ing

Je sus, while he talk ed with us * by

1326 The Week of Easter.

the way.

V. The Lord is risen. R. As he said unto you, . Let the response be made privately.

Nonne cor nostrum. Ant. I.v.

D Id not our heart * burn with in us : con cern ing

Je sus while he talk ed with us by the way, al le lu ya.

Ps. My soul doth magnify. XX *.

Prayer. rant, we beseech thee, almighty be delivered from all threatening evils GGod, that we who are bowed by these Paschal feasts. Through down by the weight of our sins, may Jesus Christ thy Son.

Then let the Procession go to the Font : in the same manner and order as on Easter Day at Vespers, with Oil and Chrism, and the Cross : Taperers, Thurifers, and a boy bearing the Book : singing the Antiphon which is begun by the Rulers of the Choir, namely.

1327 The Week of Easter.

Sedit angelus ad sepulchurm. Ant. VII.

A N an gel was seat ed * by the se pul chre of the

Lord : he was cloth ed in shin ing gar ments, see ing

him, the wo men, ter ri fi ed and great ly fear ing,

stood a far off : then the an gel spake, and said un to

them. †Be not af frigh ted, I say un to you, for he whom ye

seek that was dead now liv eth : and the life of men with

him self hath he rais ed, al le lu ya.

1328 The Week of Easter.

V. V. Praise ye him that in the flesh was cru ci fi ed : and

glo ri fy him that for your sakes was bu ri ed : and wor

ship him from death res tor ed. †Be not af frigh ted.

Having finished the Antiphon without the V., censing first the Font, let the Priest say. V. The Lord is risen from the grave. R. Who hung for us upon the tree, alleluya.

V. Let us pray. Prayer. Rant, we beseech thee, almighty may also in living preserve. Through GGod : that these Paschal feasts Christ our Lord. R. Amen. which in venerating we honour, we

Then while advancing before the Cross let all the Rulers of the Choir begin the Antiphon Christ being raised. . which is sung without the V. The Priest to be sure having first censed the Cross : says the Versicle V. Tell it out among the nations. R. That the Lord hath reigned from a tree, alleluya.

Prayer. O God, who for our sake didst will. .

1329 The Week of Easter.

While entering the Quire let the Antiphon of Saint Mary be sung, namely My soul melted. XX . and let it be concluded with Alleluya. thus

with love, al le lu ya.

It is found after the Common of Saints.

V. Holy Mother of God, everVirgin Mary. R. Intercede for us unto the Lord our God. V. Let us pray. Prayer. Pour forth, we beseech thee. .

Let this order of Processions exiting and entering the Quire be kept daily at Vespers and at Matins until Saturday, with the Prayers at the Font and before the Cross together with the varying Antiphons of Saint Mary at the entrance into the Quire.

1330 The Week of Easter.

Tuesday. Minor Double Feast. Invitatory and Antiphons as on the preceding Monday. . Ps. O Lord my God, in thee have I put my trust. (vij.) []. Ps. O Lord our Governor. (viij.) []. Ps. In the Lord put I my trust. (./ x. ) []. V. The Lord is risen indeed. R. And hath appeared to Simon, alleluya. Let the response be made privately. This V. together with the Preceding Antiphon on the Psalms and the Invitatory are sung at Matins daily through the week.

Let the Lessons and Responsories be read and sung : as is indicated on the Monday. . Lesson from the Holy Gospel according to Luke. Final. xxiv. . T that time. are gathered together in my name, AJesus stood in there am I in the midst of them. In the midst of his order to strengthen the constancy of disciples, and saith our faith, which the presence of unto them, Peace divine goodness always inspireth : he be unto you ; it is wished at length to show his bodily I, fear not. And that which fol presence in a vision. And now for us, loweth. although we are lying far below the A Homily of the Venerable Bede, Priest. feet of the apostles, we ought to rely . . libri. upon this itself to be done by his T should first be noted, and dili mercy : namely for himself to be in Igently commmitted to memory : our midst, as often as we assemble that the Lord deigned to stand in gathered in that name. That name of their midst as the disciples were course is Jesus : that is, Saviour. And speaking of him, and to reveal his when we assemble to speak of the presence in a vision. For this is what attainment of eternal salvation : it is he promised elsewhere to all the without doubt understood that we are faithful, saying, Where two or three gathered in the name of Jesus. Nor is

1331 The Week of Easter. it right to doubt him to be present as more perfect heart what we profess we are conferring about those things with our mouth. But thou, O Lord, which he loveth. And certainly the have mercy upon us. more truly : the better we retain in a

Virtute magna reddebant. 1. Resp. III.

