Report to: Executive Member for Highways and Environment Date: December 2013 Report for: Approval Report of: Corporate Director of Environment, Transport and Operations

Report Title

Hale Road, Proposed Waiting Restrictions: Consideration of Objections


Following a review of waiting and parking restrictions in three areas of , approval was given in December 2012 to introduce additional and amended waiting restrictions on Victoria Road, Albert Road East and Hale Road (between Victoria Road and Broomfield Lane) to assist the movement of traffic in these roads, as shown on drawing E8808/05. The proposals were subsequently advertised and the purpose of the present report is to consider the objections received in response to the formal consultation and to seek approval for the introduction of the new and amended waiting restrictions as described in this report.


Members are asked to agree the following:

1. That authorisation be given to make and introduce the Traffic Regulation Order as advertised, as detailed in the schedules to this report, and as shown on drawing E8808/05, as soon as is practicable.

2. That the objectors to the scheme be notified of the Council’s decision.

Contact person for access to background papers and further information:

Name: Andrew Hague Extension: 4393 Background Papers: None.

Ward: Hale Central A04 (10/13)


1.1 Hale Road is a principal, ‘A’ class road (forming part of the A538), is a bus route and is an important route into and out of Altrincham Town Centre that links eastwards to , the M56 motorway (Junction 6), Airport and beyond to Wilmslow and Macclesfield. It is the only principal road linking Altrincham with areas to the south east of the town. As a result, it performs a strategic traffic function in terms of distributing longer distance traffic, of all classes, between the town centre, the regional motorway network, a major aviation gateway and other towns, as well as accommodating local traffic movements. Whilst the length of Hale Road under consideration is fronted by residential property, in traffic terms it is not a residential road; in terms of its function (though not its design) it would be categorised as a district distributor road in the local highway hierarchy.

1.2 Between Victoria Road and Broomfield Lane, Hale Road is fronted on its southerly side by largely terraced residential property, with a relatively narrow footway. Parking along this southerly frontage can have an adverse impact on traffic flow on this principal road and observations suggest that parking takes place partly on the footway, which can be obstructive and potentially hazardous to pedestrians using this relatively narrow footway.

1.3 Victoria Road is a well-used route for people travelling between Altrincham, Hale Road and Hale in both directions. Observations reveal that, due to the presence of parked vehicles on the easterly side of Victoria Road near to its junction with Hale Road, vehicles entering Victoria Road from Hale Road and Ashfield Road have to give way to any vehicles that are already on Victoria Road, travelling in the opposite direction towards Hale Road, and that there is often insufficient space to accommodate the number of vehicles that, at any one time, have to give way in this manner. This causes a line of vehicles to extend back into the junction with Hale Road, which is potentially hazardous.

1.4 Consequently, in order to address these issues, approval was granted in December 2012 to advertise the proposals as shown on drawing E8808/05. The proposals comprise:

a) The introduction of No Waiting ‘At Any Time’ restrictions along the southerly side of Hale Road from Victoria Road to Broomfield Lane, in order to promote traffic flow on the principal road; b) The introduction of No Waiting ‘At Any Time’ restrictions on the easterly side of Albert Road East for a distance of 5m from its junction with Hale Road as a junction protection measure and to ensure that the pedestrian dropped crossing is kept clear of parked vehicles; and c) The extension of the existing No Waiting ‘At Any Time’ restrictions on the easterly side of Victoria Road at its junction with Hale Road, so as to increase the length of the reservoir available for vehicles to stand whilst giving way to vehicles travelling in the opposite direction, thereby reducing the potential for queuing vehicles to have an adverse impact on the safety and efficiency of the junction of Victoria Road and Hale Road.

Ward: Hale Central A04 (10/13)

1.5 The proposals were the subject of a formal consultation exercise in earlyy 2013. The scheme was advertised in the Sale & Altrincham Advertiser and on the Council’s website during the statutory consultation period.


2.1 A total of eleven submissions were received in response to the formal consultation. A summary of these and the Council’s responses are included as Appendix A to this report.

2.2 Two of the submissions were generally supportive of the proposals, but requested some minor changes, including additional waiting restrictions that would have needed to be formally advertised. One of the proposed changes does not affect Hale Road itself and the other only a specific, short length of Hale Road. It was considered that it would not be appropriate, therefore, to delay the introduction of the current proposals whilst the need for any additional restrictions is investigated and any resulting proposals processed. The Council does, however, undertake to monitor the effectiveness of the present proposals, once implemented, and to promote any additional measures that may be necessary.

2.3 Therefore, nine objections were received to the proposed waiting restrictions.

2.4 No objections were received in respect of the proposed extension of the existing waiting restrictions on the easterly side of Victoria Road and it is therefore recommended that this proposal is implemented as advertised and as detailed in the Schedules below.

2.5 Of the nine objections received, one was not addressed but has nonetheless been taken into account, it being assumed from the content of the objection to have been submitted by a resident of Hale Road. A further six objections were received from residents of Hale Road. The remaining two objections were received from other residents of Hale. One of this latter pair, whilst submitted in respect of the Hale Road proposals, does not appear to relate to the specific proposals for Hale Road but to the parallel proposals for the Hale West Permit Parking Scheme, that were advertised at the same time. This objection has therefore been discounted, but will be considered as an objection to the Hale West proposals when the objections submitted in respect of those proposals are considered in due course. One of the objectors has drawn their objections to the attention of the local MP.

