M.G. Leonard | 336 pages | 07 Apr 2016 | Chicken House Ltd | 9781910002704 | English | Somerset, United Kingdom - Wikipedia

Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. This was a great read from start to finish and make no mistake, the beetles are the stars of the book. Leonard writes with a good pace, has a broad range of interesting characters and is, I think, a master of plot: you get a strong feeling that she knows where this series of stories is going and this, the first book, is setting the scene for later stories. The heroes themselves, led by Darkus, are engaging and diverse and the bad characters are stock enough to almost seem to pop out of a Dahl bo This was a great read from start to finish and make no mistake, the beetles are the stars of the book. The heroes themselves, led by Darkus, are engaging and diverse and the bad characters are stock enough to almost seem to pop out of a Dahl book which is a very good thing indeed. The chapters themselves are never too long and I really believe that the beetles themselves, as protagonists, are almost guaranteed to bring any reader into the story. This is a really fun and informative read - basically Dalmatians with beetles! I thoroughly enjoyed the London setting and the wacky characterisations. A great book for MG readers who like mystery, adventure and creepy-crawlies. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. All the characters in this book are brilliant. I have a feeling Ling Ling will play a part in Beetle Queen up next. Lucretia Cutter is terrifying. Jul 21, Gabriella rated it it was amazing Shelves: year I loved the illustrations and the binding of the pages as it was covered in illustrations of bugs which really added to the overall effect and look of the book. I think it was a really good plot and introduces good themes for children- friendship, environmental issues, , etc. I liked how the book had a mystery to solve by the characters the dad missing and i think as other story-lines were interwoven into the main plot it meant that the book was more gripping and made the reader want to I loved the illustrations and the binding of the pages as it was covered in illustrations of bugs which really added to the overall effect and look of the book. I liked how the book had a mystery to solve by the characters the dad missing and i think as other story-lines were interwoven into the main plot it meant that the book was more gripping and made the reader want to read till the end and solve the mystery. I would highly recommend this book to children as it definitely lived up to the expectations of what the reviews have said. View all 4 comments. Jun 06, Jane Scholey rated it really liked it. A brilliant adventure story. A great villain. A fascinating look at beetles! I like the characterization. But more importantly, it's a page turner! Sep 14, Noah Litle rated it really liked it. Have you ever fallen in love with a certain kind of , and then looked for all the books that feature said animal prominently? Well, this book was that for me. As much as I love beetles, I'm surprised it took me this long to actually look for books about them. You can thank or blame my 5yo brother, who asked me to get beetle books from the library. I find them beautiful. And this book captured that feeling very well. It started pretty well right into the action, and did well as far as pacing goes. Also, it wasn't just an opener for the trilogy, like most first books seem to be now days. It did have its own plot, and it could be satisfying as a standalone, if you're so inclined. The action starts from the very first pages. Darkus' dad has disappeared from a vault in the museum that is locked from the inside. The thirteen year old boy doesn't believe for one moment that his dad would leave him voluntarily, he and his father were all each other had after the death of his mother five years before. Darkus is taken in by his dad's brother, uncle Max. This is where the adventure begins. The shop alongside uncle Max' apartment is home to two unpleasant characters. Hu Brilliant! Humphrey and Pickering, brilliantly comic cousins who can't decide on a pie shop or an antiques emporium. They fight constantly. They also unwittingly introduce Darkus to his courageous, faithful side kick a rhinoceros beetle that he names Baxter. Darkus is befriended by two other uncool kids, Bertolt and Virginia. However it's Baxter that leads Darkus to the amazing secret held in the shop next door. A fabulous adventure! M G Leonard creates not only beautifully formed human characters for this story but believable beetle characters too. There isn't a wasted word or sentence in here. The characters and plot move along at a terrific place without ever feeling it was rushed or back stories weren't fulfilled. It's a story of courage in the face of bleakness, friendship, bravery and acceptance. An absolute triumph. Accessible, whilst never missing a beat. Never once was it a chore to go back to. Can't wait for Beetle Queen! Absolutely stonking read! I couldn't put it down. Really enjoyed the characters and story that M. Leonard has