Broadford Amidgrcat Scenes of Excitementrn 955 the Community *L:.A*5Srd ,"":1,^[#"U.".U,Yf-,',"Centre

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Broadford Amidgrcat Scenes of Excitementrn 955 the Community *L:.A*5Srd , ll,","uJo, totllo ,",,*u, { camc to a closcon Sundaynight BRoADFoRD amidgrcat scenes of excitementrn 955 the Community *l:.a*5srd ,"":1,^[#"U.".U,Yf-,',"Centre. The minor hurlers oi Droim-Broadford West G.A.A. for clubactivitv as a Dirt of I Li:nerick senri-finalists and reason we for all thb cxcitementwas travelledto Tournafulla to contest rvinners of trIacDonald Cuo. the centenarycelebrations a'nd thccrowning I in Broadford celebratedit in style. of MargaretMurphy, the final of the west aeainst- AIIiI 1.tth-.q.t Bl'oa(llolld (F|ienrl_ rcprcscnttngLarnckcrry as thc Feohanash-Castlernahon.-for The The activitiesbesan at 2 o'clock Bellc of Broadford, Iy). Broadford, 5-3; Itilford, J-2. with very colourful paradefrom for 1984.Fr. weather the big occasion, i a Duhig madc thc announcemcnt April 21st-At F ernaglt (Jrriendj).), the Commumty Centre to the unfortunately,did not smilekindly iJl r, .r.llcr{t, Takingpart wereboy and thc outgoinq-PatiiciaBcllc of Broad- on the large band of suooorters I il-z : Ii'eeJ!agh, 6,.1. Sportsfield. ford. scouts,cubs. beaven. girl guides .Miss Fahy. prc- who made-thetrip. Plaviriewith - lfay Stn-et Kileedy (Champil,n- scntcdMargaret with and brownies;the localunder-age a sish and the advantaseof the win'da'nd the ship), BroadforC, b-,1; Templeglantine crown. rain, the b6ys in red and white teams:iunior team,club members 2l)oints. CongratulationsMargarct. thc notched a total of four soals and and supportersand an F.C.A. pcople-of party. Broadfordwisi youwcll two Dointsto no score.Tlie bv-now and hopc 10sce you verywet and l{ay 19th-At Charier.illc, (Hac- Mass was celebrated at the - manv timcs coldsupporteri were durinpihc vcar. all askingif the opposition Donalrl Cup Final g Sportsfieldat 2.30 p.m. for de- could ), Br.oadfonl. I; Thd Ac;iocht cup cenrcnary mount a similar attack in the Liscalloll, l-1. ciasedmembers of tlie club.After tournamcntfinal. wai playcd secondhalf and those Mass wasentertained by also of us that Sept. l5lh-,\t F.ccnagh (C.ranrrriorr. the crowd on Junoay cvcntngDetwecn knew the boys in blue and white local musicians and under-age agc ship;, Bloadfor.rl, 7-?; Casrletown,- 1-8. old rivals TournaTullaand Kil- knew they werecapable of upset- -pames. Sept. 29th--{t Broa(lford. Brod lecdy.This was a veryeven contcst tingthe apple cart as they had done lloi.d At 7.30wehad the much awaited place beat Nelgnrar.ket jn fr.iendly and no for the faint hcarted manytimes in thepast. The second match. centenarygame between the pre-i asbOth tcams gavc half staned Oct. 20th-At thcir vcrv best as the first half had Brolrlforri-(Cirhr.r- sent novice team and a selectio[ to win thismaq-nificent ended with Drom-Broadford piortshilr from This wa1 trophv.Bur serni-finai), l.-ceuagh. .l-0; the 1964:74 era. unfortunatcly,there has'to dominatingin all quarlersand in watchedby a verylarqe crowd an bc a Bloadfold, nil. loscr and a winner and on this this half thievchalted up another they were'not ciisappointcdas it occasionthc mcn from threegoals to onepoint. We are tumed out to be a thriller with St. lta's all parishwerc victorious. now looking forward to a county nothins betweenthe sidesat the semi-finalcl-ash aeainst Monareen end.L6cal curatc, Rev. Fr. Duhig job in the near futur-eand hoDe the did a splendid as refcree. Dl u4Urut u countycan be addedto the westem To concludethe activitiesof the title. Jay we had a dancc in the On Sundav'and last we had a On Tuesdaynight thc hurlersof SommunityCentrc. at li b'c., hard-earned deserved wrn Toumafullaind-Feenagh played ryhich glg3SeSe was vcry enjoyable.The over Ballingarry in the semi-final the second semi-finai-of ihe raels or broaororo can cerralnly of the West Novice Hurlins Aeriocht Cup. Tournafulla won ieelproud of their contributionto Championshipat Knockaderry the gameby ieven pointsbut gClub game played had The novice hurlers the La na and the centcnary The was in ideal Feenaghtaken their pointsin the PlaYed conditions. while secondround of the lcague on :elebrations. but it took usa to last quarter insteadof eoins for Sundavlast aqainstRathkeale at settle down, We oDened the goals,the game could haie bdena scoring with a fine poini from play Knockaderry.HoPeswere high for lot closer.The iunior hurlersof a good resultfollowing our by Eamon O'Brien. then mid-way Dromina and Kiileedy served Sreat got great up a wi-nover Drom the Previousweek. tlirough the first halfwe a brilliant same which ended in a In the first half Broadfordwere soal from Seamus Hartnett who draw. AIio on Wed. eveninsthe totallyon top. mainlythrough the iioubled on the ball first time from fancydress made