WOI-TV News Clips
News clips Date Number Length Keywords 0150 21:29 Iowa liquor store ; community arts, (S) ; Grinnell‐ PeeWee golf championships ; house construction, (S) ; womens golf, (S) ; flex time, (S) ; Story City‐ grain shipment by railroad;, Brett Voorhies reporter, (S) ; Amea ; Ames‐ soil contamination;, (S) ; golf, (S) ; Little Ankeny, (S) ; Conrail suit, (S) ; rainbow for women, (S) ; boy injured, (S) ; Iowa Cornets tryouts, (S) ; rainbows, (S) ; Story Co.‐ Variety Club ; garage sales ; kids playing baseball ; Des Moines‐ state political meeting at Vets ; plant and crafts sale ; track meet ; Ames‐ Wally Bynum ; Des Moines‐ East High football field ; traffic ; Ames‐ pizza places, (S) 0169 22:00 Ames‐ ISU Theater instructor, (S), (B&W Neg) ; science lab, (B&W Neg) ; low temperature experiments, (B&W Neg) 402 32:50 Iowa Locker and Meat Processors convention, Dale Turnmire, Connie pratt reporter, (S) 0079 10:42 swearing in of people before meeting, (B&W Neg.), 1:36; Des Moines‐ Rodeo at State Fairgrounds, Roy Rodgers and Dale Evens?, (B&W Neg.), 2:46; Ames‐ Magic Window taping, Betty Lou, Red Varnum, Rusty, Gregory Lion, (B&W Neg.), 1:07; Ames‐ WOI‐TV film vault, (B&W Neg.), 0:43; guy with pipe typing, (B&W Neg.), 0:29; Des Moines‐ Girls high school basketball at Vets, Maynard vs. ... , (B&W Neg.), 2:15 ; Plok County Home‐ sprinkler system, (B&W Neg.), 0:44; Des Moines‐ State Auditors office, (B&W Neg.), 0:20; Des Moines‐ Girls high school basketball at Vets, (B&W Neg.), 0:27 Monday, May 03, 2010 Page 1 of 104 Date Number Length Keywords 0103 28:32
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