W Ith great * pow er gave the a pos

tles. Wit ness of the re sur rec tion of

our Lord Je sus Christ, al le lu ya, al le lu ya.

VV.. Fil led in deed with the Ho ly Ghost : they

spake with bold ness. †Wit ness.

Second Lesson. Hen it be seen that the ing that he was about to go to the TSaviour appearing to the dis suffering of death, he had commend ciples entrusteth to them the joys of ed as a special pledge of salvation and peace : repeating that same thing, the life to them, saying, Peace I leave celebrated glory of immortality : see with you, my peace I give unto you.

1332 The Week of Easter.

The angels which were seen soon wrath of God : might be led back by after he was born likewise proclaimed his reconciliation to the peace of God. the grace of this gift to the shep Whence he was rightly named by the herds : praising God and saying, Glory Prophet, The everlasting Father, the to God in the highest, and on earth Prince of Peace. And the Apostle, peace, good will toward men. Be writing of him to those of the gen cause without doubt the whole of our tiles which had believed, saith, And Redeemer's dispensation in the flesh : he came and preached peace to you is the reconciliation of the world. which were afar off, and to them that For this to be sure he became in were nigh. For through him we both carnate, for this he suffered, for this have access by one spirit unto the he was raised from the dead : that we Father. But thou, O Lord, have which sinning had fallen into the mercy upon us.

Surgens Jesus Dominus. 2. Resp. VII. J E sus * our Lord, a ris ing, stand ing in the

midst of his dis ci ples saith. †Peace be un to

you, al le lu ya, the dis ci ples were glad,

when they saw the Lord, al le lu ya.

1333 The Week of Easter.

VV.. Now on the first day of the week, when the doors

were shut where the dis ci ples were as sem bled : Je sus stood

in the midst, and saith un to them. †Peace.

Third Lesson. OW when the Lord appeared most tender gift of consolation and of N to them, the disciples, con admonition, undertook to wipe away, fused and much frightened, supposed Why, asketh he, are ye troubled ? and that they were seeing a spirit : they why do thoughts arise in your hearts ? indeed recognized it to be the Lord Behold my hands and my feet, that it who appeared, but believed that they is I myself. For not without cause saw him not in the substance of his ordered he them to see and recognize body but in that of his spirit. That is, his hands and feet, rather than since they knew that his body was countenance with which they had dead and buried, in what they now been familiar : but in that having seen saw raised from the dead : they the signs of the nails by which he had supposed rather that they had before been fixed to the cross : they might their eyes the spirit which, forsaking be able to understand it not only to the body, he had committed into the be a body which they saw, but the hands of his Father. But this their very body of their Lord which they error, by which they had been struck had known to have been crucifíed. down at the new and unknown But thou, O Lord, have mercy upon vision : the benevolent Master, by us.

1334 The Week of Easter.

R. . When the sabbath was past. and let it be sung by three as above on Easter Day iij. .

At Lauds. At Lauds, as above. . Stetit Jesus in medio. Ant. VIII.i.

J E sus stood * in the midst of his dis ci ples, and

saith un to them : Peace be un to you, al le lu ya, al le lu ya.

Ps. Blessed be the Lord. XX *.

Prayer. God, who dost continually the sacrament which they have Omultiply thy Church with new received by faith. Through Jesus offspring : grant unto thy servants Christ thy Son our Lord. that they may hold fast in their lives

At the Procession as above on Monday. .

On the return, of Saint Mary. . Beata Dei genitrix. Ant. VIII.i. O bles sed Ma ry, * Mo ther of God, Vir gin for ev er :

1335 The Week of Easter.

tem ple of the Lord, sanc tu a ry of the Ho ly Ghost, a

lone with out pre ce dent thou wast pleas ing to our Lord

Je sus Christ : pray for the peo ple, in ter vene for the cler gy,

in ter cede for con se cra ted wo men, al le lu ya.

At Vespers. Kyrie eleyson. . Ant. Allelúya. iiij. . Ps. The Lord said. (./ cix. ) [].

Hec dies. Dicant nunc qui redempti sunt. Grad. II.

H V. His * is the day . . V. Let them now give thanks

whom the Lord hath re deem ed, amd de

1336 The Week of Easter.

liv er ed from the hand of the e

ne my : and ga ther ed them * out of

the lands.