created, I especially enjoyed all the beetle science, names and facts throughout! Wonderfully funny and quirky, mystery adventure! Perfect for fans of Roald Dahl, Lemony Snicket or just a damn good read! Literally can't wait for the next one, really looking forward to where the story goes next! Feb 01, Olivia Henderson rated it it was amazing Shelves: list-of-betterment. Thoroughly enjoyed this book and wanted to read it whenever I had a spare few minutes! Loved the unusual story line - beetles being able to understand and act in a human way. Looking forward to reading the next one - The Beetle Queen. Oct 20, Ben Cooke rated it it was amazing. This has to be one of my favourite books! Although it took a little while to capture my interests, the sudden outbreak of mystery, strategy and danger fully engaged me within the book. Lucretia Cutter, the 'bad guy' within the story, was a character that reeked surprise and mystery throughout the book; every event with her character revealed something new. I could definitely see this book being enjoyed and embraced by a KS2 child. I look forward to following the adventure of Darkus and the beetl This has to be one of my favourite books! I look forward to following the adventure of Darkus and the beetles by reading Beetle Queen View 1 comment. Feb 27, David Barker rated it really liked it. A middle-grade book full of dark, fantastical ideas. Darkus Cuttle is a boy whose mother has died and whose father mysteriously disappears at the start of the story. Darkus is a nicely rounded character as are his friends and weird neighbours. Lucretia Cutter is truly horrible as the baddie. The plot is well paced with enough twists to be not predictable. An enjoyable romp for children and young teenagers. Mar 09, Heidi Burkhart rated it really liked it. I loved most of the book - but the actual beetle battle seemed very violent to me. I think this would be be a very popular book for upper elementary or middle school students. It also seemed to have the elements that would make it a successful film. Feb 23, Beth rated it it was amazing Shelves: read-in Absolutely bloody brilliant. It only took me so long to read because I was reading the actual book, not on kindle, and I rarely have the time for that nowadays. If I had been able, I would have devoured it in one sitting. Such an amazing and exciting book that children will undoubtedly enjoy, particularly if they have an interest in ! I learned a lot too, about beetles and their anatomy etc. The door appears open for a sequel so I am hopeful! Sep 14, Annette Rogers rated it it was amazing Shelves: children-s. Just loved it! Fun, educational I now know way more about beetles than I probably ever need to! Amazing adventurous story for every kids in the world. Jun 08, Thomas rated it it was ok. Sometimes a cocktail of great ingredients can come up with something fresh, new and brilliant - the things on the shelves of children's literature past and present are packed with great source material - but Beetle Boy sadly misses the mark and never becomes more than a mess of influences. There's a bit of Dahlian humour, with the fat and thin kidnappers next door, but it's not that funny. We've got a 2 boys 1 girl trio of crafty youngsters who don't really stand up to their betters. And the who Sometimes a cocktail of great ingredients can come up with something fresh, new and brilliant - the things on the shelves of children's literature past and present are packed with great source material - but Beetle Boy sadly misses the mark and never becomes more than a mess of influences. And the whole thing, with its personal friends, it's evil mother figure with delusions of omnipotent, the lost scientist and all the bigger themes looming over the simple adventure stories, feels just a bit too much like everything from Northern Lights to Lionboy. Add in a bit of proper creepy, Gaimen-esque violence and we've got the lot, but it never really comes good. The story follows Darkus's attempts to uncover the mystery behind his father's sudden disappearance at the Natural History Museum. He soon befriends an incredibly intelligent beetle and meets his eccentric uncle and starts to unravel a series of dangerous events involving DNA manipulation, beetles with human intelligence, mad scientist ladies who've taken a leaf from the Fly and a next-door mountain of tea cups housing an army of sentient beetles that need saving. The pacing starts well but quickly spirals in an attempt to get to a big climax in book one such a common hiccup - Rowling managed it but its obviously not an easy trick and it all becomes a little hectic and unbelievable. The children are too clever, work things out too quickly, have too much handy equipment to hand to carry out their master plan and can jump from scene to scene of not very characterful dialogue in physically difficult instants. It's all too easy, too mapped out, too led by startlingly obvious plot catalysts. I appreciate that Beetle Boy is perhaps setting up a story for greater things, and there are intriguing elements, never mind the fact that having a beetle soul mate is