2.6 It is considered, therefore, that eight valid objections have been made in respect of the proposed Hale Road waiting restrictions. In summary, the main points raised by the objectors are that Hale Road is a residential road where priority should be given to residents and not traffic; that the proposals are unnecessary as traffic flows freely at present; that removing parked cars will lead to an increase in vehicle speeds (the speed limit is already ignored) and that this will increase danger, particularly for pedestrians; and the proposals will cause inconvenience for residents including disabled persons.

Ward: Hale Central A04 (10/13)

2.7 The Council has given careful consideration to each of the objections and the Council’s response is set out in the table at Appendix A to this report.

2.8 Taking account of the status and function of the road as a principal, ‘A’ class road, the results of officers’ observations that confirm that parking does take place on the southerly side of Hale Road that has an adverse impact on the free flow of traffic and that, when taking place partly on the footway, is detrimental to the safe passage of pedestrians, the specific details of the objections raised in response to the formal consultation, and all other relevant factors, it is recommended that the proposals for Hale Road and Albert Road East are implemented as advertised and as detailed in the Schedules below.


3.1 Chief Constable’s View: GMP have no objections

3.2 Chief Fire Officer’s View: The Fire Service have no objections to these proposals

3.3 Transport for (TfGM) View: After reviewing the proposals we have no comments or issues to raise.

3.4 Ambulance Service’s View: No comments received.

3.5 Hackney Carriage Driver/Operator Representative’s View: The taxi trade has no comments.

3.6 Ward Members’ Comments: Councillor Candish: The Hale road is increasingly busy and access from the side roads very difficult if cars are parked on this main road. It makes sense to free traffic flow and at the same time aid visibility to cars wishing to access. I therefore can support the proposals. Councillor Mrs Young: I support this proposal. I have several times had problems driving along this stretch of Hale Road, particularly at night when there were cars parked on both sides of the road thereby reducing Hale Road to a one track road. As one of the main arteries of the area, I feel that it is essential that easy access, particularly to buses and emergency vehicles is maintained at all times of the day and night. Councillor Mitchell: I agree the proposals.


4.1 In response to the formal consultation in respect of proposed waiting restrictions for Hale Road, Victoria Road and Albert Road East in Hale, Altrincham, eight objections were received.

4.2 Having carefully considered the substance of the objections, and having regard to the status and function of the roads in question and the results of officers’ observations, it is recommended that the proposals are introduced as advertised. The proposals are shown on drawing number E8808/05, a copy of which is attached to this report, and in Schedules 1 and 2 below.

Ward: Hale Central A04 (10/13)


Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 (As amended) – to be amended to include the following:-

SCHEDULE 1 Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 (As amended) – to be amended to include the following:- Street Side From To Code Albert Road East, south- its junction with Hale Road a point 5 metres southwest of its 7A Hale east junction with Hale Road Hale Road, Hale south its junction with Broom Road its junction with Grove Road 7A Hale Road, Hale south its junction with Grove Road its junction with Broomfield Lane 7A Hale Road, Hale south its junction with Victoria Road its junction with Albert Road 7A East Hale Road, Hale south its junction with Albert Road its junction with Broom Road 7A East Victoria Road, east its junction with Hale Road a point 35 metres south of its 7A Hale junction with Hale Road

SCHEDULE 2 Borough of Trafford (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading and Provision of Parking) Order 2001 (As amended) – to be amended to revoke the following:- Street Side From To Code Victoria Road, east its junction with Hale Road a point 14 metres south of its 7A Hale junction with Hale Road

List of Codes

7A - No Waiting ‘At Any Time’

Ward: Hale Central A04 (10/13)

Relationship to Policy Framework/Corporate Priorities none Financial The cost of providing the restrictions is £1000 and can be funded from the 2013/14 Traffic Revenue budget Legal Implications: The proposed Traffic Regulation Order is being progressed in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and the Traffic Signs Regulations & General Directions 2002 and if implemented will be enforced by the Council’s Parking Services or be self- enforcing. Equality/Diversity Implications none Sustainability Implications none Staffing/E-Government/Asset none Management Implications Risk Management Implications Risk of challenge to the High Court is low. Health and Safety Implications Improvements to the highway network will improve safety for all road users.

Other Options The proposed restriction is considered to be the most suitable as roads in this locality have the restriction in place. Leaving out the proposed restriction to which objections have been raised would be detrimental residential amenity as parking would not be controlled on the lengths of road specified in the report.

Consultation In addition to the statutory advertising and provision of on-street notices the proposals have been the subject of direct consultation with all affected frontagers and with local Ward Members.

Reasons for Recommendation To enable the necessary waiting restrictions to be introduced and enforced, to control parking on the highway. The objectors to the proposal will be notified in writing of the Councils decision and the restrictions will be introduced as advertised.

Finance Officer Clearance PC (Peter Carr) Legal Officer Clearance CK (Claire Kefford)


To confirm that the Financial and Legal Implications have been considered.

Ward: Hale Central A04 (10/13)