Alleluya. Surgens Jesus. II. A L le lu ya. *

VV.. Je sus our Lord, ris ing up, stood in

the midst of his dis ci ples,

and said, Peace be un to you.

V. The Lord is risen. R. As he said unto you, alleluia. Let the response be made privately.

1337 The Week of Easter.

Videte manus meas. Ant. VIII.i.

B Ehold my hands * and my feet : that it is I my self,

al le lu ya, al le lu ya. Ps. My soul doth magnify. XX *.

Prayer. Rant, we beseech thee, Paschal festival, may ever live in thy GAlmighty God, that we who holiness. Through Jesus Christ thy celebrate the solemnities of the Son our Lord.

At the Procession as above. .

At the Font. Prayer. Rant, we beseech thee, almighty may ever live devoutly in thy praise. GGod : that through these Through Christ. Paschal feasts which we celebrate, we

O the return, of Saint Mary, Ant. I went down. and let it be concluded with Alleluya. thus

thee, al le lu ya.

This Antiphon is found after the Common of Saints.. XX.

1338 The Week of Easter.

Wednesday. Lesser Double Feast. At Matins. Invitatory, Antiphon as on the preceding Monday. . Ps. Help me, Lord. (./ xj.) []. Ps. How long wilt thou forget me. (./ xij.) []. Ps. The fool hath said. (./ xiij.) []. V. The Lord is risen indeed. R. And hath appeared unto Simon, alleluya. Let the response be made privately.

Let the Lessons and Responsories be read and sung as above on Monday. . The Gospel according to John. Final. Joh. xxj. . T that time. did he return to what he had a AJesus shewed bandoned ? But if the power of dis himself again to cretion be considered, it is readily his disciples at the seen : that evidently if the trade ap sea of Tiberias. peared to be without sin before his And that which conversion : it was likewise without followeth. fault to return to it again after his A Homily of Blessed Gregory, Pope. . conversion. For we know that Peter HE lesson from the holy Gospel was a fisherman : but Matthew was a Twhich just now hath been read taxcollector. Now after his conver in your ears, my brethren, knocketh sion Peter returned to fishing : but upon the soul with a question : but Matthew did not sit down again to by its knocking sheweth power of the business of tax collecting. Be discrimination. Indeed it may be cause it is one thing to seek a living asked, why Peter who was a fisherman by fishing : and another to gain riches before his conversion : returned to by taxcollecting. There are many fishing after his conversion. And as trades : that are unable to be prac Truth saith, No man, having put his ticed without sins, either partially or hand to the plough, and looking back, not at all. Those therefore which are is fit for the kingdom of God, why involved with sin : it is necessary that

1339 The Week of Easter. the soul not return to them after mercy upon us. conversion. But thou, O Lord, have

Ecce vicit leo. 1. Resp. VII.

B E hold, * the Li on of the tribe of Ju dah,

the Root of Da vid, hath pre vail ed to open the book, and

to loose the sev en seals there of. †Al le lu ya,

al le lu ya, al le lu ya. VV.. And one

of the el ders saith un to me, Weep not : wor thy is the

Lamb that was slain to re ceive pow er and strength.

†Al le lu ya.

1340 The Week of Easter.

Second Lesson. T may also be asked : why, when mystery of his resurrection to the Ithe disciples were labouring in disciples in actions, saying, Now I ap the sea, after his resurrection the pear not to you in the sea : because I Lord stood on the shore : who before am not with you in the tumult of the his resurrection walked on the waves waves. Hence it is that in another of the sea in the sight of the disciples. place after his resurrection : he saith The reason for which is quickly dis to these same disciples, These are the cerned : if the occasion of each is words which I spake unto you, while I considered. For what doth the sea was yet with you. For it was not that signify but the present world : which he was not with them : to whom his is dashed by the circumstances of the bodily presence appeared. But yet he tumults and surging waves of cor now denied himself to be with them : ruptible life ? What is figured by the from whose mortal bodies the flesh of solidity of the shore, except that per his immortality stood apart. What is petual eternity of rest ? Because professed, he indeed disclosed, that therefore the disciples as yet were he himself was not situated with among the waves of this mortal life : them : this, to be sure shewn by the they laboured in the sea. But because place where his body was, demon our Redeemer had already passed strateth that while they were still at beyond the corruption of the flesh : sea he was already by the shore. But after his resurrection he stood on the thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us. shore. As if he would declare the

Isti sunt agni novelli. 2. Resp. VII. T Hese are * the new lambs which have an nounc

1341 The Week of Easter.

ed, al le lu ya. †They have come e ven now to the

foun tains, they are fil led with bright ness, al le lu ya,

al le lu ya. V.V. Be fore the Lamb, clo thed with

white robes : and palms in their hands. †They have come.