cool enough to appeal to young and old from many walks of life. The characters, particularly the good guys, are fine, not very unique but also avoiding typecast roles and with the potential for humour in their relationships. It's mainly a shame that it hurtles along at such an unnessecary pace after the first third. Stories and characters need more time to develop, not tied down by the restrictions of episodical, climax-led storytelling. Oct 01, Bethan Smith rated it really liked it. This book is wonderful for children who love to find out interesting facts and enjoy factual books like the Guinness book of world records! The story line is quirky and interesting and it's punctuated with insect fact file info. The character development of Lucretia Cutter is highly involving and I can't wait to read the second book that focuses more on her character. Apr 04, Dsherriff rated it it was amazing. Great read! Such a well written book with spunky, determined characters kids! It's full of imagery, suspense, action, description AND beetle facts! Highly recommend for 4th and 5th graders!! Of course adults who just enjoy a good book! Sep 14, Hannah Bainbridge rated it really liked it Shelves: novels. Really enjoyed this book! I thought that the imagery made you feel as though you were Darkus. This was a creative book that had me hooked! I would recommend to all! View 2 comments. This is everything 8-year-old me would have wanted in a story: intelligent beetles with special abilities, a great mystery disappearance to solve, repulsive neighbours, and a simply horrific villain. When I was little, I was fascinated by insects. I had a pet garden beetle on my bedside table for a short time, before it escaped its flimsy container and disappeared somewhere This is everything 8-year-old me would have wanted in a story: intelligent beetles with special abilities, a great mystery disappearance to solve, repulsive neighbours, and a simply horrific villain. I had a pet garden beetle on my bedside table for a short time, before it escaped its flimsy container and disappeared somewhere behind my bed. I like how brave I was at that age. Reading Beetle Boy felt nostalgic to me. He had a large, purple-brown beetle body. He had two long beetle antennae. And six, thin, hairy beetle legs. When Gregory Sampson wakes up one day to find he has become a beetle, he is pretty upset. But what is more upsetting is that nobody notices! Not his mother, not his father, not his sister, not his teacher. Only his best friend Michael realises that Gregory is now a beetle. Together they try and work out what to do … A brilliantly funny story that has deceptively complex messages, touching on relationships within the family, self-confidence and how others perceive you. A classic of the future. I sent this to my eight year old nephew and I hear he's very upset that he's not Beetle Boy. He's memorised much of the book already. It's replaced Pokemon as his reason for living. When he was seven, Charlie Porter never intended to become the world's youngest published author. He just wanted his father to stop crying. So he told him a story about a talking beetle—a dumb little story his mother made up to make him feel better. That was before she left and feeling "better" became impossible. But Charlie's story not only made his father stop crying. It made him start planning. The story became a book, and then it became school events and book festivals, and a beetle costume, and a catchphrase—"I was born to write! And then it all ended. Or it should have. Now Charlie is eighteen, and the beetles still haunt his dreams. The childhood he never really had is about to end. Beetle Boy is a novel of a broken family, the long shadow of neglect, and the light of small kindnesses. Leonard Publisher: Scholastic Inc. Cruel beetle fashionista, Lucretia Cutter, is at large with her deadly yellow ladybug spies -- and she has a devious plan. When Darkus, Virginia, and Bertolt discover further evidence of her evil, they're determined to stop her. But the three friends are in trouble. Darkus's dad has forbidden them to investigate any further -- and disguesting crooks Humphrey and Pickering are out of prison. Hope rests on Novak, Lucretia's daughter and a Hollywood actress, but the beetle villainess is always one scuttle ahead Beetles are back in an even-more- thrilling, chilling, and darkly funny sequel that will have readers clamoring for more. Each book in the Daily Warm-Ups: Reading series provides students with over opportunities to master important reading skills. The warm-ups include both fiction and nonfiction reading passages, followed by questions that are based on Bloom's to allow for higher-level thinking skills. Book jacket. Bug Club is a core literacy program providing innovative texts with great content to engage children, it addresses the needs of today's and tomorrow's students and teachers. All three books in the bestselling Beetles series by M. It's a giant beetle - and it seems to want to communicate. But how can a boy be friends with a beetle? And what does a beetle have to do with the disappearance of his dad and the arrival of Lucretia Cutter, with her taste for creepy jewellery? Deep in the rainforest, rhinoceros beetles Buster and Rex are sharing stories. Buster has so many heroic tales - he's SO strong and daring! Every story leaves Rex in awe - he's never met such an amazing beetle! Chicken House Books - Beetle Boy

