9040 the London Gazette, 2Nd July 1984 Department Of
9040 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 2ND JULY 1984 Companies Registration Office, During 28 days from 2nd July 1984 copies of the draft Companies House, Crown. Way, Order and relevant plan may be inspected at all reasonable Maindy, Cardiff CF4 3UZ hours at the Portsmouth City Council offices. Information Desk, Ground Floor, Civic Offices, Guildhall Square, 2nd July 1984 Portsmouth, and may be obtained free of charge from the Secretary of State (quoting ref. DSE 5237/35/1/L/084) at COMPANIES ACT 1948 the address stated below. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 353 (5) of the Within the above-mentioned period of 28 days, any per- Companies Act 1948. that the names of the undermentioned son may by notice to the Secretary of State for Transport Companies have been struck off the Register. Such Com- (ref. DSE 5237/35/1/L/084), at his address of the Director panies are accordingly dissolved as from the date of the (Transport), Departments of the Environment and Trans- publication of this notice. This list may include Companies port, South East Regional Office, 74 Epsom Road, Guild- which are being removed from the Register at their own ford, Surrey GUI 2BL, object to the making of the request. Order. LIST 1448 P. J. Carter, A Senior Executive Officer in the Depart- ment of Transport. (Ref. T9840/28/0600.) (3 SI) Alpha Chemie (U.K.) Limited Bryvon Limited The Trunk Road (All) (Picket Post) (Prohibition of U- Tiirns) Order 1984 Contract Furnishers (Swansea) Limited The Secretary of State for Transport proposes to make an Order under sections 1 (1), (2) and (3) of the Road Traffic Draughting & Design (Altrincham) Limited Regulation Act 1967, as amended by Part IX of the Transport Act 1968 on the Folkestone-Honiton Trunk Road E.
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