Third Lesson. OW with the disciples there resurrection, however : he ordered N was great difficulty in fishing : the net to be let down on the right so that at the Master's coming great side. In that catch so many were sublimity of admiration might be taken : that the nets were broken. manifest, who at once said, Cast the But in this many were caught, and net on the right side of the ship, and the nets were not broken. Who doth ye shall find. It is read twice in the not know that the good are figured by holy Gospel : that the Lord ordered the right side, and the bad by the left ? that the nets should be let down for Now that catch in which it is not fishing. Before his passion evidently, particularly ordered on which side the and after his resurrection. But before net should be cast, signifieth the our Redeemer should suffer and rise present Church, which gathereth the again, he ordered the net to be let good together with the bad, nor down for fishing indeed : but whether chooseth those which it hauleth : it was to be let down on the right side because it knoweth that it is not able or on the left he did not declare. to choose. But this catch, after the Appearing to the disciples after the resurrection of the Lord, was let 1342 The Week of Easter. down only on the right side : because left side, shall come to see the glory only the Church of the elect, which of his brightness. But thou, O Lord, will have nothing of the works of the have mercy upon us.

R. . When the sabbath was past. And let it be sung by three as above on Easter Day .

At Lauds. At Lauds, as above. . Mittite in dexteram. Ant. VII.ii.

C Ast the net * on the right side of side of the ship :

and ye shall find, al le lu ya. Ps. Blessed be the Lord. XX *.

Let us pray. Prayer. God, who dost gladden us by which we keep, we may merit to Othe yearly solemnity of the come to eternal joys. Through the resurrection of the Lord : mercifully same Jesus Christ. grant that by the temporal festivals

At the Procession as above. .

On the return let it be said of Saint Mary. .

Speciosa facta es. Ant. VI.

T Hou art be come * beau ti ful and sweet in the de 1343 The Week of Easter.

lights of vir gi ni ty, O ho ly Mo ther of God : whom the

daugh ters of Si on see ing, blos som ing forth amidst flow ers

of ros es and li lies of the val ley, have pro claim ed

most bles sed, and whom queens have prais ed, al le lu ya.

At Vespers. Kyrie eleyson. . Ant. Alleluya. iiij. . Ps. The Lord said. (./ cix. ) [.].

Hec dies. Dextera Domini. Grad. II.

V H His * is the day. . V.. The right hand of

the Lord bring eth migh ty things

1344 The Week of Easter.

to pass : the right hand of the

Lord * hath the pre e mi nence.

Alleluya. Surrexit Dominus. 1519:227r; 1531:130v. I.

A L le lu ya. *

VV.. The Lord was ris en, and meet

ing the wo men, he said, All hail !

Then came they near, and

held him by * the feet.

1345 The Week of Easter.

V. The Lord is risen. R. As he said unto you, alleluya. Let the response be made privately.

Hoc jam tertio manifestavit. Ant. III.iv.

T His is now * the third time that Je sus shew ed

him self : af ter he rose from the dead, al le lu ya.

Ps. My soul doth magnify. XX *.

Prayer. Rant, we beseech thee, almighty may both bestow upon us tranquility GGod : that the wonderful in this world, and confer life eternal. sacrament of this Paschal festivity Through Jesus Christ.

At the Procession as above. . At the Font. Prayer. Rant, we beseech thee, almighty longings, may thirst for the fountain GGod : that we who keep the of life, our Lord Jesus Christ thy Paschal feasts, aflame with heavenly Son.. Choir. R. Amen.

On the return, of Saint Mary, let be sung the Antiphon Gracious Mother. XX . as above on Easter Day at Vespers, and let it be concluded with Alleluya.

