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Spring 4-1939 The Lantern (April 1939) The Lesley School

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Dramatic Club !:ntertaina With CAMPUS PRIVATE SENIOR PROM PLANS Playa ~' ' .. . ' 'Here we ,are "on the verge of Time - the evening of -May Sth The Lesley School Dramatic Club, Spring va~ation .. ; . everyone is look­ from 9 to 1. under the able direction o{ Mrs. ing forward to seeing old friends arid Place - Br~eburn Country Club Alma Baker Koger, presei1ted three familiar places .. : most .of the girls ill West Newton. one act plays on March ~~ at three are gc-ing home but a few ·are va­ Chairman - Anna Olsen. · , o'clock in the Industrial ltoom. Th cationing with friends . : : Crozzie is Committee Ruth Rappaport, 1•' ' first play was "The Perfect Marriage" 'spending lre·r vacation in Maine witli Eileen Daly, Helen Sharry, Doro- thy Coffin and Agnes · Hauck. with Gladys Elfenbeiri 'and Helaine someone who. rates . . . . . Sossen. The second, ''Behind Lace Zoe spend a very enjoyable week- . r Curtains", had in its cast Christine end in Norwich, Connecticut- tell us Boston's Flower Show .. Balch, Irene iShulkin, Edith Oster about that extr~ train rid~ you h"nery ·Supplies ··1 .. ), . After the performance, congratula­ ;. ~ tions were in order. Mrs. Koger wa·s "AT. < presented with orchids by me~ber ~ BENCE'S of the cast. PAGE · 2 THE '{' .., APRIL

. ; . .. CAMPUS PRIVATE . · .,,, \"'· _' STAFF . . LnntmuecJ trom t-'a2c 1) The'· Lanterl1 . is published monthly by students of Lucky her! ...· the fortune teller at The. Lesley School tbe Bazaar put new life in t.he gir,, . 29 Everett St. . ~i . . Cambridge, Mass; ;~t ·49, We hope ·all she told us w .. . C0-£'0 ITO'RS c .:m~ true . .. it's a.· shame that Jane FRANCES . HEIN RICI{ · · :" N'ONN.JE JOHN.STON ·' I DuBon is walking around with ~uch .a ASSOCIATE EDITORS · . I s:1d face-what's wrong, Janie? ... HELAINE SOSSE)J' . GLADYS ErL•FiEu'\lBEIN for a sweet finish, we ask you to ge• RUTH LO.FTU.S MARJORIE ]'ACOBS lfarion Hutton to tell you the cute LYNETTE BIXBY BARBA:RA BROWN' 1 story about the little cdored lassie: M.<\R']ORIE GREEN BARBARA PERRY THELMA CROSSM.<\N RUTH TAYLOR FLOWER SHOW To Joko up, learn more, strive. to (Continued "from Pa~e 1) rise ahvays-Pasteur. Editori~l Point of View :\..f onastery garde1i. From the charm of the Old Have you any S<:hool sp=rit? From the lowest depths there ;s From various definitions of the ' \Vorld we wetit to woodland . scenes a path to the loftiest height.- of · America. • There was an old .word spirit, the most appropriate Carlyle. American homestead, gone to de­ one is ''.attitude of mind." cav ~nd with its pictur.esque wall ' Individual:· attitudes are very im­ s~eep . hidden hy hushes. Near this portant for many indiv'duals con­ was a rolling woodland scene which stitute a group, and individuals in­ had a brook winding among the fluence each other, so never think . trees. A little. farther on. we came that your attitude or opinion, does­ on an open fireplace out in front n't count. If vour attitude toward of it-a perfect spot. for a picn 'c school .is "I c;re about my school in one's own backyard. anrL I will do whatever I can for On the third floor there were it," and you do--you w ill discover · terrariums, a sailbot in a glass case, . that you a re having a perfectly made of gardenias, and the carna­ grand time. ,Why? :Because yo1." tion and rose rooms.' In the car­ attitude is one of building up anr! ll:!tion room, there were tables set others .will find it fun ~lso. \Vhat is . up for weddings,· baby showers ·and ti1e result? Real school spirit ! ! other occasions. " If your attitude proves to be like We left with a feeli111r of an af­ this, "I don't c'are . about schoo_I be­ ·ternoon well spent in tli e contem- • cause my att'tude or opinion does­ plat'on of lieauty. n't count"-and you sit back and believe it, influencing others at the What we truly and ear;1estly a­ same time, the result is lack of spire to be, that in some sense we schocit' spirit! School (becomes a are. The mere aspiration, by l:trudgery. Why? Because your at­ changing' the · fraiyie of the mind, titude ls one of tearing down. for the moment realizes itself.- Your school is what you as an Anna Jameson. indiv'dual make it. -:-Myrtle Peirce, '39.