The childhood he never really had is about to end Beetle Boy is a novel of a broken family, the long shadow of neglect, and the light of small kindnesses. Innovative use of type brings an immediacy to Charlie's struggles as he slowly looks the truth - and his brother's - squarely in the face. Demanding and riveting. A potent story about the power that the past exerts on the present. Mature language and sexual situations make this most appropriate for older teens. The information about Beetle Boy shown above was first featured in "The BookBrowse Review" - BookBrowse's online-magazine that keeps our members abreast of notable and high-profile books publishing in the coming weeks. In most cases, the reviews are necessarily limited to those that were available to us ahead of publication. If you are the publisher or author of this book and feel that the reviews shown do not properly reflect the range of media opinion now available, please send us a message with the mainstream media reviews that you would like to see added. Reader Reviews Click here and be the first to review this book! Margaret Willey has been writing for many years in many different genres. All of her books and stories come from a personal place, either something that happened to her or something she witnessed at close range. Like her previous novel from Carolrhoda Lab, Four Secrets , Beetle Boy is about bullying, but a different kind of bullying - the kind inflicted on children by their parents. Beetle Boy was inspired by a real boy who was completely under his father's control and trying to make the best of it until he could escape. Margaret lives in Grand Haven with her husband Richard Joanisse, and she is currently working on a new novel and a collection of essays about her childhood in Michigan. More Author Information. A multigenerational story about two families bound together by the tides of history. Reader Reviews. Master storyteller Ben Macintyre tells the true story behind the Cold War's most intrepid female spy. BookBrowse seeks out and recommends the best in contemporary fiction and nonfiction—books that not only engage and entertain but also deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Subscribe to receive some of our best reviews, "beyond the book" articles, book club info, and giveaways by email. Beetle Boy by Margaret Willey. Young Adult. Write a Review. About this book Summary. Thumbs up! Continue reading. Website produced by MoonAge. Website designed by Simon Wilkes. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Please visit our Terms page for more information about cookies and how we use them. Blog Submissions Rights. Beetle Boy M. Buy the Book. Read the full extract. About the book Darkus is miserable. A coffee-mug mountain, home to a million insects, could provide the answer — if Darkus and Baxter are brave enough to find it … Share this:. Author notes. Then I found out that beetles can be pretty, brightly coloured, even gold. Others are as strong as the Incredible Hulk. Some shoot acid out of their butts, and all beetles have wings! My fear had stopped me from seeing how fantastic beetles were, and so I decided to write an adventure with the beetles as the good guys. Visit M. Leonard's page. If you liked Beetle Boy , why not try Befriend a Beetle with M. Leonard and PTES. Beetle Boy (The Battle of the Beetles #1) by M.G. Leonard

Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 18, — April Utah State University Extension. Archived from the original PDF on Retrieved 27 April Hidden categories: Articles with 'species' microformats Commons category link is on Wikidata. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Wikimedia Commons. Boisea trivittata Say , Innovative use of type brings an immediacy to Charlie's struggles as he slowly looks the truth - and his brother's - squarely in the face. Demanding and riveting. A potent story about the power that the past exerts on the present. Mature language and sexual situations make this most appropriate for older teens. The information about Beetle Boy shown above was first featured in "The BookBrowse Review" - BookBrowse's online-magazine that keeps our members abreast of notable and high-profile books publishing in the coming weeks. In most cases, the reviews are necessarily limited to those that were available to us ahead of publication. If you are the publisher or author of this book and feel that the reviews shown do not properly reflect the range of media opinion now available, please send us a message with the mainstream media reviews that you would like to see added. Reader Reviews Click here and be the first to review this book! Margaret Willey has been writing for many years in many different genres. All of her books and stories come from a personal place, either something