ANOTHER TRADE IN UNE MR. QUIGG'S BOOMERANG. r Catarrh Cured INSIST ON HAVING ONLY* MKN PAVOR THE RFFmRLIcANS COFfSI AND SUGAR All Have Disappeared HIS APPEAL TO BJNROLLUD ELECTION OF MR. LOW. Symptoms «lETS UXWELOOME REPLIER, Since Taking Hood's. with catarrh n\E BUKOBBO AM« EtETY SIOKATVBCa Tu A ST. SIXTH AVENUE. M daught >r gag been troubled urrTEiu poca ikto nrwspapeb owices with MACY'SBOTH SIDES OF NTH Since she was four \e,,ts old. ^he finally began TAPFH INMU'MVi; um SE-IKKI» takln« Hood» SaTsaparftla and Hoods P. DBTLARATIONS IN FAV'.i! of- SBTM LOU POND'S aid using them i-lv was much Improved ¦ /***.;. -<~~n wsw IN A EBW um Bl Because we hava after have entirely BBPt'BU« \ns CALLING ON QgN and the disagreeable symptomsHartland, N T Every day tha» passe« brings new evidence Sell fourteen factories M W RILSBT, Tin« V TO WITfiDgAW. We of disappeared BRAti that the solid busln*SS men of New-Tork realise our own, In Lemuel E Qulgg's '(-vit, sent out with his the Importan..- ,,f electing Seth Low Mayor of various Hood's Sarsaparilla ca'.imp, of them Goods parti of the worldU L Hie best.In fact the on- True Blood Purifier, autograph to the enrolled Republicans, the enlnrged city, said one ycotttrday: to vote for «ienerai Tracy and ;nd«ice it's less than a matter of facilities ease to take. on them .We lielteve scarcely possessed < forth a host interests others to vote for him. has alkd life and i|*»;iiri la the city's highest Cheaper no Hood's Pilis;;:; of by other retail lisJSl of replies um the replies are not exactli An hysterical mrl vicious platl organ has h«en would tell the t!tf- sort Mr. QuigB wanted if he attempting .he impoealblllty of auc- Than house is the world araa second, and O'Brien, In favor continually Any elected. Lawrence ^"1 rr- how many of them contain declarations attacking tin- buelnesa capacity nnd fav.Mite of the betting, Lint HISton Trai¦>¦ to cesefully .and are also at this. e¡e, non of Beth lew and appeals for General executive ability of Mr Low" House the f.tat itself of Is'" Mr in which he Other About a week before the election withdraw from a hopeless contest Th. Tribuns yesteedaj printed the intelligence 1 largest cash buyers In a Interview that furnish some for Btex kier predicted publishedwhich he named «ciiy hen«« Tammany, he would tha! »In« ta trade was practically a unit ! in the ,v»ntv-f»ix Assembly districts, voters who ate whose busi« but for markets moal of »lie downtown Tammanj information highly useful to the candidate of the citizens Union, includinK f<->r Colon, i t'1 Tammans Al¬ ueii everywhere. strongbolds, ould gi\e majorities seeking ihe best way beat ness capacity a:« a merchant «vas known were convulsed ntailbag are mer¬ Cash c-rong Tnmman-- prophets with Steck¬ though the content« of Mr Qntgß's to them Now come the and s'tigar Only« with laughter, and had lot» of fun results of his cir¬ Low when began to take form on the not known, the disappointing chants, many of whom alan knew Mr. BLANKETS. er until the returns The nntl-Tammanv to TRIM/VIED MILLINERY. on election night Then thej cular are evident. Be was engaged in the business, testify ef we are kaova te 'h* trade «nd '* iba putiur M .w. uiietta boards f-1" perfectl] kflLUMEET th* tasssglss ..liars of Mankets In this mark*' \V. k««« ^n »he other side of their mouths, office! are already receiving coptes iaiinrt nf his ability an«1 express i. «ur TEIafMED I Isrfts» t|S ,'aughed newspaper to their apt.rei art ****** «I OUR OWE fact in mind «M 'h» roar round. «,nd ar» In a ««ahajan came true In every particular. in ess'-« rSEKCH A HT Um « '.i* prédiction of letter«; xent to Mr Qulgp. and many theli Intention of voting for him. The sugar t« h* SsettSd I the mort srll g'ods at prices b'I'-'w they luid, eott «t «as SIONBES leav« sothlsg mis' mills to-day. s letter is sent in. with Indorsement Intended holding a mans- f I«» an<1 »x»ll*'i' h ..i-iRinai and coffee merchant.« raatMloaa '»ft». The «xgulatti Three «parlai l"t#. ( ill ]¦> 4 is to vote but it was rti'Ti-i m our v.