1346 The Week of Easter.

Thursday. At Matins. At Matins let two Rulers of the Choir sing together the Invitatory . as above in silken Copes at the Quire Step. Let it be likewise on Friday and on Saturday. On this day and the two that follow at Matins on the Psalms let the Antiphon be begun in the Superior Grade and let all the Lessons be read by Clerks of the Superior Grade in Surplices at the Quire Step. Let all the Responsories at Matins be sung by two in Surplices at the Quire Step, in such a way that the first R. and the second are sung in the ij. Form : and the third is sung by two Clerks of the Superior Grade. Ps. Lord, who shall dwell. (./ xiiij.) []. Ps. Preserve me. (./ xv. ) []. Ps. Hear the right, O Lord. (./ xvj.) []. V. The Lord is risen indeed. R. And hath appeared unto Simon, alleluya. Let the response be made privately.

The Gospel according to John, xx. Chap. . T that time. mained cold through sin : afterwards AMary stood burned strongly by loving. For after without at the she came to the tomb, and did not sepulchre weeping. find the body of the Lord there : she And that which believed that it had been taken away, followeth. and reported so to the disciples. A Homily of Blessed Gregory, Pope. . They which were coming saw : and Ary Magdalene, which had they believed it to be as the woman M been a sinner, in the city, had said. And directly it is written of loving the Truth, washeth away the them, The disciples went away again stains of her offenses : and the voice unto their own home. And then is of Truth is fulfilled which saith, Her subjoined, But Mary stood without at sins, which are many, have been the sepulchre weeping. But thou, O dismissed, for she loved much. In Lord, have mercy upon us. deed she who previously had re

R. . Mary Magdalene. Found on the immediately preceding Monday j. .

1347 The Week of Easter.

Lesson ij. T must be pondered, how great a saith, But he that shall endure unto I power of love had been kindled the end, the same shall be saved. in the mind of this woman : who did And in the precept of the law the tail not withdraw from the tomb of the of the victim is appointed to be Lord even when the disciples with offered in sacrifice. Now the tail : is drew. She sought whom she had not the end of the body. And he maketh found, she wept as she sought : and a good offering : which bringeth the being inflamed with the fire of his sacrifice of a good work through to its love, she burned with desire for him due conclusion. Hence Joseph, a whom she believed had been taken mongst the rest of the brethren : is away. Whence it happened that she described as having had a tunic alone saw him : who remained that reaching the ankles. Now a tunic she might seek. For to be sure the reaching the ankles : is a good work power of good works : lieth in per reaching its completion. But thou, O severance. And the voice of Truth Lord, have mercy upon us.

Tulerunt Dominum meum. 2. Resp. VIII. T Hey have ta ken * a way my Lord, and I know

not where they have laid him. The an gel saith un to

not where they have laid him. The an gel saith un to

her. †Weep not, Ma ry, he is ris en as he said : 1348 The Week of Easter.

he go eth be fore you in to Gal li lee, there ye shall

see him, al le lu ya, al le lu ya. VV.. And as she

wept, she stoop ed down, and look ed in to the se pul chre :

and se eth two an gels in white sit ting, and they say

un to her. †Weep not.

Lesson iij. Ary, as she wwpt, stooped came to pass that she found him. M down, and looked into the And this happened because desires sepulchre. To be sure she had increase when delayed : and through already seen the empty tomb : she increase they grasp what they find. had already reported that the Lord And so she who thus loveth, who had been taken away. Why is it that stoopeth down again to the tomb again she stooped down, again she which she had already examined, let wanted to see ? For it sufficeth not us see then the fruit of the search for a lover to have looked once : which redoubleth by the power of because the power of love increaseth love in her. It continueth, She seeth the effort of the search. Thus she two angels in white sitting, the one at sought a first time : and found little. the head, and the other at the feet, She persevered in seeking : whence it where the body of Jesus had lain. 1349 The Week of Easter.

Why is it that two angels were seen in head, when by the apostle John the place of the Lord's body, one proclaimeth : that, In the beginning sitting at the head and another at the was the Word, and the Word was feet, except that in the Latin tongue with God, and the Word was God. messenger is called angel, and that And an angel sitteth as if at the feet, from his passion it was to be when he saith, The Word was made announced that he was God before flesh : and dwelt among us. But the ages and man at the end of the thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us. ages ? An angel sitteth as if at the

R. . When the sabbath was past. as above on Easter Day iij. .

At Lauds. At Lauds as above. . Maria stabat ad monumentum. Ant. VII.i.

M A ry stood * at the se pul chre weep ing : she se eth

two an gels in white sit ting : and the nap kin that had been

a bout his head, al le lu ya. Ps. Blessed be the Lord. XX *.