that happened to her or something she witnessed at close range. Like her previous novel from Carolrhoda Lab, Four Secrets , Beetle Boy is about bullying, but a different kind of bullying - the kind inflicted on children by their parents. Beetle Boy was inspired by a real boy who was completely under his father's control and trying to make the best of it until he could escape. Margaret lives in Grand Haven with her husband Richard Joanisse, and she is currently working on a new novel and a collection of essays about her childhood in Michigan. More Author Information. A multigenerational story about two families bound together by the tides of history. Reader Reviews. It is the first part of a trilogy, as volume 1 of the Beetle Trilogy series. Beetle Boy won the Branford Boase Award in , for outstanding first novel for children. Kirkus Reviews summarises the plot as "a young teen searches for his father with the assistance of unusual beetles" The book stars Darkus Cuttle, who moves in with his uncle after the disappearance of his father. Lucretia Cutter, the antagonist tries to kill the intelligent beetles and kidnapped Darkus' dad. The Guardian in a review of Beetle Boy wrote "Why it has taken them this long to get starring roles in a children's book is a mystery, although their appeal to younger readers is not. Beetle Boy has been licensed to over thirty-seven international territories, becoming a best-seller in the UK and the Netherlands. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Publishers Weekly. Retrieved 29 December Kirkus Reviews.

Beetle Boy | Reading Rockets

This is especially a problem in the fall when they are seeking a warm place to overwinter. Once the home's heating system becomes active for the season, the insects may falsely perceive it to be springtime and enter inhabited parts of the home in search of food and water. Once inside inhabited areas of a home, their excreta may stain upholstery, carpets, drapes, and they may feed on certain types of house plants. Clustered masses of boxelder bugs may be seen again at this time, and depending on the temperature, throughout the summer. Their outdoor congregation habits and indoor excreta deposits are perceived as a nuisance by many people, therefore boxelder bugs are often considered pests. Mating small milkweed bugs in Lockport, New York. Sometimes confused with boxelder bugs. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Boisea trivittata Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia. A mass of boxelder bugs on a fencepost in Bolton, Ontario in September Berlin 59, 37— Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 18, — Beetlelicious, fantastic fun for everyone. I was crawling with joy from every page that I read. Gross, funny and heart warming — a flapping great read, this book has imagination with wings. I loved it. Thumbs up! Continue reading. Website produced by MoonAge. Website designed by Simon Wilkes. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Please visit our Terms page for more information about cookies and how we use them. Blog Submissions Rights. Beetle Boy M. Buy the Book. Read the full extract. Beetle mania is spreading, thanks to M. Leonard's bestselling Beetle Boy trilogy. In the books, Darkus learns all about beetles from an old guide his father had used as a child. Now that book is available for readers everywhere to discover beetle facts for themselves! Hilariously narrated by eccentric entomologist "Monty G Leonard", this lavishly illustrated guide is the perfect starting point for young beetle collectors everywhere. Gregory Sampson woke one morning to discover that he had become a giant beetle. He had a large, purple-brown beetle body. He had two long beetle antennae. And six, thin, hairy beetle legs. When Gregory Sampson wakes up one day to find he has become a beetle, he is pretty upset. But what is more upsetting is that nobody notices! Not his mother, not his father, not his sister, not his teacher. Only his best friend Michael realises that Gregory is now a beetle. Together they try and work out what to do … A brilliantly funny story that has deceptively complex messages, touching on relationships within the family, self-confidence and how others perceive you. A classic of the future. I sent this to my eight year old nephew and I hear he's very upset that he's not Beetle Boy. He's memorised much of the book already. It's replaced Pokemon as his reason for living. When he was seven, Charlie Porter never intended to become the world's youngest published author. He just wanted his father to stop crying. So he told him a story about a talking beetle—a dumb little story his mother made up to make him feel better. That was before she left and feeling "better" became impossible. But Charlie's story not only made his father stop crying. It made him start planning. The story became a book, and then it became school events and book festivals, and a beetle costume, and a catchphrase—"I was born to write! And then it all ended. Or it should have. Now Charlie is eighteen, and the beetles still haunt his dreams. frankfurter-schule-657.pdf