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PDF (V. 96:30, June 9, 1995) .L V JV'5f/V& "Doh, is human; BeezZebub. to punish, The Calif-orniJ Cool!" divine. " Volume XCVI, Number 30 Pasadena, California Friday,June 9,1995 Class Election Results Mark Wri hton to peak junior Class President: Gina Serraiocco junior Class Secretary/treasurer. Dave Bacon Senior Class President: Adil Karim at 101st Commencement Senior Class Secretary/Treasurer. Alison Slemp from Caltech Public Relations Wrighton will deliver an ad­ Wrighton joined the faculty at dress titled "20th-Century Edu­ MIT as an assistant professor of Protests must be given in writing to either ASCIT Presi­ PASADENA-Twenty-three cation, 21st-Century Achieve­ chemistry. He served as associ­ dent Jon McDunn (caribou@cco), Chairman of the years after receiving his own ment," and then the studentswill ate professor for one year, and ExComm David Cuthbert (dacut@cco), or the Election Caltech diploma, alumnus Mark receive their degrees. Dean of in 1977 he became a full profes­ Chairman Carrie Griffin (carrie@ugcs). Wrighton, now the provost at Students Rod Kiewiet will confer sor. Four years later, he was MIT and soon-to-be chancellor 214 bachelor ofscience degrees, named the Frederick G. Keyes of Washington University in St. Vice President for Student Af­ Professor and, at the age of 32, Louis, will return to campus for fairs Gary Lorden will award 103 became the youngest person Contract Deadline is June 9, 1995 this year's graduation exercises, master ofscience degrees, Dean ever at MIT to be appointed to a The deadline for submitting or canceling the this time to deliver the com­ ofGraduate StudiesArden Albee named chair. Wrighton served as mencement address. Caltech will will bestow engineer's degrees, head of the chemistry depart­ Housing Contract for the summer and the fall is Fri­ award nearly 500 academic de­ and 165 doctoral candidateswill ment from 1987 until 1990, day, June 9. Contracts are available at the Housing grees at this year's ceremony, the receive their PhDs from the when he was named provost. Office. Students can cancel their contracts by send­ Institute's lOlst, which will begin chairs of their respective divi­ The author of more than ing mail to biff@cco. at 10a.m. Friday,June 16, on the sions. 400 articles and the holder of14 If you have any questions, please contact the Beckman Mall, directly south of Wrighton, who received patents, Wrighton conducts re­ Caltech's Beckman Auditorium. Caltech's Distinguished Alumni search that uses chemical pro­ Housing Office at x6176. Composer Les Deutsch, a Award in 1992, is the Ciba-Geigy cesses to mimic photosynthesis. Caltech alumnus andJPL scien­ Professor of Chemistry at MIT, Recently, he has been investigat­ tist, will start things off with an in addition to being provost. ing molecular electronics and organ prelude, just as he has for During his tenure as provost at their use in sensor devices. Conducting Class the past 15 years, and Convoca­ MIT, Wrighton has addressed is­ Active in public and profes­ Are you interested in taking a conducting class next tions Committee ChairJ. Morgan sues such as lengthening some sional affairs, Wrighton has been year? Both Don Caldwell and Bill Bing have expressed Kousser will lead the procession undergraduate engineering de­ elected a fellow in both the interest in teaching a 9-unit humanities class that of faculty, trustees, administra­ gree programs to five years, ex­ American Academy ofArts and tors, and graduating students amining the role ofenvironmen­ Sciences and the American As­ would include music styles, orchestration, conduct­ into the Mall. tal studies in serving the larger sociation for the Advancement ing theory, and baton technique. A 3-unit performing Processional music will be pro­ needs ofhumanity, reevaluating of Science. He has received a arts class is also a possibility. We need the names of vided by the Caltech Convoca­ the academic computing envi­ Sloan Fellowship, a Dreyfus people who might take the class to help convince tions Brass and Percussion En­ ronment, and assessing the im­ Teacher-Scholar Award, and a Caltech to offer it. If you are interested, please con­ semble, conducted by Bill Bing. pactofinternational educational MacArthur Fellowship. The Caltech Glee Clubs, con­ institutions on science education Wrighton has also received two tact jonal@cco, Caltech MSC 146, or extension x1635 ducted by Don Caldwell, will sing and research as a whole. awards for excellence in teach­ with your name, level of interest, and suggestions. a final celebratory "Hallelujah After receiving his PhD in ing from MIT. Chorus" from Handel's Messiah. chemistry at Caltech in 1972, He will assume the post of We didn't get enough submissions to make the Ditch Day pull-out we've been talking about, but here's what Alumni Association Selects Recipients we did get! Thanks to those of you who contributed! of the 1995 Honorary Alumni Award from Caltech Public Relations Smith