Arichardson-Klavehn Rbjork 2002
1096 Memory, Development of Schneider W and Bjorklund DF (1998) Memory. In: Kuhn Schneider W and Pressley M (1997) Memory Development D and Siegler RS (eds) Handbook of Child Psychology, between 2 and 20, 2nd edn. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence vol. 2, Cognition, Perception, and Language, 5th edn, Erlbaum. pp. 467±521. New York, NY: John Wiley. Memory, Long-term Introductory article Alan Richardson-Klavehn, Goldsmiths College, University of London, London, UK Robert ABjork, University of California, Los Angeles, USA CONTENTS Definition and classification of long-term memory The constructive character of long-term memory The dynamic character of long-term memory Conclusion Long-term memory is central to cognitive function- interconnected and cannot be understood in ing. Taking a wide variety of forms, from skills to isolation from each other. (See Information Pro- general knowledge to memory for personal experi- cessing) ences, it is characterized by dynamic interactions between encoding and retrieval processes and by constructive processes, and thus differs fundamen- Distinguishing between Short-term and tally from current human-made information storage Long-term Memory systems. In everyday discourse, long-term memory is usu- ally distinguished from short-term memory in DEFINITION AND CLASSIFICATION OF terms of the time that has elapsed since information LONG-TERM MEMORY was encoded. Moreover, it is not unusual to find memory that persists over days or weeks being The ability to retain information over long periods described as short-term memory. In psychology, is fundamental to intelligent thought and behavior. however, the terms long-term and short-term Memory is the `glue', in effect, that holds our intel- memory have come to have specialized meanings lectual processes together, from perception, atten- that stem from a distinction made by William tion, and language, to reasoning, decision-making, James in 1890.
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