-ry reason ¦. MAs FOR LOW. to the effei t that the receiver going Extract meeting ii» express their convictions, .ii,. er v.on>''rfii'.lv atsl Extra ll»«v\ ("allfernla finish, our rri ALMOST . hall In the extreme SB. Extra h»«M CallPsraJ« flni*h, ,.u- pri. for Low FOR ALL PAIN. Impossible to find n suitable alle prll rtn« all «root, ararg sad sillas. reported that where these mer¬ VALUES IN Vary IS VOTE ON THF STOCK EXCHANGE. Th» Tribune yesterday morning downtown portion oT the city, EXTRAORDINARY TaU lasi BLANKET H worth ?! -V> n>'r» than M. STRAW Madlson- in mark»'. r>r Norman W Klngsle? of No 11Ô chants do business other SS.nrj BIsnkcl" oSered this «Vg UBaal to Mr. yuicp that he was for their object fully as DRESS QOODS. COHPARISON A Tcitai. Og 3M CVJJMHTTAIA EM WEES ave., had replied Bul they accomplished u\ T Of of the ami by so doing or four ai TO«", v in this dty serving people, In another way. in three ptl CLT TABLE GLASS. pos i*on ir ros thai axd ii Low. One- Itself, and may be saved from destruction successfully <>f No. 17 the opportunity. - In circular, .i was CTRL une Mr Quigg's hv form.illj on«.ut' of the trade No appeal rngrsved. rompr'etnx a large majority yestérda) I vote the defeat of Tnmm,ui\ district by members BISON CLOTH and CORDED COV In«; in this district be of Interest 10 you on and for lx>W. The opportunlt) time the re« elved EFFECTS, 12 üohiíts. a«r dos. tag rsfddb note 'This may ¡ratiriR working I»I« Ma made, but in that short paper this «eaeoa to »»u at d'>x. voters are Republicans The Democrats for or woe to th,v community,miinllv. andend hipI' ERT CLOTHS importad yn 12 iTiamnagas* per JJ of the la weal #..- «u.. r...... / .1...... r*.. !¦.. Nearlj iTS for Low ." with..III. for the future of the party itself, nearly one hundred and fifty signatures. »1 J.">. II SS and *l IS rf yard l.rl.a IS Oar»'», per Hez . few exception«., gold Rev ,t. B possibilities L there are. with very Another copy «as received from .he both her« and wherever this route.- i» being «"d coffee house is represented, and 12 Vine» |.«r i . |ag The recognise that a with the For lb< «acrlfle« will be appre- every sugar .1 SPECIALS IE ii Uordlals, par do« . tja Demócrata Republicana j of No. 880 West End-ave., watched. personal to other and is a voter The name of one man QOODS. a vole for Tam- Wesson, elated from one end of tin» land the i-verv signer BLACK vote for Trscy Is practically answer to this communication re¬ to ihe alliance be¬ it was found All .it m remark: "In will Rive point ¡mi strength wa« struck from the list when i« la. n srool HENRIETTA, flo pi»'««. *»i oiupl»t». The arrea; »eating of Republicans that I shall vote for tween and good government every au m KRKNi ii «i hah itKnoB, mam. ceived by me. WOUM say Republicanism of fhl« com- that In- had tin vote in New-York wool ,4Spcr "i CRTSTAL TABIJí SKRVP P, Bohemian r.n to indorse where, und the debt of obligation 5 almost to seen this, but send It to make 1 me-t .-ire going lo for ourrhs of Greater Kew-Tork, engaged «»»v«, 12 wine*. p»r V» have licans whom .v «asaracina almeet every ." Tammanv still suppose you I of no stress of party necessity and sugar business, h-artiH Indorse th» nomina« lauortaai iniirkaaaa. c .nrilia!«. ri-r «..«. Low. as they understand that " can roncelvi in favr. . tí' f*rU *-.<¦. I,.- f .und full) 25 p. rent lass than tho«» Paul I». Cravath, Of National policies to ANSUN W. HARD so pi»c»<<. «». eoasalat« . tj.0 straw vote WM taken on the His «apport Of Low délibérât« surrender of this great municipality H I-' Mi iti;i:u\ No S3) fifth avt. nu.iii lot kav« hitherto t»rn oEer«S, A significant lt., also sends In his cop. hordes of Tumman; or a deliberate W. EDMONDS. Si 128 Baal rorlj f.,nth ,., . RV.-TAI. TABLE SERVICE, same «hap« as On Sat- the hungering the force» JOHN .is OzfoNM., There ur nun\ a*» « sf SLACK PEAU DE SOIK, I'll' ">mpH«!nx. New-York Stock Fxchange yesterday. ia already well known. alignment of the Republican party with ai.m ni- m WOODRirrr, So. gouUl above, pia'.n. is only from 10 to thai work fur e\,i in municipal government. Br ..) v. DRUS ORAIN aas Dl'CHBSSB, sl«o TAJTETAS 12 <;oh>t«. par «as. LI Urday the Rx'hansre open TO VOTE POU LOW defeai Tammany Low H Alt!» M'DOI '¡ALL N,. Ill frant at. ti," i'hinipijn'« per ». ABKS QUIOQ Tracy cannot possibly !.. ,,... rlliinlinii !.. 