About Eleni Kounalakis

Eleni Kounalakis is a businesswoman, Democratic Party activist, a wife and the mother of two teenage sons, and the former U.S. Ambassador to Hungary under President . Eleni was raised the proud daughter of an immigrant father who started out as a farmworker, and she believes in the values of hard work, education and political activism.

Now, more than ever, California must set the best possible example of success for the entire country. As Lieutenant Governor, Eleni will work to expand our economy, grow the number of good-paying jobs, build more affordable homes, fight for universal healthcare and affordable higher education.

Eleni will:

• Strengthen our economy and create good-paying jobs • Protect immigrants and their families • Combat climate change and stand up to Big Oil • Make higher education affordable and invest in career technical education • Expand broadband internet throughout the state • Fight for gender and racial equality • Change the culture in Sacramento to stop sexual harassment and ensure issues affecting women are atop the state’s agenda


California Federation of Teachers, Equality California, EMILY’s List, NARAL Pro-Choice California, California - National Organization for Women, California Medical Association, Northern California Carpenters Regional Council, BOE member , Congresswoman , Congresswoman Doris Matsui, Congressman , Congressman , Congresswoman , Congressman Jerry McNerney, grassroots organizations and community leaders throughout the state, and so many more!

“Ambassador Eleni Kounalakis has dedicated her life to the fight for California values. She is a powerful advocate for immigrants, economic innovation and job creation, and providing all with access to quality and affordable health care. Eleni has the vision and conviction necessary to boldly and wisely lead California into the future. I am proud to support Eleni for Lt. Governor.”

- U.S. Senator


Join Eleni Kounalakis’s campaign EleniforCA.com for Lt. Governor today! Facebook.com/EleniforCA @EleniforCA

www.EleniforCA.com [email protected] Computer generated and printed by fired up volunteers! || Paid for by Eleni Kounalakis for Lt. Governor 2018