Colorado State University

Virtual Meeting

5 October 2020

Professional Fraternity Council Meeting Minutes

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

Omega, Delta , Alpha Sinfonia, , ,

and Sigma in attendance.

● Lindsay Sell and Shaill Vasavada in attendance

III. Open Period

IV. Approval of Minutes

● Minutes approved as distributed

V. Professional Fraternity Council Executive Officer Reports

● President, Mikayla Powell: [email protected] ​ ​ ​ ○ Executive Officer Applications: Open Today!


■ PFC Specific Information here ​ ■ Close November 2nd

■ Encourage members to apply! Nominate members! ○ New Members - Complete F/S 101 Program

■ Must be done by November 20th

● Executive Vice President, Jensen Christensen: [email protected] ​ ​ ○ No report. Make sure to follow up on mask mandates and personal/mental health

with your chapters!

○ Office Hours: Available upon request

● Treasurer, Hannah Ramirez: [email protected] ​ ​ ○ Final Community Service & Philanthropy OWS: This week!

■ Thursday, October 8th 5:00-6:00 p.m.

■ Best Practice for Virtual Philanthropy & Fundraising


■ Meeting ID: 918 2922 2987

● Administrative Officer, Hannah Ramirez: [email protected] ​ ​ ○ No report

● Council Development Officer, Cat Jardee: [email protected] ​ ​ ○ No report

● External Relations Officer: [email protected] ​ ​ ○ Thanks for participating in Homecoming Weekend!

○ Honoring our Fall 2020 Seniors

■ FSL is hoping to honor graduating seniors, please send

[email protected] a list of your graduating seniors ​ ○ Final External Relations OWS: October 22nd 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. ● Professional Development Officer: [email protected] ​ ​ ○ Order of Omega: Applications Closes Oct. 9 ■ Order of Omega is a leadership honor society for members of the fraternity and sorority community. Order of Omega recognizes members who have completed one full academic year of enrollment at CSU and have exemplified high standards in the areas of scholarship, leadership, and involvement with their respective organization and within the fraternity and sorority, campus, and local community. ■ Application here ​ ■ More information here ​

VI. Professional Fraternity Council Chapter Reports

○ Speed friending for potential bigs and littles starts this week

○ PFC leadership event on October 15th from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. on Zoom



■ This event is how to facilitate conversations about social justice issues and

provide space to everyone. Feel free to check out these resources prior to

the event. Resources:

● The Origin of Race in the US: ​ ● What's the difference between race and ethnicity?:


● Answering White People’s Most Commonly Asked Questions

about the Black Lives Matter Movement:


● Is being Hispanic a matter of race, ethnicity or both?:


● Being Asian and Latino: NPR’s Latino USA Podcast:

● Delta Sigma Pi

○ Initiated 16 new members

■ We started the informational meetings, but we keep them involved for the

week to be > 6 hours

○ We have professional events lined up that pledges can attend

○ Volunteering has started

○ Held a second rush week last week

○ Working with last semester’s PM class

○ Only one new member this semester

● Phi Sigma Pi

○ Initiated 8 New Members last week!

○ Starting Initiate Meetings and Education tomorrow

○ Working on setting up scholarship events for our chapter

● Sigma Alpha ○ Initiated 6 new ladies last Monday - now beginning new member education

○ Starting Cow Pal dates for big/littles

○ Philanthropy got approved; “Women of Ag: Survivors of Breast Cancer”

■ October 26-30th

■ Will be raising money for Cowboys for Cancer Research

■ Social media bingo, online auction, virtual painting class, and will be

having a panel of women of agriculture who are breast cancer survivors

with their testimonies.

○ Started MIT Education last week!

○ Planning Sisterhood Events for the Semester

VII. Professional Fraternity Council Advisor Reports

● Lindsay Sell

○ Shaill Vasavada is back and has been hired in the office!

■ She is going to be taking over as the PFC Council Advisor

○ All Chapter Presidents received information about RSOs being able to apply for a

Zoom Pro account for only $50

■ Can use either the RSO SOFA account or an off-campus bank account

○ Make sure that every new member completes the Membership Information form

■ Any new members of chapters must complete the online membership form

within 72 hours of accepting their bid.

■ ● Shaill Vasavada

○ Very excited to be here and get to support the council

VIII. Unfinished Business

● No Unfinished Business

IX. New Business

● Council Officer Job Description Updates

○ Updated position descriptions read during council and will be sent out with the

minutes to be voted on at next council meeting

X. Adjournment