The Barred Grunt Conodon Nobilis (Perciformes: Haemulidae) in Shallow Areas of a Tropical Bight: Spatial and Temporal Distribution, Body Growth and Diet

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The Barred Grunt Conodon Nobilis (Perciformes: Haemulidae) in Shallow Areas of a Tropical Bight: Spatial and Temporal Distribution, Body Growth and Diet Helgol Mar Res (2014) 68:271–279 DOI 10.1007/s10152-014-0387-2 ORIGINAL ARTICLE The barred grunt Conodon nobilis (Perciformes: Haemulidae) in shallow areas of a tropical bight: spatial and temporal distribution, body growth and diet Maı´ra Pombo • Ma´rcia Regina Denadai • Eduardo Bessa • Fla´via Borges Santos • Vanessa Hermann de Faria • Alexander Turra Received: 2 September 2013 / Revised: 14 January 2014 / Accepted: 12 February 2014 / Published online: 27 February 2014 Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg and AWI 2014 Abstract This study aimed to comprehensively investi- cohorts entered in different periods, but very few large and gate the population biology of Conodon nobilis (Percifor- mature individuals were observed. The results indicate a mes, Haemulidae) in Caraguatatuba Bight, southeastern preference for shallow, ocean-influenced habitats and some Brazil. Monthly trawls were performed from October 2003 degree of segregation between young and older individuals. through October 2004 in two areas of the bight that are The species showed a distribution consistent with an similar to but distant from each other, South and North. For r-strategist species, with high abundance and a high growth -1 all specimens, the size was measured and the sex and constant (K = 0.68 year and Lmax = 34.2 cm). Both the reproductive stage identified. Abundance and size were relative length of the digestive tube and the prey items compared over areas and months. Body growth parameters indicated a carnivorous feeding habit; mysids were the were parameterized according to the Von Bertalanffy main item of the diet throughout the study period, indi- growth function. The stomach contents were identified and cating that this grunt is a specialist feeder. Other frequently quantified. C. nobilis occurred mainly in the North area and observed items were amphipods and fish fragments. showed an erratic pattern of abundance over time. Several Ingestion of scales is possibly intentional. Keywords Spatio-temporal distribution Á Size Á Communicated by A. Malzahn. Abundance Á Body growth Á Mysida M. Pombo (&) Á A. Turra Instituto Oceanogra´fico da Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo, Prac¸a do Introduction Oceanogra´fico 191, Sa˜o Paulo 05508-120, Brazil e-mail: [email protected] Studies of ichthyofauna communities have been carried out widely in tropical areas, especially concerning the effects M. R. Denadai Centro Universita´rio Mo´dulo, Av. Frei Pacı´fico Wagner 653, of shrimp trawling in coastal areas and the enormous Caraguatatuba, SP 11660-903, Brazil numbers of fish uselessly killed by this activity (Crowder and Murawski 1998; Branco and Verani 2006). Efforts to E. Bessa understand these specific fish populations are rarer, since Laborato´rio de Ecologia Comportamental da Reproduc¸a˜o, Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso, Rodovia most community studies target commercially important MT358 km 07, Tangara da Serra, MT 78300-000, Brazil species. The varied human pressures on coastal areas in addition to shrimp trawling are of great concern, and the F. B. Santos clearest responses to environmental changes may come Departamento de Cieˆncias Naturais, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, Estrada do Bem Querer, km 04, from species that are not commercially important. This Vito´ria da Conquista, BA 45083-900, Brazil contribution presents a study of broad aspects of the pop- ulation biology of the barred grunt Conodon nobilis,an V. H. de Faria often abundant and widely distributed species along the Centro Universita´rio da Fundac¸a˜o de Ensino Octa´vio Bastos, Rua General Oso´rio 433, Sa˜o Joa˜o da Boa Vista, SP 13870-431, Atlantic coasts of the Americas (Menezes and Figueiredo Brazil 1980; Cervigo´n et al. 1992). 123 272 Helgol Mar Res (2014) 68:271–279 Grunts are members of the family Haemulidae and December 2004, which established ecological-economic receive their common name from the loud noise that they zones (EEZ). Following that evaluation, Caraguatatuba produce by rubbing their teeth together and amplified by Bight was characterized as Z2ME (Marine Zone Special the swim bladder. Few species of the family have com- Category 2), with the result that trawling was totally pro- mercial importance. Many are inhabitants of coral reefs hibited. This knowledge of baseline conditions may be and rocky shores (mainly the genera Haemulon and An- useful to identify possible future changes in the benthic and isotremus). Many genera, however, are more typical of fish communities. brackish waters and sandy bottoms, such as Pomadasys, Orthopristis and Conodon (Menezes and Figueiredo 1980). Members of Conodon are the barred grunts, of which Materials and methods Conodon nobilis is the only species in the western Atlantic (Konchina 1977). It occurs from Texas in the southern Study area and sampling procedures USA to Santa Catarina in southern Brazil and is very common in demersal assemblages of sandy coastal areas, Caraguatatuba Bight (23°370S–23°440S and 45°240W– but also occurs along rocky shores and in brackish and 45°260W), actually a large bight, is 16 km long and con- estuarine waters, mostly recorded using surf zones rather tains several sandy beaches (Enseada, Flecheiras, Porto than estuaries as nursery areas (Oliveira 1974; Menezes Novo, Romance, Palmeiras, Pan-Brasil, Indaia´, Centro and and Figueiredo 1980; Godefroid et al. 2004; Barletta et al. Camaroeiros; Fig. 1). Two separate areas, each measuring 2005; da Santana and Severi 2009; de Dantas et al. 2012). 