'l SATINS and HOIRS V'ELOI Its. a« many V ._ f_. '1*1.:- ¦ v. tic N. SROCADED i <-. o'clock, and there at«, of course, not hi WO This is lbs situation In IAMKS STEWART Wall 12 m hi«. | doa. |5J whose office is No, Eronl it. S z . on when .lohn W. I'trpsor.. i¡ rote snd my effort». W'lt.l.t VM OT >XVELL No. 113 HOIRE PRAKCAISE sad HOIRE ANTIQUE, (tu 13 U'lfras par i. I member» on the floor as other days, nutshell determines my V EfMII «. * .'" V .N mi . a «"i ) of the following IMRnSi s- nrvni r»i»»-. p.r yard up to IS i «dials pardos.TS from 10 to 8 During yes- Broadway, forwards TO DRAW TEARS PROM A STONE." r*RKI>i:ttl« K I! HhWHU, So 1"U Wall raagtng ^TS business proceeds "OUGHT N at' vvaii .. In plain the member». om- letter to Mr «JuIrk: JAMES II PI BT, COLOREO BROCADED TAFFETAS, terday'a tww-Boa* sssalon lettei of O tober .'1. ad« ,i i; it....:, recently chairman of the Repub¬ HENRY a i't.AKK So i¦«a Walt-n. tim newest ¦ 4.44 I have received vnur nsklng rtifSO. So. lot« Wal: at and changeable «gecta, all assigna prising the active traders and commission ilr.--<.d to me aa n;, enrolled Republican, of the Second ISktctton Dis¬ WILLIAM HiO VVallal ¦! ....iina«. .: lota.. .."¡t», .«it» «ad .79r for but to assist In tin- ewe- lican organization I' it 1:1.V K W EtA, So special brokers deposited in a box placed In from of me not only to vote the xxviitii Assembly District, wrote: VMI.I.IVM II ORAVE«, NO I"'.' Wall it Orrai wletj of PLAIDS and ROHAN STRIPEI STERLING SiLVER. of Mr.' trict of lb "¡.i v IOS Wall »t Wartaated sa I.OB1 naa. their preference tioti Tracj to Mats pi « hminarlly of any vetos KRSXE1 li ! TAFFETAS priera run in :i. 1 Y\ the rostrum »lips containing Before rcplvlng I desJre ¦ After bavins been denied the. rtghl ¦»¦ »UN a PATTERSON N IOS Wall it. if SILVER PLATED tv.\RB. i gave mj Win «i Al th« prtc« OOOD Those who did not care to name their choice that when i arrived at my majority when that r M LEPINE S I"'.' it ¦. limited I«» two thousand oaneai vow to ihe party, snd »n v urn Wall-at. in sum .it,.: Whig l i «ames ¡v MoR'l «t All n»nv> ».i«ht Made, tha LATEST PATTERS, g were asked to deposit blank ballots in order out of existence I became a Republicsn. m MARSHAL!, Na 117 Wsll FURS. w>nt «tiv and have THOMAS .< larga portion with goM kovls, well as the vote iiM.-r f.iiied to vote at election, VV «/ OeRORN. So. I West El*lm-firai .-'*' r. i:,. la .a' i- to »how the doubtful vote as have liehet, i been an Ml lil'.AY RoMbank. Htii'en Island. T'.i BpOOflB, » i-h .SO crrnm L llM »» h... ,T4 was as never voted t)¡«' Democratic hay« to my EDWARD Ó' «' \»w. .fats 'iraw u». -, .;.RM for candidate» by name The result fol- contributing according II BID« ELL >. I'»* W «alargad rjiottera; Mggei Prsssrve gas, "' j earnest Republican, I V" IM lU'»Mi J«tlr sti>n<. Sugar ghaila, ... ,74 means to the sueceas of the Republican party. Wit.I.MM R TI'RSER, toi k. im.i better quallti»». lows: office, excepl that many yean t.ilt'lX KLEIN N( IM Eront it, Mil ': " have never held any of t.-'ke p \ ¦<,t FL'R. KOVELTIES. in *$ï Sahs«J k"^' '/M Deeds i i 117 Wallst £ffiíÄnl " Low .BO!Blank .N i wai i and Commlialoner till' p.llt\ UooSi r «:,,:» ..SÍ.T4 Fleh Kns.-. ...a,T4 age notary of Ihe i"- *.. »" . .',,- lui i vi-i IV Na 117 Wal, t -.'. i IACKET8. WRAPS.\S!'..Vi-s. rff«, ¦,. ,i,ls;rrs. Tie Knives, add further that I am cot s member Tl'KeT1! ke* Weni' WOUld«O.IIO, ]|t'^'-,.-i.hOV. :. M .m a«.» k -.n Tra.y .IT 1 will no in Its de¬ Personall) I II Ne Kl '"»un Brc and COLLARETTES tba Batter Kalves, sad I.Ml Van Wyck. IS Total .M ritisen« Union, snd have taker, i-.trt Qeneral Tracy under other rondltloni THOMPSON H7 Watt «t PELERtNEg la kadto« fur«) not kIkh the Low petition. him one of Ihe veri besl men in v. ii El i:m \n No, ;i:"i laatlons. furnished liberations, and did we consider It 1» 'SU i N s; Wall si KMIMI'IKh niwl l>KS|(.\s far There were no Mite» for George r,r Cîleason. that 1 cannot with your request. (¡reater New-York Returning herewith, a» K S »KAKI !«?» Will st nit ( osssi (ohm:ii*. a.-., w in now I regret comply or¬ that P. «ill.l.KYTK. So. '.\< . a I» »h< * IFBRIRS. with the course taken lc the Republican ,.t no use to me. your very well-written letter, WILLIAM Lt.!« llene «t.. Brooklyn PERSIAN LAHN KBTS ..f SLIP COVERS at much Inrrer The result, announced, was greeted 1 consider unwise, and lo »ub- ¦H.viti.Ks M lu Lt. So im»d la-..- r.:i SH4DBS iiuti when at this election a* most to .!r:iw i..irs from a atone, i"« 1-o.iKK. So. 1liJH.-n'\ «t Il'oeKU- skin«, baadsoraeti 1 12 Y) prices tlinn anisvlit-re* rlar. ganization i ouKiit ..... W. M Most the brokers waited of our party, . .,0,_ ,.,, M..I» Wallst VOClfeTOUS chacra. Of damaging to the best latere!ti for local acribe m\ aelf, EIKKE .fr RROWN, No I"? Fliet quant] ELECTRIC BBAL i APES ;; closed, to obtain approve of non-partisan election! li RodElit» N 7s Er ni .