1 . Whei1 we wait patiently on God and seek Truth righteously. He di­ OAKES HATS rects our path-Mary Baker Eddy. T was black lace this winter. It's .I to be white lace from now on --0- ARE FLATTERING AND forecast the fashion experts of DISTINCTIVE AT HallfJer's Bazaar. This . evening Every. inmost aspiration 1s God's gown pictured in the ::::- .;,!;:!~::;fy angel undefiled; ATTRACTIVE PRICES issue molds the figure gently and ALSO LINGERIE, HOSIERY, HANKIES is ma'de with a V -neckline and tin:ir And in every ..0 my Father!" GREETING CARDS sleeves • · slumbers deep a "Here my child!" -James Freeman Clarke. 1670 MASS. AVE~ IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE God · has never... **. ceased to be the EST. 1911 IN THE LANTERN one true aim of all right human as- 1)irat 'ons.- .Yinct. ~· . ' 1939 APRIL . t 939 . · · ·'·"tC.ESLEY: SCHOOL PAGE . . 3

AhGtf~ttt · ~OBICHEAU _AS YOU LIKE IT Proximity .-"'. .~ , . I, -0-- met him today, on the street...:. _ PRESENTS "EVANGEUNE" Pcrhaps the old adage "If a t fir~t The poet that was-the clerk o:· , Mass. you don't succeed, etc" really works - today; . ;!. we feel that it does-" Why?'' y:.:u And we stopped a .moment, '. :.sTON ft.PR. IS AT JORDAN HALL q::

Yankee thrift and foresight re­ s God's ceive full credit for the Bay The Commander Hotel State's relatively low proportion- of ather !" CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS farmer bankruptcies according to my Ellsworth W . Bell , Massachusetts State Coll ege agricultural e~onom­ Clarke. . Complete F a~ilities for Social ist. Only 5 per cent of all bank­ \ ruptcies in the state during 1938 be the \\'ere farm failures. In other states, Functions Meetings, Conventions etc man as.- form bankrnptciPs ~;in as high as .l~ per cent of the total failures. .. ..·,;:: THE