Prayer. God, who hast united divers baptism may be one in faith of mind Onations in the confession of thy and in piety of action. Through Jesus name : grant that those who have Christ. been born again in the font of

At the Procession as above . but without the V. Let the Jews. 1350 The Week of Easter.

On the return, of Saint Mary, let the Antiphon Queen of the heavens. be sung XX . as above on Monday.

At Vespers. Kyrie eleyson. . Ant. Alleluya. iiij. . Ps. The Lord said. (./ cix. ) [].

Hec dies. Lapidem quem. Grad. II.

T His * is the day. . VV.. The same stone which

the buil ders re fus ed : is be come

the head stone in the cor

ner, this is the Lord's do ing : and it

is mar vel lous in our eyes.

1351 The Week of Easter.

Alleluya. In die resurrectionis. VII.

A L le lu ya. * VV.. On

the day of my re sur rec tion, saith the Lord : I

will go be fore you * in to Ga li lee.

V. The Lord is risen. R. As he said unto you, alleluya. Let the response be made privately.

Tulerunt Dominum meum. Ant. VII.i.

T Hey have tak en * a way my Lord, and I know not

where they have laid him : if thou have borne him hence, tell

me, al le lu ya : and I will take him away, al le lu ya. 1352 The Week of Easter.

Ps. My soul doth magnify. XX *.

Prayer. God, who hast granted us freer to fear what dost anger thee, and to O souls wherewith to celebrate love what thou dost enjoin. Through the Paschal sacrament : teach us both Jesus Christ thy Son.

To be sure, let the first Let us bless the Lord. be sung by two Clerks of the ij. Form at the Quire Step : however let the second be sung by two boys.

At the Procession as above. . At the Font. Prayer. Rant, we beseech thee, almighty members, and in ever new fruitfulness. GGod: that thy church may Through Christ. rejoice both in the firmness of her

On the return, of Saint Mary, let the Antiphon My soul melted. be sung XX. and let it be concluded with Alleluya.

1353 The Week of Easter.

Friday. At Matins. Invitatory and Antiphon as on the preceding Thursday. . Ps. The heavens declare. (./ xviij.) []. Ps . The Lord hear thee. (./ xix. ) []. Ps. The King shall rejoice. (./ xx. ) []. V. The Lord is risen indeed. R. And hath appeared unto Simon, alleluya. Let the response be made privately.

Lesson from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew, final. xxviij. . T that time. greater length : we shall learn the A The eleven more pleasing fruit of the spiritual disciples went meaning contained within the literal away into Galilee, sense. The word of God is indeed unto a mountain like the behaviour of spices, which where Jesus had the more finely examined, as if appointed them. rubbed and ground : the greater the And when they saw him, they inner sweetness of the fragrance it worshipped him. And that which rendereth. For it is plain and sweet followeth. to be heard by the devout, that the A Homily of the Venerable Bede, Priest. disciples went away into Galilee, into iv. Second Book . a mountain where Jesus had ap HE Gospel reading, dearly pointed them. And when they saw T beloved brethren, which we him, they worshipped him. But it is have just heard, and according to the not lacking in mystery : that after the account, gleameth full of joy : because resurrection the Lord appeared to the it describeth in plain language the disciples, whether in Galilee or on a triumph of our Redeemer and at the mountain. But thou, O Lord, have same time the gifts of our redemption. mercy upon us. And if we prefer to treat this at

R. . With great power. This R. is found in the immediately preceding Tuesday j. . 1354 The Week of Easter.

Lesson ij. Hus the Lord appeared on a irrelevant to often repeat by word : Tmountain : that he might indi what it is necessary always to keep in cate that the body, which he had mind. Galilee of course means : a taken on at birth from the earth crossing over made, or a revelation. common to the human race : rising And the interpretation of either again, now raised above all earthy name : leads to a single end. Ac things, he had clothed with heavenly cordingly we read above : the angel power. He appeared on the moun said to the women, Go, tell his tain : that he might admonish the disciples that he is risen : and, behold, faithful that if they desired to see the he goeth before you into Galilee ; height of his resurrection : they there shall ye see him. And now with should strive to pass over from the the Evangelist recounting we know basest cravings to heavenly desires. that the disciples went away into To be sure the name Galilee, which Galilee : and when they saw him, they containeth the saving mystery : is very worshipped him. But thou, O Lord, well known from the abundant ex have mercy upon us. positions of the fathers. But it is not

Expurgate vetus fermentum. 2. Resp. VI. P Urge out * the old lea ven, that ye may be

a new lump : for Christ our Pas so ver is sa cri

fic ed. There fore let us keep the feast in the Lord,

1355 The Week of Easter.

al le lu ya. VV.. Not with the lea ven of

ma lice and wick ed ness : but with the un leav en ed bread

of sin ce ri ty and truth. †There fore.