< on the floor, after business heartily for In the Constitution. I THB1 TlU'K RBP1ÎBLICAN. No W7 Erow al and :>» laetie« long broead« imins. 31.24 HOUSEFURNISHINGS. B! provided matter in K *RL M SMITH -.- s* ItBaseassBb) the result. As a rule the brokers are in a hurry purpose!,in favor of the bos- rule," no of No Rasl H v. m,- N l"7 El Alteratlona made on raí tarnten is 25 am not Jewetl Hallowell, H l||.\ . Er AI M prioe« in Un* exist Mr. Low. in my opinion. Thomas S l»T ». Tin« ix the n-.''*t d»njr'mrn' this H to the when the sounds to which partv it mav f< IOHN HirHARDKON », Brio n pat «ai loner ihm s|«ewl COMtpltt« our leave Kxthange gong li for the best Interest of the snswered Mr Qulgg as -... Sa 14V i*i James Pli \. a Tork. We "«II onlv Orel <(ualit!ea. b.j' prtaBJ represent! thai which I Ptfty-seventh-at., h EOR«"*E l«'l 1 r i« "' f to -SI.'»») apainst Wyck win be elect«ML Among no Republican i»v>; foi loyal ha» been l'HARLE! N l'JI Etl ut «I l*aSsnr«ar i,< CHAFINO DISH gPOONS th* of th« elec¬ of Ihe rnarhlni H l.> n Uli.K f,..», of art . no takers Leo bet M«KJ tf» whom I have spoken to on subject th.- nominee« Bepublle»n J v I« mo« »« aaBBBpla« r.»».l:««..,n, f..r troueaeaui HI SSIAN COSTEE MAi'HlNKS. bra., i M Re COUld find Levy of but six who Vuu sa\ that Tammsni Hall In iiaI'.i.K- ! HOUSES, .¦ 1.»I ta 4M are many.1 Know duiv received, .....n. i.... i.. o...... I» tion and they are *,. .i ._¦,..,. b«-ll< vM l IJJÍ/I r, N, XIOHT 0OWXB, 1JMt ., 12 m. $'J<» with Reginald K<=dski that Tracy would Intend to vote for Mr. Tracy. All Ihi real ndltlon, v«. ll.l.l N' ISS En rit al U)i.¿i \ NICKEL BATIIROOH KITTINOS Towel Rark« P*»er Low Mr Tracy hsi not W LA IIAREE S" I3S »n n il II.4HI DRAWERS l.f»r> «.T|¡ ^k,,.tv and Soap Holders, Hai '1 ».: suppcrters of Mr M vi'.i.l r .- i!"V\ i-.i.i. »t. 3.M Holders, Fpoaga a to b< elected, and all thai N« M* Witri nn-»1 mad», at '.Ti p-r »fil InsnaT ttinn rl»ewn»r«. a shadow of chance .... v,n I- i' 'httivm. ln.BS>| CORSET COVERS i.iti t0 «J,¿4. good« Tammany mom y reduced their odds on Vas save parti from great dis No M« WaU I' ¦an now the Republican In this city snd WILLIAM I AB!SU, Et -. from to 1 to '_' to 1 on. aster in the emergency M vit,' BOYD S ST Wyck 2U electionpresentof Mr. Low. i therefore have RI« i.-.v vi-.l.s. V 12 I State i« the thai you Ut ,,,, n ; N SI a to make to you, nsmel), , : r RAYSE counter-eequesi Low. Bnd you i I'M N »1 >¦¦¦¦ - cote and Influence for Mr M NEW Hi il.l'. *¦ S1C.N OF THE TIMES give your best of Ihe Repub¬ W v.i -, >; T ni VOM u\K OK THE ANOTHER will thereby serve the Interest! N K> i the r 'Il tl*IM, ¦ '"» OIVB M lican party'and city. 1' -' I '.' . DUNHAM, BUCatLET . i EMPLOYES -, n ¡- \ML l'A n- HIS ARS i«! .;» \'»m« POM H>w oi'T OF IM; POE Ti:v | | «WERE SYMPATHISE i'kan .- i. arnolp, N '¦'.' |;'.¦-¦;.;l ' '.¦' '. .1M0\ l> of the law firm of K"nne»,,n, WILU -M -N ''.'¦* ' SALES A tout vote was taken in secret T I». Kenneson, n I- lOKdDNBERNKR, " GREATEST EIRNITIRE yesteiday n Nos. 11 an«l IS William-: 1. sent . ,t n«i/n !"-. Ereal *' among the men in the huge wholesale Craln & Ailing, . m N IM employed c\ RAKBB, l"S n ni .. IINT OUR KCIsBTC>Il."X". lett.-r. which he also t.«.Il« No *' NOT IN' VET. WE WTtA house of"Punira ;n. Bucklev & Co.. in this reply to Mr. «vniggV V. K SIS. .' K HAVE ..MCi.ktk;. THE ^t-ALK. Broadway. living outside the terri¬ received; \M t VS-'ill'. .¦ «TOHERS i:\RI \ this \\ KKK TO THE Employes of your Utter M1KAM ht K, *: Ws the w< re not allowed 1 beg to acknowledge th« receipt Ennw si tory of Greater New-York ., or "The New- S !'«"> Wall -1. IS!»?. Inclosing psge u iiinWEI.I« S .. . vas- secret. of October I« true I am one I l'.'N'i la vote, and the ballottai entirely York Tress" of October M, 1«W7 It h fot WILLIAM IRUS1 n ''"i thej s/ould leave it is there noi ions« irsj In in the of N» « H. an platform ei IMM whs w .i m S S El r wn«ch th« was the result of the etiro'led Republicans cltj in.».ii. 't.. randldaU whoo u.i.iaM v- «n7 1 m« al. merohanii ol Saw-York ran take held Following to renters s member Inch) affaira i'P, A ItOOI'M or i lau to as n York and, as you tire pleased it non-partiaanshlp the voir-i .' a malorit ,i Il I N lai W',. ¦' pm him down? an s ream- iur- '",v .'¦.- '¦-¦¦%- .n, ef which you an- président I believe, will receive MII.N SPRAUI I .' pr'sed /it Mr nils.» as he ¡¡.m h»en of th« organisation tile fact Ureater N> w v.,,k and s i Si lid '. ¦lir.iyi opposed . »:'. cü-a- n . « should Bt-SUUM from Republicans In i-t.l.V Platt; snd now- is ¡n <¦ .CHILDREN flatters me you r. i.oio v So Si El be ofrl. i «.uppose he '«an . 