District Statistical Hand Book 2018-2019

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District Statistical Hand Book 2018-2019 DISTRICT STATISTICAL HAND BOOK 2018-19 VILLUPURAM DISTRICT DISTRICT STATISTICAL OFFICE Department of Economics and Statistics Villupuram District 11/9/2019 3/3 “ THTHEREERE CANNOT BE A GOOD PLAN FOR ECONOMIC PROGRESS WITH OUT ADEQUATE DATA AND THERE CANNOT BE ADEQUATE DATA WITH OUT A GOOD PLAN FOR COLLECTING THEM ““““ Dr.P.C.MAHALANOBIS DISTRICT STATISTICAL HAND BOOK 2018-2019 PREFACE There is an encouraging demand for Block level and District level Statistics for formulating suitable policies by the Government and for planning purpose at micro level. Maintenance of District level information is assuming importance in the context of planning. An encouraging shift is being made through the introduction of Block level planning to decentralize the planning process. It is to be made obligatory that all the Government agencies operating at Block / District level should spare a copy of the periodical reports to the District Statistical Unit. In the long run these units become a purveyor of information generated in these areas. The District Statistical Hand Book 2018-2019 is Nineteenth in the series. The main purpose of the present effort is to bring out a case for providing information (Data) at District level. The Hand Book is revised to the extent possible. The information furnished in the Hand Book have been collected from various Heads of Departments. The Data furnished in this Book are widely used by needy whether it is an official or research Agencies. I also acknowledge the tireless work rendered by the Statistical Unit of this District for successful presentation of this Hand Book. Deputy Director of Statistics, Viluppuram District. SALIENT FEATURES OF THE DISTRICT 1. GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION OF THE DISTRICT: Viluppuram District lies between 110 N and 120." S and 780 W and 800 E with an area of 7222.03 Sq/km. It was segregated from the South Arcot District on G.O.Ms.No.1486 Revenue Y(3), Dated 18.12.1992 and was rechristened as Villupuram district. The residual part of the erstwhile South Arcot district was named as Cuddalore district. It is surrounded on East by Bay of Bengal and Union Territory of Pondy, South by Cuddalore and Perambalur Districts, the West by Salem and Dharmapuri Districts and on the North by Thiruvannamalai and Kanchipuram Districts. 2. HISTORY: The early History of the District probably resemble that of the rest of the Chola country, though some portion of the North fell into the hands of the later Pallava rulers of Kanchipuram. From the 13th century onwards, its prosperity appears to have followed the fortunes of Chola rulers. According to inscriptions found in the district, 4 Chiefs calling themselves Udaiyar have controlled the district towards the close of 14th century. It was annexed by Bijapur Sultans in 1645 and continued to be under their rule for 30 years. Later it was wrested by Shivaji. With the fall of Gingee in 1698, the Mughals succeeded the Marathas. During the Karnatic wars 1749-61, this District played an important part. Gingee, Thiyagadurgam and other places were being the targets of repeated attacks and counter attacks by the enemies. 3. RAINFALL: The district depends upon both monsoons for its rain. As in other East Coast Districts the rainfall is higher near the coast, lighter in the inner taluks. 4. THE PEOPLE: The Villupuram district has a total population of 34,58,873 people of which males account for 17,40,819 and females account for 17,18,054. The density of population of the district per sq.km. is 481 as per 2011 census. The people are primarily agrarian. 5. DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION: At present Villupuram District comprises of 1490 Revenue Villages, 4 Revenue Divisions, 13 Administrative Taluks and 22 Panchayat Unions. The General Geological formation of the District appears to be simple. The greater part of it is covered by the Metamorphic rocks belonging to Genesis family. There are also three great groups of sedimentary rocks belonging to different geological periods. The Kalrayan Hills in the West represents a continuous range of hills covered with some thorny forests and vegetation. Among the hills, the most beautiful part of the district lies, round about the Gingee Hills. 6. CLIMATE: The climate of Villupuram District is fairly dry and on the whole healthy. The temperature is moderate. 7. CROPS: The Chief food crops of Villupuram district are paddy, Cholam, Ragi, Cumbu, Redgram, Blackgram, Horsegram and Varagu. The chief cash crops are sugarcane, groundnut, cotton, Tapioca, Casuarina ,Cashewnut and coconut. 8. INDUSTRY: Sugar industry is the major industry in the district. There are 7 sugar factories at Mundiyampakkam, Semmedu, Periasevalai, Kachirapalayam, Thirukoilur, Moongilthuraipattu and Kalayanallur. 