Third Lesson. Hat is it, therefore, that Jesus footsteps with unfeigned faith. And Wpreceedeth the disciples into when they saw him, it saith, they Galilee that he may be seen by them : worshipped him : but some doubted. they follow, and seeing him they Now seeing him they knew the Lord, worship : except that Christ is risen and because they had learned this one from the dead, and become the to be God : lowering their faces to firstfruits of them that slept, for they the ground they worshipped. But in which are Christ's follow him, and their minds there was a doubt not to they themselves in their turn pass be disregarded : for they believed that over to life from death. And seeing they saw not the revived body in him there they worship : whom they which he suffered, but only the spirit contemplate in the form of his which he surrendered when his divinity and praise without end ? To passion was finished. Hence the which vision that agreeth : in that gracious Master forthwith both Galilee is also interpreted revelation. strengthened in faith those which Then indeed we, with open face (as already believed : and those which as the Apostle attesteth) beholding the yet doubted, he summoned to the glory of the Lord, are changed into grace of faith : of course making the same image : all we which entirely known to all how much greatness of reveal our way to him, and follow his glory the humanity he had taken on

1356 The Week of Easter. for men, given to death and rising less, lower than the angels : and in again, had reached. All power is which rising from the dead, was given unto me (he saith) in heaven crowned with glory and honour, and and in earth. For here he spake not wast set over the works of the hands of the divinity coeternal with the of the Father, with all things brought Father, but of the humanity he had into subjection under his feet. But assumed, who by taking up was made thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us.

R. . When the sabbath was past. as above on Easter Day iij. .

At Lauds. At Lauds as above. . Undecim discipuli. Ant. VII.ii.

T HE e lev en * dis ci ples in Ga li lee see ing the

Lord wor ship ped, al le lu ya. Ps. Blessed be the Lord. XX *.

Prayer. almighty and everlasting God, that what we celebrate by profession O who hast bestowed on us the with our minds, we may imitate with Paschal sacrament in the covenant of deeds. Through Jesus Christ. the reconciliation of mankind : grant

At the Procession as above, but without the Verse. . On the return, of Saint Mary, let the Antiphon O blessed Mary. be sung XX. Let it be concluded with Alleluya.

This day before the let the Sepulchre be put away.

1357 The Week of Easter.

At Vespers. Kyrie eleyson. . Ant. Alleluya. iiij. . Ps. The Lord said. (./ cix. ) [].

Hec dies. Benedictus qui venit. Grad. II.

T V His * is the day. . V.. Bles sed is he that com

eth in the name of

the Lord : God is the Lord who

hath shew ed us light.

Alleluya. Dicite ingentibus. VIII. A L le lu ya. *

VV.. Tell it out among the hea then, that the Lord

1358 The Week of Easter.

hath reign ed * from a tree.

V. The Lord is risen. R. As he said unto you, alleluya. Let the response be made privately.

Data est michi. Ant. VIII.i.

A LL pow er * is giv en un to me in heav en and

in earth, al le lu ya. Ps. My soul doth magnify. XX *.

Prayer. God, through whom unto us reborn in Christ may be granted O both redemption cometh and eternal inheritance and true liberty. adoption is made good : look upon Through the same Jesus Christ. the works of thy mercy, that those

At the Procession as above. . At the Font. Prayer. E present, we beseech thee, O whom thou hast conferred the grace BLord, to thy family and of faith, thou may also grant the graciously bestow : that to those upon eternal crown. Through our Lord.

On the return, of Saint Mary, let the Antiphon I went down. be sung XX. and let it be concluded with Alleluya.

1359 The Week of Easter.

White Saturday. At Matins. Invitatory, Antiphon as on the preceding Thursday. . Ps. The Lord is my shepherd. (./ xxij.) []. Ps. The earth is the Lord's. (./ xxiij.) []. Ps. Be thou my Judge, O Lord. (./ xxv. ) []. V. The Lord is risen indeed. R. And hath appeared unto Simon, alleluya. Let the response be made privately.