2.0 9 0.8 km and as similar as possible, were termed Knowledge of C. nobilis is derived basically from studies South and North. These areas were selected to avoid the on demersal assemblages, in some cases with notes on the influence of rivers on the samples (Fig. 1). Rivers are influence of abiotic factors on its distribution (Godefroid typically small in this part of the country (northern coast of et al. 2004; da Santana and Severi 2009; de Dantas et al. Sa˜o Paulo), although Juqueriquereˆ has the largest basin 2012). (Souza 2005). The sampling areas were as representative as Assessments of the diet of C. nobilis have indicated a possible of the shallow areas of the bight, with relatively preference for benthic animals, especially crustaceans little continental influence. (Lopes and Oliveira-Silva 1998; Feitosa et al. 2002), but Samples were taken monthly from October 2003 identified only broad prey taxa, and none has assessed through October 2004. In each area, a section of beach temporal changes in diet composition. Although the diets 2,000 m long was divided into 10-m intervals, and three of many members of demersal fish assemblages may sampling stations were randomly selected from these 200 appear very similar, a meticulous assessment of prey items possibilities at each sampling event. The position of the may reveal peculiarities in sharing resources among the station was stored in a GPS at MLW (mean low water). competitors (Pombo et al. 2013). From this point, a fishing boat (class G2 M, 11 m long with Life-history traits of a species reveal the influences of a 22-HP engine) performed 800-m trawls perpendicular to environmental pressures. Differential, irregular population the beach, starting at a point 400–1,600 m distant from the fluctuations, decreases in growth rates, changes in spawn- MLW line. This interval is equivalent to depths from 1 to ing periods, competition and prey–predator interactions, 4 m. The trawling speed was 1 kt, performed with a bottom among others, must be determined and tracked if effective otter trawl with 2.0 cm mesh, mouth aperture 1.6 m high management actions are to be implemented (Walters and and 6.0 m long, and bag depth 3.5 m. Post 1993; Anderson 2001; King and McFarlane 2003; The fish were removed from net and immediately pre- Rouyer et al. 2012). Although C. nobilis is common in served in a 10 % formalin solution in order to paralyze the shallow coastal areas, studies of the population biology of enzyme action, preserving the digestive-tube contents. this species are few. Specimens of C. nobilis were sorted, preserved in 70 % Here, the population biology of C. nobilis was assessed ethanol and measured (total length, cm). A total of 160 in shallow areas in an important tropical bight in south- individuals were randomly selected from the total catch. In eastern Brazil, Caraguatatuba Bight. Despite the economic these specimens, ventro-sagittal abdominal incisions were and ecological importance of this area, the local ichthyo- made and the sex and female gonadal stage determined, fauna is largely unstudied. The basic biological data according to traditional identification guides (Vazzoler obtained in this study provided the first broad and detailed 1996), as follows: immature (translucent ovary, no oocytes scientific information on this species. The study was part of visible to the naked eye), maturing (ovary with noticeable a broad evaluation of the fish and mega-epifauna in the capillary net, small to medium oocytes visible to the naked area, which will constitute the main baseline for future eye) and mature (turgid ovaries with big—translucent or comparisons, as mandated by State Law No. 49,215 of 7 opaque—oocytes). Flaccid, recent emptied gonads were 123 Helgol Mar Res (2014) 68:271–279 273 Fig. 1 Caraguatatuba Bight and the sampling scheme (dashed lines) from a monthly sample in two study areas, North and South (solid lines) not observed. The digestive tube was detached and mea- The variation in total length over time was also used to sured, from the beginning of the esophagus to the end of parameterize the VBGM for this population of C. nobilis. the rectum [digestive tube total length (DTTL)]. Stomach Because the length of the largest individual collected was contents were identified, and the volume of each prey below the maximum length recorded in previous studies category recorded per stomach was measured (Hyslop (33.6 cm TL; Cervigo´n et al.
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