HERE AND THERE her puppet ,troupe. · ~Yl!ett'e Bixby,' , .· AS YOU LIKE --0-0-- aided by Priscilla Emersod and Mrs. Reed spoke on Lesley at Olive Pinchbeck,. presented '':Sleep­ • J the Marblehead Women's Club ing Beauty." The girls were ad vis ­ B ~ · rb~ra and .Shirley A Ikon, the 0;1i'y. · Parent-Teachers' meeting recently. ed by Mrs. Hewitt and Mrs. Green. set: .: of . twins the Lesley School can .' . Miss VJ"lson and Miss Feeley are Music for the Freshman Dance I)oast of, were seen fl0ating aroUt:c. · spending the Easter Vacation in was furn 'shed by Roy Sossen's Or­ in .entra11ring gowns at the North­ Bermuda. They wiJi · stop at the chestra. Roy, by the w;y; is none eastern P.rom ... not to be outdont World's Fair in e· other than the brother of our own by the Freshmen, the Senior class sent route to sunny Bermuda. We'll be Helaine Sossen. Billie Manning as their representative, waiting to hear all about the trip · There are plans for an M. I. T. as usual-happy in the arms of Bumpy after vac:ation. concert the first of May. The Les­ ... the Juniors have not been home ).Ir. Shaw has been very ill and ley Glee Club will join Tech boys twiddling their thumbs. They have was in the Stillman Infirmary for in a concert. Dancing will fol!ow been represented at the Junior Philo­ oyer two weeks. We hope to sec the singi1~g. manthia dance by Lucille Mosely and him hack after vacat'on. Frank Jason of the Boston Sun­ 1Sheila Mag lone . · . . Myrtl'e Peir~e, The •Fanny Farmer Cooking day Post wrote an article telling of our fickle miss, has transferred alle­ ~chool will give a tea to Lesley the "Knotty Problems Solved" by giance from Lawrence to Clarence­ h1struct!ilrs on April 21st. the Lesley Domestic Scie1ice girls. merely a change in the first syllables March 24th a Fashion Show was The art'cle was illustrated with _:and how ' we are looking forward hid in · the Assembly Hall .begin- shots of Marjorie Jacobs, Rita Mc­ to meeting this talented organist . . . . n'ng at .eight o'clock. The Fashion Conologue ..anq Marion Macomber ~ · '-ow was· sponsored by the Lesley as they performed Practice House Ritz Zeits has proved that she is not '. _A,Jumnae Association and the dor­ tasks. to be classified as an old married m;tory ·i(rls served as models. Barhara Harnden and . Barbara lady by taking in the Harvard Law (r;i.nce5 at 10 cents each were a­ McMil:an have been the lucky re­ ·School Dance with her handsome hus­ Y:ti !ahle for ·a $12 dress. The dress cipients of Florida fruit box~s. Dot · band ... what's this we :hear of Janet was won by one cif the Alumnae Grube_' s parents were in Florida as Rutherford's reunion with Dwight­ Association members. . The show well as Barb Harnden's folks. Dor­ and Irene Shulkin's reunion with proved to · be a highly successful is Treadwell's mother ·also spent Morey? not to forget Edith Isidor event en.ioyed by many ·of the un­ some time in Florida tli' s winter. who . is reunited with Sydney and was de.rgraduates. Gowns were from "EB" Fraser returned to '49 after s_een watChing Richard , Himber's or­ the Clara Mitchell Shop in _Water­ a month's stay in Florida. She has chestra with that very gentleman. t0wn. Spring fashions were shown, returned to Nova Scotia and we Is it spring in the air? we find al~ including smart suits. afternoon certainly are goin'g to ~iss her at the symptoms of it at school and yt frocks, coats, hats and evening '49. we. go .outside into the blinding fury P'rwns. Models included: Patric'a · We notice that Pat Emerson and of th-ise tremendous snowstorms-the. Wallace. Betty Shepard, Dorothy Betty Hawkins have attentive beau,.ful spring suits and hats model­ Mitchell. Marion Hutton, Dorothy friends at near-by Law School. ed at our fashion show plus the i>oetry Coffin. Virginia Carter, Mary King, The recent heavy snowfall pro­ writing going on in the locker room Marion Macomber, Thelma Cross­ vided ·winter s·ports fans at· Lesley are sure signs of it-also our ·dea man and Dorotny Grube. Ward­ w th· plenty of winter fun. Snow­ friends are returning from points robe ' mistresses ineluded: Barbara men and snow forts' appeared and north, south, east and west ... . Mara­ McMillan, Olive Pinchbeck, Elean­ sno·w-bail battle's ensued. lice· Stratton's "Dickie Boy" is home, or Ives and Lynette Bixby. It's good to see Jane DuBon hack as is Mildred Wolger's Louis, Eileen Wednesday afternoon, March 22, at '49. Jean Spaulding and ·Judith O'Leary's "Danny Boy," Ruth Rob­ at 3 o'clock, a Bazaar was held in Ashby have also undergone an­ inson's Jack and Eileen Daly's Paul the gaily decorated Barn, to aid pendectomies. Both are well on the the .Year Book Fund. No""'ties. way ·to recovery now. ... but what .of Ronald-that's what popcorn and candy were sold. /\. Marion Hutton saw . Katherine we are still wondering-if. anyone fortune teller from the Gyp~y Tea Hepburn in "Philadelphia Story" at has seen him or can: even give us :­ .c!ue, we will get to work once again . .Room in Boston arrived later ·in the Colonial Theatre. Too bad Wal~ the afternoon. . We would like to ter had to return to Pennsylvania . Adeline Brewitt wilt probably re­ have the fortune teller come again· so soon, Marion. ceive very ·high grades this semester for .all of those who missed her this Adeline Brewitt attended the -she spent so much time at the Bost0·· time. opera. "Aida" with · her parents Public Library - and who wouldn't On March 9, two Puppet Shows Mar. 22. A MAN IN THE HOUSE­ if . .. were given in the Industrial Room Curt visits Barb Harnden during That was S:plendid support the bv members of the J uriior ·Oass. her recent illness. Henry Strecker Yearbook received from those who at­ Althea · Harr's, aided by J.eannette snent a wef'kend with his sister tended the Bazaar-about twenty dol­ Pederson and June Phillips. pre- li tre recl"ntly. lars profit was ~ade. scnted "The Real Princess," w'.th . By Helaine Sossen