9. ROAD, CANNALS, RAILWAYS AND REST HOUSES ETC. The Villupuram District is adequately served by a network of roads and railways. There are travelers and inspection bunglows and Guest Houses maintained by the Government Departments and Municipalities. There is no air port and Harbor in this district. 10. SHRINES: Villupuram district has many famous shrines. The following are the important temples of the district. 1) Sri.Thiruvikirama Swamy Temple at Tirukoilur. 2) Sri. Murugan Temple at Mailam. 3) Sri.Vakirakaliamman Temple at Tiruvakkarai near Tindivanam 4) Sri.Singavaram Perumal Temple at Gingee. 5) The Jain Temple at Tirunarangkondrai near Ulundurpet. 6) Dhabovanam , Thirukoilur 7) Madha Temple, Mugaiyur 8) Narasinga Perumal koil, Parikkal, Thirunavalur 9) Lakshmi Narasinga Perumal koil, Poovarasankuppam 10) Sri Angalaparameshwari Temple, Melmalaiyanur *** STATISTICAL TABLES CONTENT Table CONTENTS PAGE NO. Nos. DISTRICT AT A GALANCE 1-13 1. AREA AND POPULATION Area, Population, Literate, SCs and STs -Sexwise by Blocks and Municipalities 1.1 14 2001 Area, Population, Literate, SCs and STs -Sexwise by Blocks and Municipalities 1.1 15 2011 1.2 Population by Broad Industrial categories of Workers 16 1.3 Population by Religion 16 1.4 Population by Age Groups 17 1.5 Population of the District-Decennial Growth 17 1.6 Salient features of 2001 Census-Block and Municipality wise 17 2. CLIMATE AND RAINFALL 2.1 Temperature at Select Stations 18 2.2 Monthly Rainfall Date-Stationwise with maintaining Department Particulars 19 2.3 Time Series Date of Rainfall by seasons 20 3. AGRICULTURE 3.1 Soil Classification(with illustration by map) 21 3.2 Land Utilization 21 3.3 Area and Production of Crops 22 3.4 Agricultural Machinery and Implements 22 3.5 Number and Area of Operational Holdings 23 3.6 Consumption of Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides 23 3.7 Regulated Markets 24 3.8 Crop Insurance Scheme 25 3.9 Sericulture 26 4. IRRIGATION 4.1 Sources of Water Supply with Command Area-Blockwise 27 4.2 Actual Area Irrigated(Net and Gross) By Sources. 28 4.3 Area Irrigated by Crops 29 4.4 Details of Dams, Tanks, Wells and Borewells 29 5. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY 5.1 Livestock Population 30 5.2 Veterinary Institutions and Animals treated-Blockwise 31 5.3 No. of Veterinary Hospitals 32 5.4 Dairy Development 32 5.5 Poultry Development 32 5.6 Fisheries Development and Production 33 6. BANKING AND INSURANCE 6.1 No. of Commercial Banks 34 6.2 Insurance Schemes 34 7. CO-OPERATION 7.1 Co-operartive Societies 35 8. CIVIL SUPPLIES 8.1 No. of Fair Price Shops 36 8.2 Quantum of Essential Commodities distributed and their retail price 37 8.3 No. of Ration Cards(Rural and Urban) 38 8.4 Quantity supplied 38 8.5 No. of LPG Connections 39 9. COMMUNICATION 9.1 Post-Offices doing postal business only 40 9.2 Telegraph Offices 40 9.3 No. of Telephone Exchanges, Capacity 40 9.4 No. of PCOs attached to each exchange 40 10. ELECTRICITY 10.1 No. of Power Stations 41 10.2 Quantum of Power purchased 41 10.3 Power Consumption Sectorwise 41 10.4 Peak Demand and Energy Output 42 10.5 Revenue from Electric Schemes and Cost per Unit 42 10.6 Transmission and Distribution of Electricity 42 10.7 Capacity of Transformers 43-44 10.8 Rural Electrification 45 10.9 Name and address of fault report office 45 11. EDUCATION 11.1 Universities, Students and Teachers and Courses offered 46 11.3 Colleges for Professional Education, Students and Teachers 47 11.4 Colleges for Special Education, Students and Teachers 48 11.5 Schools for General Education, Students and Teachers 48 11.6 Schools for Professional Education, Students and Teachers 49 11.7 Schools for Special Education, Students and Teachers 49 11.8 Institutions for Other Professional Education, Students and Teachers 50 11.9 Computer Training Centres 51 11.10 Hostels and Inmates by Community 52 11.11 Scholarships to Students by Community 52 12.FISHERIES 12.1 Fisheries Development 53 12.2 Estimated MF Production/Inland Fish Production 54 12.3 No. of Families engaged in Fishing 54 13. HANDLOOM 13.1 No. of Focal Centres with Location details 55 13.2 No. of Societies and Varietywise Production 55 13.3 No. of Power looms and Employees working 56 13.4 No. of Families engaged 56 14. HANDICRAFTS 14.1 Name and Addresses of Handicrafts 57 14.2 Articles available in the Handicrafts 57 14.3 Value of Articles produced and Value of Articles sold 57 14.4 No. of Families engaged in Handicrafts 57 15. HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE 15.1 Hospitals, Dispensaries, Bed Strength, Doctors and Nurses 58 15.2 No. of Allied Pathological Units available 58 15.3 Diseasewise patients treated 59 15.4 Distribution of Medical Personnel 59 15.5 Progress of Family Welfare Programme 59 16. HOUSING 16.1 Plans sanctioned, Building completed under Private Sector 60 16.2 Plans sanctioned, Building completed under Public Sector 60 16.3 Construction activity of Tamil Nadu Housing Board 61 16.4 Construction activity of Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board 61 16.5 Index No.

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