4 n is my and refore, The one. andida Tammany t. .'i\ \ni«v i"- - !' s/ilhea some of WyeS . SI Wank thnt I am an enrolled Republican dut) h, I. .* .'. vli:'.:-i N !l Mr Plait's isotetai e, snd now to support (Jener«! Tracy, th« II ill can be defe Had. the 1 VVÍ--.MMIS-: i«:«-;--' »oks with him This hence my pleasure for i BAYNE N ». rsSCSlly builneil «n the tit nominated b> Senator I'.att .s 101 Et «n« Ri ihlican p.i-ty I rim > i-. candidat! recently I do ANOTHER UNEXPECTED RESPONSE v vu s r 'îli H> UT irently opposed to Ma.vora.ty of th«; larger New-York HOI I. i ;.-. »HI 'I" ill you csn t. have Low elected In tjie my position in tlit« s« thai I«ou K7 Walls« Sew-York wish you to mlaunderaland .... Trac« mis« v ou'.d be fourth man In the race" went lo Mas Si ïl t «i false upon my '..-VM.l.i. . reliance .- r«- IonEPH M vvall It ha* become e\lden' that th« ¡»nrier» |n tPi. the number of vote« h,- i¡i-:ti> to an i called v l'R V.l B. v." calculate If Tracy« esti- P. Mayer, of No 843 L+xington-ave., IRVIS N« K~. «A.. « EXTBV8IASM AMOXO Hrs. Winslow's régulai organization have heroes« el Vf on Kle< tior. Day. «¡enera. HRMJAMIN S HH'inS.s Un !"? E» r.- .« QERUAS8. Soothing Syrup Repabelcaa foul latter to The Evening pont . V«. U.RRIDOE B atM snd the estimate* of the Republican organi¬ this , v| »: »' ha i TEARS by WU alarmed that entoiied BMSaben of the orRurozi- the estimât« an\ ..!¦.. '.. S« , been used for over FIFTY sation, mad«- public through you, and I suppose 11 Ii iselesa lo dis« usa ihi elei lion .-iiAKi.:;- w "..! r*l r.- «' are to vote for Selh Low in¬ are at all ac« General to 8 .n H «1 SHMAN N' BPLBNDID LIONS of MOTHERS FOR THEIR CHILDRSK tion going Inder of "The New-York Sun" urate, further. Tracy -according "The i>ein< i:}¦¦ .>:.¦' M i«HI.. 'A v«"" »- May"-, «eth Low. card TO GET a« will abo*' in the i .¦...... - 1 turnt-d. Buck po*tai thus rugned and returned organisation myself hardly 1- Kl L- N'EH -. .' Its whole 'h>- man .V Ss kl El count) thket The Oerman-Amerlcan la to be as a of the mem¬ shall I vote for him myself, bul shall (ouiit. ;i« would nol vot« foi brat ihei t IMK' Wlt.-i si kept pledge Republican No- only r« :r. " '"*. *. '"7 ri ni held in the for him the votes of could nominate prefer to vote for the >, n\"-.« ravi I Colon last »t»k forty-two meetings ber of the organization, as u contalas the declara¬ tise m;, beat effort! to secure . s,N Li M v S N' ST muH In lbs race." H n- 131 Etob« .' in the various Assembly districts, all of which H AXIt! ft} HAD S'O AI THORITT, the enrolled Republicans tHORjn .¦ tion as many others of ffi.O*« -? .,1 iRCil I1RAV1 n ">7 f nal th.. vote of at leant u w v iNOERHORE .. were w.ii attended an] the showed 1 Bj rot« and as Let me take the liberty of lidding here vvi'Lt.J v. I!l El M possible. BET TO A STANDSTILL t. * pei»ons who . Democrats, for Ufne^ai Tra'ci be HENHERHON N Er« «irèal enthusiasm «>H TO no man of can Imposed upon i i ¦ w Kl.lM IS1 The Position of Seih Low in JA« WORTH BINDS P/ORB RBLATTVS a.-td the Republican ilckel that Intelligence al AI. UK ¦'. l"7 V r ; a« out In WOODRI IT'S n WANTED - Il lAlliv N An who had received an of the kind you have sent RI I IIS Esarl ¦. regard to the e\. is» laws was explained THB THAT HB WILL organization Republican by spates] man In «he of VAUtt H v-. H'TE S full) ANNOUNCEMENT a ««id thai the not no Intelligent city l^'I '¦'¦" s -, u»: t a« si such postal card resterds) pledge the place, It- 1 hi: SI B or .'OTES in rug wt . ,-|t \ b) ihs speakers, and svidently in a satlsfacior) AT given under the Influence of fear o| t),e power of New-York believes that there are B.0B) enrolled WILL* S 3 «t« as ». PRE8IDB THB TRACT MBBTINGI not no amount of assertion on your pan MAX B M1YEB . way to nt'.i>i the vie« s of the tîerman v itere of the orqenitHti.e, would have rnueh PfT' publleona, and TW KM V SI INU WAED, IIHihiKI.VN i- i. .\-' So t«Ki ri «c a. chstrgBB nen from make m« believe thai statement Th« RMM« rr»» Kirbsng« As expected, Harr) Hanhury deter man) organisation votlng-for Beth will ever h wtt.'