its way thr6ugh ereat-hurlinq of our defence. Broadford a Jimmv Rvan-our shot. This Dut sreat thevillage. Once asain the oartili- buring thisp6riod John Jones and Congratulationsto Mr. heart iito men and rie b-esan pants ihowed gieat serise of andMrs. to get a better grip on the gaire. Jim R-yanmade manYfine clear- Timmy Lehane, Farrihv, on the humour and the paradewas very ances. birth of a son duringthe week. We went in at half-timeleadinpl-3 enioyable. Saturdav nieht was In the second half, Rathkeale Broadford cAA ilub will hold '" unileir-10soccer. Foir teims took camc more into the game and their annualchurch gate collecuon iul8'i'o';*r(k#:,7k part in a tournament.Thev were Broadford had manY anxtous on Saturday night- and ins we sot the crucial soal. It Rathkeale,Croom Utd.. []road- Sunday foiiowed-a moments before finallY running mornlng ne-xt.beforeall -Johnsreat movemerit which ford Utd. and Croom Rovers. In Masses. endedwith out deservedwinners. l nectuD wtlt alsohave a ,45 drive Jonessupplvins -Jotrna the first semi-final Rathkeale defencc soliftine Bcst for Broadford were J. next Monday, May 28. Usual oass iil defeatedCroom Utd. bv 2 soalsto Joncs.J. Rvan and G. O'Connor pnzes. Neenanwfio hit-a 6ulet-like shor nil. In the second ierii-final. in dcfence;il. Crerninat midfield; s novice to the net. Ballinsarrv rallied and Broadford had a scorelessdraw .Broadford hurlersplay- were andL. Collins,P. MulcahYand T ed the ihird round of rewardedwith a eoal but we with Croom Rovers,and the this v'ear-'s held same Ahcrn in attack. championshipon Sundaylasi. out for a fine.winlscore. 2-6 had to be decidedon penaltiei and The to 1-6. Team:S. Hartnett, P. RYan,J. gamewnrch was against Kilcornan that went to suddendeath. Broad- We are now in the West final Joncs. S. Collins, L. Ahern, J. wasplayed on an excellentRarn- ford eventuallywent into the final. Rvan (caDt.).G. O'Connor'B. kealepitch. Broadford won after manv vearsof trving and our Then Croom- Utd. had to play 6-l2 to opponenti witt be As-kea-ton.The Cicmin,M. Ahern, P. MulcahY. 2-3. Team: Aidan Collins.Joe Croom Roversfor third and foirrth T team plaved well but there will M, Fahy,L. Collins,E. Sexton, Q'$9nno1, John Jones, Seamus places, which Croorn Utd. won Ahern.'T. O'Brien. Lolrrns, Ahern, have tb tie further improvemenr, z-nil. In the final, Rathkeale -L.ram Jim Ryan. especially and Subs:J. NcenanforT. O'Bnen: ueraro tJ Lonnor, Seamus in the forwarils,ifwe are Broadford played a verv excitrns Hart- to win the title. G. Molyneaux for J. RYan; J. 391t.Bgtcg Cremin. Mike Ahern, nil-all draw aid it took'penaltiel O'Conn6rfor J. Neenan. Mike Fahy, Leo Collins. pat Tesm: A. Collins. E. Crowe. D. and suddendeath to detide the O'Mahony, S. Collins, L. Aherne, Trainrng continueslwo nights a Mulcahy. Tom O'Brien, Tom issue.Rathkeale took the honoun week and-all plaYersare required Ahern. Subs.:Gerard J. Rvan. caDt.: L. Collins. B. andwent homevery proud winners Mulcahyfor Creniin. to attend. lom Ahern. Dan O'Brien'for G'.'O'Connor.'M. with a lovely sei'of troohrcs. Aherne, E. O'Brien, T. Aherne, SeamusH_annett, Dcnis McCarthy Broadford,who were led bv therr for John Jones. T. O'Brien, D. O'Brien, S. Hart- captain, Derek O'Shea, aiso re- nett. subs., J. Neenan for G. ceivedtrophies. There was also a O'Connor, J. Jones for D. competition for player of the ?6.5 .g[L O'Brien, K. Quaid for L. Aherne. tournament.This was won bv Mort The entire Danelof olavers are Falvey,who played a btinher in asked to mak'ea soeciil ,iffort ro both games.Broadford's panel of attend the trainini sessionsbe- playerswas: Derek O'Shea,capt., tween this and the-final. Denis O'Shea,Eddie Shanahan, Robert Foley. Malachy Browne, John Stack,Michaet Reidv. J. J. Broadford Murphy, Sean McCarthy, Mort cr"bp,ai?";pfFg."*",0 Falvey, Raymond Pierce, Corne- presented medals and lrophies lo lius Doody, Keith Fahy, Derus ihe olavers who were successfulin O'Connor, Alan Quaid, Eddie dbfli8fo groaofiit'8sClancy, Ml. Boyce, Connie Clan- the'Drbmcolloeher and Coolyroe tournaments. to Mr. andMrs. cy. PatrickClancy, Patrick Don- Coneratulations A well attendedA.G.M. was nelly, FrancisNoonan. The hurlershad a good workout Tommi Reidy, Tullaha on the held recentlvin the Communitv Sundayevening, Dromina and asainst Dromina Juniors on St. birth of a diughter during the Centre.Offi6ers elected were : Lifi: 45 Killeedy' replayel their drawn P-atrick'sDav and with PlaYers week. pres.: Jim Danaher and Martin junior for the current semi-final.This wasanother rcgistered YCar. Broadford novice hurlers are in Cussen.President, Rev. Fr. Tom game confidcnccis high. Evcning train- hard fought with Dromina action on next Sundayin the West Crawford. Chairman,Tom Reidy. finatty winnins bv five Doints. Ar ing bcains in the sportsficldnext fnal.
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