was born in Long Beach viduals who have given signifi­ and began his newspaperwork in cant service to the Alumni Asso­ PASADENA-Caltech staff the late 1930s as a sports reporter ciation and who support the pur­ member Bill Schaefer and Los for the Bakersfield Californian. poses for which the Association Angeles Times newspaper col­ In subseqtlent years he worked was established: to contribute to umnist Jack Smith have been for several papers including the the educational and cultural en­ selected to receive the Caltech Honolulu Advertiser, the Sacra­ vironment at the California In­ Alumni Associations 1995 Hon­ mento Union, the San Diego stitute of Technology; to orary Alumni Awards. The Journal, and the Los Angeles strengthen ties and contacts be­ awards were presented at the Daily News. Smithjoined the Los tween the Institute and alumni; Honorary Alumni Dinner and Angeles Times in 1953 as a re­ to encourage fellowship among Annual Meeting at the Ath­ porter and writer. His other ac­ Association members as fellow enaeum onJune 8,1995. complishments include several alumni ofthe Institute with com­ Bill Schaefer retired from books and four honorary de­ mon interests; to promote mu­ Caltech this year after 35 years grees. In 1991 he was awarded tually beneficial contacts be­ Some Rudds got a taste ofmotherhood while trying to solve the Riddler Stack. of service during which he the Greater Los Angeles Press tween students and alumni of taught freshman chemistry, ana­ Clubs highest honor, theJoseph the Institute; and to support stu­ Techers Sweep Gotham lytical chemistry, and X-ray dif­ M. Q':linn Memorial Award. dent activities aimed at diversi­ by Mike Zeineh, Vikas Nanda, find their respective hideouts. fraction; servedas assistant direc­ The Honorary Alumni fying the educational experi­ Mike Kim and Pat Yue Upon finding theirs in the wind tor of admissions, director of Award is given annually to indi- ence available at the Institute. tunnel under Braun, the Batman financial aid, and registrar; GOTHAM CITY- May 1995­ stackers encountered a manne­ worked on research in structural Four biolog~sts develop a deadly quin dressed as Batman with a chemistry and archaeological pathogen which is to be spread clue taped to its chest. After the chemistry; and led two travel! throughout Gotham via fast food stackers retrieved the clue, the study programs (Equador and outlets.Just prior to the comple­ "mannequin" suddenly ani­ Guatemala), with a third In This Issue: tion of their research, the four mated itself, dashed down the planned for the Yucatan in Feb­ ruary 1996. scientists are mysteriously killed tunnel, and in the process scared LETTER TO THE EDITORS 2 and all samples of the pathogen the living daylights out of the Throughout jack Smith's long career as a features writer IHC MINUTES 2 disappear. The Riddler blames stackers (Thanks to Aron ASCIT MINUTES 3 Batman and Batman blames the Rempel for a spectacular acting for the Los Angeles Times, he has written knowledgeably and YNEWS 5 Riddler. However, the true cuI" job). The Riddler stackers dis­ DITCH DAY 5-7 prit, unknown to both stacks, lies covered theit hideout in the glowingly about Caltech. He has covered a wide range ofCaltech DILBERT® 6 in the background, patiently room underneath the tunnels ANNOUNCEMENTS 8 waiting for his chance to destroy near Robinson and Arms. To stories, from student pranks to both of them. Thus the stage is enter their hideout they had to more serious topics such as the set for the two stacks. possibilities of time travel. A The two stacks had to first SEE DITCH DAY PAGE 5 Southern California native, 2 June 9,1995 The California Tech Letter to the Editor ~I IHC Minutes: 6/6/95 Present: Tom, Laura, Brian, with some random job here. We. Nestor, Vogel, Alison, Art, Bill, will be discussing things such as Dear California Tech: ing ground as best you could. I do not pet them, so royally are they treated. Adil and DAC Avery and Ro*'****n Stuff. I am writing in response to the feel you made an acceptable effort to do In fact, I felt quite honored to board Cable will go into all Caltech shock I experienced this afternoonwhen this and I am very disappointed. I hope two ofthem over the winter holiday. DAC (David Cuthbert) housing, including but not lim­ I went to vote in the senior class elec­ you realize that an apology. in some cir­ Caltech lias been very supportive of needs to form an election pro­ ited to: The undergrad houses, tions and found that there was no set of cumstances is not sufficient. Tonight you the students having these pets; it senior class statements, including the one will all go home and forget about me and would be much easier for them to test committee to handle pro­ 150, 270, 280, 290, the Quads, that was omitted in last Friday's edition my statement, but I will have to live with ban them from the campus than to tests, bylaw problems, small na­ the Cats, Marks-Braun, Mj, and of the Tech.
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