.'ivt mit, l'i'i.i. the enlarged Special car* was taken to im¬ of had as would be i-, on pan of the Repuhln ans bas hit 07 ter <' Burton chairman of the ("nm- l'oaTe* Esrnsi s* city. the Republican Bae« itlve Connlttie Low because the voting secret i» rempofctn the of bluster County RnlIEKT Min: »1 The effect of the »eeret hallo- |y to this time, in rny opinion, one lying \ vr : ..' H S 1*1 I press upon the mind of the German population authority for announcina iit Jacob Worth woull usual being up nut1 or th* National Democrat!« party, bluffed M v' si than usual thl» year the I do not care to go into mj reasons <: 131 f f «m dreaded more by machine and abuae. l to ,¦ r klvKi'i, .. id" Idee Beta Low entertained hi««ral views preside «t t ne cíosraa Tra«sj cnaapafgn m»»t:n«J for the Mr. Low. but Ihi Platl Republicans standatlll yeaterda t is v rvi.'M'.. Ni in> Wais« politician« for voting Republican. ..t «o ht ».» BrooSIva of this Mr Worth sent s teif» to that it COSSCI With mighty pool thai l«ow will not c.t * n,, .. ,,,.i S Sut» on this sul'l.vt As best of IfclS SSaertlon K-ldny nlKht week ? simply wish nay ih Ir ropoettlofl f il SMALL v.> proof to inv¬ v si to »t from f:om the Republican organisation in \\¡ini i, ira! ronp ¦ w i« r»c-.rd as was Irani friend in Brooklyn Arverns y«m» STILL IN THE Mace. grace on the ground that he votes lbs Twenty-second of Brooklyi ci iNSSEN SS al his Mayor of Brooklyn proilu'-ed MR BLUMBERG ine to vote against Mr. Low EHANK «.' .. thai Mr, ha-1 no author¬ lo vote tor Wal¬ i. Woodruff offered ¦ da] oi two uo i,> v v vi v- Ne W «s ihe terdsy, saying Hanbury for la not a Republican, and Judge Tlmothj t. n a*« conclusive evidence Tin- saltation In juiiu« Btamherg, ibe candidate Alderman in that is a It Lows \,,t, |.. »rnoi w ity for saying say men thing. Th* relations ha« he Republican, be' n Utor.eN .hat ,| |, |( "' on lace OI, tni. groiind «VI «rpi, imaisToi*ii»*Bv- s7 Wsi; si different districts will «Ntntlnued this week. the IVth ASSSSaMj DtStrtCI both tbe Cltluni IbSl he twice refused to roto'for w r ri.KMl " be ¡v.-- piati ,'nd w,>rth ir# ss have been s!»» being well known one In the ward Mr Barton he s "V \ i" Wstsr they i. k. .- !hm .¦:.. ..-,.,: elector« In I would thousand thought ,.,, , pi i Tl when it is '¦> have addi¬ nioii and lleniy (.¡i-nim Republican Presidential yes«/! rr U s (0 Wall si intended a.boui 8ft) tha nn«nwrable wectinç of the count) omqittkB also I iitivi- no admiration for s lender »aw t to...I thing ahead and slralgbiwa] »urrled i- r NI n s: » of ein umrs offering ?."«> reward for Infornatloi !dd thai s w »i.lls tional «llsirlct un r'ti'lav nlKht a ihe Pintt snd Willis «romWMd «B> lot Platt, who bla. kmalL corporation«. -, iu the Woodruff On h« riBoaar v Ci «Il al meetittga when delegate! b-id to ihe detection oi the prrmn who like genatoi of the headquarters Friday placed T t M .: v; Ottl N 10« blows that will secure the election of unfit members Legit H v S Ml El «1 »1 Kieat nsaas-nseetlag «srlll be held under the rested Worth cil-' admlnlstorod weeesstvs has »hem hi to secure two even none* with Duncan Itnision, repr» -r\ NI.' V MVK!W. .12 BMv« .' have started a story thai he withdraws from lature, and then blackmalli age .1 vv Kl'HIiKB No. s of the Union In ihe convention* arkJeh followed snd Mr. Wort! to tiiese same tool- from pa«-, aentlng Mi IVoodruff and Michael Ijh.|\, and flEOHOK IZ8 El ni al «lisple-» German-American Reform the race. In the circular he »ay»: money prevent I v HARI'SHLErl Se lam .' i« now to see hint elect his ticket. Should hostile- to cot poratlons was iold thai be might nod more gsonej al the N Ia BouHl VVU in Cooper Union. ;it which the fallowing, amona trailing I will she the above amount to any person cr législation I M V PAI*I.1 ** En ai he turn In und hin to Win .« victory thai ¦.une rale if h« called sgala. yesterday Mr iim- VV V. M « lit-îl'V N ¦-' K" wsii v' other have to address the help poaslbli p»-r.on» who will furnish Information will lead ONLY HOPE LIES IN LOW w iii mm1 aa. speak«ara» p«jtMnlsed Platl mi sil i« edit, if Worth lets him arrest and conviction of the SOOUndreli '-'" aould to the Repuhlleaa P il/IEN X" !m,"' t\.. .',, ri ludtence: Oswald Ottendorfer, <"ar' Schurz, Seth Slone, Mr will be m hui) during the nett am are Instigated bj one of the politi¬ William Houston Kenyon, of No. ,'iL'l \\i-m a HENRY No 1 Informed, off« red to lose th« bel on 11.000 side ||,. «,|(| ,,iliv v^ n'SHAIiHINKHeY si. two years explaining "hov. li happened lhat Mt. cal who through dirty political tricks and write» to Mr. a-« fol¬ l'AI'V Nn l«s» «an Low, Charles S Palrchlld, Paul Goepel, John A. nia» partie») .