The Gospel According to John, xx. . T that time. Magdalene when it was yet dark : AThe first day of came to the tomb. According to the the week cometh account the hour is recorded : but Mary Magdalene according to the mystical meaning we early, when it was must seek. Now Mary was searching yet dark, unto the for the Creator of all things whom sepulchre, and she had seen in the flesh : dead in the seeth the stone taken away from the tomb. And because she found no sepulchre. And that which followeth. trace of him : she believed him to A Homily of Blessed Gregory, Pope. . have been taken away. Thus it was He lesson from the holy Gospel still dark : when she came to the Twhich ye have just heard, tomb. She ran quickly : she reported brethren, is quite clear on the to the disciples. But those ran more historical surface : but we must briefly swiftly which had loved more than inquire into its mysteries. Mary the others, of course Peter and John.

R. . Behold, the Lion. This R. is found on the nearest preceding Wednesday. .

Lesson ij. Ow the two ran together : but enter. Then Peter came after : and N John ran ahead more swiftly he went in. What, brethren, what than Peter. John came first to the doth this running signify ? Can it be tomb : but he did not presume to that the description of this so subtle

1360 The Week of Easter.

Evangelist is be believed to be empty younger, however the Church by the of mysteries ? Not at all. Nor indeed elder. For although for the worship would John have said that he went of God the Synagogue was earlier before and did not enter : had he than the Church of the Gentiles : yet believed that a mystery was lacking in in the reckoning of the world the his trepidation. What therefore is multitude of Gentiles was earlier than signified by John except the Syna the Synagogue, Paul attesting who gogue, what by Peter except the saith, Because that was not first Church ? Nor is it to be wondered at which is spiritual, but that which is if it is seen : that the Synagogue is natural. But thou, O Lord, have regarded as represented by the mercy upon us.

De ore prudentis. 2. Resp. VII.

F Rom the mouth * of the wise pro ceed eth ho ney,

al le lu ya, as the sweet nes of hon ey is his

tongue, al le lu ya. †His lips as as a hon ey comb,

al le lu ya, al le lu ya. VV.. Wis dom rest eth in

his heart : and pru dence in the words of his mouth.

1361 The Week of Easter.

†His lips.

Third Lesson. He Church of the Gentiles the sacraments of Scripture and yet Ttherefore is signified by the put off entering by believing in the elder, Peter : and by John, the Lord's. Of whom long since and at younger, the Synagogue of the Jews. length she had prophesied : she saw They both ran together, because from him present, and refused to accept the rising of their time unto the . A man to be despised : she going down, the Gentiles ran along a refused to believe God had become route equal and in common with the mortal flesh. What is it then except Synagogue, albeit not equal and in that he ran more quickly : and yet common in understanding. The Sy stood still before the empty tomb ? nagogue came first to the tomb, but Therefore Simon Peter came follow did not enter : because although she ing him : and entered into the tomb. received the commandments of the Because the Church of the Gentiles law, and heard the prophecies of the followed after : the mediator between incarnation and passion of the Lord, God and men, the man Jesus Christ, yet she was unwilling to believe in and she knew that he was dead in the him who had died. John indeed saw flesh, and yet believed him to be alive the linen cloths that were laid out, in God. But thou, O Lord, have but yet he did not enter : because mercy upon us. evidently the Synagogue recognized

R. . When the sabbath was past. iij. as above on Easter Day. .

At Lauds. At Lauds as above. .

1362 The Week of Easter.

Currebant duo simul. Ant. I.i.

T Hey ran both to geth er : * and the other dis ci

ple did out run Pe ter : and came first to the se pul chre,

al le lu ya. Ps. Blessed be the Lord. XX *.

Let us pray. Prayer. Rrant, we beseech thee, Paschal Feast : may through it be Galmighty God : that we who found worthy to arrive at eternal joys. have with reverence celebrated the Through Jesus Christ.

Procession as above, but without the Verse. . On the return, of Saint Mary, let the Antiphon Thou art become beautiful. be sung XX . and let it be concluded with Alleluya.

On this day let not the be sung at the Hours, but in its place let be sung by the whole Choir, the beginning, without repetition. Alleluya. Hec dies. VIII. A L le lu ya. * VV.. This

1363 The Week of Easter.

is the day which the Lord hath made : we will

re joice and be glad * in it.

And let it be sung without the Neuma at the end of the V. and then let Alleluya. be repeated likewise without the Neuma.