«'..r. Kighty-seconU-st., «Vuigg that in- had tn ¦!" ready lo up, ami HON* M." * Il Worth vvill have no trouble In epalrlna nu false are inducing the i-..p-f* gs,008 put would I- S l«1 representationsit-movt i- if R »RM«TROSn...oins \.. |M W j || s. humsnn, Bdward H. Amend, August Kl« Inan, chine in Kin»;.-' County. of thi.- district to my lithograph» fiom lows. have anothei 11,0» night, aeeeesary, making tlVIM l'l.l-'S " windows. No M» Winic snd Carl P. Haagl. There will ? their lover» Your letter of October B, IM urgins ate si so a lotal of 13,000. Mr Ralston'a reply aras thai his j niliN It B «iRNEA-K v ITT»«¡«IHirl il Bmok.ri Joseph I npieal lo iill business mar and of fair the t SEABINfl «t t'.i Mis NAMK USB» R/ITHOIT AI'TlioRlTY. made tools of these scoun¬ <-t,rolled Republicsn, a member of organisation stock of money wss exbau ted, PRESTON »i ai M»i»iii»r aklri also i.e n mass-meeting in the Borough of the pijv to refuse to be the and to secure one other rot! t. M SWANEY «TS l«riyett« ivi i-. k- drel», who. seentins defesl staring their candidate to work for the partv "We are not 1ère for the purpose ol betting II HABBDAN, No Bronx »t l-rbach Hail. Thtrd-ave. and One-hun« Te the Bdltor of Ti.e Ttikane, this device to lead the rttl- fot Tracy beiideu my own, is received, end the WIIjÙAM n' the in »he face, adopt petty there l have considered. Mr. Barton, »n-_ On the contrary, 1 am in It I am Republican Repub¬ com» at all If Ibi bei offered by the K «i 1IOLMAv HT Wall si in consequence of this vigorous campaln work be beard from and. more tlian that, I am i Ut'JK K. RHRBK N (h "kliti the lion Seth Low as d candldaB to the finish, and will vigorously lican organization, of the I,bull>nsn1 -Oovemor of lbs State w.. believe that IIR .. TÎ1 Slll« il be CUlar iiitm'klitf the count Is made on Election Day. believer in the traditions and policy Repub¬ i-iiv \ aREEfER, «. by tii'- Germana, it may poeltlvel) asserted when and I shall vote and work for the ihe bet vins made for poliihal purposes only, and ras W WEIB B «V» Etonl for Mayor, lican i-, * voters party, thai those Independent Germán wlio were - Btate and Assembly nominee«. we are hei a to csll I he bluff." ? Mi nene hpj>« ,tt on ltd clt ular si ¦ m»mMf Republicsn alter earnest observation thai at mi; BLISS h* doubtful at the stau of this cam* « ' na Hut I am convinced Mr Ralston closed the conversation with- \ IfRPRISKO classified of !^.»i as has n-cetitly adopted S resolution uinnl* happy water has filling two-quart Qovernor r.-c.dved io ;i K« e Tors practically president, or radiant girlhood. All too it. therefore, s von- for Tracy i« noi á nniii uno Dial ha waa not at llberti lo aci of rlothlni snd cotton Low. that the ciuh t.ike no tsratal astkw for Judgme but I« n vole Monday, an«' manufseturer solid for Beth neusbjr » the for par'y. half abaenc« Mr Xurton not customer B , frequently happiness VOte the Republican in Mr Woodruff« does aK« nst either Trae* or Low ,ud «s my nSBM radiance in the young for Tammany. Moreover, I am convinced that that he wil be able lo lnve«i his money with in DubuQua Iowa The Campaign CommiM'P of the German- f'r' XM | \ and chume to win 0V< r Tammany expert goods is briakt, snd 'he only iisoi ss i« mi-niini- ni laM ronnlttM on tMi -^_i i'"h face is doomed to Low has a nghting .Mr. Woodruff Tin- season'! oatlisrsli Hani now Amerlr.'tn Reform t'nlon received a rommunl I vfj girl's snd that the only pasible W;,y t0 defeat Tamnmnv Before Mr Burton left the Mi In seems to be Hie unfortunste i u'.ar. no. only oithoul ny suthorlty. but «aainat be b>>tted out by the line» on Th* headquarters drawba i'llitt and the Stute of Seth Low h» .i"; t: for us Republicans to concentrate Low t*< hirf. treasurer of th< Twenty-second Hard Re on between 'Tom" of tmn from yesterday, saying that my supressed prohibition, feel conatrstnSs sag of sickness and suffering. for this conviction I need no; em*!- Upon ROlliK wishma to control the patronsge the wr «( nty SSSSS on the «'¦* ressons publican Organisation, offered to bel Mr Burton avi New-York, h« I thlnli he eertnlnly is nolni i" see his German friends at their head¬ Holy to repudiate No young woman is fitted here. They arc- in the air on every side. He win that me National Democrats did roi have a tiion the to still hlnise'f. und miar referred lo mother¬ You say that he is receiv¬ in people to the Retmbltcan p^rty 'l «irsn-i Central Palace, to-morrow for wifchood and runs may read. yourself sand voles in»t vear the Twenty-second Ward I.« dolns ¦* «rent Injury voter« thst if quarters BBNfAMfN OPPENHSJaSa» hood who suffer» from ing his main support from Demócrata That I« the- Mr Burton anea the total vote exactly, it was have hr.ircl many Republican say ai ?» p. m. New-York, Oct. tt, isi)7. makes it for \ to rule the imrty afternoon weakness and disease in a very reason which possible Itepuhlicens I.2M TtMher than take SchlfTa nintif he referred sii.-h h man was Rolnic Republican to elect him. Therefore. 1 «hall vote for Low There, him to ;i M.manNc where the flarures we'e womanly way. For I shall. :f secure "that other political -*^ women wifehood fore. too. possible, ahown. Y^.*"*"* .^Sy'such vote" that yon spesk of snd "get it In the ballot- Mr Burton waited -i few mipuie» to five anv one <.^rT7 only bold» out the box" for Low. 1 am per*uad»d that were you m the room a haine m >ake his money bul he re¬ prospect of suffering and ! convinced, as I am. of the hopelessness of Tracy's ceived no offer from them motherhood tbe probability of fight agslnst Tammany, and the hopefulness of ? Low'S, yu would vote for l>ow. as 1 propose to do death himself would do the TRAIfiKl» BT vv. F HAVBHasTER i« no reason tbi» and that Oenc-ril Tracy There why same and that no intelligent citizen and no true V arrived here woman will take care of Wi'llam HSvenseyer >*»ierda" Conscience should be true. If s proper could do otherwise. Counterfeiter's from OS 'he American Mr»r St Paul H» A the delicate and important organs ihat make wife- RepublicanFor what Intelligent citizen in the present ctris England there is no reason resllses that the defeat of Tammanv |i the ha« been abroad diiii'it; the summer with hb iw> hood and motherhood possible, bul with which even- she may not be a healthy and happy wife and j »iramount issue. In comparison aons, whom he left in a school in Swttserland. On for stomachs. One of the grocery why is the Issue.whether of protction, or of sliver or little people's greatest Dr. Pierce» Favorite Prescription other Unding, he talked free|\ on the lo. al political »llu- Cares mother More of it ha» ! of anarchism, or of government hy partv, fade* greatest of all mtdicines for women Into insignificance And «hat trie Republican but atlon a , íot women. had chemist several been sold than of any other medicine knows that the defest of Tarnnmnv Is the Iocs; 1 »m," he »aid. "SSfladnigly «K-rr> that I shall in New England analyze testified to its I houses Over ninetv-theut-and Women have mission of the pam. snd the gri-aie»- no' be able to vot» for Mt Lou by m- failure to act* on the distinctly couldRepublicanbring to the people of th:* marvelou» results It directly ¡ boon that It arrU- in time to r'«l«fer He ;« the orb logical result shows that all such that have and gives it strength, health and great and wo-iid t*ons aoothes and tones the nerve« It away the defeat of Tammanv is the gjve contain coffee or coffee essence, pain the of anticipation and renter State For free of entangling political .illlancr» He i» a taste, thus far tested, cheap with the ailments of period It defeat of ignorance and venality and Irrespon¬ a coffee ShatrSS baby s advent easy and almost paibless sibility In administration. It is the defeat of the wholesome candidate, and knew» »rough of fioUnc-, insures CES saw comer's hcslth and an ample »upply forces that hol«! back and drag down; and Repub- to prote, t the |t> from political cornip'jon Any gd nourishment In Dr. Pierce'» Common Sense llesnlsm move» forward and uplifts when It is person who has candidly studied th» slttwtlan can¬ relate over to snd Itsslf Medical Adviser hundred» of women true Its past not helj) being for him, especlslli sime the only their »igaaturc their experience» with this mar- To I>EC1PF. Ffirt HIMSELF. other candidatI worth} of consideration on per- dealer«. ¦ is merelv . velou» medicine. Sold by all medicine onal ground«, Ml Tracy, rnnnln» upon would not. I dare say. ssk me te» surrender haa« " everv You a Nntlnnal Mr Pbili « are«t Except Last month ! had no pain at all and worked day platform. taste and th* Fan»«»* It we» th* nr»t time I that my Judgment to yours as to the relative '-nances mistake in dragging National politics imo the .on- coffee. has found that Postum agree« »ith his ternta^ Coffee. prf.«ldent F.ieer'.;..)( "ithout inconvenience. pasteo -I want r>ld-fat>ritnn*i1 a<1iilt«ra»e